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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  August 26, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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conversation there about the media, so much to deal with this week, hard to squeeze it all in, we are back here >> things have been happening with china, very positive development for the world. heather: monday august 26th, 2019, this is "fox & friends first", happening right now at 4:00 a.m. on the east coast, fox news alert for you, china ready to negotiate. comes hours after the president closed tremendous trade deal with japan, live in france with breaking development from g7 summit. johnson & johnson liable for its role in opioid epidemic after months of testimony, california
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judge will answer that question today, how is the landmark verdict going to impact cases all around the country. heather: and soldier surprise that will make your morning, love it. "fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪ ♪ heather: good morning, it's a beautiful day, hope everybody had a great weekend, monday morning, thank you so much for starting your day was.
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let's begin with this, china, beijing announcing that it's prepared to come back to the table to negotiate an end to the trade war, i believe that we are looking at live pictures right now, kevin corke live for news france as the president meets with world leaders, good morning, kevin. >> heather, always great to be with you, you know, amid the usual that happens in summit like, this global exchanges, diplomatic dances, on occasion you and i get a chance to talk about breaking news and that was the case in last hour that chinese are ready to come to negotiating table, a lot of people talk about $75 billion in tariffs, the u.s. retaliated saying they would hit them with tariffs on $550 billion of goods and services from china, so here we are, now at the g7 and finally the two sides are coming
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back together, talks heating up, heather, amid global fear that is the back and forth between the world's two largest economies could cause a global recession. >> china called last night, top trade people said let's get back to the table, we'll be getting back to the table, they have been hurt badly, they understand this is the right thing to do, this is a very positive development to the world. >> positive development for the world says the president, those comments by the way coming during summit in which he's already announced major trade deal with japan, also to boost the uk economy with massive trade pack in the wake of who what's is a no-deal brexit and china deal with the u.s. will help entire global economy. >> very big things are happening with china, you probably read
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the breaking news a little while that they want to make a deal. they just came out and they want calm, they want great things. >> they want calm, markets over in asia have been volatile in the wake of tariff back and forth, later on the president is expected to have press availability with german chancellor angela merkel, famously close to former president obama, but the two do maintain relationship, a lot more of that coming up around 5:30 or so later on this. we also have working sessions i can tell you about, heather, that's where the leaders get a chance to get together and talk about different issues, not just related to the g7 countries but also more global topics, that and much more happening throughout the day, if i get any read up that rises to the level of interest i promise to pass it
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along. back to you. heather: in news conference he mentioned there's a third thing that's great news and couldn't tell anyone what it is right now, sphiend out what that is. >> yeah, you know, i hate when he does that because we are all like what is it, if i find out, i promise i will tell you. heather: everybody start guessing what could it be. great work. jason chaffetz explains why the contrast works in the president's favor. >> they see a president opening up markets, japan deal, i cannot stress how big that will be in the heartland at the same time they hear democrats talking about a green new deal and bernie sanders and the like talk about a 16 trillion-dollar over 10 years, $16 trillion in new spend to go try to reconfigure
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the entire energy sector, cows, cattle, you name it, they want to get rid of fossil fuels, that has bled over to elizabeth warren, all the candidates out there and blundering joe biden, i think the president is stronger politically than he's ever been. heather: this trade deal is also expect today boost america's technology sector and e-commerce, stay with us, much more to come on that. >> protests in hong kong turned violent, police forced to fire a warning shot as the chinese military stands on the sideline. 36 people including a 12-year-old arrested in most violent night since demonstrations began and that
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was 12 weeks, rallying against a law that would extradite criminals to mainland china, chinese state media warning overnight that beijing could soon intervene. well, more than 200 firefighters working around the clock to battle a brush fire, flames breaking out in glendale neighborhood of los angeles, the police shut down 3 major freeways as helicopters dropped water on the flames. the fire burned 30 acres but no longer spreading that is good news, nearly 100 homes, though, were evacuating, those families, though, are now allowed to return. how about this? billionaire philanthropist is offering 10,000-dollar rewarded to help find a missing marine, bill tweeting this of jesse writing in part, bringing our brother in arms home, seen at apartment in arizona on
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august 14th, family says he suffers from ptsd and depression, ceo of pulte capital and uses social media to promote philanthropic causes. yeah, there's election and 2020 democrats will hit campaign trail hope to go win support, good morning, griff. >> good morning, heather, who sup and who is down, debate over 2 weeks away, 2020 candidates in pacific northwest, tried to overcome drastic drop in polls, taking shot at the president in north carolina. >> said he was going to help working people, said he was going take care of the safety of our communities but then he
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cowards under the nra and instead of fulfilling what he made as statements to the folks all the way to dayton to el paso, nothing, nothing. >> front runner joe biden still reeling in new hampshire from asking voters to imagine president obama's assassination was holding off on criticizing the president while overseas. >> never criticize a president's foreign policy when he's abroad and i mean that sincerely. >> in washington state elizabeth warren was more than willing to do so. >> yeah, you don't back down from a bully. you have to be willing to lay into this, right? and nobody is getting behind me on this debate stage and doing a handsy, that's not going to happen. >> bernie sanders fire on senate's top republican.
