tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 18, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
joe, thank you. jesse watters, you can catch hours a day on fox. it's good to see you both. we'll never be the media mob. the president tomorrow night, and we'll break stories. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is standing by. i'm dying to hear your take on all of this tonight. i really am. >> you know what i thought was probably-- this is the best part of the speech.
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board late. you know what? because we knew instinctively -- we knew trump. we had a relationship with hill -- him. he's going to keep his promises. this is what he does.ha he has. the other thing i said to people was, you know what, he -- this is the iconic class is needed. this country needed a shakeup badly. he it. >> laura: people are surprised by that, sean. if china doesn't change their ways and stop ripping us off, we're going to have to start doing things on tariffs. they didn't think he would do it. othersnt promised they would tae on china. they predicted he wouldn't be nafta.
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he did it. his tone, i get >> sean: i don't care about that. >> laura: that's all they have.t identity politics and rage. the raw accomplishments for the men and women in the country that were forgotten. >> sean: if you want me to shutu up, -- you and i could talk all night. we have the iran deal which was insane. how many promised jerusalem as the capitol. then we have the biggest tax cut in burdens of regulation. he did all of that. we're energy independent for the first time in 20 years. let's bring putin to his knees.
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>> laura: that all started under obama. he said he would never bring back manufacturing. what. have a magic wand? it is called policies.g? your policies didn't work. that's what happened. the establishment in this town. there are still republicans who want him to win. trump is standing up to the washington chamber of commerce establishment and the democrats who want to push more of a democratic socialism. he's standing against both of those powers. i think the american people know it. i think it is going to be a wild ride. i love it. i think he started this with exactly the right tone. he's the fighter. he's fighting for the american people. >> sean: i think that's probably the greatest quality. somehow there are people who think why does he fight on switcher. he wants the switch that fights
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for the american people to be turned off. do you see the 2020 democratic field and do you see anybody that can match this? anybody that you believe gives him a challenge that's, you know, significant? >> laura: i still think the country on the center i can't imagine elizabeth warren and bernie sanders is going to be able to pull the democrat from the finish line. i think biden is the best bet. he doesn't have the same kind oo fight. he's lost the blue collar appeal. i think biden is the only one. we can do the whole hour. forget them. >> sean: crazy uncle joe. the guy has no zip and no energy. no >> laura: well. i mean are you going to be doing your show e at 70? the answer is yes.
>> sean: you are not even watching me. i'm acting like uncle joe. >> laura: does trump have more energy than anyone that youin know? the man never sleeps. >> sean: you fought every step of the there were people who didn't come on the show. >> laura: i know exactly who you are talking about. some of them might be working in the white house. >> sean: they need to go. there were other people that were never, never, never. now they act like the biggest champions ever. >> laura: well. >> sean: we know who you are. >> laura: hannity, great show tonight. >> sean: have a great show. thank you for letting me on. >> laura: let's do that more often. >> sean: one night we'll take five minutes from your show. then another we'll take five minutes from your --
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>> laura: we just made him fade off. you saw president trump officially launching his 2020 complain with the long rally in orlando, florida in front of the crowd of 20,000 people. the president laid out his case for another four years in the white house. now as i mentioned last night, the president needed to show all that had been able to accomplish even with two years of the russia hoax hanging over his head. here's what he said tonight. >> our paid yachtic -- patrioti movement has been under assault since the first day. nobody has done what we have done. our my is the envy of the world. perhaps the greatest economy we've had in the history of the country. >> laura: we talked about how he needed to remind americans.
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are you better off than you were as january 2017? here's what he said. >> as long as you keep this team in place, we have a tremendous way to go. our future has never, ever looked brighter or sharper. the fact is the american dream is back. it is bigger and better and stronger than issue before. >> laura: check. remember what we suggested that you remind america the socialist would run out of other people's money. >> america will never be a socialist country. republicans don't believe in
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socialism. it is freedom. so do you. >> laura: it is freedom for they individual. your family and your priority. he made sure to note no one else has recognized and responded to the rye sis on -- crisis on the border. >> as we fight to make life better for all americans, the a democrat party has become more radical, more dangerous, and more unhinged than at any point in the modern history of our country. the support thanks to our cities should be allowed to run for president of the united states. >> laura: we're going to get to a lot more of what the president said tonightil and how the democratic opponent are responding. plus raymond aye roadway arroyo on the ground for us tonight. he spoke to the protesters.
