tv Hannity FOX News April 27, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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everyone at the tunnel for towers foundation, law enforcement and military heroes, we salute you as well. most watch, most trusted to come up we are great that you spent aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suit. he has great slogans. i don't have time to read them. i'll stare straight ahead. welcome to the special edition of hannity. i'm tammy bruce in for sean tonight. the trump agenda is delivering success after success. the first quarter gdp shattering expectations. full coverage just ahead. first, the radical democrats are hitting new levels of extremism. as they compete to outliberal each other on everything from the green new deal to open borders and letting murderers vote from prison, president trump is giving his early assessment of the candidates so far. let's take a look. >> we're calling him sleepy joe. i have known him for a while.
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he is a pretty sleepy guy. he is not going to be able to deal with president xi, a different level of energy and intelligence. he is not going to be able to do the job. he has misguided energy and he has done very poorly in terms of the senate. he has done very little legislation. he talks a lot and doesn't get it done. he is fading very, very fast. it looks like he is going to be a thing of the past pretty soon. i think she has a little bit of a nasty wit but that might be it. >> not only is the democrat's russian collusion narrative dead and buried but the spotlight shines bright on anti-trump bias and spying and corruption inside the highest levels of government. it appears to be creeping closer and closer to the obama white house. deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein, shieded the obama administration and the fbi for
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the handling of the russia investigation. the mueller probe was tainted from the start. >> they tried for a coup, didn't work out so well. i didn't need a gun for that one, did i? all was taking place at the highest levels in washington, d.c. you have been watching. you've been looking at things that you wouldn't have believed possible in our country, corruption at the highest level, a disgrace, spying, surveillance, trying for an overthrow and we caught them. >> that's a man in his wheelhouse there. the president's comments as we continue to learn more about
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possible spying efforts against the trump white house. according to newly released 2016 text messages, disgraced fbi lovers, peter strzok and lisa page appeared to suggest recruding sources from within the new white house to gather information on team trump with names that included, according to our own sara carter, the wife of the chief of staff to vice-president pence who previously worked with strzok on the clinton e-mail case. joining me, greg jared and tom fenton and congressman mike turner. gentlemen, thank you for joining me this inevening. greg, i'll start with you. while all of what we have experienced has been surprising to all of us. none of us are naive. all of us have experience. all of us remember dixon. we all know that the government can be secretive.
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this has been extraordinary at any level. what is your take now with this new revelation? is this something par for the course? or does this take it to change and turn into some place quite different? >> if the evidence is there, and i would like to see the explanations for these text messages, if the evidence is there, i don't know how you explain these messages. it does appear they are trying to plant a mole within the transition team to spy on the trump campaign. we already know as bill barr pointed out to great controversy that the trump campaign was being spied on. there was electronic surveillance, a confidential informant and now apparently there may have been a mole. the president was correct when he played the comment a moment ago. this was an attempt at a silent, nonviolent coup based on phoney information to drive him from
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office. clinton was the financier, brennan was the instigator and clapper was the leaker and you had christopher steele and glen simpson who created it all and comey and mccabe and strzok and page were driving the attempt to coup. >> tom, your organization, judicial watch, has been pushing for years like a dog that will not let go. some of us, some individuals, some americans think well this can't be happening. this is crazy talk. every day, there seems to be something more remarkable. with the work you have done, where would something like this ultimately go? what do you think we can expect as we move forward? >> the more we learn, the worse it looks in terms of the spygate coup effort against president trump.
