tv Hannity FOX News April 24, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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these organizations don't share information the information isn't pooled or analyzed. >> tucker: that's the story of the government. chris, thanks so much. great to see you. back 8:00 p.m. sworn enemy of the show that's the enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think. sean hannity right now. >> sean: great to see you. welcome to hannity. buckle up. tonight the democratic party is officially a dumpster fire far left radicalism spinning in a thousand different directions clamoring for impeachment fantasies. more subpoena stunts and, of course, far left socialism the likes of which would destroy this country. well now tonight, the president, i is standing strong against this never-ending harassment and he now has vowed to fight every single step of the way right thing to do. we have full coverage. operation cross hire hurricane now officially morphed into crossfire boomerang for the clintons, the democrats and all deep state actors that abused
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power. spotlight shines brighter on bought and paid for russian lies along with major new developments tonight surrounding notorious email server yes involving barack obama and anthony weiner. we will give you all the details. we start with an even bigger development of the tin foil hat conspiracy media mob what they haven't telling you about because we are learning from "the washington examiner" tonight robert mueller's report contains a claim that russians recorded then president bill clinton having phone sex with monica lewenski back in the 1990s. wow. the explosion allegedly reportedly is in the redacted report released to the public, not there but it's in the redacted section. according to sources talking to examiner, the redaction comes on page 109 of mueller's report and references a meeting between jared kushner and a russian publisher where he detailed this claim.
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remember, ken starr in his 1998 report identified at least 17 phone sex calls conversations between 1996 and '97. and wrote that president clinton, quote: suspected that foreign embassy was tapping his telephone. but he did it anyway. even proposing, quote, cover stories to lewenski if it turned out they were actually being monitored. so far the special counsel at the department of justice they are refusing to comment but wouldn't it be something hear the boomerang? operation boomerang not hurricane after all the media hysteria surrounding trump and russia and stormy, stormy, stormy, the lies, the conspiracy theories, the phony dossier uranium one that it was the clintons totally compromised all along and everything they were accusing trump of was actually true about them. we already know the clinton campaign were the ones colluding with the russians. yes, they paid for a dirty steele dossier. yeah with russian lies.
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hillary, she was the one that used the private secret server that put our national security at risk. we believe six foreign intelligence agencies hacketted into that and even now the story is taking a bigger turn. according to judicial watch, former senior fbi official bill prestep admitted under oath in court ordered discovery that the agency found clinton email records from her private server in the usama bin laden white house. specifically the executive office. that's right. of president obama. now, again, he asked what did obama know and when did he know it? we're the first to ask and we do need an answer. the story doesn't stop there because we also have confirmation tonight that nearly 49 now, clinton emails were found on anthony weiner's laptop. and who wants to guess? they all weren't about grand kids. yoga, a wedding and a funeral as she claimed what dogdoes this all mean barack obama now appears to be more
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firmly imindicated in the hillary clinton email scheme. one high ranking official. we know obama emailed hillary on her private server. the great irony in all of this is that hillary still thinks she did nothing wrong is she sure that president trump, oh, yeah, she is certain he obstructed justice. can't make this up. take a look. >> any other person who has engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted but because of the rule in the justice department that you can't indict a sitting president, as i read it, basically what i thought it was saying is look, we think he obstructed justice. here are 11 examples of why we think he obstructed justice but we're under the control of the justice department and their rule is you can't indict. >> sean: well, now, clinton doubled down in her delusion in an op-ed published today in the "the washington post" writing quote: congress
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can't forget that the issue today is not just possible obstruction of justice it's it's our national security. the president of the united states has proved himself unwilling to defend our nation from a clear and present danger. how could any one individual be this out of touch or this disconnected from reality? now, first off, hillary, the attorney general made the determination along with the office of legal counsel rod rosenstein, without even considering as you said whether or not you can indict a sitting president. that determination was made without that that the evidence did not charge any obstruction. not any underlying crime like your case. this directly from the attorney general quote our determination was made without regard to and is not based on the constitutional considerations that surrounded indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president.
