tv Hannity FOX News July 8, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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have a great night, and prepare yourself live from new york cit this evening, comes a host the host of the 9:00 p.m. show. >> i just talked to ed henry a little while ago. what's amazing about this whole thing, so the liver is breaks basically broken into two lobes. so 70% will remain with him. his sister will get 30%. and in a month, both will regenerate and grow to their exact size. it is amazing. yes, heroic on ed's part amazing love, but it's incredible, the human body. godspeed to him and his sister. it's an amazing story. he's a great guy. >> tucker: a brave man. good to see you. >> sean: buckle up, everybody. welcome to "hannity." hope you had a great fourth. big breaking news, multiple fronts. we are now tracking two major
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development side of the deep state including one discovery that could absolutely ruin sleepy creepy crazy uncle joe biden's presidential dreams. first, we do turn to an important update from the doj inspector general michael horowitz. remember, we heard from attorney general barr, we thought that the fisa abuse investigation will be concluded and released in may. according to our own catherine herridge tonight several key witnesses have now come forward in the 11th hour and are now cooperating with the inspector general. remember, the prosecutor, john durham, is also interviewing christopher steele, who i'm pretty certain it is going to stick to his sworn testimony in interrogatory in great britain. he had no idea if any of the dossier was true. yeah, the same dossier that was be supposedly verified in october of 2016 by jim comey. remember, then used as a backdoor before the campaign after the campaign, even president trump, to spy on the trump campaign. yeah, the one hillary clinton
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bought and paid for, those russian lies. here with more from washington tonight is our own catherine herridge. catherine? >> sean, multiple sources tell fox news the timeline has looked for a variety of reasons. justice department inspector general michael horowitz recently became aware of new evidence that you have covered extensively on your broadcast that the senior state department official kathleen kavalec in her department in 2016 with former british spy in anti-trump dossier christopher steele. the timeline matters because two weeks after the kavalec meeting the fbi and justice department used steele's unverified research paid for by democrats to help secure their surveillance warrant for carter page, the trump campaign aid. sources familiar with the matter said some key witnesses horowitz wanted to talk to earlier in the case agree to the 11th hour. at least one witness who does not work for the fbi or doj began cooperating after attorney general william barr
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ordered connecticut u.s. attorney john durham to launch a separate and broader investigation into the fbi-russia probe's origins. fox was told recent developments have required some witnesses to be reinterviewed, to deconflict their accounts. the final report is subject to a classification review by the justice department and fbi. under a worst-case scenario that review itself could take weeks, sean. >> sean: catherine, that is very important report. thank you. remember, bruce ohr and kavalec who catherine was talking about they all warned everybody that in fact, don't trust steele. hillary paid for it. steele hates trump. the questions, the issues in the dossier were dubious and never verified. also, keep in mind, the horowitz investigation into fisa abuse is just one of now three ongoing probes into the federal government's abuse of power corruption scandal during the 2016 election. without a doubt, the washington swamp, they thrive under the biden-obama administration. rigged investigations, multiple instances of fraud committed against the fisa court
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political bias at the highest level of the fbi, and our intelligence community. a two-tiered system of justice. leaking, lying, spying malfeasance, like we have never seen before. and tonight, even more corruption is coming into focus. this time, surrounding sleepy creepy crazy uncle joe biden himself. oh, and later in the show, if you are friends with uncle joe well, you might want to tell him to tune in because he and his oh, we would never allow russia to interfere in something on my and obama's watch, oh, i've got a response coming up. but tonight, we start with john solomon of "the hill," investigative reporter. we are now know that biden's son, hunter, he was gainfully employed by ukrainian gas giant. from 2014 to 2015. now, solomon's reporting during that very same time period hunter biden's american-based firm received nearly $200,000 each month from the ukrainian energy giant.
