tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News July 6, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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jeanine" is next and remember, i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. happy 4th of july weekend to all of you, and thanks for making "justice" number one all weekend. not just saturday day or saturday night. the fireworks may have been last night but we have more in store for you tonight with a guest line up that includes katrina pierson, stephanie hamill, and we'll talk the border crisis with the pinal county sheriff mark lamb. first, joe biden is publicly
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aapologizing over the comments he made about working with segregationist senators. joining me, corey lewandowski. thanks for being here, corey. we have this guy biden. sleepy joe as the president calls him. he's basically apologizing. i counted 9 days after he made the comment. it's more than 9 days. it's when he was in the debate with kamala harris and she turns it into a complete negative. then a week or 10 days later he decide he has to apologize. is this guy just a wimp or does it take him a hong time to
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figure things out? >> this is just the beginning for joe biden make the apology tour. it reminds me of beto o'rourke apologizing for being a white man. joe didn't apologize for giving the eulogy at bobby byrd's funeral. and he was the grand wizard of the klu klux klan. joe hasn't apologized for his work on the 1995 crime bill. you will see a lot more apologies from joe biden coming out. he hasn't had a real race for probably 40 years. he was the u.s. senator with bobby byrd, the former grand wizard of the klu klux klan.
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this will come back to haunt him. judge jeanine: even during the debate, corey. when they asked one of the questions, i think it was with whether -- it was about whether illegals should have healthcare. everyone raised their hand. and apparently they couldn't tell if he was raising his hand or not. this guy isn't sure of anything. what makes him think he can even make a decision as president of the united states if it takes i am day if not weeks to apologize if he doesn't know what's right and what's wrong and he can't decide which way the wind blows? >> he has no core convictions. he's 76 years old. he's only been out of politics for three years. he has been an elected official for 45 years of his life.
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when he was up on that stage he looked to his left and looked to his right, he saw bernie and kamala raise their hand and he thought i guess that's the right answer, i better get in on it. the most of important part of the debate was when he had the opportunity to respond to kamala harris and he said i guess i'm out of time. he was so off his game. everybody day of his 76 years showed up on that stage. judge jeanine: i think everybody remembers what he said, i'm out of time, especially when he wasn't asked to stop talking. but he dropped 10 points since that debate. so the women, especially the woman who almost took him down,
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kamala harris as well as i call her fauxh ontas. elizabeth washen, they are almost neck and neck in second place. how long do you think he's going to last. >> joe is a sinking ship. he's hit the iceberg. he's going down. draining water off a ship that's singing. pete buttigieg the mayor of south bend raised a lot of money. joe had a good run. but his friends are going after him to remind people of this horrific voting record. this terrible 8 years what he did to the economy which was devastated when he was president of the united states. he remind me of the jeb bush
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campaign saying i am the only guy who can beat donald trump. jeb was out of the race by south carolina and i predict the same for joe biden. he'll be out of the race by south carolina. judge jeanine: what about the democrats? a lot of them see him as the one who can take the president on because he's more mainstream. but letting illegals in and all the other stuff that's a lunacy as far as i'm concerned. isn't he their best home in terms of competition. when the left gets rid of one of their own and they are eating it alive. don't they put themselves in a worse spot in terms of ultimately running against donald trump and getting anywhere near close to winning? >> judge, i look at the economy and the jobs numbers and look at what this ht has done.
