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tv   Watters World  FOX News  June 8, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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you. [cheers and applause] greg: thank you, pete! thank you, tom! thank you, kat. tyrus! studio audience. i'm greg gutfeld, and i love you, america. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. we have the man who was docked by the media for publishing that drunk nancy pelosi video, and the leader of the straight pride march is in "watters' world," so stick around. all right, comparing state visits, that's the subject of tonight's watters' words. president trump and president obama were both invited for state dinners with the queen, so for fun, we decided to compare how each visit went using the exact same barometer so even the partisans can't argue, so you can see the performances side by side. we begin with the toast. here's president barack obama toasting her majesty, the queen.
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>> to her majesty, the queen, the vitality of the special relationship between our peoples and, in the words of shakespeare, to this blessed plot, in this earth, this realm, this england. to queen. jesse: that was so awkward. you don't toast the queen while the anthem is playing. the globe and mail headlines says it all, how not to toast the queen. obama's awkward royal dwarf. royal gaffe. >> here was president bush's toast. >> the brave sons of the united kingdom and the united states who defeated the nazis and the nazi regime and liberated millions from tyranny.
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theth bond between our nations s forever sealed in that great crew said. crusade. as we honor our shared victory and heritage, we affirm p the commonon values that will unites long into the future; freedom, sovereignty, self-determination, the rule of law and reverence for the rights given to us by almighty god. [inaudible conversations] jesse: and you see the clink. very smooth. now let's look at the gifts that were given. barack obama gave the queen an ipod. with his speeches on it. and donald trump gave the queen a tiffany brooch. not sure what it is, but i think it's some small pocketbook, a broach.
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okay. we will let the audience decide who gave the better gift. both presidents famously signed the guestbook at win minister abbey. my sister sent me an image mock trump's inscription that he said the abbey was a special place. so i immediately wondered, well, what did obama write? it turns out he signed the wrong year in the guest book. barack signed the book 2008 when he was there in 2011. finally, turning to the first ladies, let's do a little style comparison. here's melania in an ivory and navy suit, very chic. the the hat and everything. here's michelle in a more colorful dress which the wind got ahold of. style's very personal, so everyone's going to have a different opinion, but i think you know what mine is. here with reaction, media reporter for the hill, joe koch cha, fox news contributor and american enterprise fellow mark
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threeson and moyal -- these teeson. katie, let's begin with the gifts. i think the brooch, or whatever you call it, was a hit compared to an id pod -- ipod, what did you think? >> i completely agree. it's a brooch. the reason you probably don't know what it is, because it's quite an old-fashioned piece of jewelry. young women don't really wear brooches. they're very much of the queen's generation, and the queen loves them. they fit beautifully on the lapel of a dress or a coat. she uses it to really send a message out. jesse: i don't think she liked the ipod, is that what i'm picking up? >> the queen doesn't know how to record a voicemail message, so how -- [laughter] jesse: i don't know. that was a long shot. what about the style?
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you saw melania looking very gorgeous and very well-fitting, sleek outfit. michelle obama, i'm not sure, you know? she has a different sense of style. how did the styles play in -- >> they've got completely different styles. i noticed two things. when michelle was here for the state dinner, she wore an off the shoulder dress, it was crossed over at the front, and that's a bit risque because you don't show your shoulders at a state dinner. she wasn't wearing a hat while melania pulled out the spots. her gucci dress when she left -- jesse: and i'm not even sure it's fair that we're showing that f side by side, because we had the little wind incident there which she wasn't responsible for. all right, joe, you saw how the media treated this visit. you know, they talked a lot about the protests. how do you think it was covered? >> the protests were covered as
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mass protests, jesse, right? and when you compare them to a year ago when the president went there, they're about a third this time around than they were back in 201. jesse: so people like them less now. >> it seems that way, or it's just apathy. but the blip, they kept concentrating on the trump baby blimp like you're looking at the o.j. bronco from 1994. there's the blimp again. jesse: right. and you're therere to commemorae d-day, a very special moment in the alliance, and they're focused on an inflatable piece of plastic. >> yeah. it was the michael avenatti of -- i heard on cable news -- [laughter] jesse: everywhere you saw it, you just saw the blimp. all right, marc, for me this was about a special invitation between the two countries that share a common language, common institutions, commonmo heritager commemorating 75 years after america helped save great
