tv The Five FOX News August 26, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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best of luck to him. it's been on r8, jagged that's it for me today. catch me tomorrow, 2:00 p.m. on the fox business network. everything in the market was up big tomorrow. neil will be back tomorrow but it all is well in the world especially now because of five starts. ♪ high matt, i'm greg with doctor, dana perino, "the fivwe" ." first, trump with his bad as hitler. then he was worse than hitler now he is worse than hitler and stalin combined. >> trump is as destructive of a person in this century as hitler, stalin, and mel were in the last century. he may be responsible for many more millions of us than they were. he needs to be contained but he needs to be contained by
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attacking his policies, not his person. >> yeah, attack his policies, not his person. it says this -- after saying trump is deadlier than three of the biggest mass murderers in history. but why stop there? why not add angus kohn, the black plague, isis, syria, cigarettes, climate change, maroon 5? and the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs? hell, just go for it, trump is responsible for more deaths than death itself. after some outcry cnn admitted that they shouldn't have hit back admitting their meekness on tax issues which i believe if the network hadn't spent three years trying their guests for this kind of hysteria. >> the president of the united states is racist. speak all the people who voted for donald trump or races. if you, he is a racist pig. >> reclaiming heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my
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family and about 6 million other in the 1940s. >> brother trump is at this moment becoming the american version of hitler and mussolini. >> just last week, cnn accused trump of not aging and super natural argumentation directly related to an inhuman callousness and now for the 115 time, stelter barks at the familiar refrain about trump's erratic behavior getting worse. >> there is deftly widespread recognition that trumps behavior is getting worse. in type and infrequency. it seems exactly more erotic more often. we can't tiptoe around it anymore. we've got to talk about this. >> one was last time stelter was able to tiptoe around anything? there's got to be a new phrase to replace jumping the shark for cnn. maybe it's called losing viewers by the butler because the problem with the shrink's opinion about trump isn't that
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it stood out from this pack of braying hyenas but that it didn't stand out at all. he wasn't trying to shock stelter, he was auditioning for his job. >> charles: do i smell? i was just checking. i think is not that i think i might have a little body odor. i want. to come at 3 miles. i'm disgusting. i small gross and i think i've let everybody down here. i can small myself. >> usually you tell us if fox and friends had a fish but i don't smell anything. i didn't small their fish, i don't smell you. >> welcome along, no person can be that the evil so it kind of throws their entire opinions under the bus because they are so hysterical. unless you think trump is worse than hitler, stalin, and mouth. >> no, i don't, but i'm also not a shrink. i'm not a shrink so i don't have any opinion on this but i do think that in terms of what we do, which is political
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commentary, that yes, his policies and his words, can be hurtful, they can be damaging and i will say so. when he said stuff about abouto think this is low question might that's pretty weird when he says over the weekend, he said obama lost this i think what you talking about? he said milani got to know kim jong un very well and they got along completely and spend the stuff comes up and said no, they never met actually and you said why did the president said i? so things like that make you think well, it's policies and his words and actions that are worth it. >> charles: we have known it three years trump makes these shapes to help create a directional truth. like things are getting brighter with melania and whatever but we all go there. we get it paid as not being hitler. >> knelt at i will say that we are going to get to joe biden and not knowing what you are talking about so that's a little
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rich to lead with trump on that. i would say the more they hate him, the less they understand handed they can't unpack the way he talks and why he talks that way and that he is part comedian, part news credit, unfazed by the norms and a president that is -- the things that normal people react to come it is a ranch to he doubles down them and challenges them on that and he's going to think outside the box on a number of issues. but to the point about death and the people killed, he wanted like about saving lives, no one is hoping that anyone passes away but if there were to be one more supreme court justice, he might just nominate the next justice that will overturn roe vs. wade and then we might actually save millions of foreign lies. >> wow. that would be a welcome development in this country. save more lives than any president ever has. >> juan: i, may be a welcome development if you want to civil war. >> charles: i want to bring in dana brady been gone for a
