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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 4, 2019 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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but always discreet is less bulky. and it really protects. 'cause it turns liquid to gel. so i have nothing to hide. always discreet. ♪ >> arthel: a celebration for the national holiday, that president trump valves will be "like no other." underway along constitution avenue as washington salutes america with military displays, entertainment, and a massive fireworks. happy fourth of july, everybody! i'm arthel neville. >> leland: nice to be with you. we got the memo to wear red. there we go. i'm leland vittert. happy fourth of july to you and yours at home as we celebrate and enjoy the day prayed earlier on the national mall, marching bands, balloons, and drill teams. you can see there the armored personnel carriers that have
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begun to be opened up to the public, just ahead of the salute to america, which is the flyover and the aerial demonstrations that comes a little later today. >> arthel: we are going to go to ellison barber, she's live at the nationals all the details. hi, ellison. >> a, arthel. there's a lot of excitement here. also a lot of criticism. democrats and some other critics say that the president has turned an event, a day that is meant for all americans, into something partisan. more of a campaign political rally. there is a vip section down at the lincoln memorial. republican party donors reportedly received tickets to sit in that area. democrats are pointing to that as proof that president trump in their view is using the fourth of july on the salute to america event for partisan purposes. the white house says there is not "a political bone in the president's speech paid" some protesters are here today. we've seen some walk by carrying baby trump balloons, made famous in places like london and
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protests abroad. they say they are protesting the militarization of the fourth. here on the lower we are, people started waiting by the gates around 9:00 this morning. we spoke to some people who say they drove over 14 hours to be here for all of this. some say they are here for the fireworks, some say they came to support president trump. whether the error term support or not, most of the people we have spoken to today say they don't see anything that's happening here today as controversial. we spoke to one woman who said her husband was a military veteran. she was here with her two young children, she said they feel like they see the sort of thing that a lot of military events, military parades. so they were okay with it. they didn't go into their political leanings but they said they wanted to be here today because they moved to the area recently. they were excited about the fireworks. so far they liked what they were seeing. when it comes to the cost of all this, that's still a big question. we reach out to a number of federal agencies leaving and in charge of running and setting up most of us to ask exactly what the overall cost estimate is. so far those requests have gone
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unanswered. the white house, the department of interior, says that the fireworks were all donated and they are worth about $750,000. there are reports that national park service had to divert $2.5 million, money that is used to improve parks, in order to cover some of the costs associated with this event. arthel? >> arthel: ellison barber, think you very much. leland? >> leland: the heat index in washington, d.c., is 99 degrees. could get out of the afternoon. slightly cooler in iowa where several 2020 democrats are taking part in their own july 4th festivities, trying to see which caucus goers they can convince. many of the candidates, as we look at this wall of all of them, are slamming president trump's salute to america celebration. peter doocy live in des moines, iowa, with their complaints. hey, peter. >> leland, joe biden just said over in independence iowa that he's happy with the way he performed at the first primary
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debate in miami. he said, wilde's new thing for them to be challenged on his record with race relations, he doesn't plan on doing anything differently while prepping for e next debate. >> i'm the guy everybody's talking about. you know? if somehow -- anyway, i'm not going to go back and talk about the record of anyone from ten, 20, or 30 years ago. >> there is a lot of policy talk on this independence day because there are a lot of candidates marching in parades that are happening in early states. may pete buttigieg also here in iowa, and somebody asked him about the recent decision not to ask people filling out census paperwork, "are you a resident of the united states," which president trump apparently is trying to work around. >> this is a time when we should be as welcoming as possible. for so many people who lack a pathway to citizenship, we've got to fix that. the citizenship question is
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motivated by rachel don migration on partisan reasons. it has no business on something that supposed to be neutral, almost boring, like the senses. but it's import for the way resources are shared and the way democracy is enacted in our country. >> the parades these presidential hopefuls are marching in our very small to what we expect to see in washington, but bernie sanders, who is a big draw here in iowa, attracting crowds as big as anybody else, since the more intimate approach the day is important. >> i come come from one of thet rural places in america, and i know people appreciate seeing elected officials getting out into the communities, which are not often visited. >> there are at least six democrats hoping to be the party nominee here in iowa today. that is a sign that this state is as important as any on the early calendar. leland? >> leland: peter doocy there in iowa, we will try again on
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where kamala harris is after that first debate in a minute with the panel. thanks, peter. arthel? >> arthel: the other big news, michigan congressman justin amash announcing today that he is leaving the republican party, blaming the current state of partisanship in washington. amash is only republican on capitol hill to call for president trump's impeachment back in may, and the president not exactly sad to see him leave the g.o.p. let's bring in emily larson, the political reporter for the "washington examiner." let's get to with the presence of the moment. first of all, let's talk about the congressman leaving the republican party. he's from michigan. citing that the party politics is in a partisan death spiral. what's the impact of amash's departure? >> well, the first impact obviously is that if justin amash goes into an election where there is a republican candidate, democratic candidate, and him running as an independent, that has complications for whether or not he is going to be reelected.
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he does have the incumbent advantage, but the republican party will not spend resources on m, obviously. they will spend resources and money on electing a republican. so he's losing that. justin amash is already had very libertarian streak in him, when he sees the party going and getting weintraub, he has always put sort of his principles about politics. it's surprising but not that surprising to see him leave the g.o.p. >> arthel: of course, the president jumped in. he tweeted this morning at six: zero five. he says, "great news for the republican party as one of the dumbest and disloyal men in congress is quitting the party. no collusion, no obstruction, knew he could get the nomination to run again in the great state of michigan, already being challenged for his seat. a total loser." emily, do most of the g.o.p. agree with president trump of the party is better off without congressman amash? >> i think the president's tweet
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when he was talking about loyalty shows he doesn't really understand where justin amash was coming from, a somebody who puts his principles over party. trump is very into loyalty. so i guess other republicans are definitely -- they have looked to justin amash and think the parties better without them. one republican congressman did call on justin amash to leave the g.o.p., but there might be some who are sad to see him go. they need an independent voice in the party. >> arthel: loyal to the party, or loyal to the country? let's see what amash wrote in his op-ed piece in "the washington post." he said, "the republican party, i believe, stood for limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty. principles that it may be making dream possible for my family." listen, so, amash believes the g.o.p. should look closer into potential impeachable offenses that are outlined in the mueller
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report. do these alerts by a member of the tea party or house freedom caucus raise any concerns and cause more conservative members of the g.o.p. to take a second look? or does amash's own political pedigree raise suspicion? >> i think that amash has said that people privately told him and his party that they see where he's coming from, but there -- it's very a very tough situation to be in. it's essentially become clinical suicide to be a republican who is very outspoken against the president and criticizing the president. >> arthel: then what happens to democracy if that's the case? >> i think that something the republican party needs to figure out. if the people in the party think that these are legitimate concerns that need to be investigated, than they are going to have to reconcile where the party goes from here. is that the party of trump or the party that justin amash thought of? limited government and freedom? but there's always the argument
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that constitutional issues that the president -- defenders of the president think that he can't -- that he didn't obstruct justice, the views are mostly political attacks. there will always be people in the party that agree with that point of view, and the question is, where is the party going to go? >> arthel: all right, we will watch for that direction. let's talk about the parade. president trump's salute to america event, which the president said will be the show of a lifetime. now former vice president joe biden is saying that president trump's military parade "misses the whole point about why we are the country we are." he goes on to say that the u.s. should lead not by example of our power, but by the power of our example. meanwhile, emily, you got some military and pentagon officials concerned that this event will cast a traditionally nonpartisan military in a political light.
