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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 26, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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[crowd chanting] >> usa! usa! usa! usa! >> president trump: thank you very much, everybody. thank you. and who are those 70%? [laughter] ralph asked that question. i do, i want to talk to them. as one of the great students, phoebe recently said, "every day on the trip as a chance to love others the way christ loves us." where is phoebe? stand up, phoebe. thank you very much. [applause] i want to think phoebe and i want to thank the students who are here with us today from all over the country. we are really -- it's incredible what you are doing. i think people have no idea the numbers we are talking about. you see all of this stuff on
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television, they are noisy, they are allowed, they are rude, they disgrace us in so many ways, and they get publicity. but they don't realize that we have more than they do. [cheers and applause] people don't realize it. we have more than they do. i see it all the time, the young people that come. the other day in orlando we had a rally that was unbelievable. it filled up, we had thousands and thousands of people outside of the orlando magic arena where they play, those big basketball games. the floor was packed. it was an incredible thing to see. then outside the room literally tens of thousands of people who couldn't get in, and then there were thousands that we said, "don't come." we were putting out notices, "please, don't come." there's something going on that's a good thing. it's continuing, i think, even stronger than that great november day in 2016. i really believe it's stronger. [cheers and applause]
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the media likes to talk about the energy the left has. i don't think they have energy. they are trying to destroy themselves, and its negative energy. really, it's just like a negative energy when you see what they want to do. i think we have more energy than we've ever had. i said at the other day, i think the republicans have much more energy than the democrats. maybe i'm wrong, but i really believe that. [applause] and they like to talk about 2018. well, number one, in 2018 i didn't run. i wasn't running, i was helping people. almost every one else, won. the governor of georgia, the governor of florida, ron desantis, he's great. oklahoma. i mean, so many different places. every place we had such tremendous -- and remember, they were going to take over the senate and the house. there are so many people in the house, but the ones like in kentucky, the ones that we helped, the ones that i went to,
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they won their races against very tough competition. but we held the senate and picked up two seats and nobody wants to talk about it. nobody wants to talk about it. [cheers and applause] and if we didn't, we wouldn't be having judges. but nobody wants to talk about that. all they want to do is say, "oh, they lost house seats." there's a lot of people running in the house. what i did his campaign for senators and we almost picked up another three. we came very close to big upsets. i actually think we have the energy and i'm going to be running. it's going to make a big difference. we are going to win a lot of things that people have no idea. for instance, in the audience the other night, so many women for trump. so many. [cheers and applause] but they did the same thing. they did the same thing. [laughs] they did the same thing in 2016.
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women, they're not going to vote for trump? i said to my wife, "do you think women are going to vote for me at all?" and a tremendous amount of women came out and it was incredible what happened. against hillary clinton, a wonderful woman. [laughter] who dubbed us all "the deplorables." she actually said two words, you know. you know the other word. she said the deplorable and irredeemable's. and i thought the word "irredeemable" was going to catch on. shows you what i thought. because i think that's worth that deplorable. give me definition, isn't that was? i'll never forget, i didn't think too much about it for the next day i'm in this big stadium making a speech and i see, "we are the deplorables, we love you." where did that come from? [laughter] that's why politics is a tough business. one word can put you right out
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of business. one word. [laughter] that was not a good speech she made. i don't know who wrote it, but she would never want to use them again. [laughter] "the deplorables." the activists in this room. and that's what you should call yourselves. you are activists, be an activist. they are activists, with age he so terrible. it's okay, there's something wrong with it. the believers across our country, they strengthen our communities in countless ways. so many ways. that's why we are empowering americans of faith to live by the lord's calling, to love their neighbors. we have created nearly 9,000 opportunity zones with tim scott from south carolina. he's a great guy. [applause] a great guy. he came in with this idea, nobody had any idea it was going to work. there's never been anything that worked like this. it's incredible what's going on
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with opportunity zones. brand-new, which give churches and investors more ways to rebuild the stressed communities. the last year with the help of many faith leaders i signed groundbreaking criminal justice reform into law. [applause] and if you remember, sleepy joe biden, he was the one. he was pushing it. and that was a killer for hillary clinton. i remember the first time i saw people, real activists against hillary, because of her husband and what they did on criminal justice reform, and they did nothing to fix it. what they did, it was terrible. the climax, what they did was terrible to so many people. we got criminal justice reform
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passed. it was an amazing thing. nobody until -- that was done four months ago, nobody until this time thought it could ever happen. you should see the people that were in favor of it. some of the most conservative people. even more conservative than bill bennett, which is hard to believe. [laughter] am i right? seriously conservative. also, very liberal people. it was a great thing. we are glad to be joined today by the first person released from prison under the first step act. matthew charles. where is matthew? [applause] thank you, matthew. that was very unfair, what happened to matthew. and many other people. many other people. we are very tough on crime, but what happened to some people was very unfair. so it's great that you are here, matthew. i hear you are doing phenomenally well and we appreciate it.
