tv Hannity FOX News September 19, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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and every week night at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn and totally sincerity of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think.don't forget dvr itn figure out how that works. sean hannity is hosting the 9:00 p.m. hour. >> i listened to what you just said, very thoughtful. i disagree with you about bolton.i disagree that times are different since 9/11. here's where we do agree. i want the next generation of weaponry in this country. i want offensive and defensive weapons, so we don't have to put boots on the ground. we kind of did in syria, we beat back the caliphate, i want them pushing buttons in tampa, not going door-to-door in iraq or afghanistan. that needs to be the future.we e curve. >> i agree with you on that. >> thank you, tucker. welcome to hannity. busy night tonight. the corrupt, lying, rage and hate filled media mob flying again, spending in circles for
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the last 24 straight hoursthey , hysterically, echoing report from "the washington post" claiming this unknown person on the intel community, allegedly filed a whistle-blower complaint about a promise that trump made to a world leader on the phone. so did he promise -- did president trump promise to send billions of free fuel and nuclear infrastructure to north korea? no. wait a minute, that's what president bill clinton did. did he promise to give $150 billion in cash and other currency to the mullahs of iran? no, that was barack obama. did you promise to be moreflexie election after the election, but don't tell the american people that i will be more flexible tell my buddy vladimir. that was president obama too. it was all caught on tape. >> this is my last election. after my election, i have more flexibility.
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>> sean: [in russian accent] i understand, i transmitto vlad. does vladimir know about the come appropriatemising materials? okay, that's how crazy they all are. let's recap here. we have roswell rachel maddow as america's number one psycho conspiracy theorists and our russia, russia, russia, they don't really seem to care about all about obama's promise to vladimir or clinton's promise to north korea, or the money they dumped on the mullahs in iran, but they will run wall-to-wall coverage, at best, about a nebulous story where we do not know the identity of the whistle-blower, we don't know any details of the allegations, we don't know which world leader
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that was referenced, we don't know what the so-called promise was. naturally, nobody else in the media that is now echoing what "the washington post" says every decided to independently verify these unknown claims on their own, that this unknown individual is making. tonight, "the washington post" is adding to their unknown report that the whistle-blower's complaint involves the country of ukraine. i was happy with this news. maybe they will give us information that they said they want to give us, that we have not taken yet, about their influence in the 2016 election to help hillary clinton, or maybe they are going to tell us oh, why they really gave in to joe biden's pressure, basically leveraging a billion of our taxpayer dollars. here's what we also know. we know that key facts, details don't matter to this mob, this media mob. rush limbaugh pointed out you can tell these people any single thing you want, they will report it verbatim as long as it can be used to smear trump. goes like this, one network reports a salacious story, no story, no specific.
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every outlet, they repeat it and they get all whipped up into a frenzy, a circular firing squad. this network of themselves only. that's what we saw today, what is a rage psychotic level of speculation, hysteria, on nearly every single solitary network over what is one, a sketchy story with no details, no specifics from bezos' "washington post" hour after hour, what the eventual trump haters in the deep state wanted, it fits a pattern. after all, this is not the first leak on donald trump from the intel community that was designed to smear president trump. remember, just a few days ago when the media mob went crazy on that report that a high level u.s. spy had to be extracted from moscow because president trump couldn't be trusted with secret information? that turned out to be more fake news. the spy was actually extracted because of reasons unrelated at all to president trump that
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dated back to the obama administration, and the real reason was the extraction turned out to be nothing to do with trump. no. the extraction was due to the media coverage. they put the guy's life in jeopardy. after the story break and the guy is back here, the media did everything in the power to expose not only the person's identity, but pretty much give vladimir putin the guy's home address which would be a clear and present danger to him and his family. president trump dismantles and exposes the deep state, they would do nothing to destroy his presidency. how did they get this information? let's not forget the chilling comments, that senator from new york to chucky schumer in 2017, you mess with the intel community, they've got six ways from sunday to get back at you. really? is that what they are going to do with the powerful tools of intelligence that we give them? get back at us?take a look.