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what is your reporting on this? >> i think it will most likely depend on what trump says during his speech at the event today. and how he handles it. there are a lot of criticisms that i think he is getting about the cost of the event, spending so many resources on it, that republicans would just as quickly criticize a democratic president on. so this our concerns. >> arthel: i'm sorry, what was that point? that the republicans would criticize a democratic president? we are not talking about a democratic president right now. >> no, we are not, but i'm saying there are criticisms of president trump's handling of this event, diverting so many resources to it, that democrats are attacking him. i believe republicans would attack a democratic president o. when it comes to palooka implications of the event, i think that will depend on how trump handles it in his speech.
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for one thing, he's going to criticize no matter what he does. he is a very political person in a very political office. when you talk about the rest of the country and what they are seeing and how the term presidency impacts them, this is really just sort of a drop in the bucket compared to what every day people are being impacted by, which is health care, immigration, the economy, and jobs. while this is definitely going to be something that people attacked the president on, it's not going to be probably something that will determine the outcome of his presidency. >> arthel: so you are saying in middle america they have bigger fish to fry, and on this day more hamburgers to grow. so it's all good with impaired [laughter] you are looking good in red, emily larson. thank you. >> thank you. >> we've been talking about this for the better part of 18 months, and the fact of the matter is that we need to fix our own immigration laws. not to allow alien smuggling organizations to continue to exploit these legal loopholes on
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the backs of some of the most vulnerable populations in the world, particularly children. we have children who are being used as virtual passports. >> leland: president trump firing back at democrats over conditions at migrant detention centers on the southern border. the president is treating that migrants "have it better and safer in those facilities than the countries they fled, and if they don't the conditions, just tell them not to come." anita vogel following this from los angeles and are west coast newsroom. >> hi, leland through the battle over the border continues with democrats complaining the conditions are inhumane, and now the border patrol is also fighting back. in a video release yesterday, the chief patrol agent of the tucson sector gave a mini tour of the detention center showing people a plethora of supplies, toiletries, and food. and yes, water that is good enough to drink.
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>> ball of water. there is nothing with this water we are not forcing aliens to drink out of the toilet. >> this after some democrats complained migrants were being forced to drink out of a toilet inside these detention centers, and were calling for the facilities to be shut down. >> there is abuse in these facilities. there is abuse. this is them on their best behavior? and they put them in rooms with no running water? and these women were being told by cbp officers to drink out of the toilet. >> meanwhile, the court battle over the border has also a new development, with the ninth circuit federal court of appeals yesterday dealing a blow to president trump's border wall. the courts saying using military funds was a violation of the constitution, so now the president is increasingly turning to mexico to help curb the flow of people across the border. but it's debatable how much of
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that is making an impact. late yesterday, u.s. border patrol agents in arizona arrested a truck driver for human smuggling after they found 33 illegal aliens hidden in his trailer, including 12 juveniles from the age of the trend to 17, a pregnant female, and a convicted felon. as far as the link facilities go, they say they are bursting at the seams. acting dhs secretary kevin mcaleenan is scheduled to testify later this month before congress about the conditions in those facilities. leland, back to you. >> leland: more questions in terms of when all the money is going to get there, those billions that were just off the race. anita vogel in los angeles. i need that, thanks so much. arthel? >> arthel: leland, thank you. tensions with iran not letting up. next, the latest nuclear threat from the islamic republic. and president trump's tough-talking response. plus, the president insisting a supreme court ruling will not stop them getting a question
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♪ >> leland: welcome back. the iranian saying they're going to now increase uranium enrichment to "any amount we want." president trump responding on twitter, telling president rouhani of iran, "be careful what you wish for." with that, we bring in retired army colonel davis. nice to see you, sir. we appreciate it. happy fourth of july to you and yours. >> happy fourth to you, too.
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>> leland: think about this -- if you are iranians, know the enemy. the armenians are sitting here looking at the united states is not having done anything series in venezuela. we didn't do anything to them when they shut down our drone. any reason for the iranians to take this latest threat seriously? >> i'll tell you, what you see here, if you look a little bit below the surface, is a predictable and understandable result of too much maximum pressure. we keep talking about wanting to use maximum pressure to retain outcomes, but pressure is only useful insofar as they could the other side to do what you want them to do. if you push too far, these are the kind of things you want to where they shoot down a drone, take more provocative action. >> leland: so you're saying we should take our boot off the next neck? >> we should use a carefully targeted release of pressure to get outcomes want. if you keep the boot on the net, so to speak, it prompts them to take action that would inadvertently result in a war.
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that's not an interest. we need a calculated relief of pressure where that makes sense. >> leland: how do you relieve pressure on the iranians and not look like you're rewarding them for bad behavior? >> what we've done so far as we had an agreement to where they were severely limited on these nuclear issues. now that we've gotten out of it, they are saying as a result they are going to go into it. they don't want a nuclear bomb. they don't want to even go to it, especially not something open like this. they are going to use this to pressure us to go back to negotiating, which trump says he wants to do. that's what i think is the right answer. >> leland: i think the israeli intelligence apparatus may disagree whether they want a nuclear bomb or not. it seems like deja vu all over again. 2012, i spent a lot of time in the middle east talking about a potential strike on iran. are we headed back down that path, do you think? >> man, i hope not. that would absolutely be not in our interest. that would harm our interest. it would not help us. there are better ways to handle this. >> leland: this is interesting, from
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"the wall street journal" this morning. the headline from the article, "for u.s. military drones, airspace is growing more contested and dangerous." "until recently, american technology dominated the sties. we've taken their superiority for granted across the board," quoting one of the experts. "iran demonstrated the ability to reach out into international airspace in touch one of aircraft. russia and china have geometrically better abilities." something to be worried about? >> it is something to be worried about. we have taken this for granted. too many people think we can literally do anything we want to do, and we can take that shootdown of our drone as a warning that we are not unlimited and we have to be careful about what we do. we don't want to put up assets up there that can get shot down without any usefulness to it. we have to be careful, because the enemies are gaining in their capability. that's a fact. >> leland: there was one congressman who talked about how he would now perhaps be a little bit more nervous being in the
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air around the strait of hormuz. lieutenant colonel, we appreciate your time. happy july 4th to you and yours. thank you for spending it with us. >> is always my pleasure pray thinks driving me. >> leland: all the best. >> arthel: boeing setting up a massive fund to help families and communities affected by the deadly 8 crashes. a new tool for security tix to the sky as new york celebrates america's independence. things . that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection
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♪ >> leland: welcome back. live pictures here from washington, d.c. the heat index 100 degrees, the people are turning out hours ahead of time. five hours out of time, to be exact, for president trump's salute to america. that's 6:30 here. but the country's largest fireworks display, well, that's in the big apple. new york police and the fbi saying there is no credible threat as the city gets ready
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for tonight's spectacular fireworks display. jacqui heinrich live, midtown manhattan, without the nypd is now using drones to help keep everyone safe. hi, jacqui. >> hey, leland! they will be thousands of officers on duty today. law enforcement says there is no credible threat against this event. law enforcement taking no chances. they're pulling out all the stops them and they are using technology. about 3 million people are expected to gather across three of new york city's burros to watch the show, which is happening on the east river, with some fireworks being shot off the brooklyn bridge. it's the 45th year there for this display on. inspecting bags, packages, traffic on the water, as well. they're also going to be using personal radiation detection equipment and k-9 k-9 officers trying to find exposes. but this year they are using drones. nypd will be flying tethered drones 400 feet in the air commotion will let them monitor the crowns and feed back about two command centers. they will use sensors in certain
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areas that lets them monitor for others who should not be flying drones. in the event something happens it will let them find that drone operator and put a stop to it. this show presents some challenges for law enforcement. around new year's eve, police were able to locked on the area of times square, but this particular show straddles the river and involves two areas. the police and their federal partners have to be extra vigilant. they are talking about a thousand suspected homegrown terrorists within the united states, believed to be inspired by isis, al qaeda, or other terrorist organizations. but the joint terrorism task force since they are on top of this event and people should have absolutely no worries enjoying it. >> we work through joint terrorist attacks worse with the fbi and all the federal partners, so we are constantly investigating and running down leads, calls from the public. as well as investigations that have taken us from overseas back here to new york, and those are fully vetted, each and every day.
