tv Outnumbered FOX News August 7, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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far as possibly working together to enact some sort of change of our gun laws per the president making that suggestion in his words just moments ago. thank you for joining us, everybody. we will be back tomorrow morning. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> melissa: fox news alert, president trump in dayton, ohio, right now. the president paying his respects to victims and visiting the survivors of the deadly mass shooting there. there are protests underway as some critics have told the president to stay away. this is "outnumbered" and i'm melissa francis. here today is host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy. fox news contributor, lisa boothe. fox news contributor, jessica tarlov. joining us on the couch, former utah republican congressman and fox news contributor, jason chaffetz. thanks for joining us. we will jump right in. president trump and dayton right now. later today he will go to el paso, texas. earlier, as the president left the white house, he responded to claims that his rhetoric fueled
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these tragedies. speak out the dayton situation, he was a fan of antifa. he was a fan of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. nothing to do with trump. i don't blame elizabeth warren and i don't blame bernie sanders, in the case of ohio. and i don't blame anybody. these are six sick people. whether it's white supremacy or any other kind of supremacy, whether it's antifa, whether it's any group of hate, i am very concerned about and they will do something about it. >> melissa: meantime, democratic ohio senator sherrod brown refusing to attend today's events with the president. >> i will not be there with him. i don't have any interest, because of what he's done -- his total unwillingness to address the issue of guns. his racist rhetoric. i welcome them to the state in some sense, but not about this.
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>> melissa: the president also going back and forth with beto o'rourke. overcoming the president he has no place in el paso. the president treating, "beto, for needing to indicate it has heritage, or work. he was embarrassed by my last visit where i trounced him, he's not even more embarrassed by my polling at 1% in the democratic primary. should respect the victims and law enforcement and be quiet." overworked responding today >> he's trying to intimidate this community. make us afraid of one another, our differences, the border, of immigrants. and we will not stand down. every single one of us is standing up to be counted at this defining moment of truth. so i stand with this community. >> melissa: and 2020 candidate joe biden planning to blast of president and i would stay. he is expecting to say, "in both
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clear language and in code, this president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation. despite all this, el paso's republican mayor says these political attacks are a distraction. >> i've been trying to avoid politicizing any part of this. i don't think it's proper for the families, and it is not reflective of our community. at our vigil sunday, the mantra was, "we will confront hate with love." i'm trying to carry that forwar forward. i understand people running for political office, but that's not we are about today. i am representing all of el paso as meet with the president. >> melissa: the mayor's right, it would be nice if people could stop running for president for one day. >> mr. chaffetz: let's try that and see how that goes. i thought the president this morning, before he boarded marine one, have the right tone. i think when he was directly asked about the idea of the white supremacy or hate groups
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he said everyone from white supremacy to antifa, there is no place for hate groups. the president, i think, said the right thing. and i think he meant the right thing. but some of these others won't let him out of that box. i don't think that's a good message and it certainly is bad timing. >> melissa: jessica? >> jessica: i think this is really difficult. the mayor of el paso and the mayor of dayton have incredibly tough jobs right now. they have a grieving community full of republicans and democrats that they need to deal with. we know that when people attack we all bleed the same. but at the same time, the rhetoric that did contribute, at least to the el paso attack, is very real. there are correlations not only in the manifesto but the postings on the 8chan discussion where the mere with the president said of his rallies. it's incredibly unfair when people say he was in in the elizabeth warren supported. elizabeth warren has never called anyone to be violent. she never said, "show up at your neighbor on goldman sachs and
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real the weapon and go after the bankers." her messages about income inequality. it's important for people -- >> mr. chaffetz: the president didn't do that. he didn't say to bring a gonna do something. >> kennedy: ilhan omar retreated tom arnold glorifying -- please stop acting like it's one-sided. please, please, please. please. >> jessica: no. the president has a rally where he said, "what are we going to do about this?" somebody yelled "shoot them" and he said "that only happens in the panhandle." he said he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protesters. >> kennedy: he said you can only get away with that in the panhandle. he was joking. it was a stupid joke. it was a bad response -- >> melissa: okay, let's take a breath for a second. we are also looking at people getting together here to respond to victims of a horrible tragedy. so maybe let's take it down a notch. >> lisa: i think the fact
