tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News August 4, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> we didn't realize what was happening. it was the most of horrific thing i have ever seen. reporter: this is a fox news alert. we are learning the sobering toll of a bloody attack at a walmart in texas. a young gunman behind bars. question at this hour is why. i'm anita vogel. reporter: i'm leland vittert in washington. on what is a sad night in el
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paso and a sad night in tech as. "justice with judge jeanine" will not air tonight so we can bring you coverage of the horror that took place in texas. we used people use the carts for groceries to bring out the wound. this morning in the 10:00 hour el paso time, mountain time miss say a gunman opened fire in the parking lot of a walmart. it happened when at least 3,000 shoppers and workers on-site. witnesses describing him as confident and a man with a mission. they watched him corner his victims. when they had no chance of escape he killed them one by one. you see men in their tactical
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gear comforting survivors. it was aemotional day. >> from the shooter we have 20 confirmed fatalities. and 2 -- and 26 wounded. the ages and genders are numerous in the age group. the situation is a horrific one. reporter: the chief went on to say he believes this has a nexus to hate crimes. according to police he left a manifesto before going on the shooting. but the chief declined to comment on the specifics inside. they are treating this as a murder case, but will be
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investigating with the possibility of a hate crime, anita. anita: in the meantime we are learning more about the suspected gunman. fox news-not show his picture or give him any attention by repeating his name. miss describe him as a 21-year-old white male from allen, texas. quite a distance from el paso. the last known address is 600 miles from the scene of the shooting. one witness says the shooter was dressed in cargo pants and was wearing ear protectors. he looked like he was dancing when he fired off round after round. >> my husband questioned me asking if they were shots. i looked over and saw people trying to run iing there was a
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shoot -- say -- trying to run, saying there was a shooter. anita: we'll bring you any live news conferences from police. but let's get to gir -- let's go garrett tenney. reporter: police are trying to sort through how this shooting played out. what we know is the shooting started in the parking lot of this walmart. police say the first call came in around 10:36 a.m. local time. within six minutes the first officer was on the scene. but by that point the gunman had worked his way inside the walmart. as he went inside the walmart we are told by witnesses he shot multiple people there. one witness who walked shortly
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after the shooting began described a dozen bodies laying on the floor with blood spilled everywhere. saying it's the most of horrific, sicken is thing i have ever seen. we are told that more than 100 people were rushed to the back of the store, back in the storage area. back there they hid in shipping containers that they believed would be the safest place for them if the shooter did make his way into the back area. they stayed there for 20 minutes. after 20 minutes they thought it was safe to come out. but they heard another round of gunshots. 10 minutes later they were told it's safe to come out. but we learned at some point after the last round of gunshots were heard. 20 minutes after it started, the gunman left the walmart. got into his vehicle and made it
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a block away before he was blocked in by two police vehicles and he gave up without any fight. they say not a single police officer fired a shot throughout this entire incident. he was taken into custody and he is being questioned. they are trying to determine if there was anyone else he worked with or if it was a lone gunman situation. they say that's what they believe the case is. leland: is started about 10:30 or 10:40. you were down there on another story. i'm interested in your emotions, what you observed of the emotions of the police officers and those involved. we have been to so many of these types of scenes and covered so many horrific events. but it seems like the horror of this and the sheer magnitude of the killing has broken through
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that steel of emotion that so many police officers and firefighters and first responders have to have to do their jobs. >> i saw there were -- i couldn't think how many law enforcement agents were here at the scene when i first arrived here. this was an hour after the shooting occurred. the idea that i was able to get up to the walmart parking lot. knock was blocked off at that point. the law enforcement officials, the officers going in and out of walmart. they had their game face on. when they were talking to the witnesses. people who lost their family members. you could see the shell starting to crack. talking with those witnesses, it hit me. the one man i first spoke to, i saw him leaning on the shoulder of an older man. i went up to ask him, are you okay. did you know someone who is
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still inside. he looked up at me with tears coming down his cheeks, and he said my mom, my mom is dead. in that moment i couldn't help but think about my own mother. he was probably about my same age. he was there with who may have been his dad. what they were going through speaks to what the entire el paso area was going through. thousands of people had those exact same feeling, fears, concerns, that one of their loved ones was one of those inside when the shooting happened. leland: so many people separated. the horror of it is amazing, what you and your crew have seen and been through today. the police chief said every man with a badge in el paso, texas was there at that walmart in el paso, texas.
