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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 22, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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looking back at the hearing yesterday has every constitutional right not to appear and this hasn't even been a close legal call. democrats are fuming as a result of that. all right. it is still happening now. continue to watch all this. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert. moments ago, president trump making impromptu remarks in the rose garden. now we're watching for reaction from speaker pelosi and minority leader schumer at the capitol at any moment. the minute we get out there, we'll take you to that. the president taking aim at democrats investigations and hitting back after house speaker nancy pelosi accused the president of being involved in present tense in a cover-up. the president saying he doesn't do cover-ups. that was a quote. he unleashed on the mueller investigation saying it was a politically motivated attempt to take down his presidency. watch this. >> i came here to do a meeting
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on infrastructure with democrats. not really thinking they wanted to do infrastructure or anything else other than investigate. and i just saw that nancy pelosi just before our meeting made a statement that we believe the president of the united states is engaged in a cover-up. >> speaker pelosi right now taking to the microphone to respond to those words that you just heard from the president. >> let's listen. >> we went to the white house for a follow up meeting with the president. follow up to a meeting we had a few weeks ago where we agreed on a dollar figure, while we agreed on the percentage of 80/20 in terms of responsibility and we discussed some priorities about infrastructure. it was agreed at that time that we would return today to talk about how we would cover the costs of such a proposal. last night in the time in between, the president was making some sounds that we
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questioned how serious he could be if he was saying what he was saying. last night he put forth a letter saying unless we passed the u.s. mexico canada free trade agreement, there's no reason to go forward with infrastructure. we didn't see those two as related. but the fact is, hopeful, optimistic and seeing the necessity for a big infrastructure initiative for our country, we went in the spirit of bipartisanship to find common ground with the president on this. he came in to the room, made a statement that he made, was -- i won't even characterize it. i'll say this. when i said after he left. thomas jefferson, when he was president of the united states tasked his secretary of the treasury to put forth a infrastructure proposal for the country that would follow the
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lewis and clark expedition of the louisiana purchase. it would be about the erie canal, cumberland road. things like that to build into america. 100 years later, 100 years later, teddy roosevelt did his infrastructure initiative. it was called the establishment of the national park service. the green infrastructure of america. we had hoped that we could give this president an opportunity to have a signature infrastructure initiative to create jobs, to improve the quality of life, to just do so much for our country on the ongoing -- not only the jobs it created by building the commerce it would promote. that included roads and bridges and mass transit.
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broad band into rural america and other underserved areas. clean water, waste water. all of the things that have enormous needs. the american society of civil engineers says is in the trillions. the deficit we have, we're talking about a couple billion dollars. for some reason, maybe it was lack of confidence on his part, he really couldn't come -- match the greatness of the challenge that we have. wasn't really respectful of the congress and the white house working together. he just took a pass. just makes me wonder why he did that. in any event, i pray for the president of the united states. i pray for the united states of america. please deal now to the distinguished democratic leader of the senate, mr. schumer.
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>> well, thank you, speaker pelosi. to watch what happened in the white house would make your jaw drop. we democrats believe in infrastructure. we believe our roads and bridges need repair. we believe that rural america as well as inner city america needs broad band. we believe to bring clean new energy around the country, we need a power grid modernized and updated. we believe in modernizing our transportation fleet with electric cars. we believe in all of these things. so despite signals in the previous few weeks that he might not be serious, we went forward. we came here very seriously. the president asked where would the democrats spend the money on infrastructure? i was prepared to give him a 35-page plan detailing this in all the areas that i mentioned and more that have the broad support of senate and house
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democrats. we were interested. we are interested in doing infrastructure. it's clear the president isn't. he is looking for every excuse, whether it was let's do trade first, whether it was he's not going to pay for any funding or whether today that there are investigations going on. hello, there were investigations going on three weeks ago when he met. he still met with us. now that he was forced to actually say how he would pay for it, he had to run away. he came up with this preplanned excuse. one final point. it's clear this was not a spontaneous move on the president's part. it was planned. when we got in the room, the curtains were closed. the president -- there was a place for him at the front so he could stand and attempt to tell us why he wouldn't do infrastructure. and of course, then he went to
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the rose garden with prepared signs that had been printed up long before our meeting. we want the president to do infrastructure. we want our congress to perform its constitutional responsibilities and create jobs, create income, create wealth for the average american. we can do both. it's clear the president doesn't want to do any of that. >> just add this one thing. we had a very distinguished delegation to the congress, very powerful house and senate, as you can see, distinguished leader on appropriations committee, patty murray, mr. carpenter, the ranking member on the committee of jurisdiction that oversee what's we're talking about here. richie neal, the chair of the ways and means committee and steny hoyer.