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they are hiding text messages from andrew mccabe, peter strzok and lisa page. there are others that are out there. you start off talking about the presidential campaign. you have to remember that the democrat party apparatus was involved in this. the democrat national committee spent money on this effort to overthrow the president by working with russia intel. they were meeting with the fbi general counsel just shortly before the election. the lawyer for the dnc and hillary clinton. joe biden was in this infamous early january, 2017 over office meeting with barack obama and susan rice and james comey, where they all talked excitedly about the dossier just before comey was launched by obama with president trump team through the dossier. >> i think we are going to see
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an effort to make it seem as though joe biden was dropped in from the planet mars and was never involved in this. he has been involved a great deal. he is an experienced man and knows what's going on. all of us, mike, when we deal with things like this, people mention watergate. this is exclusively different. watergate was a team of people and the president involving re-election trying to get information on the opponent. this is an agency, the highest law enforcement of the nation, colluding and spying and working to change an election that was legal and usurp a dual elected president. that is something we have never seen before? would you agree, mike? >> one of the things that i think we have that we would be very concerned about is the fact that here we have our democrat institutions being undermined by the intelligence community, our law enforcement community, who are entrusted with tools that
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are supposed to be keeping us safe. they are supposed to be part of what goes to the heart of our national security. instead, they are using these tools to undermine our democrat principles, to undermine a dual elected president. what we have seen now, even with brennan, clapper and comey, and the things they have said on national tv, post the obama administration, their absolute opposition to this president. it is evident in the way we see the abuse of power and the department of justice and the fbi and our intelligence agency. >> with the mueller report done, we finally have a sense that this is serious business and that we can actually look at it without being afraid and with the seriousness of taking care of business, that it is not really about trump, it is not even a partisan issue. this is about what can happen in a power framework where there has been no accountability for generations. do you think we are finally at
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this point that we can do this and that we will do it in looking at it seriously and completely? >> if i were james comey, andrew mccabe, peter strzok, brennan, clapper, i would be very, very worried and not sleeping very well. the inspector general has spent a year examining the origins of the trump russia collusion investigation. >> we normally see government investigations, committee stuff. >> this is different. >> it never becomes anything. there is never a result. >> i think you will see criminal referrals in the next 60 days in the i.g. over to the department of justice. bill barr has made it abundantly clear he is serious about undertaking a legitimate investigation, because he realizes the evidence appears to be there that if the fbi, in particular, there was a cesspool of corporation among the upper
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echelons. >> this is our chance to say to everyone in the political field we are serious about taking care of these issues, that there will be repercussions. our infrastructure relies on the legitimacy that the american people give to it because we trust them. great, gentlemen. thank you, tom. i appreciate everybody. sorry. we are sort of time here. directly ahead, joe biden is having all sorts of trouble on the campaign trail. is his shot of the presidency already over? austan goolsbee and ari flasher will be there for that debate. stay with us here on the hannity stay with us here on the hannity
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every week the lines get longer and longer. there are more people who come than they expect because the numbers keep growing. its difficult to have to see people in this situation needy for food. especially at this holiday season of passover. this should be a blessing to you. this $25 food box will provide one desperately needy family here in israel with food, with hope and with a note inside each of these saying that's its from christians and jews in america who seek to bless them. with your phone call right now a food box will go out to one desperate family in israel. inside the food box is a special note that will bless them and let them know that america stands strong in solidarity with israel in their struggle for survival.
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many of these people are ill they're sick, they're alone. they don't have the money to afford things that many of us, most of us, take for granted. people, who don't have enough money to even buy some matza the unleavened bread as the bible describes it. israel and it's people need your help now. you can make a life changing difference by calling and saying that you give a $25 food box to help a family in need in israel. thank you and god bless you for your support.
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election. new economic numbers are coming out today. the president's policies are facilitating growth this nation has not seen in decades. trace gallagher joins us live from our west coast newsroom, which i know well, with the latest. trace? >> tammy, not only is the economy strong but getting stronger. the first quarter, above 3%. that is an indicator consumers and businesses are shopping. you don't need an economic guru to tell you people shop because they have more money or they are confident they will continue getting money. white house economic adviser, larry kudlow, offered his analysis. watch. >> numbers are numbers and gdp is gdp. i think the morale of the country is picking up. i do love these numbers. they are beating what everybody else thinks is happening. >> well, it is certainly beating what liberal economists and "new
