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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  August 1, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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jillian: dipping into the kool-aid means getting into something you don't know about. rob: they spent so long with advisers thinking about these moments. >> then they do go viral. >> it was andrew yang who said we are here with makeup, everyone has those scripted moments. have a good day. >> in accurate in what you are describing. >> the plan was banning employer-based insurance. >> don't understand why democrats on a stage are fear mongering about universal healthcare. >> don't know what matthew do but i will tell you that is a lot of money. >> i believe we in the united states congress should start impeachment proceedings immediately. >> not only have we not gone after al qaeda they are stronger today than they were on 9/11. our president is supporting al qaeda.
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>> we need republicans to have guts on this issue. >> the plan doesn't make sense. >> he put 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and asked if she ever smoked marijuana.
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not just to give fancy speech can't go along with the policies of sanders. >> we knew to expect that but what about the sentences trailing off a little bit? >> i went on biden 3030 and couldn't see essences there. >> he accidentally gave that number. >> he was supposed to talk about where to go to donate.
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instead of saying text -- >> 3330. >> go to joe 3033. >> i gave up my apple password. >> there was a moment to get more money for the campaign. >> 2 minutes into the top of the hour team coverage with pete hegseth having breakfast with friends outside detroit, griff jenkins outside the fox theater. i can't decide who is more important. >> producers have decided. >> good job. >> on the streets. >> good morning. i'm in front of fox theater and biden, it would be tom petty's role back down. attacking every candidate on every angle from immigration to criminal justice. everyone wanted to know how
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biden and harris would respond to each other and it got awkward before they shook hands. watch. strange. listen. what really mattered was what harris was going to do. when she bring back the segregation era. >> the vice president has still failed to acknowledge that it was wrong to take a position he took at those segregationists their way. i would not be a member of the united states senate, cory booker would not be a member of the united states senator barack obama would not have been -- nominated him to the title he now holds. >> biden was attacked on immigration. s1 point he had to tell julian castro is a crime to cross the border illegally. harris was a major target after
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the performance on the first night and it was tulsi gabbard from hawaii that had a breakout moments taking on harris's record as a prosecutor. watch. >> senator harris is proud of her record as a prosecutor and she will be a prosecutor, she put 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when asked if she smoked marijuana. >> i'm proud of making the decision not just to give fancy speeches or being a legislative body and give speeches but doing the work. >> people who suffered under your rain as prosecutor, you owe them an apology. >> reporter: it was on the topic of criminal justice, and exchange between vice president biden and cory booker that booker who had a big night may have delivered the line of the night. >> there is a thing in my community, tricking the kool-aid and don't even though the flavor.
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>> biden did what he needed to do. fox news had a 33% going into the debate, we will see what his numbers are in the next debate in september. >> griff jenkins live outside the fox theater, thank you very much, that kool-aid comments was the most tweeted line of the night. all 3 of them coming up. jillian: that was in response to going after cory booker for criminal justice response when he was mayor of newark. you don't know what you are talking about. >> cory booker has to do a lot of work because a lot is out there people want to explore as he gets close, he will get some scrutiny. pete hegseth is live in rowsville, michigan outside detroit where the big debate took place. >> reporter: i will always play
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second fiddle to griff. we will talk to voters all morning, that is what matters, their reaction but joe biden under siege, he did not have the advantage bernie sanders and elizabeth warren had the night before where they could have each other's back. imagine a future where two of them are also a part of the group attacking joe biden. the moderate foil of the obama administration and when joe biden was attacked he often retreated through his time in the obama administration. >> there's a lot we have done. we are talking about things that occurred a long time ago and all of a sudden i find this fascinating, everyone is talking how terrible i am on these issues. barack obama new. >> the question out of this debate is, is joe biden the prohibitive front runner, who
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emerges, who comes up, is it cory booker? what do they take away? is joe biden out of step or is he fighting back a left-wing surge that will not help them beat donald trump which is what democrats want to do? rob: thanks very much. the new york times, regarding joe biden, what we learned, he is still old, he is still not stilted and still the front runner until someone can prove otherwise and that is what these debates are about, the second of 12 debates, it will be a scramble to get to the next one because the threshold is higher. jillian: when he shook hands with kamala harris and said go easy on me there were some complaints from some women out there that were upset with calling her a kid. >> does joe biden understand what a microphone is?
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this is a big deal and then kamala harris, go easy on me, kid. it is a fun thing to say. i think it is up cool pregame thing to, nothing sexist about it, i don't see anything wrong with it and he is 30 years older than her so it is a relatively complementary thing. >> when someone older than you the with a lot more experience he was vice president said go easy on me kid, i thought it was to get in her head. don't forget you are a kid. >> you are more streetsmart than us. there were too many topics to discuss right now. we will talk about healthcare and immigration, two topics from the night before and you can see early on the way the immigration talk goes, joe biden when he was vice president did not step in to stop the deep order in chief. here is some of that.
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>> open borders is a right-wing talking point and i am disappointed that some folks including some folks on this stage have taken the bait. >> that together in many meetings, i never heard him talk about this. >> looks like one of us learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> gets enough to say the plan doesn't make sense. >> we are not going to let people cross the border. and unlawful crossing is an unlawful crossing. >> the reason is we cherry pick the best of every culture. >> the policy of this administration facilitated -- allow them to be incarcerated as though they committed crimes. and should not be treated. >> joe biden using logic. they are here illegally.
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that is the way you do it as a president. in central south america, out of cuba crossing over from other nations. and as people screamed and yet, don't qualify that. and he doesn't like central and south america. find myself looking at joe biden. >> shows how far the democratic party has gone to the left. >> they are not smart to do that. the latest polls show biden up by so much and he was the only one of their last night saying if you come in here illegally we are going to send you home. >> another sharp exchange between bill diblasio and booker and the former vice president about those obama era deportations. >> i'm confused.
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if he uses power, did you say those deportations were a good idea or was this a mistake? which one? >> i was vice president, not the president. and say whatever was said. that is not what i do. what i do say to you is fundamental change in the system. >> anybody in this campaign, can't do it when convenient and dodge it when it is not. >> i give cory booker credit, he's eliminating himself as a vice presidential candidate because he went at it, he's not going to get over that. cory booker is 100% right. if you are there to when you go after them and say you can't have it both ways. joe biden should have underlined
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it. >> there is a fine line, america loves joe biden and democrats adore him. so much experience to bring to the table, obviously the front runner. >> when he was senator he couldn't get anywhere. >> a lot of change. when kirsten gillibrand went after him for this op-ed he wrote in the 80s, was tax credits and how women, did you see this exchange? how women should not be working because it is a detriment to their family. that is your headline, those are your words and she went back down and that was then, i am not like that now. a lot of change since the 80s and continue to attack. don't continue to attack and we are moving on. >> we are moving on.
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the number one issue for voters has been immigration. that is why we started there. there is a superdeep divide in the democratic party, democrats work for years to come up with universal healthcare, the ultimate result was the affordable care act which was on the watch of barack obama and joe biden. progressive liberals, medicare for all, that was the big topic and you could tell at the end that joe biden is really mad about this because he uses the word he only uses when he is really mad. >> obamacare is working. >> your plan does not cover anyone in america. your staff and your own definition. >> very straightforward. you can't beat donald trump with doubletalk on this plan. >> what you say is inaccurate in what you are describing. >> the person enjoying this
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debate most right now is donald trump, democrats against each other while he is working right now to take away american healthcare. >> i don't understand why democrats on the stage are fear mongering about universal healthcare. makes no sense. >> we cannot keep with republican talking points on this. >> the republicans are trying to kill obamacare. this idea is a bunch of malarkey. >> get your head around this. they are ripping obamacare on the democratic debate stage vii years after it passed with the vice president fighting to keep who wants to keep it who is concerned about donald trump getting rid of it. they once medicare for all which is unaffordable and not possible, defend the obamacare and ripped by 9 different people for doing it. >> there was a good moment with the marijuana comment.
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you're laughing because you smoked marijuana. >> if you're in the oil and gas industry, if you're somebody who works for a big corporation, if you happen to work for an insurance company, i don't know how you could feel good watching these last two debates, four nights, two debates. every single one of those people are going after oil and gas to destroy it. >> i thought last night's debate was much more exciting, lots more sound bites than the first night. but we did learn something over the two nights and that is that these democrats have a new trick. any time there is a really hard and uncomfortable question being asked of them, they say those are republican talking points. >> i know. >> and just shuts it down. >> it's very interesting. >> thank goodness, only 10 people in the next debate, max. >> only 10 more debates left. >> if they qualify, you'll have another 20. they have a threshold, they've got to let them in. round two of the second democratic debate now in the books. what do the t voters think? >> lee carter was up all night
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talking to folks. she's got those results coming up next, live on "fox & friends." ♪ freedom. ♪ freedom. ♪ oh, freedom. ♪ yeah, freedom. ♪ freedom. ♪ my joints... they hurt. the pain and swelling. the psoriasis. cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of active psoriatic arthritis. it even helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. get real relief, with cosentyx. has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows.
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even more fireworks from the second night of democratic he debates as more presidential hopefuls take the stage in detroit. here to break down the top moments, lee carter. thanks for being with us. >> so good to be here. >> you took the pulse of the people. let's go back to when democrats were arguing over whether or not crossing the border, illegal crossing the border should be a crime. watch this. >> the policies of this administration have been facilitated by laws on the books that a allow them to be incarcerated as though they committed crimes. >> i disagree that we should decriminalize our border. >> i don't think we should have a a law on the books that can be so misused. should be a civil violation. >> if you cross the border illegally, you should be able to be sent back. it's a nice crime. >> it looks like one of have learned the lessons of the past and one of us haven't. >> biden went way up when he said that. >> he did. it was fascinating.
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you picked up on a thing that i did, which is most interesting. biden said it should be illegal. independents went up. border security is something that people support, whether the democrats want that or not. yes, there's a whole issue about the humanitarian issues around it but border security is not an issue that they should be going after and biden won the night with that one. >> what about climate change? that was an issue last night. they were saying it's a great threat to humanity. watch this. >> the greatest threat to humanity is global climate change. >> climate change is not a separate issue. it must be the issue and lens with which we view every issue. >> climate change is not a singular issue, it is all the issues that we democrats care about. >> we are 11 10 years too late. we need to start moving the climate in the right direction. we need to start moving our people to hig higher ground. >> the blue line's way up.
