tv Hannity FOX News July 9, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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he and his sister will be grateful when he is back here at fox. that is that for us tonight. we'll be back tomorrow, 8:00, the show that is the sincere and sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have a great night. sean hannity is next. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." breaking tonight, the investigation into the deep states abuse of power has now come full circle. finally. fox news tonight can confirm, christopher steele, the former mi6 agent, who created the dirty clinton bought and paid for russian dossier was in fact grilled by federal prosecutors in june. the interview with steele reportedly lasted over 15 hours. it was conducted by lawyers that were working for the doj's inspector general, that is michael horowitz. this is 1 of 2 reasons that the ig report is delayed. the other being key witnesses now at the last minute have finally decided to cooperate. this is going to get very interesting but make no mistake
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about it: a crucial development in the ig's investigation into fisa abuse. that would be james comey, sally yates, andrew mccabe, and, yeah, even rod rosenstein should be very worried tonight. we know for a fact that steele's dirty dossier, bought and paid for by hillary clinton, was unverified as a matter of fact, unverifiable. full of salacious lies, even christopher steele himself previously admitted under oath he had no idea whether any of the contents were true or not. we know "the new york times" now suggesting that that dossier, russian dossier, was full of russian misinformation from the get-go to influence the 2016 elections and more. robert mueller, trying understand, maybe we'll find out next wednesday, why did you end your team have find warfare a fair elevations, loan applications from years gone by? taxi medallions, taxes from years gone by? how did you possibly ignore
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hillary clinton's bought and paid for russian lies used to get a warrant to spy on the trump campaign, the trump transition, and the trump presidency? of course, we also know christopher steele hated donald trump and he was being paid a ton of money -- lets he come he is being paid by the clinton campaign, the dnc, the fbi, and some oligarchs. good gig if he can get it. four people pay you for lies. so steele spread is b.s., anti-trump anti-trump rumors to anyone and everyone who would listen, including high-level officials in the fbi, the doj, obama's state department, the intel community, and we now know multiple media outlets. even after he was fired for lying and leaking by the fbi, he was still using bruce ohr to funnel more lies this time to mueller and his team of witch hunters. by the way, did mueller use any of this information? great question for next wednesday. because of steele's rap and bias, conflict of interest, and
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blaine did plated inaccuracies d research multiple serious what legs were raised by officials multiple serious what legs were at the fbi, the state department, and many, many others. that did not seem to matter to james comey, the super patriots. he used the phony russian dossier, filled with these lies, as the basis for those fisa warrant application. that's right, to spy on the trump campaign. the evidence was true and accurate, he swore that, i am told at the top of the fisa applications as "verified." we were -- we know it is nothing but rejoining us with so much mn steele's time in the hot seat, our own catherine herridge. catherine, one thing that stands out is if he testified 15 hours, we know in an interrogatory under oath under the threat of perjury, he went on the record saying he didn't know if anybody was true. >> that's right, sean, good evening. based on the reporting, the former british spy christopher steele was concerned he would get "thrown under the bus" means dr. general's report and the apartment of u.s.
