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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 20, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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e. prove. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months and free home delivery. ends saturday tucker carlson, coming up next. good night, ♪ >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it would be funny to do a poll sometime and ask people who live in washington, d.c., have you ever met joe biden personally? i bet a strikingly large percentage would say yes. he has been in washington forever. how long? here's some perspective. joe biden first ran for president more than 30 years ago. didn't go well, to put it mildly. at the time, biden was caught stealing details from another man's biography, neil kinnock. he dropped out in a humiliating scandal. people who knew him always thought he would try again for the presidency and of course, he is.le this year seems a pretty strange time to do it. it's hard to imagine a candidate more out of step with the moment he's running. biden is old and pale and his party worships youth and diversity.
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he has spent decades representing as a moderate at a time when is party is moving hard to the left. as of right now though, biden is still the front runner for the democratic nomination but is not a comfortable fit. so what exactly is joe biden running on? well you if guessed ideas, have another beer, you've already had a few already buried if you think that, no, biden is not running on ideas. instead, he is running on electability. the notion that only he, only joe biden, can beat donald trump. we will let biden's new campaign ad explain. watch. >> we know in our bones this election is different. the stakes are higher. the threat is more serious. we have to beat donald trump and all the polls agree, joe biden is the strongest democrat to do the job. to restore the soul of the nation battered by an neurotic, vicious, bullying president strong, steady, stable related leadership.
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biden, president. >> tucker: got that? strong, steady, stable. now it's doddering, flaky, weird. no. strong, steady, stable. that's joe biden self-description. he is most experienced candidate in the race. he often says. in fact, he's the only vice president in american history who served more than twr full terms in office and that's how he met the survivors of thet parkland shooting at the white house just last year. last year. the rest of us assumed advice mike pence was the vice president but no. watch. >> i watch what happened when those kids in parkland went up to see me and some of you covered it. >> tucker: there you go. pretty impressive. you thought that pence was the vp. no. biden was still the vice president and none of us know of it. it turns out there are a lot of things you do know about him. for example, biden's conventional biography, theia when you can find on wikipedia, claims he went from a private high school to college and then
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right to law school. he '76 in the class of 85 students bid that the biden we thought we knew. what we didn't know is that while becoming an attorney, biden was also working deep underground. literally underground as a coal miner. streaked face and head lamp included. that's why he's caught some time still. all these years later, mining just takes it out of a man. listen to him explain. >> i hope you won't hold it against me, but i am a hard coalminer. anthracite coal, scranton, pennsylvania. that's where i was born and raised. and it's nice to be back in coal country. >> tucker: yeah, it coalminer. it's true. you should also know that biden was also at various times of firemen, hard-boiled homicide detector, a gold miner in the uconn, and a wise old indianim chief who slayed many of their in his day. a not your average politician, fos sure. needless to say, biden was also a war hero. of course he was. not in his generations war.
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deferments kept joe biden out of vietnam. no. as the oldest american soldier/u.s. senator serving in iraq, braving limitless enemy fired to bring democracy to that but native nation. watch. >> number one, you take all the troops out, you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the green zone where i have been seven times and shot at.ns >> tucker: yeah, he's been shot at. others we should tell you remember that moment differently aythey claimed biden was simply staying at a hotel in iraq when it exploded 100 yards away. it didn't even delay the breakfast buffet but whatever period two joe biden it was another death-defying moment in a long life of the listen to the time he nearly got world's most interesting senator. killed by the taliban. >> if you want to know where al qaeda lives, you want to know where bin laden is, come back to afghanistan with me. come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down and the three-star general and three united states senators had
