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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 6, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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maduro is still in a tough position. he doesn't have the money. he is holed up in the presidential palace in a big chunk of the world is against them. it could be a long fight but right now maduro is hanging on. >> neil: steve harrigan, thank you very, very much. in caracas, venezuela. nicolas maduro still technically the guy in the presidential palace. we will be exploring this tomorrow on fox business at noon eastern as well as the fallout from the trade situation and the fact that the chinese might still be bringing a delegation to the country. we had a wild day, swing of close to 1,000 points. what are we in for tomorrow? we'll know tomorrow. for now, here comes "the five" " ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i am jesse watters along with emily compagno, juan williams, kennedy, and brian kilmeade. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ." after last week's huge economic numbers than the lowest unemployment rate and almost 50 years, delusional 2020 democrats are now trying to spin president trump's red-hot economy. they are claiming he doesn't deserve the credit and that we should instead be patting president obama on the back. >> trump is taking credit for a recovery that started under
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obama. who is this economy going to work for? we had attacks planned it was all about giving the wealthiest people more of a break. we have to make sure it's a shared recovery because right now it definitely is not. >> do you give president trump the credit? >> i give our workers and businesses the credit. i think we've had policies in place starting with president obama that have aided the recovery. >> the economy is doing well. i don't have to give trump any credit. i'm sure he will take all the credit he wants. >> jesse: not everyone agrees with the out of touch candidates. a new poll says a majority of americans are happy with trump's handling of the economy. brian, see if you can square this circle for me because i cannot. how can the democrats say it's their economy and at the same time say it's not working for the middle class? >> brian: is very strange. without it was joe biden's were allowed. bring up charlottesville in the middle class is not happy.
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the numbers are so overwhelmingly strong from wages to the different types of people, different classes that seem to be prospering, the amount of jobs, people who are no longer unemployed. 357,000 no longer among those, they -- things seem to be going in the right direction. democrats have more credibility if they say listen, things are going well in the economy. but here's my problem with the present. if you don't acknowledge what we'll see, we're not going to acknowledge what you think is legitimately wrong. i get confused, if i am trump i focus on independents. he's got his base. he's never going to get the liberals, but the people in between, he is still under 40% of revenue of them. barely over that with the economy. he's got to convince them. >> jesse: according to the gallup poll recently, this is his highest approval rating so far and two points above barack obama's approval rating at the same time in his presidency.
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juan, what specific barack obama policies are responsible for this economic boom? >> juan: i know that you are too young to remember this. the stimulus savings. it dug us out of what was the biggest recession in american history. >> jesse: the weakest recovery since world war ii. >> juan: i'm telling you we were in a whole. i don't think it helps democrats to point out that obama started what is now going to be, we are at 117 months of consecutive gdp growth. most of which took place under obama. forget that because that gets into partisan, political analysis. >> jesse: we don't do that here. [laughter] >> brian: mrs. pbs. back in a moment. >> juan: cory booker is onto something when he says the middle class still feels income inequality in their recovery. you look at president trump's numbers and you would think that with the good economic news that
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he would be doing even better. it's obviously the case that people have strong objections to him and we are -- the economy previously was a good measure of how a political candidate, a president seeking a second term was about to do. in this case, it looks like it's nothing. >> jesse: i would cede some of that. let's take a look at one thing you did say which i would like to fact-check. the wage growth right now has been accelerated for the bottom half of workers, emily. you are seeing a lot of the wages rising for blue-collar workers, middle-class workers. the wage acceleration is not as strong for the upper class. >> emily: which is why it's difficult to reconcile the lack of consistent messaging that if the thriving economy was begun under president obama, why does he not blame? rising wages. to touch on what he said, if i was president trump, the reality