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anita: we want to bring in the mayor of el paso, texas. thank you for joining us. i want to ask you about the takedown of the suspect. by all accounts, the police force did such a premarkable job without a single shot being fired. can you speak to that and tell us what you know about how that happened? >> the report -- the 9/11 report went in at 10:45 the police were there and at 1:06 they -- at 11:06 they apprehended the suspect. it's remarkable police work. it's one of the reasons we are considered one of the safest cities in the nation. but this tragedy is affecting all of us. anita: you have your job cut out for you as mayor, calming the
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community. how do you do that in terms of this horrific event? >> i don't know. i'm on a learning curve. i never had to experience this. the governor and i did our press conference and left the families at the middle school where they are waiting. we are now at the scene. to look around. i am gearing up for 20 funerals. making sure we can bring our city together. anita: what do you say, mayor margo, to the families you have met with and the dozens more you will be meeting with? what will wow word be to them? >> what i did say to them. my heart is breaking. usual in our prayers. we'll do anything we can to support you, and we are all in this together.
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anita: it's remarkable the way we have seen the community come together. we have been watching video throughout the day of so many people standing out in the triple digit heat to donate blood. that says a lot about your community and how they are coming to those in need. your thoughts on that? said at the pressal community. conference. the perpetrator is not from el paso, and i don't believe anybody from el paso would have done anything like this. this is not our community and it's not what we are about. we have been one region, one community for 350 years. anita: are you learning anything more about the suspect or motive you could share with our audience? >> no, they are still in the investigation. what was said at the precious conference is the exact amount i
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know. anita: going back to the police department here. i heard the police chief talk throughout the day about how they train over and over again for this. but you never think this could happen in your community. is there anything in your time as mayor that could prepare you for anything like this? >> no. not at all. i would hope there would not be like this with any mayor. but we are dealing with it. since the end of last year has bent migrant issues and the releases. but we are not prepared for this. and i'm not sure anybody should be prepared for something like this. but police, our first responders. our emergency management system through our fire department. they were all prepared. they had done routine drills. and that's the reason we are
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where we are. no shots were fired except by the perpetrator. anita: we know they were on the scene within minutes heading into that building where they knew shots were flying, going in there to protect people's lives. so, again, just really a stellar performance by the police department there. how does the community move forward? what are your steps as mayor to help people feel a sense of calm again? >> we'll come together on this. this is not el paso. we are one of the safest cities and will remain in the future as that. we just have a reaable culture and remarkable population. great people, and this is not what we are about. we have tremendous generosity, and we are very family oriented. and i think that will bring us
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together. we'll focus on coming together, as i say, the services will be different, then we'll have to deal with this, with the funerals. anita: mayor dee margo. you are in our shots and prayers. thank you for joining us this evening. leland? leland: can you imagine what that mayor is going through and has no idea the emotion that will come for him and for his city in the months and weeks to come. i talked a little bit there about the worst of humanity, this shooter, but also the best of humanity. the first responders who went into the scene and ran toward the gunfire. they are lining up quite literally around the block to donate blood to save those 24 plus who were shot and wounded by this suspect.
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lawmakers, those in washington and congress are out on summer recess. we are getting a lot of reaction from them as they learn about this mass shooting that took place specifically from the texas delegation. hi, david. >> a lot of emotional politicians who call el paso a texas home. take a quick listen. >> this is someone who came from outside of our community to do is harm. a community that has shown nothing but generosity and kindness to the least among us. those people arriving at america's front door. reporter: beto o'rourke the 2020 contender for the presidency announced he's canceling'
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campaigns out west because of today's tragedy. >> there is a lot of suffering in el paso. i'm incredibly saddened and it's very hard to think about this. but i will tell you el paso is the strongest place in the world its community will come together. reporter: senator ted cruz in a statement said my heart is with everyone in el paso struck by this unspeakable evil. heidi ander praying for the victims and mayor families and grateful for the first responders, local authorities and law enforcement officers. another presidential candidate, julian castro lives in texas,
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san antonio. quote this attack is a tragic reminder of our government's failure to do its basic duty to protect lives. we need gun reform now. for those living in texas, especially escobar and beto o'rourke who actually live in el paso, this is hitting them incredibly hard. they want to be in their district with their friend and family members. leland: understandable for those who have lived there and have been to that mall. david spun thdade advice spunt o practice. thank you so much. the white house is responding to this crime with a statement
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that was issued by the white house. the president is in bedminster, new jersey. we heard from the fbi agent in charge there down in el paso during this past news conference. he, too, was visibly shaken even as a hardened fbi agent who has seen so much. right now 9:18 on the east coast. that makes it 7:18 in el paso, texas where the sun has not set on a day they will never forget there. when we come back. what witnesses saw and what they did to stay safe.