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10,500 feet in the middle of inthose mountains. i can tell you where they are. o >> tucker: now once again, we t we must tell you, there was some dispute about what actually happened. other, possibly more factually-reliable participants claimed that biden's helicopter landed because of a snowstorm, not because osama bin laden was personally trying to murder biden. don't tell senator biden that buried nor should you tell him that nobody can remember seeing him at all those civil rights fittings and demonstrations he claimed to have lead in the 1960s. he and martin luther king, leaders of the movement, that his his story. he's got a million stories like that and he's the hero of every single one of them. take a seat and he will tell you. as you listen, this man, this former coal miner all it inas is the single sanest person running for president as a democrat this year. meditate on that. alana goodman has. m she's a clinical reporter at the "washington examiner" pachuta wrote a fantastic new piece on biden's many biographical
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claims, some of which seem to be categorically false. she joined us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. >> thanks so much for having me on. >> tucker: so he was a coalminer. >> he was a coalminer, he was shot at coming out as a helicopter forced down and he discovered where osama bin laden's house in the mountains of afghanistan. >> tucker: as a sitting united states senator he did that. >> yes. yes. amazing stories. actually, i had written a list of six of these different biographical details that biden had embellished and we had to cut that down from a lot more obviously.y. >> tucker: as you point out, the reason he got out in the 1988 race was because he put on and in effect to be a welsh minor. neil connect. there is something about to biden that leads him to lie about his biography but a point that you made that i think is worth focusing on is, he he pretended or has claimed to be a leader in the civil rights movement. >> yes, i think i could actually be the biggest problem for him
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out of all of these because this gets into an issue of appropriation and you are talking about -- he claims specifically that he was involved in the sit ins along route 40 at segregated restaurants. s and the people who were involved, these are very serious activists, these were, this grew out of the freedom writers movement had these were well-trained individuals who were doing these sit ins and they put their -- they risked going to prison. a lot of them to go to prison. they put, in some cases, their lives at risk. there were those three young men in mississippi who were civil rights activists who were killed around the same time. they were registering black voters. and, so, you have biden makingdd these claims, he is taking credit for this without taking any of the risks. >> tucker: are those claims true? was biden a leader at these sit ins? is there any evidence of that? >> there is no evidence of that. i've spoken to local activists
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who were involved in this who did spend time in jail for participating in the sit ins an they have no recollection of joe biden ever being involved.f i also spoke to as a historian who study the freedom movement and wrote a book on that and he said, you know, biden, that would have been very unusual, because it would offend a lot younger than most of these activists and he hadn't heard anything about him being involved h in this. biden himself also when he dropped out of the race in 1987 because of the plagiarism scandal, he said that he was not an activist. he said the extent of his civil rights participation was that he worked at an all black swimming pool for a summer when he was in college and so, you know, you have him himself saying this didn't occur after the fact. >> tucker: but he is on the record saying that he was a participant in these protests. >> yes. he was a participant and they sit ins. and in one case he said he organized a boycott of a
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restaurant in delaware called the pits. because they didn't -- o refuse to serve a black student who was a member of biden's football team. that student later in an interview in 1997 said that he -- this had never happened. that he hadn't even told biden about this at the time when he was told to leave the restaurant so biden didn't find out about it until after the fact. >> tucker: remarkable. >> it is. >> tucker: it shows what can happen if you are one of the only reporters in washington actually interested in the facts, as you are, and we are grateful that you are, thank you for that. >> thank you. >> tucker: joe biden may not always beig inspiring, charming though he can be, but his wife jill says americans have to vote for him anyway. that's her message. you don't like them? vote for him anyway per lisa boothe is a senior fellow and women's voice and she joins us tonight to assess this. >> hi, tucker. >> tucker: lisa, are we
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overstating this to say that joe biden's wife is basically telling voters i don't care if you like them, i don't care if you agree, vote for him anyway? >> i wouldn't say it was a strong endorsement but i will let you and also the viewers at home take a listen for yourself. listen to this. >> your candidate might be more better on health care. but you've got to look at who's going to win this election and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, okay, i -- personally like so-and-so better. but the bottom line has to be that you have to be trump. >> yeah, so i wouldn't exactly call this giving democratic primary voters the hard sell. i mean, she's essentially saying look, you may hate my husband'st policy, you might not even like him, look emma we got to be trump. and that's really been the argument of the biden campaign. we saw it in the first add that he's running now in iowa as well as what joe biden jill biden jd there.