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attorney john durham to investigate the origins of the russia probe ramped up the pressure on steele to a cooperate. fox news reported that a key witness outside the fbi and justice department had agreed to talk to the inspector general michael horowitz of the 11th hour and that it now appears to be steele. reuters broke news that he was interviewed in the u.k. in june by three lawyers from the inspector general's office and as we reported on your show last night, these late-breaking developments required some witnesses to be reinterviewed to deacons like their accounts. citing another potentially significant detail that steele was apparently into a by investigators working for special counsel robert mueller in september 2017. the nearly 500 page report makes no direct reference to the so-called steele dossier used to secure the surveillance warrant for trump campaign eight. the mueller report called the dossier instead, see our reporting, or seal report, which has the effect of minimizing the fact that democrats paid for the opposition research used by the
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fbi and doj to secure that surveillance warrant in october 2016 and then they used it again to secure multiple renewals, sean. >> sean: unbelievable. now we know why the inspector general has been delayed, interviewing steele committees of the people coming forward, as per your report last night. great work as always, catherine herridge in washington tonight. it has been said, absolute power corrupts absolutely. nowhere is this more obvious than the russian mission. bob robert mueller's merry bandf democratic donors were given a big platform and tremendous power to investigate all things donald trump and russian interference. while they found no collusion, no conspiracy, no chargeable obstruction, they did manage to wreck the lives of multiple people that were associated with the president. of course, with strong arm tactics that should make every single american concerns. if you care about constitutional and civil liberties. by the way, not even war hero
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lieutenant general michael flynn, 33 years of service, he was not spared either. the combat that fell victim to bought was a perjury trap. mccabe, comey bragging about it. he and members of his family were threatened with significant prison time. his screws were turned in the hopes that he would sing or compose as judge ellis one side and in the process mounting legal bills wrecked his family finances. he had to sell his house, he ultimately agreed to plead guilty to lie to the fbi and the fbi did not think he lied. he did it to save his family and is on a particular. tonight thanks to investigative reporter sara carter, we are learning some damning new information about flynn's plea deal and according to the level counsel, the ever so powerful and smart cindy powell, persecutors wanted flynn to lie under oath against the former business partner in a case surrounding again a fara
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violation. "the prosecutors have been adamant that mr. flynn testified, that he authorized the filing of this b6 form knowing and attending that it contained false statements. mr. flynn cannot give that testimony because it is not true. according to sara carter's reporting, because a plan is refusing to give the testimony they are demanding that he says is not true, federal prosecutors are now planning to portray flynn as a coconspirator in the case. what does that mean for lieutenant general flynn tonight? here now with the full report, fox news investigative reporter sara carter. you know what is so unbelievable about fara violations were never a big deal. you know, mueller and his team, they ignore the russian dossier, which we know was spread before the election to influence the american voters, and imposed, david clarke, michael isikoff. not one bit of information on the paid for russian lies. that became also the basis for the fisa applications. >> that is so true, sean.
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this is so important about what sidney powell put in her brief, which by the way unsealed in the eastern district of virginia dress today. what is important about it is that we learned so much more about how they were targeting michael flynn. from the very beginning. we learned that david loughman, the head of the national security division of the department of justice, himself, forced flynn, forced flynn to sign this b6, not only did fara hire attorneys who are experts in the fara, a foreign agents registration act, they hired robert kellner, who was one of the top attorneys in washington, d.c. but he was also with flynn while they signed this b6. they look at it in detail, according to the brief, that every part of that fara application was looked at in detail before flynn assigned it. flynn signed off on the fara every single time and now even i may have been calling him a cooperating witness, the entireg with his former business
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partner, they called flynn a cooperating witness, now they want to call him a coconspirator. just because, as he said, he decided and said, i can't fly. when i signed this sp fara, i believe everything was absolutely credible, everything was absolutely accurate. you cannot asked me to do that. the fact that he did not do that, the prosecutors turned the screws on him again, according to sources, and according to the brief. they said, no, since you are not going to do what we want you to do, you are now a coconspirator in the case. i think this is really significant because it plays into what has been happening from the very beginning with robert mueller's team. >> sean: think about judge ellis said at the beginning of the first trial of paul manafort. he said, we know this is -- you don't care about his taxes from years gone by. we know what this is about. you want to put the screws do paul manafort so he will either sing or compose. compose being lie, say what you want him to say. so you can get donald trump. with that said, he started the case. >> that said.
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one very important point about this, sean, that a lot of people don't understand, normally faras are not prosecuted, you are right. more than that, when they receive -- example -- an issue from a fara office to file a fara, it's very simple, very easy to fill operate according sources that i've spoken to, flynn's fara was so extraordinarily complicated, it was almost as if they had crafted the fara to try to corner him into, say, making a statement that want to be correct. so that is something that they are looking into as well. the judge is not decided yet whether or not to allow the government to call him a coconspirator, so the still has not been decided. it's expected to be decided soon. >> sean: sara carter, investigative reporter, great job tonight. we are hoping that general flynn gets just as. something really wrong with a process where you are offering someone a thing of value -- their freedom -- if you just say what we want, even though what we want is not true.
