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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 31, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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bill hemmer. >> bill: ntu, sandra k smith. >> sandra: [laughs] i think we need a weekend. >> bill: we will take it. >> sandra: it was a good week. we'll see you monday morning at 9:00 a.m. thanks for joining us. "outnumbered" starts now. >> harris: new reaction to attorney general william barr's first public comments since former special counsel robert mueller broke his silence on the russia investigation. it's friday. it's been quite a week. the attorney general saying mueller should have reached a decision on potential charges against the president. as we hear new calls for mueller to testify. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. next to me, melissa francis. fox business network anger dagen mcdowell. i love saying that. former ohio senate democratic minority leader, capri cafaro, with the wave. in the center seat, you better salute. retired u.s. marine corps bomb technician, joey jones. good to see you, triple jay! >> joey: things or having me. it's friday.
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i like being the friday guide. >> harris: national military appreciation month wrapping up, culminating with you on the couch today. >> joey: that's it. thank i get a lot of "thank you for your service" on memorial day. obviously that's not very different but i appreciate it. in midday we have a data a day to honor all those servings. on the veterans overtired, a little bit bigger around the waist. [laughter] >> harris: i like to do it every day. thank you. attorney general barr sitting down for an interview following mueller suggestion that it is now up to congress to hold the president accountable after his investigation declined to exonerate him. the attorney general saying it's not his job to cordate with congress and that mueller should have made his own decision. >> i felt he could have reached a decision. >> he seemed to suggest yesterday there was another menu for this, and that was congress. >> i'm not sure what he was suggesting, but the department of justice doesn't use our powers of investigating crimes
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as an adjunct to congress. >> harris: this, as house democrats are stepping up calls for robert mueller to testify. here is house judiciary committee chair member jerry raskin >> i think is likely that he will return. the special counsel is clear yesterday, that's precisely why came out. he wanted to clear up or try to dispel the propaganda fog that attorney general barr and president trump have cast over the land. >> harris: white house press secretary sarah sanders is the russia probe has gone on long enough. watch it. >> we saw a robert mueller this week. he is closing of his job, he has completed his investigation, and he is moving on. we think the rest of the country should, too. democrats have to stop obsessing over something that never happened and start engaging with the president to fix some of the real problems that are happening right in front of their faces. >> harris: as we head into the weekend, one question looms large in my mind. do people really care about this
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at this point? >> joey: i think people care about the drama and the sideshow of it all. people that followed politics. the people going to work every day and trying to do with figut what to do with their kids the summer, they're not worried about something like this. the president is a different character. he came from business, he came from just down the street here. he's going to do everything he can to win. it doesn't mean he broke the law. i think if robert mueller could have proven that he would have, which -- you can't prove a negative. so the question begs to differ, did the president operate in every great area he could? perhaps. but is there enough there to prosecute? obviously not. if they could, they would. i think that's exactly what attorney general barr is saying. he is saying this is kind of the grasp at the last straw, two punted over to congress and let them have a field day with it. >> harris: if you're grasping, and this is the straw you are reaching for and his impeachment, and you are the house speaker, nancy pelosi, are you losing control of the house? >> capri: i don't think so yet.
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here's why. basically, there is only 46 house democrats right now that are calling for impeachment. on its face, that sounds like a lot. but that is out of -- i think i wrote it down here -- 235 democrats in the house. to your point, i think there are a lot of people that are suffering from -- real americans suffering from investigation fatigue. going down this road, i think it's not particularly a good thing right now. he doesn't have a lot of traction. although we do have a constitutional duty to investigate, and i think what's going to happen will be business as usual. >> harris: we will get more into that. i wrote down "investigation fatigue." that's interesting. former trump attorney john dowd had this to say. let's put it on the screen. "the mueller report was one of the most dishonest reports ever rendered, and i think the republicans could take it apart among examination. mueller does not want to go up there. he is obvious, he has pulled a fast one. it would be good to get them up
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there to testify, should robert mueller testify >> dagen: i don't think they want him to testify, the democrats. andy mccarthy has talked about this. the fox news contributor, former justice department attorney. he has written about it. the democrats got the best of bob mueller in that statement. that they can hope for any better. if bob mueller comes to testify, he is also going to get grilled by republicans who want to know, "huh, when did you know there was no conspiracy? why didn't the investigation and at that point? did you know between june 2017 when the last fisa warrant renewal was handed out, and the fall when it had to have been renewed? that was 2017, that was more than a year before the midterm elections. what did you know, why did you you -- you --" let me just finish. "when did you hear peter strzok was conflicted? or was of the text messages?"
