tv Outnumbered FOX News May 16, 2019 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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>> sandra: we have 40 seconds left. you can talk about what you're having for lunch, i suppose. >> jon: big interview tomorrow. he will want to watch the big elmers bill helmers >> sandra: we will have that for you bright and early tomorrow. stay tuned for all of that very good to have you, john. we'll see that here tomorrow. speed 25 stars now. >> harris: you got a show for you. the showdown between the white house and house democrats reaching a new level today. right now democrats have just begun reading the mueller report in the rules committee hearing room, a day after the president's team refused to turn over reams of documents and rejected tons of interviews related to the russia probe. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, fox news at night anchor shannon bream. what? she has a new book out. "finding the bright side: the art of chasing what matters." we will talk about it more later in the hour.
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next, fox news contributor katie pavlich. host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy. then in the center seat, because the "fox & friends" weekend and senior political analyst, pete hegseth. he works nine days a week. [laughter] >> pete: basically! speak >> shannon: and he brings the soccer game. >> pete: is all i can do. speaking of the table is blocking them. you need to see them, they are delightful. >> pete: for all of you. >> harris: hears the news. democrats are beginning their marathon meeting of the redacted mueller report. the white house refusing to turn over documents sought by the house judiciary committee, saying democrats do not get a do over of the russia probe. and that congressional investigations should not be about harassing political opponents. panel chairman jerry nadler pushed back, vowing to continue investigating the president and taking aim at attorney general william barr. >> they welcomed it and they
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coordinate it with it. colluded, in a word. there is no question about that. colluding with a foreign powder down my power to rig an american election. there's no question. >> despite bill barr singing over -- -- >> he's just representing the present. >> harris: nadler wasn't specific on the timing of the full floor vote to hold barr in contempt but tells fox news it'll be soon. a source says they rented to nancy pelosi at an event yesterday and jokingly asked her if she bought her handcuffs. well, publicity has accused barr of lying to congress. let's just get the elephant out of the room. did you bring your handcuffs? [laughter] i'm not asking you. i'm just saying, that's what was said. [laughter] >> shannon: this is not the show i was planning on, but okay! [laughs] >> pete: that the after the show show. bill barr is living rent-free in
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the minds of democrats right now. that's a private comment. "did you bring your handcuffs?" this is a guy he was totally liberated. he doesn't have anything to defend. if you go outside of washington, d.c., there is absolutely no american out there wondering whether or not the mueller probe has been sufficiently examined. whether we've investigated russia enough. it's story time the rules committee hearing, you can read the report here right on the internet. they are reading it and choosing not to read the redacted version, which many of them have access to read if they want to. this is really silly. i think hurtful political theater for democrats. they were playing yesterday's game, it didn't work out the way that they wanted. you can't monday night quarterback everything. >> shannon: to me this is such a d.c. political theater thing. to see they had this movie a moment, she talked about putting him in jail. the person that's underneath the u.s. capital. then when they ask each other face-to-face, "did you bring the
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handcuffs?" and she said, "the sergeant-at-arms is here if we need to arrest anyone." both sides know they are doing this political theater. but when it comes down to it, they are buddy-buddy. you're not putting you in jail. >> harris: that's the thing that makes it so sloppy. there's -- what they're talking about is pretty important. >> kennedy: i don't mind that their moments of levity. that's the one thing people like about the way washington works. there might be friendships. when i talked to lawmakers, try to appeal to them to reach across the aisle. come up with areas of agreement so they could get something done. otherwise, it's just politicized posturing and everyone despises that. you talk about political theater in d.c., this is why i'm disappointed. shannon can back me up on this. if they don't have custom and lighting during this reading, they have failed. if they don't make a big event, jazz hands. there is something wrong with them. because the reading itself is
