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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  June 4, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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time. jillian: finally the ugly. new t-shirt show off six pack abs. even if you don't have them. create shear fabric over a toned torso. rob: all right. jillian: have a good day. ♪ ♪ welcome to my house ♪ baby, take control now ♪ we can't even go now ♪ we don't have to go out. brian: was this playing in buckingham palace? ainsley: exactly the queen picked it out herself. ainsley: slow rider. steve: live from london and also new york city. there is a great story today in the "new york post" that talks about how the queen uses her purse as a signal. not only does she have little things in there of great entrip sick value like things from her children. but, also, if she puts her purse on the table. that means get me out of
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here in the next five minutes. if she puts her purse down on the floor it means this is a boring conversation send over one of the ladies in waiting so i have got somebody to talk to. ainsley: there are leaks even at buckingham palace. you are not supposed to know this information. brian: i need to get myself a hand bag and start doing that people ought first will say i'm wrong. if i get a hand bag i will start giving signals out. ainsley: did you have a man bag at one point. steve: this is made by a designer in london and she has 200 of them. so she can just lend you one. brian: or if you have a bag it's an extra and it doesn't clash with my shoes i would love to have a hand bag. steve: brian, you know people will start sending you purses. ainsley: yesterday we saw the president at buckingham palace he was greeted by all the guards and the queen and her entire family. steve: beautiful. ainsley: his family was there. today they are going to sit down with theresa may they
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are rolling out the red carpeting as we speak. we have video of that. brian: that's the stuff we have in the entrance to our studio. steve: in fact, 10 downing is on lockdown right now because the motorcade will be leaving very, very shortly. kevin corke is live outside buckingham palace in london. kevin, the president and first lady were up there in your neck of the woods earlier today and now they are heading over as we saw just a moment ago to 10 dow downing. >> you are on the money yesterday was pageantry. today it's policy and politics and even a bit of protests. down to business we could say certainly for day two of this state visit. already, in fact, the president has been taking part in a business round table involving the soon to be outgoing prime minister theresa may. interesting to see the two leaders discuss endearing relationship economic position between two countries but promising future. we talked about brexit.
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a hard brexit. the president saying get out of there and we can make a great deal with you. in fact, not long ago the two exchanged pleasantries. listen to what the president had to say to the outgoing prime minister. >> the range you have companies that we see around this table shows [inaudible] past week that we have between the united states and the united kingdom. >> i think we will have a very, very substantial trade deal it. will be a very fair deal and i think this is something that your folks want to do. my folks want to do and we want to do. and we're going to get it done. i don't know what your timeline is but stick around and let's do this deal. >> stick around and do this deal is what the president said. let me share the schedule. it is a wholesome one as you see the business round table as you pointed out. hopefully we have those
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pictures as they make their way over to downing street. joint press availability. my colleague, john roberts will be joining us for that and then the president and first lady will take part in a tour of the churchill war rooms. and then tonight they will host a dinner over at winfield house a home for the u.s. ambassador welcoming the prince of wales and duchess of corn wall. if you missed it last night. it was really beautiful. a state dinner to remember as her majesty the queen and the president exchanged toasts to the endearing relationship between our two nations and shared cultural history. it was really something to watch. mean mile today sort of the polar opposite of all of that. protests will be the order of the day as large demonstrations are planned throughout london and, in fact, around the country. as many plan to resist the president's visit here as you see the baby trump balloon is already up and just about set to take flight. i mentioned yesterday, guys, there were some pro-trump
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demonstrations as well. some people were saying oh, right. literal they are over there i took pictures on my phone to prove it. last time we were in here 2018 demonstrations. yes there were pro-trump demonstrations as well. we will see if we get pictures of both. essentially we won't have trouble finding the protests. we have more on that later. now back to you. steve: won't be hard to find them indeed. kevin corke, thank you very much. apparently demonstrators are being barred from cross 10 baton rouge street where the president and first lady are heading shortly. they are not putting out images of the transports obviously for security reasons. brian: jerry corbin wants to be one of the next prime ministers. he is organizing protests along with the mayor. i will say this in our brain room have said protests when vladimir putin came back in 2003. there were protests when the chinese leader came. i would not put out president of the united states in their category.
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ainsley: there are going to be protesters out there. today is the day for that we saw baby balloon. mayor khan doesn't like our president either. back in the u.s. you have attacks on our president from our own media. watch this. >> he is just basically an embarrassment. all americans should feel incredibly embarrassed by how this president represents us abroad. >> president donald trump they do not feel that he embodies the kind of values that they do. this is incredibly diverse, via brants and tolerant city. >> people over there they don't like trump. necessarily assume because this is looking good now that it will look good in the in connection with few days. >> to many brits he is an unwelcomed guest, stirring up controversy before he even landed. >> he is a bull carrying his own china shop around him in london. >> just one last message to the brits. >> yeah. >> i'm sorry. [laughter] >> one of the commentary on cnn we saw a moment ago, you
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know, people over there, they don't like trump. well, you know what? nigel farage says this about that. >> we are going through out biggest political crisis that's happened in this country. i will give new centuries. everybody told us part of the european political club. we he voted to leave and voted for independence. we have had three years of our government and parliament stop this from happening. so right now we have an american president arriving. yeah, sure. some people find him brash. here's the point. american president made some promises in 2016. he was doing his utmost to put those promises into practice and the contrast of that with the government that made promises that it's denying to the people. so actually, his voice at this moment in time is very, very important. and you will notice there is a growing respect for the president in this country. brian: we will see where that goes. will daily mail the president and queen seem to
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enjoy each other's company throughout the day along with the first lady. the president did make one big mistake or small mistake he committed one faux pas a setup. hey, do you notice this pewter horse over here and the queen said to the president and the president said no, i didn't. all of a sudden, melania said yes, we gave it to you. okay. now i recognize out gift i gave to you. ainsley: sound familiar, brian? brian: oh. i blew a chance to regift it. i could have given it back to them the next time i visit. steve: do you know what the president gave the queen yesterday? the president gave the queen a tiffany silver and silk poppy broach in a wooden box and prince philip a personalized air force one jacket. some people suggested is he fist bumping her in that image right there? >> i doubt it. you can tell that they got along yesterday. because obviously she didn't put her purse on the table last night during dinner
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which would have meant get me out of here in five minutes. brian: good to see you donald. they felt very friendly with each other. they saw each other's families as they walked throughout. they focused on the george washington declaration of independence. the picture and copies of the constitution as they walked through the picture gallery. ainsley: we will keep an eye on 10 downing street when the president arrives and theresa may arrives. we'll bring that you live. talk about some of the border issues. president the president couldn't get funding from congress so he declared an emergency and he was able to move $6.7 billion from other projects toward the construction of the wall? democrats didn't like that. nancy pelosi and some of the house democrats decided to sue. steve: they did. and so yesterday, the president actually got a win in the courts when u.s. district judge trevor mcfadden, who is a trump appointee, he ruled in favor of the trump administration. because the democrats were saying, look, you can't use pentagon funds to do that. he said that the house of
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representatives did not have standing in this case. they cannot sue another branch of government. there are other legislative ways they can get around it. this is not one of them. brian: all right. the news on that front and nothing practically, don't get to go might not get the positive there is another motion to try to stop it again. emergency order. steve: in california. >> bret: 's look at something else. numbers staggering. the dhs project 1 million illegal immigrants will be apprehended. those are the ones that go up, take me, process me, that's not the ones we don't get that say let me in or i'm snreeking in including, guess what? a 600 percent increase in family units to the tune of 53,000 plus family units have just come to this country and just ignored our immigration system. steve: because they are taking advantage of the laws on the books. and they say, look, if you have a child in your unit,
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can you go ahead and you will wind up with due process in this country. ainsley: if you read the report it talks about overcrowded holding areas. most adults provide have a child with them they fear returning to their country of origin. goes on to say they are overwhelmed. they bus these individuals into cities in the united states. they drop them off at nonprofit shelters that are also overwhelmed. the odds of being caught not showing up for court. the odds of being caught and removed very low. steve: they have a quote. apprehensions by usvp currently at levels not seen in a decade will approach 1 million in fiscal year 19 unless actions are immediately taken. the president tweeted this out as a sign of good faith mexico should immediately stop the flow of people and drugs to our country and to our southern border. they can do it if they want. i read this morning there is some suggestion that some mexican officials have said look, it ocould be a lot worse. we have something like a
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quarter million migrants traveling from central america towards the united states and we have them in this country right now. brian: that's how they get back to us. steve: that's their leverage. brian: they are coming wednesday and hopefully both sides get things done. they look at their southern border and see how they can bolster it up. if we can help them in any way that would be the most positive thing. the market does not like this tariff threat on mexico. ainsley: it's going to happen on june 10th, which is next monday. steve: next monday, indeed. ainsley: hand it over to jillian she has headlines for us. jillian: stay on southern border for headline now. start with a fox news alert. a shootout on the southern border. a driver opening fire on border patrol agents at the san ysidro point of entry in san diego. a white pickup truck was attempting to pass through and refused to stop. according to local reports that's when the driver started shooting and multiple officers fired back. the driver was killed. a substantial threat. that's how the california state bar association is
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labeling disgraced lawyer michael avenatti filing to place him on involuntary inactive status. it's the first step towards disbarring him. avenatti is accused of several crimes, including attempting to extort mikey and miss appropriating his client's money. despite speculation, jason chaffetz will not run for governor of utah in 2020. former republican congressman and fox news contributesser confirming his plans despite several local polls showing him in prime position for a run. chaffetz says is he not prepared to endorse anyone for the job. send it back to you. steve: now we know. ainsley: not ruling it out down out road though speaking of politics again. steve: the president of the united states is going down the road. it looks as if he is entering the 10 downing street area. what is going to happen here over the next hour or so is he is going to be holding
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further talks with prime minister theresa may, just within the last half hour or so ago, he did say to theresa may, regarding the fact that he believes the united states can wind up with a substantial trade deal between the u.s. and the u.k., he said hey, you know, you should stick around because we can probably get something done. that would be a tight timetable because she resigns effectively on friday. nobody is going to get a deal between now and then. brian: one of the president's suggestions to theresa may a year ago listen, the eu given a hard time. there is the president of the united states. sue them for suing you. sue them for giving you hard time leaving and then you create some leverage and then they are forced to make a deal instead of the very, i think the 50-million-dollar exit fee they are asking for. ainsley: there is our president with the first lady. they were holding hands as they approached theresa may and her spouse. steve: philip may.
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ainsley: they sat down with the duke. and discuss trade and other issues at saint james place. and then they headed here to downing street. steve: steve see if anybody is going to shout out a president. brian: the president tends to answer them: i'm not sure that's happening. steve: demonstrators are barred from gathering across from 10 downing street. you can hear people are a couple of blocks away and making a react. and helicopters. security helicopters ahead at this hour. brian: theresa may is not going away. she is going back into parliament. she is not going to retire or fade away. go similar to what john quincy adams did when he lost the presidency. became a congressman. someone is going to step up. fundamentally possibly agree with the president more. almost every candidate is pro-brexit. ainsley: the president is going to have a joint
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presser with the prime minister. 1:45 their time which is 8:45 our time. when that does happen. steve: they will be there for 10 or 15 minutes. and then apparently they are going to walk to the foreign commonwealth office courtyard. and there should be a live camera there as well. we understand the prime minister is going to give the president a tour of the churchill war rooms apparently at some point. there you can see the assembled world press and protesters down at the end. then they are going to wind up going into the pillared room. i believe that's how you pronounce it where theresa may the prime minister is going to show the president of the united states one of the original copies of the declaration of independence. ainsley: churchill war rooms you go into the rooms underground and i it is so fascinating. you can see, behind glass, you can see where churchill sat and his fingernails because he was so stressed about the war.
