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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 18, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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less than that from now. sol wisenberg is back with a spray listening to the 20 minute subdued rudy giuliani, he kept coming back to perjury trap over and over again. he's referring to that for more than a year now. the one statement struck me, he said his intent -- referring to the president -- was to not get framed. what do you think of that based on what you are seeing in this report? >> i think it's interesting, he said that he said he would be interested in my comments about this issue and the strategy of not having the president personally interviewed. i have to say it was a brilliant strategy. on this network and other networks, i repeatedly said it would be suicidal to send the president and for an interview with the mueller team. not necessarily that they were trying to free men, but it's always dangerous for a person in
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a white-collar investigation who is at a minimum a subject to go in for that kind of questioning when the prosecutors know the case top to bottom, backwards and forwards. by this time, keep in mind, we had already seen that bob mueller's team had indicted several people for lying. and for obstructing the investigation. so i think, at the end of the day, that turns out to be -- i did not agree with a lot of the tactics of the president's lawyers during this investigation, but that was a brilliant strategic and tactical decision. i also believe that mueller would have taken a long time for bob mueller to have won a battle about whether or not they could subpoena the president for his testimony. by no means a slam-dunk. >> bill: you are suggesting that decision not to testify, or to just give these written answers, saved the day? >> that alone did not save the day, because i don't think anybody is going to indict a
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sitting president. why give yourself -- it certainly could have made for a much stronger impeachment case. why put yourself in that kind of dangerous though my danger particularly when you are handing over the reins of contemporaneous notes about your own conversations? what strikes you is more indicative of intent? with the president said to don mcgann contemporaneously, or what he remembers six months later when bob mueller steam is questioning him? >> sandra: if you don't mind standing by, i'm going to bring martha maccallum back in. martha, rudy giuliani began the interview saying that we are very happy. he called this a clear victory. we know that william barr is set to testify may 1st and 2nd, and now the house judiciary wants to hear from robert mueller himself by the end of may. >> whether or not robert mueller ties to testify in front of congress will be one of the interesting data points to watch as this story unfolds. he has been completely behind the scenes for the entire
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two-year course of this investigation, choosing to keep his wants to do that. it's another sort of -- you could say it's somewhat of an arbitrary deadline that has been placed by the democratic majority in the house to ask him that he has to come by may 23rd. we will see whether or not he decides to do that. i just want to point to one every here, which is of interest. if you remember our coverage of this over the last two years, some of these salacious details that have floated around about these that were said to include the president. untoward activity in moscow, back during the miss universe pageant. this is an interesting moment from that. on page 27, in volume two, which says that the president was briefed on it. as we know, by james comey in 2017. but there's a footnote on it that says that during the 2017 presidential campaign, a similar claim we have reached the president and it came through a russian businessman to
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michael cohen. and the text that was sent to michael cohen during the president's campaign said, "stopped flow of tapes from russia, but not sure if there is anything else, just so you know." there was a text sent to michael cohen. later, they spoke to the businessman who said he was told the tapes were fake but that he did not communicate that. that little moment in the history of all of this, where they were clearly people in russia who were trying to softep michael cohen when an sentiment summation. and perhaps lure him in. we know from that line, today, and from the original barr letter, that they found no collusion and no participation on the part of americans. but that there were concerted efforts on the part of russians to try and poke holes and find people who would be receptive to this kind of information and blew them into some kind of relationship. i think that's a pretty interesting indication that that's what was happening there with regard to michael cohen.
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>> bill: i would contribute this, martha -- looking at the questions and answers submitted on the behalf of the president, and rudy giuliani and jay sekulow are part of this, too -- he was not aware of can medications with tom jr., paul manafort, jared kushner. he was not aware that any foreign government wish to support his campaign. he doesn't recall being provided with information of hacking before the media reported. no recollection of hacking about roger stone or regular contacts. that gives you a sense of how the question and answers were written, and you can see from the president back to bob mueller. jerry nadler, he is going to chair this committee on the second of may, on the house side. lindsey graham will chair the senate side on may 1st. jerry nadler just shot out a tweet. i will read this, too. he says, "this is why we needed to hear directly from special counsel bob mueller. if we had confidence after a thorough investigation that in fact the president clearly did not --" he's quoting, by the
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way, highlighting a section of the special counsel bob mueller reports. "based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach a judgment. the evidence we obtain about the president's actions presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively saying that no committal conduct occurred." and he concludes -- this was the line and the barr letter going back to late march -- "accordingly, while this report does not conclude the president committed a crime, it does not exonerate him." so that is the position of the committee chair in the house judiciary can do that we are getting a moment ago. >> sandra: martha, here we are. over an hour now from when this more than 400-page report was released to the public. members of congress still going through this, we are starting to get some reaction. obviously this is recess, and now what is next? we know we will hear from william barr, we don't know whether or not robert mueller will testify.
