tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News June 23, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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facebook, instagram and twitter. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, president trump postpones his massive deportation plan and gives congress the chance to fix the immigration crisis. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight and thanks for keeping our streak going and making last week's show all weekend long, more eyeballs on us. tonight on a "justice" exclusive i will be joined live by acting i.c.e. director to talk about the president's decision to postpone raids on illegal
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immigrants that were supposed to start tomorrow. a second open tonight. all of them starting with acting ice director morgan straight ahead. but first my first open. if you thought there was a lot of in-fighting in the republican party when donald trump ran in the 2016 presidential primary against 16 other candidates, strap in and grab your popcorn. the democrat primary promises to be an all-out bare knuckle beatdown clown show. and although it's been four years since hillary and bernie diewrkd it out in the primary with hillary's cash on the dnc's scales. we know very lit about what the democrats actually stand for. what we do know is they still hate president trump now more than ever.
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every other message present net i can, frenzied and hysterical. every message is a bit more left and progressive. they keep going so far left i'm waiting for them to fall off the edge of the earth. but then again the earth is round, unless they upirntded that truth, too. this week other side, president trump demonstrated clear leadership in his official kickoff announcement for a second term. if ever there was a week to see him turn the focus on spotlight on himself of which he is master, this was it. people waited two days in the pouring rain. many of them not even getting into the event. the man can draw a crowd, create enthusiasm, bring back patriotism, and make people proud of america. there were well over 100,000 requests and over 20,000 people
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seated inside. this kind of enthusiasm has never been matched in american history. and i don't care what poll, what network, what statistical genius tells you. there is a chord this man strikes in the american heart. the american dream that the left can't destroy no matter how hard they try. the day after his rally, he raised nearly $25 million. the largest one-day haul by any candidate in presidential history. so, as he stays strong and laser focused on his strength and the rocketing economy with opportunity for all americans to be part of the american dream, the democrat clown car overloaded with 23 candidate bumbles down the path to
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nowhere. like cannonballs, their plan not so much to promote themselves as it is to eat each other alive. example. as if their supposed frontrunner joe biden doesn't have enough problems being who is. past plagiarisms illustrate his lack of depth on certain subjects. his penchant to stick his nose on women's necks. i don't know any other two-legged dogs who sniff like creepy joe. you hear what his colorado pals say on the hyde amendment. one day the government should note pay for apportions. the next day they should. the latest mess, is fellow
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democrats savage them on segregation. joe says he can work with anybody. with with anyone. and he's should bely a racist. >> he's speaking with adoration individual who made and built their reputation on segregation. so this is a very serious matter. >> i have done nothing wrong, you should apologize, i'm not a racist is so insulting and so missing the larger point. that he should not have to explain it. >> i to be singing the praises of people who were vicious segregationists is not something -- >> he was talking about working with them. is that the same sning. >> i'm not so sure. judge jeanine: i don't remember
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things being this bad 15 months before the republican primary. and what's with joe's son? i'm the first one to say a family member's behavior is totally irrelevant to the candidate. but you cannot here. joe biden admits that when his son hunter was work for an energy company in the ukraine. he, joe, threatened the president of the ukraine that he would with hold $1 bill u.s. dollars if the prosecutor investigating the energy company where his son worked was not fired. curiously his son had no background in energy and was make $50,000 a month. bide be is so stupid he proudly admits that after his threat, the prosecutor was fired. shade of the clinton democrats where foreign policy is shaped to benefit the family
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pocketbook. and even joe's best pal barack is uncharacteristic all silent these days. joe has to remind him that they are besties with the best friend forever bracelet. joe, i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for your best pal barack to endorse you. maybe he's waiting for the perfect day wet sun, the moon, the stars and all the planets are aligned to signal joe, you are the one. but in the meantime, joe, you will probably make a pretty lousy president. so stick to making your friendship bracelets and wishing and hoping. america doesn't need a best friend or a sniff or plagiarist, or someone so dumb he admits
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threatening to with hold government money toned an investigation on a company where a family member is involved. in the end, it won't matter because trump is in a lamborghini. that's my open. let me know what you think on my facebook and twitter. coming up later, a special second opening statement. but first, back to tonight's breaking news. reaction to president trump's decision to postpone i.c.e. raid and mass deportations across the country. raid that were set to begin tomorrow. the president dweeght, at the request of democrats i delayed the illegal immigration process for two weeks to see if the democrats and republicans can get together and work out a solution to the asylum and
