tv Hannity FOX News May 17, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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life so whole and we await to them to do the right thing here. i would encourage people to go comment on this rule until the usda you will agree with them. kudos to them and the trump administration for finally addressing something that has gone unaddressed for far too long. >> tucker: i hope you put that twitter up. thank you, laurette great to see you tonight. >> thank you so much. we are out of time tonight and we will be back monday and every weeknight 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. have the best weekend with the ones you love. sean hannity is up next. ♪ >> welcome to a special edition of hannity. i sit down with mark levine for an entire hour. his book, "unfreedom of the press." we'll start at the nation's founding, remembering the once great press tradition in america and how it ended up becoming nothing more than an extension
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of the democratic party and all things left wing. we'll uncover what went wrong, how the media fell so far so fast. we'll be exposing every hoax, every lie, all of the bespurgement this media mob has done to the president of the united states and dividing this country. from the russian delusion, and ignoring the bigst abuse of power scandal in our nation's hf history. we'll take it apart piece-by-piece and expose how they've abandoned the freedom of the press in this country choosing to act as nothing more than partisan hacks. choosing to put fake news narratives over facts for years at a time. choosing oh to smear anyone and everyone who dares calls out their lack of ethics, their lack of objectivity. remember the hate trump media mob and the biggest names on the left nevermb thought it would gt to this point. never thought president trump would pull off what was one of the biggest political upsets of american history and deliver success after success, record after record, helping the forgotten men and women of this country. take a look. >> he might be leading the republican ticket.
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>> i know you don't mean that. >> which of the republican but i want to go on. candidates has the best chance? >> of the declared ones, right now, donald trump. [laughter and applause]. >> mr. trump, answer your call for political honesty, i want to say, you're not going to be president, all right? it's been fun. >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president of the united states, exclamation point,@realdonaldtrump. well,@realdonaldtrump, as least i will go down as a president. >> sean: and a failed one at that. remember how they reacted the night he won the election, november 10, 2016. they started out giddy, happy and
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donald trump exit polls showed trump didn't win a single state. all through the night, the mood started to change.ho it becamee completely unhinged. actually, hysteria broke out. you might remember. >> america is crying tonight. i'm not sure how much of america, but a significant portion, i mean literally crying. this is a sadness, a mourning moment for those people. and it is a moment filled with fear, filled with fear. >> our country is about to face a ffe w crises. so buckle up, your country needs you. >> a pretty extraordinary thing to say if you have a son in the marine corps and that you don't trust the commander in chief. people in the military defend the constitution. >> this was a white lash. this was a white lash against a changing country. it was a white lash against a black president in >> sean: and sadly, since that
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night, things have gotten worse. the liberal left wing press refused to have any accountability, any responsibility for their failures. now they're doubling down on what is a psychotic anti-trump rage and destroying whatever credibility they may have ever had. this is just a small sample of their low lights. >> is this president trying to impersonate hugo chavez, vladimir putin. >> you said today, america first. it was not just a racial idiom -- i shouldn't say a hitlerian background to it. >> trump needs to be medicated and hospitalized. >> trump, again, being a schmuck. >> his words have emboldened white supremacist. >> he's given oxygen to racist. he's trying to ignite a civil war in this country. >> there's a sign out there hung up outside of the white house saying if you're not white, you're not especially welcome. >> he's a racist.ia
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pico breathless, hysteria conspiracy theories, fake news story after fake news story. every minute, hour, 24-hour day, every week, every month, as they work in concert with their partners, the democratic party.y nothing but a mere extension. and the man who was exposing all of this, well, he's out with a brand new book. he's the host of a number onene show right here on the fox news channel on sunday night, the host of life, liberty, and levine. he's got his nationally syndicated show, there's the author right there. unfreedom of the press. my brother, how are you? >> god bless you, bro, how are you? >> you know, what i love about your books, i mean liberty, tyranny, everything you go through such detail, historical detail. before i get to the idiots, you do talk about the press in the past and you talk about how they treated jefferson, the brutal
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battle between quincy adams and hamilton, i mean, that went on -- the legend in some ways. but today is very so, my first question is why did you want that context in history there? >> first, i wanted the american people to understand that freedom of the press is their freedom of the press. it doesn't belong to cnn. it doesn't belong to msnbc. free speech, b freedom of the press. they're both in the first amendment for a reason. this country was started, it was the pamphleteers, a handful of newspaper men, the printers, the great, great presence. -- patriots. these were the men who pushed for a revolution and for ideas. they talked about philosophers likelock and -- >> which you have done in your past books. >> which i had done. these were the people, the printing press. they were only a few. they moved them from time to time because the british were trying to hunt them down. they pushed these ideas. there were many others, thomas
