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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 28, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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wonderful weekend, a tech-free weekend. these and other issues on the chinese developments once talks have been completed tomorrow 10 a.m., live. until then, here comes "the five." >> hello, i'm jesse watters, along with ktaie, and greg. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the democratic party putting far left agenda on full display during the second round of presidential debates. >> healthcare in my view, is a human right. we have got to pass a medicare for all single payer -- >> who would abolish private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan? >> all right. >> raise your hand if your government plan would provide a
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plan for undocumented immigrants? [cheering] >> you cannot let people who are sick, no matter where they come from, no matter their status, go uncovered, you can't do that. >> i will release children from cages, get rid of private detention centers. >> raise your hand if it should be civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border without documentation? if -- if someone is here without documents and that is their only offense, is that person to be deported? >> no. that person can be a part of this great american experience. >> exactly. >> i don't even call climate change tis climate crisis. >> the old ways are no longer relevant. the scientists tell us we have 12 years before there is irrepairable damage to the planet, this is a global issue. >> 2020 contenders facing from both sides leaving many to
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declare president trump as the winner. check out this headline from nbc news. the winner of the first democratic debate, donald trump. the "new york post" headline slamming democrats with this cover, who wants to lose the election? even trump's harshest critics are dismayed. take david brooks who said this in an op ed. the party seems to think it can win without the 35% of us in the moderate camp. the ones who actually deliver the 2018 mid-term win, the progressive narrative dominating because progressives these days have forceful story to tell and no interest in compromising it. it is dominating because no moderate wants to bear the brunt of progressive fury by opposing it. judge scarborough looking distraught with the democratic field. >> last night was a disaster for the democratic party. it is the position of every democrat on that stage that illegal immigrants, if they
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cross the border illegally, should get healthcare for life. it is then the position of every democrat on that stage that if they cross the border illegally, it is not even illegal anymore. that loses wisconsin, that loses pennsylvania. that loses florida. that loses north carolina. it may lose virginia. >> of course the president himself didn't miss an opportunity to pounce on his rivals from the gramercy park -- g-20 sum nit japan. >> i had been watching and i wasn't impress. when you look at socialism and what it can do, that is what you are talking about there, that is like the socialist party. i heard a rumor democrats are going to change the name of the party from the democrat party to the socialist party, i'm hearing that, but let's see if they do it. >> dana, did the democrats commit political suicide the last two nights? >> dana: there are nine more debates and 31 weeks before the first voting takes place at the iowa caucuses.
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i would say if this past two days didn't feel good for the democrats, they have some opportunities, but it is hard to make a first impression over and over again and to change people's minds. i do think they narrowed down the field over the last two nights and i think they have a plausible fix out of the 20 that were on stage. now there are a couple who were not on stage that will be on the next stage, governor bullock of montana. find it hard to keep up pretense they have a full-time campaign that is operational. this idea that anyone can win after the last two nights, i think that goes away. >> who do you think the top six are? >> dana: i haven't written down, the front-runners issue biden, bernie, elizabeth warren, kamala harris, buttigieg and castro, one of the the governors. >> no williamson?
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clearly should be a front-runner. >> her book, "return to love." >> i don't have to read her book, ki feel her in my soul. it is the last night, she was speaking to me and to me only, that i was made of love. and i could float above the earth as a big ball of love. voting for her, switching parties. i don't know if i'm in a party. anyway, you want me to go? >> yes, continue. >> policy wise, big problem here is for progressive policies to survive, have you to ignore the concept of incentives. it is great, support amnesty for all undocumented aliens and make it legal to cross the border and offer huge safety nets when they get here if you don't understand the consequences of incentives. you invent vised everybody to come here at once and you thought the caravans were a problem and people suffering and dying, wait until this happens, it will be crazy town.
