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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 2, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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next election and won't play by the rules. that's what the book is about. sean back on monday. the "ingraham angle" is up next. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is a special "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the democrats have declared war on law and order. mark fuhrman and john yoo will explain in moments. responding to the latest attempts to indoctrinate your kid by controlling what they read and how they are taught.e .. we highlight the biggest media fail with a special nod to cnn's lemon's debate performance. and we will expose the biggest political hoax of the i want to explain why the democrats are becoming the party
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of lawlessness and disorder. radical democrats are waging a full pledged war on law enforcement whether it's cops on the beat or immigration officers who protect our homeland. their anti-police views were on display as candidate targeted the nypd. >> daniel pantaleo used a choke hold and killed eric garner. he has not been brought to justice. >> ♪ he should be off the streets. >> he should be fired. >> there will never be another >> laura: i was thinking back on eric garner because we are changing it. this week and what an incredible newsy week this was for >> laura: and democrats don't ainge i was thinking back on this week and what an incredible stop there. newsy week this has been for the
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they vilify border wall agents and call for their complete elimination. >> would you get rid of homeland security? >> i think so. country despite end of july, >> when our own government rips usually august dead but the debate showed us a lot about the democratic party, where they are now, where obama in some circles is considered too moderate. they didn't even mention bill clinton. it is moving further to the left. children from the arms of their mothers, that's government sponsored>> [shouting]. you have all been so far ahead of the curve. you've been watching the show we won't vote for anymore for almost two years now. funding. i have to say a special goodbye to one of our great producers. >> laura: so the gangs and cartels will just keep lauren woodhall has been on the show since its inception. doing a lot of great work for fox nation, she will be themselves out and some producing on fox nation's show. she will be with us but not on a day-to-day show. democrats compared ice agents who were responsible for evicting illegal aliens out of the country to thugs. >> we is replace it. o continue to do fabulous things for all the loyal fox nation viewers was a big week of shows coming up. we can replace it with a humane. check my new podcast, >> i don't think ice today is working is intended.
11:03 pm >> ladies and gentlemen, we are shannon bream and the fox news raised to say never again. at 19, take it from here. it's happening. >> laura: on top of all of that they want more prisoners freleased. cory booker is considering releases any inmates over the age of 50. shannon: we begin with a fox news alert. does president trump have democrats so boxed in that the donald trump said wrapper rocky left's only answer is to promote is on his way home freed from a lawlessness to try to one up swedish jail so why did the him. president make this case such a priority? we will discuss 2020 implications. here is mark fuhrman and john yoo. cory booker clashing with the washington post after the fact checker boasted one of his boldest statements on the debate stage. mark this has always been a trouble spot for the democrats as a party. why are they increasingly turning their frustration and
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upset to all law enforcement not just a few bad apples but to all of law enforcement? >> well, laura, when you look at it, they are trying tola attract that base, thaty 18 to 25-year-old base that is involved in all of these movements. these anti-government anti-republican and anti-trump. they are trying to attract that group of people and the police. it's very easy to attack them becausett they don't respond toa call or any crime of violence and wonder if somebody is a liberal or a conservative, a democrat or a republican. they respond and do what is appropriate at that time for whoever. they can do anything they want and i know the police will still do theirt jobs. when you pick out cases they know that the police did nothing wrong and that the person that died or was injured contributeed to his own situation, they never
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call that person on his responsibility to conduct himself a certain way. they win all the way around. >> laura: and john, it's fashionable to push for the releasefa of criminals. there is a mercyful aspect to this. when you are a party attacking pro-law enforcement experiences of some of your candidates that's the negative thing. if you were tough on crime, you can't be in this party almost. that's a wild place to be. so they went after booker and this was a bit on kamala harris's record. >> senator harris is proud of her record as a prosecutor. she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it if when asked
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if she smoked marijuana. >> i am proud of doing the work. >> the people who suffered under your rein as prosecutor you owe them an apology. >> laura: it's not the victims of crime suffering. it's the people put behind bars. >> i wish people like harris or booker would be to defend the police and the prosecutors and the record of success happening in this country for the last 25 years. the democratic party says they are the party of facts. yin the last 25 years violent crime dropped 50% and property crimes by 70%. they should be proud of that record of success.
