tv Hannity FOX News July 1, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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that is it for us tonight. we will be back tomorrow night 8:00 p.m., the show that it is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. good night from korea, sean hannity is next. jason chaffetz is in for sean tonight. why from new york city. hey, jason. >> jason: hey, tucker, thank you for the report. welcome to "hannity," i am jason chaffetz in tonight for sean, and inspector general michael horwitz is nearing the end of his investigation into fisa abuse. in just a few short weeks, the truth will be revealed in deep state corruption will beor exposed. congressman john ratcliffe was recently briefed by horowitz on the investigation and coming up, the congressman will be here to give us a preview on the upcoming events. keep in mind, there are multiple ongoing probes into rampant corruption, misconduct, leaking, political bias, all while james comey was heading up the fbi. yet in a recent cnn town hall,
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james comey said he was proud of the way that the department conducted business. watch this. >> i cannot believe that republicans would've wanted it any other way, and we acted in a limited and restrained way. >> are you confident that you did everything by the book? and that the fbi, every one around you, did everything byev the book? >> yes. no doubt in my mind, but i am not against review of it. that is totallyit fine. >> do you think that the inspector general will findha anything inappropriate? >> i don't think so, but if they do, they do, and they should be transparent about it. >> jason: oh, and i think that they will be. so should james comey be proud of his conduct? joining us with more on the progress, texas congressman john ratcliffe, and former fox news contributor trey gowdy, gentelemen, thank you for joining us. i served with both of you in the congress. congressman ratcliffe, you are a former u.s. attorney, trey gowdy and i served with you. we both abandon you and left you
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there to your lonesome on the judiciary committee. but my understanding is that you have had a discussion with the inspector general just a few days ago, tell us what happened and what transpired. >> jason, trey, good to see both of you. i did have the opportunity to meet with inspector general horowitz last week, we talked about his report, the timing, not the content. and he related that his team's investigative work is complete. they are in the process of drafting the report. i would expect that it will be a draft completed in short order. i will tell you that i don't expect that any w of us are goig to see it any time real soon. he did relate that as much as 20% of his report is probably going to include classified information, so that draft report will have to undergo a classification review at the fbi and the department of justice. so while i am hopeful that we might see it before members of congress recess for the august recess, i'm not too certain about that. >> jason: this is always the frustrating thing that hasas
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happened multiple times where we had reports when i was the chairman, when trey gowdy was the chairman, the department of justice would review things for weeks on end, if not months, but it is encouraging to know that the inspector general is going to be right there around the corner. congressman gowdy, i have to tell you, you have a very definitive james comey, who thinks that he did everything by the book and that he did t everything that he was supposed to, but you and congressman ratcliffe are the two people that i know of that have actually reviewed the fisa unredacted, the fisa report, is director comey right? did you do everything the way that he was supposed to? >> jason, i just want to make sure that we have the right james comey. is that the comey that wrote that he did not leak in a memo that he later leaked? is that the james comey that said he did not do weasel things when he was memorializing what he said was a private conversation? is that the same james comey that said that the fbi did notwa give a hoot about politics while
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two of his senior aides discussed two political candidates that a they were supposed to be sinvestigating? the same james comey, the one that you just played? is this the same one? >> jason: yes, j yes. >> it is the same one that took advantage of the trump administration by sending fbi agents to interview michael flynn while hillary clinton had a small law firm when she was interviewed. i just wanted to make sure that was the same james comey. y i don't know what horowitz will find, i have a lot of confidence in him, he is a straight arrow, he is just looking at the fisa abuse. u.s. attorney johnki durham is looking into what happened in the late winter and spring of 2016. so your viewers have to have a lot of demarcation. just remember, peter strzok, if that name sounds familiar, in late july 2016, initiates a counterintelligence investigation into the trump campaign. that is july of 2016. horowitz is looking at the fisa process after that. durham is looking at the
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origins of the russia investigation prior to that, and i am hopeful that those two investigations together would shed a lot of light. can happen, because it has been so america can know what happened, because it has been a divisive two years. >> jason: congressman ratcliffe, you have been a u.s. attorney, you and trey gowdy have reviewed the fisa reports, it says "verified" at the top. and i guess to me if you want to debate what "verified" means, but you have looked at the unredacted reports. comey has said he has done everything right, and you said it was not done wrong, but that it was done deceptively, poorly, and maybe exculpatory information was left out. it is horowitz going to be the definitive word? what is his role in this process? >> i think that he will be one of the more important voices. a lot of folks are looking forwardor to bob mueller's testimony on july 17, coming up. but bob mueller will talk about collusion that did not exist.