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there is so much mudslinging on a day where we are supposed be honoring these victims, as well as visiting people struggling and fighting for their lives, in these two cities, shows the problem with politics today on the toxicity that exists. i want to honor some of these victims who died. you have david johnson, who was with his wife and granddaughter. in the el paso walmart. he died shielding them, trying to protect their lives. you have andre anchondo and jordan anchondo, who both died. the wife you live 2-month-old child who is now going to live without parents. either a father or a mother. you have lois oglesby and dayton, ohio, who leaves behind a daughter and a newborn baby. you look at the dates and victims alone, eight children. at least eight children they leave behind that are going to grow up without parents. i think today, at least, we should honor those people and talk about their lives and celebrate their lives and honor them today. >> melissa: before you respond, let me just say -- the point made on "the new york post" covered this week, this morning, "crazy has
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no party." is it appropriate at this point, kennedy, to try and figure out even what politics some crazy killer has? >> kennedy: no, people are hyper politicized and it doesn't mean because you are passionate about an issue or a candidate that you are going to act violently because of that. or because you go to the president's rally, that somehow you are propagandized and now one step closer to a murderous act. >> jessica: what about the pipe bomber, then can i can really curious. his lawyer in court said the defense was he became indoctrinated by what he saw on television. >> kennedy: if you're talking about -- well, there are mentally ill people who unfortunately engage in heinous acts like that. >> jessica: but it's a large percentage of mass shooters that have mental illness. that's doctors who say that, not
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me. >> kennedy: i will take a different turn here. i think lisa is right. if beto is worth his salt, he would do it lisa boothe just didn't talk about the lives cut short. keep alive some of those stories of these lives that have ended. i think that's a much more appropriate response. also, if one of these people wants to act like a grown-up and get together with some republicans who are offering their solutions on issues like red flag laws and gun control, which we will get into, but that out. if we put forward that, enumerating the president's past verbal sins as though his words are the same as bullets, i think that is cheap, it's immature, and dishonest. our political discourse is overheated right now, and it's overheated from both sides. >> melissa: hang on, i -- the brother of 2020 presidential
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candidate julian castro, texas, san joaquin castro, doubling down in the face of an uproar after he highlighted the names of businesses of past trunk toners in his district. he's tweeting out this graphic. we burned up the names. he writes, "the contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that label hispanic immigrants as invaders." congressman steve scalise tweeting, "people should not be to personally targeted for their political views, period. this isn't a game, it's dangerous, and lives are at stake. i know this firsthand." but congressman castro not backing down, saying this information is already public and these donors are fund-raising a dangerous campaign. >> that graphic lifts people's names. many of them are business owners, so that on those companies. these are prominent donors. many of them are public figures.
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their money is being taken and used and used to fuel these hateful ads. it has put millions of people in this country in fear. there are people right now who are living in fear, and i don't think the president understands that. i don't think those donors understand it. but they need to understand what their money is going to. >> melissa: white house counsel to the president, kellyanne conway, responded to that here. >> it doesn't matter that is public record. it matters that he put together some kind of target list, and he is trying to make life miserable or worse for law-abiding citizens who are expressing their first amendment rights to put their money where their politics are. >> melissa: jason, this is what i don't understand. if you're sitting there on the left and you feel like the president's rhetoric has people living in fear, and then you respond by lashing out to make sure other people are living in fear, how is that helpful to this situation? that's what i don't get about the response from those who are
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saying that this is the president's fault. and then they respond with something that, by their own definition, was also caused -- >> jason: it isn't consistent in its absolute wrong. what he was trying to do is shame them. kim strassel from "the wall street journal," one of the best journalists over there, wrote a whole book about that because "the intimidation game." that's precisely what they're trying to do, is intimidate people so they won't express and use their first amendment rights to donate to a political campaign. we should be encouraging more people to get involved on all sides. by the way, nobody has brought this up yet. i don't think what he did is actually legal. as a member of congress, if i wanted to go look at who don't need some deals come i can't take that list and say, "i bet if they do hundred to this campaign, they would donate to mine." that's against fcc laws. there will be interesting to see. on the moral side, this is not helpful. you even have ted cruz making a point, can't we just ratchet it down a little bit? to go spend money on the ad, the people in your own backyard, to
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shame them from your vantage point because they're participating in the public of processed? there's no room for that. it's wrong. >> melissa: is there any way to turn it out at this point? >> lisa: i don't know. it honestly has to be a collective front in doing so. if you go down the line, "you did this come he said this," no one has the moral high ground right now in politics today. i do think this is very dangerous, putting these people on the internet. look what happened to mitch mcconnell the of the day. you had protesters outside of his house talking about wanting someone to stab him in the heart. as steve scalise pointed out, he was part of the republicans -- >> kennedy: he almost died. >> lisa: he almost died. as jessica pointed out earlier, if someone is sentenced to 20 years in jail because they are sending bombs to democrats. we are at the point where everyone has lost their collective minds. putting alyssa people online is in fact endangering them. it's completely unstoppable.