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can you see his fingernail marks in the wood on that chair. when we went to the royal wedding they ada lou us because we were the press to go in that room and actually touch the chair. brian: he wasn't in charge of the country when that war started. he always felt even as a young person i will be called on at some point to save my country after having fought and served he would end up saving his country through his leadership and obviously leading the free world and urging the u.s. to get involved. that will be tomorrow. that's normandy tomorrow maybe after the substantive meetings today. originally first question while this is not great timing for the president to go. the more you think about it, it's the perfect timing. they are in transition. it brings the british policies and procedures upfront and center. the president is able to weigh in and let them know you matter. you matter to us and visa versa. and i think this is a very good time. especially if you things are upsetting and the tumultuous
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here. last year and a half that's been the personification of tum multi-over there. steve: the president will b be -- they will gather with 300 d-day veterans and also tomorrow the president is going to fly to ireland to meet with the prime minister and then go to his golf course. and then on thursday he is going to wrap up his european trip to normandy, 75th anniversary of d-day. he will meet with french president macron on the way out. as you can see right there on the way in are members of the press. the mays, theresa may and philip may family are expected to present mr. trump with a framed transcript in 10 downing street right now. will of the draft of the 1941 atlantic charter agreed by president franklin roosevelt and sir winston churchill set out their vision for the post world war. ainsley: tonight the president and first lady are
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going to host a dinner at the -- charles and kamala wilcamcamilla will attend on behalf of the queen. it's been a long few days with all the pomp and circumstance and dinner and breakfast. prince philip was not there he is 97 years old. he has retired from royal duties. meghan markle on maternity leave. we assume was home taking care of her baby. brian: we assume that as ivanka is there and donald trump and eric was there. along with the first lady. the president yesterday in his toast did mention brexit in his toast. and the president did mention nato. the president has said nato could do better. been critical when he originally took office. happy. she emphasized the need for the guard and the role it played and plays today. ainsley: her post was beautiful and pretty powerful last night. she reminded all of us, if you watched it.
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she said the visits by american presidents always remind us of the close relationship between the united states and the u.k. and she referenced the allied mission on d-day on june 6th. steve: it's got to be frustrating for theresa may. here she has the president of the united states at 10 downing street, three days resigns as prime minister as they search for a replacement. the president has ripped her in the past on how she has handled the british exit from the eu. and so it has got to be bittersweet. she has to feel like man, i wish we could have gotten something done. at the same time, she wanted the u.k. to stay in the eu whereas before that particular referendum in the u.k., donald trump said i think they are going to exit. as it turns out, he was right. ainsley: maybe a little frustration. maybe a little relief, too. steve: 100 percent. ages ainsley i'm out of here. brian: you have a deadline and whoever the prime minister is knows going to
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happen. that's what the people want. there is not going to be another vote or referendum. they wonder about their economy and the world and european banks in britain if they will pull out. so far that has not happened. and they could establish relationships there. now, after the brexit of britain, there was some talk that maybe italy might be next to leave. there were some ground swell support that maybe we should go out on our own. one of the reasons that brexit seems so attractive, especially these european nations is immigration. so, full are concerned about immigration, the people in your country and you are also concerned about terrorist activities. once have you that eu pass, you are pretty much able to walk anywhere at any time. so, now we are waiting, we see the president of the united states is behind closed doors with the prime minister and their family and they are going through things along with the press observing. get a live shot. steve: i don't know if we will wind one a live shot.
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we will wind up with images. they will be fed back in just a little bit. it's interesting, i'm looking at the british press right now, scott land yard says they have 3182 sphirs 3182s have been deployed the visit of president trump today to the president in london. there has been some suggestion that up to quarter of a million people will protest the president in the next day or two. meanwhile, it looks as if while they are in there we are just awaiting, obviously we are just awaiting the transadmission mission of those images as the prime minister shows the president some of those historic documents inside 10 downing. ainsley: in the u.k. simply known as number 10. we will watch this and monitor the situation there we will take a little break and see you on the other side. steve: car.
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i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don't know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight.
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brian: we told you moments ago the president went in to 10 downing street. he is going to be viewing. this what you where to see and maybe it's a little shaky. you have to understand it's been a while since we have seen it. that's the declaration of independence. king george wasn't happened it was written it. caused a resolution in his cyclones and gave us freedom. now we are friendly with that nation. it's in air tight container and they have it on display. ainsley: pretty spectacular. this is 10 downing the residence of the prime minister. often known as the first lord of treasury. she lives on the third floor. kitchen in the basement. main levels first and second floor dining rooms and banquet halls and the places where she can meet with dignitaries. brian: when that declaration of independence was signed everybody knew when the british come if we lose we will all hang. that was at risk. and the british said if we let these colonies get away with it, what about all our
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other colonies they will think they can get freedom too. let's go for complete victory battle of york town. they lost. a few years later they left. steve: image inside one of the main floorls of 10 downing street. we are waiting for the president and prime minister to show up. she could be right now giving the president that private tour of underground will churchill led during the second world war conclusion of the meeting this morning a joint press availability and hear from both of them right now we are looking in to see when they pop up. as soon as they do we will show you that. brian: like the stage direction you get before broadway play. it's all done and people there to point you in the right direction. meanwhile this. let's change gears if we can we will keep monitoring and we'll give you an idea what's happening over in the corner. meanwhile as president trump threatens mexico with escalating tariffs he is
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sending a new message to the country on illegal immigration. as a sign of good faith mexico should immediately stop the flow of people and drugs through their country to our southern border. they can do it if they want. >> steve: some lawmakers warn air force could actually damage the economy, the united states and mexico. could the potential short-term pain be worth it over the long haul? ainsley: joining us now is rachel, policy director at the conservative partnership institute. hey, rachel, thank you for being with us. >> good morning. ainsley: do you think they will implement 5% tariff on monday if things don't go well tomorrow with negotiations. >> i do think so. he said and i quote is he deadly serious about implementing these tariffs. i think the american people kind of understand we have been trying to get mexico to the table on this issue. to not only control the flow of migrants but crack down on drug smuggling and human trafficking at the border for the last 15 to 20 years and nothing has worked. so this is an effort to get mexico to the table on these issues. brian: rachel, here's the
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thing. look at the money involved here. we victim ported goods to mexico to the tune of $346.5 billion. this is just general goods from that country over the last year really at stake is the new usmca the new nafta between the three countries. people like senator grassley, republican, among those you should not link trade and immigration. your feeling? i will say this about congress they have had years to address this issue they have made themself irrelevant to this conversation. trump is the first and last line of definition on the border. you are seeing creative approaches because no one else is doing anything. i will say this as well. we take this relationship with a lot of our partners. we see human rights abuses. we slap on sanctions. we take these relationships to a lot of new levels over trade we negated mexico on this front for decades why we see no action on the immigration front. this is now a crisis.
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you have 2500 border crosser as day. brian: i hear you. >> we have got to try something new. steve: suggesting a million by the end of the fiscal year. while the president is threatening the 5% tariff effective on monday and then ratcheting up 5% each month, until it hits 25%, 5% essentially is what he is saying okay. the real cost of illegal immigration to this country is going to cost you 5% a month, mexico. is that worth it to you? they have something they have got to really chew on. >> that's right. these tariffs are an effort to get mexico suddenlinely act in their own interest to control the flow with the border. they have much more generous asylum laws than we do. we have been trying to get them to align their asylum relationship the same way canada has and european union does with each other. that's all we have been asking of mexico and they refuse to come to the table to do it. now we have to ratchet up the pressure to get them to
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do it because they refused and we are at a crisis point. this is a necessary step i feel for the president to take. ainsley: how do you feel the rest of the united states is it worth paying more for automobile, avocado. brian: corona. >> not only through the drug smuggling and human trafficking at the border seeing incredible cost of illegal immigration. when people don't come here illegally we create a completely permanent underclass subsidized by the american taxpayer. they will understand the tradeoff politicians never give voters credit for as smart as they're. they are probably going to welcome someone trying something new at the border to make mexico to at least play ball on their. brian: thing is, too. it's going to be a lot of working with the triangle countries that are below mexico. as they come in they bolster their burden. does the mexican government
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come back behind closed doors on wednesday and say, listen, we are doing the best we can we need your help or do you believe that they can do this themselves in terms of providing security. do they need our men and women in camouflage to help theirs. >> i do not think they need boots on the ground from the united states. i'm sure we are willing to help them and assist them in securing the border between mexico and guatemala. it's 500 miles. for context our border is 2,000 miles. this is something that can be done. they have been doing it throughout mexico. there is very dangerous areas of mexico but there is very safe areas of mexico. 40 million tourists visited in 2017. they have control of a lot of parts of their country which is why they need to be implementing their own asylum laws which when it comes to migrants coming through the united states. ainsley: rachel, the president said they better be ready to offer something tangible. what do they need to come to the table? what can they offer that will please the president? >> when what i i think he is referring to there a safe
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third country agreement. it's simply again the standard across the european union. the same agreement we have with mexico. it simply says hey, if you are looking for slism you claim it in the first safe country you come across. at love these migrants from central america, that is mexico. brian: we will see where this goes. because the market is certainly watching it closely. rachel bow varadkar, thank you so much. >> thank you. steve: we are still keeping an eye on the little box right down there in front of brian and jillian wire waiting for the president and prime minister. jillian: yes. 3450e7b time story we have been following. bloody clothes drumpsd in a trash can found in search for missing mom. they were placed there by someone matching the description of jennifer's he is straptiond husband. he and his girlfriend are charged with hindering prosecution and tampering with evidence. is he behind bars but his girlfriend is free on bail. they were in a bitter custody battle over five kids when she went missing.
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an illegal immigrants charged with assault is back behind bars hours after police released him for the second time. ice arresting louis after the mecklenburg county sheriff's office in north carolina let him walk free without notifying them. when police tried to serve arrest warrant the honduran man barricaded himself inside an apartment. he and another illegal man were arrested after nine hour standoff. the sheriff just announced the end of ice cooperation when he took power in december. baltimore's democratic mayor has a new idea on how to fight deadly street violence. public brawls. >> there is mediation. if they want to really settle them. we can put a boxing ring up and let them go and box it out. those kind of things. the best man wins and the beef should be over. jillian: the fbi lists baltimore as one of the nation's most dangerous cities.
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a touching moment caught on camera. a georgia cop helping a teen look his best for his high school graduation. officer james flowers was busy directing traffic at the school when he saw the teen struggling to tie his tie. that's when he walked over to help. got to love stories like that. send it back to you. steve: all right. thank you very much. jillian: thank you, jillian. go out to the streets. wait in london for the president. janice has a bunch of folks and some in cowboy hats. janice: of:30 in the morning. how are you all doing? who is from texas? who is from florida? who is from kentucky. oh my gosh. hi my love. is your outlook mostly sunny. >> yes it is. >> what's your name. >> jenny. janice: are you just glad to be here? >> yes. god bless you, okay? let's take a look at the maps. sweetheart, love you, okay.
