tv Fox and Friends First FOX News September 13, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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>> the field has been narrowed. >> goes without saying we must and will defeat trump. >> i know what is broken, how to fix it and i will lead the fight to get it done. >> my campaign will give a freedom dividends of $1000 a month for an entire year to ten american families. >> reporter: i wish we would have a debate on healthcare. i think obamacare worked. medicare for all is the most cost-effective approach.
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i wrote the damn bill. >> bernie wrote the bill, i read the bill. i don't think that is a bold idea. >> the president saying you would have a buy-in. >> you are forgetting what you said two minutes ago? >> these national debates are becoming unwatchable. >> every time something good about barack obama comes up he says i was there. every time somebody questions the administration we were both part of, that was the president. >> i stand with barack obama all eight years, good, bad and indifferent. >> we will take your ar 15, your ak-47. >> castro and beto, thank you
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for standing so courageously. >> questions of empathy in our nation. >> people on one side and money on the other, the only way to win his ring it together. >> i want to fight and fix it. >> you ain't seen nothing yet ♪ something you will never forget ♪ baby ♪ you ain't seen nothing yet ♪ heather: a live look at houston thomas 3:02 in the morning is the time. think of cleared out, friday, september 13th come you are watching "fox and friends first," the best and brightest of the democratic ready going head to head in houston for the third primary debate.
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socialist against moderate, obamacare or medicare for all, gun-control versus second amendment rights. as the dust settles we look at who is left standing and live team coverage, rob schmidt has reaction from voters, analysis from bernie sanders campaign stafford republican strategist peter lamotte. we begin with griff jenkins live at texas university in houston. >> reporter: what a night to have all ten candidates on stage, front and center was president obama's legacy. we knew joe biden would embrace his time as vice president but he hugged it as tight as he could, front and center, when bernie sanders was an outlier, now it is in the center of the debate and we saw sanders and warned going head to head with biden how to pay for this medicare for all.
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>> the senator says she is for bernie. i'm for barack. >> healthcare costs a lot of money, 7 $40 billion. it doesn't cost $30 trillion. the senator on my left is not indicated how she pays for it. >> we pay for it, those at the top, richest individuals are going to pay more and middle class families are going to pay less. >> i wrote the damn bill. intends to eliminate all out-of-pocket expenses. all deductibles. all copayments. >> if you expect daylight between sanders and warren we didn't get that but there was a clash between julian castro, with biden, castro calling out biden as well. watch.
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>> he wants to take credit for obama's work but not have to answer any questions. >> i stand with barack obama all 8 years, good, bad and indifferent. >> reporter: you also saw beto o'rourke who struggled to maintain a lead in the polls, very effective by el paso and it was gun-control and some of the confrontations that stood out, watch. >> we are going to take your ar 15, your ak-47. let's bring in bernie sanders's
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2016 campaign stafford who watched with the rest of this. what did you think overall. >> any major movement, my stomach kind of turned a little bit. a man who was attached to a rope and led by horses in galveston, texas was beto and castro have yet to say anything about the march on sunday. i find it disturbing, one thing to say something on the debate stage and another to show up with individuals, more going on in texas who i feel sorry for. i want to see them more involved in racial justice. >> beto zeros in on the mass shooting. let's talk about the top 3 candidates. let's give them some grace. joe biden.
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how would you grade him last night? >> i will give policy. he is continuing across the board, the alleged front runner, he gets a see. he hung in, didn't have any major major issues but did have issues on race, he didn't answer the questions people thought he should have. >> a lot of folks that he didn't lose any ground, that was his best performance. >> which is concerning. heather: bernie sanders, what grade do you give him? >> he did a good job, be. he has been preaching the same message for a long time. i know his speech inside how, he did good which was repeated what he always believed the last 30 years and he was able to dodge, didn't make any problems, he maintains really well.
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elizabeth warren a b plus, stay on message, to focus on anyone else except what she came to talk about but because she passed the test on every debate, she gets a little bit above a b grade. heather: listening to pundits immediately following the debate, she once again dodged questions when it came to paying for her health care plan? >> what would really be fair to everyone is to have a healthcare townhall like they did on environmental, that deserves a long form conversation. people are more confused than informed. that the conversations that should happen. heather: you think it should be 7 hours long? that is the question. >> i don't know, that is how long it will take to get this understanding of it.