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york times" op ed columnist paul krugman said was happening. he said we were heading toward recession. even about the government shutdown in january, the first quarter growth was so impressive that analysts didn't even need to figure in the usual excuses like bad weather. the bottom line here is the economy is doing so well that it's even doing well on msnbc. tammy? >> there you go. that's when you know that you have got some good economy there. trace, thank you very much. biden's campaign is only one-day-old but it is already stamped with his signature trademark, gafs and missteps. cnn reminded viewers of the fact that he had to drop out because of plagiarism accusations. >> he never makes to 1988, because he drops out in '87 following a plagiarism scandal. in 1987, he has only been in the
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senate 15 years. he is seen as an up and comer. he is considered someone who could be the nominee. he gives a speech very similar to a speech a british labor party member had given. >> prior to entering the presidential race yesterday, uncle joe did not bother to call the mother of heather heyer, the woman referenced in his campaign video. when he finally did reach out, it seems to have been too little too late. >> i got a call from him yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon. that was the first time i had ever spoken to joe biden or anybody related to his office or anything. i think he said something about i would have reached out sooner but i wasn't sure how you would feel. i commented, yes, i noticed you didn't mention her name, because you hadn't contacted me. so we sort of acknowledged that
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much. >> meanwhile, president trump seems to be optimistic about the upcoming race as perhaps he should be. amid his opponent's gaffe, he is feeling very confident. >> i just feel like a young man. i am so young. i am the youngest person. i am a young, vibrant man. i look at joe. i don't know about him. i would never say anyone is too old. they are all making me look very young in terms of age and in terms of energy. >> joining me former chair of economic advisers, austan goolsbee and fox contributor, ari fleisher. president trump does seem to be having a very good time. austan, let me ask you, we are
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in an extraordinary economic framework. what do you think when it comes to joe biden who will not be able to ignore his role with the obama two terms and the nature of the economy? what should be his approach? he did mention the economy on his video. what should he be saying to the american people about what he is going to offer differently than what president trump has done? >> i think you saw in joe biden's announcement that it felt like a lot of his focus is going to be, let's call it about cultural issues and about american values and the american way. so i don't know that it is going to be rolling out a series of policy fact sheets or something, if that's what you are saying. i would comment that it struck me from the president's reaction today that the president looked like he doesn't want to run against joe biden and he is trying to throw up a series of critiques. really? a 72-year-old man accusing his
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opponent of being too old? if you look at joe biden's approval rating, he got 100,000 donors in one day, that he leads the primary in the polling and his net favorability is 15 points better than the president's, i can understand why the president would be a little nervous about joe biden. >> i would hope he would have a lot of donors. he has been running for president since 1987. he does have name recognition at this point in time and that gets you a higher bump in the popularity and approval polls. he has really been behind the scenes to a degree, certainly during the obama administration. he has never really taken a huge debate framework to have to deal with that, especially with what the democrat party has to offer. he did raise a lot of money. people in the gop are going after joe biden. wouldn't that be an interesting way to send a message to the
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democrats that, yeah, sent joe biden, because he is the guy that's the easiest to beat? what do you think? >> i don't think president trump is worried about any of the democrats. that's the president's style. let me correct one thing austan said. he did not say joe biden was too old. he said he was too sleepy. i think joe biden's real issue is he is a fish out of water in the modern democrat party. he has such a liberal contingent that has captured the energy, the hearts, the minds, and the souls of so many democrats. can an old style, old school, more moderate politician like joe biden prevail over all those democrats? my suspicion is that joe biden is going to run out of air like a balloon. you are going to watch him fly through the air with the air gradually coming out. i think he has peaked at his highest numbers on the day he entered and it is down hill from here.
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>> austan, would you say that you have a fellow who is entering as though he is entitled to this? this is almost like the next in line, the kind of framework that voters rejected in 2016, that hillary was the next in line? is that going to be a fit? >> i think that would be a mistake if he took that tone, because the presidency is not owed to anyone. anyone that runs for president should explain what they want to do and why they think they could do the job better than the person who is there now or whoever their opponent is. i did not take that from the tone. if you watch joe biden's announcement, it wasn't at all of the, hey, it's my turn. so i am owed this. i don't think, thus far at least, joe biden is not having a problem in the democrat party. he is leading in the polls within the democrat party. his net favorability is vastly in excess of president trump's.
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ari might be right that he might go down from here. he is not starting from a position of weakness, by any means. >> you would have to admit, i think as we saw, in '16 on both sides of the aisle, that the primary season and the debates really show us what people are made of. do you think joe biden is going to -- having a poll right now is one thing. you have got an entire season of debates and a primary season. that's what's going to take its toll on mr. biden, wouldn't you agree? >> yeah. i think there is a dynamic to primaries and campaigns and that's what defines the candidates and determines who is the winner and the loser. hillary was defeating barack obama by a solid margin, double-digit margin in 2008. biden's issue is he has to denounce who he is. you have seen him walk away from heartfelt positions in the '70s, '80s, and '90s.
