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tv   Watters World  FOX News  May 25, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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thanks to dr. drew our studio audience -- i'm greg -- about -- [applause] welcome to waters world i'm jesse waters tojt we start with real news of the week, first up some business with the biden. uncovering police report revealing that just days before the 2016 election, joe biden's son hunter returned to rental car containing a cocaine pipe. along with credit cards a driver's license and other personally identifying items police investigated but officialsing decline to prosecute, of course, this discovery is just the latest controversy for the democratic front runner son his position at a ukrainian gas company under major scrutiny as father at the vp at the time pressured government there to fire an
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investigator looking into the company. hunter biden firm also received a very suspicious one billion dollar investment from the chinese government after he and his dad had traveled to beijing on a jet at the end of the obama presidency biden fashion his own problem sleepy e joe kicking off campaign in a rally in philly last weekend his team saying that crowd success of people but our producers on the ground say major rounding of error. and that's not even close to the 25,000 people at trump rally in tourville pennsylvania on a monday night. the president also beginning an economic boom to the keystone states. pennsylvania's april jobs report showing record low unemployment andd record high payrolls for te third straight month. rising wage and national trends for all americans not just the 1%.
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look at this chart by goldman sachs showing lay wage workers enjoying fastest pay growth among any other group so income inequality shrinking under this presidency and while earnings are going up -- under president trump, believe it or not racism is going down. this according to researchers at the university of pennsylvania who found a sharp dip in antiblack prejudices among both republicans and democrats beginning after the election of donald trump the 2016. they also found that similar drop in anti-hispanic prejudices. president hopeful kamala harris unveiling her plan for equal pay. shemghts to fine companies who have a gender wage gap. first ever national priority on closingst that pay gap -- holding corporations of accountable for transparency and
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closing that gap there will be penalties if they don't. [applause] but senators going to have to start with herself. washington free report finding that men in both harris senate office and presidential campaign office were paid a higher medium salary than women. and there's already lawses on the book. such as the equal pay act, which addresses this issue. former stormy daniels michael avenatti charged with ripping her off. avenatti accused stealing almost 300,000 dollarss from the porn star book deal. but e remember it was just weeks ago that creep was a hero of the left and a darling of the mainstream media. >> out there saving the country. >> saying he may be the savior of the republic. you remember something of a folk hero people all like you and decide they fighter and democrats could learn something for you. >> we all could learn something.
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whatnot to do -- speaking of crime and punishment avenatti friend at the view now calling to jail entire republican party. >> this is an unbelievable corruption -- administration and republican party is behindup him and should be thrown into jail as far as i'm concerned. dges well i'm actually -- lock him up. >> t but just three years ago, julie said that -- they think we're in a banana republic in some argentina to become the dictator and put opponents in jail. >> i love you joy but that's the to the with the kettle black and a tough week for rachel getting crushed in the ratings by hannity by nearly a million viewers. last week marking that lowest week this year in both total viewers and in key demographic. there's always next week, rich. and finally nfl golden boy aaron
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rogers with a crushing defeat head-to-head in chugging contest with the offensive lineman david o'back at thursday buck stand and let the video speak for itself.eo ♪ ♪ he left a little at the a bottom there. all right, an now for biggest news of the week, senator lindsey graham diving into water's world for very first time. i spoke with him earlier. >> senator have you played golf with the president recently? >> yes. how's he doing?
