tv Americas News HQ FOX News June 9, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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chile in sweden next week. the final takes place july 7 and you can watch all the action the entire month on fox and foxworth one. eric: go usa. arthel: back in for hope you can join us. ♪ >> president trump on twitter with adela mexico to avoid tariffs and strengthen border security. let's hear the new questions about what exactly from the mexicans and if it will make a difference? it all comes as a certainty of the crazy deal of china as a president cures up with a meeting with chinese president needed this month at the q20 meeting in japan and just about a few minutes with the secretary of treasury about what might happen and leland and i molly. elected president flaming reports to take some of the
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action outlined in this treaty. david at the white house with the latest. >> president trump is golfing on this rainy sunday afternoon on washington but he is promoting the deal and the deal came out after he got back from the white house on friday night but there is a new report from the new york times assess the ministration worked with mexico on parts of the steel several month ago, the administration right now pushing back on those reports including the president but before we get to that let's take a look at what the steel includes. some of the highlights in several highlights, the deal announced late friday includes mexico to .6000 troops to the southern border with guatemala. migrants will wait in mexico for the assignment process to play out instead of waiting in the united states. that was something that the trump administration pushed heavily for, mexico will offer immigrant jobs, healthcare unit occasioned will taking action against human smuggling and
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traffic operation read the new york times reported officials from the united states and mexico met back in march agreeing to a mexican national guard to protect their border. but before getting heavy pushback from the president of two parts of the deal are new it could not go through until everything was recently signed. acting homeland security secretary kevin mcaleenan backed up his boss on "fox news sunday" earlier this morning. >> people can disagree and i still came to the table with roll proposals, we have an agreement if they implement it will be effective. >> late yesterday afternoon next goes president held a rally in tijuana to celebrate the deal with the united states originally that was posted be in effort to convince the trump administration to back off on the tariffs and it turned into a party and not everybody is celebrating the president negotiating tactics with mexico. >> is becoming a threat and he is treating it like the poker chips at one of the bankruptcy. i think it's wrong and i think
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should have a consistent trade policy that works for everybody in america. >> speaking of trade policy, those tariffs went into effect last month. the mexican tariffs were a threat, chinese people are really feeling that part right now and president trump meeting with president she jumping with just a few weeks at the g20 summit at 2:00 p.m. molly: thank you so much. we can watch us unfold tomorrow. former nixon white house counsel john dean testified tomorrow and capitol hill. 2:00 p.m. set your dvrs. it comes of the increasing pressure from some congressional democrats to impeach a president, mark joining us and why democrats have called someone from the watergate era good afternoon. he will be one of the four people to testify before the house judiciary committee on monday, as you talk about house
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democrats they will be focused on lessons from them will report and congressman says monday's hearing is about justice not politics. >> this is about defending the constitution and the rule of law. it is not about this president but future presidents and how they will regard the responsible is an office. the american people expect us to hold this accountable for the attacks were viggo in the impeachment question will be decided by the fact. >> house republicans say monday's hearing is nothing more than a political stunt, republican congressman spoke out that this beaker and said malibu roller or the investigator eventually do testify there will be plenty to ask about. >> from my perspective it's a one-sided report that does not give the privilege of a cross-examination so if they come they need to be prepared to be cross-examined with the facts which would paint a very different picture.
