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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 1, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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"a "game of thrones"." hbo would go on to adapt the book and its equals to the massive popular "game of thrones" tv show. the series just wrapped after eight seasons. bill hemmer loved it. i didn't even watch it! >> bill: i loved it! it's okay! >> sandra: hate is a strong word. to do what during today. join us again tomorrow morning. "outnumbered" starts now. >> kennedy: the fox news alert, tensions going on capitol hill as we await a final vote in the senate on a controversial budget deal. conservative senators pushing back against the plan that is backed by president trump, and house speaker nancy pelosi create odd bedfellows. this is "outnumbered." welcome to it. i'm kennedy, and here today we have fox business network anchor, dagen mcdowell. fox news contributor, lisa boothe. fox & friends coanchor, jillian mele. joining us on the couch, former white house press secretary under president george w. bush, and a fox news contributor, ari fleischer is here.
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he's kind of "outnumbered." [laughter] >> jillian: just a little bit. >> lisa: i don't think he's ever "outnumbered"! >> ari: always. >> kennedy: he smart enough to do that jiu-jitsu that you love so much. we will get right to it. republican senators facing a politically tough vote on a $2 trillion spending deal. you are that right. it raises the debt ceiling and the government shutdown in the fall, but it has conservative senators torn between supporting the president and there are real concerns about increasing spending caps. senator rand paul warning that the plan will balloon the national debt, which already stands at well over $22 trillion. obviously, growing. other republicans say it's the best option, with democrats in charge of the house. watch. >> adoption of this deal marks the death of the tea party movement in america. fiscal conservatives, those who remain, should be in morning. for congress, both parties has deserted you.
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>> there is no alternative. nobody could have done better, to say no. nobody have gone i could have negotiated better deal. you can vote however you like but we are playing with real bullets here. i think it will pass overwhelmingly at all those people worried about debt, including me, the debt is driven by economists, not by discretionary spending. >> kennedy: 132 house republicans voting against the bill, as conservative slammed it for not doing enough to reduce the deficit. president trump today tweeting, "the budget deal is phenomenal for a great military, our vets, and jobs, jobs, jobs. the two year deal gets us past the election. go for it, republicans! there's always plenty of time to cut." when will that be? >> ari: not in our lifetimes, i'm afraid. based on experience. this is one of those miserable issues that points out how things are so broken down washington. the alternative to go back to the obama years where the government kept shutting down of the almost defaulted on our debt.
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so what are you going to do about it? the fact is republicans and democrats led by president trump have no willingness to take on entitlements. lindsey graham is right. entitlements are what's driving this. not expending, spending, not texas. >> kennedy: critical entitlements for seniors that really need it, social security, for those who don't pay into it it's in entitlements. of course, medicare. you can really cut out some of the overlap in these programs. you could trim them in ways that doesn't hurt to seniors, but it takes a lot more work for lawmakers. and it's not as sexy. >> lisa: none of it is sexy to anyone. >> ari: i like it! [laughter] >> lisa: a ticket back. this is the death to the tea party movement and is a departure from where republicans were previously on the issues. president trump is not a fiscal conservative. he never ran as one and he certainly isn't one now.
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he's on track to add $4.1 trillion to the national debt. so that is objectively true. it's interesting to see where conservative groups are on this preview of the fiscal conservatives like club for growth and heritage that are weeping against that obvious reason. then you have pro-life groups like national right for life, as well as the susan b. anthony, that are for it. one things they did get in this is there are no poison pill writers to act on issues like the hyde amendment. so -- >> kennedy: that's a very expensive payoff. >> lisa: at least one area of a win they can tout and they can say it doesn't impact the military as well, which we saw in president trump's tweet. >> jillian: look at it like this -- if you've got all these bills and massive debts to pay off, at some point you've got to make the decision to make yourself uncomfortable in order to be comfortable. by that i mean to make yourself uncomfortable, pull back on your spending, make yourself a budget, to make yourself
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comfortable in the future. what the president realistically wants to do that? >> kennedy: exactly. you got members of the house running for reelection constantly. and they are never -- i mean, paul ryan was just a gum-flapper when it came to that. >> dagen: it's all shameful, it's embarrassing. it's indefensible on the right, in the middle, and on the left. there is no such thing as fiscal responsibility and discipline. it's a fallacy and its fiction and they are all addicted to borrowing money at low, low, get-them-while-they-last interest rates. you can borrow right now i'd less than 2% a year over ten years. you know what happens when interest rates shoot back up? suddenly -- it happened last fall -- we went to 3.25% on the 10-your treasury. the market fell out of bed because this nation can't handle it. in less than five years, we are going to be spending more money on the interest on our national debt than on defense spending.
