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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 10, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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it is incumbent on all nations to protect and preserve this linchpin the global prosperity. sean, back to you. >> sean: the lifeblood of our economy, oil and gas, energy independent, and help the world's allies. important. increase the standard of livingp trump media mob. let not your hearts be troubled. laura? >> laura: hannity, we have aoc taking on biden now? >> sean: taking on biden and pelosi.>> >> laura: imagine if biden is the nominee, i do not want to be aoc. >> sean: if you are going to tweet or if you have something to say, say it to me. ocasio-cortez is not listening to nancy pelosi. give her credit for being outspoken, courageous. l her views? they are a little insane. but she has courage to stand up for them. >> laura: sean, she's being her authentic self.
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i'm going to use the liberal'sng lingo. when they talk about my truth they hit their chest, my truth? >> sean: your words. that wasn't me. >> laura: hannity, great to see you. great show.h? this is laura ingraham and this is the "ingraham angle." who does the democratic partyy actually represent? tonight we are doing something different. my two part angle explores the dangers of radical immigration proposals that they are now advancing. you haven't heard about this. how and why even their minorityt supporters are beginning to turn away. plus, why do the indictments into jeffrey epstein, why did they drop now equipment we examine the fishy timing, the pathetic attempts to tie this to president trump, and new details of bill clinton's involvement. what is the cultural impact of soccer star megan rapinoe's behavior, and how the cops of
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one town literally sniffed out a villain. but first, liberals enabling lawlessness. that's the focus of the first part of tonight's angle. we've got lots of big immigration stories to get to tonight. first up, california governor gavin newsom continues his war against low income and middle income americans by building a more powerful magnet to draw illegal aliens to his state.bu this time? by giving them state medicaid benefits. >> we are the most un-trump state when it comes to health policy and i'm proud of that. as a californian, not just as governor of california. we are providing health care to everyone regardless of immigration status.ou if you believe in universal health care, you believe in universal health care.
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we want to be here to celebrate what's right in this country and contrast our approach with the approach coming out of washington, d.c. >> laura: that gravelly voice of his does not make him any more persuasive.of what's right, he said? is he kidding us? all right. gavin, you have runaway homelessness in your state, a total crisis right now. most notably in san francisco and l.a. it's creating filthy and infectious conditions for californians and especially those low income citizens who don't send their kids to fancy private schools. >> for some reason, the state and in particular the local officials of southern california and los angeles, the city council, the mayor, refusel to acknowledge what this is. in meantime, they perpetrate a hoax and i cannot explain why. >> laura: the government led by newsom is so pathetic at addressing this crisis that businesses in l.a. are now
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planting thorny plants and other stuff around their buildings to try to keep the homeless away. why californians keep voting in these destructive and delinquent politicians is completely beyond me. my friends, it's all a democrat-induced disaster. instead of focusing on things like, i don't know, mental health, infectious diseasegs problems that are plaguing this state, the politicians of california are spending $98 million more to extend health care to illegals. that's on top of the billions they already spend on them. the whole country will soon become the next california if the democrats get their way. >> we do ourselves no favors by having 11 million undocumented people in our country be unable to access health care. >> regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented we have an obligation to provide care.
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>> raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. >> laura: all right. as we consider the national implications of this open borders mania, we should not forget that sanctuary policies like california's have led to tragic results. attracting and protecting the most dangerous elements of the illegal population. police officers murdered. in cold blood. by in the illegal alien deported five times who kept reporting back to the states. >> [bleep].ng [bleep]! his [bleep] -- i will kill more. >> laura: others have been gunned down in the prime of their lives. the horrific rape of a young teen by an illegal arrested twice for illegally entering the country.
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but the democratic leadership doesn't like talking about those victims. instead, they focus on vilifying our border patrol and i.c.e. these california democrats and those seeking national office need to recognize that they were elected to represent theo american people in this country not the people from elsewhere who violate our laws to enter our country. that is part one of my angle. joining me now with the reaction is dan patrick, texas lieutenant governor. dan, your state has been completely overrun by this illegal invasion. i think calling it anything but an invasion at this point is not being honest with people. what would you say the governor newsom tonight given, you know it's a big done deal, the ink is dried? >> i guess he's going to change the state motto to "illegal immigrants first and americans last."