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>> the show begins around 9:20 p.m. eastern. it's a gorgeous day and it should be a gorgeous night. should be a good one. leland? >> leland: a little bit cooler here. the storms they expect down in d.c. jacqui, thank you so much. arthel? >> arthel: leland, the president pushing ahead with efforts to include a citizenship question on the next census, even though the government facing a deadline began printing census forms without it. this, after the supreme court last week blocked its inclusion. the president taking to twitter, saying, "so important for a country that the very simple and basic citizenship question be allowed to be asked in the census." to the primitive commerce in that apartment of justice are working hard on this, even today, on the fourth of july. joining us now, if you would start by telling us why the supreme court came to this decision. >> the court ruled on equal protection grounds, saying that
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the question, adding citizenship to the question, violating equal protection of immigrants and minorities. it essentially was a discriminatory question. the rationale that the administration through wilbur ross had given, was to protect rights under the voting rights act. the court found that it was very pretextual, that it was done for discriminatory purposes, and roberts interestingly ruled with the other four liberals on the court saying it violated the equal protection clause of the constitution to avoid giving minorities and other disenfranchised groups equal access to health care, to education, that it would affect gerrymandering and redrawing district lines for elections. >> arthel: i will get into more of a and a second. meanwhile, the president now contemplating an executive order to add that citizenship question to the census. first of all, he doesn't have
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the time. what does the president have a strong legal argument at all? >> almost none. he is showing a lot of resolve with fighting this and continuing to fight it. that helps them with his base, and it sends a strong message to those who are here illegally do not respond to the census. but i don't think you can stop that with executive order. i think the courts will decide that violates the enumeration clause. that's the clause which requires a census to be done every ten years. i don't think you can, by executive order, overrule that where the decision of the supreme court by just saying, "by executive order we will ask the question." i wouldn't stand very long. and i think there's also a problem with the fact that they are already blowing the deadline for printing the actual census, to the printers. >> arthel: yeah. jay, before he died, , softly wrote a story on how a citizenship question on
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the census would benefit republicans and white votes. do you agree? >> i think that certainly his story was accurate in asking that since question, that it would benefit the g.o.p. because it would allow them to draw the districts a certain way. and to calculate federal funding a certain way. i think the problem with his study was that while he was still alive he contacted the administration and told them they needed to add this question. any contact of the census bureau. when that evidence came out, that was a violation of equal protection. i do think that if you have the question, obviously it does help republicans and the voting base.
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i also see a need to have the question asked. there is some need to know who's a citizen and not, that don't necessarily have a discriminatory basis. that's how -- >> arthel: how do you have it both ways? >> well, that's for the courts to decide. you can't. really think they need to come up with a different rationale. if they are going to go back to the courts and they are going to go back to this district judge in maryland and argue that the question needs to be asked, the doj has got to come up with a rational basis that doesn't discriminate. the reason why you need to ask who a citizen is and who is not that doesn't have to deal with getting funding away from or toward certain states based on resources for education and health care, that doesn't violate equal productions. it's up to the doj to come up with that answer, with a national basis is. whether it's to decide who needs to go into the military or some other reason to decide who is a citizen then who is not paid or just immigration purposes. >> arthel: or maybe the president can propose a
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different way to try and keep a tally on who is here illegally who is illegal. go ahead, what? >> they are going to have to come up with a nondiscriminatory reason to do so. right now it appears obvious that the reasons they were doing it were to choke off some of that federal funding for health care and education, to the states where there's a lot of illegal aliens in blue states like new york and california. >> arthel: in the meantime it seems purely political, perhaps to pacify his base, accent has promised to fight against illegal immigration, and to fix the problem. >> assured. look, there is an immigration crisis we are having. the question is, how do you fight it? maybe that's a rational basis to use to ask the citizenship question. but changing where the dollars go in redistricting is a discriminatory basis that the court found violated the 14th amendment. >> arthel: so even if the citizenship question is
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ultimately not added as a census question, the president -- he wins, at least at this point, in effect. because he still fighting the good fight. >> i think that old adage, "he lost the battle but is winning the war," is probably true. >> arthel: i wish i heard what you said, because a producer jumped right in my ear at that crucial time. so i don't know what you said! i hope you didn't say anything bad about me! [laughs] thank you. >> no, no! think you for having me. have a great independence day. thank you so much. >> leland: boeing says it's providing $100 million to help families and communities affected by the depression of its 737 max airplane. all 346 people died, the company's going to distribute the funds to local governments and nonprofit organizations to help with living expenses and spur economic development in those old communities. the payout is independent of any lawsuits. meaning that money doesn't go directly to the victims familie
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families. >> arthel: a 15-year-old american taking wimbledon by storm. she's following up her stunning upset of venus williams with more great player. plus, on this july 4th we will take you to san diego, california. for an inside look at a historic naval museum. look how gorgeous. always beautiful in san diego. always. i miss it. ♪ [running through woods] so i think we're going with a family van. a family van? was that her choice? naaah man, that was my choice. this thing's got reclining seats, dvd player, it's got a built-in vacuum cleaner. you ever seen my kid eat crackers?
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♪ >> leland: all right, many of the 2020 candidates are out on the trail this weekend, this long weekend.