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while. >> dana: it hasn't been that long but i'm glad to be back at one of the things we talked about is why do these young people think that socialism isn't a problem? will parlay if you start talking about history and the way that doesn't actually accurately describe what happened in history, he will water down people's knowledge of it and then pretty soon they just think that hitler was some guy and they are just like these guys from history as a comparison not only is it completely unfair but it also is destructive if you are trying -- if you care about people learning history. >> charles: also, to the d.a. idea of diagnosing, he's a psychiatrist. should he be disbarred in prison for life? >> dana: i mean okay, that could be a little graphic. >> act agree with dana. these are useless exercises. completely blunting the actions of our past. anything that trump has said or done is not parallel to what we have seen with hitler, stalin, and mao bread however, pete and
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i talked about this two years ago, the whole goldwater role when it talks to psychiatrist commenting on public figures when i haven't actually treated them, it is unethical and they are not allowed to do it and if you actually listen to this interview, it was so embarrassing and ridiculous because he was actually saying we should not be criticizing trump. we should not be calling him crazy because that is really adding to the stigma for mental illness. but he said the word crazy no less than 20 times through that entire interview and he said by the way, anyone who votes for trump is crazy. so he just played into his own thing. it's ridiculous. >> charles: i have a theory. who in the media most helped elect trumpian 2016 2016 cushin market wasn't fox news but we were having our own internal civil wars are over candidates because we had so many to pick from and the five was like a microcosm of that. we were arguing. in a media though, cnn and morning joe, both, they devoted
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most of their political time to trump and now they are his spanish inquisition impaired my theory is that day or trying to make up for what they have done it because they elected him and now they are doing all of this because they feel tremendous guilt even though zucker admitted that -- remember? make it a charm because and then they got him elected and then -- >> juan: we put on his rise, everybody put on his rallies without question. >> charles: we focus on all the candidates. >> juan: no, i don't think we put on rallies for jeff busch the way that we did for trump. they put on the better tv. >> charles: it is very entertaining. i don't know that i fully understand your theory to be honest. it didn't go over your head. i take the example of the chosen one. where you say well, i am the chosen one and i went nuts about
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him having a messiah complex when he's merely stating something to family that is a fact. previous presidents have not stared down china. it is fallen right in his lap. he is a business man that understands the dynamics and is taken them on. speed to be said later, i was there was joking and i think that they have kind of lost their ability to have a sense of humor. >> juan: look, we talk about his words but we could talk about his policies and separating families, useless wall, and me and -- 's before people keep blocking it is separating that before trial? a person named obama. >> juan: oh, get out of here for you to start that stage stuff so much. >> pete: stop it, juan. stop calling me names. >> charles: how trump is responding overseas, next. ♪ chair is just a chair.
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>> dana: a contentious g7 summit. china has had agreements with world leaders and also defending his trade policies earlier toda today. >> can i just clarify something you said question mark you mentioned earlier today -- let me do the clarification and then i'll get to the question. you talked about -- why we repeating what some people see is a clear lie? >> was annexed during president obama's term. speak of the back and forth on the changing of statements from yourself so that --
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speak i'm sorry good it's the way and negotiate. this has to be a deal that's better for us and if is not better, let's not do business together. speech is back at home, dimock has been criticized for attacking drum on the economy while he was in france. >> he is totally irrational and he's destabilizing the entire world economy. >> donald trump has no plan for this is just chaos and our trade war by tweet is harmful to the u.s. economy. >> the way this president has been using tariffs, he's been using them like a meat cleaver. maybe the better where it is a tweak lever. >> the current strategy, i'm not even sure you can call it a strategy. >> i think the president has botched this thing. >> the president was forced to defend himself. a report claiming he was using nuclear bonds to prevent a hurricane from the u.s. created we think this is a really important topic. you want to comment on it eschenbach >> i think pete agrees, they love the idea of nuking a hurricane. it's not surprising, okay, none of this story is surprising or alarming at all.