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the red line is way down here. >> the independents flat lined, gave it a c minus overall. it's important to the base, they gave it an a. it's not going to win over independents. when it comes to 2020, the democrats have to get the independents if they want to win. >> why do they focus on that issue if they know they're trying to get the independents. >> right now, they're trying to get the democrats. it's a fight between 20 of them. >> gillibrand attempts to take down joe biden. it backfired on her. watch this exchange. >> what did you mean when you said, when a woman works outside the home it's resulting in, quote, the deterioration of family. >> as a single father who raised three children for five years by myself, i have some idea what it costs. you came to syracuse university with me and said it was wonderful. i'm passionate about the concern, making sure women are treated equally. i don't know what's happened except that you're now running for president. >> it was a fascinating one
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here. democrats and independents, republicans all flat lined here. this is a c. this was gillibrand's big moment and it went bust. >> a lot of people have the same question that biden did. you used to support me. the only thing that's changed is you're running for president. i don't think it looked good for her. >> he was saying, you used to be my friend and now you're not. it reminded all of us that he was a single parent because of the tragedy with his first wife. thanks so much, lee. another talked about moment of the night, tulsey gabbard when she ripped kamala harris. our next guest says her biggest weakness was just exposed. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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did play a role in killing hamza bin laden. it is unclear how or when the killing happened. the state department posted a million dollar reward for information leading to hamza earlier this year. president trump is refusing to confirm or deny reports of his death. we will keep you updated b when we get new information. in the meantime, the search is underway for the pilot of a navy fighter jet that crashed in death valley, california. seven people on the ground were hurt when the f-18 similar to this one went down. it was conducting low level training in the area known as star wars canyon. it's a popular spot for people hoping to catch a glimpse of military jets. fbi agents collected evidence from their former director after james comey was fired. that bombshell claim revealed in a new judicial watch report. >> now we know for the first time the fbi was investigating the creation and and link of the memos and -- handling of the memos. it's a month after he was fired.
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they show up at his house. they interview him. he said i have these memos. >> the former director admitted he purposely leaked memos to the new york times. a source tells fox news the doj is looking into whether comey's memos improperly contained classified information. steve. jillian. thank you. tulsi gabbard attacking kamala harris' record as attorney general of california, saying she's not the progressive prosecutor she claims to be. >> she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when asked if she smoked marijuana. she blocked innocence that would have freed an innocent man from death row. she kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor. the people who suffered under
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your reign as prosecutor, you owe them an apology. >> we never got an answer from former attorney general harris. our next guest ran against her in the 2016 senate race. >> author of the divided era, tom bakaro joins us live in new york city. good morning to you. >> how are you? >> doing okay. kamala harris in the first debate really let joe biden had it and went up in the polls. last night, she should have seen that people were going to come after her because she's surging but she didn't seem to have any good comebacks. >> it's amazing. she used the element of surprise, did a surprise attack on biden. he wasn't ready. she jumped up in the polls because people thought she was a fighter. last night, she proved she has a glass jaw. she can't answer on the spot. she's actually not good on the spot. if you're a trial attorney, prosecutor, you should be good on the spot.
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>> she was told she was challenged about casesnd cases d policies and here is what she said which is nothing specific in return. >> as the elected attorney general of california, i did the work of significantly reforming the criminal justice system of the state of 40 million people and i am proud of that work. and i am proud of making a decision to not just give fancy speeches or be in a legislative body and give speeches but actually doing the work of being in the position to use the power i have to reform a system that is badly in need of reform. >> what is her work like? she talks about look at my work. but a lot of people don't know a lot about her. we have a lot of independents that watch our show. what is she like? >> actually, she's very nice personally. i tried to google substantial reform and harris. that didn't come up with anything. she gave a typical response for a short debate format which is no, no, no, i did really good, trust me.
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that doesn't really work. she has this glass jaw. you know what she helped? the rich or powerful. when bob filner who was accused of sexual harassment, she let him off easy. she had a fundraiser with a guy from wells fargo who lobbied not to have heavy penalties. if you smoked marijuana, it was funny for her in private. i think what gabbard did was -- >> nailed her. >> she's a person of power and she helps the powerful but the average person, no. and she won't prosecute the death penalty. rose byrd got recalled for not doing it. last night, she finally admitted, i've been against the death penalty all along. which means like eric holder, if she won, she would be selective. >> she was selective last night in defense of her brand-new health care plan. everybody was loaded for this. she's been all over the map, for
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things, now against it, wait, she's for it again. here she is getting attacked on the plan that would go into effect in 10 years. >> the plan no matter how you cut it costs $3 trillion when it is in fact employed. >> kamala harris talked about kathleen sabilus who helped write her bill. she works for medicare advantage, private insurance company, who will stand to profit under her plan. >> we need to be honest about what's in this plan. it bans employer based insurance and taxes the middle class. >> she didn't seem to know a lot about her plan. >> this is probably the first time it's been on one piece of paper. she can't go back and forth. i'm glad she's arriving at that moment. look, is medicare for all at all defenseable? it is $3.2 trillion a year. there's no way to raise taxes for it. she wants a 10 year thing, because -- actually, it's more rational than elizabeth warren
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who wants socialism next week. she's putting it off for 10 years. >> she had a plan that she rolled out a couple days before. they thought that would be strong. it ended up being a problem. >> again, she wasn't ready for criticism. her whole candidacy has been her surprise attack and she seems surprised when people attacked her. >> thank you very much for joining us today. mayor de blasio protested by new york city police officers before he took the debate stage. >> bill de blasio. >> you can't run the city. >> you can't run the country. our next guest is a former nypd officer and says the mayor brought it on himself. >> and what are the t voters saying about the debate this morning? pete is having breakfast with friends in michigan. pete? >> reporter: rams horn in roseville, michigan, talking to voters. i've got charlie, a retired cop, michelle with lots of opinions that we're going to bring to you. because what matters most is
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what the voters think after this big debate. what do they think? we'll bring it to you on the ground on the other side of this break. ♪ this was me six years ago... and this is me now! i got liberty mutual. they customized my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. then i won the lottery, got hair plugs, and started working out. and so can you!
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♪ did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes? try dawn ultra. dawn is for more than just dishes. with 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. try dawn ultra. the future president here -- go i'm grateful he endorsed my presidency already. >> i don't know what math you do
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in new york, i don't know what math you do in california. >> you're p dipping into the kool-aid and you don't know the flavor. >> the first thing i'll do when i'm president, i'll -- >> if you care more about your family and your kids than my neckwear, we'll say together, adios to donald trump. >> a little montage of some of the activities last night at the fox theater in detroit, michigan. >> it reminded me, they did have in the first debate they did speak a lot of spanish. so that was the first reference there. meanwhile, pete hegseth is live at rams horn restaurant in michigan, just outside detroit. pete, is anyone there yet? >> reporter: they just started showing up. in fact, it was just a few people five minutes ago. now it feels like half the town is here. it's fantastic. we'll have plenty of people to talk to here at the rams horn in roseville. the progression always is the politicians talk, and then the pundits analyze.
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what we do here on "fox & friends" is we skip the pundits and the politicians and move on to the people. what do the voters think, that's the big take-away from last night's debate. we'll hear from more throughout the show. we'll hear from charlie, a retired cop. your reaction to the debate last night? >> from what i saw, they're standing in the way of what the president already proposes, that he wants for infrastructure and nobody's supporting him from the legislative end. >> reporter: you heard a lot of talk about promises but nothing about stuff that president trump already wants. >> he's already asked them for. >> reporter: they haven't wanted to work with him on anything. michelle, you're a retired teacher. you voted republican but you have an open mind. so you watched last nights debate. >> i watched last night, the night before, hoping i would see something that i would want to vote more.
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all i see is bickering, calling each other out for something they did wrong. they make each other look worse, you know what i mean. they don't help each other, in my opinion. >> reporter: some candidates said that, said we're spending a lot of time going at each other. you say when they're not going at each other, they're going at president trump. >> correct. >> reporter: you haven't seen a lot on policy. >> correct. that was my take-away. i would walk away, i got so frustrated, hearing them complain about each other, so nothing that would help sway me? not helpful when the answer is to walk away. michelle, thank you very much. talk to larry, a developer. you are concerned about infrastructure and didn't feel like you heard much about that. >> absolutely. the midwest is a manufacturing operation and you need jobs. well, infrastructure brings that. but i haven't heard anything from the democratic party that suggests that they're going to support new jobs. it's all about medicare, which -- or medicaid or health care for everybody. doesn't make any sense whatsoever. we can't afford that kind of thing. >> you had some thoughts on joe
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biden and his performance. >> i think he had a mueller moment. >> [ laughter ] not up to prime time. >> not prime time. i wouldn't want him to be the president of the united states. and frankly, i have a hard time looking at any of them. but if anybody's going to have a chance to run against president trump it's probably going to be bernie. i think he's a sleeper. >> bernie as the sleeper. steve, let me end with you, you're a truck driver. you watched last night's debate. what did you sunshine. >> my biggest take-away was probably the climate change and wants to be completely off of fossil fuels in such a short amount of time. i look at it -- >> i imagine that might hit your industry a little bit. >> the trucking industry would be completely devastated and anything to do with new home building, if you go north of the town, north of town, they're building a lot of new homes which is a lot of work for us. we deliver the concrete and it's the first time in 10 years that it's booming again and i'm just so scared that if one of them was to get in, all that's just
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going to be ripped right out from under us. this is the first time we're moving forward to a future, putting -- upgrading our equipment and -- >> you talked about your shop's bought four to six new trucks. >> four last year with the tax cuts from president trump. four brand-new 2018 mixers, we were driving 19 1999s before tht and older. this year we purchased two more brand-new cement mixers. >> when you hear them make promises about fossil fuels, they're going after your jobs. they're coming after everybody's job. pretty much if you do anything, they're coming after your jobs. >> certainly not the message democrats were hoping voters would hear. interesting wisdom from folks at the diner. we'll be at rams horn all morning long. >> great round table, clearly. pete, thank you very much. >> everybody on the stage is
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going after fossil fuels immediately. evidencit's five alarm fire. new york city police department officers made it very clear yesterday how the felt abt mayor de blasio as he turned out in detroit to protest before the big debate. there they are. >> bill de blasio. >> no friend of labor. >> you can't run the city. >> you can't run the country. >> you can't run the city. >> you can't run the country. >> here to react is former nypd officer, dr. darren orchard. that's incredible. can you believe all of them traveled to detroit? that's how much they do not like him. >> i actually understand it. he can't run the nypd but we have the expectation of him being the commander in chief over in iraq and afghanistan? this is not our guy. this is a reflection of it. >> they were screaming about him when he was speaking, they were protesting during his opening remarks. he had almost no respect among
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the law enforcement in new york city. >> right. he set a dangerous press deputy for us as new yorkers when we look at regressive policies. case in point, a week and-a-half ago, we had officers that had water dumped on them over and over, continuously, because this is what the city -- i should say the nypd is accepting from de blasio moving forward, take this dress i've -- take this regressive act, don't attempt to deescalate that, just walk away. he's putting us in harm's way as a result of his policieses. >> new york lawmakers introduced a bill that would essentially make what we just saw, pouring water on cops, a felony. right now it's a missed m misde. >> i believe it will be a class e felony. the truth of the matter is, the officers need to be backed by city hall. de blasio is clearly falling in the polls. >> cory booker, he's mayor of
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newark, new jersey. his record, the numbers don't look good for his term. he kind of welcomed the scrutiny. when we look at what he accomplished as a mayor in newark, new jersey, as relates to crime, what are we going to find? >> we're going to see a consent decree that was enacted by the department of justice over the newark police department. their case closer rate was horrendous, reflective of was we saw in chicago. he was unable to manage the l police department. what's interesting about that, cory booker was a private detective in the newark pd. if he can't run the newark pd, how do we expect him to move forward as commander in chief and run our military. >> stop and frisk was an issue? >> stop and frisk was an issue. the truth of the matter is, it the case closer rate. one of the first things that we take into consideration as police officers is we need to have the police and community relationship. you need to be able to target
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your issues in these communities and use the community as a resource. and that wasn't done. >> darren, thank you so much for joining us. back behind you is jillian with headlines for us. good morning. let's get started with this story. nenewly resur surfaced video shs elijah cummings using harsh words to describe his own hometown. president trump tweeted out this clip. >> this morning i left my community of baltimore, a drug-infested area, where a lot of the drugs we're talking about today have already taken the lives of so many children. the same children that i watched 14 or 15 years ago as they grew up, now walking around like zombies. >> republicans pointing out the double standard after democrats accused president trump of being racist for calling bat more rat
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infested. heroic hostages take down an armed murder suspect after he locks them inside a convenience store. incredible video showing customers tackle and disarm the man after he allegedly shot and killed another person in that same store. one woman hitting him with a crate, another using her shoe. the s.w.a.t. team arrested the suspect an hour later. police just released the surveillance video from the 2018 incident. wow, they are brave people. prosecutors dropping an assault charge against a 10-year-old boy. we told you about this yesterday. he hit his classmate during a dodge ball like game. he was accused of hitting the other boy. his mom is furious. >> to charge a child with aggravated assault who was playing a game is not okay. it's not okay. >> the injured boy's mom says he has a rare condition that makes him susceptible to head
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injuries. back to you. we were talking about that yesterday. now we know. thank you very much. >> the kid is susceptible to head injuries, i wouldn't put him in dodge ball. politico says the fiercest democratic debate in 202 2020 il barack obama and his former vice president. >> you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and dodge it when it's not. >> what does former president obama's a's adviser sunshine th? he's not happy. he's up next. ♪ it's a party, party, party. ♪ come on. ♪ urke) a "rock and wreck." seen it. covered it. at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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former vice president joe biden facing repeated attacks on everything from health care to immigration on that debate stage last night. >> under your plan, status quo, you do nothing to hold the insurance companies to the task. >> first of all, mr. vice president, it looked like one of us have learned the lessons of the past and one of us haven't. >> mr. vice president, you want to be president of the united states, you need to be able to answer the tough questions.