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we will have more coming up later in the program. also exclusive new details from fox news contributor, former congressman jason chaffetz tonight on the status of the inspector general's report. his sources telling him that jason chaffetz has learned that the reports filing has in fact been delayed at the doj is sorting out declassification concerns on top of what we have already told you about people now stepping up and deciding they want to testify and of course interviewing christopher steele. my message to the doj is very simple: we deserve to see the full report. after all of mueller's findings, they were released with extremely limited reductions. we are expecting the same treatment or the horowitz report because the american people deserve the full truth, equal justice must be served. the sanctity of our republic is at stake. this abuse of power, it can't happen again. for months, this program, we have been squarely focused on our investigation into the investigators and we have been right from the beginning. of course, they destroy rage
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trump media has been wronged, pushing conspiracy theories and lies. we have high ranking government bureaucrats, accountability in this case is critically important. constitutional liberties are in jeopardy. civil liberties are in jeopardy. equal justice under the law. now apparently, not to the fools who are, well, supposed to be conducting oversight on capitol hill. their areas, democratic house judiciary committee chair jerry nadler. he's now turned his committee into an anti-trump circuits come with a main attraction, nothing more than constant, never ending conspiracy and anti-trump propaganda. as we speak, nadler is relitigating now for the fifth time the focal previous investigations that concluded no collusion. a new boat load of subpoenas are being sent out. in fact, democrats, they are such issue 12 more subpoenas as part of their never ending fishing expedition. michael flynn, john kelly, corey lewandowski, rob porter, so many more who have already testified, called once again to
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cooperate with yet a fifth investigation. private americans, they are legal fees, they are spiraling out of control, all because of an outright smear campaign from the democrats. they never accepted the election loss in 2016. they are not accepting now five separate conclusions, no collusion. that is government harassment. that is government abuse of power plain and simple. i would urge these people, you've already testified, you can't add to what you testified to before, you are only walking into a perjury trap. maybe the fifth amendment should be considered. keep in mind, the house judiciary committee is supposed to perform oversight of the department of justice. so where is their investigation into the fisa abuse? what about their investigation into political bias in the mueller probe? is their investigation into a list of government spying, using the powerful tools of intelligence against the american people, especially at the height of an election favoring one candidate over another? did they even care if i ranking bureaucrats broke the law, trampled on the rights of
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americans, and of course, does the whole issue of surveillance, unmasking, leaking raw intelligence? seems the only thing they care about is taking down a duly elected president. and by the way, all the while calling him a tyrant. how ironic. it brings us now to jeffrey epstein. the left is now shamefully trying to use this guy, a convicted pedophile to smear president trump with reckless innuendos, suggestions, why? because the president wants new epstein. by the way, epstein lived close to mar-a-lago. went to mar-a-lago in palm beach. let's be clear, the president's association with epstein, it ended many, many years ago. watch this. >> well, i knew him like everybody in palm beach newman. people in palm beach knew him. he was a fixture in palm beach. i had a falling out with him a long time ago. i don't think i've spoken to him for 15 years. i was not a fan. i was not -- he had come a long time ago. i would say 15 years.
