tv Media Buzz FOX News May 20, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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hampshire. see you next week. >> i'm chris wallace, can a millennial mayor from the midwest make the case to be the democratic nominee to take on president trump? >> my name is pete buttigieg. people get tripped up on that, they just call me mayor pete. pete. >> 37 years old, rising in the poll and on president trump's radar. >> buttigieg believes he has what it takes. >> i have more years of experience in government than the president and more years of the executive than the vice president. >> it is time to fill in the blanks about where he stands.
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>> i believe a single pair environment is probably the right answer in longer term. >> climate change is a security issue. >> from claremont, new hampshire, a town hall, with south bend, indiana mayor, pete buttigieg, as he continues his quest to make history. >> good evening from claremont, new hampshire, welcome to fox news town hall with pete buttigieg, more people have shown up for this town hall than any of our previous ones.
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let's bring out mayor pete buttigieg. [applause] >> thank you. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> you seem to have a lot of friends here. let's start with a school counselor here at stephens. >> welcome to claremont mayor pete. >> thank you. >> some of your rivals and democratic primary. >> thank you for are having us. and there is a lot of us running for president on the democrat excite, but i think safe to say i'm not like the others, one way isic per yens. -- experience, there is something a little bit obscene about anything looking at oval
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office and thinking that is a job can do, every time we send someone in the office it is a human, my experience is of that a mayor, i think a mayor of any size in america right now is about as relevant as it gets, i have gotten a 3 a.m. call to deal with an emergency, i know this is a job, not just about passing good policies but about managing and a moral job, that is the part we're missing today in the presidency, it is a moral office. >> mayor, matthew long, college student from duke with our next question. >> in a party that values diversity of candidates, how will your policies stand out. >> thank you, as you said, it is a point of pride for the democratic party. that we care about diversity, we want to make sure that our
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leadership reflects the country that we serve. i sought to do that in my administration add mayo as mayod campaign team, but not just a question of make up of your team but policies, we need to make sure this is an inclusive sit of policies that will serve, we know that just by numbers, that if you are a person of color in this country, in many ways you may a as well be living in a different country in a rate black women are likely to die from maternal complications is about 3 times for white woman that did not just happen it will not get fixed without policies that specifically pay attention. in how they got there in health and housing and. am animplement -- employment and criminal justice system.
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making sure tha and immigrants e treated fairly, just about every one of us in some way belongs to a group that could be marginalized if we don't have right policies to lift us up. >> if i could follow-up. on the race question about your youth -- you would be youngest president elected at 37, you say your face in a way is your message, believe we need generational change, one thing you say is we need a president who is making choices for 2054, that is when you will be as old as donald trump is now. on the other hand. you could make choices for 2058, when you will be as old as joe
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biden is now, question is, does it go for him too? does country need generational changa, among democratic leaders? >> i'm not speaking to any of my competitors in any they ought to run. i will say, i think i have a different kind of prepull -- when dealing with the issues it is personal. it is hopefully going to be my lifestyle, making sure we do something about climate change, we actually have a fiscally sustainable path. i know it is not fashionable in my party to talk about deficits but blowing a trillion dollar hole in the tax cut for the rich that america did note need, they will be on heads of my children, grandchildren and me. and my generation. >> i'm not asking you whether,
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joe biden the run whether you think he should or not, but if the point is to have a president who is looking out over a long horizon, you say, a president who will -- not as old add 2054 perhaps disqualified, could not just say that for a president who is you will be as old as in 2058? >> i don't think that anyone is disqualified, only disqualification related to age if you are under the constitutional age of 35. i think there is a special value, to generational change in a moment like this, we're not just living through another election. i believe we're living through a transition as consequential as one that brought us new deal or dawn ofratio reagan era.