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>> mr. vice president, you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and then dodge it when it's not. >> here with his take, fox news contributor and former economic advisor to president obama, robert wolf. so many people are saying they were attacking president obama. why did they think that was a winning strategy? >> it's not. because if you look at the recent poll, he's at 97% popularity. >> with democrats. >> with democrats. 97%. number one endorsement. either he or michelle. >> is he going to be invited to the convention. >> he'll be invited. this idea that everyone's trying to punch up and they're throwing hail maries, this is going to be short-lived. we know that. we've seen it before. i think that actually president trump two years ago showed everyone, when you're at the end of the aisle, and he says that's why you're there, they aren't on stage for a long period of time. >> there's nothing to lose. >> so, listen, last night was
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cringe-wore theworthy. i'm still shaking my head. it was a circular firing squad that president obama warned us about. the middle of the circle was joe biden. >> did joe biden survive? >> absolutely. he had a decent night. he punched back. when you're getting attacked nonstop, he talked for 20 minutes, was attacked the other two hours. he's the moderate on stage he'll bstage.he'll be the moderate one in november. >> elizabeth warren is strong and so is bernie sanders. they feel like the -- when it comes to health care, when it cs to immigration, they agree with the people you say are on the outside. >> there is no question at least a third of the party is in the populous left lane and there's a lot of excitement there. when you raise your hand for medicare for all and taking away private insurance and
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decriminalizing immigration and giving everyone student loans for free, all those things, we've seen the polls. those are not electable in the p general. >> i'll say this, is it giving you a little bit of hope. so many people were so scared with the progressive thoughts and doing away with the fossil fuel, puting that guy that pete just interviewed out of work, the coal industry is doing well, manufacturing jobs are up, people are so scared that one of those progressives are going to win but joe biden is doing well in the polls. he says if you come here illegally, you're going back. he's more of a centrist. it made me realize, and when we interviewed lee carter, when they talked about climate change, the independents, they're the ones have to look at, they didn't care about it. >> listen, it's clear that when someone's at 30% and they're at 2%, there's a higher chance of that 2% could get to 3%. remember, they're all fighting to get on the september stage. you and i spoke about it the other day, you need to be at 2% in four national polls. seven of the ten on the stage
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are not at 2% in four national polls. >> we'll see what happens in the polls from here. robert, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me on. >> a big two hours coming your way. could give you names, but sounds like we're bragging. >> just stick around. . . . has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa"
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♪ > vice president. it looks like one of us have learned the lessons of the passepast and one of us hasn't. >> mr. vice president. your argument. >> i don't hear an answer from the vice president. >> you need to be able to answer the tough questions. i guarantee you if you are debating donald trump, is he not going to let you off the hook. >> you didn't answer my question. what did you mean when you said when a woman works outside the home it results in quote the deterioration of family. >> i don't know what's happened except that you are now running for president. >> you talk about now running for vic president you ce your position. on the hyde amendment why did it take so long to
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change your position. >> i find this fascinating. everybody is talking about how terrible i am on these issues. barack obama knew exactly who i was. >> you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when illustrates convenient and dodge it when it's not. >> are you ready it say here and now that you oppose a new nafta? >> your response, sir? >> yes. [laughter] >> that's it. >> i consider that a victory. >> well, i love your affection for him. you superintendent a lot of time with him. brian: i almost feel bad when they attack joe biden. almost as if the look on his fates is really, i campaigned for you. i raised money for you. you visited me at the white house and now you are yelling at me. steve: here is what happened. joe biden went into the second debate last night as the frontrunner. when you are the frontrunner, you have a target on your back. and he was the human piñata. jimmy kimmel last night summarized it beautifully. he said it was joe vs. the volcano. >> yeah. is he a big van o fan of our shw
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i know that. joe biden 21 minutes he talked by far more than anyone else. steve: that's because he was getting shot at. ainsley: de blasio was up there. gave him so much time. brian: it's unbelievable. he has got hash tags in every poll. by the way he gets hash tags where he works in the city. ainsley: we're going to go through each of the sound bites, talk about what they did right and wrong and interview a few people. first we will talk to pete hegseth live at the ramsz horn restaurant in michigan right outside of detroit where the debate was last night getting the pulse of the people. hey, pete. >> hey, good morning, guys. you just missed a spontaneous standing ovation john james just walked in the restaurant. hi, john, how are you doing? we are live on the air. say hello to new york city. >> hey, new york city. >> when he showed up, the plates went crazy. we will talk to him in a few seconds. he is up in a few minutes. the reason they love him he speaks the language of the people here. that's what we are taking
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the pulse of. ultimately last night joe advisors the volume contain knee is right. everyone on the left who wanted a piece of the spotlight went after joe biden including tough questions from the moderators. what's interesting to note is what they said what the democrats said when they got a tough question. it was not a tough question. it was something else. listen. >> open borders is a right wing talking point. >> we cannot keep with the republican talking points on this. >> this, this, this has nothing to do with republican talking points. >> this is not a republican talking point. >> so the criticism of any policy received would suddenly then become a republican talking point especially criticism of open borders and being weak on border security. so, the voters here have -- there has been what we have heard so far is a lot of attacking each other, a lot of attacking president trump. and not a lot of time clarifying a what policies
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they stood for and, b, how they would pay for it. a lot of free money sloshing around. voters concerned about that. when we come back to you later this hour, we will talk to more folks and get their sense of you who people viewed the debated last night. back to you. brian: i wonder how they feel about every candidate saying they are going to get rid of cars, gas driven cars. the whole oil energy industry in detroit. i don't know how popular that would be. ainsley: our healthcare plans. pete: brian, they said yeah they want to take away my job and livelihood and take away my industry. something easy to talk about in new york city or washington, d.c. but it's going to crush my family and my ability to make money. those are the types of things that when the left wing is trying to outdo itself, it loses sight of regular folks. ainsley: it's happening in every city. the police officers here are worried de blasio or someone like de blasio won. we have officers here getting water poured on them and ♪ doing anything about it. they are worried it's going to continue and become unruly and this city will
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turn the way before giuliani was in office. it's happening everywhere. pete: yeah. and the nice thing to know is that bill de blasio will not be present of the united states. he maybe had a decent performance last night. cory booker had a strong performance. kamala harris wasn't quite what she was the first go around and joe biden took him a little bit of time but found his footing. there are concerns though. to your point, the policies in local places reflect on what the priorities they would have as president. that's why they came after cory booker in newark. that's why they came after kamala harris on her time as prosecutor and go after de blasio on his treatment of cops. a lot of explains and fodder for president trump when he facing all of them. steve: a lot of splains to splao do. full house there in the detroit area. not only were a lot of people watching, given the fact that peed has been talking to people and sounds like everybody was tuberculosis side for the debate last night. a lot of people were tweeting. we will play for you the top three most tweeted moments of the night.
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number 3, this is kind of like david letterman reverse order. number three the most treated moments kirsten gillibrand. first thing she will do after she is elected president. >> the first thing that i'm going to do when i'm president is i'm going to clorox the oval office. [laughter] brian: right. you know the question, the question was basically about the new green new deal which she endorsed. that made no sense. ainsley: she planned that well in advance is that because bill clinton had that office at one time. brian: that's what george bush said give if a good cleaning when i take over. bush 43. steve: i think when george bush was going into the office they did such a good cleaning there at the white house they took all the ws off the word processor. brian: that was classy. they wrecked the place. steve: here is the number two most tweeted moment of the night where tulsi gashed gabbard takes on kamala
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harris. >> senator harris says she is proud of her record as a prosecutor and she will be a prosecutor president. i'm deeply concerned about this record there are too many examples to site but she put over 1500 people in jail marijuana violations and asked about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana. >> i am proud of that work. i am proud of making a decision to not just give fancy speeches or be in a legislative body and give speeches on the floor but actually doing the work of being in the position to use the power that i had to reform a system that is badly in need of reform. the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor, you owe them an apology. brian: tulsi gabbard said she is not qualified to be president, kamala harris. and went after her record specifically. and if she wanted to defend her record, she had a funny way of showing it. she didn't answer any of the specific allegations. and conclusions that tulsi gabbard had for her. she talked generically about
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being an attorney general. ainsley: tulsi gabbard was the most searched last night on the debate online. we interviewed a guy tom. >> bakr are a. >> he ran against kamala harris in 2016 when he was running against her for the senate race. and he also is chairman of the republican party in the state of california. >> people thought she was a fighter. last night she proved much like the debate i had with her she has a glass jar. she can't really answer on the spot. she gave a typical response for a short debate forematt no, no, no. i did really good trust me. that doesn't work. brian: there were reports people thought in the democratic party she was out of line going after joe biden like that and having that picture talking about busing and having that picture ready to go as if it was all scripted to truly damage somebody even on his worse day is very respected in democratic circles. it looked as though a lot of people took aim at her.