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we are 1 of 14 states that did not expand medicaid for american citizens under the affordable care act, which is anything but affordable for americans obamacare. secondly, what he's doing laura, is actually using some of your tax money and some of my tax money, and everyone watching, because most of medicaid dollars, they areol organized by the state, but the money comes from the federal government. so the more they expand medicaid, laura, the more they are having 49 other states supporting their liberal policies. this is financial suicide. its fiscal insanity. they lead the nation now in people on medicaid, over m 12 million. they lead the nation in the illegal immigrants.. think about this, laura, think about this. he says this policy, he's expanding it from under 18 which they now give to illegal immigrants under 18. >> laura: 25. >> under 18 to 25. now he's expanding it under this new law.
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i'm not suggesting that everyone who is 20 years old is in ms-13 in california, but that means a lot of these gang members in california with ms-13, they are in the illegally, they are stealing for a living not working qualify for medicaid. thank you very much, governor. >> laura: i want to get to the debate over this citizenship question on the 2020 census because democrats are just adamantly opposed to it. a new poll, this is fascinating. 5 out of 9 hispanics and 6 out of 10 african-american voters want a citizenship question on the census. can the democrats still argue that this question, are you a citizen of the united states? that this is somehow a racist question given those numbers? >> of course, common sense americans, whether you are white, black, brown, although we should have a question -- gavin newsom said this, adds 95,000
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people to the rolls, how does he know that if he is not counting? how do they have any idea -- between 18-25? he doesn't want to count them but counting it to make the budget work. in terms of the citizenship question, i heard in that clip a moment ago, the mayor from south bend, pete buttigieg, he said 11 million people. as you know, i said time and time again when i'm on fox, if not 11 million people, it's about 30 million people. it would be a million just this year. >> laura: they don't want anyone to know. >> we should know who is here. >> laura: they want more money, more representation, for the states that have big legal populations, that it be yours included, but they really don't want the american people to know the extent of the complete lawlessness at the border and the dereliction of duty that we've seen, frankly before trum, came along. you and i talked about, dan, for 20 years. this has been going on -- the
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bushes, clintons, this has been going on forever and ever, it seems, and trump is the only one who's come along and say i want to clean this up and they vilify him? if anyone, it's the predecessors who didn't take it seriously at least on the asylum reform issue.e. >> both parties, you have to blame the last 20-30 years to allow us getting here. trump the first person trying to stop illegals from crossing the border and come to a consensus with the other side on illegal immigration reform, asylum reform that we need in this country. but laura, they don't want you to know. 1 the idea that 11 million are here? it's now it really over 10% of our population according to the mit study beside my own numbers. >> laura: dan, thanks so much. >> great to see >> laura: part two of my angle. now we all know that the former bartender turned congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez believes in straight up amnesty
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for illegals, hold the ice. as an abolishing that agency forever. now she's throwing rocks at the entire department of homeland security. >> would you get rid of homeland security too? >> i think so. i think we have to get rid of a lot of the egregious mistakes of the bush administration. >> laura: let that sink in. a sitting new york city congresswoman wants to eliminate the department created after the 9/11 attacks. of course, she's not advocating that it be broken up into smaller, more effective parts, a point i raised in the past, what she believes is that the very idea of border enforcement and self i was thinking about it today. if your goals are illuminating borders altogether, diluting the idea of citizenship and demonizing trump for many of the same actions taken by the obama administration, heck, portraying
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u.s. law enforcement as evil, as jackbooted thugs? that's a must. every photo taken must advance that narrative. every allegation by an illegal alien in custody must be reported as true. border patrol and i.c.e. must never be afforded the presumption of innocence. they in fact must be dehumanized for merely doing their jobs under very difficult circumstances. democrats are seizing on incident reports written by trump administration caseworkers documenting allegations made by illegal immigrants for misconduct that they claim was committed by border patrol officials. f >> this is an allegation that border patrol staff took away the mats on which kids were allowed to sleep, specifically because they complained about their water tasting like chlorine and having bad quality food. >> laura: there is a stomach