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britain, essentially. and the queen invited the president of the united states to -- the office and all the millions of people that president trump represents, that was the point of this visit. not a blimp, not the gift, none of that. >> yeah. and you're absolutely right, and that went completely over the heads of all off trump's critics in britain. you had the mayor of london attacking him, jeremy corbyn, the leader of the opposition, who boycotted the dinner. and as you pointed out, she invited the president of the united states. not the man who occupies the office, she was honoring the country and the man who leads it and the american people who are her allies and who we fought this great battle together. when jeremy corbyn and some of the opposition leaders don't show up at the dinner, they're not disrespecting donald trump the person, they're disrespecting america. they're disrespecting the office of the presidency. so i thought it was quite, you know, the focus on a lot of our media over hereed is on trump punching back at some of these
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guys, but i was shocked, you know, the royal family treated edhim beautifully, but i was shocked how the political establishment in britain behaved absolutely shamefully towards him. jesse: because if you're the mayor of london and two days before the leader of the free world who saved your behind 75 years before comes to visit and you're trash talking him and comparing him to stalin, what kind of -- i thought the british were supposed to have manners, marc. >> find another ally then. [laughter] jesse: i mean, what did trump say? what did trump say, he said he's like de blasio but even dumber and shorter. [laughter] >> yeah, exactly. mayor khan got a lot of attention, and we hung on every word that he had to say. no media outlet i saw, jesse, shared what his approval rating is. jesse: what is it? >> 32% satisfactory rating by londoners. he is a de blasio. [laughter]
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jesse: if you're saying president trump's approval is higher than khan's, i mean, i wish that had been reported. >> president trump is at 44% in the real clear politics poll, 48% in the harvard poll. he is trending up, ironically, at a time when everyone is talking impeachment. jesse: all right. katie, joe and marc, thank you, guys. a special handshake for a very speciall relationship. president trump kicking off his official state visit to the u.k., greeting her royal highness, queen elizabeth with what looked like a little bit of a fist pump. let's ask our body language expert. all right,a tonya, you see the president approaching, and, you know, he extends the hand, and even on the internet was looking at it, because i think he was grasping the hand here. what was going on there? >> okay. so when you see that, what wound up happening is he's used to a full handshake. she extends just her fingerprints, so we do this, right? so this becomes odd for him because he's normally used to a
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regular hand. so this is what you see. he can actually go down and do an alpha kind of beta hybrid when he does this. so what did he do, he grabs the hand. he shook up and down a little bit. jesse: he did. >> and then he went side to side because he wasn't sure. he went -- >> she presented her hand like this. no one ever presents the president with their -- >> well, the queen does. and that's her role. so she was kind of going, oh, this is a normal behavior, and he had to then back up and go, wait a minute, who am i with? jesse: no one ever knows how to greet the queen. i think michelle obama got attacked because she put her hand on the queen's back, and that's ae: royal no-no. >> so did donald trump. jesse: he did it too? no one knows what to do with the royalty. we have no clue what the etiquette is. camilla winked. it was, like, the wink heard around the world. let's take a look at this interaction. you see hers off to right.
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oh, did you see the little wink there? let's see that again. can we roll that back? as she leaves. slow it down and then -- what was the wink about? >> you know, that was really a good thing to see from her, because people interpret her as so, like, stiff and hard. and when you see her wink like that, what you notice first isn't a smile, is so she has this big smile. we don't f know for sure who shs winking at, but she has this big smile that comes in naturally, and when you see the smile first and then the wink, it was a genuine -- jesse: because the fake news media was trying to spin in the, oh, this is a cry for help. >> oh, no, that was a joke -- well, i don't know, but it was not. she put on a very big smile, a genuine smile, then she winks, ask that's the way you say, hey, we have this bond, this relationship, some secret -- jesse: so a special relationship? >> yes,e perhaps. jesse: tonya, body language expert, knocking down the fake news media.
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tonya, thank you. >> thank you. jesse: youtube strikes down the dave commentate ther -- conservative commentator. ♪ ♪ this is a commercial about insurance and i know you're thinking. i don't want to hear about insurance. 'cause let's be honest... nobody likes dealing with insurance. right? see, esurance knows it's expensive. i feel like i'm giving my money away. so they're making it affordable. thank you, dennis quaid. you're welcome, guy in kitchen. i named my character walter. that's great. i'd tell you more but i only have thirty seconds so here's a dramatic shot of their tagline so you'll remember it. when insurance is affordable, it's surprisingly painless.