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across new york city. 55 degrees. 50 in cleveland. it's a little cool but we will take it, right? mostly sunny skies. all right? across portions of the plain states. that's where we could see the potential of large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes and rain where we don't need to see any more rain. tropical system. areas of concern across the gulf of mexico and that is going to, well, we think it could develop but regardless of development if it becomes a named storm or not, it's going to bring moisture to areas that don't need it across the gulf coast and in towards the midwest and central plains. you are diagnosed with ms, too right? >> yes. >> how are you doing. >> yes, i am. >> when were you diagnosed? >> a year ago in march. janice: do you want to say hi to anybody at home? >> all my kids. janice: oh my love. you are doing to do great, i'm still standing, you are still standing. thank you all for coming and making my day. i love. this isn't this wonderful? brian: janice, in your book you talk about that getting
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diagnosed and reaching tout other people and the inspiration that you are to people is really evident right there. and in your book. janice: thank you, guys. ainsley: janice has a heart of gold and got has put new this platform and arena to help other people. i hate you are all going through this and working toward a cure. ainsley: she got on the phone with one of my friends who no, ma'am was diagnosed with ms and chatted different treatment. janice: that's what we are all here for to help each other. brian: as did neil cavuto help you. janice: that's why i wrote the book, too. brian: are you going to signed book, janice? janice: i'm going to sign this book, of course. can we all have a hug? come. group hug. oh, come on. steve: you are going to need bigger arms. ainsley: we have a fox news alert. a live look at some of the protesters in london. steve: thousands of pro-and anti-trump demonstrators are flooding the streets today.
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brian: benjamin hall expecting them today. brian: you got them today, right? >> that's right, brian, steve and ainsley. if yesterday was about the pomp and pageantry. today down to business. politics and protests. we are expecting these protests to grow significantly. 250,000 people organizers hopes they would attend here. not quite at that number yet. certainly it's growing every few minutes. they are hoping to flood the surrounding area leading up to the bilateral between theresa may and president trump coming up soon. already, president trump getting straight down to business this morning we saw that round table business meeting. exactly what people conservatives and governments are hoping to hear. that the u.s. is open for a big trade deal moving forward and brexit can be completed. that deal is there waiting to be done. they are willing to do it. of course now some of the tougher talks stuart. talks on iranian and huawei
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the chinese telecom giants those things need to be ironed out. yesterday considered quite the success as far as president trump goes there were hardly any protests there. today as i said is when we are expecting them. in fact we are already seeing them here those in the government are upset opposition parties. thee are short sight you had. they have been criticized by a number of people including the foreign secretary who said this earlier. >> i actually agree with that i am it's totally inappropriate for the labor party to be boycotting this incredibly important visit. this is the put of the united states. >> there we have it. still a country guided on a president trump visit. i can tell you here in square a carnival resistance. you see fliers and posters from a variety of different causes, climate change, the socialist workers party. lnts rights a few to name just a few here. certainly they are trying to make their voice heard. it appears as if the president is sticking to
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business. sticking to the schedule. getting done what he needs to be done. thank you. brian: benjamin real quick are there any supporters of president. >> there are few brave ones down in the middle over there wearing maga hats carrying u.s. flags. they have been surrounded by some of the protesters here. at the moment it seems to be amicable. they are discussing. let's just hope that doesn't change protesters we saw were actually outnumbered by trump supporters. something very different than today. yes you get voices from both sides here. steve: do you, indeed. ainsley: at least there is beautiful music. usually there is screaming and anger? >> i will tell you what it feels more like a party than a protest. we are waiting for speeches later. jeremy corbyn the opposition leader is scheduled to speak. that's quite controversial decision but we expect him in the next couple of hours. brian: is he quite a controversial character. this is not his first way of royaling the public. steve: benjamin thank you very much.
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sadiq khan the mayor of london was asked why have you allowed the trump baby blimp to fly. i can't be censored to what is tasteful. donald trump has become a poster board for the far right movement around the world. he said in years to come the u.k. will regret giving a state visit to donald trump. he is frustrate you had the president's ability to talk about differences and he would be really happy to meet with donald trump. he said i cannot be sigh length when our p.m. wouldn't say boo to a goose. and of course our president of the united states is with the p.m., prime minister right now. ainsley: do you think he will respond? steve: i don't think so. brian: i think the put will when he gets on to air force one and catches up on his tweet mobile, which is air force one. meanwhile, 19 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: in just a few hours, a judge could decide if missouri's last remaining abortion clinic can stay open. brian: is this the new front line in the nationwide abortion battle? the judge is on the case.
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steve: we told you the president was inside 10 downing street. right now theresa may and president trump are in front of one of the original coiption of the declaration of independence. brian: think about the situation here we are 200 plus years later and looking at it together as two countries. the man in the middle represents a country whose forefathers said i would like to be independent of you and we're willing to fight to make that happen. and years later we make it happen and we get to the point where after they burned our white house we kind of gave -- we forgave them on that and have it on display there. ainsley: signed by representatives representing
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13 different clongs in war with great britain at the time and would declare them 13 independent sovereign states. this declaration right there that they are looking at took us one step closer to forming america. steve: the president and first lady have had a busy day already. before noon in the united kingdom. they have had a meeting of british and american business leaders. five u.s. business companies represented. five u.k. companies represented as well. gathering was in addition duke of york, i believe that's andrew, chancellor philip ham monday and the international trade secretary liam fox. mike pompeo and steve mnuchin and ivanka trump were also supposed to be in attendance. have not verified whether or not they were. brian: keep in mind the declaration of independence years before the robo pen. so they actually had to sign it themselves. [laughter] brian: that's why it's extremely valuable.
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who wants to bring in the judge? ainsley: with a feather. steve: a quill. ainsley: clinic sued to continue providing abortions after the state refused to renew its license over safety concerns. if planned parenthood loses, missouri would become the first state without an abortion clinic. brian: all right. this comes as many states are passing new laws restricting abortions big time. will these legal fights continue in this nationwide abortion debate? steve: joining us now is fox news senior judicial analyst and host of liberty file on fox nation judge andrew napolitano. missouri just recently signed -- the governor signed this heartbeat bill. >> right. steve: establishes you cannot perform abortion after a heart beat. what's going on in missouri? >> roe v. wade, as much as i loathe it and detest it spawned between 45 and 50 million abortions since 1973, is still the law of the land every judge state
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and federal is bound by it. this judge in missouri this morning will decide whether or not roe v. wade trumps, no pun intended, the missouri statute or whether the missouri statute prevails. no question what he is going to have to do. whether he or she, i'm not sure of the judge likes roe v. wade. it's pro-life or pro-choice. the person has an oath to uphold the law and the law says under roe v. wade the states with not perform an abortion in the first or second try messster of a pregnancy. heart beat law the law of land in missouri would prevent abortions after a heart beat is heard. steve: six or seven weeks. >> a difference between six and seven weeks missouri law and six months federal law. the federal law will prevail unless and until the supreme court of the united states changes the federal law. missouri statute, just like the one in alabama that's intended to challenge roe v.
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wade and cause the current nine justices to review it. the prevailing view and expectation is that they may have a different view of abortion than the justices did in 1973 when roe v. wade. brian: who would make that decision to see it? >> that's a great question. four of the nine can force all nine. brian: they probably don't want it. >> i don't think so they do. and justice kavanaugh surprised a lot of people a few months ago when he voted with the four liberals thought to hear an appeal about a planned parenthood issue that a lot of pro-life thought he would vote to hear. so we don't know where it's going to go. my opinion the supreme court will eventually have to look at it and eventually will have to re-examine it, they will pick the right time and take their time doing it though. steve: whatever happened to states' rights? >> states' rights were, at least with respect to abortion, prior to 1973,
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there were 50 different sets of abortion laws. each state had. some states thought permitted in any circumstances unless the mother was going to die if she carried the baby to term. other states more liberal. roe v. wade wind all of that out and basically said no regulations in the first trimester except for professional, sanitary means of treating the mother. no abortions can be stopped in the second. the state is only interested in the life of the baby in the third trimester. that's unfortunately the law of the land. ainsley: right now planned parenthood is trying to get license renewed. they legally can't perform abortions. judge: i think they are going to get license renewed. hands are tied because of roe v. wade. steve: we will know later today. >> these challenges keep coming. i will be signatures here some day and saying guess what? they are reexamining roe v. wade. brian: hopefully we have a show that day. >> why else would i be here?
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[laughter] ainsley: lock down drills have become the new. they need to end. they are terrorizing our kids. she is going to explain that. with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. exactly. so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish,
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♪ ♪ ainsley: school lockdown drills preparing our children for potential shooter chilling. have become part of our lives. next guest says these practice runs are terrorizing our kids. carol mark wits joins us. >> thank you. ainsley: you write this fascinating op-ed. good that our kids are practicing these drills and practicing to stay quiet and hide in a closet. you say no, that's a waste of time. >> none of it does any good especially in places like new york where we don't even lock the fronts door to the
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school. so, for example in parkland, nicholas cruise the school had gone through drills since they were children. yet, he was able to use that against them and do his attack at a time that he knew it would be most effective and at a time he knew most people would be in the halls. he didn't enter a single classroom. our whole duck and cover and stay quiet and keep kids away from the door did no good whatsoever. ainsley: what should would he be doing? >> there is a number of things that experts have suggested. including for example locking doors. i think the main thing is not to terrify the kids. it is extremely unlikely event. no matter how much we think it happens frequently. it really doesn't. it doesn't happen anywhere in the same realm of let's say car accidents. we don't go around practicing car accidents. we don't practice what happens if you are struck lie lightning which is also a bigger possibility. so, you know, i think the most important thing is like don't scare the children.
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no reason to have drills four times a year. florida is moving to have them 10 times a year. that seems like overkill and really unnecessary. ainsley: you mentioned locking the front doors. i can't believe some schools aren't doing that anyway. what else can we do? >> obviously out suggestion of having armed guards or somebody in the building who is trained to use a weapon is a big plus and a lot of the situations we have seen across the country. somebody who has a weapon is able to stop the shooter. again, there is a lot of suggestions that don't involve terrifying 5-year-olds or cower in a closet or practicing being quiet as we know 5-year-olds can't be quiet that long nor can they practice it. ainsley: you see video of shootings. you can hear everyone screaming inside. >> exactly. ainsley: thank you so much, carol. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. congressman michael waltz, mollie hemingway and senator rand paul as well as newt gingrich all here live.
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our coverage continues of our president and his state visit to the u.k. ♪ all you have to stay a second ♪ your hand on mine ♪ the clock is ticking ♪ so stay ♪
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advil is... relief that's fast. strength that lasts. you'll ask... what pain? with advil. ♪ it's always a good time ♪ oh, ♪ oh, oh there is the president and first lady meeting with the theresa may. busy 24 hours in london. ainsley: beautiful to watch the queen's jewels and crown. our first lady looks beautiful. brian: one of the outfits she had on yesterday was a tribute to princess diana. ainsley: she looked like her. the long sleaved white that she wore when she got off
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the plane. brian: you know i know a lot about etiquette. i don't display it much but i know it. president was asked if he remembered the pewter horse. do you remember this horse, dismoneld he said no, i don't. finally melania says we gave her that horse. the other thing, evidently. you are not supposed to touch the queen i guess he touched her back. besides that if you consider those big problems. i don't. that's consider a slice of life. but i think the president with his remarks yesterday the way everything was handled. a lot of chances to do something wrong. the president only been in politics two or three years. i thought everything is going pretty much without a hitch. however, it's amazing the media no bheart what he does criticizes the president causing him to shut off cnn on air force one. steve: take you five hours ahead. one minute afternoon in great britain.