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>> this week the house is also likely to vote on a resolution that would eventually hold the attorney general on contempt on tuesday the house is expected to consider the major and democrats on the judiciary committee are demeaning attorney general bill barth to to deliver the full adductor report but he is refused after president trump and both executive privilege prayed the resolution also mentioned holding former white house counsel into contempt as well. democrats have voiced their demonstration in the refusal to testify in turnover document to the judiciary committee. >> one can imagine the felony conviction and disbarment also come up with a hearing tomorrow and we will watch for it, thank you so much. >> backed her top story, president trump says he has full confidence that mexico will help stem the flow of migrants across a celebrity. u.s. officials say the president could call back his terror threat is mexico does not meet expectations. joining now georgia congressman and a member of the house budget
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committee, rob, thank you for joining us. you know the president received a lot of criticism regarding the tariffs but here you have mexico coming to the table and say they're going to do a variety of things. your thoughts on this tactic that the president is taking to wield the u.s. economy to the negotiations going forward and where we stand today. >> i am glad we are arguing about the tactics that work. >> go back to the conversation were going have. they were having too much assess we want to find different ways to get there. let's do that but you cannot argue with the results. this decision last week or last month or last year. we need results if the humidity crisis for the obama administration where he was a quarter of the migrants were coming across the border. lewdly a humanitarian issue, it's american issue and we need a partner in mexico to solve it. >> some of the numbers are just staggering, 144,000 coming across apprehensions at the selfless border, record high of
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84000 family units, 72% were family units. this is causing a crowding problem in today on "fox news sunday", home and security sec. are acting kevin mcaleenan had this to say. >> west congress five and half weeks ago to manages overcoming concern and the help to take on them expeditiously and we have seen no action on this request for. >> what is your response to that. >> we raise this issue last week with losey congress decided it was going to bring up a bill instead of a funding bill. taking care fundies is it a democratic republican issue, take her children. american issue rule of law there lots of things we disagree about on capitol hill in solving this crisis should not be one of them. we have not got permission from nancy pelosi but the
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rank-and-file is exactly there ready to cast the votes. >> do think the deal to be worked out mexico, the national guard, the fact the asylum cases and people are waiting to wait mexico, they bow and some cases to help people find jobs in mexico. to think that will help? >> undeniably it will help. this is a step in the right direction. we're talking about an entire percentage point of the honduran, guatemalan, el salvador migrating into mexico and the united states of america. all the while i represent the majority district. i family members who have been waiting five or, ten years in some cases 20 years to come to this country legally. what we cannot do is send out the message that lawlessness gets rewarded by plane by the rules, and attention whatsoever. this is an opportunity to pass fundamental immigration reform and i believe the president wants to put on the bill. >> one of the things that they
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vowed to do as part of this agreement is to go out to the human smugglers that he made this journey so dangerous. do you think will be successful? >> idea. you see the mexican president down celebrating this agreement as well. that is what our president is. he is a negotiator and a negotiated deal with the mexican president can celebrate it in the home and security can celebrating, that's a win-win situation that problem-solving requires. i am optimistic about what this is going to be. >> think back to georgia, something that's got a lot of attention this has seemed to really activate democrats in the state and across the nation. are you concerned about the portable ramification. >> are not, the worst thing that goes on in georgia we are fighting too hard for life, that's a problem to have. the fact of the matter is, what the best place in the country to start a new business. with the best place in the country teresa family and get an education. we have everything going for us in that part of the world. the new far left tactic if we
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don't like your position on issue, we try to fascinate your character to church or your job, limit your likelihood, those are tactics that are left with the tell terry emerging non- american politics. we will be just fine. >> thank you for coming in on sunday. leland: will go back to the tactics on trade. cnbc this morning, the president is perfectly happy to hit china with new tariffs if the country does not want to move forward in negotiation. we bring him former trade representative with the obama and ministrations. deputy director of the national economic council. the pride was coming. good to see you sir. we appreciate it. the chinese are watching will happen with mexico. they get the near times and mexico relented on border long before trump's deal conditions
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intact before the reset mexico. they report that there is no deal in place for the mexico to buy a lot more to the farmers essentially, they see this as a paper due. that's reported. whether or not that's true not, different story. it could embolden them couldn't? >> i hope the chinese do not get the wrong signals from this. first of all i take issue with the fact is simply a paper deal but more importantly i think the president has shown time again that if china is not willing to commit to real structural reform that's not a deal that's good enough or him. i also think there's differences here, politically and economically that are worth exporting, the politics of this. >> the chinese are sitting here looking at the president and regional people can disagree exactly on the deal. but the reporting is given an opportunity to think that he came here. we are certainly not willing to go the distance to the mexican government on this.