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about obstruction that the attorney general found did not exist. you can ask bob mueller ten times in ten different languages, and i don't think there will be any new facts or new conclusions. but michael horowitz and his findings and john durham and hit findings, those will be significant. those relate to not trump h misconduct, but to potential obama misconduct. look, jim comey says they did everything right, even though as trey pointed out, you have a lead investigator who promised to stop trump. wanted to prevent him from becoming president. he had a deputy director who lied under oath on multiple occasions and was criminally referred. as trey pointed out, director comey himself leaked private conversations with the president. he has a different definition of the word "proud," when he saysnt he is proud of all of that work. we will find out.
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michael horowitz, i do think that his findings will be significant, jason, because it presents a real potential problem for the democrats. right now we already know, bob mueller has told us that a democratic administration started an investigation into a conspiracy with russia that did not exist. that is bad enough. it would be a whole lot worse if it turns out that that same democratic administration continued that investigation by breaking rules of the fisa court. if that happens, you can pretty much put a pin in any impeachment balloon, because it would be hard for the democrats to say, well, we started an investigation that we should not have. we continued it by breaking the rules, but we want to impeach a president for trying to obstruct that investigation that never should have started. >> jason: congressman gowdy, let's go back to director mueller, who is coming to testify. you are no longer on the committees that would best questioning him. what are the democrats up to? why would they do this? if you were on the republican side of the aisle, what kind of questions are you going to ask
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mueller? >> well, first, the easy part, while the democrats doing it? they are never held accountable by the d.c. media. they brought michael cohen and john dean as either fact witnesses or experts, you would've been excoriated as a chairman if you had brought two witnesses like that, but they have a safety they are never criticized. b you are calling someone who does not want to come, who is not going to deviate from the four f corners of his report -- some of us did not even think that the report should be public. we sure as hell do not think he ought to be testifying. but they get a passport what should republicans do? they should prepare. you have the best lawyer at your guest tonight. i'm not worried about john ratcliffe, he's fantastic. but they need to think of the trenches or buckets, what did he find? no criminal collusion. what did you not find? an indictable obstruction of justice defense. what did he not bother to look for? johnny mentioned collusion
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between the trump campaign and we do know one campaign was getting dirt from russia, did mueller bother to find out whether the russian government was feeding that dirt through christopher steele to fusion gps? did he even ask? and the legal issue that is really important, and johnny just touched on it, if you can resist an unlawful arrest, can you really obstruct an unpredicated investigation? which it is important where mueller began, and i don't think he began by figuring out the origins of the russia probe as it relates to trump. but we will find out. prepare, set low expectations, it is 5 minutes. it is impossible to unlock thect mysteries of the world in 5 minutes. i wish that they were not having the hearing. i'm really glad that we got a good lawyer like johnny radcliffe on judiciary. >> jason: a lot of us wish you
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just pour all of the questions into that bucket, but gentlemen, it was a pleasurere and an honor to serve with all of you. i think you for your service. in congressman ratcliffe, we wish you the best, godspeed in the upcoming hearings. again, thank you, gentlemen. tonight we are just 17 days away from one of the most anticipated public testimonies this year. bob mueller is set to face questions from members of the house intelligence and judiciary committees on wednesday, july 17th. and while democrats will be happy to keep the pnony russian happy to keep the phony russian collusion narrative alive for a few more weeks, republicans are planning to demand answers surrounding the political bias inside mueller's witch hunt. in 2017, despite conducting an extremely sensitive, high-profile investigation into the trump campaign, mueller filled his staff with big time democratic donors, hillary clinton's former lawyer, and two of the biggest trump hatersti in the fbi, peter strzok and lisa page. how could anyone in the right mind think that is appropriate? joining us now with analysis is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, ohio congressmann mike turner, and florida
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congressman matt gaetz. both congressmen will get to question him later this month, because turner being on the intelligence committee, and congressman gaetz on the judiciary committee. so thank you for being here, iud want to start this up by going to gregg jarrett, you have done as good of a job as anybody i've seen documenting and laying out to the conflicts of interest that lots of us from day one were concerned about with director mueller. run through these conflicts in the team that he assembled. >> the most egregious conflict of interest is that mueller was meeting with president trump the day before he took the job as special counsel.l. they were in the oval office. i talked to the president about it when i was in the oval office last week. and so i would ask this question, isn't it true, mr. mueller, the president explained his reasons for firing james comey that day. and the answer i know is "yes," which means that mueller was a
