tv FOX Friends FOX News September 24, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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he was upset. police in new york. new york city, too, looking for the suspect. he got mad. jillian: i think he was hangry. rob: yeah, probably. jillian: thanks for watching this morning. have a good day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ anything could happen brian: anything could happen. we do have to fix this script in the rundown. we do sense anything could happen. steve: i think we are talking about the president of the united states going to be u.n. general assembly. anything could happen. ainsley: he is speaking at 10:15 this morning. he talked yesterday about religious liberties and religious freedom. traffic is crazy here. steve: absolutely gridlock. the reason we say anything could happen it was at this very event the president once upon a time referred to another world leader as little rocket man. you just never know.
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anything can happen. brian: meanwhile, let's talk about the story that kept resonating throughout yesterday that is the ukrainian situation. ainsley: whistleblower. brian: turns out the whistleblower who came forward and went to the inspector general on the director of national intelligence office and he and that inspector general rented to the dni go forward and address congress. the dni said listen i don't think this is a private conversation, this is not a national security interest. i'm going to hold off on that. that's when these two went to loggerheads. in terms of the whistleblower turns out for sure multiple sources say he or she not on the phone call no direct knowledge. ainsley: no direct knowledge person talking to fox news channel. unclear if this person read the transcript of that conversation. heard the conversation himself or herself or learned of it a different way. there are multiple people. yesterday we had stephanie grisham on the spokesperson
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for the white house. she said there are multiple people who listen to these conversations. steve: congress wants to see the transcript. yesterday the director of national intelligence sent a letter to congress. among the things in the letter it said the information was in the present complaint from the whistleblower. however is different in kind than that involved in any past cases because the case involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by personals outside the intel community. the dni lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials. so they cannot give it to congress because it's outside that particular statute that dan bongino cited yesterday on this show. ainsley: it's not stopping the democrats from screaming impeachment. apparently nancy pelosi is hosting a meeting behind closed doors at 4:00 p.m. today to discuss. this. steve: anything can happen. brian: keep in mind seven more democrats. over 100 wanted the president impeached because
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they didn't like him the way the russian investigation came out stopped 135. many freshman in seats that once belonged to the republicans have come together. most have a national security background. steve: all vets. brian: yes, all vets. they are coming out and signing up for impeachment inquiry. this is what they looked like when they posed for pictures. cisneros of california. crow of colorado. houlahan of pennsylvania. luria of pennsylvania. sheryl of emergency. slot kin of michigan and spanberger of virginia. steve: mick mulvaney was ordered by the president to fre$980 million to the ukraine:
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hey, wait, that looks kind of fishy. the "wall street journal" says congress had okayed the aid. steve: in june the prospect of putting on hold the funds while the administration reviewed them. apparently the president had concerns how united states was spending the aid money and whether u.s. allies were adequately contributing. were they, you know, contributing their fair share. another administration official said the aid was held up because of a lack of support from other countries to ukraine and concerns about corruption in that country. ainsley: congressman was on fox news yesterday, i agree with him, he was saying everyone just take a brevment take a moment. research this and figure out what that conversation was about. these democrats who want to impeach him because of this don't even know what the conversation was. i think the president should do his talk today at the u.n. and then tomorrow or later in the week should release the transcript.
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brian: my problem with that ainsley and if the president doesn't have anything to worry about, he should. but what i worry about is the president. let's say you are not happy with president obama, the communication he has with president rouhani of iran before they signed the jcpoa all of a sudden you are a republican. you want to find out i want to know what communication was like the president sold us out in private letters. i don't think the president deserved it then. what about george bush conspiring with tony blair make up a story about mass destruction. i don't think so. i don't think the democrats deserve that i worry about the precedent. ainsley: i understand what you are saying when you are talking about acts of war or something that could put our country at risk. brian: that's what they believe it puts our country the risk. ainsley: if it doesn't the president should release the transcripts. we don't have to ask the ukraine president for perms to do it. we are america. i agree it could set a precedent going forward when you talk to the leaders of other countries. we don't want them to think we are going to release the conversations. brian: what makes you think
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we won't. if i'm leader of another country. ainsley: nothing to hide he should release it. steve: let's see what the president does, he does know he is facing this impeachment peril from the democrats. yesterday here in new york he said this about that. watch. >> how seriously are you taking these -- >> -- not at all seriously. perfect phone call with the president of ukraine. everybody knows it. it's just a democrat witch-hunt. the one who has got the problem is biden. as you look at what biden did. biden did what they would like to have me do exception one problem i didn't do it. steve: the president also yesterday denied that he withheld aid to ukraine so that the new president would dig up dirt on joe biden. brian: so unbelievable. now everyone is concerned about ukraine getting money when for four years after they were being literally cut up by the russians and they actually stole crimea. the president sending mres and blankets and pillows over there now all of a sudden people have to hurry
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up and get the lethal aid there. that's something that donald trump did right away. meanwhile there is another. brian: man with almost no international business experience. ainsley: i thought that was right on the money because a lot of people didn't know anything about hunter biden. we have heard your son had, you know, something nefarious happening with his business relations. but now people are really digging into this and figuring out what this was all about. steve: why was that man right there paid $50,000. ainsley: a month. if peter doocy were paid that much, steve, wouldn't you know that? wouldn't you ask him exactly at the tichinaen table? steve: joe biden was asked by peter doocy a couple days ago.
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steve: i get to gel at hunter biden. steve: how often did you talk to your sons about overseas dealings he said he never had. ainsley: hunter said he had talked to his dad about it. steve: political and could be bad for the democrats. >> you know, you can't make it up. but i mean, if you think about it. for the past three years, we have been hearing about this russia collusion, russia collusion and trump did. this and trump rigged the election and that you will kind of stuff. it turns out trump didn't do any of that it turns out democrats did and hillary clinton did. own voters starting to realize they are being lied. to say i swear, i think democrats are getting together right now and they are saying okay, guys, we have got to come up with another lie. and it has to be even more fantastical and more ridiculous than the last one. about trump's strong arming ukraine government for some
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government. it turns out no, no. he didn't do it. joe biden did it. steve: so according to the "wall street journal," the president had concerns about how the u.s. is spending aid money and whether or not the allies were helping ukraine enough. ainsley: you were talking about your son, he lives down in d.c. two of your kids do. were they involved. steve: my daughter could not get to work. ainsley: we were worried about traffic here because of the u.n. people were chaining them selves to vehicles. they had to use. brian: teenagers. ainsley: they had to use saws to cut off handcuffs of teenagers because they are protesting climate change in d.c. steve: they were. at the yaxes 16-year-old swedish girl greta thi thuneberg. there she is she has become the global face of a growing youth movement against climate change. and she is the one who has
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mobilized millions to strike last weekend on friday and, of course yesterday as well. brian: she believes that free market capitalism is polluting the world to such an extent that humanity's continued existence is best uncertain. here's greta. >> i shouldn't be up here. i should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. yet, you all come to us young people for hope. how dare you. you have stolen my dreams, my childhood with your empty words. and, yet, i'm one of the lucky ones. people are suffering. people are dying. and our ecosystems are collapsing. the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. you choose to fail us. i say we will never forgive you. steve: she was very successful, i believe it was last year she launched a school strike before
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sweden's elections. and she had at 16 been nominated for a nobel peace prize. ainsley: bernie sanders responded on twitter what a disgrace 16-year-old tell world leaders what they won't acknowledge we can't continue with this type of ruthless capitalism that is destroying our planet. that is why we need young people leading our climate justice. brian: he got on his private jet and took off. we are failing our nation's youth by not taking swift action to combat the climate crisis. we owe it to them to stand up to pollutedders and stop poisoning our planet. >> tucker: the point now is political power. you gin up a crisis and demand the population submits to your will or else. of course when you do that you don't need to fight fair or acknowledge democracy or make a rational case for your position. do you whatever it takes. you will even use children if it helps.
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how do you respond to statements like that? the truth is you can't respond. and, of course, that's the point. when you use children to demand power, they become a kind of human shield. can you hide safely behind them no. one can criticize you. but who would do something that unscrupulous? anyone who would do that is someone who would literally do anything to seize control. brian: most of these kids believe the world is ending in 10 years. steve: 12. brian: i fully stand corrected. i would like someone to get that china and russia and start calling out the dictatorships. i have a sense that you can't blame capitalism for what's going wrong or right with the planet because china is doing a lot to destroy our atmosphere. i just wish someone would have the courage to take them on. steve: yesterday, the president of the united states did go to the religious liberty event at the united nations. he also dropped by this
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event and listened to angela merkel and the prime minister of india. mr. modi speaks on the topic. brian: he got a dirty look from greta evidently as he left because he had a religious freedom. ainsley: it is 13 minutes after the top of the hour. >> yesterday you had an excellent interview with mr. bernstein about the hijacking or twa flight 37. he was just set free and it turns out greek police had the wrong guy. brian: our next guest is the brother of the navy diver murdered and tortured by those hijackers. will his family ever see justice? that's next. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone.