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they wanted to make sure to neutralize her. outside of joe biden she was the one taking the most incoming. steve: she shouldn't have been surprised. as that fellow just told us about a half an hour ago. she was able to rocket to the top of the second tier into the first tier given the fact that she had that sneak attack on joe biden. meanwhile, the number one most tweeted moment of last night it was joe biden vs. former mayor of newark, new jersey, cory booker. >> this is a exrifs in our country because we have treated issues of race and poverty, mental health and addiction with locking people up and not lifting them up. and, mr. vice president has said that since the 1970s, every major crime bill has had his name on it. and, sir, those are your words, not mine. >> in 2007, became mayor and nothing happened. the entire time you were mayor. >> you want to compare records and frankly i'm
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shocked that you do, i am happy to do that. >> why did you announce in the first day a zero tolerance policy of stop and frisk and hire rudy giuliani's guy in 2007 when i was trying to get rid of the crack cocaine? >> mr. vice president, there is a thing in my community you are dipping into kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. steve: that was the most tweeted moment. you are dipping into the kool-aid and you did not even know the flavor. brian: the follow-up question in the coming weeks and coming days. if the biden camp is on its game and indications are he has a very good support team is going to be looking at the kool-aid and finding out what flavor it is. and seeing what he didn't do and did do as mayor. and to be so proud of his record, i would love to hear more about it and i think we are about to. especially since cory booker had a pretty good night last night and no longer can you say it doesn't matter, his ratings are so low. i think the biden camp will use these next coming days to go after him.
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ainsley: what is the most important issue now used to be economy. now it's immigration. they focused on that last night. joe biden said if you come across our border you are. steve: you are going home. brian: stunning. ainsley: break the law you are going to be arrested and going to go home. brian: as opposed to cory booker walking illegals across the border and being proud of it. ainsley: not be a crime now. steve: s that watt law established during the barack obama and joe biden administration. brian: dating back 40 years. steve: big topic once again last night as it was the first night. here is some of what the candidates had to say about immigration and open borders. >> a right wing talking point and frankly, i'm point disappointed that some folks, including some folks on this stage have taken the bait. >> mr. secretary, we sat together in many meetings. i never heard him talk about any of this when he was the secretary. >> mr. vice president, it looks like one of us has
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learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> your time is up. >> need to have some guts on this issue. >> i have guts enough to say his plan doesn't make sense. >> no, mr. vice president. we are the not going to let people just cross the border. unlawful crossing is an unlawful crossing. >> this country can tolerate a heck of a lot more people. the reach we are the country we are cherry pick from the best of every culture. >> the cultures of this administration have been facilitated law us on the books to allow them to be incarcerated as though they committed crimes. these children have not committed crimes and should not be treated like criminals. brian: joe biden should stand up for his logical beliefs at the border because if he is going to get the nomination, it will work on his behalf. because there is a logic. the average american says if you are coming across our borders illegally, you don't qualify for asylum, you should be sent back. and you shouldn't really be critical of the lack of housing for people in the interim because no one is equipped to take over 100,000 people a month. never have been.
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steve: the democratic party, the progressive wing, has moved way left of joe biden on that. it was clearly on display last night. watch this on deportation. >> i'm confused. i asked the vice president point blank did he use his power to stop those deportations? he went right around the question. so did you say those deportations were a good idea or did you go to the president and say this is a mistake? we shouldn't do it? which one? >> i was vice president. i am not the president. i keep my recommendation to him in private. unlike you, i would suspect you would go ahead and say whatever was said privately with him. that's not what i do. what i do say to you is he moved to fundamentally change the system. >> i still don't hear an answer. >> mr. vice president, you can't have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and then dodge it when it's not. brian: biden should just say yeah 8 million people i'm part of the administration who did that i'm proud of that they didn't qualify, because i followed the law. the other thing he should
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make sure to do he should be proud of the fact he said if you have a ph.d. we should give you an easier path to stay here. they jumped all over him for that. that's called merit based immigration reform. i think that's where movies america is robert wolf was here a short time ago. advisor to president obama on the economic front. and advisor to many and in contact with many on that stage last night. he was outraged by what he saw. >> last night was cringe-wortd. i'm still shaking my head. everyone is trying to punch up and throwing hail maries. this is going to be short-lived. we know that we have seen it about. it was a circular firing squad that president obama all warned us about. unfortunately the middle of the circle was vice president biden. ainsley: asked him this morning i can't believe there was a firing squad against obama. obama his approval rating amongst democrats according to mr. wolf 97%. they love the obamas. mitchell imichelle is beloved ad
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the world. steve: joe biden was the vice president to barack obama. when you are the frontrunner and is he like double everybody else, you have got that target on your back. they went after him. his big thing last night was, unlike the first debate where a lot of people said it looked like he lost a step. yesterday we had donna brazile on, he said he has to have a little pep in his step. he had more pep in his step last night. the big question was it enough? he was less polite but he stumbled a lot. gave wrong numbers at the end and people are going wait. is that the best he can do. david axelrod said he was much better. the bad news is this may be the best that joe biden can be. brian: i don't remember if bob dole went after george bush 41 when he was vice president to ronald reagan but i didn't think it would work to the republicans' behest to put down the reagan era when you were going to be the next president. i don't know why nine different people thought and last night, too, two nights ago, too, why it's important to put down barack obama.
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i thought donald trump had that marketed cornered. ainsley: stupid to do that when you look at the polls. joe biden is ahead. if they had praised him they might have looked better. steve: what do you think ainsley: tulsi gabbard doubling down on this shocking debate claim. >> our president is supporting al qaeda. >> his support and alliance with saudi arabia, that is both providing direct and indirect support, directly to al qaeda. steve: this on the heels of bin laden's son being killed reportedly. john james is right there in the restaurant in detroit. he calls that insane. and he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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to be dead. here with reaction, republican from the great state of michigan, he is also a u.s. senate candidate and fellow military combat vet john james as you can see he is joining us from pete's location there in the detroit area. john, good morning to you. >> good morning. good morning. how are you doing? steve: doing okay. thank you very much for getting up early. what did you make of tulsi gabbard talking about how president trump supports al qaeda? >> getting up early? i was up for a run at 5:00 this morning. i'm a combat vet and i understand what it takes to stay fit and i take the fight to people who need it. people who need it are people like al qaeda. people like isis. people all over the world who would hurt and kill americans. i think that tulsi gabbard's accusation that the president of the united states, the commander-in-chief, the person who has done everything he can to keep us safe all around the world is now colluding with al qaeda. it is an absolutely
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inflammatory. absolutely inappropriate. absolutely wrong. previous administrations actually have given money to regimes that have supported al qaeda to the tune of $150 billion to a country like iran who say they want to see death to america and death to israel. that is supporting the types of regimes that we cannot have and we need to have somebody on the floor of the u.s. senate who understands what it takes to keep us safe. it's not enabling these regimes like iran to continue to threaten the united states and the world and destabilize the middle east. steve: tulsi gabbard has suggested that saudi arabia is pushing for a war with iran, which would be far more devastating and far more costly, she said, than the u.s. war in iraq. >> well, i will tell you what: these people are currently legislators in the united states congress talking about how they would negotiate. well, they can't negotiate with republicans to secure our borders. how are they going to negotiate for world peace with people who would kill us? we need to understand that these people would see us
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fail and fall and would rejoice. i think that making sure we keep maximum pressure on places like iran, making sure that we stay no public space between the united states and israel, that's what we need to do. this is the democratic party that won't even call out anti-semitism. won't even get rid of bds. if we don't know who our allies are in that region, and if we are a country, if you see people on that stage who can't tell the difference, then that's a real problem. steve: john, the last time that we saw kamala harris and joe biden on a stage, she took him on on his record regarding busing. that was revisited last night. watch this for a moment. >> when vice president biden was in the united states senate, working with segregationists to oppose busing, had i been in the united states senate at that time, i would have been completely on the other side of the aisle. >> when nature harris attorney general two of the
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most segregated school districts in the country. i didn't see a single, solitary time she brought a case against them. >> i am proud of the work we did. cleaning up the consequences of the bills you passed. steve: john, what do you make of this rematch where joe biden actually challenged kamala harris on that? >> look, i brittle immediately when i hear people say what they would have done if they were in a situation that's has long-passed. that wreaks to me of self-aggrandizement. and not truly knowing what's going on. the only thing that's changed really is that she is running for president now, as was spoken before. look, being from detroit and actually starting school at detroit public school, we need to focus more on what it's going to take to broaden our tax base to make a situation where everybody can achieve the american dream. what i heard there on that dream were policies that would bankrupt our children's futures the way democratic leadership has bankrupted detroit. we can't allow that to
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happen. steve: all right. they were running for president. he is running for president. john james, thank you very much for joining us live. >> please go to john james for thanks a lot for your help. steve: thank you, sir. mike huckabee up next. most people think a button is just a button. ♪ that a speaker is just a speaker. ♪ or - that the journey can't be the destination. most people haven't driven a lincoln. discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. right now, get 0% apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer. and here we have another fburst pipe in denmark. if you look close... jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip? ouch, okay. huh, boring, boring, you don't need to see that. oh, here we go. can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle?