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if you want to talk about any other person, let's talk about your obstruction, hillary. your violation of the espionage act. your putting america's national security at risk. remember, we have overwhelming incontrovertible evidence of your mishandling of top secret classified information on a private server, even comey admitted you had it. remember top fbi lawyer jim baker thought you should be indicted. inconvo trertable evidence of obstruction. why did you destroy 33,000 emails and bleach bit the hard drive and destroy the smarted phones with hammers and remove the sim cards? that means intent. the intent was to get rid of the evidence. because of the underlying crime the espionage act 18 usc 793. of course the media ignores all of, this the corruption, the -- don't forget about
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all the other clinton russia. remember bill how are you doing on moscow speeches during the uranium one deal twice his fee? hillary signed off on that deal in the kick backs from the people involved in that deal, $145 million even while it was known putin had thugs in america. he had a spy in his ring in america. remember, we interviewed william campbell, bribery, extortion, money laundry, kick backs, trying to get a foot hold in our uranium market. william campbell was on this show, he exposed it that's real collusion. and that's real obstruction of justice which we have more of in a minute. as we turn to our hannity media watch reality check. now, with no credibility left to lose, well, the media, mob, their lies, exposed and the avalanche of truth cascading down in the days, weeks and months ahead. so what do they do? they are actual patting themselves on the back.
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great coverage of trump and russia. they were wrong so often, almost every day. and they ignored the biggest abuse of power, the biggest story they could have ever had in their life. but we were here doing their job for them. take a look. >> i can't imagine that we'll ever do anything harder than that. >> i'm so proud of our coverage nbc news is the best of the best. >> the other thing this report did is it really corroborated a lot of good journalism that was done. >> time and again in this mueller report, reporting from major news outlets is confirmed in this mueller report as being accurate. >> how did that guy just get an award and a book deal you? can't make this up. they love themselves. they have no capacity for introspection, self-reflection, self-criticism, a. accountability? how many times on this show have we exposed over and over and over again their lies and conspiracy theories. list after list. fake number news story after
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fake news story all the all-stars at their worse. where is the media? they are really going to lose this wholening in august of this. soon we will have more closed door testimony coming out proving we have been right all along. have been wrong. we will have the attorney general barr has said he has launched an investigation into spying into the trump campaign and all matters surrounding the investigation. a witch-hunt against the sitting president. criminal referrals from congressman nunes. the horowitz, oh yeah the fisa investigation. going to be interesting. hillary's russian bought and paid for lies. the 302ss. leaking intelligence. unmasking americans. also, look what they did to carter page, spies, stephon halper checking in on paige and papadopoulos. hillary's bought and paid for dossier. never verified and corroborated. according to the "new york times" this week it might have been one big
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disinformation campaign. also get gang of 8 information. whether the media mob likes this or not, this avalanche is real. and truth and justice are coming. and all will be held accountable, especially with the president who is standing strong and fighting back against the democrats they can't let it go now ever the president was the most cooperative president in history. not once ever invoking executive privilege. he did have the right under article 2 to fire mueller. rosenstein could have done it. just because he said these people are horrible need to be fired he didn't do it. did he? just like they talked about secretly recording the president and invoking the 25th amendment. they thought about it, talked about it, didn't do it. now, with their latest of course being congress bid to bring in don mcgahn why was he ever allowed to talk for 30 hours in the first place? i don't get that. that was an executive privilege moment. listen to the president earlier today. is he fighting back. >> well, the subpoena is
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ridiculous. we have been. i have been the most transparents president and administration in the history of our country by far. woulwe just went through the mueller witch-hunt where you had really 18 angry democrats that hate president trump they hate him with a passion. they were contributors in many cases hillary clinton. hate him with a passion. how they picked this panel i don't know. and they came up with no collusion and they actually also came up with no obstruction. well, we are fighting all the subpoenas. look, these aren't like impartial people. the democrats are trying to win 2020. they are not going to win with the people that i see. steve: we hav >> sean: media mob stop at nothing to make every waking moment a public trial against donald trump and anyone who likes donald trump.
