tv Hannity FOX News August 3, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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like this where they need a hand and you can't do it. i like the message. >> jason: it is the right message. some people apologize. to recover from difficult circumstances. in the meantime most-watched, some people said they jump to most trusted, most grateful you conclusions but these people, spent your friday evening with us. good night from washington. i am shannon bream. pomposity, d they never did apologize and set the record straight. >> that was a point i was groupthink. it has a great weekend. underlined in this particular ♪ suit that they filed who they said look, every single one of these refuse to retract and they included examples in contrast by those high-profile figures who >> welcome to this special did in fact retract and apologize for the initial edition of "hannity" beard i'm statements. jason chaffetz into night for sean. >> was senator warren, you know, breaking this week, we learned she hasn't issued any sort of that fired fbi director retraction. do you know think a judge is james comey is in some serious going to look differently on a hot water. member of congress than they according to a report from the were, say, celebrity or a newspaper question what >> not hills john solomon, inspector really but i do think that a general michael horowitz found member of congress is going to that comey lacked candor and use this lawsuit to better her n leaked confidential government documents. james comey was even recommended the democratic party appeared we will see. although, that's what really got for prosecution but solomon and her in trouble to begin with it so if she's smart, everybody fox news are reporting he won't be charged, for now. will retracted everybody will we saw a similar result a few apologize and less these went live a life. months ago when a still unnamed fbi deputy assistant director >> jason: a jump to conclusions where they went after teens without knowing thes was referred for criminal
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prosecution for purposely leaking sealed court documents. tonight. i really do appreciate it. yet, the department of justice refused to prosecute. stay with us as this special edition of "hannity" continues, but while the disgraced former fbi director has escaped right after the break and we've got good stuff for you. thank you. criminal charges for now, the ♪ department of justice's investigations into fisa abuse and the origins of the russia witch hunt are still underway. yesterday on twitter, freedom caucus chairman mark meadows of north carolina court pointed out comical, as the ig reported on comey, we are getting the sound of silence. no coming tweets, no softball interviews be less be tougher when you get questions by a department of justice inspector department general gave the truth is coming. his actions will come to light in the verdict won't be pretty. unsurprisingly, the always indignant james comey responded writing, quote, "i love trance fancy. i just wait for the facts before i talk about them." i'm confident the results of all ig reports will show honest, public servants work hard to protect this country from a
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threat this president and his enablers won't acknowledge. and, at me next time, bro. james comey may want to get off of his high horse on this one because as the ranking member of the house intel committee pointed out, comey could be in serious trouble. watch this. >> look, i haven't disclosed who he referred criminally but i think one could guess that it's highly likely that we would name people who leaked classified information. they are not going to act on any of our referrals. those have all been given to the u.s. attorney in connecticut. my guess is the same holds true for the ig. everything is going to be given to the attorney in connecticut. so if i was james comey, i wouldn't be walking on the cornfields of iowa yet running for president. >> jason: according to reports, one crucial piece of evidence surrounding the doj's investigation into fisa abuse will soon be available. that would be bruce ohr's three oh two's. joining us now to explain is fox news contributor's sara carter and the author of the upcoming book, this is going to be a good one, witch hunts,
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the story of the greatest max solution in political history. fox news political analyst, greg jerry. thank you both for joining us tonight. greg, i want to start with you. you are in the studio with us and york. what troubles with me as this is now two people in a row where the inspector general is recommended criminal prosecution and the department of justice is not prosecuting. >> it's got to be frustrating for horwitz and his team of lawyers. because they presented two cases now. the first one, against an deputy assistant director to the fbi's total slam-dunk case. and yet, the oda doesn't want to prosecute. now he's got comey who stole government documents, leak them to the media, and to friends, he admitted that he elites them. and apparently some of these are classified. that's a violation of the espionage act whether it's intentional or grossly negligent is what hillary clinton did and i name in my book 600
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individuals who did this and got prosecuted for it yet james comey does not? i think it's a mistake. however, i do sort of understand that if the prosecution is going to be made over all of this, you want to go with your best case and may be william barr and the these folks, doj is waiting for the ig's they have businesses to grow customers to care for criminal referral on fisa abuse lives to get home to which would include that and then we just saw on your screen, com print discounted postage for any letter james comey. >> sarah, james comey is an out any package any time of the woods yet. right from your computer there still is this ig report that more and probably, you have all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper durham who is pursuing things get our special tv offer and couldn't bring up a number of charges along the way, a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale >> absolutely. it's not just frustrating to go to and never go to the post office again! horwitz. if we want to go back to this decision, not to prosecute comey for leaking his classified memos. it's frustrating to the american people and i see that on twitter. i see people responding like, is there a chewed here just a system? what's going on here? i think we'll just need to take a deep breath. i'm being very vigilant and
