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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 12, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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on fox business and this fine show. until then, "the five," right now. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i'm juan williams along with katie pavlick, jesse watters, kennedy, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the "the five." bernie sanders out on the campaign trail today. he made an official push for his socialist agenda. >> here's the proposals he is planning. >> every american, regardless of his or her income, is entitled to the right to a decent job that pays a living wage. the right to quality healthcare. the right to a complete education. the right to affordable housing. the right to a clean
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environment and the right to a secure retirement. democratic socialism means to me requiring and achieving political and economic freedom in every community. the only way we achieve these goals is through a political revolution. >> juan: sanders also slammed president trump accusing him of being a socialist but one for the wealthy. >> while president trump and his fellow oligarchs attack us for our support of democratic socialism, they don't really oppose all forms of socialism. [laughter] they may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people but they absolutely love corporate socialism that enriches trump and other billionaires.
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>> juan: meanwhile a new harris poll showing 55% of women between the ages of 18 and 54 actually support pure socialism. so, greg, i'm coming to you first. because i want to hear your response, your thoughts on -- sanders says trump is a socialist for the rich get >> greg: i know, crazy, huh? he is preaching revolution during the largest period of economic expansion in recent history. and for the first time there is like no war in the western hemisphere and he is pushing an ideology, ironically that crushes economic expansion and inevitably results in violence and war. when people want to achieve, if you want equality of outcomes you have to crush them. i mean, he is making a case for socialism during the greatest economic time in history. that's like going to a healthy village in the middle ages and extolling the virtues of the plague. it makes no sense.
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so, it's wrong. it's actually morally wrong. because people are living longer, healthier lives and is he preaching a belief system that starves people to death. it's wrong. >> katie: yeah. >> juan: he is saying trump is for socialism for the rich while sanders says he is for socialism for working families. let me give you an example. he, sanders says lower healthcare costs, lower the cost of education. let's make reasonable housing prices. i think most americans would say yeah, that's a good idea. >> katie: i think bernie sanders maybe should sell two of his three homes before he starts preaching about rich people being the enemy. notice how he caps the number for his estate tax at $3.5 million. is he worth about $1.5 million. he has changed his stump speech to millionaires to billionaires to just billionaires. he is saying he wants to re-do the new deal. that fdr had a good vision
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for the country. if you actually look at the results for that for the past 50 years we spent $21 trillion, which was supposed to bring people out of poverty. it has not. but capitalism has. capitalism has not only brought people out of poverty in america but all over the world throughout past half a sen trip. that's what we should be focused on. not taking from others and saying that every single thing is a right. he keeps saying this isn't about real socialism. he doesn't want to take over every kind of industry. in order to provide economic rights and healthcare rights and every right that he listed in his speech, you have to take over industries and force them to provide it because that's the only way that you deliver on those promises. >> juan: i didn't think he was talking about take over industries. >> kennedy: you have to. he talked about since the '70s. >> juan: way back. >> kennedy: extolling the soviet union where he continually hone a monday. he was not only talking about taking over healthcare but entire sectors like banking. he hasn't changed that much.