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smelly walmart people like us. irredeemable deplorables, we cling to god, our guns, bibles, religion. okay, that's what you think of the american people the heart and soul of this country no concern for the law. doctrine of executive privilege? constitution? facts? reality? they push collusion, hysteria for three years. four times now. four times no collusion no concern with any agenda to make this country better? more safe more prosperous no more secure? want to continue to fight the president every minute, every second of every day on anything because you are consumed with your anti-trump rage? you have ignored, you idiots, the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in our nation's history. and you have ignored an effort to take down a duly elected president and rigging an investigation into a political candidate and trying to rig a 2016 election. you ignored the most pressing issues that are facing this country. everything for the economy, foreign policy, diplomacy,
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the safety and security at our borders, for crying out loud. hannity watch on the southern border there is a total system melteddown and it's real and it's not manufactured. illegal immigration is surging. border patrol had near record apprehensions in march. u.s.a. border personnel they are overwhelmed. drug traffickers, cartels, human traffickers, they are exploiting this weakness of not having a wall hour by hour. look at this new footage for border patrol showing heavily armed men taking migrants across our border. highlighting what we have been been saying for months years on this show. border security first, a wall first. makes people on both sides safer. no one should have to go through. this we need to ensure of the safety and the security of the country first. and also protect those migrants who are being exploited by evil people, trafficked through central america and mexico. and the horrible crimes
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committed oftentimes along the way. we have to hold foreign governments accountability. thankfully we have a president continuing to get that message and he is not giving up the fight. he tweeted a response about a report about mexican soldiers pulling guns on our national guard, really? better not happen again, the president said, we are now sending armed soldiers to the border of mexico. it's not doing nearly enough in apprehending and returning. now, the crisis is real. it's intensifying and i think in large part because, well, in central america and mexico they actually believe the president if they see the wall being built and repairs being made and the president now has the money. we will keep you updated. joining us now the author of the number one best seller the russian hoax the olympic scheme to clear hillary clinton and frame donald trump. sara carter. gregg jarrett and investigative reporter and he writes for the hill john solomon. all three of you deserve
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what the "new york times" and "the washington post" received in terms of your hard work and your coverage and without your digging and sources and everything in between i don't think we would be where we are today. i applaud all of you for your hard work. start with you. let's talk about hillary. look at this. >> she has got to be the most clueless person in america. she has the audacity to accuses attorney general and deputy of getting it wrong on obstruction and accusing trump of obstructing justice when she is really the symbol of obstruction straight out of the statute not one but two of the five provisions concealing evidence and destroying documents. she writes this op-ed telling everybody she is an theater oauthority on impeachmed cites her husband's own impeachment. i will tell you what's going on here. hillary clinton cannot stand that she is not the center
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of attention. i mean, it's like crack cocaine for her. power always gave her attention. she can't stand that there are 20 people running for the democratic nomination. she is hoping that when the dust settles, hillary will step forward to save the day and be the nominee and get beat yet again. >> sean: do you know what i notice the syndrome if they lose the presidency they think they will all win. john mccain, i don't think he ever got over it in many ways. i would argue i liked mitt romney personally. being nice, they still called him a racist, sexist and misogynist he cut his kids' hair one day. nice doesn't work to win. i don't care who it is. hillary is a perfect example. they don't get over it well. john solomon i want you to weigh in on this issue of hillary weighing in. >> listen, having hillary weigh in on obstruction is having hugh hefner weigh in
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on challenges city. think about this in the 1990s ken starr subpoenaed her rose law firm record. one day a white house employee walking through her personal residence in the white house found those rose law firm records, those under subpoena sitting on a desk in her own living quarters. if that isn't obstruction i don't know what is. as we now know from the good work judicial watch did a few years ago, the prosecutors in the ken starr case had drd a had considered an indictment against mrs. clinton. it's hard to take her charges away from the president seriously given her own conduct. >> sean: sarah, i want you to weigh in interest this standpoint, from the investigator's standpoint. we all know i believe in due process presumption of innocence. that's the way our system works. we even have to give that to hillary. we know what the law says. we have examined it specifically in every detail. james comey admitted it.
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james baker wanted to indict her. there were private top secret marked classified emails on that private server. that by definition she committed felonies, laid it out often on this program. now the next part of this says democrats talked about obstruction. well, we have an underlying crime. we now know we knew then we know now nobody goes through the effort of deleting 33,000 emails and cleaning up the hard drive beat pitch normal people don't do that do they? >> normal beam do not do that intention something going on she knew was wrong. she spent her whole life in government, sean. i don't believe she wants to be the center of attention. i believe she is fighting for her life.