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so there's a lot they would want to ask popular. in terms of the democrats, he gave a gift to the hard left impeachment crowd. >> capri: really quickly -- >> dagen: let me finish my thought and you can talk away. >> capri: sorry. [laughs] >> dagen: was a gift because it was, "well, i might have had enough information, but i couldn't do it because of the office of legal counsel. i believe it it up to congress. the president is above the law." so that's a gift. >> harris: having spoken with andy mccarthy, this week, he said you can say you didn't think the rules or whatever would allow you to charge, so on and so forth, but i didn't preempt you from showing whether there was evidence. because that is really the bottom line. he didn't follow up or down on what should happen. >> melissa: i mean, and there are others coming for them to testify. steny hoyer. there is a list. i think it would be fascinating because what was so frustrating about i'm going and getting that statement the of a daisy gave the statement and he left, he didn't answer any questions.
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he raised more questions without answering more of them. that was really irritating. and i loved the comment that we don't think of our investigators powers as an adjunct to congres. there's a reason. you investigate, you charge or you don't. and that's that. >> capri: this is why i've asked the question of whether or not the senate, which is controlled by republicans, will actually call bob mueller. i know that lindsey graham has previously said he thinks this is over, but to everyone's point here -- >> harris: know, bob mueller said that it's over. which is why he's going back to private life. we don't decode anybody but bob mueller. he has already told us! >> capri: but all these republicans, if they get a captive audience with bob mueller, they are going to be able to shape the narrative. the sun is controlled by republicans. >> harris: there shouldn't be any more audiences. if they want to talk, why don't they do this in private? >> dagen: because they work for the iraqi people and we deserve to hear it
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>> joey: they will want to know -- i spoke to doug collins a few minutes before i walked on stage. he remains adamant. if bob mueller comes before the committee, he doesn't want to answer questions about how this investigation got started. so that's what the republicans believe in what they are looking for. >> melissa: in the meantime, as the call for impeachment inquiry into president trump on how to speaks warning her caucus that moving forward with impeachment might be exactly with the president wants. he or she is on "jimmy kimmel" last night. >> i think the president wants us to impeachment. >> he wants us to impeach him close to mexico he's he knows that, but he feels he would be exonerated by the senate. there's a school of thought that says if the senate acquits you, why bring charges against him in the private sector when he is no
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longer president? when we go that way with our case, it's not to be ironclad. >> melissa: what has happened to "the jimmy kimmel show"? i thought it was supposed to be entertainment comedy. whatever. what do you think about that, in terms of -- what do you think she is trying to do by virtue of going on that show? and saying those things? she strange a message to a different group and she's trying to say -- nancy pelosi, is she trying to convince the larger public why they shouldn't be -- white would not be beneficial for democrats to go after impeachment? it's because i've no idea when or how far in advance she was booked on the show, so i don't know if this impeachment business was part of the reason why she is on that show. i'm with you. there should be some space in the world i think what nancy pelosi is trying to do is basically put a face out there saying, as the leader of the democrats in the house, this is really not where we are at, really. and let's not give donald trump
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the victory that he wants. because i agree with nancy pelosi. the best thing that could happen to donald trump is the democrats do exactly what he wants, and basically continue this witch hunt narrative. "they are out to get me, they are sore losers, they never got over the 2016 election and they won't give up." which will gin up his base. thus, democrats need. >> melissa: do you think president trump was the impeachment? >> joey: i think he wants the drama. because he wins the narrative. it's he said, she said. pointing fingers here, pointing fingers there. the evidence is there, the evidence is in the report. you can to get internet into whatever he wanted to be. if i merely testifies of the hours of democrats turning into one thing and republicans turning into another. impeachment hearing would be much the same thing. i think the president understands that. he has seen it. the entire time he's been in office. when it's "he said, she said," and a bunch of pointing fingers, he wins. he knows how control the narrative, get in front of it, talk about it and put into the
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place he wants it to be as opposed to the fact that at this point are interpretable. >> harris: i'm sorry. when you dig down and look at some of the polling among democrat voters, this is an issue that some of them really like. so i get it, why the democratic 2020 candidates would be above a number ten -- which, there are 24, so we aren't even at 50% yet with ten. but i understand why they would -- bernie sanders now saying impeachment is the way to go. what i don't get, capri, as the rest of the house. these members that we put up on this big wall. what is in it for them for impeachment customer politically, it's extremely dangerous. it does mean the president leaves. he can stay and continue -- >> capri: i'm looking over my shoulder at the wall. i think they are in safe districts, it's what's in it for them. they didn't flip a bunch of seeds in orange county, california, or in western pennsylvania or whatever. this is good for them politically at home. there is no risk in it.