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churning allegation made by a 16-year-old migrant of a sexual assault while in border control custody and the allegation was made three months after the alleged incident. >> she describes in detail what she says was essentially a sexual assault by an officer border patrol saying that this is under investigation by the inspector general office and homeland security. that's the first reference we've ever seen of a potential sexual assault by a staff member. >> laura: let me say if this actually occurred, agents involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. at the same time, let's remember this. the alleged assault is being investigated by a trump administration ig inspector general. but i guess msnbc seems to fall to the administration not holding a press conference about an allegation? naturally because the allegations fit their preferred
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migrants forced to drink toilet water narrative. of course, today, democrats went wild. >> this is government-sponsored child abuse. i have talked to many pediatricians and they tell me that this is child abuse. on a grand scale. plain and simple. >> laura: if you think these democrats are really agonizing about the plight of these migrants, you are mistaken. if they cared, they would have moved to solve this problem ages ago, to prevent the kind of abuse that's happening to these kids when they were making their way up from central america to the united states. they are really abused on that journey. instead, democrats are using this crisis, one they denied four years, to score cheap obvious political points. let's also remind all of us here that u.s. taxpayers are shelling out billions every year to care
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for border crossers. i'm talking food, medical care including vision and dental translation services, legal services, and even recreation. now, that is money that could be used, i would think, to solve some of our own problems, one wa documented earlier in california, for instance. homelessness, mental health challenges, maybe even pay down our obscene debt, wouldn't that be nice? the number crossings were down. they were down in june. that's only due to president trump squeezing mexico with a threat of tariffs and perhaps the hot weather. a my crew and i have been down to the border. inside these processing centers we've witnessed the overflow and humanitarian struggle firsthand. you bet it's heartbreaking. but this was all avoidable and could be addressed by lawmakers in a bipartisan matter literally in an afternoon.
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if we had democrats of goodwill who were willing to work with the president, that is.ra but maybe they made a cruel calculation. that this ongoing crisis is better for them politically? so why work to solve it. t porous borders, lousy liberal court judge rulings, and political neglect caused this mess. and one thing that's just pathetically obvious at this point, vilifying president trump and federal law enforcement will not get us any closer to a solution.yi and that's part two of the angle. joining me now with the reaction, tom homan, former acting i.c.e. director and fox news contributor. tom, what can congress do tomorrow to end what they claim you heard congressman cummings is ongoing abuse by our border patrol against these children and end this crisis? >> you and i have been talking about this on the show for a
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year, there are loopholes they can close to stop the flow of people coming to the united states. if they care about these people they would close these loopholes. but by continuing them to entice them to come to this country with liberal policies, forcing people to put themselves in the hand of criminal organizations 31% of women are raped, children are dying but what brought nancy pelosi, i'm going to remove these people by a judge. that's what brought them. >> laura: yet, they didn't do the interior enforcement, right? they plan to do the interior enforcement which has a deterrent effect. if you know you are going to be deported, do you make that dangerous journey? you do make the dangerous journey, you make the calculation living in a place that i do not live that's good i come the united states and get medical, dental, tuition assistance at a college if i'm -- why not make the journey? >> my point being is what brought nancy pelosi to the
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table is -- >> laura: stopping enforcement. >> she is more interested in protecting illegal aliens than securing a border protecting the people making this journey. >> laura: do you agree that the democrats want this crisis to keep going on? >> i said that for a year, i absolutely do. >> laura: they love this crisis, they love it! >> they want him to fail on border security because the hatred of this president and the drive to see them fail is more important than lives of women and children. >> laura: they emote on national television these poor kids. if these allegations are true that these agents and get them prosecuted. but i'm telling you, the vilification of the entire border patrol on an allegation on allegation! what happened to the liberal innocent until proven guilty? >> the women are doing an outstanding job -- >> laura: we met a lot of them. >> half of them are latinoin descent but most of them are mother and father themselves. they are not making the drink out of toilets and they are not molesting children. >> laura: that story, does that smack of true to you?