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where's dick durbin? senate whip, whatever the title is in the senate -- >> number 2. >> debby stabenow of michigan, a leader on all of these issues in her committees in the congress. our assistant speaker, the whip of the house, democratic whip, mr. clyburn. chair of the -- i love saying chair. the chair of the transportation infrastructure committee appropriate to this discussion, mr. defazzio and the top democrat on the finance committee in the united states senate, ron widen. so we came with commitment, with knowledge, with hopefully shared vision of creating a great jobs initiative for our country and
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the spirit of. eisenhower when he instituted the highway -- the interstate highway system. it was important for jobs and mobility. it was a national security initiative. it was bipartisan. lyndon johnson and same rayburn and the house and senate, president of the united states, dwight eisenhower. we hoped we could do something comparable. unfortunately the president isn't ready for that. thank you all very much. >> well, it has been a war of words to say the least so far this morning. it started with speaker pelosi coming to a microphone and saying the president is engaged in a cover-up. the president then coming out to the rose garden and standing at the microphone and letting loose saying that we could have had the problem at the border solved in 15 minutes.
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instead, we're back to impeachment. that was followed by the press conference you just saw over on capitol hill. speaker pelosi and minority leader schumer coming to the microphone to respond and again and say they were ready to do infrastructure. they don't know what happened. all right. let's go to john roberts who is live on the north lawn. is your head spinning? >> you know, melissa, we've seen a lot of strange things in washington the last 2 1/2 years. this is one of the strangest but followed along what happened the last time that nancy pelosi and chuck schumer were here when they had a situation in the situation room about funding for the border wall. the president said are you going to give mow my money for the wall. nancy pelosi said no. so he said okay. we have nothing to talk about. he walked out and left. the president had said in the rose garden, after this meeting, which wrapped up after maybe 15 or 20 minutes, that he hoped to
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do something on infrastructure. a couple weeks ago looked like they were on the right track to do it. this morning nancy pelosi came out of that democratic caucus meeting where she's getting a lot of pressure to go down the road to impeachment and says she believes the president engaged in a cover-up. sources familiar with the meeting said the president walked in and said i wanted to do infrastructure. i think we were closing to getting a deal but all you want to do is investigate me, accuse me of a cover-up and unless you don't keep going down this road to investigation, we've got nothing else to talk about in terms of the other issues. the president turned around because he came into the cabinet room where this happened from the outside office of the oval office that goes oval office, he walked back out and left them all sitting there, which is much the same as what happened in the situation room meeting earlier this year.
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the president is obviously fuming about the fact that the democrats were coming over here for what the president thought was going to be a bipartisan meeting on infrastructure, dropped that bomb just before they came over and expected everything to be okay. to me indicates that they're trying to mess with him or they don't understand him. >> anybody knows it wasn't going to be okay after you say in the camera, the president is engaged in a cover-up. harris? >> it's all about 2020 and everybody is laying down markers. >> yeah. you know from our producer, chad pergram on the hill, he says the senior house democrat source on what happened at the white house between the president and democrat leaders "nothing good." so let's figure out where we go from here. there's some things that are on the docket. not just infrastructure.
