tv Hannity FOX News July 27, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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in grand rapids, michigan. most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. i am shannon bream. ♪ welcome to this special edition of "hannity." the left day of wreckenning. re. i'm jayson i jayse jason chaffen for sean. despite the best effort, the probe came up empty and mueller testimony was a disaster. operation boomerang is in full effect. the investigation in the origin of the russian probe is well underway. according to a fox news report, durham could have smoking gun evidence of serious misconduct. at the highest levels of our government.
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meanwhile, democrats could not care less about the government accountability. instead they are on the mission to read personal e-mail and text of ivanka trump and jared kushner. joining us with more is catherine herridge. >> jason, based on the reporting, the investigation into the investigators led by the u.s. attorney john durham is considering whether key evidence was withheld from the national security fisa court including transcripts that showed a trump campaign aide was against working with the russians. during this week's testimony, former special counsel robert mueller was peppered with questions about campaign aide george papadopoulos. and the may 2016 meeting with the australian ambassador in britain. their conversation about russia sitting on damaging clinton e-mails was passed to the f.b.i. through unconventional channels kickstarting the f.b.i. probe. this section of the hearing hasn't had a lot of play but it goes to the heart of the matter. >> with mr. papadopoulos, it didn't go to the court. they used human sources.
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all kind of the moment papadopoulos joins the trump campaign you have all the people, all around the world starting to swirl around him. halper, downer, mifsud, thompson, meeting in london, rome, all kind of places. in one of the meeting mr. papadopoulos talking to a foreign diplomat and he tells the diplomat russians have dirt on clinton. >> separately the democratic chairman of the house judiciary committee next target is the former white house counsel don mcgahn. he said they would support the grand jury material which requires a court order. >> we will continue to seek testimony from key fact witnesses. as many of you know the committee authorized several additional subpoenas. our work will continue in the august recess. and we will use the subpoenas in we must. >> house democrats approved subpoenas to obtain private e-mails but the critics say the administration officials
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including the president's daughter and son-in-law are cooperating and did not use private accounts exclusively for government business like then secretary of state hillary clinton. jason? >> thank you. as she reported, more harassment from house democrats is on the way. judiciary chairman jerry nadler said his committee is planning to enforce a subpoena against former white house counsel don mcgahn next week. joining us now with the reaction is the author of the upcoming book "witch hunt: the story of the greatest mass delusion in american political history." and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. and author of "why we fight," radio host sebastian gorka. thank you both for joining us tonight. sebastian, i want to start with you. this boomerang that is now in place with the mueller report coming up empty, that thing is going to come right back in to the face of the democrats based on what we can tell that the department of justice is pursuing. that is the origins of this
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case. >> exactly right, jason. it is clear from this disastrous testimony by robert mueller who disgraced himself and the f.b.i. that there are ongoing investigations that are looking into the real genesis of operation crossfire and how the illegal surveillance occurred and who was behind it. it's like i have a good friend chris platt who has a morning show in d.c. who says it's like the last scene from "the hunt for the red october." i don't know if you remember the great movie where the bad sub captain shoots the torpedoes against sean connery's submarine and he makes a mistake and they circle back to sink his own sub. the russian collusion hoax which gregg documented amazingly is now going to sink the d.n.c. and a.g. barr is like a honey badger who is never going to give up. he is going to get to the bottom of who spied on us in the campaign and in the white
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house illegally, jason. >> gregg joining us here on set in new york. this is a boomerang. there will be a lot of effort. some of it surrounds this eexculpatory information that papadopoulos has and the chairman referred to. >> if the government has expulptory evidence in an investigation or legal case, they have a legal obligation required by law to turn it over. to the court. and to a suspect or a defendant. they didn't do that in this particular case. i suspect the information is a tape recorded conversation between papadopoulos and either the confidential informant halpur or the australian diplomat alexander downer. because both of them it appeared to papadopoulos were tape recording the conversation, when they meet
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papadopoulos, they have the cell phone in hand and they are playing around with it here. then they put it down next to papadopoulos. obviously recording. the information contained therein is likely exculpatory. the government didn't turn it over to papadopoulos' lawyer. and papadopoulos' mention in the fisa warrant application to spy on carter page. if that is exculpatory they had a duty to tell the fisa court and they didn't do it. >> sebastian we watched the mueller hearing based on what gregg is talking about and what we talk about here, director mueller with all due respect didn't acknowledge many of the things and he said he didn't even look at the genesis of this, which very well may have been the russians trying to plant information, correct? >> more than 100 times in just the first session in front of congress, bob mueller, this bent cop, this bad cop said, "sorry, i'm not going to answer that."