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>> when i was i.c.e. director there were no we did the investigation, ig did the investigation but not good enough, we wanted the fbi to doe what did they find?di nothing. bidid you hear what media outlet finding nothing? no. >> laura: with the president trump issue, mueller comes out and reports no collusion, there is no obstruction here. that's not good enough. they have to keep repeating the allegation. it's almost like facts don't matter. by the way, tom, regarding that story in yuma, arizona "nbc tonight" says it's a sign of the bigger problem the border. >> what we discovered not yet seen in texas, it's a systematic effort, allegedly by border
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patrol agents to intimidate and in the worst case abuse and do illegal activities in these victims. >> laura: a systematic effort to abuse and intimidate? >> just disgusting. is anybody talking about the 4,000 men and women and children saved by border patrol this year? anybody talking about the children -- >> laura: it's happening every day. >> they bring toys to these facilities for them to play with.t' they took home sicknesses to their families by the men and women of the border patrol true american patriots doing a tough job in the difficult situation. congress' failure created this whole mess. if they want to blame someone for children being in overcrowded detention placement it's their fault. they failed to fund, they took them months to finally come to agreed that, okay, we'll giveenr you money. once again some of that money? children aren't moved in 72 hours? only -- >> laura: 250 now. >> this would've never happened. >> laura: by the way, sober up
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that reporter, it be nice if he took some of that verb and gusto to reporting on the victims of illegal immigrant crime, kate steinle and everyone else who followed her. e do not see that many reporters. >> laura: up next, is there anything fishy about the timing of those epstein indictments?>> we are going to examine that. secretary acosta's defense, inin the details of bill clinton's travels with epstein next. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served our country honorably. whether it's two years, four years or thirty-two years like myself. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no.
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we like drip coffee, layovers- ú:]÷ug< -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not.
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>> laura: if you didn't watch this, you should of. president trump's labor secretary alex acosta held >> laura: if you didn't watch this, you should of. president trump's labor secretary alex acosta held an hour-long press conference defending his plea deal with disgraced financier jeffrey epstein. and the cost of telling this deal was the best he could get under the circumstances and much better than the alternative. >> simply put, the palm beach state attorney's office was ready to let epstein walk free no jail time, nothing. prosecutors in my former office found this to be completely unacceptable. and they became involved. our office became there is a value to a sure guilty plea because letting him
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walk, letting what the state attorney was ready to do, go forward, would've been absolutely awful. >> laura: joining me now is former deputy independent counsel fox news contributor sol wisenberg. barry kircher, who was the state barry kircher, who was the state attorney prosecuting in the case the guy who tried to bring down rush limbaugh on some bogus doctor shopping case, he denies that, no, that did not happen detectives on the case today -- he said that he didn't believe the women, the state attorney and another one from a palm beach chief said this. c it became clear that things changed with kircher saying we'll put them away for life and all the reasons why we aren'tt going to prosecute. that's chief mike reiter that's what he told "the miami writer" about this but what's going on? >> he's been attacked.
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i do not think he's much of a credibility threat to alex acosta. i think he did a marvelous job today. he sat there over an hour, he basically answered every question except the ones he couldn't because of privilege issues. i thought he acquitted himself well if you didn't dodge anything. that test will be due the documents, there are a lot of documents in this case. a lot of them are going to be unsealed the next few days. >> laura: they seem to want that to happen. he seemed to say that the whole record should be read and examined and go at it. >> the ones i've read so far his packet that he said, here i have -- i have things for people to look at. look at the affidavit. i believe he says he was on this case, the u.s. attorney to hold time, supports him 100% and the fbi agent supports him 100%. >> laura: this happened during the bush administration right at the very end of the bush administration, barack obama elected in 2008 but we are going to get in this later but the timing with this with dinesh d'souza but legally if
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you're advising the president should you jettison this guy for a case that not many people were talking about until this last year when the "miami herald" did a follow-up piece in 2018? what would you advise them if you were in the white house? >> i think you only jettison him if he acted improperly. that means unethically at the time, or if he intentionally lied about it now and i do not see anything yet that indicates that. >> i didn't either. this is another prosecutor who should be coming under fire but the media is kind of ignoringnd this. manhattan district attorney in that office, cy vance's office begged, flabbergasted a judge to reduce epstein's registered sex offender status, from a level three to a level one, the lowest possible classification. that's kind of a big deal but we aren't hearing anything about that. >> you ought to read that transcript. it is there and one of the cour proceedings.
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that's a great name in the new york legal circles. she could not believe it. >> laura: the judge was freaking out. >> "no, i don't care what you say, i don't care what anyone else recommends, i'm sticking to what the parole board wants." >> laura: declined to prosecute one of the cases against harvey weinstein as well. i do not know the record in that case. one thing you and i talked about before, it's very tricky for people to pronounce judgment on a case where they haven't readas any of the record, they haven't read the witness statements, and in this case, apparently only two dozen alleged victims of epstein agree to testify. which apparently was taken into account by all in the case. >> i love it 1 -- at least half of the half of the alleged victims of flat
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out didn't want to testify. said they wouldn't testify, and others were nervous about testifying. >> laura: apparently they were claiming otherwise saying he's a good guy for that since these people back, what are we going to get to in a courtroom? >> there was one woman who they considered to be a victim, the prosecutors, and she demanded immunity and once she was given immunity and they talked to her she said, on video, not only is he a great guy, he never committed a crime with me. >> laura: if you don't know the record, do not make these n blanket statements. great to see you in d.c., and i got sol to smile at the very end. that was a big point for me. a worst-kept secrets of political influence, why did this indictment land now? i'm not trying to be conspiratorial, but take a look at some of the headlines. trump and the sex offender epstein arrest is a worry forok donald trump.
