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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  April 16, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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chicago cubs pitcher takes out three people with one fast ball. 99 miles per hour. ricocheting off out fielder, hitting the cub's catcher before slamming into the umpire. everybody is okay. >> we are too. have a good day. steve: this is a fox news alert. it is 12 noon in paris and that fire at the note that dam cathedral officially out. >> hope is rising from the ashes. a giants cross miraculously left untouched. steve: it is the most visited monument in paris. they officially get more
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tourists to notre dame than eiffel tower. it has survived revolution, terror threats, pollution and time. right now they think it was an accident that started in the scaffolding on the renovation on the outside. ainsley: one of the sites we go to visited. amy kellogg is live there in paris. good morning, amy. >> hi, steve, ainsley and brian. calls see notre dame is still standing. mercifulfully those two bell towers that encase the bells that have tolled in this city throughout good times and bad are still standing. so while there has been massive devastation here. the interior structure has been preserved and, therefore, notre dame will be rebuilt. the fire started a few hours after the construction crews, who had been working inside left the building. and reportedly french fire crews work differently than american ones. they work from inside as opposed to the out.
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as opposed to president trump aerial methods could have been employed here. that could have been too aggressive and cause the fragile structure to collapse and hence this was not used. given all this as ainsley pointed out extraordinary that this cross remained entirely intalk the as did some very important historical relics. meanwhile out expir speier colld after just one hour. there were very moving scenes of people singing last night. the owe motions, the pain and sorrow in this city that were felt last night and are being felt today cannot be overestimated. here was president macron last night. >> it is the epicenter of our life u this is a cathedral that is the 24r50e8d of all the french. all of the french people. even those who have never set foot in this cathedral.
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this history is our history. >> amidst claims and promises that the cathedral will be rebuilt. calls have gone out for funds as can you imagine. billionaires in paris are stepping up to the plate with the arno family pitching in $226 million and pinot family owners of big luxury brands another $126 million. back to you guy guys in new york. brian: thanks, amy. whether you have one thing happen in one famous city whole world watches and has a stake in it. probably ratings aroundth world went through the roof. everybody was talking about it. look at the coverage of the world newspapers and how they handled it. for example, the daily mail. nine centuries of history lost in unholy inferno. steve: c news. also you see that cover. the le parisien.
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the "new york times," the sun. ainsley: paris in tears. people were out there singing after hav ava maria. he went in to ask god for intercession praying that the firefighters would not get. steve: why did it take so long for the fire equipment to arrive there and not seem to have the proper equipment to get way up high? and those are questions that they are going to have to answer today. but, for people who have been there and, you know, if you are lucky enough to go to paris. undoubtedly are you have been right there in the area of north dam 850 years old. they were able to save the two most aloe you had relics the cathedral is famous for the tune nic worn by st. louis who was a 13th century french king and more
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importantly the crown of thorns that jesus is said to have worn. both of those firefighters went in at the height of the storm to rescue them and they are currently at the paris city hall safe. that part right there when the expirspeierwent down heart . ainsley: it really is. brought to paris by mary magdalene u. brian: owned by france but maintained by the vatican. i imagine people from around the world will start pouring in money to start. steve: so heart-breaking because it's holy week. brian: makes people really curious about the investigation when you look at the timing. five minutes after the hour. if you are watching fox news last night, you saw something you probably weren't expecting although we were promoing it quite effectively. bernie sanders for a complete hour with martha mccallum and bret baier most importantly a lot of supporters in the audience.
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it was a true town hall. ainsley: they were in front of that steel mill in front of bethlehem, pennsylvania shut down. a lot of people had questions for that democratic area president trump did win that area. steve: right. just before bernie took the stage he released 10 years borat of his taxes. benchy, through his career has called for an economy that works for everybody, not just the 1%. and, according to the taxes bernie is part of the 1%. in the years 2016 and 2017, thanks to the economy and selling his book he made over a million dollars in those two years. this past year he paid an effective federal tax rate at 26%. and when you think about it, you know, he has railed against the 1% and capitalism, and he was asked about well, bernie, isn't this proof that capitalism works? he was prepared for that question and he had this answer. >> your taxes do show that
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you're a millionaire. you did make a million in 2016, 2017. you write -- your marginal tax rate was 26% because of president trump's tax cuts. so why not say i'm leading this revolution. i'm not going to take those. [laughter] >> i am -- i paid the taxes that i owe. and by out way, why don't you get donald trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes. [cheers and applause] >> we will. >> we would love to have him that question. we absolutely will. >> i guess the president watches your network a little bit. hey, president trump, my wife and i just released 10 years. you do the same. >> you spend a lot of time vilifying millionaires. >> i don't vilify. so happens that the very wealthy are doing -- it's not vilifying saying people have a whole lot of money in some cases billions of
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dollars of wealth they should pay their fair share of taxes. steve: when asked that question he defined it. ainsley: one was healthcare and another free education. martha pressed him on asking him who is going to pay for this free healthcare. he kept saying it's medicare for all. medicare it's going to be free. how is it going to be free. listen to this. >> going to pay one way or the other. going to pay one way or the other whether it's in your income tax or your payroll tax. >> look, healthcare is not free. >> of course not. >> suggest. >> you just said it was going to be free for everyone. >> it will be free at the point of when you use it. okay? and you go why are you so shocked by. this you are not paying any more premiums. you are not paying any more co-payments. you are not paying any more deductibles. dolls that mean you are not going to pay something? of course it does. you will pay more in taxes. brian: he believes if everyone just pays more in taxes it will all be free in
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terms of equality, wait times, ie look for an example in britain and canada. when the committee for responsible budget reviewed bernie sanders plan which to his credit he released last week in detail. turns out only 45% of medical costs were paid and it would be about $14 trillion more added to the national debt. and the version of medicare for all appears to add more in costs but also more in taxes partially to pay for the plan. is he addressing an issue people care about, i get it. and that's laudable. but in terms of details, when asked to defend, the follow-up i immediately deflected. everything was either deflection, what about trump and a putdown about fox. that was his decision decision and that was his way of perrying a tactic skilled politicians deflect. it got a little tiresome after an hour. ainsley: bret finally asked him can we get over the fox thing?
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steve: he had answers prepared. he was very smart coming on fox because he was able to give his side of these questions that we talk about all day every day regarding all sorts of stuff. and he has got his answers out there. and now you have seen it and now you know a little more about bernie sanders. we'll be talking more with that woman that brian was just talking about for the committee for responsible federal budget in the next segment. meanwhile just about 48 hours from right now on thursday morning it sounds like the redacted version of the mueller report will be released simultaneously to the public and to congress. the president, as you know, halls already said complete exoneration because there was no collusion. and when it comes to object destruction, it was ambiguous, the attorney general's four page report was. why exactly they did not find a basis for obstruction u will. ainsley: 400 pages and color code the redaction into four
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categories. material subject federal rule of criminal procedure that can't be seen by the public. the next category is going to be material the intelligence community identifies as potentially compromising sensitive sources and methods. third one material that could affect other ongoing matters. and the fourth one is information that would unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties. brian: here is hoping it's during our show. we have a reading team there headed up by joel, our floor manager and will be reading as quick as we can and summarize as quick as possible and get those answers to you right away the president tweet you had out about how many angry democrats are on the special counsel. steve: 13 angry. brian: why was there an investigation answer dirty cops, dems and hillary. similar tone even though pleased by the four pages released. last thing to add is barr made it clear the enemy of all democrats now that horrible person that everybody loved up until two weeks ago. he says i'm glad to talk to
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anybody to -- on the house judiciary committee, nadler or anybody else afterwards about something that might be redacted or color-coded that they want included. steve: listen, i have got a prediction u even though we will finally get the report. it won't finally be over. it's going to starts a new chapter in bickering. brian: american people turned the page like we are doing to jillian but not turning past you. turning to you. jillian: i wonder if you have to apply to be a parity of the reading team. brian: tell me a little about your sufficiently in the break. ainsley: everyone is going to read 100 pages u. jillian: stuart off with this news on a story we brought you yesterday u as you can see hundreds of people line the streets to honor a fallen deputy killed nut line of duty. 29-year-old deputy justin deroche shot and killed responding to a vehicle in washington state. he loved his job and incredibly good at it he leaves behind a wife and 5-month-old daughter. officers shot and killed
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ryan butts. two other people under arrest. college stunt plunges 200 feet off a cliff. andrea norton lost her footing and died trip national forest. she was a volleyball player at breyer cliff university in iowa. fellow athletes praying for her before a game. her death comes just days after a fordham university student fell and died trying to take a photo. the boston marathon ends in a photo finish u look at this. kenya's lawrence torono beating a two time marathon champion by two seconds in the loisest race since 1988. ethiopian runner taking the title in the women's race. i apologize if i didn't say that correctly and inspiring moment here marine micah h hernden. he ran for fallen comrades and said their name out loud for inspiration.
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steve: he had his names on steve: a man attacked for wearing a maga hat. whone his attackers were coming up. ar insurance, so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to take care of yourself.
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steve: bernie sanders last night on fox laying out his policy proposals how much would those plans actually cost. miami guinness is the president of the committee for a responsible federal budget she joining us now
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from washington. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: you were watching bernie last night in bethlehem you heard him say essentially medicare for all not free. >> that is certainly true. none of the things he has been talking about are free it does worry me when we put these in the context of free healthcare. free college tuition. it's really important that we put them in the broader budget context of how much would this cost and do we think it's worth it? just to anchor the kind of conversation he is starting, we do need to keep in mind that the national debt of the country right now is at near record levels. steve: right. >> and then we are talking about adding a lot of enough spending on top of it. medicare for all would be one of the biggest new programs that people have ever introduced into the political debate. steve: let's look at some of the things he has proposed in the past regarding medicare for all. transition to a single pair run by the government over four years. no premiums or deductibles. minimum co-pays.