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what a great, great person you are. [applause] to help our citizens overcome the grip of opioid addiction, a big problem, we secured a record $6 billion in new funding, including support for treatment in faith-based organizations. we had a great experience. people don't know. way down, opioids. unfortunately other drugs sometimes take the place. fentanyl is a disaster, coming in from china. i will be talking to president xi about that tomorro tomorrow. but we have tremendous amounts of drugs that come in from places, and we got to stop it. we are doing pretty well but it's tough. every time you knock one, another one pops up. but we will be talking to president xi about that. for the most part, trying to the fentanyl in its unbelievably powerful and unbelievably
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destructive and bad. we are expanding affordable health care, increasing access to plans, 60% cheaper than obamacare. we are doing a plan that's going to come out if we win back the house. if we keep the senate and win the presidency, i think we will do it all. we have a great chance to do all. we have a health care plan that is far better than obamacare. i'm keeping obamacare alive because i felt i should do that. we had a chance to terminate it, and a gentleman voted against it after campaigning for many years to repeal and replace. then he voted against it. someday somebody will expand that to me, but that's what happened. we just about had it done. but we will end up better, i think. if we win at the house back, keep the senate, and win the presidency, we will have a plan that blows away obamacare. it'll be less expensive and it will be far better health care and health insurance. [applause] and we will be announcing it over the next month or so.
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to help patients access life-saving treatments, we passed right to try. i love that. you know what that is. i hope nobody in this room ever has to use it. especially you folks, you are so young. but i hope nobody has to use it. but people would travel all over the world to try and get relief. people that had money, people who didn't have money would just go home with no hope. and we have the right to use our great geniuses, the best in the world, for possible cures that haven't been approved yet. we could use them. they go to asia, they go to london. anyplace. and now we are using it. we have had some incredible success, and i must say -- the other day i was watching a favorite network of mine that i really have a lot of respect for. [laughter] that doesn't always treat me so great, by the way. they could do better.
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[laughter] but at least they are fair! and i was watching, and i heard the story of an incredible, unbelievable young woman who is battling a rare bone cancer. they made a mistake. a doctor, a hospital, they made a mistake. she called it -- it was a medical error. her name is natalie harp. she lit up the television screen like very few people i've ever seen do it. she talked about how they were preparing her for death. and because of right to try, she is now living, and i think doing phenomenally well. somebody said she's here. are you here, natalie? where is natalie? will you come up here, please? come up, natalie. [applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you, mr. president. you know, we all know the story about the good samaritan. but what you don't know is i was a forgotten person on the side of the road. the victim of medical error. the number three cause of death under the previous administration. and it left to die of cancer. first, the medical establishment -- they came by and saw me there, so they wrote prescriptions for opioids and they walked on. next, the political establishment. they saw me there. and they stopped just long enough to come over and tell me how to die. how to speed up my death so i could somehow die with dignity. >> harris: and the president there has a guest that he has
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asked to come up and join him on stage. this is -- we've been watching this for the better part of 30 minutes or so. the president giving his lengthy remarks on all sorts of things, including politics. but right now the right to try and the lives he says are being saved by people being able to try experimental and other drugs. so, as we watch this, the president talking about faith and merry christmas coming back, all the different topics, we will continue to monitor. but we will pull away for just a moment. this is natalie, by the way, the young person he pulled up. he says her life was changed and saved by right to try. she had cancer. we are waiting again to hear from the president, and he will soon depart the white house later this hour, headed for japan for the g20 summit. a busy morning and afternoon for the president. we will be dipping in and showing you as much as we can live. meanwhile, there is big new reaction today to the
