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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 17, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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in her life, roger caddell check it out, through caucus afternoon. look about, skins. >> sandra: looking forward to seeing those two together. tune in for that. your entrance on, come on? what is it? >> bill: i would do "hemmer time eczema" >> sandra: perfect. we will see you tomorrow. "outnumbered" starts now. >> harris: we come in with the fox news alert. democrats such officially pushed to a patient cut down my court justice brett kavanaugh even after "the new york times" corrected its story about him, and despite party leaders not being on board. you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, melissa francis. fox news contributor, katie pavlich. a host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy. in the center seat, matt schlapp, former white house political director, chairman of the american conservative union. we say he's "outnumbered." we love having them. >> matt: creek to be here, and i'm not a dancer. >> harris: you're not going to
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dance? [laughter] >> kennedy: the hour is young! >> matt: i do have that shirt in my closet but i'm not dancing. >> harris: i haven't seen that many ruffles since my old bridesmaid dress. good to qaddafi. congresswoman ayanna pressley of the so-called "squad" set to introduce an impeachment resolution today against justice kavanaugh, sing in a statement, "sexual predators do not deserve a seat on the nation's highest court." dick durbin says, "get real!" he's not alone among democratic leadership. here's house committee chairman nadler. >> we have our hands full impeaching the president right now. that's going to take up our limited resources. >> harris: meanwhile senate judiciary chair lindsey graham is ripping democrats, and "the new york times" ." >> they are trying to destroy him. the acquisition is ridiculous. "the new york times" writes and verifies later, and jerry nadler
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feels like we shouldn't go there for impeachment, maybe nobody should go there. >> harris: president trump also went after the times that his campaign rally last night in new mexico. >> i call for the resignation of everybody at "the new york times" involved in the kavanaugh story. [applause] while you're at it, the russian witch hunt hoax, which is just as phony a story. >> harris: "the new york times" today, second day of this. >> matt: this is repugnant. this is -- brett and ashley kavanaugh have been through hell for their country. they went through this ridiculous confirmation process, if you can even call it a process. the lawyer for christine blasey ford give gave a speech recently that she admitted a lot of this was motivated by her support of legal abortion and her fear that
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brett kavanaugh would somehow overturn roe v. wade. it's all politically motivated. what the democrats do is they don't fight on policy. if she had come out on the postman said, "i will post them because of his potential position on a roe v decision," legit. it is not widget to make stuff up, to destroy someone's reputation, and put it on repeat. that's what they're doing now. starting all over again in an attempt -- i wonder if they just want these people to break. he's not going to break it, harris. he won the muddy paths of political bias are on this. we know that. whether you can say, "well, that's what's driving it," we do know the so-called witness in the story, in "the new york times," who then had to admit that he nor anybody he knew had actually seen anything in terms of sexual misconduct on the part of previous citizen and judge, brett kavanaugh. but he's an old operatives of the clintons. he worked as in the
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he worked as an attorney, and he wasn't present during the impeachment pile. you could say he does have a political buys, based on the facts. the >> katie: you are journalist, harris, very good o. one of the ones who wrote the story was on this morning doing a radio interview. she made the argument that his background is essentially irrelevant to the accusation. brett kavanaugh has in some political work for president bush and was against the -- therefore it's the same moral equivalency. she also said that the women who said she doesn't remember any kind of incident, "well, everybody was extremely drunk," and therefore she can't remember if something actually happened. the issue this correction but they continue the narrative. so the narrative has changed, brett kavanaugh has a new accuser. "oh wait, we got caught, we need
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to issue a correction and save the woman in question, the so-called victim --" who was not a victim, because nothing happened -- "said she doesn't or member this." and how a clinton operative, max stier, who is saying that he san the woman who said she didn't see it, and she was too drunk to remember. therefore, brett kavanaugh -- >> melissa: let me get a few things on the record that i want to make sure we get out there. because i come too, have watched. i know one of the reporters very well, i worked with her at cnbc so i was interested in hearing her on-the-record response. watch their appearance on msnbc and other places. they said that when that article and outcome of the opinion piece, the excerpt, that they sought and they. >> harris: from the coauthor of that new book on justice kavanaugh, what moses talking about. let's hear directly from the