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everyone has different attributes, one that i bring is possibility of that generational shift. >> one of the big issues is that 8 states have passed laws this year, that sharply restrict a woman's right to have an abortion. one of the people here, rachel's son, a phd candidate, engineer sciences has a question about that. >> would you put in place to protect every woman regardless of your zip code right too have an abortion. >> i believe that the right of a woman to make her own decisions, about her reproductive health and her body is a national right. i was well it is an american freedom, i believe that should be enjoyed by women everywhere. [applause] being a democrat with pro-choice
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values who lives and governs in end intdindiana. i get there are a lot of passionate views on this, that is what i believe, i believe that the next president needs to be ready to protect the rights, simplest sing is appointing justices and judges that rec recognize that is part of american freedom. and we're not starving america of resources not just for that abortion care but all reproductive care, we have to make sure from common sense sex education to access to birth control that we're preventing many of the unwanted pregnancies from happening in the first place. there is more but i'll leave it there. >> all right, let me follow-up, there has been a lot of focus
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about the states that have voted to restrict women's rights, but been a movement in other direct, new york state, this year, passed a new law which increases a woman's right t right -- an an it used to be after 24 weeks now the law is to protect health of a woman, that is a much more lenient standard, the question, do you believe at any point in pregnancy whether 6 or 8 or 24 weeks, there should be any limit on a woman's right. >> i think that dialogue has got so caught up on where you draw the line. that we have gotten away from the fundamental question of who gets to draw the line. and i trust women to draw the line when it their own. >> just to be clear, you say that you would be okay with a
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woman into third trimester decides to abort? >> these hypotheticals are set up to provoke. >> not hypothetical there are 6,000 women a year. >> representing left, 1% of cases. >> let's take ourselves let's put ourselveses in shoes of a woman in the situation, if it is that late in your pregnancy that means almost by definition, have you been expecting to carry it to term, women who perhaps chosen a name or purchased a crib, family that get most devastating medical news of their lifetime, something about health or life of the m the -- r that forces them to make an inpossible choice, the bottom line, add horrible as that choice is, that family makes the
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-- seek guidance, that decision the not be made any better if the government is dictating how the decision should be made. >> mayor. as you well know, and one of reasons you wanted to hold this town hall here in new hampshire, and in claremont, drug addiction is a major problem here in new hampshire. a sad fact, new hampshire is among 5 state with highest rate of opioid related deaths in the nation. our correspondent has been looking into that. >> failure is not an option, addiction is not our future, we'll liberate our country from this crisis. reporter: the promise that president trump made more than a year ago when he visited new hampshire, state among hardest hit by opennoid crisis.
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in 2017, there were 424 overdose deaths, more than twice national rate with a increase of cases involving since -- synthe synthc drugs. here. hopefuls often view the president has not done enough. >> a worse statement he made on the phone with president from mexico was prefer to new hampshire as drug infested, he does not get it. he need to invest in treatment and research to deal with the crisis. >> i propose we have mental health and substance abuse -- on demand. reporter: first responders on front line. >> we're seeing a little increase in deaths, we're trying to keep the people alive to give them a shot, it is like treading
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water. reporter: voters are concerns about the opioid crisis, they grill the candidates on this issue. chris? >> molly thank you. >> on this topic, our next audience question, for mayor buttigieg from alexis, a nurse practitioner. >> in my career i have worked with patients from infancy through old age including pregnant mothers suffering from abuse of addiction. >> thank you for your work, medical professionals are on the front line, maybe best thing that happened in this terrible crisis, we have come to understand these addiction emergencies, as a medical issue, not just moral, not a moral failure. and it is also really important we break the silence about this. i wonder how many folks here
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would be will to raise a hand if someone you know has been personally affected by addiction, that is more than half of the room, we have to bring it out of shadows, i believe the kind of ledge lake n you are talking about could take us in right direc direction. we can't do it alone. if you wake up hospitalized after you have been brought back from an overdose, and you are told we can get you signed up for a treatment program but that is weeks away, your life depends on whether you can make it through the weeks, we need to fund more people to be trained as helpers to assist in holding their hands through the process, and reduce backlog, and support medication assisted therapy. funding more people able to get qualified. we're talking about a medical
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issue, it can be treated medically if we have a recognition. also in our culture. the addiction issues and mental heehealth issues need to be tred on an equal playing field as a physical health issue. >> mayor, talking about fiscal responsibility, turning to tyler sweeny. >> we reached 22 trillion in national debt. what would a president buttigieg judge to restore physica refiscl responsibility. >> you don't blow a hole in the budget with an unnecessary and unaffordable tax cut for the
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wealthiest. part is do no harm. but there are pro active steps to take, we need to be smart about spending, the city of sut bind does not have its own -- south bend does not have its own currency. we have to figure it out, we need more of that mentality in federal government. but debt can play a role. deficits can play a role when you doing deficit spending that pays for itself in the long run. now tax cuts for wealthy don't do that. but investment in education, in infrastructure and health, sometimes can. we should be honest about fact sometimes that is appropriate, but not if you have no vision of what revenue will support it, when democrats, go out -- candidates did now th out promig that we have investing in
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infrastructure, we have to be willing to say where revenue will come from, we need to en entertain idea of a fairer tax rate on those with the most. and reasonable. perhaps a financial transaction tax, that taxes millisecond in computer trade, not ban them. we should get value for american people and closing corporate tax loopholes and incentives for offshoring that have it to everyone here in in room probably made more, in federal income taxes than some of the most wealthy multinational corporations like ac amazon and paid zero last year. >> we have more questions coming up. we'll take a break here. we'll ask when we come back, to
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give you a preview, how can you put together a coalition to win the dim democratic nominations and how would you take on president trump, coming up, as we come to you live from stephens high school in claremont, new hampshire. [applause] to make me feel sluggish but now, i take metamucil every day. it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like.