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>> fine. he's a happy man. >> yeah. he seems happy although nancy pelosi say he's got a rageaholic -- >> i'll go to dr. field not sure first. but personality profile. >> so you have a pretty good relationship with the president now describe what that's like? >> it's fun. he calls me on occasion asked my opinion and we play golf about as good as it gets so it wuct always good he gave out that cell phone. >>mb for a long time. [laughter] he gave me his number and i found the card. i wrote the number down i don't know if it is the right number let's try it 202 -- [bleep] right after he got elected he called me over said you know we need to try to get along i'm all in. he loved doing that by the way. he said i don't have your number i said there's a reason for that. all good -- i think -- >> so new yorker had a -- they have you shining the
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president shoes there with barr and mcconnell what do you think they're trying to say? >> trump does not tip and i'm doing something right. if i i can -- i'm doing something right. >> you're a rock star now one of the most popular republican senators. what do you attribute that to? >> elbow in the latter years. [laughter] >> it's right because recently last two years your poll numbers in south carolina up about 25%. >> well the point is is that president trump won and i want him to be successful. i'm trying to help him where i can kavanaugh changed a lot of things for me. i voted for -- now chosen andover qualified a and i watched destruction over 20 years for just out and out -- assassination and brett kavanaugh a good man not a bad man and they hate trump so much and all things trump so much i was a breaking point for me i'm not going to put up with crap anymore. i would have never done that and
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i think i spoke for a lot of republicans, and president rebuilding the military. count me in for that he's cut taxes economy is coming our enemies are on the notices and new sheriff in town. i just is like what he does judges has been great and i've got to know him personally. we still have some differences but getting to play golf with him and understand who he is and why he -- has been fun. >> you said that was a breaking point for you in that kavanaugh hear. so that wasn't planned that was spontaneous that eruption. >> this most unethical sham since i've been in politics. and if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn't have done what you done to this guy. this is going to destroy the ability of good people to come forward becauseis of this crap. >> i never dreamed we would get to where we were talking about a guy's you talk about how do you spend yourself against accusation when they won't --
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when and a everybody in name say i don't know what you're talking about it just frustrated to me no end that all a of the rules went out the door and if they wanted to hold a seat up. after i had voted for their judge and i know brett i know his family and what he through was sheer hell and durbin said whyy. don't you extend this investigation if you have nothing to hide, let's keep looking, at you and your family that was toooo much and soviet union not america and i let them have it and i think i spoke for a lot of people who thought they've gone too far. >> everybody on left hated you and started screaming at you and you became mean remember with your tie and looking behind you. >> yeah. well, you know, son the mob tok over. thisgh was mob rule. you know the rule about apply a lot of facts susan collins gave a expression why vote for brett kavanaugh she did a wonderful job and mob tried to intimidate her and tried to intimidate me and not working. s why am i doing better in south
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carolina? people who are conservative and most are in south carolina see me trying to help the the president and giving hem advices saying let's reconsider this so it works both ways and i enjoy my gene never had more fun during the trump presidency. it is a great time to be alive. >> neither have i -- >> fox news has having a lot of. >> literally having fun doing it things that other wouldn't do that they should have done. >> we're on of declassification what do you expect to see once with all of this information is put out there in the public sphere? >> system totally out of control. people who are blowing through stop signs normally there to protect american citizens and added too that weps want her to win so therefore we can't charge her with a crime. how does she win if she gets charged with a crime that's why she wouldn't charge and counterintelligence investigation you you're going o
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learnte in great detail that thy have nothing to do with a russians but they went on anyway. you're going to find out that carter page is i not james bond and that the dossier was a bunch of garbage and they knew it was a bunch of garbage and did nothing to verify it anden system was worn multiple times don't trust christopher steele and they went ahead anyway. >> you were alluded to fact that you might be holding senate hearings -- when can we expect to see those? >> there's three things barr will look at whether or not somebody broke the law and there's a mueller light figure look at what they did to the president. hair inspector general for justice of department will look how internal policy was thrown over and thrown upside down and what i'll be doing is put puzzle to make sure it never happens again and that fisa courts are given better education and if you don't you pay a higher price to have rules about you open a counterintelligence operation against the presidential
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candidate. ertake this out of control systm and put some controls on it. that's my job. >> which individuals will you be calling to testify in front of your committee? >> i think what i would do is start telling the story that you knew that steel was out to get trump that it was not really a reliable confidential informant bruce tells mccabe and others this guy really is out to get trump and you have october exchange in the state department we're still comes before the election asking the state department tont get the dossier into the media because he wants to beat trump they send that information to the fbi ten days before they apply for a warrant and none of was told to phee is a court and if that is pretty clear to me they knew that papadopoulos wast not getting y assistance from russians they tried to plant that idea in his head so there's a real deep dive into the counterintelligence investigation to fisa warrant, application and what happened after the election?