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paine, people would read these, talk about them at their pubs, their homes, their dinner table, and word would spread. common sense, thomas paine's oupamphlet, estimated 120,000 people read it. it's a country of about 2 million people. and be i the time it was over, half a million people had read it. it had enormous influence. why was it important? back then, what if our press -- they didn't call themselves a press, what did the press do? promoted liberty, individualism, representative government, private property rights, low taxes and so forth. and then from that period, soon there after, we had a party press.s. and it was brutal. and the press would at least be transparent. they would identify with the political party, with the candidate, with the cause. and thomas jefferson and john adams would duke it out. some of the people in the press were on the payroll of the
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political party and so forth. but they were all open about it. again, is it very, very ugly? you move into a period of -- and that lasted from about 1780 to the civil war. let's jump forward to the early part of the last century, the progressive movement. well, they devoured much of our government, the ideology did. it does today.f they wanted to professionalize it. they wanted standards. they said we needed to be more objective.. but, they said, we need to -- you know,, we need to have a handful of elites, a handful of people who understand the country and the world through which all of this will be laundered, which is the way they view government too. the people are stupid, they're plebes, too busy, too ignorant. let us tell them what to think. today's media, that's their heritage, they've taken it a step further. they're social activists. they're being taught this in journalism school. it's not enough to report the facts. it's not enough to be objective. they argue, whatever that means.
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we have to push an agenda. some of them are out of the closet and they admit that we need to push the liberal and progressive agenda. some of them, when you challenge them, they say you ear attacking freedom of the press. -- you are attacking and they pretend that they're still objective when they're not. survey after survey, study after study shows half of the country, the vast majority of republicans, the vast majority of people who lean conservative or are conservative, do not trust the media.. there's a reason for it. another half do. democrats, liberals think the media is pretty darn good. so, when you lose the trust of half of the country, you're not doing your job. and they're not doing their job. they play to a niche. even the word objective is debated. objective in the terms of the the journalists or the process? so they pretty much surrendered that. o you know, a couplees of months ago, chuck todd on "meet the press" he declared that man made climateu change is a fact. and we're not going to allow deniers on "meet the press."
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he's more than the host. he's the chief political guru for the entire nbc network. >> sean: you seem to hand him a whole so-called news channel that's a conspiracy channel. >> msnbc. >> sean: like rozwell, new mexico over there. >> chuck todd doesn't know the first thing about climate change.ik you're a physicist, phd.s, climb dialogists, meteorologists, not just hundreds of them, thousands of them debate man made climate change, debate if it exists. he has declared we're not going to allow that on our show. that demonstrates to you, he's pushing the agenda. the whole russia collusion thick. -- thing. wha i write about in the book, sean, the notion of news versus propaganda versus pseudoevents. the president of the united states is on to something. when he talks about fake news, there was a brilliant historian,
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the university of chicago, daniel borstein, he became the head of the library of congress, he wrote a book on pseudoevents. he was talking about the news among other things. they create their own reality, how they choose events, create events, how journalists promote themselves through drama, you can see with jim acosta who creates conditions where the focus is on him and not -- this is an enormous disservice to the american people. pseudonews. russia collusion with the trump campaign. 2 1/2 years of sue doe -- as the president calls it, fake news. and pseudonews requires more pseudonews. obstruction, a pseudoevent, it didn't happen, but they claim it. 700 former prosecutors writing a letter, all liberals, there are thousands of former prosecutors, another phony subpoenas that are intended to gather information that won't do the american people any good, that have nothing to do with congressional
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oversight. pseudoevents. this impeachment debate, absolutely phony. another pseudoevent. meanwhile, there's all kinds of events taking place in the world and in this country that are not being covered by news organizations. there's some exceptions. but in the aggregate, this is the condition we face. this is an enormous disservice to the american people. remember this. the first amendment belongs to the american people. the bill of rights, belongs to the american b people. the constitution belongs to the american people. when they say donald trump is like a dictator because he calls the media or media outlet or media person the enimy of the people, they have no idea what they're talking about. donald trump points out, questions them, is harsh in his rhetoric, and ought to be. and he have acosta in a few weeks going to write a book and say we basically have not seen anything like this, sean. let me give you a history lesson.