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how long can joe biden be the kid from scranton, pennsylvania? he hasn't lived in scranton for 65 years. and he's saying he's the kid from pennsylvania. at some time he has to become the guy from delaware. the blue collar joe business is getting old. i don't think he'll make it through the primaries. and if he did, donald trump will reef mind everybody of the failures of joe biden as u.s. senator. and tie him to the economy and the failures they had for kate years to bring the manufacturing jobs back. i don't see joe as a viable candidate for president, and the notion he can beat donald trump i think is a complete fallacy. judge jeanine: he's always talking about how what he and barack did, that will insure to
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his deficit. let's talk more about the imagine the president calls sleepily joe. joining me now, katrina pierson. i want to talk to you about the fact, you have got joe biden out there, and at this point he seems to be the guy that everybody wants to beat. they are going to keep beating on this guy. in the end i think that may to be their detriment. because he is the closest thing to the middle or the moderate. don't you think? or am i wrong about that? >> i think you are right. by also think corey is right. i think this biden flame is running thin. the fact you mentioned he's on
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an apology tour too late after his misstep. it is indicative of where the democrat party is today. when you have somebody like joe biden, somebody who is with obama both terms who is being called a racist by his competitors. this is where we are today in politics. no one is safe. i think we'll sit back fan watch and see what happens. but at the end of the day there is no one running for president on the democrat side that can beat donald trump. >> one of the things that's interesting about him is he claimed russia wouldn't dare interfere with the u.s. election on his watch. even though members of his own party and obama insist that's just what the russians did while obama was president and while he was vice president. is this guy stupid, too? >> i think it's the media,
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judge. no one in the media is going to ask joe bide what he knew and when he knew it with regards to russia. he was there when it happened. it happened on his watch, and barack obama said it didn't interfere with the election when it came down to it. so he has a lot of questions to answer. is he going to be asked the question? probably not with regards to media. but his counterparts keep his feet to the fire when it comes to so many other things. he'll have a lot of questions to answer the next few months. judge jeanine: in terms of the person who has the best shot against president trump. is bernie sanders going to start losing favorite just like joe biden did, an older white guy
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and they see more nrgt women? >> i think so. especially if bernie is not going to be as salty as some of the women have been who are competing for the post. poor bernie, he started this whole progressive thing. he got cheated out of the last primary so he'll fight for it. but the women are stepping up their games. they are playing identity politics and gender politics. all the i d all the isms are th. we can't even have a celebration about the 4th of july without them complaining. it draws a distinct difference between what voters are going have as choices come 2020. people are going to get to vote for america or for a democrat. in that case i predict an
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international airport today landslide. judge jeanine: i agree with you all things being equal. but what we see are illegals coming into the country, being released into the interior of the country with a court date to show up in a year or more. if there were any worth to the claim they would return to court and affirm their need for asylum. getting licenses in states like new york and california and the other states. those licenses can be used as identification to vote. they get these licenses. you and i both know they are voting. they are voting, they are voting. and the left thinks they should be voting. so i don't think all things will be equal. when we say -- the jobs report is great. >> you are right. and of course they will vote whether they actually physically
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go and vote, that ballot will end up in the box. i think most of americans are concerned about that which is why it will be up to most of americans to get out there and vote and get their friends and family into crease that margin. it is going to be more america or for a democrat. what we see on full display. and the democrats aren't even hiding this anymore. the democrats hate all things usa. 50% of us are deplore ands and the other 50% are expendable. now they are oh poising the 4th of july. this insanity is absurd. the more they continue to attack innocent people app and inanimate objects, the more they
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look to be unhinged. judge jeanine: we saw andy ngo assaulted by antifa and the police were told to stand down. you kind of were hoping antifa was over and done with. but apparently not. and this is going to continue. i'm telling you things will get worse and we move toward 2020 with police standing down in response to mayors of cities, our governors or state police, whatever it may be. whoever is in charge. then it's open senson conservatives and republicans. we have got to do something about this. with all those democrats saying let them owl in. we should get healthcare. we are in a mess, katrina. >> it's a huge free-for-all. but you hit the nail on the head. we are talking about locally elected officials. there are more and more people
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at the local level who are infuriated about the tent cities popping up. about people being physically assaulted. people are growing tired of it. more and more people are starting to realize the power is in the lands of the people. it wouldn't surprise me if there is a bigger upset next november. but even with the lower-level offices like mayors and sheriffs, like city councilmen. that's where all this destruction comes from, from local officials not serving their citizens for their own personal or political reasons. and the people have the power to stop that. it will be up to them, judge. judge jeanine: thanks for being with us tonight. and the panel is ready to bring the fire power on this 4th of