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so where is the money going? we are going to be paying interest to china and japan rather than defending this nation. that's the choice that people are making right now, and it's appalling. >> kennedy: you're also engaging in generational warfar warfare. in the short term, appeasing seniors who vote, our golden americans, you are robbing younger people and unborn americans of future economic mobility. it's awful, criminal. >> dagen: lying to seniors and every american, if you are on the left, that you can have medicare for all when the hospital goes broke in seven years. how will they do that? >> lisa: a lot of this in the push to pass it is about 2020. they don't want to rock the boat in terms of the economy, they don't want to send the markets into chaos. they want to keep it -- >> kennedy: they don't want to worry about the debt ceiling. they don't want to worry about borrowing money. they just want to call each other racist. we'll bring you the results of that budget vote as soon as we get it. you see how divisive it is, even just here on the couch.
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meanwhile, president trump heading to battleground ohio, where he will hold a maga rally tonight in cincinnati. his first since crowds in south carolina last month chanted "center back" about congresswoman ilhan omar steve chabot, who is in the cincinnati area, i hope that's her of thing doesn't happen again. he's telling ap, "i would discourage the crowd from doing anything inappropriate, and saying something like that would be appropriate. i would hope the president would silence the crowd and say, don't do that, there's no place for it. it's not helpful, it's not right, it's not funny, it's not fun." the controversy around the squad, one of them, ayanna pressley, asking mark meadows to "do the right thing" about a billboard put up by a gun shop in his district. it shows the four squad members, suggesting they are the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and labeling them idiots.
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so there you go. plenty to chew on, that is emotional but not substantive. >> ari: sounds like a mild billboard by today's standards. nothing worrisome about that. here's my beef with the "send them back" line. i'm a first-generation american, my mom came here from hungary. >> kennedy: mind came from romania! were neighbors. >> ari: you stole my mother's chickens. [laughter] if i criticize this president or the substantive subsequent pree present after that, does somebody have the right to tell me to go back to hungary and fix their problems and come back to america? that are not entitled as a criticism of the president can back i will always say criticism of the president, regardless of who it is, if i think it's the right thing to say. without being afraid of being sent back to where my mother is from. that's why you shouldn't do it to those congresswomen. i disagree with everything they stand for, but they are americans and they are entitled to their opinions. i will defeat them in an argument, i will defeat them in ideology, and i want to defeat them in the battle box.
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but they are just as american as i am. >> kennedy: when will you run for office? >> ari: never. although if i could get my mother's chickens back, i could do it. [laughter] >> jillian: never trust a romanian with chickens! >> kennedy: wow if this broke out again, the president has a chance to rise above and be a big person. i would be curious of what he would do in that situation. because that would really be him. he's only one who could do that. >> kennedy: but i also think that the folks in cincinnati aren't -- they support the president. and they know that if they start chanting something like that, it puts him in a bad light. out of their fondness for him, they have other things to chant about. >> dagen: good advice. very good advice. [laughter] miss kennedy. the wall street journal had a line and i'm going to steal it. it was an editorial, talking with a 2020 campaign shaping up to be vicious even by recent political standards. and mass antipathy is hard to
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control once it's unleashed. this president can get reelected purely on the economy. because it is lifting everyone's lives. with the unemployment rate at a 50-year low, at or near record lows for latinos, black americans, at least since we've been recording the unappointed rate. that fox news poll last week, 51% of voters now feel the economy is an excellent or good shape. the last time we saw this high a level on the economy was back in january of 2001. so it's been almost 20 years. these are incredible statistics. wages are rising, they are rising much faster than they were at the end of the obama administration. you focus on that, you win. you take shots at people and say awful things, you lose. >> kennedy: that's absolutely right. the president can fire up his base with economic news, because a lot of people who left the establishment and embrace this president did so because of their personal economy.