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>> sean: it's in the book. >> all of this is in the book. let me give you a history lesson. >> sean: this is a very hard interview for me. i'm -- but this is honestly, the amount of work, because i've been in your house when you do the books. you see them stacked up. it's an entire two rooms full of books and papers and i don't know how you do it. but keep going, i just want people to know how much history is in this. >> i'm a nerd, what can i say? >> sean: we need a lot of nerds. you mentioned thomas paine. think about what he said, mark and this history you're going through. government in its best state is but a necessary evil and in the worst state an intolerable one. butt continue. >> the media says donald trump is the greatest threat, or some of them do, to freedom t of the press we've ever seen. that is a flat-out lie. they are historical illiterates. let's start quickly. john adams, a great founder, a great man and writer about liberty and all things.
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so he and his party put in place the sedition act. if you criticize that president, you criticize his party, you criticize the government, he has the power to imprison you. and you know what? he imprisoned some journalists and he shut down some newspapers. jefferson was furious, he was a libertarian. he runs against adams, among other thing, against the alien and sedition act. he wins in a brutal campaign. i won't get into all of the details. he wins. he gets rid of the sedition act. and the media attack him and brutalize him. and so that's the party press, the party press that supported adams and hamilton and his party and that party, would viciously attack him. and he would still say, i'm not going to touch it. abraham lincoln in the civil war throughab his secretary war standard shut down approximately 300 newspapers. and imprisoned a slew of journalists, among others, among others. becauseng they felt like whatevr
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your argument is, they felt like they needed to because of the civil war. woodrow wilson, one of the greah progressive intellectuals that became president of the united states almost by accident, he went further. he put a new act in place in 1918. and an extension of the espionage act, we're familiar with that. what he and his party did is they went after journalists they disagreed with. they went after political opponents. they put him in jail. he put in place an extensive censorship campaign and propaganda campaign, the great progressive. franklin roosevelt turned the irs on newspapers he disagreed with. the owner of the enquirer was investigated by the irs by his direction. gannett was investigated at the direction of eleanor roosevelt. so they would use the irs. kennedy did too. barack obama. this is recent history. the fbi, the department of
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justice, went after the new york times. james risen, went after james rosen of this network. went after 20 reporters of the associated press. barack obama. donald trump hadn't done any of these things to. call him the greatest threat to the press is an outrage. >> this is a primer this, is ale in the book. the history is phenomenal. they even bring up presidential elections charges of bigamy and duelling. you show this history. it's fascinating to see how it has evolved but i want to bring it to current day. i do believe that the president's branding of fake news will forever be tattooed on their foreheads because of how low they had sunk. the book is phenomenal. unfreedom of the press. we continue with the great one, mark levine. when we come back, the media's unhinged coverage of the russia probe and their meltdown the night donaldun trump was elected as a special edition of hannity
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attacks and murders. prosecutors to strip the group of it's local but in march the judge said that would violate their freedom of speech and association. friday, the judge refused to strip the trademark of the logo. now back to hannity. ♪ >> during the mueller witch hu witch hunt, destroy trump media mob rhysterically, breathlessly, running with one fake story after another. pushing a false narrative, per psi theories about trump-russia collusion. we have four investigations now including the mueller report that concludes it didn't happen. but it went on for two long solid years plus. coremember this. >> we're about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what russia wants. >> ass if there are no shoes on the trump human centipede that are not about russia. russia, russia, russia. >> this cloud about collusion of russia will hang over him no
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matter where he stands. they're shocked the noose is tightening. >> mueller is connecting the dots between a massive instruction intended to hide the -truth. >> donald trump's done. he's done. there is no question about it. >> he's got to know his future looks like it's behind bars. >> we have a treasonous president. >> we have to deal with a president of the united states who wittingly or unwittingly has been compromised. >> the presidency is effectively a russian op. >> sean: it's sick. on multiple occasions, the fake news media reported outright falsehoods. >> they get the phone records, they see the calls to the blocked numberds and there's god evidence that that was probably president trump. >> we begin the new report, paul manafort, the campaign chairman paid secret visits, multiple ones, to julianne asang at the ecuadorian embassy in london. this is according to the