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heather: any of the candidates get an a from you? >> people will beat me up but i want to give senator harris a shout out. she had to make a big recovery from last time. tulsi gabbard pushed her hard. she came back and got some ground, focused on being a prosecutor and going after donald trump, whether people agree or not she did rebound. don't know if it is enough for the polls, to gain new supporters that she did maintain her own. heather: let's talk about rebounding. president barack obama, was he the real winner? it was a different take than we heard in the last debate. >> we all owe a huge debt to president obama. i want to give credit to barack obama. >> i think the obamacare worked. >> i'm fulfilling the legacy of barack obama.
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>> 18 times, barack obama was mentioned, definitely more favorably. >> joe biden is going to make sure everyone knows he is vice president to barack obama and how respect castro said he is fulfilling the legacy of barack obama. i expect that to increase. when will barack obama say who is the legacy and who he supports which he has yet to do which i understand during the primary, it is interesting to see his thoughts on this. we will get to that further down the road. they will bring up barack obama every chance they get. heather: we enjoy having you after the debate. 10 minutes after the top of the, joe biden defending the obama administration's record on immigration.
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>> comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous, number one. we didn't lock people in cages or separate families or do those things. heather: did he tell the truth? a legal immigrant who fled communism is here to separate fact from fiction up next. remember the kid who was bullied for making this university of tennessee shirt? school made him an incredible offer, a class act that has everyone smiling this morning. ♪
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to separate fact from fiction is a legal immigrant, thank you for joining us, you state of and watched last night. overall in terms of the candidates what did you think of their answers to trump's immigration and biden? >> dealing with these debates most of the time, not being factually. what happened in 2016, the obama administration was sued by the aclu and call the deplorable in ice boxes and at one point the obama administration, he deported over 3 million people so joe biden should -- living up to the failures of the previous administration and point out the
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fact -- it will be 20 the number of deportations during his term well over 3 million total which is why he was referred to as the deepwater in chief. the pictures that have been shown, some of the media organizations trying to attribute this to donald trump but these pictures were from the time president obama was in office. >> for me it was completely silent on the obama administration, the immigration issue but when it comes -- they are trying to find any issues they can find with the obama administration. the idea are responsible to a certain extent for bringing this
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issue to the emotional part, what is going on is what happened in the previous administration. heather: another topic gun control, beto o'rourke, he is passionate about it but talked about taking away guns. listen to what he had to say. >> we will take your ar 15, your ak-47. heather: how will that play with americans, specifically in texas? >> in 1940, there was a poll about weapons registry of guns, confiscation of guns and we know what happened, disarming people at that time. i grew up in a country where confiscation -- confiscation of
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weapons, the government -- the only ones -- prosecuting people with recommendations and when my family was taken to a concentration camp the people with guns who showed up to round up people and take the guns were government agents so i don't think the congressman understands danger of talking confiscation of guns in the united states. the second amendment is substantial. there is a reason the second amendment is the second amendment in the constitution. the extent of the second amendment, they intended it so ordinary citizens like you and i have the power to defend himself against a terran a government. joe biden garnered some points, we have a constitution, but for the constitution.
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heather: you know firsthand, we appreciate it. until the next debate. it is 20 minutes after the top of the hour. sentencing day for felicity huffman, about to learn her fate after pleading guilty in the college admission scandal. aishah hasnie is in boston with the punishment she could be facing. ♪ fight for your right to party ♪ are you a veteran,
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own a home, and need cash? you should know about the newday va home loan for veterans it lets you borrow up to 100 percent of your home's value. the newday va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and lower your payments over $600 a month. call today. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. c+rú5áx)x6hq0épe here, hello! starts with -hi!mple... how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?!