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what if they're genuine effort to surveil president as the sitting pet? was an effort to invoke the 25th amendment, immaterial to know. >> so memorial day weekend and south carolina guy a lot of veterans down there. john walker, lynn, early release you better not go to south carolina pill say that. >> release and at home he's in trouble. so this shows what happens when you use criminal law to fight a war. i've been saying for about -- since the day 9/11 if you or i or anybody join taliban al qaeda or isis, we're becoming enemy combatants. criminal law designed to solve a crime law force design -- so when you capture a enemy person, you don't have to try them. you take them off the battlefield and treat them humanely and don't let them become out until they're no longer a threat he was tried under criminal law but if he was
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held as enemy combatant he could be held as long as he's a threat. gitmo is full of people been there for decades they'll never be tried in a criminal court, but they've had a hearing about whether or not they're a member of the enemy force and whrorpght they're still dangerous l. that's what should have happened that johnny walker linked you can have a criminal war crime trial but after that, you are evaluate has this enemy prisoner and he was part of the enemy force is it to release him if you don't use the law of war for people like him, about you find yourself having the let them go their sentence is served that's insane. >>hopefully you're drinking memorial weekend. thank you verify. >> we have a huge response when last week we did the politically incorrect movie segment, so we're going examine how the james bond girls have developed and later --
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classic waters world quiz on america's military history. >> fight in the vietnam war? [buzzer] who did we fight in the vietnam war? . >> korea. ♪ fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely...
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>> pc culture on offense last week larry and kathy and i discuss op-ed will political correctness kill classic movies? we showed several controversial movie clip like this one from blazing saddles. ♪ it's all right. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> it is in. they dock -- and also this one from the classic gold finger. >> just here. a little lower..
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i thought i would find you in good hands. [laughter] lighter. say hello -- hi. say good-bye to felix -- >>actor robert tweeted me at the bond clip and syndicated column ition and fox news contradict tore shot me e-mail about blazing saddles so we thought we would just have him on. all right, robert -- you saw the bond clip there where he gives her a little pat on the rear end. is this how bond girls have always been portrayed or is there a shift in that department? well it's a very interesting issue since wrote the book he wrote strongest female characters. just so you know. the clip you showed didn't show her who was equal with bond in terms of fighting it. the bond films enflaming
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broccoli and dane broccoli now barbara wilson sensitive about creating strong female characters and one of the bond films who loved me i think a first abortions of a female character one of these characters in the book. and today's pc cull char that wants to strip away any kind sof -- they call it the toxic masculinity or femininity and make it something else this is what we're facing. so these film when we did license to kill for instance, timny dalton dating vanessa redgrave a very strong female. very, very -- they were very, yeah they were nevery concerned and very they wanted to bond into the future an they found that all of the character or all of the female characters as lethal as bond was -- >> i think we have a clip here from license to kill, let's watch this. [laughter] >> dead. took the words right out of my
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mouth. [sound of gunfire] [laughter] yeah that's a pretty violent depressive portrayal of a female fern in a bond film. let's go to blazing saddles which delaware roy shot me a big e-mail about here. you took issue with something that kathy said about the scene that we showed. >> yeah well she said that it was a nazi joke. not the case -- it is just german for good-bye nothing about that . so that was very uninformed thing she said, but when it goes to movie like this people need to remember look at the whole picture. this was extremely popular this was a number one picture in hollywood in 1974. it gotot three oscar nominations that earned something like the equivalent of 570 million dollars. it was honored by library of congress this was a work of art i think it is a masterpiece that is really a movie about how a black man overcomes white racism and only way to depict adversity
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he face and overcomes to depict adversity faces it overcomes furniturely involves n bomb and ethic slurs and you see uphill battle you face trying to win people over and about he eventually does. they embrace him a movie about how people overcome racism that is a really beautiful picture and people shouldn't throw it on to the history because it has words they don't like to hear. >>o i'm going to play a clip from -- snow white and seven dwarfs this movie has come under attack recently in the need to era. for a nonconsensual kiss, let's just watch that happen here. this is what i believe the prince or whoever is -- hug and kisses her to try to arouse her from her sleep. there are the seven dwarf so in an age of consent, robert, this is now come under fire.
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>> this whole thing i respect women greatly i have four daughters. >> i have two. >> yeah. right jesse, and today society is crippling us. it is absolutely a danger they should real camille that's who feminist should read more of camille and less of what they're listening to out there. if today's women had, i mean when i saw a great actress wear a vagina hat and kind of like you know to get a point across -- it just is an absolute -- to our society. it is a danger to our society. but to continue to go to classic films what about the spencer tracy film to bleach right now and mccall. i completely agree and we're running out of time here but we're glad things are moving forward. in the me too era but again, we don't want to destroy the classic era of romance and tear
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down the so-called statues there has to be some balance all right gentlemen good conversation thanks for reaching out to me. >> all right. coming b up, what the heck is going on with our guy ed henry? no one knows. we're going to try find out. stay tuned for the leat gossip about ed, next. there was a moment, my son i believe was about four, where he actually asked me "mommy what's wrong with your teeth?" if i would've known that i was gonna be 50 times happier... i would've gone into aspen dental much sooner. it was a very life changing experience... and it felt like i was me again. that's when i realized i hadn't been for three years. at aspen dental we're all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes whenever you're ready to get started, we are too. call now at 1-800-aspendental.