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guardian. [buzzer). >> president trump directed his attorney to lie to congress. [buzzer] >> sean: so it's nothing more than an extension, a branch of all thingsgs radical, extreme, democratic socialist party as they echo every single talking point of that party. mark writes about in his book, the media recently echoed this democratic talking point there was as constitutional crisis ovr the trump administration, standing up to house committee subpoenas. and the media? they repeated it nearly 400 times. they talk and speak in unison. listen. >> so president trump is pursuing a stone wall strategy when it comes to congress. according to constitutional crisis, but the honey badger president just doesn't care. >> we're approaching a constitutional crisis. >> we're hovering on a constitutional crisis. >> president trump appears to be
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headed to a constitutional crisis. >> america is dangerously close to a constitutional crisis. >> mark levine's book, "unfreedom of the press," i call him the great one. before i get to the russian collusion stuff, i want to go back, 5:15, election night, 2016, i talked to you. i also talked to donald trump. i said somebody is drawing straws right now and they're going to bring you in news is horrible. you didn't win a single state basically. exit polls were wrong in '04, they were wrong recently in israel. but more importantly, when the media coverage started on election night, they were giddy-yap. you could see it. they had it in the bag. hillary won. they beat trump. the night progressed. you could see a visible shift in mood to nearly going off of the ledge. does that not prove what you're saying in this book? >> do your montages not prove it? >> sean: exactly. >> groupthink, it's a pack
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mentality. it's ideology going in one direction. you can't find a dime's worth of differencece between the media d the democrat party this country. look at the guests -- one of the great problems -- 1942, there was a commission where the media looked at the media. the media never looked at the media today. >> sean: this is in the book. >> it's all in the book. what they said is they gave a blaring alarm and said one of the great fears we have is the mixture of opinion with news. i point out, there's a study at harvard, not right wing, not left wing, it is what it is. they study the media. you look at the first 100 days of the coverage of donald trump. you know what they found? 90% of the coverage was negative on cnn and nbc. over 80%, "new york times," "washington post," nobody was below the mid 70% range except fox. it was 52-48% negative-positive.
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about as even handed as you can get on the news side. there's no distinction between news and opinion on the other networks. it's hard to find distinction between news and opinion in the front pages of "the new york times" and the "washington post." i'll give you a few more examples. > you quoted, i think it wasa political article in the book. first time they talked about impeachment was april of 2016. >> they were talking about -- how many months out of the election? >> they've been talking about impeachment since he was a candidate. this idea of a constitutional crisis, i spent my life working on the constitution. you haveve a lot of individualsn congress who have no comprehension of what they're talking about. so they get a lot of air time on msnbc and cnn. they get a lot of -- they get a lot of time on the pages of "the new york times" and "the washington post" just because congress issues dozens and dozens of subpoenas doesn't mean that the subpoenas are legitimate. and in this case, they're intentionally illegitimate. they're all personal. they're all aimed at citizen
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to the house, stop the stupider comments, i suggest to you the justice department has a lot more manpower and firepower than the house of representatives. >> sean: letet me ask you this. so we go through this two-year mueller investigation. we've now had a nine-month fbi investigation, no collusion. theth house intel committee, no collusion. no conspiracy. we went through the bipartisan senate committee, now the mueller report, the same thing. and they want to keep going. and my question to you is 99.9% of the people in the media went with the hoax, the conspiracy theory, the lying, and a narrative that was based on false information. okay? there were a few of us. you're a part of this group that maybe 25 in the country. we did it on my radio and tv show. you did it on yours. rush did it on his. greg jarrett, sara carter, i
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can't name everybody. the point is this, they got it wrong. hillary's investigation was rigged. they didn't report it. >> can i interrupt you. >> sean: they obstructed, they didn't report it. >> they didn't get it wrong. this is what they wanted to do. they don't care about right or wrong. they're driven by ideology. when you're driven by ideology. >> sean: they reported it wrong. >> purposefully. they want to take the president out. they decide what's in the news, what's left out of the news. that's why for them there's a red line, a all of the issues involving the dossier, all of the issues involving spying. they dismiss them, they dismiss the people who speak about it. they dismiss the this is an id logically driven process. let me give you a story, give you historical context on chapter y 6. the holocaust. 6 million jews are slaughtered.