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witness in his own prosecution case. you cannot be a prosecutor and a witness at the same time. it's against the rules. it's also against ethics. >> jason: it never slowed him down before, did not slow him down on the hillary clinton investigation. >> the other major conflict of interest is the key witness in any obstruction case is james comey.y and james comey and robert mueller, long time friends, colleagues, and allies, mueller was comey's mentor. how is that fair to the president, because mueller has to decide if he believes that comey or the guy who fired my friend, comey? that is a major conflict of interest, he should have disqualified himself. >> jason: congressman gaetz, i want to go to you, you're on the judiciary committee, what kind of questions and what can youdi get out? mueller is a reluctant witness. he does not want to come. he was issued a subpoena. he says that he is going to confine his report to what was issued in his report. so what do you think you can
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draw out from him? >> when robert mueller leaves capitol hill, i think the american people will see that there was no collusion. and there was oceans of bias. i think bias will be the word of the day, from the assembly of the mueller team to hise and dealings with peter strzok and lisa page. let's remember that robert mueller had fired those people from his team. but when i question peter strzok about interactions when he wasas fired, i was shocked at the lack of curiosity of robert mueller, he never asked what peter strzok meant by the insurance he never delved into these secret meetings in andrew mccabe's office where a lot of the actors that you lay out in your book, "the deep state," were assembling and engaging in their discourse and planning. and you also don't see any questions from mueller to strzok, what peter strzok meant when he said there was no way that they would lead to donald trump be president. so if mueller did not have those questions for strzok, we will
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certainly have those questions for mueller. >> jason: you are exactly right, because at one point presented information by the inspector general mueller, where is the bias? he thought there was some line at some point, but all of the other examples are just as egregious if not even more egregious. now congressman turner, one of the big questions i think i hear a lot when i am out in the heartland talking to people is when did bob mueller know -- when did he actually find out and determine that there was no collusion? and why did he not inform at least the intelligence committee, if not the public? >> you know, jason, you are hot on the trail of this when you were chairman of the oversight committee. and it goes really to the beginning of this investigation. because all of those, brennan, comey, clapper, all testified, even at the inception of this, that they had no evidence of collusion. certainly are a committee, intelligence committee, prior to the mueller report reviewed the
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evidence and came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of collusion, and obviously it does not conclude that the president committed a crime. but i think that mueller weakens his credibility when you read the report. when he includes statements as "we do not exonerate the president." mueller only gets its authority from that delegated to him from the attorney general and the department of justice. and nobody in the department of justice has the ability to exonerate anyone. it is disingenuous. it just shows his bias, he wants to leave the impression that his report impugns a president even though he can find nothing that the president has done. >> jason: you bring up a good point. and gregg, i want to ask you, there are a lot of things that mueller did not look at. if you look at the instructions on what he was supposed to do, how did he exclude so many things? >> how is it possible that you can investigate russian interference in our election without examining the hillary clinton campaign and the dnc paying for russian
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disinformation to then peddle to the media and the fbi touson influence the campaign? yet there is no mention in there of christopher steele's dossier or hillary clinton or fusion gps. or glenn simpson or the actions of comey and clapper spreading and peddling the false information to influence the election. so this was an entire whitewash of what should have been investigated by robert mueller. >> jason: congressman gaetz, i was talking to trey gowdyle earlier before we were on the air, one of his observations was that the one person that they went out and got a fisa warrant against was carter page. and he is the one person that was not indicted at all. so how do you get into -- and it is hard with just 5 minutes to mueller and being able to look at what they did and did not do? >> it is important to remember that there was an fbi investigation of