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a month, all of the very same time then vice president biden was the point person of the obama administration for ukraine in their tense relationship with russia. now if that sounds incredibly sketchy, remember what happened with crimea and ukraine under biden-obama. biden even once bragged that he used his influences as vice president to get a ukrainian prosecutor fired. it turns out that prosecutor was investigating that same oil company that was paying his son and shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars every month to hunter biden's u.s. firm. so what he literally is admitting that he leveraged 1 billion u.s. tax dollars to force the firing of the prosecutor investigating this on who's making a fortune. and just breaking moments ago john solomon, well, he's teamed up with the southeastern legal foundation and filed a lawsuit a foia request, communications between the state department hunter biden, and yes, the ukrainian oil and gas company
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and others associated with a disturbing case. we'll have more of my monologue in a moment. first, joining us now with the breaking news, investigative reporter, vice president of "the hill," john solomon. we got to remind people of the tape of biden -- you've got six hours, you either fire him or i'm taking my billion dollar home. >> [laughs] that's right. that's called leverage. so why is tonight's lawsuit important, sean? it's important because of asset state department on multiple occasions, can you tell me whether you had any conversations about burisma whether the biden family or burisma's american representatives ever ask for any assistance from the state department, and they have declined repeatedly to answer. i then filed a foia in may asking for any documents, and 45 days later, i've got nothing but crickets. so today with the help of the southeastern legal foundation, a public interest law firm, i filed a lawsuit trying to compile the state department to provide any documents that would show whether hunter biden joe biden, their staffs, their american lobbying and p.r. law
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firms, if any of them have contact with the state department about the burisma case and the time frame around when joe biden forced the prosecutors firing him. we should get a lot of visibility into this. my sources indicate to me there were a couple of meetings biden-related meetings of the state department during this time frame. i hope this lawsuit will bring those meetings delight and we'll learn more about what really happened there. >> sean: there are other questions, too. he was not in the hedge fund business, but he was with his then vice president father on air force two, flying to china and then two, three weeks later how much money did a firm that he was representing him or that he had no experience in, end up paying? >> over a billion dollars. yeah, it was a big investment over a billion dollars. you see this pattern in 2013 '14, '15, of hunter biden following the vapor trail of his father's government work on collecting big money. that is what is troubling people. people i spoke to in ukraine
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people i spoke to the united states, people i spoke to in china all see this pattern as troubling, cashing in, so to speak. what we need to know is what is a candidate, now vice president joe biden, now candidate for president biden, what does he know? who told him what? >> sean: all right, thank you john solomon, great reporting. if it were after the so-called journalists -- there are none of the mainstream media -- none of us would ever get reported. biden would never be fully vetted. just like in 2008 with barack obama. remember, this show investigated obama's ties to, yeah unrepentant domestic terrorists bernadine dorn, bill ayres. it was us on this show that were digging into his deep personal connection to reverend wright the church of gd america. and black liberation theology that so inspired him and acorn and community organizing and even and even the gang and so much more. remember throughout his presidency, it was really up to us to cover his scandal-plagued
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administration because, well journalism is dead and it's been buried quite a while unfortunately. most of the members of the media are nothing more than shills and an extension of the democratic party. they don't care about you, we the people. things have improved so much under donald trump and they hate him. why wouldn't they be championing success for the american people first? interesting question. this was perfectly exemplified during the president's recent trips to south korea. pay very close attention. all right, the president goes to the dmz. president trump quickly, after he tweeted out to north korean kim jong un, became the first sitting u.s. president to cross the dmz. president trump, let's see, he offered no concessions to north korea, the sanctions are still very much in place. in other words, president trump did not try to bribe the north korean regime like bill clinton did with your money in the mid-'90s and tell us this is a good deal for the american people.
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nor did president trump drop $150 billion in cash and other currency on a tarmac to mullahs in iran, like biden and obama did during their failed iranian nuclear deal. no, this president won't try to appease, bribe dictators, but he also hates unnecessary wars. president trump is not an interventionist. he is about america. his policy is clear. america first, the american people first. his foreign policy and diplomacy surrounds economic pressure. open lines of communication. we see that with iran. iran is desperate because of the measures and of course the sanctions the president has put on iran. he's tapping in now to american's vast oil and natural gas reserves. that means the straits of hormuz aren't less strategically important than ever before. by the way, you want to see the wealth of the average man and woman in this country rise? let us be not only energy independent, but let's share our vast resources with the rest of the world on you will see the standard of living of every american go through the roof.