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>> mitch mcconnell, enough is enough. stop the obstruction, stop walking the senate from taking action to raise the minimum wage guaranty health care as human right and not privilege. >> all right, here are the 10 candidates qualified for september 12th debate so far, biden, castro, o'rourke, sanders and yang, remaining have days to qualify and most of them are on the trail today. heather: all right, we will see if it gets shorter and shorter, finally, thank you so much, griff. have a great day. well, one of those candidates is 2020 hopeful andrew yang will release plans to tackle climate change and venture capitalist is expected to call for heavy investment in geo engineering in town hall event in new
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hampshire, his plan would end tax benefits for fossil fuel companies and introduce a carbon tax, yang's announcement days after bernie sanders unveiled 16 trillion-dollar green new deal plan. did you see this over the weekend? roy mcill roy catching paycheck with dominant final round. [cheers and applause] heather: hauling in $15 million after winning the tour championship in atlanta, he finished at 15 under par, he also took home the fedex cup given to top player in golf's playoffs and joins tiger woods as the only players to win it twice. weather down there too, spectators injured by lighting strikes, well, fox news alert for you, u.s. and japan closing
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in on a new trade deal, now china says that they are ready to negotiate to end the trade war, so what are the odds of actually getting a deal, gordon chang says the u.s. has upper hand in trade talks and he joins us live up next. and no man left behind, awesome moment that the marine carries fellow veteran who lost his legs serving our country to the top of the mountain.
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heather: welcome back, china ready to come to the table to end calm ending to escalating trading war as president trump says this is a step in the right direction, right direction for possible trade deal between the two world powers. listen. >> we are going to start shortly to negotiate, we will see what happens, i think we will have a deal because now we are dealing
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on proper terms, we understand and they understand. this is the first time i've seen them where they want to make a deal and i think it's a positive step. heather: asia analysts gordon chang joins me now on what we can expect with new dialogue that apparently has happened overnight, you and i were discussing before the show started and you said this is very good news. >> this is very good news for the united states. actually don't think trade deal is long-term interest, most people do, china coming to the table and being realistic for the time being, when they want calm that's chinese for i surrender. heather: how significant is that, attitude moving forward? >> this is really important and i think that's not just, you know, trump's twitter pieces, what the most important thing is the japanese agreed to buy additional $7 billion of u.s.