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trump is always an inquisitive out-of-the-box thinker. every five seconds he's asking a what if type of question and the media turns it into a front-page story and he is like i didn't mean it. i didn't mean it. but it's just a question and sometimes his counterintuitive ideas were created people dynamite oil flyers, right? i did some research. people fight fire with fire, they are called backfires. also, it never rains on russian parades. why's that? cloud seeding. they induce the rain before the parade. so these crazy ideas had to come from 70 with a big idea like let's bomb that hurricane. >> dana: what i think is alarming is that somebody wrote this down in a meeting in a national security council meeting and gave it to the media because that makes them feel important like they were trying to embarrass the president. >> charles: he should be proud of that idea. >> juan: sometimes those show
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knocks me out of my seat. the two of you are saying that you believe that he did say this? >> charles: i do. i do. >> dana: i would -- an outcome of the president says it's fake news and that he never said it. he said he never said it and i can imagine that he would've asked a question in a national security council meeting, sure. for example, when -- i member what and 2008 and there was an asteroid headed toward earth and it was like what are we going to do. >> pete: knock it out with a hurricane. the bomb causes the hurricane to go towards the asteroid. >> dana: which then protects the nuclear weapons? >> pete: breaks into pieces and destroys the rest of isis. >> charles: i never thought i would google how do you nuke a hurricane. >> juan: i think they should nuke my head because it's
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beginning to explode. >> charles: this was fascinating to watch for this guy is the american bull in the euro china shop and he says i have big ideas, and putting america first, you are all globalist, i don't care. and if you look at canada, formally of u.k., france, germany, italy, many of them are frontally unserious people about the real problems we are facing in the world. i just want to go there and talk about climate change. >> dana: this is the foreign minister of ron and he basicall basically -- mccone has him on the table -- coat but the photograph that they lake is at a table and they're all laughing about it and this guy is with a government that terrorizes innocent people. >> i love that you pointed to me to make sure that i know we were talking about. i don't know. i'm following. but the truth is that i agree. i think it really disrupted the whole purpose of this entire meeting here do i think it's a good thing to open the
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discussions there and that mccone is trying to facilitate this conversation question marc short. but president trump got out of the iran nuclear deal because he didn't believe it was a good deal. he had had to put forth what he thinks is any clear idea but i don't think he is in a rush to have these conversations but he has said that he is open to it but he's not in a rush but he really wants to run the field a little bit more but i do think medications get paid i don't think this weekend was a good time for them to really focus on that. >> charles: let me follow-up her let me first say with regards to nuking a hurricane, you have blown my mind. i mean, you understand that there would be damage to human beings from the fallout from a nuclear slippage, you understand that right? this is how you do climate change as well. this was a bad weekend for the president in terms of dealing with the number one issue, pete, number one issue but we've got a trade war going on with china
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that negatively is impacting the global economy. >> pete: it was a great week and for him on that. >> juan: didn't get any idea. he didn't get any allies. he didn't get our allies to say we will join you mr. president and put pressure on the chinese in stead. he skips the meeting on climate change -- grace that i was going, but i was late. no, you are going for you just gave up mr. president. speech you don't mccone did say that the french position was to agree on the intellectual property. >> juan: but in other words, if you get a deal, if he was able to exert more pressure by bringing allies to the table -- he didn't do that. i think he didn't do that. i don't think he dealt with the situation in terms of the irradiance or the syrians, a side which continues talk about isis, isis is growing by our own eyes.