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california senator kamala harris is making big gains in the national polls, riding high, you might say. after a debate performance last week, she confronted former vice president joe biden on race and his record on busing. now the latest quinnipiac university poll, harris has jumped to second place, just two points behind biden. with that would bring in boyd matheson, former chief of staff for republican senator mike lee of utah, and roger fisk, who worked on both president obama's campaigns. nice to see both of you. roger, she's two points behind biden. is this peaking too early, or does she have a real chance at it, do you think? it appears either roger is ignoring us or can't hear us. one of the two. the results the same. we'll go over to boyd. you saw her in that debate. obviously president trump and his team are watching as well. so many people walked away that i've talked to you to switch to kamala harris' side and now say essentially the reason they have is because they see her
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attacking president trump on the debate stage the same way she attacked biden. fair point? >> yeah, i think it is a fair point. i think you've got kamala harris, i really demonstrated during the debate that opportunity always favors the prepared. she was by far the most prepared candidate over both nights, ready to go -- >> leland: there is prepared and there's also sort of contrived. they knew she was going to make that point about busing. that's why they had that picture ready and the tweets ready to go. >> that's right. that's the preparation. former vice president biden knew what was coming and was not ready to respond. that's why i think, to a point, leland, that's what people say, "i could see her on a debate stage with president trump." when you are early on in a candidacy like that, early on in the very crowded field, that's what you are trying to do. you are trying to make an image that people can see, "i can see her on a real debate stage with
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the president." >> leland: we bring roger back in, where i believe can hear us now. we'll toss the poll numbers back up. quinnipiac has kamala harris just two points behind joe biden. roger, to you. she is now in the top tier. arguably the woman on the rise now. what does she do with that 20%? does she take it out for a spin or just keep trying to add to it? >> first off, thanks so much for having me, leland. any candidate who sees a bump like this would be well served by keeping their head down and focusing on the organizing work. especially in iowa and the new hampshire and south carolina and nevada. there is a major counter component to this, that a lot of folks don't focus on too much. on our side, it's very easy to peek too early or peaked too late. i grew up working for john kerry, and you could very well say that governor dean peaked too early in 2003 and 2004. a lot of people say if the iowa
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caucuses were a week earlier, a john edwards would have one. so he peaked too late. my point and that is that you want to take advantage of these moments. you want to booster lists and raise some money. but i don't want it to bring things to a full boil just yet. that's what you want to do sometime after thanksgiving. >> leland: boyd, how does the president begin to decide who he's going to focus his attention on and who he's not, of the potential 2020 challengers? >> i think with the president will do is continue to focus on his message, which is going to be around the economy and jobs and what's working for the american people. if he starts getting too deep into this 23 and whoever else is out there on the campaign, that's going to be a distraction to him. so he needs to stay on-message and on the-point, the way these candidates do. to rogers point, this is about taking any momentum you get and transforming that into a sustainable movement. boots on the ground,
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organization, strategy, structure, and discipline. that's the name of the game. this is a long-haul pursuit and you've got to build it out properly. >> leland: roger, we would know it president trump's playbook is against whoever is e democratic nominee. he's going to call them a socialist and say they are for open borders and for abortion on demand. that's the playbook right there. does any of these folks, as they are trying to rise in the democratic primary race, have to do any blocking and tackling to try and essentially fend off that attack before it comes in the general? >> no, because i think you are right. it's going to come no matter what. you could have a center-right democrat from the '80s who is tough on crime and everything else, and the president will still try and tattoo them with the skipping record you hear from them all the time. it's best to go into next year expecting that. but the key thing right now is to not worry about steps 3, 4,
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or 5 and worry about the next step. which is organizing iowa, turning these national media moments into resources, money, hiring more people, et cetera. the president will do what he's going to do. they've been betting on former vice president biden being the nominee. i think there's a new wake-up call, because senator harris was the chief law enforcement officer of the sixth largest economy in the world. she is not to be taken lightly. if you've seen how she questions cabinet secretaries in some of the committee hearings and things like that, put her up against the president who has, shall we say, a loose grasp of reality, and he will have some problems. >> leland: boyd, real quickly, would you be worried if you were president trump's advisors? more about kamala harris, to rogers point, or joe biden? >> i would worry more about kamala harris, for sure. she is wicked smart, she has shown she could do the bipartisanship. she could come back into the general. but she's a tougher fight in the end. >> leland: interesting point. she certainly had them on the
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ropes, joe biden, during the debate. gentlemen, i appreciate it. boyd, roger, good to see. >> happy fourth to you. ♪ >> arthel: and on this independence day, fox news takes you inside a historical naval aircraft carrier museum. fox nation host abby harness active live in san diego. hey, abby. >> like you said, i am live here in coronado, california, where thousands of military men and women make it possible for us to celebrate a a day as specialist today. as you look around the coronado fourth of july parade, you can really feel this #proudamerican pride from everybody here. i had a great experience because i got to tour the longest-serving aircraft carrier of the 20th century, and really felt what it was like to be aboard the uss midway. check it out. >> you are going to 1 of
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millions of people, the busiest ship in the world. it was a floating city at sea, population 4,500. >> on this trip? what did everyone else to? >> every job you can imagine, in boone iowa or new york city, was aboard the midway. there were dry cleaners, electricians, welders, bakers, cobblers, radio station, tv station, newspaper, hotel, restaurants, barber shop. all of that operating. seven days a week, 24 hours a day. so the airport could operate up on the roof. ♪ >> so these are the living quarters? >> that's right, there are about a hundred sailors who lived in this area, they spent a great deal of time here when they were off duty. they were literally dormitories, if you will, all over the ship. based on where you work. not very much space at all. you have maybe a foot over your forehead. if you are more than 6 feet tall, forget it. he wouldn't stretch out for six months at a time. midway still holds the record for carriers. 327 days at sea.
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11 months. that's all you've got, and you've got electrical -- your average age on midway was only 19. >> scott, we just entered this room, and i don't know where we are because it was a maze. >> this had emergencies like any city. a floating city at sea. this was the equivalent of 911. damage control center is what they call it on a navy ship. there were men here who had to be young men, experts on all the blueprints, they were costly changing predamage control officer here who might be in charge of a fire or an explosion. when there was a call in here and they sent out the responders, other young men would grab these. listen, plug-in, here it. think your reports from the field. he could make the decisions. >> albright, scott. so this is where i would sit? >> yes, you've been promoted to damage control officer. >> demo control! i think i could do this. above the midway, sitting here, i feel this responsibility. to think about how quickly you
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have to make a decision and how many people's lives are at your hands. i do feel honored. this is behind the scenes, this isn't open to the public. >> this is one of the great areas of the midway that we would love to open but it's just too remote. >> it's very spacious up here. where the every able to come up here and see how everything works? a breath of fresh air ever? >> they would be on midway for six months and not see 20% of the ship. if he didn't have business needs of the spaces, he wasn't allowed to go there. he might go a week without seeing daylight. >> just walking around, seeing all the docents, talking to everybody, it makes you really appreciate what everyone has done to serve this country. what makes you proud to be an american? especially working on this? >> meeting the men and women who have made my life possible. i think july 4th, veterans day, memorial day, pearl harbor day, those of the days to pause and reflect on the service, the dedication to duty, on the name
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of freedom. not just ours but freedom around the world. that's what makes midway a special place, and what makes july 4th a special time. >> scott said it perfectly there. just being aboard, seeing how close of quarters they were living in, seeing that 4500 people were aboard that ship for 11 months, it really makes you appreciate what we have today. >> arthel: absolutely. never forget the sacrifice. thank you, abby. we are back in a moment. happy fourth, everybody. ok everyone!
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>> leland: and a fox news alert on this july 4th from southern california. a 6.4 earthquake has hit the area near the searles valley, that's in the mojave desert. details still coming. it's a bit of a ways from
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los angeles. we have our team out there in our west coast newsroom. watching that and seeing if there's any reports of damage or injuries from this earthquake now. 6.4 magnitude earthquake in california. >> arthel: leland, by the way, the l.a.p.d. tweeting saying, "we are aware of the significant earthquake that just occurred in socal. please do not call 911 unless there are injuries or other dangerous conditions." they are trying to work this out and try to help everyone out. we're going to move on to the story now. an australian student describing his condition as very good after north korea released him following intervention from swedish diplomats. north korea had detained him for a week when he arrived in beijing he wouldn't say what happened while he was in pyongyang. let's go to greg palkot. he's lives in london with one. what can you tell us, greg? >> arthel, yes, it's still a mystery. we don't know why this
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australian man was held by north korea. we just know, thankfully, that he is free. his name is alex, as a mention. he's 29 years old. describes himself as in very good condition. he seemed to be as he passed through the beijing airport on his way to japan. he went missing about a week ago in pyongyang. a student of the university there, also ran on north korean tour agency. ran social media sites. he was basically friendly, more or less, to the north korean regime. that's what makes this more of a mystery. it calls to mind, to some degree, the story of otto warmbier. he was a student, remember, in 2016 when he was detained by the north korean regime. he was later released, but brain damage incurred during his detention led to his death. it is believed. swedish diplomats, in the case of this australian man, assisted in the release of this gentleman. australia, like the u.s., has no
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real diplomatic presence on the ground in pyongyang. all of this comes after the meeting this past sunday at the dmz involving president trump and north korean leader kim jong un, and there doesn't seem to be much of an afterglow from that meeting. north korea yesterday blasted the u.s. as being held-bent on hostile acts. apparently the u.s. again in the past few days has been pushing the u.n. for a greater, deeper enforcement of sanctions against the pyongyang regime's and at suspect missile program. as we mentioned, australian man back in japan now. he is with his japanese wife. we will try and figure out exactly why he was detained and also where the u.s. north korea diplomacy goes from this point, as well. back to you. >> arthel: very good questions. thank you very much for that report. we are back in a moment. the pain and swelling. the psoriasis. cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain
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>> leland: fox news alert as we're continuing to follow this breaking news out of california. magnitude 6.4 earthquake has hit the mojave desert. it is centered 150 miles from los angeles. looking at the map here, it is quite literally in the middle of nowhere. nearest town that you can see on the maps are going to be bakersfield and lancaster. still trying to see if there are reports of either damage or injuries from either of those two towns. >> arthel: having lived in l.a., these are quite popular suburbs of los angeles. in fact, the thing that concerns me, in fact, i have a distant cousin who lives in victorville. that is where you would go on a day like this to have a cookout. it concerns me that people may be in those areas enjoying this 4th of july.