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i was not a fan of his. that i can tell you. i was not a fan of his. >> sean: the president did not elaborate on why he cut all ties to epstein, author james patterson who recently wrote a book on the palm beach predator, providing more details during interview with dana perino earlier today. let's take a look. >> president trump said earlier that he had a falling out with epstein about 15 years ago. you know what that was about? >> well, i know that there were some complaints about epstein at mar-a-lago and also i spoke to the head of the spa there and she said -- i said, did you ever meet epstein? she said, oh, yes. he would come in, he was inappropriate with younger wome women. she went to mr. trump and trump threw him out of the club. >> sean: by the way committed to media mention that trump banned him years ago from mar-a-lago? i guess he would not have banned him if the guy had something against him. epstein must be held accountable for what our site, perverse,
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very scary charges. sadly, for usual come of the is not interested in justice. they're using the case has another effort to bludgeon the president. on the left, politics comes before all else. the sad thing is, they never brought it up in 2016 because the guy that really was closed epstein was bill clinton. they wanted hillary to end. joining us now, author of the upcoming book "power grab: the liberal scheme to undermine trump, the g.o.p., and our republic: ," former congressman jason chaffetz. the number one best seller, the russia hawks, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. i want to start with sara's report and katherine's reporter in particular, gregg come i want to get to this issue. we both know sidney powell. sidney powell is extremely smart, well-respected, and with a defensive case on mueller's pit bull andrew weissmann. here's the point. if she, and a smiling, is claiming that they were asking general flynn till i come
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back in the same situation where prosecutors can offer something of great value -- freedom -- if you just say what we want and why. in the paul manafort case. >> it's the equivalent of testi-lying. when a prosecutor does not, it is a warning perjury. if you when i did that, would be charged. president dominic prosecutors think they can do it every day of the week. sidney powell is going to presented the judge what happened to michael flynn. in particular, he is charged with lying, and yet here is what the fbi report says. strzok and the interviewer both had the impression that flynn was not lying. he did not give any indication -- >> sean: how ironic way to speak it with the only two people who interviewed flynn said he was not lying in their judgment, then why did mueller charge plan and force him to plea under pressure to
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lie? it's an injustice, and i think the judge needs to know it. >> sean: let me ask congressman jason chaffetz, you have your sources tonight -- this is interesting to me. the attorney general said we could expect the ig report in mid-may. okay. here we are at this day. now the question is, we are learning from catherine herridge a couple of things. people that were not willing to talk in the beginning, they are now coming over last minute. we know christopher steele talked to the ig's team for 15 hours, but steele could not contradict his sworn testimony under the threat of perjury in great britain because if he did he'd probably be charged in great britain for perjury and he said he had no idea if any of it was true. it was still the basis of the application for four fisa warrants. where are we with this? >> what we are really learning is that this goes beyond the department of justice, where horowitz has jurisdiction within the department of justice. what you saw the president do to release information, at that was
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a queue that allowed horowitz then to go outside the department of justice. he had to get cooperation and pressure from the attorney general to the intelligence agencies. so then there got to be some fresh air where people started to say, oh, my gosh, they've actually interviewed some people, i better go back and supplement my testimony, and that is causing this delay. then the next fight, sean, will be other classification. that is when -- you go to, i got an article about this. he got to tell you, that is going to be a big battle royale. >> sean: that will also be up to the attorney general, i would imagine, and i thought he was very liberal in terms -- i think it was all but one full sentence and seven partial sentences that he could not release because of grand jury laws. i guess the thing we have to ask air, to me, it is a slam-dunk. i will ask both of you the same question. in other words, we know that there were numerous occasions the doj, the fbi, comey, even
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andrew weissmann, were all warned that the dossier was dirty, it was unverified, steele hated trump, henry paid for it. but in each one of the applications, they said it was verified. so to me, that is premeditated fraud on a fisa court, abusing and taking away the civil rights of not only carter page, but the entire trump campaign. i think it is a slam-dunk from my perspective, gregg. >> i always said it was. one of the things they will try to get from christopher steele, or did get from christopher steele, is the information laundering scheme that took place to hide from the court and everybody else that this was paid political propaganda. it worked like this. the fbi did not want anybody to know what they were doing, so they had christopher steele and glenn simpson. information to bruce ohr at the doj, who would then be debriefed by joe bianca, the fbi agent,
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who would then feed the information to peter strzok, who better to andrew mccabe. so this elaborate scheme was to hide the fact that it was all being paid for, political propaganda, by the clinton campaign and the dnc. >> sean: thank you, both. when we come back, the president's lawyer, rudy giuliani, is here to respond to the breaking news about christopher steele's testimony. also later, democratic party civil war has broken out. nancy pelosi and the real speaker, alexandria ocasio-cortez teaching apres dan bongino, a special "hannity" mini monologue. straight ahead. ♪ so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain.