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she knows and for her reputation she knows exactly what she did she is trying like the rest of them. >> does she know she is in legal jeopardy now? >> i think she absolutely knows she is in legal jeopardy. she is a lawyer. she knows exactly what's going on here. so she is trying to deny everything, admit nothing turn everything over against trump put it all back on him. they are trying to clean themselves by going publicly. but, look, they are showing their guilt every single day. and if you just look at what judicial watch uncovered with bill prestep and you go back last year to the ig report where there were direct emails between presidenpresident obama and hily clinton on her server and also the fact that president obama used an alias when he contacted her. >> he was high ranking official. >> that's right. >> let me ask john and sarah and get back to gregg. are your sources confirming "the washington examiner's"
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report which is saying they redacted the russians may have had monica and bill on tape having phone sex. democrats want it all out there okay if you insist. >> listen, i don't have any sources on that tonight. i can tell you the danger of playing this game of chicken which is the democrats have a lot a lot to hide. tomorrow i hope to be able to report on exactly what the obama white house and the clinton campaign the dnc did to ukraine much detail, a lot of people. when the tables are turned. both parties are going to be in an opposite position where they were two years ago. >> sean: sarah, any sources from you? >> no. i don't want to go into those details. i can tell you this. i do have a number of sources that are talking about the issue of compromise on russia's side. and it is certainly true that i think that the clintons have a lot more to worry about as far as
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compromise that means compromises themselves with what they have done with the russians than anything president trump could ever have done. >> sean: can i just clear one thing up? before the "new york times" a year after the trump tower meeting. how long were you both working on that story ahead of time? you were both with circle i believe at the time. >> we were at sinclaire. >> sean: over a week. >> probably even a little bit. -- >> sean: one of these rumblings i'm hearing you heard it, too right? >> yes. >> yes. of course. >> sean: okay. understand. who are the people, let's name names? >> let's talk about hillary paying for russian information to feed to the fbi to interfere in a presidential election. that in my book is a crime. and i can think of several different crimes. >> sean: let's go through. >> comey is in so much
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trouble. stealing so much governments classified u. >> sean: mccabe? >> absolutely. >> sean: will strzok and page. >> they should be it's unclear if they will be. >> sean: orr? >> no. i'm not sure orr will. name the main people. but i think brennan and clapper should be charged with lying. >> sean: sarah? >> yeah, brennan and clapper certainly should be charged with lying. particularly clapper. we have seen him lie numerous times before congress. i also believe andrew mccabe has a lot to fear. peter strzok as well as comey and i think that there will be others dragged into this and it will be quite surprising. >> it will be done. >> sean: before we go? >> i will answer the question. i think it will be done. i think you will see this justice department under bill barr taking the sort of action we haven't seen for the last two years. >> sean: we will all need to take a victory lap the 99.9% were wrong. all of you were right. congratulations. thank you. not that we ever really want
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>> sean: as we showed you last night democrats radical extremism hit a new level when 2020 hopeful bernie sanders made the shocking admissions oh, yeah, felons, including the tsarnaev brothers, pedophiles, murderers should be allowed to vote. president trump's re-election campaign responded to these outrageous comments calling it deeply offensive and some more embarrassing comments from sanders now resurfacing. look at this 1971 sanders harshly criticized get this. millionaire senators.
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he said they are immoral. he is a millionaire senator. why we say that about himself? i wonder if bernie stands by that today? now sanders will soon have more company in the already crowded 2020 race. as a matter of fact, hours away from creepy crazy uncle joe biden expected to throw his hat into the ring. the former v.p. is already facing a possible set back. according to sources obama, who he served under for eight years won't endorse him or any 2020 candidate early in the race. a lot of confidence new, joe. joining us now senior advisor for donald j. trump for president that would be president trump's daughter-in-law lara trump. good to see you. >> i'm great. thank you. >> sean: you have been busy. >> of course we have all been busy, sean. >> sean: do you have a preference. i think biden would be perfect. biden won't have to answer by the time 2020 comes around everything that happened under their watch he is going to answer for their crappy economy and
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13 million more americans on food stamps a million more on poverty. question are you better off than you were four years ago. simple. >> listen, it doesn't matter, sean, who this president is running against. i always say that i think he is going to win easily. first of all, let's let joe biden get in the race. he has been saying for months now that he is going to get in the race it hasn't happened yet. we will see tomorrow if it happens. but, he certainly right now seems to look the most sane out of the candidates that we have seen of the 20 candidates now that we have seen throw their hat in the ring for 2020. that's for sure and that's saying a lot. >> sean: listen, he still has to defend the things we are going to learn about abuse of power, corruption. attorney general barr used the word spying on the trump campaign. >> oh, yeah. >> sean: stephon halper was recruited to talk to papadopoulos. dirty dossier the "new york times" was saying that might have been a disinformation
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propaganda thing hillary bought and used to influence the campaign back door the president's election. >> i think there is a lot that the obama white house and obama administration is going to have to answer to when it comes to all the background on this. and hopefully for the good of our country we really find out how this all started and we get to the bottom of it. it doesn't look good. our attorney general said that there was spying on our campaign in 2016. but, listen, again, at the end of the day, if joe biden gets in the race let's season see if he makes it the number of candidates that are so radically far left now in this field is unbelievable. so i don't know, maybe joe biden doesn't stand a chance. maybe they are looking for somebody so far outside of the norm which is crazy to me i don't think the american people will get behind somebody like this. >> sean: don't support 70% tax rate for individuals. 90% tax rate for individuals. no oil no, gas no. -- >> no airplanes, no cows.
