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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 19, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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we announce it or do we not? we have tremendous levels of sophistication like you've never seen. with all of that being said, i want to get along with russia. i think we will. i want to get along with china. i think we will. i'm meeting both of them in japan at the g-20. >> mr. president -- >> it's important they get along. the witch hunt in russia hurt us in terms of relationship with a lot ofof people. but we have good relationships with countries and sometimes countries that you wouldn't think so. you have to pay for nato. the united states was paying for nato. >> mr. president? >> you have a lot of countries delinquent in the payments to nato. i got them to pay over $100 billion towards nato. we're going to get along with a lot of countries but those two in particular -- i think we'll have a good relationships and i
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want to make sure we're respected again. >> i hate to interrupt you, but ill took 15 minutes of laura ingraham's show. it's her birthday today, sir. >> she's a great person. i've known her a long time. she's a great person. >> tell her happy birthday, thank you for being with us.hi laura, happy birthday from me and the president wants to wish you happy birthday. >> hey, mr. president. >> happy birthday, wow, that's great. known each other a long time. congratulations on your show. a big success, laura, big success. >> i appreciate it. thank you so much, mr. president. if you want to stay on for a fee minute, that's fine. ini don't want to take the baton. >> we hand off to laura. >> i want to thank you both. i tell you what, great patriots, love our country, you know what's happening. i appreciate
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so does everybody else. that's why you do as well as you do. they appreciate it. they really get it. the people of this country, they get it. they're smart. >> did you get briefed on the syrian attack or planned attack on a christian church in pittsburgh yet? the news broke this evening. >> i have been told about it in little detail and i'm going to meet a little later about it actually tonight. >> looks like a tragedy was averted. >> yep, that's right. >> another concern. mr. president, thank you so much. i'm laura ingraham with a packed ingraham angle from washington tonight. first, we have breaking news. hours ago, the department of justice announced the arrest of a syrian refugee in connection with an isis-inspired plan to carry out a terrorist attack on a christian church in pittsburgh. moustafa al-overwhelmer, 21 years old, was accused of planning to attack the legacy
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worship center to inspire other isis supporters in the united states. this is the concern that trump, of course, used to pause the type of immigration from countries like syria in the first place. a quick update by phone is a formere congressman for this district, keith rofus. tell us what you know tonight? details are trickling in moment by moment. tell us what you know, keith? >> no picture yet. great work by the fbi. this is the work that the fbi is supposed to do, when you look at the controversies they've been in in the last couple of years this, is what they should be doing. they discovered this plot. this is a 21-year-old who came to the country from syria in august of 2016, five months beforet president trump came i they announced an extreme vetting measure.
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you look at the complaint prospect, he says that he was arrested in jordan three times. while he was in jordan. you would think that extreme vetting would have picked that up. great work by the fbi. he was plotting to kill christians. he wanted to kill shiah muslims because theyid didn't fit into s world view. >> yeah, we have, by the way, seen so much suffering in the pittsburgh area. 11 kill in the tree of life synagogue in the pittsburgh area. there's been enormous amount of tragedy. this reminds us again we have to be extremely careful, not just the fiduciary reasons or because of national security, who we let in the country and why. we love immigrants. but this is ridiculous. and thank god this was stopped. >> and you go back to when president trump came in, and if
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there are six countries, just six countries we're concerned about, syria and iraq being at the top of the list because of isis, this is not a muslim ban. there were dozens who were not include in that, but once again, president trump's policy was fresh yount here.>> >> -- prescient. >> he was demonized on that. hold we'll come back to. this new news is coming in. we want to keep everyone up to date. this is exactly what we need to be concerned about, speaking about, and praising those men and women of the fbi who've done another phenomenal job for this country. i want to remind everyone of that. people of pittsburgh are sleeping easier tonight. we all have to stay vigilant. we have raymond arroyo here o tonight. a lot going on. we have ton. tackle this issue well. it dove tails into not understanding threats or history and aoc flunking history?