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lifting the debt limit, a spending deal. maybe some hints and mitch mcconnell might have even suspected that they could get a spending deal done this week. where do we go from here? >> nowhere good, i think. to quote chad pergram and his source. i think -- again, we're seeing the parameters of the 2020 campaign laid out here. the president began it last week when he played out his plans for merit-based immigration. that is clearly a campaign issue that he was laying out there, one that he wanted to get republicans rallied around. there's no way under the sun that any kind of legislation on that particular issue will get passed before the election. now the president is laying out this idea that all democrats want to do is investigate. they want to try to relitigate the 2016 election, they want to take him out through investigation or impeachment and he wants to get things done. two tracks you can follow with
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i. investigation or investment. the democrats want to investigate. he wants to invest. the democrats have a powerful argument that they believe the president was engaged in a cover-up. the question here, harris and melissa, how far are the democrats willing to push this. do they just want to keep dangling this idea of impeachment out there to try to keep the president off of his toes or will they jump off that cliff. because the republicans found in 1999 it's a cliff with pointy rocks at the bottom of it and may not be the wisest thing for democrats to do going into an election year. >> ask newt gingrich. >> still about the pointy rocks. >> quickly, when you asked that question about how far they'll go, we're getting an indication. nancy pelosi is under pressure. now she's talking about listening to those people like maxine waters and others this morning on what impeachment could look like. david cicilline laying it out
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from rhode island. they may go further than anybody ever thought. my question is for the president, what is next for him? >> i think he keeps on just laying down these markers. he know he's not going to get anything done now with the democrats. >> that means america loses. >> we've joked for the past two years it's infrastructure week and never gets done. this ticked him off to no end that nancy pelosi said that this morning. but you know, chuck schumer said this was preplanned. i don't know if it was preplanned. it was hastily planned. they printed up -- i've written a lot of notes. they printed up this and that -- the cardboard panel that the president had below the podium very quickly, they called this out in an instant. they knew going into the meeting at 11:00 this was doing to happen but i don't think they began the day knowing this would
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happen. >> infrastructure week, it's a jinx. thanks, john. here's the comment in case you missed it that set off this nuclear chain of events earlier. listen. >> it was a very positive meeting. respectful sharing of ideas. i think very impressive presentation by our chairs. we believe that no one is above the law, including president of the united states and we believe the president of the united states is engaged in a cover-up. in a cover-up. that was the nature of the meeting. >> engage, chris stirewalt, in a cover-up. she said it twice. she knew exactly what she was doing. she pulled the pin out of the grenade and lobbed it in to the middle of everything doing on. >> well -- >> no? >> that meeting was never going to be any good. the use of the phrase
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"cover-up", remember when the attorney general talked about spying and everybody freaked out? okay. you say potato, i say potato. >> let me step in. there's warrants -- there's never a legal cover-up. >> sure there are. >> how? >> all kinds of ways that legally you can conceal your activities -- >> did a reporter shout back what was the crime? what is the crime? he's involved in a cover-up. what is the crime? >> democrats are being complete cowards when it comes to this impeachment dance around. they're acting like engaging in an impeachment-like behavior without going forward with it because they know politically it's not a good 2020 move for them. they're trying to appease their base. when it comes to the cover-up, they're moving the goal posts in terms of the narrative here and it's, well, you know the cover-up is worse than the crime
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even though there was no crime that was committed according to the mueller report. which democrats used to actually take very seriously. when it comes to what this meeting would have been, the last meeting that schumer and pelosi and trump had about infrastructure went really well. you had chuck schumer praising the president saying there was common ground. >> a trillion dollars. >> we all agreed there needs to be something that is done. they could have taken it in a different direction. but nancy pelosi engages in this beforehand. >> jessica, what is the crime? >> the crime that is going on right now is defying the subpoenas. we have steve mnuchin talking to -- >> wait. wait. define the subpoena. what is covered up? what is the crime -- >> the obstruction of justice charges. >> what was the crime? >> that was the crime, obstructing his team to lie. mueller -- >> about what? >> about the russians.
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>> there aren't -- >> we have a new -- >> we have michael cohen received 1,000 phone calls -- >> that was in a chase for documents -- >> where is the official charge of a crime -- >> i'm answering your questions. i don't know what else to answer. i said it in plain english. >> i want chris stirewalt back in here. >> i have somebody on twitter asked me have you read the entire mueller report? in the part in the public, yes. i had some help from members of the former doj. i have friends that helped me out. there's 10 or 11 points. points in there that are all about potential obstruction of justice. what we do know is that robert mueller didn't want to come down and william barr or attorney general for the united states did his job and decided. so now we're adjudicating or trying to debate what exactly everybody wants obstruction of justice to be defined as. we had one a.g. say it wasn't.