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>> lisa: those are great points on the economy. i would say that what he should talk about in ohio is the attacks on fossil fuels that you saw last night in the debate. yet even joe biden, who claims to be a moderate, he said he would illuminate fossil fuels. you're talking about a state like ohio, by doing saying, "i'm going to continue the obama war on coal that directly impacts you," in a state like ohio. not just coal, natural gas. ohio, pennsylvania, west virginia, 85% of the natural gas production in the united states is there. that means jobs, they hit to the economy in this state alone. increased electricity bills for families who are already struggling to pay the bills. that's what president trump should talk about and that also paints joe biden -- he's not a moderate at all. and that the attack i think president trump should deliver tonight. >> dagen: but he might not be the nominee! [laughs] >> lisa: we don't know! >> dagen: we will get to that in a later segment. after last night, not a disaster, not a face plant, but
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i don't know. >> kennedy: we will sink our teeth and that as well. if you have one piece of advice to the president tonight and has rally, you are his advisor standing next to him. the last person. what you tell them? >> ari: he won't listen no matter what. stir up your crowd, have fun, do what president trump does. because that is his brand. get them chanting something else, something different. it doesn't have to be pulverizing. it doesn't have to be so mean-spirited that you turn off people who want to be for you. >> lisa: what about or maga cag? >> dagen: you got a hair ball in your throat. >> kennedy: moving on from hair balls and chanting, president trump not letting up on top don't cut elijah cummings, treating a decades-old video of the congressmen using similar language to trump's criticism of baltimore, whether it's a fair comparison and what democrats are saying about all of it now. plus, 2020 democrats piling on
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joe biden last night. we will get into it, stepping up criticism of the former vp, even taking aim at former president obama's policies. rightly so. some democrats say that while biden's performance was better than the last one, it still is not good enough. uh-oh! >> first of all, mr. vice president, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. let me begin by telling you -- [cheers and applause] ♪ let me ask you something. can the past help you write the future? can you feel calm in the eye of a storm? can you do more with less? can you raise the bar while reducing your footprint? for our 100 years we've been answering the questions of today to meet the energy needs of tomorrow.
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respectively, by a vote it was past 67-28. it also extends the debt ceiling until mid 2021, past the election next year. so the spending bill has passed the senate. it heads to president trump for his signing. >> mr. vice president, you are bragging calling it the biden crime bill up to 2015. why did you announce a zero tolerance policy of stop and frisk and hire rudy giuliani in 2007? when i was trying to get rid of the crack cocaine? >> mr. vice president, there's a thing in my community. you are dipping into the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. >> when vice president biden was working with segregationists to oppose busing, had i been in the united states and at that time, i would have been completely on the other side of the aisle. >> when senator harris was attorney general for eight years in the state of california,
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there were two of the most segregated school districts in the country. in los angeles and in san francisco. your plane is just too late. the science is telling us we have to get off: ten years. your plan does not do that. >> my plan calls for making sure that we have investments in technology to learn how to contain what we are doing, creating 10 million new jobs. >> are you ready to say here and now that we oppose a new nafta? >> the answer is yes. >> i consider that a victory. >> i love your affection for me. [laughs] >> when the senate was debating middle-class affordability for child care, he wrote an op-ed and voted against it. >> i wrote the violence against women act. lilly ledbetter, i made sure they were equal amendments. you came to syracuse university with me and said is wonderful. i don't know what's happened except that you are not running for president. >> you made a decision for years to withhold resources to poor
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women to have access to reproductive health care, including women who are the victims of rape and incest. >> i support a woman's right to choose. i support as a constitutional right. i will continue to support it. >> dagen: the pile on the biden predictions coming true last night with 2020 democrats taking aim at joe biden during a fiery debate. the former vp attempting to defend his record after what was widely seen as a poor showing in the first debate as he hits the campaign stop today, just down the street from the debate theater. former obama strategist david axelrod not giving biden the highest marks. watch this. >> look, i think the good news for joe biden's this was maybe the best he could do. the bad news is this maybe the best he could do. he was much better them last time, he was much more engaged, but i agree with these guys. he had moments in which he was uncertain, where he was on the
