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tv   Watters World  FOX News  August 24, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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fun. get your tickets because it will be so fun. greg: it will be. thanks. i love you america. ♪ >> welcome to waters world, i'm jesse waters, things are so good in america, the democratic party in order to win they're trying to cause a recession. russia didn't work. mol per didn't work. and now we have the fake recession that they're trying to create. i hope we have a recession and worth of getting rid of donald trump and these kind of policies. thing that we have been in economic expansion for the better part of ten years, is about time we get a recession. best economy ever it is not and if we did face a recession it would be normal and it would be
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okay. butka the president on to their game calling them out, listen. >> i think the word recession is a word that's inappropriate because it is just a word that the -- ththat the certain people are going to be kind certain people and thepl media are trying to build up because they would love to see a recession we're very far fromes a recession. joiningon us now is lou dobbs ht of lou dobbs tonight on fox business network. lou, these preem sick. >> they are. and it is really stunning but you dent see the national left wing media fact checking themselves. because i loves the fact that te president says it is best economy ever. and the -- anchor or reporter says it is not. well, excuse me? >> could you care to back that up? >> best economy in the first two and a half years of any president's first term. period. >> if you just look you've had what a 3.1gdp the last two quarters record low unemployment
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wages are going up and the dow has been up big. i mean, they have a bad week last week. but it has been up big. but you think they would look at their 401(k) and see. >> they don't care. they're not about the truth, ands that's where -- i find it frustrating i don't know about you but the left doesn't really care about truth here. they're not only distorting reality and not operating with integrity that is fund members of the jury -- fundamental to our craft but outis light lying this is a president who has achieved more in first two and a half years of his presidency this is i think the greatest leader in this country since ronald reagan. that's my opinion. but i -- i think you're going to establish it fairly just look at what obama achieved just look at what george w. bush achieved. it's -- yeah there's no doubt that -- >> this economy is taking off like a rocketship under deregulation and tax policies and the trade policies. do you think this the media understands that if there is a
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recession yeah maybe might get a in the in the white house but millions americas will lose their job, home, and you know lose their self-respect when they're the on the streets do they understand that? >> are they willing to sacrifice their own patriot? to hurt the president? >> they're willing to sacrifice their integrity they're willing to sacrifice the entire country. i mean this is a battle this is not a battle between the, you know, the loyal opposition. and the presidency. this isn't a battle over two parties of the two party system. this is a commitment to unseat president trump. >> right. ivelgt it has been so they've tried to block his candidacy. failing back they then tried to subvert him to overthrow his presidency and it is -- >> you're right it is the cue and when cue failed they tried to impeachment and then that is failing so they're trying to create a fake recession by talking down the economy, and
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they don't know anything about the economy first of all. the only time they talk about the economy is what they're trying to tank it because if they were honest they would talk about how good h it was for the american worker. >> if there were to be recession on afnlg it takes 22 months from the time t the yield curve -- don't say we can't say yield curve on waters world. [laughter] >> it will be the -- from the- time that short-term bonds offer up a greater yield than long-term bonds. you know it is 22 months before recession hits on average. this is just balderdash you can say that on waters world. >> don't test me i might have other words. > of so the president had a w words of his own that really rattled media other day when he was talking about taking on china. let's listen. >> i am the chosen one. somebody had to do it. so i'm taking on china. i'm taking on china on trade. and you know what, we're winning. w because we're the pig ye bank
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we're one that all of the country the including european union wants to rob. takes advantage of. youreuropean general china moren 500 billion. sorry. >> let's talk about the substance of it for a second. but just the comedic timing -- of the turn to the sun, i mean we have to appreciate the entertainment value of this. but he knows what he's saying going to tweak the media and fall for if. he doesn't know what he's doing. he knows exactly what he's doing and all of a sudden you've got a bunch of heathens talking about blasphemy it is i had i doic he was sardonic and white and he's chosen one. chosen by american people chosen by american people but also chosen by bill clinton, chosen by george bush and barack obama because they chose to do nothing. about china -- and from the moment the moment they entered, the permanent
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normalized trading relationship with the united states all bets were off on human rights. all bets were off on deficits and it's been by the way, it has been a trillion that are dollars worth. so you know the president could have done nothing on china he could have kept the status quo and maybe would have had a bigger dow and less volatility in marketplace and he could have kicked can down the road for the next president. he decided not to. and he decided to take on china because it was a long time coming, and maybe -- it is worth it for short-term paying for long-term gain. >> l the only way the left wing media would quit attacking this man baselessly vicious isly -- would be if he was a nert as barack obama through his presidency. that's what they'ring are demanding. they are finding this president is indeed historic. basically he's told him to go to hell and play on my terms.