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>> you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from sunday of getting back at you. even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this. >> sean: they have six ways from sunday to get back to you. so we're going to give the most powerful tools of intelligence to protect us and they're going to turn that weaponry on us or any president they don't like? we know members of the intercommunity of president obama, we know they spied on president trump's associates and, yes, his campaign and transition the presidency. we know about the informant and undercover agents, the outsourcing of intelligence to our allies to circumvent u.s. laws while we also know that they are not happy the president trump, some of them a very small minority, exposing their gross misconduct. so with each and every leak each and every so called bombshell report seeing a very petty attempt at revenge six way
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from the sunday only a few bad actors that hate the president for it like groundhog day, they hate the president, hook, line and sinker with no facts at all. here with reaction is ohio congressman jim jordan, fox news contributor sara carter. let's go to the report with you and i want to ask about the inspector general yesterday. sara? >> welll, i think the big concern here, sean, and i spoke to several intelligence officials today, is the fact that directly surrounding the president are people attempting to target him and leak information, as well as report to the ig. you know, this has to be a really big concern and you brought up a point that i was going to make which is chuck schumer's statement that the intelligence community can get back to you six ways to sunday.. this was not supposed to happen in america. this is something we see in other countries. how is it is our intelligence apparatus appears to be challenging the administration consistently? and so i think when you think of this story, we don't have a lot
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of facts yet. we don't know whether this is dealing with ukraine and biden, maybe, or dealing with some other country? we don't have the facts because nobody, nobody right now from the ig is talking about it and adam schiff is spreading lies and spreading a narrative in order to target the president with -- >> sean: by the way, that's the one guy we have on tape colluding with the russians. >> exactly. >> sean: we've got that on tape, sara. >> yeah, we heard him. we heard him asking for these pictures. do you have these pictures? can we get them? i will put you on with my secretary. so, look, they are trying to stir the pot here. this is something that i'm more concerned about the fact that there are people around the president that are doing this to target this administration and that to me is much more
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concerning than if he had a conversation with the remained private. look -- >> sean: correct. >> exactly. president trump tweeted, he knows that people are listening to his phone calls. he knows the sensitivity of all these issues. he would do nothing to harm the integrity of the united states. i believe that to be true. i believe its statement to be true, we do not have all the facts yet, so let's all stop spreading rumors. >> sean: didn't say -- i doubt he has any flexibility with putin, i doubt he was trying to bribe the mullahs of iran with billions, or billions of dollars in fuel for north korea. is that a good deal for the american people? no, it's a horrible deal so wet, the power 68 weaponry we give them to keep us safe, now being turned on donald trump again. >> sean, how much you want to
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bet how much the president said was in the best interests of the united states of america? that's the bottom line. we sort of seen this before. the democrats come adam schiff get all spun up, they said the president did something wrong. when the facts come out, it's just the opposite. the president didn't do anything wrong, and they were spendingsp. it's not like we haven't seen this movie before and i would bet everything, whatever the president said, was in the best interest of our country. >> sean: you were there yesterday. horowitz confirming that he recommended, refer jim comey really it's a criminal referral but they just say referral, as it relates to comey, and now that they agree to investigate whether he lied to congress. now comey has been able to dodge the, yeah, the less than candor, lacking candor, he did have materials he shouldn't have had
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and he passed them on to people. is he going to be able to dodge the fisa warrant he was warned about at least three times, i know of, likely five times that he shouldn't dodge, but he still use the dossier to get fisa warrants?is he going to do? >> the same referral he gave for jim comey, he gave to andy mccabe maybe a year ago. based on what we learned last week and how the justice department is moving with him so we'll have to see. jim comey is the center of this crazy saga we had to live through for the last two and a half years. he's the one who started the investigation july 2016. he's the one who let peter strzok run the investigation the guy who was desperate to stop trump.he told lisa, we're o stop trump. he got the fisa warrant to spy on an american citizen. january 6th, 3 days after chuck schumer's comment you played earlier, the six ways from sunday comment. 3/days lat, he goes up to set up the
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president, telling the president he's not under investigation while he's trying to get information about the president about that very investigation we will see how it plays out. but mostly what i want is chairman nadler and chairman cummings to actually have hearings when mr. horowitz's next report comes out. >> sean: corey lewandowski ate their lunch this week which is a pretty great moment.i did have r director wray, clean up the premier law inbe forcement agency in the world and stop all the redactions to cover it up. thank you both. also, we have new news from judicial watch tonight. breaking moments ago, they obtained 146 pages of never before released documents showing the dirty russian dossier author christopher steele, he had a close working relationship with multiple barack obama state department officials dating all the way back to 2014. he is here now with the full report, tom fitton.