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but what are the coming days and weeks looking like? >> the coming days, as we pour through this report, are going to boil down to the same argument we've heard over the course of last two years. on the president's side we will hear them wanting to move on, getting back to his presidency. we heard in the interesting detail just how devastated he was by the news that there would be a special counsel. clearly he understood in that moment that this was going to be dragged on into eternity for the entire first term, at least, of his presidency. on the democrat side you are going to have a drill down on these moments that were examined with regard to obstruction, over and over and over again. they will have to make a political decision as to whether or not they want to pursue impeachment based on those grounds, of what they say in those ten episodes, or whether or not they think this information is more useful to them in the 18 month that lead up to the presidential election in that way. one way or the other, they will use it. >> bill: you know what speaker pelosi said about the letter i word so far.
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>> not going there. >> bill: i'm not sure our position has changed in recent days, either. but your point about how much longer this goes on, i think after today -- based on the democrats ruling the house, jerry nadler's position in judiciary, this is going to be with us through the campaign of 2020, martha. >> absolutely. just based on what nancy pelosi has said, i think they will find it more useful to them as a campaign element than they will in the respect of trying to turn the wheels of impeachment. they may regard that as a negative when they had into the election, and say, "look, we've got a lot of stuff here we will use on the campaign trail, in ads, we will continue to hammer the president on his behavior over the course of all of these events." and that's going to be perhaps more useful. >> bill: that's a great point. think about the enlightening question and answer that leslie stahl had nancy pelosi on "60 minutes" on sunday night. the first 100 days, what have you gotten done?
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at some point they will have to answer to that. >> they absolutely will. and they've got to turn to policy come off the american people something. we are the other night from bernie sanders that he wants to offer medicare for all. that is something that has gained a lot of traction among many of the candidates that are out there. we will continue to hear them get to policy, but still use the moments that they will contend, consider obstruction in this report to keep hammering against the president and who they see someone unfit for office. i also want to make one quick point on the fact that they've decided to subpoena president trump in order to question him. we were talking to saul weissberg about that decision it come about how the white house did not wanted to sit down. they were concerned it would be a perjury trap in there. but the ultimate decision also came to not press for that subpoena from the special counsel investigation. they said that ultimately we decided not to do so. we made the decision that in view of the substantial delay that such an investigation step would likely produce of the late
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stage of our investigation, we f all the evidence they had -- postcode and i'm paraphrasing. they had already gleaned the information they needed. they didn't want to put the president of the country through that because they felt they had already really ascertain the answer to the question that they would have asked him. >> sandra: 2020, the reaction, amy klobuchar just tweeting out, "attorney general barr has made it clear he is not impartial." she writes, "when it comes to this investigation. now that we have the report we should hear from robert miller himself. in public hearings come our democracy demands it." continuing with that theme of democrats calling for robert mueller to not testify. >> just a quick thought on that, center, if i made -- the suggestion there's a big divide between barr and mueller is a conclusion that many democrats are jumping to that may not actually exist. i think that rudy giuliani hit the nail on the head when he talked about the team being divided on the number of issues, no doubt. but there is no indication that
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robert mueller -- that there is daylight between robert mueller and bill barr on this. if they think that robert mueller is going to sit down and it sort of tell them what they want to hear with regard to this report, i think it's a leap of faith perhaps on their part. >> sandra: jim jordan just putting out a statement, as well. has oversight raking member there. this is midway through his statement. "one thing is clear today, the release of the mueller report, this sad chapter of american history, is behind us." you go back, bill, to the bottom line from william barr when he was speaking. it seems like a long time ago that had that press conference! bottom line, two years of an investigation, thousands of subpoenas, hundreds of warrants, witness interviews, the special counsel confirms the russian government sponsored efforts to illegally interfere with the 2016 presidential election but did not find that the trump campaign or other americans colluded in those efforts," said william barr. >> bill: our team here in new york and also
