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tv   Watters World  FOX News  September 14, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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[applause] ♪ [♪] jesse: welcome to. "watters' world," i'm jesse watters. fact checking fake news. another week, another false story about cnn and trump and russia. the network at the center of another embarrassing story claiming the cia was forced to tract a high-level spy inside russia in 2017 because president trump mishandled classified intelligence and risked exposing the asset's identity. the reporter behind the story, former obama administration official turned national security correspondent jim scioto. >> the person directly involved
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in the discussion said the removal of the russian was driven in part out of concerns that president trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence that could risk exposing the agent as a spy. jesse: president trump had nothing to do with it. the cia says the spy was pulled out over concerns over the media reporting on russia election interference, and the decision was made before trump even took office. former cia director turned secretary of state mike pompeo slamming cnn over the accusations. >> their reporting is materially inaccurate. as the former cia director, i don't talk about things like this very often. it's only the occasion when i think something puts people at risk or it's so egregious that i
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even comment way i just did. it's factually wrong. jesse: the "new york times" directly contradicted the story. writing, former cia officials said there was no public evidence that mr. trump directly endangered the source. cnn has not apologized or retracted. did cnn run the story to get ahead of john durham's investigation into the deep state? the. remember the professor who reportedly worked with intelligence agencies to set up carter page and papadopoulos? davis tweeting the russia hoaxers are using the same playbook from last year after
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nunes started asking questions about them. claimed the spy is in mortal danger. blamed the investigate jr. for the spy's peril, then straight up out the endangered spy. sean, i believe you are on to something. many people believe the asset was the one who passed the disinformation about trump to christopher steele which wound up in the dossier. "politico" publishing some of their own. suggesting the u.s. air force quote may have helped line the president's pockets by making a refueling stop at an airport in scotland near trump's hotel and golf course where crew members stayed overnight. they claim accusations that trump's properties are unfairly profiting from the administration have dogged the
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president since he took office. but the military takes it to a different level. not surprisingly, liberals went wild. msnbc's rachel maddow opened her show with a 22-minute story. >> american cargo planes have started refueling near the trump airport that trump needs to prop up to keep his scottish golf resort going. jesse: "politico" left out some important details that could have been easily verified. first the article states unnamed crew members said they had never stopped at the airport before in dozen of trips between the u.s. and belize. that's play and thely not true. the air force signed a contract
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for refueling in 2016 before trump entered office. partly because it's the only military stopover in the area that's open 24 hours a day. and according to the public data base, air force planes made 936 stops there since 2015. some of which have been posted on youtube like this one from july 2016. six months before trump became president. the "politico" report makes a big deal about crew lodging at the president's resort. we don't the exact cost the crew were charged there, but public documents do show the state department was charged during trump's stay in 2016. 95 pound per might. nearby it costs 215 pound a night. the hilton glasgow, 249 pounds.
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even the had on blue was nearly double the charges at the turnberry. there i is zero evidence the stopovers are lining the president's pocket. these stories come two weeks after msnbc's mcdonnell had to retract his own russia story. they are willing to neglect facts for fiction that meets the narrative. as rush limbaugh suggests, there could be consequences much bigger than the story they are trying to spin. >> i think that that little episode is going to have a price that they are not even calculating. there will be a price to pay for this. and the democrats are seen as being responsible for it. jesse: here with some reaction,
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someone who knows a thing or two about setting the record straight. the newest fox news contributor. sarah sanders. welcome to the fox news team. now, you can't cancel at the last minute because you are not dealing with late-breaking drama on a friday at the white house. >> the one time that happened i did find a god replacement. he may have been far better a guest that it would have been than my dad. jesse: our father is a good guest, but not as god as you. what do you think about this. two big fake news story. they are never corrected or updated. is this going to go on and on without consequence? now you are at fox, you can be the ombudsman and exact checker and we can let them know. >> i wish i could say these moments are surprising.