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what could that mean? a that's the focus of tonight's "angle." late monday night, congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez got herself in hot water when she said this about the migrant detention centers a it our borders. >> the united states is running concentrationso camps on our southern border. that is exactly what they are. i want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity that we should not -- that never again means something. >> the comments were not just inartful, they were an insult to the millions who die in the concentration camps, many who survived and the millions across the globe who were trying to ensure that the atrocity like the holl coups never happens again. but, instead of saying she
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misspoke or apologizing, she keeps digging. >> the definition of concentration camps are targeting a community and putting them in detention camps without a trial. that's what the government is doing. >> today, ocasio cortez remains unrepenitent, tweeting, i will never call them what they are. the most prominent and apolitical jewish organizations in the world spoke out. the world center for holocaust research and documentation offered this clarification for ocasio cortez via twitter. aoc concentration camps ensured a slave labor supply to help in the nazi war effort even as the brutality of life inside of the camps to help to ensure the ultimate goal of extermination
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through labor. on the other side, many of her peers in the media, they sprinted to her defense. >> i agree with the sentiment behind what she said, which is that we can't take this as normal. >> the truth is, we're creating concentration camps on the border. >> in 1993. >> there were concentration camp, in 1941, they were death camps than is where we are going if our consciouses are not quickly pierced. >> amazing. but this sequence of events might be the most jarring. when republican congresswoman chaney suggested aoc learn her history, msnbc host chris hayes steps in for for some, what does the left call it? man-splaining, saying if you spend a few minutes you'll find out concentration camps are different from death camps and have a history that predates
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past the nazis. to that, the twitter account to the museum dedicated to auschwitz and the memorial hit back at hayes and recommended that he, quote, please consideru following@auschwitzmuseum where every day we commemorate and educate about the tragic human history of auschwitz. one might think being called out by one of the more solemn museums on the planet would have stopped him. yet hours later, hayes invited a guest to play defense for him. >> 40 years before auschwitz, we had things called concentration camps. what we're doing now fits cleanly inside that tradition. >> very clearly inside that tradition. ask yourself -- is the united states indiscriminately rounding up people based on the color of
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their skin or ethnicity and sending them to these camps? no. are we temporarily holding people coming over the border illegally or of their own volition, yes, we are. this is part of a larger effort, we documented this on the show. the president's enemies are trying to situate -- not just his policy, but the entire presidency, somewhere near berlin, circa 1940. an illuminating conversation between chris cuomo and don lemon about the network's decision to cut away from trump's 2020 re-election launch last night. >> think of the despicable people we've had in history. i'm going to use an extreme example. think of hitler. if you can look back on history, would you say, wow, i'm so glad that person was allowed a platform so they could spread their hate and propaganda and lies. would you say it wasn't the right thing to do to spread that because you knew in the moment
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that was a bad person and they were doing bad thing, not only were they hurting people, they were killing people. it starts with little lies that become bigger lies. >> shocker. his ratings are not stratospheric. it's infuriating, but it's also sad. these people can't be this dumb. the only thing i can think of it's really pernicious, really depressing. within 24 hours as the president announced the 2020 relaunch, democrats and the allies are hurtling attacks against this administration that conjure up some of the most horrible atrocities ever committed against human kind. so, for the left, when you don't have an argument, what do you do? a slander will always do. but invoking the holocaust to score political point, there really is -- there are no words
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for cnn, no words. f you have to be better than that. those propagating these disgusting smears should not only be achime -- ashamed for the pain and the division they're causing but they should apologize in the name of common decency and to the memory of those who died. that's "the angle." with me with reaction, david hanson, senior fellow at the institution, rabbi sparrow who's the spokesman for the national conference of jewishh affairs. victor, in the financial crisis, the banks were labeled too big to fail. can the same be said for aoc? is she too big to allow her to go down in shame for the comments relating to the holocaust. >> i don't know if i was more disturbed by her ignorance or the lack of integrity by the historians that rallied to her defense. never in the history of