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news town hall, we're in the gym, home of cardinals at stephens high school in claremont, new hampshire with sound bend mayor -- south bend mayor, pete buttigieg, most voters don't know much about the mayor here is a closer look at his life and career. if he wins he would be the youngest president in u.s. history. >> i recognize the oddocity at age 37. >> pete buttigieg commonly known as mayor pete, has quite the resume. peter paul montgomery buttigieg was born in south bend, indiana in 1982, he caught attention of caroline kennedy when a senior in high school winning an essay congress writing about then congressman bernie sanders.
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he within to harvard, then oxnard, he is read or speak 8 different languages. he returned home to south bend and was elected mayor when he was 29. he took a leave are av sense in 2014 deploying to afghanistan for over 6 months with the reserve, he returned and reelected with 80 percent of the vote, mayor pete felt washington's pull early, he worked on john kerry 2004 presidential campaign, knocked on doors in iowa for barack obama 4 years later. now, mayor pete has a poll all his own. >> a church going episcopalian has been making late night talk
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show rounds he and husband live in the same neighborhood where we grew up, he would be the country youngest president and first openly gay commander in chief. chris: he was properly mortified at pictures of himself as a baby. principal here at stephens high school. >> pat is fine. chris: i got in trouble. in the principal office, it was mrs. -- pat. >> welcome to stephen's thank you for running, do you think that america is ready for a gay president with a husband, if not what do americans need to know or understand in order to reach that comfort level? >> i do think so, thank you for having us here at the school it has been terrific. and i gather it cir it -- elect,
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i say post ors for school today. when i decided to come out, i was mayor. i had been dragging my feet on figuring out a way to do it because my job had me so busy, i was able to feel like i was not missing much. when i came back from afghanistan i realized it had to change you get one life, that meant, i had to be straight forward with my community. and that was an election year. so, i had to think hard about what it would mean for my political future, you just didn't know. not like you could do a poll, saying if mayor pete was gay would you be less likely to vet for him, right? i wrote is up, put it in newspaper and waited. there was never a gay mayor or executive in my state, mick pencmakepence -- mike pence of governor.
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but i thought whatever happens to my career this just something i need to do. what happened and i got reelected with 80% of the vote in my socially conservative community [applause] i get there is in particular older generation of people who grew up conservative who were brought up to reject who i am. but also see if nothing else because i think these are also compassion at people anyone can make their way to right side of history if you just remind them we're all people, and love is one of the best things that any of us has to offer. i think in this election, americans will vote on who will make them better off, get you air raise, and brok protect your health care, i have -- you don't run for office unless have you some measure of faith and hope in the american people, are in
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all of the ups and downs of the political process. at the inwas day is -- at the end was day it is worth trusts voters, and they will evaluate you for who you really are. >> mayor, next question from gina, a businesswoman, in nearby redding, vermont. >> hello, in recent poll its appeals you are strong among many vote are segments, have you not managed well to engage minority voters, especially those of color. >> it is a very important strategic and ethical question for our campaign, not just in order to win but to deserve to
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win, to make sure my campaign in supporters and staff reflects the diversity of the country, party and m generation in my party, voters of color where i live, who know me best, help returned me with that big margin to office, i had years to get to know them, we have divisive issues, with policing. it took years of engagement and policy work and all things we did together to build the trust, we don't have years to earn confidence of voters in primary elect rat. voters who feel they have been let down, by republicans and democratic president as, alike. challenge for us it, i don't have advantage of being fam ioss for years. and if you are not someone that people feel they hav known for a long time, or a person of color that is what you have to do.
