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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  July 12, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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he was there just in the right time and right in the way of service. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful, thank you for spending the evening with us, good night from washington. i'm shannon bream. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to a special addition of "tucker carlson tonight" this friday. the thing about climate change is it's serious stuff, very serious. it's not like the frivolous concerns that fill your days like paying your bills or keeping your marriage together or putting your kids through school. fighting cancer. climate change is bigger than that, way bigger. it's about saving the earth. it's an existential threat to humanity, it's a big deal. nobody understands the gravity ofof climate change are quite te soul searing intensity as
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freshman congressman alexander of cause alexandria ocasio-cortez. she looks like she's going to start to cry or yell or both and why wouldn't c she? it's scary, time is running out. >> the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. this is our world war ii. >> tucker: you can disagree with the details of the green new deal, banning cars and airplanes, shutting down the entire american energy sector, rebuilding every dwelling in the united states, you can disagree with that. what you can'tan question is ocasio-cortez is sincerity, when she talks about climate change, clearly she really needs it. or does she? this is a man called cykat trucker chokrobardi
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chokrobardi. all the talk about the world and eight, 12 years to save the planet, it was all a lie. he is not worried about humanity's demise, the green new deal has nothing to do with that. here's what he told the paper. the interesting thing about the green new deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all, did you y think it was a climate thing? we think of it as a "how do you change the entire economy" thing. that's about as directe. as it n be. it's not designed to save the world, it's not about the environment at all. it's about power. chokrobardi and ocasio-cortezco won control of the american economy, they are looking for an issue that would justify a hostile takeover. climate change seems scary so they went with that. it's remarkable they are admitting this but we shouldn't be surprised it's happening, this kind of thing happens all the time. manufacturing crises is the last preferred way to exert control
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over the country. only wackos and bedsheets were called racists a decade ago, then donald trump was denounced as a racist. now nancy pelosi and joe biden are being written off as racists, what's going on here? is not like there is more racism in the country, there is much less than they used to be. what changed is the left realized they could gain power by creating bogeyman, by scaring you., stupefy the masses with fearmongering, by the time they recover you are the one in charge. if that's program. robert hockett advised alexandria ocasio-cortez, thanks for coming on. you can imagine how some of us feel betrayed, surprised, scammed -- they are admitting, ocasio-cortezs office, chokrobardi is admitting the green new deal isn't about climate change or the
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environment, it's about control of thehe economy. why shouldn't we be shocked and offended to learn that? >> from the very beginning, its combined environmental cleanup and modernization of the econom economy. it's not meant to be a takeover, it's meant to be a continuation of what historically has been a ergreat partnership between our federal government and the private sector that makes up our economy on the other hand. >> tucker: the most vibrant sector in the american economy is the energy sector and the green new deal would literally eliminate it. >> actually not. >> tucker: that's itel says, i believe we debated this before. >> its, would upgrade it. >> tucker: it would upgrade it meaning -- >> all the other advanced economies in the world areno gradually transitioning away from carbon-based energy, all of themio are. we are going to join with the rest of the men doing that.
