tv Hannity FOX News June 14, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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if they solicit you, it is treason. >have a great weekend. we will be back monday 8:00 p.m. >> the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. i have the best weekend with the ones you love. ♪ >> sean: welcome to the special edition of hannity, trump versus the west i'm jason in for sean. for the hour we will reveal americans left anti-trump conspiracy theories all while covering up clear and unbridled misconduct at some of the highest levels of the federal bureaucracy. this week democrats and the media mob teamed up for another round of fake moral outrage at this time over a statement from president trump about foreign opposition research. the president emphasized he would pass off nefarious material to the fbi, but that didn't matter to the far left
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mob who manufactured yet another funny scandal. more than 24 hours of constant hysteria president trump clarified his comments yet again. take a look. >> first of all, i don't think anybody would present me with anything because they know how much i love this country. nobody will present me with anything but number two if i was and of course you have to look at it because if you don't look at it you won't know it's bad. how would you know it is bad? but of course you give it to the fbi were reported to the attorney general or somebody like that. but of course you do that. you couldn't have that happen with our country. you look at what happened. hillary clinton with the money that ultimately went to russia for the fake dossier, that total fake pile of stuff that if money gets paid -- and by the way the amount of money that was paid and paid by hillary clinton and the dnc and went to russia, that is the criminal. >> jason: the president was
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right. it was democrats who actually paid in 2016 election and it was deep state that help them every step of the way. recently congresswoman -- congressman nunez summed it up perfectly on the show, watch. >> i know we always say this happened at the top of the fbi, but i will tell you, that attitude permeated throughout the counterintelligence capabilities. and retired fbi agents thinks it's okay to use counterintelligence against campaigns, i think we have gone a long way in this country. the democrats didn't support the counterintelligence capability because they thought they were spying on their campaigns and political enemies. it ends up, in fact, they took them over, corrupted the whole thing, and it seems that is the attitude throughout the fbi at least for the former officials. >> jason: one of those high ranking fbi agents was andrew mccabe. he was fired for lying, but now he's calling for trump's impeachment all while depending the clinton campaign for charges
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of collusion. watch this. >> the line is very clear. it is not acceptable to take anything from a foreign power, certainly not a hostile foreign power and certainly not the government of russia. for a campaign to hire a law firm, and american law firm who then turns around and hires an american research company who then contracts out with a foreign individual, that is not illegal. they are allowed to hire individuals foreign individuals and to pay those individuals fos that they provide. and i would add too, chris and the example of the clinton campaign, it was that very foreign individual that stepped forward and provided the information he had collected to the fbi simply because he was so troubled by what he was seeing. >> jason: wow, we will break that down. 20 from "the wall street journal" kim strassel fox news contributor sara carter and news contributor judge ken starr,
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thank you for being here, kim, i want to start with you because the duplicity in that comment from the cave was absolutely stunning and now, he will take the position but how come the democrats are asked the hard questions? republicans get hard questions and want to be able to answer the questions but the democrats, the double standard is unbelievable. >> kim: that is what i wanted to know the entire time everyone was going on about president trump's comments. and i think in the original discussion he had with "abc news," he was actually talking about allies calling him in the capacity as president to provide things. but wouldn't you love to hear somebody has as hillary clinton do you really think it is appropriate to hire a researcher from a foreign country giving information from russians, disinformation? because we know it's not true. andrew mccabe entire sentiment sums up why we are in the mess we are in.
