tv The Five FOX News July 5, 2019 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> neil: great folks regardless. in the meantime, start your weekend off cavuto live tomorrow morning. we will be looking at this and other issues. also senator tim scott on how republicans answer all this stuff on the markets. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm juan williams along with anna kooiman. lawrence jones, tammy bruce and john rich. yeah, really john rich is here today. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the "the five." ♪ ♪ >> juan: president trump steering clear of politics in his salute to america fourth of july event yesterday on the national mall. >> today we come together as one nation with this very special salute to america. we celebrate our history, our people and the heros who proudly defend our flag, the brave men and women of the united states military.
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[cheers] as we gather this evening in the joy of freedom we remember that all share a truly extraordinary heritage. together, we are part of one of the greatest stories ever told, the story of america. it is the chronicle of brave citizens who never give up on the dream of a better and brighter future. to this day, that spirit runs through the veins of every american patriot. it lives on in each and every one of you here today. it is the spirit daring and in defiance excellence in adventure. courage and confidence. loyalty and love that built this country into the most exceptional nation in the history of the world and our nation is stronger today than it ever was before. >> for americans, nothing is impossible. >> juan: a "the washington post" op-ed writer praised the president saying quote
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trump made his critics look small during the salute to america unquote. but 2020 democrats they still had some harsh words for the event. >> it's become a day where it's all about trump rather than our country and vision and vision our had for us. >> if he really cares about the men and women who serve in our nation he would be investing in higher pay, better housing and better healthcare. >> i think we need money to go into affordable housing. i think we need money to go into rebuilding our infrastructure. i'm not quite sure we need money to go in to put tanks in downtown washington, d.c. >> donald trump is handing out tickets to his big donors. that's a campaign event. and if he is going to do a campaign event, then it should be paid for by his campaign convictions. it should not be paid for by the american taxpayer. >> juan: anna kooiman, good to see you.
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>> great to see you too. >> juan: you know we love you here at fox. an an happy to be back. first time on "the five." good to be here. >> juan: did you see it. >> of course i did. i actually was watching from an airplane. i was heading back from charleston, south carolina after doing our proud american coverage there and feeling extra patriotic on the heels of that anyway. i thought i was having a spiritual experience. if you are an american watching this and doesn't matter how you felt about the president before this speech, it was 3w50u68 and incredible. the democrats you stlawt democrats saying he is just doing this for himself. is he throwing himself a parade. he didn't say anything about himself. he spoke about decorated military veterans. he talked about astronauts. he talked about civil rights leaders. he talked about american exceptionalism, he put politics aside for this. i was impressed. you remember when he was on the campaign trail in 2016 and he said i'm going to be so presidential when i want to be i will be boring. he wasn't boring he certainly was presidential. he left his slings and
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arrows for another day. i thought it was perfect and had the perfect tone. >> juan: one of the critics mock him for saying coincidental army was going to an airport clearing out an airport. i want to give him the benefit of the doubt. i know a lot of people didn't give obama the benefit of the doubt when he said 57 states when he was campaigning. i'm going to give the president the benefit of the doubt. >> look at you, juan. >> juan: fourth of july. what did you think? >> well, i think that his critics looked pretty dumb yesterday. all of them that said that this was going to be a trump campaign rally, have y'all been to a trump campaign rally that was nothing like a trump campaign rally. they talk about multiple things. the crowd is much rowdier and trump talked about himself and not america and his greatness as well. i think the president showed that he was pig to put politics aside and talk about what's betts for the country and how to move forward. a lot of people said it was boring because he gave a history lesson. i think it's important that we remember our history so we don't repeat it as well
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there were some critics that talked about the military and the president flexing when it came to showing our great military. look, this has been a president that has been very restrained when it comes to military force. so if he wants to flex to show the world this is how you defend freedom. this is what we have to offer, i think that is to be applauded instead of sending our military into harm's way. >> juan: all right. so, tammy, let me get serious with you for just a second. >> tammy: no. all right. >> juan: you what you elizabeth warren said there he didn't have his donors pay for this event even though they had reserved seating and tickets. he could have and i'm sure some of them would have paid for it. instead it was the u.s. park service that went, you know, millions of dollars, taken out of their budget. budget money that could have gone to parks or helping young people to go to visit parks. what do you say to that? >> tammy: you know, when you win the presidency there are benefits to that, right? you also invite people to the white house who
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supported you and are your supporters. that's part of the natural process heemple the natural parks service we had about $2.25 million nobody was clutching their pearls in 2016 when the national park service spent $30 million for their own 100 year anniversary. and, i think all of that is a distraction. i think what have you got here worrying about the president talking about himself, there is only one group of people talking constantly about donald trump. and it's the democrats. he is still in the building mode. he has condominiums in their head and it's the most affordable living situation. bernie sanders wants affordable living, he is living in their heads for free. there is no rent. i think there is a loft projection going on. he is the center of their universe. you may disagree with this, but tough admit. they think they are going to win the presidency based on obsessing about donald trump.