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announcement that former special counsel robert mueller will testify publicly before the house judiciary and intelligence committees on july 17th. veteran reporters on the hill are saying this could be one of the biggest congressional hearings in decades. and president trump weighing in, speaking to maria bartiromo. >> it never ends. we have no obstruction, we had no collusion, people spying on my campaign. it's very simple. before i used to say it could have been. you have people spying on my campaign, it's probably the first time in history it's happened. they get caught, it's so illegal it's probably the biggest political scandal in history. and they got caught doing it. >> harris: also, one of the men behind the subpoena of robert mueller, house judiciary chairman jerry nadler, is laying out his reasoning saying he hopes mueller's testimony will reach the largest possible audience. >> just as he says, what was in the report, and says it to the american people so they
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hear it, that will be very important. because they've been subjected to months of deception as to what was in the report by the attorney general and by the president. that would be important itself, and whether he goes farther than that, we will see. >> harris: but republican raking judiciary member doug collins as it presents more of a risk that an opportunity for democrats. >> there's a plethora of questions here that i'll go back to the timing, the integrity, and the part of this report. those are questions he's either going to have to answer or sit there and try to avoid. at the end of the day, i think it will reinforce with the report said. everybody has had a chance for two months to read this. it says what it says. it's not going to say anything different. what we are going to find out is the dark underbelly of the corrupt cabal that started it all. >> harris: ari fleischer with us here. ari, is this risky politically for democrats? >> ari: first, let me say that it's appropriate for bob mueller and the nation. when you deliver a report like
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that you should discuss it with congress and in public. at the proper course of action for both sides who have access to bob mueller, to asking probing questions. i think both sides will go back to their bases on this. democrats will see, "you see? he deserves what he gets. we should give them now." in their pumpkins would go the opposite there is nothing new the democrats can make. but they can say, when you hired andrew weinstein as a deputy, did you know he attended hillary's victory party? when you hired the attorney for the content foundation, were you aware that she give money to the clinton foundation? these are the types of new things that will come up. i think anything that come up, bob mueller has already addressed. >> harris: he said he's not going to answer anything outside the scope of the report, and that he's gone. [laughs] i believed him, i don't know. the democrats i believe him? >> jessica: they did believe him, that's why they subpoenaed end. >> harris: but they can't ask about these things. >> jessica: he made it very
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clear, even if popular roots of a report out loud, it'll make a difference. >> harris: why? >> jessica: we all know the importance of television, of an on-camera interview. >> harris: you think he's that compelling? >> jessica: i think hearing out loud from the man who conducted the report, when he said, for instance, "if i could have said differently about the president did not commit a crime, it would have said that." that change minds. you saw an uptick in public support for impeachment, charges of obstruction of justice. you saw more house numbers get on board for that. >> melissa: i think you will be very disappointed. >> jessica: i'm unfortunately going to be out of the country, which pains me to say. i want to change my vacation to be here. >> harris: performance value -- >> jessica: it's not performance value. people have read the report. >> harris: i didn't know that performance value, which is what you are describing, hearing him read the same words he has written down -- i was that more powerful than the actual facts? dagen? >> dagen: reading it will be more interesting than bob mueller talking about it. let's stop acting like bradley cooper is showing up on
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capitol hill to talk about the mueller report. "and here's bob mueller!" you walk in with volume one onn the binder under one arm and volume to undo the other. and he's going to say, "can i refer you to volume two page 115?" and he's going to read directly from it. i don't know how that shifts the sentiment in this country toward impeachment. >> melissa: what you're talking about, that's been read ad nauseam end. everybody has said that out loud on television. it's been -- >> jessica: certainly not the president. the president says, "total witch hunt, exoneration, no collusion, no obstruction pair" >> melissa: it's been said on television. you just set it on television! so it's been said on television the whole bunch of times, and people aren't getting any more interested in it. i think the mistake is that yesterday, i think we reached a point where the crisis at the border was getting a lot of attention. and now we are talking about mueller again. to me, that's disappointing