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why wouldn't the news media want to tell you that? and by the way, the president views military action as a last results. the only thing he uses is offered to kim jong un, iran and putin -- oops, dropped my pen -- is his time, his attention, he's offered nothing more. and that is not what gets reported. members of the media can't see through their rage, their psychosis, to truly understand this president. so naturally the mainstream media, they were outraged. the president cured cancer they'd be outraged. all because the president had the audacity to simply hold a meeting. remember, he got hostages back he got remains back. and he even got the rockets from not being fired every other day. he's given nothing but time! that's it. nothing else. unlike clinton, biden, and obama. take a look. >> it makes me want to puke, my visceral reaction as an american who cares about democracy and human rights.
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the fact that donald trump is going out of his way to kiss up to this monster. >> he said something else that we should not let go by, "this is an honor to be here with you. you know what, it is not an honor to be there with a brutal murderous dictator. the united states president meeting with the leader of north korea was regarded as a right that no administration had granted. united states president visiting north korea was regarded as a great prize that was given away for pretty much nothing. >> this is the dramatic headline, the dramatic photo he's a great showman, he pulled it off. today there is no question about that. >> it is hard to anticipate anything more than this being a photo op that leads to more talk that may not lead to anything. >> sean: oh, might not lead to anything. maybe it might lead to something like more remains being sent to something, more hostages freed. who knows where it will lead. that was just one of many media meltdowns in recent days. there is nothing this president
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can do that will satisfy them. others surrounding the president's brief meeting with vladimir putin at the g20 summit, which i thought was hilarious. the press did not think he was strong enough on his morning against russian interference. they said to him, are you going to tell them to stop meddling in the elections? here's what the president said. >> i think putin, for his part feels as though that attitude the cavalier attitude about the russian threat to our fundamental system, gives him license to continue to do what he's been doing. we can count on it in 2020. >> this is the undercurrent of this entire trip. many with authoritarian figures basically wink and a nod to putin, wink and a nod to mbs. >> it's also the undercurrent of his entire presidency. he likes strongmen. i'm appalled. >> did the president basically invite putin to interfere in 2020? >> the president doesn't realize that when he does that, it sends a terrible message to the world
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that the united states is weak. that the president is weak. >> sean: what do they want? do they want the president to get into a duel with vladimir putin, go mma right there in front of them? do they want him to start a public brawl at the g20? do they honestly think the president could say something in front of the press at a press conference that would stop the hostile actions of russia? well, no, in reality, the media just wants to blame the president for everything. no president has been tougher in modern day on russia in recent years than donald trump. same with iran. no one has been tougher with iran. and the sanctions still remain in north korea. look at the reaction of the president's fourth of july salute to america. and by the way, the hysteria the phony moral outrage. it was a patriotic parade that celebrated the military, the same military that defeated communism, fascism, nazism, and imperial japan, but they were
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criticizing him even before the event took place. they knew what was going to happen but they were wrong. watch the predictions. >> what is the message donald trump was trying to send by rolling things down constitution avenue? who is that message to? is it to the resistance in this country? "i got tanks, i have this military armada." the message is a threat. it's always a threat when you roll out your military. but it's to whom is the threat? i suspect it's a threat to his fellow americans. >> i'm just personally outraged by the president hijacking the fourth of july. >> the juxtaposition of those images, of those children in cages, and here is donald trump there are those things flying overhead, and the tanks. is that really the message we want to send about america? >> this is not what we normally think as a democratic display of our values but rather the values of power, of my to making right of dictatorships. >> this is not just obnoxious
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it's fundamentally unamerican. >> sean: okay, the same freedoms that are protected every day. the president gave a nonpartisan, patriotic speech. the great history, they even made fun of that. it honored our country, and highlighted the brave men and women who serve this country in uniform to protect our liberties and freedoms. the media painted a much more sinister picture, predictably from the fourth of july celebration, the brief meeting with kim jong un, the presser with vladimir putin. the press in this country is so corrupt, they will use any and everything to smear this president. that is who they now are. they use the same tactic with oh, the jeffrey epstein case. you know, the well-connected uber wealthy financier recently indicted on sex trafficking charges. now he once had ties to many politicians and celebrities. including big ties to that guy bill clinton. he took very many trips on epstein's private plane.