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coauthor. >> all we can talk about here is that in our book we do have that. it was in the original version. in the editing process i think there was some debate about naming her. in the course of that reporting, i think the judgment was made to omit her name, and that sentence also included the fact that she didn't remember it. >> melissa: so they are blaming an editor. that an editor took it out. but they went on to say that the real meat of the book -- that's not of an early point. the point is they want to relitigate what went on with ms. ramirez. but "the wall street journal" points out this morning that the fbi interviewed ms. ramirez and two alleged witnesses, and a friend of ramirez from college. they turned up no substantiating evidence. a third eye witness declined to be interviewed. this woman who made the other allegation, she doesn't remember it. her friend says she doesn't want to go on record. and stier himself would not be
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interviewed by these authors, either. i just want to get that out there. >> harris: before we go to you, kennedy, i want to call for what we know senator coons explain about his letter, that max stier sent to the fbi. calling the kavanaugh investigation a sham. let's watch. >> i simply passed on his contact information to the director of the fbi. i got a confirmation from the fbi they had received it, but to the best of my knowledge they never questioned or even contacted him. the fbi investigation was deeply disappointing and traveling. the question we don't have answer to, is given that investigation was a sham, at whose direction did that happen?" >> harris: this max stier apparently went out and drop little nuggets all of the place. he contacted senators, the fbi -- >> katie: how did he have access to these high-powered senators? that is so bizarre. i look at this whole thing and i think, what is a supreme court going to look like in 20 or 30 years? think about it, people who are in college and law school now, everyone around them has
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iphones. if you are at some point considered for a district judgeship, later you have to go back in the rolodex, the mental catalog, and think about what you might have done anyone point that someone has documentation of. for parents sitting here on the couch, we have to warn our kids, if you ever want to have any sort of a high-profile or successful career, don't do anything ever. >> matt: remember, he went on national tv and had to talk about when he lost his virginity. >> harris: with his wife sitting behind him! >> matt: and daughters watching. we've lost any sense of dignity. by the way, we didn't do this to sonya sotomayor. or elena kagan. when conservatives had disagreement with them, we brought up the disagreements. we didn't try to destroy their families and destroy their lives. i think the american people are fair-minded. they are tired of this impeachment.
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they know it's all politics, and it's a damn shame that one of the top issues going to be the supreme court. it is the most lyrical thing in our world. >> kennedy: it's going to unleash holy hell. but you know who said nice things about brett kavanaugh? >> matt: ruth bader ginsburg. she's on my side. >> harris: he has hired so many women. >> matt: he is qualified and decent and a good duress, even though they disagree. we should be able to do that is country. disagree but not be so disagreeable. >> harris: i think there's an umbrella issue, katie, for democrats. that is, when the going gets tough, just unleash the i-word. "impeachment." not the i-word for "ideas." >> katie: it seems like they want to ignore any due process or evidence. the senate judiciary committee, which were democrats and republicans, issued a 400-page report after all the hearings and after all the attention it got, showing that the ramirez allegations after the interviewed seven people didn't
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have any evidence. not a single allegation against him had evidence. and people were criminally referred for lying to those investigators. democrats continue to go down this road of relitigating everything rather than moving forward and winning elections. >> harris: all right. the doj could next decide any time now whether file charges against fired former fbi director andrew mccabe. and now new questions about which obama-era officials may actually testify on mccabe's behalf. and former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski headlining the democrats first impeachment hearing, but now some lawmakers are crying foul. the white house moves to limit lewandoski and others' testimony. keep watching. >> by the communications between anyone and the president, they are just that. private, and subject to immunity. ♪ (melissa) somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right
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>> melissa: fox news alert, former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski set to testify in democrats' first impeachment investigation hearing. meanwhile, the white house wants to limit what lewandowski can sell the panel. council writing, "a president must frugally because of individuals outside of the executive branch, and it's well-settled those key medications can are also subjeo protections." during other heading back, "this is a shocking and dangerous assertion of executive privileg privilege, and absolute immunity. the president would have us believe that he can willfully engage in criminal activity and prevent witnesses from testifying before congress, even if they didn't actually work for him or his administration." matt, i wonder what they think corey lewandowski is going to say today. what are they going to ask you and what are they going to say?