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upholding a lower court ruling that president trump cannot block critics on twitter. the u.s. circuit court of appeals ruling 3-0 that blocking access to mr. trump's account violates the first amendment. the department of justice says "we are disappointed with the court's decision and are exploring possible next steps." president trump's twitter account has 61.8 million followers. two time presidential candidate ross perot has died following a battle with cancer. he's most known for winning 19% of the popular vote in the 1992 white house race. versus president george w. bush and bill clinton. it was one of the best third-party showings in the past 100 years. here's a second white house run in 1996 was far less successful. ross perot was 89 years old. i am jonathan hunt. now back to "hannity." ♪ >> sean: our opening monologue monologue, corrupt deep state actors may have trouble sleeping tonight after the reports that auntie trump dossier
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author christopher steele sat down for 15 hours of interviews. here to react, president trump's attorney, rudy giuliani is here. mr. mayor, all this news, he gave 15 hours of testimony, and are finally others decided last minute that they want to talk to horowitz. then we learn about general flynn. you are a prosecutor. i don't like his practice. you got to get -- you get get e out of jail free card if you just say what you we want you to say. >> that's in andrew weissmann special that mueller tolerated. mueller should never have been tolerated, independent counsel, serious counsel, sleep counsel. he did the same thing in the "whitey" bulger case. a federal judge named nancy burton, a classmate of the clintons, said that his handling of that whole thing was a serious problem for the fbi. it was chilling in the way that he covered up for a couple of
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fbi rats who actually did the murders, and people spent 40 years in prison for murder as they did not commit. other people committed them and the fbi knew all along. i'm kind of not making this up. the u.s. attorney of connecticut knows this case better than me. he uncovered at. mueller is the guy who has tolerated this kind of incompetent, unethical, over-the-top behavior in defense of the institution. i don't know what his makeup is but i did not really focus on all this until i got involved in the case. i was shocked. i was shocked at the way they handle this case. totally out of control. >> sean: mr. mayor, you can't offer a get out of jail free card and feed people want you want them to say. speaker you can't put a man like paul manafort in solitary confinement and bring him in 13 times like andrew weissmann did, tell them what to say, when he tells you it's not true, i sent him back to solitary confinement and bring him out of work or more days unless they are trying to suborned perjury or you don't care if they are suborning
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perjury. you can't do what he did to jerome corsi. i have the documents on that. they got him red-handed and out. that when we had to go to the justice department and get them slapped across the face for being unethical, disgraceful prosecutors, which is what they are. all this while ionizing mueller is disgraceful and that is what you will find out. these guys are the guys i need to be investigated. >> sean: we've been investigating the investigators. we are learning an awful lot that i don't like. i want truth and justice but you can say, sing or compose or we will put you in jail. say what you want -- >> only if you are the liberal media, which makes you into some kind of a king for doing that, and a prince. when in fact, this is like -- this is the scourge of people who are civil libertarians, prosecutors like this. that is why you have a guy like alan dershowitz in shock that these people are being lionized like this. >> sean: how does mueller justify fara investigations -- you and i both know that is
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usually fell out the form, see you later, or lone applications, or taxi medallions, and taxes from a decade gone by. ignore steele's dirty dossier, that the other candidate -- that was used to spy on a campaign. >> he was a hit man. he wasn't -- he would not of hired andrew weissmann if he didn't care about the truth, what he? he would not fire jeannie rhee, the counsel to the clinton foundation. >> sean: put you in jail and i will be right next to you. >> i would not hire people like that. i would have kicked them out. when he did that, i said to myself, what the heck is wrong with him? i figured out what is wrong with him. he's basically asleep. the reality is that this was a plot from the very beginning to frame trump. that is what you will find out. it's rather complex. it has a whole counterintelligence spin to it. it's going to get worse and
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worse and worse. why is this the first time somebody sat down with steele for 16 hours? comey never did it? it was unverified? you are the director of the fbi. you are supposed to verify, jerk. you are supposed to verify. don't tell me you can't verify. man, i would have thrown him out of the office of the attorney general. you come to me and you tell me the thing is unverified and you have had it for four months? you haven't bothered to verify it? find out as a bunch of crap? >> sean: he sighed often october 16 -- >> four months to verify it. he should have an embarrassed walking to the president-elect of the united states and saying. unverified! you had four months to verify it and you run the most confident, effective law enforcement agency in the world, or at least weekly media, and you ruined it, pal, because they are all ashamed of you. they should be ashamed of mueller. you look back on mueller's record now with an eye at what he was doing and you look at the