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less pomp and circumstance today than yesterday as the president and the prime minister and their families get down to business. ainsley: the president and the first lady viewing an original copy of the declaration of ips. brian: sooner or later get independent. kevin corke with what's on the president's agenda today. devin, a lot more action today. >> a lot more action indeed. the pageantry is fun for viewers but policy perspective get down to business. let me share the schedule a wholesome one. the president made his way here to buckingham palace. they have been nonstop on the go ever since. obviously the business round table we talked about that. the president and mrs. trump already arriving at 10 downing street. they have that expanded bilateral meeting and working lunch. when i say they, i mean the president and british prime minister theresa may. we will have joint press
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availability. over at the common wealth office that's coming up in the next hour. president and first lady take part in the tour of the churchill war rooms very beautiful. tonight of course they will host that dinner at winfield house with the prince of whales and duchess of corn wall. already this morning the outgoing prime minister and the president taking part in that business round table. now, that gathering, guys, is a lot more important now perhaps than it might have been otherwise because the u.s. and u.k. are trying to solidify a possible free trade accord as the u.k. hopes to brexit the eu. the two leaders exchanging pleasant tries. the president acknowledging pace of may's pending departure. and obviously hoping that they can work out a new trade deal. >> the range of companies we see around this table shows [inaudible] that we have between the united states and the united kingdom where i think we will have a very,
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very stracia substantial trade . something that your folks want to do. my folks want to do and we want to do. and we're going to get it done. stick around. let's do this deal. okay? [laughter] that. >> got a bit of. [laughter] the idea leaving her position fairly soon. large demonstrations planned across the u.k. and in particular across london. as many you may remember back in 2018 saw something similar. president. we saw fairly sizeable pocket of them right here in. very busy day. we will keep an eye on the protests. we have benjamin hall on the ground. john roberts joining us in next hour. we are just getting started on "fox & friends."
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back to you for now. steve: we are indeed. speaking of protesters and supporters of the president, the evening standard over in london just posted heated arguments broke out between pro-and anti-trump supporters at parliament square which the president drove by. in fact, the president's car went right by his blimp. don't know whether or not he saw it. apparently there was a small group of men and wearing wearing maga hats shout would he go love trump as they were confronted by another small group protesting the president's visit. some carrying eu flags. two groups quickly swarmed on by the media a police as the media watched on. opinions on both sides. brian: there are. see if maga hats turn into kag hats keep america great. weave don't know if i if the president. joe biden doesn't show up much and it's working. he has 19 point lead in the latest poll. take a look at this. as we look at all the
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places. jewels know the same face son top. joe biden with 35%. a lot of people thought he would fade by now. 16 for bernie. third place pete buttigieg and 5% is elizabeth warren, 4% for harris and o'rourke with 4%, cory booker 3%. 17% aren't sure. joe biden another big negative story on him today. a lot of people thought the worst thing he did was plagiarize his speech in announcing he wants to run for president. another thing questionable. he kept cill rights protest hey, joe, can you stop saying that it didn't happen. he is like you are right. and keep bringin bringing it up. ainsley: 17% of democratic voters are still unsure. beerns has. steve: look, joe biden has -- his game plan is
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to -- not argue with the other democrats who are running for president, to argue instead with the president of the united states. why we want to elevate his competitors. instead taking on the guy he would like to take on come november of 2020. meanwhile, bernie sanders, he was on one of those programs where he was talking about how his worry is if joe biden you recall. will he be a repeat of hillary. >> if the democratic party selects joe biden. will it make the same mistake it did hillary clinton. >> i think it would be. i really do. a campaign without a lot of energy. without a lot of excitement. could joe beat trump? yeah. i think he could. i'm not saying that he can't. but i think we don't want to make the same mistake we made last time.
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brian: he doesn't see the excitement around joe biden because he hasn't really seen much of joe biden. he was out in california. joe biden wasn't. he had been in two months before joe biden got. in and the minute joe biden got. in bernie has not seen the top spot. steve: here's the thing ultimately. democratic strategists have told us that they have done a lot of polling on joe biden and bernie, the entire field. the problem for bernie sanders is the most he ever gets is 30%. in the primary, that's fine. but in the general elections you can only get 30% you cannot be president of the united states. whereas in the a general, joe biden does much better. ainsley: joe biden is i have got name recognition. i have a loft experience i'm the frontrunner by a long shot why why was my time. we're a year and a half from the election. i'm going to my family and campaign a lot next year. brian: worry about his
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energy too. nobody worries about the energy of mayor pete. young guy not even 40 yet. is he interesting on the stump. solid third place in single digits though. he has a little interaction with a kid in pal alto. listen to what he tells the kid about the sitting president. >> you can't play his game. you know, he is really mean answered likes to call people names. if we do it his way, i think we are going to lose. so we have to change the whole game. brian: okay, child. steve: saying he is really mean. is he also revealing his game plan. is he saying he is not going to do what the the president does. the president has been effective. ainsley: is he not going to do what the president is doing by doing what the president is doing by calling him names. brian: right. but i will call him mean to the child told not to be mean: donald trump one of the unorthodox things he did from the minute he got in the race he never trailed. what he has done is lyin' ted. steve: nicknames.
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brian: all the nicknames. ainsley: even the mayor of london bill de blasio just shorter. brian: punching down aruba and cruz and still did it. kept everyone at bay. if joe biden keeping his hands off his opponents and allows everyone to get hit while that poll is up there if he might be making a mistake. if he is going to learn from trump, maybe he is making a mistake. steve: one thing joe biden knew would happen he would get tagged with a nickname. you know, we have heard of the president call joe a couple of different things. joe biden and his supporters have been calling him blue collar joe, working class joe. he is trying to, rather than just have the president bestow a nickname on him, is he trying to put the mantel of blue collar joe on himself and relatively successful. brian: president has sleepy joe and remember sloppy joe. he is not sloppy but they are good. sloppy joe's. ainsley: i haven't had one of those in a long time. makes me hungry.
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brian: i don't feel good about having something named sloppy. i do remember it as something good. steve: that's why they call it a manwich. brian: meat with sauce on a bun. steve: time for news with jillian. jillian: good morning to you. the lead prosecutor is taken off navy seal eddie gallagher's war crimes case a military judge ordering the removal days after the decorated veteran was freed over misconduct allegations. the navy lawyer now admitting to secretly tracking emails belonging to gallagher's legal team to find the source of leaks to the press. gallagher's attorney joined us last month to call for action. >> i think that this type of prosecutor misconducted. the entire prosecutorial team should be taken off the case. we need to know what the judge knew and when. >> right. >> quite frankly the whole things should be dismissed.
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>> charged with murdering an isis prisoner in 2017. trial scheduled to begin next week. former trump campaign manager paul manafort could be interested to one of the worst prisons in the country as soon as thursday. rhodrikers island has housed some of the most in new york. son of berkowitz and done david chapman. is he serving four years for tax and bank fraud. he will be held in solitary confinement for his own protection. the vice president and second lady head to oklahoma to tour flooding damage. they will offer federal assistance to people affected by the rising water in tulsa. flooding also harming the economy in arkansas. the state losing more than $20 million every day as bridges are forced to close. more trouble could be on the horizon. flash floods are possible in the plains, midwest, and south this week. and, of course, janice is tracking august of that. a jeopardy did i champion
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dethroned after winning 32 straight games. >> it's up to you, if you came up with a correct response. you are going to be the new jeopardy champion. did you? you did. what did you wager? oh gosh. 20,000. what a payday. 46,801. [applause] what a game. oh my god. we're going to say goodbye to james, too. we will be seeing him again, folks. jillian: james holzhauer taken by librarian emma. he ended $60,000 short of the winnings held by ken jennings that. is a run. steve: because she made such a gigantic bet against the professional. steve: good for him. brian: coming up straight ahead. are former obama officials trying to undermine the trump administration. new reports claim they are telling iran don't take the president's bait. steve: congressman michael
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waltz is a decorated green commander is furious about this. his opinion coming up next. ♪ ♪ california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at instate-of-the-artn technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359/month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful... congestion and pressure? claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray is indicated for 6 symptoms... claritin-d is indicated for 8... including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d. get more.
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brian: former obama officials reportedly working behind the scenes with iran? the daily beast reporting that one of these officials advised the iranians to quote don't he is can late and take trump's bait. tensions escalate as they don't take trump's bait though. here with growing outrage is house armed services committee member congressman michael waltz of florida. also, as you know, worked with dick cheney, so he knows what's inside washington, knows what it's like on the ground in battle. this outraged you, why? >> >> because it's essentially working directly with a foreign hostile power to undermine a u.s. negotiating position. both the president and secretary pompeo have been clear that they are open to talks but they want a better deal than we had the iran deal and the means to drive the iranians back to the table is economic and diplomats i can isolation. well, when you provide a back door to that isolation, i are directly undermining the power of attorney policy
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of the united states and that is absolutely unacceptable. brian: kerry admitted that he met with zarif their foreign minister three or four times since leaving office. what could they possibly have in common? do they miss each other? evidently got so heated he used to scream at john kerry throughout the entire negotiation which, by the way, was such a bad deal they couldn't get the majority of democrats to vote for it. >> let's just take a step back, brian, to understand the current policy. the sanctions are working. i remind people the reason the iranians came to the deal almost 10 years ago what became the iran deal is the sanctions had finally, you know, completely cracked down on the iranian economy which we're doing now now that we have lifted the oil waivers. the sanctions are working how does iran lash out? they lash out a symmetrically by attacking u.s. interest in the region, that's what the lesson they learned from beirut in the 1980s, they killed 200
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marines. we withdrew. they kill over 500 americans during the iraq war, we respond very weakly. by attacking their proxies, not iran. and in this case we had credible intelligence that they were about to do the same thing again and the president trump's credit. as requested by the field commanders rather than waiting until their american body bags, he responds with force and iran has backed down. so, the response was absolutely credible. there is no war mongering which is what people are accusing the president of doing. it was requested by the general in the field. and it's worked. but we need, go ahead. brian: can you imagine if jimmy carter tried to undermine ronald reagan with the iranian hostage situation. barack obama and this deal with iraq. i will be just as horrified as i am today. they named three other officials the daily beast think one of them is ben rhodes. thanks so much, michael. appreciate it. >> thanks for calling this out, brian. it's completely unacceptable.