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you don't blame the president. >> charles: i'm just glad he said that china showdown was the most significant issue we are facing are not climate change because this is what i think. most people aren't even playing on his level and yet he's going to do tough things. to pete's point, whenever you are in an episode of the chump show, no matter how many number of variables there are, it's always trump versus x, y, and z where there are hurricanes or john mark of the media but no matter the size of the variables, it's always one to one. it's him and everyone else. >> juan: and everyone else wants russia and the g8. >> dana: he made a comment about attention people are running with it. it is not saying to let them back in and attack. i just see at again that's him saying i'm open to things because he doesn't like black and white answers. i think that's great. >> dana: we are going to go. they are yelling at me. joe biden struggling with gas
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>> charles: democrats are getting nervous about joe biden's campaign. marge stumbles on the trail this weekend. take a look. >> we will make sure it's not only quality, it's affordable. for folks in the working class that are below 400, they will in fact -- we will increase their premiums -- excuse me, we will increase the generosity of the premium tax credit they will not get. imagine what would've happened if god forbid barack obama had been assassinated after the coming the de facto nominee. i love this place for it was not to like about vermont in terms of the beauty about it? >> charles: us comes as new poll finds biden's big league is
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evaporating. poll showing the vice president is in a virtual three-way tie with bernie sanders and warren. warren showed a big surge in the polls. yesterday she drew a crowd of 15,000 people in seattle. let's start with the poll, dana. of course, i think everybody would have protected the race will tighten at some point but right now, in a poll that's an outlier does have him basically in a three-way tie with warren and sanders. would you make of this? >> dana: it's a pretty small sample size but i do think it's hard. i think the biden people think it could be the start of a trend that they might be able to see. biden hasn't landed a glove on anybody in one of the debates. he sort of has risen above it all and hasn't to worry about that. remember they all came after him and he still did okay in the polls but now that it's getting a little bit tighter and he has had four of the candidates drop out, before this next debate, i think you will have to figure out how he can do that.
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one of the things that is charming about him while he has these gaffes' is that he is self-deprecating. i think that helps them along the way but it was that worrying seems to be tapping into what people are upset about in the country and she is going for the passionate vote and the anger vote while he is going for the electability vote and electability is not like the prime mover of getting people out there to have a 15,000 person crowd at your campaign the day before she had a 12,000 prison campaign and i would watch the bernie sanders warren alliance. so far, they have been pretty nice to each other and if that holds, i think bernie sanders will have to be in a position where he will ask his supporters to support her and elizabeth warren will get to make the electability argument. >> juan: you notice the democrats are picking up on this gaffes thing. but republicans, i think it's kind of cold language for he's old and unstable. by the way, when people say
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anything about trump's mental stability, all the republicans, all, how do you. >> nicole: he does of a point there. i will say adam the q can question someone's mental stability and then also question someone's mental fitness in terms of dementia or not when he also messes up your bottom line, i think people messed up when they publicly speak and i really just don't take a lot of these comments seriously. i know one way or are another, it doesn't make me like him more or less when he makes these mistakes. he should just read off of a prompter. what i find a more interesting is we are back in 2015 where we have a progressive versus a moderate to what i find very interesting now is that you have the progressives having twice as much percentage of the vote as a moderate and for me, that concerns me but i am wondering how that's going to translate in the primaries because i do think the far majority of americans lean a more moderate so will this hurt them or not?
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>> i think biden is done. i never thought he had a chance from the beginning. he has undercut his best assault. that's i can beat trump. if voters are starting to say can he? does he have it? he's done. and that's what's beginning to percolate in their minds and for 40 years, biden has been doing this. he's been aghast for jean but the media has given him a pass n it. now there is scrutiny because he is a so-called front runner and he lost a step or two. i'm not saying he's mentally this or that please lost a step or two in a moment when he needs it the most and he is not in step with where his party is right now. ate it it's a progressive moment for their base. he is done. he never started but this is the beginning of the end. >> charles: i thought it was going to be bernie sanders from the beginning. i took him against the field but i might lose that with warren only because the whole field has become bernie sanders for they are all burning out here they are all socialist now, far left, so i think it's between him and elizabeth warren, however can fill that progressive gap.
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a >> juan: that are part of the political news this weekend was goodness gracious, joe walsh doesn't run against your guy? i mean, i was so excited because i love the eagles and joe walsh, rocking on way, one of the greatest songs, life has been good, amazing guitarist, wrong joe walsh. the worst joe walsh ever. this is a guy who is way more noxious early on then anyway ring or public the way he treated obama and the stuff he is to say. i come laundry let's be serious here. i predicted all of this if you remember back in 1997. liz has 20%, bernie has 20%. there are two points made about us. if the candidates of the democratic party that are rising. he has the small donors and she is the big cause. they got to look at i care about and doesn't have either of those things. one drops out and 20 goes to 40.