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president trump's interactions or his campaign's alleged interactions with russia that predated mueller, and even in that investigation, peter strzok and lisa page text to one another that there is no there there. there is no evidence. and so it is entirely appropriate to open those doors by asking what evidence robert mueller and the special counsel reviewed that might've been tainted or miscast as a result of its development by people who had a known bias against president trump. i think looking at the work that mueller did in his report, we will have to look at what were the inputs and what were the potential pollutants to the inputs regarding political bias. frankly, and i think that a lot of this was miscast and developed by people in the obama white house like clapper, brennan, that's why the work of the inspector general as well as the work of attorney general barr are so important to make sure that we find out who was responsible for the terrible lie told to the american people for two years. so i will be spending my fourth of july weekend rereading
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the russia hoax so that i am ready to use my 5 minutes well. >> jason: very good. congressman turner, i do not expect you to lay out the questions that you will ask in advance, but you have a very important role. you have dedicated a big part of your career and time in d.c. on the national intelligence front and the military side. a little bit off-topic but very much related, there is an opportunity cost when the intel committee is so focused, as adam schiff does, on russia, russia, russia, but focusing on donald, donald, donald. explain to people the opportunity cost because you have limited time and resources there at the committee. what are the congress not doing that they should be doing in the meantime? >> exactly, adam schiff obviously will be in nirvana during all of this, because he has been pursuing it the entire time when he should be pursuing instead of donald trump and his
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obsession with donald trump, is china, iran, russia, north korea, real threats that we have to our country and how they are evolving and what is china doing in hacking, what are the threats to the infrastructure?he what is the intelligence committee doing with respect to what iran is doing with their weapons program? what are we seeing with russia and their attempts to undermine democracies in eastern europe?m? all of these are areas that our staff should be spending time on. adam schiff should be spending time on, and the committee should be spending time on. it makes us less safe. >> jason: it is absolutely a point that i hope everybody digests and understands that when adam schiff and the democrats do this, it really is a distraction. because what they are doing is they are trying to distract froi some other things that they should be working on. f so to gregg jarrett, congressman gaetz, congressman turner, thank you very much for your o expertise tonight. thank you for joining us. directly ahead, the 2020 democrats open borders agenda is on full display. ari fleischer, tammy bruce, and matt schlapp will be here to tell you what that means for the president trump reelection
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♪ >> the democrats want to treat the illegals with health care and other things better than they treat their citizens of our country. if you look at a coal miner that has black lung disease, you are talking about people they get treated better than the coalal miner, congress and the democrats have to step forward to provide solutions to put child smugglers out of business, you have child smugglers by the hundreds, and actually probably by the thousands. and they are becoming very rich because our laws are so bad. >> jason: while president trump urges democrats to work on real solutions to solve our border crisis, the radical 2020 candidates continue
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to push a dangerous open borders agenda that includes decriminalizing border crossing and even health care for illegas take a look. >> i know you reject the rhetoric about open borders, but isn't that effectively open borders, not limiting how -- immigration in any real way?rs >> there is no way that we can call that open borders, because we have 654 miles of fencing. we have thousands of personnel at the border. h we have planes, we have helicopters, boats, security cameras, guns. so open borders is just a right wing talking point. it always has been. >> one question to many of your colleagues and competitors was whether their health care plan would cover undocumented immigrants. would your plan do that? >> as part of comprehensive immigration reform, we must move forward on making sure that people have health care. >> sorw that was a "yes." that it would cover that? >> that was a "yes" for immediate health care needs, as far as other benefits, that has to be a part of the discussion
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of comprehensive immigration reform. >> jason: robert beto o'rourke took it a step further, claiming that americans have no choice but to come here because of climate change. have a look. >> compounded by drought, that was caused not by god, not by mother nature, but by us. man-made climate change. our emissions, our excesses, our negation of the facts in the science, when it is that deadly and you are unable to grow your own food to feed yourself, youwn have no choice but come here. >> jason: joining me now for reaction, the fox news contributors tammy bruce and ari fleischer, along with american conservative union chairman matt schlapp. thank you all for joining us here tonight. ari, i want to start with you, because the projection that the democrats are putting out, they are now granted going after democratic voters right now. the message that they are