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that was clearly the thought process that was guiding them as they went on justifying this. they went along. >> jason: no, look, this is what is amazing about what the clintons were doing. on the one hand she has secretary of state 11 times, president clinton took more than $500,000 and while she was secretary of state presumably a candidate for president. and then also spending money through the dnc and the other organizations, spending millions of dollars overseas in order to generate this. so sara carter, you have followed this as closely as anybody. where do you see this going and what happens next? >> sara: certainly the investigation is ongoing. as we hear from the department of justice that john durham is basically amassed his own group of people to look at the very beginnings and the origins of the investigation into president trump and the alleged russian collusion. i think that will be very significant because what we know
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now is that stands far beyond the fbi, jason. they are looking right now at cia officers, and of course, john brennan is connected to this. we have got clapper as well. the former director of national intelligence. and james comey. but i think what is really important is what you said a moment ago and what you talked about, andrew mccabe. think about what andrew mccabe is saying they are. he is actually saying, look, we have these people talking to people in the united states. they should be reporting this to the fbi. we have foreign actors, yet, they went ahead and took all of this information which i believe the investigation is definitely going to focus on fusion gps. that is a nongovernmental entity. that is the embattled research firm that hired christopher steele to basically collect all the information on the dossier which was paid for by the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic national committee. they will be looking very closely at that, but they took
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all of this information from a foreign, even if it was an ally, and my six agent -- m-16 agent, and then he takes the information from the russians. so think about that. they are actually the hypocrisy is stunning they are. >> jason: and judge, the selective moral outrage is what drives me crazy. i don't see a fair and balanced media trying to ask hard, probing questions anywhere on the democratic side. but as you look at the president's comments that came out this week, how do you assess the situation? >> i think we should not forget that he is the president of the united states. he can talk to anyone he wants to. he can get information from anyone he wants to. he is the nation's chief executiveexecutive. and i think it is clarified that power, he would use his discretion to report it. but i think lot got lost in the
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entire conversation, jason. the president brought it back to it, hey, i was meeting with the majesty, the queen. you should not call up the director of the fbi to report on conversations with her or the president. it is ridiculous on its face. these are important principles that we don't want the united states of america's political campaigns to be effective especially with hostile powers. but i think that we have essentially seen a tempest in a teapot. >> jason: kim strassel, you have been running for "the wall street journal" for a number of years. what questions would you want to ask the democrats? how do you explain to people who do not follow the news day in and day out moral outrage that happens in the media? >> kim: what i really want to ask them is, okay, let's move ahead a year. on the basis of what you are saying at the moment. what you are justifying. apparently, you would be okay if the trump fbi started an
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counterintelligence investigation into one of the leading 2020 candidates or the 2020 nominees. on the basis of some sort of opposition research that had been provided to the trump campaign from a conservative operative. you would be good with that. of course, they would not. and i would also like to ask them, how they came to change their view so quickly in particular civil liberty. for a long time, the outrage from democrats when the president bush was trying to do the patriot act and other things got constantly told we could not use these surveillance tools, even metadata which is nothing compared to fisa warrants, by the way. but not even metadata because of the risk that it might invade america's privacy in some way or form or allow the government to survey old. so i'm not quite sure where that has all disappeared other than politics because it's more convenient to now not hold that position. >> jason: sara, we heard devin nunes his comments on hannity last night.
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but within the intel community, how pervasive is this? it is scary to think that you have devin nunes the former chairman and ranking member of the house until committee telling us that this is not just one or two people, more pervasive than we originally thought. >> kim: it absolutely is more pervasive than reported. and i think this is the reason why, jason. so many have reached out to reporters, especially to me over the last few years. i remember early on when we were first breaking the stories on, you know, the unmaskings and surveillance in issues like that. it was because people had been coming forward and saying there is something seriously wrong with weaponization of our intelligence community. i don't think what we realize is that it was this fast and happening such pervasive level. i think this is what devin nunes and others are trying to bring forward and why the investigation right now is so vitally important. because we really need to clean