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why should the chinese believe they are going to get the screws and come to the table was something meaningful. >> i think the president has shown he's willing to escalate things. >> with china he's been at willing to escalate already. but what i was going to get into, there is a difference politically here. with china, the president has really strong support from congress, from the business community, from the strategy to take them on a euro change. but with mexico, he heard a different reaction this week for businesses who are concerned about what was going to happen in from senators who are speaking out against it. i think it also comes down to the economics. if you look at china a lot of what were getting from them are end products, consumer products and things like that. and mexico as part of an integrated north american supply chains. things are going back-and-forth six or seven times in the auto industry and that 5% tariff and really compound upon itself. that's why you will see a totally different approach to
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mexico into china. i hope china does not read the wrong signals here. >> speaking something that not only their reading but watching as well as administration is outspending the steel with mexico, here is the acting home and security secondary and for chris wallace's money. >> how much of this is new? >> all of this is new, is more than a temple commitment to increase his security and that's where people are entering from guatemala and exculpate. >> secretary nielsen testified that these things were happening to the house judiciary committee, and moving national guard troops to guatemala and this is different than that? >> is very different. the president put a charge of the whole dialogue with mexico with the terror threat and brought them to the table. >> mexicans in the past said they will do better on the border but the chinese in the past said they will do better on most things and i remember back when the chinese were going to
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stop hacking into your company. and i was talking to somebody as the shipping was shining the agreement and there realizing that chinese hackers were back at it. it goes to the issue of accountable to, how did the chinese believe that even if they make these deals there is going to be accountability vacuum. >> i think the difference you see between the approach and the chopper ministration in the obama administration is that these deals that the chopper ministration is working on with china are backed up with strong enforcement provision. that is a critical objective of the chopper ministration prayed something the obama administration did not achieve. >> you work in both demonstration, give me specifics of how you know, the chinese no that things are different and there's a different sheriff in town, have a knock at the messenger. >> i think $300 billion in tariffs, i guess $250 billion in tariffs already should send the signal, what i witnessed is a negotiating team from the chopper menstruation was that china was putting things on the
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table in a way that they had never done. >> didn't they take them off the table? >> they did not take them off the table, there are specific things that china was pushing back on, i would stress and i think you've heard this from secretary mnuchin and abbasid whiteheads are that the core video was there and it was very good. i think ultimately, hopefully after the g20 when the leaders get back together the political situation can be improved and we can get back to that. the obama administration was never anywhere near as far with china on a range of issues, ip, agriculture, that the chopper ministration was. >> we appreciate your insight and your analysis. welcome to the private sector we thank you for your service for those years there. for some reason i think there's going to be a lot to talk about in the coming weeks and we will have you back. >> be sure to tune into fox news right after our show.
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) for chris wallace, a lot more of the interview with an acting homeland security secretary coming up in 44 minutes. don't go away. more than half of the 2020 hopefuls are in the hawkeye state this weekend for the iowa democratic party hall of fame at them. front runner joe biden is not among them but he will hold a campaign rally on tuesday, the same day that president trump is holding a rally of his own in the state. she is watching all of this and has the latest. >> who will breakout of the past. that's what will be interesting to see after the event today. each of the democratic candidates will get five minutes to put themselves in the campaign to 1400 democratic faithful in cedar rapids iowa. here is the latest cnn des moines register poll taken last week. former vice president joe biden still in the lead sitting at
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24%. that is down from 32% taken back in december. it's a close race for the second place for bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and pete buttigieg, all in the teams. at 7%, harris. the rest of the pack is at 2% or below. federal iraq is one of those candidates at 2% down from 11%. here is his take on what that means. >> i don't know that this many months out from the caucuses in iowa that these polls really indicate what our prospects are. if i relied on poles in any race that adrian and never would've been able to serve in the united states congress, we never would've taken on ted cruz. >> democratic hopefuls are not giving president trump much credit for the deal with mexico last week. mexico agreed to help stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the u.s. in the u.s. agreed not to impose a 5% tariffs on all mexican goods.