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one of the suspects is dead, two others in custody and the fourth on the run in houston. they are accused of stealing a car and mugging a priest before one of them shot the officer. the city's police chief has had enough of the violence. >> the children of our community being shot throughout this nation. it either do something or don't show up. heather: the officer, a 5 year department veteran, was in surgery overnight. a criminal indictment could be on the way for andrew mccabe. the us attorney recommends moving forward with charges against the former deputy and acting director of the fbi. cnn rushing to defend its contributor. >> a colleague and friend to many of us who work here. this is an extremely unusual prosecution, deputy director of the fbi have the right to speak
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to reporters and had an impeccable record as one of the most honored and successful fbi agents of his generation. heather: the justice department disagrees, they rejected the appeal for, charges after the inspector general found he made false statements to federal investigators. heather: it is judgment day for felicity huffman. the hollywood star will be the first parent sentenced in a massive college admission scandal. aishah hasnie is live where huffman will learn if she is going to prison. good morning. >> reporter: felicity huffman could walk out of the federal courthouse behind me with no jail time today and that could be because of a favorable reports, felicity huffman is facing some criminal punishment for pleading guilty for paying $15,000 for a proctor to correct
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her daughter's sat exam. here's what the judge is when, huffman has 2000 letters of support written on her behalf by celebrities like eva longoria and there's a report that might win her some leniency, told a judge there is no victim in this case, nobody lost a specific amount of money. there is a message, will the judge make an example of huffman, to hold the wealthy out there accountable? prosecutors asking for one month behind bars, a year of supervised release and a $20,000 fine. huffman wants no jail time, a year probation, 250 hours of community service and that $20,000 fine. prosecutors have a hard time with this, they are confining her to her hollywood home, not quite punishment. there is no other person in the world as interested in this than fellow actress lori laughlin because she pled not guilty to
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those cheating charges, and is facing 40 years in prison. it will be interesting to see what happens to huffman. that could play a part in what happens to lori laughlin. heather: thank you so much. appreciate it. let's talk about this is a divisional showdown kicking off, tampa bay buccaneers defense stifling the carolina panthers. >> direct snap. depends where they point it. what a play on the edge. he did not get it. heather: at the goal line, just over a minute to go. there you see that happening, to steal the book 20-14 win.
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the most talked about moment of the debate, julian castro slamming joe biden over his memory. >> it is a qualifier. >> are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago? heather: will that attack help or hurt castro? we debate it next. now and forever more. inside these buildings in jerusalem and throughout israel there are many elderly jews who are suffering daily and they need our help now. as christians and jews we know that we have a scriptural mandate to feed the hungry. and here there are thousands in desparate need. 17 years ago, edna was in a horrible terrorist attack.
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>> goes without saying that we must and will defeat trump, the most dangerous president in the history of this country. >> my campaign will give the freedom dividends of $1000 a month for an entire year to ten american families. >> i think we should have a debate on healthcare. >> medicare for all, the most
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objective approach to providing healthcare. i wrote the damn bill. >> bernie wrote the bill, i read the bill. >> i think it is a bad idea. >> a qualifier -- >> are you forgetting what you said that? are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago? >> it is becoming unwatchable. >> in a primary election. >> we are going to take your ar 15, your ak-47. >> god love you for standing so courageously in the midst of this. >> a crisis of empathy in our nation. >> i want to be in the fight to fix it. heather: 2020 candidates clashing on the debate stage, biden, warren and sanders taking the shots at each other while
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trying to unite behind donald trump. is round 3 in the books? who came out on top? live team coverage. rob schmidt in houston with reaction from voters as trump 2020 campaign pollster jim mclaughlin here to break down the debate but let's bring in former advisor to president clinton and obama, and medications director for america first action. thank you for joining us, appreciate it. let's get to the incident between julian castro, questioning the former vp's memory, slamming him for selectively using obama's legacy and get your response. >> you just said that two minutes ago. >> every time somebody questions the administration we were both part of, that was the president. he wants to take credit for obama's work but not answer any questions.
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heather: was that a wise move for castro? >> all these democratic candidates have to go through one another. they have to start holding the punches. was this the right punch at the right time? i am not so sure but what julian castro is reflected was reflected in a lot of news articles about democratic strategists saying they are worried joe biden can't take the ball across the finish line. a fumble and might not be a strong finisher. he was bringing up those concerns. did it come off well? the audience didn't react so but they have to take out biden if they want front runner status. heather: the other candidate seemed to push back saying we need to be united but perhaps castro is aware of these poles, biden continuing to be the front runner while castro is polling at 3%.