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because that's on fire at the border and we need to focus on that. and now we've taken the tension off the border for mueller again. that doesn't help human lives. >> ari: the other problem democrats will have after july 17th then he shows up, they have to decide to impeach or not. once he testifies, it really forces their hands. that's where the back fire comes in. at that point -- because they already believe collusion took place regardless of what mueller said. they already believe the abstraction took place regarding this and with found. so after he testifies, why wouldn't you impeach him? >> harris: that's so interesting, i wrote that down. impeach or not? this particular view but the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, in a sticky wicket, as we say. >> dagen: they are watching the poll. not just if they shift toward impeachment, but they are watching the president's popularity to see if that waynes they are looking for any opening to attack, and so far, none. >> harris: well, we have the
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great american tune out around the fourth of july. we know that. american start to reengage after that holiday. so we will have to see what happens. new reaction to president trump's decision to name first lady melania trump spokesperson, stephanie grisham, as the new press secretary and white house communications director. so she will have two jobs. can one person fill both positions? former white house press secretary ari fleischer to my left will break it all down. and, some 2020 democrats preparing to face off tonight in the first of two primary debates as president trump's campaign is reportedly planning him a major pushback effort in real-time. details ahead. >> do i want to watch these people? that's a very unexciting group of people. ♪ aspirin regimen, and i just didn't listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously.
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>> melissa: some sad news to report. beth chapman, wife of duane chapman, or dog the bounty hunter, has died of cancer at the age of 51. her husband tweeting, "in a way, this is the time she wake up to go hike. she only hiked the stairway to heaven. we love you, beth. see you on the other side." she had been finding cancer for a long time. thoughts and prayers with that family. just hours from now, the 2020 democratic presidential candidates are set for their first primary debate with ten of the candidates scheduled to take the stage in miami tonight. by that time, president trump will be in the air on the way to the g20 summit, but politico reports that his 2020 campaign is planning a robust response, including unleashing dozens of surrogates on the airwaves in
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swing states. earlier today, the president saying he will be watching grudgingly. >> i will actually be on a plane, and it just seems very boring, but i'm going to watch it because i have to. that's part of my life. you know, it's part of my life. >> melissa: meantime, center elizabeth warren said to take the debate stage tonight is the only top-polling democrat at the event. at daytona last night, senator warren doubling down on her calls for a bold liberal agenda. >> we have a problem in this country. a big problem. and we are not going to fix it with small solutions. one piece of legislation here, a little idea over there, a couple of regulations over here. we need big structural change in this country. >> harris: don't ask >> melissa: ari, what advice would you give to those on the stage tonight? what should be in their head as they are out there? >> ari: let me say, the fact
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that the president can watch it and therefore someone come in my ear, they couldn't get tv like that. flying out of the country come over the ocean, he can get it, we couldn't. i'm jealous. [laughter] for the debate tonight, this is really a moment, number one, four senator warren two win her bracket. she wins wednesday night, who will win next thursday not? there's an element that whoever wins tonight will get an elevated position. i think she goes into this with the biggest lead in the bracket. the second observation i have, it really is a moment for any of the other nine candidates to have a standout moment. >> melissa: how? >> ari: if jay inslee, the governor of washington, for example -- most people don't even know he's running -- really makes global warming, really his only issue, punch through in a way that mean so much a democratic core voters, he could start to move. it's a moment for any of these unknown people to have a chance to move. >> melissa: on an issue rather than on hitting another candidate? >> ari: it can be both.