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he's the most electable candidate. but that argument is like facing your candidacy on quicksand because his lead right now is certainly not insurmountable. if you look at at the head-to-, sanders is not that far behind him in the matchup against president trump and if you look at the first two contests in iowa and new hampshire, his lead is not a that big and in new hampshire he's within the margin of error. >> tucker: interesting. in other words, if you build your entire campaign on the idea that you're going to win, the second it becomes doubtful that win, everything collapses. >> exactly. i know you've got richard goodstein coming up. he made this point earlier on outnumbered when we were on together into a talk about if you look at the ascension of elizabeth warren right now in the polls as well but this is not a strong argument for biden's team to be making it really has arguments seem to be twofold about his candidacy. one, i was vice president to obama and his add talks about obama, enjoying the correlation.
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we talked yesterday about that first comment aboutco obama. we saw president obama right now who reportedly tried to encourage him not to run in 2020 and certainly encouraged him not to run into thousand 16, so i don't necessarily know if that's the strongest argument to be making either. >> tucker: a little weird for a man running on the obama legacy not to get obama's endorsement. >> right. and he is not n yet. he said he's not going to endorse. and i think joe biden's argument sounds a little bit like what we heard in 2016 as well. listen to what oprah had to say. >> you don't have to like her. you don't have to like her. do you like this country? do you like this country? you better get out there. >> we know that hillary clinton failed to bring home states like wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio, so i do think you want democratic primary voters to like the candidate. i do think you want them to be fired up. if you want them to turn out for your candidate. you want to get that base fired up, you want him to be passionate about your candidate
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and that really seems to be lacking with joe biden so he may be up now, certainly not insurmountable, and i would not be surprised if someone else passes them by here in the next couple of months and certainly maybe the next few weeks. >> tucker: but you never know. as a former coal miner, who come under fire in his many more zones as he has come he's a tough man. >> he's had a lot of jobs, tech very interesting life. a man of mystery. >> tucker: he can sell beer. great to see you.l >> thanks. >> tucker: democratic national committee it turns out as having a hard time keeping up with fund-raising here in the united states so they are going to a country that is formal welcoming mexico. democratic national committee chairman tom perez is holding three fund-raisers in mexico city. also proving that god has a sense of humor, attendees will have to prove they are american citizens or legal permanent residents before they are allowed into the fund-raisers,si which sounds racist to be totally honest. we are going to check with
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richard goodstein. just got married and i saw the pictures and you are a lucky man. >> thank you, thank you, i am. no question. >> tucker: this does seem a little dehumanizing and racist that you go to mexico and suddenly make people show photo i.d. before they can come to your party? why is that not bigotry? i'm serious. >> you know it has nothing to do with race. it has to do with the law and the united states which is that you can only be a contributor to a presidential campaign if you are a united states citizen. b that is not a very hard to ask and it's not very much to prove. it has nothing to do with one's race. >> tucker: hold on. n it, stop. everything having to do with mexico has to do with race. r that's what we've been hearing for the past three freaking years. anytime you ask anybody in mexico for a photo idea, that is an act of racial aggression. i've been paying close attention. are.w what the rules youu guys wrote the rules. k
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you know what they are too and all of a sudden here's tom perez saying hey, mexicans, prove your americans. >> this would be true for every republican event abroad as well. he would have to prove your citizenship. b is it racist to ask somebody in france or the u.k. or germany,ie where, again, the parties are raising money to prove their american citizenship. >> tucker: what you told me it was racist to ask people in this country to ask for their i.d. before they vote. >> it has nothing to do with voting here there are laws about contribute into a presidential campaign.zest this is nothing to be trifled with and frankly people have been got in trouble for violating them. i >> tucker: people should get in trouble for voter fraud, but they don't thanks to the democratic party. let me ask you the bigger question, which is where really should have started. raising money in mexico. because americans in thehe united states, after listening to democrats attacked their country and their history for the past year, aren't enthusiastic or should they go to mexico to raise money? something is wrong. >> they are going where there are democrats who are american citizens who are willing to contribute. g g it's actually not a very long