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agriculture, primarily corn, that took away china's card, china has been going at farm belt by not buying u.s. soybeans and other products trying to convince trump to give up, well, didn't work because japanese have now come to the rescue of the united states, they are going the buy the stuff and china just completely out in the cold, so, yeah, they have to have calm, by the way, heather, so many other problems right now, they have a problem in hong kong they can't deal with, crumbling economy that's probably growing to more than than 1%. heather: that's what president trump said this morning, china lost 3 million jobs so they need this, they need sop -- some help. >> you have factories leave china, china because of all threats and all it tried to do with the united states, what has happened is factories decide, look, we've got to leave because they can't price in the uncertainty of the trade war, so
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this is tarnish china, manufacturers are leaving and that's because of president trump's policies of pushing the countries, factories out of china. heather: trade deal that he managed to accomplish with japan. >> yes, that's really important, you also have canada and méxico, usmca, you know, china used to be our number one trade partner in the first half of this year, china fell to 3 behind méxico and canada. heather: interesting. >> that's important and in addition to all of this you've got brexit, you've got a uk-u.s. trade deal, that's also going to help sure up our position, people say trump did not create -- did not get our allies on board, well, he's getting our allies on board, you japan, canada, méxico, uk, god know who is else. heather: managed to do something that no other president has been able to do and that is deal with
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china. >> intimidate the chinese ruler, you know, we've always tried to accommodate the chinese tone gauge them and bring them into the international system and because of that we've tolerated a lot of unacceptable behavior, this is the first time in the living memory of most americans that we've had an american leader intimidate a chinese ruler, that's a really good thing. heather: here is the question, though, will china follow through because earlier this year there was allegedly a deal on the table and they agree today it and they backed out of it in the last minute, do you think this time around they will stick with it? >> i sort of think that they are trying to stall, they would rather do with problems one at a time rather than all of them simultaneously. so, you know, and china will never stick to a deal once it's made, but the point is right now they are surrendering, that's really president trump's credit and i think trump's critics really need to give him an apology because we've heard a
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lot of really corrosive rhetoric especially on friday, well, it worked. heather: we will see if he gets those apologies, don't hold your breath on that one, great to have you with us. >> thank you, heather. heather: absolutely, expert on everything, time now 20 minutes after the top of the hour, major ruling in landmark opioid trial is just hours away. we will johnson & johnson be forced to pay billions? live with what to expect. moving is hard.
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no kidding. but moving your internet and tv? that's easy. easy?! easy? easy. because now xfinity lets you transfer your service online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. really? really. that was easy. yup. plus, with two-hour appointment windows, it's all on your schedule. awesome. now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. heather: welcome back, landmark ruling on opioid epidemic today, judge expected to say whether
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johnson & johnson will pay $17 million against drug maker, aisha has with more as the trial winds down in oklahoma. >> could bring hope and ending the deadliest opioid crisis, the ruling all in the hands of this man, cleveland county district judge, he's going to decide if johnson & johnson has to pay and just how much, oklahoma says it need nearly $18 billion to fund opioid treatment and prevention programs in the state over the next 30 years, well, johnson & johnson is accused of sparking the crisis by oversupplying these addictive pain killers and also using misleading medical claims and aggressive tactics, those lawmakers say lead to 6,000 deaths in this state alone in nearly two decades, one of them including university of oklahoma austin botts, dad's
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heartbreaking testimony against johnson & johnson earlier this year, listen to this. >> from the university of oklahoma the saturday before he died. >> austin died of overdoes in 2011. today's ruling could bring justice to his family and also set precedent for 1900 other opioid cases across the u.s. and johnson & johnson denying any wrongdoing in this, they could settle outside the court before the judge makes decision, very interesting events to come how this is going to play out. heather: 1900 cases. >> so many people have died. >> thank you so much. >> sure. heather: back to new york city, bill de blasio at town hall event, 2020 hopeful slammed for his response for high-profile arrest for eric garner.
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[inaudible] >> please be respectful. heather: eric garner died in 2014 after nypd used choke hold to arrest him, that officer was fired last week, no charges have been filed. america's toughest sheriff, do you remember him, making a comeback, joe arpaio running for seventh term at maricopa sheriff, ready for bruising bitter campaign, never back down. he's vowing to reopen tent city, that's outside jail that sparked controversy for housing inmates in the desert, president trump pardoned arpio after going after judge's order to stop targeting immigrants, arpaio will face
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democratic paul who unseated him from the job in 2016. well, the time now is about 26 minutes after the top of the hour and insane crash caught on camera, look at that. the truck through a red light slamming into cars and look at the bicyclist. how they were able to walk away. >> imagine what would happen if god forbid barack obama has been assassinated after becoming the defacto nominee. >> i love the place, what's not to like about vermont. >> another gaffe-filled weekend on the campaign trail for joe biden, democrats best chance to beat trump in 2020? we will debate up next.