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how does that occur, jason? either you take the fifth or you are under oath and you have to answer. i couldn't get away with that. this is clearly because this was an operation using russian propaganda. remember, christopher steele said, "i have never good ties in moscow." he served in moscow as an intelligence officer and this man admitted in a british court, jason, "i hate donald trump." his propaganda information from his russian contacts was used in that falsified dossier to acquire the warrant. and the f.b.i., obama's f.b.i. hid the exculpatory evidence that this was opposition research. that is a crime! gregg nailed it. it's an absolute crime, abuse of power. this is when the house of cards begins to crumble for the democrats and obama's former flunkies including clapper and including brennan. >> this is why it's so
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important what the inspector general is doing and what the attorney general barr is doing and certainly what mr. durham, the prosecutor is doing in this. i want to talk about the other part of what catherine herridge talked about. that is this idea that they are going to issue a subpoena on don mcgahn to compel testimony in front of his committee. i have to tell you, having been a chairman, if i issued a subpoena on neil eggalston, then obama's general counsel the media would have laughed me off the planet there. would have been editorials about that. you don't have the ability to compel testimony from a general counsel to a president to appear before congress. >> you know, some applications of executive privilege are dubious. this ain't. >> right. >> this is the guy whose job is to provide privileged, confidential advice and counsel to the president of the united states. it's clearly covered by executive privilege. if they think they can litigate this, good luck.
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i'll be in a nursing home by the time it's resolved. you know this from the eric holder case. the argument seems to be oh, the privilege was waived because mcgahn talked to the special counsel. that is ludicrous. here is why. he is talking to a member in the same branch of government. the executive branch, the special counsel. this is congress, where the executive privilege is not waived but it attaches. >> i think that is what, exactly what the democrats are doing. i talk about it in the new book coming up "the power grab." this is all about creating illusion, sebastian. we have just a moment left here but they want to create an illusion that there is not cooperation, that they might be hiding something. they know darn well that subpoena will never, ever be enforced. it's why you haven't had any other general counsel come up before, correct? >> $35 million, 500 warrants, 500 subpoenas, 40 agents working for two and a half years. jason, this is a farce. this is a joke.
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this is a an abuse of power. it's okay to do it in venezuela. not here in america. but it's great news for the president and it's great news for the make america great again agenda. if this is all the democrats have, they are going down in flames, jason. so, bring it because you will continue to lose and america will see right through you and laugh in your face, jerry nadler. laugh in your face, adam schiff. >> worlast word briefly, gregg jarrett. >> i agree. let's wait to see what the inspector general does. i can't imagine there won't be criminal referrals made to the department of justice. this was an egregious abuse of power. people were misusing the position for political purposes, weaponizing law enforcement against the president of the united states who now we know has been largely victimized by these corrupt actors. >> gregg jarrett, sebastian gorka, thank you for joining
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us. we really do appreciate it. there is no doubt that robert mueller's testimony effectively ended the democrats' impeachment dreams. but some on the left are still in denial. for example, congressman ted lieu of california is now pushing conspiracy theory that mueller was manipulated or controlled by some higher authority in the hearing. watch this. >> robert mueller agreed that the o.l.c. opinion prevented a sitting president from being indicted and then the republican member after me asked him a series of questions to try to get him to walk it back. and he did not do that. it wasn't until there was a recess and the intel committee he started to walk some of that back. i don't know who got to him or who talked to him. that was odd what he did. >> what are you suggesting? he said he misspoke. he didn't understand it or whatever it was. that is why he wanted to clarify and walk by his response to your question.