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and that you are a t bunch of ignorant fools by the way they proved that. every day they try to engage him. >> that's true. you saw the masterful performance leaves for full control and not letting them valley any gasp of air you mentioned barack obama. i believe the media called him the messiah called him black jesus. that he said that -- that the ocean levels were going to fall when he became president. there was hero qor ship there. and then all of a sudden on the chosen one, and like he said that's blasphemy you can't say that. >> sardonic remark funny as it could be. funnier still -- the fools in the left wing media who keep trying to lie their way through, to, you know, the fact that the left wing media in particular, the democrats that have become party of hate they continue to attack him because he's achieving. he's doing great things. and they push about recession. because the democrats are in
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depression over their prospects pfor 2020 they know they've pua fieldhe of 20 losers out there n the campaign trail. >> you had the the nail on the head they know they don't have a strong enough candidate to take him down. mono they have to do thing -- you know, cut some corners like tank the economy like impeach him or pull a cue off in order to beat him because they can't do it at the ballot box. the president i think kind of floated an offer to maybe take greenland off denmark handle, it is got vast -- >> doing him a favor. >> very expennive to manage and do him a favor. strategic asset, of course, , but the leader of denmark kind of a nasty comment about this is absurd. very dismissive, and then expected to meet with the president when he was over there in europe and a couple of week and so he cancels meeting. >> as he should. if she h wantses to play, better play hard buzz you're dealing
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with the leader of the free world. and denmark the last team i looked was a follower in that algorithm not a leader. he is the leader of the free world. >> rightht and you know what at least play along she could have said i'm happy that he likes greenland ass much as we like greenland maybe we could have that conversation where we sit down at our bilateral but so dismissive and rude that fact that president canceled it i don't know why the media thinks that trump is the bad guy. the media should want us to -- >> not the bad guy they think he's chosen one and they're scared to death of that reality. the reality that they have to content with is he's effective and efficient, he works harder than any president in memory. and he's is the a new standard for anyone who wants to be president of the united states. they're going to have to wok like hell because very few people have -- can even imagine what any other president qowld have done with his schedule, with his work ethic, and the results are
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monumental and they're historic. >> so our friends sean spicer he's going to be on dancing with cithe stars, lou. >> i couldn't be happier for him. [laughter] would you ever to e that? >> no. >> no but then again he may be a brilliant dancer i can -- assure you i am not. >> he's from rhode island. and he's whiter than you. [laughter] i don't think he's a brilliant dancer but i think he's going to get bounced in round one. . i wish him a lot of luck. i really to. but his suggestion that he's going to bring the country together it shall is that what he said, together with his appearance already the left has reflexively attacking him viciously and show may be boycotted and everyone hates his guts on the left. that's apparently left makes up all ofes hollywood and entertainment in this m country. well they don't want anybody that's likable out there dancing cha-cha you know because you can't have conservatives you know they have to be deplatform and rude kiewls you can't have
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sean out there saying his face off. >> it is worth waiting for. i'm sure. [laughter] i know i'm doing at 8:00. all right lou dobbs everybody there he is fbn maybe they could give him some reparations. watch. >> senator warren -- i hear that you support reparation i want to know if i can have my money now like i have cash, papal -- [ music: "i am" by club yoko plays ]
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there are things that we need to do in this country that have been a long time in coming. one of those is to move forward with reparations. >> america has a dark history on slave is rei, and we need to confront it head-on. people aren't starting out on the same base. in terms of able to success and we have toe recognize that and give poem a lift up. democrats talking up reparations this election cycle. but if you're wondering what would happen when it actually came time for them to put their
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money where their mouths were -- wonder no more. rob smith of turning point usa went to the iowa state fair to find out. >> all right congressman ryan. how's it going question you support reparation correct. >> study. >> there any way to have the money right now physically i have paypal i have cash, venmo, i've got all of that stuff. >>ha senator warren, i hear that you support reparations i want to know if i can have my money now. like i have cash out, pais venmo -- >> you want to take -- in the house. >> okay. >> is there you support reparations i'm curious if i can get my money now. i have cash, paypal i have venmo. >> talking do you have a look latest it -- >> i have looked at the proposal can i have my money now? >> no. not now right now -- >> so how's it beginning to work with reparations to you?