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>> sean: i like cows. i love them. soft noses and everything. >> all this stuff is so crazy and then you have as you were just talking about bernie sanders suggesting that someone would use an event that is such a tradition in america like the boston marathon to as an opportunity to maim and murder scores of people, including children, sean, and these individuals should be allotted a right to vote? are you kidding me? it's crazy that we are even talking about this. >> sean: all right. so i have had -- i remember one day being mad at the president. the day he becomes president. makes the comment let by gones be by gones. leave hillary alone. okay. we hear hillary today. i thought then it was a mistake and i don't think is he thinking that anymore. you see the fbi investigation. nunes report house intel. now mueller, no collusion, no obstruction. and still they cannot control themselves. media or democrats. that, to me, helps you.
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>> oh, of course it helps us. i mean, everybody on the left is so unhinged that there wasn't anything in the mueller report. now it's finally out. now we can finally take a look at it and, again, as we all said from the beginning, no collusion, there is nothing that this president has done wrong. but look at all he has accomplished, sean. despite the fact that they have tried every single day that he did something wrong. our campaign did something wrong. they fight him every day. resist him every day. obstruct what he wants to do all the time. this country right now under this president is the most successful than it has been in decades. >> sean: we have an announcement coming up after the show -- later in the show not after the show. >> i thought it's going to be that i'm pregnant. >> sean: i don't know if i could say that. that's the other big news. congratulations. >> thank you. >> sean: do you know yet boy or girl? >> your little boy is so big and really handsome. >> he is great. he will be a great big
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brother whatever it is. >> sean: should we take that congratulations, happy and healthy is the most important. the president has incredible capacity to compartmentize even though is he fighting and dealing two plus years for this. to fight for all the things he promised. one thing that a politician usually doesn't do is keep their promises. the border. you name the issue, justices that he appoints. the biggest tax cuts ending regulation. energy independence still fighting to get rid of all of obamacare. >> since our rallies we have had since the very beginning of the campaign in 2015 even, promises made, promises kept. this is a president that actually means that not the all talk, no action politicians of the past. this is a president that has delivered on every single promise he made to the american people. that's what we are running on in 2020. >> sean: was this all hard for you, the family, behind the scenes?
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the two years nonstop witch-hunt? >> it never feels good when people suggest that you did something wrong and you know you didn't. and for the president for everyone that worked on this campaign. we'll worked our hearts out on this campaign. i feel so honored to have done it. >> sean: you were a big part of it. >> of course it doesn't feel good. we all knew the truth would come out one day. sadly, you still have people who are trying to find something wrong that any of us did. they won't find it they can keep looking. >> sean: if he cured cancer and gave every american $5 million and adopt you had this stupid agenda they would still hate him. >> that's true. >> sean: congrats on the baby, good news. and i hope you come back soon. all right, "new york times" op-ed writer congresswoman omar pushing wild claims about jesus to religious leaders. they will set the record straight. later, you won't believe what starbucks is doing. i don't drink starbucks anymore. i have awful black coffee.
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and a major announcement on this show tonight ahead. ♪ for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied."