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>> sean, how are you? >> sean: what do you got? >> two dozen at least reports on russia and such sent by steele and his buddies in the obama department, namely jonathan weiner, who helped shop the dossier written by him on his own admission and pushed it over to the justice department with victoria newland, who was the top russian official who was with obama at the time, but also to congress steny hoyer and senators on the hill, as well. jonathan weiner and christopher steele have this long-standing working relationship going back to 2014. steele had this outside access to the state department on russia issues which left him well positioned obviously to push the fraudulent steele dossier on the american people and on our system. really incredible that this material had to be forced out as a result of a lawsuit.
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we get this basic information about steele's contact with the state department two, three years after his involvement in our presidential elections is exposed as problematic as it is. unbelievable. >> sean: the bulk of information came from his dirty dossier that he didn't stand by when questioned under oath in an interrogatory in great britain, but they used it anyway and they were all warned. that, to me, should be the heart of the horowitz investigation. i assume you agree. >> certainly. even though the state department knew his work was shoddy, they continued to push it out. newland kept on pushing this material out, kavalon kept on pushing this material out come of these false allegations related to russia over at the state department. i think if there is an investigation that needs to be done, we talk about the fbi and justice department, the state department is as much a center of the russia gate storm
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as any of these other agencies because if you remember, sean, the state department is listed as a source or a confirming source in the fraudulent fisa warrants. it turns out, they were using the same garbage that the justice department was using but turns out it's different. >> sean: comes back to hillary's bought and paid for russian lies. the new york times refers to it as likely russian disinformation from the get-go. tom fitton, keep up the great work. we do have a breaking report out of california. you do need to know about this in a big win for the president a federal judge, and the absurdn absurd state laws requiring president trump to submit his tax return to be on the ballot in 2020. it's a temporary injunction before a final ruling is issued and the president's attorney jay sekulow released a statement that they are hopeful by this action, and the constitutionality is lacking in this case.
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anyway, we turn now moving forward to the 2020 residential election, we are going to do something no one in the mainstream media would ever dare do and that is vet the candidates. tonight we will focus on far left senator matt drudge believes, smart guy, that she is basically the person who will win the democratic nomination. it's hers to lose, and it's true, elizabeth warren is seeing a surge inside the democratic party. she has bigger crowds than sleepy, creepy crazy uncle joe 30330.she can string together te sentences without embarrassing herself. let's be clear, senator elizabeth warren has serious problems, including her lifelong struggle with something called the truth. because for over three decades warren actually is presented her race. by the way, used it to get ahead. recently, she claimed her race was american 1984 19e
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had several recipes in the powwow chow cookbook identifying herself as elizabeth warren cherokee. recently real clear politics pieced together a shocking level of deception as a harvard law professor starting in '96 when a harvard spokesperson identified warren as a native american professor in the school newspaper. a year later, the same spokesperson, calling warren, well, harvard's first woman of color. harvard claiming that onetenurey professor, that's elizabeth warren who is a native american. harvard proudly listed one native american professor on its website, her name? elizabeth warren. in 2012, she defended her strong native american heritage on camera. we've got the tape. >> i have lived in a family that is talked about native american, talked about tribes since i've been a little girl. i still have a picture on my
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mantle at home, and it's a picture my mother had before that, a picture of my grandfather. and my aunt bea has walked by that picture at least a thousand times, remarked that he -- that her father, my papaw, had high cheekbones, like all the indians do. because that's how she saw it.a, and your mother got the same great cheekbones and i didn't. she thought this was the bad deal she had gotten in life. being native american has been part of my story, i guess, since the day i was born. >> sean: it's the "my pawpaw had high cheekbones" excuse. as it turns out, elizabeth wardt showing a possibility, the range is 164, 1,164th native american. i guess that means she's a
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native american. elizabeth warren wants you to know she got never any benefitfy 88 don't believe that either. in 2012, she lied and said her employers did not know about her native american claims which we now know they did. >> as a kid, i never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our native american heritage, but what kid would? i knew my dad's family didn't like she was part cherokee and part delaware, so my parents had to elope. let me be clear, i never got any benefit because of my heritage. the people who hired me have all said they didn't know about it. >> sean: that's a lie because harvard couldn't stop bragging about the native american professor woman of color elizabeth warren. of course, now that warren has come to grips with her own race, she's moved on to a new lie, a new deception. she wants you, the american people, the government can provide everything for free. for universal health care, free
