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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 25, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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these men spurred on by jon stewart and others saying do not ignore their plight, do not ignore their health, do not ignore their pain. appears republicans and democrats agree that they can't and they won't and this could be put up for a vote in august. here comes the "the five" ." ♪ >> jesse: hello, i'm jesse watters with kennedy, juan williams, tom shillue. dana perino. "the five" ." greg is out today but he wrote this monologue which was so good we just had to salvage it. here's my best attempt at being greg gutfeld. by my math, each candidate in tomorrow's debate gets 11 seconds of talk time which may be 11 seconds too much. here's proof. >> i will be bold without the bold. >> jesse: that was left in less
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than 11 seconds. he is certainly no klobuchar but so what. anyone can run for any reason at all. >> we are in el paso getting a haircut. >> the closest i will ever have in my life to an i am spartacus beer. >> hold on. i'm going to get me a beer. >> my name is joe biden. i'm running for president of the united states. look me over. like what you see, help out. if not, vote for the other person. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> it is so important that you give us the same t-shirts because i believe our candidates are a part of the avengers. we are here to save america. the republicans, that's "the hunger games" ."
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>> jesse: let's dispense with the lies that this is about being president. it's not. de blasio, beto, it could be a step to a job in a new administration, network, a book on amazon, and a lifetime on msnbc. it is about fame, battling the orange godzilla, guarantees more slobbering coverage that a convention of basset hounds, especially if you keep saying dumb stuff about concentration camps. that turns them into political versions of snail darter's, insignificant and annoying but protected. i include aoc and omar. they garner immediate media mob protection. you can't attack without feeling the wrath of social vigilantes. running for president or anything is a great gig for a tiny fish. it's a movie in which the plot simply develops around you.
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you puff yourself up, you sucker symptoms apps into supporting roles, boost your public speaking, and cram your journal with direct for your next book called "rolling up my sleeves." here's a tip for watching the debates. don't. it will be like watching snails when the tide comes in. they will just be gone. >> juan: how my going to criticize greg? i've got to go after greg in the form of view? >> jesse: yes. give it all you've got. what do you think? are you going to watch these debates against greg's advice. >> juan: hold on. wait. i want to talk to greg and you are here. you sincerely, our greg sincerely wants me not to watch the debate? >> jesse: i think greg thanks -- you know, i'm not going to speak for him. the model august on pair [laughter] i am watching the debate. it's going to be great entertainment. i think biden has a lot to lose.
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on thursday he's got a lot to lose. >> juan: he is the front runner so everyone will potentially go after him. to me, the response to the monologue is to say i remember 2016 and i remember that it was all about personality on the republican stage with 10-plus candidates. talk about follies. how about marco rubio and president trump comparing hand size. that's pretty low. >> jesse: i don't think that's going to happen on the democrat side. >> juan: i think the idea is and what i'm hearing is that you want debate policy. you want to introduce yourself. so many of these people are not known to the audience so it's an opportunity to introduce yourself. it's an opportunity to say that i'm a serious person who really is worthy. they've got to convince people they are sufficiently able to beat president trump. >> juan: do think it's going to be about policy or do you think it's going to devolve into zingers and one-liners and things like that?