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is the economy is thriving. i would not capitulate no matter how persuasive the democrats might try to be on funding the infrastructure bill with raising any type of tax, including the gas tax. there's a bill in congress which recognizes our $2 trillion in debt among government assets. the department of agriculture. we sell it off like congress did in 1986 and if trump uses that savvy to fund this bipartisan bill we've agreed to then there is no spinning the democrats can do. >> jesse: what do you think about the democratic spin? >> kennedy: it's laughable. if hillary clinton or president, there's no way cory booker would be on tv talking about obama's economy because it would be seen as totally sexist. if any other president were enjoying these numbers, they would be considered the greatest president of the modern era. >> jesse: and it would be
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reported as such. >> kennedy: i'm not saying that it's the liberal media who is tarring and feathering this president. he doesn't help himself. he has a lot of unforced digital errors. what's going to happen is you have to have to measure how people feel about where they are right now versus how they feel about the president. a lot of people, including people in the middle class, some low income earners, they feel a lot better than where they were at in 2016. they don't like the president. but they can probably still make four more years if that means four more years of economic growth if the trump administration can make that argument. it's really tough selling a whole basket of deplorable socialist policies that are going to cost american workers $60,000 per household if they implement any of these when people are enjoying increased wages, increased consumer confidence. >> juan: i want to refute the
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wage business. what i saw that it was 3% in terms of wage growth. >> kennedy: jesse assange 5% for the bottom 25 of wage earners. >> juan: from a low level. it's 40% of americans earn less than $15 an hour. when they deal with rising housing costs and rising health care costs, when they deal with rising gasoline costs, to come back to your point, they are seeing that they are getting squeezed in this economy. >> kennedy: i'm so glad you bring that up. three areas where the government is far too involved. housing, health care, energy. >> juan: i disagree. >> kennedy: it exacerbates what you call income inequality. obama had eight years to foster income inequality equality andt happen. >> juan: 53, 54% of people saying g.o.p. policies benefit
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the rich, not the middle class. >> brian: a couple things with the tax plan. this is where you're right, juan. "the washington post" proves that 80% of the country in all different levels has gotten some type of tax break but the administration hasn't done a good job getting the word out. with direct deposit and technology, were not getting her check, cashier. we let it all blending. we don't know the tax cut were getting the people saying we were getting the returns we were, turns out the returns were almost exactly the same after the early hesitation. if the republicans are smart and wanted to get to a different era and the president feels two years were stolen from him because of the mueller investigation, give barack obama credit. when he was senator obama and he kept his composure and he met with paulson and he met with ben bernanke e, what's going on with the economy? it's not until he won the presidency, mccain lost his temper and obama kicked into
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gear. most of the 800 billion is where republicans and democrats separated. solyndra, giving the money to the state and same do your best. the release of regulations, 22 a week. >> juan: you've got to say government gets involved in terms of trying to limit the excesses of income inequality. >> kennedy: and they make it absolutely worst. >> juan: you just heard brian say, brian just laid out how government got us out of the recession. >> jesse: well, we know juan got a a big tax cut because hes really rich. radical democrats threatening to throw ag bill barr in jail if he doesn't give into their mueller report demands. so... you're driven, and you have a ton of goals...