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trip. if you go up to mexico city, relative to go say from young to l.a., so it's really not asking too much or much of a hardship on tom perez and the state has if they've identified enough contributors, great. they will come away with enough money to justify the trip, what's wrong withey that? >> tucker: wouldn't it be easier to go to akron? democrats have basically decided that the enemy is not simply trump, but it's our country, it's the united states. listen to what they say. every speech the gift. it's a horror show. america is a horrible place. filled with bigots. >> no democrat describes the united states as carnage or a hellhole which is exactly what donald trump -- he use those words citing one democrat who was running for democrat he was chairman analogy y who has used terminology like that. you can't. >> tucker: has said that the country itself iske so immoral that we owe a financial debt -- they've come out for reparations. what does that say? that american citizens are so immoral that they owe money,
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they owe a blood debt of money to expiate the sins of the country? their campaigns are based on this. >> one thing you forgot to mention is that in the fox news poll, joe biden is beating donald trump 50-38.ox think about that for a second. we got the economy about where donald trump would want it and he's got 38% against joe biden. so this isn't about reparations -- it's going to be reparations today, caravans tomorrow, "the squad" the day after. it's always going to beto something. somebody of color and some issue that you're going to try to rile up the base and it's notom working. >> tucker: i would be happy never to talk about reparations. i think it's an insane idea. the democrats are the ones who brought it up, not me. >> i actually think you're hearing more -- y as your hearig more about aoc on this network then you are on some others. >> tucker: i'd be happy if she retired and went back to bartending. i'm not in favor of any of this. richard, thank you for that. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: with got a fox news alert for you. president has canceled a scheduled meeting with
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prime minister of denmark. it's been on his calendar for a while. the reason is greenland. the prime minister recently dismissed the idea of selling greenland to the united states. he called it "absurd" so just minutes ago the president tweeted this. "denmark is a very special country with incredible people but based on the prime minister's comments that there would be no interest in discussing the purchase agreement, i will be postponing our meeting, scheduled in two weeks, for another time." the prime minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both u.s. and denmark by being so direct. i thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future." by the way, a deal between the u.s. and denmark for new territory would not be totally unprecedented. in 1917, the united states purchased thela u.s. virgin islands from denmark. we will continue to follow thist story. coming up, the entire state of california claims the right to ignore and undermine america's immigration laws. so while one small town be
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allowed to do the same thing and ignore california's meconium gun laws? the mayor of that town joins us next. ♪
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>> tucker: just when he thought that jeffrey epstein mystery couldn't get weirder, reality proves us wrong once again. forget the questions about how epstein died. now it turns out you can't even trust pictures of one of his associates eating a hamburger. bizarre story brought to us tonight by trace gallagher. hey, trace. >> just like everything else in the jeffrey epstein saga, who pictures of his former girlfriend are now coming under new scrutiny. they reportedly were snapped
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last week by a customer, appear to show maxwell sitting at an in-n-out burger in southern california reading a book about cia assassinations. she supposed to be alone but there are two drinks on the table and two cell phones. she supposed to be reading, but isn't wearing her glasses and an advertising agency contacted by the daily mail says the good boys movie ad that appears on a bus stop bench in the background must of been photoshopped because the ad on the bench isn't for good boys. it's for a hospital and it's been there a month. there are also questions about how long maxwell was at the burger joint because three separate pictures all have different customers in the background. their speculation they might have been staged to throw the feds off maxwell's trail. meanwhile another alleged victim filed a lawsuit against the estate. she claimed she was recruited as a private masseuse for epstein and forced into having sex with him and another woman.