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>> kennedy: if they are good, they'll do both and that will be entertaining for everyone. there aren't too many people who can do that and that's going to be up to the moderators to take all these candidates out of their comfort zone because no one wants to see that. no one wants to hear beto's platitude. i would like to see them challenge elizabeth warren and bernie sanders, although they are different stages on different nights on their math. what it comes down to us they have to play it like survivor. of course everyone wants to be the ultimate winner. they want to outwit, outplay, outlast each other but you can do that unless you take out the favorites. right now joe biden is winning the challenges and is good at puzzles. the secret is he's really not. he doesn't just have an achilles' heel. it's as though his mom latched on to his entire thigh. he's got an achilles femur. there's a lot of political
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real estate. >> jesse: the person probably doing that will be bernie sanders. he's going to be sharing the stage with joe on thursday. it's going to be a good matchup. you think bernie is going to go right for the jugular? >> dana: gosh, it's a must like with elizabeth warren, he sees her as a kindred spirit and doesn't want to take her on directly. someone like joe biden, he has no problem. debates are really about muscle memory and if you think about was how the most recent demanding experience, it's bernie and then biden may be. >> jesse: biden hasn't debated a democrat for... >> dana: no. didn't really have tough races. prepped for the sarah palin debate on the paul ryan debate. that's as close as you get. most of the candidates have cleared off their schedules and figured out a way to spend some time practicing. you have to practice like you play. bob barnett, who is my lawyer, everybody knows bob barnett. he's been involved in every
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presidential election since 1976. he is so smart when it comes to all of this. he was talking about how you pick your lane if you have one in figure moment and then prep based on that strategy. i think a lot of those guys are doing it. it's going to be really hard. there's not much time to make a point. >> juan: 5 minutes or something. >> dana: you can't interrupt. >> kennedy: there's also an opening statement. you don't have the chance to set the table. >> jesse: what do you think biden is going to do? he is the alpha dog, i had in the polls, former vp. he's going to have a lot of people coming after him. how does he handle it? >> tom: his job is to deflect, be nice to the people attacking. every answer should be i am the guy who can beat trump and here's why. i can win back in pennsylvania and wisconsin. that's all anyone cares about, who can beat trump. they don't care about the details or maybe they do but if you have someone who cares about the details of policy and you have someone who really cares about student loan debt, they're
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going to vote for bernie or elizabeth warren. you've lost them anyway. he should just drill. i'm the only guy. >> jesse: what happens when bernie starts attacking joints as you're out of step and goes after his record. how does bernie handle it? or how does joe handle it? >> dana: it happened today, it was revealed that in his post vice presidential career which has only been about two and half years, former vice president biden has a list of demands when he goes to give a speech. they are pretty elite. they were released today. i would imagine that this is the kind of thing that really hurt hillary clinton with the bernie supporters because -- that she was out of touch, about getting $500,000 a speech and enjoying this great life. in the meantime, bernie sanders will say i'm the one who's there working for you and to progress on the policies that we care about. >> kennedy: bernie wants to go after the establishment
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candidate. he's been waiting for that. that's what his followers want. that's what is going to do. he's going to relish every moment. side-by-side, bernie sanders has so much more energy than joe biden. he was probably a senior when joe was a freshman. [laughter] >> juan: i do think he's going to try to get biden to look uncertain. i don't know if you read today in the times, michelle goldberg thing joe biden is not looking great on the trail. if you can demonstrate that without a direct attack, it would work. >> tom: that's what i've been saying. [laughter] >> juan: i think she went on the campaign trail. the other thing to say quickly is they've got to react to what's news right now. that would be to the viral moments. what's going on on the border, the terrible treatment of children. what would democrats do about it? it is trump's issue. >> kennedy: they probably wouldn't be lauding segregationists. >> jesse: new video released in the jussie smollett case from the night of his alleged hate
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crime attack, including footage of smollett walking around his apartment with a noose around his neck. details ahead. because they let me customize my insurance. and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ iand i don't add up the years.
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[bleep]. >> do you want to take it off for anything? >> this is all being audio and visually recorded. >> they are filming it. can we turn it off? please shut it off. >> juan: oh, my. that's not all. bizarre footage from inside a taxi the same night shows the brothers whom police believed worked with jussie to stage the attack wearing hazmat suits and gloves. what is going on? kennedy, you can't keep it together. what's going on. >> kennedy: this story gets more and more bizarre. the visual them, it's like the woody allen movie that's all about reproduction.
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they are wearing all white students waiting to emerge into the world. >> juan: i.c.e. jesse, when you look at the video and you see that the police put out all this information and now a special prosecutor has been appointed to look into the prosecutor who made the decision to get rid of the case. are we ever going to find out the truth? >> jesse: we know the truth. he staged the attack. embarrassing him by releasing the stuff in there going to have all these people looked into and potentially re-prosecuted. anybody in show business, and he should know this, it's not how you stage a crime. you have maga insults, you have a noose, you have bleach. you have a beat down. pick one. you don't need all of them for the hate crime. it's like when my daughter's cook. pouring hundreds of ingredients in the pop pot and stir it.