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that's why they're out there. >> dagen: but if they move on it -- and i mean the democrats -- they will have to build support among the american people for basically -- that they suggested so egregious, that a president should be removed from office. the support is not there. you get a two-thirds supermajority vote that you need in the senate to impeach a president, it will not happen. nancy pelosi is not stupid. she knows she is a political loser. >> harris: she knows. >> dagen: by the way, if you are going to rally support, go on shows that have better rates than the "jimmy kimmel" show. >> melissa: very nice, i like that. take note, as the 2020 camping season picks up steam, polling trends may look better for the president then some folks might imagine. how president trump stacks up against his predecessors from seeking reelection. the largest migrant group ever encountered on the southern border.
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and now new reaction pouring in after the president says he will put tariffs on mexico if the tide of migrants does not stop. >> we have to do something to secure our border. we have to make sure that we are protecting the people of this country, and the president is looking at all options to make sure he is doing exactly that. ♪ (ding) hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪
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mexico to step up. >> dagen: that was white house press secretary sarah sanders defending the president's decision to potentially slap new tariffs on mexico unless the country helps and the migrant surge at the southern border. the president announcing that the united states will impose a 5% tariff on mexican products imported into the u.s. beginning on june 10th. with that levy increasing up to 25% if mexico doesn't take action. that's 25% by october 1st. republican congress and peter king sang the president should be cautious >> if the president going to do it, it should really be thought out and to see what all the collateral damage is going to be. the unintended consequences, because obviously it'll have more of an impact on mexico than on us. but many american businesses -- and that means many american workers -- could be affected by this. again, the president has the power to do this, he has the right to do it, and it may be the appropriate thing to do, but
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i just hope that as they do it they really watch the consequences very closely. >> dagen: meantime, arrests along the southern border skyrocketing in recent months. this, as new surveillance video from the el paso, texas, border showing the large group of migrants ever encountered. the president sharing it on twitter. earlier, customs and border protection commissioner robert perez addressed this video on the unprecedented situation on the border. >> there was never an illustrative example of the ongoing humanitarian and security crisis that we are having on the board. it was this event. we had 1,036 individuals across at one time. this group of 1,000, larger than anything we've ever seen. and the last 21 days, we have averaged over 4500 apprehensions and encounters across the entirety of the southern border, essentially a migrant caravan every single day. >> dagen: melissa, the issue
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isn't that there is a crisis of the border. i think a large percentage of americans would agree with that. it's the move to slap tariffs on mexico and with that would do to our relationship with mexico. the mexican economy contracting in the first corner. you send that country into a recession, it has less resources and less of an ability to prevent migrants from coming across our border. you give mexican people and central americans a reason to get into the united states. >> melissa: okay, let me sort of blew everybody's mind out there. if you think of it this way, if we slap these tariffs on, and you will say everything you buy for mexico -- we get a lot of stuff, they are our largest trading partner. >> dagen: third-largest. >> melissa: i trust you, i trust you. >> harris: i love it when they -- [laughter] >> melissa: my point is that you are paying for it either way. you are either going to pay with the tariffs when you buy stuff,
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or when people flood over the border because our social welfare system is too liberal and we give away too much free stuff. so you are either paying that way, or you are paying with the tariff when they come over the border. i'm not against having more people in this country. we have a labor shortage, that would be great. but people have to come legally and we can't give away a ton of free stuff. because we just can't afford that. >> joey: i like what you said. do not against more people coming into this country. i don't have an opinion about the amount of immigrants. i don't have the number so i don't have an opinion. it goes back to mutual risk in a mutual existence. i don't want someone in the foxhole with me that didn't go to boot camp or basic training. when i go out there every day, that the foxhole. there are people driving vehicles, taking risks every single day. the only reason this country stays together as we all believe everyone around us has the mutual risk, that they do something wrong or they have gotten their driver's license, they have done the things we all believe we do. it's not about the goodness of
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the people crossing the border. i've never felt like he needed to paint on this murderers and rapists for her to be an issue. that does hurt. i grew up in the town with 78% hispanic, working in carpet mills. i have family there were t-bone. the other people in the vehicle jumped out and ran away because the risk is in there. the other risk might be to be deported, but they're going to run off and leave the vehicle because they don't have a license, they are not registered. they are what you call "living in the shadows." that's our government's responsibility, that if people come into this country, if we allow them to, if it's not to build a wall or two -- >> harris: let him finish. >> joey: we have the opportunity to do it legitimately, and we can have the debate on how many people, where they should come from, or those things. but if people were in this country, for whatever reason, however they got here, it's our government's responsibility to figure out how to make that -- >> dagen: do tariffs help the situation or at the situation?