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concentration camps has anybody crossed into territory where there was one. 15 million soviet citizens, pows, didn't go over to german lines because they were concentration camps. you can say where 30,000 perished. the difference between a concentration camp and a death camp is a distinction without a difference. as horrible as the death camps were, there were 15 million people in the eastern front, 10 million in china who tie in so-called concentration camps. there's nevada been in the history of concentration camp treatment for transgender people and counseling and hormone therapy as there is now in some ofe our detention camps. you know what? if she's really worried about the plight of the poor and the sick and the dispossessed, we have half a million people, many of them u.s. citizens on our street, and they're deemed with medieval refuge, needles,
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species, urine. they're defecate, there's rats, fleas. 90% of these places are under her leadership. she could really be activist. and finally, i have a modest proposal. there's 12 million people in the united states that go to college dorms. they're empty now. these are progressive sanctuary cities that the universities are in. what better place than to contract out 500 or 600 detainee detainees, put them in dorms. access to legal and medical schools. have progressive counselors. >> yeah. >> she's claiming people are taking their words the wrong way. this is not what she meant. people are basically piling on her. but she used that phrase, i believe, never again? why is that so crucial and so important for the jewish community worldwide to not be
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co-opted in a political sense such as this? >> she used a reference to the holocaust. she called them concentration camps. she didn't call them temporary holding centers. they are. she used the term "concentration camps" to equate what we're doing at the southern border to equate that to the nazi extermination of the jews. she wants to deem news the president of the united states. that's why so many support her. they want the american people to believe that our good president is somehow no different, god forbid, than adolf hitler and that he has nazi aspirations for the immigrant, which is totally false. you know, in the concentration camp, even the detention camp, prior to the death camps, jews were deliberately starved. they're not clothed. in the winter, they would freeze to death. w here they're trying to do everything they can to make it
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comfortable for the children who temporarily have to be separated from their parents during the time that we interrogate the parents to find out if they truly are the parents of these children or they might be molesters. this was deliberately done to tarnish the president who happens to be very philo-semetic. adolf hitler wrote a book where he told the public that his intention was to exterminate the jewish race. americans would never do this. the president of the united states would never think of such a thing. for her to suggest that is malicious, ignorant, and she's trying to deem news the president and the country. >> she's being defended, victor, by some of the most prominent names in the u.s. media, who jump all over conservatives for using a phrase they find objectionable. they want to run people off of the air for nothing. they circle the wagons? on an issue like this? this is about trump. it's about deem newsing --
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demonizing trump and the supporters by any means necessary. last word, real quick? >> very quickly, obama said in various occasions, get in their face, take a gun to the knife he weaponized the state department, cia, doj, fbi, in the worst day, no one suggested there was anything similar to his administration and anything that happened under the third reich. it's a taboo subject. people who make that comparison are impoverished and they should be ashamed of themselves. you get historians coming to her defense and deliberately blend the nature of a death camp and concentration camp, there were five crematorium. it's shameful. it's shameful. >> beyond words. the colleges and universities should get their phd.s and diplomas back from these so-called historians. thank
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i'm torqued about this. i have exclusive access inside of a center in eagle pass, texas, this is just last month. i can personally tell you there's no comparison to a concentration camp or the holocaust as i've read it throughout the history of the best writers who documented that. border agents are working around their clock using their own home supplies, their own family diapers that are left over, children's clothing, formula. they're doing unbelievable work. not that aoc or the people defending her would have any idea or give a rat's you know what. joining me exclusively, director mark morgan. i hear this, i'm discus gust -- disgusted. now these people care more about demonizing the president and his supporters than they are respecting the memory of the millions who die in the holocaust. >> i agree. the hardworking men and women of
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the border patrol and i.c.e. working every day to safeguard the country. what is this rhetoric doing? demoralizing them. i was in 2014 and 2016 and i'm here now. i've watched it. i saw border patrol agents care for their kids as if they were their own, bringing in soccer balls to play soccer with them. and this kind of rhetoric? it's irresponsible, reckless, and wrong. >> we have jails in the united states where people are separated from their families when they're charged, held for a particular amount of time, if they can't make bail. are those concentration camps too? because those are a lot worse than a ability to have schooling, doctors arappointmen, vision care. even transitional help for those who call themselves transgender persons. there's all sorts of help people get. it's not perfect, it's not home, it's not where that want to be.