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>> what i proposed a plan with 30 to 50 people on a reparation bill, you are a member of a -- of a people where there's been historical depression the fact that you the got out doesn't mean whoopie that the way any people continue to survive and thrive isve not enough individualses to get out. >> do you support rem ration reparation. hr40 which is bill introduced. cash payments correct? >> a form of a commission have you read the bill? >> i have. black american who doesn't support reparations i'm afraid that the people who are hustling for democrat for black votes in the past are going to get that moneyo and it is not going to gt into the handle of the people so what would you say to that? >> conversation needs to have with the country. h you support a thousand dollars for every american and reparation for african-american can i have my money now? [inaudible conversations]
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>> how will that -- pay out go i'm curious -- >> everyone's bank account at the first of the month. was it is possible for me to haveav any money now? >> possible that i have my money now? >> no. >> i have cash app paypal venmo i have everything else. >> hello -- hello is that possible? >> is that possible to get it? g>> debt free college -- >> i don't support cash reparation so if i ask you money now? >> you support rep -- can i have my money now? doy you support reparation can i have my money now? >> mr. perez is there any way can i have the money now? are the reparations something that we can get now is it going to be like a cash payment or do you have any answer for the reparation? >> so i should call you about reparations? >> call us later we'll talk.
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j call you about -- >> i want to see and health care too. >> about health care too. okay perfect. all right thank you and reparations. great. rob smith joins me now. all right good job out there. >> all right. thankig you my part was didn't look like anybody knew who kristin gillibrand was with a sun dress and hat and no one around her so we shot this over two days at and they dide fair a stomp speech but trying to run around and s hide from the peope there. >> she was hiding pretty well. >> so yang ran away and couldn't get away fromm me fast enough. et>> he swivelled pretty fast. >> yeah. yeah what about -- booker who wasas sweating -- [laughter]as hot in the iowa state fair or was that you? >> no i think it was a little bit of both the question was hot i think the weather was hot it was about 858, 90 degrees that day it was hot. but you know he, obviously,
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tonight want to answer the question. he was angry too he was like you haven't read it accusatory. and about i have read it. absolutely. maryann williamson she seem to want to spend personal one an one time. look we all love miriam williamson i want her to be my spiritual advisor and my president and spent a lot of time talking to me about this. thing with her and a lot of democrats is that she's great but she literally could not get past the idea of seeing me as a victim just because i'm black. that's how she saw you as -- >> saw me and when we were talking you saw on that clip when she said because you got out, doesn't mean and like look i lifted myself out of where i was seiving in the military and going to college doing things for myself there's no reason that everybody else can't? >> she acted leak you got lucky warren looked like she had a big crowd around her it was tight was that -- the reality of the iowa state fair where the crowds really swarming over liz warren? >> i will tell you, you know,
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that some have bigger crowds elizabeth warren was largest crowd that i saw it was like -- a pop star was there. smg interesting really had to cut my way to get my way in there. funny thing was weren't a lot of black people at the iowa state fair. >> you were only one. you and cory booker literally me and cory booker so when they see me coming i think they were excited like he's a black guy we have to get him on camera get a photo all of that stuff and hit them with the smoke. undercover brother right there didn't see it coming. they did at iowa state fair did you eat any of that snuff >> meat on stick pork chop, bacon on a stick so lots of stuff and it was good. rob we might have to use you and it ploy you into democratic gathering i think you have a way with people. >> i think so it would be a good idea. appreciate it waiting for reparations i can far left very upset over showing
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spicer dancing with the but i'm upset about sean's dance moves we'll break that down with him, next. [laughter] it's time for some straight talk.