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in allen, texas. this is where we believe the suspect lived. no doubt investigators will be scouring that scene in that house for quite some time looking for any clues to find out what could possibly have motivated this lone gunman. joining us is a witness at the mall at the time of the shooting and heard the gunshots. stephanie rivera was just going shopping like so many other people today. what can you tell us about what you saw this afternoon at the walmart? >> i woke up and i went to the mall around 9:30 with mire best friend. my son and her son. we got to the mall around 10:30. we started hearing the gunshots. we thought it was music. we walked in and everybody was
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running. everybody go to the back, everybody run to the back. my best friend's olderston, he started crying. and everybody was just going crazy. we kept hearing the gunshots. we started to see the s.w.a.t. team. after that we scene [inaudible] from there a police officer two police officers. we had to put or hand up in the air. the kid were still crying. they were so traumatized. i'm so shocked about it. then after that [inaudible] we went outside and there were like trying to figure how the where he was at.
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anita: we are look at video of people inside the mall being escorted out, trying to -- it looks like a pretty calm scene that police were leading people out. but i can imagine it wasn't calm inside. you were inside the mall with your friend when security came by and told you to get out. you were a distance away from that walmart but you didn't know where that shooter was, right? >> we didn't. we just heard that he came in through dylans. they were donating blood at the mall. and going down the stairs, and eras a lot of blood on there. they said gunshots, we are were
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just running. anita: i can't imagine the panic and chaos inside. when you realized there was a shooter. what went through your mind? you said you had friends with children with them. what did you do? >> my own was a 1-year-old. and we had a 5-year-old. he had autism and he was going crazy. i was shaking really bad. i'm still traumatized by it. it was horrible. i can't go through that again. anita: you never think this could happen in your community. el paso is always known as such a safe community. i am sure you couldn't believe
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that was happening around you. >> i was raised out here since i was 10. and nothing crazy like this has ever happened. ever. so everybody was so hurt. ism still like, you know -- i am just praying for everybody and their families that they can get through this. whoever lost anybody, i am praying for everybody. anita: stephanie rivera, thank you for your time. we know what an emotional and scary day this has been. thank you for telling us what you saw and what you heard, and we'll pray for your community as well. >> thank you so much.
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leland: live pictures speaking of prayers, in el paso, we are getting word of a vigil underway in one church in el paso that is beginning to hold a prayer service. we lost the signal from it. but as the mayor noted, the prayer service and the vigils will begin, then we transition into what will be 20 funerals in the town of el paso. here is pictures from the village i will. do we have a mic there. let's see if we can open up and listen to the man at the pulpit. >> [inaudible]
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leland: we are having an issue with the audio inside that church. we'll work on it and come back. one of the many prayer services going on. we'll bring in steve rogers. a former member of the fbi joint terrorism task force. you have 20 victims, most of of them would stay in a badge in el paso had shown up at that scene. this will take days for them to piece agent what has happened. it's not just what happened, but preserving it for a trial that will be upcoming. >> you are absolutely right. the police who responded also had to preserve the crime scene evidence which is very important at this hour. there are forensic analysis
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taking place. not only at the crime scene, but at the suspect's house. there will be an analysis of the suspect's social media networking. cell phones, computers. all this is taking place right now. i have got to tell you, the first responders at that scene. the police did an outstanding job in apprehending his individual alive. that was critically important. now that that person is alive. on that person's mind is a treasure customers of information they need. >> there is a couple things the chief of police said at this press conference. he said there was a nexus to a hate crime and a manifesto. it is noteworthy as you pointed out, that the police took this suspect alive. we believe outside of the walmart. connect those dots for us, what does it say? >> it tells us that this
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individual who committed this horrendous act planned this. is is not just an individual getting out of the car or waking you have and deciding to do what was done. it looks like it was well planned. they obviously in my view knew an entrance that would jam people up, tram people and more importantly that individual knew how to get out there without being detected. well planned by this individual. getting back to the manifest. we dent know what the motive is. but the manifest will give police an indication as to what the motive was. and that's critically important as they piece all this together. leland: fox news alert, the governor much texas. >> we are staying united in our efforts to make sure texas and the local communities, that we do everything we can to help these victims respond to this challenge. we want to thank the first responders for the way they