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in travels and speeches and sometimes behind closed-doors in private could we're engaging in a process of listening and speaking with activists with faith leaders with community leaders, elected officials from communities of color to make sure they are able to not just i hope support the campaign but also shape it by letting me know things they believe are most of concern, that is how woo -- with less time than home, with energy and goodwill that is how i believe i could earn in support. chris: people have been struck, particularly not here in new hampshire but in places where there is a very large african-american population like south carolina how few people of color show up on the your rallies, we have a fox news poll this week, it showed that among people of color you have less than 1% support as opposed to
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joe biden with 38%, i understand he has been around for a long time, he was barack obama's vice president. but, how do you break through to them, particularly compared to one other candidates who are of color, someone like joe biden with a long record in the african-american community. you are not, you would agree, you are not going to win the democratic nomination unless you can build up suspect are on the. >> it is to deserve to win, i believe that my record, work that we did in our community in bring people together and serve minority residents in particular is a very good record that is competitive with any other of the folks on the list, but i am not famous, i don't have the years that people feel they know me. chris: if i may, have you now problem breaking through with a lot of white voters, but in
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african-american community not so much. >> folks who are automati automy find their way to my rallies and events then people who will not hear my message unless i reach out to them, that is true of black and brown voters who are skeptical of people who come along seemingly out of nowhere, it is why we work so hard to make sure that as we go to the summer in our out reach, and substance, we are speaking to voter who are concerned with what the next president could do to deal with for example glaring racial inequities we see, not just the criminal justice system that is one of the ones right 3y gets talked about but entrepreneurship, and health, and education, and housing, i think that voters are expecting to hear what you will do about it, i am looking forward to continue to engage with voters on your plan that makes most sense. chris: colby is 19 and works as a local store. >> hello mayor pete.
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what is your opinion if any about the democratic party possibly impeaching trump, and make people think twice. >> i think if you look at conduct of this administration, and conduct of this president there is no question that it beyond pail morally to put it politely it is legally questionable too. and he may have done things that deserve impeachment but that is for congress to disease. my role, not as a member of congress but a candidate to try to get a new president in a different way. in other words, i think that thing that would really put an end not just to the presidency, but to the divisiveness, to the corruption to the behavior and cover that congressional republicans many of whom you can tell know better that you they give it cover because they believe they have to. best way to change that is there
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are for to be a defeat for this president, and what he represents. at the ballot box. chris: again. i would like to just pursue that a little bit with you. let's talk about -- less about policies than dynamic of running again donald trump, as we see in 2016, he is a formidable and unconventional candidate, he is already making fun of your name, and your looks. comparing you to alfred newman. if you say what me worry right now, i'll give you $10. but how do -- would you deal with him that is a concern that -- who can be on debate stage, who -- how would you handle insults and attacks and tweets and that? >> tweets are -- i don't care.
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[applause] chris: that gets a lot of applause. >> it is an effective way to command the attention of media, we need to change the chance frel the shochannelfrom the shot it, it is mesmerizing it is hard to look away it is the nature of grotesque things you can't look away [applause] but everyone time we look at show and latest tweet, and silly insult, we're not looking at is the fact we're the ones tries to get you a raise, they are blocking it we're preserving your heel care, the healthcare,s as a january rall a general rul, if we focus on your life, make
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it less about him, more about you, i think that is actually best way to defeat him, other thing to find people where they are, a lot of folks in my party were critical of me for doing this with fox news. and -- >> i heard that. >> i get where it comes from when you see what goes on with some opinion hosts on this network, tucker carlson saying that immigrant make america dirty, what you have, lauri i a comparing children in cages with summer camps, in say reason why anyone has to think twice before participating in this media. cosystem could i believe some of the hosts are not there in good faith, a lot opportunity in -- tune in two do it there are a lot of americans, my party can't blame if they are ignoring our
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message they will never hear it, if we dean go o we don't go in t it. i think we have to find people where they are, not change our values but update our vo -- vocabulary so we're truly connects with americans from coast-to-coast. we have to take a break. >> coming up, foreign policy and the mayor learned during his deployment in afghanistan, our town hall with pete buttigieg live from new hampshire. geico makes it easy to get help when you need it.