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cost estimate 28 to 32 trillion over 10 years. mya your group looked at his 2016 plan and you found out only 45% was paid for. the rest just a deficit, right? >> right. that's correct. so when he offered this last time around we were incredibly concerned because of the huge gap between the very, very expensive price tag and the kind of pay fors that he had put out there. this time around he has actually increased the number of options. he doesn't have a plan to pay for medicare for all yet. but he has introduced options. many of which include broad based tax increases. at love tax increases on the wealthy. getting rid of some tax breaks. still it's going to fall short and numbers aren't detailed enough to know. my guess is we are still talking about a 10 trillion-dollar hole each after the pay fors put there. steve: what about the cost for taxpayer. have you done any calculation on that. >> yeah. we have looked at all of his plans. we are talking about on an
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annual basis. if you look at healthcare. free tuition, family leave child care. those proposals will all have a price tag of over $20,000 per taxpayer. so, i don't know whether they plan to finance all of that or add that to the very large national debt. the costs are certainly high. i know trillion is kind of hard to get your arms around. but when you bring it down per taxpayer we are talking more than $20,000 increase in taxes. steve: okay. there you go. after hearing bernie last night. it's nice to get your point of view regarding this. maya, attorney for responsible federal budget wouldn't that be great. thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: you bet. 6:20 in new york city. the opioid crisis sweeption the nation. a number of states are pointing the fingers at drug dealers. should they be charged with murder if somebody overdoses? a debate on that coming up next. ♪
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or get unlimited. and now get $100 back when you buy a new lg. click, call, or visit a store today. ainsley: we are back with headlines for you. lyft is rolling out new safety features in the wake of a ride share treating. drivers will undergo continuous background checks and taking photos with their licenses. last month a student was murdered getting into a car she thought was a uber. boeing is working on a software fix for max 737 after two deadly crashes overseas. american and southwest airlines grounding their planes into the summer. walmart is rolling out a new subscription service for kids clothes. the company is going to send a box of items to your door if you sign up. it will be tailor made for your child's tastes and it cost $48 per box. brian down to you. brian: as the opioid epidemic continues to sweep the nation tougher sentences
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for actual drug dealers the way to solve it? 20 states have laws to charge distributers with murder in cases of accidental overdose deaths. so could this be the answer to solving a crisis nationwide making everybody culpable and responsible? here to debate is jay jonas a recovering opioid addict and founder of the truth recovery center and jonna spilbor is here a criminal defense attorney you see her on the channel. you think this is a good way to go, jay. >> i do believe it's a good way to go. brian: in what respect? you were buying and using and you think the distributer should be the one who is in just as much trouble if you overdose? >> i think if he overdose and i die that the drug dealer knows how dangerous it is when he is dealing it. brian: he or she is already breaking the law. how fearful would they be of your consequences? >> i think if they knew that they would get in that type of trouble for an overdose then, you know, it might scare them a little more, at
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least. brian: a bunch of states have picked up on this. you think it's a bridge too far? >> legally, i think it's a really sticky way to go. because like we were talking off the air. when a drug dealer is dealing drugs, that's one thing. and that in itself is illegal. when you possess those drugs, you are also breaking the law. and when you put them in your mouth you are complicit in your own death if you do in fact, overdose and die. to put the onus on simply the drug dealer for doing that goes too far legally speaking. steve: 4-year-old selling to 18-year-old u it's not 18-year-old and. 23-year-old more culpable you would think because they are responsible trying to hook that 18-year-old. trying to get a customer and make an addict. >> look at the slippery slope argument here. what about the 18-year-old's parents who didn't do enough to stop him or her from being on drughts. what about the doctors prescribe opioids for legit in the purposes what about the pharmacy that gives them to you? where do we stop that chain
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if we charge people with murder for giving somebody the drug? brian: jay, you want to add to that because number one, put your mindset in the old you, the one that needed drugs. were you susceptible to the sale to the upgrade of the sale? were they trying to bring -- to get you to do more? >> there are times that it is that way because, obviously, at one point i wanted to but then there were points i would say no, i can't come by. they would say we will drop the price $10 no problem. in that situation it's hard to say no obviously. at the same time, i don't disagree. i think the person going to get the drugs is guilty as well but they are no longer with us you can't charge them anyway. there is also a slippery slope with what you said as far as the parent not doing nothing. i spoke to a parent who sent me a facebook message before i got here. she said, you know, you can use my daughter's first name her name is ava. passed away of an overdose may 11th of last year, she would say it's murder. she'll didn't hesitate to tell me when i posted it
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it's hard to say and obviously the parents would disagree they didn't do enough. who is do say what anyone they can do is enough. brian: is this a good argument, legal argument? i don't intend to run somebody over. i went to a bar, i had too many drinks, i run somebody over and they die. that wasn't my intent. but am i responsible? >> in that case yes, you would be. the dinners here the person you ran over wasn't breaking the law, wasn't doing anything wrong, wasn't complicit in the death. when you hand a drug addict a drug and they take it. brian: two people breaking the law. >> they are both breaking the law and complicit. i would love to see drug dealers charged with murder. legally speaking i don't think it's viable. brian: glad you are okay and helping other people joanna, thanks for bringing the legal aspect to it? >> thank you. appreciate it, brian. brian: what do the voters think of bernie sanders after the town hall last night. todd piro is having breakfast with friends in pennsylvania. he promises to ask them questions.
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hi. todd: good morning, guys, hope all is well with you in new york. we are in bethlehem, pennsylvania talking to these fine voters. we have a lot of bernie likers. we have some people who aren't so sure about bernie's ideas. number one thread how do we pay for it all? we will get those answers when "fox & friends" returns on a tuesday morning following a monday town hall. we can cheer. [applause] ♪ ♪
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what do you look for when you trade? i want free access to research. yep, td ameritrade's got that. free access to every platform. yeah, that too. i don't want any trade minimums. yeah, i totally agree, they don't have any of those. i want to know what i'm paying upfront. yes, absolutely. do you just say yes to everything? hm. well i say no to kale. mm. yeah, they say if you blanch it it's better, but that seems like a lot of work. no hidden fees. no platform fees. no trade minimums. and yes, it's all at one low price. td ameritrade. ♪
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♪ >> healthcare is not free. you are going to pay more in taxes. >> bret: do you spend a lot of time vilifying millionaires. >> i don't vilify. just so happens that the very wealthy are doing incredibly wealthy. it's not vilifying to say they should pay their fair share of taxes. >> martha: what do you say to those who raise the question whether or not you would be too old at 79 as president? >> well, follow me around the campaign trail. [cheers and applause] >> if somebody does something terrible, they are a rapist or murderer.
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you are paying the price. maybe you are in jail for the rest of your life. but you have the right to vote. steve: there you go. bernie would love to have you vote for him in the primaries. there he was in bethlehem, pennsylvania. and this morning we're getting reactions on the street of bethlehem. ainsley: that's right. todd piro is at the people's kitchen which is in bethlehem. what did they there of last night's town hall? todd: yeah, good morning, guys. they are still talking about it, obviously. it was the big event in bethlehem last night. i would like to think this morning we are the big event because we are doing our own town hall diner style u we begin with seth. seth is a small business owner and says you say you are worried about how to pay for all of bernie's ideas. why? >> well, i think that as a country here, we have founded ourselves on principles of smaller government and to increase the government size when we have a debt the size that we already have. it's going to be very difficult. one of my favorite topics though is education.
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i think everybody getting a better education, further education would be good for our country. if you look right after world war ii we had the gi bill and it shot our economy to the moon. and i think if we could figure out a way to do it, it would be a really good thing for us. todd: seth, speaking education, your daughter kristin is a student. she says when you are talking to your friends about an issue, the number one issue that you guys focus on is climate change. why? >> ultimately the other issues are all solvable but if the planet starts catching on fire and we are all dead it doesn't do us any good to see how much money we could make. todd: you said you and your dad were talking about this issue a few days ago but didn't have an argument but had a heated discussion how to pay for it? >> yeah. we have political discussions all the time. this is just one of them. we always try to open each other's minds to ideas and expand our world a little bit. >> we go to ron. ron is a democrat. he says he likes 90% of what bernie had to say but, as
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always, how do we pay for it? >> i have no advice for him as to how to pay for it because of his vast experience in the senate, i think he would find a way to do it. and i like his sincerity. and i have been to vermont many times. the people up there love bernie. so i think he would make a great president. todd: what's interesting about ron he is in for mayor pete. we conclude with woody. woody is a trump guy and also a renaissance man does disstill or also works in the software industry. you are a renaissance man. you say you love trump's sort of unabashed style. >> he has no filter between his brain and mouth and if you don't like the answer you are going to get, don't ask the question. he is off the cuff. he will tell you exactly how it is. if you go up to him and say do these pants make my butt look big? he is going to tell you. you may not like the answer and that's why i like him. is he direct. as far as bernie, he did
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have some great ideas, everything sounds great. i mean it looks great on paper but theory and practice are two different things in my opinion. sooner or later he is going to run out of people's money. that's my thoughts on that. to have haded to that's it from bethlehem u toss it back to new york city. pretty good for the 6:30 hit. right? give yourselves a hand. brian: why don't you ask that man if he thinks your butt looks big. todd: brian, i decline. i refuse to answer that question. brian: absolutely. steve: there you go. [laughter] ainsley: thanks, todd. steve: no filter. just saying. brian: 24 minutes before the top of the hour. jillian has a filter. jillian: good morning to you guys. start you off with this story we are following. a dramatic rescue when a upon to an boat takes on water and capsizes. you can see the group clinging to the bottom of the boat newport richy, florida. some of them didn't know how to swim. the sheriff's department rushing to get all 13 people safely out of the water.
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two people had to be hospitalized but everyone is expected to be okay. officials blame inexperienced boaters and rough conditions. two men facing charges for allegedly attacking a man for wearing a maga hat. the victim says he was walking in his d.c. neighborhood when the men spouted the hat and hit him to the ground . >> why are you doing that? said, no, no, no; and then point to me on my head. jillian: the victim says he tried to walk away but the suspects wouldn't let him. is he a big supporter of president trump. newly released tax records show beto o'rourke and his wife underpaid on two years of taxes. the couple's tax returns showing a $4,000 miscalculation between 2013 and 2014 caused by an error in how they reported medical expenses. they took deductions for costs without factoring in specific limits for their
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age an aide says they will file an amendment. tiger woods delivers the highest rated morning broadcast in 34 years. millions tuning in to tiger to win first major championship since 2008. >> president trump tweeting that he will present tiger with the presidential medal of freedom. arnold palmer and jack nicklaus are among the golfers also received the nation's highest civilian honor. i wish we could have golf sunday morning every year. brian: that was fantastic. started at 7: 30 to get it in. ainsley: i liked it. what a come back. steve: no kidding. congratulations to him. meantime out on the streets of new york city where things are kind of quiet with janice dean. janice: it is quiet. we have cars moving in on the plaza. here is a man. hi, how are you what's your name. >> eric. >> where are you from? >> wake forest. >> car show is in. janice: beautiful day in new york city. get up to 65 with mostly sunny skies.
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however, we did have severe weather over the last 24 hours and over the last several days into the weekend a severe weather outbreak including tornados over 50 reports of tornadoes, some of them proving deadly. unfortunately and we have a new system moving in from the west. this is going to move into the central plains and bring us another round of potentially dangerous weather. , large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. this is happening wednesday. one day of quiet and then things will start to ramp up again. you can see the temperatures very warm across the southern plains and then that storm is going to move in from the rockies bringing the potential for some spring snow over parts of the central rockies. but then that threat is going to push into the central u.s. and we will continue to monitor it. all right. >> back inside. it is a mostly sunny day today here in new york city. steve: there you go. thank you very much. brian: name her book after big signing over the weekend. by the way, quick announcement. coming up in july and august two dates in each month.