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up these agencies, find out what was going on in an effort to move forward so that it never happens again. >> jason: and it seems like weeks ago, but judge store, we started the week with john dean testifying. and i mean, it was a comedy show as far as i could tell but what was your take on that when you saw that spectacle? >> ken: well, i thought it was a poor exercise in judgment on the part of the chairman and the majority. to call john dean. now he's paid his debt to society and simpler, but he's made an industry if not lucrative career out of assailing republican presence. and it's always worse than watergate so i think to be honest, i would not respect john dean's judgment and i think the republicans on the committee did a very fine job of saying, hey let's look at your background and not just what you did at the white house, you paid your debt to society, but what you have
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done since that time which really raises very serious credibility questions. so i don't think it was a serious exercise, bad call on their part, but they are trying to keep the ball in play as i see it. keep the stories going. but it was ignored because of a helicopter crash that was tragic in new york. but it shows it was not a good judgment on the part of the democrats. >> jason: judge starr thank you for joining us in sarah and kim, we thank you for your expertise. during president trump's interview with george stephanopoulos, that journalist was upset all things mueller and president trump hold him out on it, take a look. >> i gave them 1.5 million pages of documents, right? i gave them four or 500 witnesses. i lit don mcgann testified to my let him say to the white house counsel. >> you didn't answer questions on obstruction. >> wait a minute i did answer
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questions in writing. >> i don't know. >> i did answer a lot of questions. they gave me questions and i answer them in writing. >> not on obstruction. >> you are being a little wise guy which is typical for you just so you understand. very simple, it's very simple. there was no crime. there was no collusion. >> jason: joining us now is fox news contributor and former trey gowdy serving congress with mr. gaudi, we thank you for joining us today. i really do appreciate it. i want to go to the beginning and when we come back to it we heard from mr. stephanopoulos but at the beginning we heard john dean before a committee that i served on and you served on at the house judiciary but what was your take on that read? >> trey: john dean is not a fact witness and has never talked to don mcgann or never talk to president trump or ever talked to christopher steele. so you can rule out him having any facts that might benefit the
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american public. he is not a legal expert on obstruction. he did pay his debt to society. so it would not spend 5 minutes relitigating his criminal history, but is not a factoid in this. so it begs the question with why would you call someone who can't help the american people with the facts or the law? and the reality is, jason, and you were there almost as long as i was. this story, they wanted to get it started right after the inauguration. and they want to keep it going until november of 2020. and even having a pathetic, sad hearings that don't benefit anyone other than the folks advertising on television, that is part of this effort to keep it alive. >> jason: they don't even sell advertising on c-span and i can imagine people wasting their time to watch that clown show. you bring up to convicted felons, michael cohen and john
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dean as the way you will propel this, i don't know how democrats with a straight face look in the cameras and say oh, yeah, we are trying to get to the bottom to do work for the american people. part of what happened -- truth >> trey: i will tell you how they do come i will tell you how they do. they never ask about it. how many times did you when i discuss, look, you were really, really good with the media when you were there. i constantly watch you stop and talk to reporters most of the rest of us wouldn't do it. i hope you even you have realized now that duplicity and relativism with which republicans have covered versus democrats. if you as the chairman of oversight" someone like john dean who is not a fact witness or a legal expert about the best he can give you the date of the life in federal prison. that is the best he can give you, you would be excoriated. you don't hear anything about that. >> jason: the media would not even ask questions. i issued a subpoena and the i.t.
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specialist for hillary clinton who said he served four years with hillary clinton. and had never sent or received an email and he had immunity agreement. we asked him to come before the committee and no one even cover the hearing because he didn't show up. >> trey: i was there in case you forgot. hey, how about six years worth of not getting information from president obama's administration? i mean, where is the outrage? where is the political "washington post" articles about how outrageous it is the executive branch is not cooperating with legitimate oversight? you don't see any of it. i get the former line of work ain't that popular, but folks in the media are not trusted as much as we need them to be and a robust thriving democracy. and at some point, they need to ask themselves, i wonder why we are not trusted. i wonder why people think we are in the tank with the democrats. i think you will see a little
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bit of that this week. >> jason: you see it every week along the way. now, one of the -- >> trey: a little more than a little. >> jason: this week they wanted to hold and vote the oversight committee, and many there a committee you and i were both on and chaired to hold attorney general barr at the secretary of commerce in contempt. i can't believe they did this. what was your take on this? >> trey: you know, jason, we hold in contempt for failure to produce documents. you and i were not chairman at the time, but there is tension between the branches over whether or not to produce documents and whether or not accommodation. there is actually litigation still ongoing with this. so it is kind of like holding bar in contempt for not turning over the mueller report. by law he cannot turn over parts of it so you will hold him in contempt for following the law.