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first to break down the president's kickoff, we're joined by ari, richard goodstein, and pam, this is your thought tonight. certainly the biggest rally of the campaign season which is already underway. thoughts? >> i think the rallies are going to get bigger? there were so had people they said that couldn't even get inside that were just waiting outside. it is not even going to be close. they are not rising. president trump is going to take florida. he's going to take the country. he has been a great president. he's a great president. he's doing everything he said he would do. i think his best moment when hei looked at them and said i will not let you town. the american people. i promise i will not let you
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down. nor has he. he's been terrific despite the attacks on his family and jr. and people who are fighting for the country every day. president trump is the real deal. we know him. we know that. the american people love him. they are going to support him. >> laura: it was close in florida last night. 1.6%. ari, the state is changing by the month. clearly we have a lot of new voters in florida and voters in puerto rico. what about turn without and the momentum given the democrats furry? >> both parties have fury. there were two things that jumped out. one) the president's enthusiasm is remarkable.
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very few followers have that level of turn out. and two) he is still president.i it is clear in the way he acts h and speaks and the way he balks around the stage covering his ear and people are screaming, no politician does that. it is the music. interesting. he's an outsider. >> it is the socialism line. this is a devastating line that the president, in my opinion, should haved used earlier and spend more time on it and listened to democratic policies. the hugee opening that the president should have exploited. >> laura: they said the democrats don't have a candidate. certainly the stage craft that ari was talking about. what are your thoughts just about the numbert of people. 3 he's been around for a number of years. they can turn out on a night
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like tonight. >> there's a republican that can do that. he packed the arenas in 2018. it is largely the same and the economy. >> laura: it was on the ballot. >> the very people that he complained for, roy moore, and the opponents of connor lynn and bob casey and tammy baldwin -- all of the people that lost. he went to bat for people. let's talk about promises made and promises kept. promise one) build a wall in mexico. mexico will pay for it.2. repeal obamacare. >> laura: mexico hasn't paid for it. if mexico doesn't do what they are going to do, they are going to get tariffs. 100%. they are going to get tariffs. it was the democrats that are
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going to argue that trump was tough enough on the border, then that's going to be an interesting argument. >> the republican congress for two years. >> laura: okay. you want him to be tougher? you don't have any credibility on the border. >> credibility is the democrats senate passed the bill in 2013. >> laura: if they care about the border and if the democrats care about the border more than trumr does and really wants to stop the movement to the country, i'm all ears. i can't wait to see what schumep and pelosi and they come together. trump is exactly right about this. they could shut it down and install the humanitarian crisis in an american -- an afternoon. they don't do it.
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they le fuse to govern. trump is doing what he can. >> he cares about the drugs and the border. he's following through on all of the promises. what about the unemployment rate? everything is the lowest in 50lo years. everything the president said he would do, he's doing and more. he's a great american and he cares about our country. a the american people see that. it is a crisis at the border right now. he's stopping that.t he's protecting -- he's doing what they call americans. >> he's doing what they can do. ari, the democrats are trying to argue. if democrats are going to try a argue, they are going to be tougher than trump on the border? it may break every candidate that abolish or restructure it. people who have ordered standing ordered of 800,000 of those
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hanging around the united states. i heard the other network talk about how it would be terrible to deport those people. >> ari? >> the tragedy of the democratic party is they have lost the toll for those who come here legally and those who come here illegally. we must make that one of the reasons that democrats come here is to escape and find aation that honors the law. they come here legally. you cannot make your first act an illegal act where you broke the law to get into american. pro immigrational reform republicans like me believe there's a distinction to be formed. >>able i believe with ari. illegal good and illegal pass.
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there were people who supported trump in 2016. >> laura: do you believe -- not just that, ari. the media wants the crisis to continue, because if it does, they can bring in the size of south bend, illinois every month. 140,000 came in may. that's transforming entire american communities. that cost a lot of money to the people watching the show. it is money. a lot of rich people a lot of cranes going up. a lot of buildings. it costs real money to people who don't make a lot and send their kids to public schools who say what about me? >> it is not fair. it is just not right. >> it is ridiculous. it is against the law. did democrats don't stand up for
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that. they are prime foul in accusing trump of trying to inflict mental harm. >> why do it? quite literally to terrorism the millions of people in the country. there's no other reason to say we are going to round up millions of people who you know you can do it unless you are trying to put tariffs on them? >> laura: richard, this is what we're talking about. the dominant media with the candidate. trump is doing this to try to terrorize the immigrant community. no. we have 800,000 people who have been ordered deported who refused to show up for the hearing in the country. do you think they should settle. >> obama was accused of being the reporter in chief. >> laura: i'm not talking about obama. i'm talking about this. >> i'm just saying democrats when they were in the white
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house -- >> laura: they are far more to the left. you got people on television saying he's doing this to terrorize people. no, he's doing this to tell i people in central america don't make the journey. if you come, you can't stay. that's what obama said in 2014. i do. i played the sound bite every single day. >> i'm just saying that somehow democrats want open borders. the truth is otherwise. it's what obama did and what the president passed with every democrat vote which was to do it interesting including setting up a lot of fences. but they wouldn't call it up. i bet if it came up today, it the senate and the house. >> laura: let's talk about what the president did and talking about the american people. i chatted about this with sean. i think when you turn this -- this is your country. what kind of country do you want to live in?