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heather: welcome back half past
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top of the hour, fox news alert, china could throw in the towel, beijing announced it's prepared to negotiate and end the trade war, president trump says a deal can be reached saying the two sides are going to begin talking very seriously. tropical storm gaining strength to become hurricane, likely reach puerto rico by the middle of the week. of course, that island still recovering from hurricane maria last year. right now it's too early to speculate whether florida could be at risk, south of barbados right now. more than 200 firefighters working around clock to battle brush fire, flames breaking out in glendale neighborhood of los angeles, helicopters drop water on flames, fire burned 30 acres,
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good news it's no longer spreading. fears of active shooter sparking panic in a mall. russian to shopping center responding to what was described as smash and grab robbery, some people thought that they heard gunshots and the grate mall was immediately put on lockdown, police later giving all-clear, though, no one believed to have been injured even though they possibly thought it was going on, plane crash landing and bursting into flames in an emergency landing, you can see the emergency crews spraying jet with flame retardant, all 7 people on board made it out alive. unclear what led to emergency landing.
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lucky people. first day of michael avenatti's embezzlement case, trying to extort over $20 million from nike. he allegedly threaten to expose over scheme unless they agree today pay him, avenatti's lawyers want the case dismissed. fcc to issue new warning today about fake medicare calls targeting the elderly, listen up if you received one of these, the agency has seen increase in these kinds of schools, scanners to be representatives of medical supply company and offer free service in exchange for information. rocket test launch could go off with a bang today literally, spacex is warning people who live around texas facility, quote, there's a risk that a
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malfunction of the spacex vehicle during flights will create overpressure event that can break windows, you must exit the home and be outside any building when you hear police sirens, launch for 4:00 p.m. local time. back to election now, former vice president joe biden suffered another weekend of blunder-filled campaign stops fueling concerns over 2020 exert evening cri, listen. >> imagine what would happen if god forbid barack obama had been assassinated after becoming the defacto nominee, we will make sure it's only affordable. >> what's not to like vermont, what a neat town. heather: here to debate joseph
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and member of the virginia house of delegates mark levine, thank you for joining thus morning, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. heather: mark, i will start with you, still all in on biden? >> i think we have lots of good choices running for the democratic president, i think joe biden is a great choice, comparison between him and donald trump is huge, you know, a few things joe biden gets wrong, donald trump lies every day. joe biden is all about middle class, he would never give the massive middle class tax cut, largest in american history. heather: good pivot by the way from talking about joe biden and competency and the other candidates on 2020. >> well, compared to donald trump, competency, really, that's a joke. heather: joseph, what do you think, what's your comment?