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cautious. i think attorney general william barr is going to do the right thing. but i'm being mindful and i think it's very important for the american people to do the same because john durham is the man in charge here and he is putting together his case and he is working diligently, according >> ♪ to sources. but it's a very tight ship. nothing is leaking. >> jason: welcome back to this we know that he's looking at all special edition of "hannity" aspects of how comey was involved in the beginning of the investigation into president trump and russia. justice in america. he's looking at all of those if you like tonight's show you imaginations. will like my new book. everything that happened out over the very beginning of the investigation here that's what's it's available for pre-ord now. important here. and now that we know judicial watch is getting those democrats have been trying to documents, those three oh two's, from bruce ohr and his invalidate the last election and interviews with the fbi agent, i will do everything to win the think the american public will have a little more light on what next election and won't play by was going on there and then the rules. that's i report that's coming that's what the book is about. out from horwitz, that is going , the congressman john delaney on to be a big one. what he wants to do to save the >> jason: let's talk about the world. three oh two is because the three oh two's are the summaries ♪
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of the fbi's interviews along the way. what do we expect or what we >> dana: hello everyone, i'm think that these 302's could dana perino, this is "the five." potentially tell us as they have interviews and discuss these things with words or? ♪ >> likely it's gonna show that the fbi and the doj was warned that this guy, after a week highlighted by christopher steele, headphone eat up a document called a democratic debates, president trump finally getting dossier. it was a fabrication. his chance to respond, the he was not credible. president not holding back at a he was not reliable. rally in ohio by unleashing on and yet, comey and mckay, then others stated to the fisa court his 2020 rivals, singling out that he was. elizabeth warren and joe biden will also going after their they knew he was in. in fact, they had fired him for party's progressive policies. >> while republicans are working leaking and lying so they used every day to build up our bruce ohr in an information country, the rage filled the laundering scheme. democratic party he was the conduit. they knew and that they couldn't go back to christopher steele that they had fired. i would break rules and regulations. so it was a sleazy, slimy operation they used or as a conduit. he would get information from steel, feed it to his handler, his handler will give it to peter strzok, who would give it to mccabe, who would give it
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to comey, and they were cleansing their fingerprints. they are dirty fingerprints off of the steele dossier by using that guy, bruce ohr, as the conduit. >> jason: sarah, bruce ohr happens to be married to a person named nellie ohr and fusion gps, which i think i'd less than 20 something employees, employed this guys wife and so, how do you see this playing out and what are the 302's from your reporting and your research going to show us about why bruce ohr was doing? >> well, remember. nellie ohr was hired specifically for this. she was hired specifically because she's a russia experts. apparently she is fluent in russian. she was focused on the trump campaign and any kinds of russia contact so that's what makes this so terrible and also the fact that bruce ohr really never reported that to the doj. it even more importantly about bruce ohr. and i think a lot of people have
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them forgot about this, under pressure from trey gowdy, when he was questioning him the nine book closed, bruce ohr admitted that he had told people within the department of justice, particularly the criminal fraud division, which was then handed by andrew weissmann, which then became a part of the special counsel, the right-hand man, the second in charge next to robert mueller, all about this. so there were three people at senior-level doj officials that actually knew about bruce ohr and his contact with christopher steele, two of which would were working for the special counsel. so all of this is going to come out and greg is right on the money. the most important thing that those 302's, i believe, are going to reveal, is that he warned people that christopher steele would be anti-trump and that there was information that was not verifiable and that this would look really bad and if that's the case, this is a potentially big criminal liability and
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problem for people in the fbi. particularly for comey who signed off on the first fisa warrant. >> jason: remember, there were multiple fisa warrants going into the court and part of what i am really curious to see when they go through these through two's, first of all, hats off to judicial watch for having the legal capability and financial where with all of the filing suits and prying open documents and making them available. they make congress just to look tactless. i think i'm i'm not even the former chairman of the committee issuing subpoenas and they wouldn't respond to me but judicial watch can go out and get this because they have the support of the court. congress can't ever go to the court to actually get these things loosened up. so, and it underscores how christopher wray of the fbi is sort of his twin brother of james coming up yet he obstructed lawful subpoenas from people like you in congress in order to cover up and hide incriminating information. this took so much time because