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she also claims ghislaine maxwell gave a step-by-step tutorial including a demonstration on how to please jeffrey epstein. the same woman says she was also forced to give epstein's powerful friend massages, though she did not name names. and finally, epstein's will shows that 65-year-old brother mark epstein appears to be the sole heir to the sex offenders $577 million fortune. tucker. >> tucker: trace gallagher with the latest tonight. thanks for that. the state of california has the country's most draconian gun laws. california refuses to recognize gun permits issues and other state. you need a background check and the state of california just to buy ammunition. shotgun shells, for example. now, one of its cities is pushing back. needles california would like to declare itself a sanctuary from some of the gun restrictions. california of course is proud of being a sanctuary for illegal
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aliens, foreign nationals who are breaking the law being here. how do they feel about their own citizens standing up for the constitution? jeff williams is finding out the answer of that. he's the mayor of needles california and he joins us tonight. tell us what you would like to do in needles. what does it mean to be a sanctuary city to city from these gun laws. >> what we are attempting to start with is get california to recognize other states, concealed weapons permit holders so they can come in and out of the state, especially our town right on the border of nevada and arizona, for commerce to be able to have them come over and utilize our restaurants and everything else. and the second thing we would like california to do is to fix the prop 63 that just passed, which you just mentioned about having to register and stay in california to buy ammunition. i have to drive 280 miles round-trip to barstow or 200 miles to blight to buy ammunition to go quail hunting
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or for defense and just go out and target shoot when i have 12 gun shops within 15 miles of me into arizona. >> tucker: that's crazy, obviously. so you're proposing that residents of your city to the obvious and exercise their constitutional rights. >> absolutely. >> tucker: if you do that, what will the state do in response, do you believe? >> well, we have our assemblymen is going to write the legislation and we will see if we can get it passed. we have other border cities joining us in this effort so hopefully we can get more assemblymen, senators and such, to help us. but that's what we're looking at doing. and we will see what happens. it might have to be taken into the courts as usual with california, but we are ready. >> tucker: other cities in california haven't waited for permission, however, to ignore federal law. federal immigration law. they just decided that they are morally right and that everyone else is a racist and they're just going to do it.
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>> that's what we think with the second amendment. we should be able to do it. however, we are a contract city with san bernardino can't to city sheriff's department. i used to be deputy with him so i respect the department and they are good people and the sheriff is a good friend of mine. so i'm not going to do anything to mess that situation up, so we are going to try and do it the right way with legislation and then we will have to go through the courts, we will go through the courts. >> tucker: really quick since you were in law enforcement, i can't resist asking you, any law that punishes people who want go quail shooting or party shooting and protect their homes from criminals, how does that make it a safer state, a law like that? >> it doesn't. a lot of california's gun laws don't make it safer. you've seen that all over the country. the gun laws aren't helping. it is a mental health issue and that's what they need to fix. >> tucker: thank you for stating the obvious so clearly. good luck, mr. mayor. >> thank you.
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>> tucker: well, the millennials seem young, but they're not the youngest. there's a new generation even younger and they are now old enough to vote. do they know what they are voting for? do you know the difference between capitalism and socialism? what do they know? we have new polling on the subject. of course it's going to wreck your night, but stay tuned for it anyway. ♪ ♪[upbeat music]
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foundation found that american teenagers and young adults know very little about basic economic systems. 27% can't tell you what socialism is. 10% of them think it simply means freet stuff. they may not understand socialism but they are ready to embraceanan it. a majority of generation z say america is headed in the wrong direction right now.en spencer brown is a spokesman for the young americans for freedom and he joins us tonight. thanks a lot for coming on. what did this find, this survey? >> was really interesting as you can see the impact that sort of has mainstream support for socialism and other leftist ideas, it's affecting generation z, that next generation coming up but they are not necessarily being convinced by it because we see young people still loving the things that make america a great country. things like free enterprise, small business and entrepreneurship, yet they still say they support socialism so clearly there's a disconnect in what socialism actually is and what they like. >> tucker: they also like apple and google, right? they actually seem to have a