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child care, pre-k, housing, all the government programs of the green new deal without any oil or gas, and the cost of the socialist fantasy is beyond comprehension. for example, the approximate cost for medicare, nor option of private insurance, over $32 trillion. keep in mind, the entire federal budget is only 4 trillion a year. that one program along almost each of the entire budget over a multiyear period. on top of that green new deal that would be $94 trillion over 10 years. again, our entire federal budget is only $4 trillion. elizabeth warren's programswere, every american household would be on the hook for nearly a million dollars in additional taxes, and if that sounds crazy, it is. joining us now is the author of the brand-new book the best seller, "radicals resistance, revenge," judge jeanine pirro.and politicy lord. judge, let's start with you. sounds like an awful lot of lying and benefiting by claiming to be a minority she is not. >> clearly, she has used this to
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her advantage and i wonder how many people have actually considered the fact that she lied to get ahead, she lied to get into harvard, she lied to make money off of harvard, and just listening to her a few minutes ago, sean, when she said every time they walked by her pawpaw or her grandfather's,picd cheekbones like an american indian. even her words are disingenuous. but unfortunately the movement is going in her direction because she is now at 25% moving quickly from 19%, edging in on joe biden, as well. >> sean: let's go to jeff lord. jeff, with that history of lying and the insanity, it is cost prohibitive on the one hand. but, beyond that, these are promises that will never be fulfilled. it will never be fulfilled. it is mathematically impossible. but, could that pass?
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could she appeal to the natural fear of people not living with enough money? >> yes, she could, sean. she wants to be the george mcgovern of 1972. george mcgovern from south dakota came from the very far left with a progressive guerrilla army to overtake the democratic party establishment. that's exactly what she's trying to do. and you know, the fox poll that was just out yesterday? and had joe biden down at 27% but if you add elizabeth warren and bernie sanders, they came total to 34%, 5% ahead of him. one of them is going to win, one of them is going to emerge here and they are taking on the democratic establishment and they are ahead. yes, she could be a real problem. >> what else, sean, she's smart
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enough to make all the tactical moves, making moves with working families party, endorsing their candidates in illinois, texas as well as philadelphia, the working family parties apparently had a vote and they are behind her now, although there is some disagreement as to why she got that vote. she is blocking and tackling like a professional. and her deals are going to break this country, whether it's the green new deal or medicare for all, adding more regulations -- >> sean: exit question. >> it is just not going to work. it will break this economy. >> sean: judge, yes or now, does she get the nomination? >> yes. >> sean: jeff lawrence, yes or no? >> i say yes at this point. >> sean: it's hers to lose. do not forget, jeanine pirro sundays 9:00. justin trudeau in damage control control tonight after these pictures surface of him in black face, the liberal hypocrisyon d.
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wearing, well, blackface at a party and even more disturbing images came out. take a look there on your screen, this photo from the '90s shows trudeau in blackface in high school. a third example has now emerged and video obtained by global news shows trudeau again wearing blackface in the while some in the mainstream media condemn his actions, don lemon, actually a nice guy, gave trudeau a pass. instead, he used this story to a attack, you guessed it, president trump. >> a leader apologizing just seems odd, doesn't it? because we have one who doesn't. think about it however you want to think about it. when someone apologizes, wow! we don't often see that here isecially a world leader who saying, i should've known better and i'm sorry. you can feel about it however
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you want, but to me, that does mean a lot. >> sean: the question is will don lemon give him three passes and still blame trump? got to figure out that one. still major news about democratic mega donor ed buck. a story on conspiracy theory tv, nbc news, they didn't think it was worth covering. imagine if he was a huge republican donor, do you think they'd be covering that? here, fox news contributor dan bongino.geraldo rivera. i do not know how you turn this into a story about trump but you've got to give fake news cnn credit forru their creativity geraldo. bu9t, with that said, the double standard is real.if trump did is sorry -- >> please! you think? >> would that apology be
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acceptable if he said he is sorry? >> i do like trudeau. ed buck is a donor who was given anig absolute green light to bea sexual predatorpr to gay black men. he should've been arrested in 2017 when the first one overdosed and died. now a second one overdosed and died and still the democratic district attorney in los angeles, jackie lacie, did not go after ed buck. why? those are questions that must be answered by the district attorney. now she hits him with a $4 million bond. why didn't you do it when she had two dead gay black men and now you've a third gay black man who died and said he was forced to remain in ed buck's house.wh? ldid this guy buy his freedom ad impunity in laurel canyon there with money he donated to everyone? every democrat from councilperson to block board chairman up to hillary clinton and barack obama. >> sean: your reaction, dan bongino?