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we had the bob mueller report saying i'm not going to conclude on it. that's where we're stuck. we're not stuck on collusion. the report -- >> i didn't say that. i said obstruction of justice and defying subpoenas, which is why they would want to go to impeachment. >> chris? >> impeachment is not about the enforcement of the criminal code. you don't need to have -- >> underlying crime. >> and you don't need an underlying crime. >> what are you covering up? >> if you want to talk about it in the legal sense and the criminal law sense, you don't need to convict somebody of an underlying crime in order to charge them with obstruction or otherwise you'd never have an obstruction charge. if somebody obstructed justice, you couldn't charge them with obstruction of justice. the question here is whether or not the congress is going to impeach the president for the only second or third time in american history. whether that is going to happen. that doesn't have anything to do with crimes.
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that's not about whether donald trump violated the law. >> i wasn't asking that question. i'm asking what crime is being covered up. >> let's go back to what nancy pelosi has been saying about the impeachment process, which she's doing in a way but not officially doing. she's the one saying we have to follow the facts and not do this all of politics. yet all of the actions the democrats are now taking, brushing aside the credibility of robert mueller, not -- making sure she's on capitol hill to testify about questions that i may have about the probe and yet they're using this politically as an argument against the president and too do opposition research for 2020 democrats on the campaign trail. so the question going forward, dew want to work on any kind of legislation or do you want all the oxygen to be taken up by impeachment talks that you're not willing to go forward with -- >> i'm just asking where is the break-in. >> in the mueller report when you talked about the cover up of
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the don jr. meeting which the president was involved with. and michael cohen was released with the foyer request. and in terms of i'm preachment that there was a break-in, if the white house wasn't ininstructing people like don mcgahn -- >> you had your time, you had your investigation. it didn't come to anything. >> that's not true. >> that's where we thought nancy pelosi was until a couple hours ago when she dropped the bomb of cover-up. so my question is, what happened in the meetings with democrats and nancy pelosi to get her to shift. because she clearly is drifting away from let's way for the evidence. >> there's two things happening here. there's internal pressures on her from her conference that the loudest voices in the room are -- the president is trying to troll democrats into
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impeaching him. he wants it. add a minimum he doesn't care if they do it, but i think probably more likely believes it would be politically advantageous. he's daring them. he's stoking and goading at trying to get them to do it. there's that component. and then the other component, this is the part where it gets fascinating. for pelosi, if trump will not cooperate, if no one may testify, no one may go, having seen ben carson's testimony, maybe it's a good policy. >> oh, my gosh. >> that was rough business. >> can i say quickly, i wish these people would put this energy into immigration reform. >> on everything. >> talk about healthcare. >> that's the thing. can i just say democrats are passing bills all the time. >> this is the president's own words on what he told democrats earlier today. watch. >> i walked into the room and i told senator schumer, speaker
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pelosi, i want to do infrastructure. i want it more than you want to do it. i'd be good at that. that's what i do. you know what? you can't do it under these circumstances. so get these phony investigations over with. this meeting was set up a number of days ago at 11:00 a.m. all of a sudden i hear they have a meeting before this meeting to talk about the i word. the i word. can you imagine? i don't speak to russians about campaigns. >> so some of this was the spectacular spectacular. moulin rouge. the ultimate theater. the white house new that they were having this impeachment meeting. nancy pelosi knows that the white house knows. she drops the bomb. he lets them come in. he says we're done and he goes
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outside and drops his own bomb. it's the back and forth. >> no one -- >> that meeting was scheduled before this morning -- >> no one in positions of significant leadership in washington or very few positions are interested in doing anything until they have solved the 2020 election. we're in a deep long freeze. right? the interest of the american people -- >> it's may of 2019. >> it's not going to happen. nobody is interested in a political risk until they get there. so this meeting was a kabuki dance. the effort today is how can i screw over -- >> he had this visceral reaction. he just took a pass after she laid out thomas jefferson and
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teddy roosevelt, the louis and clark expedition and infrastructure initiatives and how president trump had his chance at a moment. that's what she was setting up. she said she just took a pass anyway. i pray for the president. >> that would be like bless his heart. bless his heart. >> politically, what is that? >> so the warning tribes are deeper and more. the war bonnets are on. they're going to kill each other as much as they can and nobody will serve the interest of the american people. >> what about to the border? we have a crisis. >> this goes to our issues of the citizens of the united states. >> this would almost be funny or you could lament. it's not when you look at what's going on at the border. >> and there's opioids and infrastructure and -- >> you talk about -- but the border is -- people are dying.
