tv Fox and Friends Saturday FOX News June 22, 2019 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ o-u-n-t-r-y. ed: if you weren't awake, you are now. jedediah: i feel like i need to know how to do the robot. i want to learn how to do the robot. pete: don't you like to dance? jedediah: the robot is one i haven't mastered. maybe "fox & friends" is the one to help that happen. pete: maybe we can get someone to come in and teach you. jedediah: i don't know how to dance. pete: it's officially
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summer. balanced out with burgers made with half bacon. jedediah: share the stage every now and then. ed: a lot of big news the last couple of days. the president going up to the brink of an attack on iran and pulling back. this is a fox news alert. the president warning iran of quote obliteration if the u.s. is forced into war. jedediah: the president putting iran on notice as he explains last-minute decision to call off a strike against the rogue regime. pete: gillian turner is live at our nation's capital with more. >> the president recalled the moments leading up to his decision to hit pause on an iranian airstrike yesterday confirming planes and ships are at the ready but just about 10 minutes out from launching that operation he called it off. >> we had something ready to go subject to my approval. i said i want to know something before you go? how many people will be killed? in this case iranians. >> he explained that ultimately it was the potential for locals of life
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that changed his mind. >> they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it. and here we are sitting with 150 dead people, and i didn't like it. i didn't think it was proportionate. >> national security sources say the scenario the president described highly, highly unusual. they say potential casualties on sides american and iranian would have been something in detail prior to planning any military options. they also say the precise projected numbers would have been shared with the president in his intelligence briefings and military con ops briefings and during the national security process. very surprised what he described. additionally senior administration officials told me yesterday that the prospect of military action remain in full force throughout this entire weekend. guys, back to you. pete. ed: it's clear and national security officials were
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saying that in privately yesterday that these military options are still on the table. the president is still weighing it. in particularly as you heard from republican lindsey graham if iran does anything else provocative it's pretty clear this president is going to jump on it. pete: the fact as the president said we were locked and loaded is in and of itself a warning shot. there wasn't a human being in that drone but still a u.s. navy asset that's the patrolling the waters. had there been a loss of life you would see overwhelming response from us which shows, listen, there were some advisors inside his white house who want him to do it. john bolton and mike pompeo is not a puppet but he knows the respects power not piles of cash. what happens next is very important. jedediah: what was going on initially? it was all a little bit confusing to me. i'm struggling with was he listening to the advisors and bolt tons of the world and suddenly had a change of hearts? i find it hard to believe at
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the last minute he was notified there would be 150 casualties. i'm a nonintervention nist. i like he made the decision to not use missiles. i actually wish he would have done that right from the get-go. i'm concerned about what's going on internally with the people who advise him and is there a huge division between the way he wants to handle foreign policy and the way he wants to handle foreign policy. ed: that's where the president has been consistent. going back to the campaign he wasn't going to be a interventionist. credibility on the world stage if you threaten, maybe don't follow through on some of these examples. it's interesting, because many in the mainstream media have been pushing a narrative not just for days really, but for weeks, months even that the president with john bolton is hell bent on war. then he pulls back and actually reconsiders, again, not a war but a military strike and the media goes why are you indivisive? why didn't you basically start a war? look at the flip flop. >> he has a basic unfitness
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for handling national security matters. >> does it undermine the strength of the president's military threat going forward? >> well, it probably raises questions about it. >> he hesitates and he withdraws at the last minute. there is fear in him. pete: he had leveled this strike. had 150 iranians died the left would have said he is bringing us tout brink of war. he can't win either way. i don't think it's dysfunctional he said i wants to hear all voices, hawkish voices, voices more constraint and in each case i will make a decision. he felt it was more than deserves for the iranians. the sanctions are what are causing them to lash out. you want to get them to the table to not have a nuclear weapon what's the best way? jedediah: when obama drew a red line oh no he is doing
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the right thing. consistent. not with the policy that trump actually implemented. i happen to agree with you don't want the initial confusion on -- you don't want that confusion to us. sometimes do you want that confusion. pete: i love the confusion. i want iran to have no idea what we are going to do next and be fearful of overwhelming response. jedediah: that's fine as long as that confusion isn't indicative that there is a problem in the administration where people are saying let's do this all the way to the end and no, no, let's pull back. as long as they have their plan in order and they know what they are doing. i don't really care what iran knows or thinks, i care that they have their plan in order. ed: key difference is this president did not draw a red line with iran and say if you shoot down a drone we are going to attack you; however. jedediah: and he should not do that. ed: did goad president obama his administration enough about not being tough enough on the world stage. jack keane made clear last night on "special report"
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that after speaking with the secretary of state mike pompeo, general keen says the administration is ready to pounce if iran does anything else provocative. watch. >> if iran takes more provocative action, then there will be a response and particularly if americans are killed. we will see a very different type of retaliation. i do think that while the president's decision is being criticized in some circles that this does give him and secretary pompeo some leverage because of the restraint that was showed here for humanitarian reasons, to bring in the people who are willing to support us from a policy perspective in terms of a coalition, to keep those shipping leans open. ed: that's on the world stage. back here at home the president also keenly focused on what's happening at the southern border. pete: apprehensions at the southern border in may, just to remind you, 132,000 folks apprehended at the southern border. now, this comes as this week
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president trump tweeted that ice was going to be conducting raids on potentially hundreds of thousands, millions of people here illegally. said it will happen quickly. well "the washington post" and other media outlets now pointing out that indeed this is likely to happen. here is the headline from "the washington post." ice raids targeting migrant families slated to start sunday in major u.s. cities and reporting is that ice is planning and will be executing these very soon. jedediah: take a look at the 10 cities where ice raids are expected, los angeles, san francisco, denver, houston, chicago, miami, new orleans, atlanta, baltimore and new york city. pete: it says ice raids targeting migrant families. and this next quote we will share is also not quite fair. these are people who are overstayed retainers. they're here illegally know they're here illegally and evationd the law. jedediah: they are evading the law and the court. ed: mark morgan said enough is enough with that very
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same situation. we have this new york attorney general latisha james assailed the president's plan for mass deportation claims saying: you can see there are mayors as well who are saying we are not going to help and stay out of this and basically keep people in there cities amazingly. jedediah: this is amazing to me that you have these mayors people trying to do their jobs and trying to secure the border and trying to make sure that lawlessness does not become the norm and just say, listen, if you broke the law, if you evaded the law initially. you broke the law by breaking the law and. you have the mayors of the cities coming out saying you know what? we will defy you and prevent you. it's actually outrageous if you think about the insanity that's ensues.
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pete: if you know the people who have pursued the legalization process. if they know they are up against running out of time most of them say i will have to go back and reapply and want to come back legally. ed: they did it the right. pete: these are folks who say i know i'm here illegally and want by the government and this sanctuary city wants to hide me. when they say hey, pete, you guys hate immigrants. love immigration. illegal immigration is the problem. don't conflate the two issues. ed: you have some in the mainstream media basically warning illegal immigrants what's to come. >> immigration and customs enforcement is expected to launch a deportation crack down this weekend rounding up thousands of migrants including families. >> critics in targeted cities like here in miami fear they could lead to even more family separation. >> as ice comes knocking do not open your door. >> this is outrageous.
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you really have to step back from it because now it's becoming normalized that this is what the media does. this is what we expect them to do. but you have media people out there saying, you know, if they come knocking on your door, don't open the door. pete: mayor saying that too. jedediah: does no one care about the law. does no one care about our national security? that just has vanished with the wind? i don't understand. pete: dan patrick texas lieutenant governor does care about the law. jedediah: one of the few. >> these people that they plan to go and apprehend have already been ordered to be deported and once they were ordered to be deported, they have run from the law. they have run from the courts. so these are people that supposedly would listen to the court, get in line, basically go back to their home country. they haven't done that the president is absolutely right to do this. these people are what i would call double law breakers. they broke the law coming into the country.
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they have gone to court and now breaking the law by staying in the country. it's time to put an i understand tend toit. ed: what do you think some of these mayors saying we are not going to help the government we are going to let them stay here illegally. jedediah: we will turn now to headlines for you. dominican officials viewerring to take action if investigation into the recent deaths find wrongdoing or negligence. at least 11 americans have died in the caribbean nation since last summer. the tourism minister still standing by his claim that natural causes are to blame. authorities insist it is safe to vacation there and that there is nothing mysterious about the deaths. and now to a fox news alert. a fiery plane crash killed all nine people on board in hawaii. the small aircraft going down in a field near an airport in honolulu. it's unclear if the plane was taking off or trying to land. the faa is investigating. the victi victims' names have nt
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been released. patrick shanahan getting a round of applause as he leaves the pentagon he announced his resignation tuesday over family matters. president trump anowngszed he will name mark esper to fill the role permanently. the army under secretary is expected to fill esper's current position. those are your headlines. pete: this next video coming up is pretty much insane. a man rushes an airport security check point, throwing punches at tsa officers. more of this total ambush of the tsa coming up. y and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles,
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"i got it!" so bookers are booking a one, two, three, that's a four day weekend "awesome" and with getaway deals on accommodation starting from 15 percent off, you can be a booker at booking dot com >> i'm not looking for war, and if there is, it will be obliteration like you have never seen before. i'm not looking to do it. you can't have a nuclear weapon. you want to talk, good, otherwise you have a bad economy for the next three years. >> any preconditions?
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>> not as far as i'm concerned no preconditions. >> that is president trump putting iran on notice. what should the president's next move be. here is fox news contributor and cia station chief daniel hoffman. thank you for being here this morning. you see the decision that was made to not strike at the last minute. the warning to iran of obliteration, where do we go next? >> well, the president's maximum economic pressure on iran has crippled their economy. but it hasn't been enough yet to induce iran to return to the negotiating table and, remember, we are concerned about iran's nuclear program, the sun set clauses. but, also about their ballistic missiles and and as a state sponsor of terrorism. those are the three things we are really concerned about. and while we wait for the sanctions to bring iran to that off ramp, the exit ramp for negotiations, iran is threatening us with nuclear black male but threatening to enrich uranium to weapons grade levels within a couple of weeks if they don't receive relief and
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sanctions. the question is how we deter iran from taking these very dangerous actions in the persian gulf while we wait for negotiations. pete: how do we because it's a bit underreported that iranian is upping uranium enrichment to a point where they could quickly get to weapons grade and that could -- red line is overused but we could reach a point where there is a points notify return. how do we deter them from that? >> right. well, they have been stockpiling low grade uranium and they're threatening to enrich that uranium to high -- to weapons grade level. that -- the question -- the president and the administration hasn't said whether that's a red line or not for whether we would take kinetic action. we could look at our ally israel, which has taken kinetic action and i think had they been in our place a couple of nights ago, they probably would have launched that attack and killed 150 iranians. we might also look back historically at the example of the tanker war in 1987-'88 where we reflagged
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kuwait ships u.s. and went to war essentiallied in the persian gulf with iran. and ultimately deterred them from taking action against shipping in the strait of hormuz. the accommodation halls a wide array of options. there has been reporting we have launched cyber attack against irgc units surveillance against our ships in the persian gulf. i think the president is right. we need a proportional response that doesn't risk an all-out war that neither side wants. we need to deter iran from continuing this escalation of attacks. pete: daniel, briefly, what message does tehran read from the president's decision here? >> that's the key question and i think our intelligence committee will be looking for. do they see this as weakness maybe but they didn't launch on an surveillance aircraft which is manned u.s. aircraft. perhaps we are fashioning out some rules of engagement in the persian gulf. i think in the coming days we will be seeing how iran
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sees. this it might be too early to tell. pete: we both know in the middle east power is king that's what respect is. perception of this will be very important. daniel hoffman, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. pete: he won $80 million in the lottery during his divorce. now he has to split it with his ex-wife. emily compagno explains that one coming up next. most? most? what makes these simple dishes the best simple dishes ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at
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upload your logo or start your design today [ giggling ] ♪li'm a slick chickp♪ [ doorbell ] [ slap ] your nails! xfinity home... cameras. xfinity home... disarm the system. door's open. morning... welcome to the neighborhood. do you like my work? secure your home with x1 voice control. and have professional monitoring backing you up with xfinity home. demo at an xfinity store, call or go online today. ed: missouri's last abortion clinic could soon be shut down for good. the state health department did not renew the license for planned parenthood in
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st. louis. citing several problems including failed procedures. the clinic will stay open for now until a temporary court order is lifted. president trump's health and human services secretary says there is good news or prescription drug prices. >> for the first time in 46 years last year, the official measure of prescription drug pricing went down. we saved taxpayers $26 billion just in the first 18 months of this administration from our generic drug approvals. ed: secretary azar expects prices to drop even more in the future could be a big 2020 issue. jedediah: jed appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the handling of the jussie smollett alleged hate crime case. the judge ruling state's attorney kim foxx had no authority to appoint someone to handle her case when she recused herself. all 16 charges against smollett, who denied allegations of fake ago hated crime were suddenly dropped. could the actor now be recharged. here to explain is fox news contributor and attorney
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emily compagno. thank you for being here, emily. >> good morning. thank you for having me. pete: this feels like the case that won't die. >> yes, there is that. might we get to the bottom of something here. >> we would hope. and, the residents of chicago do for their tax dollars purpose us. essentially the ruling here is really fascinating. the judge came out swinging against kim foxx he says it was in your imagination that you designated an acting states attorney. the reason why that matters so much is because as he ruled it invalidated the arrest, the subsequent prosecution and the dropping of charges. it wind the slate completely clean and yes jussie cannot only be recharged with all of those charges we saw previously but anyone else that was wrapped up in it and caught in it if it were to be uncovered. secondly, there are a million concurrent investigations so now we have a special prosecutor. we have an independent -- an inspector general with the city of chicago. we have their lawsuit against him. the fbi investigation into
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this hoax and of course the defamation lawsuit by the brothers. this case isn't going away any time soon. jedediah: kim foxx coming out and to no one's surprise disagreeing. she says. a lot of people disagree with her and think a special prosecutor say how she mishandled everything is absolutely necessary. their hope is that he will be charged. the case against him was so strong that the hope is that this will reemerge and there will be cobs sequences for him. >> right. and judge kind of responded to what you said not duplicating the efforts we need the investigation we can get. secondly ironically kim foxx part of what she ran on was this platform of restoring ethics back to the city of chicago it. was she who instilled a chief ethics officer for the first time in that department and blamed that ethics officer with that decision and said look, i was just following that advice. hopefully she too will have
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some -- ed: that cases clearly not going away. new case that's fascinating wins $80 million in a lottery. everybody's dream but happened during his divorce. he is told he must give half of the lottery money to the wife that he is in the middle of the divorce with. jedediah: the burn, the burn. >> a lot of burn there. the reason this could happen in that way is because michigan is an equitable distribution state it. is not community property. normally dates of separation matter. separates the complication union you are owed to your then spouse. here it doesn't matter because it's not community property and what also is interesting about michigan it means that the judges can just rule for what they deem is equitable distribution which means fair, not equal that judge said she has been during your side during the dents you incurred she will be by your side for this windfall community property state that went be your typical ruling. pete: he will be paying. >> he oh, he will be paying.