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dealt with this. they made sure the shooter did not harmony more people. as large as the tragedy was. 0 precious lives lost. 26 more injured. -- 20 precious lives lost, 26 more injured. this is not going to be forgotten. we'll work with the city of el paso and these victims and their families to repair their lives and put their lives back on a path of hope. then we'll be working with the legislature going forward like we have in the past to make sure we address these problems with our collective resolve being this. we want to make sure texas is as safe as possible for everybody in the state. it means we'll have to do more so everyone knows that goes shopping, that they can go anywhere. they and their families will be
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safe. i'm proud to have with us tonight the mayor of this great city, dee marc margo. >> no one is prepared for something like this. how do you prepare for this? you don't. our hearts are going out to those victimized by a murderer. this is not about el paso. this individual is from outside of el paso which is -- someone -- no one in el paso would have ever done something like this. our community is going to be close and drawing closer together. and we are going to have to get ready mentally for 20 funerals. and the city will do whatever they can. i can -- think about it, the call went out at 10:39. the police were there at 10:45.
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six minutes. at 11:06 he was apprehended. you can't do that without a properly trained professional police force. that's why we are one of the safest cities in the nation for so many years. we'll do the best we can to come together. our hearts are torn. we'll pray and work together for this -- for this community. >> i'm a state representative for district 76 where this tragedy occurred. we just got back from visiting some of the families at macarthur elementary school who are waiting to hear news. the governor and the mayor gave them word of encouragement. let me be clear that we stand united as a community. we are going to do everything we can to make sure that things like this don't happen again. we are going to make sure that
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the families have the support they need. this will only bind us to be stronger and unified. and this will not get our city down. we'll rise from this at some point. [speaking spanish] leland: the governor of texas, the mayor at the crime scene, also one of the state representatives. 7:34 in el paso. we are just about 9 hours after the first shot rang out. we bring back the fbi joint terror task force, steve rogers. as we zero in on some of these details. and they are precious few we know about this situation. we'll keep man coring the press con frebs. frebs.
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-- press conference. >> i understand through your reports that school is going to be opening in a week or so, and this individual planned -- looked like planned this attack. there were families, thousands of people in that area. so once again the manifesto is very, very important. it will show motive and probably more things. leland: we are going back into this news could be forensic and see who is talking. >> they will go to bed without them. the families are broken. but it is with our strength and resolve that we can help piece them back together. and that's what we have to commit ourselves to doing. and so i know the eyes of not just the community and the state, this nation are fixed on el paso. and i want people to know that this horrific act does not
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define our community. what is the lines around the blood bank, people ready to donate. people wanting to offer counseling services to families. volunteering left and right. that's who el paso is. that's what will define us tonight and going forward. i ask those folks watching from around. wherever they are watching from, say a prayer for those family that are broken. pray for them to have peace and help rebuild their lives going forward. thank you. >> the toughest conversation anybody can imagine having, visiting with family members who are clutched with uncertainty about whether they lost a loved one. all we could do was try to
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instill hope, comfort and support and also as quick information as possible for those who have not been informed of the status of their family members. >> is there anything that can be -- in the political life of our country at this moment that contributes to that type of hatred? >> this is disgusting, intolerable. it's not texan. and we are going to aggressively prosecute it both as capital murder, but also as a hate crime which is wait appears to be without having seen all the evidence yet. i don't want to get ahead of the evidence. but we have to be very, very clear that conduct like this, actions like this, crimes like
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this are not who or what texas is, and will not be accepted here. >> the second suspect. we have seen reports suggesting there was a second gunman inside the walmart. what can you tell us about that? >> that was dispelled. they were uncertain. that was the initial preliminary information that was dispelled with further investigation. we believe it was at this point in time a lone single shooter. >> how do you get our city ready? >> i don't know. we have never done this before. and i hope we'll never have to do it again. but we'll do it and we'll survive. because that's what we are all about. i will say this. i haven't been able to track my phone.