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inescapable distress to enemies. strong words as one of his own soldiers defected to south korea at the dmz overnight. and the navy secretary revokes medals given to prosecutors in eddie gallagher's court-martial. that's according to reuters. president trump directed the move tweeting, quote: the prosecutors who launched the case against seal eddie gallagher were ridiculously given a navy achievement medal. not only did they lose the case, they had difficulty with respect to information that may have been obtained from opposing lawyers and for giving immunity in a totally incompetent fashion end quote. four attorneys received the medals days after he was acquitted of murdering a isis bring in 2017. brian: thanks, jillian. democratic hopefuls using the debate stage as they continue their push to impeach president trump. >> the reality is we have a person in the white house right now who has been shielded by a memo in the
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united states department of justice that says the sitting president cannot be indicted. >> i believe that we in the united states congress should start impeachment proceedings immediately. >> i think that folks are making a mistake by not purr dpursuing impeachment. the mueller report details he clearly deserves it. ainsley: next guest says this will only help reelect president trump. steve: who is that guest former presidential candidate who has been on the debate stage or two mike huckabee. mike, good morning to you. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. this nonsense about that the memo is what is protecting the president, that's crazy. what's protecting the president is that he didn't do anything worthy of impeachment. and even the mueller memo, i have read it. there is nothing of an impeachable offense there. these guys are delusional. and i don't think america wants to go through an impeachment process. i would say to the democrats, if you think that's what you ought to do, go for it. i mean, quit talking about
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it. go for it. here's why. number one, you are not going to get the votes in the house. pelosi won't allow it. she knows it's a disaster. number two, if by some miracle did you, where do you think this is going to go in the senate? steve: right. >> down the tube. and so will the democrat hopes for not only winning the white house but for retaining the house and getting the senate. total distraction. brian: governor, most of them probably didn't read the mueller report at which time you will see that there is no collusion. they didn't go to it. and if there is no collusion, what justice is he obstructing. but we will go over that for another time. over 100 democratic house members are now signed on to the idea of impeachment. but last night joe biden was front and center. 90% i think of the attacks went his direction. you brought this up. he was anything but smooth. watch. >> from this point on. >> i was vice president. i am not the president. i keep my recommendation to
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him in private. [shouting] >> i don't know if you can hear. can i hear. we can hear fine. >> if you agree with me, go to joe 30330 and help me in this fight. brian: i'm not sure what gear he was talking about. why do you think that was important to bring up? >> well, i think joe biden is struggling. there is no doubt about it. he doesn't seem to be at the top of his game if he has a game last night both he and kamala harris were the primary targets. and neither one of them did very well. it just was not a good night for the supposed frontrunners. everybody thought that those two would mix it up. i thought tulsi gabbard may have had the best night of any of the candidates. andrew yang didn't wear a tie. i think next time he should go in without wearing a shirt. that may be the most important way for him to get some kind of attention. but the real winner last night marianne williamson. she continues to show the love and nobody else seems to be different.
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brian: he loves her. i saw your social media. ainsley: all of her answers were so strange. >> that's the point. steve: that's why he likes her. >> she is as strange as the democrats have become. therefore she should be carrying their banner because she doesn't make a whole lot of sense when it comes to policies. but then again, neither do they. at least she does it with some sense of passion and she is going to protect us from the dark psychic forces. ainsley: people were tweeting about she should speak at the hog worth's graduation and saying that she should have crystals. she forgot to add the crystals to the healthcare plan. steve: governor, you know, over the two nights, what was on display for the american public is that the democratic party is so deeply divided. you know, it's beyond nancy pelosi vs. the squad. they don't really stand for any central vision and so, you know, over the next year or so, as they destroy each other, that ultimately, only helps donald trump, doesn't
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it? >> i think it does, steve. they are divided. they are divided on personalities and politics. they are not divided on policy. when it really comes down to it, they are all for the green new deal. they are all wanting to get rid of private health insurance with a couple of exceptions. they basically all believe we should have open borders. let people in at will. and they have nuances, but the big picture is open border, raise taxes, neil,. brian: free college. >> yeah, free college and free everything and swim to hawaii if we want to go there or swim to europe unless you are a celebrity and then you can take your own private jet anywhere in the world and lecture everybody else on using too much energy. brian: you would have won those debates, i know it's killing you. except williamson would have given you a run for your money. governor, thank you so much. ainsley: we just heard from governor huckabee on his take from last night's debate. but what do voters think. pete hegseth is having breakfast with friends in
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michigan. how many people can sit at a booth. steve: hey, put that bacon back. ♪ ♪ with advil, you'll ask... what sore muscles? what pounding head? advil is... relief that's fast. strength that lasts. you'll ask... what pain? with advil.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> go easy on my kid. >> the bills that the president -- excuse me, the future president here. >> i'm grateful that he endorsed my presidency already. >> i don't know what math you do in new york, i don't know what math you do in california. >> you are dipping in the kool-aid and don't even know
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the flavor. >> the first thing i'm going to do when i'm president is i'm going to clorox the oval office. >> if you care more about your family and your kids than my neck wear, we'll say together adios to donald trump. steve: okay. so highlights from last night. of course, if he is going to get reelected, president trump needs to win, once again, the state of michigan, and that is where the debate was last night and that is where pete hegseth is as well. ainsley: he is at rams horn restaurant in michigan just outside of detroit talking to the people. hey, pete. >> hey, guys, good morning here at rams horn. this place is packed now. of course, mostly because of john james who is running for senate here again in michigan. very popular guy. we are here not to talk to the politicians or the pundits but to talk to the people and get their reaction from last night's debate because what the voters took away is what is most important from last night. i'm here with four sisters and their mother claudia, denise, audrey, beth, and mother margaret all here
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from warren, michigan. all locals. and audrey has been designated the family spokesperson. audrey, you watched the debate last night, what was your take away. >> my take away is that if the democrats are going to run on open borders, they don't have a chance. pete: they would say -- they said multiple times last night that's just a republican talking point. we don't really want open borders. >> well, all the policies equal open borders. and that calling everybody and everything racist is a losing strategy. it's just not working. i think that's their summer recess strategy after the mueller debacle but it's just not working. pete: not resonating with people. >> no. people don't want to hear that. pete: they don't want to be called racist when they know that's not their motivation. >> no. i think it's not a legitimate form of political capital. they can't use it anymore. pete: got it. very well said. audrey, can i see why she is
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the spokeswoman for your family. thank you all very much. they also bought me bacon and i have had multiple spliceslices of it. excuse me sir. no worries. good morning, how are we doing? i want to say hi to everybody here. lenore, let me talk to you first. you are a retired sales person. you watched the debate last night. what's your big take away? >> i couldn't sit through the whole thing, i was late when it started but what i did hear i thought that think just kept showing their true colors. and their true colors are. they are unpatriotic. they just want taxes and we have had a great run in mccomb county. and in michigan since trump has gotten in. and we want to keep it that way and everything they are trying to do has destroyed all their proposals they are trying to destroy the economy. pete: you think socialism adds up to tearing down
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what's been bill of indictment in this country. >> yeah, and in this country, in our culture. pete: well set. you are a navy vet. >> yes, sir. pete: you called trump called a racist not just by the candidates but the moderators. >> they are tired of the race bait card they are using. it just using that to just get the black vote. black america has woken up. donald trump is delivering on jobs. and the democrats lie to get in office. and then they do nothing. they promise you the moon and the stars and then what do they do? they do nothing. trump has delivered. pete: appreciate it, tony, thank you very much. i want to talk to don and lisa, a couple. >> yes. pete: you are a county commissioner. you are dealing with the issues every day. big take away last night. >> economic message is bad for the county mccomb and bad for the country. reliance on higher taxes. attacking fossil fuels. green agenda is all terrible
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for the economy. going to bring to a screeching halted. the good jobs brought here to mccomb county. we are in a rebound in this county and state. that message is going to be detective tremendous mental to the whole county if they get elected. pete: i have had people say if they want to go all electric where do they think electricity comes from. ultimately comes from coal and other locations. is this fantasy? are they just so obsess with the environmental agenda? why are they pursuing this? >> think are my e. they don't have any real life experience. they don't understand the economy. they don't have any economic sense in them. they are just fantasies. they are just living in a dream world. it's really disheartening. because you think somebody running for president would have more background and knowledge and experience to know what the economy operates instead of what they're offering us. pete: they went to the fancy schools. that's where they got all the good ideas. >> from global education. pete: that's right. lisa, you work in the legislature. >> yes.
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pete: obviously a tiger's fan. too bad having a gang buster year this year. you mentioned barack obama and how he was mentioned on stage last night. >> in mccomb county we are upset with the hatred. the hatred for trump, the hatred for our president. it's very disheartening to seat hatred for obama last night. almost like anti-america. pete: why do you think they are tearing, they go after joe biden. joe biden tries to wrap his arms around obama because he says i'm not racist. i work for the first black president. yet, they still attack him anyway for barack obama's policy. he is a democrat president just three years ago? >> yes. i just think they are trying to stand out that crowd. and unfortunately, it's not pro-america. pete: absolutely. a lot of it has to do with moving further and further left. bernie sanders was not on the stage last night, guys. buff it felt like everyone but joe biden basically has adopted bernie sanders agenda which says a lot about where the modern democratic party is it will be interesting to see what
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elizabeth warren and joe biden and bernie sanders on the same stage. i skipped on these debates. too many candidates. wait until the big wigs on the stage together. a lot of frustration it seems to be trump and dearg down president trump. back to you in new york. steve: pete hegseth in where the by con looks delicious. [bacon! ainsley: they are see there to see pete and be on "fox & friends." brian: john james was there. steve: we are here for headlines and jillian has those a quarter till the top of the hour. jillian: good morning. investigators find a bloody shirt that may belong to missing mother jennifer dulos according to the hartford current that shirt along with mops and sponges with jennifer's blood on them were found in a trash can about an hour away from her connecticut home. police say surveillance video shows someone matching the description of jennifer's estranged husband dropping bags into several garbage cans on the day she vanished in may.
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police officers rescue a couple from a raging river. just watch the dramatic rescue caught on body camera. >> don't let go. don't let go. [grunting] >> hold on. jillian: you can hear that officer struggling to pull the couple to safety using a rope. they got caught in the water after their raft went over a dam and capsized in iowa. they both made it out safely. after the rescue, officers dried off and went right back to work. wow. out with the old and in with the neutral. a nevada school district is removing male and female rest rooms and replacing them with gender neutral facilities at newly constructed schools. both boys and girls will use the floor to ceiling stalls with an open common area for hand washing. the school county school officials hope it makes students feel safe since teachers can more openly monitor the kids in that space. birthday girl shows shocking
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secret to living 107 years young. listen to this. >> what is the best part of being 107? >> not getting married. >> is that your secret? >> um-huh. >> you've never been married? >> nope. jillian: maybe i will live to 107. luis signore credits italian food. get this her sister is 100, too. steve: the secret is the manicotti. delicious. ainsley: thank you, jillian. steve: janice dean just literally ran out of the studio to make a live appearance. janice: i did. my goodness, i was becoming too comfortable inside the studio. i wanted to say hi to my friends. how are you? hi, guys. what's your name. >> mollie. >> where are you from. >> virginia. >> like new york city so far. >> yes. >> do you want to wave to
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everybody on "fox & friends"? say hello to anybody at home. >> hi mom and dad. janice: 73 in new york. we do have a cold front that's bringing refreshing temperatures across the northeast but i will tell you the potential for showers and thunderstorms continue across the plain states, across the southwest, and in towards the mid-atlantic and the gulf coast. there is your forecast today. it's it's still very warm across the southern plains as well. say hi to steve, ainsley and brian. >> hi, everyone. >> where is brian? there he is. janice: there is brian. brian: there he is. janice: he is one of the most popular features on "fox & friends." ainsley: yes, he is. brian: thanks, guys. thanks, janice. meanwhile, 12 minutes before the top of the hour. steve: joe biden and hula julian castro worked together in the obama administration. now they are battling over immigration policy. >> open borders is a right wing talking point. >> i never heard him talk about any of this when he was the secretary. >> it looks like one of us
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has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. brian: who is right? our panel debates that next. that's our panel. ♪ ♪ my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. jill jill has entresto, and a na heart failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. where to next?