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sending out to america about what is really important, how do you see that? >> they are planting the seeds of just rushing for the party and the general election. but somebody said this morning, i wish i could remember who it was to credit them, that if you cheat trying to get into college, you go to jail. but if you cheat trying to get into america, you get free college. this is where we are going as a country, we are doing fundamentally -- the democrats are -- espousing fundamentally wrong things, because that thing that matters to them most is the appeal of ethnic politics. the appeal of racial politics.te it is identity, it is racial identity that divides instead of unites, and therefore they parcel it out. it is the wrong thing for them in the general. >> jason: tammy, you've been watching this for a long time, what is your read? >> certainly it is not going to play well. we are dealing with the primary, but this is going not just to every american, but also around the world. they are proposing something that on its face would collapse the system, and the individuals coming here now are looking for,
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where they are coming from, generally systems are not delivering. what they are proposing is to have these individuals come to another system that won't deliver. not just for the individuals who are trying to migrate here, but for americans in general. medicaid and medi-cal in california, you can't get an appointment now. what happens if a million more people are trying to get the same block of appointments? there are no additional doctors coming up to add in and make up for the difference. we are effectively abandoning those people, the democrats are appealing to the individuals, asking them, saying, come here, especially if they are ill, and then they are going to get here and the system itself that they are going to rely on won't bemn able to handle them. so if when the democrats talk about, as beto o'rourke did on his little venture across theab border, that it should awake the consciousness of the american people, that we have to become better, while he has been recommending that people come here and destroy the system effectively with his own
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policies, abandoning everyone in the process. >> jason: matt, one of my favorite people on the planet is rob o'neill from seal team six, and he sent out a tweet, i'm just giving a synopsis, but he said, i think you misspelled homeless veterans. there is no talk from them about veterans and our military and americans who are doing it right, they are doing everything they can, the democrats, to put out a projection that we are going to fight for you that are here illegally. how do you see it? >> the first step is when aoc goes to the border and screams at and has a tirade to law enforcement officials who are trying to bring some modicum of order to the border, shows you what they really think about law enforcement. nobody in the democratic partyty has criticized aoc for the way that she treated federal employees who are law enforcement officials. that is the first point. the second point that rob makes,
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jason, that you are underscoring is that americans are hurting. millions of americans lost their plan and lost their doctors because of obamacare. obamacare insurance premiums arf too expensive for many middle-class americans. so they can't afford to buy insurance. how does a guy or a woman in their late 50s, early 60s, getting ready to retire, they have middle-class wages, they may have to figure out to m medicare for all, which they thought meant all americans, which was bad enough people for who are able-bodied, now it is for anyone. literally anyone who can get here from central america, from mexico, from south america, you get their medicare benefits. this is insanity. i agree with ari, sowing the seeds of their own demise in the general election. >> jason: one of the tragic things that happened during the obama administration was that there were 80,000 times that somebody was here illegally, got caught committing a crime,
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convicted of the crime, and did not deport them. they stayed in the united states, many went on to commit more crimes. how in the world can the democrats with a straight face say that they care aboutig law enforcement and law and order going into 2020? >> the democrats have given up something that is part and>> parcel of what makes us a great country. that is the moral distinction of being able to say we welcome legal immigrants, we do notg welcome illegal. to the democrats, it's one in the same, there is no behavior when it comes to immigration that makes you legal or illegal, it is all one, all should be welcome. i want immigrants to come to this country. m we are the greatest country on earth. they make us better, a richer country, my mother is an immigrant, but you have to come here you cannot come here illegally. >> jason: want to get to tammy and matt. >> just a reminder that aoc and others talk about getting rid of i.c.e. and cutting money for i.c.e. internal enforcement, it is the hispanic community that is affected first. these criminals live in these
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communities. it is both illegal and legal, the hispanic community said they are condemning to live with ms-13, other individuals who are convicted of crimes, never deported. that's where they are living. i'm not sure how they can say that they speak and represent hispanics and the best life for hispanics when their main focus will maintain criminality and terror, gang terror in those very communities.. >> jason: it does seem like president trump's rising in terms of popularity in the hispanic community. >> yeah, because basically americans are very practical people. when they see their incomes going up, when they see their economic opportunity increasing, and they see this really scary radicalized democratic party, which poll after poll shows 50% of democrats are embracing the term socialism. as tammy said, a lot of these hispanic-americans left socialism. they left communism. they left dictatorships. he did not work out.