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>> can i jump in here and say -- >> i don't hi anything will come up before these people on capitol hill can get it together. there's people that are still struggling -- >> i don't buy this idea that the white house is now engaged in 2020. this is a president that was very upset with the special counsel investigation because he felt like he couldn't govern and get things done. over the past two weeks, the white house has produced a new plan for immigration in terms of border security and a legal system. they had this meeting set out before the meeting on impea impeachme impeachment. the white house has reduced opioid overdoses by 17%. >> nobody is talking about that. >> no. because they're back and forth. so yes, 2020 -- >> the american people lose again. >> the president is a person and a leader that wants to get things done. he does that at a break neck pace. so to say he's just engaged in
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this without wanting to move forward i don't think is a fair accusation. >> just real quick. >> real quickly and we'll talk about this more. it's disingenuous. the president can't get mitch mcconnell to be supportive of his plans. and then the democrats are passing plans and it's dead on arrival in the senate. >> and they know that already. >> and he says i look forward to reading it as a starter -- >> what we can agree on, they're all worthless. >> they're all -- what you're saying they're all putting things out that they can't get done. the house is passing stuff all the time that they know as they do that they can't get it through. to me that makes me want to cry. they're not going -- >> don't cry. >> i like it when they do nothing. when they do something, it costs
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money. >> exactly. >> i would like them to solve the immigration crisis. >> that's the way the system was set up. when legislation gets to the white house, it's good rather than just passing everything through. >> that optimism is where we're going to take a commercial break. when i tell you the stire is on fire, he brings it with him. the conversations will continue after this commercial break.
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we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home. >> we went in the spirit of bipartisanship to find common ground with the president on this. he came in to the room, made a statement that he made, was -- i won't even characterize it. in any event, i pray for the president of the united states. i pray for the united states of america. >> nancy pelosi there talking about the infrastructure meeting
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that was and then was not just a short time ago. the president coming out and talking all about how he was ready to do a deal on infrastructure, which would have been bipartisan. they've been talking about it for months now. but that the words of the speaker whom you just saw accusing the president of a cover-up, would thwart any efforts today. now this from our john roberts who is collecting some color from inside that room from people that were in there. he says i'm told that the president of the united states walked in the cabinet room from the outer office, he said his peace to chuck schumer and speaker of the house, nancy pelosi and the others. as pelosi began talking, he turned on his heel and walked back to the oval. chris stirewalt, you are having a cautionary tale tone what is happening. >> what -- i mean, the
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childestness that we're seeing -- >> from whom? >> from both sides. look, she's thrown shade at him. he's turning his back on her and walking out of the room. none of this is conduct worthy of the high stations that these people occupy. this is un wortworthy behavior. i'm going to let you in on a secret. elections have consequences. we only have one president at a time. we have one congress at a time. you may not like how he does it or they do it but that's all we got. make the best of it. do the best you can. the very fact that infrastructure, as we talked about before, is an issue where democrats are aligned with the president even more than republicans. democrats like with trade are more on his side with this. they can't -- the two sides can't get together on that. that's just sad. >> it's not even about which side you can sway with the
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argument of bipartisanship. right now it is trying to get to the polls, the people voted for you last time and will vote again and again and again and trying to get to those people to come out. you have to give them a reason to fight. people don't like because they like the economy. they go because they want to fight for something. >> and politically, this is an issue that is good for president trump that he used in 2016 to gain democrat votes that used to go to blue districts and, you know -- >> union votes. >> like in the letter that the president sent to pelosi and schumer. he mentioned that infrastructure plan and redoing this and ratifying the deal with canada and mexico would help union workers. the president say we have a choice here. you can do investigations about me and continue this road ord doing? on infrastructure that benefits your voters and my voters.