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one on the 19th and one on the 20th. august 9th and august 10th. it's going to be america great from the start. i'm doing this with fox nation. we're going to stream a couple. it's going to be built off the series what made america great and the five, soon to be five history books. have a chance to go on stage in bonito springs in orlando, florida, charlotte, north carolina, and birmingham and interact with the audience. it was a lot of fun last year and look to go back in the summer this year. because, number one i can wear short sleeves. number two it will be hot. and talk about the country in a positive way. ainsley: if people want digits where do they go? brian: brian people who like the series and books. sam houston and the alamo avengers. be able to put texas into the whole series. steve: hold on, we can't wear short sleeves? brian: i'm going to be able to dress like it's the summer. that's the positive thing. steve: whew.
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brian: i'm inspired by cher. she was able to take her life to the stage. i am focuses on america and not cher. steve: if you would like to see brian when he comes to your town go to brian for ticket information. ainsley: you will need short sleeves. florida, south carolina, it gets hot. congratulations. 41 minutes after the top of the hour u should a vulgar name be protected by the first amendment. the scansd columbus speech debate is happening now in the supreme court. steve: the judge is here to break down the scandalous case. he is live in the studio. judge: long sleeves. ainsley: you need it in this studio. it's cold. ♪
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with advil, you'll ask... what sore muscles? what pounding head? advil is... relief that's fast. strength that lasts. you'll ask... what pain? with advil.
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♪ jillian: good morning, welcome back. quick sports headlines now. seattle seahawks quarterback makes a major announcement from the comfort of his bed.
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>> we hav hey, seattle, we havea deal. >> go hogs. >> go hogs. jillian: the four year contract extension is worth a reported record $140 million. that makes him the highest paid player in the nfl. interesting announcement. record-breaking come back in the nba playoffs. watch this. >> chavits for three. alexander. chab bats for 3. >> the los angeles clipper trailed the golden state warriors by 31 points before winning 135 to 131. tying their playoff series at one game apiece. steve? >> steve: thanks for the sports. meanwhile a debate over vulgar language is going all the way to the supreme court. at issue a clothing line including this hat bearing an acronym for friends you
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can't trust. they denied the trademark in 2014 saying it was in bad taste. >> other trade marks that have been denied in the past include taliban cookie company and coffee nazi. ainsley: designer in this case says it violates his first amendment rights? do you think he has a case? let's ask judge andrew napolitano, fox news senior judicial analyst and host of liberty file on fox nation. >> i hope i don't get get bleepg this conversation: when it was argued nobody used the word. the ninth justices didn't and the lawyers didn't. the question is when you write a statute that gives discretion to bureaucrats don't trademark that when is scandalous. is that so broad a swath of discretion that it's unconstitutional. steve: what's scandalous to me may not be scandalous to you. >> correct. what was scandalous at the time the statute was written 75 years ago may not be scandalous now. so, if that's actually what was argued yesterday, i love
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when these things are argued because it pushes the first amendment to its limits. ainsley: if it's scandalous, you can use it as a company but you can't trademark it right now. >> correct. if he can't trademark it, he can't stop others from using it the essence of a trademark is that only you can use this to sell your product. so there is no way he could be punished for putting this acronym on his own product. so, in the past, the supreme court has really pushed the first amendment to the limits. most recent case, this is the word i will use, even though it is offensive is a korean rock band which called itself the slants. and the trademark office said no, and the federal court said yes, yes, yes. all the way up to the supreme court. in this case with this acronym that is offensive to some people. s trade office said no. trial court said no. the trial court said yes. prediction they will say yes. this particular court under john roberts has expanded first amendment.
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brian: to me it's an interesting argument. but, for example let's say coffee nazi you can't get a patent but you can use it i don't think there is going to be a whole best of your knowledge of people lining up for taliban cookies. we could do that honey, our dream comes true. >> there is no need to protect that but, still that is that the gut judgment of a bureaucrat. because the law ant be protective this slaw. congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. the benefit of the doubt always has to be on the side of the speaker. it's the government's burden to prove there is something wrong with a speech. brian: like yelling fire in a crowd movie theater. steve: where there are limits. >> without getting into the weeds, kilmeade. steve: sounds like they are helping us allowing us to be free with our speech even though it may -- >> this guy sells t-shirts
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and sweat shirts. i will tell you what's genius about this? more free publicity than he ever could have imagined even if he loads the case. so he is a good businessman. steve: good enough. judge, thank you very much. >> mueller coming soon. brian: get your evelyn wood going. saying this about alexandria ocasio-cortez on "60 minutes." >> aoc and her group on one side. >> that's like five people. >> progressive group is more than five. >> progressive? i'm a progressive. ainsley: she is at it again. wait until you hear why pelosi is comparing her to a glass of water. [laughter] ♪ here i come ♪ get ready ♪ get ready ♪ introducing the all-new 2019 ford ranger, it's the right gear. with a terrain management system for... this.
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ainsley: standing up to unions, pushing radical agendas. new op-ed titled pro-life teachers, your union dues fund abortion. our next guest says teacher unions are bringing far left ideas into our children's classrooms. rebecca freed distribution is the author of standing up to goliath and a teacher in california, was a teacher in california for decades. she and nine other teachers have sued the teacher's union in that state. and she's joins us now to share her story. good morning to you, rebecca. >> good morning. great to be here. ainsley: i was reading your op-ed. wow, you start off talking about a very touchy issue that people have a lot of opinions about. and you talk about abortion and then you talk about how how as a california teacher these left leaning groups are pushing their agendas on our kids. tell us what's happening in california. >> right.
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well, they're not just left leaning. they are far left groups. and what's going on right now in california specifically is we passed a law requiring some very offensive sex ed. you have had another guest on who told you a little bit about that sex ed. forcing teachers to tell little children that at age 12 they have the right to go get an abortion without their parents' knowledge or permission. and the schools will help them get there and help them fund it. ainsley: how is this getting into our schools? who is funding this. >> who is pushing this is the teacher's union. what's shock something teachers have no idea. people think teachers are these far left people pushing this stuff. that is a lie. teachers are these -- most teachers are good, loving people and many of them are against abortion. and are against sexualizing little children. but we are being used by very powerful organizations, the teachers unions collect
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about $5 billion a year tax-free from teachers and they use that money to push their personal social sexual and political agenda into our schools. ainsley: and you are a christian, pro-life teacher in your state. in the state of california. do you still have to join a union and your dues go to these organizations? >> well, i am a christian, pro-life teacher. and for 28 years i was forced to fund the teacher's union as was my husband for 39 years. forced to fund them. but last year on june 27th, 2018, we won a united states supreme court case. so now all teachers across the country, in fact, all government employees are now free to pay unions nothing. we are still unionized. we are still forced to accept their representation. they are still bullying us and steam rollerring us we don't have to pay them any longer. i hope and pray that teachers will stand together and stop paying them. i'm hoping we can eventually get them out of our schools.
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ainsley: the teachers in california all aware they can opt out. >> a few are aware. most are not. the union are very deceptive. they outright lie to teachers. they got many of them to sign cards that have trapped them into the union before that case came down. so, we have another lawsuit out here fighting that. and my whole agenda in life right now is to get out and educate teachers on the truth so they can have liberty and choose for themselves what they want to do. ainsley: rebecca freed distribution if you want to read that op-ed it's very interesting it's on good to see you. >> you too. ainsley: dr. oz and stuart varney ar are both here live ♪ they said this day wouldn't come ♪ we only just begun ♪ ealth, hiv. patients with serious diseases are being targeted
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♪ might drag you down ♪ get lost ♪ you can always be found ♪ snow you're not alone ♪ i'm going to make this place your home ♪ steve: welcome, folks, to the tv home of "fox & friends" live from studio f here in the mezzanine level. good to have you on this day after tax day. ainsley: that's right. i was out on assignment yesterday. i was watching y'all's show in the morning as i was getting up in the hotel room and i heard you say that i wrote my accountant and i said do i need to sign anything? are we okay? anyway. thank you for the reminder. steve: you betcha? brian: i have that docu sign i don't know what's going on. where do i click and best of luck. keep your fingers crossed. meanwhile straight to a fox news alert now. the fire in notre dame cathedral we watched yesterday is now out. ainsley: hope rising from the ashes as firefighters stand in front of a cross miraculously left untouched. look at that there is smoke
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at the bottom of it still smoldering around the bottom of the cross. steve: that is image from inside the cathedral last night it is 1:00 in the afternoon. amy kellogg is live in the cathedral heart of paris. >> it's been recalled this morning victor hugo wrote the hunch bam of notre dame inspire. he shamed the city of paris into taking better care of it. so, and it's irony not lost here on the literary masses in paris that it was actually restoration and renovation that apparently led to the fire in the cathedral now. i'm going to show you an image that gives you a better sense of the big picture. the roof of wood and timber supports burned very quickly. they were as the french are saying ravaged. the scaffolding around the expirspeier under repair remains intact. the stained glass windows survived the fire.
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the towers are still standing. the speier burned like a bunch of matches. yesterday as flames shot through notre dame cathedral people gathered to pray and sang in shock and sadness. here is emmanuel macron last night. >> we will rebuild this cathedral all together. and it's without a doubt part of the french -- the project that we will carry out. and we will call upon the best talents in the world so that we can rebuild. >> thought image of this cross intact has become a very potent symbol of the faith upon which the cathedral was built. one of the city's five vicars this morning said if god intervened last night it was in the courage of the firefighters. notre dame may have been destroyed but the soul of france was not. and, again, largely destroyed but still rebuilding is promised to happen here.
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and i have to say that for the people of paris, despite all the sadness, it is a big relieve that this appears to have been an accident, the cathedral itself was not attacked. steve, ainsley, and brian back to you. steve: amy, i have a question for you. i know a lot of the things because they were built 850 years ago are simply irreplaceable. as is the case over the last 50 years or so, a lot of historical buildings like notre dame have been outfitted with sprinklers. were there simply no sprinklers in that building? >> you know, that has not come to light at the moment. i think the important focus this morning has been getting all of those treasures out of the cathedral and into safety. they are being held in the louvre right now. we will look into that steve, that information has not really come out in the press yesterday. so that's a good question. and we will look into it. steve: amy kellogg live in downtown paris. thank you very much. it does sound as if they say
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it was an accident that started on the outside under the scaffolding around the. ainsley: some people posting pictures on social media. if you have been to paris you probably visited the site because it's so famous. brian: 12 million people go everywhere. it actually doubles that of the eiffel tower. when you go there, you study the history and you find out there were so many times in which it was supposed to be wrecked and napoleon made sure it wasn't and catholic church stepped in and said i know how expensive it is paste, france, we will take care of the maintenance. you own it. steve: the donations are pouring in. as we heard from amy macron, the president there is pledging to rebuild it so far one french billionaire has pledged 100 million euros. i believe that's selma hijack'salmahayek's husband's.