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>> open borders is a
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right-wing talking point and frankly, i'm disappointed that some folks, including some folks on this stage have taken the bait. >> i never heard him talk about any of this when he was the secretary. >> it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> your time is up. >> need to have some guts on this issue. >> i have guts enough to say his plan doesn't make sense. brian: democratic hopeful julian castro taking to the debate stage to call out joe biden and his record on immigration. they used to work together in the obama administration, remember? here to weigh in our panel senior writer at the heritage foundation kelsey fuller is here jason nicoles is also here and outrage chair of the new york state young republicans and there are republicans in new york state joseph pinion. joseph, were you surprised that you have a fight on hulaian castro and the vice president both in the same cabinet and the issue was the 8 million that barack obama deported because they were here illegally.
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>> i mean, look, i think if you were someone who wasn't paying attention you might be confused and think the current president was an out-of-touch president named barack obama. the hard truth is that right now you have americans who simply don't understand what democrats are talking about. they say they don't want open borders and yet they go out of their way to try to decriminalize border crossings. they go out of their way to try to make services here in america free off of people who, by law, should not be here. so i think, again, this kind of circular firing squad the democrats have engaged in is bad for them and great for america and certainly good for the president. brian: jason, did castro and others like de blasio and booker not get the memo that barack obama has 90-plus approval with other democrats? they were ripping his policies, especially, calling him deporter in chief. >> well, i think that the issue or the public opinion on this issue of immigration has shifted since the obama administration. we all know that people who cross the border are not
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criminals. they have committed a civil infraction. i think that what was happening was people were splitting hairs on the issue. brian: why? >> we all want border security. but, statement, we also want a humane system which we don't have right now. we have a president is making the situation worse. that's what people should be focused on. brian: interesting making it worse or just more people coming across that nobody can handle and we had jeh johnson here talking about that, former homeland security secretary, kelsey. you have over 100,000 people coming across our border. over 300,000 in the rio grande sector alone. can any president handle that? >> absolutely not. and the policies that the left are proposing would be a magnet to attract more illegal immigration. and, you know, look, open borders is not just a republican talking point. it's a fact. if you cross the border illegally, and you don't qualify for asylum, you are not just committing a crime, but you are clogging up the system for refugees that
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really do need to be in this country for their own safety. brian: okay. i want your top three winners and losers. first off joe, top three winners? >> if you are talking about what happened last night core booker the happy warrior returns. tulsi gabbard the most searched person across america. and realistically the last winner is president trump. while democrats are out here this week trying to talk about all manner of nonsense, joe biden hung a bell around their necks talking about how much healthcare is really going to cost them and cost america. brian: jason, one winner. >> tulsi gabbard without winner. andrew yang being second. brian: kelsey. >> the winner was the trump economy. cnn didn't even bother asking a question about it because they knew where their answer would lead. the economy is working for the american people, particularly the bottom 25% of income earners. steve: just fascinating. i wonder if barack obama is actually going t going to get invites to the convention. i'm very curious. the way he was treated last night was unbelievable. fascinating to see who lasts
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until september next debate when the criteria goes up. big final hour, dana loesch is here and ari fleischer. great bump in and bump out music(b: pete hegseth with gel in his hair. it will be a great hour. rry abo. (clown 2) apologies. (clown 1) ...didn't mean it. (clown 3) whoops. (stilts) sorry! (clowns) we're sorry! (scary) hey, we're sorry! [man screams] [scary screams] ur. . i wanted more from
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for you to see the best doctors when you need them the most. tell congress, "end surprise billing, and don't let insurance companies put profits over patients. paid for by physicians for fair coverage. ♪ >> vice president you're simply inaccurate what you're describing. >> if we can't admit what is in the plan, banning employer-based insurance. >> i don't understand why democrats on this stage are fear-mongering about universal health care. >> i don't know what math you do in new york, i don't know what math you do in california, i tell you that is a lot of money. >> i believe we in the united states congress should start impeachment proceedings immediately. >> not only have we not gone after al qaeda who is stronger than they were in 9/11, our president is supporting al qaeda. >> you should have guts on this issue. >> i have guts enough to say his
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plan doesn't make sense. >> she put over 1500 people in marijuana violations laughed about it, whether she smoked marijuana. >> i'm proud of making decisions, not just give fancy speeches or be in a legislative body, giving speeches on the floor. >> the person enjoying this debate right now as we pit democrat against each other. >> we cannot tear each other down. we have to focus on beating donald trump in 2020. steve: welcome to election headquarters hq, right here in studio f, midtown manhattan, postgame show for the activities in detroit. earlier this week president trump was asked who he thought the nominee would be on the democratic side. he thought it would be in his words, "sleepy" joe biden. biden went into the debate as the front-runner. what happens when you're the front-runner? ainsley: you get fired at. brian: kamala harris under
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attack. she was the surprise winner of the arguably the last debate. got a surge in the polls. dropped 10 point in between debates. i don't think this will help her overall. she will remain. she will be one of the seven who remain on stage in september. i wonder in cory booker and mayor de blasio, who seems to have the wind at his back, i'm kidding. i wonder who is going to last to get on one stage. i hope there is only 10, we get to one stage one night. ainsley: do you know how you know there is an election around the corner? we're sitting behind a desk. we have team coverage. brian: we do not have to wear pants during debate week. steve: pete hegseth having "breakfast with friends" in roseville, michigan. griff jenkins, you spoke to the person had the most tweeted comment of the night. reporter: i did, actually. i talked to senator cory booker.
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i will bring i more on that. first you were talking, guys about joe biden. look, he had a lot to accomplish. that was simply to be more energic. he had that. of course everyone was looking to see how harris, you pointed out, likely the winner of the last debate would react. biden calling senator harris a kid. what came back was a discussion over busing. watch this exchange. >> the vice president has still failed to acknowledge that it was wrong to take the position that he took. had those segregations its their way i would not be a member of the united states senate, cory booker would not be a member of the united states, and barack obama would not be in the position to nominate him to the title he now holds. reporter: biden was attacked by all sides. you know senator harris, also took a lot of heat, she is sort of perceived as the second runner-up. it was congresswoman tulsi
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gabbard of hawaii that really drove home on harris over criminal justice and harris's previous career as a prosecutor. watch. >> senator harris says she is proud of her record as a prosecutor. that she will be a prosecutor president. she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations be then laughed about it, if she ever smoked marijuana. >> i'm proud of making a decision not just to give fancy speeches or be in a legislative body and speeches on the floor, actually doing the work. >> the people who suffered under your rather than as prosecutor. you owe them an apology. reporter: as as you mentioned steve, a lot of people say senator cory booker won the night. he was happy warrior in the ronald reagan sense. he kept bringing it. it was this line that really stole the night, watch. >> mr. vice president, there is saying in my community, you're dipping into the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor.
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reporter: what a line. we caught up with senator booker just moments ago. i asked him about it. here is what he had to say. >> it came to me. one of those things, the vice president sort of caught me thinking to myself, you don't know what you're talking about. reporter: now we wait and see, the next debate isn't until september. brian you were saying hope it gets down to 10. it will get to a smaller field very quickly by the next debate because the dnc rules are much more stringent when it comes to qualifications in polling and fund-raising. we don't know what that will be. it will be smaller. what will be interesting also to see whether or not buyen can remain in that lead. fox news had biden 33% going into the debate. we'll see where it goes. whether or not booker, harris or others rise. guys? brian: comes down to what happens in august. how the candidates respond to it. if they just decide to hold until september.
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thanks, griff, good grab on corey booker. the question is, if there is two debates, we have to keep pete for two nights in two separate hotel rooms and two separate diners. our budget is going through the roof. we have to get it down to one debate, pete. >> only one hotel room. brian: you don't demand to switch hotel rooms? >> i don't. i keep the budget low. ainsley: pete, i'm looking at your shot. this is why i love america. you have a man in the background with his arm around his wife. a man to the right wearing suspenders. the guy behind you, his team jersey on. steve: a few watching you, watching tv. brian: tom brady. ainsley: there is a guy talking into your shot. reporter: the way it is. this is america here. it is a slice of it. it is fantastic. a gentleman back there with his sixth grade son is a farmer in the community. this gentleman works locally
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making paper bags here. ultimately is a patriots fan in lions country which is a big mistake. it is great to talk to folks, common wisdom watching all politicians on stage. don't have to spin their background, attack each other, attack president trump. i get out what the deciding issues are for folks and where the energy is going to be. all the promises getting rid of fossil fuels, going to electric would destroy ire business, capabilities here. they thought it was interesting how barack obama has been dismissed by democrats. here is a quick exchange last night of joe biden using obama as a defense. >> and so the fact is that there is a lot we've done but here's the deal, the fact is we're talking about things that occurred a long, long time ago and now all of sudden, i find it fascinating. everybody is talking about how terrible i am on these issues. barack obama new exactly who i
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was. reporter: there you have it. there is a sense here that when bernie sanders and elizabeth warren get a chance to take it to joe biden, that is when the fireworks are going to start. a lot of people said i watched a little bit, but i will tune in on the third, fourth, fifth debate, once the field is shrunk and to the issues. brian: most of the field in the difficult networks talk about other people in the debate that get 2%. let's keep it touch. ainsley: thanks, pete. number one issue why folks will go to the polls this year, used to be the economy, but right now it is immigration. that is one of the issues they discussed yesterday. listen to this. >> open borders is a right-wing talking point. frankly i'm disappointed, some folks, including some folks on the stage have taken the debate. >> the secretary, we sat together in many meetings. i never heard him talk about
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this when he was the secretary. >> mr. vice president, looks like one ever us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> you're time is up. >> you have to have guts on this issue. >> i have guts enough to say his plan doesn't make sense. >> no, mr. vice president we'll not just let people cross the border. an unlawful crossing is a unlawful crossing. >> this country can tolerate a heck of a lot more people. the reason we're the country we are we pick the best from every culture. >> the policy of this administration facilitated laws on the book, to let them be incars rated they have committed crimes. >> thank you, senator. >> they are should not be treated like criminals. steve: the highlight was, joe biden as advertised was less polite than he was the first round. he was better prepared. he should have been because everybody was shooting for him. unfortunately for the democratic party, they appeared to be in complete disarray.