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very boring. nobody is paying attention. four days from now or two weeks from now no one is going to remember that the most highly politicized democrats took 12 hours to read a document that was readily available. we have you on a split screen. go back to kennedy. she was much more animated. [laughter] she is on a split screen right now with what's happening inside that room, and the whole time he was speaking, making your point -- [laughter] >> pete: that doesn't look like theater to me. >> kennedy: e.r., where are the strobe lights? >> harris: what will be get out of this, katie customer asked bt that's the point. they sent democrats to house for a reason. >> harris: health care. >> katie: they've been complaining for two years about russian meddling in interference. if you look at the mueller report, it's true. you can do two things at once. you can believe and take the evidence that there was no collusion, no obstruction. also understanding that russia is a threat to the united states
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and other countries around the world. we should be taking them seriously when they are trying to do exactly what democrats continue to do, which is pit americans against each other to sow discord within the country. that's exactly with the mueller report says. instead of working on -- i don't know, going to briefings about what russians are planning to do in 2020, coming up with some kind of legislation, bolstering the intelligence community, they are instead spending the entire day reading a report that is publicly available while we need to stress people like jerry nadler, who ran to hold bill barr in contempt, are not taking the opportunity to look at the very report he's been demanding and holding bill barr in contempt for. it gets us nowhere when it comes to protecting america from what they've been arguing is a threat from russia. >> harris: one version was by a member of the media, the average was a less-redacted one that was given to congress. then we have the one that we all
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can get, in pdf form online for free. it said to be 98.5% unredacted, in a scif, just six blocks away from the capitol at the doj. why not give the whole argument credibility with those five or six, including chairman nadler? they can go read that. >> shannon: they can and i don't understand why they haven't. there are republicans who haven't read it, either. but the three who have gone are republicans. none of the democrats took up the offer. they are saying unless everybody in congress or at least everybody in house judiciary can read it, they aren't going to read it. so i get that. of course, congress does have an oversight power. that's very important. the executive branch, it's something the founders built in. we all want that. this in the station has to remember anything they say no to, any fight they have, that's going to be an argument that a democrat in the white house can make it, as well. >> pete: they don't want to know, they want to exploit. they want to draw this out for whatever reason as long as they can to muddy the waters.
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you mentioned health care. >> harris: why were the democrats hired another brat the midterms? that's what violet don't like voters told everybody. >> pete: that's an advantage. every time that might actually resonate with people, there's not a single voter out there on the fence that's worried about whether the rules committee read the report or not. >> harris: this is, kennedy, wei think nancy pelosi really steps in. she's trying to get stuff to go forward and not to say the impeachment word. because nancy has all those years behind her, and she understands that when the skin comes to an end in much of the same answers are coming out of the report as they did six weeks ago, you have to move on. >> kennedy: she seems to be one of the few people has a sense of history in terms of how favor can change and how the optics can change during impeachment. you don't have to look at andrew johnson. you don't have to look at richard nixon, just look at what happened to bill clinton and his
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favorability after that. >> harris: talk to newt gingrich! he'll tell you. >> katie: they are playing dirty. instead of moving forward with impeachment, they are acting like they're going to impeach him and engaging in impeachment-like behavior. >> harris: is making of her democrats mad. >> katie: that's dirty. either do it or not. >> harris: democratic voters say they aren't happy with that. either go big or go home. i don't know where that would be. maybe health care is at home. [laughter] we will move move on. tomorrow on "america's newsroom" -- you got to see this -- bill hemmer will interview attorney general william barr, his first interview since the release of the mueller report. and since the house judiciary committee voted to hold him in contempt. there will be at 9:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. pop your corn may be a little early for popcorn. but i will be eating it tomorrow morning. a big political shift that could affect college admissions as the s.a.t. exam will reportedly begin, giving students an adversity score. in a bid to level the playing field. we will debate it.