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>> sean, here is the difference. the way the media will cover a democrat scandal, they'll cover it initially. didn't avoid the email scandal. they'll let it go and while you talk about it while there is no resolution, we still haven't found them, they will say, no stop talking about this, we'd cover this months ago. it's a dead story. they won't do it for republicans but someone has to resign from office.someone has to leave. or they will just make it up like they did with spygate. i heard an interesting thing on this network earlier. one of our friends of the network said something like the rules are s different on these kind of race-based issues like this blackface scandal with trudeau, republicans with their troubled history with h the rac. i scratched my head, i'm thinking as i'm looking at the tv, you are kidding, right? you remember the dixiecrats? i'm only responsible for my
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self, my -- how do you say the ,republican leaders were the leaders in the civil rights --w? it's ridiculous! >> sean: we just laid out the whole history of elizabeth warren, a person of color, native american heritage and the lie goes on for decades. and she still, but i never used it to advance my career, we debunked that lie on air today. do you continue with the lie as serious as this? >> i think elizabeth warren is the leading contender to get the democratic nomination, and i also think that her lying on her origins story will be her fatal flaw. it will be what defeats her. she may do spectacularly in the debate. she may come across with great energy.
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she may rause of crowds, but it'll be the origins story that the middle of the road thinkaboe polling booth. a woman who got to the faculty of harvard, got to the highest echelons of american politics. it was very late in the game that it became apparent that the story she had been telling, the of the story she had been allowing to be told about herself, was a false narrative. i think that that will be ath disabling handicap that it'll be impossible for her to get over. >> sean: you add to that, dan bongino, it's unsustainable. these numbers that she's talking about and the things she's saying she will do will destroy this country completely. it's not even a question at this point. the money is insane, what she is saying. a >> sean, do you realize liberal economist have looked at her ridiculous medicare for all plan whicher is really medicare for none and have said she's
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lying. less than one-tenth, her wealth tax that's not going to touch the middle class, it's going to raise one-tenth the taxes to pay for this government takeover debacle. she is lying! any econ 101 student can figure it out if they took their blinders off.teases a joke whats talking about. 7 >> that's not unique to democrats. i think that all these politicians lie, the deficit has gone up under president trump. >> nope.not like this. >> deficits don't matter. it'll be the little things that sink her.'t >> sean: 36 trillion in ten years? 36 trillion in ten years. americans can do math. a second grader can do this. guys, thank you both. now, with the left doomsday climate cult hitting levels of insanity, they continue to use climate as a front to push their economy-killingg radical extreme socialist, well, agenda.
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because is it unsustainable. at first, it was global cooling the ice ages coming. then it wass global warming melting, then it was climate disruption. then, of it gets a little more cold, we get to call it climate change and blame people. every failed prediction one after another, now the competitive enterprise institute put together a list of the biggest climate blunders and lies over the last 50 years. remember 1974? let's do a hannity history lesson. "time" magazine wondered if another ice age was on the way. "newsweek" not to be undone dedicated a report to the "cooling world." of course, there is no ice age the decades after so the media starting spinning in a new direction. and dire warming prediction that would end human civilization, may be as little as ten years. in 1989, the ap reporting, quote, a senior u.n.