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the thing about bernie sanders you try to press him he is actually very good at weaseling out of answering some of these critical questions. define socialism, they are constantly changing the term and the defense. it's democratic socialism. there is a qualification there. but that's still socialism and katie is absolutely right it. is a government taking and the idea that the government owes me this. the government can't just provide it. the government has to take it from somewhere else. and i think people are going to be shocked when they realize they're the ones who are being taken from. and their taxes are going to double just to pay for healthcare and i disagree with him. i don't think all of these things are a right that the government owes you and if you look at education, if you look at healthcare, if you look at housing, just those three areas where the government is so vastly involved, that's where these programs are upside down, that's where people are hurting the most. and that's where lower income people get absolutely because there is too much
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government interference. >> juan: jesse, let's play hard ball and real politics. we have a quinnipiac poll that even the president's own polster saying i think six democrats right now beat trump head-to-head nationally including bernie sanders. what do you make of this. >> jesse: i don't believe those polls they had reagan losing in a landslide in '84 to mondale. he was the won that won in a landslide. why out to what's going to happen. to your point about trump being a corporate socialist. trump wasn't the one that bailed out the big banks. trump wasn't the one that threw $500 million at solyndra. trump is jawboning a lot of these big corporations to keep production here instead of offshoring it overseas. is he jawboning lockheed martin to keep the price down on the jets. wall street donated more to hillary than they did to donald trump. he is constantly going after billionaires like bezos and what's his name george soros? and if you look income inequality has actually shrunk under president trump
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whereas under barack obama it actually expanded. >> juan: wait a second, i don't know about that. >> jesse: i do. >> juan: i just trust you. what about the tax cut? i think what bernie is saying actually we do take from people. we take from the working class people in this country who are having tougher time and we give it to the rich and say oh, it will be trickle down if the rich do better. >> jesse: we didn't give it to the rich it was their money to begin with. tax cuts should have been much bigger for individual and taxpayers. the companies needed a break, too. they were unfairly targeted compared to the rest. >> katie: the fact is the majority of the country, the majority of the middle class got a tax cut. to say the middle class didn't get one is not true. >> greg: you keep saying we need to have affordable. this affordable that. what makes things affordable? competition. what's missing in socialism? competition. what raises prices if you go to any socialist country and can't find a loaf of bred and if you find one it's
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$47.50. competition. sanders doesn't like competition. that's why he has never had a real job. >> kennedy: remember, this curmudgeon went into bodega and complained there were too much choices for deodorant? >> juan: that's a good thing. >> kennedy: foul concept? that's great. when the market is providing that and you can pick exactly what you want that's a sign of success. to say your point, juan, i think bernie sanders could have done very well in 2008. that was the time to run on this agenda. and because, you know, you remember that was the beginning of the great recession. >> juan: right. >> kennedy: he would have had an easier time selling some of these programs because if you are selling a massive too big to fail multiple trillion-dollar stimulus package, then that's the time you tell people and we are going to pay for housing, and we are going to pay for education. >> juan: you guys talk about takeover of industry. >> kennedy: because he talks
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about it. what did he say about insurance companies? >> juan: no. what he is saying democratic socialism which is basically safety net which i think is popular. >> jesse: medicare for all takes everybody health 23450rb what we all like from these companies we work for give it all over to the government and the government runs healthcare. that's a government takeover. and i don't think the government can even handle the small things? do you want to put them in charge of healthcare? >> katie: we are saying it because bernie sanders said it. that's what the facts are. >> juan: nancy pelosi now a 2020 candidate looking for trump to be behind bars. the details on "the five" next. ♪ ♪ geico makes it easy to get help when you need it.
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>> jesse: first it was nancy pelosi calling for president trump to be locked up now it's 2020 hopeful kamala harris who wants to see the president behind bars. she is shining a light on what her presidential agenda would look like if she were to win the white house. starting with prosecuting donald trump. >> everyone should be held accountable. the president is not above the law. >> even a former president going on trial serving jail time? >> well, the facts and the evidence will take the process where it leads. but i have read the mueller report. i do believe that we should believe bob mueller when he tells us essentially that the only reason that an indictment was not returned is because of a memo in the department of justice that suggests you cannot indict a sitting president. but, i have seen prosecution of cases on much less evidence. >> jesse: that argument is getting quite old. the president early today slamming democrats and their relentless attempts to