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they know socialism failed each and every time. and it will fail in america, that's why we have to prevent it from ever getting implemented. >> jason: thank you all of you, ari, tammy, matt. when we come back, president trump is trying to avert nuclear war, and the media is mad about it. we will explain when dan hoffman and charlie hurt when we come back. ♪ and charlie hurt when we come back. ♪
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of all the moments you share with your best friend, the greatest could be the moment you save her life. every second counts in cardiac arrest. learn hands-only cpr and be the difference for someone you love. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to "hannity." on sunday president trump made history when he became the first sitting u.s. president to step across the demilitarized zone in north korea where he shook hands with dictator kim jong un. trump and kim met behind closed doors for about an hour. president trump said that the
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two leaders had agreed to revive talks on north korea's nuclear program. many in the mainstream media were not happy with president trump's diplomacy, take a look. >> it makes me want to puke. just my visceral reaction as an american who cares about democracy and human rights, the fact that donald trump is going out of his way to kiss up, just to this monster -- >> he said something else that i could not let go by. "it is an honor to be here with you." it is not an honor to be there with a brutal, murderous dictator. >> the president meeting with the leader of korea was regarded a plum prize that no administration had granted, the president gave that away. him visiting north korea was regarded as a great prize, that was given away for pretty much nothing. >> this is the dramatic headline, the dramatic photo that president trump wanted. he's a great showman. he pulled it off today. there is no question about that. >> it is hard to anticipate anything more than this being a photo op that leads to more talk that may not lead to anything.
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>> jason: earlier today president trump tweeted that he had a "great meeting with chairman kim and that he looked forward to meeting with him again soon."it expressing confidence that they could reach a deal. joining us now with reaction, fox news contributor and former cia station chief dan hoffman, and opinion editor charlie hurt. charlie just got back to theio united states after interviewing secretary pompeo in korea following the historic trump-kim meeting. and i want to start with you, charlie, did the president do k the right thing? or not do the right thing? you were there to talk to the secretary of state. and the media here is flipping out. >> i can tell you one thing, when you talk to people in south korea and japan today, they will tell you that they feel a different vibe in their country today than they did, say, a year or two years ago before donald trump became president when they had
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missiles streaming overhead on a routine basis. missile tests, military tests going on all the time. all that stuff has stopped. and the media does not remind people that there has been some concrete things that we have gotten out of this already. but the larger thing here is, and it is so hard to take t any of these people in the press seriously.d they are just not serious, ridiculous people. and the president will be the first to tell you that he has ns idea if this will ultimately work. the bottom line remains, we could be looking back at this ten years down the line, and this is that moment where ronald reagan said to gorbachev, "mr. gorbachev, tear down that wall." this could be that moment where our president reaches out and finds some common ground with the despot that runs north korea north korea and convinces them to if that happens, that will be an enormous, enormous victory for
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not only donald trump, but for america, for south korea, for north koreans, and for all of humanity. >> jason: dan, you were a cia station chief, taught to think differently and analyze things differently. donald trump is approaching this in an unconventional way, what the media elites would not have him do. but from your perspective, your vantage point, what is important to kim jong un? i have to tell you, you cannot just look at it through the lens that you would do on your couch, say, in florida. this dictator is a brutal guy. what is important to him? >> first, it is important to see the world through kim jong un's twisted eyes. during the second world war, prime minister churchill used to say if he could have dinner with stalin once a week, he could solve any problem. there is no question that kim jong un's minions would neverth even take the most innocuous step, let alone begin to have negotiations to denuclearize the