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there was, i mean, i'm sorry, but under attorney general jeff sessions, we got nothing ever. there was no responses to this. it was only since attorney general barr came and the president said we had to release these documents and declassify them. >> that's right. what was so difficult was this constant battle. this judicial watch was so great at that. fighting them in the court. because no matter which way they turned, the doj, and the fbi, were more concerned about times about protecting themselves and their reputation and not doing what was right for the american people and this is something that we have to come to terms with as a country. the most important thing that we can do now, regardless of what is discovered, is to discover the truth. that's it. that's what the american people want, that's what the american people need. because we should not be a two-tiered system of justice. where people like hurley clinton and others get a break and the
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rest of the american public have to pay a heavy price and a burden like christians dossier who took pictures on board a nuclear sub and then was put and printed. it's just not right. so i think right now we are seeing something different. >> jason: greg and sarah, thank you so much for the first glimpse by the way that we are going to get to get to see when durham is also looking at should happen as soon as monday when we expect the throat he was from bruce ohr to be released. don't you want to watch the show on monday night when sean will be back in the chair. i think we will have some interesting news. but tonight, the spygate controversy continues. iowa's senator chuck grassley, one of my favorites in the united states senate, he says the pentagon failed to meet his release for documents on contracts with the fbi informant stefon helper. he is the shady cambridge professor who is suspected of spying on members of the trump campaign. joining us now for a reaction on this and of the news that james comey won't be prosecuted, at least for now, a republican
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congressman, andy biggs, a congressman from arizona. i served with both of you gentlemen in congress while i was there and i think you both for joining us tonight. when you got word of john solomon's reporting and what will fox news has been able to report that james comey would ask you not be prosecuted, or help be held accountable for releasing and having clipped classified information in a nonclassified setting, what was your reaction? >> my first reaction is, this is the same thing we've seen prosecuted over and over again. he lied and he leaked classified information. he not only lied and leaked classified information, he has admitted it so he did it for political purpose. so the elements of the claim are all obvious so i'm thinking that they think that they need to hold off on indicting mr. comey until the horowitz report comes in and mr. durham's finishes in
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his investigation. i believe this is just a postponement of the inevitable for mr. comey. >> when he heard the news and saw this information, what was your reaction? >> it's one of two things. it's out of the same double standard that we see them play out in case after case, which are prior guests mention, or, as annie says, and i tend to agree with him, they have gotten much bigger fish to fry with james comey and they don't want to get sidetracked into charges like this when they are much bigger issue is still afloat. we will find out as all of this unfolds and unravels. >> i hope that's the case. i'm kind of stuck on the fact of the inspector general, michael horowitz, issued a statement read on the fact that the inspector general put out this document talking about the deputy assistant director that he there was a sealed court documents and that the deputy
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assistant director of the fbi, we don't know the person's actual name because there are multiple people with that title, but they gave this information to a reporter and the department of justice had decided not to prosecute. congressman diggs, how do we get to the point where there is an equal application of justice? because i got to tell you, your ranking file person in the military or some other place or contractor who has classified information, guess what, they are going to be prosecuted and going to jail and that's the way it probably should be. but here you have the deputy assistant director not prosecuted. i don't understand it and how is congress going to hold the doj accountable for that? >> we have to hold them accountable. but, you've seen what the people on judiciary concern. they wanted interview everybody tried to impeach president trump if they are not interested in this. but i am. i don't think it just ends at
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doj or with the fbi itself. i think this goes across dod, we are saying that, that they don't want to give information either viewed we are seeing a lot of agents choose to withhold information from congress and congress has got to hold people in contempt and, you know, but, right now, we are a fact was. i can't help but agree with you because you serve that, tom and i there, i get frustrated at the stonewalling we get from the administration's that are of the same party and they reject documents and they will say it's for national security and then you've seen what i have. it becomes unredacted. it was only because they were embarrassed at the corruption and the level of corruption and bureaucracy. it has nothing to to do with national security. so we have to push forward on this. >> yet, but andy biggs is talking about was exactly right. i saw time after time almost on a daily basis things that were redacted because they were politically embarrassing.