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while they are sad and unfortunate. er in not surprising at all. this is something we have seen day in and day out. there is such a rush to find things to attack this president for to blame this president for that they don't care if it's right or not if they can get one person to say it happened, they run with it. you have shown that through all of these instances. thing with cnn running out and pushing this narrative that the president put operatives in danger. it's just another example of the media trying to blame president trump for the mistakes and failures of the previous administration. we have seen it time and time again. and i don't think they are going the stop. i wish i could say at some point they will learn their lesson. i think the on thing that may teach them that this isn't going to work is when they have to watch donald trump get re-elected again and when again in november of 2020, and they have another room full of crying
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individuals this come november. and i don't know if that will help change. but maybe that will be the catalyst they need to start fact checking some of the stuff before they run out just to hurt the president. jesse: this isn't the first time cnn has done this. you sad the scaramucci fire which was fake. you had the comey testimony story, the cohen testimony story, both were fake. don, jr. had advance information about the wikileaks that was fake. do you think the sources are just feeding them fake news or what? >> my guess is there is a mix. sometimes they think they have something so they run with it. other times they are getting fed the information and they are not doing the due diligence. some of these things with a
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basic google search you can find quickly are just not true. they are not putting the time in because they are so eager and excited to tear this president down. i have never seen a time when we are so happy to see the president of our own country. yet this media is salivating over those moments. i think it's sad, it's unfortunate, and hopefully they will start to learn something because they are having to retract so many of these statements, but i don't think it's going to happen. the only way that does is when they watch donald trump take the oath of office. jesse: one of the other ways the left is trying to take out the president is with impeachment. jerry nadler is the ringleader of that circus. we have sound of him in the 90s singing a different tune about impeachment. listen to this. >> if our con in this matter does not earn the confidence of the american people, then any action we take, especially if we
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seek to overturn the result of a free election could divide a nation for years to come. jesse: nadler in the 90s is saying if it's a partisan exercise and will divide the american people it we shouldn't do it. >> the democrat party has become the party of convenience. they are constantly changing their positions to fit a contrast to attack the president. we see it on immigration and the impeachment process it's absurd. you can't just start to impeach somebody because you are afraid you are going to be beat in an election. you can't start using this as a tool to take away the vote of millions of americans which is what democrats are trying to do through this process. i don't think they will get away with it, and i think it will look foolish. the country is far too smart to fall for what the democrats are trying to pull. this is an example of where the
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democrats will try to do something and fail. they have done nothing in congress. it will go nowhere just like everything else they tried to do. jesse: you mentioned they are doing this because they think they can't beat them. the party is going so far left, in fact even bill maher is panicking about the direction of the party. here is bill on msnbc saying this is a cancer. watch. >> how maddening is that to you that they are having this race to the far left? >> it's not good it's kind of a cancer on progressivism. you have to stand up to twitter. twitter isn't us. twitter isn't the rank and file democrat. it's not even most of liberals. but they don't do it. this race is begging for someone to do a sister sol some solja m.
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when you talk about taxing too much and taking eye away their guns and transwomen get abortion rights, i think that came up in the first debate. i don't think you are going to win his election. jesse: i can't believe i'm saying that. i think bill maher is right. >> i never thought i would say i agree with bill maher. it's true. i was watching the debates and i couldn't believe the things coming out of the democrats' mouths. i thought surely this is a "saturday night live" skit. they are fighting each other to see who can get furthest to the left it's terrifying, some of the idea they are coming up with. we heard time and time again we heard democrats say that reason we have guns in this country is
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because of corruption. it's enshrined in the constitution. the idea they want to challenge every bit of that. they were fighting over how to go around the constitution at one point and whether they could just do executive orders and say who cares about the constitution. it was unbelievable to listen to some of the things coming out of their plowts. -- mouths. hopefully they will take advice and listen to bill maher. if not, it will even sure president trump is elected for four more years in november. jesse: welcome to the fox news family. if juan williams gives you a hard time in the green room, let me know. up next, the winners and the losers of the latest democratic debate.
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jesse: a political shootout in the lone star state. 10 democrats make the cut for the third debate in houston. but still not what you would call the cream of the crop. here with reaction, dana loesch and pollster, frank luntz.