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it's everything a small business owner needs. comcast business. beyond fast. ♪ >> brian: on this day that michael cohen reported to prison, democrats ramping up their attacks against william barr. house judiciary committee said to hold barr in contempt if he doesn't turn over his unredacted version of the mueller report. democrats continue to go after barr and are threatening to throw him in jail. >> we had just recently a united states attorney general who lied to congress and lied to you. and is clearly more interested in representing the president then the american people. >> i believe right now he should resign. i think everything should be on the table. >> you have to have them sit for
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a hearing and i think you have to have them locked up, unless he agrees to participate and come the hearing. >> brian: do you think he flossed after having a chicken? democrats pushing robert mueller to testify they 15. president trump slamming the move saying democrats don't need a do over. what's begin with william barr. he wrote a letter and in the letter he said not only -- i appreciate the offer to come back and i will come back if you go by the old rules. you want to see an unredacted version. you haven't even shown up for the less redacted version i have in my office. why should i redact everything? you know i'm not allowed to. >> jesse: nadler has access to the unredacted version but he hasn't walked his butt over there to take a look at it. he wants to see it and leak it and control the new cycle. if mueller was the white knight everybody loved, whereas
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democrats trying to fact-check his reporting. why don't they believe what he says? this is not what it's about. it's not oversight. it's overkill. this is an unprecedented scope of information they are trying to gather. of information. i don't even know what a terabyte is but it's a lot. receipts, credit card transactions, there's no way they have any legitimate legislative purpose by handing it over. >> brian: they don't want to ask your own questions let alone go through millions of documents and do their mueller report. makes me wonder, kennedy, the redactional argument is a most on. only 6 to make a 10% of the entire document has been redacted. >> kennedy: there are people have access to this information. they can spend their time doing this. what they really want is to sit down with robert mueller. if these are the questions they have. let's not forget mueller went through the reduction process
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with bill barr. if they have an issue with what was redacted and the percentage compared to the length of the full report, that's the first may need to take this up with. because of that and they also have a tentative date set with bob mueller to go before the judiciary committees. until that happens, they need to stop politicizing this because it's an ultimate distraction. you're looking at a democratic party that really has the opportunity now with some of the in so many people politically engaged on every side, not just republican and democrat, independents, you have a great opportunity to tell people what your ideas are and how your going to make life better and with these distractions, you make their lives annoying. when people are annoyed, they don't want to help you and they don't want to vote for you. >> brian: are you annoyed, juan? >> juan: i am annoyed with you guys. [laughter] i listened and i say these democrats, look what they've done to kennedy and jesse.
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if this was benghazi and you are making the same case, why is congress requesting all of his material, gigabytes, terabytes. this is what happened to obama. let me say. >> kennedy: don't compare benghazi to bill barr. >> jesse: who died? >> juan: our country lost big time. >> jesse: democratic hopes. >> juan: i don't know why you say -- don't say congress has every right to exercise oversight. they are making legitimate claims. >> jesse: it's not legitimate. >> juan: it doesn't matter. the constitution says they have the right. >> brian: they want to do their own report. >> juan: normally what you hear from the justice department is let's negotiate, congress. i will give you this much, that much. what bill barr and trump are doing is trying to stiff the
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whole constitution. >> brian: emily, you are the legal scholar. is that what they are trying to do? >> emily: they are trying to distract us from the real ball which is the fact that everyone is terrified of what the inspector general report will undoubtedly prove which is that our intelligence agencies used unfounded legal reasons to surveil private citizens. you saved oversight, but it's not. it's an attack on our attorney general which i find disgraceful. you bring up fast and furious. nadler voted against holding eric holder there in contempt during that time. there's no way to reconcile this when the messaging is clear that democrats are panicking, in total fear on the hill because they are refusing to see the unredacted version or admit because i can't publish and they can't use it as a weapon. >> kennedy: can i add to what juan said. juan, if republicans want to farm benghazi and other investigations, -- if
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republicans went too far, it was a lose for them because they ended up losing the house. if that's the case, maybe democrats should pay heed to the warning that you are offering that they shouldn't overextend themselves. here's where i agree with you, i need to decrease the amount of power concentrated in the executive branch. >> juan: we will see what happens wednesday. republicans held eric holder in contempt. >> jesse: and what happened? nothing happened. >> juan: eric holder. it's shameful he was held in contempt. he feels personally that he was hurt by it. >> brian: he doesn't sound like it. you mean the president's wing man? >> juan: not like us, jesse.
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>> brian: hillary clinton same the 2016 election was stolen from her. weight until you hear her latest complaint. we hear it from someone who paid $12 to hear her speak over the weekend. e and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. sleep number is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses by j. d. power. save $400 on select sleep number 360 smart beds.