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are you saying he only did that because of pressure from someone? >> i don't know. >> after the three-year long russia hoax, conspiracy theories are nothing new for house democrats. in the end, there was no collusion. no conspiracy. and according to robert mueller himself, no obstruction. in fact, that determination was made without accounting for the office of legal counsel's opinion on charging a sitting president. still, chairman nadler continued to spread this lie. take a look. >> he told us in a remarkable exchange with mr. lieu but for the department of the justice policy from prohibiting him from doing so he would have indicted president trump. >> he knows better. he knows better! now with the democratic party effectively divided on impeachment, interparty tension is growing. speaker pelosi is reportedly trying to stop members of her party from attacking each other. this as pelosi and nadler
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blamed each other for dropping the ball on the russia witch hunt. joining us now with more, capitol hill senior producer chad pergram. chad? >> hey, jason. the house is now on the august recess for more than 46 days. and as a former lawmaker, you know the importance of establishing a narrative for the august recess. democrats aren't quite sure where they stand on impeachment. democrats on the judiciary committee made things muddier with a puzzling press conference. i tried to get clarity from the democratic maryland congressman and the california democrat eric swalwell. >> i think we are in an impeachment investigation. >> are you saying -- someone said it's not binary. how is it not? we are in it or we are not? >> if you look at different congresses and the way they address it, they have done it in different ways. nixon did it different from clinton. this court filing is the first time you see us telegraph to
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the court one of the remedies we have is impeachment. and to consider whether that should be used. >> impeachment confusion could be a problem for moderate democrats from battleground districts. also today, democratic new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez had an audience with house speaker nancy pelosi. ocasio-cortez accused pelosi a few weeks ago being biased against members of "the squad" and women of color. i asked pelosi to describe the differences but she said she wouldn't get into that. when asked if they buried the hatchet, pelosi said there was no hatchet. jason? >> chad, thank you. you can see by some of us who served in congress beat our heads against the wall dealing with swalwell and -- anyway, breaking today. big news from the southern border. the supreme court ruled this evening that the trump administration can proceed with wall construction plans amid the legal fight over the funding. speaker pelosi is not happy. earlier tonight she tweeted,
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"this evening's supreme court ruling to steal military funds to spend on wasteful ineffective border wall rejected by congress is deeply flawed. the founders designed government goffed by the people not -- governed by the people, not a monarchy." having served in congress, the trading of accounts happens every year. she has been implicit in that for decades. for her to put out the tweet is irresponsible and it's not right. she knows and she has been complicit trading funds herself. here with more reaction, congressmen who i served with in previous life when i was in congress. congressman andy biggs and congressman tom mcclintock of california and congressman walt who i didn't serve with but a great guy from florida and i appreciate all three of you joining us tonight. i want to talk about the supreme court ruling. it will have an impact; particularly, on your state.
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all of your states. but really let's start with you, congressman biggs. arizona needs this wall. the president has been fighting for it. i think you have been up is been supportive and fighting for it. tell us what the ruling means in arizona. >> it means probably 100 miles offense in southern arizona. that is really important for us. as you say, we have been advocating for that for some time. what that means since you have the vast majority of illegal drugs that are coming across are coming across our border, that will slow it down and that is good for the entire country. i was so pleased with that. i did get a hoot from nancy pelosi, when basically it's her allies and circus that took this up and sued the president in the first place to prevent this. then when he appeals to the court and wins, all of a sudden you have a judicial monarchy. that is kind of humannous. >> it starts with her and ends
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up in trump's favor. congressman mcclintock from california. you are a great expert on the budget. that is another topic. tell us from your vantage point what the supreme court ruling means. >> it's a great big "duh." the president has statutory authority to do precisely what he did. it was held up by a left wing activist judge but this is a power used by the presidents going back to 1970s, dozens of times. now it means we can actually use the funds to defend our own border. i was with the president when he was explicit in his instructions to the commander of the army corps of engineers is responsible for the project. he wants 400 miles of new or replaced fencing by the end of next year. i think now he will get it. >> congressman waltz, we still don't hear democrats put forth
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any legislation. you hear collins saying the judiciary committee doesn't even take up legislation. what do you see about the supreme court ruling and what do you see moving forward on the immigration issue in general and the supreme court ruling? >> well, i'm on the armed services committee. 23 years in the army. the national guard and the military have supported our border forces for decades down there. it's perfectly reasonable. it's perfectly legal what, you know, befuddles me is that democrats said for months if not years this is not a crisis. we shouldn't be shifting funds. congress after congress has kicked the can. i don't like that we have to use defense funding to do this but nobody else is solving the problem. so for the president to shift funds, which the supreme court now upheld, when we have over 1 million people -- we are on track to have over 1 million people flood over the border from 60 different countries, it's a humanitarian crisis, a
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national security crisis. we know terrorist groups, any pathway that will move drugs and people will also move weapons and individuals. and i think this is absolutely appropriate and within his authority as commander-in-chief, which we have now upheld despite what speaker pelosi may tweet by the supreme court. and their interpretation of the law. >> yeah. i totally agree with you. i want to switch gears and i want to go to infatuation on democrats on impeachment. congressman biggs, the democrats cannot figure out what are we going to do? because mueller produced nothing. i think it is now proving the point more and more what donald trump always said there was no collusion and there was no obstruction. but they are just so focused on impeachment. they are essentially doing impeachment, aren't they? >> yeah. that is exactly right. they have been doing this since they came back and took over the house. i like to think of it as the impeachment cul-de-sac.