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jedediah: divorce proceedings can take forever. what if it's like five years, six years, it doesn't matter? he wins the lottery any time in that you have to give half of that. >> not in equitable distribution case unless if the judge determines on other moral grounds. the judges in those states has much more latitude not when a case is. ed: be forewarned. jedediah: able forewarned. pete: my goodness. well, before the 2020 democrats hit the debate stage, they are answering hard-hitting questions. >> what's your comfort food on the campaign trail. >> when you are vegan, that means lots of religion isies on the go. any kind of fast food. >> i have no comorstd food. comfort food. ed: that's not all. who eats baked potatoes and vegan cupcakes. what? comfort food? really? that's coming up next. jedediah: oh, yeah. ♪
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>> probably chips and gawk monthly. >> i french fries. >> i love a good french fry or a few or many or just the whole thing. >> baked potato. >> i have no comfort food. ed: what? jedediah: what? everybody has a comfort food. ed: i'm actually with elizabeth warren i love guacamole. jedediah: guacamole and chips and i like vegan cupcakes. i love them. there is a place in the city that makes them that are amazing. french fries good too. the baked potato i don't get. pete: minnesotans are accused of being a little blame and amy just reinforced that. ed: come on a baked potato that's comfort food? jedediah: cory booker i get vegan i was a vegan for a while. comfort food you go for chips and vegan cupcakes. the veggies are for when you are being a good person. i'm going to have broccoli and spinach. more power to him if veggies
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are his comfort food he is in pretty good health. ed: no comfort food at all? come on. pete: i don't believe that at all. jedediah: you eat exclusively comfort food. pete: my main diet is comfort food. maybe i'm with marianne. ed: jesse was basically saying his comfort food is food. pete: a big mac. i think beto robert francis is probably the most honest one. on the campaign trail on the go what's the easiest thing not stopping off vegan burger king stopping where you are and house a few big macs. jedediah: i think the world is divided between those who crave the salty and those who crave the sweet. your comfort food do you reach for the cupcakes or salt and vinegar potato chips or bite of a cupcake or a chip i'm a fan of that too. ed: ice cream, cupcakes, chip witch.
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jedediah: or combo package. jedediah: i was told this was from yesterday. they repeated it. ed: it was in the fridge just to be clear. jedediah: we are going to turn headlines for you now. watch video a illegal immigrant shooting a gun at the border wall. surveillance cameras catching the next mexican national opening fire several times after illegally crossing into arizona. cbp says a gunman and four others fled back to mexico in a truck before border agents arrived. chaos at the airport. a man charges through a security check point attacking several tsa agents. take a look as he barrels through a metal detector at the phoenix airport. he then starts taking swings at agents before being tackled to the ground. five agents were hospital litzed with minor injuries. it's unclear what provoked the attack. gardner is now facing several charges including trespassing and assault. and a new study finding two bottled water brands contain
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high levels of arsenic. the center for environmental health warning the toxic metal in starkey and penafiel could cause. dr. pepper has pulled it from the shelves. whole foods which owns starkey insist the water makes fda guidelines. listen up grease fans. most? >> sandy? >> tell me about it, stud. jedediah: if olivia newton john's get up -- now expected to fetch more than $100,000. proceeds will go toward the actress' cancer center in australia. that is one of my favorite outfits. i tried to copy that several times on air. i didn't do too well. even did the high bun. didn't work out for me.
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pete: would you save up? jedediah: i might. everybody loves sandy. ed: we do love it. you know who dresses well adam klotz is on the hudson river previewing something called adrenaline sailing. good morning. adam: good morning, did you say dress well? showed up basicfully a t-shirt. you set that up and now i look like a scrub out here. but i'm out here dressed for sailing. sail gp is going to be downtown mantz on the hudson just behind me. sail gp international sailing competition one of them being here in the united states. this is day two of the competition. they were racing all day yesterday. they are going to be doing so again today. they set it up between new jersey and new york so folks can stand along the sides of the hudson and watch this thing happen. yesterday the weather was not great and we actually had a capsize from great britain. one of the teams from across the world that are competing in this. the weather obviously a
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whole lot nice nicer today. i do have the 24-hour radar set up showing some of the storms we were dealing with last week along the east coast. those beginning to move out and looking at a gorgeous day. further in the middle of the country, weather still going to be an issue. back out this gratification and you are going to see the possibility of some storms piling up across portions of the plains. even down into the southeast. i'm on a little bit of a delay there. there is my maps. so these are the areas we are going to be paying attention to warmer conditions but unfortunately live possibly some storms in the middle of the country. if you live on the east coast it's going to be beautiful. it's going to be beautiful in downtown manhattan guys. where before the morning is over, i'm going to be put to the test a little bit and see if i have all the sailing skills necessary to can i somehow compete that will be throughout the rest of the morning show. jed can't wait.
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pete: can't wait to watch you compete in your hoodie. adam: i will be getting ready for it. ed: pop that collar and you will be sailing. pete: nsa crashing a 33-pound plane. ed: 33,000. jedediah: that would be small plane. pete: apparently it crashed on purpose. >> 3, 2, 1. release. ed: it wasn't just 33 pounds. we are going to ask a nasa researcher how cool is that? that's coming up next. ♪ ♪
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oh, supposed to be some video. >> 3, 2, 1, release. >> now it's your turn. ed: pretty dramatic build up. nasa catapulting a 33,000-pound jet onto the ground to study how planes perform on impact. the data will be used for future faa regulations. so what do they learn from this test? here to discuss martin arnett with nsa's langley research center. good morning, martin. >> good morning, ed, how are you doing? >> fantastic. we have heard all about crash test dumbies, you actually used them. what did you find out? >> we learned a lot about the position of the dumbies and different types of dumbies that are used for both automotive and aerospace type testing. we put there 24 on board.
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we are starting to look through the data. there is a lot of interesting numbers that we see with the dummies in terms of whether they survive. ed: there were 24 crash test dummies in there as passengers, essentially. what is the initial data telling you initial data says some were survivable. some of the conditions may have exceeded what we would consider injurious. we want to make sure that we understand in terms of where they were seated, whether they were seated over the wing or whether they were seated in front of the wing. there is going to be different responses all the way through. the aircraft hit relatively level. so, but there is definitely a distribution of load and positive and negative effects on where you sat. ed: there were dozens of cameras and sensors as i understand it and the u.s. army was involved as well.
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talk about the military's role why they were there and what they may be doing with the data. >> sure, the u.s. army has developed a new crash test dummy that they are trying to i focus on under body blast for the response of a war fighter due to underbody blast in a vehicle. one of the things that they realized years ago was that the types of crash test dumbies that are used in a crash environment don't represent the types of injuries that you need to be able to replicate compared to doing a blast test. so, they spent a lot of time and effort and money to developing a more biocrash test dummy this was an opportunity to go back and put it in a crash environment spent crash tests with their dummies. ed: we can see it looks like the front of the plane was dotted like a football pig
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skin. tell us why that was. this is an old canadian plane as i understand it. why did it look like a football in the front? >> well, the front had a lot of dots and the dots were really used as tracking devices. you will see in videos of flight tests where have you dots and different lines where there are black and yellow lines. this is something on a large scale we put thousands of dots and use high speed video to track the whole motion of the plane as it hits the ground and deforms. can you put up a color plot of where you get a lot of deformation and permanent deformation. ed: we mentioned at the top that the faa will be using this data to maybe institute some new regulations that will impact our viewers in the days and the years ahead. how quickly do you think the faa will turn this around? is this a six month thing?
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is this five months down the road? >> it's years down the road in the sense that we need to understand what types of new regulations are required for crash one way or the otherness. and that really has to do with the next generation of aircraft that come out that may have light weight materials, nonmetallic materials and those types of behaviors are something that we need to understand and potentially have some new rule making that would involved potentially some testing to understand how that crash behavior differs from a metallic aircraft. ed: absolutely. this was fascinating story. glad you brought it to us. something you don't see everything. obviously it will end up impacting our viewers and we appreciate you bringing us a first look at today. >> all right. thank you, ed. ed: meanwhile, vets helping vets you might say. a first of its kind mobile clinic treating veteran service animals for free. so have you veterinarians helping our military veterans. it's making its first stop right here on fox square.
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pete: welcome back a couple of quick headlines for you. toys r us is making a come back. bloomberg is announcing the company plans to open half a dozen new stores this holiday season. they will have play areas. and amazon is opening its doors to 7,000 dogs. the retailer says employees registered their pups to work at its seattle
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headquarters to enhance company culture. the "l.a. times" reports the human-to-dog ratio would be seven to one if all the pups showed up on the same day. ed, over to you. ed: thanks, pete. helping veterans with service dogs. taking it step further vets for vets offering free care for veterans with pets. jedediah: first is mobile stop here on the fox square. co-founder of paws of war robert. thank you for being here. >> welcome. glad to have you. jedediah: i love this organization. tell us about the organization and what led to you found them. >> after placing service dogs with our veterans sunks from ptsd another big struggle is keeping up with vet care whether through or emergencies, disabled veterans are having -- clearly having a hard time just surviving never mind
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the most important animal of their life they can't afford these services. we created this vehicle to provide those services we found just a couple months ago a dog with cancer on the truck and he is now being treated with chemotherapy. jedediah: wow. ed: let's go through army veteran that is here. garcia and dog pea nut. tell us a little bit about peanut. >> so, peanut was actually given to me by my daughter who is 12 years old. peanut is two and a half years old. is he really full of energy, wonderful dog. and the beautiful thing about peanut is that he is very in tune with my needs emotionally. he is very, you know, is he very rambunctious and energetic. great keeps me on my toes and keeps me moving continuously. jedediah: we talked a little bit about the great impact that these animals can have
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on you. >> absolutely. jedediah: what did it mean to have this care for the animal. >> for me personally, i think this is phenomenal what this organization is doing. sometimes the veterans are, fixed income. not being able to work, you know, and collecting perhaps maybe only a disability check doesn't allow them to absorb the cost of veterinarian and the treatment that some of these animals need. so this organization, being able to provide that for veterans is phenomenal. ed: that's wonderful. we also have army and navy vet jennette torrez and her puppy. >> hi. ed: tell us about all of that. >> thank you so much. my dog in particular, in addition to being ptsd dog is also a medical alert dog. for example if my blood pressure goes low, when i go to a dental visit and my
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blood pressure will skyrocket i'm in the middle of it and i don't notice it. he will prevent me. he has a particular he will prevent me from getting up and walking out and hurting myself. he has saved me already a few times. ed: what remarkable skills they already have. pete is inside the mobile. pete wants to talk with you. jedediah: great stuff. pete: come on, in robert. pete, great to see you. pete: we are inside the mobile clinic here. tell us what would happen in here. >> this is where our veterans and first responders come to have their dogs examined for wellness check or we can do dental. it could be a serious surgery there phelps will perform. ultimately whether they leave here, our veterans know that they are completely under the wonderful care of dr. phelps and getting the care that they truly need. and it cost them nothing. zero. pete: you advertise let vets know work with vets organizations they come out
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for that moment and bring their dog no questions asked. >> no questions asked. we want people to come out. most of them don't realize there may be an issue with an animal. and we find it on the truck. we start it here locally and went it went out to social media gradually people calling us from all over the country. how can we get this truck in this state or this state? today we are hoping to raise the money so we can start moving to state-to-state. pete: this might help. paws of war where can they go. >> paws of website. we can use all the help we can we are not for profit. we have great people like this that volunteer their times. dr. phelps is director of services and he has done a phenomenal job and we need more support. pete: we have to leave it there paw us of jedediah, down to you. jedediah: we have a big show still ahead.