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>> matt: i'm sure he will acquit himself very well. one of the reasons they want in front and center is because he is making political noise in new hampshire about running for office. democrats love everybody who has the audacity to think they will run as a republican. on top of this you have to think of the irony. in the obama administration, eric holder was held in contempt of congress for not giving documents on fast and furious, on a policy. hillary clinton destroyed thousands and thousands of emails, which the american taxpayers own, which congress had subpoenaed. what the president is doing, he said his private key medications. his nonpolicy , nongovernment conversations are out-of-bounds. and they are out-of-bounds. so you have democrats you don't even turn on the officials of preterm saying, "i don't want to talk about the stuff not having to do with my official capacity," and yet they are
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trying to say that's impeachable. it's insane. >> harris: from what i'm reading he will be able to talk outside the confines of the mueller report. roads again, the democrats will get a dramatic reading, potentially, of the mueller report. we can do that at home! it's on pdf! 's online! you don't have to buy it, you can download it for free! >> melissa: he can talk what would have during the campaign. he's not supposed to talk about what happened after the election. they are looking to try and see what the president did to obstruct justice, and who he prevented from talking to whom, when that. >> kennedy: you have to remember, during the campaign he was not president. he, of all people, didn't think he was going to be president. so i don't know if that information is as damning. i think corey lewandowski is one of the few congressional witnesses who is actually looking forward to the exchange. it's a short list of people who can't wait to get up there in
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front of the camera, and he wants to make his case. not only for his part in the administration, but also he's a big supporter of the president. i know they are going to try and catch him in a few traps, particularly about what he did with the letter that the present request to give to jeff sessions. he goes back to this obstruction of justice, and that's what they are trying to find evidence of. in the end, we know that the president didn't do anything he was trying to obstruct the justice from. he wasn't colluding with russia. >> katie: this was such a waste of time and so ridiculous. corey lewandowski has testified on multiple multiple times already. he talked about talked to robert mueller already. there's nothing new that jerry nadler's going to find. it's a purely political exercise for democrats to be able to go home to their far left districts, jerry nadler is being challenged by someone for reelection, and he's using taxpayer resources to try and say that we are engaged in
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impeachment. which actually isn't real impeachment. so it's a fake impeachment that he is calling impeachment, and that the political stunt, and yet we are the ones who are paying for it. harris, maybe cory can bring the mueller report to life, unlike robert mueller did, because they didn't get what they wanted out of that. again, democrats are relitigating results they didn't like. mueller was supposed to be the end-all be-all. the report was supposed to see that happen, it did. they didn't get what they need it or what they wanted, and here we are now calling the same it is us who have already tested testified for hours at a time, under oath of perjury. >> melissa: they say they don't have enough time to negotiate health care and they don't have enough time to sit down and immigration fixes and stuff, but the next time they have to go home and have their vacation -- couldn't they be spending this time working on actual legislation? >> matt: melissa, this is the point. the american people put nancy pelosi in charge of the house of representatives of.
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she had an aggressive agenda paid they talked about all these bills they passed. in the end, all they seem to be focused on is impeachment, finding scandals, and trying to have a coup on donald trump. not brett kavanaugh. who knows who's next? you can't have it both ways. the big mistake she is making is she had connected to the voters on pre-existing conditions and other things. she has complete fumbled the ball. >> kennedy: they have certainly squandered their goodwill and health care. what i would like to say is i want to see a uniform set of rules for each administration so they don't change based on whoever is in office. if there were aids that were withholding information that works for president obama, i might want to see him testify before congress. i feel the same way here. if immunity is going to be granted, and certainly executive privileges going to be invoked with a certain number of people in this administration, then we have to expect that from
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the next administration. whatever you are asking for now, just make sure you are satisfied with it when the other party is in office. >> harris: i think this is potentially very politically-risky for democrats. just like when the mueller report came out and didn't have any red arrows pointing to a smoking gun. and the smoke might have been some steam. this is now, if they are smart, they will wait for the ig report to come out. they will wait for some more facts to come out. then if you potentially want to still have a hearing like this, go forward. but it's impeachment light. it's the inquiry process, they are trying to see if there is there there. why not wait for a man who has delivered in the past, michael horowitz, to show you what he's got? wait for the facts. >> melissa: sean spicer in a fluorescent lime green puffy shirt for his "dancing with the stars" they view and you guessed it -- liberal trolls out in force! how can you troll that? president trump says it appears iran is behind saturday's attack on the saudi arabia refinery.