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♪ >> juan: hillary clinton apparently still not over her 2016 defeat to president trump. she is claiming the election was stolen from her. watch this. >> i think it's also critical to understand that as i've been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the best campaign. you can even become the nominee. and you can have the election stolen from you. >> juan: brian, i think this is a situation where you look at hillary clinton as she is saying, you know what, we really have to be sure that we win by a compelling amount. actually nancy pelosi picked up on this and i will show you that in the second. because she's not sure donald trump would peacefully
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leave office. >> brian: she's ridiculous. she's not self-aware. there's nothing better than somebody who admits that when they lose and they say is where blewitt and the popular vote doesn't mean anything because that's not how we judge. we have to win states and we didn't win enough states. i lost 30 states to donald trump. that's my problem. instead, she was i when the popular vote it was taken by the russians. he makes me appreciate al gore. he could've said the governor of florida was jeb bush. i barely lost to george bush by 500 votes. the whole state election would've been different. he could've made a ton of money and speaking across the country. instead he did watch as he would've done, he grew a beard and taught at columbia. instead of saying i needed a big mistake. i met huma abedin gone the laptop of anthony weiner. big mistake with john podesta with an email server out there and people hacked into it. >> jesse: a naked server?
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[whistles] >> juan: i think russian propaganda have a lot do with it. kennedy, what about jerry falwell saying we owe president trump and after two years. sounds like someone is trying to lay the groundwork. >> kennedy: no. no one owes anyone anything and everyone knows that's not how the system works. hillary clinton i believe in st. louis talked about her greatest fear is that president trump, then candidate trump, wouldn't concede the election when she won and that our elections have consequences. i wish she would go back and read some of those words. instead every once in a while, she will sprout a -- they're out to "i take full responsibility." then she goes through the laundry list. the russians, james comey, macedonian hackers.
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>> brian: barack obama had to convince her to concede. >> kennedy: de peter baker book, he's written a book about how disgusted president obama was. blames her and her soulless, scripted campaign. >> juan: nancy pelosi saying if we hadn't won overwhelmingly 40-plus seats in the 2010 midterms, a slighter amount, four seats, president trump one of said not true. would've challenged the results of the election. >> jesse: of the democrats are saying donald trump will not accept the results of the 2020 election when they haven't accepted the result of the 2016 election? >> juan: i think he is the white house. >> brian: juan was assigned a segment. he did get to choose it. your heart is not in this
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segment. it's not. [laughter] >> jesse: i will tell you what's going on with pelosi. what's probably going to happen, you're going to see donald trump win the electoral college and maybe lose the popular vote. so she is setting this up now for democrats to challenge the election results if trump wins that way again. and she is saying that the democrats have to beat him on kitchen table issues and not do impeachment. back to hillary, she lost the election and now she lost her dignity. she does this every time she takes a loss. the president fooled around with monica and she blamed the vast right-wing conspiracy. she lost to obama. she blames sexism. now she lost to trump and she is blaming the russians. obama was right. she ran a soulless campaign. she did not run the right way, she said in that sound bite and i don't know about you but i think she's just trying to boost ticket sales. they had to deeply discount.
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$12. >> juan: i have a problem, emily. i think president trump was on the phone with vladimir putin just last week and people said did you tell them, this interfering not only in our election, venezuela, not good. he said it didn't come up. >> emily: when he spoke in helsinki, he got vilified by the left. >> juan: that's when putin was right next to him and he said i believed putin and not the american intelligence. >> emily: that has nothing to do with hillary clinton's excuse to her. it doesn't surprise me that she -- i feel like she's not saying we need to win on the issues. she is just in her tour. as an establishment candidate who won the popular vote and still lost, she probably is hard to step aside. she has that victim complex. she's probably a narcissist. to watch joe biden emerge from the pack leading it and everyone is obsessed with it.
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she probably is aghast. she should step aside and focus in a different way, whether it's lecturing in columbia or something because it's making her look so bitter and she had to say i'm the matriarch. when candidates come to me, young people, this is my advice. >> kennedy: can you imagine those meetings, how annoying. okay, i guess we have to go see grandma hillary. here the speech about how she was the best candidate. but the election was stolen. >> juan: you could do a choir of "lock her up" for us. [laughter] you are the ones obsessed with hillary clinton. >> kennedy: we don't dig her up every weekend. >> jesse: she is on tour, juan. >> juan: a reliable hit for trump. critics teeing off on tiger woods, the fallout from a dramatic disqualification in the kentucky derby, and you won't want to miss this. there is a royal baby here.