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we're doing our best for congress who won't fund the beds. cesar has done well for the administration. he's done a great job under incredibly difficult circumstances. >> agree, laura. and the hypocrisy that you just mentioned, the absolute hypocrisy. the border patrol agents, i.c.e., we've been doing it forever, the detention facilities are made for results. >> to keep them safe so we don't release them to human traffickers. that's what they want. release the children to, quote, sponsors who are, unvetted, lest we have a chance to vet them or connect them by the family, correct? >> that's why we've been asking for the supplement. > they want illegal immigratn to pay for the beds. w >> absolutely. we want the kids to get out of the facilities because they're overcrowded and get them to adequate conditions under hhs. we've been asking for $4.5 million to make it happen.
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if congress wants to fix this, pass that supplement. >> and i would say, if this is like a concentration camp, you and i have been there, then i guess congress is come police it. they're co-conspirators in allowing, quote, concentration camps unless they fund a more sufficient housing or safe places for people to be. because i assume they don't want to release children on to the c street. this is what i don't understand. or do they? they should say that. just release them willy nilly to whoever wants to pick them up or they should volunteer to take them to their homes. this is washington today, guys. an important discussion is next. alan dershowitz is here to tell us why the democrats attempt to chip away at executive privilege may damage the office of the presidency for future democrat presidents. stay there.
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>> she's a wonderful person. she's been through hell. they've put this young woman through hell. whatat she's had to pay for leg fees and everything else. if i let everybody testify, i want it to be totally open because i knew there was nothing there. there was nothing hethere. nothing at all. >> presumptuous vehemently defending hope hicks a short
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time ago. the long-time trump employee and confidante of the first senior administration official mention in the mueller report to testify before congress. well, as expected, the democrats on the house judiciary committee didn't get a lot of answers from her, which, of course, they claim is a conspiracy by the president. we should note hicks is now executive n vp and chief of communications for fox corporation. joining me now is alan dershowitz, law professor emeritus and wrote a forward to the published version of the mueller report. hicks' refusal to answer questions pushes them further down the path of impeachment. l what say you. >> one brief remark about the prior segment. anybody who compares what's going on to our southern border to never again or concentration camps is encouraging holocaust denial. because what they're saying is if all that happened to the jews in nazi germany and poland is what's happening in the southern
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border, and there were no death camps or killing squads, no final solution. so shame on them for being holocaust deniers. now, as far as the current issut is concerned, look, all three branches of government have privilege. you can't call a law clerk in the supreme court and ask them what did you discuss with the justice? ask hwa if they called the legislative assistants to congressmen, the same one would be up in arms. each branch of the government has a formm of executive privilege and the president is perfectly entitled to invoke it. if they think it takes it too far, let them go to the courts and let the courts decide. the danger, you can issue -- damage it for future administrations and have a big impact on our civil liberties. >> congressman was on tonight. he was saying, look, trump is not a monarch, that's a
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constitutional argument. let's watch. >> we don't have a king. there's no such thing as absolute immunity. didn't invoke any privilege, just used this made up claim that they don't have to answer any questions that will be rejected again by a court. >> the -- the vein here -- >> it's ridiculous. go ahead. >> yeah. these congressmen always argue that the president is not above the law. then they put themselves above the law. they try to get people to answet questions that are not subject appropriately to being asked. they want to impeach without the criteria for impeachment being satisfied. congress is not above the law. the president acts within article ii of the constitution, that's not above the law. you know? congressmen and senators can't be prosecuted for what they say on the floor of congress. that doesn't mean they're above the law. that is the law. there are different laws regulating presidents, congressmen, and members of the judiciary. they all have forms of immunity