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we called it "the new york post" dubbed it the "lolita express." going to denied wrongdoing but we covered the story extensively well before the 2016 election. the rest of the media as usual did not ask any questions. they wanted to help hillary at all costs. only now the mainstream media is interested because epstein once had ties to president trump through social events at mar-a-lago. now what the media is not telling you tonight is that trump severed all ties with epstein. look at the court documents. he banned him from mar-a-lago years ago. trump was reportedly cooperative in the 2008 case against epstein. now that media will use the sick, disgusting crimes of this guy to attack the president. in other words, the guy that is really good friends with bill clinton. it's beyond shameful, wrong selective moral outrage, the american people know better. the president's approval ratings, by the way, have reached the highest point yet. and for good reason.
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look at the economy is booming. no one predicted the jobs creation in the month of june alone. 224,000 new jobs were added bringing the unemployment down to a historic 3.7%. it doesn't matter what the media says, the trump agenda is working. record low, the best employment situation since 1969. record low unemployment for hispanic-americans asian-americans, women of the workplace, youth unemployment. here with reaction freedom caucus chairman mark meadows, and ohio congressman jim jordan. before i get to this stuff there's a big fight going on in north carolina, one of my favorite states, congressman meadows, you happen to represent well. i kind of wish you were running for senate, jim and i agree, we talk behind your back. tell us what is going on. >> you know, it is a special election that is happening tomorrow. i am supporting dr. greg murphy who will be not only the best candidate and will represent congress well, but he is willing
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to fight for this president just like you just saw, the media gets him both coming and going. he needs people that are willing to stand up for him and dr. greg murphy hopefully will earn the trust of the people there in eastern north carolina. jim and i have endorsed him. he will be a member of the freedom caucus and a real fighter. >> sean: i got to tell you this is important for a couple of reasons. we need more of you guys. without the freedom caucus, we have nothing. those are not words. we now have seen what you guys have been doing behind the scenes. so as you look at the reaction to the president, jim jordan kim jong un, he did not bribe him. he's not bribing iranian mullahs. the only thing the president gives is time. that is it. his time. and he says america first and he doesn't want to intervene in a war that we are going to pull out of because it is politically charged three years later. so to me, that is common sense. >> advocates for the democrat party instead of reporters of facts. it's unfortunate but that is just too they are.
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they don't report the real facts that matter, like the fact that unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years, taxes have been cut the regulations reduced, economy growing as you said, over 3%. 210,000 jobs added last month. neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh in the court, hostage out of north korea, you could go on and on. the press will attack this guy and the democrats are going to attack him because they are all focused, much more focused on stopping president trump than they are on helping the country. and that is a fundamental problem in washington today. that is why the race in north carolina is so important. gregg murphy will come and help the president fight the swamp and do what needs to be done to help the country so we can deal with these democrats in the press and all they are trying to stop. >> sean: mark meadows, this is a big report by catherine herridge, also big news by john solomon, but catherine herridge, we've already known what james comey testified to in october of 2016 the russian lies of hillary clinton that were paid
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for were in fact unverifiable. now they are going deeper. now we know this woman, kavalec at the state department, now we know that bruce ohr, because of your interrogation, and jim's interrogation, behind closed doors, they all said they warned james comey. they were the fbi. they told him everything about the dossier being phony and they used it as the bulk of information to get the warrant to spy on the campaign of trump anyway. where is that taking is? >> what we see is james comey went through not only yellow flashing lights, but he went through red stoplights to try to get this president and indict this president. i can tell you that not only the good work that catherine herridge reported in terms of what we are seeing what we knew, but we know that christopher steele not only was talking to the doj, but was talking to the fbi, was talking to the media, talking to the state department. he was talking to anybody who would listen -- >> sean: he was trying to talk to mueller to bruce ohr. he was hitting messages to the
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special counsel's office. >> he was sending smoke signals everywhere trying to get someone to take this particular story that was false. the fbi knew it was false. they knew they had credibility problems. and yet, they continue to spy on american citizens. >> sean: jim jordan, didn't he say, comey, that he doesn't spy? [laughter] >> here is why catherine's story is so important, why people are coming forward in mr. horowitz's investigation, the reason they are coming forward is because there is a new sheriff in town. that is bill barr. bill barr has announced he will get -- never forget what he said. we talked about this on your show. he said there is a failure of leadership and he upper echelon of the fbi. there is a basis for his concern about the spying that took place and he used terms that should scare every american. unauthorized surveillance and political surveillance. and he and john durham will get to the bottom of it and that is where people are coming forward and michael horowitz's investigation. >> sean: thank you, both. north carolina voters, pay attention, we need another freedom caucus member.