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we're rolling. let's keep it going right now.g. watch. >> they are really going after you. that's what itu. is all about. it is not about us. it is about you. a this election is about you. it is about your family, your future as the state of your country. >> laura: i think the more that the message is about what the people want, not so much about mueller or hillary. that's all -- i mean it is still relevant. it is not what's on the minds of most people. they want to know they can send their kids to a public school. they are going to be taught. they want to know they are going to be able to afford their health insurance and not going to be $2,000 a month for no coverage. they want the border enforced. you keep hitting that. that's the winner. b they formed the country in the way most people want. >> what he did tonight was flawless. these people who were there tonight clearly adore the president. he's committing them to get out there and actively campaign
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telling the world that it is about the american people. and it is about being able to go to church safely, going to school safely, having streets that are safe, getting the drugs off of our streets. we have a president that's supporting prison reform. a republican president who has done great things. unemployment is at an all-time low. women's employment is higher. everything that he's doing. >> laura: statistics aren't going to win the election. you know what wins elections? stories. reagan said that. it is all of that. when he tells the story, that's the best. trump is extremely charming. he's very charming. but the stories about america and the country that we love. that's what makes it great. americans have dreams too. not just the people coming in
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illegally. i mention the giddiness that we've seen in america in the polling. polls are overti himself. no fan of trump. we got it wrong in 2016. they said the following. they have a new cycle about general elections polling a year and a half before the election is completely preposterous. if you want to argue about something, argue at primary polls. tonight trump's campaign manager was knock down the polls forll another reason. >> the way the turnout works is the abilities with the turnout voters. they can't understand that. that's why it is so wrong in 2016. it was i 100% wrong. nobody has done it right. as of today. i think the president was electoral. >> even more than last time. >> ari, is that wishful thinking on brad's part? is it revealing a lot about the
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media's obsession with the anti-trump storyline on the polls this far out from the election. >> i think it is both, frankly. if the president, of course, real clear policy average and the approval around 42 or 43. those are worrisome they need your approval to be choser to 50 to go into an election year feeling good. we know the press got 2015 really wrong. they didn't learn any lessonsbl from it. you know, like the president and like the way he treats them.. they want him to be done. they believe the polls are shown he will be gone. those polls are the ones that came out in florida showed the democrat when the courts
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incentive. i don't think the president is a shoe-in for reelection. this is going to be a tough fight. the enthusiasm factor and what we started talking about the president and people are clearly fired up. we have to remember theid president's opponents are fired up as well. the election and the security. usually 85 million show at mid tell. you have over 110 million people vote. we're going to shatter the records. >> i completely agree. it is going to be all about turnout. and that rally was incredibly oppressive like all trump rallies are. they can't turn that number out. on election day as we roll up to election day, because we have early voting, there's going to be a massive push. republicans have to spend the money and have the turnout machine to match this democrat's fury machine. they are really operating on
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110% anger. they said it was the angry white party. rye angry democrat socialist party. >> two things. i agree with ari. the president for trump is that the economy has been pretty well. for him to be in the low 40's is troublesome. one. and two) in 2018 we heard the exact same thing that we just heard. the polls aren't accurate. just wait. there's the trump voter. they said right before election that nationally republicans win. they would win. >> laura: a lot of -- >> republicans lost by fine. >> laura: did obama win reelection? the economy as good as it is now? absolute absolutely not. point made. >> i agree. obama's numbers were never as weak. >> laura: did he have a press core -- >> no.
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it was the press' fault. >> laura: he was 46% approval. at the same time. i'm not saying that trump's numbers shouldn't be higher. i know people don't believe in the numbers. i agree with ari, you want the numbers to be higher. you have to keep talking about the results and keep showing. if you do x, vote for bernie or elizabeth or joe, this is how much you are going to have to fork over. this is how much your money is going to go to their pet project. we know where that'sno going to end up. this is not a hard argument to make. pam? >> laura, the crowds -- i was with him in 2016. i'm going to be on the trail in 2020. the crowds are bigger in 2016. it is twice as big now.