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it it's not like bernie's 20 is going to go to joe or liz's 20's going to go to joe. they are going to join. they are going to be like bolted together. anyway, that leaves one of them and one of them is going to be -- the thing is, and it kind of agree that you can accept joe's gaffes the way you accept trump's tweets. people except trump's tweets, it kind of is noxious, biden's gaffes are weird. people can expect it like biden being the comfy sweater with a few holes in it. the only problem is, trump's tweets don't suggest that he is losing his step. it's that he's gaining his staff and i think that is when you compare those to you. to your point, i don't think he is going to be there at the end. by the way, --
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>> nicole: sony people are going to reject some of these far left policies pray that the only way he's going to slide in. >> juan: way, you are saying they will reject sanders and warren and then go back to biden? >> nicole: and then they will come back to kamala harris. i'm not saying i like her, but she doesn't have her on top of the point is not everyone is going to go so far left. i do think that a far majority of americans want to reject that concept. we are not there yet. >> juan: okay, so you're a picket sanders. dana, who is your pet? >> dana: i don't have uptake. i think it's biden here. this before she talks to posts so it's possible. back nicole, was your pet?
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>> nicole: it's think it's gonna be biden and harris. america is just not there yet. it's not that far left. >> juan: americans ditching traditional values. what are they embracing inside? find out, on >> nicole: . ♪ riptions to a music service he doesn't listen to and five streaming video services he doesn't watch. this is jerry learning that he's still paying for this stuff he's not using. he's seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. this is jerry canceling a few things. booyah. this is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. oh look, there they are. (team member) this is wells fargo.
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but dad, you've got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? >> nicole: young americans are abandoning traditional values and embracing socialism. younger generations of rate patriotism religion and having children as less important compared to them in the same poll taken 20 years ago. each category drops about 20 need to 15 points in the survey. it regionally finds 50% of young people say some form of socialism would be good for the country. okay, so here's the question that i have for you. although when you look at the younger population they may say
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that the overall poll showed that being the far majority of americans would reject socialis socialism, but also are either very or somewhat satisfied with the economy as it is right now. so do you think this is good for biden or more good for trump looking forward to 2020? >> dana: i hadn't thought about it that way did i was maybe going to mention something from a block when we were talking about how you teach history. i think it through academia over the past 20 years there has been changes and unfortunately, i think some people think of norway or sweden as socialism and that they want basically to have a bigger safety net for the public or health care and tuition, things like that. i don't think that is actually the case for it so there are some contradictions here where the vast majority come like 83% of all americans, older generations on younger generations still believe in hard work and tolerance of others and in community. those of the three highest one
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so i still think that is some good news. the patriotism one, that's the one i would be a little bit concerned about the edit why would you not be patriotic about the country? >> nicole: asked to leave me to pete who is never lacking in patriotism. pete -- there was decline in love for the country among people, not just the younger generation but overall everyone. do you think that as we move forward, this is going to be transitional or is this long-term? as is the future? this before we had it have the caveat that you get older and you get wiser paid you try to things like the flag and faith and family so those values are returning so it's natural for younger people to rebel against that. at the same time, this is that right here come education. when you lose your schools and you don't seek teach civics and patriotism, when you rip god out of them, which we've done completely, so there is no shared western civilization, you
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forget the demographics actually do matter, families, and all of that for you at all that up and pretty soon, you make yourself vulnerable to false gods like socialism. you can solve your own problems. so you start with the basics and you start to forget why america was so special in the first place. >> juan: i disagree so strongly. i think we are having an argument here over vocabulary because i don't think it's the case that young people are any less patriotic. in fact -- i do think this. they see the right wing wrap themselves in the flag and say if you are a trump supporter, you have to have the flag all around you, where the patriots, other people are not, and they say you know come i'm not playing that game. i'm not making the flag about politics. the politics -- the flag just informatica. they love a man could the way, young people, especially young people of color and immigrants, they have the american dream so close to their heart.