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again, we don't have a lot of details here. what we do know, i have seen 6.6, 6.4. needless to say, that's a pretty sizable earthquake. the geological survey site is overloaded so we can't get there. we have a reporter on the way. >> leland: anita vogel is live in los angeles. did you feel it at all? >> reporter: we felt it a little bit here, leland. it shook for about ten seconds. now, keep in find our fox bureau is in west los angeles. we're about 2.5 hours from that epi center in season bernardino. it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. it's in san bernardino county, halfway between bakersfield and
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los angeles. it is a 6.4 magnitude 6.4. that's a fairly large earthquake. but, of course, being 2.5 hours away, we wouldn't really feel the brunt of that here. we are monitoring the wires to see if there are any reports of damage or injuries. so far we haven't heard of anything. >> leland: all right. we just got this in from the los angeles fire department anita. all 106 fire stations are out conducting a strategic survey of their districts and will comment if any damage exists. this is important to note for people watching out in california. this from the los angeles fire department. the los angeles police department as well, after this earthquake. please do not call 911 unless there are injuries or dangerous conditions to report. and then they come up with this.
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residents are reminded of the potential of after shocks to drop cover and hold on. they say to make your phone calls around. any damage reports from los angeles fire? >> reporter: the good news is we're not hearing anything at this point. again, i want to stress that los angeles is quite a bit away from the epicenter of this earthquake. the cities that are going to be feeling the brunt of this, we're talking about bakersfield, lancaster, big bear, california, area, lake arrowhead. those areas probably got a pretty good shake and there could possibly be some minor damage in those areas. here in los angeles, most people probably didn't even feel it. but we're still calling around, making our calls, just to make sure that we're not missing anything. of course, we'll get back to you
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as soon as we find out. >> leland: thanks so much. we'll let you get back to work making calls and seeing if there are any damage reports north and west of los angeles. this earthquake was about 150 miles north of west of los angeles in the mojave desert. the nearest town we can see on the maps here we're working on is lancaster and bakersfield. about an hour and a half away from the epi center. >> san diego is about an hour and a half drive from los angeles. i have got some friends there. they're telling me that they -- she texted me saying it was a good shaker here in san diego. i'll try to get them on the line to give us an idea of what they felt. we're working on that right now. situations like this, again, it's one thing when you've got folks at work and on the freeways, etc. in this case, folks are probably
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on the freeway on their way to those areas. this was 11:00 a.m. there right now in los angeles, just about the time you would go to these cookouts. plus, people aren't in a place they're used to, versus being in their offices or houses. we're going to continue to work the phones and monitor this out in california. 11:00 a.m. this earthquake report happened within 10:35 or solo call time, that 6.4 quake. with that, we move on to the other big news of the day. president trump gearing up for his salute to america celebration in washington. final preparations are under way. you see a live picture there of washington monument. this event is not without critics. we bring in rich edson, who is at the white house with more.
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hi, rich. >> reporter: good afternoon, leland. despite that, the president is telling the crowd to get to the national mall early for this evening's show and it will be a show of a life time. the white house is defending this event against critics who say this is nothing more than a political show by the president. >> democrats in this country hate this president more than they love america. >> democrats refuse to celebrate that greatness. refuse to even celebrate our nation's independence or the 4th of july simply because it's donald trump who's doing the celebrating. >> reporter: democrats who criticize the event throughout the week accusing the president of appropriating a national holiday and using the military for a vanity project. the bradley armored vehicles and tanks on site, jerry nadler tweeted, quote, hope everyone has an enjoyable 4th of july without tanks. congressional democrats requesting details on the expenses of this event. officials say there are always
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expenses associated with a presidential program. local washington, d.c. officials say they will request reimbursement. they are also criticizing vip tickets. all including democrats are invited to the show. the president salute to america begins at 6:30 p.m. this evening. with the department of interior calls a one of a kind music and air power experience honored the armed services of the presidential speech, music, military demonstration and flyovers. those fireworks and flyovers can create a little traveling problem. reagan national airport, right across the river from washington, d.c., is going to be suspending flights for a couple of hours this evening, closing the air space to make sure all is safe. back to you. >> leland: everybody is watching the sky. there's a potential for big thunderstorms rolling in to washington. thanks, rich. >> arthel: fox coverage of the
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president's salute to america july 4th celebration continues now. lucas tomlinson is live at the pentagon with more. lucas? >> reporter: weather permitting, there's going to be a massive display of fire power flying over the nation's capital as soon as the faa closes the air space at 6:15. for about an hour this evening, there's going to be dozens of fighter jets flying overhead, including the u.s. navy blue angels like you see here, pair of raptors, fighter jets and navy f-35 stealth fighter jet will also be flying overhead. air force one as well. the pentagon has not disclosed the cost associated with president trump's july 4 festivities. the stealth bomber cost over $120,000 per flight hour. it does fly over the rose bowl every new year's day and sporting events throughout the year as well. an army apache gun ship will all be flying overhead. people call this a powerful
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display of patriotism. the coast guard will all participate. rescue helicopters will fly overhead. the coast guard launches about 20,000 rescue migs each year and saves over 3,000 lives. some could argue they should be here as well. two u.s. army bradley fighting vehicles from ft. stewart, georgia, are parked in front of the lincoln memorial near where the president will speak. we're still waiting on the two tanks to arrive. it's not the first time tanks have come to washington. president eisenhower had them at both of his inaugural prayeds and john f. kennedy brought missiles to his prayed in 1961. the acting defense secretary and general dunford will be on hand this evening but none of the four service chiefs will be. a pentagon spokesman said the top four officers from army, navy, air force had other commitments. the british said happy
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independence day. blood is thicker than water. hope that solidarity makes its way to the mall tonight as well. >> arthel: thank you very much. >> leland: a fox news alert, as we are learning more about this earthquake out in southern california centered in the mojave desert. a good couple of hours away from los angeles, although it was felt in los angeles. victorville appears to be the nearest city. you can see there just how far from l.a., closer to las vegas on that map. this was centered. we believe we have aerial shots our fox affiliate in los angeles. they launched their chopper to see if there are any reports of damage. so far we have not. the los angeles police department said they are now in
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earthquake mode. we bring in john elgot. sorry for butchering your name there. give us a sense in terms of earthquake magnitude versus distance from los angeles and distance from civilization. does it make sense that we haven't really heard reports of big injuries or big destruction? >> yeah. this was a 6.4 magnitude which means the strongest shaking took place within 10, 20 miles of the epi center. some of the towns along the eastern see era nevada felt it pretty strongly. but that's a sparcely populated area. by the time you get to los angeles where it was felt, las vegas, up into the central valley of california, up to fresno, they would have felt mild to moderate shaking, but nothing that i would expect would have caused damage. >> arthel: sir, what would you
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say to folks who are either at home getting ready to go someplace? clearly would tell them to stay home. what about those people listening to the radio in their cars. what would you say to them if they are currently in route to one of these areas where this earthquake hit and some of the after shocks? what would you say to them in terms of, do they pull off the side of the road? do they turn around? what do they do? >> people on the road are going to be fine. even in the epi central area. people are hurt by things falling on them. there's basically no structures in the area. the only people that would have concern would be people camping in the hill sides and mountains because an earthquake can trigger land slides, land slips, things like that. but people in the populated areas, i would say go about your business. possibility that you'll feel an after shock, but this is pretty far from any civilized part of
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california. >> arthel: i see. l.a.p.d. and l.a. fire both are aware of the potential for after shocks. our fox station reporting there were 22 i guess small quakes or small shakes nearby in the last hour. how does this work in terms of timing? is there one big one and then the after shocks or is sometimes a 6.4 quake a prelude to something larger coming? >>6.4 is going to be followed by lots of small and moderate after shocks. people who are camping in the mojave desert near the area will feel a number of after shocks. the potential for something larger happening, yes. but only one or two or three or five percent chance. odds are for people well away from the epi center, they'll
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feel this one shake and that will be it. slight chance something bigger could happen. i personally would not be worried about los angeles right now. >> leland: want to interrupt you with a piece of good news. this from the los angeles police department twitter account. l.a.p.d. has not received any reports of damage or calls for service within the city of los angeles related to the earthquake. remember, 911 is only to report emergencies. this was a strong one and a good reminder to be prepared. how much of the fact does this help in terms of mitigating any damage and where the earthquake was, there are some pretty big mountain ranges between there and los angeles. does that help protect the more populated areas? >> the most important thing is the distance of this earthquake epi center from where the populated areas are. it's about 100 miles from downtown los angeles. it's about 120, 130 miles from las vegas.