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loophole problems at the southern border. if not, deportation starts. here tonight to talk about all of this, is the acting i.c.e. director, mark morgan. tomorrow was supposed to be this knockout, we are going into the interior of the united states and we are arresting everybody's families, it doesn't matter. where there is an order of deportation by a judge. it doesn't matter if there is a criminal charge or criminal conviction. we are getting them out of here. what happened? >> a couple things happened. one, the media got ahold of some operational specifics. and they reported it. it's egregious and it puts the lives of the officers and agents at risk. the men and women at i.c.e. are true american heroes. the president recognized that. he postponed it to protect them and give congress another chance
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to actually get together, pass this supplement so we can enforce the rule of law, positively impact this crisis and maintain the integrity of the system. judge jeanine: the american people are fed up. every time we hit the pedal we pull back. hit the pedal, we pull back. the president, you know i absolutely support him totally. when he put the leverage to mexico, mexico decided we don't want to suffer these tariffs. we are going to try to keep them in this country for the asylum claim. now he puts the pressure on nancy pelosi, says give us a couple weeks. do you have any faith that something is going to happen in two weeks when nothing has happened since 1986? >> i'm always hopeful, but i remain a healthy skeptic. let me assure the american people, the president is
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absolutely committed to enforcing the rule of law and maintaining the integrity of the system. i assure you i have got the green light. anyone who is here in violation of federal immigration law, i have the authority and support to go after them, apply consequences and remove them. judge jeanine: when you say you have the green light, are you doing it anyway? >> yes. the men and women of i.c.e. are doing this every day. we are going after individual and removing them every day. this is not anything new. this is just an overall operation designed to go after an apply consequences to every demographic that is here illegally including families. something the political will hasn't been there before. judge jeanine: the political will of the american people is there. but we worry about the political will in washington. let me ask you a question. and i admire you. look, you are a former fbi, you
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ran the el paso office. you are a marine, you have a lot of energy. you are in charge of this. kirsten is gone, you are aggressive and hungry and that's good. but i have been hearing about 11 million illegals for years. there has been a million who have come in since last october. there has got to be 20 million illegals in this country. every day they keep coming in and they are working on our social services and everybody else. we put a halt on this. but in the meantime we still pay for everybody. >> judge, here is a key element. i am glad you phrased it this way. it's not just about the numbers. it's also sending a message. we need to do interior enforcement against anybody who is here illegally including families. if we do that, if we start removing people with final orders, the numbers will go
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down. this crisis will be positively impacted. we don't talk about it enough. interior enforcement is a key to dine season toughize people from coming into this country. we have children being rented and being brought across the border then being recycled. judge jeanine: congress is wrong, i said they ought to all be fired. if they can't figure this out they should all be fired. but they keep coming in. it doesn't matter what you are threatening, they keep coming in because donald trump has made the unemployment so attractive to these people -- 3% unemployment. when obama was 10%. they are all continuing to come because they know they can get a job if they don't just want to live off social services. because this country is so
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great, so generous and successful, they keep coming. you guys have to balance the scales for americans. when you lead people to the interior. 90% don't come back to settle their asylum claim. the claim of asylum was b.s. from the get-go. there is any way you can put an ankle bracelet on these people? why are we just letting them into the interior? >> we are forced to. there are two major elements congress can fix and they failed to do. if you are a kid and you are a flame, you have to be released. we have no alternative. we need to fix that. congress need to help us fix that. right now that's what happens. we don't just release them. we put ankle bracelets on them and give them information they have to appear. but you know, they don't appear,
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and they go into the united states never to be heard from again. we have no alternative. i don't want to go to their house or worksite. but they left us no alternative. they refused again and again to comply with our laws. they are forcing me to send men and women of i.c.e. to go out and get them. judge jeanine: they broke the law to get here and continue to break the law when they are here. acting i.c.e. director mark morgan. maybe next week we can talk about how many people you arrested between tonight and next saturday night. the president made it clear in today's tweet, it's up to congress to solve the problem at the border or deet pore takes are back on. joining me, jim jordan. thanks for being here. you know what? you hear the frustration in my
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voice. i'm sick of it. nancy pelosi who wants the president in prison says give us a break, give us a couple weeks. when a president was sitting in that white house alone for christmas and she was gal haven'ting in hawaii, puerto rico and on her way to afghanistan or wherever the hell she was going, brussels. now she knows he's serious and has the leverage, she's going to come back. >> there is zero chance we'll get something through quong the democrats. four months ago there was one drug seize our with enough fentanyl to kill 40,000 americans. what did the democrats say about that? nancy pelosi says walls are immoral. their candidate for president. ' blumenthal says abolish i.c.e.