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it certainly can be. >> harris: do people even know a lot of those people up there? if not elizabeth warren, who would they -- a >> ari: if he breaks through a climate change in a way that is so compelling that they said -- but if you have a zinge, a line that everybody remembers, especially if it has a little bit of humor to it, you can stand out and people will start to notice you. >> harris: so it's a little bit like the draft. you were giving sports analogies. this is a chance for the people that you might not be familiar with, to understand he was going to get picked. >> ari: is more like the combine. you got to play well and exercise well. [laughter] >> harris: there you go. >> melissa: jessica from what you think? what will be important to not? >> jessica: you have nine competitors looking for the breakup moment. there are two ways, i think, to do it. there will be a center lane drive. john delaney, amy klobuchar, they will be running to the middle there. tim ryan is on the stage, as well. they will be talking about the importance of incremental-ism. this idea of a big bold agenda
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that we can't pay for, that all americans may not be supportive of. it's interesting. elizabeth warren, who is surging in the polls, her policies are too left for me but i'm a huge fan of the campaign she's running. she's talking about the big bold idea agenda, which is what bernie did. but we saw in the recent fox news poll back that over 70% of democrats are looking for steady moderate leadership. only 23% were looking for that big bold agenda. sam looking for a center lane candidate. honestly, i'm just watching julian castro, he really should have more buzz around him having been a mayor of san antonio, hud hud secretary, you have mayor pete, a much smaller town. >> harris: he's having some challenges. >> jessica: he is. but julian castro hasn't been able to get the name i.d. i think he deserves based on his record. and he has a really amazing policy shop. he has thought about his ideas. so center lane and julian castro. >> dagen: these big, bold, communist policy ideas, they scare the bejesus about the
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american public. straight out of the soviet union. >> melissa: [laughs] for full coverage of the dnc debates, ahead in the next hour on a "outnumbered overtime," our very own harris faulkner right next to me will be joined by the nc communications director xochitl hinojosa, and later -- i butchered that, right? >> harris: it's okay, the show is called "outnumbered overtime" but it's got the wrong logo. nobody cares. [laughter] >> melissa: and later, the strategic munication director mark water will be there, as well. plus, after tonight's debate, shannon bream will be ousting a special two hour fox news that night starting at 11:00 p.m. eastern with full analysis from bret baier and ed henry. president trump set to leave the white house where his trip to japan for the g20 summit where he will meet with chinese president xi jinping. will they be able to strike a trade deal? plus, workers from online
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retailer wayfarer or walkout in protest protest for the company's sale to migrant detention facilities. is it fair, or was the ceo right to deny their request to stop sales? we will debate that ahead. is that net carbs or total?...
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>> harris: some employees of the online retailer, wayfair, set to walk off the job in about an hour after their headquarters -- at their headquarters in boston. they are protesting the company selling furniture to an organization which manages migrant detention facilities along the southern border with mexico. their effort is getting support from some democrats. new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez tweeted this, "is wayfair couldn't stomach they were making beds for caged children. they asked the company to stop, the ceo said no. tomorrow they are walking out." obviously this is from
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yesterday. this is what solidarity looks like. a reminder that every day people have real power as long as we are brave enough to use it." this comes as the democratic-led house passed a $4.5 billion emergency border funding bill for democrats, voting against legislation, this now sets up for a showdown with the g.o.p.-controlled senate, which could vote on its version of the funding bill as early as today. here's democrat senator chris coons. >> we should be both providing humanitarian assistance at the border for those who are fleeing that condition and seeking refuge here, and we should be working together to try and stabilize those three countries so that fewer parents take this desperately dangerous journey and risk their lives and their children's' lives in trying to reach america. >> harris: there's a lot to go to. first, dagen, i want to talk to you about and their employees. >> dagen: i think -- you don't own the company, you work for the company. i think when a company tries to
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take a stand against politicization in the workplace, i understand that. the company has to be worried about damage to its brand. this is a money-losing company. i will point to david marcus, who writes for the federalists, he wrote a piece about this that aoc's opposition to beds for migrant kids is callous and cruel. that's the title of it. he raised the issue, which i thought was interesting -- should private companies only contract with the government or government-related nonprofits if the right party is in power? should kids be left to sleep on the floor to send a message to donald trump? that's where we've gotten. >> melissa: what's upsetting about this particular story, to me, why is it that people are always coming together to oppose something? to destroy something as opposed to help? when we see pictures of those kids, we would like to go down there and help. people responded and went to the
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site and came with diapers. how can we come together and do something positive as opposed to come together to say no and fight? that sort of spirit is within washington, as well. they can only get a coalition big enough to stop legislation as opposed to sitting down and making a deal to do something positive. >> harris: this week we also saw a story where attorneys went down to a detention center in texas and they found children sleeping in conditions that were cement slabs. >> melissa: that's what i was saying, we want to go help. >> harris: but this is a company that the government was doing business with to make beds. so i don't understand. you need it -- just make it make sense to me. you want the kids to sleep on the floor? a >> jessica: it's more important than ever that companies take moral and ethical stands. we are in a highly politicized time, this didn't just arrive with donald trump. but it's certainly more exaggerated in this time. this is not about them wanting to deprive the children. the ones who are going to get
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beds. >> harris: but that's essentially what will happen if they stop the process. >> melissa: a moral and ethical stand for a company? first of all, no, that's not their job. they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to make money. it's against the law for them to be doing other things. second of all, that's that you are imposing your morals and ethics on that company. you are saying with moral and ethical is to not deliver beds. and that this kind of like the moral superiority that the left looks at everyone else with. i don't even think you guys know you're doing it. you say, "they need to take a moral stand." >> harris: i want to get ari fleischer in here. if you put the politics aside -- can you even put the politics aside? >> ari: this is terrible. melissa is 100% right. it's not a corporate responsibility for employees to decide who to make products for. you have to make a product or you don't. what is this an? should blink it companies no longer provide these companies with blankets?