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defensive. >> dagen: meantime, senator kamala harris, who rose in the polls after taking on biden the first debate, also took incoming fire last night over health care plan and her past record as a prosecutor. >> what's in the plan, which is banning employer-based insurance. we aren't going to be able to admit that when donald trump is accusing democrats of doing that as well. it bans employer-based insurance, and taxes the middle-class to the tune of $30 million. >> we can't keep with the republican talking points on this. you've got to stop. the reality is that under my medicare for all plan, yes, employers are not going to be able to dictate the kind of health care that employees get. >> i'm deeply concerned about this record. there are too many examples the site, but she put over 50 million people in jail over marijuana violations and laughed when she was asked if she smoked
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marijuana. she didn't free and in a cement from death row until the courts forced to do so. she kept people in prison bound their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of california. >> i am proud of that work, and i am proud of making a decision to not just give fancy speeches or be in a legislative body and give speeches on the floor, but actually doing the work of being in the position to use the power have to reform a system that is badly in need of reform. >> kennedy: senator harris seemed to not realize that somebody else might show up with a bag of oppo research at the debate last night to read what did you make of the performance command who stood out? >> ari: i think they don't have enough candidates. 24 isn't enough, because not one of them is any good. the attacks were seeing -- joe biden is in first place because he's in first place. that's the only thing holding up his numbers. it certainly isn't as performance, his acumen, his sharpness, his ability onstage. he is yesterday's senator. but because he was also yesterday's vice president, it
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has artificially propelled them to where he is now. he won't last. someone is going to break through and emerge, likely this fall or early next year, and like a balloon, the air runs out of it. it just deflates and goes away. that's joe biden's future. [laughs] the real problem democrats have had in four debates is because no one individual has emerged. donald trump seize the moment and emerge four years ago. what has emerged our bad ideas. number one, abolition of private health insurance. number two, decriminalizing people who cross the border. number three, providing health coverage, taxpayer-funded coverage. somebody crosses the border illegally this morning, they will get taxpayer-funded health care this afternoon and forced reparations for slavery. these are the ideas people remember from the debates. there is no one individual anyone will remember that. >> kennedy: can i add on to that? can accessibly put in point. the present took so much incoming for moderators and his fellow candidates on stage and
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seemed to draw strength from it. debates were very entertaining a lot of people still wrote him off, especially early on, say he was going to win any primaries that he wasn't going to get the nomination. marianne williamson is banking on that. the other thing, joe biden isn't doing the same thing. he is taking the same kind of shrapnel, the same kind of incoming, and he did a little bit better, but i don't know if that's going to -- bernie sanders come on the other hand, the night before, he shows that age is nothing but a numbe number. he has clarity and attack, he's got site. >> ari: candidate trump came off as tough, and he was having fun. joe biden doesn't look like he is having on the fun on the stage. >> jillian: we talked about this before the show, even this morning the 5:00 a.m. show, we talked about how joe biden -- sure, he had a better night than in the first night, we will give him that. but he looked tired at the end. if you don't appear as if you can sustain a couple of debates,
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how are voters going to feel like you can sustain, number one, getting to the presidency? number two, the next four years? >> dagen: i can follow up on that and i'm curious what you think. someone told me, when you get to september, joe biden, there will be fewer people on the stage and he will be the sole strong moderate, potentially. unless he moves farther left. two, wait until the 4-left-wingers start going after each other. he could be standing on less wobbly legs. >> lisa: i don't buy the lame series. if you look at president trump, in the 2016 election, he created his own dang lena. he was a wrecking ball to the lien theory. i don't think that's true. good candidates build coalitions on my own. i think the challenge for democrats, there doesn't seem to be an aspiring candidate who can do that and build their own coalition. it will be more interesting when there are less candidates on the stage because biden will be more
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exposed with more time and more direct attacks. what helped him last night was that senator harris took so much incoming. that was the distraction. >> kennedy: but she kept returning it to him, every single one. >> jillian: she was limping off stage because tulsi gabbard savaged her. this tax on marijuana and the copper narrative, the attack on health care after harris was bragging, that kathleen sibelius, former hhs secretary, had to endorse or plan. "that shows her in the pocket of big insurance companies, big pharma." those attacks were devastating. and so well-delivered. >> kennedy: i want to add onto that. tulsi gabbard gave joe biden a little bit of cold don't not covered. he was challenged about his vote for the iraq war in the early 2000s. he said, "we were all sort of bamboozled into it." she had a really poignant moment where she said, "think how i feel. i am mike enlisted."