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i watched the debate. i didn't think anybody broke out. bind had a few minutes looking shaky. here is biden having a little trouble. >> snob should be in jail for non-violent crime. comparing this president to the president we have is outrageous. number one. we didn't lock people up in cages. make sure the television -- excuse me, make sure you have the record player on before. i am the only one up here who has ever beat the nra. jesse: he may have been having trouble with the dentures. i get madoff gets to walk. >> i thought it was pretty good. the nra line got tremendous applause. jesse: if the beginning he was good, but he faded. >> he performed well enough that
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he will remain the frontrunner. it's another month with joe biden having a double digit lead. i am wondering if this is where the race end up. they go into these states without anyone getting a majority. jesse: dana, could you see a long drawn out and expensive bloody primary where if the numbers sustain themselves they could go into the convention in wisconsin and you could have a brokered convention. >> i think there is a risk of that. i am not quite sure if it will get to that point. i agree i don't think last night changed that much. it just showed the desperation of some of the candidates. but bind would have to severely mess up to hurt his double digit lead. it's his race to lose at this
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point. elizabeth warren is the female version of bernie sanders and bernie sanders is there to kind of pin down the left. i sometimes wonder fit' not a strategy by the party to keep the whole ship together. but at this point bind has to severely screw it up if he's to make himself not the nominee. jesse: we all seem to be saying the same thing. biden just has to not screw up. but every time you watch him perform he feels like he's on the edge of a massive gaffe. he looks like he's struggling to get the word out. every debate he has some kind of crazy comment. he was attacked by castro on a number of occasions. let's watch that and we can see if that drew any blood. >> barack obama's vision was not to leave 10 million people uncovered. he want every single person in this country covered. my plan would do that, you are
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plan did not. >> you would not have to buy in. >> you just said two minutes ago they would have to buy in. >> it's qualified for medicare. >> every time somebody questions part of the administration we were both part of he says that was the president. he wants to take credit for obama's work but not have to answer any questions. jesse: you have to give him points for being aggressive. but he came up nasty. >> more than that. i don't give him any points. i believe that could be the beginning of the end of his presidency. you don't attack the former vice president and get it wrong. they checked the transcripts and he was wrong and he came across as wrong. kamala harris went after bind and she went from 15 points in the polls to half that amount. voters don't want to see these
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cheap shots. they don't want to see prepared remarks that you can tell aren't spontaneous and they are just mean. jesse: here is something ebb said wow. beto o'rourke said he's coming for your guns. >> hell, yes, we are going to take our ar-15 and ak-47. jesse: he's gone farther and any presidential candidate has ever gone. what do you think about that, dana? >> he's desperate. first he went from no we are not going to take your guns when he was debating ted cruz to we are going to take everything. he needs to be the passion cad. he barely qualified for this debate. he's believing his own hype. the only reason he was run by the party in texas was to geto get more democrat voters. but you have a lawmaker standing on stage who is threatening the american people.
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he is threatening people with implicit forceable theft which would result in violence. jesse: he wants to decriminalize crossing the border illegally but criminalize people legally buying weapons under the second amendment. this is a weird moment. kamala harris made some sort of size joke about the president. let's listen. >> donald trump in office on trade policy -- he remind me of that guy in the wizard of oz when you pull back the curtain it's a really small dude. >> i am not going to take the bait, senator harris. >> clearly planned. and she has been hurt. she had an outstanding first debate. what happened to these last two,
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they weren't real, they weren't her. these debates, you can see through the camera. you understand whether they are for real, if they believe what they are saying and whether it's who they are as people. i think cory booker is getting bert and better, and he's doing so because it's real passion. it's not fake, it's not done where senator harris' is where she turns it on and turns it off. jesse: he's a genuine guy, genuinely corny. but at least he smiles and has spirit that translates to the camera. >> i agree with the cory booker analysis. and because he's goofy, i think that endears him to more democrats. kamala harris will never shed her image as to cop and her record on criminal justice.
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i want to make a comment on castro. those are self-inflicted wounds. somebody like beto 0 o'rourke, i wouldn't get him a gun because he couldn't pass my background check. good to see you, jesse. real news up next. [♪] the oil refinery
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facilities. i'm aishah hasnie. jesse: time for the real news of the week. going green is all the rage among democrats. but it seems to have consequences both here and around the world. bloomberg reporting a surge in electricity prices as high as 40,000 percent. renewable energy can cause instability among power grids resulting in a collapse. especially in the summer. in texas rates jumped from $15 per megawatt hour to $9,000. and there were massive blackouts in australia and bottom line. bottom line? don't retire those coal plants
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yet. something that should retire is andrew yadges presidential run. i like him, he was on the show. but he's never going to be president. check out this video of the candidate crowd surfing over his self-described yang gang. got to give it to him. at least he has a crowd to surf on. if biden tried that with 8 people at his rallies. they would drop him float on his face. a same sex penguin couple were -- the egg was from a
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penguin having twins. it's completely natural for penguins to grow up without a gender. a big fan of animals. this penguin was made. i didn't check, but they told me and his name was trout. isn't he cute in the penguin, not me. a major win for the president from the supreme court. the supreme court allowing the asylum restrictions to take effect immediately. the government can refuse asylum requests for anyone who applied for asylum after leaving home. if you are from guatemala you have to apply in mexico first. and effects co-is keeping the migrants in mexico while they wait for their asylum claims to be processed.