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why the trump white house caught up in the epstein scandal. here is msnbc's never trumper nicole lally and crew. >> you are dealing with industrial strength. this cannot be brushed off there is no possible case. there would be a lot of what aboutism, but it will be brushed off. >> we'll ultimately find out what he knew and when he knew it. >> laura: joining me now is dinesh d'souza, conservative column columnist, filmmaker. how little attention is being made for the alleged pedophile in this case versus trump. >> trump's culpability is nothing more than being said hey, he's a fine fellow and likes attractive women, that's a reckless statement. i do not know he knew what was going on at that time, but there's a difference between
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idle talk and acosta's allegedly negligent prosecutions and the people who participated in the ring. here one name that seems conspicuously absent is bill clinton.t we are learning first of all that clinton took a number of flights, a lot more than we thought, to epstein's sex island. >> laura: i want to put this out here before you finish that thought, clinton's team put out a statement that in part read what dinesh is talking about, he took a total of four trips on epstein's airplane. but the "washington examiner" reporting tonight that the flight logs revealed clintone. took 27 flights on epstein's private jets at least six different trips some of which were without secret service agents. o how much coverage, dinesh, will this gets? >> what do we know about clinton? number one, we know he's a liar number two, we know he's a predator. we know this from independent evidence.
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this is worth looking into. while the media focused on trump and acosta, the clintons, who have eluded the posse for 40 years, are not even being called to account on this one pair there is a photo on social media of maxwell, the procurer of young women for jeffrey epstein there she is in chelsea clinton's wedding, so there is a clear connection here, and documented connection, we'll have to find out who is lying clinton or the airline logs. >> laura: maybe they tried to bleach the airline logs. maybe that's what they did. prediction, will we learn anymore about the clintons, yes or no, in the involvement of bill clinton here? >> let's remember, either thee newer prosecutor, they are in the clinton camp, they would be reluctant to focus on clinton. the clinton foundation is shielding material. digital media has been scrubbing pictures of bill clinton and epstein on the web, there has
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then troubling efforts. >> laura: scrubbing the record, thanks. megan rapinoe, we'll talk about it with raymond arroyo. seen and unseen next.
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>> laura: it's time for our seen and unseen segment where we expose big cultural stories of the day. megan rapinoe is
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a little -- politicizing cultural consequences in a story of a gas e-filing? joining us with all these details is raymond arroyo. it seems like she's gone into full -- i don't know, is a demon mode? but people criticize everyone. even at today's u.s. soccere world cup parade in new york, it was... i thought there was no i in team. remember that? >> apparently there is. there is no doubt, rapinoe and her team are indisputable champions. but watch how she made herself a name for herself protesting national anthems, the trump administration, watch how she conducted herself in today's victory. >> it's our responsibility to, make the world a better place. i think this team does an incredible job of taking that on our shoulders and understanding the position we have and the platform we have. we've got to listen more and talk less. new york city, you're the [bleep] man!
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>> what do you deserve? >> i deserve this. >> you deserve all of it. everything. you deserve this. >> look, she's a victor, she's a champion, you deserve your victory, but adulation's. first responders duncan parades firefighters who rescue nieces from burning buildings, they don't get parades, the mother with a sick child walking a parade, the parade is an honor and it should be embraced with humility rapinoe showed none of that. also made the talk show rounds last night politicizing her team's effort and speaking on behalf of them. watch. >> this is such a special moment for us, and to be able tohe leverage this moment and talk
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about the things we want to talk about and to celebrate like this with the leaders of our country is an incredible moment. yes to aoc, yes to nancy pelosi yes to anyone else to have a real some tentative conversation and believe the same things we believe in. >> can you believe it? that's a mouthful there. we are going to leverage. you are a sports star!th kick the ball... >> i know what you are going to say. >> kick the ball, beat the team commercial your american spirit. you are not a political maven a because of it. >> laura: i watched her play. she's an unbelievable athlete. just incredible. politicizing everything? people are so tired of it. i just want to celebrate.inopo >> it taints the win for some people. >> laura: do you know why? in her quest to be inclusive, it appears and it sounds like she is excluding people. i will have a conversation if you agree with me.nd that was an amazing little twist. i have a question.