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♪ brian: all right. a man just arrested in the 1985 hijacking of the twa flight 87 has been set free in a case of mistaken identity by police. ainsley: you will remember hijackers brutally killed one of the passengers. there is his picture. he was only 23 years old at the time. his name was roberts steadham. after finding out he was serving our great country in the navy. brian: will the family ever get justice. his older brother ken joins us with more. ken, i know your hopes must have been sky high? when did you realize this wasn't the guy? >> brian, you are right. the first thing i felt was hope as i read the article. but, even as i was reading the initial article, what i
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realized was there was discrepancies in that article that gave me a sliver of doubt whether it was hamdy or not. i don't know if it was factual or wrong or right. we just didn't know. we didn't get any conversation. ainsley: we all thought they caught the right guy. now you are learning this guy wasn't even involved, you don't think, so they have let him go. there is hamadei and other men were on this plane and they tortured your brother because he was serving our country as well as others on the plane. tell us what happened on that day because i was born in the 1970s, i was young when all of this happened. can you remind everyone? yesterday brian did this excellent interview with someone who worked in law enforcement who was telling us all of the details and all of us in the meeting after the show we were just amazed at what your brother
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had to go through and your family had to go through. remind the viewers at home, please. >> thank you ainsley and brian for the chance to share not just rob's story but the team's story. rob was traveling with a group. rob was the youngest in a group of divers that had just come back from a job in greece. and about 15 minutes into the flight, the hijackers took over the plane. they caught everybody by surprise. and when they went to collect passports, the divers didn't have passports. they were carrying i.d. cards which at the time was able to get everybody traveling in the military traveling internationally. so, they knew there were military. they identified them. they separated them. when they got to my brother to question him. they said you are a marine because he had a really short hair cut and he said
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i'm not a marine. i'm a united states navy diver. he said it with pride and dignity and they pistol whipped him. and they tried to break him. and it didn't work. and so they singled him out from the beginning and when they needed fuel they beat him bad and dumped him next to a 15-year-old australian girl and she helped comfort him and brought him back to consciousness. after he got back. he helped comfort her around he gave some words to her to ask her to get him to our family, and she did, later. but they took -- when he this landed in beirut. they needed to refuel the plane. hezbollah was the group that was on the aircraft, the who did that small group. only 250 members in that
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whole group. and the mullah militia controlled the airport. the imam militia in the power said you guys have had enough press, we are shutting you down and we are going to take this over. so in order to get fuel to take off, ahmady took rob up, beat him and tried to get him to yell into a mic and threatened him with a gun to shoot him in the head and rob, the jay john wrote later about the incident was in the early morning hours of june 15th, 1985, robert dean stethem was told to yell into a mic and not a sound was heard to come from him. they shot him and threw him out of the plane at that point. brian: ken e we hope we get this guy and we hope we have you on the next day to talk about it and we hope you get quality time with him in his
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cell. ken, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian and ainsley. ainsley: he was a hero, ken. brian: hezbollah is still trying to kill us. casing buildings and still making arrests. we should keep that in mind. >> brian, you are right. and something needs to be looked at. why have we for 34 years bmp r. been paying millions of dollars to lebanon when hezbollah runs lebanon and the money is not accounted for. brian: ken stethem, thanks so. back in a moment. ♪ limu emu & doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ]
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ red dress on the first day - bold move. same red dress today - even bolder. fight the fade and keep your red dress red. is it new? no, it's washed in studio by tide. with the world's first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh!
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unanimously ruled johnson illegally blocked lawmakers from doing their job amid the heated battle over brexit. this means parliament can return to session immediately. johnson suspended government for five weeks last month. the current deadline to leave the eu is on halloween a soldier is under arrest accused of discussing bombing attacks the one possible target 2020 hopeful beto o'rourke is thanking law enforcement. >> we have been sharing any information that's relevant with the fbi and are very confident in our ability to bring this case to justice and to protect our fellow americans. jillian: according to the fbi jarrett smith planned to bomb major news network along with suggesting attacks on o'rourke. he is accused of distributing bomb making. steve back to you. steve: thank you.
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turning to the fight for fair trade the united states and china set to hold high level talks next month as president trump vows he won't settle for anything else than a complete deal. >> we are looking for a complete deal not a partial deal. china has been starting to buying a cultural product last week and actually some very big purchases. i'm not what i'm looking for. we're looking for the big deal. steve: i think we all are, flight steven schwartzman the chairman and ceo of blackstone group as well as long time friend for the trumps author of a brand new book "what it takes." that comes out this week. good to have you. >> good to be here. steve: when some people are looking and thinking what's going on with this trade deal with china? why vrnt they worked it out yet? it's complicated, isn't it. >> it's complicated, really because china for 40 years has been the fastest growing country in the world. maybe world history and they have got a system that is
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somewhat different than ours. not really compliant with open markets and protection of intellectual property. and to make it really simple. their tariffs and taxes when our country brings something in to their country, is three times as high as when they bring something in. steve: it's not a level playing field. >> it is not a level playing field. i think the united states and the rest of the developed world has said china's prosperity has proved to the state maybe we should have something closer to even. steve: what do you make of these people who go china is waiting for president trump to get voted out of office and then they will deal with the next guy. you don't think that's accurate? >> i don't think that's true. i deal with the chinese a good deal whether it's the republicans or the democrats, it's a situation whereas a result of a variety of these trade
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practices a lot of people in the united states have not had as good a deal as they want for their lives. and the chinese are aware that things need to change. steve: it's hard for them because, essentially, cheating is part of their business model. >> well, they have a different culture. it's pretty deep. so we are asking them to change something that's been the most successful in world's history that doesn't just happen because you ask. steve: what do you think about as the election gets closer next year that the president might go, you know what? i don't have the big deal yet. i don't have that grand deal he was just talking about. i can get a little deal a skinny deal. should he settle for that? >> you should ask him. i think what he is interested in is really fundamental adjustment. and change because that re-sets the table for the united states for the long-term. that's what he wants.
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that seems to be reasonable for both sides. both sides need to change their arrangements. i think both sides know that. steve: tell us about your book. why should people be in interested in "what it takes." the book is lots of fun. people laugh out loud. and it's a page-turner and they tell me it's a must-read. what it is about is what you need to do as a person to improve yourself to figure out how to learn from your experiences. we all make mistakes. i make them. usually we bury them. but what's important to grow in your organization whether it's for profit or not for profit is to learn from those mistakes. it's important to visualize what it takes to be great. to put in something new. to build a culture of winning. and you can do these things. i have been doing this stuff now for too many years.
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steve: you started out folding handkerchiefs in your father's linen shop and started with $400,000 investment and now one of the most successful businessmen on planet earth. >> the 400,000 has become the scale of our company which is roughly $60 billion right now in market value. and 545 billion in total assets. but not everybody needs to do that. and that was a bunch of good luck and good timing. but what everybody can do is do something unique. steve: right. >> can visualize something that hasn't been done to make their time running part of a company, running a whole company. starting something new. how do you do that? steve: that's a great point. that's what you will find in "what it takes. steven schwarzeneggerman, thank you very much. thanks for stopping by. meanwhile straight ahead, joe biden just fell behind elizabeth warren in the state of iowa in the des moines register poll.
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♪ steve: it's your shot of the morning baby boom at a california fire department. brian: all nine infants were born within five months of each other. ainsley: new recruits sent out a adorable photo shoot with rancho cucamonga. what's in the water there. brian: they have the quake. ainsley: rc up at the top. so cute. i love those pictures. steve: that's your shout of
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the morning. brian: we will follow them every day until they are through college. steve: check him for a fever. ainsley: are you going to pay for their college, brian? just announce it right now. brian: you never know. we have so many philanthropist on. maybe mr. schwarzman can do that. steve: i think he has sis money somewhere else. ainsley: here is his book i read part of it came from nothing. now a gazillionaire. steve: went over to talk to world leaders at the united nations. ainsley: good for him. steve: going over to talk to jillian who has the news. jillian: who is not a gazillionaire. a monday jumped on to train tracks to save a 5-year-old girl's life. stop what you are doing and watch this. look at that the girl seen crawling out from under a subway train in new york. according to police the girl's father jumped in front of the train while
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holding her in his arms. he was killed incredibly she was not seriously hurt. a school resource officer fired after arresting first graders. we told you about this yesterday. this is the update. orlando police chief says daniel broke protocol by arresting a 6-year-old. she was taken to the justice center after throwing temper tantrums. the police department is apologizing. >> to be honest with you i was sick to my stomach when i heard. this we were all appalled. we could not that thom the idea of a 6-year-old being put in the back of a police car. jillian: charges against the kids have been dropped. 2020 hopeful joe biden can't make his case when asked why iowans should vote for him. >> the president won by 10 pe1010percentage points. people employed in iowa and businesses are growing why should people want to make a change though. >> that's up to them to decide. >> why should they? >> just remember the sign.
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>> make your case? >> i'm not going to. [laughter] jillian: there you heard it. lost in iowa because the president's trade policy doesn't make sense. they are still talking about it behind me. a traffic stop turns into hoheart-warming moment that goes viral. >> not every day you have a police officer ty your ty. >> thank you. am i allowed to give you a hug? >> sure. >> isn't that great? the utah mom says she was rushing to get her son to the dance and rolled through a stop sign. she did not get a ticket. but certainly a wonderful memory. ainsley: that's really sweet. i'm still joe biden make a case. brian: i'm not going to. i don't know why i'm here. ainsley: mad at her. when you listen to that whole interview he was mad at her. jobs are really good in iowa.
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wife would we vote for you when the president is doing so well. he didn't like that. make a case, why should i vote for you? brian: make a case, why should we talk to you, janice? janice: because i have great fans behind me waiting all morning long. ainsley: see that's a good reason. janice: what's your name? >> bill. janice: where are you from. >> sunset beach, north carolina. >> what are your names. >> mike ashley and jude ashley. janice: i recognize you from yesterday. are you going to hang out me with me o on your vacation. >> last morning. janice: thank you for coming. a beautiful day in new york city. take a look at the maps and show you what's happening across the country. the atlantic three named storms. karen, lorenzo and we have jerry. watching karen very closely because karen is going to bring the potential for very heavy rain, gusty winds over puerto rico over the next couple of days and then have to watch the track of this storm. it's going to stall out in the atlantic and maybe we might be dealing with this across the east coast. we still have a lot of time
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to watch karen. this is jerry that's going to affect bermuda over the next couple of days and move out to sea and have lorenzo. we'll don't think lorenzo. here is your forecast. make mention not only with the beautiful temperatures across the east coast. we have flash flooding over the southwest because of a tropical storm that has dissipated but bringing a lot of heavy rain over parts of arizona and new mexico. come say hi to steve, ainsley, brian and jillian, my friends. ainsley: hi. go out there and say hey to them. they came yesterday. so sweet. january januaryner a regular part of our family. ainsley: they wake up with our family every day in new york and here every day. love them. steve: this morning we want to tell you about a brand new series on fox nation. it's called american-built. and whether a it is it talks about the vision, design and ingenuity behind five amazing projects that capture the american spirit. things like the building of
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the empire state gelding, the pacifica highway and golden gate bridge. watch. this 1934, one year of construction. 740-foot towers loomed above san francisco bay. steve: the streaming of the cables began in the summer of 1935. >> brave and expert workmen laid the girders of the great approaches. july of 1935 all was ready for governor maryman to start the spinning wheel. >> this is more than a mile across. they had to take individual wires that were less than the size of my pinky. 27,000 of them. and string them from one side over the two towers to the other side. it's almost incomprehensible that they could do this. steve: you know, in putting this together, one of the amazing facts is when they were building the golden gate bridge, do you know what color the military wanted to paint it? black and yellow so that it would be easy to see in the
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distance. ainsley: like a yellow jacket. steve: they chose not to do it that way it. is a fantastic series behind the history of a lot of american icon architectures. ainsley: i can't imagine building that. i'm sure people fell, right? did people die building that? steve: sadly, yes. you will learn all about it in the new series "american built" on fox nation. if you do not have fox nation yet. if you use the promo code doocy, you get your first month for 99 cents. brian: fantastic. steve: i'm finally a promo code. ainsley: wow, you have officially made it, steve doocy. steve: you not only get american-built but brian's series and ainsley's series and judge napolitano who we heard just a moment ago his series, too. ainsley: laugh for us judge. prove that you are here. [laughter] brian: that's great. that's a lot of power. be nice to see. ainsley: congratulations can't wait to watch it.