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high opinion of their tech overlords, but they are socialist at the same time? how does that work? ebecause what we're seeing here is the side effect of the problems with an education where students are being taught what to think instead of how to think so they get these buzzwords. if you look at the pollingse numbers, they vastly disprove of capitalism and they like socialism but if you look at the tenets of capitalism, they actually like those institutions and those sort of situations. again it's just thisua disconnet or through level education in the media and pop culturere especially, young people aretu just buying into this word socialism without knowing whato, it means. >> tucker: are also pretty poor, a lot of them. as a generation, the older you are -- this is the reverse of what usedre to be, the richer yu are likely to be. do you think that plays a role? in their attitudes? >> part of it -- there's a lot of opportunity but i don't know if they know how to take grasp of that.ra if you look at on employment for young people, it's finally down again, they are able to get jobs but i don't think they realize
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that results of the free market. the regulatory agenda that the president is pursuing. instead of pursuing freedom, they instead choose socialism again. >> tucker: and really quick, tell me what they think socialism means. >> would allow them to provide sort of open answers and so they free stuff. they thought it was just things where you get our free. they were confusing socialism with freedom and it shows that young people are not getting an education, they are just getting an indoctrination. >> tucker: an expensive one for sure. thanks for that update, spencer. former clerk of the supreme court, wants to clear that socialism will win by, we once declared socialism a win on this program. thanks a lot for joining us tonight. >> thank you very much. i think it's going pretty well. >> tucker: [laughs] it's going pretty well. so the people asked in the survey, generation z, didn't seem to have a very precise -- what socialism is. i post to you the question that i posed to spencer, howow can yu
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before socialism and also in favor of google and apple and facebook? >> well, look, i think that this insistence on a nerd-like definition of terms, like what is socialism, what are the tenets of socialism, that is are very hypereducated thing. the reason that these young people are embracing socialism is because they understand intuitively that it is the difference between what they have now in the alternative. they understand now that the menu, the capitalist menu, is disgusting. they hate it. if there are certain things they like aboutt it. if they like iphones, they like the farmers' market, but they don't like going into debt to go to college. they don't like $3,000 a month child care bills if they ever want to have a kid. they understand that the alternative is something called socialism. they are for it. i think it's actually kind of a very common sense way that normal people resent about the world who haven't been to college, which after all, is most people. i'm fine with that.
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spoon half of your argument is right. socialism is a disaster, it's never worked outside sand to make scandinavia so that's obviously a bad idea but our current system is not working for young people. you're absolutely right about that. i don't think there's any kind of debate, even though we neverr say. but answer me this -- you are jafar socialism, i should tell the audience. >> i am. >> tucker: going to work with open borders? how can we offer free health care to anyone who shows up here legally or illegally? >> well, so i think -- is a very good reason that this -- almost always the move, whenever you propose that the peoplee who do the work should own the means of production, means of production being one of these kind of radical things that only hotheads like me will say. whenever you propose this, almost always the answer is not "that's not a bad idea" but there's sort of a "what about this, what about that." what about the workers who own the means of f production were
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guys who were born in morris to juarez? to my response is that's okay. that sounds fine. the alternative on offer is this. >> tucker: you're seeing the people who create wealth ought to get a piece of the wealth, okay? they are not saying that. >> absolutely. >> tucker: they are saying people who had no role at all in building this country, no role at all building this wealth. could show up here from oaxaca or wherever, illegally, should get the bounty. that's not socialism. that's insanity. and it doesn't work, actually, as a math question. all of us are going to be shafted if we try and do that, why not just say that? because it's true. >> two things. if that's not socialism, then we don't have a problem in your previous guess, i don't know what he's hooting and hollering about. i grew up in southern colorado and i grew up traveling around lots of cities that were actually built by plenty of people who today would trace their ancestors into mexico and places like this in the most important thing is not who built
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yesterday, but who is building the stuff we have right now? the workers who are creating all of the wealth thator we have, i don't really care if you speak spanish, english, french, all of these things. >> tucker: pulled on. you're mischaracterizing both what i said and with the democratic candidates are saying. is not a question where your ancestorsess are from. >> i don't know about the second thing. >> tucker: 's that's, i would agree. what matters is are you an american, are you a citizen or not? they are saying if you just show up tomorrow you have as much a claim on our bounty as someone who has worked to create that bounty. how can you before that? that's nuts. >> wellth i guess i'm not so confused. the people who are showing up, right, like my ancestors showed up and they were pretty -- for when they showed up, what they wanted to do was work to create the bounty, to which my answer is, great, brother, let's do it. and when you do, when you work alongside me, we are going to own that stuff. i'm not bothered by that.