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washington, d.c., we are peeling through this as quickly as we can. one of the more intriguing things we are getting by way of email, staff and others, brian murphy says this. it has to do with a question and answer that rudy giuliani was referring to. the questions that were submitted on behalf of the special counsel and how they answered them. i went through a series of calls a moment ago. this was about the trump tower moscow project. apparently the president find out about this in 2015. i will just read two lines. "sometime in 2015, michael cohen suggested the possibility of a trump organization project in moscow. it concludes i had few conversations with mr. cohen on the subject. as i recall, they were brief and they were not memorable." back to andy mccarthy who has been listening and riding shotgun in a legal sense so far today. andy, come on back in the conversation paid what's important >> i think there actually is. i heard what martha said about about whether there's a divide between mueller and bari i think for a large part of investigation that may be the
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case. i read as very interesting the discussion in the special counsel's report about what the legal standards are for obstruction of justice. it seems to me to be a direct response, almost, to the barr memorandum that we learned about during attorney general bar's confirmation hearing. barr took the position that, while a president can be cited for obstruction based on traditional corrupt actions that involve tampering with witnesses, suborning perjury, tampering with evidence, and the like, but he was rejecting the extravagant idea that if a president was using his article to powers but a prosecutor found that he was corruptly motivated, that was actionable obstruction. if you read the mueller report and the section on the law of obstruction, they emphatically take the position that if a
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president has corrupt intent when exercising his legitimate constitutional authority, that congress can reach that and has tried to reach that with the obstruction laws. therefore, they have a much wider ambit in terms actually of what they think could constitute obstruction then the attorney general's much more narrow one. i imagine that when we have testimony from both mueller and barr, one of the things that congress is certainly going to own and on is what exactly are the justice department's parameters for obstruction? because if you think they are wide, the evidence that mueller has come up with here in terms of potentially trying to influence witnesses or do a little bit of revisionist history are very disturbing. if you have a narrow view, what you come away with is to say
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that these things can't conceivably be obstruction and we should just move on without carrying too long over the fact facts. >> sandra: all right. andy mccarthy, if you could, stand by with us. the breaking news continues, the mueller report is out. everyone can go access that. the doj website, also has the ability to go to a link there. print off the report, you can read it to yourself. there are some rejections, but otherwise you can read it and dig along with us as the reporters are doing right now. d.c. and new york. the coverage continues of the mueller reports. bill and i will be right back. ♪ speak of the special counsel report did not find any evidence that members p campaign or anyone associated with the campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in these hacking operations. in other words, there was no evidence of the trump campaign
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♪ >> bill: our team here in new york and also washington, d.c., as you can imagine, 448 pages per there's a lot to go through. we are going to give you as much as we can as we unveil it here in washington. harris faulkner is here now, our collie, good afternoon to you, harris. >> harris: great to see both. we are all reading this, as you say, but i have the help of a former deputy assistant attorney general for the united states, tom depree. so i'm just going to ask him a few questions on behalf of all of us, bill and sandra. great to see you today. let's start with catherine herridge's reporting a few moments ago. she was saying that the president not testifying mattered in what way? and she just brought it up as a point that the fbi never got in. mueller never got them to sit
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down. and you say what? we go i say catherine made a great point. that is significant for two reasons pair the fact of the president ultimately never testified. number one, it was a bit of a surprise to me. i was out of the end game was going to be to force the president to sit for an interview or at least go to court to try and get a judge to compel the president to sit for an interview. you never did that. the reason that is significant is because mueller obviously concluded that he had everything he needed to write this report, not leave anything out, without getting the president's testimony. you could see a universe in which mueller wanted with the president under oath and say, "why did you say these things to don again? why did you say these things to jim comey? why do you go around threatening to fire and brimstone to jeff sessions i mueller and elvis thinks?" they didn't. mueller concluded he had enough to reach the conclusions that he did without putting the president under oath. there was a surprise. >> harris: you and i have been drilling down on this, and mainly you, schooling me. and you came up with tom's headlines. i want to share and in a limited
