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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 13, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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team we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. you make this all possible let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is up next. we have a busy news week next week. we will we will see you monday. >> laura: i'm laura you will want to stay with us for the whole hour because we have debate recap unlike anything you've heard before with monique pressley, candace owens, and a heck of a lot more. and raymond arroyo with a special debate version of friday follies. >> i think we're going to hit on kechopper joe's trouble. the standup routine, that's a nsstinker. two exclusions, first, famous hollywood actor walks away from the democrat party, the backlash
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fellow actors are giving him. oh, that's been swift.t. isaiah washington is here to tell us why he now supports donald trump. plusus an anti-aoc -- it's realy an anti-socialism ad aired during last night's debate. it tore up the internet. the woman behind the ad is here to respond to aoc and all of the rest of the critics. but, first, the week that was. that's the focus of tonight's "angle." >> you can kind of feel it. right? the weather is changing. fall is right around the corner. i'm talking about the fall of the democrats. it's been a terrible, awful week for them. capped off by a miserable three-hour debate on abc. first, there are signs that the democrats will give trump a win. they didn't want to do this. but, they're going to give trump a win, and i think they're going to allow a vote on that u.s. mca the new u.s.-mexico-canada free trade deal.
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even "the washington post," i almost fell over when i read this, said it's a no-brainer. bring the thing up for a vote.or second reason it's been a bad week for the democrats, the dow is now up around 27,000, the s&p is at 3,000. well, that's near recordw territory for the dow. up for the eighth straight day. now, what does this indicate? renewed optimism among consumers and businesses. this is important toward the close of this year. the president and his team, they're still open to a trade deal with china. a tight labor market here at home, that means wages continue -- see, a little bit of an uptick. that's all good news. i love a tight labor market. third, the democrats have no answer for trump on they. econo. instead, what we heard in last night's debate was the same tired platitudes. >> we can use trade to help build a stronger economy.
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>> what we should be doing is creatingfo the economy that wors for all of us, not 1%. >> the goal of my campaign is to make this an economy that allows us to live our human values and aspirations. >> laura: we're already doing that, andrew. in a few moments, we will analyze the debate with the only way it makes sense, by the way brutal satire. but first,n let me say no one n that stage looked strong enough to beat trump in 2020. i don't want to get too confident. to use another tired analogy. but they just did not look like they were going to be able to stand on the stage and debate this president on his because the democrat candidate leading the pack still, after all of their efforts to take him down, could barely string together two coherent sentences. >>wo i'm the guy that brought te brady bill into focus and became law.
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i've been in and out of afghanistan not with a gun. three different countries pakistan owns the three county -- the counties run it. i'll go on and on. i'm the vice president of the united states.- >> laura: wow. he's no longer the vice president, but it felt good to say that, i'm sure. all of the democrats on stage demonstrated in one way or the other that they're simply not competent to govern, even liberals know this isn't working. the lefty publication, "slate" eviscerated biden's answer on the question of reparations. and all "slate" did was merely publish biden's incoherent answer in full. and when abc moderators raised thess issue of trade, everyone n stage, except andrew yang, was caught stumbling or responded again with meaningless bromides. they looked like they were kind
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of 7th graders shocked about a surprise question that their teacher dropped in on a history exam.i didn't know you were goio ask about that. elizabeth warren, she said proudly that she's going to ban all fracking. good luck winning texas with that position, liz. beto's gun buyback, a gun ban spelled differently. not happening. and bernie sanders, he always seems angry. he kind of looks like he belongs to that waldorf and statler from the muppets. that's a good look. all kidding aside, this is our future. this is our lives. this is america, the money that everybody has earned, looked so hard to earn in the past few years, do i think americans are going to turn that all over, all of those gains to, what, elizabeth warren and her green raw new deal? or let julian "let them all in" castro throw open the country's borders? no way.
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compare trump's record of peace and prosperity to what will undoubtedly happen if one of the top dem contenders win. i have to say, i don't even think it's close. people who don't know a lot about politics are sure, they're absolutely sure that trump's personality, his tweets and his tone, it's all going to sink him. he swings at too many pitches, blah, blah. all i'll say about that is a lot of people, they don't like bill belichick t either. he's kind of gruff. he doesn't smile much. but, guess what, belichick wins and wins and wins. a lot of people do like him, especially when he wins. the truth is, obama really was a great politician. you've just got to be honest about that, terrific. captivated a crowd. none of the dems running now really are.