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we are lagging behind. >> tucker: now i'm doubly confused. you are saying it is about climate but chokrobardi who is apparently the guy who oversaw the writing of it says it really isn't, thatis is just a pretext. >> i think you're fixating on one sentence. >> tucker: definitely fixating. >> all of us involved in the green new deal project all along have thought of this as a massive upgrade of american infrastructure to bring us into the 21st century. that is going to be a green if f you're going to be state-of-the-art, you are by definition becoming green, we don't make carbon-based infrastructure anymore. >> tucker: the effect of this is to allow people like you and
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chokrobardi, ocasio-cortez elected 20 minutes ago to have an amazing amount of control over the way the rest of us live, how do you get that control? you get that control by scaring us. >> there is no desire for control it's about facilitation. you can chuckle all you like but it's thell case. >> tucker: it's all about control, it's a law. it's telling people what to do. >> it's a resolution calling for a set of programs to transition the economy into a state-of-the-art green infrastructure economy. this is what other countries have done already. >> tucker: you can use all the euphemisms you want. it's about force at some point. >> look at what china is doing.r china produces and consumes the greater part of solar energy flannels, all those photovoltaic panels, we invented that stuff
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we used to be the principal manufacture of it. we were the principal exporter of it and we have just given that to china, we've given high-speed rail to china. why don't we take that back? >> tucker: you are right that china has ripped off our intellectual property -- my last point. you say it's not about control,v purely voluntary. >> it's facilitation. >> tucker: and then you point to china to the fascist government of china. >> the chinese government aides chinese industry, our government does not aid american industry. >> tucker: i'm with you on that. >> i have been thinking all along that you and i and on the rest off us are actually on the same team, there's a lot of misunderstanding about what we are trying to advocate. >> tucker: i'll tell you why
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many of you use climate change as a way to terrify. >> it is urgent but we aren't trying to terrify anybody, we are trying to convince people what we have to do is restore t the old american system of collaboration between the government and industry in order to facilitate better financing, state-of-the-art green infrastructure. we want to be the principal manufacturer in the world, we want to be the most modern infrastructure in the world, we want to be the fastest growing economy. we used to be able to do that in the way we did it was having the government collaborate with business. >> tucker: part of this is right, part of this is dishones dishonest. >> it really is the case. >> tucker: i appreciate you making the case tonight.y aoc's team say they saw global
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warming is a pretext for taking over the economy, that doesn't mean their plan is based on evidence of an actual problem. despite what they tell you, the science is not settled. we can all agree that the climate is warming, temperatures are going up. we are not sure why. researchers in finland have released a new work arguing there is little to no evidence at all that the increase in temperature is being driven by the actions ofs people. mark marano is the publisher of the politically correct guide to climate change. summarize these findings, this is a japanese and finnish study, what did they uncover? >> basically that humankind does not have any kind of control on the climate that man's influence has been undetectable in the climate record.di the study's finding that clouds are much more important control knob of the climate. it's just one study.
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the key here is climate skeptics don't jump on one study but they say thereed are hundreds of factors that influence the climate. all kinds of ocean cycles, the idea that carbon dioxide is a control knob is not valid and i point out that 500 peer-reviewed studies over the last year debunking the idea that co2 is the controll knob. this latest study on clouds is very important. >> tucker: there are three parts, when people say climatees change there are three questions. is the climate changing, why is it changing, and what can we do about it? there seems to be a consensus on one, there is not a consensus on two and three, the questions that matter for them i misstating that? >> it's all about timelines, one of the tricks they will do, the soros group has tv weatherman. since 1970, temperatures warmed, why are they using a it as at te baseline?
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that was a global cooling area. if you go back to the roman warming.e if mack, it was cool. if you goat through the geological history of the earth. has man contributed, the united nation's claims man was responsible for the majority of the warming and they comeg, up with a 95% confidence interval which is literally a show of hands of selective activist authors. >> tucker: they are making it up. >> funded by barbra streisand and working for activist environmental groups. the next question is how do we control it? we can't control the climate anymore than they believed witches can is can control the climate. the witches were condemned by judges who were educated at harvard, this is the best and to thought which is influence the climate and cause
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crop failure, that's where we are now with the green new deal. >> tucker: i've got to stop you there, i'm going to rush to google in the commercial break to verify that harvard educated judges sent witches to their death. thank you for that. and just a matter of days, a bad storm of the gulf of mexico will probably be blamed on climate change. the truth is is hurricane season. tonight tropical storm barry is approaching louisiana and could become a hurricane, it looks ominous. we are tracking it tonight. >> this is a big storm, maybe not going to get up to that hurricane status but it's going to be right there. 74 mile-per-hour winds to make that happen but when this is all said and done we are going to be talking about thend wind. this is a big rainmaker. winds up in to 50 miles an hour right now, we are seeing the
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early stages of this heavy rain and all of that wind and rain is going to be pushing up the storm surge. that is going to put places right along the coast underwater. that's a major concern as well as the rain fall, it makesoi landfall early tomorrow morning and bring all that moisture, with all thiss rain, you shifted off to the west and the east but definitely we are going to be seeing rain getting out to about 20 inches in the next 24 hours. it's going to be slow moving, there's going to be people underwater tomorrow. >> tucker: thank you for that. democrats have done everything they can to turn the u.s.-mexico border into a disaster.