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a cockroach can survive submerged underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah, wow. not getting in today. not on my watch. pests never stop trying to get in. we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts
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to keep you both comfortable. and now the queen sleep number 360® c4 smart bed is now $1,299. save $400. only for a limited time . ♪ i'm walking on sunshine. pete: we have a farmer's market on the fox square formally known as the plaza. ed henry is not here yet -- oh, wait. here he is. jedediah: we were going to do where in the world is ed henry segment? i just had a straw berry. may have been the best strawberry i have had in my life. pete: summer is kicking off. farmers markets. jedediah: hard to beat. ed: we asked you about your favorite comfort food because the 2020 democrats are talking about what they like on the trail.
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we got this email from jan, salt and vinegar chips i endorse. jedediah: mine too. email from gary give me pulled pork barbecue and sweet potato fries. pete: email from amy klobuchar who says baked potato. oh, no, lisa chocolate ice cream and caramel sauce and to dunk pretzels in it. both sweet and salty, yum. ed: that's why salted caramel has worked so well either in ice cream you get what you talked about before. the salty and the sweet. you get a little bit of both. jedediah: chocolate covered pretzels. some people do the old fashioned way i take a bite of cupcake and potato chip that works, too. pete: that could work. i like mcdonald's fries in my mcflurry. salty fry dipped in the ice cream of a mcflurry. jedediah: taken it to the
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next level. pete: when you take your kids to being in donald's a lot like i do then you find your bay into that combo. jedediah: french fry dipped into maple syrup. ed: wild turns. keep them coming. little bit of fun kickoff to summer but also serious news. issues of war and peace. the president walking right up to the line of issuing u.s. military airstrikes against iran. last 10 minutes before the order was going to be given. he pulled back saying that he did not think it was proportional to what iran had done but making it clear -- pete: president did an interview recently that i believe will air tomorrow that i believe further explains his process in not striking iran at this moment. >> they came and said sir, we are ready to go. sir i want to know something before you go. how many people will be
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killed? i said how many people are going to be killed? sir, i would like to get back to you on that. great people, these generals. they said, came back and said, sir, approximately 150. and i thought about it for a second and i said, you know what? they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it and here we are sitting with 150 dead people that would have taken place probably within half an hour after i said go ahead. >> yes. and i didn't like it. i didn't think it was proportionate. jedediah: i think that's very trumpian of him to say. listen, i'm thought going to do it. even though everything is ready to go i'm listening to what you are saying right now it. doesn't seem like the right move. i'm not going to risk it. doesn't seem proportionate to take these risks or casualties. i don't understand why he didn't have that information ahead of time. is he a than interventionist i feel like he would have made that decision and said listen, this is unmanned
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drone. this isn't proportionate response. i'm not going there and doing thment i feel like he would have made this decision sooner and not later. pete: he ran on not getting us involved in middle eastern wars. he will strike when necessary. in this case they shot down unmanned drone. given a plan that would have led to iranian deaths. he thought it wasn't proportionate and pulled back. the story behind it is a warning shot to iran that can be leveraged later if they did take more american life. they have taken plenty of american life previously. you better believe that's what he is referring to there will be counter. ed: there are reports that the president knew about the potential casualties much earlier in the process than the public story we are getting now in the last few moments that's when he sort of focused on it. that's going to be debated in the hours and days ahead. in the meantime daniel hoffman frequently on the program. we appreciate his insights as a former cia official. he says in the end the
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president is right because this was a measured response. watch. >> but president's maximum economic pressure on iran has crippled their economy but it hasn't been enough yet to induce iran to return to the negotiating table. while we wait for the sanctions to bring iran to that off ramp. the exit ramp for negotiations, iran is threatening us with nuclear black male. the question is how do we deter iran from taking these actions. the president is right. we need a proportional response that doesn't risk all out war that no side wants. we need to deter iran from continuing this escalation of attacks. pete: here is the reality. the jury is out. we don't know if this was the right move or not. ultimately iran can have a bomb. they have shown they are enrichment grade. we can't allow them to get a bomb. are we doing enough or not doing enough? that's what will be debated. will it require military strikes or not? how do we get them to the
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table to give up nukes without a sun set clause? that is what we will see going forward. jedediah: i think the fact that it was unmanned drone really made all the difference. i think if one of our men had been in there. one of our men or women would have been a different justified a different response from the president. i have think he is ready to do that. he is very strategic about it. i wish he had had all of the information. if he didn't have all of the information ahead of time. that's bad. and, if he did, and he made that sudden change of heart, i'm curious what inspired that a little more. ed: we will stay on top of that story. also breaking is an important story about the crisis at our southern border. the president planning a crackdown on illegal immigrants who have stayed here in the country, overstayed visas. basically going to be authorizing ice raids. we have heard this from mark morgan the acting ice director who first foreshadowed this days ago saying this would be starting soon. it's interesting because you already see some mayors in some cities saying we are not going to help. basically allowing people to stay here illegally.
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that's something that dan patrick, the republican lieutenant governor of texas ♪ happy about. greg abbott, the actual governor, says that this surge of illegal immigration has to end. watch. >> in the past three weeks alone more than 45,000 people have been apprehended in texas crossing the border illegally. and understand this: they are coming from far more than just the central american region. they have come from 52 different countries across the entire globe. this surge left unchecked increases the risk of potentially dangerous individuals as well as gang members crossing the border and increases the risk of drugs and illegal contra band being brought in to texas. ed: unlike other local officials texas and that governor right there, governor abbott is actually doing something about it. >> he is sending 1,000
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troops to the southern border. i think it's really fascinating to seat differences in these states and leadership in these states and who really cares about solving this crisis? who is genuinely concerned about our national security? and who wants to make excuses and enable this problem to continue and enable this constant flow of illegal immigration and doesn't care? if you are defending a sanctuary city at this point, having the information that you have not only from the trump administration, which maybe you don't like them, final. from the border patrol agents, from people who are on the front lines every day protecting our country, you are ignoring that that really says more about you and i think it's going to show in the polls. pete: just it like it does those ordered to be deported and won't leave as someone else in the program said double law breakers. broke it once now we are telling to you leave and don't break it again. those are the folks focusing not a recent migrant family who hasn't had their day in court whole other issue. jedediah: fascinatingly. 2020 democrat bernie sanders in the middals of all this talk about the border you know what i'm going to do? i'm going to give millions of illegal immigrants free
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healthcare. guess who is going to pay for it? your taxpayer dollars. take a listen. >> end that and create a medicare for all healthcare system which guarantees healthcare to every man, woman, and child. >> senator, would you include the 11 million [inaudible] >> absolutely. when i talk about healthcare being a human right, last time i heard that undocumented people are human beings as well. pete: remarkable how that position has become mainstream in the democratic party and you don't have journalists asking questions like follow-up saying waited, time-out. you are saying we are going to reward people for breaking the law which is what you are doing. don't take it from me. that's what dianne feinstein said democratic senator years ago from california a state where the democratic governor is saying it's fine we are going to give free healthcare. dianne feinstein, bill clinton few years ago saying
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this is abhorrent. you can't be rewarding bad behavior and giving our taxpayers to people who have broken the law. pete: hold on bernie, chair of the v.a. committee hundreds of thousands of employees attempt together give good healthcare to vetsz. 7 million of them. ed: who served our country. pete: served our country and earned the benefit. put the cloth of our nation on and earned that benefit, you want more people to get medicare -- when they came here illegally? i mean, this is a party now on the democrats that is embracing and incentivizing lawlessness. citizenship doesn't matter and legality doesn't matter. jedediah: the question for me is always is the democratic voting public are they with them? where do those people stand? you talk about the politicians. in the past decade. people once left wing now considered. it's crazy what's gone on. are the people that are going to go to the polls, are they saying wait, hold on a second have you gone too far for me? that's a question that needs
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to be answered. pete: wait for that debate stage. trump said no i think we should focus on getting better healthcare for our vets not illegals. ed: joe biden supposed to bring old school gone too far to the left. jedediah: is he terrified. he has to win a primary, too you know. headlines for you now. dominican officials vowing action into the investigation of the recent deaths there finds wrongdoing or negligence. at least 11 americans have died in the caribbean nation since last summer. the tourism minister still standing by his claim that natural causes are to blame. authorities insist that it is safe to vacation there and that there is nothing mysterious. at least seven people are dead and two others injured following a crash on a new hampshire highway. several motorcyclists killed after reportedly colliding with a wrong way pickup truck. by standers rushing to help as witnesses describe a, quote, devastating and horrific scene. and the stock market is smashing records on wall
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street. the dow hitting an all-time high during friday trading before closing at nearly 27,000 points. its peak coming a day after the s&p 500 marked its best day reaching nearly 3,000 points. stocks soaring as the federal reserve considers cutting short-term interest rates amid what it calls slowing economic activity. kicking off the summer with a congressional picnic at the white house. >> i want to thank you to your service to our country and its citizens. that's why you were sent to washington. you were sent to washington to help. you were sent to washington special people. jedediah: the president and first lady honoring lawmakers and their families on the first day of summer. the celebration complete with a ferris wheel and other attractions. pete: who sits with who? does nancy pelosi sit with mitch mcconnell. ed: i doubt she was there rank and file.
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pete: what are the matchup? jedediah: i would love to see that you got to the heart of the story. ed: who shut sit together at the congressional picnic? pete: we will see. let us know. elizabeth warren hot president calls pocahontas is right behind bernie sanders in the polls. and on that plane if you can't see it there this awkward encounter that has everyone talking coming up. ♪ just tur don't turn around ♪ i don't want you seeing me cry ♪ just walk away ♪ this is a commercial about insurance
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analytic judgments and finds of a bunch of lying analysts and by the way these were professional experts on russia that were hand picked to be on this working group, sends a very chilling message to the intelligence community. pete: chilling message. former director of national intelligence james clapper sounding the alarm, his alarm over attorney general's bill barr's reported investigation in the role of the intelligence community during the early stages of the so-called russia probe. ed: does he have a substantive concern here or reason to worry about his own behavior? here to weigh in fox news contributor former chief attorney for the southern distinct of new york andrew mccarthy. andrew? >> good morning. ed: clapper is saying why are you second guessing the intel community. they have never gotten anything wrong, right, andrew? >> right. ed: i say is that facetiously, of course. they should be respected, of course, we should respect their work. but scrutinize it. review it, and people should be held accoun accountable,
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shouldn't they. >> well, if you listen to him the only people who can investigate the intelligence community is the intelligence community, which is ridiculous. prosecuting attorneys conduct investigations of all kinds of disciplines and all kinds of expertises. the skill here or the task here is not to second guess the way that they do their analysis, it's to find out what happened just like it would be if it was some kind of sophisticated financial fraud where, you know, you were looking at a bunch of economic analysts. the prosecutors must have their confidence in their subject matter area do his job to find out what happened here we have the advantage of an attorney general who began his career working for the cia and we have a situation where the cia director gina haspel has been very supportive of the
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investigation, is working closely with attorney general barr. so to hear the people whose administration most notoriously, i think, in the history of the country, politicized intelligence to hear them now worry that the intelligence could be politicized in the investigation is quite something. pete: that's such rich stuff andy for sure. former fbi director james comey back out there and talking this time talking about impeachment. listen. >> i think he should be impeached with that evidence. >> i think he certainly could be based on the evidence that's gathered. i don't know what congress will do. i actually kind of hope that he isn't impeached because i think that would let the american people off the hook. we need an exercise in american democracy to show the world and ourselves these are our values and this guy doesn't reflect them. pete: this is not the only example of folks pointing back to the mueller report really, really there is collusion in there. >> pete, i don't understand that what i understand him
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to be saying is a strict technical legal point which is true that is that congress does not need a prosecutable felony, they don't need to have criminal behavior that rises to the level of indictment in order to find high crimes and misdemeanors. i think in this set of facts, to me, there are not high crimes and misdemeanors in that report even if you are disturbed by some of it, it certainly doesn't rise to that level. and i think he is taking the position that the president shouldn't be impeached. ed: interestinged that the former fbi chief who is supposed to be nonpartisan at least we thought is now cheering people on to go vote against the president that he used to serve under. andy mccarthy thank you for your insight this morning. >> thank you, guys. pete: new york's new law could give illegal immigrants driver's license. >> i believe in drivers licenses for all. it's fair, it's smart, it's safe. ed: there is a case for it on the other hand our next guest lost her son to a
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baby boomers between 55 and 64 ended in divorce in 2017, that's compared to just 5 back in 1990. jed? jedediah: thanks, ed. new york has a new law on the books that will provide illegal immigrants within state drivers licenses. next guest lost her son head on crash with illegal immigrant behind the wheel. here now is angel mom. first off so sorry for the loss of your son. i know it doesn't get any easier day to day. can you remind us about his story. sergeant brandon mendoza. remind us how he died. >> on may 4th, 2014 he was hit head on by illegal immigrant allowed to stay in our country. he was three times the legal limit drunk and high on meth. that day changed my life forever. jedediah: having suffered a personal tragedy like this, when you hear policy that would be implemented that
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would allow illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses, what does that do to you? i can't imagine what you must feel? >> >> these politicians are trying to back door integrate these illegal aliens into our society and with every action that's passed, they are becoming more and more -- in our country. these democrats are doing everything to protect them. americans to be aware of legislation and stop any legalization giving illegal aliens more and more rights in our country that they are not citizens of. angel families just recently brought to the attention of andy biggs and other congressional leaders what was happening at the airports down in pools through tsa. we sent them pictures and this is what started that investigation that was going on a couple weeks ago. a driver's license is one of the documents, 15 documents that they can use. americans need to be reminded these are unvetted asylum seekers that are just being transported to the
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interior of our country and we know nothing about them. now they will have a driver's license and be able to get on domestic flight. jedediah: i want to look at the 13 states and d.c. that driver's license with you. look at the map. it looks rather extensive. is this something that could potentially catch on? is this something that democrats are going to use to enhance their policy positions and say livin', you know, from their argument, they are saying listen, we are standing up for the undocumented and their rights. how does that feel given the tragedy you have suffered does this scare you? >> absolutely. where were the rights of my son? where are the rights of every american to feel safe on the road? people cannot read or speak english. so now it's a double expense at our driver's dmvs to provide booklets or computer systems that are speaking their language. they can't read a sign on thside of the road.