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that doesn't put them above the law. that's what the law provides. if you don't like it, change the law. >> they say, look, there's no absolute immunity from testimony. there's no absolute executive privilege. but the conversations behind closed doors with the president of c the united states. i think going back to the clinton administration, the olc opinion on this, paul wisenberg tweeted this earlier tonight that it's clear that this is classic executive privilege information, classic. >> well first -- it is, number one, number two, presidents often invoke executive privilege in closed cases and leave it to the courts, that's what the system of checks and balances is about. congress seeks the information, the president says no, the courts decide. the system works when that i know of no president who's ever refused to accept the rulings of the court. when the courts said turn over nixon did, when the courts told clinton he had to make provision, he did.e there's no evidence that trump
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would don't the same thing. congress has the right go to the courts but shouldn't be complaining about invocation of privilege because they would be doing it themselves if their staff members were called by prosecutors to testify. >> alan, great to talk to you and hear your thoughts, the holocaust comparisons with the concentration camps. coming up, an actress releases photos of herselves, yeah, they're new ones and lashes out at whoopi goldberg. more exclusive video from raymond arroyo's trip to an anti-trump rally. all that next.
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>> time for our seen and unseen segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. an "angle" exclusive video from the anti-trump rally in florida. an actress bears all, and broadway is not giving regards to the clintons. raymond, before covering the big trump kickoff rally, you hung
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with the anti-trump folks. what happened? >> i did indeed. any protest, you expect to find people who disagree with whomever they're protesting. in this case, the president. now, what struck me, what stuck with me, were some young people we came across who were creating placards in the street, watch. >> it says america was never great. why do you say that? >> because we slaughtered an entire, i don't know, people, to get our land? >> i mean, we're all free. we can come out and say our piece, right? >> i think you're on the wrong side of the bridge. >> i think you're on the side of the bridge. that's the angry kind of self-loathing america and loathing of our history. but it's shocking to hear that from young people. >> this is a result. welcome to public education and private education that teaches children to dislike the country of their birth or the country of their citizenship. >> they only focus on the sins of the country. >> because they're perfect.
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>> it reminded me of what the prohpe -- professor told me. >> many of my students are drawn to the idea of socialism when they don't know how to define it or know what they're talking about. it's scary. we need to get back to teaching children american history and why america is the greatest in the world. >> for all of the good that the united states is done, to focus on the dark edges. you're right. we need to hear about our history. the symbol of this idea, the self-loathing and where it can lead, there are calls to ban this song -- >> ♪ this land is your land >> "this land is your land." he wrote this in -- >> that's a socialist song. >> it was a protest. it was against the god-centered patriotic tones of the day. the activists are screaming foul. mal obam salwidi writes in "folk life," these lyrics shake me
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like a soda can every time we hear them. this land was our land, but through genocide, broken treaties, and the colonial reasons, this land became american land. this is indicative of leftist role in native invisibility. this is the left feeding on the left now. they're turning on themselves in a way that if a progressive prote protest balladeer like woody guthrie is in trouble, where does a missionary go for help? >> does the ottoman empire get to say, no, that's your land. that's the history of the world. countries are changed by conquest and world. some of it is bad and ugly. that's the history of the world. >> we're for context not destruction. we need context in history. that would help. there are lessons all around us. the latest from bella thorne. the 21-year-old actress released
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nude photos after a hacker threated to post him if she didn't pay him. he hacked in. thorn said she was reclaiming her power. whoopi goldberg is catching hell for reacting this way. >> if you're famous, i don't care how old you are, don't take nude pictures of yourself, once you take that picture, it goes into the cloud and it's available to any hacker who wants it. and if you don't know that in 2019, that this is an issue, you -- you, i'm sorry, your age does not -- you don't get to do that. >> i agree with whoopi. now stars are coming to bella thorne's defense. they're attacking whoopi goldberg. your power resides in keeping the intimate parts of your life private. that's your power. once you relief it to the world, your power is gone. >> sad news for people. if you needed another indication that the clinton years might be over, the hillary clinton show on broadway is closing a month