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but i have not been able to talk to them yet. question [inaudible] >> there are bodies that have not yet been recovered. i think we need to focus more open memorials before we start the politics. one more question. >> to the representatives, [inaudible] >> we had conversations about what we can do next. we have moved the ball forward in our state regarding mental health and how we secure our schools. this did not happen in a school today, but we are going to work closely with the governor, we are democrats, he's a republican, but we stand together in this tragedy. we'll work together to make sure texas families are safe, and
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work on a positive way forward to make sure these types of tragedy don't happen again. >> as these scenes unfold, now here in el paso and kk the country. we are not going to ignore things like this. i know we haven't. we'll continue to look for ways to make sure weapons don't get in the hand of the wrong folks. whether it's a public school or the neighborhood walmart, you are safe and secure with your family. that should be at the core of what we do. i know i can speak for our el paso legislators.
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we'll not be going there. we'll be going there to get something. >> thank you very much. anita: we have been lispenning to a press could be forensic from el paso, texas. where we heard the governor greg abbottdisgusting and intolerabl. he said they will prosecute this as a capital murder and also as a hate crime. reaction has brand-new coming in from lawmakers around the country including the white house. we have this tweet from president trump. he says today's shooting in el paso, texas was not only tragic. it was an act of cowardice. i know i stand with everyone in our country to condemn today's hateful acts. there are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people. melania and i send our thoughts
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and prayers to the great people of el paso, texas. texas. leland: you have the president talking about how horrific this crime is. you have the worst of humanity that the president just tommed about. at the same time we have seen the best of humanity. the lines around the blood banks. the officers who ran toward the sound of gunfire coming in from their day off. steve rogers, we appreciate you staying with us through all of this. the fbi in el paso, they were described as supporting agencies. i don't know whether the bureau picked over a crime scene or
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not. governor abbott continued to think the 8 was taking the lead on this. the state and el paso are asking anyone who took video or pictures to submit their digital media. you have got surveillance video, you have got forensic, and now in the past couple years we have so often when people hear gunfire they pull out their phones and start recording rather than call 11. >> i would hike to address something about the press conference. people need to hear from their leaders word of reashiewshes. president trump -- words of reassurance. president trump provided that in his statement. that they would do everything they could to help the people of el paso. so did the government and other political leaders. people are watching your broadcast and it's important
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that they know that there are leaders out there, and i thank god is rolling these statement from the people, the political people who care. getting to your question. the video footage, the cell phones, anything people have, they need to bring to the law enforcement authorities. it may not just be today that someone has a video. maybe last week, a month ago, that this particular individual who has been charged with this horrendous crime could have been on social media saying things, maybe posting videos. it's very important, we hear the cliche', say something, say something. if anyone saw anything leading up to what need to turn that over to the authorities. leland: so often we hear in cases like this as we learn more about the shooter, we learn more about the motive and how he
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prepared for as you pointed out, planned it so well. so many people go, you know, there was something that seemed off about him. or he was training too hard with his weapons and it didn't make sense when or why he was doing it. but i never said anything. then after the fact we hear things like this. it brought up an important point greg abbott talked about in terms of memorial eyeing before politics. it brings up an important point of allowing the law enforcement officials who ran into the scene of carnage. there are til family members looking for their loved ones. there are men who wear the uniform and carry the badge who have seen the most of horrific and awful parts of life today. they are going to need some time to process this and go through this after they have left
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tonight. >> the governor is right. the last thing anyone wants to hear is political talking points from people running for office. there was even a democrat on scene there who said we must come together. these are the healing word, the word of reassurance that our law enforcement officers and first responders and the victims need to hear. leland: kevin corke oftentimes said the president is the commander-in-chief and in times like today he' the consoler-in-chief. we learned more detail from the mayor. 10:45 was the first police officer on scene. six minutes after first shots
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fired. 11:06 the suspect was apprehended. that tells you in less than 30 minutes he killed 20 people and injured more than 20 in this walmart. that is something we haven't seen almost in america. >> true. but also it's what we did see. we saw a well-trained police department prevent perhaps a lot more people from being killed. this police department did an extraordinary job getting to the scene an and and behinding this- and apprehending this individual alive. i'm confident they will get to the bottom of this soon. leland: we'll show live pictures of the suspect's house 600 miles away in allen, texas, near the town of dallas. steve, we'll have you back.