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whole "whitey" bulger thing and you say, wow, this was protectable. >> sean: what do you predict on wednesday? because i think when jim jordan and doug collins and matt gaetz and a few others ask these questions, how did you investigate these things but not the dirty dossier for much of that was used to really influence the election, and used to spy on the opposition party? >> how did you do the investigation in the first place when your lead agent, peter strzok, did the original investigation and concluded there was no evidence of collusion? he texted to his girlfriend, there's no there there. he did not tell you there is no there there? he told his girlfriend but not you? why, because you don't show up at the office because you are behind an iron curtain? i saw the guy one time. in a year and a half. i heard him speak for an hour and a half one time. i called him "the wizard of oz" because he was behind the curtain. "we are going to take it to bob." bob is in charge, pal. when i was the u.s. attorney, i was in charge, i was in charge
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of the commission case, i was in charge of the case -- i was in charge, not a bunch of assistance. sure, they helped a lot. but i was not behind some iron curtain or some curtain. he will be out of the curtain and we will find out answers and let's see if bob can answer the them. >> sean: i think he is going to have a tough time wednesday. it's not going to go the way the media thinks. mr. mayor, good to see you. >> i doubt it. it will be very interesting to see if he does another stumbling and bumbling located for his 9 minutes. >> sean: attorney general barr, my theory, they also met with a joint statement. >> bill is a good guy and a great attorney general. not going to criticize bill. >> sean: about criticizing him. i said he tried to -- >> maybe he gave him a lifeline, he did not take it. [laughs] >> sean: guess not. mayor rudy giuliani, tell us what you really think. we always want to know. when we come back from a speaker pelosi, speak your name
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♪ >> sean: all right, the fight over the citizenship question being on the 2020 sentence, that rages on. speaker of the house nancy pelosi, speaker name only, stoking the flames with her outrageous, incendiary comments saying the issue was a matter of "making america white again." really, nancy? playing the race card? watch this. >> this is about keeping -- you know, the hat, make america white again. they want to make sure that
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people, certain people, are counted. it's really disgraceful. and it's not what our founders had in mind. >> sean: okay. now senator ted cruz said the question is "common sense." take a look. >> first of all, do you want to see the question on the census? >> absolutely. this is just common sense. the constitution gives to the federal government the responsibility do you do a census every ten years. the senses needs to be an accurate count. he needs to count the people who are in this country, and for virtually every census for over a century, it has included a question, are you a citizen or not? >> sean: meanwhile, the attorney general bill barr says he has found a way to legally ask about it on the senses. propagating matters, the doj cannot change legal team in the census matter for a total mess. you joining us now as peter king of new york an american conservative union chair mat
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slap. good to see you both. congressman kane, good to see you. look, i think it is right. everyone makes these estimates, how many illegal immigrants are in the country. why is that in any way a controversial question? >> to me, sean, they should not even be an issue. this is a basic, common sense question. the idea of a census is to find out who was in the country. immigration being the issue that it is, no matter which side of the issue you are on, it is important, i believe, to know who is illegally or who is not. that will matter as far as health care, funding, to know exactly who in the country is not legal. that, to me, is an important factor, no matter which side of the issue you are on. if you want to get a true sense is as to what is going on in the country, there are such a significant issue, 10 million, 11 million, 15 million, how serious is the issue? maybe they'll find out that's not as bad as you think it is. i think they will but we want to be as accurate as we can and to me this is a totally phony issue raised by the media, raised by
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the left. out of all due respect to the chief justice, i don't see why the government has to show a motive for something that should've been in the census for well over 150 years. >> sean: matt, let's look at this from a political prism for just a second. the democrats, they are not even talking about abortion. i am shocked that they would talk about, oh, during birth abortion or deliver the baby, make the baby comfortable, and then, oh, the mother will decide. then you have the issue of 70% individual tax rates, marginal tax rates, 90% corporate rates, they are pushing the outcome of the new green deal, everything is free, whether you want to work or not, no combustion oil, oil, gas, no cows, no planes. then you add immigration. it is immoral to build walls, let's tear down walls, and free health care even if you are here illegally. how are those positions going to match up against donald trump in 2020? >> the sad thing is, sean can but the numbers show that
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democrats across the country are embracing this idea of socialism and the radical policies you just enumerated. i think america, there is a fight for the heart and soul of america, and it's going to take place in election day november 2020. the real key is, we've elected democrat presidents before who ran basically as center left moderates. what we have with these democrats run who are running for president is a pure, unadulterated socialism. some graph the title, some to me or a pet ferment. they all have the same policies. on this question of the census, i agree with congressman king. most of the history of america had a question like this on the census. our founders said that a question like this made sense. it's all part of the socialist democrats attempt to weaken the concept of citizenry, to weaken the concept of being a citizen and the rights that come to you with that privilege, and changing the whole definition of what it means to be an american.