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when we come back, speaking of attorney general barr, these are democrats of wanting to cause a public spectacle by calling mueller to public identify. trey gowdy weighs in next. later, sleepy creepy crazy uncle joe biden apologizing for another blunder he made. michelle obama does not want to comment on it. a special "hannity" mini monologue for crazy uncle joe. straight ahead. ♪ doug, doug!
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people love your beans, doug. they love 'em. doooooooooug! you want to go sell some tacos? progressive knows small business makes big demands. doug, where do we get a replacement chili pepper bulb? so we'll design the insurance solution that fits your business. it's a very niche bulb. it's a specialty bulb.
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♪ >> sean: the attorney general bill barr had strong ♪ >> sean: the attorney general bill barr had strong words about robert mueller's upcoming testimony, questioning why the democrats are even holding a hearing with a former special counsel. let's listen in. >> it seems to me the only reason for doing that is to create some kind of public spectacle. if bob decides he doesn't want to be subject to that, the department of justice will certainly back him.
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>> sean: tonight congressman peter king, new york, his warning, "severe, serious abuses by the fbi and cia in the russia probe are going to come out." we've been saying that for two plus years. joining us now, fox news contributor, former congressman trey gowdy. one thing i've always liked about you, when you dig in, god help whoever is on the other side, you as a prosecutor, you never lost a case, correct?he >> i've never won one with my wife. so i am okay in the courtroom -- haven't done well at home. >> sean: [laughs] tthat's okay. that is a good >> 30 years worth of losses. >> sean: i've watched you in these hearings many times and i know what you're capable of. now try to bring us into what is really happening in your view. you have the inspector general you have the comments of the attorney general, you have mueller testifying, which ihe think will backfire, then you have durham, steele, all these people coming out last minute on
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fisa abuse, what do you happening? s >> a couple of things. i think the attorney general is right, the hearing next week with mueller will be a carnival. it will be a freak show. think back to march of 2017 sean, when devin nunes had a public hearing -- i love him -- but public hearings don't turn out well, no matter who calls them. he called a public hearing, how jim comey, 100 times, the witness said, "i cannot answer that question in this form." you think the media would say that was a waste of everybody's time, don't ever do that again.s ethey love it. they love it because what adam schiff and eric swalwell and the others did is read newspaper articles that contain classified information only for the witness, they didn't have to say, i cannot comment on the setting. that is what is going to happen hnext week. mueller's report is out. he's not going to deviate from the four corners of that report. that not keep house democrats -- the focus will be on the question, not the answer. the other thing that is going
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on, i love peter king, but republicans have got to get better at not always promising what is getting ready to come. look at what already exists! look at c what horowitz found! strzok and page with a historic level of bias.. you have a dossier that was used in accord pleaded that was not verified. you have steele, who was defrocked as a source but yet continue to provide information to the world's premier law enforcement agency, and you have a doj senior official in bruce ohr who was in the chain of evidence from fusion gps to the doj. we shouldn't have to promise anything else! that ought to be enough for my fellow citizens to say, you know what, something ain't right! >> sean: who authored the mueller report, when did he know there was no collusion? how is that he had time to the taxicab medallions, the prosecutorial discretion is used every day. the taxicab medallions, fara abuse, loan applications, taxes
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how did he not have time for a dirty dossier? i would like that question answered. from russia. >> i think what is going to say on that, john ratcliffe and i were discussing it over the weekend, i think what he's going to say, that is not what rod rosenstein asked me to do. i did what the acting doj age he asked me to do, which is look at -- go back to rod's memo. what did russia do in 2016? then a specific reference to the trump campaign. i think that is mueller's out. his out on when did you go there was no collusion, when we interview the last witness. so mueller does not want to come. he does not want to come because he does not want to deviate from his report. what you're going to get are these incendiary questions about obstruction and impeachment. you are not going to learn anything that you don't already know. it's just going to be great for people --'t >> sean: he's going to have a hard time answering how he had one candidate paid for russian