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environmental official says entire nations could be wiped offrm the face of this earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. what year is this? oh, yeah, 19 years ago. in the year 2000, the independent ran a piece that read, quote, snowfalls were a thing of the past.lots of snow . 2006, al gore, earth for the unbalanced, "unless drastic measures are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach the point of no turn. by the way in the interim, if you generally believe that carbon emissions will end m humn life, why did al gore live such an irresponsible private jet-setting lifestyle? it was this stow, we caught him, that's a big private jet into a big town car limousine, whatever he's driving? that jet sits 14 people. only had two people on there. probably two pilots, but 14 feet
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seats on them and the two people and over the same period he was making millions selling climate propaganda and selling offsets. oh, you cheat on your spouse but i will buy you a beautiful necklace or get you a new suit. hysteria after hysteria, false warning after a false warning. it's getting even worse because get this, nbc news, the conspiracy channel, they are doing something that's cathartic. something they think will help the human soul. they want climate confessions where anonymous readers are expressing their guilt about not doing more to stop the planet from warming. one reads, quote, i slept with an air conditioner on year round to justify myself, i recycle. another says, i compost at home but i don't compost at work. another, i go to starbucks evero not bring a reusable cup. this is crazy! of course, no one is better at spreading doomsday predictions than congresswoman ocasio-cortez. now she's sounding the alarm
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entire cities will be underwater in just a few years. remember, she predicted it's all over in 12 years. it's over in 12 years, i say wet in style. this is what she said. >> when it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding to the crisis, not responding to a solution on the scale of this. what's not realistic ismiami now years. that'sin not realistic. so we need to be realistic about the problem. >> sean: huge warning to our friends in miami. be careful. learn how to swim now while you can.let me be clear, we should all want to live on the clean air planet, we want to be good stewards of the gifts god has given us. by the way, conservatives -- i'w one that wants dirty air or water, like obama claimed.
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the left agenda is not about anything like that. it's about controlling every aspect of your life. controlling every aspectyt of te economy. basically, taking away all of youras choice and your freedoms in exchange for fallfa. from what car you are allowed to drive, what kind of house youcan eat meat, if at all, what type of straws you can use. abolishing fossil fuels and spending tens or hundreds and trillions of dollars on new government programs, that'll drive this government, country to poverty and the world almost instantaneously.and, by the wayo knock save the planet. it'sas about exploiting people everybody has a natural fear to be able to afford my mortgage, be able to afford, you know, my car, be able to afford money for my retirement, am i going to be able to do this or that? these are empty promises they can never fulfill. they will never deliver on. it is cost prohibitive. they are fear-mongering, it's dangerous, destructive,
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impractical, illogical, it's a lie.a chronicle 6 lies. it's literally on a mountain of lies being here now, the author of the climate chronicles, he's the chief meteorologist of the sean hannity radio show, joe bastardi. a guy who has had more shows than i've ever heard, jesse watters. it's his world, we all live in it. jow, you have a phrase you mentioned last time. what was t the phrase you used about politicizing hurricanes? >> it's a weaponization of's chapter three. the weaponization of weather and that's exactly what they are doing, and the urge of humanity is a false face.the urge is to . you are seeing this classically being played out. by the way, i need to confess something here, my catholic background, i sleep every night with a fan on. >> sean: wow. but here's the thing,
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are these patterns protectable and is there an ebb and flow that is natural, that is not caused by man, and man pillaging the earth for profit, which is the premise of what they are really saying here? >> well, the known geological history of the earth, if indeed man is now in control, this would be the first time. it's very interesting to note that previous periods as warm or warmer than what we are in now are referred to as climate optimums. if people go back and look, you see that life progresses better when it's actually a little bit warmer and the cycles go back and forth. >> sean: are we being lied to, then? we are being lied to? >> yeah. but life is never been better on planet earth! more people are living longer making more money, climate related deaths have plummeted and the earth is greener than ever! >> sean: more than any other country the last couple of years, wouldn't that be the united states of america? >> that's what capitalism does! that's whatter freedom does.
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>> sean: jesse watters, let's go to the political side. will the american people buyint, saying really, green new deal has nothing to do with climate change. has to do with the socialist agenda. >> not if they take away your car, your steak. what is the difference between a fortune teller and a climate scientist? >> sean: what? >> the fortune-teller is right sometimes.think about all of thg predictions. they say there is going human starvation. everyone is fatter than ever. they say that sunlight is goingt to evaporate, we'd all be living in darkness. i have a perfect tan. they said all the fish are going to die in the open. i had branzino tonight. they said you were going to live in a city, you would have to have a gas mask. >> what did you have for dinner. >> branzino. >> sean: you're making too much money.
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>> with a side of asparagus. they said life expectancy for humans would be 42 years old. you would be dead. all of these things are wrong they've doubled down on wrong and now this idea, i'm a lover and not a sinner, so i can understand where they are saying. but think about it. thousands of years ago, tribes when there was a drought would think that they did something wrong and then they would pray to the rain gods because they caused them to be angry. this is the new religion now. climate change. and nbc is using this climate change to guilt people into socialism.m. that's what this is all about. >> sean: next time i see you, we will spend the day together one day and i will get you a hamburger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. because ocasio-cortez, we've got to stop people eating burgers for breakfast, lunch, dinner. i do not know anyone who eats burgers for breakfast, lunch dinner. > i do.i love mcdonald's quar pounder with cheese. i love wendy's, in-n-out burger is my favorite.