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it's nonsensical. the noose as a symbol of so much hatred and pain and suffering, to leave at around your neck afterwards. it is counterintuitive. anybody want that away from their neck no matter what. it's like if you escape from a kidnapping, do you keep the ropes around your wrists to show the cops you are tied up? no. doesn't make any sense at all. >> juan: jesse makes an important point. he says we know the truth. dana, do you think the truth here is pretty obvious that we have a liar and is it worth -- maybe the prosecutor made the right choice. $100,000 in restitution. >> dana: 10,000. >> juan: 10,000. she says it's not worth the time. >> dana: if that is what she had said originally, that would be great but it's not. jussie smollett himself, he smeared the police. he said they lied. he said that the osundairo brothers lied. he's the one who has said they
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all lied to. he has smeared all of them, and he gets to be let off scot-free? for $10,000 which would be like $100 to most people because he makes so much money. i think this is the police saying okay, you want to have a full investigation? we will do that. absolutely. let's see at all. i am all for it. >> juan: he didn't call for a full investigation. what you said sounds right to me but i think it sounds like -- >> dana: he would prefer it all went away. >> juan: hang on. that the police are exercising a vendetta. they went out on a limb and found him guilty before the prosecutor acted. >> jesse: that's what police do. they find the evidence, presented to the prosecutor. >> juan: they don't prosecute. >> jesse: i understand that. >> tom: they were too fair for the beginning and it was hamstringing me on shows like this. i couldn't get my real feelings. i was thinking, it seems like a hoax from the beginning. i was being politically correct. oh, i don't know. we'll see when the facts come
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in. the police had all this information. i wish they were less nice and they came out with all this information at the very beginning and said look, this is fishy. here's the video. >> dana: also because they spent something like $350,000 pulling resources off the streets in order to go look for all of these fake incidents. if they knew from the jump that it was a hoax, they could've saved the city a lot of money. >> tom: i think you're right. it is all on jussie smollett because if he didn't -- i didn't need a full throated apology. i felt bad for the guy. after it was revealed it was a hoax, i thought okay, maybe he'll have to apologize. >> kennedy: just come out and said something, all of this would've gone away. the fbi and chicago pd and even retired judges in the state wouldn't be sitting there going this is not right and we cannot have the world thinking that this is how we need our justice
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in chicago in illinois. we have to make it right. it's so wrong. it's so weird. he was wearing a little sweater. >> juan: here's the thing, prosecutors do have persecutor oriole discretion. here's the case, i don't think you can charge him again. it's been settled. >> kennedy: you can charge them again. that was the ruling from the judge it's not double jeopardy. >> juan: it strikes me, they are going after this guy. >> dana: it's about a fight between the prosecutor's office and the police and the police are saying you are not going to smear us. they've been working very hard to develop better relationships in the community to reestablish trust in the community and they're not going to put up with it. i'm glad they are pushing back. >> juan: i wonder if it's a case for the police don't like an outcome so they're going somebody.
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>> kennedy: it was the mirror, several judges, all sorts of people who aren't necessarily politically in line with president trump and it has nothing to do with the political nature of the attack. kim foxx said she recuse myself and then she said i didn't legally recuse myself. >> juan: someone on her staff made the decision to drop the case. >> kennedy: there was no precedent for her to anoint someone the acting state's attorney. >> juan: the homeless crisis and california's cities is getting worse, as san diego takes costly new measures to get the situation under control. we are going to tell you about it. it's so interesting. next on "the five" ." every day, visionaries are creating the future. ♪ so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. ♪ the united states postal service makes
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more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ because the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron.
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with sofi, get your credit cards right- by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. ♪ >> dana: california grappling with an out-of-control homeless crisis with san diego ranking as the fourth sitting with the
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highest homelessness rate in the united states. according to a recent hud report, taxpayers are being forced to shell out $11 million to build elaborate tent cities to house them. the mayor signing off on the plan in hopes of tackling the problem head-on. >> one of the things we're doing in san diego that i think is having a dramatic effect in getting people off the streets as we have established shelters with health and wraparound services, storage center of her belongings that's helping to clean up our streets and sidewalks, and really a sense oa sidewalk, a tarp, or a riverbed is no place for a house. >> dana: kevin faulkner, a good friend of mine, way back when when i lived in san diego. jesse, did you know that i lived in san diego? >> jesse: no. >> dana: you should read my book. >> kennedy: were you homeless there? >> dana: no. we are getting off topic. jesse, what do you think of this tactic, proactive way to try to get ahead of it. >> jesse: cities have a
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choice. they have either facilitate homelessness or fight it. some are facilitating it by building tent cities, or encouraging it by saying that you're allowed to sleep. bring your stuff and they will quarantine you into certain areas. other cities should try to fight homelessness. it's very expensive. you almost need to have health care units in these precincts, help people with their drug addictions, their mental illnesses, and trying to clean them up, click to go get them up on their feet. there is a civil liberties debate about how much the government can do to move you around and curtailing freedom but at the same time if you have 99% of the city being affected by an out-of-control wild 1% of homeless, what kind of decisions does leadership have to make? they have to decide, representing 90% of these people being affected by 1%. need to take action.