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that is where they are. that is where the democrats all are. they are in the cul-de-sac. the rest of the country went forward. as soon as mueller let out the report the rest of the country went forward and said so what? that is what happened this week with the mueller hearing. we are on a track with the president and his policies, the economy is growing and doing well. we have to take care of the immigration stuff. but the democrats are over there in the cul-de-sac; particularly, nadler, schiff, cummings and the various groups that want to just keep investigating the committees in congress that want to keep investigating. it's a problem. yeah. >> congressman, mcclintock, what is your take on it? >> they don't call it "trump derangement syndrome" for nothing. it requires a certain amount of derangement. that is what we are seeing from the democrats. the air force calls it target fixated that he get gets so fixated on the target he crashes in to a mountain. the first calls by the
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democrats for the trump impeachment came within days after his election in 2016. the very day after the 2018 election made jerry nadler judiciary chairman, he was overheard by a reporter on a train already plotting out their impeachment strategy. the only problem they have is there is no "there" there. and but that is not going to stop them from doing everything they can from now until the 2020 election to perpetuate the monstrously that has been so thoroughly debunked. >> we have only a few seconds left. what is your take on it? >> i shake my head watching the narrative progress from collusion, obstruction to now it's the republicans and the president don't care about the russians and election security. it's absolute garbage. if you look at d.h.s., d.n.i., the director of national intelligence. i was just up at n.s.a. and with the cyber com, they have new authority to go after
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this. i coauthored legislation with democrats on a public notification protocol that if voters lose data through being hacked, through voter data bases they have to be informed. legislation just went through the intel committee. >> listen, congressman -- >> that is garbage. we are taking it seriously and we are moving forward on it. >> i thank all three of you for your service and thank you for joining us tonight. we appreciate it. directly ahead there is a major development in the feud between the so-called "squad" and speaker nancy pelosi. austan goolsbee and former governor huckabee will be here with more. be right back.
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control of her caucus, she is desperately trying to deflect from the deep rifts within the democratic party. meeting with congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez today in an apparent effort to ease the ongoing feud claiming the two discussed, "working together to meet the needs of our districts and our country." written as only a staffer can write. now the speaker was asked about the meeting earlier today and tried to downplay the whole thing. take a look. >> do you think you were able to bury the hatchet with congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez if your meeting? >> i don't think there was any hatchet. >> she called you downright disrespectful. >> we are a political arena. again, this is like you're in a family. a family, you have your differences but you're still a family. does it happen in your family? does your family agree on everything? >> sometimes we have meetings to clear the air.