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brian: you gout it. i hear you. straight ahead. hillary clinton accused of sharinclassified email on priva. that was a single sentence tweet. what is she thinking about? where are those glasses? ♪ i don't know what's going on. i've done all sorts of research, read earnings reports, looked at chart patterns. i've even built my own historic trading model. and you're still not sure if you want to make the trade? exactly. sounds like a case of analysis paralysis. is there a cure? td ameritrade's trade desk. they can help gut check your strategies and answer all your toughest questions. sounds perfect. see, your stress level was here and i got you down to here, i've done my job. call for a strategy gut check with td ameritrade. ♪
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brian: okay. i don't know who needs to hear it still. isn't hillary clinton the last personal who should be saying that? ainsley: good point. here to weigh in is mollie hemingway senior editor at "the federalist" and fox news contributor. mollie, what did you think of that tweet? >> she is, in fact, the last person that should be talking about whether people are above the law. she should have not been above the law when she mishandled also true that nobody should be beneath the law including the president, and what we have seen in recent years is that you have had our powerful law enforcement and intelligence agencies behaving in ways that are deeply problematic toward a political opponent
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and it doesn't matter that they didn't like donald trump or that certain people don't like donald trump we should be a nation ruled by law, not men. and the personal feelings about people just because they like hillary clinton or her people should not mean she gets to get away with things and because they don't like donald trump that they put the full power of the federal government against him including overseas intelligence assets, wiretaps, national security letters and the whole shebang. steve: the whole shebang. the whole shebang is what they did discuss, the attorney general did with jan crawford over on cbs. they did a big interview. they didn't run all of it. but there were a number of bombshells we wanted to talk to you about. the first one is it's actually a sound bite talking about how the anti-trump resistance is doing something to our country. watch this. >> i think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it's president trump that is shredding our institutions. i really see no evidence of that. the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically
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throwing everything at him, that's where the shredding of our norms and institutions is occurring. steve: that is substantial. shredding of the institutions. >> you know, it's interesting because what he is saying is actually fairly obvious to a lot of measures. they have looked at what has happened in recent years. they see that what the problem has been has been people unwilling to accept an election result. but, having someone actually having the courage to say it in a media environment where a lot of people in the media perpetuated what attorney general barr said was a bogus hoax of treasonous collusion with russia to steal that 2016 election that interview, i'm so glad you are covering it because it was so interesting with so many interesting things and he seems to be someone who doesn't care that the media media and other partisans are critiquing him for trying to bring back this emphasis on rule of law. brian: people are outraged he has an attorney general that actually backs him up. now think are attacking the attorney general. it's lining they forget an attorney general usually
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backs him up. especially if he has the law on his side. >> i don't think it's an issue of backing up the president. what attorney general seems to be saying is caring about the institutions. it's fine if people don't like donald trump. it doesn't mean they should throw away everything we hold dear in a country about presumption of innocence. one of the things he mentions in the interview is that the standard of justice at the department of justice is not that you are guilty until proven innocent as robert mueller seemed to suggest in his press conference. but that, in fact, prosecutors need to determine whether someone has broken the law before they smear and accuse him of having done. so these are things that are not about trump, they're about all of us and about whether all of us have that presumption of innocence. brian: there is another moment in there where basically he came out and said the trump-russia conspiracy is not true. >> exactly. and, in fact, it's not true. we had years of the media telling us that they had bombshell reports of you who just around the corner we would know that donald trump was traitor. accusing someone of treason
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is a capital crime. very serious allegation. and it was totally completely false and yet so many people in the media perpetuated this year after year. and it was fed why these selective leaks from people. intelligence officials. and that's a very serious thing. it needs to be taken seriously and once roberts mueller ended his investigation and unable to find not just a trump official but a single american that included with russia. indictment of that theory that had been perpetuated throughout the country for years. >> let's see if the inspector general and other people looking into how it was handled by the department of justice and also the fbi, you know, if they found bias because that was another one of the moments bombshell moments, strzok, page, the fbi love birds showed gross bias he said again this was very obvious things. what the attorney general said was these texts showed appalling bias. new seen two fbi agents
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speculate that barack obama was some kind of man temperature ran candidate or secret muslim or something like that there would have been outrage from people and rightly so. just because donald trump is not liked by some of the elites does not mean it's okay to do these. even the fact that these agents thowtz they could get away with speaking this way and these were high level people. these are not even rank and file fbi agents who by and large are mortified by what some of the top brass were doing at the fbi. but, yes, it was appalling and a lot of americans see that just having an attorney general recognize that is significant. >> peter strzok was the number one guy in his department at the fbi. ainsley: talking about the insurance policy and criticizing the trump voters. remember the walmart comments? >> yeah. he and lisa page had quite a bit to say. even more than that bias, i think, is that they were actually using counterintelligence powers and authorities to go after people it. is unprecedented or i hope it's unpress dentinged to have people running overseas operations against political
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opponents this is something that the media should care, about another thing that attorney general barr was saying. the media used to care more about civil liberties and don't seem to care much in this case. of course they are implicated in this hoax itself. brian: unfortunately we have to go. very curious they are not going to be able to get out of the way of this screaming bus of news coming from michael horowitz' report and john durham's the u.s. attorney's investigation. they are not going to be able to avoid it anymore and put it aside as niche. you have not avoided it. you have been talking about it the whole time. thanks, mollie. >> thanks. steve: apprehensions at our southern border keep skyrocketing and now another former obama era official says president trump is right. there is a crisis. hear his story next. ♪ to give every idea the perfect soundtrack. ♪ to fill your world with fun. ♪
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ainsley: flooding the streets there. brian: how do we know benjamin hall told us and we took a peek at his shot. protesters are on the move. >> protesters have moved on down towards whitehall where they are going to meet up with jeremy corbyn the opposition leader and he is going to protest and stand up and give a speech against the state visit. before they left here. there was a chants, some speeches and to be honest listening to them talk you got the sense that president trump was behind every evil in the world and square, a group behind this protest, we had -- we saw a lot of pro-palestine signs and pro-iran signs, lgbtq rights, climate change protesters and all seemingly brought together by the socialist workers party. those protesters have walked down towards downing street where theresa may is having a working lunch with the president at the moment. she showed him a copy the
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declaration of the independence rare copied printed in 1781. sitting down to discuss more bilateral issues. i suppose the news of the day came earlier in business round table when president trump reiterated his enthusiasm, his optimism for a free trade deal. and there was a light moment where he turned to theresa may and he said stick around for a few weeks. perhaps we can get it done together. knowing she steps down as conservative leader on friday. see a bit more politics today. expecting a press conference in the next hour or. so and then president trump is going to visit the cabinet war rooms. that's where churchill planned world war ii where he was hunkered down during much of the blitz. and tonight it leads up to final dinner at ambassador's residence. jam-packed today. the protesters hadn't been able to disrupt the visit as they had hoped to do. so they had aimed for 250,000 from what we have seen i think we will be lucky if they hit about 10% of that. back to you. steve: okay. ben i can't minute hall,
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thank you very much. according to the evening standard in london, the donald trump baby blimp has now been lowered and is being deflated in parliament square. brian: good. a little bit of class. maybe it might be too late. meanwhile, i want to bring in former custom protection under president obama. the experts are needed right now. the politicians just don't act at all. we thought it would be good to are you? , gill, the situation as you know it at the border. some of the numbers that struck us 600 percent increase in family units coming across. 1 million expected to come across willingly being apprehended. who knows who is sneaking through. is this a crisis? >> well, it certainly the numbers reflect a crisis. not only a humanitarian crisis, but a logistical crisis, also. and to not admit that is a mistake because it has to be dealt with. ainsley: how can individuals look at all the video and see the statistics and know
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that the people are being assaulted when they are coming up. 31% statistics show. how can they know that, see all the video and deny it's a crisis? >> i don't know who would say it's not a crisis. it's important to recognize that customs and border protection which really is the front line of all of, this especially at the ports of entry which is where people are crossing they need the resources and they need the support. but then to not realize that this is also somewhat solvable and somewhat fixable and we know that from our history, 1.6 million people that came across the border, far greater numbers than right now in about 2,000 by working closely with mexico, by gives them additional foreign aid and support and technology, that change things dramatically. brian: single men, too. those were single males. this is a lot different and it's countries in central and south. we have a different policy
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towards those nations. tell me what policy we should have towards those nations. immediate repatriatization of those as they cross? >> so that what should work, of course, is that when people pay thousands and thousands of dollars to a smuggler, they make a very dangerous trek. if they are apprehended as they all are or almost all are and then detained, if they can have a hearing. if this is where the attorney general really needs to step up to the plate and provide significant more immigration judges to hold those hearings. most people never reach the threshold when they make a claim of asylum of actually being allowed to stay in the country. so, detain them, and hold your hearings. repatriate as quickly as possible. when they go back to the villages and towns in those three central american countries and people realize they were detained, that the money was spent and that they didn't achieve the goal, it makes a huge difference. we also, of course, need to
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improve the quality of life as we did n mexico in those three central american countries because then people would not be willing to make that trek as willingly as they are. steve: sure. of course you said it was fix cybil but congress would fixable. a year and a half away from election they are not going to do that because they don't want to give donald trump a win. there is news out of u.s. district court where judge trevor mcfadden who was a trump appointee, the house democrats had sued the administration because they said, essentially, the president can't take money that was intended for the pentagon and use it to for border security and building the wall. this judge had said, you know what in the house doesn't have standing in this particular case. the house has other legislative things at their beck and call they could use that. not the court system. do you think that's the right call?
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>> well, the bush administration and the obama administration were both able to work with congress and spend literally hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars on technology, on infrastructure improvements, et cetera. and that's the right way to go about it. i mean, they ar there are cleary places along the border that one don't need a wall and clearly places along the border where i'm not sure that this administration is willing to take with imminent domain a lot of personal property of texas land owners in order to try to build a wall in a rio grand valley which is where, of course a lot of people cross. so, infrastructure, technology is something that i think now into three administrations have all looked at as a way of helping to improve border security. brian: bill clinton was the first one to say we need that wall. he started building it. continued on every administration. george bush didn't spend all the wall money he got afforded to him. now this president it's hard for him to get a billion dollars out of this congress which is unbelievable.
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thanks so much. appreciate it, gil. ainsley: thank you. >> thank you. ainsley: 19 minutes till the top of the hour. the estranged husband of that missing mother now behind bars as police reveal new evidence found in her home and in trash cans. steve: it's an unbelievable story. we are live as the fbi searches for new clues coming up next. not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. and i just didn't listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously.
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brian: bloody clothes dumped in trash cans found in the search for a missing connecticut mom. ainsley: investigators say they were placed there by a man matching the description of jennifer duloz estranged husband. steve: nunez from our affiliate in connecticut live as police ask neighbors for help. lizette. >> good morning, jennifer has now been missing for 11
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days. investigators were back out here at the waveny park searching for her. we have seen fbi out here. this is where her empty car was found 10 days ago now. as we mentioned fbi agents were out here with trails. they were also out here with police dogs and they were specifically searching for electronics. investigators have also been searching jennifer's new canaan home. according to police records that's where evidence found bloodstains and evidence where someone tried to clean it up. a serious physical assault had happened there and later that night police say a man matching the description was spotted on surveillance cameras in hartford dropping things off trash cans and stopping at 30 different locations in hartford. according to the warrant on may 24th. phone traveling back and forth between two properties in farmington. that's the day his h estranged wipe went missing. all of these chain of events led to the arrest and
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charges against he and his girlfriend. they're now facing charges of tampering with or fabricating evidence or hindering the prosecution in connecticut to jennifer's disappearance. both appeared in court on monday morning. michelle did post bond and has since been released. and if he posts bond he will do the same. community members are hoping for her safe return. and new canaan police are asking for look on surveillance video specifically dates may 22nd and may 25th. if they see any suspicious activity, contact police. back to you. steve: lizette live from new canaan. what a story. brian: elizabeth warren still getting called out as she still tries to defend her native american heritage. >> i'm not a person of color. i'm not a citizen of a tribe. and i shouldn't have done it. >> kind of like the original
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rachel dolezal. brian: wow, does that sink her 2020 chances? so far it hasn't. howie carr is on deck to talk about it ♪ i got to ♪c k direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at
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♪ >> there is a lot of criticism said but native american. do you regret taking the d.n.a. test. >> it's what i believed. but, i'm not a person of color. i'm not a citizen of a tribe. and i shouldn't have done it. >> kind of like the original rachel dolezal. steve: senator elizabeth warren getting grilled on native american ancestry claims breakfast club in new
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york likening rachel dolezal who infamously lied about being an african-american while leading an naacp chapter. ainsley: here with the impact is radio talk show host howie carr. >> i don't think she was expecting this at all. this is the same syndicated popular morning show where hillary clinton got the go on in 2016 and claim that she carried a bottle of hot sauce in her purse. remember, she even said am i pandering well to your audience? obviously elizabeth warren was not expecting to get this kind of grilling. even though it was a very, you know, a amiable grilling. no one was yelling but they took her over the coals. steve: not only have that but looked in her political history. listen to this, howie. >> what were your views back in the day? if i read correctly you were a republican? >> i wasn't politically
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active. when i say we weren't active, i actually don't even know. >> you had a lot of confusion back in the day you thought you were native american and republican when did you get on the right track. >> a big part of it when i got into the fights. ainsley: maybe not angood idea to go on that show, right? >> no, she didn't expect that to come. you know, she keeps falling back. she said there was an investigation by out "boston globe." but, you know, the "boston globe" has always been a fawning acolyte of her career. they printed the phony d.n.a. results for several hours. claiming later they were -- it was a math error. and no one is buying it. she was going nowhere in her academic career. she didn't really have a practice of law. she was an instructor at the age of 35 she began claiming she was a native american. she put some phony recipes that she plagiarized from
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the "new york times" french cookbook in an indian cookbook supposedly and that was the first time at age 35 that she claimed to be an indian. two years later she said she was an american indian on a texas bar application. three years later she has a tenure you had position at the university of pennsylvania ivy league law school. and then she goes to harvard. no knock on where she went but they weren't exactly stellar academic institutions where they recruited from the ivy league. university of houston, rutgers law school. she obviously benefited from falsely claiming to be a native american. this is like an original sin that she can't seem to get beyond. it always comes back to that she likes to blame donald trump and talk radio for this. but this is -- she did this herself and she can't get around it as she showed again. steve: one thing for her to take the d.n.a. test to see what the results would be. it's another to release the findings where it was such a tiny little amount.