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steve: promo code doocy. ainsley: can i use that for shopping? brian: it works well for amazon prime members. was rob rosenstein just joking when he said he would wear a wire newt office? we just learned a lot more, dot, dot. it seemed he was just kidding. ainsley: judge napolitano is here fired up about the case there he is to prove he is there. steve: use promo code judge ♪ can my side be firm? and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both... adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. so, can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with him? yup. so, i'll wake up ready for anything? oh, we've got your back. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now save up to $500 on select
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they're america's bpursuing life-changing cures. in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs... like a way to fight cancer by arming a patient's own t-cells... because it's not just about the next breakthrough... it's all the ones after that. steve: it wasn't that long ago department officials rod rosenstein the deputy attorney general was joking about wearing a wire to secretly record the president in the obama office. saints ains now there is a new memo on stained by judicial watch telling the exact opposite story.
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then acting fbi director andy mccabe wrote the dag proposed that he could potentially wear recording devise into the oval office to collect additional evidence on the president's true intentions he said he thought this might be possible because he was not searched when he entered the white house. brian: judge andrew napolitano. judge, what are we to believe? >> well, this is a head scratcher because rod rosenstein was donald trump's appointee to be the number two person. basically the chief operating officer of the department of justice under then attorney general jeff sessions. and he said that this was a joke. now, if you read mccabe's memo, and if you believe what andrew mccabe wrote. brian: and you might not. >> you might not because don't forget he was dismissed from the justice department from the fbi for not being truthful to interrogators when they were asking him about his own behavior and he is being
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investigated by the united states attorney for the district of columbia for committing perjury, lying under oath. nevertheless, he does give such a detailed explanation of rosen sign's comments that it just doesn't square with rosenstein's assertion that this was a joke. i said it sarcastically. steve: at the same time they can both be true. >> yes. steve: mr. rosenstein could have been joking and mr. mccabe took it serious. >> it didn't happen. if you ask me where i think this is going to go? nowhere. will there are other issues confronting the president and other issues confronting the doj this is just one of those unanswered footnotes in history. brian: judge, are you under the belief that it would not be a big deal if the president released this transcript? i am under the belief, ainsley feels differently that if the president released the transcript of his private conversations with the ukrainian president it would be a terrible precedent for the next president down the line. >> i think he is going to
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have to release it and if he doesn't i think it's going to come out one way or another. ainsley: he says it's benign and ukraine says it's benign. if he releases it it's not like a war matter it's a conversation that they h if it is something that wouldn't put our national security in jeopardy why wouldn't he release it? >> i don't know the answer to that do i know a lot of people have inpersonal termly scrutinized, including the whistleblower. so i assume we are going to find out a lot more about it. brian: no precedent to do something like this. the president is not and you the auspices of congress to do this. >> if doj follows the law, they will give the whistleblower complaint and accompanying documents in secret to the gang of eight in secret. the gang of eight is the leaders from both parties in both houses and the chair of the intelligence committees and ranking members on those committees in both houses those are the 8 members of congress who will view this stuff in secret and then decide what, if anything, needs to be done. steve: you never know,
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shortly after he took office, a bunch of his private conversations with world leaders were leaked to the major papers so maybe that will happen. who knows. >> who knows. ainsley: thank you, judge. judge: go giants, brian. brian: we can't be partisan. we want everyone to do well. ainsley: 10 minutes until the top of the hour. chaos erupting as thousands of pass jerusalem left at the airport after a tour operator shut down. could that happen here? brian: so glad i don't take a vacation ♪ woman: i'm here, and suddenly my migraine takes me somewhere else,
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where there's pain and nausea. but excedrin pulls me back in a way others don't. and it relieves my symptoms fast for real migraine relief. iit's not "acceptable or nothing." and it relieves my symptoms fast and it's definitely not "close enough or nothing." mercedes-benz suvs were engineered with only one mission in mind. to be the best. in the category, in the the world. lease the gla 250 suv for just $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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♪ ainsley: chaos erupting as hundreds of thousands of vacationers were left stranded thomas cook announced suddenly they were going out of business. could that happen here. joining us now is a travel expert and chief laura begley blue. tell us about thomas cook. >> this is crazy this happened because so many travelers were left stranded. it's a legendary company. 178 years it's been in operation. the problem though is that they just couldn't operate in the current business model. they really weren't online savvy. they also bought an airline. an airline is really hard to run. the company has been having massive problems for awhile. big money problems. and everybody in the industry knew that the problem was the travelers didn't know and they were still booking trips through this company. booking hotel stays. so it was shocking and a lot of people. ainsley: it could happen in any industry. you could buy a piece of furniture. doesn't arrive they keep saying it's back ordered and
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the company goes under. passengers stranded in the airport. could this happen here in the united states. >> i don't think anything on this level could happen here in the united states because we don't have a company that's quite like thomas cook here. they were a travel agency. they owned planes. they own an airline. they own a hotel. they own resorts. they operated cruises. they had such a huge impact. there is no company that could go under and have that kind of impact in the u.s. ainsley: what about expedia? >> they are also booking through outside companies. i don't think it's going to impact people the same way if that happened here. can also take precautions to help themselves. buy travel insurance. ainsley: do you suggest you buy that? i never buy it? >> this is a situation it shows how important it is. in u.k. they have insurance built. in the government is coming forward and helping get the travelers out. the thing is here we don't have that kind of automatic insurance when we book a trip. that's way to is important to get travel insurance.
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ainsley: i guess if you are going to the caribbean and hurricane season get insurance. what about like a flight when i go to south carolina they always ask me do you want the insurance i always say no. should i say yes now? >> that's a complicated thing. one really good thing to do is to book it with a really good credit card chase sapphire will protect if you there is a san sell labor relation they might help with you a hotel and rebook your airline. really in any travel situation you want to read the fine print and make that decision. when you see something like this, you don't want that to happen to you. ainsley: stranded for another week, which means they have to pay for their hotels or sleep in the airport. >> right. it's a tragic situation. ainsley: laura, thank you so much for being with us. good information. >> thank you. ainsley: it's 4 minutes before the top of the hour. the president back at the u.n. today to address the general assembly. what will he say today? he would live at the top of the hour ♪ fly like an eagle ♪ let that spirit carry me ♪ i want to fly ♪
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♪ going to be the best day of my life ♪ my life. brian: did he say that's the best day of our lives. that's never happened. i have never had a tuesday be a great day. ainsley: that's because your babies weren't born on a tuesday brian imrifn yours was? ainsley: no fridays are excellent to me. when i hear this song the best day of your life is the day your baby was born. brian: oh, i get it. when your baby is born on a tuesday it's an exlentsd day. steve: today is the best day of the rest of your life. ainsley: that's true, too. brian: wherever you are, make the most of today and please get dressed. ainsley: okay. just because you said that this is going to be the best day of our lives. brian: let's hope tomorrow is just a little bit better. ainsley: in a few hours president trump at exactly 10:15 is going to address
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the united nations. brian: up. he is expected to will leadership on the world stage. steve: out on the streets with a preview of the president's speech we don't have gridlock yet but it's coming. rob: coming real soon and last the rest of the week. president trump set to address the united nations general assembly later this morning. that's an institution the president has long thought of as weak and feckless and he has not been shy about voicing his opinions on the u.n. and it's not the most inviting forum for the president who last year while touting america's progress under his administration was laughed at. >> as president of the united states, i will always put america first. >> in less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. rob: that was where he got the laughs at the last part of the speech there expect this morning's speech to
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focus heavily on iran, guys. weeks after u.s. intel says the nation bombed a saudi oil fatal. the president ended the iran nuclear deal last week was weak and allowed the iranians to continue funding terror around the world. yesterday as most of the leaders at the u.n. focused on climate change the president actually made a change on the importance of religious freedom. >> too often people in positions of power preach diversity well, silencing, shutting or faithful. true tolerance effecting the right of all people to express their deeply held religious believes. rob: the president did make a brief unscheduled stop at yesterday's climate action summit 15 minutes. the president removed the united states from the paris climate accord, of course, angry that it punished the united states and other developed countries while allowing the world's worst polluters to continue harming the environment. the president also blasted the america media yesterday crooked as hell for its
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aggressive coverage of ukraine biden story while mostly ignoring the corruption allegations against joe biden who is the 2020 frontrunner for president. the president speaks at 10:15 this morning, guys. of course that will be live here on fox news. brian: what is the weather like this time of year? rob: well, you know, brian, out here 50 feet away from you, it's pretty nice. not bad. brian: the allusion. ainsley: brian needs to ask you because he didn't grow up here. rob: he comes up in a limo. brian: it's a humvee i need a 4 wheel drive. ainsley: everyone takes the subway. the president can get there in five seconds because they shut down all the streets. brian: that's why he ran for election. steve: rob, thank you very much. have you got rob talking about how the president was complaining about joe biden. ukraine thing. now fox news has been able
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to confirm that the whistleblower who notified the inspector general in the intel community, he said the president of the united states made these promises to world leaders. extraordinary. it was urgent. turns out the whib di whistleblr did not have direct knowledge of the conversation. ainsley: they want to impeach after learning this whistleblower doesn't have direct knowledge. steve: we don't know if they read the transcript or heard about it but nonetheless they filed it. we got a portion of a letter that the director of national intelligence though sent to congress because congress is going to meet at 4:00 this afternoon. nancy pelosi is, to talk about impeachment. ainsley: behind closed doors. the letter says this the information in the present complaint, however, is different in kind from that involved in any past cases because the complaint involved confidential and potentially privileged communications by persons outside of the intelligence community. the dni lacks unilateral authority to transmit such material. brian: right.