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not because they were actually true classifications. but how do we get past this? how do we hold these people accountable? because then when you do have somebody who is admitted in interviews on television saying i've leaked these documents on purpose because i wanted them to be out there in the media, where do we go from there? >> as you know, the most closely guarded secrets in the u.s. government are unclassified but embarrassing. i think this whole thing is now unraveled to the point where it's taking on a life of its own. the facts are coming out. i mean, the reason why chuck grassley is so insistent on getting the facts from the pentagon is at the same time it was giving a massive $400,000 contract to stefan helper, to write a report that investor reporters are now calling eight of his dubious value. the attainment same time he was getting at payoff, he was spying on the trump campaign. so, things started to unravel. they take on a life of their own. the facts, they are true.
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and it will set our nation free from this whole russian collusion nonsense and at the same time, those same facts may start putting behind bars and very high officials and our intelligence and justice agencies from the obama administration. the truth will out. i'm convinced of that. and as those facts come to light, they will down those responsible and hopefully, we will never see this kind of threat to our democracy again. a threat from within. the use of the most terrifying powers that we give to our government, powers to destroy people's lives, turn for political purposes to intervene in election and to undermine the constitution and elected president. >> i'm glad these two are on top of it. the best serving in our at united states cons congress. thank you. as you talk about that helper contract, let's remember, our government come out of your wallet, took more than $1 million and put it in his wallet. congressman grassley, i mean, senator grassley, he wants to see those contracts.
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senator grassley better get those contracts because we coughed up a million dollars and he needs to see what was going on there and i think he and his staff will do a great job once he gets those documents. thank you again gentlemen for being mpa coming out, wyatt aldrich chinese 20 20 democrats suddenly attacking obama? spoiler alert, they think he's too conservative. too conservative. we will explain, after the when we started our business
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>> jason: will conducted this handy special. wednesday night's democratic debate showed just how radically liberal the democratic party has become. even former president barack obama was not liberal enough for some of the candidates. watch this. >> vice president biden, i didn't hear your response when the issue came up of all those deportations. you are a vice president of the
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nine states. i didn't hear whether you try to stop them or not, using your power and your influence in the white house. >> your electing me to lead. >> mr. vice president, it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> you have invoked president, more than anybody in his campaign. you can do it when it's convenient and then dodge it when it's not hit >> last night president trump brought up the bizarre debate during his rally rally in cincinnati, ohio. take a look. >> i was watching the so-called debate last night. [boos] and i also watched the night before that was long, long television. and the democrats spent more time attacking barack obama then they did attacking me, practically. [cheers and applause] it's true. and this morning, that's all the
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fake news was talking about. >> jason: is only the president can say. it and joe biden who seems to be running on obama's legacy says he was surprised by the left turning on one of their idols. >> i must tell you, i was a little surprised at how much hate was coming about the president. i mean, i am proud to have served him and i'm out of out of the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for and i think that, you know, it kind of surprised me. the degree of criticism. >> jason: joining us now is american conservatives chairman matt schlapp and former economic advisor to president obama, austin jewel's men. also, is the road to the right house for the democrats paved by who can be the hardest, toughest, and most liberal against barack obama? is that where we are going? >> i mean, i don't know what it
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says that i hundred% agree with president trump. we are attacking barack obama more than they were attacking president trump eat i don't know what they were thinking and all i can think is they were trying out different jobs. you know, it's an early debate. they're going to trial various things but the popularity of president obama among democratic voters, they should have checked their poles. i mean, that it's pretty high and they are going to get the vice president made the domine if they continue that. i think if the next debate or the next public saying, these people are going to be backing up just because they hear that truck. this was really down. they should not have done that. i agree with you. i agree with you and you agree with donald trump. i hope we caught all of this on tape. like this down. >> jason: matt, what was your read on the democratic debate because they spent an awful lot