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>> right. steve, they don't even know if that's american indian. it could be peruvian. she could be 1/1,024th. remember george zimmer he was half peruvian and they called him a white man. it was ridiculous. as i said the globe claimed she could be as low as 132 kd indian. it actually was 164th if did you the math for five seconds. that was her own test. it wasn't like she went to one of the ancestry groups that advertises on cable tv. she had other own personal guy doing it. ainsley: bottom line people are questioning her character now. and that doesn't look good going into 2020. thanks, howie for coming on with us. >> thank you. steve: fox news alert. president trump and prime minister theresa may set to hold a news conference next hour. you will see it live here on
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♪ brian: even though he sounds american, shaun mendez, is he great? do you know? i do think that is appropriate music. done very well with our music today. steve: "fox & friends" hour three, coming up this hour, you will see the prime minister of great britain and the president of the united states in a press conference situation. that is going to be coming to you very shortly because the president is currently at 10 downing street. he has been there for a little
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more, coming up on an hour so far behind closed doors. don't know exactly what is going on there. brian: by the way, how about this? the prime minister about to leave the job in four or five days. theresa may can put caution to the wind, even though she is british and reserved by nature are i would imagine if she had an opinion or sense or retrospective feeling she wants to share, this could be the moment. i don't know if you notice our president always tends to make news in these situations, we'll ask more questions that we can guarranty it. ainsley: president and theresa may hosted a business breakfast. they met with u.s. and uk business leaders and the duke of york. they went to 10 downing street where she lives on the third floor. we saw them go inside. saw them look at the declaration of independence. steve: the president at that particular breakfast meeting, ainsley, he says he believes britain can have a substantial trade deal with the united
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states after they leave the eu he suggested what you're looking at right there, they're looking at a original copy of the declaration of independence. why don't you stick around the president said, maybe we can get something done. but the time is short for her because she officially resigns on friday. it is interesting, christopher hope, who writes for one of the papers in london says that apparently boris johnson has turned down a one-to-one meeting with donald trump. instead they spoke on the phone. which means boris johnson was offered a one-to-one with donald trump but theresa may, he reports, did not get one. interesting stuff. brian: that's interesting. i would add to this too. i think boris johnson is doing the political thing. there are a lot of people, john roberts we welcome you as chief white house correspondent, goes on the road, keeps a bag packed at all times, live in front of the commonwealth office. you don't know being seen with the president of the united
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states whether it is plus or minus depending on people you have to impress to get the job. hi, jon. reporter: hi, brian. we're literally across the street from number 10 downing street, within the next hour we'll witness the final press conference between prime minister theresa may and president donald trump. she is expected to step down at the end of this week because she could not get a deal on brexit. there are a lot of questions who will be the next leader of the conservative party and if a deal can get done. the president and prime minister were together at st. james palace hosting a roundtable with business leaders from the uk and united states. and there seemed to be some good humor about the fact that theresa may may not be around much longer to cut a trade deal with the united states. despite the president's urgings. listen to what the two of them said. >> the range of companies we see around this table shows that
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the -- [inaudible] that we have between the united states and united kingdom. >> i think we'll have a very, very substantial trade deal. it will be a very fair deal. i think that this is something that your folks want to do. and we want to do. and we're going to get it done. i don't know exactly what your timing is. stick around. let's do this deal. [laughter]. reporter: the president saying to the british prime minister, stick around for a little while to see if we can get this trade deal done. a tremendous amount of political turmoil in the uk what comes next and can there be a deal on brexit. will there be a deal with the european union for a soft british exit. will there have to be a no-deal brexit. president in interviews with a no-deal brexit. at the same time, getting a new free trade deal with the united states, insisting that a trade deal between the uk and united states could make up the gap
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that britain might face if it doesn't cut a deal with the eu to get out. a lot of people are worried if they go for a know-deal brexit that could lead to implosion of the government. could lead to the next prime minister labor leader being jeremy corbyn. michael goth, one of the potential leaders of the conservative party and next prime minister suggested brexit be delayed until 2020 although the president says the uk should get out by the end of october. around the corner from where we are in front of houses of parliament and trafalgar scare, protests are beginning to build. they are touting that quarter of a million people could be out on the streets. they would have to grow substantially to reach that number. they are going to the wind fieldhouse hold a reciprocal dinner for prince charles and camilla. he is off to portsmouth and
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normandy for the 75 commencement of the d-day invasion. brian: john, he seems remarkably upbeat through this i don't know, you have great sources especially in the traveling party. what is the inside feeling how this is going? reporter: you know, i think that the president really appreciates what the queen was doing yesterday and the fact she really resisted criticism of president coming from people like sadiq kahn and jeremy corbyn. it is good to be queen. she decided to make the state visit very important to her. something very important about the current and future relationship of the u.s. and the uk and damn the torpedoes, she is full steam ahead. i think the president appreciates that. brian. brian: the word was, could you see a genuine, they enjoyed each other's company yesterday. as we enjoy yours, john, all those miles away. ainsley: the royal family not political. she did toast the group last night. the president toasted the group.
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visits of the president are reminders to her that the u.s. and the uk have a very close relationship. steve: very close ties. there is and it team in the "new york post" this morning talks a little bit about the queen and her purse. i mentioned it a couple hours ago. i think we have got a picture of the actual purse. there she is holding the purse. brian: is that good news? steve: yes. she uses the purse to send signals to the staff. apparently inside the purse, she has reading glasses, lozenges, fountain pen and good luck charms from her children. if she is at dipper and takes her bag and puts it on the table, that means i want to leave in the next five minutes. then if she takes the bag and she puts it on the floor, that means the person i'm talking to a very boring. please send in a lady in waiting who i can talk to. ainsley: she is not the heavy. she is not the bad guy. someone else on the staff comes in, okay, it is time to move on.
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but this is good news, right? if she is holding the purse she is enjoying the conversation. steve: if she puts it on the table that means get me out of here. ainsley: they alluded to that in the show "the crown" whether or not that is accurate. brian: if you're a purse watcher, she seems to have been happy what she is using yesterday. ainsley: didn't have to use the technique. brian: if i ever get a clutch or a handbag with optional handle where i could clutch or hold it. more if they make that option. when the president comes back, his number one issue when he left, number one issue when he comes back arguably is immigration. before he left he took a body blow when it comes to repurposing funds to the wall legally. this was a leg bit did a big lia rare court victory as the president could repurpose funds to build the wall. people said there will be another challenge to that. steve: this judge, trevor
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mcfaden, u.s. district judge, the house democrats sued the administration saying you can't use pentagon money for the wall. the judge said you know what? i agree with the administration, which made the argument, they, the house, don't have standing. essentially the judge said, you know what, there are other things congress can do other than sue one of the other branches. ainsley: democrats are trying to go around the political process. declines to take sides. brian: the dhs offered a report yesterday why we need the wall and so much more. the wall will only do so much. it will slow down, will stop in some cases but for the most part we need a policy change. why? look at the numbers. 10-year high, 53,000 family units came to the country illegally through the ports of entry since march. 600% surge in family units from the previous year. they expect over a million. these are people who are turning themselves in. we have to turn around hold them in areas which we don't have the
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facilities to do so. we can't even get the money down to border patrol to help them out. ainsley: not just one problem of the if you read this report they talk about overcrowding in the holding areas. most of the adults, provided they have a child with them, stated they fear returning to countries of origin. what we do -- steve: can i interrupt you for a moment? we have video from 10 downing street. fox news alert. we heard she would be attending a garden party. as you can see, there is the first lady. we don't know exactly who all was invited but we do see the some of the people lining the walk have the union jack and also have the u.s. flag. ainsley: little girl gave her some flowers. how sweet. brian: anyone who has seen the first lady in action, she loves dealing with kids especially. she likes getting involved in education. here she is doing her thing representing our country wonderfully, meeting some children. ainsley: that is her platform
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for children not to bully one another. to be your best. steve: first lady has another busy day as you look at the world press capturing that. they will hold a official dinner with woody johnson, ambassador to the united kingdom at windfieldhouse. brian: woody johnson, from the johnson & johnson family, who is an ambassador there, is in charge of cooking the meal. you know how worried he must be putting out doilies, place mats and candles. they better put out the good china. >> do they still use doilies. ainsley: they don't use paper doilies at palace or castles. steve: he is our royals watcher. brian: royals watcher. ainsley: they use real linens and fine china and crystal,
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sterling silver. brian: we're a provincial nation. doilies in my mind should not be reused. doilies are paper by definition, right? steve: i don't think so. ainsley: never seen paper products at party store. i don't think the queen is shopping there. brian: i think people would respect the fact we're not wasting money on doilies. we're focusing more on improving relations. ainsley: okay. steve: anyway the first laid is hosting that with the president at the u.s. ambassador's house, wind fieldhouse in donald done. brian: would he do a favor, name tags, walk up to the table, where do you want to sit? where do you want to sit? ainsley: clearly brian doesn't watch "downton abbey." jillian: i don't either. ainsley: watch it. bing, bing. brian: i know when i watch has been disappointed. jillian: serious news out of australia. fox news alert. police at this moment are holding a news conference on a deadly last shooting in australia. four people were shot and killed inside of a motel in the
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northern city of darwin. the suspect seen flailing on the ground as he was taken into custody. police believe he acted alone. that the shoot something not terror-related. that is what they believe. the suspect is expected to face charges in court tomorrow. the motive unknown. breaking now, former british spy to compiled a fake dossier on president trump will be questioned by u.s. officials. according to the "times" of london, christopher steele will only discuss dealings with the fbi. the unverified does say caused the agency to launch a investigation into russia. after two years special counsel robert mueller found no evidence of collusion. back to the doilie conversations. brian: at least he is speaking to somebody. steve: senator rand paul. will join us live to talk about his penny plan. stay with us.
