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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  September 2, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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heather: good morning to you, it is monday september 2nd, we begin with fox news alert. hurricane dorian turning deadly overnight taking the lives of 7-year-old boy in the bahamas, winds 200 miles per hour battling the island leaving entire neighborhoods under water. massive category 5 storm now towards the u.s. with millions in its path. this is "fox & friends first" on the monday morning, i'm heather childers, thank you so much for joining us.
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more than 1 million people being told to leave the east coast this morning, florida, georgia and the carolina coast all preparing for the worst, we have live team coverage for you, griff jenkins and jillian mele, following the monster's storm latest track, good morning, thank you so much for joining us. janice: so our friends in bahamas are still enduring a category 5 hurricane and i liken it to a tornado that's raking across the small islands, these small vulnerable islands with wind gusts in excess of 200 miles per hour, so this storm has slowed down incredibly, we will be dealing with the potential for storm surge, upwards of 23 feet, of course, 30-inches of rainfall and then those relentless category 5 winds across the vulnerable areas, you can see
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the eye, so clear, this is one of the strongest hurricanes on record when you talk about the wind, alan was number 1, and dorian at 2, number 2 here with wilma, gilbert and labor day hurricane and this is labor day. the storm, the tropical storm forced winds extend about 140 miles from the center of the storm so they are already experiencing tropical storm forced winds along the coast, florida, hurricane warnings now in effect for parts of central florida, from merit island all the way to fort pierce and watches as well inland, the storm is stalled out. that's the problem, it is not going to move very much for the next 24 to 48 hours, so we are going to see not only battering for the bahamas but also the east coast of florida, not only today but throughout the
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workweek, finally wednesday and thursday we start to see movement and we could be dealing with a landfall hurricane in parts of the carolinas, but i must tell you two days out, we have a margin of error of at least 70 miles, if this storm is to the west, we are not just talking about tropical-forced winds we are talking about forced winds for a period of time. this is wednesday, very slow moving and we will watch computer models, they come to shore here on portions of carolinas and perhaps landfall in thursday or friday in south or north carolina. so we have to obviously we will be talking about this for several days and in the northeast might have to deal with this next weekend. heather: unbelievable. >> yeah. >> the governor of south carolina tell everyone to get out, georgia as well, hopefully people are heeding those
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warnings, thank you so much, janice. we will check with you shortly. category 5 monster taking a deadly turn, the catastrophic storm killing a 7-year-old boy as it rips across the bahamas, his sister still missing. millions in the u.s. brace for impact. good morning, griff, what are you seeing there? >> well, good morning, heather, what we are seeing are the earliest outer bands of the cat 5 monster janice was talking about here on palm beach literally 85 miles east of the bahamas, that is where dorian is parked and in the images of devastation catastrophic devastation of those islands news, 7-year-old boy has lost his life, unfortunately we may hear more of the stories, very sobering wake-up call for the people here on palm beach, just
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one of the areas under mandatory evacuation, the beach is empty, we have seen no one out here this morning, heather, except for law enforcement going up and down the island, but you know what, janice was talking about the possible damage that even a tropical storm off of florida's coast can bring in terms of erosion, it's really definitely a big concern, i'm only 50 feet from worth avenue, most expensive driveway of all the shops, we talked with palm beach sheriff bradshaw in terms of what he sees as concerns, here is what he said, heather? >> i've therein some storms but nothing like this, it's going to be some damage, we are not talking about repairing stuff, we are talking about rebuilding it. >> that said, some of the people we talked to right along yesterday said right now they will honker down, listen to what they told us. >> i've been through some storms but nothing something like this,
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if this is coming at 185 it'll be a big boy and damage, we are not talking about repairing stuff, we are talking about rebuilding it. >> all right, there's sheriff but the people we talked to out here, heather, pretty much try and ride it out and that may change depending the track that the storm takes, certainly if it puts palm beach in its hairs. heather: griff, be careful, thank you so much, we will check back with you. floridans along the coast making last-minute preparations but some as griff just told us are choosing to ride it out, some always do, jillian mele with how emergency initials are getting people ready, good morning, jillian. >> that's right, good morning to you, heather, we have seen heavier winds than yesterday, we have seen outer bands of rain,