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anyone trying to defend him, shame on you. that is absolutely despicable behavior. everyone should be collectively shutting this down and saying there's no place in politics for that kind of behavior. >> melissa: jessica, i understand the sentiment that it starts from the top. tone from the top. but now we're the point where it starts with each and every one of us. you can't control anyone else's behavior. maybe everybody individually can try and turn it down. >> jessica: absolutely, i'm not in support of this move by the castro campaign. obviously, his twin brother -- i think it's dangerous. i was looking through the list and i saw there's a retired woman on it. they didn't even have her employer. i could be a little old lady sitting in her house by herself that has this information put out there. if you want to be making the case -- which i feel is important -- about why this president's policies do not benefit the country and do not benefit the community of el pas el paso specifically, make that case. i understand that information is public but when it comes from someone in the position of
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power, like when trump targets people, it's dangerous and we don't need that right now. >> kennedy: can i just add very quickly? instead of putting those names out. only a few things will happen. you either intimidate people from donating in the future or insight people to do god knows what. even if you just verbally confronting them. sit down with these people, if you are joaquin castro, and ask why they support the president. maybe you don't know what it is about his policies or his personality that got them to donate in the first place. a little curiosity goes a long way. >> melissa: we will continue to follow the president and as things happen there we will certainly bring it to life. in the meantime, new in the fbi scandal over anti-trump texts, former fbi agent peter strzok now suing the very agency he once worked for. why some legal experts say this will go nowhere. plus, as the president speaks to unite a nation, the g.o.p. appears to be coming together on some kind of gun control. what the president is saying about these new efforts. ♪
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committee chairs look into this and other ideas. congress and mike turner saying he will support a ban on the sale of military-style weapons, and a limit on the ammunition purchases. he represents the district that includes dayton. his daughter was across the street from the shooting on sunday. right now the president says there is no political will for an assault weapons ban, but he does want to discuss it. watch. >> i can tell you that there is no political appetite for that at this moment, you can speak and do your own polling, and there is no political appetite for it from the standpoint of legislature. but i will certainly bring that up. i will bring it up as one of the points. >> kennedy: jason, it looks like there will will be some mt on background checks and red flag laws. will that make a difference here, or are we putting our energy in the wrong place? >> jason: no, i think there is a demand in the public to do
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something. to at least try to do something. let's not kid ourselves -- we are not one law away from solving all these mass killings. plenty of laws were broken when people started murdering other people. with that said, i put out an op-ed today. it's at and it basically says we should address the mental health issue and those that are getting crossed with law enforcement. serious infractions, not your typical little truancy-type things. when you become an adult, 18, i don't think you should just have your record expunged and we should forget what you did as a 17 and 18-year-old. if you're doing something of great violence that maybe would be a precursor to violence that might help identify that person, as they become 18, that's why they have the national criminal background check. that type of information should continue on. i think the public safety component far outweighs the need for privacy for juveniles really get sideways with the law or
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maybe have a medical professional thing this person is not fit to establish right from wrong. >> kennedy: you can read jason chaffetz's entire op-ed at it's up there right now if you want to peruse those ideas a little bit further. instead of calling the president a racist and saying he's the cause of these shootings, which is very -- >> jessica: die -- >> kennedy: i'm not done. why not talk to republicans like pat toomey or don't like you are more interested to finding solutions to what can be a bipartisan bill that has a better chance of passing now than after sandy hook. >> jessica: first of all come in response, i was not blooming the president -- >> kennedy: i'm talking about democrats in general who are going on twitter and running for president, reacting very basely instead of proposing legislation. but i'm responding to his congressman chaffetz, who said he risk dominic represented