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they want to have america's success. they believe it's a stable place, the economy, they love america. this before but you if you are going into a government school and earth day is the most celebrated day on the calendar and not veterans day -- we are not emphasizing love in our country. >> juan: i don't go there. a speech you hold on guys. this before when you are taking away those types of thing from the classroom, the kids don't have a laws of the country. >> juan: one more. socialism. i don't think we are talking about state control of the means of production p.a. they are talking about what jane was saying. a stronger safety net. and that's what they say. before so they need to get educated. >> juan: but trump supporter's, trump supporter's think no one cares about us, things are out of control and we want somebody was going to look after us and they think
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socialism, more education, health care. >> nicole: the majority of people take -- >> pete: we found that 70% of young people are stupid. you can get that anywhere, your local library. but i was young and stupid and this is something -- this is a reoccurring theme for every upcoming generation. the generation that is coming in is always come in our opinion, less grateful and ignorant of achievements that bring them the leader time and the luxury that they are experiencing now. i think this is normal. i think the more comfortable life is, the less appreciative you are is it. and the less curious you are about the origins of the leisure and of the luxury. an average 19-year-old has more power than the king of england a hundred years ago that he may have had much land but he was in a pot.
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it he had no heat, he had no phone. >> nicole: i will say that i'm not happy exactly with where they are as a generation but i do think that they are going to improve and i think there patriotism is going to increase. before the modern world came from capitalism. what is would've that that iphone come from? >> nicole: speaking of the iphone, social media mob attacks andrew luck for retiring. the first crime was committed possibly from space and why you should think twice before texting coworkers. it's all next and the fastest seven. these good ♪ it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ]
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>> charles: time for the fastest seven. nfl star andrew luck facing fierce backlash for suddenly retiring from the indianapolis colts. the social media mom going after him and colts fans. [boos] i have to get your take to read the word leaked out during the game that he was going to retire pretty late in the league for nine seasons i believe grady had a long career in front of him. what you think? >> juan: i just can't believe they would do him. that guy gave everything to indianapolis and of the calls and i think that he has made a
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decision that, brain function, body function, more important than taking more pain. especially in the preseason. but you know, the key for me is i thought he was leaving big money on the table but then someone said to me at no, he has earned more than a hundred million already so it's not about the money paid why wouldn't you want to protect yourself? this before the franchise makes an investment in the sky, you're a fan, you're buying season tickets, he lacerated his kidney, i think he has had terrible concussions. his shoulder has been torn up. i mean, come on. i don't think the fan should be doing him. that's for sure. >> pete: i think that he should be arrested for what he did. he should be put in jail. what he did to society is beyond reproach. death penalty not of the table here. i guess the thing is, it's not the story. the story is about the reaction. we start doing stories about the reaction to a story so this is
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like no different than sean spicer on "dancing with the stars." it's the media making the story about the reaction. so we become the story as opposed to the guy retiring. people retire, it was probably a health issue, i'm not that broken up about it. i wonder why people get so emotional about this. it >> dana: i am not emotional. at most a feel because i think he's probably expecting a lot more hurt than he would admit. he loves indianapolis, he is sorry to be leaving and i wish him the best. >> pete: it's in new frontier for crime. an astronaut accused of committing a first server space crime. denying allegations that a hanky account while aboard the international space station. so this seems like they are likely to get a divorce, it's a personal thing, but it was in space. >> nicole: i think he has a rock star for this. not only is this woman in astron
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but she's keeping tabs on her estranged spouse and how his spending habits are going from space. mind you, maybe it's not legal to be tapping into these accounts but i just have to give it to her, you know, the thing that i have with us is they are talking about how are we going to manage these crimes that are happening from space and i'm sure that they will figure this out. his mom's particular story, let it go people. >> charles: hire ironic that this poor woman on earth just wanted her own space and this other lady is in space and won't give her space. >> pete: this is a really boring story but it's interesting when you added the words in space. only. >> juan: are coming so i have to read this and i dropped everything and then i was like i don't really care about these. >> juan: people are people wherever they are. >> charles: you know who said that? depeche mode. a >> pete: either way, she's an intergalactic criminal.