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in in this instant they are holding wilbur in the attorney general in contempt for not turning documents related to something currently part of litigation. but if you can do it and get away with it and never be questioned and never be challenged by the media, why not? >> jason: and the wilbur, there is a pending supreme court decision that will happen at the end of the month. they have rescheduled witnesses from the department of congress. aunt testified hours before the committee. they have turned over 14,000 documents and this rush to try to hold them in contempt before the supreme court comes about and this decision. yet, nobody is writing the stories because they don't ask the questions -- the core questions. i have just a minute left but i want to get your take on andrew mccabe following the impeachment -- calling for the impingement of donald trump. what is your take? >> trey: jc, go back to trump
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this week. because the fbi come i hope he would call the fbi but let's think about if hillary would have gotten on the phone the summer of 2016. and the impeachment is too good for you, but mccabe despite his own legal distractions wants to weigh in and say trump ought to be impeached. brennan who wants to do when more than that and actually put them on trial for treason a crime you can be put to death. so that is who he is supposed to call in the summer of 2016. i wish mccabe would just go on and deal with his own legal issues. i really don't know anyone who gives a what andrew mccabe thinks about impeachment and donald trump i really don't other than the reporter that asked. >> jason: he's in a huge big legal trouble and i think he's doing his own thing. >> trey: that's where i put my time. i would devote my time on my own legal issues and not weigh in on other. >> jason: he will be in a world of hurt soon. i can't wait for the
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inspector general to report. when i think a lot of michael horowitz and i'm sure he did a thorough job. when it comes out, i think will be close to the facts as you get. >> trey: you are right. >> jason: congressman gowdy thank you again for joining us. directly ahead you won't believe what president trump said about 2020 democrats running for president. and here with reaction. stay with us.
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inquiry against president donald trump" new york city mayor bill de blasio and amy klobuchar also joining and calling for impeachment. take a look. >> they should begin impeachment proceedings. we can no longer accept the notion of a president who openly invites interference in our electorate. the mueller report was bad enough and eventually would lead to successful impeachment, but the interview, it the breakthrough moments in life, that interview says he has learned nothing. >> would you like the impeachment proceeding to begin now? i would support impeachment proceedings beginning now, but i also understand they may want to do an investigation leading up to it. and i think they should be given the time to do that. they went sounds to me like they are afraid to face president trump and the general election. the president also went after sum up his possible opponents when he called fox & friends this morning.
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>> everybody knows that joe biden does not have what it takes. okay, he doesn't have what it takes. everybody knows this. >> what does that mean? >> it means the mental capacity. it means a lot of different things. he didn't ever had what it takes. until obama -- he ran two or three times. i used to call him 1% joe because he never got more than 1%. then obama came along and surprisingly, took him off of i would say, the trashy. and now i see pocahontas is doing better. i would love to run against her frankly. i see that bernie sanders is not doing well at all. i would have, frankly, would like to run against. i don't see the other ones. i really don't see it. >> jason: joining us now is american conservative human arizona congressman andy biggs. i want to go back to the beginning of where we were talking about with eric swalwell. i think it is generous to call him a presidential candidate
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0.0%, but i guess you can fill out the paperwork. so he tends to this article of the atlantic and this is why you can't take this guy seriously. it starts off and he writes as the judiciary committee's only career prosecutor, that is just not true. the former u.s. attorney, ken buck from colorado a long time prosecutor. the guy is a fraud. and yet they continue this drumbeat and they say we have to have impeachment. >> i don't know if this is a contest to be the next democratic nominee or just a contest to get a big tv contract. but it does seem to be kind of an interesting spectacle to watch. i do think the president's right. there is definitely tier one group of candidates of who look like they are credible. then there is all these others. quite honestly, to the american people we look at these democrats who are running on impeachment and investigation and i think it is rather
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exhausting. >> jason: i mean, shows some creativity along the way. but andy biggs the congressman from arizona. i served with you in the congressman as well. it's got to be frustrating. a guy likes wall will is there for one reason, attention and to get in front of the camera. believe me i know a lot about cameras but this guy is unbelievable in his approach. but this and preac impeachment k are they going to do it or just chatter about it? they are doing that chattering now but i think they will get around to doing it because right now nancy pelosi is just trying to hold the team of horses back and drive the democrats to impeachment. but look you have people likes wall will, amy klobuchar 1% and bill de blasio is he still running? these people are running -- who knows why they are running. and on stage, and the debate but good grief. you are talking about people who are just making the most
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outrageous claims on hypothetical statements for impeachment. it is absurd, ludicrous. and actually frankly in swalwell's case, actually funny. >> jason: mayor -- mayor de blasio, it doesn't even matter? if anyone is listening, you can walk down, fifth avenue and you can walk down times square right around the corner from the building i'm sitting in right now. the city is a mess. it is a disaster. and how we spend time talking about other things when they have chronic homelessness and other problems around the country, it really does fire you up. >> andy: mayor bill de blasio can kill somebody on fifth avenue and people would say, who is it that killed that guy? and i think these are anonymous candidates. the problems for the democrats is not so much finding a candidate but the economy is roaring. america is back. we are leading again and not on
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bended knee apologizing to the world. we are cracking down on the problems that the country faces. look, in america we reelect president when we are not at war and when the economy is strong. and donald trump's case, he has got a very strong hand. the democrats, all they have tried to make him illegitimate and they have tried for two years and it's not working. >> jason: this is the problem, congressman andy biggs. the congressman have nothing to run on. you take bill de blasio and people like swalwell in california, and their policies, democrats have been in charge for a long time. and we see the homelessness. but you look at what donald trump is doing in the difference between obama/biden years come with this economy has soaring and democrats have something worthy to run on. >> matt: absolutely right and i look at the democrats and say, they don't have policy prescriptions.