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the supreme court voted in favor of allowing the military money to be used to build the bordered wall. 450 miles is expected to be built by the end of 2020. the number of people arrested for illegally crossing the border has dropped for a third month in a row. down 62% since its peak in may and since the president cut the deal with the mexican government. there is great news on the economic front. you probably won't hear it from the liberal media. more than 6.2 million people topped using food stamps since president trump completed his first month in office. food stamp enrollment reached its highest number in history in the obama administration and has been in a constant decline since. u.s. census data shows the
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poverty rate is the low jest since 2001. and median income earnings up 3.4%. a lot of money in your pocket people. last week we told you about a writer waging war and red hats. she said scare and trigger people. luckily no one is listening to her. check out this maga had this guy had on at trump's rally in north carolina. >> i have a lot of friend tell me i shouldn't support donald trump because i'm black which is insane, and they told me i shouldn't wear a maga hat. jesse: i don't know which is more triggering, the hat or the jesus t-shirt. a double whammy. diamond and silk fire up the engines on the trump train. first, more hollywood hate
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directed at president trump. will the left ever see through their double standard? tomi lahren is here with so i can buy from
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jesse: hollywood hypocrisy object display at celebs wage a war of words against president trump. the president blasting the model and her husband john legend for taking the credit for his criminal justice respond. she respond by calling the commander-in-chief a quote -- joining me now with reaction. how is that pronunciation there. was that all right? >> i give it a b plus in
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college. jesse: tomi, i guess the president called her filthy mouth and she basically confirmed what he salt her. >> she has blocked me on twitter. so clearly she has an ego bruising from several conservatives. jesse: everybody blocks you on twitter. she got trending on twitter and all the liberals are so excited thinking she is such a warrior for her cause. but a couple years ago i think people were going into his tear is over that word. jesse: trump goes low, the democrats go even lower. they say they want to be a classy word. it's funny how it all shakes out. >> i think it's so crazy.
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even in the instance with tomi lahren. people say they are accepting and want a certain standard of how we treat people. look recently with john oliver sexually charged comments about ted cruz. that's not acceptable behavior. jesse: we have sound. >> i do not like ted cruz. i do not like this stupid chin, i do not like his mommy grin. i do not like him with a beard, i do not like him freshly sheared. i do not like ted cruz at all, that man ted cruz can [bleep]. >> it's trump derangement syndrome. the left is always allowed to do comedy and art, but
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conservatives aren't given the same excuse. we are not able to use it. but at the end of the today it's worth the me too movement. if any one of us did that we would be band from network television. it's gross and it's uncomfortable to hear that. jesse: conservatives i don't think have the comedic license liberals comedians have. kamala harris has an exchange with one of her voters a little while ago. and i think that voter called the president of the united states the "r" word and she was laughing about it. and she said afterward i didn't hear what he said. >> the reason they call donald trump's actions [bleep] because they are. >> i know people don't like that word, but we have to use it.
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>> we have to use it. they get a pass over and over again. but wasn't it the left crying about donald trump when they said he was making disparaging comments and hand motions during this campaign about people with disabilities. jesse: he does that when someone is confused and we showed video over and over again when he does that to people. >> he has the flailing arm when bernie has the happy thing -- tapping thing when he wants to talk. thursday night his face was so read it looked like it was going to explode. i wondered if someone would do a wellness check. jesse: our sound is like he smoked a pack of camels before the debate. >> between that and the pandering and the short stool castro was sitting on, i couldn't detect a point.