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>> live from america's news headquarters i'm thousands of brazilian troops fighting amazon wildfires, a military also using water dropping aircraft to battle the historic fires. brazil em balingsed president has drawn criticism from international lead percent over his handling of the crisis. france's president has threatened to kill a major trade deal over the fires. the fires have been a major topic of discussions at the g7 summit happening in france right now. back here at home alaska governor has declared a state of emergency as wildfires race across that state. at least five harm fires have scorched thousands of acres of land hundreds have been forced out their homes and major highways are closed. the cause of the blazes are under investigation some officials say humans may be to blame. i'm aye now back to waters world for all of your headlines log on to fox from briefing room is john --
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sean spicer. get dancing shoes on press secretary is taking a walk on the wild side. announce as one of the cast members of this seasons we dancing with the stars. but not everybody is happy about it. including the host tom. my preference would have been to avoid the lightning rods i think dancing at its best is oasis away from all of the divisiveness and all of the stuff that wrestling with right now. tom wasted in time teasing shawn, watch. >> nice thing is sean will be in charge of assessing audience size -- good one joining me now form or white house press secretary sean spicer. u all right sean we saw you dance
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with ainsley you have no rhythm at all we knew that going in because you're from rhode island. i don't think there's everybody, anybody from rhode island that can dance. it's going to bee tough to make it out of the first round in my humble opinion. do you think you have what it takes to at leastes do better tn geraldo and tucker carlson that's my bar so i'll work as hard. i can't -- low bar it it is i've set the bar very, very low i think theup side is that i am hand down worst on the cast and no where to go but up and this is truly a fun time i talked to a lot of pro, they tell us later in the week who we get and i was quiz them all like who is the worst personon you've had and how hard do they work and what was end result and a lot of cases they were like if you have a great attitude, we can teach you. and you can end up doing pretty well so we've had other political figures on with tom delay they've had bristol
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palin and rick perry but apparently you're so mean and divisive and horrible. that the entire hollywood crew come out against you do you think it that's because you're so likable they don't want to give you a platform to appeal to other people. i've been face nateing this is somehow some rehabilitation tour like i'm going to have fun and i'm happy with who i am and i'm happy with who i support and believe if people want to see different side of me god bless them and like me more that's great and if they don't i don't care. i'm going to have a good time and have some fun. >> you're not out there saying build the wall you're trying to get the steps right. right. >> i'm not -- i'm just looking to make some moves here. >> are you going to bring any special guests because i know there's that one part where they show the audience sitting down can i come to be a special guest i'll cheer you on. >> i think --
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i created enough divisiveness now. i'll hook -- i'll put you up as a contestant next cycle but look i think my family will come and i thought about bring my priest because i may need him. but -- on the board of the yellow ribbon fund we help caregivers to the service or injured service men and women out there so i said to them, hey where don't i bring some of the guys that the wound the service members and caregivers that the yellow ribbon fund supports bring them out and have a good time make this about giving an experience too those kind of folks that would really enjoy some time away especially the caregivers so like look all having a good time man. >> l expension when you you're watching but good luck, good luck and don't step on too many toes. especially tom -- puns are coming aren't they? >> we'll check you out sean
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thank you very much. explosive claims including expanses political espionage and political blackmail. coming from the founder former ceo of retail giant during several tv interviews on thursday. this after patrick byrne forced out of his own company for saying he was involved in the russia probe and revealing romantic tiesnt to a russian sp. watch. men in black for the third favor i don't know who sent operators but i did -- they seem pushy you helped government a couple of times they reached out to you what did they ask you to do? >> i don'ting to go into the knity gritty right now. here's what it is. this was all political espionage conducted against hillary clinton. rue rubio and cruz and not a political theory of mine of i was in the room when it happened in a way not in a way.
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i was part of it. of some of it involves filling up hillary clinton it shall for what looked like law enforcement was actually setting her up to be black mated. i figured out where those orders came from came from a guy named peter strzok. >> no doubt peter strzok would watch this and say, you know, he's full of it. inothing to do with what he's talking about. >> he won't. peter strzok you want to see a former director crap his pants pardon me stick a television cameraa on peter strzok or let's say james comey mig and say the name patrick byrne you will see a former director of the fbi -- >> joining me now anchor of the story, martha, i don't know what to make of this. what is the exact thing he's saying happened with him? >> here's what we know. he says that he approached by federal government source who is asked him to be helpful in a
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situation a initially that had o do with hillary clinton.. that they were doing investigation which he thought was a law enforcement investigation. he essentially claims that he was asset in two frier investigations one dealing with a murder of his friend another dealing with wall street issues then they came back to him in 016 and said i want you to help us with something else and he said okay this is his story. he says eventually and he claims that it had to do with with clinton foundation, and they were asking him to sort of help them with work that's all he said about that. and he also had an affair allegedly with christina or whatever -- this russian is she a spy? >> this is where it gets really interested because she enters the country and he says that he met her byer chance. at a meet ling a conference she came up to him and know all about what he did all of this. okay. they have developed a friendship. this becomes entwined with the
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federal government he says investigations into all ofve the different political entity but at some point he says that she became less interested in the hillary clinton side of the story andnt started sort of hanging around more with influential republicans and he said, do you want me to, you know, to stop this? do you want me to the get her out of there? no he says they said back off. let's see where she goes let's see who she talks to so there are a number of ways that you can interpret this whole thing in one sense, it sort of feeds into the narrative that russia was trying to mess with our elections right she w comes from russia. she wants to meet all of these people and wants to spend time looking into hict marco rubio ted cruz, donald trump. then trump become sort of the main game in town. for the nominee, and it looks like all of the attention then starts going to him and his campaign he claims that there was a effort to set up meeting with her with donald trump jr. with. again you know this is what he's saying. playing into narrative that people like peter strzok and people like jim comey.