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of time beating up on barack obama? >> let's get specific here for a minute. i was shocked and tweeted out after the debate that obama has become a bit of an albatross just like the clintons. it's like going to unite the clintons and the obama's together, the fact that both of them aren't heralded as heroes anymore by the democratic party but specifically, calling obama's policies and deporting illegals here who commit additional crimes, calling that racist, asking joe biden if he called out president obama at the time for deporting illegals, president obama deported more illegals than president trump has and they are calling that racist. he said obamacare was immoral. didn't cover enough people. it was kind of like a poultry first step to get health care to the american people he had obamacare is outrageously expensive and it has left millions of americans with worst health insurance but it's
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usually republicans were making the argument on health care and obamacare, not democrats. so, when you look at the actual policies, criminal justice reform basically, they are saying he was immorally tough on inner-city black kids. it's amazing that this is coming from democrats. i think they have lost their heroes. there is not any previous president they can point to you and say this is our hero and their hero today come on fortune, are a socialism and the leaders of socialism. i think it's a very sad thing for the country. >> jason: bernie sanders, right here come on top of the ticket, he's not even registered democrat. he calls himself a democratic socialist by definition. but i got to tell you, i voted again against the affordable care act and so did every other republican. democrats all in that stage and, i'm telling you, if you watch
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the first, you had to get back past 25 minutes just to get through the introduction but the next 25 and it's was all the all about how bad the affordable care act is and how expensive it is. >> yeah, well, not exactly how expensive it is but they want to do more then what's in the affordable care act. to disagree a bit with matt and your vote, jason, if you look t the affordable care act, and the polls now, it's got about 70% support among the american people and when president trump attempted to repeal it and restore the stuff about pre-existing conditions, et cetera, that was massively unpopular and he couldn't even get his own -- >> jason: the original mandate was absolutely a necessity. he was unable to get his own party to back him to vote to repeal it and if the democrats, now, to some minds, in this
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debate, it was in all of the candidates. there were deftly some prominent ones who were criticizing the affordable care act. >> this is important here let me jump in here. joe biden who was the vice president, as you know, the menu served, he didn't at one point on this conversation about obamacare, this huge argument, he never invoked the name barack obama. and he said he also agreed that it wasn't enough and they had to do much more. now, we were promised under obamacare that if we spend these trillions of dollars that the american people would be covered and even though trump was able to repeal the individual mandate, even up to that point, we all know that millions of americans were left unprotected by the bill and it actually got worse and they couldn't keep their doctor or their plan and so for joe biden to say that obamacare didn't get it done is a major feat.
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>> well, no. that's not right. be specific. be specific because you are not right. >> are you going to let me tell you what the department of health and human services david data show? it shows that millions more people got coverage then had before. millions of people. >> listen. the reality is, during the democratic debate, they all beat the living tar out of the affordable care act and when you talk about giving illegal immigrants, every single one of them, they want to give illegal immigrants a health care. free health care. that is so fundamentally wrong. to support that. last question. last question. joe biden, he is part of the past. he's been in the system for 40
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years. i have never walked met anybody who walked around and said we need more washington, we need more bureaucracy. how does joe biden make his case at the same time they are all trying to distance themselves from barack obama? it's got to be embarrassing that the president did not endorse joe biden. >> i would agree with you. i agree with you that joe biden is challenged. he's got to get more disciplines. nb, he's god, the election going to be about the future so he can just be about the past. that said, if you look at the democratic voters who are going to decide who's going to be the nominee, they massively supported barack obama. so my prediction, a commitment estimation is that's why joe biden is leading by huge amount and be, if other candidates continue to push the line that barack obama is not enough, they are flying in the face of -- you saw pure research interviewed all of america.