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seal eddie gal der reaffirming his innocence after being acquitted of all the charges brought against him including murdering an isis captive. the combat veteran raws represented by his defense attorney who joins us now. i'm sure it was even happier for you given what you went through and what you did. you did, mark as an attorney, what a lot of people thought was impossible. so many people were on gallagher's side. i know bernie kerik was in the the -- in the trenches with you. what eddie gallagher was accused of was a war crime. what was he accused of on why did it take so long. >> this was a complete team
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effort. we at a wonderful lawyer and commissioner bernie kerik who put together an all-star defense team. we had two great jag lawyers. we had bobby miller. katherine dees. the crux of the case was that the accusation that eddie gallagher killed an isis terrorist by stabbing him in the neck, that was a complete crock. that was total bull. there was no proof of it. the government had no physical evidence. they had a bunch of compromised navy seals whose credibility was rejected by the jury. there were a bunch of other understand differential charges, random shootings, obstruction of justice. all of this was rejected by the
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jury. and the jury different many different than the courtrooms you and i practiced in. a military courtroom. a court-martial is a true jury of your peers. the jury were marines and navy service members who were the rank of chief gallagher or above and who all had battlefield experience. and they saw right through this nonsense. judge jeanine: when did this crime allegedly occur? >> it allegedly occurred may 3, 2017. it was a deployment by seal team 7 to mosul, iraq. and the allegation was that there was a killing of an isis terrorist. by the way, judge. i made very clear we call this guy in court a terrorist. he was not a prisoner or
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detainee, he was not a patient, he was not a captive. he was a terrorist. regardless, eddie gallagher had spent 19 years in service. he had been a marine. he had been in the navy. he had been a seal for 14 years. the idea that all of a sudden the guy who commit a murder is totally outrageous. judge jeanine: why was he accused of this? this guy 1 years, he put himself in harm's way. for years, his life, everything. why was he accused if there was no evidence. what was it? >> in the opening statement by my co-counsel and in my closing argument we talked about this being a mutiny, not a murder. it was younger, inexperienced
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combat negative seals who really couldn't keep up with chief gallagher. chief gallagher is a serious war fighter, a guy who has been trained by the best and who has himself trained the best. and he was a little bit too hard-core for some members of his team. now, hard-core is what we want navy seals to be. we want them to be on the aggressive. and there were personality battles. there were minor discrepancies. people were stealing each other's care packages when they were in mosul, iraq. the truth is they didn't want chief gallagher to be a chief anymore. and that's how this bogus claim came up. judge jeanine: the jury decide,
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made up of his absolute peers, they decide he's absolutely not guilty, yet there are navy seals who testifiedified against him. what is going to happen to those navy seals who testified against him? did they testify they saw him stab the terrorist in the neck? are they going to get them for perjury? >> the government case was a disaster. it was chaos. they didn't know -- you know this having supervised the district attorney's office -- if you don't know what your witness is going to say you don't have a case. one after another one said yes, the other said no, one said black, the other said green, the jury saw through them. they had no credibility at all. that's why we won. judge jeanine: i am fascinated
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by this case. but even more fascinated by what the results are going to be, the cobbss to the people involved. the fact that this guy gave his life, literally to give his life for 19 years. went through that hell. a sad day for people in the armed services. but it's a good day for -- >> there are real heroes here. eddie gallagher is a real american hero. his wife andrea gallagher was the rock and foundation of this case and defense team is a hero. and we ought to throw some love to president trump. because president trump took eddie gallagher out of the bringing and into bail so he could help his defense. he brought the case out of the darkness into the light. judge jeanine: mark, we are running out of time. i would love to talk to you more
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last night it was preceded by a 6.4 quake northeast of l.a. the day before. larger of the two is the strongest to hit the area in two decades, damaging buildings, cracking roads and sparking fires. experts warn more aftershocks could be coming in the days and weeks ahead. a ride in new hampshire to honor the seven bikers killed in an area highway last month. it drew thousands of cyclists from around the country. the bikers were killed when a pickup truck hauling a flatbed crashed into them. now back to "justice." judge jeanine: the democrats are attacking each other and apologizing all while the * catches heat for saluting america on the 4th of july.
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so figure. politics never takes a break for the long weekend, and neither does my political panel. stephanie hamill and host of the pro questions give product cast. this is the 4th of july weekend. everybody is all excited 4th of july, but i guess the left is not so excited. i am getting fed up with them, chris. they said it would be a show of tanks like north korea and it would be political, and the president had the speech on the national mall and he doesn't do anything political and all those tanks are there, there is nothing political about this. do you think they should have had the tanks and all the other stuff? >> i don't care about the tanks.