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that formed her former policy. >> dagen: one more thing, joe biden makes these watchable because he's like that bridesmaid in her 24th wedding with the jell-o legs, and you never know what's going to happen during the wedding ceremony. when she comes out on the other end of it and doesn't pass out, we are kind of excited. >> jillian: who are you friends with? >> lisa: that's a lot of weddings! >> dagen: it makes it watchable. right? >> ari: there's one other moment, that i can't let go. tulsi gabbard said that donald trump are supporting al qaeda. this should lead to a feeding frenzy and it shows you how bias works. if a republican said that about a democratic candidate, but they are supporting america's enemies, it's like saying in world war ii that you are supporting the nazis. we are fighting with them, they attacked us. she says that in this virtual silence everywhere among the mainstream media. this should be the thing that leads to an uproar of media saying, "how can you say that?"
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they never will, because she said something nasty about donald trump and they love it. >> dagen: but not here. 2020 democrats not only taking aim at joe biden last night, also at his former boss. how biden handled the attacks on former president obama's policies. they seem right wing compared to where we are now. and what it says about the democratic party as the 2020 race heats up. plus, president trump continuing his feud with democrat elijah cummings, using some of the congressman's own passwords about baltimore against him. is it the right move to keep this war of words going? we debate it next. ♪ ecord lows. refi now at newday usa with no income verification, no appraisal, and no points. who used expedia to book the vacation rental which led to the discovery that sometimes
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baltimore. take a look at elijah c!" attached to the treat, a 1999 c-span clip from a committee hearing on u.s. drug-fighting efforts in columbia and how drugs from a culture of flooding into many american cities. speed of this to say. >> this morning , i left my community of baltimore, a drug-infested area, where a lot of the drugs we are talking about today have already taken the lives of so many children. >> kennedy: maryland's republican governor, larry hoga larry hogan, weighing in on president trump's criticisms of cummings in baltimore. watch. >> i didn't think the kind of angry attacks on twitter where appropriate. i just happen to believe that we ought to be focusing on the problems and the solutions. i think it's good that we are paying attention to the problems in baltimore. i would like everyone from the president of the administration and the congress to work with us
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at the state level and with the folks in baltimore city. >> kennedy: and now some democrats telling the hill that by constantly responding to the president's attacks, they are playing into his hands by getting distracted from their agenda. many aspects here. larry hogan, very brave for considering a primary run against the president. but also, is it fair to bring up comments from the '90s from elijah cummings when he obviously is making an impassioned plea to help some of the people in his community who have been ravaged by drugs? >> ari: of course it's very. the question is, to the president accurately describe some of the conditions in baltimore? this gets to the core of the issue. president trump, as all know, is a force. he comes across in a tough, direct, offensive, sometimes boorish manner. with the fundamental conditions he is describing, i think a lot of americans realize, we have an intractable multi-decade problems. he described it in a way of a lot of americans say is probably
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true. the bigger question, would you do about it? >> kennedy: and how to keep the focus on and not use it as a momentary battering ram to wounded a political opponent? >> ari: as a battering ram in both directions. what it shows is talking about poverty, talking about areas where predominantly african-american, it's almost impossible in modern-day politics. as soon as you touch it, especially a republican, you get accused of being a racist. if your democrat, you want more money. i think the core issue that no one wants to deal with is the breakdown of the family. when you have, for generations, 25% of white kids being born out of wedlock, 50% hispanic, 75% african-american, doesn't matter how much money the government is going to spend. you have an intractable problem that no politician has addressed. if you touch that issue, you will be accused of racism. >> kennedy: that's a cultural issue that's not really in the purview of a politician. was the answer -- >> ari: i don't know about that. if you want to force people to stay married? >> ari: it such a big topic, we could devote the whole show