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chris: welcome back to our fox news town hall with mayor pete buttigieg, stephen's high school in claremont, new hampshire. we want to turn now to foreign policy. brian a teacher at putney school from that place of vermont. >> hello, mayor, pete, have you seen war first hand, i am wondering under what circumstances would you consider use of military force. >> you know, when you have been ordered abroad on the command of u.s. president, you think a lot about who it i at stake in the s on the, there is nothing more grave than fact that office holding power, i am concerned about right now, we're seeing that power talked about in a casual way. first there was saber rattling, suggesting we would send troops to deal with venezuela, as
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horrible as that situation is, is not one where you see u.s. lives at risking now same or something different, but, that statement kind of saber rattling with iran. reportedly engineered by john bolton, who is one of people who built the war in iraq, how someone who is behind that, one of worse foreign policy mistakes is allowed near the situation room a president who claims, he was gain the the iraq war, is unbelievable to me. next -- [applause] next president will have two mayor jobs overseas be one is establishing u.s. credibility again. the other is setting a bar, it must be a high a higher bar on t takes for troops to be deployed overseas, that bar has to be based on when core u.s. life or death interests are at stake, if
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they are not, wore in the or noy threatened in a way that leaves no other choice, does not mean reretreat, we could use other security tools to deal with it we do not send young men and women to war when there is an alternative. [applause] chris: mayor, let's talk about this a little, you gave us an overview, from your 7 months on ground in afghanistan, what is the biggest lesson, maybe a little one, but, a specific one biggest lesson you would take into oval office should you become commander in chief. >> aside from foreign policy and security, is experience of coming to know and trust americans who are different from you, part of my job was driving or guarding vehicles, we took vehicle movement outside of the
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wire, wh -- whenever someone gon my could have they did not care if i was a democrat or a republican, i wanted to know if i knew the route, and studied, and if i know what to do. that trust we built, different races, ages and political views, some folks might be watching right now, that kind of bond is something that i wish more americans had. but i don't think you should have to go to war to have it, that is wrb o one of reasons why national service would do a lot good. more tune in peace corps or amer corps, other thing is that even during the challenging times this my deployment was before
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this presidency. how much respect people have for our country, i could feel that i walked into a room, on a headquarter base with people from every country in the coalition, that flag that was on my shoulder represents a country known for keeping its word, even our enemies viewed us their way, i could feel how important that was to our safety, when i read reports that president considering pardoning, war criminals, even after they have been tried by a jury of their peers, other u.s. servicemembers in a legal proceeding determined they committed a crime that undr mines of foundation of american loyal authority and putting troops at risk. chris: back to questions.
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faith. >> that is pretty good. >> it took me a long time for butte withoubuttigieg, a studene voting in first election in 2020. your question. >> hello, mayor pete, as a student entering college next year, how will you address the student debt crisis? >> thank you very raising that, you are here in new hampshire? >> i'm attending harvard. >> good stuff. so. look. college affordability is reaching crisis levels now. and this is a personal issue for us, because our household has 6 figure debt right now, and we can't go on like this, not if we want to be a country where education has traditionally been a engine of mobility, people are able to get ahead, there are things to on back-end, to
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refinance mortgage rate on a house, you should be able to do that with a student debt. and more -- more ways to work that debt off like public service loan forgiveness program, that is a great idea but almost impossible to access the benefits, and something on 41 end, when you are my age, some day, you are not faced with the same issues that is where we have to make sure that pehl grants are expanded -- this time, pegged to inflation. we have to work when states, i am afraid new hampshire is among the one where state cause the because the least to keep -- the state does the least to keep college costs under control. we have to work with a carrot and stick approach from federal government to make sure they are carrying enough of the load. then we have to look at those other opportunities.
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this make it possible for students like service, to be able to get whatever debt they do emerge with, i think should be zero if you are low or middle income student, i am not prepared to promise that to a child of a billionaire, if you have a college debt, there should be opportunity are to have that reduced or waived based to public service. chris: mayor, i want -- one more question in this segment, i need a short answer, you talk about a lot of structural changes, you talk about perhaps changes supreme court to making it 15 instead of 9, and away with elect -- electoral college, here in new hampshire less than one half of popular of vote it capped. you see candidates come here, would your plan to codo away with electoral college hurt a
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state like new hampshire. >> there is a lot of attention paid here, that forces us to get out of national media mode and engage people in a human way. which is helpful. general election, you should have everyone's vote count thea the same, steants don' states d, people should. the interest of someone living in one part of the state versus the other part of the state is not the same because it is the same say the a state. it would befitting to -- fitting to pick our president by counting the votes. >> mayor pete thank you. coming up. we're getting person will with the mayor.