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>> president trump might have to change name from sleepy joe to lost in fly. realistically, i still think to this day democrats, think litmus test for who the nominee will be who can beat donald trump in 2020 event. again, it's going to come down to iowa, it's going to come down to individual who is are those organized labor workers. heather: mark, as we continue to talk about it, i want to bring up scroll of the gaffes that have been made by joe biden, since the beginning of this, the first of this month. we will talk more about this later so i don't want to touch on it too much, in terms of fundraising, is that an indication that maybe there's problems with joe biden as well? >> if you're going to do scroll of donald trump's gaffes you could go for weeks because he's had 12,000 dies in 869 days
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again documented by the washington post, the difference is people trust joe biden, joe biden will not help north korea get nuclear missiles, joe biden wouldn't play footsy and republicans use today care about debt and we have donald trump with largest debt ever in american history, so i think that joe biden is trust worthy but we have lots of choices. heather: i'm wondering in the next debate, joseph, joe biden will ask about china and dealings with china specifically dealing with family, china front and center in the news, trade deal, president trump says now going to happen, china says they're willing to negotiate, what about that? [laughter] >> i feel realistically, might seem like a laughing matter but realistically the individual who is live in america, the farmers who are really looking for a break from the trade war that we are dealing w they take it
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seriously. i didn't interrupt you, here is the truth, right now we are dealing with the fact that democrats have not learned lessons in 2016, they continue to go back to big names who are past their prime, they started with hillary clinton in 2016, clearly not hillary clinton of 2008, they started with saying that we will have a white knight coming in named bob mueller to save the day and rewrite america, turned out that didn't happen either, right now you have democrats who continuous i will say that everything is wrong, the house is on fire and yet when you look at the polls they can't find -- >> no. farmers know who is causing the problem, they know it's donald trump who -- heather: you know what i believe -- i've always heard that you can't win campaign by just running against someone that you have to run on something. democrats can't run on that this time around because the -- >> i think they can -- no, but trump will ruin the obama-biden
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economy, he's talking us into a recession. you can see with inverted yield curve, we are heading there now and that's because of trump raising taxes. look at the market. [laughter] heather: the market is way back up today. thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks for having us. heather: time now is about 20 minutes until the top of the hour s the american media rooting for our country to fail? fellow world leaders apparently asking president trump that question are they right? we are reading comments. robots will begin roaming the streets starting today.
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removes more plaque along the gum line. for cleaner teeth and healthier gums. and unlike sonicare, oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada for its effectiveness and safety. what an amazing clean! i'll only use an oral-b! oral-b. brush like a pro. >> some breaking news for you, live pictures coming to you from france where the first lady melania trump is standing
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somewhere in the crowd, g7 summit underway, 7 nations meeting talking about the economy, climate change, also front and center with these meetings and so good news, china saying they are ready to deal when it comes to trade with president trump also an announced deal with japan, so much more to come on that throughout the day. the last day of the g7 summit. back at home two stars coming to dayton, ohio to honor 9 victims of mass shooting, first kanye west holding sunday service in a church. ♪ >> comedian dave chapelle, haven't seen him in a while,
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raise money for the shooting victims. stevie wonder and chance the rapper, among the performers, hope they bring a lot of money for those folks, unclear kanye west will try to up stage taylor swift again at tonight's mtv video music award, do you remember that? in addition to big performance, nominated for 10vma's including video of the year, most nominations going head to head in 8 of the same categories and tonight's vma's will be held in new jersey for the first time, late night. i don't think i'll be able to watch all of it. your next delivery could arrive at your doorstep via a robot. fedex will begin testing its new battery-powered bot today, tracee carrasco from fox business on the rollout, good morning, tracee. tracee: good morning, bots taken to the streets of memphis, tennessee, fedex will start
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testing out roxo, autonomous delivery robot in memphis, later debuted and roxo can carry about 100 pounds, a lot of packages there and will be monitored by a remote operator at all times, roxo can maneuver through streets, sidewalk, of course, avoid any people that might be on the sidewalk as well, so be on the lookout. heather: wouldn't want him running anybody over. drones and robots, let's talk about disney, they are opening new stores inside target? >> yes, every child, every parents dream, disney store opening within target, a store within a store, starting about 25 locations, in philadelphia, chicago, denver, they will start with 25 and by next october they'll be adding 40 more of these stores so they will sell
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exclusive merchandise from disney, pixar, marvel, the disney store will be adjacent to toy section and also the children's clothing. very convenient there, be on the lookout for this. heather: make kids happy, not so much about the parents. well, veteran helps marine climb to the top of a mountain, you to see this after losing both of his legs in combat, the two men served together in afghanistan, they were on a mission to reach the summit there, it's called mount in utah, another climber saw them in route and was so moved by their journey that he decided to take this video and then share it on facebook. he says that he learned ultimately made it to the top completing a 14-mile track. that is amazing. well, the time now is about 15 minutes until the top of the hour, remember the top democrat who supported a shirt that said
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i don't believe in borders? well, apparently that's true for the whole party, another leader now asking for money in méxico, are democrats getting desperate? we will ask rnc spokesperson liz harrington live up next. ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new chevy silverado. with fifty industry-firsts. it's the strongest, most advanced silverado ever.
