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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  June 16, 2019 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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i just googled father's day in the first article that comes up, this father's day, dads need to listen to why their daughters are so angry. nbc, thanks for watching. i'm jeanine pirro. greg is next. his name, joe biden, he's running for president. >> my name is joe biden, i'm
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running for president of the united states. look me over. if you like what you see. [inaudible] >> sound like he's already giving up, 507 days before the election, he's telling you to vote for the other guy. i don't know, but i think that's the opposite of persuasion. meanwhile, that other guy knows the best thing that ever happened to the farmers. >> the best thing that ever happened to the farmers is me. [laughter] i don't know if that's true, i don't know if that's true. >> at least he's confident, and that's half the key to success. never let them see you sweat. joe, what did your mother tell you? >> my mother would say joey, focus, don't ascend, stay up, talk about setting low
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expectations, just try to stay up. around you joe, we are trying to stay up. as for the other guy, he can certainly focus. he can focus on a piece of paper and make everyone else focus on it too. but, here's the agreement. it's a simple agreement. >> here's the agreement, it's a very simple agreement. inside here, i would love to do it, but in here is the agreement. right here is the agreement. very simple. it's right here. that's the agreement that everybody says they don't have. that's the agreement that everyone says he doesn't happen it's right there, so screw you. but, it's too early to tell if biden is going to be the guy to grow up against trump.
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a pull out this week says biden would beat trump in a head-to-head match. the early polls aren't always accurate, are there. i mean, just look at the contrast between these guys. quiet, quiet you control the person that brings out the cart carrying the spaghetti sauce. [inaudible] >> joe biden is a dummy. biden is a loser. obama took him off the trash heap. >> the president is literally an excess essential threat to america. >> china eight our country alive during obama and biden. they'd us alive. >> were walking around like what was me. >> ultimately, i'm always right. [laughter]
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this is not going to end well. think of them like amusement park rides. do you really want to ride the biden. or, do you want to ride the trump? so trump is running the country in the country is doing well. he's getting stuff done. he even has the time to redesign air force one.
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here is your new air force one and i'm building up for other presidents, not for me me. that is so nice of him, but let's get down to brass tacks. say there's a country out there that has dirt on your opponent. is there anything wrong with listening. >> there's nothing wrong with listening. if someone calls from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent, oh, i think i'd want to hear it. especially if it's from norway. norway never says anything. when norway says it knows something, you better listen, but trump gets black for that even when that's exactly what his opponent did to him. on top of everything else on his plate, have to find a new press secretary because sarah is leaving.
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dealing with the media is not easy, especially with trump as president. you need someone imposing like to john club van dam, 160, the other sexier. or maybe someone assertive who won't take crab from anyone, if only we could bring back this guy. [inaudible] that would be amazing. it's gotta be somewhat tough, no-nonsense, i know the perfect choice. [laughter] [applause] let's welcome tonight's guest, he so bright he doesn't need
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to buy light bulbs. reform editor and contributor lawrence joan he's the type a guy your parents never warned you about. not even once. comedian joe mackie. [applause] she's brassy and her eyes are sometime glassy, host of sincerely cat on fox nation and, tyrus. biden versus trump lawrence, from an energy standpoint it's like a steamroller versus an empty can of tuna. >> that's good biden is the guy that was on the playground talking all the crab, remember how they said he would take
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trump behind the barn and beat him up in all this and he finally gets in the race, he has his moment and his campaign has been insulated the entire time. he flip-flops on issues, i don't think the guy has the stamina to beat the president. >> i think they're actually keeping him away because they think they can make it last longer because every time you see him, the less you want to see him you know it is, everybody loves gramps. but you don't let gramps throw the party joe. i don't know what that means. maybe you didn't have a fun grandpa like i did. i'll tell you what, did you have a fun grandpa. were they fun in a fun way or a weird way. >> there fun in a fun way. maybe you had crazy gramps. >> i think i'm rather fun at a party, i don't get it, but
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i'll tell you what, trump made some in interesting distinctions because he said biden is mentally weak and he blasted his support for the hyde amendment that lasted a few hours, he could've just logged onto twitter and not had to change his mind and he made a difference between china and biden. biden said there are friends and china is building military installations on artificial islands. they were even using islands that were already there. there like we need more islands. [laughter] that is scary. cat. >> yes greg. >> do you think the dems are actually going to keep biden as a nominee? >> i think it's so interesting because my favorite part this week was when beto said i think america can do better than joe biden and he does
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kind of have a point because even though biden is doing very well, it's also true that there's a sizable percentage of america that doesn't want him to be the president. the problem with what he said is pretty much no percentage wants beto to be president. [laughter] pretty much nobody would choose him for that. i feel like more people would choose me to it be a getaway driver and the last time my friend let me borrow their car i ran it into two gates in front of a very obvious cop, like i think more people would choose casey anthony to babysit their children. i think more people would choose danny devito for the basketball team. i would, i would love to meet danny devito.