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and president trump set and unveil for sweeping immigration overhaul aimed at ramping up border security and emphasizing merit based immigration among other changes. but the plan already facing big headwinds on both sides of the political aisle. keep watching. >> the best thing you can do to bring democrats and republicans together is to have a good plan, which is exactly what we have in this. it's to have something -- nothing in there that democrats shouldn't be for. alright, i brought in ensure max protein... give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't (grunti)g i'll take that. (cheering) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar ensure. for strength and energy. but allstate actually helps you drive safely...
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years. think of it this way, that is the equivalent of the population of the city of orlando, florida. showing up on our southern border in the course of two months. that creates a crisis. >> kennedy: that was former obama dhs secretary jeh johnson. he is among those sounding the alarm over the migrant surge at the southern border. this, as president trump this afternoon is set to unveil details for his plan to transform the immigration system. senior administration officials telling fox news the plan will include ending the visa lottery system, implementing merit-based admission, building a wall and modernizing entry ports, and improving the asylum process. democratic senator dick durbin incorporated wing hit out of the speech, saying the white house is the only thing standing in the way of solving the crisis of the border. watch. >> every time we've tried to respond to the crisis in immigration he has play to his base and made the situation
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worse. what we face now is truly a humanitarian crisis. i think the detainees are being held at the border now are in dangerous and even life-threatening circumstances, and i have seen it firsthand. >> kennedy: the white house press secretary sarah sanders says democrats are not being serious when it comes to immigration. watch. >> the difference between republicans and democrats in this case is we've laid out what we want, what we want to see happen in our immigration system. we want to move to this merit-based system. democrats right now, unless they get on board with this, the only thing they said they want his open borders. i think that is a terrible thing for our country, and i think it's a terrible message for them going into 2020. there are now starting to realize and admit that the systm is broken and we have a real crisis. >> kennedy: the system is broken, pete. even jeh johnson, he does not look back longingly, i don't think. not only of his time, but he doesn't want the job now. >> pete: no, he doesn't. >> kennedy: he's got to be relieved. >> pete: when he said there
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was a thousand illegal crossings during the day, that was a bad day. we have reached 45,000 a day per this is an opposite of a crisis, this is very real. on every level, this is a general election proposal. this is an utterly sensible update to what immigration requires. this ends a system that is based on folks coming who we don't know what they are, what their motivations are, ask them to have skills, learn english, basics of expired build the wall come update the asylum system. the assigned claims is the reason we have the crisis to begin with. you say the a word and you are into our country. democrats don't have a plan other than wanting to be for doctoral recipients. if you want that debate, president trump runs on that and says, "give me a republican house so we can do this common sense stuff." ideas like the percentage of the general electorate? that will resonate. democrats don't have a counter offer. >> harris: they have that, though. because the president gave them daca recipients. he gave the millions of people beyond the 1.8 or so that we had originally looked at.
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1.8 million. he gave them out and they said no. they said no to what they said they would say yes to. it's mind-breaking. >> pete: why would you want this white house to lead with a compromise proposal as opposed to coming out with ar -- the one that's a good point. the >> pete: to always start with your strongest position. >> kennedy: there are two things -- compromise and copperheads of admit dominic immigration. they are going to get that. but there are things that both sides agree need to change. that they want. why can't they start from there and then fight about the stuff that may be doesn't matter as much, they are -- there is a big issue and people are starting to see this isn't just the president standing up. we need a symbolic wall but there's not really a problem for a lot of people. those numbers are hard to turn away from. >> katie: i went to the briefing of the warehouse yesterday about this plan. the question was asked by multiple people, why isn't daca included in this as some kind of goodwill to democrats?