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fresno's probably 130 miles away. so any of those cities where you have lots of people, they're far enough away that the shaking is not going to be a big deal. >> arthel: john, it seems -- which is, of course, your job, to make everyone calm. you're very calm about this. you're saying this is far from not just los angeles, but from any sort of heavily populated area, pardon me. in fact, the most impact would be on those who are camping. so that said, sort of sum this up for us in terms of the level of excitement that we need to apply to this. never taking anything lightly, especially when you see numbers like 6.4. again, your level of expertise, sum this up for us and tell us what really are we looking at here, as to not overexcite anyone watching or listening. >> right now, i would say this particular earthquake is far enough away from populated
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areas, it's not going to be a significant problem. on the other hand, there is always a chance that an earthquake of this size or even larger could occur near one of the populated areas at any time. so californians must always be on their guard for stronger earthquakes. >> arthel: absolutely. we thank you. sorry to bother you on this 4th of july holiday. we appreciate your expertise and you checking in with us. we may call you back within the hour. in the mean time, thank you again, john. >> you're very welcome. >> leland: we still have that live picture up from the chopper in los angeles. looking for any damage and then flying north and northwest 150 miles towards the epi center. 6.4 magnitude earthquake. l.a.p.d. saying they have not received any reports of damage or calls for service. about a half hour has gone by
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since this quake shook. >> arthel: we're still working on getting a couple folks in central california. >> leland: interesting way to wake up on july 4th. >> arthel: absolutely. we'll stay on top of the story. right now we're gonna take a quick break and we're back in a moment. stay with us. (ding) hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪
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>> leland: a fox news alert as we continue to follow this earthquake in southern california. a 6.4 quake centered about 150 miles northwest of los angeles in the mojave desert. we want to go listen in to dr. lucy jones, an earthquake expert. she felt the earthquake, as well as being able to talk about it. >> earthquake of about 6.2,
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producing energy. the warning came through -- do we have the time, how much warning we got in pasadena? the final magnitude -- okay. in los angeles it was 48 second warning that the shaking was arriving. obviously, it was not damaging shaking. the only downside, the less likely it is to be damage. okay. so, how do we ever know there's an earthed quake? we have sensors distributed around california. we record about 500 sensors here at the usgs seismic network. and they are distributed widely. we try and catch them. soon as we get enough nearby, we send that information out.
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in fact, one of the exciting things, the biggest earthquakes, they aren't to a point. when we're trying to predict who will be affected, we need to know which direction it's going. we got an estimate of the fault growing as it was happening. so it's the first time we've really ever had that work. >> can we talk about the motion? i felt a little nauseous. >> okay. so, an earthquake produces energy at many different wave lengths. there's high frequency energy that jerks you around and there's low frequency energy that rolls. the high frequency energy dies off more lickly than the low frequency energy. think about a boom box. you hear the car going down the street. when it's a long ways away all you hear is thumping. that's the low frequency energy getting farther than the high frequency energy. so if you feel rolling motion, you know it's pretty far way.
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when i felt the motion, it felt rolling motion and it lasted for ten seconds. i could estimate that it was at least a magnitude 6 and it had to be pretty far way. >> lot of cities are taking this live. can you back up to the beginning? are we getting reports of damage? where was the earthquake centered exactly? >> so, the earthquake is near ridge crest. so the area east of the southern most part of the san andreas fault. the nearest salt is the little lake fault. it might be associated with it, but we don't know. we have to have a field geologist tell us. it is a relatively uninhabited area, so the number of people who would have received damage is much lower. i think we need to check what's happening in ridge crest and china lake. but damage reports do not come here. we are seismologists measuring the movement of the ground.
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damage reports go to the governors office of emergency services. rob, can i ask you to come join us? rob gray is a seismologist with the u.s. geological survey and coordinator for southern californi california. >> obviously, we are here because we had an earthquake to celebrate the 4th of july. we will have people out. geologists are heading out to the field right now to see if they can measure placement, obviously any damage reports will come in. this earthquake was large enough where the shake could have triggered damage. you are explaining frequency waves that travel farther than higher frequency. many people would have felt the rolling shaking. people didn't feel it as
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strongly. even in the l.a. area, we'll have reports of feeling it. >> any take aways from this quak quake? >> here is the definition of the change in a news cycle. you're still asking us what was the magnitude. we can give an accurate magnitude very quickly. it' not been an hour since the earthquake. one comment i would make, we had a lot of after shocks. those in general are not being felt down here in the l.a. basin, up in the owens valley area, i'm sure they are feeling a lot of after shocks. i haven't had a chance to keep track, but we've had dozens, i think about three at this.. we will continue to have a lot of after shocks. this area is also characterist ically have low frequency.