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maybe you have changed a little bit about what happened yesterday. they are afraid that as the american people watch something like that, people are transformed and realize that they have been lied to for the past three years about this man. >> juan: you think it would persuade people who are not pro-trump. >> i think. so we have already seen it. when people -- with the mueller report as an example. after all the stuff with cnn and it was not what they said it was going to be, already people have realized they have been lied to about serious issues. they have retreated, you know, when it comes to ratings and who they are listening. to say that's a sign that the american people want the truth, they want information, and they are tired of being lied. to say. >> juan: i disagree. i love the fourth of july. and i just didn't want politics brought in. >> lawrence: if he would have paid the money would it be over? >> juan: welcome, by the way first time you are sitting on this set. >> jon: i know. very cool. >> juan: you are welcome. thank you for coming today.
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john, let's go beyond politics for a second. what did you think as a cultural about the event? >> john: the men and women who serve in our military are not democrats or republicans or independence. they are everybody that serves in the military. i think honestly the president did a great service to the military in respecting that fact and not going into a partisan angle when he was watching. i watched the entire thing. i kept waiting for him to go hard to his base or whatever, and he never did it. i mean i heard everybody from jacque robinson to john glenn talked about in these speeches. and even for me these names start coming up. and you remember these powerful, powerful americans and entrepreneurs and great talents that only could have succeeded like that had they lived in our country and military as strong as ours to protect their right to become great baseball players or astronauts or actors or all the great people he was naming. i thought he did a great job by saying right on the
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message. to say me it was almost like a history lesson a refresher course going through every single branch of the military. pointing out great people that do great things. here comes the actual hardware. flying right over the top of the washington monument and you are like wow. i mean, i think for americans, for me it was a moment of pride to see all of that come together in one moment. and also, i think around the world, they are watching that going yeah, they have got -- america is no joke. and look at how our principles of this country have developed so many incredible americans. we invented rock and roll and country music and r and b and the automobile all the things he started reminding us up. >> jazz. >> reminds you how great our country is and it's great because it's free. >> juan: i think he said alexander graham belle but the canadians said it was the canadians. >> tammy: what was the president going to do he had a great speech at normandy. his state of the union addresses have been
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universally praised. this is not a surprise. and, as you have said, he said i'm going to be presidential. people continue to under estimate him and this is why they get blind sided. >> juan: anna, you were going to make a point. >> i was going to say it really delegitimizes the cable networks when they come out with knives for trump at a time when he is clearly knocking it out of the park, right? i think, of course we aired it. i was flipping back and forth between us and cnn since it's part of my job okay how are they covering it? i just -- i think they really missed the mark. they are grasping at straws and trying to be negative. >> lawrence: just pate money and shut up about the money aspect of it because it's not about the money. >> juan: next on "the five" 2020 front runner joe biden was knocked off balance following that first debated. now the former vice president on the rebound firing back at all of his critics. ♪ going to take some time to do the things we never had ♪
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>> were you prepared for them to come after you? >> i was prepared for them to come after me. but i wasn't prepared for the person coming at me the way she came at me. she knew bo. she knows me. i don't -- anyway -- here's the deal. what i do know -- and the good and bad news. american people think they know me and they know me.