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that's not just elected politicians, that's police and prosecutors and judges. instead you hear elizabeth warren saying the criminal justice system is racist from front to back and blaming the police. they should be proud they dropped crime rates at such enormous levels for 25 years. this is nothing like it in american history. >> laura: we have a big problem in certain american cities in surrounding areas of recruitment of police. we are having a difficult time getting people to take the civil service exam in some districts. is that what they want? to make it such an unpopular career choice that young men and women decide it's not worthy? then where will we be? >> they want a police forcee tht is made up of people that really don't have the pride for what they are actually chosen as a profession. they go along to get along. the problem is we are talking
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about listening to politicians that are trying to be elected. you can't trust a thing they tosay. you can barely trust any politician any time to believe what they say. here we are trying to form our whole law enforcement attitude across the nation because of 22l people that are running for the democratic nomination. that's absurd. when you look at this, they had ample opportunities many times under barack obama and holder to hold off officers responsible criminally where there was racial overtones. ferguson and a few other places and the justice department found no violation. we had grand juries that found no violation. that's not the platform that carries these people.
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>> laura: the people were still thrown around in the debate. officer wilson can never work again as a police officer.>>tiw. i think he had to change his name. he won't give an interview. he was accused of murdering someone in cold blood. that's not what the findings were. that was irresponsible. john, i want to ask you about what harris said about -- actually castro said at the debate about a national use of force stanford. federalizing the police use of force. >> whether it's the case of someone like rice or michael brown or eric garner where the trump justice department decided not to pursue charges. we need to end immunity for police officers to hold them
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accountable. >> laura: john. federalizing use of force standards? >> i am glad you played that clip. that'st every level of jurisdiction, city, state anl local. it's not the job of the federal government. that's unconstitutional. it's a sound bite looking for a problem. the statistics show no racial difference in the use of force and police shootings in the country. >> laura: i know no one believes that. the left will keep u spreading mark, the decision tonight where nypd suspended the police officer involved in the choke hold death of eric garner in 2014.
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the video looked horrific. he said he couldhe not breathe. today a judge recommended that daniel pantaleo be fired and mayor bill de blasio supports it. >> until today the garner family has been failed by this entire process. as all of this stretched on, it reinforces the suspicion that justice doesn't exist for people who look like eric garner. >> laura: and pat lynch fired back. >> i stand here today to tell every new york city police officers and they are on patrol right now, when someone calls 9-11 and dispatchers call you and in the swhere you have to put your hands on someone, call your sergeant first and call
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emergency service second. because you will not have the backing of the city! >> laura: strong words. your thoughts? >> well, when you look at the eric garner case, it wasn't a horrific altercation. it was a slow kind of resistance. his size complicated everything. he didn't apply a choke hold. he had a take down hold and he immediately removed his arm. his physical condition and the situation might have caused his death. we don't know. i don't think it was conclusive. you have the department of justice under president trump and eric holder who has this case for 2 years and can't maket the movement on it. the grand jury cleared him. saying there was not enough evidence for a violation that takes intent.
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not just somebody that creates his own altercation and renders himself dead. this is not a situation where there should be an indictment. because of public opinion that the democrats want, they will probably fire this officer. >> laura: wow, i don't know what will do to the morale that is already throw in new york city. thank you very much. also tonight as president trump hammers the failed liberal policies. that wrecked baltimore some democrats are pushing policies that treat school kids like social justice lab rats. inside new york city officials
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approved a new culture's responsive education policy that requires schools to stop the practices that lead to outcomes for marginalized students. here to make sense of all of this is a conservative, author and film maker. when you dig down about what culture responsive education means it's been confusing students and keeping them stuck for decades out. >> it's not education at all. it's the politics of
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victimology. the idea is to reconcile minority students to their poor performance. instead of trying to improve the performance to locate a person to blame for it, namely the system or the white man. this is a recipe for -- it's not a recipe for creating educating students or preparing you to balance a checkbook or start a business. it might be a recipe if you want to work for antifa or black lives matter. it limits your occupational choices to those two categories. >> laura: he's the proficiency chart for new york city. check it out. math. 26% are at or above proficient. science? grade 4 only 18%. i want to go back to culturally responsive. this remind me of the '80s which the concept trickled back in there.mi it said students perspective should be seen as essential
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assets and requires schools to foster critical consciousness about forms of bias and suppression. that is the definition of culturally responsiblend. chinese students protested at a meeting. we don't get translators. why do spanish kids get them? everybody is at each other's throat now. schools are the most diverse in the world. you don't have to teach the kids d.about diversity. they are diverse. this is like teaching me about being indian. you don't need to did that. trump attacks the democratic party run cities as being crime and drug infested and rat invested. i think he under-stated the case.