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rehash the mueller report. >> the democrats are trying to do because they know they are going to lose the election so they are going to give in this is a shot. every day they will be going more and more after, after. we have people that are totally out of control. the mueller report spoke. they were very disappointed it said no collusion and no obstruction and no nothing. now they are trying to do a do-over or a radio do and we're not doing that. >> jesse: apparently a whole day pushing for trump's impeachment. this saturday over 100 events are planned across the country in what is being called an impeach trump day of action. greg, are you going to be out on the streets? >> greg: you know it. wear my special impeachment outfit nothing at all. before there were these dating apps, you actually had to go to a bar to meet people. it was weird. will you to work up the gumption to say hello. that's what candidates are like right now. they are the desperate guy at the bar who will say
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anything to get your number. it's just to get some kind of media spotlight. and they are not trying to appeal to america. because america doesn't care. >> jesse: they are looking for attention. >> greg: chasing extreme voices on twitter and the media who share those voices. and being tricked into thinking there is no lane for moderates. like everybody has to go this way and actually, america actually likes the moderate. you don't have to be a rabid flame thrower. i don't believe her for a second. it's interesting that she has to do this because she is not taking off. and i thought that she would have taken off. i know it's early but i would have expected more from kamala,. >> kennedy: kamala. >> greg: sorry. >> jesse: maybe some of these people that voted in the democratic primaries they wants donald trump prosecuted when he leaves office. maybe she is just appealing to them. >> juan: wait a second it's like 70% of democrats want to impeach. >> jesse: she went even further wants him behind
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bars. >> juan: no, no, no. >> jesse: that's a big difference, juan. >> jesse: she read the mueller report. this is what mueller said. i don't know how many people read the report she read the report. >> greg: we all did, juan. i'm tired of saying i didn't read it. >> jesse: you didn't read it. >> greg: i know. i'm tired of people telling me that. >> juan: have you got to slam me better than that you give from to jesse? the idea is that if you read the mueller report he makes the case that this guy obstructed justice. and then he says but the doj policy is and so maybe some other process, notably the congress and impeachment. >> katie: do you know who else is a prosecutor in addition kamala? robert mueller. and he was the ultimate prosecutor. he is the guy that ran the show. the fact is that if he had a crime he could prosecute he could have said even though we cannot indict the president or charge him with a crime while he is in office, these are the crimes that we found. here's the evidence to back it up. he didn't do any of those
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things. and it is highly alarming that the woman who wants to be president of the united states is openly saying she will use the department of justice again like barack obama did as a political weapon to go after a political opponent when he is out of office. >> juan: come on. mike flynn standing up there? >> katie: she can do it against any citizen if she can do it -- donald trump is not going to jail there is no evidence to put him in jail. >> jesse: first, the democrats spy on trump and then they want to throw him behind bars when he leaves office. >> kennedy: i don't understand where these democrats are coming from who want this job. they want to make it super easy to remove the president, yet they want to be president and, therefore, they are leaving a trail for how they can be easily removed. >> jesse: republicans will never do anything like that. you know they won't. >> kennedy: biden is the frontrunner now and then right after biden it's berniey, elizabeth warren, and mayor pete. and then kamala is a few percentage points after them. they are saying kamala, you
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know, she will be a natural v.p. choice. i think with some of her comments she is running for a.g. that's what it sounds like. >> jesse: that's a good point. >> kennedy: she is. >> jesse: if she is not v.p. she could be a.g. >> juan: can i bring in breaking news? there is a reality what's going on. we have donald trump jr. back before senate intelligence, right, for several hours. and now we hear that hope hicks, who communication director at fox that she is going to testify. >> jesse: are you still with the witch-hunt? are you still on the collusion thing? >> kennedy: juan, do you know what would have been nice if we weren't left in this expanded gray area which is what the mueller report gave us. i really do wish he would have pressed the issue. and if the president had done something so bad that was chargeable, if it were a civilian, then he should have put that in there. he also. >> juan: imagine how i feel? >> jesse: bill barr found out they weren't going to
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charge are you kidding me? what are you doing here? >> greg: why are we all talking about this? because the economy is doing great, unemployment is great. animals are great. we have to talk about the collusion thing forever. >> jesse: hard core rachel mad call tapped to host the 2020 debate. greg breaks it down next. ♪ ♪
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and after she spent two years hocking a fantasy that painted president as a russian stooge. do you think they would let her near the stage? >> this guy keeps turning up does stan teen claim nic he is still russian military intelligence. clem nic. a short man who goes by -- this guy cos stan teen. aluminum smelters, sleeping smelters. sabotage in his smelters came to his smelters. alex vander. alex vander swan. aton mic number 24. chromium plant in kazakhstan. next time you see something chrome plated take a deep breath, cough it out and think of the trump soho big story, tick, tick, tick, boom. started ticking again, tick, tick, tick, tick. four hours later. boom, boom. you are stressing me out. he starts tick, tick, ticking again.