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i do care that rnc got tickets and donors got tickets. bull whatever. if the president wants to give a speech on the 4th of july that fine. i think he needs a few new speech writers. we know the battle of baltimore was in 1 state 12 and there were no airports during the revolution. i think we all love the fourth of july. i heard republicans say the democrats don't love the 4th of july. we were worried he was going to give a political speech. he didn't do it this time. so we'll move on. judge jeanine: the left doesn't love the 4th of july. they went ballistic with the tanks and you have colin kaepernick with the flag. you are in southampton
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celebrating the 4th of july. who do you have think lives in southampton. my people. judge jeanine: i can't understand you when i'm talking, it's very hard. stephanie, what's your take on this. >> i don't hear anyone apologizing. everyone was suggesting president trump would make this about himself and his reelection campaign. so no one is apologizing. now they are saying he has horrible speech writers and it sounds like an 8th grader wrote it. some of the people out there hate trump more than they love this country. we saw that on display. this is the 4th of july. can't we just celebrate america's birthday properly? why couldn't we get around the president on this. everyone seems to be upset with the air show, and the fighter
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pilots and the tanks. but i live in a military community. i flew on an f-16 with the thunderbirds. this really is isn't controversial at all. judge jeanine: they make it controversial, chris, because it's donald trump. and you know, the thing with the tanks cracked me up. i think it was john f kennedy during his administration who had tanks rolling down in washington, d.c. and i think we had some pictures of those tanks. and also eisenhower had the tanks rolling down during his inauguration. do we have them, guys? they are coming out. it's not like donald trump is the first guy to say let's bring out the tanks. the tanks are definitely something, you can see it right there. the top is from eisenhower other one you are looking at right
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now. and that's not north korea. then john kennedy used tanks in his inauguration. it's just absurd. but even more than that. the left is cry babies. kaepernick is imrieg those stupid sneakers. betsy ross is a racist and segregationist. when barack obama used the betsy ross flag for his inauguration. do we have that. there it is. there is the betsy ross flag at obama's inauguration. now five years, six years later it's the sign of racism. chris, why don't you just admit the left has gone over the deep end. >> i think you try to paint everybody on the left with a broad brush. judge jeanine: they are all raising their hand. >> i have no idea why they are
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upset about that flag. i have been trying to figure it out. our founders weren't perfect. did colin boycott "hamilton" too? i don't understand that protest. i am wondering if there is more to this story than we know. >> got to be more to the story if we don't understand it. >> colin who? the unemployed guy chiming in to let us know he doesn't like a pair of sneakers and nike has to pull them off the shelf? i will never forget the socks he was wearing depicting police officers as pigs. the guy is totally outrageous and irrelevant and i hate that we have to talk about him. i'm sure he loves the strove he stirred in this nation. >> it's another outrage. the outrage of the week.
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judge jeanine: you know what the problem is? when fly key respond to a loser who should be benched and was benched as though he's the epitome of what should be acceptable in our society. and they take the betsy ross flags obama used at his inauguration because kaepernick says it's a racist symbol, we have got problems in america. >> i don't understand how everyone sits back and they are okay with this pc culture consuming everything and everyone. if you think you are safe as a white man in 2019, chris, you don't know what's coming for you. you will be labeled a racist just like joe biden. >> i don't know if you heard what i said. i don't get this whole controversy. i think this was a decision by
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nike and i don't know what the reason was for that decision. i don't see the controversy. it's a right-wing outrage. >> it's a left-wing outrage, so much so they pulled them off the shelf. >> one guy. the same guy as wrote trump's speech the artrump's --speech. judge jeanine: chris, let me ask you this question. kamala harris takes down joe biden. he dropped 10 points in the polls. kamala harris and elizabeth warren are now in second place. they are taking down the guy who had the best shot of taking down
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donald trump. >> i think joe biden might not be the best guy to take down donald trump. if he does haven't a good debate when they meet again in july, i think he's done. if this guy can't stand on the stage and take a hit like that and respond appropriately, he can't be president. he would have done worse with donald trump. it's time to look to a new generation to lead this party and move on. judge jeanine: you know what, chris? i don't think bernie looked like a winner either. >> look, i can say the same thing for bernie. i can say the same exact thing for bernie. it's time to move on with new blood, new idea and move forward. it's going to be a tough campaign against trump. they will call whoever comes out of this party nomination a socialist who doesn't like
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america. you will have to stand up to that and fight back. >> i will say it's also confusing. our former vice president, joe biden, is now a racist, but no one took issues with his policies before. we never really talked about that. i think it's a shame what the democrats are doing to joe biden. i am not a support of joe biden and i am not in the business of defending joe biden. but it's appalling what they are doing to him on the stage. a and a lot of people are taking things out of context trying to you paint him as a racist. he doesn't need to apologize for anything. but he has to. apologizing joe. he's going to be apologizing for the remainder of the campaign. there is one more thing wanted to say. he's finally getting the treatment president trump has
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been getting and i'm sure he doesn't like it because he all so-called the president a racist so he's getting a taste of his own medicine. >> nobody called him a racist. >> check social media. judge jeanine: chris hahn, stephanie hamill. judge jeanine: talking immigration at the border with sheriff mark lamb next. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla
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prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams. this is jamie. you're going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets.