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there is wisdom in how nature protects and it inspired an all-new toothpaste from burt's bees®. it fights cavities and freshens breath. made with ingredients you can trust. for a smile that's a true force of nature. new burt's bees® toothpaste. chris: welcome back to stephen's high school in claremont, new hampshire for our fox news town hall with mayor pete buttigieg, we got a little bit of time, a
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lightning round. i find the questions are quicker than answers. >> i'll do my best. chris: biggest mistake as mayor of south bend? >> well, first time that i fired somebody who reported directly to me, i didn't do it in person, i write in my book why that was a mistake, i never did that again. chris: why didn't you do it in person. >> i think at the time it -- i don't know to be honest. i just know that if his things would have gone a little bit differently, and better. you have to be ready to look someone in the eye and explain your decisions, it not pleasant. but you have to be prepared to do, that if you do, your decisions will be more settled and stable and easier to defense. >> are taking a little bit of heat for something you said the other day, you seem to indicate that you had troubles with the racial history of thomas
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jefferson, you suggested that some of the things honoring him the traditional jefferson-jackson democratic dinners should be renamed how far would you carry it, would you prename streets and high school? >> high campaign office is on jefferson boulevard. >> you changing that name? >> not plan, that no. the i think that there is a reason why democratic parties when we think about future, vents how, burning of ap an isse like racial equity, we're thinking twice about naming our events, a great example of how media noise machine takes things out of control, this is how -- you might have seen it. i said that you know we're rethinking how democratic functions might rename an event for someone who is living or a person color, next thing you know you would have thought i
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proposed blowing up jefferson memorial in dc, and not just a fox thing, just jumped on, that it is this mentality that pervades the twitter sphere we have to get over that, and listen to each other, i know nuance does not do great but we have to to hear each other out. >> i suspect with your schedule, you are not able to do much but what you do, when you are kicking back do you have a guilty pressure on television. >> game of thrones. it is getting close. chris: i was promoting this event, i want to make this clear we'll be off the air before the game of thrones. chris: we'll have an iron throne for you but it cost too much to move, too you have a prediction? is am talking about
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you pinched yourself and said i can't believe i'm -- >> you know, the people you meet from voters who come up to you on a rope line, i had an opportunity to visit with president carter -- who we're all wishing well, by the way, as he's recovering. and everybody in between. they educate you on this country. and, you know, i thought i kind of knew something as how the
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world works as a sitting mayor, a veteran, someone with a great education, but there's nothing like this process for putting you in front of so many different kinds of people, and you learn from them every day. chris: before we go, we would like to give you a chance, a final 30, 45-second closing statement. the floor is yours, sir. >> great. thanks, everybody, for being such a great audience. i suppose i wouldn't be doing my job if i didn't begin by saying if you like what you heard and you want to learn more, an hour goes by fast, i hope you'll go to pete for and learn more about our campaign and my positions. look, what we're trying to do here is different. because the moment that we're in is different. i get that a millennial, midwestern mayor is not what leaps to mind when you think about a prototypical candidate for president. but i also think we're living -- if it's hard to figure out what's going on right now, it's because we are living on one of
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those blank pages in between chapters of american history. what comes next could be ugly or amazing. and i believe running for office is an act of hope, and so is voting for somebody, volunteering for somebody. i hope you'll join me in making sure that that next era is better than any we've had so far. [cheers and applause] chris: thank you, mayor. and thank you -- wow, a standing ovation. >> all right! [applause] chris: thank you, mayor. thanks to our audience here at stephens high school in claremont, new hampshire, for your terrific questions. be sure to join us for our next town the hall with senator kirsten gillibrand two weeks from tonight, sunday, june 2nd, in dubuque, iowa. that's it for tonight. have a great week, and we'll see you back in washington next "fox news sunday." 9 good night, everybody. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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[applause] >> i want to make sure that anybody that comes into our country comes in through merit. what i think is tre membereddous pressure on many democrats to get something passed. heather: monday may 20th and this is "fox & friends first", happening right now at 4:00 a.m., putting pressure, putting on the pressure i should say, president trump demanding democrats come to the table to solve immigration crisis of 2020 democratic hopefuls are promising to throw out the laws we already. picking up the pieces, thousands waking up without power this morning after high
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