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>> so we can't make fun of casey anthony? you guys like her? come on. >> too soon. somebody just yelled too soon. >> what you mean. that doesn't really make sense. let me do my job, your job is to sit there. i think that is a first that the guest has scolded the audience. it was a bunch of hackles. obviously they're all from florida. it was a murder of hecklers. you just lost your wallet. >> i did but then i found it. [applause] that's the easiest applause i've ever gotten, how to keep track of your belongings that you should keep track of as a 30-year-old woman.
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>> i to share jo's fear of artificial. [inaudible] they can just show up anywhere and put stuff on it. i've honestly feel bad for joe. he would like to run for president, apparently there's a portion of the united states that wants to support him, but his own party hates him because he's white which, damn, i guess that's progress. first time in my lifetime i ever see a dude try to get off camera because he's white. when he does the interview he walked away from a camera and he's trying to get off the camera when he talks he's like spaghetti spaghetti i gotta get up this camera. it's not that he's slow or out of breath,.
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[inaudible] even out events, there's a podium there and i know something about a podium because sometimes i do a little press conference thing, you have to stand in from the podium. if you want all the tapes he's running from it because he doesn't want to be on film because the super left democrats don't want them in there because he's white. >> would gotta wrap this thing up. >> shame on all you white peopl people. [inaudible] not in this country jack. >> think the biggest challenge for the dam is the country is in good shape. that's the problem. all they have to fret about is the hat tax. i don't even know what hatching is. i'm pro hatching. this candidate broke the number one rule. we tell you what that is coming next.
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and if someone tries, we'll let you know. so you can stream, surf and game all you want, with confidence you can get coverage where you need it most. that's xfi advantage. make your xfi even better. upgrade today. call, click or visit a store. you've got to get loud to stand out from the crowd. the first democratic debate is later this month. it will take two nights get through to 20 candidates. nbc split them into two groups of ten. that's two nights to vomit through your eyeballs. the second night you got joe biden, bernie sanders and john hicken looper who has been screaming from the balcony that bernie's socialism isn't gonna work. sanders said clearly on
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wednesday that the goal of his complete agenda is to make the united states of america into a democratic socialist country. democrats must say loudly and clearly that we are not socialists. >> hicken looper makes a good point. it's a shame his last name rearranged his tickle hero no. that's going to set him back. it's not just about who's got your best policy or who can take on trump, these candidates think they need a hip slogan to make a connection with voters. write eric swallow. >> i will be bold without the bold. i haven't seen a delivery that bad since i had my paper route. at least his goof can be our
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game. it could happen to anyone. you've got a big presentation at work, your nervous and you don't want to blow it. i wish there were something i could take. why not try some swallow well. >> never heard of it. >> nobody has. >> of the confidence building system to help build individual performance. i will always be real with you. i will be bold without the bold. my wife and i it kinda makes me cringe. it may also cause nausea, vomiting, flatulent two that's a lot of side effects. sometimes two doses help. watch again. >> i was always be real with you. i will be bold without the
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bold. >> man, it's starting to work. can i see that again. >> don't you think you've had enough. >> i said hit me again. >> okay. >> i will be bold without the bold. >> my speech is going to go so much better than that. i'm no longer nervous. warning it may not be available. [laughter] [applause] your life is about landing a punchline. i'm saying that as a compliment to you. what did you make of his performance? >> it was not great. when you want to make an applause line, you want to