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others are slaughtered. "the new york times" apparently covered it.. "the new york times" barely covered the holocaust. "the new york times" is owned by a jewish family. it barely covered the holocaust because mr. sollaceberger decided he didn't want his newspaper to be seen as sort of a jewish newspaper. he wanted the newspaper to be more of a universal newspaper. fdr didn't want to focus on the holocaust. so "the new york times" comply. they wouldn't accept evidence that was coming, being printed in european publications. they pretended the evidence was not quality evidence. it wasn't good enough. people had escaped, firsthand accounts, for the most part, they ignored it. three scholars in particular written about this. how many people know that "the new york times" self-censored when it came to the holocaust ten yearsyo before, when stalin was slaughtering the ukrainians and slaughtering them to death, they had a correspondent in
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moscow, they got a pulitzer prize for the reporting, covered up what stalin had committed against the ukraine. this is "the new york times," can any other in the business survive that. let alone be called the paper of record? all of the news fit to print. "the new york times" still hadn't significantly and seriously dealt with this. it keepsfi the pulitzer prize. two massive genocides in the last century. you don't find a lot about it in the pages of "the new york times" at the time. that's the kind of media that we're talking about. >> sean: that's what makes this book soo good. you bring it from its history to modern day.ri we're going to continue the great one, mark levine on freedom of the press. by the o way,, bookstores everywhere, on my website, when we come back, studies showing the anti-trump media bias is real. and one thing is for sure, the biassed press never treated obama this way, just the opposite. we'll ask mark levine about this as we continue tonight on "hannity."
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>> sean: as we continue on ♪ "hannity," the book is called unfreedom of the press, the relentless media attacks on the trump presidency is unlike anything we've seen. look at this, the center study, the first year as president, 90% of the coverage mark was talking about this on broadcast network, negative for the trump administration. let's compare this to the love the main stream media showedtw president obama. remember theai just as he was getting started with presidential politics. let's take a trip down memory lane. >> you can see it in the crowd. the thrill. the hope. you're looking at an americanoo
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political phenomenon. >> you are the equivalent of a rock star. >> on the bus ride along the snowy road to lebanon, new hampshire, i showed him this week's "newsweek" hot off of the presses. how does this feel of all of the honors that have come your way. >> the feeling people get, i when they hear barack obama and i throw up my leg. i don't have that too often. >> steady. >> it's a dramatic event. >> i'd like to say in some ways barack obama is the first president since george washington to be taking a step down into the oval office. >> step down. oh, community organizer. we continue. this book is going to be a phenomenal resources. it literally traces the history of the press in america up to modern day. the unfreedom of the press, the great one, mark levine. i want to ask this question. i brought up the mueller witch hunt. 92 plus years, same
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investigation, no collusion. if they cared about collusion, we had ukrainian collusion with hillary to influence the 2016 campaign. nobody's interested. if they cared about obstruction, they might want to report on subpoenaed e-mail, linchpin, sim cards. if they really cared about brett kavanaugh in high school the i believers of the lieutenant governor of the commonwealth of virginia. then i asked you this. they got it wrong on richard joule, they got it wrong on george zimmerman. they got it wrong on ferguson, missouri, they got it wrong on baltimore, maryland. they got it -- thisar coveington kid, they destroy -- the only good news to come out of that is lynnwood wille destroy the pres. they will be paying hundreds of millions of dollars. >> the greatest. >> they got it wrong is still in front of our faces. russiaol collusion.