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>> i think what the president has done in many respects, mexico has agreed to do, many meant to go. i think what the world is tired of and what i'm tired of is a president who consistently goes to war, verbal war with our allies whether it's mexico, canada. former vice president joe biden is not attending the iowa democratic hall of fame dinner today. he had a prior family commitment. he will campaign in iowa on tuesday only the second visit there since announcing his official run for president. >> one of the more important states thinking. >> is over at the french open. he won his record 12th title there defeating dominic taine in four sets, the wind march is his 18th career grand slam, the women side australia captured her first french open and grand
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he met everybody was running it was scary. molly: that was a witness re-accounting mass panic with false reports of gunfire sent hundreds of people running for several injuries from the rush through the area. police did arrest a man with a gun at the scene but they say no shots were fired, the investigation is ongoing at this time. >> before wildfire season begins in earnest, there is no controversy as western states prepare for a long hot summer. california power company, pg&e, is turning off the lights for thousands of residents in vulnerable areas. they cover the deadly fires last year end they join us now with
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news in the dark and without air conditioning as they try to prevent new fires. >> hi, thousands of residents from yuba city to chico i without electricity and the power company comes under pressure to do more to prevent wildfires. the first round started on saturday. those conditions make the area actually boulevard or wildfires like the one burning in yellow county. the sanford has scorched 1800 acres of our with your containment. the engineer blackout the month after state authorities claim pg&e wind damage lines sparking the deadliest local enter most destructive fire telephone history. listen how some people lost power reacting. >> we are kinda comforted by the fact that they're doing that because when you look at the data, the number of fires that have been started by pg&e equipment, we feel a lot better efficient the power of.
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>> some customers have posed the power shut off especially those who rely on power for medical reasons who run businesses. there are also other wildfires busy under burning out west in arizona, the amount for his part within 7200 acres and is only 20% contained. many campers and folks who use nearby bartlett lake have been forced to evacuate. >> there is it tough to get containment on it, we don't want the public endangered, completely stay away from the bartlett lake area of young planes. >> one of the fire is burning in washington state, the highway, 243 fire has burned nearly 1900e and spokane and fire officials say it's about 50% contained, firefighters across the country are bracing for another busy and wildfire season and we have seen late-season rain in california so there's a lot of green and that things warm up and dry out
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there's only more you will for wildfires. >> we all remember how devastating this was, wildfire season goes from is a time and when the fired danger states hi, how do they tell people the power is about to get shut off, what canadian crack. >> is one of the things that is been criticized for, the power company is informing customers when they will happen and when will be shut off. you could one website and you can see on twitter, when and where those power outages are happening. this is just the beginning of the season and as you know the camper, the most destructive fire in california history, that burned right up until thanksgiving. we are not even begun summary. >> a long hot summer window air-conditioning for sure. a prescient your reporting and we will seal throughout the summer. >> mexico is celebrating this weekend. avoiding tariffs that were said to go in full-spectrum monday.
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talk to your doctor about chantix. ♪ ♪ molly: the trade war with mexico has been avoided for now. mexican president obrador saying saturday that he was prepared to replace retaliatory tariffs on u.s. goods if president trump had gone ahead with that 5% hike on monday. steve harrigan is in tijuana with all the latest there. steve? >> reporter: that's right, molly. the mexican president is claiming victory in dodging the tariffs on mexican goods exported to the u.s. it was a celebratory gathering on national television, thousands of supporters also, and the mexican president also stressed the need to maintain close relations with the u.s. >> translator: here in tijuana, we say to american people that we will not allow any injuries to you and that we are able to collaborate with the u.s. on
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every subject, especially facing the concerns with respect to migratory the increase in the u.s. >> reporter: as part of the deal, mexico will send as many as 6,000 national guard to its southern border with guatemala, that's a 600-mile-long border, and u.s. us toms -- customs officials are hailing that move. >> they send the national guard to their southern or border, they take law enforcement officials, and they increase their interdiction along chokepoints from the northern triangle countries, and then they help us secure the mexico/u.s. border, that -- and then they help us with the asylum. if they do what they promised to do in this agreement, it's a game-changer, and we're going to see this issue reduced. >> reporter: also as part of the deal as many as tens of thousands of migrants could remain in mexico while their claims for asylum are being processed in the u.s. that process often takes several months. molly, back to you.