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fashion. you worked in the future for many years and you know what it operates and what today really means in terms of moving forward or not for the president and democrats. you see the first headline that jumped out at you is that the president is aggrieved. i believe that starts on page 78. he is aggrieved, and that was a key basis for william barr reaching the conclusion of no on obstruction. >> tom: that's right. i think with the mueller report does is provides a window into the soul of the president, in what was obviously a very tumultuous time. we saw when he first got word that there was going to be an independent counsel investigation, essentially saying, "my president is over. that's all she wrote, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me." that's a window into how deeply this investigation affected this president that we hadn't seen before. >> harris: why is that key? b6 is key because it goes to the question of intent and motive. that's what the attorney general was talking about, what he meant when he gave his press conference this morning. he said, "look, this contains
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unflattering factual discretions of what the president did behind closed doors, think he said to his subordinates." but it didn't cross the line into criminal conduct. because the president was acting as an aggrieved, frustrated man rather than as someone acting with corrupt intent aimed at perverting the justice system. >> harris: within that answer you had another one of your headlines, "the facts are not flattering to the president." what you mean by that? >> tom: what i mean by that is when you read this, there is no question that it's an untraditional president. nontraditional. he does not follow the rules of the road. he doesn't follow advice from's counselors, he doesn't always follow the advice is lawyers give him. he sometimes does think they tell enough to do. i was reading that with my lawyer's hat on. people in the white house and the white house counsel's office had a difficult job. with the does advance the present was making on them. it appears, at least in the early chapters of this report, that they pushed back a little
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bit. what this underscores is the fact that there was a lot going on behind the scenes. during this whole investigation. where the president was asking people to do things that they just frankly didn't feel comfortable doing. >> harris: last headline alight with you. again, you said, comes across as a straight shooter with regard to the vice city was given the president. >> tom: are a number of points in the report where the president told don again to see something that he refused to. he already said, "that's not accurate, or not going to say." don mckenna someone who served in prior republican demonstrations. i think he student of history. this whole episode in the nation's history -- >> harris: not just on again, but president trump. >> tom: he really stated had an important role to play and he drew blood at one point pretty so the present ib testing has metal in terms of trying to get his -- >> harris: you've got the page of a night there. >> tom: i do, i've got my sharpie in my letter. i highlighted the key passages. that's something that jumped out at me. it's not everyday you see the
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white house counsel thinking that he's testing them. >> harris: we spent a little time on the cohen tweet today. through his attorney, lanny davis, michael cohen retweets, "soon i will be ready to address the mega people again. tell it all, to let myself!" he goes on, "hashtag team it mueller knows and can fill in the both of the reductions. truth, we tell all." what is he talking about? >> tom: [laughs] oh, my gosh, number one, i have no idea. but imagine it has to do with the passages and hear about the trump tower moscow project. that's where he played a role. here's the thing i don't understand -- if he has some kind of bombshell information, why on earth has he not given previously question what he's staring down the barrel of jail. if he had it, why was he able to get in reserve and only now feels like he can finally unveil? >> harris: he is still staring at present, may 6th. i don't know if you think there is some way to mitigate that by tweeting out through his
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attorney that he has got more than the mueller report or can fill in the blanks. >> tom: ethic is trying to capitalize on the public attention played on this. but i would be surprised if he had more to contribute at this point. >> harris: does this exonerate the president question marks b6 it exonerates him as far as the mueller inquiry, the investigation as to whether the russians colluded. as we heard, as bill barr said about six times this morning during the conference, he examined every possible angle, across the board. mueller, absolutely i trust him. he exonerated the president of the president campaign. frankly, all americans from any involvement in the conspiracy or involvement in russian efforts to sabotage our election. i think that should be one of the big headlines today. obviously we knew what his conclusion was in that respect, what it would be. we often have a tendency to lose the forest for the trees and kind of bear down into the he said, she said and the footnotes in the mueller report. the bottom my conclusion is something that frankly all americans should be happy about, the new american conspired with the russians in 2016. >> harris: into that.