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>> what if fox news had pulled this stunt and picked a highly moderate sadly diamond and silk were busy. we assumed our media pals would get wind of it. god how little a ripple this made in the media pond. instead they just push absurd hallucinations. >> a lot of people is talking about now if he loses, trump, he won't go. i absolutely think he will not leave. >> greg: how deranged do you have to be not just to believe that but to actually say it out loud. the derangement blinds you so much you forget it's your side trying to undo an election. it's not trump resisting the vote of the voters but the left concocting ways to seize power that doesn't require elections. i get it it's been a rough two years for the media. >> the country is doing great and that's bad if your industry is built on bad news. the only thing they have going for them an active imagination. too bad the public has learned to ignore it. all right katie, they knew
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they could make this brazen choice because they knew no one would call him on it, right? >> katie: yeah. the idea they will pick rachel maddow but won't do a fox news debate with moderators in the news business really is astounding to me. rachel maddow is basically a conspiracy theorist look back at all the russia coverage she did. claimed factual. what she actually got right, very, very little of it. she sat there when lawrence o'donnell who is on after her said that maybe president trump responded to syria and that the syrians launched a chemical weapons attack to distract away from the russia issue. i mean, that's a pretty serious con spur toler charge to make. this is all about the double standard, right? conservative media, conservatives are never allowed to ask the questions. whenever they get a question at the white house press briefing or during a press conference they are berated by the press as not real journalists capable of asking questions. rachel maddow can moderate a debate. it's a double standard.
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>> greg: juan, at fox we have our commentators but we label everything. when you go to the fox news fridge, you know what you are getting, do you know what i mean? you have your straight vodka and then have you your vodka and soda. >> katie: what are you, greg? >> greg: i don't know what i am i'm come aquati come juice. >> katie: you have to squeeze a lot. >> juan: kind of tart. i would say generally we have had people who have opinions at the debate moderators. i think this is sore of egregious. i think we try to abide here at fox that there is a line between people who are opinion and people who are news. some people criticize. look, i have seen this line, and i think the public is best served when it's not blurred. i have seen it here. i have seen it at "the washington post." at "the washington post" i was both reporter and editorial writer. when i was a reporter the editorial people didn't tell me what to do.
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when i was editorial writer i never talked to the journalists. it seems to me as someone who has done a debate for fox, it would -- i can't believe that msnbc is doing this and i think to pick up on what you were saying i'm surprised that the democratic party isn't saying hey, we don't like it because it opens the door to conservatives doing the same thing down the line. >> greg: exactly. that opens the door for jesse watters. >> jesse: that's what hannity said by the way. >> jesse: diamond and silk and waters. there you go. probably in contract though to moderate the debates and nbc didn't want to cause any problems with biggest political star. getting sued for a quarter of a billion dollars by the covington blaze. they spiked that expose. things didn't work out with megyn kelly and brian williams and matt lauer there is a loft problems over there they wil they have at of problems over there her brand has suffered because she lied for two years.