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♪ >> kennedy: welcome back. it's time for the fastest seven. first up, it's a story we can't stop talking about. we cannot look away from the drama at churchill downs. the outraged owners of maximum-security, the horse that crossed the finish line first at the kentucky derby before being disqualified. they can file an appeal with the state racing commission but it's just been denied. it was the first disqualification in the 105 year history of the derby. officials found that the horse drifted out of its lane and interfered with other horses. country house was declared the winner. here is maximum-security's co-owner on the upset. >> we were stunned, shocked, in complete disbelief. it had never been done before.
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>> can you see maximum-security slide over three lanes and make contact with another horse? do you see that? >> i saw the horse move out but every kentucky derby you can set down two or three or four horses if you wanted to. >> kennedy: all right, what's on the dash on "the story" with martha tonight. let's talk about the legal ramifications here. what are the courses of action that the owners of maximum-security have at their disposal? >> emily: the appeal has been denied at the state level and the attorney has said he's going to pursue other legal options. he's requested the monies won put in escrow so he's requesting wit now it will go through the courts, that everything pauses while this plays out. hopefully will have a faster result than things that we see that we often talk about. >> brian: maximum-security will not be running in the preakness. this result, i don't care who
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you bet on, it's a disaster for horse racing. it's their time of the year to shine. this is it and they are blowing it. it's not their fault but the way the system is set up, i cannot believe somebody could protest that they shouldn't first make the call and then people examine it. instead the protest goes in and within 20 minutes, something as titanic as that is able to take place. according to horse racing experts, there's 20 horses in the race. usually there's 14. of course they're going to bump into each other. there's a lot of horses shoulder to shoulder. >> kennedy: it was a sloppy track. juan, i know you are heartbroken. >> juan: i am a fan of horse racing. there's been a bad year for horse racing. a lot of deaths. important distinctions made. people saying of course it's under the boards in basketball or nascar where cars ram into each other and things happen. these are horses. they are living creatures.
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a horse can break a leg and die. they have to shoot horses sometimes on the track. what the jockey did was clearly wrong, illegal. it's the reason you have rules and stewards because you have rules to be enforced. it's right, this is never happened before, as gary west was saying. gary west was wrong if he thinks this was a legitimate ride. that jockey was straying far out. >> kennedy: how did it turn into a political issue? >> jesse: no obstruction, juan juan. what you're saying, in sports, the last 2 minutes, he let them play. rules are rules but you don't want the ref deciding something like this in the kentucky derby. i had the number 7 and a lot of these bets and i got crushed. i lost hundreds of dollars. everybody knows what's going to happen. there's going to be a guy in the desert and he's going to pay a visit to whoever made this rule thing. you cannot let this money go out
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the window without someone taking matters into their own hands. i'm not condoning it. i'm just saying that's what's going to happen. a long shot on the dq? you think this is going to go down? >> brian: the president is unhappy. >> kennedy: it has become a political issue. after his big comeback win at the masters just minutes from now, tiger woods will receive the presidential medal of freedom at the white house. apparently not everyone is happy about it. some critics are slamming woods, claiming the only reason he's receiving the award is because of his relationship with el presidente. >> brian: one of the greatest moments i've seen in sports, even phil knight, all the moments he's been part of, he said he's never seen anything better than this. i think it 43 years old, what he has been through and trump cites the fact that he stayed with him the entire time from the time he was 12, 18, 21, 30s, and