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i don't know if you can do both. i don't know if you can work -- >> democrats say that they can. what is it that they tell everybody? >> walk and chew gum at the same time. a lot of walking went on today. where is the gum chewing? >> these investigations take resources. so when you talk about investigating from the house and needing resources to respond to subpoenas and document requests, there's a limit in terms of how much time and resources you have in a day. so the white house is saying we have limited resources. we want to get things done. infrastructure is a big project whether it comes to the funding, getting the epa on board, getting studies done more quickly rather than ten years. there's a resource limiting issue here. that's something -- >> excellent point. >> you know who has unlimited resources? according. they have our money. >> i don't buy the argument on the president's side that it's
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about the next election. he's not a career politician. i don't buy that from day one. it's about re-election. he wanted to get some of his agenda done. because why else run for president and do this? >> getting his agenda down would help him get re-elected. if donald trump ends up with robust economy, an effective end to the trade war with china where we are benefitted and had infrastructure, homey would get re-elected with 65% of the vote. he would win 40 states. that's is not what is going to happen. what is happen -- >> and your premise is that he was putting out things dead on arrival. if he wants immigration done or infrastructure done, why is he putting out stuff that is dead on arrival? >> for the same reason the democratic house passes stuff that won't pass the senate. you want to demonstrate -- >> you said he wants infrastructure done. that's how he would get
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re-elected. >> if he could have anything, he would succeed in all of his endeavors. if he could have everything, he would succeed. if he can't get it done, he's still going to run on it, right? >> what chris is saying, you have to work within the system you have here. the house democrats know that they can pass bills about healthcare, lowering drugs prices, pass sensible gun reform, background check legislation and know they can go home and lucy who lost her lost her son to gun violence and deliver on the platform -- >> no. it's not law. you didn't deliver anything. >> it's not her fault that nobody -- >> regular people do not -- you guys are talking washington speak. i'm saying from outside washington, regular people care. did it succeed? is it a law? is the border crisis fixed?
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>> what is the president going to say in pennsylvania? >> right. >> he's going to say i didn't get it done and it's the democrat's fault. >> what joe biden is trying to say when someone like nancy pelosi isn't willing to work with the president on infrastructure because they're too focused -- >> he's saying he could do it better than she could. they've always been competitive. >> he's the moderate. she's trying to like deal with the -- >> joe biden can say to farmers -- >> the president talked about the dangers of impeachment from his perspective. let's watch. >> there's a danger here. if some day a democrat becomes president and you have a republican house, they can impeach him for any reason, or her. any reason. we can't allow that to happen.
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>> chris? >> of course, you can impeach for my reason. it's the congress. that's what they're there for. impeachment is not a magic thing. it's not this mystical -- you don't have to have all of the rings in the gauntlet is of the avengers. thanos. yeah. thank you. it's whatever a majority of the house says it is. >> why don't they do it? >> they don't -- >> put up or shut up. >> they don't want to. >> why not? >> it was always the argument that we had to have the mueller report before this conversation happened. it's a new thing -- like don mcgahn didn't just show up yesterday. defying subpoenas has gotten to the level that many democrats that were against the idea -- they're so to the point that we need to shrink executive privilege. the way to do that is to open impeachment hearings. >> it's not about what the president said or tweeted or put
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out there in terms of don't give in to this subpoenas to these summons. how -- he can do that. i've deposed many legal scholars on this and experts recently. he can do that. politically was it wise to do it? >> look, the people keep saying we're in a constitutional crisis. my joke can i say no, we're in a constitution. this is what it looks like. >> he can do it. >> we have three branches. congress has -- congress' power to investigate is almost as unlimited or as unlimited as the president's power to protect the country. right? the constitution grants congress very broad powers in this area. the president says that there are broad exceptions in this case. guess what? the supreme court will answer these questions. we're getting ready to have new case law made. >> maybe we should talk about the makeup of the supreme court. you know what we're going to talk about? what the president said about crimes on the other side. stay glued.