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they can't read these things and try tell us going to be safer to have them out on the road. it's smoke and mirrors with them all the time. they have got to start standing up for fellow americans. bending over backwards to help these illegal aliens in every and every way that they can. it's maddening and sickening because my son had dreams. and they were ripped away from him in the blink of an eye. and there are many, many other angel families who have suffered the same fate as myself losing my loved ones at the hands of illegal alien who has no place in our country. they are sneaking over our borders and they don't belong here. jedediah: you see that image of your son and completely heart breaking. i can't imagine how you feel. have you clerks in four counties in new york who are objecting to this saying listen, we are not going to enforce this and stand by this. you know those clerks are going to take a lot of heat from the public and democratic politicians. what is your message to those clerks who are standing with people like you and saying i'm not going to enforce this? this is crazy? >> good for you. stand up for the laws of
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this country. stand up for your fellow americans. these illegal drivers on the road are going to cause more statistics like my son. i fight for my fellow americans so that they don't deal with the same fate that i have had to deal with losing my son and all these other angel families have lost a loved one, trust me. you don't want this to happen to you because you are fighting a losing battle in a country full of politicians who don't care about their fellow americans more than they care about illegal aliens invading our country. jedediah: thank you for being here. our hearts go out to you as always for your family for the loss of your son. thank you for sharing your perspective. nothing more impactful than these personal stories when it comes to these issues and i appreciate you sharing it. >> thank you, jed. jedediah: 2020 democrats show a united front as they hurl insults at president trump. will that campaign strategy work? lawrence jones is here to weigh in. he is coming up next.
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seated behind democratic socialist behind bernie sanders on a packed flight to miami. hopefuls heading to south florida ahead of the democratic debates next week. pete: social media users joking about the far left democrats unsurprisingly seated on the far left side. ed: also bernie is ahead of her on the plane and in the polls maybe. she is gaining on him. she is right behind him. pete: look at that guy in the middle looking at the camera. ed: dude, i just want to get to miami. >> what did i do to deserve this is what he is thinking. ed: lawrence jones, you and i almost had an awkward deal. you and i had a picture sitting in front of me in first class. >> you were in first class and i was in the back of first class. ed: turns out he was in the back of first class. ed: 2020 democrats are getting together. we talked about this debate two. debates down there coming up. they also last night north
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carolina at this fish fry with jim clyburn. this is a really big event trying to turn out african-american voters. we will play a clip and let you react. >> we can make up the four years of damage he has done but eight years of damage will be almost impossible to get back. >> when the primary is over, we become a united force. >> we have got a president today who thinks he is going to win re-election by dividing the american people. >> that's what this presidential election is actually about, about standing up for our democracy. >> it's time to cross the river of our divide, to get to a high plain in our politics. >> donald trump also thinks that he is above the law. >> i fully intend to win this election. >> our candidates are a part the avengers. we are here to save america, for republicans, that's the hunger games. ed: we are crossing rivers, the avengers, the hunger
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games. help us out here. what's going on? >> you know, it's kind of hypocritical of them because they actually have been attacking each other all week and all of a sudden lock, this is just a fact. all of them cannot be president. biden has been getting attacked. him and booker have been going back and forth. bernie and elizabeth are fighting for the heart and soul of the democratic socialist lean of the party. and so this is them essentially crew to get their vote essentially. >> talked about biden getting attacked. we have an interesting op-ed headline from the "new york post" check it out. hem from his rivals joe biden's endless gaffes are making him unelectable. do you think that the democratic -- my question is about the establishment. is the establishment, do you think, turning against biden because they realize is he a gaffe machine and it doesn't look like it's ending any time soon. >> the establishment as well as his campaign advisors
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have tried to surround him. they don't let him do as much media. as a result of him trying to run a general election base, he has allowed every other candidate officially attack him. so, i think there is -- there was this dependability when it came to the establishment based on policy, but is he essentially conforming on every single issue. flip-flopping on every issue to that radical wing. is he not really a dependable candidate anymore. so i think and everyone has laughed at me when i said this there is a chance for hillary clinton to still jump in this. if joe is gone and he turns left just like the rest of them. there is no moderate democrats. who is left? pete: lawrence, i love you but count me as laughing. joe biden one of things he was criticized for this week talking about a former senate colleague who was a segregationist i could work with this guy even though i didn't agree with his views there was anner are a where
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there was segregation and racism was rampant. reporter recently asked condoleezza rice about race relation today. listen to what condoleezza rice had to say. >> there are people who will say it feels worse now when we are talking about race or. >> it sure doesn't feel worse than when i grew up in jim crow, alabama. let's drop this notion that we are in worse race relations today than we were in the past. i think the hyperbole about how much worse it is isn't doing us any good. ed: dropped the mic. >> that's classic consdy rice. i remember when i was at the university of north texas and someone tried to give her a race question are and her response was similar to this. look, we know every single time there is election time where there is a national political race, race relations becomes the topic of conversation because it really invokes emotion and people stop thinking about policy. what i want to know from the democrats is how are you going to improve black america when it comes to the
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me and improving education system. creating businesses in our community. and no candidate has discussed a plan to improve that when it comes to the left. and so, again, they can talk about race all the day. but whether you have people in my community living paycheck to paycheck and our kids continue to have to go to failing schools because of the zip code they live in and all areas dominated by democrats, i think someone should ask them, maybe the mainstream media on how they plan typically prove black america. pete: ask them about the black unemployment rate right now which is at historic lows. ed: lawrence jones, catch his show keeping up with jones on fox nation. we were coming back from the fox nation summit in arizona had when he tried to set me up looking at ed henry in first plays as if he was in the back of the plane. weighs in the back of first class. jedediah: very strategic. i give you props for that. >> that's right. ed: have a good weekend. pete: appreciate it. jedediah: thank you. pete: the world's fastest racing boats headed into new
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york city hudson's river where sailors will face off for a million-dollar prize. ed: adam klotz usually very well dressed today. he is like in a hoodie or something. live along the hudson today's big race co-founder. yachtsman sir russell couts, send it there life. tell us about it. >> well, you keep calling me out. i just wanted to look like a sailor. so i'm popping the collar a little bit and this was a little cold so i needed the hoody. back here for day two. 50-foot catamarans going 60 miles per hour up and down the hudson. i'm with sir russell couts. sir means that you have been knighted. you are like the michael jordan of sailing. is that what i'm gathering here? >> i don't know whether we can say that. you can call me russell. adam: i will call you russell then. you have a huge background. you are from new zealand. one of the most famous yachts men. you know what you are doing? >> yeah. well, in a sound bite, yeah.
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adam: you are very modest and very humble. tell us about sail gp. >> new annual. super fast boats as you were talking about. they fly above the water. >> dangerous yesterday great britain wiped out. >> yeah they capsized. really tough conditions in new york. winds disturb and it's gusty makes some of the best sailors in the world look pretty average. it's tough conditions. adam: we are in battery park and people can come out here and see these closer than they can anywhere else. >> yeah, the boats were coming right into battery park where you can come out and hang out brookfield place. racing starts at 5:00. get down here and enjoy the action. adam: okay. coming up later in the show, within the next hour and then the hour after that i will be put to the test a little bit as the modest michael jordan that you are,
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what do i need to be able to do? >> don't get on the hymn of one of these boats in these conditions. adam: i will be doing grinding? what muscles do i need to be able to do? >> you need a lot of fitness and a lot of arobic fitness and strength in upper body and even down in your legs. adam: as pete knows, i have all of those things, all that fitness to take him back on in the studio all the time. pushup challenge. you know. i will be ready for this when it comes up in an an hour. pete: sir adam, i look forward to your racing. we will be watching and grading. president trump ramping up the rhetoric on iran. so far pumping the brakes on retaliatory attack. ed: anthony tata used to draw up plans for airstrikes. he says the president is making the right call. he joining us live next. surancee
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jedediah: we are back with headlines, jussie smollett isn't out of hot water just yet. a judge ordered a special prosecutor to investigate kim foxx's hand links of the case. her office abruptly dropped the charges against the empire star who denied allegations of fake ago hate crime. the prosecutor could file new charges against the actor and as fox news contributor emily compagno just told us that is just one legal hurdle is he facing. >> now we have a special prosecutor. we have an independent -- an inspector general with the city of chicago. we have their lawsuit against him, the fbi investigation into its hoax and of course the deaf defamatin lawsuit by the brothers. this case isn't going away any time soon. jedediah: smollett hasn't commented.
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exclusive telling fox news that jennifer had problems during a bitter custody battle over five kids. >> she was deeply troubled and had a troubled past. the custody fight was breaking his way. she was a troubled woman, angry at him and we have as well as his anger at her, it's a divorce after all. jedediah: dulos' family calling the situation dire as the search continues. dulos and his girlfriend have pleaded not guilty. pete? pete: president trump putting iran ons in the rank warning that the regime would face obliteration. >> i'm not looking for war and if it is it will be obliteration like have you never seen before. i'm not looking to do that. but you can't have a nuclear weapon. you want to talk? good. otherwise you are going to have a bad economy for the next three years. >> any preconditions?
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>> not as far as i'm concerned. no preconditions. pete: next guest has written planned president trump regarding a possible strike on iran. joining me now is retired army general anthony tata deputy director of forces in afghanistan and author of the upcoming book "double-cross fire" general, thanks for being here this morning. have you done. this you understand what it takes to put a strike package together like this. did the president make the right call? >> yeah. pete. the president demonstrated incredible for the and putting the brakes on this mission and tactical. you understand and folks like me that have planned and executed these operations they take on a life of their own because there is so much invested into the planning and rehearsing of this operation from the sailors on watch in the persian gulf to the pilots in the air. the all the way back to the pentagon and it creates this
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incredible inertia and momentum in the default position is to execute. so for the president to maintain the clear-eyed vision and see the bigger strategic picture here and then put the brakes on this mission, you know, within minutes of execution demonstrated really quite frankly just another example of his incredible ability to pull the levers of national power and he pulled this one back. you know, we have a great force there in the persian gulf that can do the obliteration that he talks about. but he was looking at the second and third order consequences and that's a great leader and a great commander-in-chief. as somebody who has fought like you, you know, it's good to see we have got a man in there that can make those kinds of decisions. pete: general, you talked about the big picture. what is the bigger picture you believe the president is seeing here and the outcome he wants? >> well, first of all, i think president trump is
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very genuine in his comment that he thought it was disproportionate. and we lost an unmanned drone and it showed, quite frankly, some weakness in our ability to counter air defense and so that's something we need to shore up. also, we don't know if the enemy picture changed on the ground, for example. one briefing could have said well, there is, you know, minimal manning and then the iranians were smart they saw we did in syria because they are there in syria. they could have moved women and children to those locations and the picture could have changed. he didn't want that collateral damage. he didn't want the negative fallout. and then the second order, pete, iran has proxies everywhere throughout the middle east and the net effect of the iraq war is that we have got a weaker iraq that iran has been able to penetrate. have you got yemen and houthis, hezbollah and hamas. so the second order impact is that iran could really indirectly attack us and our
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interests through their proxies. i think that's one of the things that the president is looking at as well. pete: general at a time tax thank you for your time this morning we appreciate it. more "fox & friends," including a farmer's market on the other side. i st tease it. slather it all over, don't hold back. well, the squirrels followed me all the way out to california! and there's a very strange badger staring at me... no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. uh-huh, where's the camel? "mr. big shot's" got his own trailer. ♪ wheeeeeee! believe it! geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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jedediah: instead of spending your saturday inside grocery store, why not buy food from a local farmer. pete: that's a good idea. farmer's market everywhere. own on fox square. jedediah: joining us is sarah ort and farmer zac miller. thank you for being here. farmers' markets excite me so much. tell us about your farmers market. >> we are a family-one farm located in new jersey long valley 50 miles west of here. we are mainly a vegetable farm. all of our local produce.