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40s. hang in there, tiger. tiger appreciates it. he doesn't mind saying he's his friend. 43-year-old medal of freedom. i have no problem with that. people say it's too early. not really. an elite athlete doing something he's done. he's had five lifetimes played that we've all seen front and center. i love the story and i like the man. >> jesse: greatest comeback in sports history. kind of reminds me of the presidents come back in 2016. the real reason people don't like this on the left... they are jealous of the president is friends with tiger. they golfed together. it reminds them that trump was a celebrity and a well-liked guy before this. this is also the left doesn't like it because this is a black american athlete who is friends with the president, and that's not the left narrative. they did this with kanye west and now they are trying to do it with tiger woods. to be honest with you, it's tiger woods. it's not like he's giving the presidential medal of freedom to alex jones. this guy deserves it. >> kennedy: no, that's next
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month. >> juan: in this white house, i wouldn't be surprised. >> kennedy: what are the objections? is it because tiger woods and the president have an arrangement to have a tiger woods designed course in dubai? >> juan: they have financial ties. that's the reason, the president has the golf club developer, they had a tight relationship with tiger woods. he has villas named after tiger woods. >> jesse: you are saying that the metal awarding ceremony is corrupt? >> juan: absolutely. >> jesse: juan! come on! may be pence to give the metal. >> juan: not only is it sort of too early for this presidential medal of freedom but i think that you've got to understand he has financial ties to the guy that's giving it to him who will benefit. >> emily: i think there's something about sports journalism that it really commodified a lot of athletes. i have a significant problem with max kellerman and rick reilly coming in and saying
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here's what you should say and do and feel, tiger, and here's when you should be outraged and here's when you should decline. tiger said we should respect the office of the presidency regardless of personality or politics and rick riley said that's so thoughtless. i think we should give him a bit of room and i think it's not thoughtless. >> brian: this is the overstepping. you can condemn donald trump for giving him the presidential freedom award, the highest civilian honor. that's when it's too much. >> kennedy: finally, a special delivery for the royal family. duchess meghan and prince harry welcoming a baby boy this morning. >> we are both absolutely thrilled and so grateful to all the love and support from everybody out there. it's been amazing. i just wanted to share this with everybody. >> kennedy: the royal couple says they are still deciding on the name but whatever they decide, they will not let kate and william have any say. >> jesse: i think jesse is a
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great name. i would look into that. sussex was the name they were considering. >> kennedy: they are the duke and duchess of sussex. the baby is right now -- >> brian: research at all? [laughter] did you open up the folder? >> jesse: this is coming from brian kilmeade. yes, it's coming from you. i am a well-researched person. >> jesse: spencer was the name. >> brian: you are remembering it now? >> jesse: yes, i just remembered it. >> juan: i was watching the video and i just want to say congratulations. he looks genuinely happy. he had to live through a very low moment when his mom died so the grandmom's not around and i feel for them i think it's wonderful and i wish them the best. >> kennedy: he said they had two hours of sleep. she went into labor at 5:26 a.m. it's a very fast and painful
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labor. god bless her. >> brian: i don't think speed should be a judgment. >> kennedy: the shorter the labor, the more intense the pain. >> emily: i thought he was so cute in his story. this speaking of betting. >> kennedy: jesse lost hundreds of dollars. >> jesse: i had sussex is the name. >> kennedy: british gambling houses willing to take the bet. up next, surprising "game of thrones" issue that has everyone talking. grab some coffee for this one. i can't believe it.