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it happened in 1982 and there were six or eight magnitude forces associated with that eve event. it went on for six months. so we should be expecting lots of after shocks and some of them will be bigger than the three that we've been having so far. i think the chance of having a magnitude 5, this is an off the top not calculated thing, is probably greater than 50/50. sometime this afternoon we'll be having a larger after shock. >> within the location to the andreas fault, is there any threat? >> no. no increase in risk. we have never seen a foreshock more than six miles away from its main shock. this is substantially larger
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than that to the san andreas. that is significantly closer to this event. probably have a slightly increased risk. i think the san andreas is a little too far. >> the san andreas is a fall, so there's always that risk. >> it doesn't increase the risk. >> exactly. >> can you describe the activity in that area? >> yeah. we don't have that data right at hand. >> no, nothing. >> we have had a couple of other swarms in southern california in recent days. nothing like that was occurring in this area in the last couple months. >> there was a 4.2 just about 30 minutes before the foreshocks. that is classic. i knew when i saw that page come
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through, i hadn't seen that in awhile. >> there is also a slight chance that we could have a larger than main shock right now. >> that's about 5% chance for every earthquake. and like any other earthquake, probably has about a 1 in 20 chance that this is not the largest event in the sequence. >> spell your name. >> rod, last name graves. >> your title? >> seismologist with the u.s. geological survey. >> we're getting feed back from viewers and users of the alert system. they say that in los angeles, it did not work. >> it worked. it was not broadcast on shake alert. the system worked, but the usgs
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system did not. >> it didn't occur or didn't work. it did calculate the earthquake. the signal did not get out. the system is still being tested. we're going to have to figure out what's going on with that. we'll have an update. i will also point out, the shaking in the los angeles region was noted strong enough to damage anything. so to be clear, the signal should have gone out. >> do you know that? >> i want to hesitate before making any definitive statements until i can consult that. >> the system worked. specifically it worked.
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the shaker l.a. system was set up with agreement that limited which alerts went out, because we get a lot of false alarms at the lower levels. so whether or not the shaking reached the parameters that it should have been alerted, we don't know. we're trying to find out. remember, we're not even an hour from the quake. >> are you hearing any damage from the l.a. area? >> if there was damage from the l.a. area, it would be unusual. there was no much shaking in the l.a. area. i would be extremely surprised if that were the case. besides, damage notifications do not come to caltech. they go to the governor's office of emergency services. one should always be prepared for a big one. this does not make it less likely. there is about a 1 in 20 chance
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that this location will be having an even bigger earthquake within the next few days. we have not yet seen the biggest earthquake of the sequence. it is certain that this area will be shaking a lot today, as some of those after shocks will probably exceed a 5, which means there could be some damage. we do not expect -- this is far enough away from the san andreas that any impact on that system will be minimal. i think this is a good time to remind you that if you have been experiencing earthquakes for the last 20 years in southern california, you have been experiencing an extremely quiet time in california history. the last time we had an earthquake in southern california above a magnitude 6 was 1999. the previous decade had had about eight magnitude 6's. so this has been an extremely
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quiet abnormal time. this type of earthquake is much more normal. on the long run, we expect earthquakes of this size, even 6.5, long term average is probably once every five or ten years somewhere in southern california. so remember, this is more of what we should be feeling. >> i would say it's about the same. this type of earthquake is something that we would expect. there's a tremendous amount. so these types of earthquakes are kind of on the fringes or more active faults.
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>> you said we could feel the after shocks. can you walk through what we should expect the next few hours and will it taper off? how does that work? >> since i haven't had a chance to even count the number of after shocks so far, i can't be accurate with this one. an average 6.5, the largest after shock is about 5.5, and there would be ab ten 4.5's -- >> leland: you've been listening to a press conference by caltech and the experts on the earthquake. magnitude 6.4. this happened very close to two towns. one ridge crest california and then china lake, california. if china lake sounds familiar, that's where one of the big naval weapons stations and training facilities is. as of now, according to the associated press, crews are responding with 24 medical and
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fire incidents in and around the town of ridge crest. you and i have seen video from there of a liquor store where everything is off the shelf and had been thrown down. no reports of damage or fires in the los angeles area. that's about 150 miles from here. but it is note worthy sometimes this happens with initial reports. there was sort of this exhale of emotion that it didn't seem as though there was any terrible damage. now we are finding that there is damage a lot closer to where this earthquake was centered. >> arthel: centered in china lake, as you said. dr. jones is predicting that they will continue to have robust after shocks in the area. some might get bigger than a magnitude 5. so, we all have some eyewitness accounts of nancy kyran. she was there in china lake when
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this happened. she's china lake museum office manager there. she said, quote, it felt like we were rocking and rolling. i have sitting at a desk. she went out the door way. she felt like she was on a boat. she got down on her knees on the door way, as you were told to do in situations of an earthquake hitting. center happening 150 miles northeast of los angeles. folks in san diego felt the quake, too. in fact, joining us by phone now is francine simms. she lives near there. you're in san diego, correct? >> right. bakersfield area. >> arthel: you're in san diego. you did say bakersfield. >> i'm definitely in san diego. >> arthel: i know where you are. thank you for letting us talk. fran is my friend, by the way. tell me what you fell there in
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san diego near downtown san diego. >> well, it's really interesting. i was in the master bedroom. i heard bump bump bump in the master bath that backs up to that room. i went in there to see what was going on. we have two very large glass mirrors in front of a wall. they're on steel cables. probably four feet long. they were just banging, swinging against the wall. it was a pretty good jolt. >> arthel: that's a pretty good jolt for sure. and what did you do when that happened? >> i walked to the other end of the house to see what alex heard. she had heard it. unquestionably we were having a good shake. >> arthel: go ahead. i'm sorry. >> it didn't seem to last very long. but we couldn't deny or ignore
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that something was going on here. >> arthel: definitely, you know, there's a possibility, fran, that you may experience some after shocks that they are predicting after shocks, robust ones, that could reach magnitude 5 there. i know you have doggies. how did the doggies react when that happened? >> one of them is a very sensitive little one. stood up in her little area that she sleeps in and looked around and was kind of saying, hey, what's going on here? the other one didn't move. >> arthel: did the first one get it before you did? animals usually sense it before we do? >> you know, she may have. i wasn't in the room with her. they know it's coming and they definitely feel it before we feel it ourselves. >> arthel: listen, i mean, being a resident of southern california, do you ever really
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get used to the earthquakes? especially when the numbers get as high as 6.4? >> i think when you're experiencing it, it makes you think about it. when it happens, it does make you conscious, oh, yeah, this is what they've been talking about all these years. this is it. is it gonna get worse? fortunate for us, we've never experienced any damage. >> arthel: fortunate for sure. before i let you go, i want to ask you one other thing, fran. i know you're an expert in the real estate market there, in the san diego area. in terms of structures these days, are they building the structures to withstand a 6.4 magnitude earthquake? >> absolutely. all the new buildings that have been built in the last 20 years are built to a higher standard.