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the answer is this point isn't about that because we need to reform the legal immigration system in this country now. we can do with that issue later as a separate issue. the plan -- with the president is going to lay out today twofold. border security, hardening ports of entry, giving more resources there. but it really is an overhaul of the legal immigration system, which hasn't been changed since 1960. changing the criteria for what you get to do to come to america. right now, here's some numbers. in canada, when you want to become a citizen, 63% of people who become citizens in canada are given citizen ship based on employment at merritt. in america it's only 12%, and 66% is if you have a feeling of her here in a family connection. it levels the playing field for anybody in the world. if you want to come to america, you can meet certain criteria whether it's age, english proficiency, and prove that you have a job. you will be beneficial to the economy, and that is what they are focused one. it's honestly about border security. with us a different approach and
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terms of the legal system. >> kennedy: that's where congress has to act in terms of some of those numbers. who we allow end, what kind of country want to be. president has said that he wants to increase the number of seasonal workers who can come here. it's a very tight labor market, you are talking to entire industries who may have been hurt so far by the turf war with china and the trade war that is going on in regards to china. also, that need some sort of valve that opens to allow them to run their businesses properly. without subsidies. >> shannon: call me skeptical, but going into an election i don't know this these sites cat together on anything. they couldn't even get it past the first procedural vote. when they tried to put together something -- me skeptical, i'm a little doubtful. >> pete: i'm going to call you right. >> shannon: i don't think the democrats want to give the president any kind of win. he's laying out a plan that he knows they can't agree to. then he can campaign saying, "i
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give them a smorgasbord and they wouldn't vote on anything. they are the obstructionists." he feels very 2020. >> kennedy: these numbers -- he states no longer a manufactured crisis. i think that actually helps the president, oddly enough. it helps to make a case about immigration with a large influx. congress does have to act. this shouldn't be a partisan issue. that's how they are treating immigration. all right. what could be the nation's most restrictive abortion bill becomes law in alabama, virtually guaranteed to facing legal challenges paid how this will play out in the courts and on the campaign trail. we will debate all of it next. ♪ if you're a veteran homeowner, taking care of your family and home takes a lot of money. the mortgage, the bills, credit cards, home improvements. it all takes cash. getting that cash is just a phone call away. call newday usa. the newday usa 100 va loan lets you take out an average of 54,000 dollars to pay debts or put in the bank
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>> harris: shannon wants to acknowledge that she and ms. pelosi are wearing the same dress. >> shannon: we are going to be in one of those of us a magazine "who wore it best!" [laughter] >> harris: that was how speaker pelosi wing and as a focus turns to the supreme court. yesterday, a bill was signed making it a felony for about doctors in that state to perform abortions or attempt to. there are exceptions for threats to her mother's life, mental health, or certain fetal anomalies. it's one of the nation's most restrictive laws, and nearly guaranteed to face legal challenges at the top. in her signing statement, the governor notes the law is not enforceable due to the supreme court's roe v. wade decision. she writes this. "no matter one's personal view on abortion, we can all recognize that at least for the short term this bill may be unenforceable. as citizens of this great country we must always respect the authority of the supreme court even if we disagree with their decisions."
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all eyes now on the u.s. supreme court with focus on some conservative judges. chief justice john roberts has typically resisted moving quickly on major decisions. you can resist quickness, but you do have to get to it if this comes up. this one effects -- the states can move individually on this. >> shannon: we've seen so much activity on the state level paid some going for the left, some going right. they are looking for this legal showdown to get to the supreme court. whichever loses at that first level will appeal to the 11th circuit. that court is evenly divided between her public and a democrat nominees, appointees. he randomly get a three-judge panel assigned. whoever loses their is going to appeal to the supreme court. here's what they made a roadblock. the court doesn't have to take a case. if they think it's just way too far out of the boundaries of the mainstream, they will just leave whatever -- >> harris: wait a minute, but they are not political. when you see the mainstream, are they taking polls?
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>> shannon: you have to get the votes behind closed doors in the secret conferences. >> harris: what does that mean? >> shannon: you have to get four of them to think, "this is the right case, we are ready to take this up." i don't think there are enough of them who think this is the right case to take on roe v. wade. >> pete: if you are for rolling it back, they might not feel this is the best place. >> shannon: they may not feel they have the vote. >> pete: you got all these heartbeat bills and states that are more fertile ground probably for a supreme court challenge, because were conservative, pro-lifers, this is an amazing moment. usually don't get it chance robot cultural norms. you see this heading -- for settled law. in this case you have a more conservative supreme court. the majority could even get larger if there was a second term term. and you've got states finally being full throated and aggressive because they feel like on the issue of life it is a winner, it's the right thing to do, voters are moving that direction. technology has shown what babies really look like at the earliest of stages. this is a great issue.