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animal style. i love it wrapped in a lettuce wrap. it's awesome..all right, guys, . when we come back, prosecutors in chicago say a 9-year-old kid executed by two gang members. this is obama's hometown, retaliation for something his father did? you execute a 9-year-old? will we ever get to the end? and when are liberals going to call out cities run by their fellow democrats for decades for the failure to keep their own citizens safe? trace gallagher next with the details.
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newsroom with the very latest. i mean, when does it stop? >> trace: it's a good question, sean. prosecutors say the men went to a local park and saw him playing basketball. they talked to him, earned his trust, lured him in an alley with a juice box and executed him at point-blank range. as heart-wrenching as the crime sounds, the investigators say the original plan is to kidnap the boy, torturehe him by cuttig off his fingers and then killing him. why was the boy shot? because his father is in a rival gang that the suspects believed was responsible for killing one of their family members. prosecutors add that the man who actually pulled the trigger later wrote a rap song where he jokingly referred to tyshawn as shorty with the lyric,"shorty couldn't take it no more."
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fourth woundedsh when they were shot by standing in front of a convenience store, bringing chicago's daily shooting total to 11 and pushing the yearly total above 2,000, with three and a half months to go. >> sean: 11 people shot on a wednesday. not even a weekend. don't hear a word, the media cannot politicize it and blame trump. sad. thank you, trace gallagher. don't forget, chicago, that's also president obama's hometown. since january 2009, that's the month obama took office there have been 5,512 murders in his city, the windy city, and in just the past eight years, there have been 24,417 shooting victims. according to the chicago police. sadly, chicago is not the only major city experiencing this carnage as we reported earlier this week. a shocking outbreak of violence in minneapolis. look at this tape. look at these evil, violent beatings, mob-style robberies. the left?
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why is this happening in all these big cities run by democrats for decades? look at this. anything funny about this? are using that videotape to arrest every one of them? with the reaction, trump 2020 advisory board member, the reverend darryl scott, fox news contributor lauren schultz. we send you to l.a. and chicago the people there are saying please help us. please. >> yes, you sent me down to chicago. we talked to residents on the ground.>> and they madeen it very clear tt they were afraid to talk on camera, the ones that did, they were very brave. there is no code anymore in chicago. they will shoot up churches, they'll shoot up kids, women and children. it's open warfare on an americar citizen. it's a war zone and chicago. the fact that the local leadership hasn't done anything is why the people there are so upset.
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>> sean: and, you know, pastor i know you have been involved in this. one thing we have in common, the most violent cities across this country by and large run for decades by liberal democrats. i don't know what the president can do because it's a local issue. >> that's right. >> but i wouldn't mind it because the president can maybe appoint rudy giuliani because he stopped in new york right dead in its tracks. took a lot of heat for it, was called a racist a million times but he was saving the lives of a lot of minorities in new york and nobody ever give him credit on the left. >> absolutely right. nothing but utter disregard for human life. what's also sad are the conditions that resulted in the mind-set that will produce these heinous activities. they need increased police presence, they need stop and frisk, and they need the national guard to come in. if the leaders of that city
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would spend the time seeking a solution and working with this president rather thann speaking -- >> sean: i've got to run. have you talked to the president about this? >> i have briefly but i'm going to be with him soon we will spend a lot of time together and this is on our agenda. >> sean: pastor, thank you. lawrence is our brand-new investigative reporter and their response to the 2020 campaign on the show. when we come back, city mayor comrade de blasio being called out by hollywood a lister next.
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what are you doing in iowa? you're going nowhere. come back and clean up this city. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you. otherwise i'm happy to be here. >> sean: good advice. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, we thank you for being with us. the mews continues, we will never be the media mob, let not your heart be troubled laura ingraham, take t it away. >> laura: they think they have him again. i loved her whole set up for the first a block. they think they have him. this time they really got him! >> sean: anonymous, anonymous anonymous. wow, we got him. >> laura: unbelievable! anyway, great show, hannity. i'm laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. last night in the angle we exposed how men have now become the go to target of the left. it got so much response that tonight we are bringing you a very powerful follow-up. president trump, as we are saying, is fighting back on two fronts tonight.
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