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uncan only imagine, anita, the amount of investigative work that will go into tracing the suspect's steps from what happened in that house over the past few weeks that steve pointed out he was planning this attack. his trip to el paso, and the culmination of the first shots being fired at 10:39 a.m. >> no question, they will be at that scene for days to come. coverage continues now on the mass shooting in texas. that straight ahead. first let's take a check on other news headlines. jacky heinrich is live in our new york newsroom with more. reporter: two united airlines pilots busted before a flight for being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. the flight was canceled after the arrest. we are learning the three people
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killed when a cliff collapse' crushed them. officials are warning the site is untable. police in moscow rounded up 600 protesters today. it's the latest escalation of a government crackdown on dissent in russia. report essay they witnessed dozen of arrests and a monitoring site reports that police beat multiple demonstrators with clubs. >> jackie, thank you so much. we'll continue our coverage now of the mass shooting in el paso, texas where 20 people have died and 26 others have injured.
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it will take that long for the police and crime scene investigators to go through the evidence. anita: a community of broken hearts tonight. there are more than 25 people still injured in local hospitals. let's go to kfox reporter gloria deleon. she joins us with an update from outside university medical center where many of those victims were taken. reporter: we are here outside of the university medical center where 13 of the 26 people yard were brought here. once they were brought here, one person died, one person was discharged. but the remaining are all in critical condition. of the 1 brought here, two were children.
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2 and 9. they were transported to the children's hospital. they are? stable condition with non-life-threatening injuries. former el paso congressman and democratic presidential candidate peto o'rourke is visiting families. anita: thank you for that update. we are praying for all those victims in that hospital tonight. leland? >> so many that are in the hospital still have family members wondering tonight where their loved ones are. we heard from the governor and the mayor that there has been a middle school that is inundated with family members coming to wonder to worry and check and wait and pray. this video from outside the walmart where the shots rang out. the s.w.a.t. team beginning to put their gore away.
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what you don't see is the horror and panic that ensued inside that walmart. shoppers rescued other shoppers using shopping carts. that's how they got the injured out. but you can imagine in the chaos' up side that walmart. parent were separated from their children. wounded parents were separated from their children who were okay. the chaos, cell phones that were left. the purses that were left. the identification. now cops so many people trying to bring their families back together. a fox news alert. beto o'rourke formerly of el paso city councilmember speaking. >> [speaking spanish]
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leland: he's peaking in spanish now here in el paso, texas, we believe, talking about this community. we heard him earlier on the campaign stump. he was near tears talking about how it was hard to imagine what happened inside this shopping mall just a few hours ago. his community, the mar clearly broken hearted. now back to beto o'rourke. >> our sympathy go out to the victims. they don't know where their loved one is right now. many fearing and have received no news. we also met incredibly heroic el paso ones who have survived the devastating industries than i can imagine many of them shot many times over to our polling through right now.
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i got a chance to talk to university medical center president. the nurses and doctors who are in care of these patients absolute all-time heroes. the committee that is bringing more food then anybody can eat right now and donating more blood than we could have possibly expected. el paso is really showing up in standing up for our fellow citizens right now. lastly it does want to say i'm so grace -- grateful to the el paso police department of first responders and everyone on the scene including many of you would have to live with something we thought we would never ever see in el paso. with more murders today than we have in an average year in the city of el paso. we don't know all the details yet and we await the completion of this investigation but what i'm hearing from statements from
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the el paso police department preliminary indications it was motivated by hatred, by racism by intolerance that is foreign to el paso and if so i would just say in addition to everything we are doing for el paso and meeting them in a time of suffering and need and crisis in addition to making sure that we change our laws. i think we have to ask ourselves about the level of hatred and racism that we are seeing in this country right now that can lead to an event like the one we saw here today. it is up to all of us to call out and in our case in el paso to be the example of how we don't just respect one another we embrace our differences at the very source of our strength.
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i could not be more proud of el paso in the way they responded to this tragedy today. happy to take your questions. >> regarding the manifesto and everything i i i i i i i i in in in all of that does any of this fall and two -- leland: a "fox news" alert and leland vittert in washington d.c. joined in need of vocal in los angeles continuing "fox news" coverage of the mass killing at walmart in el paso texas. here's what we know. this morning at about 10:30 mountain time 12:30 eastern at a 21-year-old gunman identified by police as a white male from 600 miles away opened fire. he killed 20 people and wounded 262 please say they are investigating it as a hate crime and delayed shooter left behind the manifesto. within 30 minutes he had killed those 20 people wounded 26 and was apprehended by police
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