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you can take a look here, along the main strips here and you can see it is a line of what would normally be busy stores during day on holiday weekend there completely boarded up, every single one of them, you have sandbags in place as i mentioned the wind we are seeing, the rain expected to intensify throughout the day today and as of 8:00 o'clock this morning there's a mandatory evacuation in here along the barrier island and also as of 8:00 o'clock this morning, officials of emergency management in river county will be all hands on deck throughout the duration of the storm and they're preparing for the absolute worst. >> worst case scenario would be direct hit of category 5 hurricane, mobile homes would be totally demolished, roofs turned out, very serious situation. >> that's what they have to prepare for, everyone hoping that's not going to happen, take a look at the stunning photo,
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this was making rounds all over social media yesterday, this was in the eye of that hurricane and you see the sun coming up, you see the wall, i mean, it is stunning when you see an image like that and you see the devastation that, heather, you and griff have been talking about coming out of bahamas and hard to wrap your head around seeing devastation and knowing that it's potentially coming your way. it's time for people in islands to get prepared. a lot of people are boarded up and they are done and out of here. heather: hopefully a lot of people listened, be careful just in case, thank you so much, jillian. we have headlines for you quickly this morning and we will get back to hurricane coverage, but other news, a man in the hospital after getting shot inside an indiana wal-mart, police say that stemmed from a fight, an off-duty officer shopping at the time arrested
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the suspect and woman with him, the victim is in stable condition, officers still work to go learn what caused the fight. man hasn't intensifying after suspect rams his truck in tarmac and runs, he jumped in the frigged san francisco bay and may have drowned, mask inside his truck. mike pence is in poland today commemorating 80 years since the start of world war ii. he's holding bilateral meeting with the polish president before heading back to washington and in his speech the president praised polish people and vowed to push nato members to spend more on defense. president trump was originally scheduled to go to poland and stayed in the u.s. for hurricane
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dorian. serena williams with painful injury to advance to quarter finals of the u.s. open. >> rolling her ankle. meanwhile the shoulder or injury -- shoulder injury forcing defending u.s. open champion novak djokovic and crowd booing him off the court. fox news alert, police officer and toddler fighting for their lives right now after gunman opened fire in texas, why the suspect was fired from his job just hours before shooting rampage, the latest from odessa and live report coming up.
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heather: 13 minutes after the top of the hour, hundreds of mourners remembering 7 lives lost in rampage, 20 others injured including a police officer and 1-year-old girl. what we are learning moments before the gunman opened fire, jackie. >> good morning, somber night in texas, second mass shooting in the state in less than a month. odessa mayor praising men and women who risk their lives to save others, listen. >> the reason the person was stopped because of a midland police officer and odessa police officer, they ran the car, stopped him and when he got out they shot him dead. >> the officer stopping the u.s. postal van outside of movie theater where they shot and killed the gunman, he stole the
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van who he shot and killed as she was speaking on the phone with twin sister, taking aim at police officer, he was shot several times and now fighting for his life this morning, 17-month-old little girl anderson davis, she was hit but expected to survive, the new york times reports the gunman was fired from trucking job just hours before this rampage and neighbor tells cnn, she reported him to police last month after he threatened her with rifle for leaving trash near his home, she said, he used to sit on roof and shoot animals at night she says, fbi searching for motive at more than dozen crime scenes and shocked as they pulled bags of evidence. heather: pray forking 17-month-old girl and really everyone, thank you so much, jackie.
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time now is 15 minutes after the top of the hour, i -- illegal immigrant accused of sexually abusing stepdaughter. and we are tracking dorian's latest path as the historic hurricane barrels towards the east coast, stay with us.