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in '03, he voted for the iraq war. how is that going to go over in a democrat primary? it's going to be used against biden. >> he sent $150 billion to iran. there are things he is not going to be able to ignore that dynamic there, specially with the shift of the view of the democrat party. gentlemen, thank you for joining me tonight. up next, more overwhelming evidence that there is a crisis on our southern border. we'll be right back on this hannity special, the 2020
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border. earlier this month, a five-time deported illegal immigrant allegedly murdered a four-month-old baby boy in tennessee after finding out he wasn't the baby's father. that is just latest example of a shocking crime committed by an illegal immigrant. earlier this week, presidential candidate, robert francis o'rourke said eve own 'bama was too harsh with deportations. watch this. >> yes or no? >> it will but it will not employ those practice that is we have seen, not just under this administration but under the previous administration. >> joining me with reaction, former i.c.e. chief, tom holman and congressman, andy biggs. gentlemen, every day, we hear something remarkable that has happened to american people that should never have happened at all implemented by someone who should never have been here. this is the most basic job of government, which is keeping the nation safe and securing the
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border. because democrats feel there is some advantage to having the border open, there is this fight. mr. holman, you have been on the front lines here. we understand that this problem exists. we do seem to be hearing from the media a little bit and some democrats. maybe now they are perceiving it as being a problem for them in the upcoming election. tom friedman at the "new york times" said building a wall is important. do you sense any shift in momentum of being able to get this border secure? >> i see a little shift in what's being said. we can't ignore the crisis. i've been doing this 34 years. i can tell you in my 34 years, this is the worst i have ever seen it. you look at over 1 million illegal entries this year. the difference is a couple decades ago, we had over 1 million apprehensions but 95% were mexican nationals that were returned to mexico and re-entered again. the 1 million was closer to 600,000. this is the worst i have ever seen t we have 1 million people
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entering this country illegally that are not going home, because they are taking advantage of asylum, floor settlement agreement, trafficking victims act. there are a lot of things that congress can do to slow this down. the democrat leadership has not offered up one idea to address this. the only person doing anything about this is this president and some of the brave republicans leaders. they can't do it without some democrat votes. this crisis can't be ignored any longer. >> this is the most nonpartisan issue that we could ever have. the violence that gets exacted and the destruction of lives, it doesn't discriminate regardless of who you are and what political party you belong to. some of the rhetoric when it comes to abolishing i.c.e. and romanticizing this environment, condemning the president. this is news that's covered around the world, giving the impression that the president and the desire to secure the border and the interest perhaps
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of the republicans emboldens individuals feeling that they not just have a right to be here but criminality and not following our laws is not such a bad thing because even certain americans don't like law enforcement or i.c.e. or the president. do you think that's contributing to some of the lawlessness we see once illegal aliens get into the interior of the country? >> yes. i think you are exactly right. we are providing the incentives for people to come here and disobey our laws. they disobey the first law when we don't enforce our border. they come here. we are releasing them within a few days, many of them. some of these people are criminally violent as this fellow that just killed the infant. this is a real problem for us. our rhetoric that comes from certain corners of our country
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who say i.c.e. is bad and cbp is bad. this is detrimental to this nation, aiding and abetting this movement. the i.c.e. agents, border patrol agents are being overwhelmed. we are not providing adequate resources or staffing. we have to step up. we are not getting the support we need across the aisle. >> what's interesting, tom, when we demonize i.c.e., which handles crime in the interior, the woman whose baby was murdered, this woman dealing with this maniac, who kills a four-month-old babe i. maybe she was too afraid to call i.c.e. because of the rhetoric she has heard. it is a family like hers that is supported by law enforcement. it is the immigrant community that is supported first and the first victim of criminal illegal aliens. it is this message, i know the president has been sending that message. is that message at all
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resonating outside and within the country for individuals within the community? >> i.c.e. in the last two years has arrested and removed 266,000 illegal aliens convicted of crimes. despite all the rhetoric, i have to give it to the congressman, when the democrats push abolish i.c.e., let's push sanctuary cities where they can get to be protected from i.c.e. when you talk about open borders, free college tuition and driver's license, it entices people to make this dangerous journey, that not only puts law enforcement at risk and the american community. we are up in arms when children die. their policies entice these families to come. 31% of women are being sexually assaulted on this trip. this is going to continue to happen until the democrats realize we are not just a country of laws but we are going
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to save lives. >> the compassionate thing is to have order and save lives and end the chaos and make sure that when it comes to criminality, it is the immigrant communities we are able to support. if you abolish i.c.e., you are throwing all of them out, which, of course, would be horrific. some democrats running for president are pledging to only consider women as they choice for president. for president. good idea? when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation.