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>> melissa: this is somebody who isn't terribly frustrated that everybody who has the power to act isn't acting. instead, they criticize the actions he is taking rather than taking their own. if you want to say "i don't like this come close to do your own thing. on joey's point, what's interesting to me, if people are fleeing countries because of a breakdown in the rule of law and then they come here and we are supposed to ignore the law -- >> capri: using trade policy to move immigration policy customer gig it's either of those things done in the end. >> dagen: a lot of republicans have said that. >> melissa: yes, those republicans in congress should go jump off a cliff. hang on. >> joey: the more specific issue -- >> melissa: hang on. they are not offering something else. if you don't like what he's doing -- >> harris: in the case of senator ernst, she is offering something. she's got open communication -- >> melissa: the whole summit -- >> harris: she's got open communication with the president about this and a side conversations.
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i know because she told me when we did the eye with town hall. she said, "look, i think the president knows three months ago on this. he's got a vision on this." she said, "we've got communication. they can't go on forever but there is a plan." and she was learning more about what that was. you've got subsidies coming for farmers. we just learned today about the soybeans issue. some are products not being sold. we can't sell them to china now. these things are kind of feathering in. the president does have a vision. to say lawmakers are thinking about this or don't have their own ideas, i think it's not tru true. it's basic i think it's more politically advantageous to be an issue than a solved issue. sweetie what i'm talking about is if you don't like the tariff on mexico and you hate with the president did last night, than much of the capitol hill, get a bunch of people together, and start working on a plane for the border because it's a crisis. >> dagen: i will say this, unesco has allowed u.s. to return thousands of asylum-seeking immigrants to mexico.
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they have stopped central americans from traveling for mexico. between january and august of last year, mexico deported more central americans than the u.s. dead. it's so mexico has been helping, and this hurts them when we are trying to get a trade deal together. chicago police in the meantime releasing hundreds of new documents in the jussie smollett case. with their revealing about the judges letting smollett off without barely a slap on the wrist. (sigh) ♪ who can say why your heart sighs ♪ kraft. for the win win.
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>> harris: well, this is happening -- a twist in the jussie smollett case. having said his name in a while. chicago police releasing hundreds of documents, and among the revelations in them, that prosecutors told detectives of a possible plea deal with the "empire" actor was in the worsts a month before the charges were dropped. ellison barber live at the cook county courthouse or a former judge continues to press to have a former prosecutor appointed to look at the case of the case.