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>> sean: to the new leaders of the democratic party, speaker congresswoman ocasio-cortez, pelosi, name only congresswoman omar back in the news. congresswoman cortez calling for social media silence in the wake of the horrific sri lanka attacks on easter sunday. as pierce morgan pointed out on twitter, quote: posting 14 times about the terror attack on muslims in new zealand but posted nothing about the terror attacks on christians by muslim extremists in sri lanka odd. we on this program we condemn all religious persecution, no matter which
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religion is under attack. omar under criticism posting jesus was a palestinian. also in the "new york times" suggested jesus was a palestinian and failed to mention okay he was jewish. his father was a carpenter. we reached out to congresswoman omar's office for comment and so far she has not responded back to our request. here now with reaction to the associate dean rabbi abraham cooper is with us. the pastor the new spirit revival center ceo of the national diversity coalition for pastor scott. we -- people have the right to practice their faith, pastor. they have the right to practice. we condemn all violence. and it's that simple. and for some reason at times
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there seems to be inordinate -- there is rising anti-semitism all throughout europe and united states even in congress we have rising attacks on christian churches. this is not the only example -- what is going on? >> well, to be honest the reason i believe aoc has not commented on the sri lanka massacre is because she cannot politicize it and use it as a weapon to somehow dispark rangedisparage the trump administration. with the massacre that happened in new zealand try islamophobia by extension white nationalism. by extension they would try to connect with the president's immigration policy when he suggested an immigration band on terrorists supporting nations and try to construe or misconstrue muslim band. they are trying to use trading somehow politicize
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and use it as a weapon against the trump administration and/or the republican party, that's what they do and when they can't, because of the fact that the president has a huge christian base, and they cannot use that unfortunate tragedy in sri lanka against the trump administration she would rather be silent. it's sad because with aoc being latina. they are predominantly catholic or christian. i don't know what her religious persuasion is. it's unfortunate she has not commented ton i believe it's because of her political leanings. >> rabbi do you have a position on that and really scary the rise of anti-semitism worldwide. i cannot believe democrats run willing to speak out about obvious anti-semitic comments call the person out by name for what it is. vir lenvirulent anti-semitism.
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the greeting jesus would have given you if he were here tonight happy passover. jesus for his entire life until his last week celebrated passover, which we're in the midst of right now. so, the question. >> sean: happy passover by the way. >> the ludicrous assertion which actually was started by i can' yasser arafat and reverend wright. to us americans may sound completely frankly nuts. but it makes real sense enough people to suddenly give the palestinians 2,000 years of nonexistent history and limit the jews to being lopers and clonists. there is a method to that madness and i'm very grateful that a lot of people have called it out. this is not just another error in realtime. i think is a game plan. so far it's terrorism and the targeting of religious groups first as a jewish
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organization the rosenthal center has been talking in defense of endangered christian minorities all over the world for the last five or six years. we have heard mostly crickets jewish and muslim we are never going to defeat the terrorists unless we approach this on a level playing field. people should be able to go on a friday, saturday, or sunday with their family. >> sean: amen. >> house of worship and get back in one piece. >> sean: everybody, every religion, no exceptions. simple. we believe in freedom of religion, freedom to practice your faith. even if you want to be ago noagnostic or atheist you are free to do that. i didn't even like when they were asking mueller sticking a microphone in his face after easter sunday service, really? unbelievable. all right, guys. thank you. we telling you about san francisco last night. another shocking development regarding, yes, public drug use and later a major announcement about this
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>> sean: drug epidemic in this country so bad starbucks is adding needle disposing boxes many of their locations. west coast newsroom with the latest on this insanity. by the way, advertise on my radio program is black rifle made by vets. they hire vets and they donate to vets and it's the best coffee i ever had. they couldn't stand the government coffee so they imported beans that made the best coffee that's why i don't go to starbucks. >> trace: we should note this is unclear if it's tied to starbucks not allowing somebody to use their rest
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rooms. employee got stuck with a dirty hyp hypo hypodermic needl. putting in needle disposal boxes the workers risk getting stuck and getting infected with hiv or hepatitis. putting needle boxes in stores in at least 25 u.s. markets. end of the summer hope to have them in all areas where it's appropriate. starbucks also offers training on how to safely deal with a hypodermic needle. a number of employees say the issue got much worse after starbucks began open bathroom policy. one managener southern california told business insider, quote: it's great that starbucks wants to try to include everyone but that means that they include absolutely everyone. starbucks says drug use is not allowed on its premises but cities with needle exchange programs like san francisco, they give out several hundred thousand