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they keep improving on those. the building we live in is 16 years old. it is a steel and concrete building. i don't recall the building itself ever having any damage. we've had some pretty good jolts over the years. >> arthel: leland? >> leland: we're just getting more information in terms of what this was. it was a 6.4 magnitude earthquake. note worthy that the north ridge earthquake that we all remember was only a 6.7. this could be a very very damaging earthquake. look on the richter scale, they say that this is something that would cause severe damage to many buildings. so it's note worthy that while in los angeles, where your friend is farther south, it doesn't damage things. up in the cities and towns that this is closer to, ridge crest and china lake, it is very likely that there is significant damage. associated press report thering
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are 24 calls for fire, medical or damage help by people in ridge crest and china lake as well. kttv in los angeles with live pictures of an airport of some type, although we don't know where the helicopter is flying to as they try to find some of the damage and the issues that these earthquake has caused. >> arthel: yeah. you mentioned that north ridge earthquake. january 17, 1994. i was living in l.a. at the time. i think the difference there, that was along the san andreas fault line. so let's pray that it's not the same. i get it in terms of numbers, but positioning of it is very different. causes significantly less of an impact there. so that's the good news there. >> leland: yeah. this is video coming into us from one news room it looks like. you can see the clock there
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starting to shake in this earthquake. this is the first video we are getting of the earthquake itself. you can see everything sort of rocking around. this from inside a home where there is a lot more rocking. do we know where in california this video was shot? we don't know where. note worthy from the folks at caltech, who study this day in day out, said to your point, even though you had 6.4 quake couple hundred miles north and east of los angeles, you're not likely to trigger something on the san andreas. >> arthel: right. we're looking at this video now. if you are not -- if you're just listening, you see video of chandeliers, light pendants just rocking back and forth. dr. lucy jones mentioned if
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you're farther from the impact, it's more a rolling thunder as opposed to the jolting impact. francine finn is on the line. she is a resident of san diego. fran, i think you told me for you all it was more a rocking and rolling. hang on. fran, hold on. >> leland: we're getting an update from the kearn county fire. that's the county ridge crest is in. working two dozen incidents. medical assistance to structure fires in and around city of ridge crest. urban search and rescue teams are in route. one strike team in route. surveyists continue to look at safety of highways through the area canyons. which tells you they are worried about being able to get resources from around california into kearn county, which is
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where ridge crest is, again, trying to help with that, as we look through the response here that's happening. you can imagine, this happened just about an hour ago. so, 10:30, 10:40 pacific time. it does take an hour or two to begin to get the information in about where there is damage and how bad it is. but at least two dozen incidents they're saying, and structure fires. one can also wonder how difficult it is for the fire department, the police department in and around ridge crest and also china lake to get around. telephone polls have been knocked over, etc. it is a difficult scenario there. we haven't been able to turn around and get the video on air of liquor stores with everything on the shelf cleared off. looks like someone walked through and just pushed everything onto the floor. >> arthel: keeping in mind dr. jones of caltech, she said, listen, there is a 48 second
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warning in los angeles. so it didn't give people time to prepare. first responders are used to this up there. although to your point, leland, they are trying to get to those in need. this is what they do. i have full confidence in those guys out there. this is what they do. as we predicted, they are still having after shocks out there. we're getting some information from someone who is near china lake, california, which is where they are saying this is located, the center of this earthquake 6.4 earthquake was located. our producers, we were trying to call someone out there to get them on the line. the woman answered the phone and she said hello and then goes, oh, shucks. not exactly shucks. but we are getting another earthquake, i have to go. so again, as predicted, they will continue. some of these may be as big as a
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5 magnitude. i want to wrap up with francine finn. she's on the phone with us from san diego. i just want to wrap up, fran and thank you, first of all, for taking your time out of your 4th of july holiday. i want to make sure that people understand certainly not making light of this. in southern california, this is what happened. you are prepared for it. sometimes you are reminded to be prepared for it. i know you live across the street from balboa park, which is basically central park of san diego. are the people out there going about their business, fran? >> you know, they appear to be. we did have a neighbor that called us to say that they felt a little dizzy. i think everyone is feeling it differently. we're lower down the building. we're on the third floor.
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higher up, you will feel more of this earthquake. you're gonna sway more. >> arthel: yeah. >> but we're all fine here. all happy and healthy, and no damage. hopefully, no after math. >> arthel: it was good talking to you. my friend. you say hello to alex as well. happy 4th to both of you. >> you, too. take care. >> arthel: thank you. >> leland: to wrap this up here for main it before our break, 6.4 magnitude earthquake in southern california near the mojave desert. there are certainly a number of injuries and fires in ridge crest and china lake. kttv hel c helicopter, flying over to look at that. we learned further, l.a. 150 miles from the quake.
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southern california, we think of, santa monica, santa barbara, largely unaffected. >> arthel: still no doubt something to pay attention to. these things will continue there in southern california, not just today, but in the future. you're kind of always bracing for another big one like in 1994 north ridge 6.7 magnitude. let's hope that doesn't happen any time soon. we'll con our coverage after this break. being detected was not an option. if i was recognized the whole operation was blown. the element of surprise was imperative. wow. he won't even recognize you. seriously. i don't even recognize myself. and thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with never-expiring rewards it's gonna be a killer honeymoon.
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>> leland: welcome back. we're just three hours or so away from the big july 4th celebration salute to america they're calling it in washington, d.c. 4th of july celebrations are
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under way from coast to coast including san diego, california. fox's abby hornacek is in coronado, california. >> reporter: this is an incredible place to be part of. san diego is home to thousands of men and women who serve our military. they actually make it possible for us to celebrate a day like today. it's those same men and women who are proud american sponsor the navy federal credit union with 300 branchs across the country. we had a chance to speak with the vice president of branch services in san diego richard allen. >> the hash tag proud american campaign hit close to home. we is up ported the military community. it is huge and important for us
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to take a step back and thank the military and appreciate the active duty and veterans for all they do. when we go into san diego, we are proud that we are a navy city. we are proud that we are a coast guard city. for the military, they are entrenched throughout everything we do. when you look at our team at navy federal, you can look aeftry team. there's somebody on that team who is a spouse or a sibling or a child who is active duty or who was active duty. proud american to me is, it's hard for me because i would say in support of my career at navy federal, i see a variety of brave men and women. i hear stories from our team members about our members. you think about the sacrifices they make throughout the years.
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one of the nice things about my job, we talk ab our members at navy federal. we are dealing with a group of members who have sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms, that we put it in those terms, it's easy to take a step back, appreciate what they do. those that have served, our veterans who are serving. we see a variety of members. our primary member though is that young enlisted. they are new to their branch of service. they come in and they're looking for us provide some guidance. that's what we do, right. such a strong future here. i think we get that we take a moment and just reflect. reflect on those that have
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supported us. reflect on those that have sacrificed. reflect on those who are sacrificing. i think when you look at it, it's just a way for us to thank them. >> reporter: thank you so much, richard. and thank you so much to the navy federal credit union for all of your support and our hash tag proud american event. we'll be back live from coronado, california, in the next hour to talk more about our special experience aboard the uss midway. you definitely have to stick around for that. >> leland: we'll look forward to that. share your own proud american moments using that same hash tag. thanks, abby. we'll be right back. hold my pouch.
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>> all right. we're about 3 1/2 hours away from the big salute to america
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celebration in washington d.c. president trump bringing in the air force, the marines, the army and everybody else for a large celebration down the national mall. we bring in charlie kirk, founder and executive director of turner point u.s.a. charlie, there's nothing the president does that doesn't become partisan. one can hope that would be put away for july fourth. doesn't appear as though it has. how does the president bridge that gap? >> from what i understand, the remarks are not going to be partisan in nature. it's a miracle this this even exists. today is a day to remember that miracle and celebrate that miracle. it speaks to all members, veterans of the armed services to allow this miracle to exist. the world is a better place because of america. it's the greatest country to exist. >> there appears as though
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there's folks that don't get that message. look at the latest polling. america is a great country versus everything is okay, moderately proud. 16%. where is the disconnect from what you just said? 30 seconds. >> it's very hard to communicate greatness when you live here far too long. america is a great country. it's the greatest. it's great to be here and today is a great day to celebrate it. >> there is that. enjoy the rest of your weekend. thanks for making time for us and sticking around here through this breaking news. appreciate it. >> you bet. >> happy fourth. >> happy fourth. thanks very much for joining us. that is going to do it on this independence day. "shepard smith reporting" is next. julie banderas is in for shep. happy fourth. >> happy fourth to you. to you at home, eat some hot dogs. have a great time.
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thinking and monitoring what is happening in southern california here for the next couple hours. there's still reports of damage coming in. julie banderas has that and all of the day's news as we take a live look at washington d.c. ahead of the big celebration. >> we begin with breaking news. an earthquake rattling southern california and parts of nevada this afternoon. i'm julie banderas in for shepard smith. happy fourth to you. emergency crews saying they're getting dozens of calls ranging from reports of injuries to fires. officials with the national gee logic survey say it lasted about 60 seconds. listen. >> i can feel it shakin


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