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and i say they got it wrong on purpose. >> they knew they got it wrong. they will ride any card to take out this president. i have a section in the book, it's called collusion, abuse of power, and character. i give another history lesson. collusion, let's talk about collusion. i explained that nancy pelosi was co-lewding with a dictator in syria when george bush asked her not to. her predecessor, one of them, jim wright, was colluding with the nick rag wan communists when ronald reagan asked them not to. ted kennedy was colluding with the soviet union to try to defeat ronald reagan in his second term. the media utterly ignored that. he was still alive. no hearings, no logan act, no nothing. right now, john kerry is colluding with the iranians to undermine the president of the united states. what about abuse of power?
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the last president before this president, the irs refused to go after the tea party. the media blew it off. it was no big deal. he blew it off. he didn't know anything. the irs was used by franklin roosevelt, i said earlier against media outlets. it was used by jfk. jfk sat down with ben bradley. with "newsweek," later with "the washington post." he's considered iconic. "so peter salinger, who was working for kennedy, shared fbi files. fbi files. robert kennedy. robert kennedy agreed and agreed to order wiretaps of martin luther king. lyndon johnson wiretapped hubert humphrey, the vice president. here's what i want to get at. this is important. there's been abuses of the irs of the fbi to go after political opponents, to go after newspapers, to go after newspaper men. our president has done none of that. yet you would think he's a
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dictator. you listen to msnbc and scar borough, i don't know how many times they compare him to a nazi or to hitler or the words come up describing the president of the united states. you have to be unhinged. speaking of that, remember that period they were bringing the professor in from yale and she and 26 others wrote a book about how the president of the united states -- they never met the president of the united states. how he was mentally unhinged. he pulled the same thing on barry goldwater in 1964. >> sean: you write about that in the book. >> i give all of the history.ol this wasn't news. these people made news. they pushed them out there. "the new york times" runs an anonymous a fake event and a week's worth of news on an anonymous op-ed. >> let me ask you this, mark, this is important. because for two-plus years, they have peddled lies and conspiracy theories, again, when you take it to what we have reported, hillary rigged the primary, they rigged an investigation where
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the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, as well as obstruction, nothing. they tried to use the phony russian dossier as a means of spying on the trump campaign, taking away the constitutional trying to rig that election. then trying to plunge i don't -- bludgeon the president with a russian dossier bought and paid foran by clinton, even "the new york times" suggesting it could have been russian disinformation from the beginning. so 99.9% of the media never touched it. they're still not going after what is -- if we have that kind of abuse of power, rigled investigations, rigged elections, you know, unmasking, surveilling, abusing, the constitutional rights of american citizens, you once said we're in a postconstitutional america in an earlier book. you put that together with this book and this experience, what are we?
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>> this book focuses not so much a banana republic? on this president. even though there's examples of what's going on with this president and russian collusion and so forth. it's crucial. it's taking place where we live in. it focuses on the media. there's a difference between media and a free press. we don't have a freeme press. it's not because donald trump calls them names or the government is interfeinterfering. it's because they're not free. a free press would give us the closest thing to news that they can. they're notot doing that. they're giving us propaganda and pseudoevents. >> sean: it's unbelievable. you will not put this book down once you start it. freedom of the press, the great mark levine, he'll explain more about what this book is about, why it's important, and how the media works in conjunction with the democratic party, straight ahead. ♪
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>> live from the news ♪ , the united states to agree to drop tariffs on aluminum and steel against mexico and canada last year. in response, two countries dropping retaliatory tariffs they impose on u.s. goods as well as pending litigation before the world trade organization. the move brings three north american countries one step closer to replacing the defunct trade agreement. a sentence to 20 years in prison, kevin mallory of virginia convicted of selling classified information to china and his home rated 2017 after caught returning from china with more than $16,000 in unreported
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cash. prosecutors say the agent either sent or intended to send information to expose assets in the field. now, back to "hannity." >> sean: his brand new book, "unfreedom of the press," the great one, mark levine digs deep to the dark history of "the new york times," "washington post," recently, "new york times" has been grappling with an scandal.tism weeks ago, the so-called paperda record, they were forced to answer why two cartoons appeared in the pape's international edition days apart. more disturbing, how anti-semitism and the hatred for israel. not only is it spreading across europe, it's becoming more and more main stream in the radical extreme democratic socialist party as congresswoman omar andr khalid have come under fire for anti-semetic remarks. much of the media, though, covers for them. >> there have been anti-muslim, you know, terrible comments as