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who was the best president of their lifetime? barack obama was number one. >> jason: last word from matt. >> the reason why joe biden, and i found myself rooting for him, i think i agree. he could be better than this i think. but the reason why he has done so well in these polls is really an astounding support from african-american voters. these are voters that cory booker, kamala harris, and others have not been able to grab what the question is, will he continue to get the support from african-american voters if he jumps on board like all of these candidates have come of the idea that we should decriminalize crossings of the border, that we should give free health care to those who come to this country illegally, and if he keeps this policy that he's had on criminal justice reform, but has been punitive in these inner cities with these young kids, that's a real question, if you can hold onto that, i agree, he can so you have that nomination. but i think he's on a perilous course with these radical policies. >> jason: gentlemen, thank you
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>> for decades these communities have been run exclusively by democrats. it's been total one party control of the inner cities. the democrat record is one of neglect and corruption is decayed. the democrats have taxed and regulated jobs and opportunities out of these cities and out of existence. they have squeezed the blood out of them. >> that was president trump last
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night highlighting the failures of democratic leadership in places like baltimore. aunt it's not just baltimore. liberal cities across america are grappling with rising homelessness, violent crime, and a full-blown public health crisis. listen to rush limbaugh talking about the destructive democratic agenda to sean, last night. >> they look out over this landscape, they see nothing but suffering. they don't see anybody other than in pain. victims of this, victims of that. there isn't anything they talk about that involves improving life. they talk about jobs, not careers. they do not offer anybody anything uplifting. and they haven't created a group of voters that even things uplifting. their voter group is mired in all kinds of misery, injustice, to the point that they are covering up george washington and murals in san francisco rather than cleaning the human off the streets out there.
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>> jason: that's right. joining me now for reaction, baltimore reaction as an geo political activist kimberly along with the author of stealing, charlie hurt. kimberly, i want to go to you first. your heart is dear and near to baltimore. since the president has drawn attention, particularly to baltimore, what's been happening there in maryland? >> well, it looks to me that everyone has started to go to work. first time in a long time congressman elijah cummings tweeted out a picture of him and his senior home in his district. he's actually getting out there and talking to constituents. councilman president brandon scott propose to do more town hall meetings and get out there and talk to constituents and go door-to-door. i saw today, i was there today, and i saw city dump trucks, i saw the city had their landscapers out there looking at the place and assessing it and trying to figure out how to start cleaning it up.
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so a lot of people were upset but guess what, he tweeted and now they're getting to work so he should probably tweet more often. >> jason: as you see this situation unfolding, what's your reaction to it? >> well, the first thing of courses, you know, just the sadness. how tragic it is for literally for five decades now, democrat politicians have been in charge of places like baltimore and detroit where i lived and worked for a number of years. it's their policies that are on display and in live action every single day and of course, they are paneling all kinds of false promises about trying to fix things, about lifting people up and of course, none of it amounts to anything on that result is this in human squalor, this poverty, this violent crime that nobody in america should have to endure it. yet, it rains in places like detroit and baltimore and democrats just sit back and they
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think well, we don't need to worry about these voters, they are never going to go to anybody else and of course, republicans stupidly have ignored the problem as well, largely because there are afraid of getting involved in nasty arguments about this stuff, but donald trump doesn't care. and if people are going to call him racist for calling out the squalor that elijah cummings has left in his district, he doesn't care. he cares more about those people and the fact that it is absolutely inhumane that people live in these kind of conditions in a country of as great as america. >> jason: not something that bernie sanders even called out when he was there. kimberly, when you have people highlight the plight of these major inner cities, often times what you hear is racism, racism, racism. somebody who's, i'm not african-american, and if i were to talk about it, i mean, you can't claim racism with every single time we point out a problem in one of these cities. how do we deal with that? >> you can pay but unfortunate,
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i got the same thing and i am african-american. i felt like they had nothing else to say pure they have nothing else to .2. because as far as racism goes, you can't prove it or disprove it. they always claim love. but it's not racism at all. i think it's racism when you do nothing about it. i mean, face it, these constituents live in impoverished areas so they can't donate to campaigns. they don't have an area where there is a tourist attraction sprayed so none of these areas make money for the cities and that's what democrats are about. making money for themselves. it's a fact. >> no, and if the only solution is more government handouts, and charlie, one of the things thats have to do our offer real solutions. i applaud donald trump for pointing it out, okay? by now, how do we pave it and actually offer solutions in contrast to democrats question mike i hope the president and the rest of us take the fight to these big cities and compare and contrast democratic solutions, which hasn't worked over the last several decades, versus republican solutions.
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>> well, obviously, it's smart smart free-market ideas. talking about freedom and things like that but i think republicans do have to oft or to people who live in places like baltimore. and nothing of course is more important than talking about education. but the first step, i think, that republicans have the stick their chest out and say to heck with it. you can use these against us and calls racist but actually, we care and we are going to try to offer our solutions and just sort of go right on through and, you know, do their best. but i do think of you know, it's not about racism for democrats. it's about power. and they need these constituents, these voters, in order for these democrats to stay in power. and if they lose those people, then the democrats lose power. and i think that's the most important part.