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sweet corn just came in season. we will have you guys try some. we have donuts, blue berries we started our farm in 1916. so we have been farming for over 100 years at our location. started with our great, great grandfather. jedediah: awesome. pete: zac, right? what is it about farm effort market? why are they different. >> it's great. gives us a chance as a farm tore interact with our consumers and bring the freshest produce we have to the city. people love it. we love it. we get to interact with everyone. pete: can we try some of this. >> of course. jedediah: when i walk in here, i'm overwhelmed by the beauty. what is the best thing to buy. >> sweet corn. >> try it raw? >> it's actually the sweetest raw. go ahead and try. jedediah: get pete liking the corn. that's great. head over to ed. what are you got over there.
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ed: honey brook farms get to the honey in a minute. what do people like to buy? what stands out in the summer. get some of these vegetables all year long. >> pick your own crop. generally the blue berries the peas down there, the beans. help get families out in the field and see what's going on. ed: we have kale down here not everybody likes it, it's an acquired taste. i love. this i was having it a minute ago with my greek yogurt. how else do people use it? >> cottage cheese anything you would use any sweetener for. igor uses -- >> new jersey people can check you out online. >> they can check us out online and igor on instagram. ort organic farm and igor. ed: we will be talking about the crack down at the border and a whole lot more coming
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♪ ♪ summertime ♪ ed: summer officially started yesterday. it was my mom's birthday by the way. jedediah: oh, happy birthday. ed: maybe i will take ler to a farmers market? jedediah: the thing that's so amazing about a farmer's market look at the colors. you don't know what to eat first. you ate some corn and how was it. pete: i took a bite out of a tomato like an apple. steve: i like that they like the light and dark. i want to seat difference. igors bees check it out.
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jedediah: you do pretty good with that actually. ed: that was like a bee hive of activity. jedediah: i love it out there. oh man. ed: he practices during the d.a. break soyuz them on the air. pete: shocking ed steals content. jedediah: we have more farmers market coming later. they are making me a really cool salad now. pete: we have bacon burgers coming up later in the show. ed: a lot of fun this weekend but a lot of serious news breaking this fox news alert. the president warning iran of quote unquote obliteration if america is forced into war. jedediah: president puts iran ons in the calling off a strike on the rogue regime. pete: gillian turner is live from the nation's capital. >> good morning. the state department pushing back on iran's claim that president trump reached out with a message shortly before green lighting and halting an airstrike on
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thursday. they tweeted out reports that a message was passed onto the iranians via omany back channel are completely false. these reports are pure iranian propaganda. iran needs to meet our diplomacy with diplomacy. the president recalled the meements leading up to his decision to hit pause on that airstrike confirming planes and ships were at the ready. but then about 10 minutes out from launching the operation, he called it off. >> we had something ready to go, subject to my approval. i said i want to know something before you go. how many people will be killed? and in this case iranians. >> explaining that ultimately it was the potential for loss of life that changed his mind. >> they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it. and here we are sitting with 150 dead people and i didn't
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like it. i didn't think it was proportionate. jillian: national security sources say the scenario the president describes there is highly unusual. they say the potential casualties on both sides iranian and american is something that would have been considered in detail prior to planning any military operation. they also say the precise numbers would have been shared with the president and his intelligence briefing and military con ops briefing and during the national security council sill process additionally yesterday senior administration officials told fox news the prospect of military action remains in full force throughout this weekend. ed: indeed it does gillian turner. pete: big picture on why this matters is we can't allow iran to get a nuclear bomb. the obama administration tried appeasement and piles of cash and bad deal that had sun set clauses. this administration is doing maximum pressure. iran is lashing out. the question is what is the next right move? maybe it's a missile strike. maybe it's holding back on
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this one and letting it look like a warning shot and allowing tehran to be a little confused but exactly america will do with the threat of obliteration on the table if they go too far. jedediah: that's what he is doing. he didn't want to rush and do this strike. he didn't feel it was the right decision. i actually happen to agree with him on that. i think there was a little bit of confusion initially why there was a delay and why it seemed like they were progressing forward and moving forward with a strike and suddenly they weren't. bottom line is you want to root for your president against iran. i want us to be kept safe. i want the president to do, listen, you elect this guy you have to put a certain amount of trust in him and his team. the hope is he and his team eventually arrive on the same page. stand firm. whatever that looks like. i'm not the foreign policy expert. i don't need to be advising the president what he needs to do. i hope they have a solid plan. they don't need to reveal that plan to us our allies or enemies. they need to have an
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cohesive plan. pete: general anthony tata said there is a momentum that goes with a strike there inevitability. for him to step up and say we are not going now. jedediah: how is he. which is good. i like that quality. ed: certainly, republican michael waltz veteran himself on hannity last night. was expressing some disappointment that the president didn't follow through. he also said he respects the fact that the president is pushing this maximum pressure campaign with sanctions that is really hurting iran, particularly in its economy. but, also said look, the democrats are wrong about their would only be war, that there is a big gulf there between sending hundreds of thousands of troops to the middle east and doing targeted airstrikes that send a message to iran. >> we do have to respond. iran is a regional bully. it will continue to push it. is emboldened by weakness and it is deterred by strength. and the president, i fully support him keeping the maximum pressure campaign going.
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the reason they came for the table for the iran deal in the first place is the sanctions were working. i think he has made it very clear he is going to drive them back to the table but get a better deal in the long run. america has to lead. that does not mean we have half a million troops on the ground. there is a lot of space between kum ba yah world peace and a million soldiers on the ground. and those are the options the pentagon needs to be presenting to the president right now. pete: strength is currency in the middle east. what matters is how iran views our actions. i think that's the lens through which the white house is looking at the decisions they make. this is still a warning shot. you cross it -- you kill an american in this capacity you have got problems. jedediah: another topic i know you guys love, hollywood. celebrities are weighing in and they are clinging to those collusion claims. even though there is no collusion. take a listen. >> 2016, the russian government attacked our democracy. >> all of this is part of a massive covert operation. >> to help donald trump
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become president. >> trump sided with a hostile enemy power against the united states. >> occluded with russia and compromised our democracy. >> donald trump, if you are listening,. >> on behalf of the american people. >> we will hold you accountable. >> because no one. >> no one. >> no one. >> not even the president of the united states is. >> above the law. he had. jedediah: there is a denseness in hollywood. there really is they don't realize that this stuff only helping him that movies the country views celebrities as very deattached from regular life. they see them as though they are living a completely separate life. they are recidivism and have a separate set of rules for themselves. they are not in our world. they don't want to be preached to by them. if you are looking for joe biden or whoever the democrat is to win, you are doing that cause a disservice by constantly speak out against president trump. you are one of the reasons that he won and you will be one of the reasons that he gets reelected if you persist. ed: we have a republic and not a pure democracy.
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when they say that they miss that. that's a whole other history lesson for another day. pete: you covered hillary clinton. how many videos were made like this for hillary clinton again and again and again? ed: they didn't work. pete: they didn't work. they are all just reading teleprompter. someone else wrote. this they are reading teleprompter and they think it's going to change someone else's mind. jedediah: you can have your opinion if somebody asks you like hey who do you like? you can have your opinion. there is a difference being a celebrity with a opinion and being out there on a mission constantly. it's like a propaganda mission to get someone else elected and demonize somebody else. you are not helping your cause, i promise you. ed: appropriate it's hollywood because that's fantasy about a collusion narrative that died somehow but they are trying to revive it. let's get to reality attorney general william barr said there was spying he use that you had in the last campaign and going to get to the bottom of it.
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>> james clapper says what a.g. barr is doing now the investigations they are having looking into where all of this started is having a chilling effect. listen to james clapper? >> to have a prosecuting attorney go investigate the analytic judgments and findings of a bunch of lying analysts and by the way these were professional experts on russia that were hand picked to be on this working group, sends a very chilling message to the intelligence community. if you have a portfolio that might produce sensitive information that the president doesn't like, then you better lawyer up. and that is having, i think, bad -- very bad vibes in the intelligence community. pete: "wall street journal" headline frames this nicely. william barr looking into u.s. finding that russia wanted trump to win. the attorney general is looking back what is the nexus of the investigation the right thing? steve: right. was the next community right in their assessment which has got clapper freaked out because he was in charge
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back then and was there nefarious things happening behind the scenes. andrew mccarthy fox news contributor has said and has said for a long time he thinks there is a problem and william barr is going to get to the bottom of it. watch. >> if you listen to him. it sounds like the only people who can investigate the intelligence community is the intelligence community, which is ridiculous. the task here is not to second guess the way that they do their analysis. it's to find out what happened. to hear the people whose administration most notoriously, i think, in the history of of the country, politicized intelligence to hear them now worry that the intelligence could be politicized in the investigation is quite something. ed: shocked, shocked, shocked that intelligence is involved. pete: making determinations on intelligence every single day. you don't want to go back and second guess people making tough calls. look for political
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motivation. was there money behind it. and did that influence the way high level officials pressured lower level officials. those are worth looking into. nobody out there that at least has been fair to this president acknowledges that has been looked into properly. ed: who has been fair to him? ed: i'm wondering who. jedediah: people just want answers. they want their bottom line. that's why so many people appreciate it when b.a. came out. what went on here? what actually happened? who can be held accountable? who can pay the consequences if they did something wrong end of story and move on instead of this dragged on back and forth constantly. ed: clapper and other intel officials worried? jedediah: turn to headlines for you. the man accused of shooting and killing sacramento officer charged with murder as police say he planned the attack. del ramos is accused of using several guns that he strategically placed around the barricade at home. one of those guns believed
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to have killed officer tara o'sullivan as she responded to a domestic dispute. this as police released the name of the officer shot and killed in texas. jose speedy 13 year veteran died responding to a report of an armed man. now to a fox news alert. we are learning that the nine people who died in a hawaii plane crash were on a skydiving trip. everyone on board the small aircraft died after it went down in a field airport in honolulu. it's unclear if the plane was taking off or trying to land. the faa is investigating. the victim's names have not yet been released. and patrick hand hand getting a round of applause as he makes his exit from the pentagon. the acting defense secretary announced his resignation tuesday over family matters. president trump announced he will nominate mark esper to fill the role permanently. the army's under secretary is expected to fill esper's current position. and a world war ii veteran
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graduates high school proving it's never too late to accomplish your goals. >> [inaudible] >> amazing it's your dad. >> getting his diploma at 92 years old, something he missed out on because he was away serving our country. when garfield high school in new jersey learned of his story they immediately invited him to participate in their ceremony. jedediah: i love that never too late. pete: i want to be in the nba. jedediah: it's not too late. i have seen you play basketball it's not too bad. pete: it's too late. the ankles are gone. in a tough story this really is one. the mystery deepening in the dominican republic with at least 11 american tourists dying while on vacation. ed: disturbing trend raising questions for a woman who lost her husband last year under very similar circumstances. she says the dominican republic is ignoring the problem. she is demanding justice and accountability.