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we want to get it right. >> charles: one more thing, up next. ♪ >> tech: at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. with safelite, you can see exactly when we'll be there. saving you time for what you love most. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ ♪ at progressive park! insurance themed fun ♪ children: yeah! announcer: ride the totally realistic traffic jam.
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♪ >> i don't even know what to make of this one, so let's just do it. ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great nightmare. >> it gets better. >> a nightmare for everybody. check out this little fella. he's looking for a drink, he's looking for a drink. very excited. he's got a drink. might be a little tequila. he's very, very happy. he goes on, he keeps doing this and doing this and doing this. >> is that a real bird? >> that is a real bird, dana, that is an actual -- >> like pete on a friday. >> there he goes. >> your return. >> greg is mentioned how much he missed me because i was gone for three days. i went to napa valley and i wanted to show a couple
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pictures. this is peter and me. we were with our friend jim. he and his wife are the proprietors of a new winery that has just been billed. you can go there for an appointment -- for a wine tasting. peter and i hiked. his wife said this will be strenuous. >> that's never a problem for them. >> this is their dog all the and he is very sweet. it is national dog day, so a big -- thanks for having us out there. >> great name. >> so it's the last monday in august, that means back to school for much of the country. today was the first day of school in d.c. for my grandkids. it began with a trip to get cleaned up at the barbershop. take a look at eli. he said it's a fourth fourth g. dennis pepper, second grade. and wesley, also in the separate grade, but they separate the twins come up with them in different classes. >> what! >> here they are in front of their house wearing fall school fashion and here are the twins outside the school and here's
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all three of them on the playground after school today. so it looks to me like they are ready to rock the new year. >> that's a little weird. he took pictures of them at the playground? >> kids are going back to school, everyone is a little bit more tired these days and i have more concerning video to show everyone. take a look at this video. a california couple was recently spotted, something very disturbing cruising on the highway. if you over and saw fellow motorists sleeping while behind the wheel of his tesla. he was probably using the autopilot function, which isn't meant to be a full self-driving system, but people tend to use it this way anyway. they didn't call the police because they said the driver eventually woke up and regained manual control, but in the future, guys, maybe we don't fall asleep when on autopilot and if you really are that tired, call in uber. >> be alert. what do you got for us? >> you made me feel like a bad dad today. it was my first day of school also for my gunner and peter
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boone. got good photos of them this morning but got to remember them on on the program. >> we love them. >> instead we got the story. you guys know commuting into new york city can be soul crushing. whether it's the trains or the traffic, it's horrific. so this guy's name is david pike. he used to spend 90 minutes commuting from jersey city to brooklyn, now it just takes a jet ski across the hudson and he said on gma that now only takes 15 minutes on his jet ski. this video is not related to the jet ski. that's when i tried to swim across. >> let me ask you -- >> i did 95 -- right there. live on tv, 30 navy seals were swimming across the hudson. i just had to try to do it and it was almost 3 miles of total swimming -- >> is there anything nonmanly that you do? something nonmanly. that doesn't make me feel so marginal as a masculine specime specimen? >> it's not very manly to get towed by a jet ski while navy
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seals -- >> you were pulling the tugboat. >> yes. >> that's what you are doing. >> aren't their riptide's? >> yes, it was horrific. >> well, that was fun. is up next. hello, bret. >> bret: hello, greg, i want to hear more about that. president trump says china has no choice but to make a trade deal with the u.s. and he thinks one is coming. elizabeth warren packs them in as her popularity surges in the presidential democratic race in the surprising new national poll. and a nasty custody battle and athletes to the first criminal investigation in space. this is "special report." ♪ good evening, welcome to washington, i am bret baier. president trump says china has made new calls to the u.s. about a possible trade deal and what he terms "serious talks" will soon begin again. if the president wrapped up a
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