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doing reno investigations on it yesterday before the fire. now that number gigantic multiple on it. as they try to rebuild one of the most architecturally beautiful buildings in the world. ainsley: french president calling for national fund raising campaign i believe this will become international campaign fundraising. gone inside to light candles and have pictures at home to prove it. brian: under the current agreement with the vatican right now. responsible for 2-million-dollar upkeep of the entire church, which now needs unthinkable amount of work. i think if you look in the big picture, i don't think there is going to be a cause that's going to get more money pouring in from every end of the earth more than the rebuilding of this. i think it's beyond construction. you need artists in there. you need art historians in there. they say it's so photographed on the inside, they are not concerned about rebuilding the way it was.
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steve: yeah. the people who built those things originally 850 years ago and through the last close to 1,000 years that kind of craftsmanship simply does not exist in many cases. god bless them. they have a big job that starts today. brian: corner stone laid in 1163. it took 140 years to finish the bell towers do remain. the facade is preserved. the framework is burned. steve: and the speier went down. ainsley: president tweeted it's one of the greatest treasures of the world it was horrible to see this. steve: you saw that yesterday. then last night 6:30 eastern time you saw a live town hall right here on the fox news channel, bernie sanders said, look, i want to take my message to fox news and he came. it was combative at times. we learned a lot about bernie and his plan. one of the things that we did learn is his idea about,
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you know, what is all the stuff going to cost us? and when asked that and, martha and bret did a good job pressing him on the cost for these plans that seem like they have gigantic bills. he said this in bethlehem, pennsylvania last night. >> i'm asking you about the wealthy and how much higher you would make it. you don't agree with 70%. what would your number be? >> in the campaign 2016 we talked about 52%. >> martha: 52%. would you be willing to pay 52% on the money you made? can you volunteer and send a check. >> you can volunteer, too. >> martha: but you suggested that that's what everybody in your bracket should do. >> martha, why don't you give? you make more money than i do. >> martha: i didn't suggest a wealth tax. >> bret: she is not running for president. brian: that was it. i gave him so much credit for showing up but lose the anti-fox stuff because when you rip into fox, go at us personally that's obviously your decision, but when you
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go after fox, you are going after the audience. 40% of which are independents and democrats and if you look at the stat before he walked in and i hope someone shared a pie chart with him don't put down fox, with it you put down the biggest audience in cable not just bigger than cnn and espn bigger than tnt. he should have been smarter when he did that. he came a chip on his shoulder. he really smiles even at his events. when pressed he put out a white paper. he has been talking about this stuff forever. he should have welcomed the follow-up questions from martha instead of why don't you pay more? he had to have known that question was coming. estate tax says give away all your money when you die. ainsley: he was very combative and bret even said can we get over the fox thing? the crowd there, there are a lot of democrats in the crowd, a lot of independents had asked some fair questions. and i applaud him for coming on fox. my mya was on fox earlier
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committee for responsible federal budget and says if he wins, be prepared to open up your pocketbook. >> we have looked at all of his plans, and we're talking about on an annual basis, if you look at healthcare, free tuition, family leave, child care. those proposals will all have a price tag of over $20,000 per taxpayer. i don't know whether they plan to finance that or add it to the national debt. the costs are high. steve: her organization looked at the 2016 plan and discovered only 45% was paid for and the rest would be made up as a deficit. there is a high cost for bernie's plan u. brian: it's great for illegal immigrants. you have to be a resident. you don't have to be a citizen. you are eligible for everything that we're eligible for. so come one, come all. steve: that's the way it's set up now.
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ainsley: martha was pressing him this free medicare for all how will it be free? you won't have premiums, you won't have deductibles but your taxes will go up. steve: let's talk about another politician nancy pelosi was over at the london school of economics yesterday on a congressional delegation. she was asked about aoc. alexandria ocasio-cortez who is getting a lot of publicity. and they were talking about different districts in the united states that flipped for republicans in 2018. and nancy pelosi had this observation about people from districts that always stay democrat. >> when we won this election, it wasn't in districts like mine or alexandrias. however, she wonderful member of congress. i think all of our members of congress will attest. those are districts that are solidly democratic this glass of water would win with a d next to its name in
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those districts. [laughter] >> and not to diminish the exuberance and the personality and the rest of alex andrea analal alexandria. brian: everyone else in the freshman class and come in and made a name for themselves they have a different agenda than nancy pelosi. you can argue she is the most experienced politician in congress. improve obamacare, medicare for all. you heard bernie last night. they embrace the socialist label. she is like we are not socialist, we are capitalists. she finds herself backtracking. they haven't passed one thing. when she turns around and says make me speaker for two more years. why? what has she done? what have they got accomplished? she can't get her own caucus in order. steve: that's before we knew about the aoc wing. that's essentially what they were talking about. it all comes down to the direction of the democratic party. will the party go towards nancy pelosi who says we're
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more moderate, we can get stuff done? or will it go to the left and just go to the left? ainsley: she is the master negotiator. that was such back handed compliment. we all love aoc but, she won so easily because she won in a democratic district. everyone in liberal new york would vote for her, of course. she is from california. steve: this is three in a row from nancy pelosi. yesterday the thing about the water. then last week talking about how votes are more important than tweets and then the aoc wing only has like five people. brian: that, i didn't sees a a put down. trying to make a points whether you have no competition like she has no competition, you aren't really competing. council nor lamb wins in pennsylvania because he wasn't primaried. he was primaried by aoc or like they believe they would eat each other up and give the republicans more of an option. ainsley: a glass of water would have won? this mug could have won. >> straight ahead.
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california governor gavin newsom said there is no crisis at our border. he wants to invest in el salvador to reduce migration. genius. ainsley: our next guest's son was arrested by illegal immigrant gang member and she has a message for the governor. ♪
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brian: despite claiming there is no border crisis in california at the border. governor gavin newsom now pledging to invest in el salvador to curve migration. i think the investment opportunities are real. shouldn't he be focused on the problems playin plaguing his home state like rampant homelessness. next guest lost her only son by illegal immigrants in new mexico who happened to be a gang member. that mother agnes jimenez is kind enough to join us now. welcome. >> thank you for having me. brian: new governor that you have familiar who is also a mayor one of the first things i'm going to go is go down central america and find out what their issues are. is that a good move. >> absolutely the wrong move. california has a lot of issues. we have the worst quality of
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life, inflation is really high. taxes. we have the worst schools, the worst roads. he ought to focus on economic growth in california. stop giving healthcare to illegal aliens and free tuition where our children have to pay full price this is outrage. he ought to be focusing on what's happening in our state not another country. it's not his job to be doing that. brian: he won by a substantial margin and he was one of the first governors to pull national guard troops off the border. you actually resonates with you so much because you lost your son to an illegal immigrant from mexico. tell us about that and how much respect or disrespect you have gotten from the california state government. >> i have no respect for the california government because they let me down. they protect criminal illegal aliens. they are not protecting my family. where was my son's sanctuary? where is my sanctuary and to let everyone know the
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individual that murdered my son will be released from prison in the state of california next year in february. this is an outrage. we need to protect our own not criminals and not illegals that are costing taxpayers billions and billions of dollars a year. brian: agnes you came here as a child from hungary, right? >> correct. my family legally immigrated here. we came here not through marriage, not through jumping over a fence. not oversaying a visa. we came on our own merit. my father had a job contract we followed the law. i expect everyone that wants to come to country this is my home and country i expect everyone to do the same follow the law. we need to shut down the border. do whatever it takes to stop this invasion into our country. brian: thing is agnes, think about this. we changed the rules to push to tell mexico if you come over here illegally, you will be immediately repate repae
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control our borders we refuse to do it. why? >> i think it's a political political game for the democrats. gavin newsom is a democrat. and they want votes. and at the expense of american citizens and at the expense of our children and family members family members lives. we cannot afford to do that anymore. we need to stop the catch and release. we need to shut the border down because this is an insanity. we are not the social welfare of the world. we cannot take care of everyone. you know, el salvador, one of the articles in "l.a. times" said that salvador has less crime now. yeah, maybe, because all of the criminals are coming here to our country. brian: president back to catch and release. nowhere else to put them. busing them and dropping them off maybe into sanctuary cities. >> right. brian: they seem to be for that agnes begin bonny thank
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you so much. >> thank you so much for having me. thank you. brian: meanwhile coming up straight ahead probably saw them on facebook feed. dr. oz celebrity ads including ones featuring him are fake. he will tell us about them in a moment. i'm 53.
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that's what inspired us to create america's most advanced internet. internet that puts you in charge. that protects what's important. it handles everything, and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. ♪ jillian: good morning, welcome back. quick headlines now. the man accused of tossing a child from a third floor balcony is charged with attempted premeditated first degree murder. emanuel telling police he went to minnesota mall of america, quote, looking for someone to kill. the 5-year-old victim is fighting for his life with head trauma and broken bones after falling nearly 40 feet. the suspect has a history of mental health issues. and was banned from the mall twice before number of
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measles cases skyrocketing to the second highest level in 25 years. new york city the hardest hit area of the country reporting 32 cases since october. officials now warn it's only expected to get worse. some parents are suing the city to stop a mandatory evacuation order calling it arbitrary. 20 states have reported measles this year. ainsley: i can't believe that story of that 5-year-old child at the mall. it's awful. steve: it is. ainsley: if you use facebook. have you probably scrolled past some ads featuring so-called endorsements by some of your favorite personalities and celebrities like one promises dr. oz's diabetes break through. brian: dr. oz is sounding off warning some of those ads that you see including ones with his own face on them are most likely fake. steve: here to explain we have dr. mehmet oz host of the dr. oz show. wait a minute, if it's on the internet and your face is there, you've got to be behind it. >> this is scandalous but it's been going on for me since i was on the oprah show. this is 12, 13 years ago.