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that we're playing "four on four" with a barbershop quartet? [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum... pass the ball... pass the rock.. ...we're open just pass the ball! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j! shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay... believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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♪ >> brian: what a disaster. >> emily: one of the bigger shows in america making a big mistake last night. don't worry. no major spoilers here. eagle allied fans notice that in "game of thrones," a starbucks cup made a cameo. hbo responding by jokingly saying the latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. daenerys targaryen had ordered an herbal tea. what got me about it is if you're doing lean set, it's easy for someone to miss a mic but
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there is 500 people on every set and that's a pretty major, obvious gaffe. >> brian: i have a friend who is an executive producer. he wrote it's a culmination of lazy people insect decoration, camera not looking, editors not paying attention and network qc had to blow it. what's going on at hbo? >> jesse: you can't see anything on "game of thrones." i'm surprised you don't miss more. you have to change her tv settings. >> kennedy: you have knobs on your tv? >> jesse: cinema quality, full blown. why is a child like that. >> emily: they don't care -- >> kennedy: we are in such a fantastic place in the world and everything is just fine if this is what's eating a people's mental energy, then nothing else is wrong. this is a great sign that we are
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living in the best age ever because people are up in arms about a wayward starbucks cup. >> jesse: the golden age of donald trump. some people would say. >> juan: you would say. i think one, i notice there's lots of clickbait that has this item in this movie is outdated or what is this doing here. lots of opportunities to rot your brain, kennedy. but i would say this about this here, number one showing the country, so popular, millions spent by hbo. you would think they would catch it. everybody makes mistakes. my question is what was she drinking? i think the answer is dragon espresso. >> brian: there was a car scene in "braveheart." in "downton abbey," there was a water bottle. >> jesse: downtown abby? >> emily: remember the dude standing in the -- >> kennedy: the ghost boy?
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>> emily: "one more thing" is up next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? amanda's mom's appointment hello mom. just got rescheduled - for today. amanda needs right at home. our customized care plans provide as much - or as little help - as her mom requires. whether it's a ride to the doctor or help around the house. oh, of course! tom, i am really sorry. i've gotta go.
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can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself.
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i don't know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. >> time for one more thing. how is your jingo game? >> greg: it is good but if you asked -- >> bret: dum xp to look at this dog playing janke, this labrador puppy is plaguing jin jinga. an unbelievable mood by this puppy. and i don't even think he was trained to do this. he does that by himself. and plays the game like that. i am impressed. >> dana: and then he runs off with ap's. speak to your remember the tv show texas ranger?
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get ready to runners honoring chuck norris saturday. take a look at the video. they handed out chuck norris t-shirts, stainless steel belt buckle, jesse for the most people gathered while dressed as chuck norris. and his wife in attendance as the race began at the george bush presidential library texas a&m. the kick-start for kids that teaches mixed martial arts to children in the chuck norris tradition and raise money for the mercy project in an effort to fight. and they got the high five, real chuck norris. >> jesse: not yet '79, close. thanks a lot. you want to see me and also people have a chance to do it. i get to talk history on these days, july 20th, august 10th, august 11th, over in orlando,
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north carolina. and, fox nation, streaming and we took my series what made america great. i hope you see that and also "snl," adam sandler came back the first time in over 20 years and created a lot of his friends. this guy is known for loyalty as well as being funny. i did not know he was fired but chris rock walks out, how loyal he is to dan patrick, rob snyd snyder, kevin james, and then i was reminded he has a big heart when he actually singled out a certain outstanding "snl" character. let's listen to his song periods ♪ >> it was awesome to know the first time he's been back, and
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even talked about how he passed away. so i thought it was a good night "snl." >> something about that chair, multiple things, very impressive. >> dana: you know what i want to do, relax and a hot tub. and a family bear, a mama bear, cubs and great smoky mountain mountains, -- santana state, the bears took a dip in a hot tub, vacationing there and said the baby bear actually closed his eyes and was fully relaxing. when the muscles finally relaxed enough, they got out and ate a small family. it might have been true. [laughter] 180 degrees difference and relaxing in a hot tub, toronto's wonderland theme park debuted the fastest and tallest diaper in the world, guys. 80 miles an hour, 3,625 feet of
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track. including 360 degrees underwater, this is ridiculous. exactly come i will not be going but enjoy. and missing the episode of the five, special report up next. we went this bear is not in the hot tub, thanks, jesse. [laughter] this is a fox news alert, bret baier and under the table tonight in the high-stakes game of poker with china. a renewed trade deal. the trade representative said just a short time ago new round of tariffs worth hundreds of billions of dollars will be imposed on chinese imports 12 oh 1:00 a.m. friday morning. that is just one day after the u.s. and chinese negotiators sit down here in washington to try to hammer out a truce trade war whose stakes could expand exponentially, global markets and a shaky mood after the


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