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had created some sort of mechanism to entrap or surveil or do some sort of dirty tricks with trump campaign now he said he spoken to the independent investigate, department of justice john durham who is investigating all of this allege malfeasance. it goes become back to phrase with insurance policy. right for everybody to try to wrap their arm around this if you're trying to create ae situation with something on somebody. if the election doesn't got way you want it to this is the kind of sort of ground work that was the he claims was going on. right, now with regard to the investigation, he's spoke to federal officials turned over all of his documents text message, e-mails he said they have everything. he's referring, you know, to broad sense to the durham investigation thatn goes into te origins of the russia investigation. henv says they have everything. i met with him twice and we're going to find out what they have. martha. fascinating thank you so much. >> thanks jesse elizabeth warren bust a move on campaign trail
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diamond and civil are going to react to that and critique her, next. maria ramirez?
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help heal your skin from within. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. some bad news for the left, a new study by financial website 24/7 wall street shows 25 of the in in nation worst congressional districtses for black people are controlled byem democrats and topping the list, minnesota fifth congressional district represented by none other than congresswoman elon omar. the data shows black residents are four times more likely to liveme below the poverty line tn white residents, and three times more likely to be unemployed. joining me now with their reaction of the lovely -- diamond and silk. [laughter] why do you think this is? >> that's because they keep voting for the same type people. you know you keep vote for democrats you keep getting same thing and same results --
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it is on you. you're going to have to vote a different way i tell you to vote republican because democrats have shown us that they don't care about these cities they don't care about their districts they care, omar cared about her district e she wouldn't be suing anti-semitic rhetoric ore leave running around here talking about she's going to be the president worst nightmare and want to work for her district. so you know -- >> black districts ever vote for a republican candidate if they have a good one with there? >> they should. yes. if want better. >> educated updated as to what's going own and what's been going on. this is part of the democrat playbook, and you know, jesse always say that the left four letters rat and a lot of black comungts they don't see that the something wrong with that. and it has been a secret in the black community that you don't speak about this. you don't speak about that and whenever president trump called on elijah cummings --
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is that something black community don't talk about or leadership doesn't talk about. what is the secret is? >> the credit is don't tell our nastiness you don't tell people that we have rats and we live with rats or tell on him because he's black i don't care if you're not right by where are district we need to call you out. >> we'll call someone else out not an african-american woman. a white woman very white you can tell by the way she dances elizabeth warren fake a look. [laughter] ♪ with respect hey, baby ♪ , i mean, that's aretha you can't do that to her. you can't do that -- >> she don't know no better. offbeat but so funny looking at her candor i saw her in for the
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black folk letting them know they need reparation no. black people need liberation from the democrat party she's not going to win and probably not going to get black votes. probably not going to be on dancing with the stars but white women damages and elizabeth warren can't. >> neither can sean spicer could be a danceoff could be ugly. here's bill de blasio i think he called in via skype or something to one of these union deals. let's listen to what he had to say. >> s apologize you haven't gottn to know donald trump. but this new yorker volunteers -- to get rid of him for you. >> okay. [laughter] unfortunately he is such a joke his campaign is a joke. why is he run for president come here, and let's clean up the city. running away from new york. running away from new york if you're mayor you should be leaning up city and taken care
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of our police officers. they shouldn't be getting dash and doused with water. that really bothers me. a whole lot. >> knows diamond and silk are in manhattan. >>i hope he do. that's right he should know but one thing if i can say one thing i heard him say he's going to test the hell out of rich folk i hope he start with his wife. come on. money that still o missing and e need to know where the money at. that's right. okay. you guy about are in billings, minnesota so check out the chitchat tour as it crosses the nation. >> all right. chitchat >> coming up, my theory on why so many millennials are flocking toin socialism. you're nots going to hear it anywhere else but here. don't go anywhere. there's a company that's talked to even more real people than me: jd power. 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories
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young people all over country are flocking to socialism.eo but according to a new poll by young americans for freedom, 27% of them can't provide a definition of socialism, and 10% think that word simply means freeim stuff. and i have a theory as to why so many millennials and members of generation z are fall head over heals for socialism but before i explain i'm joined by fox nation
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host, abby hornacek and the beautiful, welfarely talented actor extraordinary, stephen baldwin. all right so i'm going to uncork this theory with with you guys tell me if you think i'm on to something. if you're on social media all day and you're looking at abby instagram and she's out there -- living a luxurious lifestyle is and she's in a hammock in tahiti are you looking at stephen baldwin there she is wherever the heck that is and stephen baldwin he's got a royce behind him or something like that. so you're looking at these people and you're envious and similar age and you're thinking stephen, quarter million dollar car, and you're thrig to yourself wait a second i'm in a dingy little apartment barely making ends meet why can't i have all of this great snuff capitalism isn't working for me -- i need socialism. and i need people to give me free stuff, like everybody else has -- does that make sense?