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steve: kentucky senator rand paul introduced his pennies plan to address our nation's 22 trillion-dollar debt but it was rejected with 69 senators voting against it. that would include a lot of republicans. senator rand paul joins us from the russell rotunda. good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. steve: explain the penny plan, a lot of people when they hear it go, that's a pretty good idea. >> basically we would spend 99% of what we spent last year. kind of the interesting thing, the budget will balance five years, cutting now, now 2%, cutting a very little off the top. when i present this to even liberal government advocacy groups wanting money, could you live with 99% of what we gave you last year, almost everybody says yes. it is so reasonable to most people in america unless you have happen to be elected official in washington. cut, no way, we'll never cut any
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spending. steve: here is the thing, you had a lot of republicans vote against it. republicans are very conservative, they're trying, they're not big fans of big government, or are they? >> well, that is the real thing. there are a lot of hypocrisy here in washington. we understand no democrats are for reducing spending up here for reducing the debt, not one. that is a consistent theme. the surprising thing to many people, over half the republicans i call them the big government republicans are not for cutting spending either. there is really a problem between these disconnect, people go home, they beat their chance, say how conservative they are for balanced budget. they vote for the balanced budget amendment, that balances the budget if five years and they didn't vote for it. that is the problem. steve: given a chance to do something about it, they were giving a chance to give thumbs up or down on cloture vote,
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wouldn't give you that. >> that is very disappointing. shows hypocrisy of washington. this is what infuriates the voters, why voters, there was tea party revolution, 2010. i was part of it. we had hundreds of thousands of people at rallies on the mall. they wanted us to do something on the debt. when we have a vote, not that, i will not vote to cut any spending. but it is irresponsible if you vote to cut taxes and not cut spending. i do both, voting tax cut and cutting spending but i can't get enough republican colleagues to support me. steve: can't get enough democrats to support you. >> zero democrats. steve: comes to this, and immigration. seems like the capital is not getting a lot done these days. >> we disagree with each other on the lot of things. democrats want to raise taxes, we want to lower taxes. democrats want to raise spending, we want to lower spending. they want to raise regulations
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we don't. there is not a whole lot of common ground. >> senator paul. thank you. we're waiting for president of the united states. you will see it live coming up. when you stay just twice this summer. or.. badda book. badda boom. book now at wgreat tasting, heart-healthys the california walnuts.ever? so simple, so good. get the recipes at
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that. there are many people here who feel quite the opposite but it was good to see the debate raging. all very sort of friendly natured. of course the security is incredibly high. around all these people you get immense amounts of police. security operations cost about $35 million for these few days. 10,000 extra police were brought in. you see them everywhere. they are taking no chances. they're right outside of downing street at the moment. that is where president trump is having a working lunch with theresa may. where jeremy corbin, the opposition leader is scheduled to speak quite soon. there were a couple almost ceremonial events. they exchanged exists.
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looked at the declaration of independence from 1781. we're waiting to hear what came out of the bilateral. whether or not they discussed differences between the two sides. for example, on iran, the u.s. would love the uk to join them raising pressure on iran and huawei the chinese telecom giant, who the uk is considering doing 5g network with. secretary of state pompeo is here a few weeks ago, urging the uk not to do that we're expecting a press conference to come in the next hour. we'll learn more about what they have been discussing. certainly whether or not there is agreements in place moving forward. as we keep saying theresa may is only prime minister for the next few days. it is very hard for president trump to make any kind of deals with her until they know who the next leader is. also brexit is just around the corner. it hasn't been done yet. we don't know what kind of a free trade deal can be done. earlier on in the day president trump was clear he was enthusiastic, optimistic about a free trade deal. hoped one could be done.
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in london, atmosphere is jovial. calling it a carnival of resistance. people are dressed up. numbers are not quite as high as they expected. going for 250,000. i say they would be lucky to get 10% of that. brian: benjamin, would that be that crowded or crowded at all at this point on a work week? reporter: no. it certainly wouldn't be this crowded usually. compare it to last year when there were more people protesting against the president's visit again, you couldn't walk here. you couldn't come within blocks and blocks of here. this will be somewhat of a disappointment for those organizing. this ask not as high. they shut the streets for president's visits for security reasons. motorcade is passing through some of them. why more congestion than usual. ainsley: local residents would avoid that area. steve: trafalgar square is almost like times square.
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brian: also rare opportunity to meet benjamin hall. reporter: sorry, brian. say that one more time? brian: that's okay, benjamin. we appreciate it. we'll check in with you again. steve: that is live inside the foreign commonwealth office. john roberts is there in attendance he would like to ask the president a question or two. also of the prime minister, theresa may. what is going to happen is, we will see the president and first lady and the prime minister leave 10 downing street shortly. then they will, it is very short walk, just undo the street a little bit. then we will take that live. you will hear what the president has to say. ainsley: first lady is there at the garden party which we're being told has ended which was in the courtyard of 10 downing. they will leave the official residence of the prime minister and walk together over to this area, the courtyard, where they will have the press conference. brian: interesting to see, whoever the press, who they call, one for uk, one for the u.s., are they going to say, hey, mr. president what is going
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on with impeachment? hey, mr. president, what is going on with the tariffs? will they talk about these relationships? potential bilateral, boris johnson, theresa may's last day. news that comes out will be guided by types of questions asked. steve: i think benjamin hall brought up a good point, about huawei the chinese telecom company, trying to market their 5g network across the world. mr. trump warned the united kingdom against working with huawei. it suggested that america could stop sharing intel with britain if huawei getting the contract benjamin was talking about. a senior whitehall official says mrs. may has no apologies, make her handling of china. insisting huawei's involvement in the new networks would pose no threat to shared intelligence. that's somebody standing outside guard at 10 downing street. we understand the press has left 10 downing street which means they're going over to the foreign commonwealth office
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which means we should see this press conference start in the next 10 or 15 minutes. brian: all right. so we'll cover it, break in if we need to. democrats calls for impeachment, they keep getting louder. >> impeachment proceedings will give us more legal leverage. >> the house has to determine the timing for impeachment. >> only impeachment gives them the leverage. brian: but -- ainsley: do they really have the leverage? newt gingrich on that next. ♪ why didn't you book your family vacation on a travel site? at, i get the price match guarantee. and i can choose from their 14 different hotel brands, so i get the right hotel for every member of my family. like a doubletree for my cousins who love their warm chocolate chip cookies. a homewood suites for my uncle who likes a long stay. a hampton for my sister and her kids. that's a lot of syrup and the waldorf astoria beverly hills for me. but i thought your family vacation
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brian: we're waiting president of the united states and theresa may, for now the prime minister of the united kingdom.
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they will have something unscripted for first time in two days. that is a press conference. a shot of two great allies with a long history, 24 hours from celebrating 75 years since the invasion of normandy. ainsley: we haven't heard from them since they have been there together. president had a toast last night. the queen had a toast last night this is press conference where the media can ask questions. steve: according to the white house advance team it will start at 8:45. they have been off a little. they will exit the door to 10 downing street. go down a the street a little bit to the commonwealth foreign office. john roberts is standing by. they will make a statement, and take questions. you will see it live on fox. former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. author of the book, quote solution quote, it is fiction but time by to today's headline.
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mr. speaker, good morning to you. what do you think of the president's trip with the first lady to the united kingdom thus far? >> there is amazing contrast between the point you made before the commercial break with the democrats yammering about impeachment. here is the president he goes to japan. the first person to greet the new emperor. he is in london with the queen and with theresa may. then he will go to norman day i suspect he will give a powerful speech about the landing, the liberation of europe. the contrast visually, between the president of the united states who is increasingly accepted worldwide as the president. it is not about trump, not trump. he is the president of the united states. i think that vivid contract between his reach worldwide and the shrinking of the house democrats is dramatically to the disadvantage of the democratic party. brian: at first i thought, theresa may only has a few more days left. this is bad timing. actually it is good timing in
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retrospect. they're in flux. new leadership is there. people in uk are looking to focus to purity the turmoil behind them. the president offered a clear view out of brexit. go ahead and sue them, they're giving you a hard time on the exit. forget about paying off in order to leave, create some leverage. theresa may was not willing to do it. the president is willing to weigh in, maybe by them a way out? >> look, i think that it is important to remember that he did write "the art of the deal" and the art of the comeback. he knows this business. he has been a very tough negotiator his whole life. i think that is why he likes boris johnson as potential conservative leader. i think he is basically right. they would have been much better off saying to the europeans, you have 60 days to figure this out. we're going. sue us. we'll not pay. they have to eventually doing something like that, the
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europeans are deliberately making it as painful as possible, to send a signal to italy, greece, hungary, poland, this is what it is like to try to leave. they're terrified if the british have a successful departure, there will be four or five more countries waving good-bye in the near future. ainsley: what was your reaction to the london mayor saying that the president was a global threat and the president fighting back and saying that he was a twin of bill de blasio except he was shorter? >> well, first of all the london mayor is a very left-wing person who is muslim by background and who probably disagrees with donald trump on virtually everything. second, i love trump's response which is reminder, you want to pick a fight a donald trump expect him to hit you harder. i, he managed in one tweet, to get de blasio who frankly is an idiot and mayor of london, bring them together, point out
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de blasio is bigger. somehow demeaning both of them. he does it all, it is wild to watch. i don't know how he does this, sits theres, thinks for a minute, out it comes. steve: he sent out one tweet. it is a recap. there is inside the foreign commonwealth office courtyard, where the president and prime minister will take the lecturns. we saw eric trump in the foreground. we understand the president is on the move, mr. speaker. we'll see him in just a minute. i know that, there is lara trump. ainsley: tiffany in the background. steve: jared kushner has already left. he has business someplace else. he went to brussels to work on the eu situation. mr. speaker, the advance team for the white house is in london working things out. with a big event like this, do they work out some sort of announcement they can say, even though we've been only together two hours, we have some big announcement we want to tell you
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about? >> well, i think they're trying to work something like that out. you have staff who are working on this for weeks and weeks. just as you have staff working on the toast, the speech, you name it. i mean these are big productions, almost like doing a movie. they always have been. by the way, i would point out reagan had bigger crowds against him in london than trump does. when people look back, there was much greater hostility to reagan than there has been to trump in europe. steve: why was that? >> because reagan was very anti-communist, wanted to strengthen the western defenses. soviet union financed the peace movement. this is one of those little secrets the left doesn't want to talk about. the soviet union was paying to organize the peace movement in order to slow reagan down. with margaret thatcher's help, prime minister of great britain, they ran over them. they succeeded. brian: president will make news. he will get a question, he
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answers them, something politicians won't usually do, he will answer them directly. we see jared kushner walk out. steve: he is growing to brussels, according to one of the local papers. brian: hopefully he has the tickets. airport lines take forever. i will say this, do you know what they're doing? bringing in john dean house judiciary committee to talk about impeachment. crisis at the border, we have trade war with china, we have tariffs on mexico, and he is talking about john dean and watergate. >> look, the democrats in the house are working very hard to become as small as possible. they are shrinking every week. nancy pelosi is trying to get them to understand, this is all a very bad dead end for them. they look more and more weird. how people in america wake up, go, oh, my god, i'm looking forward to john dean testifying? how many people say what about infrastructure? what about health care?
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what about fixing the schools? the democrats literally are shrinking every single week. brian: watch cnn, if you want to watch john dean, he is on every day thinks are worse than watergate, every single day. i hope we keep questions away from intermural sports and focus what is going on between leaders face-to-face. if theresa may is unscripted, throwing caution to the wind, it might be today. in a few days she is out of power. >> she doesn't have much to lose right now. i agree with you, there is something pathetic about the american news media who end up in japan or end up in great britain, end up in france, half of them revert to asking questions though they're in washington, d.c. the questions are trivial. usually hostile to america. they undermine the president who luckily for the country is bigger than that. i think, if you watch, watch in japan, watch today, watch when
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he is in paris and normandy later this week. he is emerges as genuine world leader, despite every effort of the american news media to keep him small. steve: saw jared kushner leaving 10 downing street. he will meet with the european commissioner president this afternoon in brussels. mr. speaker, you have to figure there will be a question about brexit from the assembled media because, you know, she was against leaving the european union. president trump before he was president has suggested that you know, great britain would be better off if they did leave. he said sheehan delled it all wrong anyway. >> i remember before the vote, i believe, he was at turnberry in scotland opening up his golf course. he asked a question, i would probably vote for brexit if i was here. people were shocked by it.