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make sure it's relevant to everyone like rocky balboa did in rocky four when he said if i can change you can change then we can all change and i'm sorry about that impression. it sounded better by myself earlier, but that was still better. [inaudible] your comedian, you go, you perform, thoughts on him or anything like that? >> that silence was so depressing. if i were standing in a performance or stage setting about sort and people were silent, i would rather they boo me. i would rather that a montage of all the times i cried during a high school dance
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disappear on a random screen behind me wake at my wedding, during my vows. i would rather have somebody get up and punch me in the face. that was a little silent. will you punch me in the face joe. >> no, but i beg to disagree with you about the videos of crying during high school dances. i don't want anyone to see those of me. i think a prerequisite for our guests is that they have lousy high schools. >> i cried once wearing light up flip-flops which you wouldn't think would be possible. you think you can just look at them and be delighted and that's what i was hoping for, did not work. >> first of all, well that's cute and innocent, that's not what we know today. two people forgot to laugh in
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the last segment and you publicly scolded the entire group. now, if he had a little cat in him, i've been in that situation where you say the wrong thing, it's like talking to somebody about something really private and the music cuts off and it's like oh, how long have you had it. [laughter] the worst part is the correct offer who, for you even looking at? the crowds in front of you. i'm bold. bold. >> did anybody get that? i didn't get it and i'm quite smart. >> i think what he was doing, you know what, it's the practice in the mirror. you have to be bold without the bold.
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>> and that was the plan. that worked. do it again. >> you have to be bold without the bold. >> see how he did that? [applause] but that's not what he did that's flat boy 101. i've never le liked the guy. he's always seems so pretentious. i think that's has gotten him in trouble. this may have shocked him, this might have been the turning point. >> i hope so, no, he doesn't get turns. he's on the debate stage and there's no children. >> i bet i can watch the entire thing and still not know. that would be great if every debate question, he's looking off somewhere like this and he goes i'll take that, but he wouldn't do that.
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either you've got it or you don't. historic moment on the show, we just coined the swallow well so what is that? that's when, what's the definition cat. >> it's when you can't make a joke. [laughter]
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i'm jackie, now back to greg gutfeld. for all your headlines log on to >> there something wrong with their walkout sound. at the hall of fame dinner last sunday, the 2020 hopefuls and their choice of who they walk on stage to left a lot to be desired. bernie sanders used power to the people. chelsea played ain't no mountain high enough, liz warren played nine to five and in other words the choices were bland, safe and uninspiring. i could sit on the keyboard and make more interesting music. how awesome would it be if varney walked out to this. >> welcome him to the stage expert candidate bernie sanders.
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[applause] >> not just a socialist, he's a satanist, and maybe, how about this for joe biden that makes me very uncomfortable, but there's only one song that can move the needle for your campaign. right liz might i remind you, every time you download shut up about politics, all the proceeds go to charity which still bothers me because i
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would be rich now. but instead, we are helping people, what would your walk on song be. >> honestly, i resent the fact that the theme of this segment is that all the choices were bad when someone did pick the song i would walk out to. >> which is what. >> andrew yang, whoever that may be picked return of. >> which is a magnificent masterpiece of a song. it fits for any occasion, i want to walk down the aisle to it at my wedding. then he walked down the aisle to it at my funeral. >> that song and i think you need to hit me in the face because everyone was just very quiet. >> because i think everyone knows the lyrics to that song. >> it's an excellent song.