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to it. just like society has changed on drunk driving, society has changed on gay marriage, they can change in terms of parenting. i know this is in political. it gets into political correctness issues. but this is why we are doodling in the margins of poverty issues. because nobody is doing with the things that matter most. >> jillian: can i share this real quick? if you don't mind. this is in the baltimore sun right now and it's eye-opening. it says this kid, he escaped trouble as a baltimore child. he lived in a county shelter for young adults, graduated from high school, got into a small north carolina college that offered him a football scholarship, and that it says -- and this is the quote they got me, it's from a social worker -- "he had so much potential. the biggest thing that hurt him or his roots. he was shot to death saturday afternoon, 1 of 6 people killed last weekend in a beacon of violence there. 1 of 38 killed in the city in july. 38 homicides, baltimore reported in july with most in a single calendar month in that city since may of 2017 and tied
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for third most in the month since april 2015." when you read a story like that and you see his picture, which is not in here but it's online, that opens her eyes to this problem that has been going on since he was a kid, even beyond that. i feel like the tit for tat going on right now socks on both side we're shining a light talking about something that needs change. it needs it now. >> kennedy: there are a lot of cities that need that kind of focus. but i really feel like once the conversation turns to a new chapter, we are going to move o on. >> lisa: one thing i find frustrating about the left is they say they want equality, they say they want to live in a color blind society, which is something we all want. but all they do is see race. even if you look at the president's tweets, you can go down the line. whether it's elijah cummings, former mayor catherine pugh saying baltimore smelled like rats, you go down the list. any center saying it was a third world country. rashida tlaib say we should deport president trump in 2015. you can go down the line were people said similar things. on the left all they do is see
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race. >> dagen: doing a google search trying to find a video to justify what you already said about an individual who you have a political grudge against, and tried to make it about a community, that looks weak. >> kennedy: it does, absolutely. we are not going to focus on real solutions long term. he wants our attention diverted to something else. you might have thought barack obama was running for president. 2020 dems blasting his record at last nights debate. this is getting interesting. what this says about obama's former vp joe biden, and the direction of today's democratic party. it ♪ ♪
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stop? speaker unlike you, i would expect you to say whatever was said privately. that's not what i do. >> >> mr. vice president, you ct have it both ways. you invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. you can't do it when it's convenient and dodge it when it's not. >> you allow insurance companies to remain with status quo, doing business as usual. that'll be about jacking up co-pays, jacking up deductibles. >> to be clear, would you or would you not return the tpp? yes or no? >> i would not rejoin as it was initially put forward. >> lisa: biden defended his former boss, bless the democrats want to decriminalize legal border crossing, and sang comparing obama to president trump on immigration is bizarre. ari, why they're attacking president obama? >> ari: 's are markable, isn't it? it just shows how they have
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moved so far to the left that it's uncontrollable. >> lisa: but he so mentally popular among the left. >> ari: he is, but his ideas, the democratic party has moved beyond them. this the equivalent of 1988, people running against republicans, against ronald reagan. none of them did in '88. george h.w. bush was able to win the election after reagan. it's a stunning thing to say, but as an indication of the split inside the democratic party. it's more complicated. as much as the energy of the democratic party is to run to the loony left, they also want to defeat donald trump by not going too far to the loony left. this will continue to point out all fall into mentor. >> lisa: we've been hearing from former obama officials that have thoughts on this. listen to rahm emanuel on it. speak of the guys that 90 something percent among democrats. that's the most successful progressive, prolific president who had an incredible at chief of staff -- let me just say that -- since the great society. what are they doing?