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heather: welcome back, democrats going south of the bored to campaign for 2020, dnc chairman tom pérez will be holding fundraiser next month in méxico city, how can democrats claim to represent americans while they travel outside our bord toars fund raise, here to weigh rnc
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spokesperson liz harrington. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> as we begin our discussion, let's take a look at ticket prices for the event, dnc hopes to raise some significant amount of money if you have tickets going at top for $15,000, what do you make of this? >> the democrats are running dnc as poorly as they would run the country because we've seen their turning now to failed ideas of the past and hillary clinton who is holding fundraiser for them and they are also going to méxico because apparently in the interest of the american citizens are not in their foreign minds when you see them talking about taking million off of americans off of private insurance and giving it to illegal aliens, not just fundraiser there you had robert francis o'rourke campaign ago cross the border in méxico, cory booker has helped illegal aliens cross the border into america, and mayor pete has helped
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illegal aliens evade the law in south bend, so this is another example of american citizens coming last when it comes to the democrats. heather: why isn't dnc asking them accepting aid or benefiting from a foreign country? >> right, we've heard a lot about foreign interference in the elections, they say they are only accepting donations donatim expatriots and american citizens, however, just the fact that they are going to méxico, campaigning in méxico show what their priorities are right, very hypocritical. heather: republican's
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fundraising tripled in july, they are worried that americans are not buying into their miami? >> right, americans aren't buying their message because they are selling socialism and the american people reject that, axios reported that president trump's underappreciated assets is largely done what he said he was going to do, imagine that, maybe because he's not a politician and on issue after issue whether it's china and trade, rebuilding military, booming economy, whether it's so many things he said he was going to do that he's done, that's what's translating into record enthusiasm, record donations because it's record results. heather: i was looking at one of these reports that came out over the weekend i'm sure you saw it as well that in washington state which is blue, blue, blue, president trump has racked up far more donations, big and small than of the top democrats
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combined in washington state. >> exactly right. democrats aren't appreciating the biggest asset we have which is the president that's delivering and that's how we get donations record from all across america because americans see what's going on, they see it in their lives, they see taxes going down, they see paychecks going up and so now they're using that money in a lot of ways and some of it is getting involved in politics, people that have never been involved at least in our side ever before and that's why we are getting people across the aisle and donations more than half are more small dollar donations, we have record enthusiasm, the dnc, they are only at 38% with small dollar donations. heather: a lot of people say that, you foe, the amount of money raised especially what you were just talking about that is more of a correct indicater as to the direction of the election versus some of the very early polls. liz, thank you so much for
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joining us, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> right. coming up soldier surprise that will make your morning promise. >> hey, guys. >&c"ajry
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heather: welcome back, president trump slamming the media at the g7 summit in france, the
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president tweeting the question i was asked most today by fellow world leaders who think the usa is going so well and stronger than ever before happens to be mr. president, why does the american media hate the country so much, why are they rooting for to it fail, we asked if you agreed with the president and george on instagram says, yes, everyone knows the media is leftist, bias and fake, laura, only certain media, a lot of people are opposite media, yes, the media is rooting for demise of president trump and never recovered from failure of clinton and the fall of obama. well, now the time the good, the bad and the ugly, quickly first the good, kids totally shock when a surprised visitor showed up at school. >> dad! >> hey, guys. heather: army major david surprising 3 kids in georgia, they had no idea that he was
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early from afghanistan. now, the bad tesla driver caught on camera sleeping behind the wheel, witness say the car was driving 75 miles an hour, tesla says autopilot feature requires fully testify attended driver, finally the ugly, massive caught on camera after truck runs the red light, the car of the car runs away, police catching them, the driver charged with driving under the influence. that wraps up this hour of "fox & friends first", thanks for joining us, "fox & friends first" continues now, bye, bye. >> and so we will be getting back, very positive development to the world. >> it is monday august 26th, fox news alert, less talk breaking overnight, china willing to negotiate after tariff talks


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