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[inaudible] >> pray for us. [inaudible] heather: video that's coming out on social media of people trapped in the storm, we are back with fox news alert for you, desperate cries for help as category 5 hurricane lashes the bahamas, it's now moving towards florida where mandatory evacuations are underway, ray live in florida's cocoa beach, good morning, ray. >> heather, good morning to you, as you drive in brevard county, you can really start to see how seriously people are taking warnings and evacuation orders all up and down the road, there are houses and businesses boarded up and there are very clear signs saying it's time to evacuate starting at 8:00 a.m., now here in florida and along with georgia and call -- carolina storm surge,
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forecasters say it can be catastrophic and deadly and mandatory and voluntary evacuations along the east coast, forecasters urging residents to listen to warnings from emergency officials. >> this is a very serious hurricane, 185 miles an hour gust up to 220 miles an hour, that's the strongest and largest in modern history, certainly the strongest any of us around today have seen, but we believe that we can keep everyone alive. >> residents in north carolina are also stocking up on supplies, governor roy cooper declared state of emergency and he also lifted transportation restrictions so supplies and emergency officials can get to where they need to be much easier. >> it's really unimaginable if you're living in southern north carolina and you've been hit
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hard with two severe hurricanes in less than 3 years, it's devastate to go think about another hurricane coming on top of that. >> despite these warnings, i spoke with one resident who said she's not going to evacuate, so not everyone is listening, heather. back to you. >> ray back to you, thank you so much, appreciate it, we will continue to keep an eye on things for you, we have more coming up. back at home seventh illegal immigrant accused of sexual assault in montgomery county, maryland in just the last 5 weeks, as troubling trend many questioning sanctuary city laws, what else has to happen before democrats intervene, retired ice director tom homman, joins us live, thank you so much for joining us, of course. >> good morning. heather: as we begin our discussion, once again, the count just continues to rise, now we have 7 immigrants accused
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of sex crimes since just july july 25th, what needs to happen for people to start paying attention to this? >> well, first of all, we've been talking about the case for several weeks, every week there's a new case, another young life will never be the same because illegal alien assaulted them. i hope county executive that created sanctuary policy will come to understand sanctuary city policies do not presenting immigrant communities, when you release criminal alien back into the community he will reoffend in community he lives, immigrant community, you're not helping the immigrant community, 7 have been arrested, my question is how many have actually committed a crime and have yet to have been arrested, they need to resign or made mistake and work
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with immigration officers. heather: here is what the active chief of police marcus jones and relationship with ice. >> we don't interact with ice, we don't contact ice nor do we ask any of our residents in montgomery county about their immigration status in the united states. heather: no interaction with ice, not letting ice know when someone is not being held on detainer, they've been arrested on let's reemphasize violent crime, that's who we are talking about, murder, rape assault, they are released back into the community and they don't let ice know. >> that's my point, why do you not want to talk to another law enforcement agency when we have probably cause that the person is in the united states illegally. i'm sure the reason for that he wants victims to feel safe and report crimes and not worried about being turned over to ice.