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i teemed up with -- law school and i'm in med school. we wrote an op-ed one big issue help why the pendulum swing back. has to do what's going on in europe. not here. in the united states internet companies protected by a law that says you guys are not responsible for you anything that you guys. steve: section 230. >> very smart. very nice. section 230 a wise move at the time. you wanted the internet to grow and not be libel for somebody posting something on a site they don't have control over. they are not fax machines. you can't blame them for the paper coming out. artificial intelligence and sophisticated ways of protecting. in europe' cans said we don't care about this because we are not being lobbied as heavily as america to not pass laws on this. they said they would start cracking down making big tech companies responsible. uk facebook acknowledged it
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was actually partly their responsibility. the celebrity that was being taken advantage of said how can i possibly police the internet? i have no ability to do it. plus i'm not getting paid those ads you are. if you take a fake ad you make money. if you don't take the fake ad not only do you not make money from taking the ad. you have to pay someone to not take the ad and potential liability. what yowe are saying what is les make it happen worldwide. somebody making money. they need to be responsible for taking it down. i grid and i work with these guys a lot. they are my friends and i have a loft respect for facebook and google and snap and all these guys, when i try to figure out who is buys the ads and true for other celebrities they won't tell you. who does that hides the sources of revenue. steve: have you no defense. they could put fake ad makers selling this product whatever it is, they can take anybody's image, put it on and big social media companies won't tell you who
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did it. >> they have software to copy your voice. it sounds like you are actually saying it you can have donald trump celebrating for cbd gum. fake, sawdust. other part problematic. lie about me or some other celebrity's name and likeness. they will lie about the product itself. brian: what's going to change? i clicked on -- i clicked on the kelly ripa thing to leave her show to do a skin care product. so i clicked right through and nothing ever happened. i got so bored of clicking okay, i guess this is not true. >> usually they will get your credit card number you can't get it back. they will keep charging you. first thing is we know in washington they finally woke up to this reality because they were worried about election fraud. if you take an ad on the internet for campaign, you must reveal who you are. we want the exact same rule for fake advertisements about health. health is different from other things. i'm stealing not just your money but your health. second, fdc needs to give us numbers. we believe billions of dollars stolen from
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consumers. most doctors have no idea this is happening. patients come to them and i just read about dr. oz's diabetes cure can i use it? they don't know what it is about. obviously it hurts me that's not the issue here it hurts doctors and physicians because it creates a gap. most importantly the responsibility of people making money to police the web. and what i told my friend at these big companies booking all the top folks if you don't clean up the neighborhood which is going down the tunes, then people aren't trusting anything that you are putting out there. whole point is to make everything accessible. thrive because know telling the truth. when i get the "wall street journal" which ran the op-ed you know it's the truth. they can't run fake ads. you may not like what they are saying what is in here is actually the truth. that's not the case on the web and perverting our nation. brian: where do you exactly stand right now? because of the election stuff and the russians and all that, so there is some honesty there. is it coming your direction? >> we will push for the same thing to happen with celebs taking advantage. brian: are you suing? getting other celebrities
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together. >> i'm not suing. all the shark tank guys have been taken advantage of it. steve: what has facebook told you? >> facebook has said it doesn't make business sense for us to police you because we are going to lose revenue and create liability plus who wants to spend that kind of money. in the u.k. they put together $4 million just in a small country of england, right? $4 million just for anti-scam agency basically or group to take care of this and hired people to go through these ads there is a click system. if you see a fake ad in u.k. and click on it, the burden is on the advertiser to take their ad and prove that it's real. steve: is that a real ad of you doing nose jobs. >> no i'm not doing nose jobs quite yet but i do do heart jobs. ainsley: we see any ads on social media sites we shouldn't click on them. >> i personally don't sell weight loss products. i don't sell these things. they are legitimate ads that are out there but i don't personally sell things so it's not going to be real. kelly ripa doesn't sell
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stuff. corker doesn't sell stuff. christie brinkley. these are all made up. brian: thing is you see jane seymour you think the same thing. whatever. >> we can do better. steve: europe is we could too. dr. oz, thank you. ainsley: todd piro is interesting breakfast with friends in pennsylvania after the fox news town hall with bernie sanders last night. we are going to check and see what the voters think. ♪ ♪ and struggle. we actually... seek it out. other species do difficult things because they have to. we do difficult things. because we like to. we think it's... fun. introducing the all-new 2019 ford ranger built for the strangest of all creatures.
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steve: well, it was a great town hall last night. you saw it start last night 6:30 eastern right here on the fox news channel. it was bernie in bethlehem. this morning todd piro is away in a diner. ainsley: is he in bethlehem talking to the people at the people's kitchen. hey, todd. >> hey guys what an appropriate name for a segment like this where we are talking to the amazing voters here in bethlehem. we begin with mckay la.
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she works in aviation. michaela says i know bernie is big with millennials not all millennials are down with democratic socialism like bernie. why do you say that? >> i think that most millennials are trying to get their financial situations figured out, you know, paying off student loans, buying their first house, getting married, having kids. and i think it's really important to not have his programs tax people to death and so that we can kind of make financial decisions for ourselves and prosper. todd: mckay la, thank you for your time. full disclosure tom is running for d.a. in our local county. when i asked him what he thought of bernie's ads he said socialism doesn't work. why do you say that. >> socialism doesn't work. everywhere it's tried it's been failed. venezuela is a perfect example and all across the world. what i like is president trump's policies that have given us the best economy in 50 years. lower unemployment rates for
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everybody across the board and that's why it's working in america and that's why socialism does not work. todd: tom, thank you for your time. we finish up here with samantha. samantha helps people with disabilities find work. that is awesome. so, thank you for what you do. you say you don't agree with a lot of bernie's ideas. why? >> his ideas are nice but i don't see how they could work. free healthcare, free education. it's just -- i don't see how it would work. not only that i'm pro-life. todd: understood. in addition, one common thread. samantha thought this as well we heard it from tom. they say the economy here in bethlehem despite what have you heard is actually doing really really well. so, i find that very fascinating. obviously we heard bernie have to admit that last night. it will be interesting to see how this area and state plays come 2020 back to you guys in knox. guys in new york city. brian: if president doesn't get pennsylvania he will be in trouble for four more
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years. steve: that could be trouble for pennsylvania. brian: he says it a lot. steve: we will talk to about the presidential and aoc in the next segment. brian: jillian is from pennsylvania. jillian: i am from pennsylvania and i'm going to talk about aoc right now. so alexandria ocasio-cortez says the u.s. should rethink its relationship with israel. >> would you be in favor of reducing military or economic aid to israel. >> i think it's certainly on the table and something that can be discussed. but i hope to play a facilitating role in this conversation. jillian: the jewish democratic council of america ripped the new york congresswoman suggesting she first consult with democratic leaders on u.s.-israeli relations. the woman at the center of a viral go fund me scam pleads guilty. kate mcclure could spend four years in prison for duping people into donating over $400,000. in 2017 mcclure made up a
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story with her former boyfriend about a homeless veteran giving his last $20 to pay for her gas. all three were charged in the scheme that includes her former boyfriend and the homeless man. you see them right there. mcclure faces 20 years in a federal case. she will be sentenced in june. we will keep you updated on that story. today a city council must decide if this police car decal is too aggressive. officials in laguna beach, california will vote whether to keep the american flag graphic or ditch it for another design. they rolled out new cars last month some say it's too militaristic. supporters can't believe people would be offended by the flag. actress georgia angle who starred on the mary tyler more show has died. >> i'm sorry i'm not very good at jokes. >> that's okay. i guess i'm just really tense about tomorrow. >> the priest is playing golf with this rabbi. [laughter] >> angle is best remembered for her whole as georgette on the iconic 70s sitcom.
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she later had a recurring role on everybody loves raymond. her cause of death was not immediately known. engel was 70 years old. send it back to you guys. steve: she was so good on the greatest sitcom of all times. brian: gave us phyllis and gave us rhoda should have given us georgette. she should have had her own sitcom. steve: you are forgetting lou grant. hello. brian: fantastic ran that newspaper and he was crusty. janice: i just loved you're going to make it after all. steve: throw your beret up in the streets of new york city. janice: look at that amazing crowd what is your name. >> emily japan january where are you from. >> maine. mostly sunny and 75. janice: happens to be a book called mostly sunny. where are you from. >> virginia. janice: what's coming up? >> the poll ledge report. janice: brought to you by claritin. the pollen is going to be high across the areas of
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north carolina here. so you are going to need your claritin there. and in denver. where it is also high today. so claritin is your best friend. across the country this is a take a look at your highs across kansas city 79. 76 in atlanta. 65 and mostly sunny in new york city. we do have the threat for severe storms tomorrow my friends from texas all the way up towards iowa damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. we will keep an eye on that. say high t hi to steve, ainsleyd brian. we had a pollen report, mostly sunny forecast and auto show coming up. ainsley: all the suvs out there. steve: j.d., thank you. nancy pelosi taking on the progressives in the democratic party. watch this. >> aoc and her group on one side. >> that's like five people. >> no, the progressive group more than five. >> i'm a progressive. steve: some are wondering whether or not nancy pelosi has lost control of her own
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party. we have two democrats with a discussion on that coming up next. brian: she is mumbling about something. ♪ ♪ feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
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we see two travelers so at a comfort innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at cancer, epilepsy, mental health, hiv. patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage.
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new government restrictions would allow insurance companies to come between doctor and patient. and deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. call the white house today. help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk. steve: house speaker nancy pelosi attempting to down play the influence of progressives in other own party. watch this. >> you have these wings, a.o.c. and her group on one side. >> that's like five people. >> no, it's the progressive group. it's more than five. >> i'm a progressive. yeah. steve: okay. but has she lost control of her party or what is she trying to do right there? here with the conversation, the debate, perhaps, is former economic advisor to president barack obama robert wolf and democratic strategist kevin chaffetz joins us from our nation's
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capital. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: robert, let's start with you. what is nancy pelosi doing regarding talking about a.o.c.? last week she was talking about more important to people said it was a shot at a.o.c. because it's more important to take votes than the number of twitter followers and then this on "60 minutes." what is the speaker doing? >> steve, i think she made it very clear to the nation that the democrats flipped red to blue because moderates won in swing states and, yes, there is the populist left that's important and we have a very diverse group and the democratic house. but, really, that we have to hear all voices and although that a.o.c. as incredible twitter following, i think really the voice of the party is speaker pelosi. and i think she wanted to make clear to the nation that she is the boss. steve: kevin, we heard nancy pelosi over the last week or so how if democrats are going to win going forward they have to be more in the
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center. they can't be so far to the left. of course, that's where a.o.c. wing of that party is. >> that's true. especially when talking about the presidential race. it's clear that voters in the middle are the ones that decide ultimately who becomes president. but for three fourths of the congressional districts in america, they are either strongly democratic or strongly republican. any effort to stifle competition at the primary level really sort of snuffs out the voice of the voters. and what we are hearing about the dccc and their blacklists not providing money to firms that work for challengers to incumbents, those type of things are dangerous and we don't want to look like we are blocking progress. it just in an attempt to keep the house, which is obviously very important. i think there are some districts where we can show that we are in favor both in the competition in those races and not risk that house majority. steve: okay. you know, robert, when not
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everybody pays attention to the politics as much as the three of us do. and the people who are watching right now. but, you know, you hear so much these days the democrats are talking about policies that seem like socialism or, you know, you hear about a.o.c. and her ideas on the green new deal and stuff like that. is it your worry that that is taking the party too far to the left and you could lose in the next election given that? >> yes. i mean, steve. i felt last night. i mean, i applaud bernie for going on fox and doing that town hall and applaud bret and alma mater fomartmartha ford balanced. mod democrats feel those can't be executed important to talk about gun reform and immigration and healthcare as a right and climate change. going to the far left extreme is not going to be a winning -- is not going to be a way to win and beat this president. steve: kevin, i'm going to give you the final word.