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♪ jesse: stephen the crowder is a conservative comedian who makes youtube the videos. very popular, almost four million voters, and he's been going after reporter carlos man sa. he was very offended and he demanded that youtube ban crowder's videos, and you talking about responded saying that crowder didn't violate their terms of service but was harmful to community. and they prevented him from making money on his videos until he changes some of the merchandise that he sells. now, many people are wondering how youtube decides what's harmful considering some of the left-wing comedians, they have some material on there that's also kind of bad. watch. >> you're turning into a real [bleep] >> well, we're not broadcasting right now, so i say what does
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vladimir putin's [bleep] taste like? >> that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but met me just say one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices you feckless [bleep] he listens to you. [cheers and applause] jesse: crowder says he's been targeted for just being a conservative comedian. listen. >> there's nothing for conservatives now, it's everybody. it's everybody who creates originalal content because we he not been attacked for being conservative, mind you. it's offensive jokes. so if you do jokes that are offensive, they can completely remove your ability to make a living. >> this isn't carlos, this is absolutely vox, a billion dollar company that is going after a voice that is more effective than them at dealing with their misinformation. jesse: joining me now, the host of the michael noels show, michael knowles, and fox news contributor richard fowler. michael, i don't think it's funny what he was saying about
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this guy, perhaps he has some sort of comedic license because he's a comedian, but i didn't laugh about it. but where do you draw the line? he didn't violate the standards, but he was harmful to community. no one knows what youtube means anymore. how do you see it? >> of k course. youtube is just using this as an excuse to declare all-out war on conservatives. they admit that crowder did not violate any of the rules, they said they were going to leave his videos up, then launched another campaign, and they said they were going to demonetize him and taking away videos. youtube is going after all conservatives, and the timing is not coincidental. this was not some exasperated frustration from the journalist. this was a premedicated, calculated campaign to take conservatives off of youtube. it occurred two days before pride month began and before the first democratic presidential debate. what this is going to lead to is as the 2020 race heats up,
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youtube is going to get rid of conservative videos, they've already said they're goingem to start promoting authoritative videos. it's going to be one giant, undisclosed, in-kind contribution to democrats going into 2020. of. jesse: yeah. >> it's time that we conservatives litigate them into dust. jesse: richard, so this reporter used to work at media matters. he, obviously, has a huge agenda. he's admitting it. he's tweeting out that he wants conservatives to be deplatformed. he's bragging about it. and then in another tweet he's talking about throwing milkshakes on everybody, you know, when they come up to you in the street and you throw a milkshake. so to say he's, you know, the sensitive guy that gets offended, you know, it's tough on the internet. i know what crowder said was homophobic and maybe not that cool if you're on the receiving end of it, but, i mean, the internet, it's a tough place. andd right battles left, and ths is the age we live in. how do you see it?
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>> i can't speak to this particular reporter and what he's alleging or not alleging, but youtube's policy change is something that youtube is allowed to do. they're a private company. i'm not t really sure on what grounds conservatives would have to litigate youtube. remember, they're a private company. this is theirti first amendment right. when crowder signed up to be a youtubeer, he signed, just like i did -- jesse: what if they're applying their censorship standards unevenly based on politics? >> well, no, no -- youtube, when you sign up, you sign a user agreement. and they say they can limit how, what type of video they put up and what they deem to be offensive and non-offensive, and that is their first amendment right as a company. it's the same as when blockbuster was the largest distributer of rental videos. they don't have to carry every single video ever produced, just like when barnes & noble was the number one bookstore in the country -- jesse: yeah, richard, there's a lot of young americans who don't have any idea what blockbuster is -- [inaudible conversations] >> saturday night when you had
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to walk to block buster and rent a video. >> i get. that. jesse: what do you say to fowler who says, you know, it's a private company, and they can adjudicate issues the way they see fit because it's not the government. >> that isn't true. what they're doing is violating the law. >> which law? >> wig technology -- -- >> the communications act of 1996. they say they're just an open technology platform. is so they don't need to worry about any of the liabilities that go along with publishers, defamation, copyright infringement, intellectual property, any of that. enthen they go into a california courtroom, facebook dead this just last year, and they say, actually, they are publishers because they want to be protected by the regulations that govern publishers. they cannot have it both ways. the reason for that law in 1996 was to allow the internet to grow and innovate and create billion that are companies like youtube. but now they are clearly acting as publishers, they are exerting editorial influence. they're just saying that their
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editors will decide what they like and what they don't. jesse: i'll give you the last word, richard. >> that's absolutely not true. what they did, they update their policy on hate speech, and that's how those videos would be monetized. they had a policy change on how they dictate videos in their community. and based on that, those videos would be monetized x they have the ability to do that under the first amendment. jesse: gentlemen, thank you very much for ame robust debate. coming up, lou dobbs in the house. and lou gets personal like you've never seen hem before. you don't want to miss that. then later, the leader of the very controversial straight pride parade is here to explain himself. ♪ ♪
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not getting in today. not on my watch. pests never stop trying to get in. we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. ♪ ♪ >> arrive from america's news headquarters, the number of measles cases in the u.s. has surpassed 1,000. the cdc released the new numbers this week. it is the worst outbreak of the highly contagious disease in 27 years. c, the c investigators have identified more than 1500 individuals exposed to virus during travel this year. health officials are urging parents to vaccinate their kids.