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>> i don't want a war with anybody. i am somebody would like not to have war. we have the strong is military in the world. no, i don't want war with anybody, but we are prepared more than anybody. >> harris: president trump on iran yesterday after an earlier tweet saying the united states was locked and loaded. he says it appears iran was behind saturday's drone attack on saudi oil refineries. iran denies any involvement in the strikes that disrupted half the country's oil output. president trump has said he would be willing to talk with iran at the upcoming u.n. general assembly, which started this week. but iran's supreme leader says "there will be no talks with the u.s. at any level."
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iranian officials from the president and the foreign minister to all others have announced that we do not negotiate with the u.s., either by laterally multilaterally." do you see that changing? >> matt: i think the president likes the idea of engaging all these troublesome regimes. but i keep thinking with iran the hundred $50 billion that obama was okay with sending them, the cash on pallets, it really freed up this terrorist regime to continue to fund jihaf all of it will. obama felt the same way, we ought to try and talk to everybody. the end of the day, they are going to only respect our strength. they are only going to respect it if they know they have to deal with the american military, if they continue to take the civilized world on. i don't want to get into another war in another place on the cheap. by the same token, i do think
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this is a time when we have china, we have iran, we have what's going on obviously in hong kong, we have north korea. it's a scary time around the globe. >> harris: it is ironic, perhaps, that just days after the exit of the man who is considered to be so hawkish, particularly where iran is concerned -- john bolton, former national security advisor -- that the president now has walked out first a line that was really hawkish and then walk that back somewhat to say, "no, i don't want war." >> melissa: i listened to a bunch of statements from the present yesterday, live. one was that after the markets closed and he was talking about the fact that saudi arabia pays cash for the weapons that we sell to them, it's not a long-term finance situation. he was implying that they could certainly be sold the technology to defend themselves better, which makes a lot of sense. i've been to these facilities myself in saudi arabia, and i saw that they were set up to defend against waterborne attacks in a lot of different cases and a lot of their
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facilities where they expected iran to kind of buzz up. they said they took a lot of attacks and they had moved on to cyber defense. this shows me that they are not up to date in terms of their defense against airborne attacks on these facilities, because they are a target in this region. and they need to be sold the weaponry to protect themselves. but it's not up to anyone to physically do it. i don't think they need us to go to it. they need the proper technology. >> harris: i mentioned the united nations general assembly kicks off this week. i don't know if you caught putin saying this, and making the iranian leadership and some others in the room laughed, when he said "that sounds like they ought to buy the same defense system that we sold our friends." i mean, wow. what a moment, katie. >> katie: that goes to the broader question and the issue of the nuclear arms race in the middle east. do you allow iran to get a nuclear weapon connect than the saudis need a nuclear weapon, and go from there.
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i think the president has done what he can to be diplomatic. his first go to is always to say, "let's sit down and talk." the iranians don't want to have that conversation. they want the president to put the iran deal right back on the table to get the united states back into the deal, because it was good for the iranians. >> matt: because they have a nuclear weapon at the end of it. >> katie: exactly. they know pulling the deal was better for them. their economy is in really bad shape. and it is up to the saudis to step up to the plate and say what they need, and as allies in the middle east to have an interest because iranian proxy groups attack us all over the world, and they have for decade decades, to allow them to do that and not to necessarily tell them there needs to be restraint, because the president has done all this to bill maddock legwork. >> harris: i want to get into this idea of america potentially getting involved in a conflict and with it really looks like, kennedy. i know representative schiff was urging the president to come to congress before any military action with regard to iran. let's watch.
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>> before we contemplate any military action ourselves, the president should come to congress and make the case, particularly if there is a risk that any retaliatory step leads us into warfare. >> harris: as a candidate, the president, "don't want to get into war." yesterday, the president, "don't want to get into war." pretty consistent. is there any reason to believe he wouldn't go to congress? >> kennedy: yes, every administration, the last three, have rested upon that outdated aumf. it has to be updated, especially if you're going to get into new conflicts, which we absolutely should not. i think the people around the president have to appeal to his desire to sit down and talk with people, and also his desire to have more capitalism and economic growth around the world. because that is essentially what we win. you also have to look, who are the actors here who want to pull the united states into war? it's not just people like lindsey graham and john bolton. it's the ayatollah, the irg c.