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lawmakers are openly promoting defiance of american law, the people who make the laws are telling the public to ignore the laws, remarkable. details ahead.
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♪ >> tucker: after several weeks of delay this weekend starting tomorrow, the trump administration is planning to do something that it ran on back in 2016, enforcing the immigration laws of this country. ice is expected to launch raids and several american sanctuary cities seeking people who have received final orders of removal from a court. most of these people have
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already been convicted of otherm more serious crimes. >> president trump: it's not something i like doing but people have come into our country illegally, we are focused on criminals and ifcr yt ms-13, when people come into our country, we take them out and take them out very legally, they all have papers and it's a process. i have an obligation to do it. >> tucker: the democratic party has been committed to keeping the borders open for all of donald trump's presidency so far but they hide their attention a little bit. they would argue only criminals ought to be deported but this case is unambiguous. every person being targeted by ice this weekend has already received a final order for removal. they have had their day inn b court. they are not being held in facilities at the border, many of them have criminal convictions. at this point of the civil matter of forcing america's laws.
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bill clinton did it,am barack obama did it, that was before. democrats have made their decision, american laws do not matter, nobody should be deported ever. >> these>> massive raids are gog to separate thousands of families among many of whom have committed no crimes against this country, pose no threat to the united states of america. >> i hope we can come together as a party and stand up against what should be seen universally as a cruel regime. >> innocent people who may be swept up and arrested and massive raids across the country. >> if it starts actually happening, it immediately makes the community less safe. >> we could be using these resources to go after the real criminalson. >> families belong together, every person in america has
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rights. >> he is going to create as he often does this distraction. thesee with you and do raids which is a crime against tyhumanity. >> tucker: telling people who have been told by a court, by al judge they must legally leave the country, enforcing that is a crime against humanity. says. kamala harris. hillary clinton piped up from a tire meant, the same woman who claims russian facebook trolls are a threat to democracy decided to actively assist smuggling people into the country. she posted a guide to evading ice on twitter, and added "please share" on spanish. in the state of california governor gavin newsom has released an instructional videoa informing his states criminals on how they can avoid law enforcement, watch. >> iks want to say to folks who are anxious about a knock on the door. when we talk about when your
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rights -- without a warrant, you don't have to open the door. without a warrant, you don't have to open the door. >> tucker: picture a republican governor making a video used with taxpayer money telling voters how to cheat on theirir taxes or how to buy illegal guns, what would the reaction would be? cnn would call for him to be imprisoned but it wouldn't because they care about the law, republicans do. on the left a new reality is explicit.he our laws and constitution are only valid if in accord with current talking points. otherwise you can ignore them. buck sexton is the host of the buck sexton show. you hate to be continually outraged over the same story but every week it seems to get crazier and crazier. now we have lawmakers calling enforcement of the law a crime against humanity, where does this end?