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measles was officially declared eliminated in 2000. that's now being threatened by the growing number of cases. well, brigadier general -- [inaudible] is set to make history in a few weeks. she'll become the first woman to command a u.s. infantry unit. the former blackhawk helicopter pilot starts her command of the california national guard's 40th infantry unit on october 29th. now back to watters' world. ♪ >> we are in a full blown emergency, and i cannot say this stronger, the system is broken. we arete well beyond capacity in all of our southwest corner custodial facilities. this ongoing crisis has placed a tremendous strain on our limited resources and operational effectiveness. jesse: border officials sounding the alarm after more than 144,000 migrants were apprehended in may, the highest number in 13 years.
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a 32% increase just from april. and check this out, customs and border patrol releasing this video from tuesday showing a group of over 130 central americans walking around the end of the partially-built border wall, and then they just surrender to agents right there. they want to be caught. joining me now, host of lou dobbs tonight on the fox business network, lou dobbs. what do you think about the video in they just walk right around it. >> well, i think that's the intelligent thing for them to do. what would have been commensurably intelligent would have been for the border patrol to be ready at the end of the wall to deal with the onslaught of illegal immigrants. jesse: so the president threatensty raves -- tariffs on mexico, that'se the only thing that seems to be working, because the mexican delegation scrambles to o start negotiatin. >> well, they stopped -- remember, they stopped first with nancy pelosi to beg her to find some way to give them
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relief -- jesse: she doesn't want to do anything. >> well, i don't think she wants tohi do anything for the united states, but she might be open to serious consideration of the mexican interests. that seems to be who she's aligned with as the rinos in the senate led by mitch mcconnell, they're lined up with the cartels. this is no longer just being hine ared up with the chamber of commerce and big business. the radical dems and the rino republicans are straight up wanting to help and support the cartels as much as they can. jesse: i've said this before, the only people winning at the border are the cartels, the traffickers and the human smugglers. they want open borders. hed by giving it to 'em, they're just making more cash. >> it's a very simple proposition, and i love the fact that there are people running around washington, d.c. the, jesse, going, you know, i think we've got a crisis. that's what the president declared four months ago. this is as moronic a display i've seen in covering the
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government. the bureaucracy is brain dead. the permanent bureaucracy. the political leadership. i mean, this kevin mcallee man, acting head of dhs? i can't figure out whether he's a politician or he's running as an investment banker, what he wants to do -- jesse: he's certainly taxing, that's's what we can say. >> it's not a great performance. jesse: no, it's not. >> let's i face it. jesse: i want to move on to something a little more uplifting. i saw a veteran, i think it was 93 years old, british guy. he's shaking hands with the president and first lady e and gets a little flirtatious. take a look at this. [laughter] jesse: i mean, only a 93-year-old world war ii vet could get away with that with the first lady. >> well, it tells you a little bit how he got to 93. [laughter] the man is still all man, as that generation was. my gosh, to think of these
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heroes from the united states, from ourse allies, the president celebrating them and commemorate ing that extraordinary moment in our history -- jesse: what did you think about the president's performance overseas? >> oh, this is -- this man stood with the queen, she has posted all sorts -- hosted all sorts of dignitaries and leaders in the world. a 90-minute private conversation with the queen. they obviously reveled in one another's time together. it's just -- and boris johnson fell in line, little sadiq khan -- jesse: what did he say about -- dumb but shorter? [laughter] >> yeah. i think he's, he may be even dumber. of. jesse: that's a task. that's true. >> we should get metrics on it. jesse: people have been e-mailing me, lou. they want to know about lou and whatat you do on the weekends. you're a mystery man around
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here, extremely successful, but they want to know what's the real lou dobbs like off camera? >> well, every bit as brilliant and charming -- [laughter] jesse: i knew you were going to say that. >> i usually am in my jeans on the farm, and i love to climb on a tractor and play farmer. jesse: really? >> what kind of crops do you have on the farm? >> we have hay and horses. and grandkids. jesse: that's a -- you've got to water those crops often. >> you better believe it. jesse: all right. @loudobbs everybody. man of the people -- sir.s, jesse: got his hands in the soil every minute. >> i can't think of a higher compliment, than to bee a man of the people. >> appreciate if it. good to see you, jesse. jesse: lou, thank you very much. kanye west back at it again with the maga hat. diamond and silk react to that. but first, an exclusive interview with thesi man who the media doxx'd for creating the drunk pelosi video.