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korean peninsula without approval from the supreme leader. the president used a little bit of the political capital that he has painstakingly tried to get the key deliverable to jump-start to those negotiations. it may strain credulity for some that kim jong un is willing to barter away his icbm and nuclear capability for food, energy, and integration in the world economy, but one thing i learned from many years at the cia isea that there is nothing certain in intelligence or foreign policy. the president has framed the debate. the onus is on kim jong un to walk through the doors, as john bolton likes to say, and start negotiations. if kim jong un does not do that, he will face more sanctions. and we will have the backing from others in the security council at the u.n. to do so. >> jason: dan, i have just seconds left, and i want to get both of you in. but dan, can anything happen without china? >> we need china, we need russia to help us enforce the sanctions. kim jong un is exporting coal and cheap labor and a lot of
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arms. so that is why again, this visit shows that we are as serious as we can be about negotiations. that strengthens the hand. >> jason: china will have to be a part of this and russia as well. real quickly, charlie, the oneth thing you learned from secretary pompeo. >> it was so interesting to heat him talk about the way that donald trump approaches this ine an unconventional way, as dan pointed out. this is a president who is willing to spend political capital in order to achieve a huge victory. and you do not see that in most politicians. most politicians, the onlyto political capital they spend is to get themselves reelected. this is a guy who is willing to spend it to accomplish big things. >> jason: if you want different results, you have to do things differently. that's why the president is>> successful. dan, charlie, thank you. we appreciate you joining us. chaos in the streets of portland, oregon, with antifa attacking yet again another conservative! trace gallagher will be here with the report. and tomi lahren and pam bondi will be here to discuss the
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♪ >> jason: welcome back to "hannity," journalist andy ngo was brutally assaulted by the far-left antifa this weekend. for attempting to videotape the group while they were out at a rally. fox news correspondent trace gallagher joins us live from the west coast newsroom with the latest. trace. >> jason, these were dueling protests of very different sides as hundreds of liberal protesters but only a few dozen conservatives. when conservative journalist andy ngo went to the liberal demonstration, he was attacked by a group of masked individuals who kicked him, punched him, and peppered him with milk shakes that police say contain quick drying cement.
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police officers where there in force, but during the attack on andy ngo, they failed to intervene. ngo himself says that his report to police went unanswered. portland mayor ted wheeler has said that he does not police various protests on the basis of political content, and there is no evidence that he ordered police to stand back and allow people to be attacked. but remember last year the mayor was accused by immigration and customs enforcement or i.c.e. of allowing protesters and the left-wing radical group antifa to harass i.c.e. employees. and now u.s. ambassador to germany ric grenell, who is a friend of andy ngo's, once the department of justice to investigate, and texas senator ted cruz called it a sickening criminal assault. jason? >> jason: trace, thank you very much. what you just heard in the report is only the latest political violence by far left radical elements, not just in portland, but other places as
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well. as police and the mayor allow antifa to overtake the city with impunity. this video was captured in october when they took over a portland street and berated passerbys and blocking streets, streets, vandalizing cars and screaming at motorists. joining me now to discuss this and the alarming trend of conservatives facing harassment and threats of violence from the far left forces, former florida attorney general pam bondi, and author of the new book "never play dead." it's now out. i have a copy of it right here, it's a great book. tomi lahren, a host at fox nation. and i will go first to you, your timing of this book is classic, but you have dealt with this pretty much your whole life as a conservative. >> i have not had milk shakes thrown at me, but water thrown at me. i don't like to paint myself