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there is deeply divided party and robert wolf, who used to be an advisor for the obama administration said, it was a tough night for democrats. >> last night was cringe-worthy. i'm still shaking my head. everyone is trying to punch up. they're throwing hail marys. that will be short-lived. we know that. we've seen it before. >> it was circular firing squad that president obama all warned us about. unfortunately the middle of the circle was vice president biden. brian: he was more accurate. a lot was on barack obama. they went after him on his immigration policy almost everyone on the stage outside joe biden was against obama care. that is stunning we wouldn't have obamacare if every democrat didn't vote for it. ainsley: mr. wolf on the set, 97 approval ratings among democrats, president obama. for them to go after him, attack his policies, maybe not the brightest ideas. he talked about pun of-up
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moments, kristin gillibrand attacking biden for a op-ed he wrote in 1981. women shouldn't be working that was a long time ago. i believe women should work. my light wife worked. my current wife worked. reminder to all of us, late wife, how she tragically died, left him ahope with the children. i was working when i was a seng gell dad. i thought he actually gained points. it backfired on gillibrand. steve: some candidates were trying to tear down what joe biden and barack obama did during the administration. except one of the people actually part of the administration, julian castro, he had a different kind of angle, asked about the trump economy, which is really going great. he didn't say it was trump's economy. he said that guy we've been criticizing, barack obama. credit him. >> there are a lot of americans right now that are hurting. the idea that america is doing just fine is wrong. not only that, this president
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always likes to take credit like he did this we have had 105 straight months of positive job growth, the longest streak in american history. over 80 months of that was due to president barack obama. thank you, barack obama. [applause] thank you, barack obama. brian: this other thing is, obviously donald trump, the sitting president he came up a lot. they talked about in the primary how president obama came up. this president seven times, 84 times total. if you listen to some. moderators, in questions would say the president is a racist. ainsley: don lemon did that. brian: non-stop. >> president was writing i am the least racist person in the world. he is supposed to be neutral, unbiased and fair. brian: it was bizarre. steve: one thing after, how many month have we talked about russia, russia, the mueller stuff, you would have thought it would be a perfect opportunity for one of the cnn hosts to ask
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joe biden, who was vice president at the time, what did you know about the russia thing going on? apparently at the highest levels of government they knew there was russian interference. did not come up. impeachment though did. watch. >> reality of it is we have a person in the white house right now who has been shielded by a memo in the united states department of justice that says a sitting president cannot be indicted. >> we have a president that is not acting like the leader of the free world. i believe that we, in the united states congress, should start impeachment proceedings immediately. >> while we move, every way we can for impeachment, we have to remember at the same time the american people are out there looking for us to do something for them in their lives. what they see when they turn on the tv, go online, is just talk about impeachment. >> i believe we have a moral obligation to beat donald trump. >> i think that folks are making
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a mistake by not pursuing impeachment. the mueller report clearly details he deserves it. brian: the leadership in the house, i guarranty you they will move forward with it over the next six weeks. over 100 house democrat said it, one senate democratic senator. ainsley: mike huckabee says i hope they do impeach. that would be fedexing the president to win again. watch this. >> these guys are delusional and i don't think america wants to go through an impeachment process. but i would say to the democrats, if you think that is what you ought to do, go for it. quit talking about it. go for it. you will not get the votes in the house. if by some miracle you did? where do you think this will go in the senate? down the tube. so will the democrat hopes for not only whenning the white house, but for retaining the house and getting the senate. i hope they go for it. this is a total distraction. brian: tearing the country apart. i think it would be a bad move all around for everyone. we have an election next year. that should be enough.
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>> after watching last night, who was your winner? according to doug schoen, writing on, he says joe biden was the winner. jon podhoretz in the op-ed page of "new york post," joe biden the winner. who do you think was the winner? tell us on facebook. ainsley: tulsi gabbard ripping kamala harris criminal justice reform. >> she said she is prow proud of her record as a ross tore. she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations an laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana. ainsley: dana loesch has a theory why she was so tough coming up i work hard to protect this tookus.
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folks this morning. you caught me off guard with that one. here in detroit all eyes were on the debate. here everyone is talking about it. we're getting a on the ground, common sense perspective as opposed to the spin room of the pundits. we have great folks lined up here. tony, joe, you're about to be a senior in high school. you will run for school board an hour away from here. you watched the debate last night. you said up with thing was missing in your mind. >> the youth. the youth were not mentioned in any way. they were talking about, not even policies. they were insulting each other. the youth can't be forgotten, they are the future of this country. reporter: joe biden is in touch with what youth are facing these days? >> no. i think he is out dade. i think a lot of things he thinks about are not anything the youth wants. he is not following what the people want. reporter: one of the things got more mentioned night before but got a glancing blow, were
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student loans. >> student loans are seen everybody needs them. they can go to trade skills. college is being pushed but other routes are not. reporter: still other way to make a living. >> farmers are not represented. they have trade skills. reporter: great point. we'll talk to a farmer. tony, a uber driver in detroit. you're big takeaway? >> what i got from the debates over all, it was circular firing squad on joe biden because he is the top guy. of course with them attack pulling against each other. that was their overall mission. it backfired by some people. kamala harris, got pulled down as the top cop in l.a. reporter: attorney general. >> attorney attorney general in l.a. california. i thought free, free. makes you wonder who will pay
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for it? that is always the case. if you say we'll tax the rich, if you tax the rich at 100% rate we'll still have a deficit. you cannot tax your way to prosperity. you do it by saving. paying off your debts. you know working hard. if you have to work two or three jobs. i'm an uber driver. i also have another job. i'm looking for another job. whatever i have to do to make a better living for myself i will do that. reporter: taxes simplify and lower the code? >> i believe in simply 'tis in the government. nonsense to tax people at different rates because they make more. there should be a flatter tax rate. reporter: we're a long way from simplicity. some people feel like joe biden lost a step. did you believe he held his own last night? >> believe it or not i believe he did. i don't know how long it will last. i assume he will be the front-runner. he has to withstand the test of time. as far as i'm concerned,
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whomever they put up against donald trump, i'm going to make a bold prediction say he will win by 40 states. reporter: we shall see. i need a ride to the airport shortly. can i get a ride? >> anytime. reporter: i might do it. we have a couple more great folks here. we have only a minute left. we'll keep it short with a lot of insight. farmer, father of seven. trump is taking the heat on agricultural policy, how do you think he is really doing? >> he is doing great. that tariff deal has been a problem for 35 years we need to cure. he will get to the bottom of it. i have confidence in him. reporter: anything you heard to change your view of the democrat field? >> no. they don't speak from the heart. nothing will change my view on that. pete: good luck with it. i know it has been a bit of a tough season. >> disasterous year for the whole state, most of the nation. pete: thank you, mike. karen, briefly your takeaway, mother ofminal defense
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attorney, from last night? >> my takeaway i heard a lot of problems but i didn't hear solutions, such as what is going to happen to the people, many immigrants once they're in the country. you need to develop a plan to educate them. require them to learn english. require them to go through job training. help them become independent, develop self-esteem to be part of this great country. pete: very well-said. karen, mike. behave in school. he says he drives the combine and loves it. i'm sure he is really good at it. a lot of great folks out here. back to you guys in new york. a long ways from driving combines new york city at studio f. steve: pete, thanks very much. just ahead, senator gillibrand has a strategy to win over people that voted for trump. >> as a white woman of privilege, who is a u.s. senator running for president of the united states, i can talk to the white women in the suburbs that
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voted for trump and explain what white privilege actually is. ainsley: gosh. dana loesch will sound off on that coming up next. that's why i'm using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus intense craving relief. every great why, needs a great how.
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jillian: good morning to you, we're back with a fox news alert. osama bin laden's son is believed to be dead. an unnamed official tells fox news the u.s. played a role killing hams is a bin lauden who was groomed to take over al qaeda by his father. it is unclear how or when the killing happened. the state department posted a million dollar award for the information leading to hamsa. the trump administration refuses to confirm or deny reports of his death. one dead, five others hurt after a massive explosion in
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kentucky. the fireball is shooting hundreds of feet into the air. this is near a mobile home park. some homes are still burning at this hour. president trump celebrating the senate confirmation of our new u.n. ambassador tweeting congratulations to kelly craft of kentucky for united nations ambassador. after serving am mid aably to the ambassador to canada. having done the an outstanding job no matter how difficult the task. kelly will be fantastic at the united nations. winner. only five democrats supported craft's nomination. ainsley? >> the first thing i will do when i'm president i will clorox the oval office. ainsley: democratic hopeful, kristin gillibrand explaining her white privilege as she explains the case to those who voted for president trump. >> as a white woman of
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privilege, a u.s. senator running for president of the united states, it is my responsibility to lift up voices that are not being listened to. i can talk to the white women in the suburbs that voted for trump, when their son is walking down the street with a bag of m&m's wearing a hoodie, his whiteness is what protects him from not being shot. brian: here so react, syndicated radio host of the dana loesch show, "the dana show" is dana loesch. dana, everyone loved it. kirsten gillibrand, i'm sure her ratings would rise after she targets law enforcement again. >> i'm sure, good morning to you all. this is why she is polling so low and struggled with donors. i had a conversation with a very wealthy democrat donor on the east coast at an event a few month ago, this individual was saying stuff like this and focus on feminism all the time and playing with identity politics why they and other donors are really skiddish about her, because she is so light on
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substance, on policy on these issues. this kind of sound bite how you get more trump voters. because remember, these are the same candidates that have been suggesting over and over again that people voted for trump, therefore they somehow sanctioned bigotry with the presupposition that trump is horrible bigot, et cetera, et cetera. a lot of those voters were democrats. trump expanded the republican party not because he mint ad brand new bunch republican voterses because he appealed to them, he created a big tent. he talked about the economy. he talked about immigration. as you all said this morning immigration is a top concern amongst these voters. that is why they came to the republican party, voted him. stuff like that will drive them away, from gillibrand. ainsley: i heard the deplorable comment, saying i i want to knok on the door of suburban white women's home who voted for trump and have a conversation with them to tell them why they're wrong. do you think they wanted to talk to her? >> i don't think so. and, yeah, i don't think that,
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she would probably have an aide do that. they are obsessed with a giant white savior, help every poor disaffected minority. they have white saviors that is how progressives like to view themselves. that is how democrats like to view themselves. steve: aside from the fact that everybody seemed to be taking on joe biden, tulsi gabbard really took on kamala harris, said of the former tern attorney general of california, she kept prisoners locked up for labor, men on death row, she should apologize to them. you have a theory why she went after harris. what is it? >> yeah. i have been talking about for weeks and weeks and weeks on radio. the first time she started going at harris i thought it was interesting. she is not critical of joe biden. i think there is a biden-gabbard ticket on the horizon.