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>> there's a momentum to the insanity at this point. it's quite clear they are engaged in massive nullification of immigration law. that is what is happening. at any stage of the process whether it's sanctuary cities or enforcement or final deportation orders, this is all part of the con. initially there were no caravans and no problem, no crisis at the border and then it was this a lot of people at the border but we have to let people go through the process and if they don't get to stay after that we promise we will be okay with them being sent home and now we know that was a lie all along too. they keep telling lies about this and they're running out of room at this point. you put up those lists, they are getting close to violating another statute at immigration, aiding and abetting. you can't harbor illegal immigrants,ll you can't employ illegal immigrants. some of these democrats seem to think they should do whatever they can to obstruct
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law enforcement efforts. they want to talk about danger to the public? this is dangerous. >> tucker: it's crazy but it's also unfair. they are telling foreign nationals they don't have to abide by american law, they can ignore our laws. but they are telling me i have to follow every american law and if i step outside the bounds of those laws i go to jail. why am i paying my taxes, sincerely? why can't i buy a silencer, why am i paying attention to all of these laws when they are telling residents of guatemala and honduras they don't have to. >> there's so much illegality that gets piled up when you look at the real statute. it's against the law to lie to federal officers at the border about what you are fleeing. it's against the law to lie about your age, it's against the law to have a fake social security card. it's against the law to engage in document fraud. there is an entire subset of u.s. federal law that is being
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violated all the time with impunity and people seem to think they can just ignore all of this. >> tucker: somebody is going to make a defense in court along those lines. these people don't have to follow the law, why should i? that's when things will start to fall apart. >> i wish democrats would be honest about what they want. if no one should have immigration law enforced against them, people like aoc, the legislative body in charge of the laws should say we want to be open borders, stop pretending that's not what you want when it clearly is. >> tucker: thank you for that clarity, appreciate it. congress held a hearing about the treatment of migrants at the southern border during one particularly heated moment --
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>> do you not care, is it because these people to look like children who are around you? i don't get it. have you ever held a deceased child in your arms? >> your comments are. disgustin. i've served my country 34 years. this is out of control. i've served my country 34 years and i held a 5-year-old boy in my arms, i knelt down beside him and said a prayer for him because i knew what his last 30 minutes of his life were like and i had a 5-year-old son at the time. what i have been trying to do is to save lives. for you to sit there and insult my integrity and my love formy y country and four children, that's why this whole thing needs to be fixed. you're the member of congress, fixit! >> tucker: good for him, that almost never happens in congressional hearings, i'm glad it happens.
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when deaths do occur at the border of the people who deserve the blame our congress. if they would actually secure the border as they promised, no one would be risking their lives to sneak across it instead they've done nothing they have lured people here in tragedy i don't know if they caught that exchange but it's remarkable, when you hear members of congress accuse law enforcement of murder or crimes against humanity for enforcing the laws that they passed. >> it's a shame that they do that because we have an immigration center for unaccompanied minors, those border patrol agents to everything in their power to make sure those kids are well
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taken care of and do everything they can for them. congress has become an elitist. the laws that apply to everybody else, they don't think they apply to them. that is what is wrong with our congress today. they feel like they can do what they want when they want to do it and they have become elitist. they are sitting there with all these deals and this child, ift, they let their parents into the united states right now, they aren't allowed to work. how are the parents supposed to care for the child? they're not talking about that. that immigrant family is not allowed to work in the united states until they have a hearing. it's so backlogged because of what congress has done, they are 2-3 years before they have a hearing, it's ridiculous. they want to claim they are champion these kids, they're setting them up to fail. six years from now, five years from now because they didn't have a hearing, they are trying
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to pull the wool over american people's eyes. >> tucker: that's an excellent point, thank you for that. we got a fox news alert, robert mueller's highly anticipated testimony has been pushed back by exactly one week. the chairman of the house judiciary committee jerry nadler of new york and the intel committee chairman adam schiff both say they reached a deal to have him testify on wednesday july 24th for an extended period of we will be covering that testimony that evening. the left says "assault weapons" don't work in self-defense, we have an inspiring story for you from florida where one man with
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an ar-15 saved his life after four home invaders showed up. at bass pro shops, cabela's, and other fine dealers nationwide. where you can get a gift card and more with purchase of select boats. like a $750 gift card plus boat cover and gear with purchase of a sun tracker fishin' barge 20. that's a total value of over $1800! for a limited time only, during the boat for summer sales event.