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>> a, harris. in regards to that special prosecutor, the effort for a special prosecutor to be appointed, that has just finished. the judge here says that he will rule on whether or not to appoint a special prosecutor on june 21st. the judge denied all of the motions put forward by that retired judge in relation to her efforts to get a special prosecutor to look into the dismissal of the charges against jussie smollett. sheila o'brien is a retired appellate judge. she has been pushing for this for a while. as she is pushing for a special counsel, as she is in court today, she's been asking for various things including to have a different judge consider whether or not to appoint a special prosecutor. the judge said no to that, but june 21st we will find out whether or not a special prosecutor will look into how this case was handled. her push for a special counsel, as well as yesterday's release of nearly 500 pages of documents from the chicago police department, are leading to more
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questions in a case that has spun heads since it began. chicago police, according to those new documents, were actually told by cook county prosecutors that they were working on a deal with jussie smollett weeks before his charges were officially dropped. when they were dropped, police superintendent eddie johnson and then-mayor rahm emanuel were outraged and said it was a miscarriage of justice. according to the new documents, after a grand jury indicted the 18th, a cook county prosecutor told detectives "the case would be settled with smollett paying the city of chicago restitution i doing community service," which is what happen. a spokesperson for the police department is denying that they knew what was going to happen. a spokesperson told fox news in the statement that detectives were not aware that the case was going to be handled in the manner that it was. the detective writes the case will be closed through arrest and prosecution. the spokesperson there is pointing out what is at the end of the documents to try and say or demonstrate why it detectives
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did not believe that the case was just simply be dropped. i spoke to one chicago police official who tells me that cook county prosecutors indicated to them that the community service, as well as the money, would be done in exchange for some sort of admission of guilt. they say, and we know, that did not happen. jussie smollett since he's been truthful throughout all of this and claims history has never change. harris? >> harris: wow. we talked about this so long there was snow in your video. good to see you. thank you. [laughter] let's talk about that restitution, if we can. you've got a component you want to say on community service. >> capri: have to be honest, when the story first came out i was one of those people who were outraged and everything. speed went outraged in his defense? >> capri: in his defense, and then that he was lying. i've got a total 180, 360, however you want to go. a full circle here. what really upsets and discussed me is when things like this happen, when you have liars out
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there, it makes anyone who is a legitimate victim of a hate crime questions. and this goes back to the issue of what the community service is. this guy needs to be spending time with real victims of crime, real victims of hate crimes, real victims in the lgbt community or in the area of sexual assaults. i was the author of the rape kit backlog study in ohio. when you cast doubt because you are a bad apple, it hurts every real victim out there. >> harris: let's also talk about this part of restitution. $10,000. you know that case. it cost a lot more than that. brass tacks on this. did they ever think this would be an equal thing? "you do these few things, that will absolve you from this." no, they were looking for him to come clean from with the truth was. >> joey: did someone falsely claim a hate crime? that goes into a whole category of exactly what you're talking about, which is that it creates more victimhood among the actual
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victims. so now we are talking about city corruption. in one of the most historically corrupt cities in the world. if you take her for her work, which is, "this is what joe schmoe off the street, this is the same deal he could have gotten." >> harris: you are talking but the prosecutor, kim foxx. >> joey: yes. how is that any better? if that's how you handle line order in your city, maybe that's why chicago is in the place on the way that it is. it's you move away from jussie smollett specifically, you look at how may be prosecution or law and order is being handled in that city, corruption in general, and i were you understand why chicago is in a dire state. >> harris: and look at the officers who put so much time -- remember, how frustrated the police superintendent was? >> joey: do you put yourself in harm's way in the places in chicago if you know the best i could happen is this person and might've murdered someone last night they were arrested on a technicality today is going to pay a thousand dollars and 200
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hours of community service? if that's the end result, because that's how -- >> harris: let's hope that doesn't go that way. >> melissa: i love your point, that's always been the stereotype about chicago. the political machine, everything is corrupt. all the way down to justice, everything else in chicago, you look at what a mess the city is. is it a coincidence that this is where rahm emanuel -- all the things come out. even he was outraged by what happened. what i like about it is maybe the people of the city start re-examining what's going on there. >> harris: oh, they are re-examining right now. >> melissa: may be to look at this and say, "if you're going to go through this typical graft where someone makes a phone call and sends a text, that it's going to help out the person and it does, that it will come out instead of just being the way things are." we went to melissa's point, it isn't just somebody sending a text. it's in the process getting attorney, kim foxx, exchanging text messages with an official, formerly of the obama administration through the first lady. real quick, your last thought? >> dagen: this is to cute do