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lies and it became the basis of a fisa warrant. how does not become an influence on the 2016 election? but taxicab medallions did? i would like an answer to that question. >> i hope somebody can get that asked and answered in 5 minutes. 5 minutes is not much to unlock the mysteries of the world. >> sean: bob mueller's nine and a half minutes was not exactly stellar. i think the attorney general graciously bailed him out with a joint statement. that is a guess on my part. >> i hope i'm wrong. i just don't think this is going to help anybody figure out what's been going on. >> sean: i think you're pretty smart >> i think horowitz and durham well but i don't think mueller well. >> sean: trey gowdy thank you. when we come back, i have a special message for sleepy creepy crazy uncle joe biden. he's apologizing again. we'll explain why he is imploding in a mini monologue. also starbucks, look at this one of their employees kicked out a half a dozen cops from one
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[doctor] he's perfectly healthy, except i still need to write him a prescription. ♪ [female narrator] learn why the american academy of pediatrics now encourages doctors to write kids prescriptions for play. go to the genius of play dot org. ♪ >> sean: all right, sleepy crazy creepy uncle joe flat out trying to rewrite history saying that russian interference would never have happened under his and obama's watch. really? take a look. >> look at what is happening with putin. while putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in europe. look at what is happening in hungary. look at what is happening in poland. look at what is happening.t
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you think that would've happened under my watch and barack's watch? i promise you it wouldn't have. >> hasn't this president done what you have wanted to do by reaching out to kim? >> he did the exact opposite. kim everything he wanted, legitimacy. he gave kim the end of the relationship as a practical matter with south korea and japan as a united front and china off the hook. >> sean: no, he actually put sanctions on them, he did not give anything but his time and we have hostages back, remains back, rockets stopped firing. he did not drop $150 billion on the tarmac of radical mullahs that chant "death to america." all the election meddling happened on biden-obama's watch. all" of it. it's a fact. devin nunes was warning them in early 2014, they did not listen. and it's just the latest blunder by biden because especially after being whacked -- i mean hard, by kamala harris in the first democratic debate over his record on race and busing and talking about his work with segregationists, something we
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highlighted on this program, and finally biden, well, he ended the spin tour that was a disaster with an apology. let's try that as a last resort. let's take a look. >> folks, two weeks ago, somehow gave the impression to people -- yes, i was, i regret it. i am sorry for the pain and misconception i have caused. [applause] >> sean: you know what biden is also invoking obama to try to yboost his chances. it does look like the obamas are coming to bail him out anytime soon. take a look. >> has anybody caught your eye? >> you know, one of the things because barack and i are going to support whoever wins the so we are -- our primary focus is letting the primary process
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play out because it's very early. >> you guys don't want to get into it? everybody thinks he will go for biden but you will wait? >> absolutely. the general election is so important that we have to get behind whoever comes out of that primary.y. >> sean: it's not what biden said. he said, i told barack i didn't want him come out for me. what does it mean? the questionsd, are only going o get tougher.r. he's going to have to answer for his changing views, his constant flip-flopping, putting his foot in his mouth. he is not the only one. look at senator kamala harris herself, being pressed on her constant flip flops. remember, she said medicare for all, no private health insurance. then she went backwards and went back again. she told fake jake tapper back inin january that she would abolish private health insurance, backtrack the next day, the same thing happened at lastra month's debate, raised hr hand with bernie sanders, only to claim hours later she misunderstood the question. now she is trying to thread ther needle even further, saying there will be a "transition
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period" on the issue of reparations. so the division in the democratic party is in only going to get worse by the day. circular firing squad is forming. it will be an entertaining toin watch. look at the feud erupting between speaker in name only pelosi and, well, the speaker in reality, congresswoman ocasio-cortez. after pelosi told "the new york times," "all these people have their public whatever and their twitter world but they don't have any following, they are four people not so many votes they got" -- that prompted ocasio-cortez to fire back, tweeting, "the public whatever is called public sentiment and wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in the country." now this is all going to get worse. there are deep wounds that will divide democrats all the way into the 2020 election. here with reaction, cohost of "the five," he has 15 shows on this network, jesse watters.