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so, the dni does not think the inspector general was right in saying that the whistleblower should address this congressional committee. sells i think this is a policy issue the president is exonerated from that i don't believe that the department of justice sides with the dni. so, on thursday, the director of national intelligence is going to go to capitol hill. i sense it's going to be like corey lewandowski all over again. less hostility. nope, can't answer that nope, i don't think so. yes, i don't think so. afterwards momentum would be for a frustrated democratic caucus to go for impeachment. meanwhile the president of the united states says you have got to be kidding. >> joe biden was very dishonest. now, when you see the call, if you see it, i hope you see it, frankly, you will find out that i did not do that at all. under a will be very disappointed when you see it. it's really a disgrace. it really is a situation where -- it just shows the press you have had such a bad week between justice
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kavanaugh and this and other things. it is showing how dishonest so many members of the press are not all of you. but so many members of the press are so totally dishonest. but this is a case i hope you get to see the call because your question you will see i did not ask for -- i did not make a statement that you have to do this or i'm not going to give you a. i wouldn't do that. ainsley: did you hear that? i hope you get to see the call he i think he will release the transcript. brian: later he said it's not a good precedent. steve: if the call exxonner rates him completely you would think he would do that. "the washington post" broke a story yesterday afternoon ordered mick mulvaney his acting chief of staff to freeze 3-bg $90 million in military aid to ukraine before he talked to the president. and that doesn't look like good timing to a lot of people. but, fox news has confirmed that apparently the president wanted to make sure that the new president
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of ukraine understood that if you are going to get this money, we really wants you to end corruption before we give you that dough. then there is other stories out about about whether or not other allies and other countries were actually kicking in as much money as they should on the world stage. brian: does that sound like the president? every day really since he was on phil donahue in the 1980s. where are our allies. why are we paying the full way? he says it from nato meetings to united nations meetings. he says in the private meetings. he says it in interviews. i have no problem with the timing. to say me the timing makes total sense. but i meet with the new president who has been a comedian and comes out of nowhere. i would like to know before you get your $400 million you are going to do a few things and pressure our allies in the interim, mr. omv director and chief of staff. to pony up some money. after all western europe -- ainsley: like saying brian
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or steve you are going to lose your job because of a conversation that someone success you promised someone but we don't know what you said. we don't know what the conversation was. it's ridiculous. they are putting their feet too far ahead -- we need to just breathe, take a step back. read this transcripts and find out what was said and then decide on impeachment. they are meeting today at 4:00 to talk about impeachment. steve: if the president said i will give you the money but you have got to investigate joe biden, that is really off the rails wrong. but if it's something else, you know it, would be nice to know what it is. mark levin says right now at this point, the media and democrats are in panic mode. >> there is massive democrat scandal here. that's why the media are conducting themselves the way they are. that's why the democrats are trying to turn this inside out. to immunize biden and to attack trump. it won't work. i am sick and tired of this president's conversations with foreign leaders being leaked to the media and
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democrats on capitol hill. i don't remember a damn one of those happening to obama or any other president. our president has to be able to speak to other heads of state without this kind of tir ran any taking place. brian: right. so maybe this person who now we know was not on the call whistleblower. maybe they just disagree, number one, that he won the election and number the two way he is conducting foreign policy. there is a lot of people -- who is on the president's team and left the status because they didn't like the president's policy or domestic policy. now you become a whistleblower because you disagree with something going on on the call. let me ask you something. what about the other 25 people on the call. are they bad americans? are they tolerant americans? why aren't they the whistleblower? should they all be in trouble for hearing this horrible thing and not coming forward. only this one person not on the call is the problem. nancy pelosi says that's the line in the sand and let's impeach. seven freshman with national security background in moderate districts say okay,
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i can't take it anymore. trey gowdy weighed. in if you going to investigate one fact pattern you need to investigate the exact same fact pattern. duplicity ignore. the president of the united states said i will have more flexibility have a second term. i never heard a reporter ask what he meant by that never heard for calls for transcripts before or after that conversation. so, the duplicity is what drove me out of politics and, look, no offense to your previous guest. they are reporters, i'm not. i need to cross-examine people. ainsley: he was talking about president obama remember when he said that if i get elected again. steve: on a hot mic. brian: raúl and castro and president obama met. i wonder what they said. hit with waves that basically caused extreme pain and they have not been
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the same sense. was there something that went on in president obama's decision with raúl castro? i need to seat transcript. after all, it bothers me as an american. i wasn't on the call but i think it bothers me. steve: well, trey gowdy pointed out the hypocrisy out there. what do you think so? we are also today on facebook. ainsley: if you really don't like him, you really don't need to seat transcript. brian: that's true. everybody just put everything out. ainsley: jillian has headlines for us. jillian: good morning to you and to you at home as well. federal prosecutors in california are opening a criminal probe into juul the world's largest get maker. today house lawmakers will hold a hearing on the health risks of ecigarettes as we learn nine people have died from mysterious vaping related illness. more than 530 people have gotten sick. cough up cash to keep two
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women silent from his jail cell. that's according to the "new york post." reporting the convicted sex offender paid them $10,000 each after he was arrested in july. epstein reportedly arranged for an associate to make the payments to keep them from speaking to the press. epstein killed himself in a jail cell last month while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. fashion police weighing in on the 2020 election after a bernie sanders supporter tells a vermont senator that his suit sets him apart from president trump. watch this. >> sorry, but an armani suit is about $2,000. and you look like you are wearing about 250 worth of j.p. penny. that's what the difference is between -- >> -- actually, it is kohl's. jillian: as can you imagine, social media having a field day with this one. debbie tweets can i have your kohl's cash i hear you like giving away money that other people earn. martin tweets quote a millionaire who purposefully
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wears normal people clothes to make people think he's not rich. a look at your headlines. steve: kohl's cash is great. just saying. brian: what's it based on? steve: the amount of money you are spending at kohl's? brian: give you money back? steve: money can you use at kohl's. ainsley: don't use one of those cards use the memo code doocy. [laughter] fox nation put in the promo code doocy. you get a promo code. steve: jillian, thank you. next guest leading the charge on capitol hill to make sure that big tech stays in line. he went head to head with facebook ceo mark zuckerberg, senator josh holly inside their meeting. ♪ (dramatic orchestra) performance comes in lots of flavors.
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sell a couple of their important parts, instagram and what's app. republican senator from missouri, josh hawley joins us now with more of that closed door meeting. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: so mark zuckerberg said so what can i do? and you said sell off instagram and what's app. and he said what? >> he said a quote i don't even know how to respond to that i said just say yes. my point is, steve, if they are serious about privacy. if they are serious about competition and facebook is serious about bias. don't just talk about it. facebook always apologizes when they get caught doing things like censoring conservatives which they just did to a pro-life group and they say we are sorry. i say prove that you are going to be different. quit harvesting people's data. sell off people's companies that you are using to create a monopoly. submit to independent third party audit to prove that you are not biased against conservatives. steve: in fact, i understand that zuckerberg said that a
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fact checker acted in a biased way when they were working on one of the things you were interested in. explain that conversation. >> exactly right. about two weeks ago facebook censored a pro-life group on their platform and zuckerberg admitted to me they were wrong to do so. he said that was an instance of bias. he said that they struggle, facebook has struggled with bias. those are his words, steve, struggled with bias for years now. which is obvious. everybody knows that huge admission. facebook has said no we don't have a bias problem but zuckerberg himself told me yes, we do. i said if you are serious about fixing it, submit to an independent audit to see how you are actually treating conservative groups. he said no. steve: because if you feel like if there was an independent third party audit they would find, what? >> oh, they would find that facebook systematically discriminating against conservatives and trying to shut down conservative speech. my view, steve, is.
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this. facebook is a huge subsidy from the federal government. they shouldn't be using that subsidy, that special deal that they get in order to discriminate and censor against conservatives. i just want them to be neutral. just be pro-speech. just let free speech actually be the norm on their platform. quit discriminating. steve: what you are talking about is talking about section 230 which gives them immunity they can't be sued for libel. look, we are not like the "new york times." >> exactly. steve: but they are, aren't they. >> they are making editorial decisions very much like a traditional publisher. and everybody knows that here's the thing, steve. that immunity is worth billions of dollars to facebook and to google. it's a special deal from government. they shouldn't be getting it if they are going to censor. steve: why don't do you something about it? >> good question. that's why i have introduced legislation that would take away that special immiewngts if facebook kant pass an independent third party audit. look, they are a private company. if they wants to be liberal
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they are welcome to be liberal. they shouldn't be getting government subsidies in order to do it. steve: how much support would you have on capitol hill? >> senator cruz now says he thinks section 230 should be revisited. others on other sides you have the aisle. democrats have said yeah i think it's time to revisit section 230. lindsey graham said i think it's time to revisit 230. i think the coalition is growing. steve: all right. let's see what happens. senator, thank you for joining us on this tuesday. >> thanks for having me. steve: 7:21 in new york city. the women's march has cut ties with three founding board members following years of controversy and accusations of anti-semitism. tammy bruce has been sounding the alarm on this. take notice. as you can see she is live on "fox & friends." ♪ you spin reme right around ♪
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jim jill good morning, welcome back. time for news by the numbers. first $145,000. that's how much money boeing is offering to families of the more than 300 victims killed in two 737 max jet crashes. claims will be accepted through the end of the year. next, 800,000. that's roughly how many americans registered to vote last year on national voter registration day which, by the way, is today. it is held every fourth tuesday in september. and finally, one year's worth. that's how much beer busch lite just sent to college football fan. carson king went viral when his beer money sign went viral. we telling you about this. every can of beer has carson's face on it. raised $800,000 for iowa children's hospital. good for him. ainsley: that's cool. thanks, jillian.
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women's march officially cut ties with three founding board members that leak can a mallry. lynn is a sarsour and bob bland. following years of anti-semitism. brian: organization appointed 16 new board members critics say some of them hold the same extreme views. steve: here to discuss is independent women's voice of get tammy bruce on fox nation tammy bruce. >> good morning. steve: what do you think. >> i think it's pretty clear that these initial three individuals had caused some major damage to the women's march. one of the founding members, ohio believe now lives in hawaii, called for them to resign. i think early last year saying, look, this is not what we are doing. but the problem is when there is no real leadership, the left does move in, historically, takes over important issues and rides it to death. the fact is this is part of my point is that the women's march is not a one-off. it's not an unusual situation. we see the same thing happening throughout the left.