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now to the actual debate itself, i wanted to bury my head in my hand. sounded like obnoxious jury foreman, person believes he is right on everything and all talking at once. i blame the structure. pointless to bring this up, they use the same thing, the same format. the format is designed to narrow substance, it gets narrow and narrow and forces people to go for applause lines or gotcha-lines and sometime its works. kamala harris's thing about the food fight worked. it just, like yang, he's gone. >> dana: he had less than three minutes to talk. >> you know what, he didn't wear a tie. >> i thought it was a good look. >> i thought it was, too. moderators were like, no tie, no question. >> juan, looking politically, forget how you believe, politically, if you near the
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races as judge scarborough said in the rust belt and top of the ticket says we'll take away private healthcare and give to illegal and confiscate your gun and pay reparation and gay reparation and global warming is a threat, congressmen will have to distance themselves from the top of the democratic ticket, it will be that dangerous? >> juan: if jesse was voting, they would, there are more democrats than republicans and guess what, this was a democratic primary debate, jesse, and most americans, by the way, agree with those people on stage about medicare for all, about helping young people to pay for their education. >> you are wrong. >> juan: look at the polls. >> private healthcare, all those people say, take it away and give to the government? >> juan: once you say medicare for all, it is very popular, you start taking away and lots of arguments, but the premise is, republicans have nothing, zero, in terms of repeal and replace,
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after two years of all dem -- all republicans in the house and senate and republican white house, no solution, no health. >> you are comfortable? >> very comfortable. i love listening, so interesting to see this like civic exercise, this is how republicans saw debate that attracted, i believe 17 million or 15 million on wednesday, 17 million yesterday, it set a record in that sense, just tremendous success. >> what record did they set? >> democrats? >> maybe. >> not for republicans, republicans got more. >> i remember that. >> no, no, no, set record for democrats. >> this is a democratic debate, you guys. >> which is why they are talking incentives. >> it just strikes me, when you have a situation with a democratic primary, and you have democrats speaking to their supporters, it is a success and i think yang was the biggest disappointment, i thought he would be a break out and had
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nothing. mary ann williamson, not sure she was on the stage. people today were talking about williamson. >> everybody is googling her to see where she came from. >> juan is saying, if you like your healthcare, you can't keep your healthcare, it will help democrats. >> democrats want someone who can beat donald trump, what we saw is not the way to do it, talking about stripping 250 million people in america, majority of people in the country, of private insurance and saying illegal aliens will get health insurance on your backs, you're going to pay for it, that is a problem. democrats, i'm not sure how they reconcile the idea of making argument about working class in the economy while pushing factory killing, climate change plans, and how do they reconcile promoting illegal immigration and say they are for working class and raising minimum wage when illegal immigration
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suppresss wages, that is a huge problem. democrats stand up and raise their hand and say we want health insurance paid for by taxpayers, including abortion for illegal aliens. the question is, who are they standing up for? president trump has been good about talking trektly to people and saying i'm standing up for americans and for you, and democrats seem to be trying to split the conversation about, we are for the american worker, but also for the people who have come here illegally and broke ebb the laws. >> maybe they are standing up for american values. >> no sovereignty, and american values -- >> the incentive, you say the inventive, they might get healthcare here. >> free healthcare. >> 22 million people here. >> the second thing is the real reason they are leaving is not because of any incentive here, the real reason -- >> no, the front door is open and they can stay. >> that is not incentive? >> juan seems to think they are on track, so let him.
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>> juan: thank you. >> donald trump the centrist now, look what you did. fireworks fly, candidates talk about joe biden, heated exchange between the former vp and kamala harris, next on "the five." ♪
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ground. but i also believe and it is personal and actually it was hurtful, to hear you talk about the reputation of two united states senators who built their reputations and career on segregation of race in this country. you also worked with them to oppose bussing. and there was a little girl in california, who was part of the second class to integrate her public school and she was bussed to school everyday. and that little girl was me. >> mischaracterize my position across the board, dinot praise racists, that is not true. >> do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose bussing in america then? >> no. i did not oppose bussing in america, what i opposed is bussing ordered by the department of education, that is what i opposed. look. everything i have done in my