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>> lawrence: former v.p. revealing how he plans to take down donald trump. >> how do you beat him? >> i beat him by just pointing out who i am and who he is and what i'm for and he is against. this guy is commander-in-chief. this guy is acting with racist policies. this guy is acting to foment hate. that's the only way can he sustain himself. the idea that i would be intimidated by donald trump? he is the bully that i knew my whole life. he is the bully that i have always stood up. to say he is the bully that used to make funnel when i was a kid and stutter and i would smack them in the mouth. >> lawrence: juan, he talks a tough game but when kamala harris had him against the rope he said no mas time-out. >> juan: he gave the impression he wasn't ready to be challenged in that way. if that's true. that's big trouble. he should have known as the frontrunner, there were long knives ready for him. that's how other people were going to rise and challenge him as the frontrunner and
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exactly what kamala harris did. she took the stage and the reach we have seen her jump ahead in the polls. i think what you are seeing there he is trying to strike the right tone. he doesn't want to be too aggressive in trying to take her out and he says he is not going to play that game. maybe he can have his surrogates, his aids, you know, plant stories and go after her in that fashion. but i think he wants to remain as if he is above the fray. that he is the frontrunner. >> lawrence: john, he wants to remain above the fray until he accuses the president of being racist. he pretty much said it right there. is this his strategy everybody supports trump is just racist? >> john: you are playing trump's game. trump became president because he was out there throwing hay makers. you know i think they think that's how they are going to beat him. i don't think that's how you beat him. you are just playing his ballgame when you step into that and he loves that now
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biden is having hay makers thrown at him. you wouldn't have seen that in the past couple of elections. nobody talked like that. smacking somebody in the mouth or anything like that. you know, it looks like to me biden i said this earlier he has been left as in he can't go -- i don't think it's in his nature to go that left. but he is kind of out of his comfort zone because is he having to go that left to be able to have the same conversation everybody else is having. >> anna: i think in that view he sort of said i'm not as far left as everybody else is i have been in washington. i know how to get things done. i'm going to marinate where i am right now. he is sitting there in his lane. there is no way he can run as an outsider. how long has he been in washington. if he runs on saying i have got this place figured out. i can get things done. i'm the one that's looking forward to the general election to beat donald trump rather than dealing with all of this, then maybe he is struck a cord. >> lawrence: he addresses.
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so politics. >> 80% of your party center left. >> i am center left: >> disconnect. >> look it's center left. that's where i am. where it's not is way left. by the way, i think ocasio-cortez is a brilliant, bright woman, but she won a primary. in the general election fights, who won? mainstream democrats who are very progressive on social issues and very strong on education, healthcare. look, my north star is the middle class when the middle class does well, everybody does well. >> lawrence: tammy, if that's the case why is he flip-flopping on everything? >> i think what people are missing is that his reaction in and of itself to what ms. harris did reminds you that there has never been a real competitive primary for either party. first one was with trump and
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now this one. is that he didn't expect to be held accountable. he didn't expect someone else in that lineup to say something harsh or to maybe tell the truth or what they saw as the truth. because, gosh, they know each other. this reveals to everyone the fact that this had been kind of a sham from the beginning which is what all americans in both parties have rejected and haven't liked. this idea that this is prearranged. that he is the one that is supposed to get it. he has that kind of demeanor. now, i agree, the democratic voter is not the democrat or the liberal on twitter. it is someone who is much more quiet and who is watching. but then if that is the case, then he should have no problem. but what he knows is that kamala harris is going to cast herself as that. so, he knows he is not running against sandy ocasio-cortez. he is running against kamala harris who is going to shift. no one is going to be running in the general as on the left but they have got to pander in a certain way.