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jesse: i can't even stay up until 11:00. thank you guys have much. andrew pollock's daughter meadow was killed in the parkland shooting in what he calls the most of avoidable mass murder in history. but he says guns are not to blame. find out what he found out about the short. never bee
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>> like 90% of americans i go to bed at night and worry that i can't keep my children safe. i made it clear we don't want to take all guns from all people. we want to take certain guns away from certain people. we want to reduce the lives lost from this epidemic in this country. jesse: that's actress alyssa milano discussing her recent meeting with ted cruz. but my next guest says guns aren't the problem. lenient policies and a lack of discipline are. he's andrew pollock, the father of meadow who was killed along with 16 other students in parkland, florida.
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he's the author of the new book "why meadow died." i am look at this book and i can't believe the rap sheet on this short. he threatened to kill people at the school. he threatened to rape them. threatened to shoot up the school. he brought knives. he wrote racial slurs and scrawled swastikas all over the place. he didn't one thing i can't even repeat on television. he tortured and killed animals. and why he's still in the school system. >> because of these policies. and i have to live with it that i put my daughter in a situation that i didn't know. and those policies of leniency started with the obama administration where they just didn't hold kids accountable. and what it does to the school system is create some culture of leniency where they don't hold
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kids accountable, and it ends up hurting every child. it hurts the kid that's acting out and distruptive. it hurts the kids that just want to listen and the teacher who has to deal with it. it's a lose lose. and it's a democratic policy that affected me. if i would have took the path of everyone else, jesse that we are in parkland. most of people like those kids and a lot of other groups. they jumped on the band wagon of gun control before my daughter was even buried. fit was gun control he or the nra i would be here talking to you about it. but i did my own investigation. they wanted to cover up these policies. i dug into it. jesse: when you were digging into this for the book and for your own peace of mind. you are saying the school administrators were stonewalling you, they didn't want to know about the suspensions, the
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behavior and the policies in place to not discipline someone like this shooter. >> the superintendent is very income tents. he wasn't transparent. when we questioned him about the policies he called it fake news. he called it fake news. but we have the records. you are telling me you are the superintendent and you don't know how evil he was? jesse: they knew they have had an evil guy and they didn't do anything about it. is this standard practice in all public high schools in this country or are they rolling it back. >> it depends on where you live. politicians can only do so much. that's what i learned the last year and a half. i met with the president. he opened the federal school safety commission. he rescinded these policies. but at a local level, school districts can do whatever they want. so it's up, my message is it's up to the parents and grandparents what environment
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you put your kids in. so i am not even calling it a book it's a manual for parents to look at to read it to keep their kids safe. thank you so as much, jesse. jesse: andrew, thank you very much. >> i am sure i will see you again. jesse: diamond and silk firing up trump supporters in since you're heading off to school, i got you this brita. dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do.
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jesse: time for "last call." we know diamond and silk are no strangers to the stage. earlier this week when they are on hand to rally thousands of trump supporters in their home state of north carolina. >> we switched our party to republican to vote for donald j. trump. >> you huff. >> since he has been in words.
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promises made, promises kept. over 6 million jobs created. tblawng employment at an all-time low. opportunity zones. the first step act to prison reform. while i'm here i might as well get this off my chest. i keep hearing that the left is talking about the president is trying to get rich while in the white house. what they fail to realize is that the president was already rich. what needs to be investigated is how some of these congressmen and women got rich off $174,000 a year. that's what needs to be investigated. investigate that. i wonder how many have gone the their kickbacks and paddy waks.
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who was giving them all. i am look at the news. the news. the fake news. i keep hearing the word impeach. >> impeach. >> but the reason why they want to impeach him was they know they can't defeat him. these people have pushed all kinds of things. first it was resist. racism. recession. i have something we need to push. re-elect. re-elect this president. but you know what? while they continue to push the race card, we are going to continue to push the trump card so we can win, win, and win, baby. jesse: oh, wow. what stars. i take all the credit. just kidding. these ladies are great. thanks for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook
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will be instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. the beat goes on. a huge thanks to all of you for keeping our streak alive and make our last week's show number one all weekend long. we are ready to kill it again with congressman jim jordan, governor mike huckabee, dan bongino, kayleigh mcenany and more. chris cox, the head of bikers for trump who once gave me a ride around the republican national convention. he's riding for congress and -- running for congress


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