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if i was a poor kid in the slume i would rather be in a slum in brazil than in baltimore or new york city. why is that? because even in mumbai, i get a good education. if you transplant me out of poverty and put me in a place i have opportunity i can thrive. the problem for the poor kids in baltimore and new york they are not prepared with the basic skills for life. even if opportunity comes their way, they don't know what to do with it. they don't have the ability to perform at jobs they are not educated for. this is a disaster in the making. >> laura: we are teaching them to agitators or protestors, but we are not giving them the skills in science, math or writing to make them more productive.
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the president got a lot of heat because there was a tweet he sent out about cummings and the robbery of his home. today he said that was not a wise crack. i reported what on the news. the media hopped on that and he said i was just repeating what everyone else said. they are not letting this cummings thing go. >> there is a broader point here. usually these politicians can pursue these policies that make uelife miserable for other peope and make these neighborhood extremely dangerous. they themselves live in gated communities where they are immune from the consequences of their own policy. nancy pelosi didn't have to live with homeless people at her door in san francisco and neither
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would cummings. this is an interesting case dwhere the crime in baltimore found its way to cummings' own door. >> laura: thanks. there was one topic at the debate that had the democrats scrambling. and raymond arroyo is back with friday's follies so stay right there. is back with
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>> you are looking at the only member of congress who not only voted against these disastrous trade agreements. >> for decades we had a trade policy written by giant multi-national corporations to help themselves. they have no loyalty to america. >> there is not a single example in history where a trade war had a winner. trade wars are for losers. >> we need to make sure the the workers.rotect they can't be the step-child. >> laura: the massive trade imbalance that plagued this nation only came up as a topic at the end of the democrat
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debate night. it wasn't until president trump made this a political issue in 2016 that folks started paying attention. that's why this is more surprising to see. the establishment elites mock the president's efforts to produce fair trade for all americans. here is steve moore to respond. what is the biggest misconception from the sound bites? you heard elizabeth warren with multi-national corporations. i agree they have outside influence but those trade dealse were written under obama and bush and clinton. trump came in and said these don't work for us and renegotiated nafta and the free-trade agreement with cora. korea and china. >> from the first time donaldhe
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trump announced he was running for president in 2015, he made trade and the situations with china a centerpiece of his campaign. this idea, which democrat said you can't win a trade war. i think trump is winning on china and winning with europe. i am more of a free-trader than young. are. but i love the fact that trump is fighting for american workers. we have been trading with china for 35 years. it's an unlevel playing field. they lie, cheat and steal. they are spying on us. where were the clintons and the busch and obamas to do anything about this? >> laura: they have to criticize obama otherwise it makes no sense.ti
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partnership and with trump and he said we are not doing that. >> i would not join it as it was initially put forward. renegotiate with the pacific nations in south america and north america to bring them together to hold china accountable.he >> laura: he will get crucified on that on a debate stage with trump. explain. >> well, the fact is this was obama's deal. a lot of liberals including people like joe biden, until idea or the day before were criticizing trump for pulling the united states out of the tpp.
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i think the fact is trump has taken a strategic position with china. he is fighting them toe to toe. i believe he will get major econcessions from china. it's tough no question about it. but you know this is true: what do you think the chinese would rather have be the next president biden or donald trump? >> laura: they say russia really wants trump to win. who is the big monster on the feel? it's china. russia's economy is puny.hi china wants biden in there and back to business as usual. >> this is a problem for trump. he wants to get this trade deal done. the democrats are undercutting getting it done because they say we will make a better deal. >> laura: if trump gets defeated they did disabuse our trade relationship. how is this playing out on the world stage?
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today it was announced that china dropped to number 3 among u.s. trading partners. president trump thinks he has xi where he wants them. >> if they don't want to trade with us that's fine with me. we will save a lot of money. >> laura: gordon joinsns us. where do you see this going? we talked about this idea it's crazy for us to trade with china at all? the president floated that concept today. the markets were jittery the last couple of days. where do things stand now? >> well, things stand at a point where the chinese are not talking to us. at the g-20, they negotiated an interim deal that was favorable
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for china. the chinese agreed to buy more ag-products. they could not even honor that. in beijing, there is political paralysis. something is really wrong. you can't negotiate with the chinese right now. trump is saying we will go on without them. that's where we need to be. disengage. >>re laura: and reporters came t that china said it looks likes it's moving towards an effort to de-couple from the united states. how realistic is that with germany's economy flat. france in turmoil. brexit still not determined.
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a lot of tumult in britain. no other economy is strong in the world other than the united states. how does chinaa decouple? >> they can't really decouple. last year's china's merchandised in the u.s. was 103%. we have an economy that is not dependent on china but china has an economy dependent on us. that gives us a lot of leverage. one thing we have seen this years that china is becoming less of a factor for us. >> laura: gordon, thank you very much. up next. film maker michael moore's trip to run against trump and burger kings customers could be asking where is the beef? that's in friday's follies next.