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with unlimited carryover starting at $15 a month, no contract. all with nationwide 4g lte coverage. get top smartphones or bring your own phone. tracfone. for moments that matter. jesse: remember this video that came ot two weeks ago? purported by showing house speaker nancy pelosi drunk? well, it's slowed down to make her speech seem slurred. here's the real video from that event. as you can d see, she's fine, moving at a normal speed. fast forward s to last week when the daily beast doxx field a man who they say created the, quote-unquote, drunk pelosi video are. that man, sean brooks, joins me now in an exclusive phone interview. all right, sean, did you create this slow mow pelosi video? >> no, i did not create the video. jesse: who created the video?
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>> i have no idea. itit was shared on the page from another admin that received it in an e-mail. jesse: all right. so you run a page, a politics page, someone shared it with the page, and then you pushed it out life, right? -- live, right? >> yeah. i pushed, i shared it on my page almost eight hours later, but the video, people start sharing it, and then it just brew up. blew up. jesse: it went viral, it went crazy. >> yeah. jesse: people who don't know what you look like, you're an african-american. not a democrat, obviously, not a fan of nancy pelosi, am i right about that? >> yeah. i don't -- i'm not a fan of pelosi. i don't have much -- i mean, that's what's in the news. i don't have any issues with her, like i'm not anti oh, i've got to go out and try to hurt her. jesse: right. >> you know?
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i'm pro trump. next jest okay. so -- jesse: okay. so a black trump supporter, and you put out this video, and it goes absolutely viral all over the world. and all of a sudden, what, you get a phone call from reporters trying to find out what? how did it happen next? >> well, the video was out there. i started getting messages and phone calls from different reporters, and the one specific guy, kevin coulson, he was -- i blocked him on twitter, i blocked himls all over the place because he kept hounding me. like, he was pretty much harassing me. jesse: okay. >> and he wanted me to talk to him. jesse: okay. >> at this point i wasn't aware that i was being -- i didn't think people thought i did it. i guess they must have connected me because i just sent out a tweet to one -- politifact. when it if first came out, i
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said that the video was a fake, and then they tried to reach me for comment. i wanted -- [inaudible] i did post some video, but i am an admin, and -- jesse: so you're get thing hounded by this daily beast reporter. and you realize at the time when you pushed it out there that it was slowed down, right? >> yeah. jesse: okay. and you weren't doing this, were you doingje this just for fun, just a video you were trying to get out there, get some click, or was there some sort of diabolical motivation? >> no. i shared it because it was funny -- jesse: right. >> and i saw on twitter everyone was saying, is she drunk? jesse: okay. so you're contacted by the daily beast, and they were on the phone with you for a long time. wrote this huge story about you and named you, named where you lived, talked to an
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ex-girlfriend. how did that make you feel? >> well, i feel violated because, like, the guy got much -- like, a lot -- he exaggerated a lot of the details. he made up, he took quotes from one question, added it to another situation, like, with the -- he put together, he tried to make me out to be a misogynyst the way -- because of my current living situation that happened with my ex-girlfriend, and he tried to find an old post on facebook and put it together as, oh, this guy hates women. and the way, and then the racist african-american comment, and it ribegan as his article, makes me out to be -- it sounds like a racist article that he tried to push out his feelings about me being a trump supporter. that's his main issue with it. you think he did a dishonest job reporting the story. do you feel hike you're threatened now -- like you're threatened now that your identity's out there? >> well, i've lost some work by
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people i did work with. oh, i can't believe you're a supporter? i didn't know that. it was, like, i lost a few jobs. i have been threatened. people have threatened me saying that, oh, we've got the find him, get him, stuff like that. my family members have, won't even talk to me now. they call me a racist traitor, bad for the culture, something like that. crazy stuff. and, i mean, it's just been kind of rough. i really had no one to really talk to about this when it blew up. i haven't been on the phone with somebody, hey, can i just get this off my chest because -- jesse: well, shaun, i'm sorry to hear that, and i know that litigation might be the next step for you because facebook also violated your privacy, in your opinion. so, you know, it's a crazy world out there. you know, bette midler can tweet