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ice don't want to arrest victims and witnesses. the cases clearly illustrate that their intention to protect the immigrant community is flawed. immigrant community under attack. heather: doesn't seem like common sense at all. illegal immigrant that killed kate steinle has only conviction in this particular case lifted, let's pull this up, this is an actual quote from the first district court of appeals decision that happened on friday, they say we conclude the trial court aired in fail to go give the momentary possession instruction, we are compelled as matter of law to reverse. what's your thought on this? >> well, i conclude that the courts of san francisco are out of control. these and other sanctuary politics, young lady that was killed by illegal alien who
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pulled the trigger and killed the young woman, at this point that person convicted of nothing, zero, hopefully the federal court system will take this up, which they are and trying to convict this person. san francisco, we are in a place where those intentionally violate the law, the victims and those who enforce the law is the bad guy, again, san francisco, another example of a failed city, failed court system because of sanctuary policy. heather: completely backwards thinking that you just layed out there. let's talk about alexandria ocasio-cortez because i know you we wanted to respond to this. she said that she would be honored to go toe to toe with ceo of america's largest prison firm after he railed against threats to employees, this morning we understand that you have message for congresswoman, let's bring up tweet as you respond to it, she threw out the challenge if there's any ceo in the country that has the honor to go toe to toe with, the
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private prison would be up there, guess what geo group, your entire business, caging humans for profits is immoral and should be outlawed, your response? >> once again, she's wrong, i worked in these companies for a long time. i would like to take her up on the challenge, i will go toe to toe. i had to take her to school. i know the ceo of this company, he spent decades in detention and rehabilitation world and does she realize highest highest detention center, higher than detention standards in home districts in new york city, fraction of custody of her jails, her district in new york, does she realize his company protects our american communities because 90% of everybody ice arrests are
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criminal threat, criminal conviction and helping keep community safe, she knows none of this because she's not educated, she runs her mouth, let me throw her a challenge, i would go to her anything related to immigration and anything related to ice operations, let's go. heather: i would love to see that, tom, challenge has been thrown out, i have a feeling she will respond to you. >> i hope so. heather: appreciate it. another fox news alert for you, battering the bahamas, hurricane dorian taking deadly turn claiming live of 7-year-old boy, over a million people being told to leave the east coast, we are tracking the monster storm's latest track, live team coverage, you don't want to miss, that's next.
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heather: welcome back, dorian claiming life of 7-year-old boy, sister still missing, deadly category 5 storm bringing historic winds over 200 miles per hour leaving behind catastrophic flooding, more than a million people now under mandatory evacuations up and down the east coast. live team coverage griff jenkins and jillian mele live in florida, janice dean tracking this one, good morning. >> good morning, the storm has stalled, it is moving at 1 mile per hour across the bahamas, you can think of this ef3 tornado stalled over the bahamas and it's just going to cause catastrophic life-threatening damage, the fact that the storm has stalled is the worst news that they can get right now, you can see that 10-mile wide eye so
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clearly here and we have, you know, we have lighting within the strongest core of winds, it is just incredible to watch this and the fact that this has slowed down is just so devastating, so they are seeing the front end of the winds and now going to see the back end as the storm continues to lumber across the bahamas, just terrible news, terrible news that it has stalled out as category 5, as we go through time the storm will eventually pick up north ward and watch this obviously because there's a margin of error here and if the storm moves a little more to the west not only dealing with tropical storm-forced winds but hurricane-forced winds, here is what we can tell you right now as we go through the next couple of days, 40% chance of hurricane forced winds through west palm beach and fort pierce and that's why we have the hurricane warnings up for central florida,
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power outages, we haven't talked about that, but we could certainly see power outages throughout much of the sunshine state as we go through time here, not only threat for heavy rainfall, over a foot of rain in in the coast, power outages in most of florida or at least the probability of power outages. 165-mile per hour sustained winds, hard to maintain cat 5, go down category 4 in the next 24 hours, still formidable storm. the storm right off the coast, again, as we go further in time, heather, we will be dealing with the storm not only today but through friday, those probabilities get further out, so we have to obviously monitor every single forecast at 5:00 a.m. and we will have the
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latest here, the fact that the storm has stalled out, heather, just, you know, takes your breath away, some of the damage we have never seen before. heather: i was thinking back to some of the other hurricanes, i was thinking about andrew, you know, made landfall not once but twice in florida, and then we have matthew, so many devastating hurricanes, this is massive. janice: for bahamas, it's worst case scenario. heather: thanks, janice in 5:00 a.m. update. overnight catastrophic storm taking a deadly turn killing 7-year-old boys as it rips in the bahamas, sister still missing, griff jenkins live in the u.s. as millions brace for impact, good morning, griff.