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you think with that perspective those kind of statements they are going to work with us to deal with florida? to deal with the asylum law and build a wall? the president is being patient and trying see if he can work us. but the president is committed to getting this job done. this is what he told the american people he was going to do. judge jeanine: at the bottom of the hour i have another open that talks about extreme patience as it relates to iran. the more the president does it, the more the american people see he's a man willing to work. but the american people are frustrated. they have had it. >> he's willing to work with the very democrats who continue to attack him. think with this. the president was falsely
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accused of colluding with the russians. bob mueller spent 22 months on it and found nothing. but in spite all that he's still saying i am willing to work with you, but will you show up and help us deal with this crisis. it's truly a crisis on the border. i don't see him working with us. judge jeanine: you talked about investigating the investigators. with the president announcing this week then everything that went on iran and everything that was going to go and start tomorrow with the arrest in the tind inthe interior, what's goi? >> the investigation that counts is the one the attorney general of the united states announced a week ago. remember what bill barr said 12 weeks ago. he said four interesting things. he said there was a failure of
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leadership at the upper echelon of the fbi, he then said spying took place, and he said there was a basis for his concern about the spying and fourth he used two terms that should frighten every single american. he used the term unauthorized surveillance and political surveillance. if those things happened and all the evidence seems to point to the fact they did, bill barr is going to get to the bottom of that with john durham, u.s. attorney from connecticut. americans want to see what took place at the origins and the start of this trump-russia investigation. judge jeanine: one of the things you said was he thought whoever might have done this, and he said, you know, he thought maybe it was their way of handling what they thought was, you know, an improper interpretation of the law. he didn't see it as treasonous.
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do you remember that? >> we want all the facts. but what we already know is they took one party's opposition research document, the dossier, they dressed it up, took it to a secret court and got a warrant. to violate a american citizens liberties to spy on a campaign. if a republican administration did that, the left would go crazy. bill barr said he'll find out what took place. i have full confidence in him. judge jeanine: i do, too. moving is hard.
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to the president, mr. president we want a couple more weeks, don't do the raids. what do you think are the chances of them resolving in congress what they should have resolved 4 years ago. >> zero to none. judge jeanine: why did they take the two weeks? >> they are just buying time to develop a counter plan to warn people who are here illegally? who knows. i have no idea why they are trying to buy time. but the democrats made it clear they are not willing to negotiate. no sane american wants to see this immigration crisis continue. but it works politically for the democrats to keep it going, they can take pot shots at trump. it's sad.
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judge jeanine: they planned to do these i.c.e. raids, and all of these raids include people against whom the judge has issued a deportation order. they have gotten the benefit of the doubt even though they entered illegally and the judge ordered them out. but they are going to sanctuary cities to get them. now you have sanctuary mayors like deblasio and a bunch of others that we heard about the past year. i guarantee you they are sploong course of events in their sanctuary cities so there is an automatic notice against everybody so that they are not in a position to be apprehended. >> judge, that's why -- i didn't just make that up or pull that out of thin air. we have seen the oakland mayor, we saw on a prominent congress
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one and's twitter account. these are not people who just crossed the bordered yesterday and claimed asylum. they have been subjected to a judicial proceedings and ordered deported. they have their due process even though they are not citizens. and they are still not leaving. this is not controversial unless you are an open borders' person on the left. judge jeanine: mexico finally agreed, and we'll see for how long, mexico finally agreed, we'll hold asylum people even after the president threatened tariffs. now he threatens the democrats. and mark morgan is hot to trot. they were going in all through the interior of this country starting tomorrow. she then says we want to work the president and we want to work with congress. but the president is leveraging
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everybody. he is showing his strength without being the one to declare war and do all the things they accused him ofn yiebility talking about in my next open. >> it's the president against almost everyone right now. there are some good folks and decent republicans on immigration but they are very few. a lot of republicans in congress are really democrats. but no democrats are really republicans. so you have people of on this issue who benefit. business crowds and people who have been bought off the ideologically who have to no interest in solving this immigration crisis. you can solve this problem tomorrow but there is no interest in doing it. judge jeanine: katrina pierson
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what's more painful than finding out your child has cancer? the side effects of chemotherapy on a child's body but governor mike huck beef is next after my open. zach was diagnosed with aml, a deadly leukemia when he was only five while the treatment really attacked the cancer unfortunately it also attacked his body uncontrollable fevers, terrible nosebleeds and his skin was burned from the inside-out he died at just 9 years old, really from the treatment that was meant to save him the leukemia & lymphoma society was founded 70 years ago by parents who also lost their child to cancer today, we're pioneering breakthrough treatments for kids with cancer we are so close to finding better treatments for kids with cancer so it's too late to save zach, but working together we can save thousands of kids just like him
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underground for millions of years. i'm aishah hasnie. judge jeanine: welcome back to justice. a busy week of news so a special second opening statement tonight. when he became president they said a nuclear holocaust was inevitable. they said you don't poke the eye of the tiger when he called kim jong-un rocketman and said my button is bigger than yours. again they predicted armageddon. they said when trump is president, war with north korea, iran and china was inevitable. in truth the last 2 1/2 years with donald trump as president has proven the naysayers not only wrong, but dead wrong.