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other republican views who have a visa shifted on this issue. why don't they -- >> jessica: i think they will. great. pat toomey was on, i believe, "america's newsroom" the other day talking about an assault weapons ban. which she wouldn't be in favor of because they are popular weapons. i think that kind of thinking needs to go by the wayside. the president is not right about the appetite for an assault weapons ban. i do think it is there and we saw the positive effects there for the ten years that it was, about 394 to 2004. universal background checks? wonderful to hear the conversation about red flag laws. so i've seen some pushback from gun owners think it's slippery slippery than we have the boyfriend loophole, the charleston loophole. there was a poll out last week that found that 20% of millennials are reporting they have no friends. zero friends. there is something really to be addressing there about the loneliness and the friends that people then make online in these dangerous communities. that certainly is the mental health aspect on most focused o
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on. >> kennedy: but that's a cultural issue and not necessarily a government issue. how do you legislate loneliness? >> melissa: this is one of those problems that obviously is going to take a lot of different things, and know one thing is going to get rid of it. i hate when we sit here and say, "this wouldn't solve that." whatever. it's like any complicated and huge problem where it takes a lot of different things, but we can do it. i like when states go after it on their own and i like the idea of the federal government getting together and encouraging a rewarding behavior. when a state looks at their own community, what are the norms there? what has helped? what are the problems? and you legislate locally. you look at things -- >> kennedy: and looting in florida. >> lisa: what i think melissa is correct in that assertion that that's the best thing that can happen, all you have to at is -- q has a great work done of gun ownership in the country. the challenge is everyone on this couch comes from different areas and has different
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viewpoints of gun ownership. rural, 46% are gun owners, versus urban, 19%. republicans twice as likely to own guns than democrats, and that's a challenge in trying to move forward on a lot of these issues, because there are so many different mentalities, depending on where you are from. >> kennedy: yes. under an assault weapons ban, any somatic weapon, including a 9-millimeter pistol, will be banned. president trump facing backlash on recent comments about gun violence. why chicago's mayor is calling out, and why the white house is different than her. where do the candidates stand now? and who can benefit most from this new phase of the primary campaign? that's coming up. ♪
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their focus to key battleground states. now a new quinnipiac poll is giving you insight on voter preferences. half of democrats and they want to candidate most likely to defeat trump, compared to 46% who say they prefer a candidate who must dominic will share their views and issues pay the poll also asking voters who would have the best chance to beat president trump. 49% of people since joe biden, while 17% say they don't know. the second most popular answer. there were a bunch of polls that came out. quinnipiac, the most prominent amongst them. the electability argument is really where democrats are, here. i think the most important stories how stable joe biden's frontrunner status has been. are you surprised by this? >> jason: have never heard the words "stable" and "joe biden posted in the same sentence. [laughter] as someone who never votes for democratic and would never vote for joe biden, i don't understand the appeal of looking to yesterday. i think it represents everything that is wrong. i just don't see the appeal. but i do understand, having
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looked at that poll, they just want somebody who can beat trump. but i think biden versus company debate, i relish that i don't think he would prevail but democrats sit to choose what they want to choose. i just don't see the appeal. and the vision, if you will come of joe biden. i don't get it. >> jessica: it's the obama-biden vision. that's what we are banking on. biden is over 90% popular amongst all democrats, 99% approval amongst african-american voters. his candidacy does make sense when you considered in that light. >> kennedy: has candidacy and his legacy does, and has passed. i understand the name recognition , but to his presence is what's so problematic. because he does make gaffes. he does have some issues with his long-term record. bob gates said, he's been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the last four decades. there are things like that. i don't think he's the ideal candidate, and i think the rest