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including in the democratic party. right? you have got these far leftists, socialists, and within that attachment usually is anti-semitism, is anti-israel sentiments. and a desire for victimhood. reinforcing divisions amongst people which requires, of course, sexism, racism, and homophobe i can't. fueling those aspects. we see that happening also in the democratic party. now, the difference is that here a group can you ask people to resign or have them leave. when someone has been elected it's going to take people in a district to decide whether or not leadership at all and if that's this is how they want to be represented. i think the women's march is almost like a microcosm what's happening towards the liberal constituency in america is not leftist and is not socialist. and yet that's how now it is being represented. the new people they have replaced these three with and there is even more are similar in ideology. one of them a palestinian activist compared america to
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nazi germany. another one compared the israeli defense forces to isis. so, it's also a reflection of this desire for conformity. that there is no real room for people who see differently than. this they are having more people join up in leadership who hold the same sort of ideology. ainsley: what do they stand for? what is the women's march? >> see, that's the other problem. independent women's voice has a counter march when they have had their march called the march for all women. right? it's clearly not about women at all. it's about the leftist ideology. leftist policies. the climate change, extremism, just being anti-trump. so if you are a woman, and you don't conform, you actually like the president, that you think for yourself. you are not welcome. we saw in the very beginning in the first one, pro-life growption were not welcomed either for women who are pro-life or women of faith where that is -- never about women at all. it's been about pushing the
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leftist agenda. brian: talk about linda sarsour. she has treated wonderful things nothing creepier than zionism. challenge racism. she writes underwear bomber #cia all along. she is a big bernie sanders supporter still. >> you know it, just tells you when it comes to the establishment, the leftists that they will come together. obviously that's convenient for her to say oh, look, i'm supporting a jewish man. but really it's about the entire leftist framework. and shame on bernie sanders for allowing that attachment because it's about women's lives whether or not our lives are being improved. the lives of americans in general. no matter how are, whether you are jewish or christian or atheist. whether you are a man or a woman, all of this is to keep these conversations about division and about hostility and about hating other people. and i think that we all have a -- we all must stand up but again, bernie sanders, the democratic party, and what regular democrats are
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seeing is a complete deacon destruction of what classical liberalism is and it's certainly not this. steve: check out her show on fox nation. tammy bruce. thank you very much. ainsley: thanks, tammy. >> great being with you. ainsley: 30 minutes after the top of the hour. the president back at the u.n. today to address the general assembly. what will he say today? counselor to the president kellyanne conway is live here in the studio with a preview next. steve: hello. >> hi. ♪ ♪
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way to the next round of dancing with the stars. that's the tango. ainsley: surviving elimination, getting a 16 out of 30 points. more than half. on their second dance in the competition. and it was her birthday. steve: that's right. the supremes mary wilson was the first celebrity to be eliminated from season 28. and shirs continues for another week. let's bring in kellyanne conway, counselor to the president of the united states. did you know he could dance like that? >> we all have our hidden skills. [laughter] >> i think shirs is having a better week than joe biden. brian: transition to the real world. by the way shirs, is this the finals yet? ainsley: finals. this is the first person eliminated last night. brian: is he just about there, right? >> did you miss the other 27. brian: we will see what happens. you want to move over a little closer. >> i'm so excited i'm not
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standing on the north lawn. brian: no one is mowing the lawn behind you. the president has a speech today. remember last year he talked about america first. and a lot of people in the audience didn't necessarily embrace that what's going to be his message now. >> the president talked about america first does not mean america alone. that's very clear. sea big fan of sovereignty and independence for nations. he respects the subordinate and independence of other nations. but he will always put the policies and america american interest first. look what he hab able to do across this globe in such a short time. getting some of those nato members to cough off more dues they didn't pay their fair share. is he trying to korean peninsula. is he trying to bring peace and prosperity to other nations if they are willing. yesterday he had a series of bilateral meetings one after the other after another. following the first of its kind speech. the first president in the
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united states ever to address the united nations and call a meeting on religious freedom. that was incredible. people really appreciated that today the president will give an address. i have seen it. very powerful. and he will, of course, no surprise talk about china, talk about iran. today he will meeting with her western hemisphere leaders talk about venezuela. the president and first lady will host a reception for the world leaders since we are here in new york. steve: and tomorrow i understand the president is going to sit down with the new president of the ukraine. >> that's right, he is. steve: that relationship has been in the news a lot number one because of the whistleblower and now the democrats are calling for the transcript to be released and if not, he is going to get impeached. what do you make of all of this? >> the same people who invented the russian hoax and wasted tens of millions of dollars the last two years to come up with absolutely nothing. they tried with michael
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cohen and tried with john dean. mueller himself. the mueller report. they couldn't take hundreds of pages of mueller report and find anything to indict or impeach the president and now i have seen people on tv the last couple of days say things they don't possibly know could be true. completely unverified. the president pressured him 8 times to investigate joe biden. how do they know that? brian: "the washington post." >> based on the third hand account now everybody is saying doesn't have first hand information. presumptive negativity always trying to cloud this presidency and get in his way. i will sa-is. this the president had a congratulatory call with the president of ukraine. he won in a land slide based on anticorruption agenda. the president is very happy when someone is elected on anticorruption agenda. he went to washington to
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drain the swamp. joe biden is irrelevant here. do you know why? one year after leaving the vice presidency he was before the council on foreign relations pull the tape sometime bragging. brian: do you want to heart tape. >> yes, i want everybody to seat tape it's not evidence. it's not what could have, should have. see it in the transcript. why is i relevant. one year after being vice president he bragged in front of the audience and said that president obama was in on the threat, also. he bragged and said i got about six more hours. he got six more hours. 1 billion loan guarantees and it would have thrown ukraine into until insolvency and threatened unless you fire the prosecutor you are not getting 1 billion in loan guarantees roll the tape. >> i was supposed to announce there is another billion-dollar loan guarantee and i had gotten a
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commitment from poor cheng co-and from yatenyuk they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn't. i said i'm going to be leaving here i think it was six hours. leaving in six hours. if the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money. well son of a [bleep] [laughter] got fired. brian: they say this prosecutor, this is the word that even the world bank wanted him fired. the whole financial community wanted him fired. >> is he bragging and they are laughing at it the vice president. he is like a paver ray bands and a lot of comprehensivability he is has gone from electable to incomprehensible. i think that's what this is about, too. the media sees another hillary clinton in the making. they are trying to figure out a way to prop him up. he has gone in a short month to the most electable is going to be donald trump. never true always a fiction to he can't even beat an angry socialist like elizabeth warren in the
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polls in iowa. they are worried. they are running scared. four months away from the first votes in the primary. they are running scared. ainsley: yesterday we played a clip of steve's son peter doocy did you ever talk to your son joe biden did you ever talk to your son hunter about dealings with ukraine he said no we never talked about it and then read a quote from the new yorker magazine where hunter biden said yes i remember one time talking about it. then we aired that clip saying he got rid of the prosecutor. is he not telling the truth. >> not telling the truth the fact checkers are asleep because it's joe biden and they are asleep not to check their own facts and reporting when he admitted he talked to his father. there are allegations he was piggy backing on some of the transcription with his father. ainsley: if the transcript exxonner rates the president is he planning on releasing. >> this president has to weigh that against precedent. have a chilling effect with
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other leaders speak with the president. he saw him yesterday. he said i hope that you will learn what's in there it was a perfect call he was asked by the press and answered did you pressure the ukraine about his aid to investigate biden he said no, i never did that. steve: "the washington post" broke a story yesterday afternoon that the president told mick mulvaney to hold the money, $391 million in ukraine military aid before he talked to the president. the new president of ukraine. and now fox news has confirmed that the president wanted to talk to the ukrainian leader you fixed that corruption thing, right and are other countries also carrying their weight as well. that's what fox news has confirmed. is that how you believe it all happened? >> yes. the president, in terms of the president wanted to talk to him first, to make sure that this person, the new president who won in a landslide on the anticorruption agenda was actually going to execute on
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that and keep the promises of his presidential elected platform. look, they got their money but joe biden is bragging about withholding $1 billion loan guarantee is going to be here for six hours. maybe then thrusting them into insolvency a country next in the shadow of russia. where does this top this on the sanctions you know how the president feels about everybody pulling their weight. that goes visa i have ukraine too. some of our allies have not been involved there as they could be and should be. brian: talk about what you are doing today participating on summit on opioids and drug epidemic. that's been the focus domestically and now nationally. >> shadows of the u.n. concordian summit. ivanka trump spoke there yesterday. amazing speech and today i will be there with people from the state department and acting director of the da but also our private sector partners. they will be taking a pledge a call to action. our involvement with the private sector in stopping
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these synthetic drugs from coming in internationally is really remarkable. google will be there. we have other private sector partners who are coming. they have been terrific, brian, because why are trying to show the private sector how to track the money, the movement, the manufacturing and the marketing of illicit drugs in otherwise legitimate supply chansz. your delivery system. your factory apparatus, for example. and last year at the u.n., the president got 130 countries to agree to his global call to action against the new international crisis of narcotics of illicit drugs. today we will get the private sector involved we will have it live streamed. thanks for raising attention to that 70,000 americans were killed last year. people want to talk about transcripts they haven't seen and they know exactly what's happened. i love that i think that joe biden saying i think your son won that debate. joe biden saying that you are picking on his son.
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the biden family business government influence and that's obvious. brian: kellyanne conway, thank you so much. more "fox & friends" in just a moment unless something happens that we couldn't predict. road. my truck doesn't have that. road. it offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different camera views. that's quality picture. it even offers one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible - to help you see what's behind you. oh, wow! which in this case happens to be the competition - since they don't offer the same amount of cameras as the silverado. literally in the rear-view. where they should be. ♪
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>> vo: my car is my after-work de♪ music ion zone. >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ -[ scoffs ] if you say so. ♪ -i'm sorry? -what teach here isn't telling you is that snapshot rewards safe drivers with discounts on car insurance. -what? ♪ -or maybe he didn't know. ♪ [ chuckles ] i'm done with this class.