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>> sean: by the way, you may not know this but congressman king used to be my congressman. then he abandoned me and got redistricted away from me. i think he did that by design. but i can't say for sure. >> he's also not well educated, not very -- >> sean: with income he's always been -- he is responsive to his constituents pray that i know. congressman, you said this weekend, i was very intrigued, you see that a lot of people will be held accountable in the deep state, what we consider high ranking fbi commit doj intelligence officials. what do you know? >> this is -- i was going on the intelligence committee going back four, five, six years, with mccabe and comey and john brennan and copper, and there was never, ever a basis from the start of the trump investigation to begin with, the trump campaign, to have this unprecedented, unprecedented action of launching an investigation into a presidential campaign based on
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the flimsiest evidence that turned out to be nothing involving carter page, involving george papadopoulos. that come unto me, was a scheme from the start. the dossier, you have comey, you have mccabe, you have strzok, you have all of them and john brennan, this was a collision effort and it will turn out as you mentioned before, the fisa documents that never should have been granted by the court, totally phony application, and down time after time. getting into a lot of the details, the fact there is never a basis for the investigation to start in the first place. >> sean: good to see you both. when we come back, congresswoman ocasio-cortez, speaker pelosi publicly feuding. hb 25 many monologue and dan bongino next. ♪
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telling you, and all-out war war is erupting inside the democratic party, as speaker in name only nancy pelosi continues to lose control of her caucus and she's losing it to freshman congresswoman, that it would become alexandria ocasio-cortez and the new extreme left. the real speaker showing no signs of backing down because ocasio-cortez is now using pelosi's own words against her. rehashing pelosi's previous attacks, like when she said a glass of water could have won in her district and tweeting yesterday, "those aren't quotes for me, they are from the speaker." having respect for ourselves does not mean we lack respect for her. it doesn't stop there because the far left group aligned with the congresswoman is now targeting, yes, targeting, democratic incumbents who have defied to the parties extreme freshman wing. see what is going on? ocasio-cortez literally keeping an enemies list, apparently of targets inside her on district. inside her own party, rather. this is an all out democratic
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circular firing squad. the new radical left setting the agenda, everything from higher taxes, open borders, and, yes, the economy-killing so-called climate change alarmism, you know, no more oil, gas, combustion engine, everything is free. that is where ocasio-cortez is teaming up with comrade bernie sanders on the climate change mobilization plan. this is an apparent effort now to save face because of the new green deal rollout was a disaster. bernie is actually comparing the whole thing to world war ii. telling reporters in a conference call, "i am reminded today in terms of the crisis that we face in climate change about where the united states was in 1941 when it was attacked at pearl harbor." the best part about all this, these wounds are going to get deeper and deeper and the fight louder and louder, because every time pelosi tries to get her power back and gaveled back, the new extreme democrats, they get louder and louder and move further and further to the left.