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i think it's fantastic but all of them has done. i just don't think it'll -- >> harris: that's interesting. i'm still feeling down "outside the mainstream." you're acting some of those ways we talk about a colloquially with technology. kennedy? >> kennedy: i don't know that this is the best way to change people's minds. i think abortion trends have been going a direction where fewer women are choosing to have abortions. i know in teen mom came on on mv people were very worried that young girls would see this and idealized teen pregnancy, but the opposite has happened. there are a lot of people who were worried that this could totally eclipsed a 2020 presidential election when we do have so many -- >> pete: i think that would be great. let trump run against literally infanticide on the left. >> kennedy: i understand that, but now you have this conversation going to absolute extremes. >> harris: that's true. >> kennedy: we are so torn apart and so many ways. there will be times for the
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supreme court to take this up. this will be a landmark case. i think the point that shannon is making is that john roberts isn't going to take up a massive landmark case when we are in the shadow of already an enormous presidential election. >> harris: i want to come back to you for a second, shannon. with this idea of what the court would take up. what we know about the judges? i know we are talking about john roberts are not the correspondent. [laughs] >> shannon: it always freaks me out when i have an email in my inbox from john roberts. "the chief justice is emailing me?" [laughter] >> harris: what do we know about the justices on the supreme court in terms of this issue? >> shannon: they are trying to be really careful. they are all asked how they feel. it's settled precedent, all of them will say that about review wade. but there are different issues now because you think about the fact that there are cases bubbling up to them that aren't the extreme of this alabama case. there are couple of others sitting before them now. we may know next week whether they are taking them or not. there are different things like state laws that say you can't
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perform abortions because of down syndrome or other limits. >> kennedy: as is the case in indiana. >> shannon: right. they have other cases that may chip away in a different way, but enough is complete smack down. >> katie: i want to ask a clarifying question. is it roe v. wade really about a woman's privacy, and that's why they were able to push it throuh and get that ruling? obviously it's about abortion, but the legal argument is based on privacy as a justification. >> shannon: it right. there are scholars out there who have said the underpinnings, legally, they don't feel are 100% solid. that's why everyone is pushed when they go for their confirmation and hearing about whether they support or leave it alone. even justice breyer in another case last week and did it wasn't -- it wasn't an abortion case, but he said the court had overturned something that had been there for a long time. he wondered aloud what is coming next. what else they will be willing to overturn. and they do overturn think sometimes when they feel like the court has got it wrong. >> kennedy: i do want to make a point here, another point, that nancy pelosi is a clearly
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using this as a political tool, because if you remember there were a lot of voters in 2016 who held their noses and voted for donald trump because of the supreme court. and because of the balance, in the way it stands right now. he has to associate justices he has appointed to the court. nominated, and they have been confirmed. democrats will use this as a political tool in order to activate otherwise complacent voters. >> harris: what's interesting about that is this continues to be a topic for 2020. no doubt will be one of those things shannon will have to come back for. 2020 democrat senator kamala harris using humor to turn the tables on talk of her being joe biden's running mate. insider campaign, it's reportedly no laughing matter. how much of this is gender political versus just political politics? we will debate it. and be sure to check out the first annual fox nation summit.
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pete hegseth, cohost of the big event in phoenix, arizona. and you can see it on our streaming live service, fox nation. the app is fabulous. >> pete: it was a good time. >> harris: log on and start watching for just $0.99. i will loan you the bucket. ♪ iand i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is staying happy and healthy.