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-you're not even enrolled in this class. -i know. i'm supposed to be in ceramics. do you know -- -room 303. -oh. thank you. -yeah. -good luck, everybody. jim jill good morning, welcome back. a bombshell twist in the making a murder case. an unidentified inmate in wisconsin says he is behind the infamous killing, not steven avery. >> mr. avery's side of theresa haw back's vehicle. >> everybody is listening what do you want to say today? >> i'm innocent. >> avery is the subject of a netflix docu series on the case. is he currently serving life in prison for killing teresa halbach in 2005. he made the confession during a taped interview during a separate documentary. interesting. the couple is sounding the alarm claiming their smart home was hacked. the milwaukee family says someone cranked their
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thermostat up to 90 degrees, played vulgar music through their speakers and spoke to them through a camera. >> it gives me the chills just talking about it. my heart was just racing. i was -- i felt so violated at that point. jillian: couple thinks someone hacked their wifi and google devices. google says nest was not breached. back to you guys. steve: thanks, jillian. next week all immigrants who apply for asylum in this nation will wind up staying and waiting for their days in court in mexico. ainsley: no more catch and release. mexico has been a great partner. they say we will bring you in. we will give you safe haven. we will give you skills and train you and give you a job. brian: so instead after saying after 20 days we will release you and your whole family because have you got to keep kids together with their family now. now extend the the period of time through an executive
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order. now they are saying go back to mexico and wait. that's important because this is all about perception. when the word is that you can get in after 20 days, you get out and you are? to the interior of the country, millions come. tens of thousands come. i should say. now if word comes, you get there, you get clothes detained and cents back to mexico to wait for your chance at a hearing and where 900,000 cases behind, it's no longer as attractive to leave your country of guatemala, el salvador and honduras. kevin mcaleenan, the dhs acting secretary thinks this is key. >> mpp enhances the integrity of the system by getting immigration court results much faster case than non-detained in the united states keeping families together without keeping them in custody. the key changes has led to safer and more orderly process along the southwest border. steve: so far 47,000 people have gone back and waited in
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mexico since december, according to the "wall street journal." typically the wait has been like a year. now it's going to be completely different with the new end of catch and release starting next week. ainsley: it seems to be great. if you come into our country, you apply for asylum. you are released into our country. where do you go? where dual? where do you look for a job you? are not allowed to work, right? because you wouldn't be a legal citizen. in mexico just come back to mexico. we will train you. we will give you a job. we will put food on your table. we will put money in your pocket. brian: if you earn it. meanwhile, straight ahead. 10 minutes before the top of the hour. steve: reports bernie sanders planning unveil a wealth tax of his own. what would that look like? stuart varney has been will will will you will looking at it. he is coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪
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♪ ♪ steve: this morning a brand new report bernie sanders is planning to unveil a wealth tax of his own. one that's even more aggressive than elizabeth warren's ultra millionaire tax. ainsley: that's right. here to weigh in is stuart varney host of varney and company on the fox business network. stuart, what do you think? >> what do you think i think? ainsley: i think i know. >> first of all senator elizabeth warren has a wealth tax proposal. if you are worth $50 million or more, you would pay a relt tax of 2% each and every year on your accumulated wealth. axios reports that bernie sanders has an even more aggressive wealth tax. in other words, he would take more than the 2% over 50 million that elizabeth warren would take. either way, they are rotten
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proposals. number one, there are brand new form of taxation and who needs that and number two, it assumes that the government will do more good with the money they take off you than those wealthy individuals can do with it themselves like create jobs, innovate in technology, put their money to work at different kind of ways. it's a rotten idea from top to bottom. brian: sit down with laptop wow that's a populist message let's blame the successful people for the struggles i'm feeling middle class and working class they say i like that idea. >> do you think it would do more good to take money off wealthy people and give it to other people? brian: that's not the way the system is based on. >> no, it's not the way our system is based on. it ignores the whole idea that people who accumulate money do good with it for heaven's sake. what about the billions given to charity what about that. >> i'm the worst devil's advocate ever. pretty clear. broke right await a minute.
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ainsley: never really thought about it. because if you are a billionaire or what is it 50 million? >> 50 million. ainsley: if you have 50 million in the bank there is a reason you are so successful. you are good with money. and they are going to spend it. >> it's not like you have got $50 million in cash lying around. ainsley: you are worth that much. that means you are going to put the money back in the government or some form or fashion hire a people. brian: a bunch of ruby tuesdays. >> senator warren, what she wants to do and bernie sanders, they want to raise as much money as possible to pay for all the new social services. steve: green new deal. >> medicare for all green new deal free college. they are trying to raise money here to spend it there. they will never have enough money. never. steve: they have to raise money because nobody in washington ever cuts anything. and that's the problem. >> never ever. steve: stuart, thank you very much for joining us live. brian: see you 9 to noon on fbn.
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>> if you are not careful you will. brian: brook shields will be here. she was in and johnny damon will be here. she was not in that movie. ainsley: she has beautiful eyebrows. feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there's performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that's the kind lincoln's about. ♪ . .
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by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. ♪ brian: backed up my theory there would be no country music without breakups. ainsley: she is not coming back. come back to me, baby. not coming back. brian: if you're in a band you have to come back. steve: you guys are talking about the music. i'm talking about the traffic outside. two hours before the president of the united states goes over to the united nations, that normally is a clean shot right up to -- ainsley: because the street next to it is closed.
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steve: you can't make a right turn. there are a whole bunch of frozen zones the president of the united states moving from trump tower to the east side to make the united nations general assembly speech later on. ainsley: underneath that street, something called the subway. that did the way to go. brian: archedneath the -- underneath the subway the earth's core. talk about the number one story the president's conversation on july 25th with the brand new leader of the ukraine who reports say in the "wall street journal," this was the 400 million, roughly in aid they were going to give to the ukraine. the president was reluctant to give it for couple reasons. number one, why are we giving all this money is it what about western europe. what about the allies? why aren't nato providing aid, especially lethal aid. in that meeting with secretary of defense esper and john
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bolton, seemingly going to this story on the same page. steve: there are people who say look, that is proof the president of the united states was holding aid over the new president, unless you investigate joe biden i will not give you that money. we knew this story came out toward the end of last week because a whistle-blower filed a complaint with the inspector general of the intel community saying the president of the united states had made extraordinary promises to world leader. now we're learning more about the whistle-blower. the whistle-blower apparently was not even in the room when that was said. ainsley: did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, which means was not on the phone, didn't actually hear exactly what was talked about. we don't even know what the president of our country and the president of ukraine talked about on the phone conversation. steve: the president said everything was fine. ainsley: ukraine said everything was fine. i'm hoping he releases the transcript so everyone can calm down a little bit.
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everyone needs to take a breath. brian: a couple things are happening. 4:00 democratic house members getting together, nancy pelosi leading charge towards impeachment inquiry. ainsley: they don't even know what the covers was. you will lose the job, impeach you, fire you, because after conversation i heard you might have had you about i have no idea what you said. brian: a flow chart. if it turns out we do this. president meets with the leader of ukraine. on thursday the dni will be in front of capitol hill in front of adam schiff's committee. he will say i'm not here to talk about the whistle-blower because i think the whistle-blower come forward even though the intore general recommends they come before the committee. steve: whistle-blower complaint automatically goes in front of congress where they would have a copy to read it. they learned from a letter of acting director of national intelligence sent a letter to con said this. the information from the
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whistle-blower is different in kind from any past cases because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by, this is the key, by persons outside the intel community, dni, director of national intelligence lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials. the reason you're not getting it, this is different, because the person is out of purview of their department. ainsley: their way of saying we want to encourage other whistle-blowers in the future. we'll not put this person in front of a committee so their identity is known to the entire country and to the world. because we want to encourage other whistle-blowers to come forward. brian: they end up like edward snowden in russia where he could have used the whistle-blower process. he would have been allowed to go through unlike this one. 130 democrats in the past i think we should impeach the president when it comes to russia. a lot of moderates are afraid to do that because they turned over
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seats that belonged to trump congressman and women. now seven freshmen democrats have come forward said they're looking now to move forward with impeachment and impeachment inquiry. here they are. if you're listening an radio, congressman sis disnarrows. jason crowe of colorado. elaine hula hand, michelle luria, cheryl, slotkin and spanberger of virginia. debbie dingell is looking for impeachment inquiry. more and more people are doing it. tough wonder why now especially with so many questions about what actually took place on a phone call they say there was a quid pro quo. you investigate joe biden or you will not get $400 million. that is what they think went on.
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they got $400 million. nobody is investigating joe biden. we have a different story took place in june about the same $400 million. steve: kellyanne conway was with us half an hour ago. we were talking about this swirl of news. she said this about the democrat. >> the same people who invented the russian hoax and wasted tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money all of our time for about two years to come up with absolutely nothing. they tried with michael cohen. they tried with john dean. they tried with bob mueller himself, the mueller report. they couldn't even take hundreds of pages of the mueller report to find anything to indict or impeach the president. now they're inventing this. steve: never let a good whistle-blower scandal to waste. brian: time to call carl bernstein if you're on another network. steve: if it exonerates and him is clear, probably. at the same time if there is
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gray language in it, it might be like, i don't know what -- brian: he said he did bring up joe biden during the conversation. steve: 100%. brian: there you go. that is one issue. the other issue, does the whistle-blower come forward? adam schiff come forward, i don't think the whistle-blower come forward. i demand they go forward, that is standoff. they work their way through the courts. you listen to john yu last night, teaching at berkeley, used to work with the judiciary with president bush he says the legal case is on the president's side. steve: go to john roberts outside of the united nations right now. john has been on the phone working his sources. what do you know right now, john, regarding the fact that yesterday the story was that the president asked mick mulvaney to withhold money for military aid until something happened? what happened? reporter: we know the rough timing of this. it was sometime around the middle of july.
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this was after zelensky had been elected to be the new president of the ukraine and the president was sort of putting all of this into the same pot as he was with countries in the northern triangle, honduras, el salvador, nicaragua, we're giving them all of this money, what are we getting for giving them all of this money? are they doing things to help us out in terms of security, in terms of military cooperation? the president was unsure about zelensky given the history of corruption ukraine has. he instructed mick mulvaney to put a hold on $400 million and military and other aid headed for ukraine. omb notified the state department and dod. this was going to happen. on or about the 10th or 11th before that whistle-blower complaint was filed in august, rob portman, the ohio senator, called up the president and said look, ukraine really needs this money. i think we can trust them. could you please release the money. the white house was also up against what is called impoundment deadline if they
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didn't spend the money it would be impounded they would have to go to court to say we still want to use the money, just right now. the president said release the whole thing. i'm told it was worries about corruption in ukraine. also again in that overall umbrella, we're giving away all of this foreign aid and is it working, is it the right thing to do? in order to clear this all up the president may be forced to finally release a transcript of the phone call he had on july the 25th with volodymyr zelensky, the new president of ukraine. yesterday in a bilateral meeting with an draigh duda with president of poland of the he talk about it. he seems reluctant to do it but again leaving the door open. listen here. >> i don't think it's a great precedent to be releasing calls with foreign countries, heads of foreign countries. i don't think it's a great precedent. i didn't say i would release it at all. i will tell you it's a great call. it is a very honorable call.