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time to pray, formerly of the doj. think you very much for being on the mezzanine with me. bill and sandra come he could see what i've been busy doing, scooping up. we will continue to read on. we got about another 80 pages to go. >> bill: to keep at it. as he read as fast as he talks question reg [laughter] >> harris: he does read as fast as he talks. let me tell you, i've been taking notes on what happens to be spitting out every now and then, as like a proof thought. and i'm learning a volume just from that. >> tom: i finish this report hours ago. i don't know about you. [laughter] >> harris: anyway, we will continue to work at it. >> bill: now he's showing off. thank you tom and harris. a phrase that keeps coming back, we are going to take a break here. our coverage continues on the day the mueller report went public and was delivered to congress. in a moment, back with dan and martha and assange and chris and shannon. who am i forgetting question expiate catherine herridge will be joining us on the other side of the break. ♪ >> although the deputy attorney general and i disagree with some of the special counsel legal theories and felt that
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some of the episodes examined did not amount to obstruction as a matter of law, we did not rely solely on that in making our decision. instead, we accepted the special counsel's legal framework for purposes of that. and evaluating the evidence as presented by the conclusion. ♪
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>> sandra: welcome back to coverage of the mueller reports. it is out in its entirety now, with redactions. we've been digging for that. the morning started off anticipating a press conference by the attorney general william barr. at that press conference he opened with "no collusion, no cooperation by any american or the trump campaign with the russian government to interfere with the 2016 election." he also detailed no evidence, no sufficient evidence of obstruction involving president trump. then we waited on the president
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for the president was speaking live at the white house to a group of wounded warriors. he started out by saying, "no collusion, no obstruction." he referenced the mueller investigation as a hoax, as he often has in the past. and said, "this should never happen to another president again." rudy giuliani, his personal attorney, came on with us and called it a victory. we are all digging through the report. catherine herridge is of the justice department. what have you found now? >> well, i'm still in the second volume, which is on obstruction. for those following at home, if you go to page 23, there is a really interesting anecdote about the impact of this anti-trump dossier that was published by buzzfeed in january of 2017, about ten days before the inauguration. what we know now about that dossier is it was funded by the dnc and clinton campaign through his opposition research firm, fusion gps. and there were a number of very sensational allegations made in
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the dossier, specifically targeting the president and has private behavior. what we see in this special counsel report is a discussion with his then-communications chief, hope hicks, talking about how the publication of these allegations, coupled with the fact of the u.s. intelligence community have concluded that russians interfered in the election and sought it to interfere in the election, and to sway or move public opinion. the special counsel report states, "hicks, for example, said the president-elect viewed the intelligent community assessment as his "achilles heel." even if there was no impact, they would think it and they would take we would he accomplish." we are seeing in the special counsel report is this idea that the president felt the russian allegations were really an attack on the legitimacy of his win in 2016. i also want to note for full
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transparency that hope hicks come of course, now is the community asians officer for our parent company, sandra. >> sandra: catherine herridge of the deferment of justice. i'm sure we will see you again in a bit. >> bill: i want to welcome laura ingraham by telephone, most of "the ingraham angle," 11:00 eastern time. get on i just got off the radio. >> laura: yes, just got off the podcast. >> bill: gives a reaction to. >> laura: i'm reading through the report. what we see is a lot of pillow talk among various members of the trump administration, recounted through interviews with the special counsel office. dumped into this report. there is a lot of information in this report about what don again said to the president and what hope hicks said about sarah sanders. most of this information, as far as i could tell, is tossed into the report. the report took two years to do,
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to compile. none of this information in its entirety added up, amounted to a conclusion that the president either conspired in any way with russia or attempted to thwart or obstruct investigation that was ongoing. what we could conclude from this report -- and this is all in the, although from 72 on. which i'm reading. you can conclude in this report that the president was really mad. knowing what we know now, he is well within his right to be really mad about what happened. others in discussion began on the acquisition that he was traitorous, cute doll not guilty of sedition. that hit right to the core. i'm glad he was worried. i'm glad he was worried that a special counsel investigation could destroy his presidency. he wants to have a really successful president for the country. i think what comes out of this