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>> tucker: that was the old america. the america that joe biden is promising is not an america where we join in the work, it's an america where everyone who shows upry is given free stuff that we created without anything in return. are you still for that, really? >> i agree with you -- there's one thing i do agree with you about, which is that there is a vision about the way the future couldvi work, which is there's going to be a sort of class of elites -- what i would sort of call like elon musk-type s dude. we are going to create stuff an end the question is, how are we going to divide the stuff that w they create? and under those circumstances i agree that the answers get pretty grim pretty fast. i don't believe in that. i don't have a joe biden vision of america. what i believe is, you know, look, you want to build cars with me? let's build them together. sell them together and split the profits. that's fine with me. if you speak french, that's okay. >> tucker: we willtly have i think future opportunities to unpack. in the meantime, thank you for
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that. >> i hope so. >> tucker: thank you. microsoft is a huge tech company and they tell you a lot about how they are not going to cooperate with ice because it's immoral. but they have no problem cooperating with china's police state. we will investigate why after the break. ♪
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>> tucker: last summer, hundreds of employees of microsoft signed a petition demanding that their company refuse any and all contracts with ice, federal immigration enforcement. the company caved to that demand almost immediately. microsoft ceo sent out a company-wide email announcing this country's immigration policies and announcing that microsoft would refuse any contract "related to separating
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children from their families at the border." that might give you the impression thatha microsoft is morally opposed to imprisoning people that is definitely not the case. in fact, microsoft is entirely fine with throwing innocent people behind bars just as long as it's fascist regimes during the imprisoning and as long as microsoft can make a buck by participating. microsoft is invested or partnered with at least three chinese companies develop ai and facial recognition technologies that are used by china's military and secret police. microsoft was an early investor, for instance, in deep glint, a company that helps the chinese government and imprison imprisoning weaker muslims, hundreds of thousands of them who have been sent, with microsoft's help, indirectly, to rot in concentration camps. that's something they can feel good about. then they partnered with another company that supplies facial recognition software to the chinese fascist which the
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government has used to crush the uighurs. if you think that's creepy and disgusting, how about this? microsoft is also partnering with the chinese starter called high data. they produce lipreading technology. the company boasts that their software is 80% successful at english language lipreading. think aboutee that. it's good news for china's brutal police state, which is using this technology to further repress its own population. next, microsoft. additionally, microsoft researchers have worked with the military-run university on artificial intelligence research that could be used for surveillance and censorship. these people were published in 2018. after it was known the chinese facial recognition to imprison muslims. one of the paper described in ai method for analyzing human faces. all very interesting coming from the same company that refused to work with an american police department which requested facial recognition, tech and body chemistry microsoft call that a human rightsy concern.
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but only when it happened in america. we ask microsoft for comment. interesting to know the ethics. microsoft refuses to help our country protect its own borders or police its own streetsts and get they are delighted to help the chinese government commit some of the worst human rights abuses in the world. and get rich doing it. what's the thinking here exactl exactly? microsoft give us a statement but didn't answer any of those questions. we are not surprised. it was just a few years ago that utah senator mike lee was a persistent critic of google. in 2011, he grilled nonceo eric schmidt, a congressional antitrust hearing. he pushed for a law that would have banned google's largest source of revenue, that would be keyword-based advertising. we also egged on antitrust investigations of big tech and then accuse the ftc, the federal trade commission, going to easy on powerful companies, and good for him. fast-forward to today. today mike lee is one of google's chief allies in
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congress. maybe it's biggest ally in the republican party. lee has questioned whether congress would even bother with antitrust investigations for techch companies. make it harder to block corporate mergers. lee has complained about the e.u. imposing fines on google for itsai behavior. lee even came on this program and told us that conservatives shouldn't worry about google or other tech companies silencing conservative speech online reading so what happen? why the change? it's possible that mike lee just woke up one morning and decided that his previous abuse had been wrong. maybe. yet evidence compiled by the google transfer into projects suggests that may have been other factors at play here. starting in 2013, google spent millions of dollars rolling out itsmi high-speed intercept service, google fiber, and both provo and salt lake city utah. 2015, google hosted a high-profile fund-raiser for lee at its silicon valley law firm. fund-raiser got a lot of attention so google backed out.