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joe biden and ultimately what people don't like and i don't think he understands the irony of complaining about trump being the divider and then trying to disembattle him with he is a racist. i punched these guys in the mouth. nobody wants that and especially when it's not natural. when it's -- when you are trying to a play a role in certain way. >> juan: i don't think it's unnatural given some of the statements trump has made on race. the bigger point right now is we have another debate in three weeks. you are going to have a higher bar and it's going to be tough again for joe biden because he looked bad coming out of that debate and other people made up ground. so, people are going to be looking to punch again at joe biden. he better figure out how to deal with this. my sense is though that joe biden claim at this moment, tammy, is that he the most electable democrat running against donald trump. >> even on the ropes. >> juan: even at this moment. he is in the lead.
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i think it's elizabeth warren, i'm sorry, bernie sanders within five points. >> tammy: still, that's misleading because, of course, this is going state by state. you are looking at most of this is like national approval. it's going to show very differently as they go into each state for the primaries. and then it is -- the debates is still going to matter. this attitude. >> i don't feel about kamala's reversal on the busing issue back and forth. >> juan: pressure on the left. all of you guys saying on the panel today. to my mind, the only way we have made progress on civil rights in this country is by dealing with people who have racist views, trying to work something out and make steady progress that has taken us to what i think is the best point in the american history for people of color. so,. >> lawrence: i think it's pretty shady that she made a central issue and reversed on it for the american people. >> juan: what do you mean me reversed on it.
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>> lawrence: she went back and forth. >> anna: campaign ready to go. >> juan: now on busing in terms of saying that we should have incentives to promote school integration. >> lawrence: it's the same position. we have got to go. coming up, colin kaepernick breaking his silence for the first time since pressuring nike to pull the patriotic sneakers from the shelves. more on "the five" next. ♪ ♪ my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy.
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and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. i'm looking at that truck! wow! that's awesome! this 4th of july, celebrate in a new chevrolet. oh wow! they're all really cool cars. woo, i love it! i can't stop staring at it. spectacular deals are on display now at your local chevy dealer. wow! time to upgrade. get 20% below msrp on all 2019 silverado double cab pickups. that's over $9,750 on this silverado. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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douglass, quote: what have i or those represent to do with your national independence? this fourth of july is yours, not mine. there is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these united states at this very hour. frederick douglass, unquote. now, look, ted cruz pushed back on this because that was a very small section, smaug segment of what mr. douglas had said and it was a very powerful statement which came back at the end to the promise and the hope of the united states. it was precivil war. still in the myer of the mire of slavery. this is going to have to be fixed. but he had hope for the future of america. what do you think of this kind of positioning at this point in time with everything that we are going through? >> i think it's sad that the only way a guy can stay relevant is to trash the american flag. i see that and go you have got to be kidding me.
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for a company that their corporate policy is to trash the american flag as many times as they can. i honestly think nike did it on purpose they all knew we would be talking about it for weeks on end. they have a big base that they agree with the message. i wear redneck rivera boots. i don't wear nikeys no matter. what i don't like it. >> tammy: lawrence, at the same time, there is a shot of those boots. presumption base. i'm finding often, americans, regardless of who you are, love the country and are patriotic. and maybe aren't even receptive to this message. what do you think? >> lawrence: well, i think nike has had great benefit. this is not them caring about civil rice. they havrice -- civil rights. this is a business move for them. because they have had great success why they decided to double down on this. go back to the douglass quote there are both sides getting this whole thing wrong. first of all, he was talking to republicans and telling