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♪ ♪ >> we have shown that first there is not an avalanche of dead american tourists in the country. all of the deceased that have occurred the causes that have been determined and the results are there does not exist, there does not exist any mystery. jedediah: the dominican republic down playing the mysterious deaths of american tourists. this as the state department confirms to fox news that two more americans died there during vacations in 2016 and 2018. the trend raising new questions for our next guest who lost her husband, david harrison last july who died suddenly of similar causes. joining us now with more is david harrison's dawn mccoy. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you so much for
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having me. jedediah: first off, tell us what happened with your husband. he i'm told got a clean bill of health from the doctor, permission to travel. shows up on vacation. how did this play out? >> he was there for 10 days and he was fine. on actually the ninth day he started feeling ill. on the 10th day he woke up and he wasn't feeling good at all. and he did not drink. he did a lot of sleeping. that evening about 10:00 he went to the casino. came back about 2:30 saying that he was not feeling good. he didn't know what was wrong but something was seriously wrong with him. he went to sleep. i woke up about 5:30 to him struggling to get out of bed and he was unable to talk. he wasn't able to sit up. he wasn't able to do anything and he was sweating profusely. at that point i called 0
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begging for a doctor or i'm sorry for an ambulance. and they said that it's their policy to send a doctor first. so, basically my husband had what they say is a heart attack. 45 years old, having a heart attack and dying of pulmonary h edema. jedediah: i'm wondering if you were suspicious at the time. i know you are suspicious now because you see there has been 11 confirmed deaths and the numbers are increasing very similar symptoms are emerging so people are becoming concerned. there was an incident with the cremation. you said there was pressure to cremate your husband. you wanted to get your husband out of the dominican republic and back to the united states and there was significant pressure not to do that. is that what happened? >> yeah. they called a minimum of four times and strongly recommended cremation because it would be considerably cheaper to send him home. each time i declined and i
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said no, i want to be sure that it's him coming home. but they continued to call and ask. but we opted to have him cremated after he got home. jedediah: 10 seconds left. final thoughts people who are experiencing these strategies similar to what you suffered with their families right now? >> don't believe anything the dominican is saying. keep pushing. we need to find the answers and find out what people are dying from. the dominican is not going to be honest with us. jedediah: thank you for being here and so sorry for the loss of your husband. >> thank you. jedediah: california's governor gavin newsom literally talking trash about the republican party. the outrageous comment sparking backlash this morning coming up. ♪ ♪
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there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. ed: good morning again. quick headlines, new york lawmakers decriminalize marijuana. the measure will make possession of small amounts of pot a violation instead of a crime punishable with a fine similar to a parking ticket. the bill emerged after lawmakers could not reach an agreement to fully legalize recreational marijuana but i can tell you can smell it in almost every street in new york city. california is spending 2 million bucks. urging pot buyers to buy legal weed. launching #weed wise campaign railing against black market sales. they want customers to make sure that their pot is legal and meets state safety standards. going to get some tax money,
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too. pete: new york and california all over it. california their governor gavin newsom is fiery words for the g.o.p. jedediah: he claims are in to the politics what the california was in to in the 1990s and they will go into the same direction, into the waste bin of history. ed: newsom wants to put a healthcare tax 98 million bucks to get this pay for free healthcare for illegals. here to react california resident and radio talk show host mike slater. california resident. one of your titles, mike. >> don't judge me for that come on now. pete: helhelp me not judge you what do you think about these prioritiesy your governor. >> newsom is right about the california republican party being in the dust bin. last election no republican running for statewide office got out of 30's. that's a terrible showing. and even san diego, which used to be a bastion of
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conservatism in state. city council 6-3 democrat never going to change. california if i may i hate to be a debbie downer a lost cause. for the rest of the country i totally disagree. ohio and tennessee becoming more red and we need conservatives in texas and georgia and florida to stay strong and keep fighting. don't give up. because california may be a lost cause but the republican party and the country is not. jedediah: mike, it's so sad to me like california is my favorite state. i love southern california. i cry for it every day because the weather is so gorgeous. and i don't understand why the residents of california, who probably also love their state don't see that these policies being implemented by democrats aren't working. i mean, if you look at the homeless crisis in los angeles right now. homelessness spiked 16% from a year ago. despite $810 million spent so far to combat the crisis there are so many issues going on within the state that could be so easily solved by going in completely different policy direction. why isn't there some rebellion on the part of voters? >> i know.
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i know it's the craziest thing. they are ruining this state. let me tell you where i lost my hope in california. this last election there was a ballot initiative to cut the gas tax. we have the highest gas tax in the country and we were going to cut the gas tax and a vas majority of californians said no, no. we still want the highest gas tax in the country. guys, come on, i think we are losing the middle class in california. we are getting richer and richer and lower and lower income people and even more illegal immigrants vote for progressive policies while the more conservative middle class are getting out of here. ed: mane there is some there some accountability coming? we heard this week it really heated up this idea that there is a recall effort against a democratic mayor garcetti, is that real? >> no. [laughter] >> that won't work. that will never work. pete: you are raising our spirits this morning. [laughter] help me out here though california was a republican state.
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it was -- you know, decades ago. what was the biggest part of the transformation that got us to where we are where have you illegals with driver's license in sanctuary cities and homelessness out of control? >> yeah. so we used to be a very reliably red state. every president from presidential election 1952 until bill clinton except one went red for the presidential candidate. the big shift shut loves the middle class and growth of san francisco and l.a. a lookout of states like illinois is run by chicago. new york now is run by new york city. mostly and same thing in california. we have a pretty red state. but it's just dominated by the crazy politicians in san francisco and l.a. who are ruining the whole state. inland california, it's very red. inland, california is just like texas. where i live it's pretty red. but the rest of the state but the state is run by those two cities. ed: there was a guy named ronald reagan. jedediah: i have to stay hopeful because i want that
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malibu condo bad. >> i can always visit for the week. pete: mike, thanks for coming. in we appreciate it. >> thanks. pete: 2020 democrats unifying ahead of next week's debate. are they really united? dan bongino weighs in coming up next. ed: we are live hudson river in new york as team u.s.a. gets ready for the world sailing championship. we will check back in with our man sir adam klotz coming up. ♪ sail away ♪ come sail away ♪ come sail away ♪ come sail away with me ♪ hold my pouch. trust us. us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. don't think so? hold my pouch.
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now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? >> former nypd officer former secret service. dan bongino. also author of spy gate. good to see you. >> good to be here. thanks for having me. pete: appreciate it. one of the topics we were talking about this morning is ice and deportation of illegals. the president announced it. the president just tweeted a couple minutes ago these two tweets the people that ice will apprehend have already been ordered to be deported. this means that they have run from the law and run
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from the courts. these are people that are supposed to go back to their home country. they broke the law by coming into the country and now by staying went on to tweet when people come into our country illegally they will be deported, your reaction to the president's stance on this. >> i mean, what he is saying, pete, is entirely rational. this is only a controversial stance to deport people who have been ordered deported? you legitimately believe our border is meaningless. four way stop signs nobody stops for. that's what you have to believe our border is then. no other way to fight it. you are in the country illegally. have you been subjected to a legal trial proceeding. have you been ordered deported and you are still not leaving. i mean, think about what message, pete, that sends to people who come here, people who come here legally, add value and want to be here. patriots who raise their hand, become citizens. what does it say to them if you are even ordered deported later because you
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didn't do any of that and you still don't leave? and the message would obviously be a horrible one. good decision by president trump. jedediah: you know, dan, in the midst of all of, this you always say well lou democrats 2020 contenders, have you bernie sanders coming out and promising free healthcare for all illegal immigrants. that's his response. take a listen we are going to end that and create a medicare for all healthcare system which guarantees healthcare to every man, woman, and child. >> senator, would you include the 11 million? >> absolutely. when i talk about healthcare being a human right, last time i heard that undocumented people are human beings as well. jedediah: so now you have, dan, taxpayer dollars of citizens paying for the healthcare people who broke the law this is what their campaign is going to look like. is it going to be successful? >> jed, can somebody,
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anybody please send bernie sanders an economics textbook? anybody? econ 00 o1, we don't even need 101. it's lovely these sentiments bernie expresses. they are nice. they sound all floury and cute. everybody deserves healthcare. it's a right. does he understand when you declare something a right put obligation on someone else. that's the essence of a right. if healthcare for the entire world by the waited because he is now saying illegal immigrants can come here and get healthcare so anybody can enter the country legally or illegally demand their right my trite get healthcare confers obligation on who? the american taxpayer. bernie is not a dumb guy, okay? it would be easier if he was. he is not. really thought this through and still can't figure it out there is no way economically this works. this is saying 2 plus 2
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equals 7. people in the audience love him clapping like they can't figure out the basics economic us of this. it will not work because it cannot work. jedediah: if you go over the rainbow in the wonderful land of oz there is a little pot of gold and that disseminates the money to everybody. bernie told me himself. it's covered. don't worry about it. >> p.j. o'rourke you think healthcare is expensive now wait until it's free. ed: last night trying to all come together now, kum ba yah for the democrats, south carolina, this fish fry with jim clyburn trying to wrap up a week that frankly got pretty ugly. joe biden the frontrunner questions, business dealings. abc did a big investigative report about that. you had cory booker down at the bottom throwing punches, suggesting that joe biden is a racist, perhaps. because of his relationship with some pro-segregationist senators. and so they try to come together last night and say
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no, we are all together, all happy. but they are about to throw down, if you will in miami, two debates coming are we about to see the gloves come off? >> i knew when politics wasn't from me. horseshoes and hand grenades. do you know when i knew it wasn't for me? i had been engaged in a really heated congressional campaign and i took a shot at a guy, my other candidate on twitter for a vote he didn't take. i realized later because his wife was sick. i have to tell that you bothered me. look, i'm talking about it now on fox i knew it was the wrong thing to do i didn't know at the time. again it didn't excuse it. his wife was sick, it was awful. and i felt terrible. i will tell you you have to have a little bit of character. i'm not putting myself on a pedestal here but you have to have a little bit of character. i don't think a lot of these people running on the democratic side have that listen, i'm not a fan of joe biden. but let's be honest, do you really believe joe biden is a racist? >> no. >> come on you know that's
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not true he is not a racist. the democrats did this knowing it was disingenuous. booker took unbelievable shot at him. i guarantee you this will get 1,000 times worse as the stakes get higher. ed: makes you wonder if they are nervous about biden being a shaky front runner. dan, thanks for coming in. pete: have a great saturday. >> always good to see you guys. jedediah: you too. we will turn to headlines for you now. chaos at the airport. a man charges through a security check point attacking several tsa agents. take a look as he barrels through a metal detector at the phoenix airport. he then starts taking swings at agents before being tackled to the ground. five settings were hospitalized with minor injuries. it's unclear what provoked the attack. tyrese garner facing several charges including trespassing and assault 11 run away republicans are dodging state troopers.
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governor kate brown sending troopers to bring the state senators back to the capital after they left oregon to avoid a climate change vote. they are prepared to hide out until the legislative session ends at the end of this month. without them, democrats don't have enough members to force a vote republicans oppose a proposal that would place a cap on greenhouse gas emissions. pete: that's one way to do it. jedediah: listen up grease fans. >> sandy? >> tell me about it, stud. jedediah: if olivia newton john's get up is the one you want it can be. it's up for auction and expected to fetch more than $100,000. proceeds will go toward the actress' cancer center in australia. i love that outfit. dime i wish i could rock it. i could try again. maybe i could rock it on the couch. ed: you would probably need that jacket if you get chills and they are
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multiplying. jedediah: that wasn't bad. pete: that was not great. it was a good attempt. jedediah: i thought it would be nice and pete is no. pete: 100,000 bucks well-spent. hours away from today's sail gp race on the hudson river. six will race off for a shot at the championship. ed: let's check with our man sir adam klotz ahead of the big race. good morning again, adam. >> good morning, guys. typically the queen is the one that knights people i guess i will take it if it's pete and ed. it's a victory in its own self. back out here for the second day of racing sail gp. i'm out here with hans. is he a grinder for the american team. the united states team. what is it likes? you are traveling all over the world. what's it like to be here in the states outside of we just in the shadows here of the world trade center, you
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have the statue of liberty off in the distance what's it like for you? >> amazing here in new york. fantastic venue and also seeing all the fans it's awesome. adam: people crowd up along the water manhattan and new jersey side as you guys are race up up and down the hudson. yesterday was challenging i know the weather isn't great. these buildings affect sailing. if you are a sailor you know it's all about the wind. >> yesterday was very difficult condition for us i can't seat breeze on the water it's anyone's game. >> you are a grinder. we are going to get set up here. tell us what a grinder does on the boat. >> sure. >> we are going to race each other in just a minute. what's a grinder do? a grinder's job help turn the wing. in their ability to twist the handles and gives the boat power. kind of like the heart of the engine of the boat. adam: is he a professional. this isn't the first time have you done. this this is the first time i have done. this give me a break when i get destroyed but we where to race. are we ready to go? all right.
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>> 3, 2, 1, sail. adam: how is my -- i can't see the score. people out there yell the score. more time? that's the longest 15 seconds of my life. you won. >> what? yes. i'm a sailor. all right. i guess i will send it back to you guys. ed: we will have to send the "fox & friends" trophy over there. pete: adam, that was impressive. pete: keep that up for 30 mention. ed: is he out of breath. ed: thanks, adam. pete: give him credit. good for him. jedediah: a puppy caught red pawed swiping cookies off the counter? what happened? a little taste? a little nibble?