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and of course, salem nationally syndicated radio show host -- i think you should give one of your shows to larry elder. that is my humble opinion. >> that is socialism, sean. i can't allow it. >> sean: oh, you want to give it all for yourself. greedyn' show person. >> reparations. >> hey, sean, that would be reparations. that will be reparations. >> sean: i don't know what it would be. onjesse giving up airtime, not happening. i can tell you that. he does a great job as newcomer larry. serious question, you watch biden, i'll be honest, i watch all these people predict that he will get the nomination, i don't think so.. 'lnot looking good for him, lar. >> no. the identity party, this is not a good year to be white, not a good year to be a male, and he's got that against them. what happenedal to the debate is that kamala harris whipped out the race card on him and joe biden did not know how to respond. he's a consummate user of the race card against republican. he used it against mitt romney inmn 2010 when he said that
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romney's failure to federal regulations means they will put y'all back in chains when he was speaking to a predominantly black audience. so he does not know how to deal with this. but he's got a 40 year record and this is the first of many apologies. i suspect the next apology is going to be that he signed -- he is a part of the crime bill of 1994, which is now being called a racist, even though majority -- >> sean: you know, jesse, you can't go to a dunkin' donuts or a 7-eleven, he says, unless you have a slight indian accent. what he said about obama shocked me. this is storybook, for the first time, an s african-american that is clean and articulate. storybook. i'm like, what? >> yeah, we are going to have to change his new nickname to sorry joe. he's been apologizing and flip-flopping more the last three months than trump has in three years. if you look aboute the segregation of stuff, the chinese threat, anita hill, the hyde amendment, inappropriately
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touching women, he has shown that he does not have the backbone to be president because he'llhe be an absolute pushover. he's always been a coattails remember, he'd be nothing without barack. now the obamas are slowly pulling the coattails out from under his feet and he can't stand on his own. the guy cannot think quickly on his feet. you saw that at the debate. he was asked about what his slogan was going to be and he plagiarized it. >> sean: both of you, does he make it?w does he become the nominee? jesse? >> no. >> sean: what you think larry?e >> the answer is no. remember what obama said about him in the book "game change," "how many more times will joe biden say something stupid"? he's not going to make it. >> sean: [laughs] that pretty much sums it up. that means a party is going g radically left. that eases the path for donald trump. especially with a good economy and tough national foreign thank you, both. starbucks profusely apologizing tonight. one of their workers in arizona
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kicks out six officers from their store. a customer did not feel safe because cops were there. okay, lawrence jones hit the streets in new york, got some thoughts on that segment. that is straight ahead. ♪ ahead. ♪ my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today.
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♪ >> sean: more controversies swirling around starbucks. six police officers asked to leave one of their stores, shops in arizona. some patron felt uncomfortable the police were there. jonathan hunt live in the west coast newsroom with the very latest. really, jonathan? i thought cops made us feel safer and more secure. >> you would think so but for for now, it is apology accepted at least that is the message from the tempe police officer association after starbucks was
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quick to issue a mea culpa and acknowledge that an employee should not have asked a group of officers to leave on july 4th after a customer complained that their presence made her feel uncomfortable. starbucks executive vice president apologizing in a letter to the tempe police department and said the officers "should have been welcomed and treated with dignity and the upmost respect by our partners. instead, they were made to feel unwelcome and disrespected which is completely unacceptable."ea while a boycott starbucks hashtag began trending on social media, tempe police said the incident should be used instead as an opportunity to engageia in dialogue. >> we are not asking for a boycott of starbucks. we don't want the employee fired. hopefully this is a learning opportunity, we cant move forwd and connect our community and hopefully people will feel safe around law enforcement. >> last year of course starbucks was involved in a
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racial profiling controversy after two black men were arrested inn a store. starbucks settled with those men and ordered antibias training at 8,000 of its u.s. stores. sean? >> sean: they still have the needle dispensaries in 25 stores. thank you so much jonathan hunt. we have our own lawrence jones hit the streets today about the controversy. let's see how people reacted. >> so how do you feel about starbucks in arizona telling cops to leave because it made ao customer uncomfortable? >> shameful, to be quite honest with you. >> i think it's crazy. i think it doesn't make any sense. what would we do if we didn't have police officers? >> it is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. i can't think of a safer place on the planet than a starbucks or any restaurant with six uniformed police officers. >> i would ask my customer what they were doing that was so offensive and if there is actually some thing going on then you deal with that. otherwise, itu would say i'm sorry, our police are welcome here.