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when chemical weapons were being used against children in syria the president decided he had to act. there would be strategic and precise missile strikes to destroy the fact trifs where these weapons were made. they howled and said war was inevitable. in truth, the president killed no one, no russians which was the risk at the time, and he ultimately sent a message to russia and the sunni regime that he was serious about war crimes. in the last month as iran has reacted to the economic stranglehold under which it is suffering because of the sanctions president trump has put on it, a far cry from the rollover reward of $150 billion obama gave that regime that was used to fund terrorism around the world. iran is responding with extreme
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provocation. hitting oil tankers. none of them owned by the u.s. some by norway and one by japan at the very same time prime minister abe was in tehran. most of countries said nothing because they consider that kind of assault the cost of doing business. when an american drone, however, with a wing span as wide as a 737 was brought down by an iranian missile, it seemed iran was determined to provoke us. the president was ready to conduct strikes but pulled back because as he said -- president trump: they shot down an unmanned drone, plane. whatever you want to call it. here we are sitting with 150 dead people and i didn't like the. i didn't think it was proportionate. judge jeanine: now the criticism is far and wide.
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how could the president not respond. this drone itself is worth more than $200 million. not true, the whole research and development program of which this drone was one of many was $200 million. and many demanded action. not just the hawks saying we can't allow this to happen to us. but who are these people? i will tell you who they are. they are the old military industrial complex. the layer upon layer of bureaucracy using the old system of weeks and months of assessments and reports before final recommendations and decisions are made. this old system that donald trump is slaying is the very system that got us into war in iraq for over a decade and for almost two decades in vietnam. people complain about being wed to the system of more and more
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money and more and more bureaucracy. we no longer need to support this wasteful, needless bureaucracy. donald trump's decisions are thoughtful, effective and insightful. especially compared to obama who couldn't figure out if you should contain, dismantle or destroy isis, none of which he ever did. we took the air out of iran's attempt to engage us. after the president gave details about what he intended to do, specifically taking out three sites with b-52s and size be missiles. but he had the restraint and didn't fire one shot, not like the obama administration which apologized to iran after iran forced our soldiers to their knees with beguns to their heads for the world to see. think about this. the truth is no one is going to join the united states when an
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unmanned drone is taken down. the man has common sense. he doesn't get caught up in the weeds and he continues to keep us safe. so we don't go to war with iran. the strait of hormuz is still open. and that, my friend is a good news trump story. and that's my second open. let me know what you think on my facebook and twitter mash tag judge jeanine. governor mike huckabee has been listening and gives me his thoughts on my open next.