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-how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped. judge jeanine: president trump's deadline to congress to fix the crisis at the bordered before he ordered mass deportations has come. with us to talk about how bad things are on the southern border is pinal county sheriff mark lamb. i know the obvious question is, you know, how can we resolve the problem of immigration and illegals. everybody is going to say congress has to do their part. and they have to make sure they
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pass the law. but in the end they shirked their responsibilities since 1986. you are down there in the middle of this. what do you think can be done to stop this disaster going on at the border? >> i have been one of those people who said congress need to give us to common sense solutions. i don't get paid the big bucks to figure things out. but when you are talking about fixing things, you have to talk about two things. how can you fix immigration to make it common sense and practical. and how can you weaken the cartel. they are killing us with the drug trafficking and human trafficking. why are we letting the cartel take $5,000 per person. why don't we take it, give somebody a year visa, we fingerprint them and iris scan them. they have to pay their taxes. if they get arrested during that
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year we deport them. this is a common sense solution. we have got to fix it. we are dealing with apprehensions and 911 calls of people falling out in the desert that we have to go save. it's a true problem and a crisis. judge jeanine: i don't understand what you say with the cartels. how are you going to stop them? >> the cartels are making as much money to of bodies as they are off of drugs. everybody who comes through is paying the cartels $5,000. judge jeanine: the illegals pay $5,000 to come here. keep going. >> so why dome we take that money and give these people a path to citizenship. let them have a one-year visa. see how they do. if they have any issue, we can
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fingerprint them and iris scan them, they can get driver's licenses and obviously there are other issues to work out. you have got to figure the immigration problem and you have to hit the cartel where it hurts and that's in their pocketbook. judge jeanine: you are saying the united states becomes the middleman. you want to come to the united states as an illegal, we'll identify you and if you start paying taxes and do everything right, we might as well make money off of it. and we are not making any money off of them. i doubt they are going to chase or citi bank to start a bank account. >> most of of that money goes back to mexico because they are here illegally. we are fighting nonstop to protect the borders.
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the drugs and human beings being fra traffics in here -- trafficked in here. we finally have a president who is standing behind law enforcement and is doing what it takes to protect our borders. i met the man on multiple occasions and i find him to be a truemate patriot. somebody -- a true patriot and somebody who wants to protect this country and do what's right. judge jeanine: nancy pelosi wanted two weeks. they got $4.6 million for humanitarian aid. have you head anything going on now? >> i haven't heard of anything going on? i heard news reports that's what they are going to be doing. they -- i think our president has proved he's not somebody you
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want to tess to see if he's going to do what he he. he has done what he says and they keep not producing. we are spending money on humanitarian issue. we need to make sure we treat these people with dignity and respect when they come here. why didn't we take that money to secure our borders in the first place? we wouldn't be dealing with the humanitarian issues we are dealing with. that $4.6 million who go away in a minute. right now, we are change america. we are remaking america with people we don't even know. bad commentary. how many people are coming through your county? >> whenever we are up, we have our aviation unit, the anti-smuggling unit. we are getting anywhere between
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judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice." my next guest says america is currently in a cyber war. here to share some of that information is eric ko. thanks for being with us this evening. we hear a lot about what iran has done, but hitting oil tankers near the straits of hormuz and with a missile take down our unmanned drones. these are physical man fess taitions of what's going on with our earn any. but there is an additional layer of war as you call it that is going on. what is it?
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>> everything we have run his country on, our critical for us all on computers. and those computers are directly connected to the internet and exposed. and physical attacks are easy for people to see and understand. but there are cyber attacks going on every single day. in my opinion that's the number one threat. we heard about the russians meddling in our election. this week the riggss are teaming up with china to start doing cyber attacks against the united states which puts every single american citizen at risk. judge jeanine: the russians teaming up with china. i didn't hear about this. >> they had a few meetings over the last few weeks. friday they announced the russians and chinese are going to team up, they called it information technology collaboration. i will translate that for you. cyber warfare against the united
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states. the russians and china are not happy with what the united states are doing. so they are going to join forces. the russians are really good at going in and understanding targets. but let's face it, the chinese are some of the best in the world at hack. if the russians and chinese team up and start going after our information. a cyber 9/11 is inevitable and is going to happen. judge jeanine: are you talking about the electric grid? what do they go after? >> everything. for the last couple years the russians have gone after satellites, and basically have been able to provide false coordinates for ships and airplanes. if you look at most of of the united states military. they are also in our power grid. if we get more specific, they
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are targeting individuals. they are going after bank accounts, they are going avid i theft. think about what if you woke up tomorrow morning and your identity was stolen and your bank account was wiped out? judge jeanine: i have got to tell you, eric, that stuff is frightening. but the idea of being able to change coordinates on ships and situations like that which can lead an enemy like iran to say we took them down because they were in our waters and not international waters. eric, a final thought. what can people do to protect themselves? >> they need to recognize they are a target, cyber-security is their responsibility, and be very careful who they interact with. what emails they click on and what information they give out.
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