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>> dana: kennedy, compare what san diego was trying to do here with what's happening in los angeles. pushing people to skid row. >> kennedy: it's not just skid row." nice neighborhoods in venice, all these communities, santa monica. if you drive around downtown l.a., it used to be every once in a while you'd have a side street that was kind of littered with garbage and now it's constant and chronic and they cannot clean it up fast enough and the problem is there's a couple things going on in california, in los angeles. and this is why i think eric garcetti can't run for president because the homeless problem is enveloping his entire -- cops are getting typhus and they are requesting to be transferred out of these areas because there is so much human waste and rats that they are spreading diseases that are really third world problems and that's unfortunate. the amount of money that they are flowing out of it, they're not throwing it in the right
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place and they, what they realle california is deregulate the housing law so more people can l in places bigger than single family homes. they need affordable housing. when they don't have that, they said guess that i will just pitch a tent. >> dana: the governor of california, gavin newsom, had another thing to complain about. >> i did a survey is mirror with 7,000 people. i can point to addresses and tell you names, the 12,000 people we got off the street. the folks on the street, the vast majority were not from california. i am not suggesting that they are not our responsibility. quite the contrary. we took responsibility. the vast majority, we know this, coming from texas. interesting fact. >> dana: interesting fact, tom tom. >> tom: very interesting fact.
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this is a public health thing. i agree with the libertarian stuff you're talking, but most of it is everybody knows substance abuse, mental health, drug addiction, that kind of thing, that's the way they have to deal with it in the cities and they're not doing it. you are hearing it, san francisco, los angeles, that's where you are the most of it. other cities. people who come here as guests on fox news, they say it used to be this way but now it's really bad. they're all admitting it is. this is an opportunity for, i don't want to make it all political but this is an opportunity for republicans to come in and start dealing with it because it's been something that is seeded to democrats, america's cities. it's time to say look, they have failed. >> juan: speak to just that point. i think it's the underlying premise. kevin faulkner is a republican. these are republicans trying to
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deal with homelessness, and homelessness is a higher rate in seattle, san francisco, ellie. dana and i were talking about d.c. philly, new york. as a high rate of homelessness in america. income equality, not affordable housing. >> dana: addiction. >> tom: mental health, addiction. >> juan: a lot of people have full-time jobs, that's the most shocking part, they are homeless. they can afford a place. >> kennedy: i think what we can agree on is instead of focusing on drug addiction and criminalizing it, we have to see it as a mental health and -- a health crisis in general and treat people for drug addiction. >> juan: we have to say honestly you know what, something has changed in america. there's more income equality, more people who can't afford a place to live. >> jesse: income inequality does not cause homelessness.
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the people in skid row do not have full-time jobs. they are staying in skid row they don't leave. no one is working to mcdonald's and then coming back. >> juan: it's a shock to you but there's a high percentage of people -- here's the thing, what you hear from mayor faulkner, republicann in san diego, he's willing to spend $11 million. it's a lot of money, as you said. so exactly what is it that is splitting the parties? >> kennedy: spending more money in los angeles and homelessness is growing by the thousands. >> dana: one of the attempts in san diego, the people who are short-term homeless, try to interdict early, help them and make sure they are not long-term homeless and that's a little bit different than what's happening in los angeles. next on "the five," president trump pops his patrol game against joe biden, asking why obama hasn't endorsed his
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♪ >> tom: president trump proving he is the mvp of trolling his competitors. in this interview, the president taking aim at joe biden, questioning why obama won't endorse him. >> president trump: how he doesn't get president obama to endorse him, there has to be some reason. he was the vice president. they seem to have gotten along. president obama is not endorsing them, it's rather a big secret. if you know the answer, please let me know. and then he goes and lies and says i asked the president not to endorse me. give me a break. he said he asked the president because he's embarrassed by the fact that obama is not endorsing him so he says i asked president obama not to endorse me. it could be that president obama know something, but there is something going on in the brain of his.