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>> i would agree with that we do want to make sure that we are open to those ideas. i think speaker pelosi has done a good job of casting some of those ideas as aspirational like medicare for all or the green new deal. things of that nature. but we don't want to block good challenges to vulnerable incumbents and strongly blue districts. that's what will keep us focused. it will make incumbents keep in touch with their base. and prepare us for general elections. steve: kevin, it sounds like you want to make sure that democrats get reelected. >> yes, i do. i'm not going to deny that i do. steve: i think robert would be on the same page with you. >> i agree on that. steve: robert wolf and kevin chafees have you, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: about a dozen moments mis before the top of the hour. take a look at your screen. both of these survived afghanistan and survived the boston bombing that didn't stop him from running again. he just finished running his fourth boston marathon.
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that hero is going to join us live on this tuesday next. ♪ only in america ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. don't stoop to their level. draw the line with the roundup sure shot wand. it extends with a protective shield and targets weeds more precisely. it lets you kill what's bad right down to the root while guarding the good. roundup sure shot wand. got weeds in your grass too? try roundup for lawns. kills weeds, not the lawn. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. our because of smoking.ital. but we still had to have a cigarette.
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♪ ♪ ainsley: nearly seven years ago army sergeant stephon la roy was carrying an injured friend to a chopper when he stepped on an ied resulting in the both of his legs. la roy refused to let that stop him and in just a few years he was hand cycling at the 2013 boston marathon. the race that ultimately ended with tragedy with those boston bombings as you remember. he never gave up and yesterday marked his fourth time running in the boston
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marathon and his sixth total participating in that race. here with more retired army sergeant stephon la roy. great to see you. congratulations on running again yesterday. >> awesome, thank you so much. thanks for having me. ainsley: what was it like? what has it been like. >> it was a grac great race. ainsley: what was different. >> last few years has been rough on us, last year specifically. and it's great to have all those crowds back out there who braved the rain at the end. and boston is fantastic for all of that amazing support. so we are really lucky to have a great day yesterday. ainsley: that's wonderful. what happened in afghanistan in 2012? >> in 2012, i was on routine patrol out checking on possible ieds. two of my friends stepped on ieds we called med vatican birds ready to take them to the helicopter and at that point i stepped on an ied my friend on a stretcher didn't make it.
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he was killed in action. at that time i lost both of my legs one above the knee and one below the knee. ainsley: i'm so sorry. and thank you for your service. how do you overcome that and still have hope? >> i think a big part to me moving on to walter reed and starting my recovery was that support from all those around me. at the time we had about over 200 amputees at walter reed and they come together to give that you encouragement and support to take those next steps whether it's your first walking steps or first opportunity to run on prosthetics. just so much overwhelming support in that community that is brilliant. ainsley: what made you want to participate in the race in boston with the hand cycling the year that the boston bombings occurred? >> yeah. initially, i was having a hard time walking and i turned to hand cycling as a way to stay fit and mentally active as well. and they said hey do you want to come to the boston marathon? i said sure, that would be great. and it was a tragedy.
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and but it was also a way to show that america is as strong as it is and we recover and boston is as strong as it can ever be. ainsley: after that you did it again in 2015 or was that '13 and '14 and '15 you ran with your prosthetics, right? >> yes. i think. so '16, '17, and '18. ran in '16. ainsley: you are incredible. i couldn't run a full marathon. i don't know how do you. this what kept you going. >> i have had had some amazing guides along the course and great to have that support on the course it is definitely frustrating at times. guy through a long of time on the courtrooms. my residual limbs don't want to complete a marathon. i have to push through and great to have that support and encouragement and guidance on the course as well. ainsley: you are such an inspiration. what do you say to the people watching going through a hard time right now? >> i think it's push
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yourself. you can make it. even if it seems like impossible feat it's not. just keep pushing hard. keep driving and you can do this. ainsley: don't give up. >> definitely. ainsley: will you run again? >> i hope. so right now it's a little rough. but definitely. ainsley: thank you so much for your service. god bless you. thanks for being on with us. >> congratulations. thank you. ainsley: president trump standing by his demand to put illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities. and rush limbaugh says the president is exposing the left's hypocrisy at the same time. we will hear from rush next. and that his 4-page summary is the whole truth? i'm tom steyer, and i'm organizing an effort to to release the full mueller report now and let the american people decide. if you think we have a right to read the report for ourselves,
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you can call the attorney general . .
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did you see that american flag out there on avenue of the americas, also known as sixth avenue that leads right up into central park. brian: that was so smooth. i thought it was a robot. that is great camera work. that is dave's steady cam. ainsley: good job, dave on the steady cam. brian: i thought you were a robot. ainsley: ted is helping him out. steve: we have a great crew. lucky to have him. ainsley: joel is back there. hey. brian: back far enough. steve: thank you very much for joining us. we start this hour off with a fox news alert. it is 2:00 in paris and the fire at the cathedral is officially out. ainsley: thank goodness. yes hope rising from those ashes. firefighters stand in front of a cross. look at that, the cross still miraculously left untouched. you see the smoke at the bottom of the cross, still smoldering around them. brian: amy kellogg is live in
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paris with the aftermath. hey, amy. reporter: hey brian and steve. i got in touch with the bureau chief that says the fire sprinklers were in use in notre dame cathedral. it is not clear if there was an insufficient number of them. whether they were not pointed in the right direction or what, you know where the failure was for those sprinklers to actually put out the flames. in any event firefighters as we saw throughout the night working within the cathedral of notre dame worked very hard to save what they could. this cathedral survived world war ii and revolution. sometime -- somehow in times of peace went up in flames. there is no foul play suggested. police say this was something that had to do with problems in the construction going on to repair the 800-year-old
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cathedral. nevertheless an investigation is underway. pope francis put out a very heartfelt tweet saying today we unite in the prayer with the people of france as we wait for sorrow inflicted by serious damage to be transformed into hope with the reconstruction our holy lady pray with us and for us. crews out this morning to make sure it is still as stable as it looks. you know the exterior structure remains intact show the spire collapsed and the 2/3 of the roof caved in. most of the important relics and artifacts have according to the mayor of paris have been saved. they have been spirited off to the louvre for safekeeping. emotions are still running high. last night we saw people weeping, praying on the spot as they watched their beloved cathedral go up in flames. today they are out in force again of the it is holy week. there are lots of tourists in
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paris and people on vacation here looking to see with their own eyes if this in fact happened last night or whether it was just a terrible nightmare. steve, brian, ainsley, back to you. steve: thank you very much the sprinklers were on the inside. sounds like the fire started on the outside. ainsley: makes you wonder what will happen easter sunday mass supposed to be held there. steve: it will be such a celebration then. brian: maybe if there is something outdoors. i was there once. i don't really remember, just so crowded i don't know what they could do outdoors. that would maybe a good plan b. maybe we're spoiled here in new york city. our fire department acts so quick to the smallest or biggest fire. we watch what happened in 9/11. seems there is a story what took so long for them to get there, especially they're surrounded by water. i wonder what was the plan was, was not implemented or was there no plan? steve: i heard one report
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because there was so many onlookers the fire department had trouble getting trucks through the street. i don't know if that is accurate or not. i was reading some of the papers from france overnight and they said that some of the locals were astounded they didn't have more equipment that could go up to the top. there was only one cherry-picker crain that had a hose on it. look at that, they should have had 10 of them right there. brian: in fact paris police who investigated the disaster goat unvoluntary destruction caused by fire, ruled out arson, terror-related motives starting the blaze. steve: they say it was an accident. ainsley: one firefighter was injured. 2/3 of the roof was ravaged. they are raising money, a national fund-raising campaign according to french president macron to raise money to build it back. steve: when you are looking in on the fox news channel yesterday afternoon, you saw these images of that famous
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cathedral which has been there our entire lives and the lives of many, many generations of people, that place was immortalized by victor hugo, the hunchback of notre dame was all about that. napoleon was and gargoyles and the gem of pharis. ainsley: they will build it back. thank goodness it did not burn to the ground. they can raise money. they will build it back. i'm sure people all over the world are giving money. brian: you have to worry about the integrity of what's left. what can you do what's left. the bell towers remain, the facade remains. we'll see how it is built. jesus crown of thorns amazingly remains. history somewhat preserved. i have to realize how great shep was, for two hours plus being
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able to come up with almost no notes do two hours of live programing. ainsley: amazing at breaking news. brian: there is nothing, no one compares to him. ainsley: those are some of the images you were seeing yesterday. wherever you were yesterday afternoon was everyone talking about it see steve everybody. our whole family had a thread we cannot believe that such an iconic part of paris was on fire. it was terrible. meanwhile let's talk about a little bit about domestic politics here. you know the president of the united states was elected. one of his issues was illegal immigration. he said if elected he would do everything he could. in the last week or so they have been floating this idea that perhaps the president would send with his authority people who are in this country being detained to sanctuary cities, if they're going to be so welcoming why not send them there. there has been an outcry. three whit tee chairman on the
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democratic side of the house sent a letter to kevin mcaleenan who runs border patrol, department of homeland security, we want all emails and all the communications because we don't like this idea and we want to know who is behind it. brian: good. president is not running from the idea. we're so overrun at the border through am 2000 miles, especially el paso and rio grande valley sector, they have been busing people to bus stations because we're overrun. they have a plan they will bus them right to sanctuary cities. i don't know technically if it is going to be harder to get illegals out or track them if you do that, how could sanctuary cities actually protest this. they made it clear, come one, come all. this is dream for you. ainsley: the president tweeted those illegal immigrants who can no longer legally be held, congress must fix the laws and loopholes, subject to homeland security given to sanctuary
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cities and states. steve: the democrats should embrace the idea, or let's change the law. it comes down to the law. congress is in charge of that. rush limbaugh had this observation what the president is doing right now with this issue. >> what he's doing here is pushing the country to reexamine the subject of illegal immigration and the laws that are surrounding it that are not being enforced. and there is no better place to start than pointing out the utter lawlessness of sanctuary cities. if he can at the same time demonstrate the the hip pock of people. why are so many people, democrats, leftists, insistent that illegal immigrants be permitted? why have sanctuary cities sprung up?