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♪ >> i think joe biden would be a great running mate as vice president has proven he knows how to do the job. there is certainly a lot of other candidates that would make from a very viable and interesting vice president. >> harris: 2020 democratic a full kamala harris at a campaign event in new hampshire, dismissing talk of becoming of the running mate for former vice president joe biden. such talk has grown from a whisper campaign to a national narrative, and politico reports
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that inside her campaign nobody is laughing about it. instead, finding it demeaning for a woman of color and perpetuating an unfair suggestion that she is not prepared for the job she's actually seeking. deadline the headline says, "team galled by biden talk." they reported back in march that they floated stacey abrams' running mate. abrams responding to the story saying, "i don't believe he run for second place and i do not intend to enter a presidential race as a primary candidate for vice president." shannon, you had some thoughts. >> shannon: good for these ladies. i don't care what your politics are, but when all of these male candidates are walking around -- beto o'rourke and cory booker and some others, saying, "if i win, then i'm going to choose a woman to be on with me." it's just ridiculous. you don't choose a running mate based on chromosomes. for any woman, they should -- it was genius what senator harris did.
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he's prepared for that. i might welcome him to my ticket." good for her. >> katie: they believe in identity politics for their benefits and choosing certain kinds of people, engaging with certain kinds of voters in the electorate. republicans did with sarah palin, of course. did they go a little too far? suggesting someone they are competing against a president should be the running mate? >> pete: i just laugh at this stuff now. you're right, the movement on the left is so infected by identity politics that generally speaking they see through the lens of race or gender or sexual orientation. they look to fill and check a box. in this particular case, it turns out people, regardless of their shade or skin color or gender, want to be treated like individuals on an even viable playing field. a boomerang strike against them when they don't like the outcome. when it benefits them they take advantage of it. identity politics is poisonous. they are playing the game and
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they haven't figured it out. that's the right answer. "why not me?" >> katie: so should women start saying, "when i win i will definitely choose imagine my vice president?" [laughter] >> kennedy: it's funny, because it's very belittling. beto o'rourke has apologized so many times for his privilege. we will talk about them later in the show, it's just a constant apology tour. which we will discuss. but i thought it was funny when he brought out the idea of stacey abrams. i jumped on my show that stacey abrams was like, "oh, hell no! i would never have him as my running mate." it's like, "little lady, i will pick you and you can support big daddy over here! you can go to funerals and cry when you get the vapors!" [laughter] >> harris: don't come to me after that! [laughs] >> katie: when they are running for president, assuming they know better than maybe some of the other people have run for different positions. that stacey abrams may be right
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don't like entering the presidential race in the fall. this assumption from the political class on the left that has been there for a long time is they don't get to choose who they weren't with. this degeneration was younger says, "no, we want to be in charge. we want first place." >> harris: i see this nuance and the fact that they will have to do something with the quarter of the poly dog party that identifies as more progressive as many of these candidates. the democratic socialists. at a former member of the dnc give me that, i didn't just put of the air. whomever they choose, it won't just be their choice. it's going to be based on where the deficits are. they will have to fill in some gaps and keep that part of the party happy. if your nominee is not somebody like a bernie sanders, you don't want a repeat of last time. the country -- at least half the country -- feels their candidate was kept down or forced to do things or whatever. >> pete: that's a good point.