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[laughter] >> tom: he does this a lot when he talks about biden, the pointing to the head. this is politically brilliant because he's going at the big strength of joe biden which is his association with obama. he's creating mystery. the big mystery, what's it all about. >> dana: the president has a knack for picking a political scab before it can heal. this was almost done. here it comes back up again. if i were biden, i would say didn't you just refuse to endorse pence for 2024? i think the bernie sanders people feel like he had -- >> kennedy: he went on "60 minutes" and said she did nothing wrong but then said i don't have any intel. >> dana: i'm talking about early on in the primary process. obama didn't say anything.
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>> kennedy: he made the choice between hillary and troll when he picked hillary and it was a bad choice. >> dana: joe biden wasn't running. i think he talked joe biden out of running. i don't think it's because he thought he was a bad candidate. he was grieving his son. >> tom: he may use that line. >> dana: president trump benefited from having no one endorse him early on. he was the antiestablishment candidate. if i were biden, i wouldn't want an endorsement. >> tom: the press, i read it's an unfounded claim. i heard democrats, the day after he made that claim that he asked not to endorse him, a lot of democrats had come on. we know he's lying. president trump is saying what we all know. >> kennedy: it's like me going up to the most popular, handsome quarterback, high school when i was a dorky sophomore saying please don't ask me to prom.
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i can't do it this year. he was never going to asked me to prom in the first place. that's a ton of hot garbage right there. why is joe biden doing everything he can in the clumsiness ways possible of trying to tie himself to obama and his legacy. the bracelets for best friends day. that was the goofiest social media post and everybody especially democrats, even david axelrod's all right through it. what is trying to do is create this mystique that they are still together, thick as thieves. that president obama is is only withholding out of respect. that's not true. he chose hillary early on. even if his endorsement wasn't explicit, she was the chosen one because he thought she was going to win and that was a bad idea. >> tom: if president trump had made a lie like this, wouldn't it be on the list of "the washington post"'s 11,001 lies. >> jesse: is only 1,001 that
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they have? they are up there. i agree with you that, he said it's more like mischief. no one really follows, over the endorsement, it's early. leases about what your read at the supermarket checkout line in the tabloid. mystery reason why biden is not getting the endorsement. is there something going on up here? the president, like he does, because he understands the soap opera aspect, driving a wedge in the relationship. he's just asking questions, just raising issues. he seems different, not the same. we don't know. everybody else sees it. i think it's smart because biden right now, as you agreed because "the new york times" reported it, not me. they were the ones who've been saying he doesn't look smoother in command. he's got trouble with the prompter. he's had some flip-flops, done apologies. he needs to look sharper in these debates and on the eve of
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the debates, the president raising issues about biden. >> tom: now that michelle goldberg has said it, do you agree? >> juan: with what? >> tom: that biden is not as sharp -- >> juan: i ran into him the other day and he seemed fine but i'm always interested in seeing people when they're in the moment of it, how do you react, how do you respond, can you play the game. the game that i see going on here is that joe biden is renting space in president trump's head because he constantly is talking about joe biden. the polls out today, we have a pullout, emerson pole, biden would beat him by 10. sanders would beat him by 10. >> kennedy: they should have election day today. >> juan: polls give us a snapshot and clearly biden is consistently ahead of trump and trump is preoccupied. it sometimes the president's own
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polls that indicate biden beating him. >> jesse: the president was going after, who he called pocahontas for all those months, was it because she was living rent-free in his head? because he was scared of as elizabeth warren? he goes after everybody. >> juan: going after him on the money. >> tom: we have to go. anti-trump hollywood actors perform a live reading of the mueller report. we will play you the cringe for the -- were the highlights next. hmm. exactly.
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♪ >> kennedy: you can check out any time but you can never leave. hollywood celebs has never been the same. from johnny depp's assassination fantasy to madonna's fantasy to glop the white house, they've had a hard time processing hillary's loss. a star-studded live reading of the mueller report. >> according to comey's account, at one point during the dinner,
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the president stated -- >> i need loyalty. >> you'll always get honesty. >> that's what i want, on his loyalty. >> if it's what you say, i love it, especially later in the summer. >> it's because you recused! >> if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would've set it. >> they do their job. robert mueller did his job. the question is will we do ours? >> kennedy: [laughs] jesse, i think there's something wonderful about people participating in civics through theater. >> jesse: awful, too embarrassed for them. i have some suggested reading materials. how about hannity's monologue. pick one. doesn't matter. monday, tuesday, wednesday. or the ig report. or liars, leakers, liberals.