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they need to realign her brand with the nbc news division to resuscitate her credibility now because even the "new york times" reporters aren't allowed on her show because she is too fringe. >> greg: what do you make of all of this, kennedy? >> kennedy: i look at all of this if i'm an independent or democratic voter and i'm looking at this field i want to hear from them. i want to hear how they take each other on and how they present their ideas and if they can do something other than attack the president, which rachel maddow can't do that the biggest worry for voters like that is she is going continue to setter herself too much into these debates when really both of them are going to be incredibly crowded and you have to be very precise in how you extract information and the quells you ask. the candidates have to think. and lord knows that i don't know that she is capable of asking a really tough follow-up question. and you saw with sharla main and elizabeth warren it takes one follow-up question to completely trip up a
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candidate. really important when you have such a crowded field. >> greg: she is not going to ask questions that the-that will pull anybody to the middle. it will just be how liberal can you get or how left wing. >> kennedy: which candidates does she like best? is she going to go easier on them? and that's also going to be a disservice. >> katie: i don't mind her asking the questions. i mind there is a double standard about who gets to ask the question. i think people are capable of reporting and also having opinions. this idea that only the left is aloud and far left is allowed to ask the questions legitimately, that's where it gets ridiculous. like if rachel maddow is capable of asking questions so is jesse watters. >> jesse: is she going to ask liz warren about fake indian heritage. she has had her on her show three times more than any other democratic presidential candidate she has been on rachel mod do you a lot. it's clear there is a rooting interest there. >> greg: outrage. bill maher is a smart guy. how can you believe that a president would say i'm not
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leaving? that is like the most insidious thing. >> juan: did trump say he is not necessarily going to abide by the results? >> jesse: it was hillary that didn't abide by the results. she still thinks she won, jesse. >> kennedy: this is why bill barr has lost it. he used to be funny and relevant. is he acting as though the president has already been defeated. we haven't had the election yet. we have a lot of run-up between now and then so stop acting like he has barricaded himself inside the oval office with a water pistol and michael cohen's carcass. >> greg: u.s. women's national soccer team being attacked for trouncing thailand in their world cup opener. the controversy next. ♪ ♪ fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate helps you. with drivewise.
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♪ ♪ >> katie: if you are sick of winning don't rewatch the women's soccer game world cup yesterday. crushing thailand 13-0. critics quick to pounce on the win saying the team running up the score in excessively celebrating their goals was, quote: disrespectful and disgraceful. but head coach jill ellis is defending her team. >> this is a world championship so every team that's here has been fantastic to get to this point. and i think that to be respectful to opponents is to play hard against opponents. and it is as alex has said it's a tournament where goal differential is a criteria. >> katie: so, greg, why do you hate this score run up from yesterday? we watched it happening. >> greg: it's an interesting fun fact, they scored more goals in one game than a typical men's team scores in an entire season. did you know that? as i made it up.
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>> jesse: no. >> greg: this is also a shut up about politics moment. i actually don't mind sports. i just hate it when politics and meghan as you know is somebody who i don't know kind of -- she was part of the whole kneeling and stuff. just keep that away. i will tell you this. what's worse than all of this is pretending you know why they scored so many goals because it has to do with, what? what does it have to do with? differential. so yesterday, dana was sitting here and she didn't know why they scored all those goals so she asked alison our floor director why did they school all those goals? oh because of the differential. and then dana went on twitter and there was somebody like why are they scoring all of those goals because of the differential. then she had a little emoji something like this. it's just like you just stole that information from our floor director. >> jesse: not even here to defend herself. >> greg: i didn't know she was off today.