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report and this -- the notes and evidence he decided not to shield by invoking executive privilege as we have a president who was anxious to change washington and to try and drain the swamp and to try and get his priorities and acted and make real advancements for the economy. and he knew that investigation was going to slow it down or, in the heat of the moment, he believed destroy it. people are seizing on the southern orcs. i find it, frankly, refreshing of the president was not angry. that means he really wants to do a lot >> bill: can you hear me okay? >> laura: i got you. >> bill: he said in the statement of the president was frustrated and angered. this goes to the point you're making there. andy mccarthy with us here in new york, the most significant
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thing he sees is a profound disagreement between mueller and barr regarding what constitutes obstruction as a matter of law. mccarthy concludes that barr believes corrupt intent is overcome by the evidence that cuts against it, mainly that the president had substantial cooperation with the special counsel. as a matter of law, do you understand that argument? >> laura: yes. as a matter of law, to prove intent, to an ongoing investigation, you would have to show nefarious nests on the part of the president. like, a nefarious effort to destroy documents, to prevent people from testifying, shields and communications of other sorts. there is no indication at all that in the event happened. in fact -- i mean, i was shocked
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that the president decided not to invoke executive privilege. i probably would have. if i were in his position. again, this goes to the underlying intent question, which is what andy is getting at. if you really are trying to stop an investigation because you are worried about the investigation's outcome or ultimate conclusion, then you will pretty much do everything in your power to keep information from the investigators. if that's really you are guilty intent. but the conclusion on barr's part is absolutely right. not only did the president allow his white house counsel to be interviewed -- and this, for 30 hours don mcgann was interviewed? not only did he not stop him, the president, at no time -- and nothing you see in the report indicates otherwise -- at no time did the president entertain invoking either deliberative process privilege or executive privilege. which covers the notes of
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hope hicks, which covers the notes of jeff sessions, chief of staff. she's the one who wrote down when trump said, "i'm effed. close with i was an air. he could have done it but he said no. that's it's ordinary. you could argue, if you are just some who cares about executive authority and the separation of powers, they were too generous on giving them so much access. you could argue that. the president could say, "i'm not guilty of anything. let them talk to who they want to come i didn't do anything wrong." >> sandra: we will let you get back to page 73c can get through the rest of it. >> bill: see you tonight, 10:00 eastern. thank you, laura. speech by the way, the campaign manager for the 2020 campaign just put out a statement saying the president has been fully and completely exonerated yet again. and now the tables are turned.
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obviously, further calling for an investigation of the investigators. let's bring back our team. standing by with us this morning for all the breaking news, i know that everybody continues to dig through the report. bret, chris, and shannon sitting by. and martha and janet standing by new york city. what is standing up to you at this time? >> martha: couple things. i just love the quote as well from the term campaign. i just want to read to you a quote from not anybody on the campaign, but john favreau, who worked with him at pod save america podcast. this -- i'm going to figure out how you narrow it down. what is that leverage side? we know what the president thanks, and what bill barr thinks. here's their bottom line. john favreau is tweeting, "the president tried to cheat in order to win the election and repeatedly tried to invent the investigation into his actions." i think those two things, those two ideas -- they have two ideas
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per those of the two things that you're going to see as the battle this out through 2020. kevin mccarthy, the majority leader, said earlier today that it's time to move on. you have the statement from jim jordan, the congressman from ohio, saying, "then this chapter has ended." we know that jerry nadler, taos judiciary chairman, he's good have a conference at 2:30 p.m. it's obvious he not going to back down. they've already asked mueller to testify. the attorney general says, "i'm fine with testifying." rudy giuliani says, "testify if you want. not a problem." a separate thing for him not come from the politics -- which is obviously super interesting. i'm really interested in how bill barr started his press conference this morning. the attorney general going through the initial reason that we have this investigation in the first place, that russia tried to interfere in our election. he goes through and talks about how they tried to manipulate the media using wikileaks also -- even though it conspiracy, this was all in this report. and then to get to the part
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about paul manafort sharing information about the trump campaign during the election, in the summer before november of 2016. sharing information, internal information that "the wall street journal" actually reported on earlier on. some of the reporting was obviously way off in the last two years. but some of it was spot on. >> bill: that statement is now that the collusion of instruction in conspiracy theories have been exposed, as they always were. the obama-era doj and fbi must answer for their misdeeds and the skin that they perpetuate against the american people. justice will be served." i know you go to this team that bill barr has described as looking into the intelligence investigation during december of 2016. back to washington, and brett and chris and shannon. bret, let's start with you. >> bret: leading dell migrating through the specifics, there are a lot of things bracing for the present.