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career, i ran because of civil rights and continue to think we have to make fundamental changes in civil rights. >> dana: that was a hot topic today and joe biden went to chicago at rainbow coalition and decided to address this issue again. watch this. >> i want to be absolutely clear about my record and position on racial justice, including bussing. i never, never, infer ever opposed voluntary bussing. it is constitutional question, to protect civil rights of every single american. that is always been my position. >> dana: jesse, leading up to the debate, biden is only one who has to defend 45-year record with what happened in the past, attitudes that have changed and he looked like the candidate of the past. jez >> they can get him on other material. he was fumbleing and bumbling,
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he wouldn't look her in the eye and the end of the sound byte he said, my time is up, didn't want to fight. that is the thing about joe, he doesn't look like he wants this, he does not have the stomach for this fight, he was unprepared, i don't know if he wasn't briefed or didn't soak up the briefing. either way, that is not the way you handle it. you say, excuse me, i was the first black president's vice president, you know me better than that, kamala, how dare you suggest i'm racist, i've fought for issues my whole life. obama wouldn't put me on the ticket if he had doubts about my sincerity. move on. she landed huge punch. kamala, very aggressive in prosecutorial sense. i don't know if she is likeable or inspiring enough. looks like she could get the nomination, it is still early. but i'm not sure she could beat donald trump, i don't think she
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has what it takes. >> dana: greg, he didn't have a teleprompter, but today he had a teleprompter and was able to explain himself better. is that good? >> greg: no, she flattened him. what he said, she mischaracterized him. he didn't praise racist, you got a taste of your own medicine. he accused trump of praising racists, when he hadn't. what happened to joe, happened to him. i have no sympathy, he is a nice guy and she did mischaracterize him. too bad, this is the left, it is about interpreting what someone says in the worst light, so everything leads back to you're a racist if you want a strong police force. you are racist if it is minority police force. strong borders, that is racist, even though all want a strong border. move camps, that is racist, too. the best part about this whole thing, kamala harris moving toward nomination, she jails a
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lot of poor people for low-level drug and nonviolent offensives. her past is as checkered as joe's. what joe did to trump and what kamala did to joe is what liz is going to do to kamala. >> they suggested that when joe said i went into this business as a public defender, you were a prosecutor. he is telegraphing that. >> dana: interesting. juan, last night there was a lot of live polling situations and gabe is a reporter in iowa watching one of the live dial ones, the franklin wops they do, what is interesting, we are all feeling like biden got it handed to him. then at this event in iowa, they have african american voters that are undecided in the process, they actually, their dials went up for kamala harris, but also went up in biden's response. perhaps conventional wisdom on
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twitter may not be representative of how people feel. >> juan: i'm glad you reached that, twitter is not reflective of reality. >> dana: we've said that before, i mean from last night. >> juan: the media loves the idea you flatten or bury the obituaries for the front-runner, it's a good story. i don't think it is true. they like the phoenix rising in terms of kamala harris. i think kamala harris had a very good night. she was strong, i thought she was persuasive and i thought she spoke the policy and personalized it, she said, this is me. this is me on the bus. i'm the little black girl that would not have been on the bus if it was up to you. i do think that vice president biden was prepared, jesse, he had the line you referenced in his pocket. you know what, i was a public defender after dr. king was killed in delaware, i wasn't the prosecutor. i'm standing with the little guy. i think when you look at this, what you have to understand is,
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and i said this to you guys yesterday. this is going to be different than wednesday night. joe biden is the front-runner. elizabeth warren was the leader among a smaller group of people, but there is no question, if you want to move up in this race, make your mark right now, go after joe biden, they went after joe biden. she went after joe biden on race. race was a big, the thing with buttigieg was also big. guess what? pass the torch. eric said, why don't you pass the torch, old man. might as well said old man. >> dana: i felt the room pulling for joe biden. >> juan: right, there we go. >> the juxtaposition and the spliet screen between joe biden and kamala harris is what the base is looking at here. they are trying to say, we need to move on, we don't want joe biden, we want someone younger with different ideas. i found democrats are perfectly happy with accusing republicans
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of racism when convenient, when it comes to their party, they are willing to throw it away like it doesn't matter. virginia is a good example with black face or kkk garb. joe biden has history of praising segregationists, he wants to say he doesn't, he gave a speech in 1998 for segregationist senator, saying he had done great during his time in the senate. he has a record kamala harris will be able to look at, whether that resonates with the country, not sure. people are sick of being accused of racism overall, whether this will land on joe biden as long-term punch, we'll have to see. >> can i make a prediction? i believe it is going to be two women on the ticket. >> okay. >> one thing before we go -- >> you don't want to know which one? >> we haven't mentioned bernie sanders. >> oh, because the loser. >> mayor pete feeling the heat over the police shoot nothing south bend.