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it's not in their fault, it'se. just not in their dna, it's not in their skill set. what do these folks do? joe biden should move on. maybe write his memoir, tell old yarns about his life as a senate or growing up as a young boy. mayor pete, he can actually go back to south bend and fix the horrible crime problem there. and then elizabeth warren, she can go back to the sequestered life on a college campus, maybe do some dna research. bernie sander, he should just leave politics and run one of those free socialist circulars that you get at the supermarket rails against corrupt local politicians, they're always stacked up. and maybe julian castro can go assist migrant families at the border. a lot of work to be done there. and corey booker, he can start his own vegan youtube channel, big business there.amy klobuchae
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a partner at a big law firm and start ordering associates around. kamela harris, she would be a good president, at like a small liberal arts college. or maybe she'd be a good local television anchor. i could see that. beto o'rourke should run a school of rock franchise. he has a lot of experience in that arena. but none of them, and i mean none of them should ever get close to 1600 pennsylvania avenue.d nsand that's "the angle." >> laura: the democrat parade of idiocy last night was so spectacular, we felt compelled to bring back the ingraham awards. okay, joining me to present these prestigious awards in comment, mercedes schlapp, the senior advisor to the trump 2020 campaign. she's live from cpac west in
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reno, nevada. also here, tom bevin, co-founder and executive director of real clear politics. all right, guys. great to see you on a friday night. first up, okay, we're calling this is annie grab your gun award. and it goes to, beto o'rourke. okay, well, apparently he can't stand a man with a gun. >> are you proposing taking way their guns, and how would this work? >> i am. if it's a weapon that was designed to kill people. hell, yes, we're going take your ar-15, your ak-47. >> laura: mercedes, beto leaned into the stereotype unveiling the new slogan, "beto has a ban for that." he actually unveiled that. is thisth going to win? >> it definitely won't win states like texas, for example. and even today, speaking to several of the audience members in nevada, you know, they had a very serious discussion on the 2nd amendment and the fact that especially in the rural counties of nevada and certain states like new mexico, that they're
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very concerned about their 2nd amendment rights being - violat. again, there is -- there is this need to figure out how to deal with gun violence, absolutely. and the president has addressed this issue when it comes to figuring out how we deal with more extensive background checks. it's different when you talk about taking away guns from law-abiding citizens. it absolutely violates our 2nd amendment rights. and it's incredibly troubling. while the base, the liberal base, gets very excited about this and beto is trying to gain points on the liberal side, i think when you look at common sense americans are saying, wait a second, he's going way too far. >> laura: tom, quickly on this i'm going to get to the next award, last year, year before last, he gave a radio interview where he basically contradicted everything he's saying now. so i guess we can say in liberal land, he's evolved on this issue. but what a wild message from someonesu from texas. all of the stuff on the internet
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was today, you come and try to s take my ar-15s, people weren't having any of this. >> yeah, and look, there's a lot of talk about beto probably not going to winin the nomination bt challengingha john cornyn from texas. if republicans had the slightest worry about beto running for senate in texas, they're not worried anymore. he's made himself unelectable in the state of texas >> laura: the best schooling of the rhodes scholar goes to julian castro. mayor pete was a little shell shocked here. >> this reminds everybody about what they cannot stand about washington, scoring points against each other, poking at each other, and telling each other that your plan, my plan look, we allhave different visit government. >> it's the democratic primary election. it's called an election. it's called an election. this is what we're here for. it's an election. >> laura: mercedes, mayor pete looked like he should have been filming a got milk ad or something.he looks like a schoos
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very young. they were being mean to each other. this is politics. i'm a big fan of castro, but that was a good moment. >> the exchange was intense. for pete to get intense, it doesn't happen too often. he kind of mumbled his way earough.i think it is, again, the second-year candidates aren't really breaking through. and pete hasn't really offered a vision, as many of these democrats, they haven't offered a't vision of how they want to move forward and help america grow, especially from the terms of what you said earlier, from an economic standpoint. so i thought the exchange was bizarre between the two of them. and pete's trying to take the upper hand on this, but i think it just fell flat. >> laura: this is one of my favorite awards. that's a high bar. all right, tom, the most likely to conduct the boston