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>> every element of progressivity, from wilson and teddy roosevelt to franklin roosevelt to the great society, it builds on the progress of generations before, and for generations to come. this is nuts. [laughter] >> lisa: you can catch that entire interview garnering reactions on this count on "wall street journal" at large on fox business network tomorrow night at 9:30 p.m. eastern. make sure to tune in for that. you are going to get an earlier on the subject. what do you think? >> jillian: i think his election is hilarious, but i think you're going to lose people. if you keep going back to the years passed, at this point, some people -- especially independence, they are trying to figure out who the heck this democratic party's right now. they're trying to figure out who they want to vote for. are they moderate, progressive, super far left? what are they? i think you're going to lose a lot of people you need if you keep going back in time instead of saying, "this is what i'm about, this is why i want you to vote for me." >> lisa: kennedy, part of the
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challenge being brought up, you see where they are on these issues like to causation. then where general election voters are. they are so far apart on these issues. how big of a challenge is that for the eventual nominee to try and win among primary voters? >> kennedy: when you have a cousin that wide, i don't know how you triangulate. if you be a great in order to highly wire crust has hides. you will find that out the hard way. they haven't been able to bridge some of their differences. you have to be authentic and say what you believe. even if you are taking a barrage of negativity from people who just want to win a popularity contest, and don't understand basic economics. >> lisa: dagen, what you think about that? >> dagen: you know how far left this party has gone? if you listen to bernie sanders and elizabeth warren -- and these are the two highlights of
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the two debates -- the company you work for is evil, the insurance company that gives you health care coverage, that's evil. the gasoline you're putting in the car is evil, the car is evil, and you are evil for driving it. and actually enjoying it. to your point, lisa, you brought this up -- joe biden came out and essentially said, "we are going to eradicate fossil fuels." that's the world of insanity we are living in right now. okay, vp joe, what are you going to put in that airplane? can you answer that? >> lisa: i have a sneaking suspicion he can't. but there's also this. fox news is now confirming that the justice department will not prosecute james comey for leaking classified information, even though the doj inspector general referred the former fbi director for potential prosecution. we are going to get into all of this next. he will want to stay with us. ♪
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>> jillian: welcome back pete fox news alert, fox news confirming that the justice department will not prosecute james comey for we can classified information. doj inspector general michael horowitz had referred the former fbi director for potential prosecution, but an official familiar with the deliberations tells fox news, "everyone at the doj involved in
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the decision said it was not a close call." they go on to say, "they thought this cannot be prosecuted." you may remember, call me panda memos memorializing his interactions with president trump in the days leading up to his firing. he then passed those documents to a friend, a professor at colombia university, who gave them to "the new york times" ." congressional testament, come admitted as much. we learned this decision came down recently under the tenure of ag bill barr. so, ari, what you think? >> ari: wait and see. there are few things more serious than the government's power to prosecute some of the criminally, and before people weigh in and say whether it was right or wrong, let see what michael horowitz recommended. exactly what, and why. what doj reviewed, what their grounds were to not prosecute. at this early stage, i'm not going to make any comments about whether this is right or wrong until we hear facts. the one thing i want to greet dominic wait and see also is the president will say. will he go after bill barr because it was his jesses apartment hoop didn't prosecute?
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>> jillian: and what's next for call me? >> lisa: it's a reminder that we have report coming from michael horowitz about potentia potential's fisa abuse. and we have the john durham investigation that's going on, as well. remember, combing release release those memos to spur special counsel investigation. >> jillian: thanks, jim. >> kennedy: it shows he's not quite the boy scout he's always claim. when the inspector general -- it goes to show there obviously was a weakness there and he doesn't have the best moral compass as he has tried to sell in order to make a bunch of money. >> jillian: you want to wait to get those facts before you react. dagen, i wonder how much we are going to get how long that will take. >> dagen: there is some reporting that two of the economy memos were classified as confidential after he said in the chain of events that led to them ending up in "the new york times" that he
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thought he was acting properly at the time. maybe or maybe not. but when you talk about prosecution, you've got to go into a court of law and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt when you want to talk about a criminal prosecution. wouldn't he love more than anything, being prosecuted and then winning? by the way, president trump would not want a loss. you better have your case in hand if you're going to go to court over this. >> ari: but james comey would not want to go to court, win or lose. you don't want to go to court. you do not want to be charged with a crime. >> kennedy: he likes grandstanding, i think he would like to come out and find a bunch of microphones. >> ari: i think is quite capable of that without going to court. [laughter] >> jillian: what you think is next for coming? >> ari: i think lisa made a great point. we don't know what the rest of the inspector general is going to find. comey is not home free. this is just one of the behaviors that took place. we don't know about the size of