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sanctuary cities have sprung up to encourage even more i am legal immigration and then to promise to shield the illegals who want it from being found and deported. brian: i think it is important to point out too, it was pointed out to us yesterday, sheriffs, sheriffs run for office. police chiefs are named. so they have to go with their mayor. liberal, conservative. a people say police chiefs are for this. the guy put them there, woman that put them there, they put the person there that agrees with their political beliefs. you talk to sheriffs, hard to find one that says that makes my job easier. it is a magnet. i hope happens, lindsey graham draw something up, chairman of judiciary, shut it down like mexico, change a few rules, repatriate immediately, no judges stop. same thing with central america. a lot of democrats would vote for it, mark it up, put their
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input in, maybe something will move through congress. steve: maybe in the senate. i doubt the house would pass anything because nancy pelosi aside from infrastructure, really doesn't want to cooperate with the president unfortunately, sadly because -- ainsley: she said she wanted to cooperate last week. steve: that is what she said. do you believe that? ainsley: no. brian: she said they can work out something with immigration and infrastructure. ainsley: we have to. brian: catastrophe, 130,000. ainsley: they can't keep ignoring it. steve: she wants one thing. president would like something else. the president would like a wall and end catch-and-release. she would like to beef up areas that take care of people coming into the country. brian: the wall is not on the table. the wall is in on its own track. it is in the courts. steve: to the president it is still. brian: the president got $8 billion to continue effort on the wall. if the courts stop it. nancy pelosi can't. they would talk about three or
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four rules would dramatically change things at the border. >> let's hope what you think at jillian has talks about the weather. jillian: cleanup is underway, tornadoes and powerful storms wreak havoc in texas and the northeast. nine people were confirmed dead, a elderly woman in virginia, crushed when a tree fell on her home. in pennsylvania, powerful winds blowing off a roof. storm turning some roads into rivers. redacted mueller report will be released thursday morning. democrats are already pushing back. >> going to the public and to the committee at same time and and apfainterly same version. we're not getting same information that public will get which is contemptuous of congress. jillian: attorney general william barr is removing sensitive or private information.
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president trump is not concerned about what's in it. united airlines canceled all 737 max flights through early july. the airline tried to avoidance selling flights by substituting the jets with other planes but it can't continue that strategy during the busy summer season. boeing is working on a software fix for the planes after two deadly crashes overseas. american and southwest airlines also grounding their max planes into the summer. young violinist steals the show at a chicago white sox game ♪ jillian: that is 12-year-old lance noon performing the national anthem. the boy is hearing impaired but he hit every note perfectly. isn't that beautiful? ainsley: amazing. steve: a bright future. thank you very much. brian: 12 minutes now after the hour. the boston marathon moment everyone is talking about, the
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marine crawling to the finish line after his legs gave out because of cramps. the inspiring reason he didn't give up is straight ahead. ♪ run with us on a john deere 1 series tractor. beacuse changing your attachments, should be as easy as... what about this? changing your plans. yeah. run with us.
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♪ >> health care costs money. are people going to pay more in taxes? yes. i talked about a tax on wall street speculation. that will help us make public colleges and universities, tuition-free. we have a tax plan to raise the trillion dollars we need over a 10-year period to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. steve: senator bernie sanders revealing last night a lot about how he plans to fund his agenda. admitting there will be taxes all of his plan and not everything is paid for. ainsley: stuart varney, hosts "varney & company" on the fox business network. my take with stuart varney on fox nation, he joins us to react to this. >> come on, i want to react. i want to get at this. ainsley: weren't you glad martha really pressed him? how will you pay for this? no deductibles. >> he deflected. >> you will pay high tax rates.
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he deflected. here is a guy who is 1%. he is millionaire. and he is a socialist. i got a problem with that. he is trying to make sure that we, the rest of us on our way up don't accumulate the pile that he has already at 77. brian: and on the way out. with the estate tax. >> it is outrageous. he wants to raise the estate tax dramatically to take it off you. where is the fairness in this? where is theness in taking more, wait, wait. bernie sanders goes back to the idea he has a fair plan. he is for fairness in our society. where is the fairness in taking more than half of anyone's income? where is it. steve: his dynamic. different than, when he burst on the scene a couple years ago, he is democratic socialist. he is about socialism. where is the fairness in confiscating our money when we've saved all our lives for
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that money to pass on to our children and our grandchildren? where is the fairness in confiscating that? ainsley: where is the fairness, if you don't work, but i work really hard, where is the fairness taking half of my paycheck to give it to you who is not working at all? >> different concept of fairness is it not. to me fairness is allowing people with the brains, talent, drive, ability to climb that food chain and get to the top and stay there and be proud of it. fairness to him is taking it off you. steve: stuart, i got news for you he is the front-runner. >> well, okay. what can i say. if the democratic party has moved so far to the left that bernie sanders, a socialist is now the front-runner, i would confidentially predict that he loses in 2020 and donald trump wins. brian: a couple of things he said. he pushed back when he said, i don't vilify millionaires. martha said to him you vilify millionaires. i do not. mill areas and billionaires. >> changed his language a couple years ago he was ranting about
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millionaires and billionaires. steve: like him. >> now he is a millionaire he is drop the rant against millionaires, just billionaires. he set his sights higher than that. that was unconvincing performance last night. hat's off to bret and martha who pressed him hard, made it entertaining discussion of socialism. it was good. steve: hats off to bernie sanders coming on fox revealing as many details he knew about the plans because people have questions. >> steve i will give him that. brian: don't take shots at fox. just be polite. at least be respectsful at medium. his shots at fox were totally ridiculous. >> i expected it. you said hats off to shep smith about his coverage of notre dame. i would like to second that i thought it was brilliant. ainsley: you would be thirding it. >> i will. steve: what is most important thing inside the work place, if
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you said hard work, would be wrong. >> answer from millenials in a brand new survey coming up next. brian: about their resume'. ♪
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this is huntsville, alabama. aka, rocket city, usa. this is a very difficult job. failure is not an option. more than half of employees across the country bring financial stress to work. if you're stressed out financially at home, you're going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. i want to be able to offer all of the benefits that keep them satisfied. it is the people that is really the only asset that you have. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. bring your challenges. your digestive system has billions of bacteria, but life can throw them off balance.
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re-align yourself, with align probiotic. and try align gummies, with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health
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♪ steve: time now for your news by the numbers and the first number is 135, as in 135 miles. that is how far out to sea that dog was when it was found by oil rig workers. it is believed the pup fell off of a boat off the coast of thailand. but rate now the dog is alive. next, five bucks, how much you soon could cost to drive down san francisco's iconic lombard street. we told you about this last week. lawmakers are considering tolls and perhaps even reservation system to try to cut down on
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traffic and of course to raise money. finally number one, that is where duke star zion williamson is expected to be picked after officially declaring for this year's nba draft. the freshman is the 2019 college basketball player of the year. some of the news. brian: patrick ewing will be there to represent the knicks. hopes to get the number one pick. we'll see what happens. new survey reveals the mindset of millenials. >> majority, 51% believe that diversity is more important than merit in the work place. steve: they believe taking care of the environment first and foremost is more upon than businesses and growing jobs. brian: is that a sound, is that sound judgment? here is sound off larry winget the pitbull of personal development, author of, what's wrong with damn near everything. larry, what sticks out with you with this next generation of
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priorityies. >> easy for them to say merit doesn't matter in the marketplace until they get ready to be consumer what they're looking for when they spend their money, is value, contribution. who can get me the most, provide me the best quality and best service that will not be based on diversity in the marketplace. it will be based on merit and value and contribution to them. so it is easy to sit back and say that until you get ready to buy something or hire someone or promote someone. ainsley: larry, this next topic is something we wanted you to weigh in on. is it time to, is it time for timeouts, for timeouts? pediatricians in canada warn parents about strict discipline. we want to get your response. this is what they're saying in canada. positive discipline is guidance that teaches children appropriate behavior rather than punishing them for inappropriate behavior. at no time should parents use
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behavior that shames children. steve: because that is negative, not positive. >> listen what we have to understand every single action in the entire world has a consequence. it is either positive consequence or negative consequence. if we reward negative behavior with a positive consequence, that sends the wrong signal to them. and it's a confusing situation. instead of one that makes it very clear this is what i can do and this is what i cannot do. good parent something based on communication. this is what i expect. education, this is how to deliver what i expect, and then communicating what the consequence will be and delivering on those consequences. steve: you know, larry, some parents i know use timeout. if a kid act the up or does something wrong they do the time out. for them to say, you know that probably doesn't work that just flies in the face of a lot of about what the last generation or two of americans have been,
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the which they have been raising their kids. >> the study makes a good point, excessive harshness and negativity doesn't serve anyone well but to totally avoid negative consequence is ridiculous. you're absolutely right. time out makes sense. when the punishment fits the crime it makes sense. brian: listen to these numbers, larry. a study finds that parents have 2100 arguments with their kids each year. next generation drowning in entitlement. 122 arguments a month. eight minute average is the length of this argument. steve: that's a long argument. brian: that is just a give-and-take. used to be take, you had to deal with it. a lot of back and forth. >> i looked at top 30 thins the arguments are about much. 29 of those i argued with my parents about. those things have not changed. the difference according to the study parents have the discussion and then ultimately
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give in in order to keep everyone happy. my parents weren't concerned whether the at the end of the argument i was happy or not. they were concerned about my well-being, my safety, whether i learned how to be a responsible productive adult by learning core values. that was the main concern. brian: my back and forth with my parents was, i gave my point of view and you just do it "because i said so." that was the quicker end to the argument. there was no winning -- >> my roof, my rules still does make sense that gets a lot of hate mail. people don't like to hear that but when you are the parent that i believe the child is looking for that guidance. when you do don't that to them you do them a disservice. ainsley: larry we'll take a time out like it or not. >> thank you. ainsley: other side of the break dramatic rescue at sea. a group of people stranded on a sinking boat. heroic moments caught on camera.
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>> we got you. come on. i got you. hang on. hang on.
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the introducing the all-new 2019 ford ranger, it's the right gear. with a terrain management system for... this. a bash plate for... that. an electronic locking rear differential for... yeah... this. heading to the supermarket? get any truck. heading out here? get the ford ranger. the only adventure gear built ford tough.
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♪ brian: your shot of the morning and it's a great one. an actual video. a marine crawls to the finish line in the boston marathon. his legs crammed up. ainsley: his name is micah herndon. he ran the race in honor of three soldiers killed in afghanistan. he was only one who survived. >> mark juarez, matthew ballard, rupert hamer when ever he feels like giving up. he has the name on gold plates weaved into his shoelaces. that is the pair of shoes he wore yesterday he ran the
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marathon, he could not run, he crowd until he finished. he had to finish. brian: when you have cramps you cannot move. i don't know how the heck he did that. steve: nothing was going to stop him. god bless him. brian: 26 minutes now before the top of the hour. bernie sanders releasing his tax returns moments before last night fox's news town hall where he pushed his far left agenda proudly, and how you, the taxpayer, will pay for it. >> your taxes do show that you're a millionaire. you did make a million in 2016 and 2017. saying i'm leading this revolution, i'm not going to take those? [laughter]. >> we're -- i am, i pay the taxes that i owe. >> you do spend a lot of time vilifying millionaires and -- >> i don't vilify. health care is not free. >> of course not. >> doesn't mean you will not pay something? of course it does. you will pay more in taxes. steve:s as it turns out bernie
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one percenter. what do voters of bethlehem think? todd piro at people's kitchen live in bethlehem, pennsylvania. todd? reporter: before we talked to voters, we want to give a shoutout to our gracious host, billy, holly, they're getting married next week. let's give them a round of applause. in unstory, the kitchen will be renamed holly's kitchen. you watched town hall for 30 minutes, you decided you heard enough. why? >> bernie talks a good game. i agree with what he wants to do but i have been alive long enough, been in this country long enough to realize government will not fix it which is what he wants to do. todd: jerry thank you for your service and your answer. christine, truly he believes he wants to fix problems. you can't get on board with socialism. why? >> i've been around long enough
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to see it doesn't works in other countries. i fear it. so i don't think it would work here. todd: your husband dan is retired teacher. socialism to raise to capitalism rocks. why? >> socialism doesn't create jobs t doesn't create wealth. i also believe what margaret thatcher said is true, sooner or later you will run out of everybody else's money. i just don't buy it. todd: dan, thank you. we'll sit down. hey, i'm right in the camera. sorry, america. mary is a grandmother. her necklace confirms that your husband retired air force. thank you for his service. you call bernie es plans unrealistic, why? >> i can't even imagine how we could begin to pay for everything he wants to do. todd: okay. to to your son steve. he is in real estate. bernie did not give president to the for our economy but you do. why? >> the past few years we've been in seller's market.