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in part because of what was said publicly by him or by his press team. lying to the press is different of them to prosecutors. what the bottom line is on the obstruction part comes down to, let's say, the trump tower. what was said publicly and what was said -- with a special counsel thought about it. even though they were saying one thing, when it came to what happened with trump tower and the statements about whether he issued a press release or not, they came to the conclusion that there was no evidence that he withheld any documents or any witnesses from the special counsel on this very point. just to go backwards, much of the first part -- and that is on the collusion, which is -- well, they call it cooperation and coordination with the russians. which is very definitive. it's as definitive as barret in that press conference inside this report
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just to give you a specific example, during the spring of 2016, the campaign receives a request for a high level meeting with an officer of a russian state owned bank to discuss an offer that claims to be carrying from president putin to meet with candidate trump. that goes to jared kushner. he copies paul manafort, gates, kushner reports, "pass on this. a lot of people claim carrying message. very few are able to verify. for now i think we declined such meetings. most likely these people go back home and claim they have special access to gain importance for themselves. be careful." what comes across in some of these medications is consciousness by kushner and others about these interactions. a meeting with this guy, the head of c and i, which has ties to the russian governments. it says he has stuff about the clintons that goes back years and their interaction with the russian government. kushner determines that is old news and he believed there was
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little chance that something new was going to be revealed after their long career in public figures. they move on. the joke at the time was that the clinton -- i mean, the trump campaign couldn't collude with des moines, let alone collude with russia. it is seen in some of these interactions that there was a consciousness about some of these meanings that were coming in fast and furious. >> bill: interesting to read when you cover the campaign, they were running with their backs on fire, it seemed come hour to hour. here in new york and across country. chris wallace, the the one quen you had with julie julie on lasser was very interesting. you were pushing him as to find out whether or not they believe the surveillance started, prior to george papadopoulos. the meeting in london, 11:00 at night, june, july, summer of 2016. he didn't give you a fact. he didn't go back in time for you, even though you were moving him along. i just wonder why he did not. i wonder why he did not go there. >> chris: well, i don't think he has hard evidence.
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but i will tell you that i know he has suspicions that this long predated papadopoulos. and that this really didn't start in june or july of 2016 but it started perhaps in the spring. march of 2016. but he doesn't have hard evidence. i want to pick up on one of the things that strikes me, we've all had an opportunity now to digest various parts of the report. and it strikes me that the president really has a tremendous thank you. i doubt he will do to, but he was a tremendous debt of gratitude to some of the people around him who didn't do what he told them to do. there are a couple of points in volume two, which has to do with the question of obstruction. i think it was around june the 17th of 2017. so this is a month after mueller has been reported as special counsel. there are press reports now that mueller is not only investigating the russian interference and collusion, but also investigating possible
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obstruction of justice. so this is the first time that there is the possibility, at least reported in the press, the donald trump specifically, personally, is a target of this investigation. and that really sets the president off. on june 17th, the president calls don mcgann, his white house counsel, his top in-house lawyer at home, and tells him to direct the acting attorney general -- that's rod rosenstein acting because, of course, jeff sessions has recused himself on this -- to say that robert mueller has conflicts of interest and must be removed. this could clearly be seen, had it happen, as a potential obstruction of justice. he has fired james comey, now he wants to fire robert mueller. just a month later. according to the mueller report, mcgann did not carry out the direction, deciding he would resign rather than trigger what
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he regarded as a potential saturday night massacre. that is on june 17th. two days later, june 19th, the president is still so exercised by the idea that mueller is conducting this investigation and specifically investigating him on obstruction of justice that he directs his original campaign manager, corey lewandowski, to get in touch with jeff sessions, the attorney general. to declare that the investigation is a very unfair to the president, the president had done nothing wrong, and that russians planned to meet with the special counsel and say that his investigation now could only be directed at future elections. the 2020 election of the 2018 election. there could be no more investigation of 2016. again, this been carried out, he really might tipped over in the question of obstruction of justice. corey lewandowski is very uncomfortable with following the president's order on that, and ultimately he gives it to the
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deputy white house chief of staff, rick dearborn. somebody was very involved with the campaign. and he says, "you tell sessions. i don't want to tell sessions." according to the report by mueller, white house official rick dearborn was directed to deliver it. dearborn was uncomfortable with the task did not follow through. there are repeated times here when mcgann, corey lewandowski, they are directed by the president to do something that would have interfered. >> bill: what you describe as you can have a buffet at anyone in the room. but if you don't act and they don't ask, where's the crime? >> chris: executive. that's the point. had they then gone ahead and done some of these things, we might be in a different place. but perhaps they saved the president from themselves but moments when he was blowing hot. you can argue in his defense, when these things didn't happen he didn't pursue them. so it's an interesting kind of dynamic inside the white house. but there seems to be a lot of times when the president was