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talk about that next on "the five." ♪
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>> buttigieg in the hot seat at last night's debate. the mayor getting grill body his handling of the deadly shooting of a black man by a white cop in his city. it has outraged residents. >> your community of south bend, international solidarity movement, has recently been in uproar over officer-involved shooting, the police force in south bend is 6% black in a city that is 26% black. why has that not improved over your two terms as mayor? >> because i couldn't get it done. my community is in anguish right now because of an officer-involved shooting, a black man, eric logan, killed by a white officer. i'm not allowed to take sides until the investigation comes back, the officer said he was attacked with a knife, he didn't
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have his body camera on. it's a mess. we're hurting. >> mayor pete's 2020 arrivals are wasting no time hitting him over his response to that incident. >> i think that the question they're asking in south bend, and across the country, why has it taken so long? >> i've got to respond to that. look, we've taken so many steps toward police accountability, fop denounced me for too much accountability. i accept responsibility. >> the camera wasn't on, that is policy and you should fire the chief. >> under indiana law, this will be investigated and there will be accountability. >> there is mayor, you should fire the chief if someone died. >> i think he glared at him, katie, he didn't want to fire the chief. >> juan: he said he was wrong, the facts, reality of the incident don't go away. >> i give mayor pete a lot of credit for taking a step back
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and not jumping to conclusions about what happend and saying i'm going to let the investigation play out before i take a side. as we've seen in a number of incidents, not all of them, big ones the media has run with ferguson, baltimore, all of the calls from the media and politicians in washington have said, you need to do this, you need to do this and the facts come out and what happen side opposite of the story. i give him a lot of respect for taking a moment, a breather and saying we're going to listen to the facts before we make big decisions. >> juan: jesse, the question that emerges is pete buttigieg comes off as a political novice, mayor of a small city, not been through it, this is a test for him. i don't know if he aced it last night, but the test goes on and it will be a drag going forward. >> jesse: i think he has momentum, kamala harris and joe biden thing overshadowed it.
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he's likeable. he has a crisp military dialect. he's likeable, he has a deep voice which calms you down and brings you in and he doesn't sound like a gimmicky politician. he had really smooth answers with medicare opposed to option for private healthcare, a great line about "i want to deliver an opportunity where if you are black or white driver, you are going to feel the same way when you get pulled over," and i think it rocked him, swallow doesn't know the politics of it, it kind of landed and mayor pete looked at him like he didn't have anything to say. >> juan: dana, do you think he managed it? >> dana: i think he was refreshing, not -- he didn't take all the blame on himself, he said he will wait, i didn't get the job done. he didn't try to spread it. that is authentisity we've been talking about. i agree with jesse, he's
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polished when he speaks, he demands respect from other people in the room. while others were tripping over themselves trying to interrupt, when he was called on or he went to speak, everyone else stopped talking and listened to him. he has something when it comes to leadership quality and ability to hold the room's attention. >> juan: greg, one last one, he doesn't have much support in black america and looks like he doesn't have much support in black south bend. so what does that mean going forward given this moment? >> greg: i don't know. i would believe that has almost nothing to do with this incident. because 95% of the population doesn't even know what we're talking about, when we're talking about what happened in south bend. when you are doing polling of blacks, which i haven't seen, has nothing to do with this incident. i still don't know much about it and most don't. i agree with you, though, he commands respect. it is hard to credit somebody
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for taking the only option, the only option he said, saying, oops. but it shows one thing about the biden thing, we said before, the racial smear is not a generational thing. okay. hitting biden now, hitting mayor pete. but now it is because every issue is infused with vitamin r, vitamin race. a lot is media generated, not all of it, a lot is because division sells. this is just reality. it will tear our country apart, maybe that is what the media wants. >> juan: we don't want that. coming up, the strangest moments from last night's debate to entertain you. stay with us on "the five." ♪
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last night. jesse and greg predicted eric swallow would pull a stunt and boy, did he deliver. >> i'm a congressman, but also a father of a two year old and infant. when i'm not changing diapers, i'm changing washington. most of the time the diapers smell better. >> wonder how many times he practiced that in the mirror. >> dana: marianne williamson gave us insight into unique strategies. >> first call to prime minister of new zealand, her goal to make new zealand where it is best place in the world for a child to grow up. girlfriend, you are so wrong, the united states of america is going to be the best place in the world for a child to grow up. mr. president, if you are listening, i want you to hear me, please, you have political purposes and only love can cast that out, so i, sir, i have a feeling you know what you are doing, i'm going to harness love for political purposes. i will meet you on that field
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and sir, love will win. >> dana: the field of love. [laughter] >> dana: and gillibrand and -- get shut down after constantly interrupting each other. >> senator -- >> senator -- >> we are going to talk about healthcare at length, for the most, my colleague -- >> i wrote the part in senator's sanders' bill, i wrote the part in the bill. >> part of the generation -- >> part of joe's generation, let me respond -- >> before we move on. before we move on from -- >> please, please. >> i will let you -- >> guys, you know what, america does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we are going to put food on the table. >> senator gillibrand. >> food on your table and a field of love, greg. >> greg: marianne williamson had something that makes you want to
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curl up and listen to her. when she's talking, it is like made for t.v. hallmark movie, two people running for president and she says, i'm going to beat you in the field of love. you better -- they end up falling in love and end up becoming co-presidents. she's like straight out of "falcon crest," mid-'80s, like older charlie's angel. she walked right into my heart and stole it. >> dana: return to love. >> i'm developing feelings for williamson also, something enchanting, the way she talks and her elcution draws you in. i want to get to know her, i want to go out for drinks, maybe two or three. >> please come up, love to have you. predict corn dog, all he's got. gillibrand, i like williamson, beginning to loathe gillibrand.