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them that we are not living up to the ideas of this country. he was a republican. and then he talked about his love for this country and despite america not living up to his ideas, it was the constitution that he used as his greatest defense. and i think that's where we need to get back to. a lot of things i disagree with this country and i fight every single day to make sure we get those liberties back. but, some people decide to trash the flag in the process that douglass didn't do that. >> tammy: juan, there is a loft imagery involved here. good sign is a lot of people know what the beghts is i ross flag is maybe they didn't know what it was at first. do you think they are serious or another way to make political statements and to get publicity? or do you think this is a sincere effort? >> juan: first of all, it's not the american flag. it's the betsy ross flag which unfortunately has been appropriated by some white nationalists groupings and that's what kaepernick was talking about. and i think for nike, in terms of their profits, boy, they have -- since they have embraced colin kaepernick,
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their stock price has gone up. they have been making money and so a lot of people see this as an expression of american values that if you kneel and protest and you have a legitimate protest, there is nothing wrong with it. that's the other side of it. i hear what you guys are saying. i think there are lots of people who say nike apparently has tapped into this, especially when the younger generation. you know what? colin kaepernick sudden not be punished, thrown out because he has a different opinion. we all as americans have a right to express. >> that wasn't the only reason why he was thrown out. >> tammy: anna, at the same time, it's about casting and marketing almost as though they could have had a different impact with an opposite kind of message. is in a natural good business mode to move into social justice warring? >> anna: you are starting to seat right do the exact same thing on the other and cash in on the controversy as well. i just saw on "fox & friends" or somewhere on social media a t-shirt that are had the betsy ross flag on it. you can only imagine there are probably shoe companies
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that have got their tread on waffle iron to do their own to cash in on it. it is unfortunate on the fourth of july this is what we are talking about rather than what kind of hot dog you are eating. >> tammy: there you go. we have got to move on here for this. the san francisco school board has decided to paint over a mural of george washington featured at public school. they are willing to pay $600,000 to get it done. 83-year-old mural racist and degrading african-american and american indian people. there is a huge debate. some are wondering about the cost. $600,000. painted during the depression. was menta meant to introduce difficult subjects. considered radical at the time. broadening out the image of washington. involving the death of native americans, slavery, and yet, now, it's too sensitive.
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and it's a school that's mostly of kids of color. >> lawrence: i think the art tells a lot of the story. it tells the full story. i'm afraid that we have become so sensitive when it comes to symbolism. everybody is getting worked up over symbolism. i think it's going to destroy this country. where is the line drawn? >> tammy: john? >> john: i was just out in california and san francisco area. and, you know, i was telling juan i have been there many times playing concerts over the years it. does not look the same. when i see people wanting to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover up a mural instead of putting money out on the street. it's quite a scene. >> anna: happening in san francisco where homelessness is a problem. >> i wonder people covering up george washington are the same ones upset on president trump spending $2 million on a parade. >> tammy: educating people about his history. >> art is up for
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interpretation. those who allowed it to be on the school in the first place had in mind the idea that they would paint the whole picture of george washington and who he was and, you know, the scars that we do have on our country with slavery and the way we treated native americans. we can't forget our past or we are doomed to repeat it. >> tammy: juan, last word on this. >> juan: to me i worry about the kids. part of the justification is you see minority kids seeing slavery thinking that's who their ancestors are. their place in history. i can't buy into a racist history. a lot of people on the right saying the founding fathers are without flaw. let me tell you they were human, they had flaws. on the left, you can't erase the history. in other words, if you were in germany and you said we are going to put up hitler or something, okay, clearly unacceptable. i think in our country this was within the parameters much the telling of a legitimate american historical tale.
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yeah... so you see how that works? mm-hmm. sometimes you gotta go straight for the source. car loans fast from navy federal credit union... our members are the mission. ♪ shut up about politics ♪ ain't nothing but a big pile of politics. >> john: our friends in liberal hollywood still have no evidence that trump included with russia to win the 2016 election. after embarrassing reading of the muriel report several are auditioning for fictitious movie on the special counsel's work. >> hi my name is debra. >> marilou. >> i'm reading for mueller report. >> mueller report. >> mueller report the movie. >> according to comey's account. >> at one point during the dinner. >> president stated -- >> -- i need loyalty. >> i expect loyalty. >> what?