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so if you didn't know about us before, you do now. we're carvana, and we want to give you the car buying experience you deserve. ed: the president giving iran ultimatum calling off airstrikes against the regime in exchange for negotiations our next guest writes in a op-ed it doesn't take a military career to understand what is really going on here to explain vice president for foreign policy at the heritage foundation james care fan know. >> i did have a military career. ed: there is a little added bonus. to be clear. to be sure there was a direct promise from the president and in fact the administration is sort of shooting down this morning this report that there was a message sent through oman that will call off the airstrikes if you come to the table. whether or not it was a direct talk or not what -- how do you see this playing out, james? >> go back do why are we
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there to begin with, keep freedom in the gulf. the u.s. dough employed the forces capable of doing that achieved that mission. the second thing is the u.s. wants at the continue to robert up pressure so maintaining pressure. national consensus to that is important accounting responsible and proportional. the president has called it exactly right. the iranians get that message and i think this was a false report. trying to save face. they live in a tough part of the world. they want to look tough. so they want to push back at the president but they know if they push too hard the united states will drop a hammer on them. ed: good point. get to the president's decision on the airstrikes and holding back for now in a moment but i want to stay with your line of thought there about the sanctions something the president doesn't seem to get much credit or any credit for which is this maximum pressure campaign. a lot of our allies have been skeptical and whatnot. he pulls out of the obama
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nuclear deal saying i want something better and starts by putting the boot on the throat of tehran and we are seeing our economy take a big hit. >> >> yeah. i just had one of my analyst come back from the region and talk to a whole bunch of people. the evidence is overwhelming that the regime is really feeling the pain of the pressure and it is absolutely -- the goal is to use the pressure to get them to come back to do a real we wildeal destabilizing activity. nobody thinks that is going to happen. honestly they will probably wait to see if trump gets rere-elected. keeping that pressure up to 2020. that will eventually bring the iranians back to the table. ed: i have 15 seconds. the president succeeding on the sanctions. there seems to have been some indecision here on airstrikes. what comes next, sir. >> i don't think that's true. i think the president made exactly the right call. and he used the right word. proportional. we are not going to kill 150 people because they shot down a drone. he sent a very powerful message.
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and i think the iranians got that. ed: great insight from james carafano. we appreciate you coming. >> in thanks. ed: bombshell testimony against eddie gallagher. a navy medic confessing to actually killing an isis terrorist. gallagher is accused of murdering that terrorist. well, it turbulent out he didn't. his attorney joins us live next hour: plus, we are celebrating the start of summer with a farmer's market live on fox square. stay tuned ♪ i ain't no cover ♪ just country girls and boys getting down on the bar
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black bear invading a montana home tearing a room apart before climbing into the closet just to get a little rest. the bear was eventually tranquilized and moved outside. no bears were harmed in the making of this film, jed. and speaking of being caught in the act. a dog caught on camera stealing cookies. i'm going to use my jed voice see the golden doodle knock the pack of or gross off the counter before reefing for more. he recently suspected his 5-year-old daughter was the cookie crook. that's a good initial theory. videotape confirmed otherwise. jed? jedediah: this morning we are bringing the farm to fox square with fresh ingredients with summer recipes. ed: here with very, very summer salad try to say that fast a few times is alveda and her son carl from new jersey. >> good morning. >> welcome. >> thanks for having us. jedediah: you are going to teach us. this is what i need. you are going to teach us
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how to take all this amazes stuff from your farm and make it into what, a salad? >> yes, we will make a very berry salad this morning. ed: special halpe helper here. >> carl. jedediah: come it my house and cook for me too, maybe. what are we going to do here in the first step. >> the first thing in here washed and cleaned our homegrown lettuce. we started with that and then we are going to add some blue berries to that. pete: pete is drinking apple cider out of the bottle. so you know. jedediah: but berries. >> picking raspberries on the farm today starting today. come and pick your own. ed: jed tried the strawberries earlier and said best strawberry she ever had. jedediah: no joke. >> we have about 600 acres that we farm throughout morris county, new jersey. and we do a lot of -- would and add the onion. we do a lot of pick your own
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fruits. and vegetables. pete: family can come out and do it. really fun. strawberry season we are at the very end of right now. we just started raspberries, karl is putting in snap peas right now. all good things. jedediah: looks delicious. >> he is wearing gloves too. ed: healthy and fun. follow the recipe. >> put some feta cheese on here and sliced almonds and strawberries last because they are delicate we don't want them to smash. here comes the strawberries. >> great job. karl. >> you are good at. this love the cheese in there, too. jedediah: you mix it all up and what happens after that carl, why don't you grab the dressing and dress it up and we will have a taste. ed: we only have 10 seconds.
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jedediah: thanks for coming. check them out. pete: the awkward moment between elizabeth warren and bernie sanders on the plane going viral. wee will bring it to you. ♪ ♪ with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, .. ♪
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>> you will get tired of that song. >> the best you ever had. >> they are delicious, you have some honey here. >> from one of the farms, very generous. go by this. put it down here. she pulled me off and -- okay. >> i love. >> a smart entrepreneur. >> we will give you a heart attack at the end of the show. >> i have got to see that for myself. >> the president dealing with the fallout from the walking up to the line on air strikes against iran, pulling back, showing restring. for days the narrative from the
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media had been the president with john bolton and other advisors were determined to start a war with iran. the president says i want to talk with iran, prevent them getting nuclear weapons. after the recent provocations he was mulling us airstrikes, he says they are still on the table but -- as he often does he is his own spokesman. in an interview that will air on another network, we are getting a preview. a portion of the present explaining his decision. >> they came and said we are ready to go. i want to know something. how many people will be killed? in this case iranian's. how many people will be killed? i would like to get back to you on that. they said came back and said approximately 150. i thought about it for a second and said they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it and here we are sitting with 150 did people
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that would have taken place within half an hour after i said go ahead. i didn't like it. i didn't think it was proportionate. >> you ask the military to give you a set of options and they tell you the risks and what loss of life are going to be. even if you start the movement of that you want reflection from your president and he has commanded troops in afghanistan, ultimately these things build momentum, you feel the pressure is to strike sometimes the bigger and more courageous decision is -- also warning the iranian's, go one step further you will be up litter rated. it needs to be part of a strategy to prevent them getting a nuclear bomb which is unacceptable. >> i'm confused why he got the information so late. it is the right decision but i want to make sure -- >> some reports he got the information earlier and briefed on it and focused in on that key
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point. >> he wants that uncertainty in communicating to advertise what you are going to do and there's an element of you make a last-minute change of heart. it was the right decision he made. >> it was the right move, watch. >> maximum economic pressure on iran has tripled their economy but it hasn't been enough yet to induce iran to return to the negotiating table. while we wait for the sanctions to bring iran to the exit ramp for negotiations, iran is threatening us with nuclear blackmail but the question is how we deter iran from taking these actions. a proportional response doesn't risk and all out war that neither side wants, we need to deter iran from continuing this escalation of attacks.
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>> no matter what it is better than the appeasement of the obama white house, finding every reason to give the iranian's the benefit of the doubt, sailors surrendering piles of cash, they never got the deal approved by congress but helping unilaterally and it gave them a sunset clause to get a bomb. we are coming from a position of strength. >> we do talk to iran. the president could be dealing with iran in those talks. his own secretary of state, mike pompeo is saying talk to iran from a position of strength but also targeted airstrikes so you can see some people in his team want to do both. and ultimately he may end of doing that. the airstrikes are still on the table, we will see if he uses them. the president also dealing with the crisis at the southern border from something he has talked about since the 2016 campaign, the people that ice will apprehend have already been ordered to be deported.
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this means they have run from the law and run from the courts, people who are supposed to go back to their home country. they broke the law by coming into the country and by staying people come into our country illegally, they will be deported. something he foreshadowed days ago. the acting ice director, how to move forward. >> look at the tent cities where ice raids are expected, los angeles, denver, houston, chicago, new orleans, atlanta, baltimore and new york city in the context of being a lawbreakers twice, people -- broken the law by coming into the country illegally, then evading the court, the way the media presents them is almost like they forget that piece. they make it as if ice or the trump administration is authorizing a roundup of people who have done nothing wrong and the truth of the matter is they did break the law, they are told you are supposed to go home. you are supposed to go back to your home country.
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they ignore that. what really are you supposed to do? not only are we supposed to allow the initial breaking of the law by coming into the country illegally but if people violate the terms and the court ordered we are supposed to ignore that? don't worry about it. at what point do laws cease to matter at all. >> big-city mayors want to resist the laws, libby schaff, to illegal immigrants do to be deported, know your rights and use your local resources, chicago mayor said cpd will not cooperate or facilitate any enforcement action. bill diblasio in new york city says a sick plot to tear families apart and force immigrants into the shadows, forgets to say illegal immigrants were ordered to be deported, and the details of this, ice taking big steps to make sure if it is a family. here illegally, identify the children and parents and people are not separated. ice never gets the benefit of the doubt. >> the last democratic president, barack obama had a bunch of deportations, he needed to enforce the law and mark
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morgan, acting ice director says that is what this is about, maintaining the love law. >> our priorities, it is always to go after the criminal aliens that have committed heinous crimes against american citizens. priorities does not mean all other demographics are exempt. one of the greatest paul factors for families to come here is they know once they arrive in the united states they remain your untouched. this is not about fear. no one is instilling fear in anyone. this is about the rule of law and maintaining integrity of the system. >> folks that are most frustrated we don't enforce the law are people who came here legally. a number of people who went through the painstaking long confusing process of getting naturalized, many of them when you talk to them say there is a point that if it doesn't get approved i have to go home because i don't want to be here legally and i will try to come back legally. it is a different view than
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running away from the law. >> it into 2020, thank we want to enforce the rule of law and democratic major contenders, not the ones at the bottom that major ones like bernie sanders saying let them stay and give them free healthcare. >> we are going to end that and create a medicare for all healthcare system which guarantees healthcare for every man, woman and child. >> 11 million -- >> absolutely. when i talk about healthcare being a human right, last time i heard, and document it people like human beings. >> that is true but they are not citizens and they didn't come here legally. just doesn't make much sense. >> it is a sentiment bernie expresses, they sound all floury and cute.
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everybody deserves healthcare. does he understand when you declare something a right you confer an obligation on someone else. anybody can into the country legally or illegally and demand their right. it is my right to get healthcare. it confers an obligation on who? american taxpayers to pay for healthcare for the rest of the world. it will not work because it cannot work. >> there is a golden opportunity heading into 2020 to say there is compassion but you have to enforce will of law. let me quote democrats saying that like bill clinton and dianne feinstein. key democratic leaders were all saying we care about people coming to this country but do it legally, go through the right process. if you are here illegally we are not handing out taxpayer money for you to get free healthcare and other benefits. that is where the democratic party was a few years ago. >> a lot of feel-good slogans,
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it sounds good, unicorns and rainbows but someone has to pay for that and you have to ask tough questions to democrats, a frog in my throat this hour, ask those questions and say that sounds like a great idea. how would you pay for that and the answer has to be with somebody else's money and you run out of that money and practically even if you dislike the policy, looking at it. >> go to the forgotten men and women, veteran still underserved by the government and say you want to the party of citizenship or illegality. >> let's turn to some headlines at 9 am. jussie smollett isn't out of hot water. a judge ordered the prosecutor to investigate kim fox's handling of the case. but drop charges against the empire started denied allegations of faking a hate crime. the prosecutor could file new charges against the actor and
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that is one -- >> and their lawsuit against him and the fbi investigation, and the defamation lawsuit. >> to a fox news alert, 9 people who died in hawaii plane crash on a skydiving trip. when the plane was taking off, trying to land, the fbi is investigating and victims names are not released. stock market smashing records on wall street, the dow hitting an all-time high before closing at 27,000 points. it peaks after the s&p marked its best day reaching 3000 points.
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and slowing economic activity. and employees register to work. and good for them. and the human to dog ratio would be 7-1 of all the pups show up on the same day. i need more puppies, the ratio needs to be more dogs. you need less puppies? i will start bringing daisy to work to sit here, talk trump, she knows it all. >> a shocking twist in the case against navy seal eddie gallagher. a medic confessing to the murder gallagher is charged, but the navy still refusing to drop the charges. what happens next? we will ask gallagher's
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>> bombshell testimony in the war crimes trial of navy gallagher, confessed to killing the isis terrace the gallagher was accused of. >> despite that testimony the navy is moving ahead with plans to prosecute gallagher. dna experts and military snipers took the stand talking about the evidence against him. you to discuss is the attorney representing gallagher, thanks for being here. quite a turn of eventss. were you expecting this, for one of his navy seals to confess? >> not necessarily. we, through our investigation, had a suspicion but not until listening to his direct testimony under the prosecutor i heard a few things and i thought
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he is going to do it and i thought at that moment i could ask those questions and get an honest response. >> the navy put out a statement saying the government will not be dropping the charges, premeditated murder charges despite scott's testimony, the credibility of a witness, i want to be direct that the new york times and others have been out there with the report saying despite the testimony about eddie not killing isis terrorists but allegations he killed a school-age girl and talking about war crimes. i want to give you a chance to respond. >> this girl we heard yesterday, the testimony is a girl got shot.
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nobody ever said eddie gallagher is the one that shot her. that is a charge from the beginning the way it was described it always fit more closely with isis shooting, the way they described her reaction to getting shot doesn't match the caliber of bullet that eddie gallagher was using that day. >> i am reading a new york times report from five days ago, it specifically said charge with unarmed civilians including a school-age girl. that is not what is being charged, many in the media are saying these things about eddie so i want to give you a fair chance to respond. >> he is being charged but they are not presenting any evidence, presenting evidence of a school-age girl walking along
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and helped over -- on cross-examination it came out what he allegedly shot her with was a 300 big round. it was an entirely invented story to say chief gallagher is behind this but no evidence whatsoever. people trying to blame him are disgruntled members of his platoon that weren't even in the same building. >> someone else confessing to the killing, any chance the navy will back down? how do you feel about the case today? >> many things we have seen in this case, the navy is so invested in their theory that they will not change their minds. any professional prosecutor would have dismissed this case several times over. this witness told him on direct sessions with the prosecutors, they didn't hear it. anytime he said asphyxiated they heard stopped breathing.