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the fund-raiser itself went ahead and lee received a sizable donation from google's political action committee. ever since that fund-raiser and the money he took, his interest in having ftc investigate tech companies seems to have completely evaporated. google knows there's more about her politics than just donations so in 2017 they hired a close ally of li's to manage the company's relationship with conservatives. the internet association, a trade group of which google is a part, hired his senior counsel from the senate judiciary mimmittee. google also a collaborated with the heritage foundation and the american enterprise institute. two of washington's weakest conservative think tanks. if the message they pushed was that google and other tech monopolies are really something conservatives off to celebrate these companies are a triumph of the free market. we should be gratefull for them and worrying about their growing power or the ways they use that power is somehow socialist and un-american. of course, google itself is
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socialist and un-american, so the argument never really made sense, but mike lee bought it completely. when facebook's mark zuckerberg before congress, lee asked him only the softness of softball questions and a month later facebook announced it would build a $750 million data center in utah. a coincidence?nc maybe it is a coincidence. maybe it's every bit as corrupt as it seems. we asked senator lee to come on to explain what exactly t ppened. he declined. we will keep asking. let's hope he reconsiders. that's our investigation into big tech center. ti had, the federal government just clarified that yes, americans do have the right to bring tiny horses onto airplanes. it's a bizarre story. next. ♪ excellent customer service, every time. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company,
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♪ >> tucker: if you fly regularly, you know in recent years there's been a huge surge in what they call "emotional support animals," passengers using their need for emotional comfort to bring, well,
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tarantulas, snakes, even kangaroos with them onto planes. it's been the wild west in airplane-born animals. now, the d.o.t., the department of transportation, is trying to bring some order to the question. they say airlines have the right to exclude most kind of animals, but have to continue accepting "miniature horses." what? it's time to get a little clarity on this from our liberal sherpa, cathy areu joins us tonight. cathy, great to see you. miniature horses.. i could think of a lot of problems with this. you are okay with it. no? you're not okay with it. >> i don't see any problem with it. i'm completely okay with it. they are adorable, 2 to 3 feetet tall, emotional support animals, they see cats, dogs, and many horses are approved as a service animals. only these three groups can be service animals, and miniature horses can also be support animals. emotional support animals.
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esas. >> tucker: only those groups, that's almost spece-ist, if ied can say, a form of bigotry. >> no, there is no discrimination, not at all, when it to comes to animal species, only when it comes to service animals. any species can actually be a support animal. >> tucker: what other animals should be allowed on airplanes, do you think? >> well, i did some research,ed there are some -- there's actually about 30 emotional support animals that would travel quite well. my favorite for travel would be a marmoset. which is, like, a small monkey, very intelligent. >> tucker: oh, good idea. >> trained and domesticated. flashback pigs. because pigs are smaller than miniature horses, but they are the size of a cat and dog, also very smart. and sugar gliders. sugar gliders are tiny possums,
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and they are known to be very, very smart, but emotionally, also wonderful with people that have anxiety. when they fly, and maybe claustrophobia. sugar gliders are actually very good at making emotional connections with humans. >> tucker: so unpredictable, superstrong monkeys, pigs, which evacuate, like, every 20 minutes, they go to the bathroom, and some obscure kind of tasmanian flying possum? what could go wrong, kathy? >> nothing could go wrong, because these have been studied, and if you have a prescription from your psychiatrist, for a mental health issue, you can travel with these pets. yes. >> tucker: [laughs] all you need is a psychiatristh to say okay. cathy areu. great to see you tonight. thank you for that guidance. we are out of time, amazingly. will be back, though, 8:00 p.m., tomorrow night, and every. weeknight from now until a long
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time from now, we hope. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. good night from washington, guess who's next, ladies and gentlemen? sean hannity. >> sean: all right, tucker, thank you, great show as always. welcome to "hannity." buckle up, coming up, we have the very latest blunders from, yes, sleepy creepy crazy uncle joe, but first tonight, multiple federal investigations into fisa fraud, biased corruption of the deep state, leaking, spying -- against the law -- and thehe seedy origins of the counter intel investigation and the russia probe are now ongoing,, s of only literally 4 minutes ago, we received major new details about what is about toon be revealed. john solomon, and we know now, in a matter of week, ten bombshell pieces of evidence could be rocking, not only the capital of washington, d.c., and that swamp, t


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