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i wrote three pages of notes condemning deign naps behavior. >> jesse: can you use it another time. >> katie: me may all get trophies 5 years old only one cup. how do you feel about them running up the score? >> kennedy: i also love the united states of america i think the u.s. women's national team is phenomenal. when they celebrate every goal how much they want this. how important it is to them and how they work for this their entire lives and careers. from the time they start playing in early adolescence and childhood all the way through college. if they are lucky they get on successive world cup teams. alex had five goals and three assists. it means something to them. for them to celebrate as americans, we should be high fiving along with. they of course i feel bad for the thai women's team. this is their first time in world cup play and yeah it feels horrible to get shut out. it always does. i also thought that the u.s. women were very gracious to
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their competitors after the game. >> katie: i agree with the coach. this is the big lead. have you got to win and win hard and early. and i actually don't feel so bad. it will make the thais a better team because they won't want to get shut out again. >> kennedy: jesse in. >> jesse: big deal games are usually 1-0. that's why people care about this. it was eyebrow raising event. in tennis if someone beats you 6-0-6-0 two sets. >> why don't you care about girl's tennis, jesse? >> jesse: i defended serena williams on this show. >> greg: you can't keep bringing out that card. >> jesse: i will play it if i have to gutfeld. >> jesse: football up 54-12. you run the ball. you don't throw it deep. there are ways to do it. i understand about excessive celebrations maybe on the 11th or 12th goal maybe you don't have to slide around and do a dance. i get that but, it's like
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back flipping when you are up 13-0 in baseball. you don't need that let them have their win and i'm proud of them. >> katie: juan, there have been questions from some of the teammates asking would you tell a men's soccer team not to celebrate too hard? >> juan: i think you would. we had the nba playoff going on right now, you can see at some games in fact at the end if one team suspect the other team just dribbles the ball out. it's not like you go down and run up the score for no reason there is a real legitimate reason why the u.s. women's team did this as greg was pointing out because of goal differential down the line if there is any kind of tie the u.s. can move ahead. i understand that. is there a mercy rule or some way that people can act in a way. >> jesse: they should have a mercy rule on this show. >> juan: then i would be out. >> kennedy: men had the mercy rule when the men didn't show up in the world cup. the men didn't make the world cup last year. so let the women celebrate and if they are that fantastic then they can
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celebrate. >> juan: i think a lot of people, especially for kids, you know like my grand daughters already have the jerseys for the u.s. women's team. i think a lot of kids were like well, why do they keep beating up on these other girls? >> katie: because you have got to win the game, people. up next, a high school principal suspended after plagiarizing ashton kutcher yes, the actor. the details up next. ♪ must have been something you said ♪ i just died in your arms tonight ♪ what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. - ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program call or visit ♪ ♪ >> kennedy: a west virginia principal now finding himself on the other side of disciplinary action. parkersburg high school principal kenny demoss is accused 6 plagiarizing a team choice speech given by ashton kutcher everywhere in an address he gave to the graduating class in may. he has now been suspended for five days. look for yourself. watch this. >> the first thing is about opportunity. the second thing is about being intriguing. and the third thing is about living life. >> first thing is about opportunity, the second thing is about being sexy.
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[cheers] and the third thing is about living life. >> never had a job in my life that i was better than, that i was too good for. i was always lucky to just have a job. >> i have never had a job in my life that i was better than. i was just lucky to have a job. >> and every job i had was a stepping stone to my next job and i never quit my job until i had my next job. >> and every job i had was a stepping stone to my next job. and i never quit my job until i had my next job. >> and so opportunities for me look like hard work. >> and so opportunities look a lot like work. >> kennedy: so weird. demoss has apologized saying in hindsight he wish he had cited his sources more. jesse, i think this is pretty fantastic that he was so inspired by ashton
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kutcher six years ago that he internalized that speech and he just -- all he forgot was the citation. he says that he didn't steal anything. he was inspired by the format. >> jesse: biden just hired this guy as a speech writer. but if you are going to plagiarize his speech that's a good one to plagiarize. i really like the message that ashton shared but if you are going to plagiarize the worst person to do it would be a principal that's not really the role to do that. politician instead. >> juan, kids get in so much trouble for plagiarizing and in college you have to digitally turn in all of your papers that compare your paper to every other paper to make sure you are not lifting passage. he did not just lift a passage or two. that was a massive cut and paste job. >> juan: principals are role model. no question for many people in their schools. they have to live up to a hire standard. his standard, even the excuse, kennedy, was just lame. oh my gosh, format.