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philharmonic award goes to, bernie sanders. all right, bernie sanders looked like leonard bernstein up there. watch.♪ >> we are spending twice as much per capita on health care as the canadians or any other major country on earth. >> it's america. >> but americans don't want to pay twice as much as other countries. >> laura: tom, he does like to do this a lot and it's quite interesting. we're having fun with bernie, but did he hit his peak in 2016? he's been replaced in the progressive lane, hasn't he? he's been edged out. >> absolutely. absolutely. i mean, bernie, this is the sort of, you know, bernie 2.0, it's just a crankier, louder version. he seems to be angry and shouting all the time. there are different models now. newer models, fresher models, more exciting models. bernie is staying true to himself for what it's worth, but it's the same story every time he steps on the debate stage. e
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>> mercedes, he does kind of look angry all the time. people say trump's angry. trump is actually in a really good mood. he fights back when he's hit. but he's having fun. but he's just -- he's the "get off my lawn" guy. bernie. >> president trump has a great sense of humor, too. that's one of the best parts about him. for bernie, his biggest challenge, obviously, is the policies really, he has defined that socialist branch of the democratic party. and there's the popularity that's grown around him and elizabeth warren, as we know they're splitting that vote right now, but he's taken the party to such an extreme and very much openly admitting he wants to raise taxes on the esmiddle class. >> yeah.h. everybody is saying that now. >> that's true. but now he's been one on the leads on this. he's been one of the leaders on pushing the middle class.and to. >> laura: as tom said, there are new and improved models now. all right, we have to get to the next one. for one of our most coveted
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ingraham awards, it's the award for the best oprah giveway moment. >> you get a car. >>.be everybody gets a car! >> laura: the award goes to andrew yang. >> my campaign will now give a freedom dividend of $1,000 a month for an entire year to 10 american families, someone watching this at home right now. >> laura: tom, handouts are pretty popular for the voters. i think he won a drudge poll. what about this one? is there enough cash to buy the electorate? >> yeah, this one -- he's pushing the universal basic income, that's one of the primary planks of his platform. but this got panned even by fellow democrats. they all kind of -- even the ones on the stage were kind of giggling and laughing about it. it didn't go over well among even left wing folks on twitter. this was a fail on andrew yang's part. he touted this as some big never before seen thing that he was going to do.
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it didn't come off very well for him, i don't think >> laura: one more, just one more. this is the -- oh, one more. the pot, kettle, black award goes to beto orourke. beto made this slanderous claim about president trump. >> racism and violence long been a part of america was welcomed out into the open and directed to my hometown in el paso, texas where 22 people were killed dozens more grievously injured by a man carrying a weapon he should never have been able to buy in the first place, inspired to kill by our president. >> laura: following that, he also had the gall to say this. >> the bitterness, the pettiness, the smallness of the moment, the incentives to attack one another and try to make differences without distinctions, mountains out of mole hills, we have to be bigger. >> laura: all right, mercedes,
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real quick. >> we have to be bigger. you know, it's an outrage that beto without attack the president and blame the president for the shooting. >> laura: disgusting. >> he's trying to score political points. he's going nowhere. he's going nowhere. >> laura: going nowhere. should go to the school of rock open a franchise, and call it a day. all right, mercedes, tom, thankk you so much. there was a lot to learn last night from what the candidates didn't say but how they conducted themselves. joining me now, body language expert, our favorite, tonya. let's start with this o exchange between andrew yang and pete buttigieg. >> if you believe that you can solve your problems better than any politician, go to and tell us how $1,000 a month will help us do just that. >> mayor pete buttigieg. [laughter] >> it's original. i'll give you that. >> laura: is that all the rhodes scholar can come up with? that's the best one liner. all right, why did he come off bad there?