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interruption and whining when she has nothing to say is driving me crazy and i need to calm down. >> all the jokes, corny jokes are trying to send a message, trying to break through, be authentic, cool guy, can say things that are not so political. >> eric swalwell, i have to feel like the governor higenlooper was out of place, vidone things. and michael bennett, senator from colorado had decent debate. bernie sanders, after pulling the party so far to the left, now it feels like to david brooks that they are unelectable is fading completely from the conversation. >> ironic. >> nobody wanted to take him on, nobody bothered to take him on. interesting. juan, >> i thought elizabeth warren leap frogged him before. >> she's been leap frogging him, i think these two nights seal
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that. it is her moment, she's got that lean in terms of left-wing democratic party politics. she's rising and he's fading, we'll see what happens. i will say, i think the field is too big. you get people who shouldn't be on the stage. >> like who? >> don't say marianne williamson. what i will use as evidence, here is my evidence, the fact that greg and jesse love her. they are crazy about her. you guys see her, by the way, usa won today in soccer. using her as ball to kick around and make fun of democrats. >> no. >> there it is. >> let me just say -- >> jesse and greg, open-mindd and open-hearted. >> i like her. >> any time they can mock a democrat. >> i'm not mocking her, i'm interested in her. >> more concern that they are sincere. >> you don't like love? >> the fact -- i advise -- >> you got mocked to the
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president of the united states. >> when you look at someone like -- he looked fit. the guy on wizard of oz. >> tin can man. >> he was stuck there. >> why are you mocking him, juan? you are mocking him, you called him a robot. >> juan: i don't know, i think yang and bernie are in a way reverse stories here. i thought yang was going to pop, i'm amazed what happened to bernie. >> dana: all right, well, don't go anywhere. fan mail friday is up next. hawaii?! nice! yeah i'm excited. finally earned enough rewards points. so jealous. yeah i can't wait to get that shave-ice! what's shave-ice? it's like a hawaiian snow-cone. why not just say snow-cone? i don't know, they call it shave-ice. you fly to hawaii for this? i don't go there for the ice. you saved up your rewards points for ice? ...that's a lot of ice. go rewards® credit card
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>> fan mail friday. from tracy, what was your worst job interview? jesse? >> jesse: my worst job interview was i interviewed with anderson cooper, actually. >> pretty good. >> jesse: i didn't know he was on the show "the mole," i was like, oh, that was you? >> nice. that is bad, you insulted him. >> jesse: yeah, insulted him. >> katie.