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if they concentrated on this and decided to do something and punish democrats, they could actually take power away from democrats. and i will probably be a very smart thing and it might kind of wise democrats up a little bit about this and stop taking people for granted. >> jason: kimberly and charlie, we appreciate it. i really do believe you have to talk about policing coming up to talk about schools, you have to talk about the breakdown of the family because if you don't talk about those three things, you will never, ever solve this problem and i hope that discussion continues on america. thank you both for joining us tonight. major breaking news on multiple fronts, straight ahead on this justice in america special, eight more coming kids are filing law suits for defamation. an trump victory for wrapper asap rocky. you are going to want to hear that story good i know you follow asap rocky. you won't admit it in pub
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>> jason: will come back to the special edition of hannity, justice in america. you remember the covington catholic students slammed by the left in mainstream media for wearing mega hats? well, they at. jonathan hunt is live from our west coast newsroom with the latest in that case plus, more details surrounding american rapper asap rocky who has been released with sweetest jail with the help of president trump. jonathan? >> tonight with the covington students, eight of them filing this lawsuit. they are not names, simply referred to as the covington boys who were involved in the cancer with nathan phillips, a native american on washington, d.c., in january.
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phillips played a drama and saying and covington students nicholas sandmann and his classmate gathered around. the students were criticized by some as being aggressive and described as quote, mega hat wearing teens. among those names in the new lawsuit, having libeled the boys, the comedian actress, therine good friends, anna navarro, a republican set of strings frequency and in contributor, and senator elizabeth warren. last weekend, similar lawsuit brought by nicholas sandmann against "the washington post" for defamation was dismissed as you mention, asap rocky has been released from a sweetest jail. there was an assault case against the wrapper and members of his entourage were who were accused of beating 19-year-old mustapha jabari on the class in
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central stockholm sr. in video obtained by tmz. asap rocky, real name, working my, thanked his supporters via instagram saying it has been a very difficult and humbling experience. among them, supporters, president trump who tweeted, get home, asap. asap, very clever. i'm sure the fans of asap forever are booming around the walls of the oval office tonight, jason. >> jason: jonathan, thank you. and it's a sad, it's not asap, and learned. joining us for more reaction to tonight's top legal story, emily compagno and criminal defense attorney, jonathan billboard who are both joining us here in studio. thanks again. i want to talk first about asap because i got to tell you, president trump put the full weight of the white house behind us. you have robert o'brien who is a special adversary there who actually went to sweden and help
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secure his release but for the president to put all the waiting there, and make this happen, it really actually works. >> right. i think it's an indication that he is the leader of all of us. it doesn't matter who everyone's voting for. he still everyone's president. i want to point of her viewers to small things. number one, the response by the prosecutor general sweden was less than negotiating style when he responded and essentially said look, what no one has the power to influence or even try, not even me. so thanks but no legs. nothing's eye, the fact that asap rocky has been released prior to his august 14 decision date means that he will likely not serve any jail time, even the six months that the prosecutor requested. >> they do things different sweden. >> yes, they do things much differently. here, this type of case, low-level ball in the street, people would get slapped on the street and have a drink. here, asap rocky was locked up for a month and then all of a sudden the judges like oh, you can go home now. you can stick a fork in his case
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because it is done. >> jason: let's go to the covington case because these kids are not stopping their fight. they are going to take the fight on. how is this different than the other lawsuit that they put in place that was tossed out? >> four main differences of the attorney stated. number one, they are suing individuals, not the institution. at the end under kentucky state law, this is an easier for them to bake. number two, the individuals they are pursuing are high-profile. they really had argued a significant impact on that social media frenzy and the third thing, today i had the group, not individuals on the plaintiff end. that was something that the judge mentioned in the original case. fourth and final thing, unlike the 250 million that the original suit was, these kids here are only suing for the cost of the university of kentucky tuition, no more than $50,000 each. >> jason: do you think they have a better case now than then they did in the first lawsuit? >> i think sometimes you just have to punch back. this is probably going to be an uphill battle based on, look, it's the same essential fact as
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