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early due to poor ticket sales. >> i know you're heart broken. >> you're in line. why do they put $4 million to open the show with the two big stars. the sales were horrible. the real clintons couldn't fill seats when they did the book tour. >> costumes were easy. a lot of pantsuits. they were good. she looks great in those. hillary looks great for her age. >> the obama diaries, yeah. >> thank you so much. the issue of reparations produce fireworks at the capitol hill hearings. former aclu national drang tore mike myers is here to tell us why his party is dead wrong on the issue. plus, he responds to the latest racial controversy spun up by joe biden. when we started our business
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>> the stain of slavery with not just inked in bloodshed but in the policy that fueled white supremacy and racism and disadvantaged african-americans economically for generations. >> the role of the federal government in supporting the institution of slavery and subsequent discrimination directed against blacks is an injustice must be formally acknowledged and addressed. >> a senator running for president and the chief deputy whip of the house voicing support for some form of reparations at a rocket hearing today on the subject, the first of its kind in a decade. but they weren't the only voices heard on the subject. perhaps the most illuminating
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commentary came from coleman hughes, a writer on issues of race in america. >> reparations, by definition, are only given to victims. so the moment you give me reparations, you've made me into a victim without my consent. black americans have fought too long for the right to define themselves to be spoken for in such a condescending manner. >> thank you, mr. hughes. chill, chill. he was presumptive, but he has a right to speak. >> michael myers is a former national director of the aclu and a vehement opponent of reparations. michael, you heard democratic congressman steve cohen there, opposition like yours is presumptive. not sure that's grammatical. does he mean presumptuous? i'm not sure. what's your response. >> look, coleman hughes was too timid, too kind.
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he should have said to them plain and simple, this is boorish, it's noisy, it's racial hustle, racial buffoonery. and we black people in america want nothing of it. and as far as that congressman is concerned, he should be ashamed of himself doing what he did to that young man. and i must tell you that this whole democratic party that is coulding to racial hustlers and buffoonery is outrageous and must be rejected and the whole notion of reparations, it is so old and old fashioned, tiresome. it's a charade of anger. and i don't accept it. >> there are people like eric swellwell, he'll never be president. he's a goof ball, sorry, he's a goof ball. he's out there trying to prove
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his racial bona fideries and shake off the white privilege. they're all trying to outdo each other. it's an embarrassment to the democratic party. listen to what he said about this. watch. >> i'm sorry it's something that our government was responsible for. and mitch mcconnell may be right. no one alive is responsible for what happened then. but everyone alive is responsible to do something now. >> that's -- that's logical. okay. >> i want his house, i want his fortune, i want reparations from him and all of the people who are like him. it's ridiculous. racial reparations scam. and we're -- nobody takes this seriously. you have to laugh. you have to laugh. because -- >> they're serious. >> the buffoonery. it's buffoonery. >> now, this is main stream democratic politics. this used to be al sharpton and a few others, right? >> right. >> but that was sharpton and --
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but this is back then, but now this is the democratic party. this is people who say we don't like trump's tweets, this is it. this is the new victimization game and the new, you know, pointing fingers of people like a nigerian immigrant that just came here and he's like, i'm just trying to make a living. or a person by bulgaria who just came in ten years ago, this is craziness. >> don't forget it was james foreman in the 1970s, this reverend. he went to the churches. he blamed the churches and the synagogue and the government and you and everybody else. he wanted reparations and the churches came reparations. >> you're doing an hour on this. so awesome on this subject. thank you so much. up next, my mini angle on why trump is still an outsider.