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of this contest is going to be very tough on him. i think the next few years, if he's elected, are going to be very tough. therefore, whomever he chooses is the vp, i don't think there's been a more critical pick. maybe now he seems compared to the rest of the field -- kamala harris has dropped off five points. that is surprising, considering. >> melissa: unfortunately the words he strings together when he's at a debate do not make sense. this is one of those situations where i see these polls where conventional wisdom has nothing to do with reality. when people are just regurgitating, "everyone says he's the guy who is most likely to win." i don't think that's true. when you see mother -- >> jessica: who do you think is most likely to enact? >> melissa: who could beat trump? >> kennedy: pete buttigieg! >> melissa: asked me someone with a ton of passion by the paid like an elizabeth warren, or -- >> jessica: she's the only one on the ascendancy. >> lisa: just because your biden is the front runner now doesn't mean you will be the
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front runner after he gets to iowa, new hampshire, et cetera. you can look at the 2004 race. john kerry was in fourth place in january. he didn't emerge as the front runner until after the iowa caucus. you can look at 2008, obama did not become the front runner until february of 2008. so we have a long way to go. there are multiple debates. as you've seen, a candidate can have some really bad performances. that could potentially change the dynamic. it's just so early. >> kennedy: i can't wait for the iowa state fair. [laughter] all the corn. >> jessica: it's been very interesting for me as a democrat to see how much his voters are sticking with him, even with these blows. kamala harris landed the real one in this first debate. they flipped for a couple days, and back to where it was. we've got to move on. more democrat talk, though. we are not done going after supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. that's right. we are demanding now. well, the judiciary folks. as a topper republican is
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talk to your doctor about aimovig. >> melissa: house democrats are setting their sights on supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. the house judiciary committee chaired by jerry nadler, now asking the national archives to release documents from kavanaugh's time in the george w. bush white house. their letter reading in part, "now and i was always the public space and the integrity of the judiciary are foundational to maintaining the rule of law. the scope of the top republican on judiciary blasting the move. congressman doug collins saying, "chairman nadler's request is so far outside the scope of judicial ethics, its harassment." senate democrats spent months launching false accusations in an attempt to smear justice kavanaugh's rotation and block his confirmation as the u.s. supreme court, and our house democrats want to follow suit with yet another fishing expedition to tarnish his good
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name." jessica, i -- >> jessica: [whispering] do they know he was confirmed? i'm wildly aware. >> melissa: was upside to doing that? >> jessica: the argument chairman nadler has made is that they haven't given all the documents they asked for during the confirmation. i think they could impeach him, but i'm not sure that's what the game plan is. >> kennedy: what is the game plan? with the end game? >> jessica: even though i read that outtro like that, i'm not a member of the committee pre[laughter] i think they are performing their oversight function. brett kavanaugh a neil gorsuch to a lesser extent our lightning rod -- i'm fully aware, and we are talking on the break that rbg has got to hang on. >> kennedy: can have one more thing? i want to start with kavanaugh. i don't think we should end there, we should look at larry craig. i think there's unanswered questions into the former
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congressman. i don't buy his resignation. i think something else was going on there. in fact, i don't think we should stop there. we should look into some of the comments on strom thurmond. maybe finally get some answers -- this is completely necessary, because democrats don't need ideas. they don't need an agenda. they don't need anything on the docket. they just need stunts and they will take the house, the senate, and the presidency with that mentality. >> lisa: he went through six background checks, including a supplemental. they turned over more documents than the last five supreme court nominees combined. i think he has been litigated in the public eye as well as congress, probably more than any other nominee. so i think that's done. >> melissa: how does this politically benefit them? >> jason: there is a fundamental problem in the opportunity cost, this is where the house judiciary is spending their time. all the issues that face our nation, this is where they are spending their time?
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and there is no precursor to justify diving into records. it is truly, as doug collins, the congressman from georgia, said, "it's truly a fishing sedition." there might be something wrong, we don't know what it is. there's a pattern with democrats who run these fixing area traditions to propose something where they have areas of wrongdoing. >> kennedy: clarence thomas, what he really said about the coke can! >> melissa: former fbi official peter strzok now suing the justice department saying president trump should the agencies over firing over his anti-trump text messages during the russian investigation. does? we will debate it. >> i don't know but they are going to do with him, but he's unfit for law-enforcement. ♪ it's show time.