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>> this is a fox news alert. louisiana residents are on high alert as a tropical storm barry is battering the gulf coast with heavy rain. forecasters are describing it as a life-threatening situation as the system has the possibility to turn into the first hurricane of the season making landfall sometime this morning. louisiana has been under a state of emergency since wednesday and fox news senior correspondent rick leventhal is live on the ground in new orleans. it looks pretty calm at the moment. >> at the news in new orleans so far is all good. it has barely rained overnight, light showers. it could get worse throughout the morning with the best news for this city at least is the mississippi river has no
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crested, according to the national weather service at 17.y started to recede. there were predictions it would reach at least 19 feet. they have closed every floodgate along the mississippi river for the first time ever, they closed all the gates. they were concerned it would reach at least 19 feet and levees are built to 20 feet. we were told there was a minimal risk of that happening because the river has crested. there are concerns with barry still bearing down on the louisiana gulf coast, we have a storm can set up in morgan city where the storm is predicted to come ashore as a weak category one. 75-mile-per-hour winds hitting the coast probably around 9:00 sometime late tomorrow morning, it's going to bring heavy rains we are told. hitting an already saturated southern louisiana coast and there are worries about flooding, not just on the rivers but also on the planes along the
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coast and inland as well. they have activated 3,000 louisiana national guard, they have high water rescue vehicles that have been prestaged along with food and water and emergency supplies. despite the evacuation orders, others also worries that a lot of people stay, they didn't heed those warnings and they could be vulnerable if roads flood and homes flood and the one road in and out of grand isle was already under water this. we can show you some video from near st. john's parish where a number of streets are also underwater they are because a lake and severely its banks in that area earlier today, that's southwest. the bottom line is that there are issues and there will be issues associated with this storm even though it will be a weak category one when it hits. it's bringing a lot of rain and
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even though the rain isn't falling in new orleans, it is expected to bring a lot of problems to the region. >> it looks calm weather-wise around you but calm and general for new orleans. how far away from bourbon street are you right now? >> we are right around the corner, we are going to go this way and to show you bourbon street. i have been here many times for work and for play and i can tell you i've never seen bourbon street as quiet as it is tonight on a friday night. if you take a look down, they closed a lot of bars and a lot of restaurants early and the ones that are open many of them say they will close early because of concerns about the weather. there is no weather now, it's fine but it could get a lot worse. people have to work in those bars and then heading home they want to make sure those people were saved. it has been empty down here, it doesn't mean people aren't
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having fun but there are far fewer people. >> i'm glad you are staying safe at the moment and make sure you stay safe all night, we will be checking in with you later and we've got you covered all throughout the gulf area. rick leventhal live. we're going to take you back to "tucker carlson tonight" already in progress. >> violent crime has steadily decreased ever since we stopped that band, why would we go back to that? we're going to remove people like this man's ability to defend himself. >> tucker: last question, i've asked you this before but it's something that gnaws at me. there is no evidence that what they're proposing will make the country safer, none and they know that. why are they proposing at? >> i don't want to get conspiracy theorist on you but we mentioned last time i was on
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here whenever a politician tells you that you don't need guns is when you need guns, it makes me a little nervous. this is clearly an ability for a man to protect himself, what the second amendment was for. the ar-15, this might not be popular -- it's the modern muskets. the musket at the time when the second amendment was written was a military grade firearm, it's what people knew how to use and had in their home. that's what the ar-15s today and trying to take it away, it flies in the face of statistics that keep us safe. they are not being used in the majority of these crimes and here is one more example of a defensive gun use that i'm glad he had to. >> tucker: it's too much power, too much autonomy for them. great to see you tonight. c the left would like to change the constitution to change america's voters and take over the american economy. do they want more?