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>> america headquarters attorney general from 51 states one automatic erase student loan debt of disable ised veterans the bipartisan group sent a letter to education secretary devos friday that applies through military service, now they must request for the debt to be eliminated. the ag said 43,000 available for discharge but only 9,000 of them applied as of last april. overseas opposing sides in venezuela in norway for talk aimed at ending political turmoil and escalating violence and a u.s. backed opposition
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leader juan are waging a deadly battle for control this as once prosperous continueses to deteriorate. i'm now back to waters world. last week we told you ab gossip study that spend 52 minutes day talking about each other well ed henry he's a talk of the town here on the weekends and in d.c.. and here's a gossip himself so we with figured we have to gossip about chief national correspondent back to spill the beans on my palette henry new gossip queen my co-host on the 5 and host of the daily briefing. dana -- >> older i think -- gossip queen. so dana when we talked about moving forward with segment i suggested ed henry you reminded us used to be had in front row and he grilled you. baling second row and make it to the first so jog your memory
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here's ed trying to pepper you. >> president was asked about what he learned about -- iran nuclear deal was he being candid? >> i talked about that last night and reiterate it here. if you look at the a rest of the sentence if that president was clearly told that there was new information that that was cominn but wasn't told details of it. didn't tell me what information was but you're saying that he was told that iran may have halted nuclear weapons also maybe a new assessment right? >> get details of what the information was in terms of what the raw intelligence was. >> didn't tell me i can see where you could see that president could have been more precise in that language but president was being truthful. >> wow. you look annoyed over there -- >> ed henry always very annoying. yeah, and i say if you look there's any photo of me where i'm scowling in the briefing room i'm always looking his
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direction -- he's easy to find with a boyish face so that he was at cnn at the time and then in the obama administration he moved to fox news. >> he used to be fake news now real news. >> obama team going after him saying he was bias no, no ed henry is always a tough reporter in the room. >> both sides now speaking of boyish charm in amy -- novelo about the campaign with hillary. she said hillary used to kind of flirt with ed henry look for all of the less beeon theory about hillary enjoys nothing more than flirting with a handsome straight man and regularly look past entirely press core with a cheeks. >> a way to buy a political book. >> and i'll say another thing about ed henry this is a guy he's charming really good
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reporter generous with with his time but i'll say something positive. ed was director of communications counts particular to the president father died while we were at the white house. you know he was on the saturday -- eded looks up -- at says there's ed henry driven up that morning from washington to see justed a funeral and turn around and went home. >> a really nice guy he gives me dinner reservations down i freerkt that on weekends he could be bizarre there's a weird competition between him and pete for a while -- it seemed like pete was losing constantly when they used to do these battles on weekends and stuff like that. now pete turned it around and i can tell that ed his egohas taken bruising here. i don't know what this is. this is a national correspondent. >> this is a -- oh. the kayaking i heard there was accusation of cheating here. >> they this is an actual real competition this is not a joke.