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they will be interesting to watch. let it go. here with reaction, former secret service agent, fox news contributor -- and i heard you did a great job filling in. if i do not take any more vacations. dan bongino. i heard you did great. they made you wear a tie, that is the only question. did you have to wear a tie? >> you are not replaceable but i do appreciate -- i did wear a tie. you wear a tie, so -- >> sean: i make a rule. you have the exception. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> sean: i want the exception for myself. i am like, no, you have to wear one. you know, we've got the deep state circular firing squad, we've got strzok and page, now calling out the attorney general of the time, lynch, then you have comey, he's at war with clapper and john brennan, he is at war with mccabe, and everybody is at war with everybody within the democratic party. >> gap. this democratic party thing is really just almost hysterical to watch. sean, i don't know who is worse. nancy pelosi with her fake
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charges of trump racism make america bright again -- i don't even know where she got that, not so clever line for them. then you have aoc who really, sean, when you think about it, is turning out to be quite the paper tiger. she won this congressional district, it's a d+ 26, meaning overwhelmingly democrat. she only one mike ironically was 20,000 more votes than i got in the congressional district that was a d+ six. she couldn't even won a senate seat in new york, no less a national support. she keeps taking on pelosi, and they keep eating each other alive for this is a center right country. this aoc stuff is not going to go anywhere, she got no votes on the green new deal -- what age you get, for about some humanitarian package of the border? she is wasting her time. >> sean: walls are immoral but they weren't when obama was president and his second term, they find of the walls bent, and they want to knock down walls. they want to raise taxes, 70%, individuals, corporations, then of course, we've got medicare for all, no private insurance. then we've got, yes, illegal
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immigrants should have free health care, and then the new green deal. all the 2020 candidate, they adopt all of these issues. how will that match up to donald trump, who has a great track record in terms of the economy? >> it is all going to come down to the economy. you see that already showing up in approval poll's were president trump does very well in economic front. you have to remember, history repeats itself over and over. you lived through a lot of it. the democrats have tried this before where they overreact to a conservative president. we saw it with dukakis going up against bush 41, we saw it with walter mondale going up against reagan, where they are over reaction was, to show the foil effect, let's do the exact opposite of reagan. look what happened. they got annihilated both times. i don't know what they think they are going to get. shockingly enough, obama, of all people, looks like a moderate in this new democratic party. is that the joke of the day or what? >> sean: that is pretty horrific. dan bongino, good to see you.
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, and all out brawl broke out at disneyland. fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt is in our west coast new broom with a live report. wow. disneyland. can't we just put it to rest somewhere? disneyland? >> [laughs] seriously, sean, if you want to have shared a few family issues you might choose to get everyone around the dinner table to talk. or you could have a mass brawl at the happiest place on earth on one of the busiest weekends of the year. that is a choice this family made. and yes, according to police, these are all members of one family, spitting at each other, punching and kicking each other, men punching women and older lady in a motorized cart hopping
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off to intervene. a lot of people standing around doing nothing but watching and recording. >> we did seize several people pull out cameras and start recording, and that is an interesting tidbit. when people really the first move that you start a video record rather than render aid or call for assistance. >> eventually some bystanders did step in, as one of the men pummeled one of the women. security also belatedly showed up. if you look very closely, and i strongly suggest you don't, one man in the uniform of some description appears to be still in the process of zipping up his pants as he gets to the scene. no charges yet filed, and when police interviewed the family members, they were apparently, and perhaps unsurprisingly, uncooperative laura sean? >> sean: jonathan, thank you. i don't buy the people for not getting involved. why would you drop that family fun weekend? it is dangerous because people have those turkey legs.
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that is a weapon. that is all the time we have left this evening. we'll never be the rage, destroy, hate trump media. let not your heart be troubled. there she is, laura ingraham is next. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. mollie hemingway, carrie severino, coauthors of the number one book on amazon tonight, and they are here to take us behind the scenes of the kavanaugh confirmation fight, including the length to which christine blasey ford went to scrubber social media before she made her accusation. plus what first lady melania trump really thought of the plane. on miss those. we have a shocking video of a brutal fight at disneyland that is the talk of the country and tonight, the man who broke up their brawl reveals why so few others tried to
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