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>> i am lauren green. the republican, texas congressman withdrew from consideration amid growing worries by both democrats and republicans that about his
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qualifications. president trump who gave him th nod to 60s year ago so radcliffe decided not to face months of slander and libel as promised the governor of puerto rico quit friday night, but he ruffled a few more feathers before a former congressional to succeed him. that triggered more anger among puerto ricans. one who is considering the jumb governor promised order and morality would he had advisors insulted women and victims of hurricane maria. i am loring green, now back to "the ingraham angle." >> laura: it's friday night and time for friday's follies. michael moore believes only one person can bring trump and burger king with meatless patties and joining us with raymond arroyo.nd
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weou missed you last week. you had fun in france. liberal michael moore feels like he has the person who can beat trump. >> amazingly he floated this idea after one of the democratic debates this week. >> the only way to remove trump is to crush trump. there is one person that would crush trump. she hasn't announced yet. her last name rhymes with obama. in fact it is obama, michelle obama. >> this is desperation written large. rather than making a case for one of the democrats actually running for the office, moorey reaches into neverland for michelle obama.
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michelle obama is not participating in the race. she said that repeatedly. >> would you ever run for elected office. >> [cheers and applause]. >> i have never wanted to be a politician.of nothing has changed in me to make me want to run for elected office. i want to serve. i want to do work. i want to be out there. but there are so many ways to make an impact. politics is just not my thing. >> she again and again said she is not doing this. we covered the early days of the obama administration when rogers said we are not just a political movement. we are a brand. the obama brand. michelle obama more than anybody else has cultivated that brand. now selling more than 10 million books worldwide. she is not about to jeopardize that to run for political office where she would have to stand for policies and issues that would divide and dissipate her
11:36 pm >> laura: they tried this with pushing oprah after her award speech and george clooney. honestly they pushed every michelle obama is a global celebrity brand. >> from queen michelle to burger king. the fast foot giant has a meatless whopper. it's called the impossible whopper. the patties are made by impossible foods of soy protein. coconut oil and it allows it tos bleed. customers came they can't tell the difference. >> this is made of [bleep] beef.
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>> we swear it's not beef. >> that's impossible. it tastes just like a whopper should taste. >> if you want a whopper why would you get a soy one? >> laura: i got sick when you said to make it bleed. >> you squeeze it and red comes out. >> laura: i don't like genetically modified anything. >> it's a dollar more and it has more saturated fat and sodium than beef. 10 times more! there is a reason chick-fil-a is
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america's favorite fast food chain. i don't know if you saw this rescue of several beached whales in florida. the coastguard and locals pulled this off. it was a political rescue in the media that was even more daring this week. >> looking at biden tonight he had a strong performance tonight. he showed something he didn'ten show last time which is fight. >> he had a strong night last night.. joe biden came prepared to defend his record this time and go on offense. >> he got into the fight. his team will be happy he fired back.
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>> laura: this was the joe biden they were talking about. >> [stuttering]. we support obamacare. excuse me, the future president here that the senator is talking about it. help me in this fight. >> laura: make it stop! >> poor man. i felt bad for him. he was trying to get them to text 30. he sent them to a website that supports pete buttigieg. >> laura: i think he had a good night. >> he did? >> laura: look, they were all coming at him.
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he was the only one that didn't look bat blank crazy. >> i think when you look at this and stand back. the fact so many on the left are looking for other solutions and not spending any time of making the case of building up the men and women on the stage. that tells you something. if joe biden is the frontrunner this is a dangerous place. >> laura: i almost sneezed on national tv. >> god bless you and joe biden. >> laura: i am allergic to friday's follies. great to you have back. raymond was in paris last week. a new defamation case from the covington catholic kids. which media members were on the week. and the worst headline of the week. the "ingraham angle" has its eyes on you. that's next.
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>> laura: it's easy to become numbmb to bias in the media. the "ingraham angle" is keeping track of the worst offenders. joining me is a former cnn contributor along with scott bolden attorney and former chair of the national bar association pac. the democrat debates where cnn's lemon only seem concerned with one thing. >> president trump is being the candidate of the racial divide. why are you are the best candidate to heal the racist divide stoked by the president's racist rhetoric?