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it fits trump's vision of the world. trump believes in strong nations. he looks at the european union collection of bureaucrats sitting in brussels trying to control all the individual countries and his sympathy is consistently, whether the italians or the people in hungary or in poland, or in great britain, trump's sympathies tend to be with individual country, not with some kind of huge multinational set of bureaucrats trying to impose the will on people of countries. brian: we only rented you until 45. i can't afford your bill and satellite time. any final thought before we leave? >> great to be with you. no, i just think people should watch the next few days, realize you're seeing history being made both in what is happening in britain what is happening in the european union elections. i think you're going to see history made when president is at normandy. i think it will be genuinely
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historic speech comparable to reagan in 1984. ainsley: absolutely. the 75 anniversary. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: you're looking at 10 downing street on the left side of your screen. on the right side of your screen the foreign commonwealth office. the courtyard. president will leave with theresa may, the prime minister of the united kingdom on the left-hand side of your screen, and walk, not too far of a distance over to the foreign commonwealth office where we saw the president's children and daughter-in-law sitting there in the front row. they're ready. brian: they are grownups now as it john roberts, live at the foreign commonwealth office getting ready to perhaps ask a question. john, do you have your question ready? reporter: i've got a bunch. i'm probably five deep in terms of the question, brian, you never know, sometimes your question gets asked. i was saying hello to eric, don, jr., lara trump, tiffany is here as well in absolutely
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splendid courtyard at the foreign commonwealth office and a very significant event this morning, president trump, theresa may, who had a number of joint press conferences last two-and-a-half nears, will have the final press conference together. she is slated to step down as prime minister later on this week, right after literally the president leaves normandy on the 6th. it leaves a big question what will come next here in britain. there is a tremendous amount of political turmoil over idea who will be the next leader. steve: problem with our satellite. it is broadband. it is called live view. we lost the live view. this, however, is a live view, outside of 10 downing street where we heard a couple of times that the president is on the way or at least moving towards the door. ainsley: press conference is supposed to start now, about 40 seconds ago. so they're running a little bit behind schedule. brian: some of the topics i'm
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sure will come up is huawei. we saw the foreign minister speak couple days ago on the sunday shows, this administration put a lot of pressure on us not to use them as their 5g customer. they went on to say one of the concerns for america, they will control 80% of our technological infrastructure, our digital infrastructure. to me when you made the statement, it shows america has legitimate concerns. we'll have brexit talk of course. the nato talk more than likely about bolstering nato, the russian threat, that is germinating, that is not going away. there is changing of the guard. good-bye theresa may, a frequent trump critic. good-bye angela merkel, a recent trump critic. in trouble is president macron of france on regular basis. the stability is coming from the usa. steve: our president will meet
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mr. mack cron on thursday, the same day he travels to normandy for the 75th anniversary of d-day tomorrow, with the queen they will have an observance at portsmouth in england for the 75th anniversary. tonight the president and the first lady will hold a dinner party at winfield house, which is the u.s. ambassador to the united kingdom's residence. prince charles and camilla will be in attendance. brian: the winfield house was named after the great yankee player. ainsley: that is interesting. ambassador johnson owner of jets. brian: that is not true. a famous winfield who was successful in business. ainsley: the queen did have a toast for our president and for individuals there, reminding us of the close relationship between the united states and the uk but prince philip is 97 years old. he retired from his royal
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duties. meghan markle was not there either. she is on maternity leave. brian: president of the united states, is not doing something, not getting much attention but he is going to ireland for the first time. he will have a quick meeting at shannon airport with the prime minister there. ireland is very much involved in brexit. because ireland, southern ireland is not in, is going to stay in the e.u. northern ireland would leave with the uk. people say what is going on with the border? what everybody says? i don't know. how do we control the border. one is and your european union border. one is an independent uk border. they have to figure out what works in terms of paperwork and in terms of guarding it. we know the north and south have issues barring it in the pass. steve: he will attend his golf course there called dune berg, something like that. ainsley: dunebury.
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steve: dunebeg, there you go. the big news in the telegraph, boris johnson, conservative leader, turned down a one-on-one meeting with our president. ainsley: why is that? what do you make of that? >> there were rumors they would hold private one-on-one talks today in london. instead they had a friendly, productive 20 minute phone call. the reason, former foreign secretary turned down the private meeting is said to be because it would have clashed with one nation leadership. that is ongoing. brian: i want to isa i will add speculation to that. remember president bush was in office, john mccain running to go. they were both republicans. george bush approval ratings were not that high. john mccain would not necessarily have big production with george bush it, would weigh him down. donald trump's approval in the uk is 22%. that might hurt boris johnson's attempt to become the next
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leader of the uk to be too close to donald trump. ainsley: doesn't affect nigel farage. brian: it does not. ainsley: he is good friends with the president. he told me has gotten blow back from that. he has to go what is in his heart. he is big supporter of president trump. steve: nigel farage is having a good couple weeks. of the party was just invented out of whole cloth not long ago was a big winner. ainsley: i thought it was so fascinating, significant, think about it today, when the president and first lady were there, 10 downing, theresa may showed them one of the copies of the declaration of independence. representatives from these 13 colonies here in america fighting great britain at the time. as you said, brian, they could have been killed. if we had -- brian: they're dead. ainsley: if we lost the war. brian: we, we declare our independence. british send their troops. george washington almost gets
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wiped out in the battle of new york. he is able to survive, stay at bay, pick his parts until decisive victory in georgetown because of france. george washington five years ago was listed as the number one nemesis to britain of all time. that is how much he was respected and reviled as a leader. ainsley: turning point was in the philadelphia area. brian: remember that george washington fought with the french and british in the indian war. learned a lot of military tactics as colonel. to turn on them, he knew how they operated which was predictable. he did the guerrilla war. ainsley: first steps to becoming united states of america. brian: they are such good friends, they don't mind displaying them. ainsley: exactly. steve: earlier this morning president and prime minister co-host ad meeting of british and american business leaders at st. james and apparently, one of the things the president said
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was he said britain can have a substantial trade deal with the united states after they leave the eu keep in mind the president suggested it would probably better off if you did leave the eu we broadcast this a little while ago, then the president suggested at the roundtable when the cameras were allowed in, said to theresa may, stick around. maybe we can get something done. he was being facetious because her office in prime minister expires officially on friday, that is when the resignation will take effect. one of the other things, you hear in the background some protesters. the protesters have been blocked from being directly across the street from 10 downing street for security reasons. they are about a block 1/2 away. it will be interesting though to see how the crowds build throughout the day because, as benjamin hall reported from trafalgar square, you know the
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target goal of quarter of a million people, they were way short of it at this point. ainsley: brian was talking about the at beginning of the show, i'm fascinated, so much more to melania trump than her fashion sense. people talk about that. she is a fashionista has a background on that. she says she owes it to her mother. she looked beautiful in the outfit. you said that was a nod to princess diana. brian: that was the theory out there. she wore something similar. when she wants to get a message across she usually does. wore the jacket -- ainsley: was intentional. brian: to go down to see kids at the border. ainsley: looks like princess diana. wore a white seat with the black belt. she is belted again today. she is bringing belt back. brian: we saw steve mnuchin. ainsley: secretary pompeo. brian: staying ahead of woody
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johnson with a great pace. chief of staff, mick mulvaney seems to be a bit of a rush. big leaders are coming out which means the president is behind them. you have to get briefed before the press conference. don't know what is happening next day 1/2. before you go out there, this is what is happening, mr. president. they're talking about on -- steve: really? you think they will brief him? ainsley: absolutely. steve: i think they were all -- brian: he is not caught in surprise. >> sometimes donald trump says things without briefing. brian: i have not herd. steve: ainsley, you were talking about first lady. we saw first lady with the phillip may with the prime minister's husband a little while ago at the garden party. mrs. trump hug ad little girl that presented her with a bouquet of flowers as mr. may
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and they mingled with staff. they were children of staff of 10 downing street. ainsley: very lovely. brian: this news will carry the day. ceremonial things came to this, prior to this. this was news. nothing you could grab on to. ainsley: you're right. brian: if you watch the other channels, i flipped around, i'm bragging, have a lot of cable channels, everyone wanted to focus on protesters and potential protesters. ainsley: shocker. brian: sparring with the mayor. when you're majoring in minor things. that is not what is happening. that is not the focus. i noticed someone like christine amanpour, one of the top stories, this has been a flawless trip for the president. ainsley: you know they have to be exhausting for everyone involved. so much planning goes into them. president has to have a dialogue with so many different leaders over there, to be on his game. the president will have a few hours off after this press conference because the big dinner tonight, at 7:45 their
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time. that is the first lady will host a dinner at winfield house, which is ambassador johnson, where he leaves with charles and camilla. her majesty the queen will not be there. steve: earlier today, i'm looking at the president's tweet feed. here the door opens at 10 downing street again. here comes i have -- ivanka and john bolton. national security advisor and ivanka trump walking together. steve: does that sound like booing? brian: that is not for ivanka but john bolton. he loves it. he loves that label. steve: speaking how the president did talk about getting into a twitter spat yesterday with the london mayor. so far today, looking at his twitter feed, it is just a recap of yesterday and it talks a
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little bit about day two of the u.s. state visit where the duke of york and the prime minister welcomed the president to st. james palace. that is where they were before they arrived at 10 downing street. there goes somebody in. probably telling them, "fox & friends" is ready for you. ainsley: seen her come out a few times. maybe she is escorting a one group at a time. brian: there is mike pompeo. he will be responding for the president in interviews. i imagine going up to the president, like-minded, saying they will try to bait you into when it comes to iran. they will try to bring up this is what i just discussed. he met with vladmir putin two weeks ago. there is very good news not been discussed. russians, president tweeted this out, pulling out of venezuela. the president said they were informed of that. pulling military personnel. there were 1000 on the ground. problem was checks were not clearing from maduro. they are broke. sanctions are hurt.
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engineered by secretary of state mike pompeo and marco rubio played a prominent role. maybe get as question about that, russian influence in the region, in our hemisphere. steve: when it comes to protocol, one of the things that foreign leaders always do, like to bring along gifts for the world leaders and this could be it. let's see, here comes somebody, more people. we hear boos. we hear sirens. yesterday the president gave the queen of england a tiffany silver, silk broach in a wooden box. brian: i already have one. >> they gave prince philip a personalized air force one jacket along with booinggraphy of pioneer aviator james doolittle. last time queen gave a pewter --
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and a prince philip a fishing rod. brian: you get them a book, they think you like it. no wonder i like it. i read that already. ainsley: that is not proper. we can give gifts to each other, you don't give a gift card to royalty. . . trip.
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>> four >> it could happen next with bill hemmer. on "america's newsroom." >> bill: thank you, it is all business today, a day after the pomp and ceremony we watched yesterday. now we await president trump to arrive in the room to theresa may set to hold a joint news conference. it could be the highlight of the london leg depending how the questions and answers go. yesterday was something else. see what we get today. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. how are you doing? >> sandra: good morning. the anticipation building now. i'm sandra smith. that news conference running 15 to 20 minutes late at this point. we've seen a number of high profile rivals watching along with you as we await that joint news conference any moment now following a morning of talks. we're expecting the president


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