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molly: steve, thank you so much there from mexico. appreciate it. leland: and a fox news alert. video from cedar rapids, iowa, live pictures as mayor pete buttigieg of south bend, indiana, taking some time with the band. let's listen in for a quick second. [cheers and applause] leland: it's not quite, it's not quite bill clinton with the saxophone -- molly: that immediately came to my mind. leland: we're going to keep it here on the tunes, but we are bring in richard eaves and john hancock to talk over the music here in a minute. we'll see if we can't get a little bit of a shot too. gentlemen, good to see both of you. richard, mayor pete, as he is becoming known, is quite riding the wave here heading into iowa for the big speeches tonight. do you think it's justified?
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>> hey, leland, thanks for having me back, and good morning from santa fe. with john hancock, i think i'll adopt the name today of billy the kid. [laughter] everybody -- people can't even pronounce his name, and yet he's doing extremely well in the polls. i find him to be very impressive to listen to. can he ride the wave all the way to i caucus win in iowa or in the early primary states in it's all to be determined. i mean, it's super early right now. i think last time i was on with you, leland, we were talking about a couple days in advance preceding vice president biden announcing, and the thought from a lot of the conservatives was that was going to be the best day that joe biden had. and yet joe biden is hanging in there at the top -- leland: yeah. it's worth looking at this latest poll from the des moines register. this is iowa-significant, but there's pete buttigieg at 15%.
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biden, to your point, started off much stronger than he is right now in the polls, he's dropped a little bit. we'll bring in john hancock on that. if you were biden's folks, would you be worried about this current drop? >> yeah, i would. and, you know, front-runners traditionally don't do that well in democratic presidential primaries, and joe biden, this is his third time running for president. he's, quite frankly, he's just not very good at it. and i think you're going to see more stumbles. you know, you had the hyde amendment stumble this week which was just a terrible campaign execution. and more and more things like that, we're not even to debates yet. >> biden's in real trouble. leland: hit him on that point. we'll put up this list of, i think, 18 democratic candidates who are in iowa this weekend. biden will be there on tuesday. so it's enough democratic candidates to fill out a traveling hockey team, i believe, for the full roster, a basketball team. john, any of those faces worry you come the general, including,
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perhaps, mayor pete there on the keyboard? >> not really worried, leland, but i do think somebody in that field is going to emerge as the alternative to biden, and they've got a good chance at that point. i don't think we know who that person is going to be just yet. the key, i think, with this electorate is if you look at the donald trump unfavorables, that's going to be a real key in this race because millions of those people voted for donald trump in 2016, and i think millions of them may vote for him again in 2020. and the democratic nominee's going to have a huge say in what happens to that sliver of the trump unfavorables. of. leland: that's an interesting perspective. bernie sanders on this, touching perhaps a little bit on the counterpositive you just made. i know all the polls out there say trump is going to be beaten, and they have me, meaning sanders, ahead of him in pennsylvania and wisconsin.
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let me tell you, i think donald trump is going to be a very tough opponent. richard, do you agree? >> listen, and to that point -- and john makes a good point -- trump's negatives are so high at this point that he is beaten in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin and texas at this point by the democrats. so, you know, we have to look ahead to candidates, to the nomination. it's going to be difficult. and yet with all of those polls showing democrats beating donald trump even in a state like texas, most of the people polled say that donald trump will win re-election. speaks to, i don't know, maybe the insecurity of democrats moving forward. leland: all right. +4 for biden in texas in a head to head right now against trump. john hancock, last word to you on this. is missouri safely trump country? >> oh, yeah. missouri's totally safe trump country. one of my key points, he'll win by double digits again.