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the alternative is sleep on the floor. this is the continuation of the thinking about abolish i.c.e., let everybody end, there should be no laws. >> harris: i would say this -- there is no focus now on the issues of what's happening of the border in a time post when democrat said there was nothing going on that was manufactured, or was not manufactured. so now at least we are all on the same page of talking about these issues. maybe that's what this accomplishes. >> dagen: this morning when i woke up and saw that horrific picture of the dead with his little girl's arm around him, who drowned in the river, all i could think of it as an alternative picture. the immigrants who come here and raise their arm at an immigration ceremony with her little girl. come here legally. this is the most wonderful, loving country. >> jessica: seeking asylum is legal, ari. >> ari: then go to a checkpoint. don't swim across a river with a child that can't swim. >> harris: i need to preface this by saying that this was
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first published in a mexican newspaper. it is of a 2-year-old and a dad, and they have died in the rio grande in this picture. so i just want to give everybody a moment if they are our young ones, and there it is. this is what ari was talking about. i got a lot of response on capital this morning as it was going wild. these his advice of salvadoran migrant and is nearly 2-year-old daughter, valerie, lying on the bank of the rio grande in mexico. the republican out of wisconsin, moments ago, was talking with this. he reference to the picture on the senate immigration hearing on immigration. >> i realize tragedies occur all over this country. all over the world. i don't want to see another picture like that on the u.s. border.
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i hope that picture alone will catalyze this congress, this senate, this committee, to do something. >> harris: quickly, if you want to just continue. >> ari: was a something? a comprehensive immigration reform, number one, that has border security. but what means to do is let people know, come to america legally, properly. there are checkpoints and places people can go to have their asylum cases adjudicated and heard. but when you come to america illegally, you take a -- >> harris: do you think people will think you're blaming the victims? >> ari: this isn't about this individual as a victim or not, the case is -- >> melissa: we don't know why they are coming here. that's the point jessica was making. we don't know if they were coming for asylum or for economic reasons. if they were coming here for economic reasons, we don't want people risking their lives for economic reasons. >> ari: there are legal ways to convey. >> melissa: have to reform the system so there better ways to come here. you don't think that's true?
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>> jessica: i do, i just -- this whole conversation starting with wayfair, it's important for places like cvs to stop selling cigarettes. for dick sporting goods to not sell ar-15 player list. when this tragedy like that and saying there's a legal way to do this, you have no idea with those people doing. >> dagen: that's different than providing beds for the children. >> melissa: we've got to go. we are straying too far. >> harris: i do want to think it's because we don't want to hear from you, but we have to go. we'll be right back. newday va home loan for veterans. it lets you borrow up to 100 percent of your home's value. not just 80 percent like other loans. and that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. with our military service, veterans like us have earned a valuable va benefit. the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and lower your payments over 600 dollars a month.
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>> dagen: fox news alert, we are awaiting president trump's departure from the white house to the g20 summit in japan. much of the focus will be on the president's with chinese president xi jinping amid the stalled trade negotiations. ari, what are we going to get out of this? test a lot of rhetoric? >> ari: usually that's exactly what happens from g20, one of the biggest waste of time for all international meetings.