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warrants, the origin of the investigation paid this is just the leaking of memos. boy was an immoral, unconscionable. what was it bad judgment, and that's what comey did. >> it kind of surprised me. >> kennedy: joe biden in detroit. holding a bit of a gaggle. >> been in the government a long time now. but it's a marathon. i feel good, i think we've passed the quarter mark and i'm feeling good. >> reporter: mr. vice president comey told us in the early stage of your campaign that you wouldn't speak ill of a fellow democrat. you are pretty tough on some of your opponents last night. why the change in strategy? >> i responded. the next debate, i hope we can talk about how we fix our answers, to fix things that trump has broken. not how barack obama made all these mistakes. he didn't. he didn't. i want to make it clear, that going back ten, 20, 30 years is just a game to make sure that
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we had republicans in election coming up. look, folks -- there's a lot of things everybody has done in the past. but no longer have a context today. i just want to make the point that some of these assertions being made were absolutely -- how can i say it nicely? not true, taken out of context, and they really meant what they said, they wouldn't have done a lot of the things they did. >> reporter: do you think your party -- >> reporter: on immigration, for instance, what will you do differently from obama? >> the world has changed since obama. here's the deal, this is about the future. it's about taking the same kind of integrity and moving beyond it. by the time we entered the president's term, he was able to begin to focus in ways are not just taking -- not just keeping the car from going over the
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cliff and us going into a depression, he was able to begin to focus. and he focused on immigration. what he did was serious. he changed the dialogue, he changed the whole question. he changed what was going on. the idea that somehow it's comparable to what this guy is doing is absolutely bizarre. look, this is three years later. the world has changed. the precedent , president trump has turned it upside out internationally. he has turned it upside down economically. people are hurting badly. there is no response. we faced a different problem ten years ago when the economy collapsed because of republican policy. now we face a problem that the economy as well as the soul of this country is collapsing because of his presidency. so it's a different problem, but with the same basic principle. we have to be honest, straightforward, and authentic about what we are going to do. i'm looking forward to be able to go into some detail and explain and deal with the differences we have, and they
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are all good people. let's talk about it. >> reporter: your party has changed, as well. do you think it's moving too far to the left? even though immigration, were some of your fellow candidate say, that they want to decriminalize them across the border illegally? >> i think i represent the part party. i think my views over the vast majority of the party are. there's a lot of really good people that got elected who were really pushing the envelope. it's good, it's healthy to do that. the idea that they represent what the party is today, it does not comport with who gets elected. it does not comport with how we want. it does not comport. it's a legitimate debate to have. the one thing i agreed on with corey last night, let's focus on what it is we can do together. we are so different. everyone of those people on that stage has a fundamentally different view than barack --
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excuse me, they talk about him, but they were fundamentally different view than the president of the united states. let's argue, who has the best path forward to lead this country to greatness? >> reporter: mr. president , are you supportive of the debate stage shrinking going forward? >> i'm supportive of having a debate. not one men and assertions. it's not everybody's fault, 20 candidates is a good thing. but the idea is we don't actually have a chance to explain our policies in less than one minute. if you're not asked a direct question about your policy, you get 30 seconds. if you're not -- 30 seconds, then you get 15 seconds to intervene. that's not a debate. i understand why it has to be that way, but i'm looking forward to getting to exchange ideas. >> reporter: can you clarify your position on nafta?
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you said democrats talk about for key changes to trump the deal. >> you asked me whether trump's plan has faltered. that's what i was asked. >> as long as i got to make sure that this time they are written in stone. they are written in stone, they must be imposed. because last time, remember, there was this proposal that said you're going to have to -- this was 20 something years ago -- you're going to have to make sure you provide alternatives for people who may get caught in the cross fire. that did not happen. it's a different deal. reported not going back to last night , is there anything you would do differently about last night's debate? >> instead of saying "joe" i would have said "text." i was so focused on making the case for joe, i said joe and i give the number.
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