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one of the best picks event-candidate made was mike pence. he didn't look at another white guy, he said, "where do i sure hope where i need support?" may be among social conservatives. democrats would be smart to do the same thing. if it's a more moderate guy. >> kennedy: remember when beto o'rourke live streamed his teeth cleaning at the dentist? that was great. might be time to cut back on that sort of thing, buddy. the 2020 contender is fresh off an apology-filled reboot of his campaign. he again expressed regret for his privilege, now he is posting a video giving himself a haircut. some of his commentary, a bit tmi. oh, dear. >> the hair that you get when you get older, it grows out of your ears. if you don't get it cut, it can be nasty. >> harris: there's your next president, folks. there he is. white house counsel to the
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present kerley and conway tweeting, " " oh, no, beto! stop forcing us to look in the method or dentist or hear about your ear hairs at the barbershop! [laughter] if you can't go big, go home and help raise your kids." i think this is fantastic. what happened to beto? >> shannon: there so much shade to unpack and that treat. some he thinks he was talking about. if this is the reboot, i'm a little bit confused. it was the teeth cleaning and weird stuff and the frowning dog on the cover of "vanity fair." member the dog? that didn't work well for him. this feels like more of the same. as he talked about during the commercial, he has a lot of money. do not count them out. when people in their campaign fell apart after the first debate or so, when they can't raise money, that's what kills these campaigns. you're going to lose ten or 12 people readily. he's not going to go, he's got this war chest. count on beto to stick around. i think he's playing the long game. >> harris: what is his skin, by the way?
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it's our job. we try to figure it with the platforms of the policies are. kennedy, what is his game? >> kennedy: i don't think he ever had again. i think that's the problem, that democrats could have put up anyone against ted cruz. no offense. great beard. the one you are a fan of beards. >> kennedy: again, it speaks to the supreme court and democrats really wanted confirmation power in the senate. that's why texas was a critical state because they figured if they could flip texas they could take the whole darn thing. >> harris: may be what his reset should be, to answer your question, shannon, is him reading his policy. nice, boring, old school style, no hands in the air. >> kennedy: that's the problem, he has to go back to hygienic's >> pete: accountable completely. he's wasting of a people's money at this point. you can't restart something that never really started. what did you say the name was of the article? >> shannon: he's like your worst college explosion. always finding himself. you don't know if he's going to
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show up. he might be late. >> harris: that's the word that katie just spoke. >> katie: so privilege. a ton of money, his wife is worth something like $100 million but he pretends to be this guy who doesn't have that kind of money. he got away with essentially a dui and a hit-and-run. if he is going to reboot, the way to do that is not to be an inauthentic player in a field where americans are hoping for someone authentic. if you look at the democratic field, everybody is a politician. somebody who at least ran for office. there is not the private business person against president trump. that's what people are looking for on both sides of the aisle. speak through >> katie: but running up over the world apologizing? they're looking at this haircut video going, "i respect that guy. go scope of there's been a lot of complaining about president trump's tweeting. he has free reign. this is nothing compared to the
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tmi of beto showing us his dentistry at his haircuts. >> shannon: but who doesn't want to see videos of the presidents haircuts? i would watch that! >> pete: [laughs] >> katie: everybody says he shouldn't be tweeting. >> pete: who says that? i say more tweets! [laughter] >> kennedy: we also aren't acknowledging that beto o'rourke was the wunderkind until pete buttigieg came on the scene. >> harris: if the policy. i realize i may want, but that's what you're looking for. >> katie: lack of substance doesn't go very far. >> pete: it is something. >> kennedy: the new movie i could bring a huge change to call admissions. the adversity score. what it is, and why the s.a.t. may be using it for more and more students. that's next. ♪ alright, i brought in ensure max protein...
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"outnumbered overtime" in just a few minutes. harris? >> harris: thank you very much. republican congressman devin nunes and his democratic colleague, dan kildee, both join me. on the new immigration plan the presence of steubenville this afternoon and the on going standoff between the house and the doj on the mueller report. and the president's tax return. big conversations there. former vice president joe biden reportedly plans to play up his inevitability against the rest of the huge 2020 democratic field. how did that work out for hillary clinton? inevitably, i go back to "outnumbered" now. katie? >> katie: think you come harris. "the wall street journal" reporting the college board plans to assign an adversity score to every student who take the s.a.t. this adversity score is calculated using 15 factors including the crime rate and polity done my poverty levels of the high school and neighborhood. students will be told the scores but colleges will see the numbers when reviewing applications. 50 colleges used the score last year as part of the test, and the college board reportedly
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plans to expand it to 150 institutions this fall and then use it broadly the following year. shannon, what is your opinion of this adversity score? i think not showing it to the students is an interesting -- >> shannon: i think that's a key problem. you can't challenge it in any way. if they are using data you didn't provide, they are going to your school and looking at those kinds of things -- in my case, i didn't grow up with money. we were very lower to middle class. but if you look at the school he went to, that would have counted against me because it was a nice private school and the only reason i went there is because my mom was a teacher there. they saved and screamed everything they could and got a discount so i could go to that school. there is so much back story to what would really come into these numbers. if students don't have a chance to explain our capacity in any way, that's a concern. >> katie: wouldn't be a better idea to just give students free choice about where they go to school instead of locking them into zip codes they are now going to be judged by foreign s.a.t. score, not being told what they are actually judged for? >> kennedy: i think the opacity here is very problematic.