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what you say to trumpet voters that prioritize the economy ove the presidents bigotry. >> laura: what do you make of your former colleague colleague editorializing here? m>> [laughing]. >> laura, i knew before we were going into this debate he would do a version of this. he did it to me on air.a, when i made the pitch for a color-blind society in america and equal opportunity, he shut me down saying i was crazy not to be judging by race. when i suggested that he sounded like bull connor, he said we are done and shut me off. [laughing]. i am not surprised in the least he would do this. the question is:
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why put a left commentator there and not a hard news group? >> laura: they don't have many hard news people left at cnn. that's one problem. this was not surprising, but every question was the president is a racist. do you think he is a racist? that's where we were going. >> everybody on stage probably answered the same way. there is no real difference when you are a racist or traffic in it or you say racially offensive things. you don't have to use the "n" word to be called a racist. we need to get away from the racial division. the question is not a problem but i wish they this talked about economic racism or the economic divisions that come
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from the historical nature of racism. >> laura: peopleis said we needd more solution talkhi on lifting people out of poverty. maybe this worked in sacramento. why not doing this in baltimore? they didn't do much of that. it's easy to hit trump. the hard thing is to say what we have beenng doing hasn't worked. >> what we have been doing with the federal government and federal agencies -- >> laura: in mourning joe scarborough. touting his nickname for mitch m cconnell being put to music watch. >> ben folds, moscow mitch. full was impressed by the term and said it inspired a new song which he debuted last night. ♪
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>> laura: i love it actually. >> we need to get a full recording of moscow mitch. it's going global. >> laura: oh, my gosh. no one in america knows what they are talking about it. it reminded me of a songngth modifyed to praise a certain former president. obama is on fire \m >> the trump economy is on fire. she has pipes. how many more songs do we need to ruin on cable television? >> oh, laura, i have a list of 4 beatles remakes in order after the last democratic debate when they took shots at president obama. obama's lonely hearts club band.
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i don't want to hold obama's hand. obama gets a ticket to ride and you have to hide obama away. those would be great. >> laura: [laughing]. last night cnn jim acosta seemed disappointed about the trump rally he recovered. >> there was some ugliness that broke out in the crowd earlier this evening. you asked whether or not the crowd was chanting send her back. they didn't do that but the hot button issue of immigration was there. trump supporters tried to rip a sign out of a protestor's hands and a brief h scuffle developed. >> laura: and the banner they had up during the whole thing. theyp were wishing for something to be outraged with that banner.
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>> i think donald trump was smart not to identify the squad or name any of them. he did a broader attack on the cities themselves. the scuffle. that's just the carry over. we will have scuffles. that's still not good. >> laura: we have a lot of scuffles with antifa we could talk about too. panel, thank you very much. breaking news in the covington catholic scandal?? who is are the politicians and journalists on the wrong side of that lawsuit? we will name names when we come back. and moving is hard.
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now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. >> ♪ >> laura: it turns out the >> it turns out the experts we're wrong again. this time about the trump economy. again varied anchors, reporters and economists have spent the last few months swearing, almos wishing we were headed toward a recession. >> isru trumpet leading the country into a recession with his economic policies. >> now to 2020 and the recession . many economist. >> june will hit ten years sinc the end of the great recession.e of course what goes up must com down. >> you could easily find the american economy in a resurrection certainly before
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the election. a >> now a reality check where th economy continues to outperform expectations as evidenced in th july jobs report out today. 164,000 jobs added in the month of july. wages continue to increase with the 3.2 percent year over year gain. beating expectations and this might be the most important whopping 370,000 workers entere the workforce meaning more people who've been out of the labor market are now confident enough to jump back in. while others might hype the demise of the american economy and hope for it, we will continue to bring you the facts about what's really happening. rttter luck next time experts. now to a fox news alert, the eight covington catholic high school students who were smeare by the media back in january an filed a defamation suit against
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high-profile politicians in media personalities for the ful story we go to chief correspondent jonathan hunt. jonathan? >> the eight covington students filing this libel lawsuit are not named simply referred to as the covington boys are the action comes one week after a federal judge dismissed a similarer defamation lawsuit against the washington post. that was filed by one of the students involved in the well-known encounter with natha phillips, a native american on the mall in washington, dc in january. phillips played a drum and saying as sanborn and his classmates gathered around for the students were criticized by some as being aggressive and described as among those named in the new lawsuit as having libeled the boys, the comedian and actress kathy griffin, a republican strategist and frequent cnn contributor.
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a, new york times and senator elizabeth warren. it says in part several of our senators most widely read journalists collectively used their large social media platforms to get credibility an public followings to lie, and libel minors they never met based on an event they denver witnessed. and life altering public attacks . this suit seeks up to $4.8 million in total damages against the 12 people named. >> jonathan, thank you so much.r we will be right back.
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