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>> well, you know, yang came across as really good. he didn't look good in that one clip. normally he does well. but the way pete responded was condescending. you saw it in his mouth. you saw his mouth kind of tighten up a little bit, you know it's contemptuous as if he's mocking him >> laura: he looked like how am i going to one-up that. you took my thunder away. he looked like a little boy. it's so odd. all right, tonya, i want you to take a look at julian castro attacking joe biden. >> you said a few minutes ago they would have to buy in. you forget what you said. are you forgetting already what you said just two minutes ago? i mean, i can't believe that you said two minutes ago that they had to buy in and now you're saying they don't have to buy in. you're forgetting that. >> laura: okay. what's the body language of both men telling you there? >> right. did you see how castro kind of leaned over like that? he thought he was so slick about
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that move. but it turns out he was wrong in the way he put that out there. he gave out the wrong information. but what's more interesting is he was snide. biden turns around. he's not sure about what he said. you hear him say, what did he say? and bernie tells him what he said. and you see, biden gets annoyed. and you can see in this area right around the brow area, that furrows and his face tightensupk gets tight, and then he pivots his entire body away to show he's shutting him down. and interestingly enough, biden is usually the one that pivots towards individuals so watching him pivot away was a strong suggestion he's not having this. >> laura: you're seeing the pivots and -- i don't know -- is it the botox? i didn't know his forehead could move that saw movement. it's amazing. >> the eyebrows. you see that, he was mad. >> laura: he was mad. watch biden's reaction when he was asked an uncomfortable question. >> i want to come to you and talk to you about inequality in
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schools and race. in a conversation about how to deal with segregation and schools back in 1975, you told a reporter, i don't feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. what responsibility do you think americans need to take to repaie the stain of slavery in our country. >> laura: what's going on there with that laugh? >> this is interesting. when you see biden initially when somebody smiles like that. when they've been asked a hot-button question. when they smile that way, what they're doing is demonstrating a cover-up. they don't want to show you the emotion that's frustration or anger, so they cover it up with a smile. the second thing, he strokes his microphone a little bit. that's called the displacement activity. andd what that does is it allows him to feel in control for a brief few seconds, just until he gets himself back in to speed. >> laura: so when someone laughs right -- when they're asked a hard question, that's a kind of a give me a little time to think about this. kamala harris does that, as
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well. thank you, always great to see thank youay so much. coming up, trump has the space force and now one of the 2020 dems wants a race force. corey booker's plan to create a white supremacist task force.
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by the strolle♪s [ growl ] good boy. hey. hey. you must be steven's phone. know who's on your network and control who shouldn't be with xfinity xfi. simple. easy. awesome. >> laura: race was front and center on the race last night
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and kind of permeated the media spinac afterwards. here to break it all down, candace owens, founder of the blexit movement and author of the book "blackout."and monique. 2020 candidates, they're often in my mind falsely accusing president trump of being racist. candidates like buttigeig are increasingly applying that label to all trump supporters. >> do you think that people could support president trump and his immigration policies are racist? >> anyone who supports this is supporting racism. [speaking spanish] >> laura: the media took it a step further suggesting hillary clinton was right to call trump supporters deplorables. >> if they're supporting what donald trump is doing and what he's doing is racism, what do you say about the folks cheering him on. >> it's a great point or comment
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about basket of deplorables.shet the time, buzz but it turns out she was dead on. >> laura: at least everyone is being honest the way they feel. i want people to have it out there. they want to call it deplorables. candace, are they going too far here? >> i think this is einstein's definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. i don't see how they could be falling into this trap again. they're saying i'm a racist. i support trump, i'm a black america. they say i want to see a society come together that i can't actually live in. the problem is it's not americans but it requires no intellectual depths. try to consider what happen in 2016 and learn from what happened in 2016 but they can't, they're too arrogant. >> mayor pete, monique, sometimes has a moderate approach with the way he debates and speaks. he's attractive in many ways to a lot of people. that actually surprised me coming from him. coming from south bend, an interesting community, very diverse. but i never think it's a winning thing to attack americans.
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attack trump, go at it. but attack americans, i think that's a no-no. >> he wasn't attacking americans. >> laura: he just called them racist. >> he was attacking a point of view. he said if you're supporting a racist policy, you're a racist. if you support a policy that says go out on the street and hit every fifth person with blonde hair named laura, you probably are -- >> laura: you lost me. >> you're going to attack every blonde-haired person named laura. if you're supporting immigration policies that are racist, then you, too, are racist because yom support racist things. >> he didn't say the word "policy," though.he didn't say y once, he said persons. >> you have to listen to the question before the answer. >> i listened to the answer. he said you're a person that supports trump, not a policy. >> i could ask you what color the sky is ori could ask you -- >> you're putting word in his mouth. >> laura: okay. >> but, again -- >> defending him. >> laura: this is donald trump today -- i think it's today. it might be yesterday, i'm losing track of time.