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and, oh, leland, let's go, blues. leland: is the game tonight? >> tonight. leland: going for their first stanley cup. we'll leave it there. gents, good to see you both and, richard, appreciate the look back. it's good sometimes to look at where we came from as we do the these segments. we'll do it again. >> thank you. leland: thanks, gentlemen. molly: former president jimmy carter is back at it this afternoon, teaching sunday school in his hometown for the first time since his hip surgery. what he told the class, next. ♪ hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem...
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the 94-year-old former commander in chief just recovered from surgery after breaking his hip less than a month ago. he thanks the congregants for their prayers and well wishes. with we send ours as well. 94 years old, wow. ♪ ♪ molly: the college admissions scandal has rocked the nation with at least 33 parents being accused of being involved in the cheating scheme. federal investigators are expanding their probe into other schools. for more insight, let's bring in brad nick lin, trial attorney. thank you for being here today. kicking things off, i was actually in the courtroom a little earlier this month, and it was packed, they were literally filling the jury box there in the room. it was the first status hearing. parents weren't required to be there, but these lawyers gave us a little insight into what we could expect as far as defense strategy.
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they wanted to see fbi reports of parents who potentially were not charged in this case. and it seems to be one strategy taking shape will be to contend that, to be parents, their clients thought they were making donations versus bribes. what do you think of that strategy? >> i think it's a bad strategy. i personally think most of the remaining defendants are on a crash course for the prison, because the focus has solely been on what the money is or isn't for. but that still leaves them exposed on the mail fraud and conspiracy charges which carry up to 40 years in prison. i think the money is a secondary issue. molly: we will see the first sentencing in this case a little later on this week. one of the coaches, the former sailing coach at stanford, had pled guilty, of course, of conspiracy to commit racketeer thing. that carries a possible 10-year prison term, the government recommending 18 months in his case. we will see what happens when he goes before the judge, he's really kind of the standard issue in this case, essentially
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makes the argument that students pay $500,000, ultimately, for the stanford sailing program through this mechanism. the judge doesn't have to follow the prosecution's recommendation though. how closely do you think the lawyers, the clients, the parents, the other coaches and administrators that are charged whether they chose to plead at this point in time and are going forward, how close toly will these people be watching this for sentencing? >> i think it's going to be very close. what we're waiting to see is the baseline for sentencing. which is why the sailing coach, i think they -- the prosecutor actually reduced the original recommendation because i think they want to is set a low baseline so that future charges, which will be more severe and have more money involved, will have a greater flexibility and range. they're not going to be locked into a recommendation if they eliminate pleas in the future. molly: and will it make a difference, for instance, the set of parents that pled guilty, a couple allegedly who paid $600,000 to ringleader of this scam in an effort to get their
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kids into usc and ucla. they put out an apology saying no words can expressly describe how profoundly sorry we are for what we have done. it appears they would be the first parents, could we see that being different from this first coach being sentenced, and will their open regret make a difference? >> it will make a difference even though i think it's an empty open regret. part of the guidelines for sentencing is it's a point system. and one of the evaluations that they need to look at is whether or not the defense has taken responsibility for their actions. so those like these parents who pled early and speak of remorse and regret will probably get a lower sentencing recommendation. molly: for instance, felicity huffman who pled a little earlier, she only paid $15,000, so a small amount of money at least compared to many of the other parents involved in this case. she was very cheerful before the judge as she made her plea, and
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you contrast againstly loughlin and her husband, where essentially it seem to be getting closer and closer to a trial. if you were a jury recommending what path these parents should take, what would you say? >> i would have told them to jump ship and take a plea because there's an overwhelming amount of evidence and co-conspirators that are already giving testimony. first of all, i don't think people are going to believe she paid 500,000 as a donation, but if she submitted anything to colleges that have fraudulent or false either in the application or the acceptance, then she's committed mail fraud, and there's no way around that. that's a 20-year sentence possibility. molly: and one of the more interesting things was this idea of foster hearings, essentially, there's an argument being made, how connected some of the parents may be that there's a conflict of interest involved. that attorney it is essentially involved in one case may also be involved in another case or a coach or a parent, and the judge wants to see those parents in