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you know, jason, you have gone through the appropriations process and you should see the democrats throwing out, they don't want to bring the budget under control. about the president needing to be impeached, but the economy is so good and places bill de blasio and swalwell are coming from not so good in the sense that you've got the homeless problem. you have this terrible problem with the city's to be run down. they look awful and people don't want to go there. they want to leave. that is because of democratic policies. i think president trump has really brought this country back domestically and internationally as well. >> jason: and he has a record to run on. policy prescriptions that are making a difference in the country. and i don't see a one of the democrats out there with policy prescriptions that would make this country stronger than what donald trump is doing. that is my perspective. matt schlapp and congressman bigs, thank you for joining us. we do appreciate it.
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the hate-trump media exposed like we have never seen before, kayleigh mcenany and charlie hurt and they will explain next. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life.
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♪ >> jason: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity" trump versus the left. the liberal mainstream media hit a new low this week. just this morning msnbc morning joe had a debate about whether trump is evil or horrendous. watch this. >> really, truly evil guy george stephanopoulos? of course, i would reported. i would report it instantly, in fact, you know what, i've hired three lawyers and scanning the entire government. we are going to have the toughest task force of foreign interference ever while -- he's
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actually calling china and calling russia, hey, you got anything? you can almost say is he evil? >> all right. >> luke, this is horrendous, or horrendous for our democracy. he is a national security threat. what he does is not stupidity. what he does is not evil, playing out before our eyes. what he does is manipulates the truth. >> jason: hypocrisy of that show is just, it drives me nuts. anyway, meanwhile, since president trump announced press secretary sarah sanders would be leaving her post at the end of the month, some members in the mainstream media to take cheap shots at her. watch this peerage she was called upon the fidelity to trump and fidelity to the truth and she chose trump for ly one of defending the indefensible and not being truthful with the american people. >> sarah sanders lied again and
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again and again. and that's just not my opinion but the facts. >> she fell short her duty to the american people. that will be part of her legacy. >> she suffers anti-american public deserves better. they did not trust what she said. >> i have to say, i will not miss her. >> we were the first hour to ban her tape and so i literally and figuratively will not miss her either. >> jason: and "the washington post" reacted to the news by putting up this picture on their official instagram account, which reads "the queen of gas lighting. farewell to a lying, disrespectful, white house press secretary." unbelievable. joining me now with reaction fox contributor charlie hurt relatable podcast host allie beth and trump 2020 press secretary kayleigh mcenany, joining me in the studio in new york.
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when you deal with the press, you are a human being. what do you see and what goes through your mind? >> kayleigh: i see what the american people seek him an elite -- an elitist, pompous press entirely out of touch and contrast that with sarah sanders, a wonderful, human being come honest so much integrity and the american people what are they watch someone fighting for them. the trump agenda that they elected. there is a reason why sarah sanders ranked the ninth most admired woman in the country is because the american people see her as a fighter. someone standing up to the pomposity of the press. historic low approval ratings. >> jason: now, charlie, you have been watching the d.c. media for a long time. but when you see the attack that she is facing personally, when she is announcing she is actually leaving, what do you see? >> charlie: i've never seen anything like this, jason. it is is amazing. they personal nature of the
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attack on her so often has nothing to do with the policy position or a factual dispute or anything like that. it is just this vicious, vitriolic personal attack. and the clip you just showed from msnbc where the hostess was talking about how we were the first hour to ban her, whatever, whatever she said. that is a competition among all of these reporters to see who could be the nastiest and the most venomous towards her. much the way they have been towards president trump prior to that. but the way they have gone after sarah sanders, it's like nothing i've ever seen before. and i think they turned off a hole, new sector of people who will not pay any more attention to any of the news, so called news out of washington. >> jason: now allie beth, when i see that i think they are showing their true colors.