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i will have a woman running mate. to me, it is clear we do that. >> i pledge that i would ask a woman to serve as vice-president, putting forward a diverse candidate and policies that would make sure that inherent biases and discrimination would be eliminated. >> joining us now is emily campanio, caylee mcininey. what is interesting is the presumption that a woman wouldn't naturally fit into that position and that you don't need to pledge or the fact that any of these gentlemen would have to be the ones being asked if they want to be the vice-president by a woman. let me ask you, ali, it is an interesting framework. i want a woman to be in power. i want a woman to be president
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and vice-president but i want it to be the right women. do you find be it a little sexist that these guys are saying they are going to help pick a woman to be their secretary? >> if they were real, they would just step down and they would say, i want a woman to win the nomination by default. so i'm already questioning their feminist credentials. i agree with you. it is incredibly pat tronizing and disheartening if you are a woman on the left, parentally, you are not going to be looked at for competency and qualifications but only because of your gender. that's a huge disservice of the very qualified women on the left that may do a good job of being a vice-president. they will never know if it is because they were qualified. >> this is one of the issued, caylee, with identity politics, that it is not about what you have done or what you can accomplish or the fact that you have been a great competitor but
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that someone is going to tap you because you fit a category. women, once given the opportunity, we deliver. do you agree that this is what the democrats should be doing and is it possible at all that they can fit into this framework? >> this is not what the democrats should be doing. this is identity politics, exactly as you said. this is what the left does. everyone has to neatly fit into a bucket, a certain racial category or gender category. they bulkanize society. they are saying, i want a woman vice-president. we females are props to the democrat party. they don't care about women's rights and they wouldn't be for infanticide and killing men and women out of the womb. not a surprise. that's the democrat party for today. >> look at eight years of obama, a lot of promises and demonstrations of what they
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thought was important. when it came to delivering, women's lives did not improve. unemployment, extraordinary levels. wages did not go up. fewer choices for us under president trump, who the democrats constantly complain about, his policies have changed our lives and the lives of every american for the better. do you think that's what can be focused on? it is the 21st century. is there space where you have to specify certain gender or race or at least mention certain kinds of identity groups? is there any value to that at all? >> i think the value lies in specificity but in a neutral sense in terms of that identity. what i mean by that is policies that are specific so that every human and every man and woman understands how they are affected at the kitchen table, economically, how their bank accounts are affected and how their rights and freedoms are affected and how it affects the genders and that is more of a
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trickle-down and subsequent result. it is a token, rather than a decision, especially in terms of going into it. these candidates that say i am going to have this certain diverse requirement and that box checked. those that are in the boxes feel like we would rather it be an action than the commitment. >> this comes when we are just checking boxes as emily noted, it has almost been that there is no expectation for more, for us to deliver. we are like a picture on the wall, that this meets a certain requirement. is that the follow-through that happens when it comes to the jobs we are given and the authority that we also receive in the process of this? >> it is a line that we use a lot when we are talking about the democrats now adays. i must have a higher view of women than they do on the left and these people that think he with are a quota to be filled. i would love to be hired for
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something and chosen for something. i want to be chosen because i know that i am the best, the best candidate, qualified, seen as confident. i think there are plenty of confident, qualified women that can fill positions of power. we are better than just a picture on the wallace you said. >> at the same time, we have women who are running for president on the democrat side and eventually there will be a woman president. i want it to be the right person and a person who will be good for the country, which means it will be a republican at the same time. you have got women who -- a woman could be the nominee. what are the men going to do when they are the ones in the position to be chosen by the woman? are they already removing themselves from being the vice-president, because they were going to dane to pick the woman for that position themselves? >> sure. by their logic, all of these men in the democrat 20 field should move aside. there should be a double female
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ticket. that's what identity politics demands. why are people getting here 24 hours before the rally? because president trump looks at americans like americans. what has the result been for women? generational lows in unemployment, paid family leave and his budget, the child tax credit doubling. the policies of this president are working for everyone. >> that's it. the right policies help everyone across the board and interestingly enough including women as well. thanks for joining me, ladies. i really appreciate it. coming up next, president trump reiterated his report for the second amendment while democrats are going forward with democrats are going forward with wild, radical proposals.