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there is no a campaign against raising a bunch of money, syndicates to college. it's not because learning isn't good. learning is great. you challenge your brain. doesn't necessarily have to be against this academic setting. you should know what your score is. otherwise you will see ways around it, and they will be terrified and affluent neighborhoods. now they are going to pay people in lower income neighborhoods where there's a lot of crime to have their mail sent so it looks like that's where they live. >> pete: i hadn't thought about that. >> katie: there is more corruption that comes with that. the s.a.t. is arguably an unfair way to judge a student's ability to get to college. what their intelligence level is. it seems like adding on this arbitrary adversity judgment really doesn't put it on an even playing field when it comes to judging whether someone is prepared for college.
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>> pete: how about you just prepare kids to take the s.a.t., and college admissions already factors and for the most part. a lot of different pieces of your life circumstance. now you have to up your adversity index game here? "i've got to find a way to be more of a victim of have more of a problematic background." in your case that probably would have helped you. if you come from a bond us back on, elite schools say they are looking for that. take the s.a.t., do well, bye. then in your applicant can show the to overcome our don mcgahn's are deserving of a quality education. where in vocational schools and places where you don't need s.a.t. to -- >> kennedy: we can go back even further and offer school choice of people in lower income neighborhoods at bad public schools can now send their kids where they want them to go. >> katie: we are talking about shannon's book up next, so don't go away. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance,
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a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice. >> kennedy: shannon bream could be a haberdashery because she wears many hats. now she has a book out, what an incredible life youth of
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thus far, shannon bream. >> shannon: have had a lot of fun but i wasn't allowed to watch you growing up on mtv. in one of the chapters entitled "footloose but not fancy free," i had a super strict household. i turned out okay, i'm not too scarred by it. but when the movie "footloose" came out, i wasn't even allowed to see it. [laughter] somehow from there ended up on the stage of miss america in a bikini, so there have been many twists and turns. behind the scenes stuff that we do here at fox, interviewing the present, what happens at the supreme court, what really happened with that health care decision at the supreme court, there was a lot of untold story there. it's in here. i hope it will be encouraging. it's very much about my faith. i shared some tough points in my life because i think we are all going to be there. and feel free to laugh at my expense also in this book. there's plenty of that. >> katie: we appreciate you sharing your life with us. i've read a little bit about it in the copy you sent. now i have a hard copy and everybody should send dominic go out and get it.
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>> pete: congratulations. >> shannon: thank you very much. i'm happy to be in your company. >> pete: you've already sold more books than i have. [laughter] >> kennedy: you can check out fox nation paid go there now,, and get on board. we are back at noon eastern on the couch. now here's harris. >> harris: we begin with an immigration overhaul pair the president is set to unveil his sweeping new plan in a rose garden speak today. this is "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. in the next hour at the white house president trump will lay out his proposed changes to fix the nation's immigration system. he is expected to call for beefing up border security, seeking a dramatic change to the nation's green card system instead of favoring relatives of people already in the united states. the proposed changes would give priority to those with high level skills, degrees, and job offers. white house press secretary is urging democrats to be part of the solution and not the proble problem. >> we want to move to this
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