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it's a nice call. reporter: so the president says it would be a bad precedent, likely would to release transcript of a foreign leader. how could the other foreign leader be confident that conversations that they have with the president is not going to eventually get released. the president may be able to do it if he gets permission from zelensky. there is another issue of slippery slope, if you let this one out of the bag, do democrats say we want to see transcripts of calls to putin. do republicans reciprocate we want to see obama calls with all world leaders there is probably classified information contained with the transcript. i would hazard a guess, steve, ainsley, brian, if there is one redaction in the transcript of that call someone will declare the whole thing to be invalid. brian: the other drama on capitol hill. will the whistle-blower be allowed to come forward? will the dni give in?
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will the inspector general say that the dni was wrong not allowing whistle-blower to come forward? there is drama to take place on thursday. reporter: we do know too the general counsel of the dni provided fox with a statement regarding the whistle-blower complaint. because it was not about somebody inside of the intelligence community the director of national intelligence did not have statutory authority to send that up to congress. clearly that is going to be a point of contention with congress. here is the other big issue too. we haven't confirmed that the whistle-blower did not have first-hand knowledge of this phone call to president trump and president zelensky. apparently the inspector general complaint clearly lace that out as well. we still don't know what the complaint is about. we don't know who the person is. as rumsfeld said there are knowns, there are known unknowns and known unknown es. there is a lot of known unknowns about this whole thing.
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ainsley: john, when you think about this, his base don't care what was said in the conversation. they like he is negotiator. this is congratulatory call. tough keep that in mind. this is the very first call to the president when he took office in ukraine. i'm sure it was hey, congratulations, let's work together. he said it was very benign. the ukraine leader said it was benign. democrats will not like it no matter what. his base will not care. people in the middle that go to the polls to vote. what do you think about that, are they, what would they want to do? reporter: i think people who support president trump, like his policies, whether they give him overt support or quiet support they don't tell anybody what they're doing, probably won't care too much about this. even senator chris murphy is saying, he is a democrat. i had a conversation with zelensky in september he said he felt pressured to investigate joe biden. so you have the foreign minister saying no, there was no
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pressure. chris murphy saying there was no pressure. there is a lot of he said, he said here. brian: all those people, bring the world together. ainsley: all on you, john. reporter: i will do my best. steve: 8:13 here in new york city right now. the dnc changed the debay rules again. democratic candidate tulsi gabbard is outspoken about how unfair they are. what does she think now? you know what? she will talk with us live about the lack of transparency. ♪ invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow.
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same red dress today - even bolder. fight the fade and keep your red dress red. is it new? no, it's washed in studio by tide. ♪ brian: you just her from john robert as the united nations. you've been seeing reporting through washington. speaker of the house tomorrow at 4:00 will meet with other democratic congressman and women to decide what to do about possibly impeaching the president of the united states. joining sitting congresswoman who wants to be the democratic nominee and eventually the president, congresswoman tulsi gabbard of hawaii. great to see you. first off you can't be there at 4:00 tomorrow. >> actually i will be there tomorrow. brian: you will be there. will you to to the meeting? >> yeah. brian: where do you stand right now in terms of impeachment or
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inquiry? >> i've been consistent saying i believe impeachment in this juncture would be terribly divisive for the country at a time where we're already extremely divided. the hyperpartisanship is one of the main things driving our country apart. i think it is important to defeat donald trump. that is why i'm running for president. i think it is important for the american people to be heard. brian: people voting for you your international relations experience, the times you served. you've been very critical of saudi arabia and our alliance with them. yesterday, britain, france, germany, joined the u.s. blaming iran for the attacks on saudi arabia. do you believe since saudi arabia has been a long time ally, that america has a role in somehow making them pay for that type of heinous act? >> no. i think we have to understand clearly the situation that exists. first of all the united states has no treaty alliance or
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security agreement with saudi arabia. so the united states responding on behalf of saudi arabia would be really unprecedented. second we've got to understand that iran is retaliating. this situation just didn't come out of nowhere. these crippling sanctions have really crippled iran's economy and so this response is because they're not able to sell their oil on the market. the danger of continuing this tit-for-tat, this cycle of mutual retaliation, where does it end? it ends in all-out inferno across iran and middle east, costing us american lives, costing american taxpayers dollars. brian: right. >> increasing the refugee crisis in the region. that is not something that serves our interests or anyone else's. brian: i think you would agree between hezbollah, hamas, financing of that they create more unrest of any other player. >> i make no excuse for what iran does. our interests need to be what is
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best interests of the american people and our national security. i think it is important we keep that at the forefront. brian: you've been upset a little bit the dnc going fast and loose with the debate rules as you run for president of the united states. you just come out as of yesterday, new rules and criteria to qualify for the next round of debasements here we go. you need donations from 165,000 separate donors. 600 unique donors in 20 states. you're looking with me for the first time, right. >> came out last night. brian: 3% of at least 4 approved national or early state polls or new hampshire, south carolina, iowa or nevada. have you hit this criteria or are you close? >> we have far surpassed the grassroots donor requirement weeks ago, either previous requirement as well as the new one that has been announced. it is polling requirements that have really been kind of arbitrary which polls they, the dnc recognizes as credible, which ones they don't. this is the problem. not just for me and my campaign
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but really the problem is for voters who are seeing a lack of transparency, lack trust in the process and are questioning is this really working for us or is the dnc just trying to be these gatekeepers in washington dictating to voters in the early states especially like iowa and new hampshire who they are allowed to choose from to be our democratic nominee. that is the problem. brian: i know one thing is pretty certain, you're one candidate who will not be intimidated. you made that clear. >> not as a candidate, not as president of the united states. brian: your husband is helping you out, your sister helping you out. >> i'm grateful. brian: congresswoman, best of luck the rest of way the president trump blasting the media for double standard on the ukraine controversy? does he have a point. jordan sekulow is next. brook shields is here. she has a great message for you and everybody else. ♪
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jillian: good morning we're back with a fox news alert right now. the uk top court ruledded prime minister boris johnson's move to susspend parliament is inconstitutional. parliament will be open for business. britain's supreme court ruled that johnson illegally blocked lawmakers from doing their job with the brexit debate. johnson says he disagrees with the decision and won't rule out suspending parliament again. a strong earthquake rattles puerto rico overnight. look at video, showing a gushing broken water main. 6.0 magnitude tremor striking off the coast as they brace for tropical storm karen. puerto rico expecting heavy winds and rain along with
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flooding. janice is tracking all of that. steve: president trump blasting the political left and media for their double standard on the ukraine controversy. watch this. >> joe biden was very dishonest. when you see the call, if you see it, i hope you see it frankly, you will find out i did not do that at all. you will be very disappointed when you see it. it is really a disgrace. it is showing how dishonest so many members of the press are. ainsley: does the president have a point there? joining to us discuss is executive director at the american center for law and justice. author of the, the next red wave, jordan sekulow. hey, jordan. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: congratulations on the new book. we'll get to that in just a second but we would like your reaction what the president just said? >> the president is absolutely right. you see the video of joe biden and he is bragging about basically telling these ukrainian leaders, i got six hours before i leave and if you don't fire a prosecutor who by
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the way has launched an investigation into a company that my son sits on the board of, you're not getting any money. that was a billion dollars. it would have crashed the ukrainian economy. this wasn't something we had to find out and research about joe biden. he was bracing about it on stage. this ties to the book, why we say you have to continue to defeat the deep state. this is another example of the deep state trying to take down president trump with misinformation. i mean this, it is, unbelievable that we're taking a whistle-blower complaint seriously, that was hearsay. that was someone who wasn't in the room. that someone that didn't hear it. didn't read a transcript and, i guess overheard something and that is, now the standard for a whistle-blower of the united states of america? steve: well, jordan, you look at some sources in major newspapers these days, and major news outlets. it's a lot thinner in some cases than it used to be. >> oh, absolutely.
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now, as we talked about in the book, the next red wave, the fake news, most of the fake news we talk about, it is sources that are unidentified. it is unnamed source. you can create stories, journalists can create stories. in this situation again though, there is a whistle-blower statute. there are rules to follow and because the left and the democrats failed on the mueller report, i was on the president's legal team on the russia probe and russian investigation and mueller team. they failed there. so they have got to find something else, except this time, uh-oh, joe biden is involved and he was the one actually following through with threats to cut funding if someone wasn't fired. guess what, that person got fired. ainsley: jordan, tell us about your book. what is "the next red wave"? >> we decided to write this book because we believe this election is so important, this president and his re-election is so
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important. he has been the most effective republican president in decades. he deserves all of us fighting alongside him against these deep state actors, against the left. regardless of who the candidates, the democrat choose, we know, this is kind of the premise of the book, the number one goal from the left has been since before the president took the oath of office, was one, to delegitimate aids him, two, to defeat him. so we have got to stand beside him. work together. as we lay out in the book, is one, the honest truth. it will be a tough election. two, how bad things were under the obama administration and how great things have been on the issues that we care about under president trump, how hard he is fighting for our issues. i will tell you as someone who has been in the room with the president a number about times, this is someone who works harder than anyone i ever seen. he will continue to do that for the american people. but third, and finally, we try to give people a guide. i know most of the people
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watching the show right now, steve, ainsley, they vote. they may say what else can i do? what we do in this book, we have political experience, we worked on three presidential campaigns, we explain to them the easy ways to take the next step in grass roots involvement because this election, like it or not will be about turnout. democrats they will not be caught off-guard president trump not polling as well, how well he does in the midwest with labor union voters so we've got to work hard. steve: check out the new book t comes out today, "the next red wave." jordan sekulow. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: coming up next, actress, model, and mother brooke shields joins us live on the curvy couch. tv announcer: it's just as powerful as the lexus rx...