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i don't know who andrew yang is, does anyone. >> i do, he's a nice guy, or a good guy. i only think of return of. >> the morning after i eat at mcdonald's. >> it's amazing. i'd just made tyrus sick. [laughter] >> he literally has this mutant power, it doesn't matter what the conversation is, somehow it ends up with him in the toilet. he's like a wizard. >> i am the wizard of we. >> in the morning unlike hydrate, how are you and he says toilet and that's all he says, every subtle day. >> i don't know where to go with this. this is supposed to be about music. >> probably somewhere with the toilet. tyrus, what would be your song. >> i'd probably come out with ac/dc, highway to hell, dirty
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deeds, vendor cheap. something fun that the crowd will actually wake up for because i wouldn't worry about my music, they have no message. >> good point. >> they have no policy, straight up, the only one i'm in a be real, you said andrew, he's the only one who talks about his plan and his plan is he wants to bring back the thing where it's about to invent the caregiver, people who they home get paid and you tax amazon walmart because retail and those type jobs are going away, it's actually a decent plan, president trump will probably steal it, but at least he has a plan and nothing he's talking about is trump this, trump that. unfortunately will never hear that plan, but it's a good plan. >> any thoughts on music? >> probably come out with some
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hip-hop, jv or j cole. >> return of. >> i would go with jaws, the exorcist being or the theme from deliverance, dueling banjos because it gets me in the mood. he's lying. it's a giant flush of a toilet. i would go with peterson tara and amy grant next time i fall in love. it puts people in a good mood and it's not specific like how was he going to fix the country, i will be bold without the bold. gotta wrap this up, but this is why trump was so different and edgy.
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his choice was you can't always get what you want which mocked the opposition, pitstop music critics, how dare he use the song and music journalist, and also, forever tattooed on a classic stone song his initials which has got to drive mick jagger crazy. that's an accomplishment. all right. up next, you want to know where your tax money goes, probably not but were to tell
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are they spending your box just for the yuks? citizens against government. [inaudible] it's out with this year's list of all the weird things congress is funding with your tax dollars like keeping fruit flies under quarantine, we are
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spending $9 million on the. since 1991, the year i was born, congress has spent around 40 million to eradicate fruit flies but we still got fruit flies. that means fruit flies are out riding congress. i'd rather spend that money figuring out what blue this cats mind. i'm hoping it's not cocaine. tyrus. >> what would you like to see government money spent on. >> i'd like to see it spent where it belongs. were all laughing about
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$9 million with the fruit flies and there's another one with ridiculous amounts of money for making sure wild horses stay in their area. it's called defense. we have first responders who can't get medical treatment. we have schools that aren't safe. we have a lot of things that we could be putting into making sure we're taking care of the homeless situation in california. there's a lot of things we could be doing with this money and we laugh, we joke, but this is why we need term limits. we gotta get these guys out here. , i could use the vote just to add to your list. >> is just proof that congress does not care at all. they don't because this is just one example of the many things they just abuse our
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money with. you've got the flint water crisis, democrats, where are you on this and the republicans, they just don't care. they bicker back and forth but at the end of the day they're all the same. they spend money on projects that get them reelected and they want a vote and a raise. what if there's something about this group that were missing. there has to be something of importance like maybe these fruit flies spread like bad fruit. without any context, it could be a good thing to keep fruit flies are produce, but i'll tell you what, the whole term pork barrel is a misnomer because of the government is spending money on barrels of pork that's a worthwhile investment. if there's ever any kind of pork disaster, we've got an ace in the hole. we've got pork for a rainy day. >> that's so true. i've never thought about it
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like that. >> i'll tell you what if there's one thing we should spend money on its finding a replacement for the person who estimates the cost of things for the government. like were to bring this train for a hundred billion dollars and now it's half the size for twice the money in 20 years later. >> that's the guy who's the least competent. he tells us how much it's gonna cost. so smart. >> we need a pessimist instead of the optimists. >> i guess this just isn't surprising to me because as i understand it, government is made up of people and people tend to spend ridiculously when they're just given money and it's not their money. like have you ever seen a trust fund kid that super spoiled? they by designer sweaters for their dogs. >> i know. >> they by mansions and they don't live with any roommates unless you count their giant