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tomorrow he's having the $5 million fundraiser at doral. the money is going to come flowing in as well. people are going to continue now to give him even more money and support him. it is going to get better and better for the country. >> laura: thank you so much. it is great discussion. and how did trump's message resonate to the folks inside the arena? raymond arroyo is on the ground getting reaction. plus the protesters and those calling for the impeachment of the president. uh-oh. next. >> the feeling of the campaign. >> this is a political machine.
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you did. when i get behind my desk in the beautiful oval offense, -- office, i think only one thing, how the american people are going to win, win, win tea. -- today. i'm fighting for you. i think you see that. knotted. i love it. >> laura: the 2020 reelection is off to an amazing start. raymond arroyo inside for what the voters thought. >> i love that the speak focused on all of his accomplishments and everything. nafta. >> president trump is the way forward. that's how we want to keep america strong. as he makes america strong for us. >> i liked all of it.>>
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we don't have national security here in the country. we've got nothing. >> what resonated with him was the message to the african-american community. i think it was overwhelmingly powerful. we have lesser unemployment because of president donald trump. >> raymond arroyo down in orlando. chairman of the american conservative union. you spent the day and the night with the trump supporters in the ground. what was the reaction with the night's speech. >> it was incredible. the weather was not good today. to get 20,000 people plus out here. they have abandoned their law chains and umbrellas. there were hundreds of them next to me. it was an incredible display. they love the feeling and the unity and the president was including them in the relaunch to a person they told me that. and the wall tissue it seems the wall is the one powerful touch
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tone for do many of the trump voters. every one of them kept mentioning national security. look. we want people to come here and work. they have to do it legally the way my parents and sister and my family did. it was a divorce crowd. it was a fascinating evening and a hot orlando. to get a crowd like this to turn up in the middle of the week it was an amazing accomplishment. >> i have a good scene last segment admitting that no democrat will get that crowd. you've been to a lot of these rallies. you've seen this. it is hard to believe we're here already. it seems like he just won. it seems like that was j yesterday. we're already here in the thick of it. the poll numbers in the obsession with them this far out i find to be predicte predictable. what else are the democrats going to say? >> everyone heeds this. they mean nothing.
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all of the polls came out for florida. this shows the president doing less well with non-college educated whites. his strongest area he's done ten points.n don't look at the polls. the national polls mean nothing. take a breath. look at his character traits. look at his virtue. that's what matters.ra >> laura: you went to one of these protests today. i want to play now a little bit about what you saw.>> >> i did. as you can see, this is the anti-trump rally just blocks away from where the president is holding hides take off. it's a pretty lightly attendedev event. there's a concentration of hope here squaring off with trump supporters. there's heavy police presence here. even that is a pretty light l display considering the magnitude of this event for donald trump. >> i honestly do think that women need access. >> they don't have access to illegal abortion in florida?
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>> not right now. there's more and more policies coming out that make it so that it is very difficult for people to get abortions. for example, minors are not capable of getting abortions without parent's consent. >> well, they are minors. >> they can get other medical procedures without parent's consent. >> laura: wow. is that where we are right now? god bless her. >> this is only a few blocks away. i have to say it was a turnout. there's no single issue that unites this group. there were people there for climate and lgbqt rights. there was no cohesion. for trump tonight, there's unity here.