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they are the ones who run the country. it's not rouhani. >> harris: and their friends, like russia. >> kennedy: yes. how does political chaos benefit russia? if that's what they wanted in 2016, i don't think their aims are much different in 2020. china is very much on the same page. so i think it would be a fool's errand to start a military conflict that isn't going to have an end in sight prayed like afghanistan, what does victor look like? >> katie: i don't think we started it, they shut down i would drown. so i would say that actions have started it. >> kennedy: i think the president was wise not to retaliate. >> matt: what is war anymore, kennedy? that's the other question. we are at war with jihad. with china, this whole idea of cyber terrorism, every day. the shape of war is changing, and we have to understand -- >> kennedy: maybe the shape of peace should also change. >> kennedy: maybe so.
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>> harris: that's a good note and on. it's a states that has not voted for a republican presidential candidate in nearly two decades. but the president has a plan to flip it read. can it work? ♪ saturdays happen.
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♪ >> the democrats want to completely annihilate new mexico's economy. the radical left democrats want to demolish everything that we have gained. they want to raise your taxes. they want to bury you in regulations. they want to take away your health insurance, and left-wing democrats want to confiscate your guns and eliminate your god-given right to self-defense. >> melissa: president trump ripping democrats in new mexico, a blue state he wants to flip red in 2020. voters there haven't gone republican since 2004.
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the key according to the trump campus winning over the state's hispanic. watch. >> they understand it, they don't want criminals coming across the border. they don't want people taking their jobs. they want to have that security. they want to the wall. they want the wall. >> melissa: but not everyone thinks the president has a shot at reclaiming the state. a top democrat there says, "what we've seen of the president's immigration policy has been cruel and inhumane. i think democrats and new mexicans in general are much more interested in making sure our communities feel welcome and safe." matt, you can hear democrats already saying, "why would he go spend time here and trying flip hispanic votes? what he's really trying to do is spread racism and hate and xenophobia to communities in new mexico, and scare them into voting for him." >> matt: first of all, i live with somebody, she knows a lot about this. she's going to be immersing don't like working with the camp animal kinds of outreach,
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including ice pack outreach. we just did cpac in reno, nevada, and minneapolis. the states, like nevada and minnesota, new mexico, there is a lot of political change. you've got to remember that, about 50% of us don't vote for president. so it all depends on who you can motivate to come to the polls. the biggest misconception about new immigrants, and hispanics specifically, they look at our southern border and endorse all discreteness at the border. they have been here a lot longer than i've been here. a lot of these hispanics look at the chaos of the border, rewarding people doing illegal activity, and it's outrageous to them. so he has a real chance. but the linchpin is, are their lives better? do they have other kids and grandkids better off? i think a lot of hispanics, african-americans, and others are saying, "we are doing better." >> melissa: katy, democrats say that they feel unsafe,
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threatened, that he has raised the specter of white supremacy, and that he has made their lives more difficult. >> katie: i think there's a lot of democrats happen to be hispanic in the states who are not the far left democrats like elizabeth warren orrick bernie sanders, even joe biden at this point, since he has shifted his perspective so much. i think what makes them feel safe is an open border, where border patrol is arresting repeat sex offenders who continue to come into the country. i think they feel safe when their land and ranches are being trespassed on by cartels who are running entire swaths of the southern border. not just in new mexico, but texas, and arizona. they can project this idea that the president's words and making them feel unsafe, but in border communities there are real issues about criminal cartel elements, repeated issues with the way the border patrol can't handle certain aspects of the border because they are overrun by illegal immigration from