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he said we're on the verge ofsoh immigration. i think jared kushner has a 600-page plan on the way to capitol hill or already there which i think is going to include handling illegal immigration, trying to come together on some compromise. if that's racist, boy, we really are in b trouble in the united states. that's a big, big deal. if they'rere working on that which t they've been working ont for about eight months, and people are going, this is racist,, then we're never going to make any progress on anything. >> is it kind of -- if it's a fifth, we'd all be drunk? are we really in the third year in if this is really happeningtg deal. >> laura: what did obama do on the border? he deported more people than trump.then he's a racist. >> that's right. >> laura: then barack obama is a racist under that dynamic. >> that makes him a president. >> laura: i don't think he's a you're in favor of the deportation. >> we're agreeing here, trump is the president. we're agreeing that trump is the president.
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>> we yes that people shut follow the law. >> we're agreeing 100% on that. >> the democrats don't agree on that. they want to decriminalize all illegal immigration. >> i'm a democrat. >> you and ico agree on that. >> laura: ladies, president trump is creating the space, but corey booker wants to create the race for us. >> racism exists, theo question is who isn't a racist, it's who isn't doing something about racism. if i am president of the united states, we will create an office in the white house to deal with the problem of white supremacy and hate crimes. >> laura: what about this? the moon shot. >> elizabeth warren wants to be president. bernie sanders wants to be president. corey booker does not wish to be president. he's out here for fame and moments. he's alwaysmos been this person. he's a narcissist at its core. he's not meant to be taken seriously.question should stop m have these moments. i'm spartacus in congress.
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this is all about corey booker. for him to say race force is a part of his programming. he loves attention. he loves that we're discussing him. esd no one on the left or right should be taking cory booker personal seriously. >> laura: wanted to punch president trump in the face. >> is that because you met him you know what he wants? >> i'm saying -- >> the mental determination of what he wants? i've met him. i take him at his word. >> just called me racist five seconds ago. >> corey booker. that's where we are right now. >> listening to your logic. >> train of thought, corey booker was speaking about a real issue, white supremacy. all you have to do is 15 minutes from now go down my timeline and you'll understand the very big difference between someone who is candace, someone who is you and someone -- [indiscernible] s butu, are they saying get a noo. are they saying -- >> they're saying get cancer.ger comes back. >> that's not- racism, right? >> that's nasty.
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>> when there's a fallacious argument. >> it's aad -- >> you don't have to know -- >> you made that point clear. >> you have to know somebody to know what they want. >> why are you commenting ontru? >> i asked if you knew him. >> i asked you -- i am allowed to comment on don't have to comment. >> ill just said it is not accurate. >> we all comment, that's what we do. hold on. >>le i comment about what people sail and what do they, i don't comment about l their intext and what they want because how i do know. >> you comment on trump every team. >> you know that because you know him. >>no guys, we've got to go he wants peace and prosperrette and that's what he is giving. we comment all the time that we haven't met. that's kind of what we do. as you historians write about -- >> it's the ultimate -- >> it's the ultimate policy to comment on. >> laura: why are you on this y show? >> laura: by the way, i got to
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go, we're going to get cut off guys. we've got to go. and i don't believe barack obama is a racist. i believe he deported a lot of people from this country and under their judgment, he would be considered a racist today. they apply a different set of rules to him. joe biden can't get over barack obama. does he even know what decade it is? oh, it's kind of sad. kamala harris' performance tonight. a true friday follies next.