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out some fake news and, you aow, no one really goes to see who created the fake news that bette midler tweeted out, you know? it seems to be a little unfair when these things happen. but hang in there, shawn, and we appreciate you coming in to watters' world. >> no problem, thank you. jesse: all right. up next, diamond and civil, kanye west and donald trump. ♪ ♪ get it! get that butterfly! you know those butterflies aren't actually in the room? hey, that baker lady's on tv again. she's not a baker. she wears that apron to sell insurance. nobody knows why. she's the progressive insurance lady. they cover pets if your owner gets into a car accident. covers us with what? you got me. [ scoffs ] she's an insurance lady. and i suppose this baker sells insurance, too?
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♪ jesse: president trump snapping back hard after nancy pelosi told lawmakers that she'd rather see trump in prison than be impeached. here's how the president reacted with an exclusive with laura laa ingraham. >> nancy pelosi's a disaster. and let her do what she wants. i've tried to be nice to her because i would have liked to get some deals done. she's a nasty, vindictive, horrible person, but she made a statement while i'm overseas -- now, if i made a statement about anybody, it would be like why would he do that? her name, it's nervous nancy because she's a nervous wreck. jesse: wow, the president didn't
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hold back, diamond and silk. >> no, he didn't, and he was right, she is nervous. she can't form a sentence, she can't form a complete thought without looking by wildered and perplexed. yes, she is a disaster. but you know what? with all of the atrocities that happened, bestowed on minorities in this country -- >> yeah. >> -- with the crime bill, and you have someone like nancy pelosi who is the third most powerful woman in this country calling for the imprisonment of the president of the united states, i think all minorities should look at these left-leaning liberals like a nancy pelosi. this is why we're stuck. we need term limits. it's time for nancy pelosi to step down. >> that's right. not only is nancy nervous, she's also nasty, just like the president said. what she did was very, very rude, is and it was very, very nasty, and she is a nervous wreck. jesse: i don't know if you guys saw this, but the democrats in congress, they want a pay raise. they just came out, and they're going to vote themselves a pay raise. they haven't done much since
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they took over, but they think they deserve more money. i can't even believe it, but it's true. so kanye west talking to david letterman, and he's back at it with the maga hat stuff. listen to how he tells dave about how bullying the left can be to trump supporters. >> have you ever been beat up in your high school for wearing the wrong hat? >> i've just been beat up because people didn't like me. [laughter] >> yeah. >> but i know what you're saying. >> the idea is the bullying. >> who's the bully in this scenario? >> well, definitely liberals -- [applause] bully people who are trump supporters. it's not just calm. you can't just go and wear the hat. you can't just go, it's like [bleep] you, [bleep] you. jesse: you know, i want to do the a little experiment. what if i went to san francisco and i wore a maga hat. do you think someone would knock me out? i i think they would. i'd probably duck and weave it, but they'd try. >> they may something to you, but if i put on my maga hat,
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nobody better not say anything to me, because i have a right to wear whatever i want to. >> that's right. >> listen, i'm happy that kanye west is calling out bullies. i think we would hear his voice more. don't run inside and hide. you have to stand up to bullies. stand up to these left-leaning liberals -- >> that's right. >> -- and let them know exactly how it's going to be up in this country. >> that's right. have a right to wear our make america great agained hat, we have a right to support whoever we want to. we stand and support the president of the united states, that's our right,, and nobody hs the right to take that right away from us. >> that's right. jesse: all right. and silk's got the same hair now as kanye. they've got the little bleach job up top -- >> no, no, no, kanye got the same hair as silk. jesse: i stand corrected! you definitely wear it better. all right, ladies. chitchat tour, it's going so fast, you can't even keep up. all right, thank you very much. the leader of the straight