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>> here's the bottom line. there was no collusion, there was no obstruction. we've been doing this since i was president. the crime was committed on the other side. we'll see how that turns out. the crime was committed on the other side. this whole thing was a take-down attempt at the president of the united states. >> so this is the next plot that we're investigating in this ongoing drama that is washington, chris stirewalt. going to the origins of this investigation. a lot of people interested in how it got started. some people wanting to move on. >> one of the things i enjoy most about washington is the hypocrisy is so dank. it's like being in a moldy basement. just as democrats say no, we have to complete all of our probe to get to the bottom of
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everything and find everything out. but not that. we shouldn't do that. the house is going to work its way through rechecking mueller's work and dah, dah, dah. barr is going to finish this. he's going to get to the bottom. whatever dirty deeds done dirt cheap were in there and whether we're talking about comey, whether we're talking about mccabe, whether we're taking about strzok and page and the whole gang of guys, it's all going to come out. it's true for what wrongs republicans did but also true for what wrongs democrats did. it will all come out eventually. let it ride. >> harris? >> you know, it's interesting that it all comes out eventually. the only place that it really counts is what happens inside that polling booth. >> that's right. >> what moves the needle on that? you saw a real battleground in pennsylvania. when the numbers came out even though i think it's early to be looking at this stuff. when you look at biden versus trump and the 11-point
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different. the differential in biden's favor. you understand that maybe president trump has ground to re-sow. and the question is not whether democrats the walk and chew gum at the same house and all the things that the president wants to do. prison reform. a list. can they stay on message and stay on defense? >> let me put it this way. if you can manage to lose re-election with gdp growth at 3.5% and full employment and low crime rates, if you can manage to lose re-election, that would be a dilly of a pickle. most of the people that win first term win a second term. only two, jimmy carter and george h.w. bush managed to lose. they were not talking massive economic prosperity. it would be hard for trump to
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lose. if he doesn't walk and chew gum at the same time, he can do it. >> does he have to do both, jessica? the whole point of having another team, he's supposed to be doing something else. like with the mueller report. everybody is supposed to be working on something else while investigators -- >> but we know he won't from his twitter account. >> correct. there's what the base needs and what the moderates you picked up needs. moderate republicans and independents that went for trump and democratic voter before 2016 were interested in conservative justices on the supreme court. they were interested in getting tax cuts. they didn't look lock her up. they didn't care about the border wall and the same way the red meat base does. the president has to deliver again. the prospects of doing that in the moderate patch is dwindling. look at suburban white women
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that are fleeing from trump andleft hillary in 2016. >> we have a heart break. i would they would do something and get it done for the american people. katie? >> sounds good. >> we'll be right back. ok everyone!
9:52 am
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i would encourage the president to focus on what's best for the american people and fight back against efforts to undermind him, his administration and his family. >> melissa: here's what the american people don't think is a success. i proposed x, y, z and it never happened. >> they all don't care about the russia investigation, at all. they care about healthcare. they care about the economy. they care about the environment. and so democrats focusing on this is a political ploy that they should make a decision on whether they want to move forward with impeachment. >> the subpoenas are for much more than the russia investigation. steve mnuchin saying he isn't breaking the law. you're breaking the law, steve mnuchin. >> people at home want things done. >> you'll get it on the other
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10:00 am
>> our thanks to chris stirewalt who said the most important thing is -- >> shout out for the cumberland trail in wheeling, west virginia. you've heard it here today. here's harris. >> harris: we come in with breaking news. on the left side of your screen is theed speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. she's at an event at the center for american progress. the reason we're showing this to you is because she's talking about president trump. it has been an intense back and forth between these two today. after an infrastructure meeting basically blew up and they both came out talking about why. she accused the president earlier today of engaging in a cover-up. this now, nancy pelosi, at this event, describing the meeting with the president just seconds ago as very strange. we want to get right to the news right now, but we wante


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