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they can freshen up on their true facts about the real russia hoax, the witch hunt, possible abuse of power. they don't want to read that. they can't handle the truth. they can't handle the truth. >> juan: maybe jesse could read greg's. >> kennedy: if the inspector general report that deals with the fallout from hillary's emails trevor scandal, that's unfavorable to the obama administration of the former secretary of state, do you think they will have a public reading of that? >> juan: i don't think she's president. i think what this is about -- >> jesse: say it again. >> juan: she is not president. your guy is president. >> kennedy: i think if they impeach him, she automatically becomes president. [laughs] all those people on stage. >> juan: i won't get into pence but i will say there seems to be a growing chorus. >> kennedy: do you mean 46?
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>> juan: seems to me that the democrats are frustrated to the point of the mueller report, written in legalese, it's borin boring. things dramatized it. >> tom: because it's not dry, it's not lawyerly, the mueller report, the interesting thing is not that crazy actors are really good dry report. the report is drama. the drama queen is mueller. >> juan: are you making an argument for mueller to testify? >> kennedy: if he is master at that, shouldn't he go? >> juan: ago, tom, go. >> tom: that report is written like a play. >> juan: get out of town. >> dana: i actually read it. permission to make an analogy. this is like getting kids to eat
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their vegetables. you have to dress it up. the frustration that a lot of liberals had, saying that you're not reading the report. if you just read the report, you would agree with us. you would realize that we should do impeachment, read the report. then they are like they are not reading the report. let's put some cheese on it and maybe turn the broccoli into a forest. a little something. now they're going to read it. we didn't get a crowd shot. i wonder how many people left. >> juan: i think it's a counter to the fact that bill barr, the attorney general, put out his spin and then president trump reiterates no obstruction, no collusion. and he keeps repeating it. at the report is sitting there and people aren't reading it. >> dana: put some cheese on it it. >> kennedy: ranch, avocado. "one more thing" is up next. stay here. my insurance rates are probably gonna double.
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing," we have a new addition of "jesse's feeding frenzy." everyone knows 7-eleven has the best slurpie's but sometimes you're not near one, sometimes are at the house or an apartment and you have to have a slurpie, now they deliver. you can go to the seven now app and you can punch it in and they will deliver a slurpie to your house. sam at central park and getting son, they will deliver to you in a random location. if you want your slurpie fix from 7-eleven, you can do it. go to or for details. >> juan: will they deliver it to your limo?
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>> tom: what is this, blue? >> dana: you can celebrate the fourth of july with us, you can go and shop, these are items you can find at if you use the code fox fourth, you can get the cute baseball cap, the tumbler, i like the coffee mug. also a tote. with the american flag, also there are t-shirts available. it's pretty exciting, people have been wanting to be able to purchase their fox news gear well now you can., and you get 10% off. >> kennedy: this is a great
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fourth of july gift. >> juan: greg regularly tells you about animals being so great but what about people pretending to be animals? take a look at this video out of japan. they decided to use a man dressed in a furry all i am costume after an emergency drill on how to handle an escaped lion. as you can see the lion is wandering around before the zoo staff simulating a different capture scenario including use of a net and shooting the lion, mr. lion with a tranquilizer dart. while the charade was going on, take a look at the real zoo lions, they are like look at these foolish humans. i can't wait to see with the japanese aquariums are doing for shark week. >> juan: 's like a got stuck with a tranquilizer gun. >> kennedy: in keeping with the animals are great theme, miss you so much, greg, a man loved his dog so much, he
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married his bride and they met and an animal rescue center, his dog jack was his groomsmen. isn't that the sweetest thing? the most beloved and loyal creature of his life was there to witness their union and their vows. >> tom: along with a huge crowd. >> dana: everyone is worried people are going to marry their dogs, but it also goes to show that you can never have enough love and a four-legged friends. >> tom: what do you do when you're 5-year-old, you suspect your 5-year-old is stealing from your cookie jar? you set up a camera and do a sting. let's see if they caught the little girl they thought it was their 5-year-old girl stealing oreos, it was there half-year-old glenn doodle max.
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>> not good for dogs. >> jesse: set your dvrs, never miss an episode of the five, "a special report" is up next. >> bret: iran says the white house is afflicted with mental while the president warns of big consequences. democratic presidential candidates flood florida ahead of the debates in miami and a bipartisan effort to go after a defense contractor showing profit margins as high as 4500%, this is "special report." good evening, i'm bret baier coming to you live from the white house on the north lawn where the president and his team are holding firm a


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