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>> good morning, heather, that's right, everyone here in palm beach we are exactly 125 miles west where dorian is parked unleashing hell in bahamas and they will wake up and see images of worst case scenario as the storm bash it is badge -- bahamas, people will wake up to gorgeous holiday, we are about a mile north of mar-a-lago, some of the most expensive homes along the coast here, they will wake up and wonder whether or not they want to take mandatory evacuation here, we were out here yesterday talks to residents, some have been here their entire lives, here is what they had to say to us. >> my plan now is not to leave,
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just because we have everything in the house and i feel safe now, now i feel safe. >> we follow the track and whole family is here, we prepare, shutter up and stay because the whole family is here, we are not going to leave. >> they feel safe and they will not leave yet but as we begin to start feeling this morning the outer bands of dorian here, you are going to take a look at the waves, now tide just coming in, it is a high tide, king tide period that's going to come in and mix with reports from bahamas, 18 to 20-foot storm surge with 175-mile an hour winds, 50 to 75 of beach, if it parked on this part of the southern florida coast, the erosion from those winds and damage just to tropical storm will be bad and as janice was pointing out if it comes as
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category 4, 5, or even 3 or 2 it is going to have devastating if not catastrophic damage here, storm surge, beach erosion and, of course, the flooding that would occur if it parks, heather. heather: yeah, the flooding is the most deadly part of the hurricane, thank you so much, griff, appreciate it, be careful out there. well, the time now is about 20 minutes until the top of the hour, a blacklisting trump backers in hollywood, a star from road race just the latest to take aim at the president's supporters as another celebrity calls for black voters who support president trump, he calls them mentally ill, why are intimidation tactics considered okay, we will debate that up next.
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>> and she's 20 year's old and she said something pretty profound yesterday, this is the first hurricane that i'm old enough that i can actually realize the impact of this and the devastation that could be caused by this, she's from here, she's lived through hurricanes before before but she said this is the first one that i've some people chose to stay. we saw police officers, some of the bridges leading to barrier islands and bridges get to go barrier islands will be closing at some point, that's one of this i think so they will
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monitor throughout the day today. they were trying to figure out, 40 miles per hour, they haven't figured out exactly. at some point bridges will close if you are here on barrier island, you will not be able to get off, now is your time this morning, heather. heather: thank you so much. hollywood elites calling for boycott of trump supporters, one star from the show will & grace demanding to know the names of celebrities attending a presidential fundraiser so are these intimidation tactics accept snbl here to debate republican strategist joseph and anthony, we appreciate it. >> good to be here. >> joseph i will start with you. he's basically saying we want to know anyone who is participating
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in this fundraiser so we know who not to work with. what do you think. >> if you can't beat him ruin their lives, trying to tell black americans only one way to be black and particularly coming from somebody that made millions perhaps least diverse shows, i don't care how people make their money, if you turn that around and have retribution against people simply because of political beliefs i think it's kind of the height of -- heather: what about that, anthony, is this antiamerican? >> well, i don't think it's antiamerican and i'm not going to take it as far as joseph took it, i don't think it's a racial component to it, i just think what's going on here is we are in a different time with a different type of president, unique president, unconventional
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president and people are concerned. that will be for the public to decide, whether or not, you know, they are going to obey any type of boycott or anything that is outed by some of the people who they are trying to bring to the public forum, that's for the public to decide. not actors saying, oh, let's find out who they are and put them in boycott them or put them on blacklist. that's not the determining factor. heather: you know, anthony, you don't know if there's racial element to it. there's racial element to what this church now is doing, just went blank on name, praising antitrump sign put outside of alabama baptist church, joseph, your response to this. >> like i said there's been some level of racial components, the notion that we are going to have people who say they are turned off by the division in politics who are now basically injecting
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their own toxicity into american politics, to me is the height of hypocrisy, again, on deeper human level, what we are trying to focus on right now how do we bring america closer together, i think you have a democratic party that we are not red states or blue states, we are the united states when it comes out of the mouth of barack obama. that's what we need to focus on right now. >> joseph they beat him, shows trump behind to every candidate that's running. hollywood is known to be liberal elite city that votes for democrats, if someone in this town says i want to out the people that are supporters of trump, that's not big news, that's not breaking story. heather: anthony, i do want to
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get your response to this because we have to go, quickly, respond to that, though, when you have churches putting up signs outside saying that a vote for president trump is mental illness, black vote for president trump is mental illness, what's your response to that? >> well, i obviously don't agree with that. i don't think that's the right perspective to have and i obviously think that that's, you know, obviously not adding to any way that we can reconcile or heal this country. but i do -- do i think that it's first amendment right to be said and i think the sentiment felt by so many people by the way the country, by the attitudes towards this president is just prevalent and that's what the statement represents. heather: all right, we have to go, but joseph, anthony, thank you both for joining us, we appreciate both of your viewpoints, thank you. >> thank you. heather: all right, we will be right back.