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>> laura: it's friday. that means it's time for friday follies. the democratic debate provided us with more ridiculous and hysterical moments we could imagine. raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. raumond, you noticed some trends of the debate that audiences might haveba missed. >> i did, laura. the first thing was the attempt a subtly lay claim to a favorite phrase of a former president as a way to build stature. if only they could have been clearer. >> first of all, let me be very clear. a >> let me be clear. >> let's be clear. >> let's be clear. >> let's be clear about this. >> look, let's just be clear. >> two things became crystal clear for me. >> let me be very clear. >> laura: versus let's be fuzzy right now. obama always said that. >> he did indeed. as we'll remind you. >> so let me be clear. >> let me be clear. >> let me be clear. >> now, let me be clear -- let me be absolutely clear. >> joe biden mentioned obama so often, laura, i thought he might be running for a third term.
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listen? >> i know that the senator says she's for bernie, well, i'm for barack. this president has done a great deal. so i'm proud to have served with him. barack turned -- the president turned to me and said joe, we have a plan to get out, he turned to the whole security and said, joe will organize this. >> biden pac even released an ad laura, to reenforce the relationship in case you forgot. >> barack obama is an extraordinary man.n. i watched up close his character, courage and vision. he was a great president. i was proud to serve as his vice president. >> then something funny happened on stage, laura, biden couldn't recall who the president was. >> i hear the large -- the president saying -- my friend vermont thinks that the employer is going to give you back if you negotiate the union all these
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years. he called biden -- he called sanders the president there. the poor man. i -- my heart always breaks for him. he's so earnest.he so wants thi. >> laura: wait a second. he's so earnest? >> he is earnest. >> laura: i kind of like biden. i have to say. >> he wants it so badly. i think the bloom is off of the lilly here. >> laura: the glory days are done. the springsteen song has passed you by.glory days. >> yeah, a moment. >> laura: things went off of the rails for biden when he started to offer parenting advice to low-income kids. >> play the radio. make sure the television -- excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night the phone -- make sure the kids hear words. >> laura: is that an answer to a question? >> this was a pivot from a question about reparations. and he was trying to get to his atplan, which is a home visitatn plan where people come in and help kids, talk to them, give them language. so hege was saying put the radio on >> laura: i'm here from the government, i'm here to raise
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your children. no thanks. >> it is part of the affordable care act. then there was biden's unfortunate upper palate issue. oh. >> four months after sandy hook, a measure to require expanded background checks died on the senate floor. if you couldn't get it done after sandy hook, why should voters give you a chance. >> i got it done before. i'm the only one up here that's ever beat the nra. >> poor man, i hope polident are the next sponsors of the debate. there's kamala harris who looker like -- she was very relaxed. >> laura: she kind of had a cool way of -- it was kind of a -- >> she has admitted to smoking weed. >> laura: oh, she wasn't. she was joking. she looked -- >> i'm just saying. >> laura: she admitted that in the past.
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watch it, she came across as very relaxed. >> donald trump in office on trade policy. he reminds me of that guy in the wizard of oz, you know, when you pull back the curtain, it's a small dude. >> not going to take the bait. >> i would say, hey, joe instead of saying that we can't let's say yes we can. >> she was real laid back last night. >> laura: i thought she was pretty good. >> you thought kamala harris was really good? wait a minute, you jumped me for defending joe biden, earnest joe biden, and you're going to defend kamala harris. >> she's all over it.all right. wizard of oz. >> i kind of like that. i like that. it's like a slow s roll. it's kind of calm. >> she's going to slow roll right off of that stage in the next debate. >> laura: i didn't say she was going to win. coming up, hollywood actor survive after coming out as a trump supporter? former gray's anatomy star isaiah is here to tell us next. you don't want to miss it.