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please go i want to feel second. defensive right now stephen i'm sure you agree those pictures are outur of context i'll say that. but yes i do think a lot of people are ill informed that's the big problem with socialtism that denmark and sweden are socialist economies that prime minister of denmark had to come out to say we are a market economy. we are not socialist so i think that's part of the problem. >> market economy she won't sell greenland. [laughter] maybe not what do you think people are looking at everyone pictures on social media and they think why can't i have that so government needs to give it eto me? >> most definitely there's a forward motion of that messaging clearly to young people. what is fair is changing. what is fair -- what is fair is -- unacceptable unfortunately i think we're underestimating america young people jesse i think 2020 is going to be a wonderful year.
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i think president trump is beginning to whoop everyone's in 2020, and i think it is because the in party is disrespecting iy opinion the intelligence of a lot of people l including young americans. just my opinion. ening i think you're right. i think you're right and they're going to vote lock step for the democrat and don't give them l any credit because abby generation what z -- millennial -- >> millennial unfortunately. smarter than shehe looks. okay san francisco is dealing with a lot of problems human waste on street a high crime rate city is coming to rescue making criminals feel better. no joke the city caving to the pc police and reportedly rebranding several words regarding crime. listen to this felon now becomes formerly incarcerated person. or a justice involved person a juvenile delinquent a justice
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assistant and a drug addict a person with previous substance use. not abuse but use what's this all about? >> jesse i'm really hurt right now. you're called me a name. and that's what it's about bro, you don't want tooff set feetings of hardened criminals they're very sensitive people. >> this is also crazy as we already know. ii want to get become to something like the name game right now. ii think we ought to do a deal e three of us to invest together in something called hollywoodism it is like socialism. but even better it shall right if you can play with with the minds of everybody in the messaging, to we're getting to point where we're really having this conversation. it is about mind control. again if you change the language you change's thought process like a drug dealer would be what a -- a unlicensed pharmaceutical
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salesman? >> they should be calledded a drug dealer i feel like right now we're in a world where everyone is so sensitive and i'm talking as a millennial and there is no accountability anymore and i can't speak too because i don't have kids but when i have kids it is assure you that i'll go to the kid say look this is not okay there should be punishment. you're going to spank the hell out of your kids. theree has to be accountability you have kids you have a dog. >> stephen's parpght let him run wild and look whatn turned out o him. >> i'm here on fox news with you. >> you turned out great. >> thank you. thank you you guys. up next i'm all rush limbaugh radar plus the result of the gleend poll very surprising, up ahead. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the
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[♪] jesse: time for you're surely getting a shout out. what. >> jussie waters, this was on the five yesterday afternoon. she got her own show from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. she misses a significant s party missing this next hour of this program. that's when waters said to her yesterday. >> you do your show when limbo comes on. you miss an hour of it. two great points. this is the wayay he conducts te orchestra. he's saying no, shut up. you kind of glide down the row like a maestro. it's a brilliant performance so it's great to watch. the other thing it does is, it
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removes the reporters from television. they shoot them from behind so they don't get to stand up and get the face on camera. shut them down. >> waters listening program yesterday and advising her what she's missing but it bears repeating. >> it does. you're welcome there any time. we'd love to have you. the door is always open. i wanted to share the results of our, should we buy raymond? overwhelmingly 77% of viewers say yes, but by agreement. 10% don't want to buy it and 13% saint annexed it. annexed is just cheaper. it's all for us tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram
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and twitter. just just with judge jeanine is next. ♪ welcome to justice, i'm judge jeanine. thank you for being with us. thank you for making justice number one in viewers all weekend long. tonight, governor mike huckabee, trump 2020 team are all here. strapped infra fun filled hour. first, might open. >> san francisco long admired for its stunning beauty. crime ridden rat i


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