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plastic surgery lips, which they all have for some reason. they are spending money there little rich girl who got it from daddy. normally i wouldn't care because capitalism, whatever, live and let live, but in the situation i do care because i'm daddy. [applause] >> good point. i want my tax money to build a wall around vermont. up next, a man is being challenged by his own son. it's the story special report
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not based in science, it's based in science fiction more than anything else. something to ponder, but you know it's not science fiction, i just got my drivers license. outdoor life extension is the same company that is storing late baseball player ted williams is head. they are fighting the lawsuit saying they have held their end of the contract. so, what you make of this story? what you make of the story about, isn't it a problem when you have to lug around a relatives head. >> of his head, he should be
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able to do whatever the hell he wants to do with it, but let's be fair. once the guy dies, the kid gets to decide. they should just compromise and fay okay dad, whatever you want. then after that, put it back in the grave. when their aging, then you gotta take care of his head when he is dead. >> i stand firmly with the head freezing company, very firmly. never thought that was a sentence i would have to say, but i stand firmly with them nonetheless. your body, your choice even when it's your frozen dip decapitated head. that's what i always say. we gotta keep it in the freezer. i fully expect. [inaudible] i fully expect my love ones to make sure they uphold my
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end-of-life wish which is to be stopped by a taxidermist and then attached to a skateboard wheeled past the bedroom windows of everyone i've ever dated. [laughter] my dead body, i do with jen what i want. >> i be pretty upset if i paid to have my whole body frozen and then they had some miracle technology where they could bring you back to life and i my good luck finding another body this ripped. all tell you what though, i think the irony is, what if they do cure the thing you died of but then they can't cure freezing to death. [laughter]
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that's how you do it while well, tyrus. >> okay, i'm trying to keep it together, let me see if i understand this rate you just through party and dumped a ton of confetti to get something that your should have gotten when you're 15 or 16 years old , oh, ewing clean and every person in here cheered for you. he's literally 5 - 8 decades late. >> i had a drivers license because you lost your wallet. my license expired and i had to go and take the whole
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lesson over. >> let's throw you a party. >> it was a surprise party. >> for us, you didn't look surprised, you are literally counting the confetti to make sure they use the whole bag scroll you people, i did something very important this week and i'm proud of it. >> to gp standing up. >> yes. >> he did it. >> on that note, tickets still available for the monologue saturday july 20, asbury park new jersey. new jersey. stay right there, final
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the first survivor of alzheimer's disease new jersey. stay right there, final is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight.
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someone's not going home alone tonight lauren, final thought. >> new show keeping up with jones, you will see me pinned down liberals on different topics mi man on the street video, fox there's a comedy cellar this wednesday do in my new hour which will soon be a special. >> excellent. i'm excited. you and tyrus are doing something. >> yes we are and it's very exciting. okay, june 27, 10:00 p.m. carolines on broadway, that's in new york city, get your tickets, come see me and tyrus, it's gonna be a wonderful time and if you don't miss it you will regret
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it on your deathbed, or if you miss it. >> thank you. thank you to our studio audienc audience, i love you toh us. >> yay! >> an update on the escalating tensions with iran. tehran has released the crew members of the norwegian ship that came under attack and those sailers have touched down in dubai. good evening i'm rick leventhal in for john scott and this is " the fox report." >> rick: the white house maimed iran for thursday's attacks and a video was released reporting to show an iran patrol taking an unexploded mine from one of the targeted ships but meanwhile two incidents where iran fired weapons at u.s. drone s. all of this prompting a heated debate on how the administration should respond. >> we've got to make sure that


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