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>> hurricane dorian ripping through the bahamas overnight now being blamed for at least one death, 7-year-old boy and sister still missing apparently, florida, georgia, south carolina, north carolina all under state of emergency and bracing for impact, the american red cross has been helping thousands of people prepare for the worst, spokesperson joins me now, very important for people to hear from you. >> thanks for having us on. >> let us know what the red cross is doing to offer help to folks because we have a lot of people under state of emergency, we are talking about 60,000 people in all of those states involved so far, florida, georgia, south carolina and north carolina who may need emergency shelter, so what do you have to tell them from the american red cross? >> yeah, we are here and on the ground and helping, we have
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mobilized more than 1600 red cross volunteers from across the country, we have hundreds of thousands volunteers in affected areas, they need to take care of themselves of themselves and families first most. we have shelters on standby, they have the option of finding safe place to stay and mandatory evacuation is issued, listen to those local, listen to warrants and heed them, we can't -- we can help you replace a home, we can help you replace materialistic items, we can't replace a life. heather: yeah, in terms of people who are not in the impacted areas, what are you asking them to do? >> sure. the red cross is volunteered organization, 90% of those people who are responding are just volunteers, people helping people, we need to american public's help if you're at home and watching this, visit us online,, make financial contribution, the money that will help us provide the emergency needs for those that are directly impacted or consider getting out and making a blood donation, the blood
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helps hospitals, they will still need to have procedures as hurricane dorian comes through. it's very important. heather: also red cross app that people can download? >> correct, we have a red cross emergency app, if you download the emergency app, lit tell you the weather, you can watch dorian come through the -- through the impacted states, it will tell you where to shelter, you download the red cross emergency app and will tell you how far shelter is and that's the best way for you to get out of homes. heather: we know that you have a lot to do, we appreciate your time. >> thanks for having us on. >> all right, we will be right back.
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heather: hurricane dorian leaving catastrophic damage, i,- killing 7-year-old, sister still missing, monster storm packing record strength winds and flooding communities, dorian's path still unpredictable. >> i think it's important that we prepare for this to potentially make landfall here.
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>> more than a million people under mandatory evacuation orders in florida, georgia and south carolina, along with 8 counties in north carolina, so take a look at this emotional photo for you finally, police officer in florida, this tells you what they go through, hugging his daughter as he prepares to face the catastrophic storm, the picture shared by the police department and just reminder of all those first responders separated from their families during the storms, the caption reading be safe daddy, i love you. well that wraps up this hour of "fox & friends first", thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it, "fox & friends first" continues right now, be careful out there, bye, bye. ♪ [inaudible]
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>> fox news alert, hurricane dorian turning deadly and taking life of 7-year-old boy in bahamas. >> winds blasting 200 miles per hour battling the island leaving entire neighborhood under water, massive category 5 storm now barreling towards the united states with millions in its path. >> this is a "fox & friends", i'm todd piro in for rob schmitt. >> live news for you, we begin with senior meteorologist janice dean tracking dorian's deadly path. janice 24 hours ago you and i were on "fox & friends", we saw where the storm was, my goodness, it doesn't look like it has moved much at all. >> no, it's moving 1 mile per hour which means that we are


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