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>> i look at the political image of the democratic party in the last years of my lifetime, i was 5 and i'm 55. very little has changed in my community, just two blocks over from where i am right now. i have questions, i got more than questions. now i have evidence, i have empirical evidence that something is wrong. >> laura: that was former gray's anatomy star isaiah washington opening up after why he left the democratic party after visiting president trump at the white
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house. he is now a trump supporter.arie to fellow actors. he said, i have a message for hollywood actors damning me because i'm a conservative. you all are lame. i don'to respond well to hypocrites and cowards. you're no different from the bystander waiting on the blood to spill from a martyr. joining me, isaiah washington host of the pod cast isaiah washington speaks again. he's also the author of a book "a man from another land." and he helped to create the new pac, legacy republicans. thanks for coming on tonight. we appreciate it. >> thank you, laura. thank you for having me. >> laura: all these years later, you finally decided to come home to the republican party. now, why did you leave the democratic party, explain it. >> i would be remiss, before
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we get to the weeds on that, i would be remiss if i don't bring up the fact that i don't watch much television. i'm an avid arduous researcher. and since i have been put on the national conversation, i think i've been pretty much more in the midst of multiple ironies. i'm not the kind of person that's fond of being categorized. for example, the irony that i got to washington, d.c. on a sunday, mittsy hustle is being murdered, and the irony is that i made a tweet on the 1st, april 1, on april 2, fox news decided to take the tweets that i implied i was slamming 44 and 45. let me make it perfectly clear. i'm not one to be categorized. i'm not a trump supporter but ii am a huge supporter of many people, over 60,000, that are trump supporters. so what i mean by that, in the
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mere fabric of my dna, i've naturally been a protector liberator. i'm a patriot, i love this country. i'm former i will s. i supported the first step back, i supported 45 and that's why we're here. >> laura: isaiah, i have a- question for you. i spend quite a bit of time -- i know a bunch of big folks in hollywood. most of them are liberals. but they're actually pretty nice. most are nice to me. and they don't like anyone that they know me, i'm sure. but why is it that hollywood which prides itself on being so diverse is so -- is so closed off to people who disagree on policy? or who vote a different way. is that part of the diversity rathat everyone should embrace? >> you know, i just turned 55 again this year. >> laura: oh, good.ou [laughter] >> august 3. so, i've lived through 11 presidents. one i didn't quite remember. the only reason i knew who he was is because my grandmother
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had a velour towel or blanket on the wall that had martin luther king and jfk. i know there was love and respect for that president. i got older, i realized he was assassinated by what appeared to be our own government. growing up through that, i see a lot of things that i don't necessarily agree with, but when i was in the military in the reagan years, i made myself very, very vulnerable and risked my life for the constitution. and i still feel that way. i'm still cut from that cloth. i'm a person who is verycln mission-oriented. i strategize to get to spike lee, to get my career. i did it after i saw she's got to have it in 1986. >> laura: that is a hilarious movie, one of my favorite movie of all time. oh, my gosh, hilarious. >> what i learned out of that is that people are just people. human beings are just human beings. and what i heard in the 30 years of the business, people tend to
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abuse their power. and what i learned also, peopleu usually liberals or anywhere, private sector, military, now hollywood hurt people, hurt teople. it doesn't matter if you were a jerk before you made millions and millions of dollars, you're going to be a jerk once you become successful. >> laura: isaiah, you were one of the biggest television stars in one of the biggest -- >> who says i'm not? >> laura: oh, yeah. >> who says i'm not anymore. i know you have a habit of cutting people i want to. so i'm -- i've been on "the 100" for the last five years. i'm not a former of gray's ity went back, 13%, it made so much money everybody got paid extra salaries.let's ny grey's grey's anatomy, let's talk about former "the 100." it's onau netflix right now. >> laura: we already know. you're a -- >> it's right now. >> laura: not everybody watches netflix, hate to tell you. not everybody watches. >> not everybody watches -- not everybody watches fox news.snap.
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>> laura: an iconic television show -- an iconic television show, and the show runner shonda rhymes, one of the most brilliant television producers. she actually went to my alma mater. she's a big democrat. and you were kind of a -- kind of a democrat then, as well, right? so you -- did you have a political mind meld when you worked on that show? or was politics never even brought up? >> i'll say this, i've been political since the day i was born. any african-american man borni black in america is political particularly if you live over 50, so that just makes me political by the nature of l me being here to survive. >> laura: yeah. yeah. >> the other part of that question is, i never talked politics. shonda and i, no one, we never talked politics on that show. >> laura: good, that's the way it should be. >> yeah, just to get to diversity. remember, there was no barack obama before my character. i was the first dark-skinned african-american that went into american homes. i had to bring an actual heartrt
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surgeon who was african-american to the set because no one believed that there was any black surgeons in america. it was a long time ago. >> laura: isaiah, earlier, you said that the u.s. government assassinated mlk and jfk. okay, i guess we can talk about that more. but is that -- that's what you believe in your heart of hearts? that's where you are on that? >> excuse>> me? is that what i believe -- >> laura: you said the government assassinated two of our most historic figures? >> you've got to be kidding. this is not a conspiracy theory. it's a fact. everyone knows it. >> laura: we've got to go. >> this is what got you in trouble with missty hustle. >> laura: no, no. we got to go, isaiah. that's cool. but we appreciate you joining us and we appreciate the fact that you took time tonight. up next, the viral anti-aoc ad aired during the debate. find out the controversy, next.