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does every member of the team have to check this box that says, i agree with this, i agree with this?be i don't know, do they all agreed? >> i'd love to run that interview. the entitled acting out that we saw from rapinoe, the idea that you can use your platform to get whatever you want and do whatever you will? it's a cultural trend. rapinoe is a symptom of that and by example she's teaching others. it's okay to act ungraciously do what you want. you showed viral videos over the last few days include footage of flashyo mobs rushing into stores like this one. a wisconsin north face door, ten men casually walked in and stole more than $30,000 worth of gear in 30 seconds. hey, they deserve it, lara. there was this group who entered a philadelphia walgreens last
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night there they knocked items off shelves, pummeled the cashier with a bottle. where is the decency here? why do they think criminal behavior is not only acceptable but worth posting online? the video of this team, a texas teen, looking a gallon of blue bell ice cream and placing it back on the shelf has been viewed more than 11 million times.ll look. >> lick it. oh! put it back. put it back. you are [bleep] [bleep]. >> she's being charged as a juvenile and there are copycats in louisiana. i love the charges, he was a 36-year-old culprit, the copycat. he was charged with criminal mischief, unlawful posting of criminal activities for notoriety. he has been jailed tonight. we need more of that. humility, decency, and a sense of respect for the rules. >> laura: there are a lot of athletes who showboat. we've got a lot of showboaters
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out there on the field, off the field there they've got a political point, but do not attempt to conscript the entire team. if you are playing soccer, you are playing soccer. >> i don't care how great an athlete you are. it's like when a singer mounts about politics or tries to marginalize or push people to the side. t >> laura: a felon's lack of manners led to his arrest. the clay county's office was here is a tweet from the sheriff's office. l >> if you got a felon for your arrest, the cops are looking for you and you pass gas so loud it gives up your hiding spothe you're definitely having a poop emoji day. you know what, crude manners never pay. that's called listening more than talking. >> laura: you tied it
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altogether. >> i wish i had a soccer ball. i would kick it through the goal mark. >> laura: i have a feeling s that megan can dribble past you. >> i deserve it. >> laura: they can show boat. >> everybody showboats a little bit. >> laura: i've got to go. democrats aren't turning off their voters, they are turning on each other. wait until you hear what aoc is asking now. conrad black is here to react. a. wait until you one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. thank you, admiral. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. anot ecan match the power of energizer.tery because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. backed by science. matched by no one.
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>> businessman, former media mogul, and the recently pardoned conrad black wrote a new op-ed. it's called, tired of the candidates come out points to trump reelection. conrad, we are going to get back to what aoc is saying about her fellow dems at the moment, but tell us why you wrote this piece? >> well, in a way, i've been in england for six weeks. a over there, unless you really put yourself out to do it, you do not get that much american news. and of course, the bbc's feed to the united states, it's harsher than ours was in the piping day of the cold war so you do not get a clear picture. i was busy with different things at different times. it's striking to me six weeks
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after i left how certain trajectories have confirmed themselves. specifically, the president as far as i can see, three points up from where he was in the polls and the democrats are falling out amongst themselves. this ludicrous troop of unqualified candidates is kind of an astonishing herd of peoplk that cannot be taken seriously. only 3-4 of them are getting much attention. it's a kind of other-worldly operation they are running, it's as if they are a different planet.. you've got the far left of the democrats making most of the noise and finally getting smacked down a bit by the establishment in the front runner joe biden. in my opinion, joe biden not up for the job, but not to thein reasons that congress woman ocasio-cortez, not the reasons she gives. it's an absurd situation been very successful in administration immediately with a president at the head of it not everybody likes the style of, but opposite him it's this
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discordant gang of people with very little distinction to it in political terms. >> laura: conrad, we don't have to play it because everyone has seen it but each and everyen one of them one after the other seems to be falling in line with this idea of decriminalizing border crossing, illegal borderu crossing. meaning what's the point of american border crossing if you can cross in the country and stay and there is no penalty? >> there is no point to it and that's why they do not want to ascertain by the census takers the position created by the constitution in order to make clear about how many people should be in the electoral college, the house of representatives from each state. look, there was for a time an insanity of the week. we had infanticide, the never mind abortions, have the child fully delivered and alive then decide if they have the