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>> you have meetings in your family? [laughter] >> do you she better understands the challenge of your job to unify the caucus after the meeting today? >> you seed have to ask me. >> jason: joining me now is fox news contributor governor mike huckabee and former obama adviser austan goolsbee. governor, i want your take on it. you have held leadership roles at the highest levels. what is your take on the feud between nancy pelosi and alexandria ocasio-cortez? >> congressman, i have often said the most dangerous person in the room is the person who doesn't know what they don't know. the problem with these tigers that nancy pelosi can't time is that they don't know what they don't -- can't tame is they don't know what they don't know. i have a lot of respect for nancy pelosi. i may not agree with her and i hope she is not the speaker next time but she is a
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capable, experienced and a very able legislator. she likes to say that herself but it is true. let's give her credit for it. this is something she is not used to. mutiny within her own ranks. >> jason: austan, what is your take on it? the idea there is no hatchet is laughable. they have been feuding and alexandria ocasio-cortez has a lot of power because she has a lot of microphone time. >> yeah, look, i think two things. the first is governor huckabee better watch out because that was recorded. we have that on tape. now we are going to keep it. [laughter] look, i think that this is the mature way to approach disagreements on policy is to have a meeting behind the scenes and work out the differences. i think they learned the lesson that the republicans followed throughout the 2000s when obama was there of how not to do it. which is you get ideologically
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safe districts. those people challenging in the primaries, the incumbents or the moderates you end up putting up extremists so they in totally red states, like missouri, indiana, now alabama, west virginia, the democrats start winning. and the republican party as a whole suffered because they had ideologically pure component. i think they are trying to avoid that. >> jason: i kind of disagree with you. i think this is a made for television event. i don't think it's a coincidence seven month nobodies the term and done the last day before they go -- seven months into the term and the last day before going to the recess. why it took seven months i don't get that. but nevertheless. let me move to a slightly different part of the topic here, governor. on the one hand, nancy pelosi will routinely say she believes that donald trump is essentially under the control of the russians. but she is not in favor of
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impeachment. i have heard -- i mean you hear this argument time and time again. but they are not willing to do impeachment. what is your take on it? >> well, she is trying to ride both sides of the seesaw, which is impossible. she has all the radical leftists loons in her party taking the party away from her. but she also has reasonable democrats across the country who will never go that far. if the party nominates somebody as far left as most of the people on that stage, if they continue to let people like ocasio-cortez be the voice of the party, and she is going to be because nobody can stop her, then i think the democrats, they got a real problem on their hands. >> jason: austan, you have to admit that the so-called "squad" is pushing the party further and further to the left. every presidential candidate is jumping to get in front of them and say we support what they support. and nancy pelosi even
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admitting they are not very far apart as far as the policy, but it's a socialist agenda they are pushing for. >> i mean, the socialist agenda like social security and medicare? i mean -- >> jason: no, the new green deal and -- no, c'mon. c'mon, austan. you know what they have been doing is radical. it's so far out there even bernie sanders has a hard time supporting it. >> you say radical but the medicare plan is supported by 70% of the country. >> jason: no, it's not. >> yes, it is. that is not a radical agenda. >> jason: yes, i think it's ad ara radical agenda. >> candidate leading the president. >> i don't buy that. how do you see it, governor? >> well, just to remind austan, all the polls show donald trump couldn't win, wouldn't win, hillary had it in the bag. keep believing it, austan.
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because 2020, there will be a lot of democrat balloons in the warehouse and nobody will be there to take them down. >> well, i hope you are wrong. >> they'll see re-election of the president. >> jason: austan, last word. ten seconds. >> look, in this, this is the mature way as i say to have two different wings of the party come together,s no do it in public the way the tea party did when they took down their own speaker of the house. >> jason: i give it six or seven days and they will be at each other's throat again. austan goolsbee, governor huckabee, thank you for joining us on this beautiful friday. coming up, the media is in a complete meltdown mode after mueller's disastrous testimony. charlie hurt, doug schoen will be here to tell you why the media is at their all-time wors these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to
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>> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." the let's day of reckoning. robert mueller's testimony on wednesday was a disaster for the democrats and a crushing blow to the mainstream media who had been pushing the ridiculous russia collusion narrative for years. watch this. >> we may not have won the battle of impeachment, but we are going to win the war of putting him in jail. whatever we have to do. >> the appearance on capitol hill yesterday was not what democrats were hoping for and did not make impeachment any more likely. >> it's fair to say that democrats did not have the day they wanted and bob mueller was not the witness they were hoping for. there wasn't some new evidence presented or some new context given that would perhaps convince the american public that the president had to be impeached. >> where does this move the ball now on imanymore does it go anywhere?