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>> you go and you see a group of cops having a bite to eat or something to drink, does that make you uncomfortable personally or do you feel safe? >> personally i would feel more safe. >> that is something people don't appreciate, how important they are, the things they do, a story like that just makes me >> what you think about a person that would say that about an officer that wasn't causing any problems but was just there getting a cup of joe? >> it is common sense ain't so ignorance is not bliss. >> a bad move by starbucks, a bunch of bad moves they have made over the course of the year. >> sean: that's why i only thlike black rifle coffee. that is the truth. i don't support boy costs. he hosts fox nation's "keeping up with the jones," along with former florida attorney general pam bondi. all right, lawrence, i don't know, maybe it's just me but if i am in a store late at night and there arere cops there, i am like -- i kind of prefer to see them.
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when i see them in a pizza shop a place in town that i like to go called mario's, i like to pick up the bill when i can. you know, say thank you for what you do and the risks you take. maybe i'm just old-fashioned. >> yeah, sean, there is not just one person that i interviewed that thought this was acceptable behavior. on the heels of today, georgia one cop was killed, yesterday was the anniversary of the deadliest police shooting in american history, 7-7 in dallas texas, which i reported on. there's a lot going on in this country. although there may be division between some communities on the police, i don't think anybody would feel like it's acceptable to kick cops out as they are getting a bite to eat, getting something to drink, and quite frankly, doing proactive policing. you don't want to just see police when go wrong. you want them in the community sean, to prevent crimes from happening. so starbucks made a big gamble right here and this is on theha heels of them, sean, they had
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that shelter policy where they allow homeless people to come into them and they pander to people and how they are saying cops aren't welcome in the same establishment? they got a big problem on their hands. >> sean: you know, pam, i could name three high-profile cases. we do not rush to judgment. cambridge police acting stupid ferguson officer darren wilson all the eyewitnesses said confirmed his story in that case. he was exonerated. lost his career but he was exonerated. the freddie gray case in baltimore. the impulse in the media and people on the left to think the worst about cops. why? >> sean, this may be a good reminder for all of us, like you said, to appreciate police officers. i have into way too too many law enforcement funerals in my career. we have got to respect our police and so many of us do. lawrence's piece was great. if a police officer is giving
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you a ticket, thank them. thank them for keeping us safe every single day. >> sean: thank you for my ticket, sir. thank you very much. >> there is no ordinary day in the life of a police officer and we have to support our men and women. >> sean: i agree with you. the first thing i say, i am so sorry, i'm speeding, i'm so stupid. i say, get out of here. act like a jerk. by the way, they carry a gun for a reason. guys, good to see you. a big update out of the story of portland, antifa members beating that conservative writer last week. we'll update you next. ♪ chicken?! chicken.
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shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. so they can do what mthey want offline.ine social security, securing today and tomorrow. see what you can do online at ♪ >> sean: our villain of the day, those violent antifa protesters. the good where they did come entering a conservative writer andy ngo, and portland, in late june. he was covering a demonstration organized by the left-wing group. he was beaten and sent to the hospitalal for brain hemorrhagi. police made multiple arrests. police are still on the lookout for the three suspects. you can see right on the screen there.
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i hope we get them. this has got to stop. the shakes, throwing it all over this guy. that is all the time we have left. hope you had a great fourth of july, great to be back. thank you for making us number one last month and cable. let not your heart be troubled. there she is. youu missed me. >> laura: can't you do better that number one? i: mean, honestly, you've been a slackerbe these last 20 years. >> sean: 23 but who's counting. >> laura: number one -- just one? can't you -- >> sean: you know what i told o'reilly the other day on my radio show? i said, why don't you come back to cable. i like to be number one again because then i will take a lot less crap. i think it comes with it. >> laura: we all take it hannity. it's evenly -- >> sean: you get your fair share of it. no doubt about it. but i am there for you. and tucker when you need it. >> laura: i'm glad i play sports. that's all i can say. [laughs] >> sean: this is a blood sport.t.
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