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it goes on all week they -- >> splashing him splashing him big time. they go after each other and think about it all week and -- >> see if he's got a shot. >> i'll just handle -- not great. but he's lefty -- you. kind of a strange release there. >> wasn't an airball. >> that was pretty good. also he's taken on instagram in a different way have you ever seen his instagram page? >> i have, and there was a little bit of an intervention. smg there was. so s beat me to the punch. my assistant honda one day she jengtly told ed he needed to do thing to improve his instagram. >> is this result of the intervention but what you intervened. beto o'rourke -- this is a little beto probably not head that that direction and "don't ask, don't don't want to see ed henry at the dentist. he purses his lips have you ever noticed the way -- i think we have --
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that's ed henry look that is pretty much resting face a pursed lip and smirk and a diet with producers look into the diet, because he's been doing a lot on social media called kettlebell kitchen diet, prepared meals free of dairy soy, artificial sweeteners how sweet is that? >> i don't know would you eat that? >> no. not appetizing. >> you know although ed henry is a atizing. but he should give you one and do it for food friend. >> like a food test. i love that idea thank you very much. >> i love being here gossip queen. >> next get into pete -- i think he's due. >> he deserves it. still ahead a classic waters world quiz it shall celebrating our nation fallen heros this memorial day but first back and they're taking on howard stern -- ♪ ♪
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>> radio legend howard stern making rowngdz on late night show howard comes again one of the biggest claims that donald trump didn't really want to be elected. watch this. i firmly believed donald didn't want to run for president i don't think he was serious and wanted to be the president. he's on the apprentice ratings were going down. and nbc was bocking at giving him a raise so what did he say i'll run for president. i'll get a lot of press and i really believe that donald this was a gimmick to get nbc to raise up his salary and to keep the apprentice on. >> well i would bet the farm on that. >> joining me now diamond silk so what had do you think about howard theory he interviewed
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dozens of times for many, many year and serious insight there. >> listen, that i believe the president ran for president because he wanted to be the president of the united states. >> that's what -- >> shame on howard stern for using president for trying to disparage him just to sell a book. we really don't appreciate that. the president didn't want to be president i don't believe he would have stepped out of his good life to come into his life his salary away workingis life for american people. and he wants to do it again and 2020. so that let's me know he truly loves america he loves american poem and he truly want to work for us. >> for howard stern irrelevant looking for some type of relevancy. >> i listen to him every day -- >> best interviewer out there. >> but that's why he choose president trump to get some type of traction for a book he probably can't sell on his own. >> right. >> listen when i sell my book i'll plug whatever i got and i
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think trump is a pretty good thing to plug. so moving on, we have a war of words between the president and nancy pelosi. all of a sudden i hear last night they're going to have a meeting right before this meeting. to talk about the i word -- the i word -- can you imagine? i don't speak to russians about campaigns. you have the group brian, chuck -- crazy nancy i tell you been watching her and i've beening her for long period of time she's not the same person. she's lost it. >> i pray for the president of the united states. i wish his family or administration or staff qowld have an intervention for the good of the country.s >> wow. what a week. yeah what a week it was a war of words but war started with nancy pelosi and president trump ended it. he finished the war. you know when we look at nancy pelosi and some of those disparage thing she said questioning the president's
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mental capacity talking about intervention maybe we need a intervention with congress start with her as a speaker of the house. maybe we immediate to put in her limits right away so she can pack her sack and go. that's what we need to do. >> for her. >> nancy said she prays for the president -- i didn't know nancy was such a devote person -- [laughter] >> next president trump has a plan again. >> right. >> that's right donald trump can even make his -- enemies pray that's great. >> hallelujah. >> rocket robert de niro are says like bay heart talking about locking everybody up. here he is again i love him but i don't like what come out of his mouth. listen. >> to get e away without trump -- a individual forced to leave america not --
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to make america great again. >> ladies how are you going to lock someone up for a crime they didn't commit? >> well you know i was just in here thinking that. you know, jesse is that robert de niro want the president to be locked up a innocent man locked upir who has been found innocent but that lets you know how these liberals how they work, how they operate and how they think. they don't care whether you're innocent or not if they have a power and they want you locked up, then they want that to be what needs to be. but you know what, we need to stop, startds ignoring robert de niro. what was last time he was in a movie and if he was in a movie we didn't watch it. so -- i say ignore robert de niro. >> irrelevant person trying to gain relevancy by talking about the president. >> that's true once the president name come out of your mouth you're, obviously, going to get a lot of attention. all right -- diamond and silk ladies chugging along in chitchat there they go happy memorial day weekend for
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you guy. >> thank you. thank you for having us. >> all right up next aoc in the house. yeah -- she is looks even younger in real life. stay tuned. younger in real lif. i don't keep track of regrets. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein.
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[inaudible conversations] and you're not like i'm going to talk about all people who make fun of me because like i've never seen -- i also never seen big foot or the inside of a book. actually like i just got done reading book on president abraham lincoln don't spoil the ending for me i can't wait to see how it turns out. >> that's not the real alexandria cortez that was martinez known as little aoc in little avoid mocking new york congressman joins me with her mom. okay, so eva what inspired you to create this mini aoc character? how did this whole thing start? >> camera -- >> well, this whole thing started by my dad and my uncle.