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>> katie: i don't know i had a bad interview, i nailed my first interview. i've never had a bad interview. >> dana: no, never had a bad interview. >> juan? >> juan: where do i start? >> the worst one, i interviewed for a job at men's fitness, trying to tape me for men's health. i show up and in the office is editor of "shape," and she's sitting there like this. apparently she had seen me at a party, partying, as you do when you are like 31 or whatever in new york city. she proceeded to grill me on my professional behavior because she saw me out partying. they offered me the job and i told them to screw it. >> the interview, if you are offered the job -- >> greg: yeah, true. >> by the way, let's party tonight, greg. >> greg: i'm the only one, then? >> juan: most often, in my
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experience, guto job interviews, they've made a decision. they just want to make sure you are not a loan, right? >> greg: exactly. don't steal stuff off the desk. >> fun question for -- from danny. what is the name of the movie you saw with your first date? >> i don't know. >> no idea. >> i remember mine. >> i literally have no idea. >> there was a theater. >> you remember there was a theater. >> i never went on a date to a movie, we went in a group. >> group dates, interesting. >> were you in a cult? >> no. >> do you remember? >> i didn't watch much of the movie. >> oh, no. >> oh! >> terrible. hickenlooper. remember he took his talk about deep throat. >> it is true. that is true. >> katie, sorry to bring that up. >> i can't remember my first date at the movie, i remember going on a date in high school
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and seeing "october sky." >> tom cruise? >> no, jake gyllenhal. >> you didn't see much of the the movie either. >> in the movie. >> do you remember the move sne >> no, i remember lots of ice cream. >> that is where it started. >> mine was "six weeks," but that dudley moore movie was terrible. >> in black and white? [laughter] >> no, it was silent. anyway -- oh, what would your high school guidance counselor or principal have said would become or what -- what would your high school guidance counselor or principal say you would become or aspire to? that is from robert. >> cable news did not exist at the time. i think that was out the window. i don't know, i wanted to do what i'm doing now. >> nobody is answering the question.
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jesse what did your guidance counselor think you were going to be? >> probably -- i used to be pretty good back in the day. >> at what? >> slinging bull. >> you are doubting him? >> did you say -- [laughter] >> a lot of high school questions, that is where it ends up. >> what? >> okay. even you know that. >> if you miss this show, you are missing a lot. as i recall, people thought i should be a newspaper write ohr politician. >> a politician, wow. >> what about you? >> a lawyer or a debate person probably. >> i didn't have a guidance counselor. are these some kind of mythical beast? i never had someone sit down and go, let's talk about your future unless something weird was going on. >> and you turned out all right. >> this got weird.
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the most common side effect is nausea. talk to your doctor about chantix. >> time though for one more thing. in the and i were cheese in ed henry about his meal plan. wait, is that ad? it over here! can locate jen, maybe it doesn't look so good but we want to givd chance. >> i lost some weight, and this is peak data dad bod. this is beef, i was inspired by kamala harris as well because i think this can be a food fight sometimes. we need to be --
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>> how much are they paying you for this? >> you need to go to cannonball kitchen, go to "watters' world," don't need to even try it. we will break down the democratic debate debacle. >> that was such a shameless food ad! my god expect well, i will plug my sho. there will not be any food ads on the show. i've got the great actor dan roebuck, the comedian david angela. you've got kat timpf and tyler is rounding out a great cast of characters. we'll be doing all the story debates and no food ads! >> all right. to celebrate "sesame street's" 50th anniversaries, one of the stars singing a baseball classic
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at wrigley field. >> ♪ for it's one ♪ two ♪ three strikes you are out ♪ at the at the old ball game ♪ >> it's my "sesame street" workshop was in chicago, part of a ten city tour visiting with children. cookie monster revealed he loves baseball but he does a dirty player, this guy is named oscar the grout. >> there is a heat wave. 114 degrees in france. what's the best way to beat the heat if you're at the zoo, our own version of sorbet, big blocks of frozen water filled with different fruits and vegetable and even some fish in there if you like fish. ed henry might have that at the
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kettlebell kitchen. >> who owns kettlebell kitchen? >> you've got to stay cool out there. >> i had to stick my animal video so you could plug some meat from some kitchen! >> we went long in your blog. that's why. quick promo,, you can get your fox gear on the fourth of july. shop use the code "fox fourth." >> quickly, this woman mar-a-lago florida residents spotted her mama bird giving her a check and not healthy snack which is a cigarette butt. people, please do not throw your cigarette butts in the beach. throw them away -- >> what a great public service announcements. >> the little chicks, they just
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like the drool. >> mama bird should feed their birds kettlebell kitchen. >> you will get this on the got fouled show. >> we do not sell stole! >> have a great weekend, everybody. >> bret: president trump prepares for a crucial meeting with china's leader with trade after telling russia's vladimir putin not to meddle in the u.s. election in a unique way. senator kamala harris hits a home run of the debate stage. in a postdebate money hall, joe biden and his team do some damage control. look at reaction to the democratic presidents will debates. the u.s. senate tries to force president trump to get permission before any military move against iran. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i am bret baier. president trump four and a half hours away from what could be


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