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word for word as you can see. so i think that was pretty horrific and five days? i think that he should be punished in more significant fashion. >> kennedy: are you saying lock him up, juan? >> juan: maybe he should have to sit and listen to a trump rally speech. >> kennedy: he is in west virginia. i'm sure he probably. >> katie: punish him would be hillary clinton speech the graduation she did the other day. >> juan: you didn't like it? >> katie: no. that was torture. kids these days are always fact checking new realtime. this was brought to his attention and the attention of everybody else by a student who was graduating who was listening and said oh this sounds a lot like ashton kutcher google, google, google. oh, yes, it's the same thing. look, he is a principal. looks really bad. >> kennedy: yeah, 18-year-olds have good memories. remember that moment when ashton kutcher is so dreamy and i just love his message and what he has to say. wait a second that's too familiar.
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>> greg: i bet ashton kutcher ever thought he would be plagiarized for a speech. that's like copying the test from a high school quarterback. something you are not going to do. but is he actually surprisingly intelligent. you know, i guess i wonder why he did it. i have think he probably waited for the last minute to write his speech. and he freaked out and realized it was harder than he thought. and so he decided to like, he looked around -- do you know what he did he? googled great commencement speeches and then thought maybe if i just put them in -- next time just quote people, do like 10 inspirational quotes from greg gutfeld's book. the gutfeld monologue. it's on paperback. >> juan: did he leave out the sexy part? >> greg: yes. he changed that part which technically then isn't plagiarism. >> jesse: how happy would you be as a students for your principal to get in trouble. you are a bad kid and he has suspended down and he goes down.
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sweet. >> kennedy: i think we should do some reporting and find out how the student body feels about the principal. if he is one of those principals that hides out at mcdonald's and detention slips and leave campus and go there for lunch then you are probably pretty happy. if he is everyone's best friend. >> greg: then you will feel bad. i already feel bad. >> kennedy: i think it's fantastic. one more thing is up next. ♪ ill going for my best, ill going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin... i want that too. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? reeling in a nice one. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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was kind of like just a normal chair. but that wasn't good enough for jesse. so he went to levitz or raymore and flanagan and said what kind of chair did the executives use in the 1980s, are there any tears left over from wall street that i could use? so they ordered the leather exec 3,000 and that is your chair, it's almost modeled after your chair. it's tufted and studded and it has the winchester. >> is it animals are great because there are so many cows? >> it's so comfortable and swivels. >> we do have one more before we move on. greg, -- , this guy james holds
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higher he won $2.4 million on a 30 game jeopardy streak. well, uncle sam took half of that. but here's the breakdown. the feds took about 860,000. california took $280,000 of his winnings, and so like if they had filmed this show in maybe nevada, he would have only been taxed about 860,000. so california kills people. it kills success. all game shows should be filmed in low state tax states like nevada. >> yes, and i will congratulate you on your four day boycott the dominican republic. >> and i still haven't gone. [laughs] >> take a seat.
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you know how difficult it is to be a first responder, take a look at this video. that big truck that crashed in montana had at 133 million bees on board. some of the first responders from the high life fire department and the galveston sheriff's office had to put on fire gear to avoid being stung before others came in to clean up the mess. and, that's good news and only 3,000 of the 100 million bees were alive. >> okay, canada. >> you know the best thing to do for the summer to make money is have a little lemonade stand for young people. but all across the country these busybodies think they are doing everyone a favor on calling the
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police on these poor kids that are butting capitalists. but not in texas. greg abbott just signed a law that allows kids to have lemonade stands without license licenses. finally, we hope this is a trend that will catch on in other states because it's a great way for kids to hydrate their neighbors and to make a quick buck so they can buy the stuff they want. >> katie, you are up. >> not kids but adults late, commanding the lemonade stand. this morning the counsel for citizens against government waste released their book which is against government waste and of fraud and abuse. there she is with two human pig pigs. and that's a 4% increase. and the pig looks pretty happy.
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>> thanks for never missing an episode of "the five." "special report" is up next, with bret baier. >> bret: want it really does have a nice chair. president trumps the mike trump asserts his executive privilege, bernie sanders puts democratic socialism for the future despite joe biden's efforts to focus on the past. and what is killing americans at resorts in the dominican republic? we will take you there. this is special report. good evening. president trump has no deadline for china or north korea. he does have mexico on the clock and poland's money


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