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it's going to be passover in just a few days. and these people are in desperate need. these are very difficult times for israel and the jewish people. as the government spends more and more of it's resources for battling terrorism. the situation has become a crisis. every week the lines get longer and longer. there are more people who come than they expect
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because the numbers keep growing. its difficult to have to see people in this situation needy for food. especially at this holiday season of passover. this should be a blessing to you. this $25 food box will provide one desperately needy family here in israel with food, with hope and with a note inside each of these saying that's its from christians and jews in america who seek to bless them. with your phone call right now a food box will go out to one desperate family in israel. inside the food box is a special note that will bless them and let them know that america stands strong in solidarity with israel in their struggle for survival. many of these people are ill they're sick, they're alone. they don't have the money to afford
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things that many of us, most of us, take for granted. people, who don't have enough money to even buy some matza the unleavened bread as the bible describes it. israel and it's people need your help now. you can make a life changing difference by calling and saying that you give a $25 food box to help a family in need in israel. thank you and god bless you for your support.
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welcome back to this hannity special. today, president trump spoke at the nra meeting where he reaffirmed his commitment to the second amendment. >> we believe in the right to self-defense and the right to protect your family, your community and your loved ones. we believe in the wisdom of our founders and we believe in freedom and liberty and the right to keep and bear arms. president trump's support of our freedoms is in sharp contrast to the radical policies of the democrats fighting for the 2020 presidential nomination. here are just some of their extreme positions. upon being elected, i will give the united states congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws and if they fail to do it, then i will take executive action. >> people commit crimes. they pay the price. when they get out of jail, i believe they certainly should
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have the right to vote. i do believe even if they are in jail, they are paying their price to society. that should not take away their inherent american right to participate in our democracy. >> we are going to roll back student loan debt for about 95% of students who have debt. >> wow. joining us now with reaction is salem radio national host, larry elder and fox news contributor, charlie hurt. the democrat party is a major party. i'm a democrat. it is a party of kennedy and shriver. yet, it has not been a very long period of time and this is shocking recommendations. charlie, just sanders position on voting. it is not about paying a debt. we take your freedom away. that is the ultimate thing you are supposed to have as a
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citizen. why aren't we just letting them go? what is this about voting? what is your take overall of this direction? >> what about another right? should we give prisoners their gun rights? that's a constitutional right we all enjoy. it is insane. tammy, you make the most important point. it is very important that this country have a good, solid, loyal opposition party. we don't have that right now. >> that's right. >> we have a bunch of lunatics and i think president trump under any circumstances is in good shape with the economy and the issues he is running on to win re-election. when you have this opposition party come up with things like post-birth abortion and taking away guns and giving terrorists voting rights from prison. that's bad for america. >> it shows the lack of any
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leadership within that party. >> larry, you are in california. i am a native californian. you can see what the left done and the democrat party does when there is no opposition for them. opposition does make a party better. it keeps people focused and having to make good argument force their position. we are not seeing that in california. do you think this is serious, what the democrats are doing. do you think they believe they can win and do you think they will prevail. look what happened in 2018. >> i believe they think they can win. i believe they think they can prevail. they believe that donald trump stole the election and the russians put him in the white house and they are going to be ready this time. regarding the attack on the second amendment, i am amazed that donald trump is standing up to something that's so obvious. to our friends on the left, the second amendment is designed to prevent a tyrannical government. why would you want to restrict the second amendment to protect you from donald trump? they never ask how many americans are alive because of
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handguns. we know how many are killed because of accidents. how many americans are alive because they have a firearm to protect themselves. a criminalgist in florida says 1.52 million americans every year use a firearm to prevent harm. they believe but for the firearm they would be dead. you need to add up how many are alive and dead before you talk about the second amendment. >> the democrats don't care about the details. it is about the emotional reaction. they need to give the impression they are working on an important issue. it is all about fear in that framework. charlie, it is an interesting time for democrats that aren't in a position of liking what's happening. they are a quiet group. twitter democrats are not running the party. what is going to happen in 2020? will people just stay home?
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>> the people being most disserved are those reasonable democrats that oppose donald trump because they don't like him based on reasonable issues. they are being completely misrepresented by the twitter democrats or that's crazy democrats making up fantasies about russia. >> we have a hard break here. charles, sorry about that. great stuff, you guys. more of this special edition of hannity, the 2020 election. stay with us.
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gust newt gingrich. we hope you'll tune in. have a great night, everyone. te critics of the administration include all including a couple running for president. ♪ >> dana: hello everyone, i am dana perino, 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five" ." the battle for 2020 getting up now that joe biden has officially entered the race. president trump going on the attack against the former vice president and democratic front runner. >> he is not the brightest light bulb in the group, he is not going to be able to deal with president gee, that's a different level of energy and frankly, intelligence. >> i can't believe
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