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here is a woman who sacrificed a lot and she is serving the president of the united states, but allie beth, why do this when going out the door and announcing you are leaving at the end of the month? >> allie beth: look, i understand it. they are celebrating right now. if i were an anti-trump journalists, i too would be excited about sarah sanders leaving because she is so good at her job. she did not let anyone in the press run unfair or untrue narrative. that is extremely intimidating coming from a strong press secretary. so i totally get it. i get their attitudes and i get why they are excited. they think they will have someone come in that will not be as strong as sarah sanders and they are excited to see her go. i probably would be too if i were them. >> jason: this is a woman who stepped up in a very tough role, did an admirable job and the human sacrifice on her family. you remember the stories of them harassing her family and not
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serving her in a restaurant and all of those kinds of things. hats off to someone who steps up and does that. >> kayleigh: hats off to her. and stepping back rather than criticizing her that did a good job, i wish the media would take a look in the mirror how wrong they are and how quickly they forget about they were wrong about november 8, 2016 election where president trump one. wrong about the inclusion narrative and mexican tariffs not working. they are consistently wrong, yet they have the audacity to go out with those and criticize and talk about myths -- missed truths and they are ultimate missed truth. >> jason: charlie, that is the problem of the flip-flop and idea they preach this narrative about collusion that never turned out to be true. >> charlie: for two years, for two years they use dirt from foreign adversaries. volz, made up dirt from foreign adversaries to try to undermine a duly elected president. and they failed.
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all of it was completely made up. they are all complicit in it and they all did everything they could to cover for it and to prop it up and make it seem like it might be true. and they'll come up course, we listen to all this talk seriously about wanting to remove the president based on this fake, pulse information that was obtained from foreign adversaries. very strange, isn't it? >> jason: they want to get rid of him because he said he was listed. he started out by saying, i would do both. but that is impeachable, listening. but i want to ask you, allie beth, when i was the chairman of the oversight committee, i had an agreement with ranking member. you know what, we can go after each other as elected officials, but we leave the staff alone. they work for us and they have families. they are federal employees. why should we believe the national media when they treat
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somebody like sarah sanders the way they have? >> allie beth: i think the gloves are off when it comes to president trump and their administration. and we have never seen this personal vitriol from the press and the president and the administration. nothing is off-limits. again, she was on the front line. so this person primarily calling them on their narrative and calling them on their lies and they just got really offended by it. so i think we are seeing some sort of separation in this particular part of her career because she made them extremely uncomfortable. >> jason: well, hats off to sarah and what she said. her sacrifice, or personal sacrifice, her family, her personally, she has a lot to be proud of. and her service to this country, i hope she looks back because she was dealing with fake news media and one that had an agenda and was going after her. she stood there and took the
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bullet day after day, night after night, and hats off to her for the great job that she did as president secretary. thank you so much for joining us tonight. when we come right back, new york city is actually using public money, your taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion. unbelievable. stay with us. ♪ listen to the doctor. take it seriously.
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♪ >> jason: will come back to the special edition of "hannity." trump versus the left. tonight liberal lawlessness is continuing to play them a major cds. rampant homelessness, needles on the street and massive trash pile up leading to a health crisis. especially los angeles where city officials are now accusing neighboring suburbs of dumping their own homeless on l.a.