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[laughter] >> lisa: there's that, and there's also this. new reaction to former fbi agent peter strzok suing the fbi and the doj over firing. strzok became known for sending inflammatory text message about president trump during the russian investigation, which also eventually got him removed from robert mueller steam. strzok also played a key role in the eller clinton email probe. but now his lawyers are saying, "it's indisputable that his termination was the result of president trump's unrelenting retaliatory campaign of false information, attacks, and direct appeals to top officials." former chairman trey gowdy dismissing claims that president trump pressured the fbi to fire him. watch what had to say. >> peter strzok need blame no one other than himself for writing what he wrote. he was unfit to investigate either of the presidential candidates. how this is going to turn out? i don't know. it's a d.c., i don't know what a jury is going to do with him,
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but he's unfit for law enforcement. whoever fired him -- i guess it was christopher wray -- i'm sure he did not do it because of pressure from president trump. >> lisa: congressman, does peter strzok have any standing here? >> jason: no, he doesn't. first of all, if the president wanted to make a fire them unilaterally without any reason. but it was mueller that dismissed him. remember, it was the inspector general who highlighted this first. the inspector general couldn't get the text messages of which there were more than 10,000. i love my wife, we communicate regularly, but 10,000 text messages? to somebody he's having an affair with, within the department can back that alone -- this guy should never have had a security clearance, let alone have the seniormost position he had. >> lisa: to the congressman's point, why is he saving, then came asked me when i don't know. if i were him i would duck out of the limelight altogether. every time his name comes up, everybody brings up the affair and the texts and everything that went on. it wasn't just that.
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but it was also that the inspector general's report revealed that he repeatedly lied. lied to the department, lied while under oath. that's not what you want from a law enforcement official. beyond the fact that we saw about a new look it up, and he said it was totally inappropriate. he immediately fired him. i can't imagine what he's thinking. i would change my name and move the fire him. probably to another country. >> lisa: part of the reason why they became an issue, the text messages were on an fbi phone. >> jessica: i do not send text messages on my work from. i don't even have one. i would like one. [laughter] >> melissa: don't get when! [laughter] >> jessica: peter strzok has obviously done significant damage in his words and deeds to his reputation. from looking at what has lawyers have been saying he's a legend, these are real conversations we could have. he alleges his first and fifth amendment rights have been violated. we still don't know who authorized the release of his text messages. it did not come for michael horowitz, the ig. at one point he also brings up,
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which i think is important, the president tweeted about him directly over a dozen times. putting pressure on rod rosenstein and christopher wray. the president did want him out of office and he also raises issues that they were anti-clinton fbi agents in the new york office who fed information to rudy giuliani, who then went on tv and spewed out by accident. right before the launch the anthony weiner computer probe the end up, buy some analyses by nate silver, for instance, costing her the election. so i think he does have a real case for the stuff to be looked at. i don't know how it turns out, i'm not a lawyer. >> lisa: kennedy? >> kennedy: back to the information about hillary clinton's emails being on anthony weiner's laptop. they knew that in mid-september of 2016 and they didn't act on that information. that was made plain to fbi leadership. so as far as that, peter strzok had a number of choices that he was able to make. he's also the odd human bridge
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between the end of the hillary clinton email server investigation and the beginning of the trump investigation before the mueller probe. he did make some bad choices and i think on some level he has to take responsibility for that. also, in terms of optics, he didn't do himself any favors by how he came off in his comportment. that is aside from some of the private conversations he had on a government-issued phone. he should've known better. he did make some bad choices, and at some point you have to take ownership of that. >> melissa: or leave the country and change her name. [laughter] >> kennedy: i don't think there's any money for him to be made. if james comey can go out to get a $7 million book deal and make speeches, it's not the same for peter strzok. >> lisa: any parting words as a former oversight chairman? >> jason: he's barking up the wrong tree and drawing more attention to himself. it was strzok who said he didn't want to be part of the mueller team because it would lead to impeachment. again, a
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another devastation. he has no room being in law enforcement let alone being a seniormost person. >> lisa: move on. mayor of chicago criticizing ivanka trump for what the mayor called nonsense treats on gun violence. so, does mayor lightfoot have a point, or is an argument of semantics? we would debate it. stay with us. >> it's important when you're talking about people's lives to actually get the facts correct. which one could easily do if you actually cared about getting it right. ♪ , i want you to know something, your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. a va home loan is unique, it's different than other home loans, because it allows you to borrow up to 100 percent of your home's value. that extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down debt, lower your monthly payments, put cash in the bank, and give you the peace of mind that every veteran deserves.