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judge jeanine: president trump avoids a direct military conflict with iran, while at the same time showing that country that we mean business. joining me to discuss our second open, former arkansas governor, mike huckabee. i was going to say father of our former press secretary sarah huckabee sanders. you should be very proud. >> i am. judge jeanine: so many people were hoping he was going to pull the trigger. how do you feel about what he
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did. >> i appreciated what you said when you talked about the restraint. there is a great line in behind letter's list. -- in shind lerks r's list. he says you have the power to do that. but real power is when you have the power and you don't use it. i thought that line when you were speaking. the greatest power this president has is the power of restraint. the power of recognizing because he yields such extraordinary power. he has to use it carefully, deliberately and strategically. there are a lot of people who accused donald trump of being a cowboy-type person. what he proved this week is he is a thoughtful, responsible commander-in-chief who did not do what there was a lot of pressure for him to do because deep in his gut he knew there
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was a better way to handle it, and it would be inappropriate to kill a bunch of people for an unmanned drone. i think it was the finest hour for president trump. >> i think in addition to his restraint, he by not doing it shows tremendous strength at the same time. people could accuse him of being weak, but as with mexico when he leveraged the tar -- the tariffs, and the i.c.e. raids that are supposed to come tomorrow. i think everybody understands the man means business. but even more important is we have the military industrial complex where there is layer upon layer of reports and discussions and, you know, everybody comes back to everybody else. in the end, it's almost like the thing is parmsed.
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thing -- is passed. the president is concise and he's clear. i'm impressed with all of that. i'm, too. it's a reminder what he exaib ited is hit d what he dem states his -- they can't always anticipate what he's going to do. that's brilliant. it's an important part of being a leader in a high stakes game it's why china is off balance and north korea is off balance. russia doesn't know what to do. add iran to the list. they don't know when he'll strike. he's capable and will bug he'll do it when it suits him, not when it suits the people who can
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make a lot of money off war. and some of these neocon writers. bret stevens and bill kristol who always seem to be ready to pull the trigger but never put the uniform on and be part of the trigger. judge jeanine: he has built up the military so when he's ready he'll really be ready. governor mike huckabee. thanks for being with us. we enjoy having it here on justice. the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight.
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judge jeanine: president trump did it again this week. dominated the national spotlight with a huge rally to start his reelection campaign. katrina pierson is with us. we are about to see the democrats next week in their debates. i understand there will be 10 in each debate. there will be two next week. as i said in my first open tonight. it seems like the dems are eating each other, or eating joe biden alive as they go after him in an unusually early part of
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the campaign. what do you foresee as someone who has done this before in these presidential debates? >> i think you were right earlier when you said they are running so far left they are going to fall off the edge of the earth. i have been saying the last couple weeks that they are running to the ledge. we had a very contentious primary in 2016. and the president was just being himself. it was donald trump the man, this is how many and this is way want to be. you are not seeing it on the left. you know it's a bad day for the mainstream democrat to lose the mainstream media. even three pinocchios from "the washington post." let's not forget his latest comments literally patting himself on the back for working with segregationists.
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but the best part is his response to cory booker. only in the democrat party could a white guy reminisce about the good old days with segregationists and demand his black opponent apologize for it. i think the debates will be interesting. judge jeanine: the president with his rally just a few days ago. what enthusiasm. joe biden, at one of his events he had 85 people. the president had 20,000 with 100,000 trying to get tickets to get in. >> in the pouring down rain. it was phenomenal. it was an amazing sight. i wish everyone who wanted to be there could have been there. with 6 million jobs created since president trump took office. they want four more years of
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winning. what no one is talking about is the 271 leadership trainings that occurred last week for the republican party with 600 attendees. there were 16,000 grassroots watch parties all over the country, including washington, d.c. the excitement can't even be contained in one rally. judge jeanine: when people look at the good things he has done and all he has been accused of. and all of his behaviors that benefited and be -- behooved us. none of them mentioned what they want to do other than they hate donald trump. >> that's the key. we have to do our job and make sure the american people are getting that message. who donald trump is, what the
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president wants to do for this country, and not to mention his numerous accomplishments we can't get town right now. our job will be making sure the american public knows what president trump has done for them, their families, their pocketbooks, and articulate what the democrats want to do by destroying our country with open borders. if we do our job donald trump will win again by an even bigger margin. we can't wait to get out there and show the american public what the president is doing for them. judge jeanine: my only concern is illegals voting and that whole game that's been going on for a while. katrina pierson, thank you so much.
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follow me on instagram and twitter, i'm jeanine pirro, see you next saturday night. >> looks like a tired crazy right now and joe biden, he looks like he's just exhausted. i don't know what happened to him but he looks exhausted. he doesn't do any work. >> quinnipiac says sanders, biden, warren, pete buttigieg will beat you? >> they had me losing texas to pocahontas, i'm not losing texas to anybody? >> so much fun to read it in spanish. [laughter] [cheers and applause]
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