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central america. i think democrats take it for granted, hispanic communities, african-american communities, and the president has been willing to go into places where republicans aren't always successful to try and change votes from democrats but also to get other people to come out. >> melissa: is in a waste of time, harris? is it like democrats chasing texas? where you go chase her town, police should be spending or resources? >> harris: the demographics of texas are changing for very different reasons. you've got a lot of people from all areas of diversity. thought, race, culture, coming from california. new york and illinois, because of politics and the taxes in those areas. texas, the demographics they are changing. i don't think it's ever a waste of time to reach out to people and try and get them to the polls. i agree with you, matt. when you have half the country that doesn't show up to exercise our right as american citizens, one of the most powerful things that we can ever do is vote. when you have half the country that's just disengaged or turned off or doesn't want to make the
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time, i think that is the real crime here. is it a waste of time to reach out to people? no, you might get them to the polls but you can't control how they are going to vote. i get excited when i think americans are going to go vote. >> kennedy: a couple of things. one, i don't think any party should exclude themselves from going after a certain group of voters. second, you should necessarily always group voters, because the personal economy is always a key issue. workers in new mexico have to listen to the president's message about energy. being pro-energy and seeing the energy comes the global energy instability, if they can create that stability in new mexico, that is going to be more of a reason to vote for president that's going to keep that going versus someone using identity politics to dictate to them how they should vote. these two the doj could announce any day its decision on charging fbi former acting director andy mccabe. if it comes to it, low-budget obama-era officials are reportedly ready and willing to
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go to his defense. president trump's former campaign manager is set to testify at the house judiciary committee, the first impeachment investigation hearing. ♪ there are three words when you live with migraine... "i am here." aim to say that more with aimovig. a preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. the amount of student loan debt i have i'm embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free ♪
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>> katie: the doj decision on andrew mccabe could come any time. politico reporting a long list of obama-era national security leaders are ready to defend >> bill: mccabe. if they recommend prosecution over how mccabe discussed leaks to the media during the clinton foundation probe. initially, mccabe's legal team okayed a list by politico including former cia director john brennan, former national security advisor susan rice, and former attorney general eric holder. but politico's report are now treating that mccabe spokesman said that brennan, rice, and hold her off that list as character witnesses because despite his legal calling, the full list -- despite his legal team: the list accurate, just a few hours ago. matt, i think eric holder, susan rice, and john brennan being taken off the list is probably a good thing for mccabe. >> matt: katie, if i ever have to go before congress and need
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character witnesses, i should probably pick people who have character. susan rice went on every one of those sunday morning television shows and lied to the american people when she knew the reason why our ambassador had been assassinated, and says it was because of the video. eric holder was held in contempt of congress because he refused to hand over information, which is a trend with these folks, that congress had subpoenaed. i don't even know what to say about john brennan other than he is part of the coup that used our intelligence structures to try and either change the outcome of a presidential campaign or delegitimize the elected president. i mean, this is the rogues gallery. i think it was a good decision. >> harris: correct me if i'm wrong on this, because i don't want to be wrong. it was reported recently that john brennan was looking at with or not he may have said too much on television, regarding his former capacity with the federal government. >> matt: in other words, breach to his class but and confidential -- that's right.
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that's a part of this, too. it's a new dynamic. you serve in these positions in a democratic demonstration, you learn a lot. you learn a lot of stuff. you know what? it helps our allies, it helps our enemies, they get to learn it, too. there's nothing like being quiet, zipping your mouth, and -- >> harris: that's not where we are. >> katie: james clapper is still on the list for andrew mccabe. >> kennedy: good. i hope republicans we watch the video of him lying through his teeth when he was questioned about surveillance, and with the nsa was doing wordlessly to americans, and he absolutely lied. ron wyden asked him, "are you spying on them?" "not wittingly." very wittingly! they had programs that were designed to break into tech companies's encrypted structures and take emails and texts and anything they wanted in addition to the metadata program, which had to be curtailed in 2015.