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she got the location wrong. that's the danger of trying to govern via tweet. it's important when you're talking about people's lives to actually get the facts correct. i'm not going to be distracted by nonsense tweets from people who don't know what they are talking about. >> kennedy: that is chicago's mayor, lori lightfoot, ripping ivanka trump over her comments of the city's worst weekend of gun violence this year. if uncle trump tweeting yesterday, "with seven dead and 52 wounded, a playground in the windy city ended little national outrage or media coverage, we mustn't become numb to the violence in inner cities every day." the white house defending her tweets, releasing the statement. "he remains important to note that there were seven deaths and 52 wounded across the city, resulting in one of the deadliest weekends in the city this year. her point remains the same. we cannot ignore the gun violence that happens in cities across the country on a daily basis."
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any person who is lost to tragedy and violence, that rips the family apart. and it is just as painful to someone who loses a family member and a mass shooting. i think that's the point if uncle trump was trying to make that there are other places where there is suffering. just because you don't have this horrific number and a mass casualty event, it is still incredibly painful and we should still be empathetic to that. frankly, i think the mayor is a little embarrassed that there is still this kind of violence, and it is intercity. >> jason: i think the point is lost on the mayor, that so many people are affected, weak income and week out. in a place with some of the most stringent laws on the books regarding guns. i wish there was a 1-sighs, "let's pass this and we'll solve it." it's hard to have days like this. i'm tired of having days like this. but i think ivanka's heart was in the right place. she should get the numbers
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right, but they were ultimately right. the violence, the gun violence in chicago, so many of the major cities, it's off the charts. things you don't see in rural america. you don't see it in other -- let's figure out why that is. and then trying to help solve the problem. >> kennedy: you've already taken the focus can put the off baltimore. if you really going to focus on cities and come up with solutions that fix some of the systemic problems, i think having a little bit of empathy is a good place to start. >> jessica: absolutely. i've been spending a lot of time in chicago, it's a wonderful city. very segregated, totally split, whether you are in the north side of the south side of what's going on there, lori lightfoot's newly-elected. she has made the turn number one priority. we should be supportive of that, absolutely. i think what she's reacting to is a switch in conversation that happens all too often from either a mass shooting or in this case a white supremacist mass shooting to, "look at the
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black on black violence over there." if he was disingenuous coming from this administration where president trump goes after elijah cummings. suddenly it's all, "i really care about baltimore," when that's not consistent throughout the year. we need to see meaningful change but i think -- >> kennedy: but there is something to be said, that the tragedy is felt equally. >> jessica: 100%. a life is a life. >> lisa: i want to get in here. why not focus on it all? ask yourselves, where people focusing on one specific shooting using add is add is that the political narrative against the president cannot quietly focus on all of it? ivanka trump was largely right on the numbers. seven dead, 52 wounded. some were not all shot near playground. those were the facts. the mayor should be concerned about that, why it's happening in her neighborhood. >> jessica: i went back and reviewed reaction to president obama during these mass shootings, and a number of them he did talk about chicago, his hometown. >> kennedy: thanks to everyone
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and to jason chaffetz. we are back here on the couch tomorrow at noon eastern. right now, let's go to melissa francis. she is in for harris. melissa? >> melissa: fox news alert, president trump fitting survivors at a dayton hospital where he was met with protest. next he is set to make his way to el paso, texas, to comfort families of victims of the saturday shooting massacre. this is "outnumbered overtime" and i'm melissa francis in today for harris faulkner. president trump visiting ohio and texas today to console the families of victims, in two communities, after mass shootings over the beacon. prominent democrats skipping today's events. some planning to attend counter rallies. the president accusing his critics of trying to score political points. >> my critics are political people, they are trying to make points. in many cases they are running for president and they are very low in the polls. a couple of them in particular, very low in the
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