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seen a lack of homes for sale. increase of 8% locally. there is abundance of buyers. every transaction seems to be multiple offer situation. todd: all right. you heard from the voters. somebody who is not ready to vote, a lot of opinions is bradley. what are your thoughts on everything? >> [inaudible] todd: usually reaction i get from everybody in new york. steve: had the last straw with you. todd: had the last straw, d.v. doocy. good job. steve: i will be hear all week, to the people's kitchen. ainsley: bethlehem. appropriately named. steve: 22 top of the hour. jillian with with a dramatic rescue. jillian: a pontoon boat takes on water and capsizes. the crew hanging hon to the bottom of the boat in
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new port richey, florida. some of them didn't know how to swim. sheriff's department rushing to get them safely out of the water. everyone is okay. they say inexperienced boaters and rough conditions. newly-released taxes that beto o'rourke and his wife underpaid. they showed a 4,000-dollar miscalculation between 2013 and 2014 caused by an error how they reported medical expenses. they took de-- shuns for costs without factoring specific limits for their age. an aide says they will file an amendment. so much more common ground. cher is blasting president trump one day after he praised her on twitter. she tweeted about how the city of los angeles is overlooking home less veterans to help struggling immigrants. the president replied agreed. cher slammed him call him a thug with lizard brain that guaranties his survive above all
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else. that is the update. this little girl is making it her mission to make sure everyone has a happy birthday. bella smith started making birthday boxes for her kentucky classmates after hearing about kids who could not afford to celebrate. she asks for balloons and cake mix she hopes to give away 100 boxes this year. she thanks god for the opportunity to shine her light. love that. steve: terrific. ainsley: that's great. thank you, jillian. steve: she is giver and sharer. brian: i have a report that it is nice outside. janice dean can you second that? january jon it is beautiful. is it mostly sunny you guys? it is fantastic. look at wonderful crowd. is it spring break. are you excited to be on "fox & friendses"? excellent. talk about the weather we have temperatures in the 40s, but it will be 65 in new york city. we had severe weather outbreak.
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we saw tornado reports as far north as the northeast and the delaware area. another day of calm but another round of severe storms starts up tomorrow up toward iowa, western great lakes region. large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes will be possible. day time highs, summer like across the gulf coast. 79 in kansas city. gorgeous here in the northeast in new york city. perfect for cars on the plaza. we'll talk about that in a second. steve, ainsley and brian will come out. are you guys excited about that? i can't wait. steve: get your motor running. thank you, janice. brian: let me tell you this, this lexus you're about to see can go zero to 60 in four seconds. it is faster than a ferrari. the new york auto show comes to fox square. some would say it is there already. >> fancy. holy moly.
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nature's bounty. because you're better off healthy. ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. a massive fire at paris' notre dame cathedral. it is out now after 15 hours of burning. an architect says it could take decades to repair the cathedral's damage left by the fire. hope stands in front of the ashes. the cross miraculously was untouched. you see snoke at the bottom of the cross, still smoldering around the cross. i earlier in the show mentioned that crown of thorns was brought to france by mary magdalene, it was brought by louie the 13th century. don't believe everything you hear. brian: 50 people have been slapped with charges after that emissions scandal was unveiled including nine coaches, and couple of celebrities. i thought felicity huffman made a right move on lesser charge
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pleading guilty to it. she was on one track. lori loughlin is on another track. steve: it was announced apparently with documents submitted to the court up in boston on friday, there is lori loughlin and her husband the designer. they pled not guilty tock involved in the scandal, which is different than felicity huffman who agreed to plead guilty. felicity huffman it is alleged spent $15,000 to get her child a better s.a.t. score whereas lori loughlin and her husband paid half a million dollars. ainsley: allegedly. steve: allegedly to get their kids into usc. ainsley: they're saying they're not guilty but risk when you turn down the plea deal, a plea deal could significantly reduce their time. brian: i just don't know what they're thinking. they get lawyer from the back of a bus bench? they have them on emails and envoys recordings. the guy set the whole thing up,
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in ex-flickably cut a deal. he cuts a deal. he set her up to make sure she defined exactly it seems what she was up to. remember, i put your kid on the crew team, right? we put her in through the side door, right? steve: clearly what this shows that lori loughlin and her husband are not intimidated because last week the prosecutors added the additional charge of money laundering to it. brian: wow. steve: just more pressure to get them to try to take a plea or to try to deal which is what felicity huffman did. brian: what a risk. 40 years in jail. steve: they have their stand. they're dug in. brian: if you look at usc, they only accept 8% of tear applicants, which puts a lot of pressure on parents and kids. that did not escape mike rowe. mike rowe said this last night to tucker. >> we're stuck in this perpetual binary box. it is this or that, right? it is blue-collar or
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white-collar. good job or bad job. higher education or alternative education. an when you only have two choices or when you think you only have two choices, then you, you do one thing at the expense of the other. i don't think the skills gap is a mystery. i think it's a reflection what we value, seven million jobs are available now. most of them don't require a four year degree. they require training. yet we're obsessed, not really with education, you know. what we're obsessed with is credentialing. so people are buying diplomas and they're buying their degrees. it's a diploma dilemma, honestly, and it is expensive and it is getting worse and it is not just the kids who are holding the note you know. it's us. steve: it is all about status. ainsley: yeah, there is a lot of pressure. parents are going to the extreme. brian: yeah, they had to give that money to a foundation which is the problem. so the other thing is, these
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schools cost about $70,000. they keep jacking them up, people keep writing the checks. it is getting crazy. ainsley: 47 minutes at top of the hour. this lamborghini goes zero to 6 in three seconds. janice is revving it up. roaring on to the fox square next. steve: look at color. check in with sandra smith for preview of coming attractions on the channel in 12 minutes. >> what a day yesterday, notre dame burning for some nine hours as the world watched in horror. now the damage is assessed, france vows to rebuild the historic cathedral. plus bernie sanders making his pitch to voters in a town hall last night. the reaction had this morning. we're waiting on the mueller report. thursday will be the day it is finally released with redactions. what to expect. bill bennett, andy biggs, andy mccarthy, join us live from "america's newsroom" top of the hour.
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to help you look and feel like a team. upload your logo or start your design today at brian: all right, the new york auto show set to roar through manhattan this weekend. we have a sneak speak with best in the business on fox square. here to show us best cars and su havesmike caught dell. he claims to be. here is the ford escape. >> best-selling vehicle, ford motor company next to the f-series truck. they have sold 272,000 these. will come with two hybrid powered trains. 550 miles per gallon. electric version. brian: 550, that is insane. >> think about that at home. person wants to buy a car you're commuting. 50 miles. brian: am i paying more for
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that? >> no. this car, average escape right now is $25,000. they haven't announced pricing. it will be in that price range. brian: speaking of escape. >> this is the new flagship, hyundai palisades. steve: this is huge. >> you have a full three row. love interior design, with 10-inch touch-screen. six usb cables. if you're family, want to power all the devices. just about luxury with 10-year warranty. pricing has not yet been announced you will see this at new york auto show. steve: it is hyundai priced. >> hyundai priced and packed with technology. this is nissan 370 z. 240 was introduced in 196. this is 50th anniversary edition. special leather features and colors. nissan 50th anniversary design. 19-inch wheel.
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average 370 starts at $30,000. expect to see this one close to 40. lots of stuff. >> all right, the toyota supra. we've been wanting to get this here to the plaza, janice. janice: almost fits my hair. >> two-seater, nice performance car. this is the toyota super gr. this was developed by the president of toyota. 335-horsepower under the shoed. zero to six, sub four seconds. >> this has been off the market. >> it has been off the market for 21 years. they brought it back. why? because it one of the most iconic sportscaster. >> it fits my hair. jillian: this is carbon fiberrer is amazing. >> rcf track edition, which means this thing is fast. 472-horsepower. massive five liter under the hood. beautiful red interior. carbon fiber hood, carbon fiber roof, carbon fiber spoiler.
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titanium tips on the back. starting price, $64,000. everybody wants this car, right. steve: afraid to touch everything in the car. looks like you push one of those buttons it could launch a rocket. >> this could launch you. this is the lamborghini huricon spider. i never brought a lamborghini to the plaza. 5.2-liter v-10. starting price, 2$7,000. 0 to 60 in 3.1 seconds. this is fast. it is a tra k-car but beautiful. steve: what do you call this color? >> mountain dew green? these cars are meant for fun. they're very limited volume in production. they sound amazing. they're handcrafted. brian: where do you put the car seat? steve: pop the rear end. >> put them in the back. this is meant for certain kind
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of buyer, right? this is the ultimate in super performance cars. they did the launch of this in bahrain out on the track, the testing facility. this is great vehicle. steve: this is how you open the door. took me about a minute. >> really kind of unique. the key fob on it. so you have key fob here. you have to touch it to the front of the vehicle, press the brake. so you can start it. steve: a little complicated. >> there is all kind of stuff in here. brian: more "fox & friends" in a moment. we will to for a ride. ♪ cancer, epilepsy, mental health, hiv. patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. new government restrictions would allow insurance companies to come between doctor and patient.
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and deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. call the white house today. help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk.
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help stop cuts to part d drug coverage the in-laws have moved in with us. and our adult children are here. so we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. anybody seen my pants? #1 stain and odor fighter, #1 trusted. it's got to be tide. >> mike, thank you for bringing
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dream cars to our show. >> keep the motor running. >> see you back here tomorrow on the couch. meantime, here is newsroom. >> bill: thanks. go straight to paris this morning where the fire is out and french are vowing to rebuild already. this is the image of the morning. a cross still standing near the altar during the holiest week of the christian calendar and that's a miracle based on what we were watching yesterday. it is the day after. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. much of notre


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