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in this victimhood narrative. but young conservatives are seeing this, and they are thinking, i don't want to speak out. i don't want to be conservative or proud of who i voted for, because i will be physically attacked. and the left does not care. they think it is their moral right to attack conservatives. that's what maxine waters wanted. she told us that last year. >> jason: pam bondi, as the attorney general of florida, you had your own experience of this, having to deal with the abuse that you took along the way. how should conservatives approach this? >> conservatives should approach it the way that eric trump approached it, a woman spit in his face, and eric said, i wish you well, and you know how hard it is to do that? because somebody spit on me. it was horrible. i was at the movies with my boyfriend and it was a horrible, horrible situation. but you know what, i walked out the door that i came in and i would not leave, i would not be bullied. and that's what we have to continue to do. here in oregon, what is happening, that is a crime. what happened to eric is a crime. those people, first of all, those police officers were not
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doing their job at all. it is their job to protect people. we all believe in peaceful protest. of course we do, all of us. but the second to that baseball bat was pulled out, the second one person was touched, those police officers had a legal duty and obligation to move in and stop it. i don't care if it is a republican, democrat, anyone. they had a duty to do it. we had the republican national convention in my hometown of tampa in 2011, and let me tell you, we had a democrat police chief, we had a democrat mayor, and that thing went off flawlessly. i was attorney general, they worked with us. we all work together as a team. there was a show of police force, there were protesters and zero violence. because politics were taken out of it. >> jason: when you have a strong police force out there, guess what, the other side knows that, they are not going to get as violent. but in portland, it is off the rails when they have to deal with something. >> it is horrible. >> jason: it is. tomi, you communicate with
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millions. a lot of young people. people that don't want to necessarily step forward, because they want to avoid all of this. they don't want confrontation. what is your message? >> first of all i agree with pam that we need to make sure our law enforcement and the mayor and elected officials are keeping people safe. i'm not quick to blame law enforcement, a lot of this is on the mayor, i would hope that he did not tell them not to stand down, that would not be the first time that that has happened. when i tell young people stand your ground, be proud of your beliefs. don't be afraid to express yourself, when you are in a situation like this, you have to be careful. because your safety is first and foremost. don't stop being vocal or proud of what you believe in, but don't put yourself in a situation where you're going to be physically attacked and assaulted. >> jason: attorney general, what would you say to people of all ages who are finding themselves in these difficult situations? >> and tomi just gave them great advice, you have the right
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to be there. you have the right to protest, both sides do. but the second that it gets violent, you need to get out of there, or you just need to yell for the police to come help you. and here, sadly, they did not do their job. and when antifa was going to protest, this was not an impromptu protest, by the way. as law enforcement officers, you know it is coming. we all have intelligence. you know it is coming. >> jason: i hate to cut you off, i want to thank you. but i also have to give a shout out to tomi who just got engaged. congratulations. we will be back with some final thoughts and special announcement from yours truly. ♪
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just as bad. this time he's speaking out about nike's release of a patriot tick air max 1 sneaker. according to the "wall street journal," nike is pulling the shoes from the stores after kaepernick voiced concerns that the betsy ross flag is an offensive symbol of racism. betsy ross. seriously! he's an idiot. unfortunately that's all the time we have left. thanks for joining us. thanks to sean for allowing me to sit in and host. i have a new book that i spent the better part of a year writing. it's called "power grab." if you want to know what the democrats are doing, how they do it, stories you've never heard before, "power grab." order it now. it's available for presale. you'll get a discounted price. "power grab." have a look at it. you'll like it. thanks for allowing me to host.
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jesse waters is in the chair for laura. "the ingraham angle" is next. jesse? >> thanks, jason. poor betsy. i can't believe it. >> unbelievable. >> what a sweet woman. thanks very much. i'm jesse waters in for laura ingraham.. a new poll reveals how badly joe biden bombed the first democratic debate. so as a 2020 primary wide open. plus, aoc visits the border and lobs outrageous claims against the border patrol agents. one of those agents is here to respond. shocking video of antifa thugs attacking a journalists. where were the police? a growing number of women areg deciding not to have children because of climate change. we'll have a spirited debate coming up.
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