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will this move him up? >> i think not. candidates have to pull their best friends but you don't do it knocking someone up and down. castro holds stock but as soon as the show is over everyone is like not the right move. if we don't unite as democrats it is not going to happen. candidates going to fight but that was the wrong fight at the wrong time. heather: did you expect people to go up against and push back against biden a little more? the most energized and passionate we have seen him so far? >> people want to go with the front runner. i didn't expect to push back on biden at all. the energized approach, this is the time he has to pull it out. narrowed from 23 to 10 so now you want to make it to 3. he has to pull out his best punch and have the energy and strategy to go forward. heather: let's show an example
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of the energy biden had last night. >> if you like it i don't like it and nobody has yet said how much it is going to cost. people need help now and do something now. heather: what about that? >> i don't know if that is energized or not. comparing biden to the president of the united states, so much energy, such a hopeful message, keep america great and what democrats are talking about on stage, government takeover of healthcare, confiscating your guns, socialism at best, messages that translate to the heartland of america, they lurched to socialism and their message is not hitting home with everyday -- heather: in terms of messages? >> you have to think biden is more energized. totally biden has walked in this
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seat before. he can do it. that was the energy you asked about. he has got it and to raise the spirit of america. heather: final word. >> i don't know if anyone has a message. i don't know what biden's message is other than i am stable, i am the status quo, i will bring it back to the obama years. not a message that inspires anyone. heather: definitely a different take on president obama than we had in previous debates. thank you so much, appreciate your time. >> the spirit of america. heather: healthcare, gun control, candidate using the hot topics in a fight to stand out at the debate but did the message resonate with everyday americans? rob schmidt might have the answer live in houston with reaction.
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>> reporter: we are in houston, texas. an institution in texas. last night we saw a different debate than we saw, much more moderate debate from some candidates on stage leaving elizabeth warren and bernie sanders on an island when it comes to healthcare as the most far left. we saw praise of president obama which was unusual after what we saw in the second debate. after the debate let out at 10:00 local time, talked to people inside, most of them democrats who went to see this firsthand, 3000 people got to see this debate. >> biden even though he -- in association with obama. >> biden to the best? >> i thought he did the best in terms of staying away from race.
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>> julian castro did great. kamala harris took it to trump. >> who made the best showing tonight? >> andrew yang. he's talking about things no other candidate is talking about, providing ideas on what we can do instead of talking about donald trump. >> elizabeth warren is well, her surge keeps going. these candidates are talking to all of america and that is the difference between democrats running for president and the president currently in the white house. >> what made it a better experience was a much smaller cover. >> that was the perspective from people who went to see the debate. it was a democrat debate so most of them were democrats. talking to a wider swath of voters from houston, texas, we will see what people had to say
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later on "fox and friends". we went to talk to some of them, not many of them, had a few too many drinks. we will get to people here as the morning goes on. >> we look forward to that. great to have you there in houston. nothing changes if nothing changes. last night, more of the same from 2020 contenders. panic is about to set in and he joins us live. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans,
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because i know there are so many of you who have served our country honorably. whether it's two years, four years or thirty-two years like myself. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no.
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during the third democratic debate with candidates trading barbs and blasting donald trump. which 2020 hopefuls got the biggest boost? jim mclaughlin, thank you for joining us. what did you think last night? >> i thought it was dark at times and uninspiring. i was shocked how negative the debate become among the democrats and it is still early to be that negative. they went after each other hard. heather: was there any movement in terms of the top three, the democratic front-runners, biden, worn and overworked, will anything shift? >> that poll is an outlier, that is one of the few polls that is in single digits. the other thing to look at his the quinnipiac national poll, the recent polls, iowa and new hampshire where the primary will start, the race is a statistical
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tie in joe biden, elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. i made the argument that elizabeth warren. heather: i was surprised they didn't go after him a little more last night. what about narrowing the field? the next debate in ohio, how quickly will this be narrowed down? who goes first? >> it is interesting. i feel bad for amy klobuchar. a lot of people, middle americans say she is a good job but the moderates don't seem to be doing well in the democratic primary, guys like delaney and tim ryan and tulsi gabbard, they had a more moderate, left of center, not down to the extremes, disqualified in the democratic primary. that is a problem in the general election. heather: will they be out for
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the next round? what about who was on stage tonight? pack castro, beto, buttigieg? >> i think it will be klobuchar. they have a little bit of money, some more than others and they can hang out for a while but i don't know if you will see the pairing yet. it will take a few months to see them drop out. all these candidates point system constituency in the democratic primary. heather: we will have you back, long night, great stuff. the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour. we are tracking a new tropical system heading toward the bahamas giving the already obliterated islands hours to brace for serious wind and rain.