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[laughter] >> okay. >> could you imagine if this was from the real report? >> it is. >> really? >> they got to impeach this guy, right? >> is this supposed to be funny or terrifying? because it's both. >> oh, man. i'm going to audition for a movie called bleach bit. that's going to be the movie i audition for. so i come from the world of music, right? and when i go out on tour and we do meet and greets before the show and you are meeting just regular, every day folks coming through the line. i can tell you they do not give too hoots about people acting in a movie for the mueller report. the mueller report itself now that we have already read what's in it. they don't care. they are still hung up on it out there. i wonder from you is that just hilarious? i'm just laughing at it? >> anna: i think it's smart in some ways on their part and stupid on n. other ways. it's smart because we are talking about it right now. the report is out and they ought to be focusing on something else. no collusion is what was
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thrown up there so, come on, get something else to focus your energy on. we are talking about it. social media is talking about it. you are talking about it around the water cooler and these clips are candy for liberals, right? >> yeah. >> anna: it's stupid in another way. you think about hillary clinton, 2016, she had the endorsement of pretty much every single celebrity. it didn't matter who they were, they were in her camp did. it help her? it didn't matter katy perry was helping her with singing roar. it didn't help. >> john: almost like a boomerang effect, have you seen that happen? >> lawrence: reads like a full script. doesn't tell the story. a lot of interferences that happened with the hillary campaign, colluding as well to get the information. the mueller report doesn't talk about think any of that if you are going to make a movie and get it historically correct, maybe you should bring. >> john: i don't think historically correct is what they are worried about with this particular film. when is enough enough? ever? >> tammy: here is what the relation is here. they are doing a fake
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audition for a movie that is not meant to be made about a muriel report that is a fantasy in their head about collusion that was a hoax. their entire world is freaking fake. [laughter] >> tammy: it's made up and so i thought it was perfect. and even i would say look, i'm stale registered democrat there are many classical liberals out there looking at this and it's painful to have been lied to about the mueller report. this just reminds them about how they were taken for fools. >> juan: if that's the case, tammy, what's all the upset on the right? >> they are not upset about it. >> nobody is upset. >> juan: they're reading it as it was written and, remember, president trump falsely says no conspiracy. no collusion. this was looking at evidence of conspiracy and the judgment was there was not sufficient evidence to make the case. but so what? if you read the report, you mow that russia interfered in our election in 2016. >> tammy: and barack obama did nothing about it.
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>> juan: and you know that they wanted donald trump to win. so these guys are just reading it. if they want to read it, fine. >> john: we have a phrase in the country in texas running around like a chicken with your head cut off. ever heard that before? >> lawrence: especially troubling to say so what after there wasn't enough evidence presented to prosecute. that is a foundational. >> juan: fine. >> lawrence: it is the burden of the prosecution. >> juan: fine, all they are doing is reading the report that president trump says exonerated him. you would think great these liberals are meeting the mueller report. to the contrary you are afraid because you think people might actually listen. >> john: let's talk ice cream. this story went viral for all the absolutely wrong reasons. the teen caught on camera lick ago tub of ice cream and putting it back in the freezer has now been identified. and she is in big trouble, guys. coming up next. ♪ ♪
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lick it. oh you are foul. put it back. put it back. oh. january. >> anna: new seen this yet. authorities have identified and spoken with a female juvenile suspect and her boyfriend after they allegedly posted video to twitter of her licking a half gallon of blue bell continue roof ice cream in walmart and putting it right back in the freezer. the nauseating stunt was being viewed by 11 million people on line. police say she could have been charged with second degree tampering with a product carries 2 to 20 years behind bars and possible fine of up to $10,000. john rich, what do you think? now that we know it's a juvenile. oh, give this poor girl a break. >> if you are going to come down on her, there is somebody else you have got to come down on too that's ariana grande. >> anna: i forgot about that yes. >> a couple years ago her and her boyfriend are in a doughnut store she licks the
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doughnut and boyfriend licks the doughnut and then she says i hate america. i hate americans in this video and i don't think anything ever happened to her and nothing about tampering was ever talked about with her. so, you know, goose and gander. listen, what is wrong with people? >> anna: tammy, look, this is absolutely disgusting. i will not look at any ice cream the same probably after seeing that but she wasn't putting razor blades or glass. >> tammy: live in an age where a lot of things can be transmitted. standoff infection, yeast infection. you can have the flu. little kid compromised immune system and you catch a virus. people die from those things. i would suggest though that there should be serious action taken because there have been -- could be copy cats. maybe there is a copycat dynamic regarding ariana grande. she is a minor. it means that juvenile court will deal with this. i will remind everyone of