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it might be completely scrapped this year. james clapper has committed perjury. so i hope they go after him. >> katie: melissa, just as a final thought here, character witnesses are brought in to try and lessen the sentencing by a judge if he is indicted and found guilty of lying under oath. that's what he's accused of. they are not being brought in to debate whether he actually committed a crime. >> melissa: you know, but it is so upsetting when you look back -- we look at the wall of characters and talk about all these things that other people did. but that is supposed to be the last vestige of the institution we can really trust, to keep everyone safe, to protect americans' rights. they are supposed be the least political of the mall. that makes this even more difficult. >> katie: all eyes on the hill as we wait for former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski to testify. what to expect as he goes before the democrats' impeachment crew. ♪ america is experiencing
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>> melissa: morris p25 in a moment. first let's touch base with her since see what's coming up on speed 26 a few minutes away. speed when we are waiting for breaking news to break out, as we know just minutes from now former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski is due to testify in the public congressional hearing, as house democrats are launching their new impeachment pledge against president. we will bring you that as it happens life. and a member of the democrat so-called "squad" is pushing to impeach supreme court justice brett kavanaugh, even after it was discovered "the new york times" was messing with the facts, in the cabin of optional reporting. but on much more at the top of the hour. melissa? >> melissa: all right. ♪ ["spice up your life"]
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>> kennedy: i miss the spice girls, but at least we have the spice boy! the knives out anew for sean spicer, former white house secretary, who made his debut on "dancing with the stars" last night. it might be his last night. samantha bee show tweeting, "we can't wait to see how flexible sean spicer is on "dancing with the stars" since he had his spine removed years ago." i think that was supposed to be funny. a daily beast writer posting, "this is what life is now," but a journalist with news busters pushing back, "sean spicer does have the best time of his life. offbeat? yes. totally ridiculous? yes. but did i laugh out loud because this is all just a game? yes!" the judges panned spicer's performance as most out of rhythm, putting them next to last with only 12 points. lamar odom scored 11 points last night. >> melissa: that was my next question, who was actually last? i watch that, and i thought he has an ability to get laugh at
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himself. i wish i had the courage to go out there and be silly. i had never had the courage to be silly until i had kids and then i became the startled goofball in front of them. i couldn't do that and that's why i can't host a morning show. i'm not able -- i don't have that ability to sort of sit there and make fun of myself. i commend him for doing it. i also think most of america was watching his stunning dance partner! [laughter] >> kennedy: staring at the women! 's the that's always what happens on the show they have to pair you up with someone who clearly -- >> melissa: are you saying he's not good? we have no, he's not good! [laughter] i think he would be the first to tell you that! which is fine. the judges tried to be as kind as possible. >> melissa: i give him a lot of credit. >> kennedy: abc is doing this for good reason. my mom saw this, "i can't believe they put sean spicer!" you're mad, and that's why they put sean spicer and "dancing with the stars"! >> matt: all i can do is say something that will get me in
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tremendous amounts of trouble. >> kennedy: oh, please do! go, go! we don't have that much time left, go ahead. >> matt: i'm going to try not say anything for three seconds. i give shawn a lot of credit for getting out there and just laying it all hang out too. that's what he did. i don't know about the shirt piece. i might have had that in my contract, i get to pick the shirt. the blouse, you might call it. >> melissa: it was the puffy shirt from "seinfeld." >> matt: he will pay less taxes. that's good. >> kennedy: is a win-win for everyone. >> katie: is like a bat ' bad '80s bridesmaid dress. the cut off the bottom. i give them a ton of credit for doing this. people are jealous that they aren't the ones doing it. i love the spice girls, so whatever. it's fine. just get over it. >> melissa: i wonder if he will survive. if he has enough love left over. >> melissa: you have to say you gave in after that. >> katie: points for wearing the shirt.
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can you get points for outfit? you should. >> kennedy: you should always get points for your outfit. a quick programming note, you don't want to miss miss jane skinner! she's returning to fox news to promote her new movie about the nfl. jane was an anchor at fox news, as you may well remember. she once did news and updates for shepard smith's show way back when it was studio b. she is married to roger goodell, and her project focuses on women's team owners. she's going to reunite with shep today at 3:45 p.m. eastern, 12:45 p.m. in the west preto tell us about her new project. it'll be great to see them together again. >> melissa: and no lime shirt for them. no lime green ruffles. >> matt: they are missing the real show. it should be dancing with the former trumps ours. we could get general kelly out there, we could have -- >> katie: >> kennedy: mad dog ms during the cha-cha. very good. thanks so much, matt shot.
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>> matt: agreed to be here. >> kennedy: will be back tomorrow at noon eastern. now, here's harris. >> harris: let's begin as we await the start of a much-anticipated house judiciary committee hearing. president trump's former campaign manager, corey lewandowski, is such testify at any moment as the democrats ramp up their impeachment investigations. you are watching "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. now we will hear the chairman and ranking member giving the opening statements. but there is already friction inside the room that you are looking at right now, after the white house moved to limit the scope of lewandowski's testimony and ordered two former aides not to appear before this committee panel. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live outside that hearing room on capitol hill. things starting to get really busy in there now.


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