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it -- impeachment? does it move the need? i think the democrats are probably disappointed. >> because of the performance from mueller, i think it lights a fire under the need to speak to the people on his team who did the work. >> a lot of democrats in particular used the "d" word. and branded this a "disaster." >> on optics this was a disaster. >> if you look who is winning and it seems like donald trump is winning. >> jason: because he is. joining us now is fox news contributor charlie hurt, media reporter for "the hill," joe concho and doug schoen. gentlemen, thank you for joining us here. >> good to be here. >> jason: joe, i want to start with you because you are an expert in looking at the media. i think the media was "a," disappointed and so frustrated they didn't get what they wanted. when i saunaed nad and pelosi do -- when i saw nadler and pelosi do the press conferences they were playing to media saying oops, we didn't produce what we said we would produce. >> i think bob mueller was a
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victim of his own hype by the media and the democrats. supposed to be the unflappable statesman with the gravitas, command of the facts. instead as you saw he was confused and he didn't know many of the contents in the report that he wrote. as far as disappointment, you are right about that. this has been the fuel for the media over the last two and a half years. let me give you stats. 8,500 stories on the russia probe just by the "new york times," "washington post," cnn and msnbc. 530,000 web articles on russia, trump, mueller. 245 million interactions including likes and comments shares on the social media giant such as twitter and facebook. so not only were people disappointed in the media because they wanted this to be the next watergate, they knew that this was very good for business. now the business is going away because after what we saw on wednesday that is the final chapter as far as impeachment, mueller and russia. >> jason: stunning
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statistics. charlie, i would love to take analysis of the pulitzer prizes won along the way and do the analysis. do you think we'll get many apologies from the media along the way, charlie? >> there won't be any number of apologies near the number of the stories that joe just listed out. it is astonishing because all of the stories were based on fundamental lies peddled by democrats. remember adam schiff telling us again and again, he had this evidence. there is evidence the public doesn't know yet. but they all knew. all of that turned out to be lies. you know when i got in this business 20, 25 years ago, i got into it because i believed in the truth and i believed in exposing people doing things that were wrong. there is something going on here where you have an alarming number of reporters in the national political media who have no interest whatsoever in exposing the truth. they are willing to take the direction of democrats, they are so blinded by the hatred
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of donald trump, they will take -- they will take any bogus story hook, line and sinker and they will absolutely run with it until the ends of earth to destroy this president. even a few years ago, you know, places like the "washington post," and the "new york times," you know, you know you knew they leaned left. but you also had enough respect for them that you knew they were usually telling the truth or doing their best to tell the truth. they have forsaken any pretense whatsoever that they give a damn about the truth at all. >> jason: doug, jerry nadler produced and -- adam schiff produced no new witnesses and no new facts. mueller said he was going to talk within the four corners of the report. and it didn't turn out the way they wanted to. >> right. >> jason: yet, they still can't decide as to whether or not they are going to pursue impeachment. >> it sounded to me, jason, like they wanted to move forward today. now i had two reactions. first, they should move on. get off this.
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i want democrats to win. i'm different from most of the people on this show tonight. i'd like joe biden to beat donald trump. but the only way to do it is give this up, give up the prosecuting, investigating, turn to issues like climate, jobs, healthcare. there is the possibility to win there. and the polls out, the fox news poll very encouraging. but it's not going to stay encouraging unless the democrats talk about what the american people care about. not what the main stream media is doing. or the left wing politicians. >> jason: joe, what do you see moving the need? what will actually move the american people? >> in terms of going toward or against impeachment? >> jason: yes. at this point they seem to be in a meltdown, the democrats. they don't know which direction they are going in and what they are going to do. and the media also can't figure out what direction to take this story because they had invested so heavily over the last two and a half years. >> right. yesterday, you follow boxes? that was a t.k.o. that we saw
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on this story. the problem that democrats have is that most polls show 80-85% want impeachment now. but independents, which doug knows is very important, when it comes to elections -- >> swing vote. >> right. obviously, republicans are not on board. if you don't have the bipartisan buy-in, you can't do it. but they don't know how to tell that to the base, to the a.o.c.s, the squads and everybody watching msnbc and cnn that this is over because it can't be done. >> jason: charlie, a few seconds left. what is the message for the democrats, over the six weeks the hot summer ahead of us? >> i don't think it matters, quite frankly. i think this whole impeachment thing has become sort of like a zombie that nancy pelosi can't kill. it's going to haunt all of them. you watch. people like jerrold nadler are going to get opponents, democratic primary opponents from the left accusing them of not pushing hard enough for impeachment. it's going to be a slow,
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ongoing disaster. >> jason: doug, the last word. >> democrats if you are listening. move away from impeachment. forget it. it's a stone cold loser. >> jason: charlie, joe, doug, thank you for joining us tonight. coming up, police officers in new york city are under assault. and almost nothing is being done about it. trace gallagher has the latest. and then we'll get reaction from larry elder and manny gomez. stay with us.