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good diplomacy, little results. this one, let's see what happens with tariffs in the overall china trade picture. they said there's a 90% likelihood, that we are 90% there -- >> melissa: that was an old quote, you were watching for the wrong. [laughter] >> ari: he said it yesterday or this morning. >> melissa: no, it was an old coat. >> ari: really? sweetie it was misreported. he said it a while ago. >> dagen: here's what president trump said to maria bartiromo early. he did a 45 minute phone interview with maria this morning on the fox business network. frankly, not everything for china. it was very good thing for us. a lot of companies are moving and he basically said, "i'm kind of happy with the deal that we have right now." he said, "it's possible we will make a deal but i'm very happy where we are right now." so maybe nothing comes out of it. >> ari: that's a typical g20 meeting, nothing comes out of it. but you got to hope something
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happens on china. it's the most consequential thing the president is doing but we really need to get this right. >> jessica: it will also be interesting if they talk about the protests in hong kong, the extradition. melissa's tv husband was there reporting on it. it's a huge human rights issue and hopefully there'll be some discussion. >> dagen: much to discuss even here on the couch. we'll be right back. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely...
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>> jessica: incoming white house press secretary and communications director stephanie grisham confirming that she is traveling with the president of the g20 summit in japan. the head of sarah sanders' official departure from the white house on friday. ari, so great to have you here for this. she has a lot on her plate coming in and having both of those jobs. do you expect to see a big change in how she takes over from sarah sanders? what are you looking for here? >> ari: number one, especially in the trump white house, it's an easy job. softball questions, so i'm sure she will do great. [laughter] it's a wonderful job. it's one of the great jobs i could ever imagine if you are in the community's and's business. but of course it's so amped up today and there were so much hostility against the president from the press corps, and in return from the president to the press corps. my advice to stephanie's bring back a briefing but take it off tv. the briefing should not be a
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red-hot tv show. the briefing should be a briefing. that way she can open the job with a little bit more rapport with the reporters. most of the current reporters on the cameras off anyway. they don't need the dramatics. turn off the cameras, return to the old days, which wasn't so old. it was the preclinton era, the middle years, no tv, and conduct a series briefing. >> melissa: don't you think they would get criticized that they are trying to keep it in the dark or hide it? >> ari: i would do it anyway. we've been advocating this for years. i advocated for it during the obama administration. that's how long i have felt that the briefing has become a tv show. it is no longer a serious briefing. it's a game of gotcha. everybody knows it and that's what people watch it. it's not designed to be watched, is designed to fill the press in and answer the questions. >> jessica: take it off air? >> dagen: yes, it's turned into the audience trying to run the "oprah winfrey show." they're trying to take over the conversation and they are trotting out their best to rehearse to sneer that they've practiced in front of the
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bathroom mirror for days. but i do feel sorry for people to take this job only in the sense that they get attacked, clearly, just like herr sarah huckabee sanders, they get attacked outside of their job. in the private sector. i think that since a bad example for the entire country. whether you like this president or not. >> ari: is kind of always that way, if you like a thick skin and you enjoy doing it. you also have to like the present have a certain amount of respect for them. an clash with them at the same time. you can't do both. >> dagen: i thought we respect the first amendment. >> ari: it's true. [laughter] >> jessica: we love the first amendment here! more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ this is the couple who wanted to get away
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note. we are back here at noon eastern tomorrow, but for now, i want to send it over to "outnumbered overtime" and harris faulkner. >> harris: and we are watching for the next life event right now, waiting the president's expected remarks as he departs the white house for the g20 summit in osaka, japan. this is "outnumbered overtime." and harris faulkner. a busy day of news already with the president, hitting back at news that former special counsel robert mueller has agreed to testify next month in what could be the largest congressional hearing in decades. the president doubled down today on claims that the mueller investigation was rigged during an interview with maria bartiromo. watch. >> it never ends. we had no obstruction, we had no collusion, we had a report that was considering that 18 people that hated donald trump, and you are, obviously he was not a trump f


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