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joe biden, he ended up being the winner last night because he wasn't destroyed. he is still the front-runner. gillibrand was totally destroyed. gabbard was unscathed and also hurt kamala harris, she brought all of that to the for front, showed what a sham harris's position is on criminal justice. kind of hard to go after tulsi gabbard. the best kamala harris can do to call her a lower tier candidate. this is gabbard running defense for joe biden, taking heat off joe biden, going after the biggest threat for joe biden, kamala harris. gabbard, she is not running for president but she could run for vp. ainsley: dana, what do you think he walks on stage, sees kamala harris, he says, go easy on me, kid. a lot of women take offense to the word kid. i look to that, i have a lot of experience. i'm reminding you, you are a kid in this game? >> yeah. i think some of that too. i also think that that is common phrase used by grandpas of all
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types. of all ethnicities. it is like, grandpas call everybody kid. they have a bowl of werthers originals. this is something biden does. brian: the guy keeps forgetting he has a mic on all the time. someone has to remind him. dana loesch. coming up straight ahead. good luck on your radio show today. joe biden taking a lot of blows from his fellow democrats at last night's debate. larry elder says it was not a total knockout. he will join us next. ♪ and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain.
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♪ thank you so much. battery charging. ♪ >> why are you the best candidate to heal the racial divide this country today that has been stoked by the president's racist rhetoric. >> first of all the president's racist rhetoric should be enough grounds for everybody in this country to vote him out of office. >> first of all the president is a racist that was one more example of it. >> we can no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the white house. steve: just some of the highlights from last night's debate out in detroit. let's bring in larry elder, salem nationally syndicated radio host. good morning larry. you're chuckling. why? >> water is wet, sky is blue,
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donald trump is a racist. not opinion it is a fact. last night's debate, "the squad," al sharpton versus the nancy pelosi wing of the democratic party. joe biden entered the room as front-runner. he got beaten up but he held inmuch better. he left as front-runner. who else will they get joe biden, bernie sanders a democrat socialist? kamala harris wants reparations. cory booker who wants reparations? who will they get? joe biden benefits by the crazy position of his rivals. brian: one case is was the moderator. rachel mad dow has an opinion, you watch it every night. she played fair and balanced. it was all democrats. you had assumptive questions from a moderator. i am not used to that. >> don lemon is not a reporter. he is a commentator.
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he continually called the president a racist. by the way as jake tapper. neither one of them should have been there. once you call the president of the united states a racist, that is a problem. as much as anybody dislike president trump whether or not he is a racist is an opinion, not a fact. when you have reporters saying donald trump is a racist, don lemon saying what do you say about trump supporters who put the economy above trump bigotry, you have invalidated yourself as journalist. it is appalling to me. ainsley: criminal justice reform came up. that was one of the most talked about sound bites. this is the exchange between cory booker and joe biden. >> this is a crisis in our country because we have treated issues of race and poverty, mental health and addiction with locking people up and not lifting them up. and, mr. vice president has said that since the 1970s, every major crime bill has had his name on it. those are your words, not mine. >> in 2007 you became mayor, and
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nothing happened. the entire time you were mayor. >> you want to compare records. frankly i'm shocked that you do, i am happy to do that. >> why did you announce in the first, zero tolerance policy of stop-and-frisk and hire rudy giuliani's guy in 2007 when i was trying to get rid of the crack cocaine -- >> mr. vice president, there is saying in my community, you are dipping into the koolaid. you don't even know the flavor. >> wow. brian: who's right? >> here's the thing. obama is more popular among democrats than trump is among republicans and trump is rabidly popular among republicans. if you go after joe biden you can't go after what he did as vice president. you have to go to the '70s, '80s, '90s, hit him on the crime bill even though the majority of the congressional black caucus supported the crime bill. it's a silly issue. you have to come up with something. you have to fly over the last
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eight years when -- when he served as vice president to a very, very popular black president. so that is why they went after him on the crime bill. brian: you just gave him his answer. the congressional black caucus supported it. too bad in 2019 you don't. anytime they had a problem with questioner and answer, they said it was republican talking point. watch. >> right. >> open borders is a right-wing talking point. >> we cannot keep with the republican talking points on this. >> this has nothing to do with republican talking points. >> this is not a republican talking point. steve: larry, this is new, when they get faced with a really tough question, over both nights we saw that it's a republican talking point. what do you think of that strategy? >> i just tweeted something this morning if one of moderators said senator, 2-plus-2 equal four, right? someone would have said stop with the republican talking
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points! may i say something too. at the end of the debate i noticed that joe biden went over to reverend al sharpton said something in his ear. they have apparently a very friendly relationship. how does al sharpton become the king maker of the democratic party. the guy falsely accuse ad white man raping a black teenager. white interlopers. five million dollars in taxes. surveillance tape of him discussing selling cocaine to an undercover fbi agent. i can go on and on and on. how does this guy become the king-maker while simultaneously they're beating up donald trump because donald trump is supposedly a racist. you can't call trump a racist around embrace al sharpton. it doesn't work. president trump will make that an issue. he will make "the squad" plus al sharpton the face of democratic party in 2020. watch and see. ainsley: jillian has headlines for us. jillian: good morning to you. newly resurfaced video from a
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congressional video showing eelijah cummings using hash words to describe his hometown. president trump tweeted out this clip. watch. >> this morning i left my community of baltimore, a drug infested area, where a lot of drugs we're talking aabout today have already taken the lives of so many children. the same children that i watched 14 or 15 years ago as they grew up, now walking around like zombies. jillian: republicans pointing out the double standard after democrats accused president trump of being racist for calling baltimore, rat-infested. heroic hostages take down a armed murder suspect after he locks them inside of a convenience store this is incredible video. showing customers tack can he, disarm the man after he allegedly shot and killed another person inside of that store. one woman hitting him with a crate. another using her shoe.
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a s.w.a.t. team arrested the suspect an hour later. police just released surveillance video from the 2018 incident. turns out amanda knox is a married woman. radar online revealing her marriage certificate, dated last december. despite secretly getting hitched, knox and her husband are still asking for donations from you for an upcoming space-themed wedding. they say all their money went to getting to italy for a panel about false convictions. knox was released from an italian prison in 2011 after being cleared of her roommate's murder. gray hair and grace -- graye may go hand in hand. >> you need a refill? >> you got that right, skeletor. >> what are you doing. getting through. jillian: new study says more than 10% of adults over 65 admit
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to binge-drinking. that is having four or five drinks within two hours. researchers warned drinking too much could lead to falls or medical problems. there you have it. steve: had no idea. jillian, thank you very much. brian: in the back stretch. what the heck. let it go. ainsley: i will probably be doing the same thing. eating bacon, drinking milkshakes every day. steve: that was the lineup. who are the winners and losers after the two debates? ari fleischer has his picks. brian: bill hemmer do you have anything. i know we have ari fleischer and you're jealous. >> is usama bin laden's son dead? the heir to the terror kingdom. what we're learning about that. president trump goes on the road. big rally. we'll tell you why that is so important. maryland governor, larry hogan. the first television interview
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since his blowup on baltimore. was james comey caught red-handed by his own fbi. intryinging developments. we'll have them in a few minutes when sandra and i join you at the top. hour. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin
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fleischer in the green room. sure enough he is now on the set. fox news contributor, former white house press secretary of under president bush. a preview of what you will say, first off with president of the united states, the winners and losers last night, some people say it was trump. what do you say? >> first i have to get my suit back to the rental company by 2:00. i have to be on time. brian: right. >> i think what you saw at all four debates frankly was a display of ideas that will push the american people away from all the democratic candidates regardless who the nominee is. three ideas popped out. one, ban private insurance, two, decriminalize border crossings, three, reparations. these are all losers for democrats. so the default is trump. ainsley: biden said if you cross the border illegally you deserve to go back home. that was only one on the stage that said that. >> there is tension between the
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left and who is farther left where all the energy is. we're watching that tension play out in these debates but so far the energy feels like it is on the left, didn't it? steve: there was a lot of energy last night aimed at joe biden because he is the front-runner by a lot. he was the human pinata. everybody was swinging at him. ultimately you say he won the night? >> widen reminds me after man who is treading water. so far he treaded the water but he ain't swimming anywhere. he is a weak front-runner. they haven't been able to dunk him yet but they are trying. he will eventually dunk himself. he is not are e not forming well. i think that someone will happen this fall, early winter when the stage is down to three, four or five. ainsley: who do you think it will be? >> too open. brian: andrew yang. >> yang is most interesting when it comes to ideas but i don't see him winning. brian: get $1000 in the mail every month it will be fun. direct deposit. see how i do that.
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give him my routing number. tulsi gabbard came out, her foreign policy is direct but i think it is something i could not support. she went after the president, says he is supporting al qaeda? >> if there was any one moment that popped for me that was. there is how media bias work. there should be feeding frenzy by tulsi gabbard, "new york times," "washington post," all the networks everywhere. she said the president of the united states is supporting al qaeda. this is the equivalent of saying the president supports the nazis. brian: let's hear it. >> not only have we not gone after al qaeda who is stronger today than they were in 9/11, our president is supporting al qaeda. his support and alliance with saudi arabia providing direct and indirect support, directly to al qaeda. brian: your answer? >> next time president trump says something where he goes over the line against a democrat, remember this moment. the press will go into feeding frenzy against trump but they give her a pass. this should be a feeding frenzy.
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you don't say the sitting president supports our enemies. that is exactly what she did. it is reprehensible. brian: the day we killed his son we are -- >> this is attack over the line f it wasn't for the fact it was against trump, it would be a feeding frenzy if a republican said the same thing. ainsley: where do we go from here? what happens next? >> i this the democrats have a real idea problem. the things that will endure from this primary regardless who wins, are the left ideas where even barack obama now has been passed by the energy of the democratic party. they're marginalizing themselves. now the good news here is campaigns work. campaigns are display of ideas for the people to decide and i think when these ideas are considered by the american people, they realize that democrats pushing themselves far, far to the left. steve: ari, you had the first set of debates by msnbc where they had those, hey, can i see the hands business? i like that. cnn said we're not going to do that. why do you think that is? >> a shoulder to protect the
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democrats. they recognized when you asked them poo put hands up on whacky idea, all the hands go up. cnn didn't want to do it. that is legitimate way to gather information. ainsley: bernie threw his hand up yesterday. i remember this. brian: if you say to yourself i want more ari fleischer, and who doesn't, good news it is coming up at noon today. ari entire hour. the man in the middle. one lucky guy coming up at noon. wearing a dark suit there but a light suit here. how does he do it. ainsley: did you rent that one too? >> they're all rentals. ainsley: joseph a. banks. steve: there you go. we want to read some of your thoughts about who some of the winners were from the debate last night. you will hear them right after this brief time out. ♪
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>> we got an email from edward. the winner of the debate was andrew yang. only one with new and innovative ideas. >> according to zach. >> jackie says i believe joe biden was the only one that actually made any sense up there. joe biden won. >> julie, trump won the debate. they can't do -- >> linda says i was the winner. i'll get $1,000 a month and free insurance. finally 67. i'm going to college. i hear that will be free, too, wow, i'm ecstatic. >> keep the comments coming. we read them all day. we're on facebook. go to email us at friends at fox >> i'll see you on "the five" a
6:00 am
little later. if you have to run, go to fox nation on the radio. >> i'll see you on "outnumbered." >> see you tomorrow. >> bill: thanks, guys, good morning.


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