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>> keep us posted on this case as it unfolds in real time. crackdown on illegal immigration starts tomorrow and mayors are fighting back. coming up tom homan. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359/month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. of a lifetime. it's "progressive on ice." everything you love about car insurance -- the discounts... the rate comparisons... and flo in a boat. ♪ insurance adventure awaits at "progressive on ice." tickets not available now or ever.
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your service online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. really? really. that was easy. yup. plus, with two-hour appointment windows, it's all on your schedule. awesome. now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. >> missouri's last abortion clinic could soon be shut down for good, the state healthy but did not renew the license for planned parenthood in san luis citing several problems including failed procedures. the clinical stay open for now until a temporary court order is lifted. wisconsin's democratic governor vetoes four pro-life bills passed by the republican-controlled legislature. one of them would have imposed
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criminal penalties on doctors who refused to provide medical care in the event of babies born alive after an abortion. >> isis sets to begin raids in ten cities starting tomorrow, the president weighing in tweeting the people ice apprehend have been ordered to be deported. it seems they have run from the law and run from the courts. these are people who are supposed to go back to their home country. they broke the law by coming into the country and now they are staying. >> several things recently mayors are vowing to resist. here to react is retired ice director tom homan. thanks for being here. the president says if you're a double lawbreaker and you got to go these mayors -- >> the president is exactly right. these mayors talking about terrorizing innocent communities, they are interesting illegal aliens, by definition of law who into the
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country in violation of law, deported by federal judge so the men and women of ice don't arrest innocent people, they don't terrorizing isn't immigrants, they don't arrest innocent people. they are doing their job. as far as sanctuary cities, shut them out because you talk about separation of families, separation of families are angel moms and dads separated from their children forever because, lillian walked out in her sanctuary jail, every one of those mayors are to be ashamed. new york, chicago, giving a heads-up, cooperation and talk about ice separating families. i'm disgusted. a story the washington post got me off and i'm telling you the men and women of ice deserve better than this. >> let's look at what those mayors are actually saying. libby shaft, know your rights and use your local resources, chicago's mayor, cpd will not cooperate with or facilitate any ice enforcement actions. new york city mayor bill
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diblasio, a sick plot to tear families apart enforce immigrants into the shadows. this is outrageous to me they are saying things like this. they make it as if they are talking about law-abiding citizens, you're talking about people who came into the country illegally, defied the court. at what point do we stop caring about the law at all, just advocate openly as some democrats are for lawlessness and have that be the new platform? >> if they don't do operations like this, if they don't carry out the judge's border, it means nothing, no consequence, they can keep coming across the border. if you bring a kid unit may be detained, you won't be arrested even though a judge tells you to remove your self. these mayors are not the only ones resisting ice. the acting secretary of homeland security resisting what ice is trying to do, the washington post in numerous media outlets, people not supporting this
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operation. and the wrong side of this issue. this story was leaked that gave locations of the cities, how many targets. this leak only benefits one person, put options at greater risk. i know the president -- he didn't give it location or target and men and women of ice need to understand please be careful. be careful, do your job, be professional and go home at the end of the day but know this, there might not be some people who support you but the president of the united states has your 6. he supports what you are doing. be proud, enforce laws enacted by congress and please be safe. >> we want federal officials to
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be save as they carry out their jobs. it is what they signed up for, service to our country, to try and enforce your laws but i see your voice in your face how fired up you are about this. what critics are saying is you and others are trying to instill fear in these communities. how do you react to that? >> if you violate the law in this country and been ordered removed by a judge and didn't leave you need to be concerned. you should be looking over your shoulder. if you are speeding 100 miles an hour i'm writing you a ticket. if i lie on my tickets i will get audited. if you enter the country intentionally rightly or wrong number one crime you ignore judge's order, we would be sitting in jail. you need to be worried. that is what this is, nothing more than that. i have buried ice agents. i have buried border patrol
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agents. they don't need this added pressure put on. they don't need the leaks that have happen. for libby shaft and the mayor of new york city shame on you. they protect this community. 90% of everybody has a, history or criminal conviction. these men and women are american patriots and shame on anybody who wants to make a story and for these people at greater risk. >> some americans understand why you are fighter. no one is fired up more than legal immigrants who followed will of law and now people are laughing their face and you didn't have to, you would have gotten away with it anyway. before they take the debate stage mmxx democrats are answering hard-hitting questions. >> what is your comfort food on the campaign trail? >> when you are vegan that means lots of veggies on the go. >> any kind of fast food. >> i have no comfort food.
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>> there is a photo that is pretty funny. going viral, the shot of the morning. >> elizabeth warren behind bernie sanders on a pack flight to miami. the first democratic debate next week. >> social media users joking how the far left democrats unsurprisingly seated on the far left side of the plane. the guy in the middle makes bernie looked unhappy. >> how did i get here? why am i here? wise my photo all over the internet because i sat next to this guy and in front of this woman? what kind of bad luck to i have? and those two are competing in big-time -- >> sort of jumping -- cranky bernie is not a good bernie.
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>> elizabeth warren before heading off to miami, they were down in south carolina. jim clyburn, african american leader among democrats, this is an annual event where he gets people out when running for reelection, presidential candidates come down, put on t-shirts promoting cliburn and went after the president. now t-shirt for bernie. >> we can make of the four years of damage he has done but eight years of damage will be almost impossible to get back. when the primary is over we become a united force. >> we have got a president today who thinks he is going to win reelection by dividing the american people. >> that is what this election is about, standing up for our democracy.
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>> time to cross the river of our divide. to get to a higher plane in our politics. >> donald trump thinks he is above the law. >> absolutely intend to win. >> our candidates are part of the avengers. we are here to save america. the republicans, that is the hunger games. >> the avengers crossing the river of hope to the mountaintop. they agree they hate trump. >> all the preprogram talking points, they pretend they like each other, you know they don't. >> suggesting joe biden was a racist. >> i find that boring. finding out favorite comfort foods of 2020 democrats. >> what is your favorite comfort food? >> i try to stay away from it but vegan cupcakes.
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>> >> >> or the whole thing? >> i have no comfort food. >> you can't win an election if you have no comfort food. it is not relatable. >> i love pickles. >> your emails have been flowing about your favorite comfort foods. and bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeno. >> can anybody get behind that? >> being a texan everything is big in texas. larry says try potato chips dipped in chocolate cake
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frosting. >> what about the salt and vinegar chips? >> if you can eat one salt and vinegar chips you might be an alien. it is so delicious, so addictive, i like all of those. >> that and she does. >> that is somebody who eats a little tiny square of a hershey bar and put the rest in the fridge. you can't -- never. never. they do. >> baked potato, that is your comfort food. >> vegan cupcakes are good. >> baked potatoes are as interesting as amy klobuchar. we have to invite her on. >> i'm from minnesota. >> we turn to some headlines. dominican officials vowing to take action as investigation into the recent deaths find wrongdoing or negligence. at least 11 americans have died
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since last summer. officials say one of the victims died of a heart attack. his wife told us earlier americans need answers. >> don't believe anything the dominican is saying, we need to find out what people are dying from. dominican is not being honest with us. >> the tourism minister insists there is nothing mysterious about the death. police are searching for thieves stealing from kids in new jersey. and when break and burglars broke into the little league nightstand stealing kitchen appliances worth thousands of dollars. >> this is disgusting. i'm scared it might be someone who is part of our community. that is mind-boggling to me. >> police say there have been 27 crime since april. talk about a shotgun wedding. a couple is married 30 seconds
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before their baby is born. they were supposed to tie the not 3 weeks before the birth but marie went into labor early. they didn't want beyoncé on the birth certificate so the chaplain married them at the new jersey hospital and the newlyweds met their newborn son, michael. a little nugget. the spontaneity of it all. >> a little nugget is adam plots. he is live from jersey city along the hudson with tom burnham and team member -- how are you? >> reporter: we are basically on a boat, this is what i have been waiting for all morning. it is beautiful out. you see the skyline behind us. tom, taylor, the flight
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controller. if you are not assailing enthusiast, what is a flight controller? >> i am responsible for making decisions around the race course and their hydrofoil in the air so i keep the boat high. >> they go back into the water. >> we are always in the water. >> that is my ideal too. >> you are doing this in cities across the world. it is international. what is unique about new york city, does that impact your plans? >> the wind direction is pulling through jersey city and makes it shifty. it changes the game. >> you are traveling the world, and the scenery you have to the
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left. >> it is incredible. one of the most iconic skylines in the world. >> i'm loving this view. >> >> we go out and when the races, a couple good races. >> it is a beautiful day. and -- >> i like that idea. >> better than the kirby count. >> does america's future rest in the two mega states? which will prevail? that weighs in next.
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>> they call it taxif so beforeand i a dreaming, the future will be written by california and texas. >> they represent vastly different political ideologies. a california assembly when who left the state for texas is now vice president of the policy foundation. >> great to see you. what do you say? >> the economist is onto something was one in every 5 americans lives in texas or california and these two states couldn't be governed for differently. they each represent an alternative vision of the
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future. california is the obama biden way to go, big taxes, big regulations, huge amounts of income disparity, big poverty, a lot of homelessness, high energy costs. and you have texas, low taxes, less regulation, texas represents the once and future america and also the direction of the america donald trump is trying to take us in. >> let's look at these differences, california versus texas, democrats dominate state legislature up to 13.3%, state income tax, the highest in the nation, first environmental regulations, republicans dominate state legislature, no state income tax, loose environmental regulations, nonrestrictive planning laws, they couldn't be more different. my question is these are two very important states when it comes to elections. which one represents the wave of the future? which one will have a domino effect?
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>> i believe texas represents the wave of the future because the california model is not sustainable and the texas model is. what we see in texas is a growing and thriving economy. we see americans benefiting across the economic spectrum. in california, you see a society where the benefits are vastly different, where you have the top of the food chain with hollywood and silicon valley doing really well and at the other end of the spectrum you have 49% of america's unsheltered individuals, the chronic homeless, 49% live in one state, california. >> the democratic governor in california doubling down saying free healthcare to illegal immigrants, very interesting story. appreciate you coming in. summer officially here, time to take backyard burgers to the next level and who is enjoying them?
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>> 24 ^ goldberger, you will not want to miss this. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ when crabe stronger...strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor... it's the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. new nicorette ice mint. ♪ applebee's new loaded chicken fajitas. now only $10.99. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered...
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50/50 patty, 50% ground beef, 50% ground bacon and bacon infused american cheese, fried egg on a brioche bun, 50 alarm burger, have been euro infused patty, three jalapeno peppers, have a narrow jack cheese and jim spread on top with friday and -- >> you are going to set me on fire. >> how do you even -- how do you get that -- >> plated in gold. this is our billionaire burger. it is dusted with 24 gold mac gold. truffle cheese, bacon jam underneath and that is billionaire bacon.
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>> how much is the burger? >> 25 bucks. only available at our las vegas location. >> you are going to make a peanut butter and jelly peace. >> my favorite burger has peanut butter, strawberry, jelly, bacon, all beef patty and wheat bun, sweet and savory. >> we will make one right now. let's do it. >> all beef patty. >> look at the size of that patty. you don't mess around. >> nothing about this table -- >> a pile of bacon over here. look at that. >> you know who likes peanut butter? >> with this combination no one would have thought pb&j on a burger. californians are known for their eclectic taste buds and thank you. >> bacon on top of jelly.
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>> here is the fun part. ice cream. >> stop. >> that is amazing. >> do people -- >> how beautiful does the burger look? >> come on. that is really good. flavors melt -- >> all right. ♪ the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359/month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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still nervous about buying uh-oh, la new house.meone's is it that obvious? yes it is. you know, maybe you'd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. i didn't know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. yep, they've been doing it for years. what are you doing? big steve? thanks, man. there he is. get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance. pete: [inaudible] there's still like 150 left. jedediah: everybody's loving them. this bacon tastes better than
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the bacon i make at home. >> we're all going to have a lot of fun tomorrow. it's going to be great. ed: come back tomorrow. pete: enjoy the beautiful weather. ♪ ♪ neil: you are looking live at the white house where the president is expected to head out any moment, make his way to camp david. he'll be coming and going pretty quickly. the world is watching as he promises a response to iran that is forthcoming. welcome, everybody, happy weekend. i'm neil cavuto. we expect the president to take some questions as he makes his way to marine one. when he does, we will be on it. first, to gillian turner in washington on what she is hearing ahead of it all. >> reporter: the state department is pushing back on iran's claim that president trump reached out with a message shortly before green lighting and then halting an airstrike on thursday. they are tweeting out
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