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court and talk about conflict of interest. how much of a play do you think that'll be in this as it goes forward? >> well, it's not a conflict yet. it's more of the appearance of a possible conflict because some of the attorneys represent some of the schools and some of the parents but not in the same action. now, if we see any of the schools taking private action like a civil action against many of the parents, then we're going to have an actual conflict, but they really should be looking at it now because it could interfere with this ongoing criminal prosecution. molly: certainly, it'll keep things busy in federal court in boston. brad micklin, thanks for joining us. leland: at least it's summertime in boston. as much as we appreciate brad's thoughts and insight, the gambit of opinions in terms of whether these parents have really a case to be made or reason to plead not guilty, etc., it really goes across the whole spectrum. as you pointed out, some parents were saying i'm not going to plead guilty, and ohs say
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give -- others say give me the best you can. molly: we'll see how that argument goes in court. leland: also see what discovery they get from these colleges -- molly: and the prosecutors are doing discovery with the parents, so we'll see -- leland: ooh, this could be interesting too. all right, there you go. up next, new moves in the gulf as the pentagon counters the latest iranian threat. ♪ ♪ manage my money? it's racquetball time. (thumps) ugh! carl, does your firm offer a satisfaction guarantee? like schwab does. guarantee? (splash) carl, can you remind me what you've invested my money in? it's complicated. are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is being managed? if not, talk to schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. if not, talk to schwab. do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back?
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♪ ♪ leland: iran has unveiled a new missile defense system. they did it just today in response to u.s. navy deploying fighter jets from an aircraft carrier in the arabian sea yesterday. how this is escalating not only militarily, but economically. hi, trey. >> reporter: that's right, leland. what we are seeing today in the region, increased tension between the united states and iran. this also coming amid steady sanctions against the iranian regime. additionally, iranian leadership today calling on european countries to try to normalize trading relations with the islamic republic. speaking today in iran, iran's foreign minister warned of consequences for european countries who do not seek common
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economic ground with iran. the trump administration has imposif heavy sanctions on -- imposed heavy sanctions on a variety of sectors forcing iran to look at other countries for relief. >> translator: until trump has announced he is building an economic wall targeting ordinary people and -- this policy must stop. the only solution to current problems is stopping the policy of economic war. >> reporter: the comments by zarif come as the united states maintains a a large military presence in the persian gulf with an aircraft carrier strike group consisting of warships and war planes, this after numerous attacks by iranian proxies happened over the past month. images released showing an air defense system developed in iran. the country' defense minister claims the system can track and destroy targets around 30 miles away.
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key u.s. ally and japanese prime minister shinzo abe will visit iran next week, saying it will present a unique opportunity for the countries to discuss potential paths forward with the united states. it does come on the heels of president trump visiting with abe late last month. so far the iranians seem open to idea. of leland? leland: thanks, trey. molly: the third and final leg of horse racing's triple crown season. the winner and the pay outcoming up. ♪ er♪ the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today.
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>> as we have been telling you about, there's a lot of democrats out in iowa today, you're looking at senator bernie sanders, that's cedar rapids, he's with mcdonald workers there, this is, of course, he's talked a lot about the economic disparity in america and as you could see there he appears to be really at the front of things as they march down the streets at this point in time. leland: earlier the woman with mega phone was chanting our streets. across town in cedar rapids, iowa, summer time in iowa, that means it's politics time, pete buttigieg the mayor of south bend, indiana on the keyboard. there's with the shades, the tie, the shades. we were listening earlier, it may not quite live up to bill clinton on the saxophone but we
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will let you decide as mayor pete plays us out. ♪ >> i'm bret baier in for chris wallace. méxico agreeing to help reduce the flow of migrants from central america, we will discuss the agreement and whether méxico can hold up its end of the bargain with acting homeland security secretary kevin mcaleenan. >> there's not much support in my conference for tariffs, that's for sure. >> how much of the role defiance play in the president's plans, we will ask senate home security chair ron johnson. plus, house democrats plan to move f
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