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well. >> american muslims, above all, have been the victims of this sort of questioning of their loyalty to the country. >> i never experienced open anti-semitism until donald trump started runningg for president. >> the republicans are trying to use this as a wedge issue. >> she has been the target of some anti-muslim attacks from anti-muslim folks as well. how much do you want to pile on one freshman congresswoman. >> we continue. the brand new book out by the great one, mark levine, "unfreedom of the press." i'm going to take a slight disagreement with you on one thing. you think they know what they're doing. i think they're so i'd ideologically blind that they wake up with a rage to hate the president they so convince themselves they're right. comey and the deep state people who abuse their power, they think they're superpatriots, >> no question, anything that's
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evil outt' there, somehow they y to tie the president into it. but this is particularly pernicious. the democrat party has a growing tolerance for anti-semetic bigotry. nancy pelosi would not propose a resolution to name her as the anti-semimite n she repeatedly shows she is. the history is out there for everyone to see. the same thing. keith ellison, same thing. and their closeness with farrakhan and sharpton in my opinion, same thing. the democrat party has a high tolerance for it. and so then the media has a high tolerance for it. in other words, you found them and you just pointed out how they were covering up. now, if you said it was david duke, they wouldn't have any tolerance for it. we don't. but because these are democrats. because they are the first two women muslims in the house,
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they're going to give them a pass, and they largely have given them a pass. and again i want to repeat, "the new york times" did not cover the holocaust in any significant way.y. "the new york times" had a history of this. and i explain this in the book. let me repeat this. hamas fired missiles to israel, somehow "the new york times" always winds up on the side of hamas. "the new york times" did this unbelievable story one christmas, i think it was last christmas, about how hezbollah in lebanon was celebrating christmas with the christians. hezbollah is a brutal malicious terrorist wing. weighing iran killed american soldiers, american marines. and "the new york times" puffs them up. and then they start attacking the president for turning this to a political issue. it's not a political issue. the media have got to come to grips. they're destroying themselves. people are going elsewhere. there's new technologies, there's going to be more
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technology. and the problem is, they won't police themselves, and more over, i think we're at the lowest point in american history of freedom of the press, thanksa to the press. the press is effectively been hijacked by a progressive movement by a democrat party. i explain in the book. lalook at all of the democrats. the worked in the government and worked in the press. and vice versa. but look at all of them who work in the press and in the obama administration. you have some work in this network and the republicans, it doesn't come anywhere near the army of democrats who now become so-called journalists and vice versa. >> sean: an hour doesn't do it justice. you want s to read this. i read it cover-to-cover. read it in less than a day. i learned so much about the history of all of this. but i l do think you're right about onest thing, the great sty that will come out of this is the emergence of new media. i like to say we do their job
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them. the job they're supposed to do. we do reporting. we do investigative reporting, wewe also give opinion, we talk about sports sometimes. yeah, we're an entire newspaper. but we're up front about being opinionated. that's a big difference between us and them, they lie and pretend to be something that great one, you've outdone yourself here. >> thank you so much. >> sean: "up -- unfreedom of the press." we'll have closing moments on a special edition of "hannity after this break. ♪ t under $20. your adventure starts here.
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-motor? -it's pronounced "mo-tour." for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. >> sean: that's all the time we >> sean: that's all the time we have for this evening. you can catch mark's show, every night, on the fox news channel life, liberty, and levine. his radio show, nationally syndicated. this book, unfreedom of the press. you're going to learn the history, you're going to bring it to modern day. you're going to see it will open your eyes as to what fake news is doing to this country.
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you'll never be the destroy trump media mob. let not your heart be troubled. hope you have a great night. see you soon. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham this is the ingraham angle. it's friday, but a lot on tonight. we're happy you're with us. we have shocking reports that we learn that thousands of illegal immigrants are being dropped off in cities across the country. i we're going to tell you where it's happening and what should be done next. very important information. plus, democrats in the house today, all supported something called -- i put it in quotes the equality act. it sounded nice on the surface. we'll dig into it. we'll see what's inside. we'll see how they're pushed for the politically correct results could put young girls and religious organizations at risk.
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