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do they want to change america's soul? a new book argued that yes, thes left would like to destroy christianity in america, the author would like to join us with his take, next. like my favorite! just tear, eat... mmm-- and go! try my tuna or chicken salad creations. bravo! ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma♪ ♪that i'm a traveller ♪i'm gonna follow the sun♪ ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma ♪that i'm a traveller transitions™ light under control™
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♪ >> tucker: it's easy tot forget that maxine waters has a day job, she's not just a folk hero to the left and a joke to everyone else, she's an actual member of congress. she chairs the house financial services committee which is a big deal. we would think she would be spending her time making sure the financial sector didn't collapse again but no, it's too complicated. instead she spends her time creating something called the subcommittee on diversity and inclusion. listen to sylvia garcia explain
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why we need this subcommittee. >> one of the most disheartening things for me was dealing with the financial world. not because i couldn't handle the work but because of who i faced sometimes it seems like any meeting i went to whether it was to negotiate depository contract or select investment bankers or anything that i did, it was a man's world and also very white. >> tucker: still really white, that is the coolest slur she could think of and deeply upsetting. if you have been away, you might be shocked to hear a sitting member of congress make aggressively racist remarks like that in public, you should know that's normal on the left. nobody noticed when she said it. if democrats instead worked on the "diverse asset managers act." it would involve every single ferment to implement affirmative
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action based on sex and skin color. according to democrats, your race is the single most important thing about you. you are not an individual created uniquely by god, you are a faceless member of a herd whose entire significance can be summed up using the color of your skin. it is creepy and wrong. if there is one reason to vote republican, is to push back i against insanity like this yet republicans in congress aren't. several republicans have taken turns extolling how important this committee is and how critical it is to foster diversity in finance as opposed to fostering incompetence, fairness or something that matters. and and wagoner said she was hod to be working on a very important subcommittee. financial companies to interview
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with people with specific skin colors when jobs come open, he suggested naming that rule after and wagoner -- she didn't objec object. david horowitz is not a christian but he knows people of all religions owe a great deal to america's christian heritage and he knows if america loses that heritage it won't be the same country. unfortunately the left aims to do justin that. he has written a new book, it's called "dark agenda: the war to destroy christian america." thanks so much for coming onn tonight. >> it's an honor to be on the best news show on television, where you get a dose of reality every night. thank you. >> tucker: why did you right this book? >> every freedom we hold dear ae americans come every principle,
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quality, inalienable rights to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, tolerance, freedom of speech, every one of these originated as a christian idea and a protestant christian ideab at that. that's because 98% of the people who created this country were protestant christians. before the protestant reformation you had to go through the catholic church and its priesthood to get into heaven but the reformers understood churches and governments are g institutions e created by human beings and therefore subject to the corruption of human beings. they came up with this revolutionary idea of the priesthood of all believers. the idea being each of us faces our maker one-on-one without the intermediary of a church or a priesthood. think about that for a moment, that not only makes everybody
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equal but it included black bld that's why from the moment of america's birth, there was a new dawn of freedom, within 25 years, there were hundreds of thousands of freed in the north. i'm thinking of this ignorantep attack by colin kaepernick and nike on the betsy ross flag which goes with the creation of america. the creation of america was probably the greatest gift given to black people in 3,000 years because slavery was considered a normal institution for all of those years. unfortunately, the people who hate america on the left and this embraces so much of the democratic party these days have conducted a 50 year, 60 year
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attack on christianity in this country. they have driven prayer and religion out of thes. schools, u can't teach a public school child that the pilgrims were christians fleeing persecution. that's why the democratic party now, full-scale march to eliminate a lot of the institutions -- the electoral college, they want to do away withh the senate and so forth. they don't understand where our freedoms come from or what their nature is. >> tucker: that was a remarkable summation. that has led you as a non-christian to want to defend america or at least acknowledge and explain america's christian heritage. >> i'm also an agnostic.