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pride parade, very controversial, is next here on "watters' world". ♪ ♪ let's be honest. it's kind of unfair that safe drivers have to pay as much for insurance... as not safe drivers! ah! that was a stunt driver. that's why esurance has this drivesense® app. the safer you drive, the more you save. don't worry, i'm not using my phone and talking to a camera while driving... i'm being towed. by the way, i'm actually a safe driver. i'm just pretending to be a not safe driver. cool. bye dennis quaid! when insurance is affordable, it's surprisingly painless. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ jesse: a first of its kind parade may be making its way to boston this morning. the organization, super, happy, fun america made up of three guys is trying to throw a straight pride parade in boston because they claim straight people are an oppressed majority. joining me now is one of those organizers, john hugo. john, how are straight guys oppressed? >> oh, well, if we talk about our issues, you know, like we don't want to see children having sex changes because the parents don't like the gender of their child, we're immediately called villains in the mainstream media, things like that.
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but we, we're more than three guy, by the way. we're a couple hundred people already, and we're being deluged from e-mails. half of them hate us, and half of them love us. bigf crowd. jesse: what would a straight pride parade look like? isn't that just most people walking down the street on a normal day? >> well, you know, what is wrong with celebrating straight pride? it is a sexual orientation. and -- jesse: i get it. >> last year i ran for congress, and this year i've had sexual congress because i'm a proud straight man. [laughter] jesse: do you guys have your own straight pride flag? >> yes, we do. jesse: because the gay people have their rainbow flag. you to? what's it look like? >> actually, it's a pink and blue flag with the symbol for male and female. the city of boston denied us the right to do it. there you go. we used the exact same language that the lgbtq community used, and they were approved and got their flag for seven days.
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the mass commission against discrimination has now opened a case against them -- jesse: you want to straw a straight flag -- fly a straight flag all over downtown boston? >> no, just on the city of boston flag pole. hey, they put the communist chinese flag up there, but we can't -- jesse: they won't put a straight flag up. >> they also have a lawsuit because they wouldn't do a christian flag. it's so -- jesse: so when you guys get your permit, you're looking for a permit. when you get the permit and you guys do this big straight pride march, are people going to be wearing certain outfits? because the gay pride parades are pretty, they're pretty interesting, let's put it that way. >> well, one of the things we want, jesse, is them to add s to lgbtq for straight. it's more inclusive that way. [laughter] jesse: are you just doing this
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as a joke to be provocative, or to you really feel this way? >> oh, no, no, no. we think this is great. we knew we were going to trigger the left, and that's why we calledal it super happy fun america, because now the whole hollywood elite is having a meltdown. istephen colbert -- [inaudible conversations] they're all going crazy. jesse: why do you think they are going crazy do you understand why the lgbtq community is a little upset by in this. >> well, that's really funny, because milo ya annapolis has just been the head of our parade, and we've got gay allies. jesse: yeah, because milo is gay, right? >> he is gay. jesse: milo is the head of the straight pride parade? >> he's going to be our grand marshal. jesse: are you sure you want to associate yourself withso milo? he's probably one of the most controversial people out there. >> o oh, like this isn't
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controversial? we're wreaking the internet, ovjesse -- jesse: i thought you said it's not controversial. >> i mean, well, i mean finish. jesse: no, i get the controversial, but people are upset by it. that's what i think you mean. >> but their criticism is ridiculous, you know? we have a slogan, don't hate the straight. [laughter] jesse: okay. all right, well, listen, i think you guys are going to have more protesters than you're going to have marchers, but, you know, the cameras will be there, and when you guys do march in boston, i bet it gets a lot of coverage. >> we're going to have a super, happy, fun w time. thanks very much for having us. jesse: that's all for us tonight. be sure toe follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. and remember, i'm watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ [♪]
9:00 pm
we are hearing more about the president's deal announced by the state department to curb illegal immigration at the southern border and top for now president trump's plan to hit the country with tariffs that were sd


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