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not quote from the illinois prosecutors bar association. "and in affront to prosecute as the state." i think about the 24 the woman earlier this week who was shot dead in chicago holding her 1-year-old baby. that woman not being protected by the police if they are focused on this you know what. >> harris: the police said they either do their job and every thing all at once. >> dagen: 703 shootings, 174 murders this year, just through may 26. this is a crime on the people of chicago and it's a shame. he ought to pay more. >> harris: we are going to scoot. more insight on the russian investigation from attorney general barr. where he falls on the president's claim that some people committed treason. plus, the ag's other concerns about how some of those officials conducted the investigation. stay with us. ♪ at carvana, we have only one standard
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>> melissa: fox news alert,
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and a new interview, attorney general william barr weighing in on president trump's allegation that treason was committed in the course of the investigation into his campaign. >> you don't think they committed treason? >> not in a legal matter. >> but you have concerns about how they conduct the investigation? >> yes. but sometimes people can convince themselves that what they are doing is in the higher interest. the better good. they don't realize that what they are doing is really antithetical to the democratic system have. >> melissa: in the meantime, the attorney general rejecting criticism of his use of the term "spying." >> i guess it's become a dirty word somehow. it has never been for me. i think there is nothing wrong with spying. the question is always whether it's authorized by law. like many other people who are familiar with intelligence activity, i had a lot of questions about what was going on. i assumed i would get answers when i went in, and i have not gotten answers that are at all satisfactory. in fact, i have probably more
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questions. some of the facts that i've learned, they don't hang together with the official explanation. >> melissa: what do you make of that? >> joey: i think if you listen to that, our attorney general believes people acted out of political motivation, not in search of the truth or justice in the fbi. i think the only thing he specifically is pointing out is that he believes their motivation might have been a little bit more altruistic in their own perverted way than treason would need. but it sounds to me a lot like our attorney general believes -- not that they could have, but people like peter strzok and lisa page acted out of political motivation as opposed to a search for truth and justice. and that is scary. i'm glad we are investigating it. >> melissa: dagen? >> dagen: [laughs] i love bill barr. i went and read the transcript of the interview, as well. it was a wake-up call. listening to him talk about the current state of politics, when
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she was talking about -- jan crawford talked about the attacks on his character. he said, "i realize we live in a hyperpartisan period of time and i knew it would only be a matter of time, if i was beeping responsibly and calling it as i see it, i would get attacked. because nowadays people don't care about the merits and the substance. they only care about who it helps, who benefits, whether my side benefits or the other side benefits. everything is gauged by politics." i think as a nation we are lucky to have somebody like that in there who can get to the bottom of what started all these investigations, and weed out the bad actor so we can believe in law enforcement and intelligence and our justice system. >> melissa: he's very sober sitting there. the very methodical. like you said, kind of goes through and separates. it is crazy that we are in this hyperpartisan time where instantly the analysis is, "who does that help, who does it hurt, whose side are you one?"
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>> capri: i can't take it anymore, i'll be honest. i think i speak for all if not most americans that we are at a boiling point where it's absolutely impossible to have a civil conversation with anyone about anything because it automatically turns into politis and whose side you're on, and there is no ability to get to the truth. i also think we talk about the term "treason," it's one example that i think we have a problem litigating a legal terms like "treason" or "obstruction" or "collusion," which is given and legal term. or "spying." we are a bunch of civilians trying to project definitions on legal terms. that's not where it this should go. it's counterproductive but that's where it is. right now the american public are frustrated and congress is doing nothing. >> harris: we learned at bill barr's confirmation hearing
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of the 30-year professional friendship and relationship between emma and bob mueller. we even read reports that maybe the president -- when we consider what we now know to be a memo, a letter, a phone conversation between the two men, i don't just hear him telling the public that bob mueller could have reached a conclusion. i know they must have talked about this, too. because the note about this. it makes me ask the question even louder. why didn't bob mueller come down one side or the other? our politics at play for him, and we know, from former james comey? it's been compared in that same lane. >> melissa: as president trump's fight for reelection ramps up, what new polls show about how americans see his character and leadership. we will tell you how his numbers compare those of his predecessors, as they were seeking a second term. ♪ s is elfor a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value.