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hypodermic needles every month but they have a few hundred thousand that are never exchanged. you can see where the problem starts. sean? >> sean: trace in our west coast newsroom. joining with us reaction former attorney general pam bondi nationally syndicated talk show host larry elder. pam, one of the things known for in florida is shutting down so-called pill mills. people go in oh my back hurts. oh, no problem. here is your prescription? how many oxy do you want? how many perk sets and vicodin do you want they go next door and buy them and walk out with them. big problem. >> it is, sean. you know what we did? we put them out of business. that's what starbucks needs to do. 24 billion-dollar plus company can't afford to put security guards, off duty policemen at the location where this is a problem. they have lost sight of what's important. >> protecting their employees and protecting their patrons. you know, the drug epidemic is horrible in this country but saying it's a safe place
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to go in a starbucks bathroom and dispose of a needle and nothing is going to happen to you, it's not good for our employees. it's not good for the patrons and not good for this country. these addicts need to get help and not think they can go into a starbucks and nothing is going to happen to them. >> sean: larry, i got to be honest i don't feel comfortable with the idea -- i don't want to be in a restaurant, a starbucks, any place where there are people using drugs like this. if that's biased on my part, i don't think it's bias, i agree with pam. i want these people to get help. let's make sure put a drug counselor in there. spend the money on a drug counselor. let them get help. because it's going to kill them. you know, once you are addicted to this crap, it's 15% chance you get cured. >> well, there is no question that these people need help. but the issue is you are
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running a business. starbucks has 8,000 locks. they have peal of where anybody can walk in whether they want to buy something or not. use a bathroom without buying anything. a whole lot of people unsavory. having a safe needle box in there might very well encourage more needle users to come in there on the other hand have you got to protect the employees. it's a liability issue. one of these employees gets stuck and infected you are talking about a massive massive lawsuit. i don't think they have any other choice other than shut down locations. somebody high on drugs. >> sean: poke somebody with a needle either customer or employee? >> yes. >> it's entirely possible. >> very much so, sean. >> policy to. >> sean: larry? >> a policy they have to guard against disruptive customers and still have that policy. if you have an open door policy where anybody can come in at any time, you are going to have some unsavory people. the question is how do you protect employees i don't think starbucks had any
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choice frankly i'm surprised it took this long to come up with the idea. >> sean: i was a bartender back in the day when i was pretty young and pam, somebody was intoxicated, we didn't serve them anymore. somebody didn't like it. have to deal with it similarly i used to take people's car keys away and they didn't like that either. i didn't like being around wasted people like this. >> no. and, larry is right. that starbucks had to do something to protect their employees what they need to do now last may they had open door policy where anybody could come into a starbucks whether or not they were a patron. what they're finding out employees have said that they have seen increase since that happened. that doesn't work anymore. so they have to protect their employees. they have to say you have to be a patron to come in here and they they have to get a key to go in them. with an off duty police officer to protect people who are their employees. that's what they have lost sight of. >> sean: give them a free cup of coffee and give them
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a card to show them where they can get help. that would be more resourceful. larry, last 10 seconds. >> it's real simple is it foreseeable that somebody who uses drugs would come, in put a needle in trash and have an employee get infected or get contaminated the question is it is imminently foreseeable if starbucks don't do something about it they will be liable. they had no choice. >> sean: thank you. pretty scary. when we come back big announcement about this show about tomorrow. we will tell what you it is straight ahead. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
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♪ >> sean: huge programming announcement. we want to tell you about tomorrow night right here live on the show, exclusive interview with president trump. it will be his first television or attributes of the public release of the mueller report. of course we'll talk about that, the radical 2020 field of democratic candidates, all the issue, the border, everything that matters to your security, your safety, your peace, your
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prosperity, the opportunity of america. important stuff. it's all happening tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern. we'll never really hate this troy trump media mob. we are not them. let not your heart be troubled. our friend mike huckabee is in for laura tonight. i tried to get you to fill in for my show but you were too busy. >> mike: i would love to do it some of these days. you have high standards. i don't make those standards. >> sean: [laughs] you know what i always loved about u.s. presidential debates is you are quick. you just have it. always with a bunch of cheer. i want to say something with a complement -- i don't want to take your time. you fight hard in your election campaigns and you have a very unique ability, when it's over, you are very gracious. you go on and support the winner. as a tribute to who you are. >> mike: your very kind to say that. for me, it's about the team, about the country, not about me
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