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>> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special. the let's day of reckoning. new york city mayor bill de blasio is polling at just 1% in his ridiculous bid for the democratic presidential nomination. maybe that is because he is completely lost control of his city. the latest example is a slew of water dousing assaults
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against the police. taking place across new york. a number of videos showing flagrantly disrespectful views putting officers in danger. joining us now is chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher who has the latest on the disturbing attacks. trace? >> jason, there are now four videos of the new york police officers being doused with water. critics say you can expect to see a lot more because people apparently believe it's fine to soak the cops. president trump calls it tragic and says when he first saw an officer get hit in the head with a bucket, he had to watch it again because he didn't believe it. the president then went after new york democratic mayor bill de blasio. watch. >> president trump: probably the worst mayor in the history of new york city. the policemen and women cannot stand him. they don't respect him. they don't like him. >> we should note mayor de blasio also called the dousing of cops unacceptable and said it wouldn't be tolerated. meantime in the wake of the
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fourth video the union representing new york police sergeants says the dousing could become dangerous and is now demanding that the new york police commissioner james p. o'neil step down. o'neil has not yet responded. finally, our corporate 'cuzzen the "new york post" is reporting that the suspects arrested for attacking police with the water buckets are already out of jail and back on the streets. and that includes a well-known member of the krisp crips street gang. >> jason: great. joining us now is the nationally syndicated radio host larry elder and former special agent manny gomez who i also report is the former nypd. i appreciate the service that you have given our country. gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight. manny, i want to go to you. when i see these videos, it is disgusting. it makes me so mad that these punks are allowed to get away with this, they are cheered on within the community, the mayor lost control and the police chief is not doing
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enough. these police officers, i mean, they should not have to put one this. >> absolutely, unequivocally, the police department is the first line and the last line of defense. if they don't feel confident enough that they could defend themselves how could they feel confident enough to defend the rest of us? so this is appalling. as someone who served in the nypd for many years, years ago, this was not an action that would have been condoned. it would absolutely, unequivocally never escalated where it did. so we need to really revisit the progressive views of the city hall and other administrations. not only in this city but throughout the country and try to curtail the violence that is going on against police officers which obviously if it's going on against law enforcement, it will happen to the citizens. >> jason: larry, obviously, this is a result of the mayor's position and his progressive views as manny was saying. when you watch this, what
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should happen? what should be the reaction from police? >> well, i tell you, jason, when i watch this, my reaction is young men who are raised with fathers in the home do not act like this. this is about the breakdown of the nuclear family. the fact that the welfare sate incentivized women to marry the government. so many kids, especially people of color are raised without fathers. if you're raised with a responsible father and mother in the home, you don't engage in that behavior. the other part is the anti-cop rhetoric on people on the left. obama said the came ridge police acted stupidly. they did not. he accused ferguson police department being racist, it is not. the nypd, majority of the officers are people of color. knock it off. these are people trying to keep us safe. you treat them like this. this is outrageous and it all starts in the home. >> jason: manny, i have to tell you, i watch the videos and i can't believe the police officers have the discipline to just sit there and take it. we don't pay them enough.
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they should haven't to put up the humiliation. they have to be able to do their job and protect themselves. who knows what they could be dousing them with. it may be water today and something else later. >> absolutely. today is water. then it's exacerbated. perhaps explosive devices, pneumoni,ammonia, clorox, firea. we had police officers assassinated in cold blood in their vehicles in the last couple of years. what is to stop against this violence for the police officers to happen? they were doing nothing but their jobs, protecting the citizenry of new york city. yet, they were disrespected and assaulted accordingly. like the wa -- like the way they were. this needs to stop and we need to protect the police officers and the citizens. >> jason: larry, i hear your message to make sure there is respect and responsebility in the home. from a police department, police chief and mayor, what should be that message? >> well, the message is we are
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here to help you. we are not the enemy for crying out loud. there was a study in the official journal of the national academy of sciences, researcher looked at every single police shooting that took place in 2015. the race of the officer had nothing whatever to do with the shooting. everything had to do with the criminal behavior of the suspect. knock it off. we are here to help and we are the thin line between you and the bah guys. give us respect here. we are not asking for too much. >> jason: the police officers do work. thank you, manny, for your service. larry, manny, thank you. we'll be right back with some final thoughts on this special edition of "hannity." ♪
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