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♪ >> dagen: potential good news for president trump's reelection campaign. new polling suggests more people now see him as "more presidential" than before. the gallup poll -- >> melissa: [laughs] >> dagen: of the poll showing 40% say president trump has the personality and leadership
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qualities that a president shoud have. a 7-point jumped from 2017. former president barack obama's and former president george w. bush both scored higher than trump on personality at similar points in their presidencies, but when it comes to the issues, the numbers are much closer. gallup finding 47% of americans agree with president trump on the issues that matter most to them. compare that to 45% for obama, 53% for bush. harris, what do you make of this? >> harris: well -- [laughs] it's interesting, because i want to know how the question was asked. if you are saying, "do you agree with the president is doing?" with this me that you agree anything is being done paid was oppositional to the president getting something done? congress. not all that shockey would be kind of a cluster and people having faith in what presidents can get done. by the way, the person creating the most distance on that recently has been president trump. who is not part of the swamp and
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is complete oppositional to the idea. but what are our choices outside of the president, who get stuff done? >> melissa: i like that part about whether he is presidential. what does that even mean anymore? >> harris: exactly. >> melissa: it's a fake premise. if you are presidential, you are a politician. i loved what you said before the show started -- >> joey: that's what i was about to bring up. >> melissa: yeah, that he didn't pass the state. the test. great comment. >> joey: is a greg gutfeld code, i would love to take credit for. he said the president won without passing the fig purity test politicians pass to run for office. what that means today is that if your president trump -- if you are going after him because he operated in a gray area during the election, or he uses mar-a-lago too often, what you are getting at him for his doing what we believe politicians do. i worked on capitol hill. all honestly, it's what we know politicians do, and lie to your
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face about. is this irony where it flips the script. so we are getting more honesty out of him but what a politician is. in that way, there is no, "well, he's not presidential." he's doing what presidents do. it just happens to not lie to you as well about it. or as often. >> capri: has more access to twitter than anybody else. even amongst trump supporter's -- >> harris: wait, he doesn't have more access to twitter than obama! he got the party started. come on, you know every politician wanted obama's social media -- >> capri: i will concede that he uses it more than anybody else. but i will say that even amongst trump supporter 's, people do get frustrated sometimes with the tone and tenor of his tweets were the way that he speaks. he wanted to way higher on the "presidential scale," maybe he should consider -- it's that he doesn't care, he to talk about the economy if you want to make more traction on that, as well. >> melissa: here's the difference.
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it's exactly said. presidents and politicians have done all these things, they just lied to her face about it. he's not fake. it can be too much transparency. greg gutfeld -- >> capri: as the only politician on the couch, not all politicians are fake. just saying. >> harris: yeah... uh-oh. >> melissa: he's like the guy who leaves the drapes open have the time and you'd like, "oh, my gosh, close the drapes." that's what it is. >> joey: people believe presidential is being fake, not being genuine, not being yourself. that's the point of it. >> capri: there is decorum. you can have decorum and not be fake. >> dagen: you don't need to corm to win the presidency, clearly. the only danger is that president trump thinks that he can just be as brash as he wants to be and it works -- >> joey: he has been rewarded. >> dagen: the only numbers that matter of economic ones. a new hit song by john rich cowritten by -- this guy has
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been on the sofa, but not really. greg gutfeld. >> harris: he's been on the couch! >> dagen: i mean today. it's crushing it on itunes doing a lot of good for a lot of folks. ♪ shut up about politics mama nothing about a bunch of dirty tricks ♪ with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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♪ shut up about politics ♪ all this fussing and carrying on ♪ ♪ it's been going on a little too long ♪ ♪ but i've got something >> melissa: "shut up about toilet like politics," by john rich. it was cowritten by greg gutfeld it is now topping the music category in itunes, a second overall. it's pretty amazing. the best thing is that it's only $0.99 to download it for music platforms, 100% of the proceeds going to the charity which provides scholarships to
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children and spouses of fallen and disabled service members. what do you think about that? >> joey: i think it's amazing. it's a fantastic charity, they do great work. i work for zac brown band, and the saying in nashville as you write songs from walmart, not hallmark. sometimes the most simple thing you can say is "shut up about politics" and people enjoy that. that's why it's doing so well. >> melissa: it expresses something we said a bunch of times during the show. this idea, why does everything have to be about politics? this is a political show, we sit here and we talk about it, but you go out in your everyday life and people are really riled up. this kind of brings you back. just shut up about politics! talk about something else! >> capri: i had a chance to see john rich in the green room yesterday before one of the shows. i immediately went and downloaded song, because it's for a great cause. as evidenced by everything i've said today, i'm sick of it and i think a lot of people are. >> melissa: put it in heavy rotation over the holidays.
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plenty of times to buy it. >> melissa: you can played in the background, where people walk through your door you were a blessing it! >> dagen: tell them to shut it down. >> melissa: thank you for joining us. we are back here on monday. here's harris. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert, and watching the corner of wall and brought at this hour as investors are reacting to the united states expanding its trade war with mexico by announcing new tariffs. the president says mexico has taken advantage of america for decades. this is to be 26. i'm harris faulkner. there it is, the dow on wall street. in negative territory right now. down nearly 300 points. after president trump threatened a new 5% tariff on mexico, beginning in early june, seeing the levee will gradually increase. until they step up their immigration enforcement actions. the president's announcement coinciding with the border patrol arresting more


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