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when you book direct at ♪. ainsley: she is an actress, she is a model, and a mother, also an entrepreneur. brooke shields she does it all. more than three decades since her calvin klein modeling days, she says she is more than confident than ever. brian: i will ask brooke shields directly. sheer is here on the couch. your lucky day. are you more confident as ever? thanks for joining our couch. >> i am. i grew up in the modeling industry and it didn't, for me i didn't ever really want to focus on, i never felt like i was skinny enough. growing up i was very conscious about how my body looked and i, it really took me coming into my own, having kids, working out,
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really hard and really making an effort to put the time in. ainsley: how do we, i think we all feel that way, right? >> it is hard. especially as you get older. i notice there are stubborn parts that i used to be able to just, oh, i will eat well or exercise then that -- ainsley: it is hard to lose weight. >> there are parts here and parts here. i was saying certain things are thinning. as i get older certain things aren't. brian: do you think it is good that the modeling industry is being more open now and back then, they were psychologically torturing a lot of you people? >> the interesting thing for me is that it was always about confidence from my mom. she always said, just keep, take care of yourself inside and out. and, as i get older i have had to look for things. you know, i'm not big on getting work done per se, just because i feel like if it is not done right you can look really scary
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but i did find that when i work out, even though i work out really hard, there is little areas that are stubborn. so i found a dream trick. brian: what is it? >> it is called warm sculpting. ainsley: like cool sculpting. >> basically the off sit of that. it is a laser technique to do. you have to find a determine to gift in your area that does it. but it is targeted for certain areas. one of them being -- steve: in a certain spot? >> yeah. it takes about 20 minutes and it is, it is a laser treatment. so it eliminates the actual fat cells. then your body -- ainsley: does it hurt and have you seen good results? >> i have seen good results and it doesn't hurt. it feels like a warm, it is warm but it doesn't, it's not like -- ainsley: that sounds amazing. >> it is amazing because you will see sort of gradual -- and
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it's, you know, it's not designed for weight loss. this isn't something that you go, i mean i wish i could put a body suit of it, but, it is designed for people who do work out, who do try really hard, who have a healthy lifestyle but have stubborn areas. brian: not like "star wars," you don't feel like you're blasted by a ray gun? >> no. like a little loving pressure. brian: okay, good. ainsley: not getting tasered, brian. >> men and women have been, because every time i go to the -- so i had it a few times and it is gradual. so you don't -- i think it is the best way to say it is it like like working out but even just, that extra and you know people are using it. ainsley: i will try it. that is great. brian: you can use her name. >> please do.
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steve: you're busy in ad -- addition to that, your qvc line. >> yes, this is one of my skirts. i am proud it came out. i'm sort of the frame of mind i want to do things that inspire me, that make me feel good. i lived a long life and acting is my passion, i've got two kids and i can't really go out and go on location as much as i used to be. ainsley: i need to be there for them. >> i also to stay creative, be designing, coming up with ways to stay creative in the interim. ainsley: i bet they are so proud of you. tell us about your kids. how old are you? >> no they are not. a really weird thing happened recently i realized i kept my children so out of the industry and spotlight that i have, if,
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if we're around anybody famous i don't think about it because the person is just a friend. steve: sure. >> and they are tweeting about it. you can't do that. you can't do that because they don't think of me in those terms. so it doesn't, so in a way, it hasn't backfired but i have to give them lectures, these are famous people. they're in our home or you're in their home. steve: you shielded them. >> i did very good. it is crazy you would think i, i don't know you would think that they would be sort of cooler about it. and they're not. ainsley: how old are they? >> 13 and 16. yea. brian: do they want to act? do they want to model? >> they don't. my younger one sort of played with the idea for a while and of course i was just like, no. no. oh and no. but we took a picture, a few pictures where a friend of mine who is a photographer. she was just, can i go?
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can i be done? this dress hurts. i said this is what it is like. it can be miserable. you're not comfortable. it is forever. brian: why steve and i left it. clothes were too tight. >> it was too much, right? don't wear makeup. steve: thanks for stopping by and telling us about warm consulting. brian: go to -- use doocy promo code? steve: we have about 50 people in the studio. round of applause for brooke shields. >> thank you. i'm going to come here. brian: jillian, first time the guest before -- jillian: ainsley you have a flatter stomach. i'm about to have that skirt. ainsley: i will give the skirt after. jillian: after the flat stomach. love it. looks fabulous.
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get caught up on some news we're following. we begin with this story. rescue efforts underway for thousands of people strapped overseas after a major travel company suddenly collapses. the british government sending planes to bring home 150,000 thomas cook customers. some say they were never notified. >> we only found out from the news. we weren't told any other way. the hotel didn't know what was going on. none of the passengers knew. jillian: thomas cook, the oldest travel company in the world declared bankruptcy after struggling with billions in debt. 2020 hopeful joe biden can't make his case when asked why iowans should vote for him. listen to this. >> the president won by 10%age points in iowa. people say they are employed in iowa and their small businesses are growing. why should people want to make a change though? >> that is up to them to decide. >> why should they? >> that is for them to decide. >> make your case. >> i'm not going to.
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jillian: biden arguing manufacture something getting lost in iowa because trade policy, quote, doesn't make sense. go outside to janice dean. janice: good morning a beautiful day in the neighborhood. what is your name young man. >> brock. janice: where are you from? >> alabama. janice: what is the temperature right now? >> mostly sunny and 70. janice: good job my friend. you're hired! let's look at the maps. see how well he did. this is tropical storm karen. we'll watch for potential of showers and thunderstorms in puerto rico unfortunately next couple days. it could impact parts of the u.s. we have at least a week to watch for this system. we'll certainly keep an eye on it. say hi, everybody. thank you so much for coming to "fox & friends." good job. can i get a hug? you did great. brian: thank you, janice dean. steve: on "fox nation" starting today, a brand new series called
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american built. we look at vision, design, inintegrity, ingenuity about five amazing super projects that captured the american spirit, empire state building, hoover dam, golden gate bridge and the pacific coast highway you're looking at right there. >> the pacific coast highway is about california dreaming. >> when you travel down along the coast you realize you're blessed with the experience of one of the speck be tax larly beautiful places on earth. steve: it was conceived in 1909 to link coastal counts that were difficult to reach. >> it would let people enjoy that beautiful coastline. steve: it's a great series. it tells how they did do these amazing projects f you're not a member or subscriber at "fox nation," go to today if you use the promo code, doocy, you get it 9.99 a month. brian: you note need doocy i.d.
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♪. ainsley: well in just a few hours another parent charged in the massive college admissions scandal will be sentenced. steve: molly line outside a boston courtroom where we can expect in the today's hearing. reporter: good morning, steve, ainsley, brian. devin sloan is head after water treatment company in california. he is second parent to be sentenced in the college scandal for his admitted role. this is the same judge that sentenced felicity huffman two weeks in prison. court documents show that the
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ringleader of this scheme is rick sloan, offering a quote, a financial side door. six months later sloan ordered water polo gear off of amazon, had his son pose for pictures. those images were used to create a phony athletic profile to gain admittance to the university of southern california even though his son did not play competitive water polo. sloan paid ultimately $250,000 in bribes. most went through singer's fake charity, but a 50,000-dollar check was written to usc women's athletics n a letter to the judge, slope said he is slowly to blame for his actions, and writing i apologize to him, my loved once and friends as well as to all the young women and men and their parents feel detrade by me and my actions. sloane is facing roughly a year behind bars according to what prosecutors recommended. felicity huffman is slated to report to prison
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october 25th. back to you. steve: molly line in boston with the latest. thanks, molly. ainsley: he is two-time world series champion. johnny damon has a new team to increase kids participation in sports across america. he joins us live next. steve: let's check in with sandra smith for a preview of coming attractions on the channel in 11 minutes. >> we're awaiting president trump and his address to the general assembly here in new york city this morning just over one hour from now as the president makes his way to u.n. headquarters. tensions with iran continue to loom over world leaders. the message from the white house this morning. and democrats ramping up calls for impeachment as nancy pelosi warming to the idea? we've got a big three hours coming up for you. join bill and me live from "america's newsroom," top of the hour.
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♪. brian: two-time world series champion winning baseball player. top award he won with the red sox and yankees rarely done. johnny damon on is new team joining ivanka trump and the white house about sports in america. johnny you're on the president's sports council. you saw the stat. it alarmed you. 45% of kids played sports in 2018. down to 38% in 2018. we have a problem. what are you doing about it? >> this is a very big problem. we have to educate these kids and we have to get them out, as great as the ipad is, we have to put them down sometimes. the benefits of playing sports, the health benefits, better jobs, 94% of women's ceo's
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played sports and i mean that's amazing. the wages are great. if you get good grades. you have to get good grades when you spay sports. so there is lot of benefits. we're trying to get everyone together. we're trying to get the kids outside and trying to get with other teams and in big cities to say, look at what washington nationals have done. look at the benefit around that complex. these kids are getting better grades. they're going and learning how to cook. they're learning how to live a responsible life and, our trip to d.c. last week was truly amazing. brian: hhs secretary azar put together a program, looking for people like you, herschel walker and others to implement the program. you're alarmed. because these kids are not playing as much. money matters. it costs too much money. household earnings with over $100,000, 41% of the kids play sports. if your household earns less
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than 25,000, 19% play sports. unless you get a scholarship to the youth league, you will not get on the field, are you? >> no. growing up it cost me $20 to play baseball. nowadays to sign up a kid for a youth league is at least 700. it can push well over $1000. money is the main factor. it is amazing, these kids are not staying active. and only three out of 10 kids who are 15 years old would qualify to even be part of our military. so seven out of 10 of our kids would not even qualify, whether it is grades, whether it is they're obese. that's a big concern. brian: right. >> let's get out there and get active. brian: you don't have to be win a championship or up for an mvp award. just compete. up to the leagues and yes grants
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you guys structured to make that possible to finance some kids to play. stop making it so cost prohibitive. johnny damon, thanks so much. go to the johnny damon founddation to find out how to help sports in your community. so great for giving back, johnny. >> you got it, brian. brian: straight ahead, more "fox & friends." we end with a four risch. ♪ there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there's performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that's the kind lincoln's about. ♪ did you know you can save money
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coffee mug and the tumbler. >> if you have to run from the tv and after you're done buying this, run to the radio. let's bring the music up and play us out. play us out. >> bill: thank you, guys, here we go, one hour from now fox news alert. president trump makes his main address to the u.n. general assembly. the focus over iran expected to take center as controversy over the ukraine whistle-blower hangs overhead. a big three hours. bill hemmer in new york city. good morning. did you dodge the traffic outside? >> sandra: gridlock in manhattan. the u.n. general assembly session underway right now in new york city as germany, britain and france join the u.s. in blaming iran for attacks on saudi oil facilities. meanwhile new details emerging in another big story. fox news confirming president
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