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♪ >> trump the outsider on the inside. that's the focus of tonight's mini angle. >> together we stare down a corrupt and broken political establishment and restore government by and of and for the people. our future has never ever looked brighter or sharper. >> now, last night in orlando, the president still sounded like
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a challenger. i loved it. he was unbowed in his zeal to drain the swamp. despite the resistance from both inside and outside of the government. now, this is because, i really believe this, at its core, he has a deeply anti-establishment mindset. think about it. from the mueller travesty to his negotiations with the mexicans on trade and even immigration, the president and his team outworked and outstrategized the so-called experts on the other side. and when the deep state tried to oust him, he fought back. when the bureaucracy said, no, you can't. he asks, why not? and when the old guard says, that's not how it's done, he says, "just watch me." but, of course, the same folks who got the 2016 analysis wrong, they're all mad. and they still don't get why he
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resonates. >> he's running as the outsider, anti-establishment. he's the president. he'll be the president and he'll be president two months shy of four years. >> the president has positioned himself as the aggrieved outsider. >> i find it completely refreshing that on most of the important issues, trump is still a relentless disrupter. and he's held firm on china, for instance, although wall street is knocking down his door, begging for any deal with the chinese, even if it's not a good one. he says, no, we're going to get a good deal. he's tackling high prescription drug prices even when big pharma is spending a big, big wad of money to stop him. he's standing up for life in word and in action, even when hollywood and planned parenthood demonize him almost every day for doing so. he's using every executive branch tool available to protect our border, even when congress does nothing. hey, but if peace and prosperity
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isn't your thing, you can support our favorite vermont socialist, senator bernie sanders. he celebrated trump's re-election kickoff too by getting a hair cut and giving live commentary. >> i had the extremely unpleasant experience of actually watching donald trump in action for an hour and a half. wow. and that was certainly something. an hour and a half speech of lies, distortion, and total absolute nonsense. that is quite an experience. >> talk about unpleasant, watching bernie. well, given the far left and the democrats, always going to intertwine now, bernie is no longer a party outsider. remember when he was? now i think he's almost conventional. like reparation, green new deal, tax increases, free college? well there's not much distance between bernie and the rest of the democratic field, other than
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maybe biden. meanwhile, donald trump, the inside outsider is still ruffling feathers as he challenges both democrats and republicans to put american citizens, american workers, and american values first. and that's the mini angle. all right, coming up, an update to that foiled terror plot in pittsburgh. we have video and sound from the scene so stay right there. .. - [narrator] the following is an urgent appeal
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from the international fellowship of christians and jews. - right now in the former soviet union, there are thousands of jewish holocaust survivors trapped in relentless poverty. there's no heat, no electricity, no running water, they're cold hungry and sick and they're suffering and dying needlessly. christians and jews together stand obedient to god to listen to his word. god gives us a special calling to help the orphan,
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the widow, the weakest, the survivors and he makes a promise that if we stand with them, so too will god stand with us. - [narrator] please open your heart and act now. you can save lives and honor god by helping elderly jews in dire need in the former soviet union. your gift today of just $25 will rush an emergency survival package to a person in desperate need of food, medicine, water and heating fuel. visit our website. (somber music) - what's different about the situation today, my friends is that it's not just helping elderly, today it's a matter of survival. today your gift to the emergency survival program
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will literally, literally save lives. - [narrator] please visit our website. (somber music) for just $25, you can help us rush an emergency survival package to a desperate holocaust survivor before it's too late. (somber music) they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again!
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♪ >> it was overwhelming, but >> it was overwhelming but i was grateful that god protected us. we have security already here due to the fact that what has been happening in our society and our region and our country. >> that was the pastor of the pittsburgh church at the center of the terror attack. the doj announced the arrest of
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a syrian refugee. officials say the 21-year-old was admitted to the us in august 2016, drafted a hand written plan to bomb the church. taking a pause on certain immigration. that is all-time we have to make. check out my podcast. go to shannon bream and the fox news at 19 have all the details. >> have a good one. we begin with a fox news alert, donald trump kicks off his campaign launch with a stunning fundraising total.


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