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right to live or not. we have the green terror, the doubling of tax rates. we've got reparations for every nonwhite person. and a trillion dollar right off her student loans. it became -- >> laura: one-upsmanship. >> it became a parade -- you have an administration that at point is successful. >> laura: aoc is getting bolder by the day. tonight, she's lashing out at the party's top leaders. she's saying this about nancy pelosi. "the washington post" saying "the consistent singling out of the progressives, it got to appoint its outright disrespectful, says alexander ocasio-cortez, the singling out of the newly elected women of color." democrats are starting to cannibalize each other. using the attacks they use to use against conservatives, that
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you are against women of color now against the matriarch of the democrat party. how beautiful is that? >> it is beautiful, but it does show an extraordinary thing when we can rouse ourselves to some supportive comments about speaker pelosi and former vice president biden. tebut they are after all veteras who have served the country in their way for a long time and they do not deserve to be treated in such a preposterous way by silly young people who don't know anything. we admired the energy of youth but for some freshman congressman who was put in by 17% of the vote in a freak or in the bronx to take on the leader of the party, it's just preposterous. meanwhile, that's what they are doing. mueller was going to be their savior, now they are angry atmu him for not finding an innocent man guilty. he doesn't want to come to testify before them. >> laura: conrad, thank you
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very much but we are reading your column. i'm reading them every time they come out. >> i'm just stating the obvious. when you've been away -- >> laura: what will the media democrat collaboration do to takedown senator mcconnell? we will right back. t will the wanna take your xfi to the next level?
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>> laura: to see the media and democrats complex in perfect harmony, look no further than the latest joint effort to take down the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. this specific case involves nbc and is no challenger amy mcgrath. i want to take you back to monday night. nbc news publishes this absurd a story about his ancestry saying that his great, great grandfathers owned 14 bringing the reparations issue close to home. the suggestion was that it was somehow linked to his family's slave-owning past. fast-forward to tuesday morning. mcgrath drops her announcement video helpfully retweeted by nbc news capitol hill correspondent casey hunt with
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the note this is going to be a blockbuster race. it isn't. mcgrath doesn't have a real chance. but nbc was determined to do anything to make that happen. morning joe, the sight of her first interview was there to help with the fund-raising. >> people who saw that commercial are going to want to donate to you, what's your website? just for the record, her website again, any mcgrath. if you are outside of kentucky. >> laura: what about building the suspense? msnbc's midday programming had that covered. >> it absolutely is because they mitch mcconnell who ran and won in 2014 is not the same mitch mcconnell. >> laura: and to round it out,
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how about some good old-fashioned booster? >> politics is rough, you look like you can handle it. you've been worse places. take on mitch mcconnell, we will all be watching and cheering for you. >> laura: we'll be cheering for you, at least matthews and the rest of the nbc family will be. what was the fruit of their labor? let's check back in with the capitol hill correspondent casey hunt. she raises $2.5 million in the first 24 hours of the campaign against the senate majority leader. i wonder how they got that scoo scoop. nbc's rollout took a huge hit tonight when mcgrath embarrassingly flip-flopped on whether she would have supported brett kavanaugh's confirmation. maybe tomorrow morning joe can help tell people how to get their money back.
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coming up, a coach who demands respect for the flag, ..
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>> lau >> time for the last bite.ra we have shown you how certain athletes disrespect our country, our flag but finally someone is stepping up, watch this minorly cocky coach in still true patriotic spirit into his players. >> if there's anybody here that is going to be disrespectful to be american or canadian national anthem, grab your gear and get out. you will never see the ice in this arena. >> hats off to that coach. if you miss your podcast go to
12:00 am
i had ted nugent who explained his theory why he is not inducted into the rock 'n roll hall of fame and the brett kavanaugh book and new details, shannon bream, take it from here. >> reporter: that might team to come with a parental warning. shannon: we will take it out. a fox news alert. another provocation by iran. believed to be connected to iran's revolutionary guard attempted to seize a british oil tanker in the persian gulf. live look at what is next coming up. the labor secretary faces the media in criticisms over his role in a plea deal. alex acosta says a former prosecutor is the reason for the sweetheart deal. that prosecutor is


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