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here, it all starts with a simple...
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hello! -hi! how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help.
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at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. >> laura: perhaps the most viral moment from last night's debate didn'tnt happen on stage, but instead during one of the commercial breaks. watch. >> this is the face of socialism and ignorance. does alexandra ocasio cortez
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know the horror of socialism? my father was minutes from death in cambodia before a forced marriage saved his life. that's socialism. >> laura: the woman behind that anti-aoc socialism ad is republican activist elizabeth hang, the daughter of cambodian refugees who fled communism. aoc wasn't thrilled about the ad as you can imagine, she tweeted in response, know this wasn't an aded for young conservatives of color, that was the pretense. what you just watched was a love letter to the gop's white supremacist case. here to respond is elizabeth hang, former congressional candidate andd executive directr of new faces gop pac. all right, elizabeth. well, aoc says this was a love letter to white supremacists. you don't look like a white supremacist. you yourself are a minority. but does she have a point?
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do you have to have her self-emulating in flame there? >> youou know, i'm not going to get in a debate especially with the name calling with a -- with a member of congress. i put the ad on there because i wanted to have a real discussion about what true socialism is in this country and have her defend the ideology in which she continues to promote. yet, instead of actually having a real policy debate, she insults me with name calling and a number of other areas. >> laura: omar said it should be pulled from the air. maybe you can reach out to her and see if she'll have a conversation with you or maybe have some kind of forum on -- i don't know, defending the tenets of socialism. but ilan omar controversial herself rallying to the side of fellow squad member, you know, aoc here. so they're all
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rashida tlaib, all of them are coming to her defense. and they all throw around the phrase white supremacist like it's nothing. as my mother used to say, they can dish it out, but they can't take it. t they can dish out the worst, you know, pejoratives about people because they disagree with them but the moment that you prick their little trial balloon, they start toto scream foul. i'm not buying the damsel in distress routine from the squad. >> and i couldn't agree with you more on that. so, instead of defending theit policy stances that they continue to push, these big socialist ideologies, they resort to throwing -- calling people racist and sexist and all these other things instead of actually talking about what thes real policy -- instead of actually talking about what and defending the arguments that they continue to have. >> laura: do you think young people, though, really understand what you're trying to
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get at here with the evils of socialism? you know? it's never worked. it's never worked around the world. variance never works. the real deal hasn't work. it's never worked. it led to heart ache and the super rich and the super poor. never led to anything else. >> correct. >> laura: but the young people don't know that. they're not being taught that. >> i agree. we're not learning it in our school systems. and they're getting information from different news sources. so that's why i want to highlight this. during the democrat presidential debate in hopes that it would go viral so that we could begin to educate young people and have a discussion of truly what this has done throughout the world not just in cambodia, but in venezuela, cuba, north korea, china, russia. we're not learning this in our education system. and this isru forcing discussio. >> laura: you got everybody's attention, that's for sure. elizabeth, thanks for joining us.
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an age-defying last bite is next. ..
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you bet it's time for the last bite. a man believed to be the oldest living world war ii veteran celebrated his 110th birthday at the national world war ii museum in new orleans yesterday. here is lawrence brooks and his daughter vanessa reflecting on the day. >> glad to be here. some things i don't want to remember. >> i said dad, how long are you going to keep it up? you are 112. >> he says his secret to a long
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life is that he loves all people. he loves humanity. that is all-time we have tonight. have a great weekend with your family and friends, be safe, fly your flag. the fox news at night team will take it from here. see you monday. >> welcome to fox news at night, breaking tonight, we are one step closer to seeing the long awaited report investigating the investigators, the attorney general is reviewing a draft of the doj watchdog report on allegations of fisa abuse by federal investigators during the russia investigation. stay tuned for late breaking news. fevered speculation over the state of lori laughlin role in a college admissions bribery scandal.


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