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directing things that might have been over the line. as i say, he may owe thanks to some of these people like don mcgann and tori to my corey lewandowski and rick dearborn that they didn't take him on his word and follow his directions. >> sandra: i hear martha agree with you. >> martha: i keep thinking of this line from macbeth, "storm and fury," signifying nothing. we have as number of people who have for decades been around the president in many cases. they know how he works and they know how he spouts off at times. things that he tries to ask them to do. i think it's also indicative of perhaps the process that he goes through in these things, the people watch them lash out and ultimately even he goes along with decisions such as, "we are not going to assert executive privilege." as laura says, we are getting an insight into the back and forth that was happening in the west wing at the time. clearly they were under an enormous amount of pressure and clearly the president come as you said, was very concerned
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about the impact of the special counsel on his presidency. at the same time, they did not ultimately take the actions that would have let all the way to obstruction. save got a lot of sound and fury but perhaps signifying nothing in the end. >> bill: one last point here, martha, on the email. this is where the campaigns are going to go. they will direct fire back at the obama white house. the doj and fbi. "they must answer for their misdeeds in the scam they perpetuated against america people. pay justice will be served." you can look for that story line. for a long time to come. >> sandra: one quick thing on that. that's the decision paid to they want to dig him on this, drag it into more focus their agenda? and try to get some things done and, as difficult as that is, with the configuration of congress right now. but for both sides, how much do they still want to continue to live in this world, and how much do they want to move forward? >> bill: it's clear that bill barr will be there in a
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couple weeks. then bob mueller, in all likelihood, a couple weeks after that. >> sandra: apparently the trump campaign has also released a new trump campaign video for 2020. time to turn the tables, it's called. time campaign released a video montage of democrats' reckless false charges. he goes on to describe that. i'm sure we'll get get a firstk soon. >> bill: dana perino, you have 30 seconds. be brilliant. >> dana: [laughs] it would be interesting to see if they try to have it both way ways. as laura ingraham said, he's got a short time to do a lot. they are doug and i don't want to do. if i were him, i would have a rose garden event lesson next week if the weather holds it. "there are three things i want to get done. democrats, i invite you to join me." shannon? is that she with us? >> shannon: there would be such redactions. almost all of volume four is unredacted.
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this plenty of information they are weighing in favor and against the president. with the special counsel said he would do is get both sides. they go in-depth and talk about whether or not the president's public tweets hinting that the cohen family may have been involved in crime. once they realize that he was cooperating with investigators, they talk about whether they can be viewed as trying to discourage him from cooperating with investigators moving forward. the special counsel report says, "listen, just because it was public doesn't mean it is dispositive about this idea about trying to influence." they talk about how the president's public behavior and private behavior changed once he realized that michael cohen was actually cooperating with prosecutors. they leave this question open. for people who think that the president may have been guilty of obstruction, they've got plenty of material here to pour through that the special counsel has given them. >> bill: see you at 11:00 tonight, shannon pregreat debbie. danna, we will see you at 2:00. martha, we will see you at 6:00. andy mccarthy writing shopping
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or call 1-877-236-1855. >> bill: well, we have entered a new phase, have we not? i do believe we have paid for the trump presidency, the mueller report is out. officially. >> sandra: thank you for all of our team for joining us early. so many with shows later in the day came in early to help us with coverage there. that was great. >> bill: a big team effort. hanging on andy mccarthy's comments, barr takes the position that while the president made it properly charged with obstruction it can only be based on corrupt actions. he says the mueller report, by contrast, has a much broader view paper ultimately this question about corrupt intent was satisfied because of the cooperation supporting mueller's team. through all of the last three to four hours of coverage, it seems to be one of these bottom-line notes that you can take away. we leave you with that.
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the >> sandra: hearings. william barr paid potential and robert mueller, we do not know. democrats seem to want that. thank you for joining us for these four hours. harris faulkner, "outnumbered overtime" starts now. >> harris: and we pick up the coverage and i with new reaction as the justice department has released the rejected mueller report. giving us new insight into the two year long russia investigation. 675 days, to be exact. we go "outnumbered overtime" now. i'm harris faulkner. a short time ago the justice department delivered the 400-plus page rejected report to count down my congress and people. it is online. as we dig through this report we are learning more about how and why the special counsel found no evidence of trump campaign collusion with russia. and why special counsel mueller felt he could not fully exonerate the president over potential obstruction of justice. here is attorney general


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