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heather: the coast guard raising the wreckage of the deli california boat fire from the bottom of the ocean as the ntsb reveals mandatory watchmen is not on duty. all six crewmembers were asleep when the fire started earlier this month. 34 people sleeping in a cramped area were killed. the coast guard recommends limiting the unsupervised
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charging of lithium-ion batteries and use of power strips and extension cords. tropical storm warning in the bahamas, potential cyclone could impact the same island devastated by hurricane dorian. the national hurricane center says the disturbance has 30 mile-per-hour winds and could drop 7 inches of rain. 1300 people missing after doing, the potential storm could impact relief efforts as well. the cdc is narrowing its probe of an illness linked to vapeing. there are 36 probable cases in the united states and the virgin islands, the numbers down from 450 possible cases last week, six people have died from the illness which resembles pneumonia. a great story. a little boy lead for his
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university of tennessee sure to get a ride to his dream school. offer four your scholarship starting in fall of 2028. that he made this hand-drawn design for college colors day at his florida element fiscal. he was lead and his story went viral. ut selling his design and donating the profits. good for him. the time is 10 minutes until the top of the hour. andrew yang's big debate stage surprise. >> my campaign will give the freedom dividends of $1000 a month to 10 american families. heather: the internet is pushing back on the yang game hard. saying he is paying for votes. what do you think? carly shimkus is here with that reaction and top trending moments from last night's debate. are you a veteran, own a home, and need cash?
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1:53 am
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revealing his hashtag yang surprise. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with the social media response. a lot of people going what? carley: he said he would do something a presidential candidate has done before any delivered and there might be a reason why. this is his signature campaign promise. every american will get $1000 a month but this raises questions whether he is breaking campaign finance law. a lot of people talking about that on social media. one twitter user says you can't buy my vote in fact he just lost it. another twitter user says isn't that like buying votes? i thought bribery was illegal. some backlash. yang responded saying he had a whole team of lawyers sign off
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on this but there will be more debate whether he can do this with campaign funds. a big topic last night. one twitter user said this is everybody rushing to andrew yang's debate website. that is the gift we are talking about. i forgot to look at that. there was a funny moment, kamala harris comparing donald trump to the small do behind the curtain and listen to the reaction from the moderator. >> he reminds me of the guy in the wizard of oz, when you pull back the curtain it is a really small dude. >> i'm not even going to take the bait.
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>> some laughs. kamala harris was laughing a lot lately. >> her laugh became a sidebar topic as well. christie says her gimmicky tackling performance are not helping her at least not with me. another twitter user said she laughed more than anyone else. it bothers some people, doesn't bother others. >> jim mclaughlin says she was advised in the last two debates she came are harsh so had to lighten it up and be nice. >> i remember when hillary clinton was running for president people talked about her laugh. and sort of sexist, people making fun of her laugh. heather: reversing things, the flying trump balloon, now the assigned banner to blast the democrats as socialists. >> socialism, houston's economy,
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that banner flew over the houston debate site, donald trump's message was looming large. richard said if that doesn't convince them i don't know what will. another twitter user says another reason to love my president. donald trump supporters loved the fact he did this in the campaign to this the first time they ever flew a banner over a debate site before. heather: you see that giant trump balloon. a lot of trump events, this is reversing it. >> he doesn't have to tweet his message because it is there. >> i have a feeling he will tweet it as well. andrew yang, the most twitter followers. >> he has taken hold of social
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media. he does a lot of funny things, he doesn't where the gold chain, and some people heard about his promise for money and follow it. heather: that wraps of this hour of "fox and friends first," thanks for joining us, we continue now, goodbye. >> the field has been narrowed for one night only, the top ten candidates are here. >> goes without saying we must and will defeat trump, the most dangerous president in the history of this country. >> i know what is broken, i know how to fix it and i believe the fight against donald trump. >> my campaign will give the freedom dividends of $1000 a month for an entire year to ten american families. >> we should have healthcare. >> obamacare worked. >> medicare for
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