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streets. escalating the already out-of-control crisis and unfortunately, california's soft on crime policies don't stop there. democrats in the golden state are pushing to actually let convicted felons serve on jury. and remember, this far left radicalism extends to every corner of the new extreme democratic party. including on the issue of abortion. where new york is leading the charge, and city leaders backing new efforts to provide abortion funding assistance for women who travel in from out of state, to have the procedure. they are literally taking your taxpayer dollars and using it for abortion in new york. you can't get it done in your own state, come to new york and taxpayers in new york will pay for you to get through that process. u.s. and under candidate from michigan john james with fox news contributor rachel campos, rachel, i want to start with you. this is a tough subject and you
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talk about abortion, the fact that we use taxpayer funds to do that? how does that strike you? >> rachel: it is crazy and it used to be americans are great on both sides of the issue is not to use taxpayer funds for abortion. so the question is, by the way, the fund is $250,000. it will not just pay for the abortion from out-of-state women, but it will also pay for transportation cost, lodging. the question is, why use public funds? you can raise $250,000 in a new york minute among rich, liberal democrats in new york city. why are they doing it? the reason is, they are doing it purposely. it is their way to get revenge on some of the pro-life legislation and the sentiment in the country and the community that is favoring the pro-life movement. and the trend not just in new york, i have a daughter in college that attends the university of college. they just voted in the government tuition money that my
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husband and i paid toward my daughter's school towards an emergency fund that will now also pay for abortion from college students. so this is a liberal trend. a revenge to force people who oppose abortion to actually be complicit in it. >> jason: this is the problem because, planned parenthood has literally hundreds of millions of dollars in their endowment, but they were purposely going to use these taxpayer dollars in order to do that. what is the message that they are sending there, john? >> john: welcome i believe this is a betrayal of public trt of taxpayers in new york. i believe that using taxpayer money to fund abortions is the wrong answer and the wrong way to go about fulfilling their bill with a blauzeeyo campaign promises. look, i'm pro-life and i will not apologize for that but we need to spend more time wrapping our arms around their mothers and the children doing everything that we can to protect and preserve the life of both. i've seen too much in my 38
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years to abide by any more that we can possibly do more. >> jason: and also, i have got to tell you, one thing about the help of the mother which we talk about, but this is not the safest way to do this, right, rachel? >> rachel: no, it's not. by the way, the legislation governor cuomo signed actually is making abortion. it used to be rare and safe, but part of the legislation to suggest to allow abortion in later stages of pregnancy and even after birth as we both know has been very controversially discussed. but also, they are making it such that it's not just doctors could perform this but now allowing technicians and nurses. so they are not making abortion safer but quite the opposite. >> jason: no, john, i wish we had more time to talk about l.a. on homelessness and the policies because i know you care deeply about that. john james john james come a candidate for the senate in michigan. thank you for joining us,
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rachel, thank you. we will be back with tonight's "villain of the day" as the special edition of "hannity" continues. and live claritin clear. who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron. -when will it end? [ ding ] car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car.
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true enemies gathering a broad. chris gallagher is with us to give us the latest. gauges and come expert in foreign and litter eastern policy wanda whiteley acknowledge that video released by the pentagon showing what appears to be an iranian best boat moving and unexploited min from near one of the damage damaged tankers is very compelling evidence it wasn't wasn't back behind the attack. >> iran did do it and you know they did it because you saw the boat i guess one of the minds
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didn't explode, and it probably got essentially iran written al over a. to give the president wouldn't say it how or if he plans to respond to the latest provocation that the white hous confirms that mister trump did speak to japanese prime ministe today to thank him for facilitating three negation wit the longer an indication that the president is still willing to negotiate. the prime minister was in tehra when the and one of them is owned by japan. the u.s. is also talked about possible military escorts for vessels transporting oil throug the very vital strait of waterway. >> thank you for joining us tonight ahead of this father's day weekend. also a birthday shout out to th president of the united states who turned 73 today break if that is not enough to make you feel patriotic, it's also the army's birthday today founded 244 years ago today in 1775.
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to top it all off, it's officially flag day, so be sure to fly old glory i am proud. "the ingraham angle" is up next. >> laura: this is "the ingraha angle" from washington tonight. the migrants in san antonio, texas. we told you about it earlier this week. an investigative journalist who spoke to them directly found ou some very interesting information and we have the tape . also he went viral for the impassioned speech about the diseases ravaging the homeless population in california and threatening to spread further, tonight dr. dre delivers a new warning about the inadequacies of our health screenings at the border and what can be done about it.
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