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>> there's random anger. and i find when you go through the list of accomplishments -- we have focused on the energy independent, isis, all of the fortune policy, taking on china, i mean this is just wild that he was able to do as much as he's been able to do with all of the investigations and all of the lies that have been told about him with impunity. about treason. >> nobody has faced this level. >> laura: no one. >> no one has faced this. if you look at -- i don't want to sound bias, they hated george w. bush for reelection. president trump has claimed himself on the borders because of what he said he would do. >> laura: they are going to make the lives of the average americans better. none of the democrats are trying
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to make it better. >> they kept saying over and over we love to keep what he promises. >> laura: they won't buy it anymore. all right. ray pond and matt, thank you. more from the same folks raymoni caught up with in orlando. when we come back, the democrats continue to say trump's rhetoric without examining their own. we look at the outrageous claims that o' ocasio or cortez made. once-daily toujeo helps you
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>> ♪ >> just imagine what this >> just imagine what the angry left wing mob would do if they were in charge of the country. they would shut down your freewh speech. they would strip americans of the constitutional rights. >> president trump taking the opportunity tonight.or taking shot at the angry left and his re-election launch is florida. he has a good reason. this show has been documents week after week democrats continue to site the trump rhetoric without ever seriously examining their own. exhibit a. alex an tree ya ocasio-cortez
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made an outrageous claim about the policies on the southern border. >> the united states is running concentration camps on the border. i want to talk to people that we should not. never again means >> laura: joining me now from outside of the rally in orlando and pastor daryl scott. charlie, the reaction from the media to aoc's comments is have been republicans pouncing. why don't the same rule apply to the left that they apply to the likes of you, myself, the president, anyone who supports the president? >> it is such a great point. immediately when she said something that's historically wrong and morally incorrect,s
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anyone that calls her out is attacking her. isn't that strange? we can't have a consideration on something she said wrong. they are unfairly going after her. let's just be honest. he's basically the most powerful democrat in america. if you think about it, she's able to draw a rowed. you can see most of the democrats they can't fill up the crowd. she has the power of the face of the party. she's angry and committed towards the radical ideas. shame on her for saying that. >> laura: everyone should note this is not political criticism. several figures -- prominent figures, jewish figures, including those from the auschwitz can center have strongly, strongly criticized their comments. that's where we are right now. it is not about whether america is better off than it was two
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years ago or two and a half years ago under the policies of donald trump. it is about demonizing racial politics and flat out lying about the america and our current situation and even our history. >> democrats right now are playing the race card. they sought that out. the republicans. obstruction, collusion, immigration, abortion, it is like everything they can to deflect from the path of the accomplishments and achievements. this president is doing a fantastic job. they know it. they can't admit it. they try to undermine and try to take away from it. it is not going to work. we look forward to what he was going to do. now we're able to look back at what he has done.
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look at the accomplishments that outweigh any of these. >> oh, my gosh. that's not even close. on that note, the renowned historian and thinkinger accused the president make america great again for the racial undertone. watch. >> i believe it is all about racism. it keeps going down and down. >> pastor scott, is that what you are all about. make america white again? come on. >> come on. this is stupid. everybody just staying hot. i don't want to call aoc dumb. she called herself that by the things that come out of her mouth. the southern border to nazi germany concentration camp is dumb. what this guy said is dump too. >> laura: thank you for all of your commentary tonight.
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to keep making america great. that's why tonight i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a second term as president of the united states. >> laura: president trump kicking off the 2020 crowd. they started lining up on sunday. we sent raymond arroyo down. what did you find? >> what brought you out here?
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>> he's the only one sticking up for the america. >> the commander in chief. >> there are polls saying the president is not doing well against the democrat opponent. to you believe the polls? >> look around. >> somebody tell me what joe biden believes. >> what's the issue? >> we have immigration. look at the economy. it's the best it's been since anybody ever. >> many of my students, i'm a college professor, seem to be drawn to socialism.
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they don't know what they are talking about. we need to talk about why america is the greatest country in the world.. >> do you support the president with the final deportation.ut >> it is ridiculous. >> do you want to come to the country? come the right way. just like. others have done. i believe in the american system. we are america. >> i think there are so many great people from around the world that want to come here and want to do it the right way. we need them. we have the jobs for them. they need to come legally. >> if you could give the president one bit of advise into the election season, what wouldo it be? >> remain the person he is now. >> follow up.
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>> they are going to make things. >> laura: i love it. >> they are on fire. >> the president and the one advice was they said lay off the twitter a bit. >> the president would say that's what the media wants me to do. o nast at the only way of reaching all of the people. i think the point might be -- it might be some wisdom.
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they like the fighter. they know he's a fighter. that was awesome. immigration and we want to see that. fun trump as well as fighter trump. >> there were people who said i'm not a trump fan, but after the speak, i'm considering. >> great job. i long with all of the trumpau votes. thanks so much. we'll see you back in washingtoi tom. i've always said if trump wasn't president, he could be a stand-up comedian. the latest example from his rally. stay here. a.. when we started our business
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lovely note to milania it is the electric chair for trump. >> people enjoying that, people want to laugh, politics has got to be a fun ride. that is all-time we have tonight. go to already did when today. shannon bream has all the analysis and all the news, take it from here. >> we begin with a fox news alert, thousands gathering to watch donald trump kickoff his reelection campaign touting jobs. the economy, the art of pulling america out of obama era deals, hillary clinton's emails, the border wall and china. trade talks, we got you covered. kevin mccarthy will way then and an exclusive on counterterrorism officials from the state department. lc
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