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the 1928 tylenol poisoning situation which changed the way we package products particularly medicine triple packaging. a lot of the people ice cream now you normally have to peel back like a plastic strip, flight blue bell doesn't do that they seal their lid to the ice cream. i bet you that's going to be changing soon. >> i grew up on blue bell. >> anna: you don't look like it. >> lawrence: only ice cream i eat is blue bell because it's so favorable parents should be involved. the boyfriend should go to jail and face consequences for participating in this. i think they should scare them straight. no one was hurt in the process. there has to be a signal to the country that this is not acceptable. kids do dumb things sometimes. and i don't think we need more of them in the criminal justice system over those dumb things. but a message has to be sent. >> anna: we also don't want other kids like you said copycatting. i was just reading a report that supposedly some people are copycatting and there is
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another walmart in texas that has an armed guard by their freezer section because they are worried about it. juan, what do you say about it lock her up and throw away the key? >> juan: basically the person you are talking to now is homer simpson i love donuts and ice cream. why did you have to remind me she was licking donuts. >> make her eat the entire thing of blue bell as fast as she can and get the worse ice cream headache. >> juan: that is gross and offensive what she just did. >> tammy: it is dangerous. >> juan: this is about people. i think it was the boyfriend who made that video. the boyfriend makes the video because he thinks it's cute and going to go viral and not in the medical sense, tammy, and so i think what it is we are so hip, we are so cute. we were able to make fools out of ordinary people. that is just awful. >> anna: we have got leave it there. we would lo to hear from you about this one. one more thing is next. don't go anywhere. you are watching "the five."
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ask your doctor about trulicity. >> it's time now for big fun. one more thing. i'm going to go first. a fourth of july tribute to the generous spirit that lives in america. michigan church paid off medicl bills for 2,000 families. of grand rapids first church. >> at first, they didn't quite register. nobody does this kind of thing. just didn't register with them. finally a stud realizing what we did. they started clapping. the people started standing. >> i'm telling you, the church isn't allowed. last year, the church paid off tag and a half million dollars for medical bills for 4,000 families. keep this in mind, high school
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students in florida recently raised $30,000 to eliminate 3 million. the power of this generosity, more than half of the bankruptcy filings in america involve medical bills. so here is to you, kindhearted america. happy fourth of july. lawrence? >> you never know what you are going to get when you're out on the streets reporting live. but check out darla mall. doing a stand-up at a new york port authority bus terminal and check out what happens. >> the height of the rush hour commute, there's going be a lot more confusion. >> a champ toward the and that, gracefully block the man from walking in front of her live shot while continuing her repor report. tammy bruce? >> a pro right there this wonderful fourth of july holiday
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weekend, juan, your story great about the future and what people are made of. the next generation you will see why so. you've got two your old abigail has nailed the national anthem and wonderful, durable fashion. listen to this. ♪ our star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ >> thank you! speak a little abigail, she will be president one day. good stuff right there. >> she might be john rich one day. >> former navy seal from 1993-2017, that's a long time to be a seal. also works for folds of honor, great organization we know about. he's got this new book called "uncommon grid." images that he took. i have one of his pictures hanging in my house, and
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american bald eagle. go get this book. he now trains navy seals. this guy is great. while you are reading the book, it's my first time as a real host on the show, everybody gets a bottle of american blend, every bottle gives back to these guys at folds of honor. redneck riviera. >> the lady with a real beautiful shoes. >> thank you for noticing, juan. i'm going to be on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning 7:30. jedediah is pregnant and i'm doing a prenatal sickness segment. i teach mobs and bugs fitness classes, they call it. i also have an online fitness business where you can work out with me at home. strong and mommas, with two
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ands. i realize we have unique needs after having kids. tune into fox & friends tomorrow 7:30. >> we'll all be watching. that's it for us. we will see you back here on monday. have a wonderful fourth of july weekend. >> president trump says he's considering a executive order to put a controversial citizens of question on next year's. joe biden says most democrats are not well after moderates are more electable. outcry over a judge to refuse to try a teenager accused of an ads from a good family. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier. president trump thinking about using an executive order to get past the supreme court's resume refusal
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