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you can't have inalienable rights to liberty, if there is no god. which is problematic for an agnostic, i'm not an atheist -- that's another kind of faith, i just don't know. what i realized if you have to have respect for the idea of go god, if they come from government, people like maxine waters, they're going to take them away. the very framework of our freedom is dependent on the christian nature of this country as is the fact that we are a why are we alic -- secular republic? because all of these different protestant sects understood there would be a threat when they were fleeing churches -- they don't want any particular religion to be dominant or
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interpretation of religion. it's a radical idea, it makes america the unique country in the world that it is. >> tucker: i'm sorry we are out of time but let me just say i hope thise won't be the last time you are on our show, that was wonderful and i appreciate it. you think everyone would be excited for disney's upcoming "lion king "remake. jeff bezos "washington post" says it's a nazi movie -- we're not kidding. we'll tell you what they said after the break. ♪[upbeat music] ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma♪ ♪that i'm a traveller ♪i'm gonna follow the sun♪
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to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh that's it! just giving back and producing love for everybody.
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♪ ♪ >>
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>> tucker: want to feel old? turns out "the lion king" came out 25 years ago. so long ago, that disney is remaking it. a new version comes out next week. practically guaranteed to make $1 billion, or whatever, but not everybody is excited about it. a few weeks ago some critics called "toy story 4," hard to pronounce movie, they called it racist and antigay anti-for hot portrayed children's toy. to make an even crazier point, "the washington post" is the "the lion king" remake is fascist, sexist, and racist, even though it contains no human beings at all. joe concha thinks and writes about the american media for "the hill" newspaper, and he joins us tonight. joe, do you think this is a sophisticated parity that we have been taken in by? are we being trolled, in other ? yeah. >> tucker: are being trolled, exactly.
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>> they are being serious. this was in "the washington post," this review that you talked about, where this is being compared to whites primacy, fascism. it's a story about a sauna and a baby lion, that is what it is about. the slogan for "the washington post" is "democracy dies a darkness, and in this case, it's democracy dies in derangement, as an derangement syndrome around this presidency. itam goes back to trump, as wel, in this review. i love numbers because they are great to make an argument. the first version you talked about, 1994 -- and yes, i do feel all the dash 45% of actors in the film doing voice-overs, 35% were black actors. in this version, 80% of the actors, eight in ten, are the cast members. beyonce is the main cast member. i believe she was an active supporter of the previous president. what she really have signed onto a film that promotes fascism and white supremacy? yeah, i'm not thinking that is going to be the case.
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>> tucker: the guy who wrote this piece, you will not be surprised to learn, is an assistant professor of media studies at some third rate college. they really are -- assistant professors in media studies really are the problem with this country, aren't they? >> they are, certainly, and i'm so glad i didn't go to that particular college. can you imagine how many kids are being indoctrinated to be the next media columnists in the world? we lost the ability to have escapism at this point, right? you watch the women's world cupi and right after they win me think he would hear "usa," but no, you hear "equal pay" and "f term." you watch the oscars, the enemies, the golden globes come all the same thing, they all become political, and they are all anti-conservative, all in one direction. we have lost our ability to get it, sometimes, even with a disney movie. >> tucker: it's unbelievable. e,joe concha come have a great weekend. >> you too, sir. >> tucker: that is it for us
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tonight. we will be back monday, 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sincere and sworn enemy of lien, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. "hannity" is next, these are live pictures, stay tuned for live updates on tropical -- ♪ >> sean: welcome to the special edition of "hannity," the russia boomerang. and justst moments, we have a studio audience full of experts who are going to break down the swinging pendulum of justice. now, 42-plus years, the democrats, the deep state, the media mob, all working together. what, first to stop one person becomingbe president. then take down a duly-elected president of the united states with conspiracy theories and a russian hoax. tonight, the president remains unscathed.he and those who abused their power, those involved in corruption, will now be held accountable. this does include special counsel robert mueller. we expect he will appear on


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