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they said that i looked like her and i talk like her so i said -- that i said make videos. >> okay. and you're very successful. you have almost what -- about a million hits on your mini aoc videos. do people in your school or do parents come up to you and talk to you about this? >> well, today when i was at school, my -- two girls rung towards me said we saw you on fox news. >> yay you're famous now. >> so you don't do this in a mean way, right? youje do this for fun -- you don't -- for fun. you don't dislike her but very good at a impressions. >> yeah. >> okay. >> let's show another little clip that you did that went all
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over the internet. let's listen. >> okay. >> socialism is so amazing like socialism is actually short for social media. did you know that? like i did social media so i'm a socialist and like three of the most successful countries in the world are socialist too. and venezuela, facebook and are all very successfuland socialist countries. i have a lot of friends who move to america from facebook. >> soy guess this is written for you and then do you memorize it and then -- recite it to the camera? >> yes. >> okay. well amazing actress. what do you think of aoc? >> i think -- i think of -- >> do you like her? >> funny? j i think she's funny. [laughter] i think all of us think she's funny. whether she's intentionally
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funny or not that's another question. all right well mini aoc you're a phenomenon. you're probably -- going to get rich one day doing impressions. so keep it up maybe one day aoc will reply on twitter how about that? >> that's good. >> okay. have a great weekend all right. [laughter] you too.] >> thank you. all right up next a very special memorial day edition of last call. don't miss this. ♪ let's be honest. it's kind of unfair that safe drivers have to pay as much for insurance... as not safe drivers! ah! that was a stunt driver. that's why esurance has this drivesense® app. the safer you drive, the more you save. don't worry, i'm not using my phone
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one-millionth order. millionth order. ♪ there goes our first big order. ♪ 44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot.
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♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering. do you (low battery sound.) want a charge? yeah (battery charging.) ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ what you think of me now? thank you so much. (battery charging.) ♪ how ya like that? ♪ what you think of me now? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ what you think of me now?
8:56 pm
my time is thin, but so is my lawn. now there's scotts thick'r lawn 3-in-1 solution. with a soil improver! seed! and fertilizer to feed! now yard time is our time. this is a scotts yard. ♪ ♪. jesse: time now for last call. this memorial day weekend we will celebrate and remember
8:57 pm
america's fallen heroes. how much do americans know about the history of that sacrifice? i have to warn you, it'sou hilarious, but shameful. ♪. jesse: who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> french. >> good question, i don't know. >> countries. >> china. [laughter] >> i feel dumb. jesse: who did america fight? >> now north, versus south. jesse: that was the civil war. >> britain. jesse: right across their? that's great britain when was lincoln president? >> 1850. >> 1830. >> 1840? , 60?ot >> there's a lot. jesse: who won the civil war, north or south?
8:58 pm
>> the northern. >> what countries did america fight in world war ii? >> spain. >> germany. jesse: who else did we fight?an >> france. >> japanese guys, i don't think poland was a part of it too much but i heard rumors. >> russia. jesse: who bombed pearl harbor? >> putting me on the spot to where i go blank. >> china? >> koreahi. jesse: who was president during world war ii? >> winston churchill. jesse: are you british? >> no. >> world war ii, it was bush, and my close? >> who did america fight in the vietnam war? >> korea. >> france, is it france?
8:59 pm
[laughter] you're laughing at me, this is embarrassing. jesse: who did we fight in the vietnam war? >> vietnam. >> vietcong and we still do not win. jesse: who won the cold war? >> i do not know it. >> russia. >> france b7 america when the cold war. >> go america. jesse: why did they call it the cold war? >> russia is cold up there, you know the seven do know who i am? >> i do. jesse: i am waters and this is my world. [laughter] jesse: that is all for us tonight. happy memorial day weekend, thank you to all who serve our country, men and women who srotect this great land.
9:00 pm
be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter and follow my dog, just as with judge jeanine is next. remember, i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪. judge jeanine: hello, welcome to justice. thanks for being with us on this memorial day weekend. thanks again to making last week's justice number one all day, all night, for all of last weekend. thank you. special show tonight with dan fangio, hogan diddley, fox news host mark levin, corey lewandowski and dennis prager. first, my open. since when does asserting your legal rights amount to a cover-up? since when is going to court to settle in


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